HomeMy WebLinkAboutCleveland_Well Abandonment_20230428 ,, WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For hint-hal Use ONLY: , This foim can be used for singte•or multiple wells ! I I 1.Well Contractor information: \ WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS I Scott aunt, Jr 7a.Number of wells being abandnncdL 1 • We1t'Cotitactor Name(Or w town=personallyab5mieni g%%diemliistlmrproperty) ' Far itadoatc fit,4'etiont Er rwra-nztrcr supple wells •ONLY wttL the sa'iie eo s cnrrgeba do.'maent)ewercyansralniataaeform 4561-A 7h.Appmaimate volume of water remaining in well(s)9 (OPNC Well Co'ntractorCcnification-Nmtiacr SAEDACCO Inc FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:. Company Name - 7c.Type of disinfectant used: 2:Well Construction Permit li:, WM0301260, Lat 00 nppllrmble weHp ruri?.(P.r Coutu,S&we:Miriam-4 Inieetiyu,etc)tf S•tauwlr • Id.A[mOtitlt of dlsinfectatit ttsrtil: 3.Well use(elmek.well use): Water Supply Well: 7c Scaling inatcrials-used(cheek all that apply); liAgfreulturat ❑JM unicipal/Puhlic• 011 Neat Ccnient.Grout C1.Ucntonitc Chips or Pellets- .17Geothennal(llcatinglCooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ❑.Sand Ceittent Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑lndustrial/Comntcreial ❑Residential Water Supply(Shared) .❑.Concrete Grant. ❑Drilltiatings Obligation . ' ❑Specirilty.Grout 0 Grniv'el . Nou 1'Irater Supply Welt: Pt Bentonite Slimy • 0 Other(explain under 7g) EtiMonitorine ❑Recovery Injection Welt: ' 77f.For each material selected above,provide:amount Of materials used: ❑Agmif rRechar,'ge ❑GrouiidwaterRetitediaatlon Neat Cem.:4001b ,Wtr:30ga1. Sand Cem..:lb ,Wtr:gal. l7AquiferStorageartd.Recoveiv ' l7SalnityBarrier • Bentonite.:2001b ,Wtr:45ga1. .❑Aquifer Test ❑Storm' terDrainage . ClEvpetintenwl Technology []Subsidence Control 7g.Provide ii briefdcseriptlon of the abandonment inneedure:. ClGeatlwnnal(Closed Loop) .°Tracer removed.1" temp well; tremie grouted with bore grout to 20' OGeothenml(lieatigatCooling Return) DOther(ex-plain under 7g) then type 2 portland for the last 20'. of the bore hole 4.Date wells).abandoned; 3/23/23 .fz+o,,r:r+ .�at Cs. 5a.Well tncation: Celanese Ticona ;APR 2 2u23 FaeilityAUwtierNtutee Facility ID5 Cifappiicablc) 8:Ccrtlf[etilian: 3(,9us�t Itrt�r.ti��Pr. l:n 2525 Blacksburg Rd. Grover, NC 28073 C-Vit:0O4`/8/2023 Physical Address,City.dud Zip - Stgrttlinro of CaittIIed Walt Cot Clot or Well Owmr . Dame Cleveland . By sigtir{g-thfs fbrtn, I hereby.certify that the n'e11(s)wa$(we'rw)alianda;red to Comity Patr;el ldantifitittuNo.(PiN) imx,vniai cc with I5A.VCAC 02C.OIINJ.or 2C.01200 iVidlCutlsbuction Standards' • ' - and draft a cop&ofthis record has been provided-to the well owner. Sb,latitude and longitude•in degrees/minute's/seconds or decimal degrees: (Irwin fa nd,otm:latlMng i$Sitfilicerl) 9.Site diagram or:additional well details: You May use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well N W abaadomnteuldetails. You may alao-iwat:h additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCtION.DETAILS OF WELi.4S1 BEING ABANDONED SUBMTiTAL INSTRUCTIONS atone itdl co,MarazCtiarr reerarel(Sl'If mat/elite."FLU'maifiplo Utircfian or ISJS a0•supply wells ONLY u-fih the suite rouse rarrtonr'abrvulvrmenr,tart trim iipmit are f'onti ion .For All Wells: Submit this farm within 30.days of completion of well 6a.Weil mg:pDI-SB-S ;lbanddr niciit to the fallovvinG: Division of Water ResnurriN,Infunnatitin:Procising Unit, 77 ((tt:) 16i7 M ril Service,Ginter,Raleigh,NC 27(99-1617 6U.Total well.depth: 10h.For Inleetfain Weals: In addition to sending the form to the address in Ina .above,also submit one copy'of Ibis form within'30•day's of completion of well 6c.Borehole diameter:1! (in.} •abandonment to the following: fed,Water level below'ground surface: 12 (ft.) Division of WaterResouries,Underground Injection ContmlProgram, 1636 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC2769J 1636 6c.Outcr easing tOe,For Water Sunnis.&infection Wells: In additlon'to-scnding the form to fi 1 engh(rf[mown):); (ft.) the address(es) above, also submit.one cop} of this lam Within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county 61.Inner casiri'gfubing length(if lmawi•n): 67 (ft.) where abandoned, 6g.Screen.length(If known):la (ft.) Fame GW-30 North Carolina Dcponmcnt of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rdiounes Revised August 2013 1 ! - 1 1 ! i i WELLABANDONMENT RECORD For kildnial Us;ONLY:. .. . This forme=be used fOr single or multiple Iv-tit§ , .. . ' 1 ; I,Well Contractor Informationt WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Scott Hunt, Jr . . 7a:Nitmher of wells being abandoned: 1 . Wcktatitraeler Name(or nett OOtter peisenally abanioning nell.On liisdner prepcny) For nationfe. littedion or noin4oter juppb,- urdis ONLY %lib taus smile consrmahmiabandamevit,AIN MR 570Mitit Pike fOrIn 4561-A • • iitYcargiiior Ceti ilittinttNiiiitier 7h.Apprminiate yalittne of*at&reinaining in well(s)9 - .(gilt) e ttaC SAEDACCO Inc ' . . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:. - . Company Name 7c.Type Olidisinfectanttiscd; • 2.-1•VISE.Constraction Permit(ii:, wm0301260,. Liman opipheoble.tiellpentrio(Le.CWIllry,d57.041,.1,11.17iiitkA,bElt0100,. .rfi,1 I.,aLtalitl • 7d.Amount of rdlsinfeetrint usedtI 3.Well use(checkwelliase): . , • Water Supply Well;• • 7.e.Sealing materialstised(Cheek:ill drat apply); • ' 0Agrietiltitial CIMimiCipahl'ohlio.. Dl Weal Ciunctitcrolit LI BentOolle Chips orFellets . . - • 1:10cOlketillai(DeatingiCooling Supply) OResidential Water Simply(single) , Li ISOlcfCMC91 Grad 0 Dry Clay 0 indoStrialiConinietcial• OFtesidential Winer Scoppv(muted) .CI•,Cbtietete Groat • 0 prill.Cintings • Ofrtination . . . . . . • .'0 Specialty Grout CI Gnivel• . " . Noo•Water Supply Well: • Dl Peittanite Slimy Cl Other(explaiminder 710 • - Midoithorine. ORecrieety • Injection Weil: .• 7f..FOr each material selected Am*,provide-amount of:materials used: . 13 ilipifet Recharge . CIGniutichvater Rentedhition- Neat Cem.:400ib ,Wtr:30gal. Sand Cent.:lb ,Wtr:gal. . •ClAquilei Stowe onititeetwery OSalinity Ranier . Bentonite.:2001b iWtr:45gal, - - 0Atistifet Tnst OStestmwater Drainage . • - - . „• - . . CIEspedmental Teehuolom? . tiSubsideire Quittol 7g.PrOiride a liriarkscription of the.aliandonment.PrOgOuret °Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTracer- . removed 1" temp well; tremie.grouted with bore grout to 20' • OGeothenual(FlotingiConiing Return) • ClOthcr(midain under 7g) • • • • • . . . , , • then type 2 portland f or the last 20'. .of the bore hole 4.Date well(s).abandoned: 3/23/23 • " • • • R• 7::L_C.OE/tVt."."...1.,) . . Skt.WeE location; , • zoza . - - Celanese Ticona r . .nility/cIvneeNtinte- . Facility lInd(ifapnlicablo) 8 Venlig-Et4On 2525 Blacksburg Rd. Grover, NC 28073 5'0.4cte-gi/ittL9/21,111!°fVflDVI'll/QIPr fla'C°6'51344F44/1j8/1:023 Physical•Address;City;and Zip. .Sipriluse o r Ci:d IOW welt Co.iti tar Ot Well OnTor Doi: Cleveland _ • • •. . . A>,Ogottig nn.i.form,'.1 hereby cerdA tied the we'll's)Feu(were abandoned in. County Parrellantiffeatinni4o;VIM accordonen with ISA NCAC OX;.010..or 7C.41200 rVell Cousin-010n Starnbirds' • • and dun a.cmiyafiiiix iecordhas been:provithid(OlbeiVell owner.-- b.Latituderand larigitude.irt degrer4fmtitu*Acconds or decimal degrees: (if•Well fiat,one hailisia is siciri*A) • . 9.Site diagram or additional well details: - . 'You may use.the haat of this page to pros additiotrat well site details or Well 'w .abandounieut details,-You may also attach additional pages if necesility_ • - " CONSTRUCTION.DETAILS OF WELUS)BEING ABANDONED - suntrrrAr,INSTRUCTIONS • .4.INO wilt rop.itrn.cliatA tecui7e1(m'II aviddok. Foi•inathigle injecnnig or.i•iu-or.ur.r.sy-pply • meikOhil;ir untt the sakite,eonsnoerion'obolulnUenan.p.m eau$ubmit An 1 e fifeiti- ' Nati:.For All•WettS: Sub nit this from Within,30 days of completion ef Well ,abtiodotinient lb the folloWitig: ' . 6a:Well 1114:PDI-°B.-1 Dhision of Water Rmay rem,•InfonnationiFrocm.sing Unit, 61.Ted well depth: • • (ft.) 1.617-Mail Scivice e6itet,Raleigh,NC 276994617 77 . . IOU.For linleciloo Wells:-in addition to sending the foul'to.the address in iga .above,also subniit one Copy of this fornt within'30-days of completion of well . 6c,Borehole diameter:1 094 abandounient tothefollowing: , • • Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, . . 6d.Water level lid oun o*grd surface:.12 (ft.) 104 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27.659-1636 10c.For Water:Sum:Iv Si Infection Wells: In addition'to sending the form to . 6e.Outer easing-length(if linnwo): (ft) the address(es) above. also submit One copy of this four within 311 days of completion of Well abandonment tO the-county health department of the county ale Of.inner easing/tubing tenth(if latown) 67 (ft.) where indoned, 1 I : 6g.Screen-length(If known):1° (ft.) I i RIM GW-30 North Cacollm Department of Environment and-Natural Resources-Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013