HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960353 Ver 1_Mitigation Information_19961014i FINAL WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN Requested by Beach Walk, Inc. 1009 N. Lake Park Boulevard, Suite 4A Carolina Beach,, NC 28428 Prepared by Mitchell and Associates 128 North Harding Street Greenville; NC 27858 IN ASSOCIATION WITH CHARLIE HOLLIS REGULATORY CONSULTANT 138 Green Forest Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 OCTOBER 149 1996 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Beach Walk, Inc. has proposed development activities within an approximately 30 acre tract of land located north of the Kure Beach Fire Department and south of Largo Way in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Conceptual project design indicates that approximately S acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands will be impacted by the above development activities. Mitchell and Associates, Inc. has been retained by The Beach Walk, Inc. to prepare a mitigation plan to off set wetland impacts identified in the projects conceptual design. 2.0 IMPACTED SITE 2.1 Site Location The area of concern is located north of the Kure Beach Fire Department and south of Largo Way, in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The actual areas of wetland impact, +/- S acres are shown (Figure 2). 2.2 Site Description The proposed development site contains wetlands which are isolated with no inlet or outlet and are primarily shallow pot holes and depressions that have developed anaerobic soil conditions through poor or blocked drainage. A number of these wetland areas appear to have formed in shallow borrow areas associated with soil removal from previous land owners. Additionally, a number of shallow fill roads cross wetlands in a number of locations within the site. The majority of mid and over story vegetation has been harvested, leaving herb and shrub species as dominant vegetation. A large canal is present on the eastern property boundary and is likely altering normal drainage patterns in the area. 2.2.1 Wetland Classification The geomorphic setting of this wetland system is a isolated depressional pocosin. The FWS classification for this system is Palustrine, scrub - shrub, saturated. The major functions of this system are stormwater retention and enhanced water quality by denitrification. 2.2.2 Soil Types Soil types present at the Kure Beach site are primarily Lynn Haven fine sand (Typic Haplaquods) and Leon sand (Aeric Haplaquods). Soil disturbance by prior landowners is still evident in the forms of pot holes and depressions, in which a number of wetland areas have developed, and shallow fill roads which cross wetlands at various points within the site. 2.2.3 Vegetation Vegetation present at the Kure Beach site has been drastically altered from normal conditions due to disturbance by prior landowners, including harvesting of merchantable timber. The majority of the mid and over story vegetation has been removed leaving primarily the shrub species as dominants. What remains consists of a variety of deciduous and evergreen species, including: Pinus serotina (Pond pine), Persea borbonia (redbay), Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle), Ilex glabra (gallberry), Lyonia lucida (fetterbush), and Smilax laurifolia (cat briars). 2.2.4 Hydrology Hydrology at the Kure Beach site is primarily rainfall and runoff from adjacent uplands. Lateral flow of subsurface groundwater has likely been altered by the influence of nearby canal ditches and drainage modification surrounding the headwater wetland system. Following high amounts of rain, water ponds in depressions and pot holes due to the poor drainage class of the soils present. 3.0 MITIGATION SITE 3.1 Mitigation Site Location The proposed mitigation site is located at approximately N 34 03'49.2" and W 77 54' 18.3" which is west of Highway 421, east of River Road, and is bordered on its western boundary by The Cape subdivision. Telfair's Creek borders the property on the eastern boundary (Figure 3). 3.2 Site Description The Telfair's Creek site is 28.5 acres of primarily forested wetlands adjacent to and above the headwaters of Telfair's Creek. Three small parcels of uplands are present within the site, two appear to be disturbed areas associated with the construction of The Cape golf course and a third at the southern end (Figure 4). The area located on the southern end of the property is drained. Large ditches present in this region are the primary source of drainage. Minor impacts from man are already evident within and adjacent to this forested riverine wetland increasing the need for preservation. These impacts include: fire suppression, channelization for mosquito control, point source discharge from upland ditches. Nearby are several recently constructed road crossings for residential subdivisions which fragment this wetland system. These circumstances increase the need for the preservation of this already jeopardized wetland system. With urban development in the area encroaching on Telfair's Creek preservation of this wetland system would provide valuable wildlife habitat, as well as lessening the impacts of urban development in the region through erosion control and the removal of contaminates carried via runoff. 3.2.1 Wetland Classification The geomorphic setting of this forested wetland is a low - gradient alluvial riverine system. The ecological significance of this system is high and is most notable for its major habitat for wildlife, game and non -game species, and biodiversity FWS classifications: forested area, Palustrine, forested wetland, temporarily flooded, broad leaved deciduous; depressional areas, Palustrine, scrub - shrub, broad leaved evergreen, saturated. This type of system is also characterized by having strong biogeochemical activity and nutrient retention. This attribute allows the transformation of inorganic nutrients (pollutants) into organic matter and/or sediment, thus supplying less - contaminated water to the lower reaches of the Cape Fear River. This area also serves as a buffer for flood events by providing a slow release of water. 3.2.2 Soil Types Soil types present along Telfairs Creek are of the deep organic variety, primarily histosols Dorovan muck (Typic Medisaprists), interfaced with sandier Lynn Haven fine sand (Typic Haplaquods). 3.2.3 Vegetation Vegetation along Telfairs Creek consists of: Nyssa sylvatica (blackgum), Acer rubrum (red maple), Persea borbonia (redbay), Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), Magnolia virginica (sweetbay), Pimus taeda (loblolly pine), Cyrilla racemiflora (titi), Ilex glabra (gallbery), Lyonia lucida (fetterbush), Smilax laurifolia (cat briars), Osmundia cinnomomea (cinnamon fern), Woodwardia viginica (Virginia chainfern), and other various less significant species. 3.2.4 Hydrology The primary source of water in this region is rainfall and associated runoff from surrounding upland areas. Overflow from lakes on The Cape golf course also flow into the property. 3.3 Preservation Habitat Values It is the intent of this section to identify and amplify species with known occurrence or those with a high probability of occurrence within the preservation area and their dependence upon this system. Due to the high quality of this habitat and its location in a relatively developed area, it provides a number of functions pertinent to wildlife within the area and many species which migrate through the area seasonally or in a life history stage. This wetland provides a corridor between Telfairs Creek and Snow's Cut, ultimately culminating in the Cape Fear River, thus providing vital shallow water habitat for juvenile fish species, as well as a corridor for migratory species along an inland freshwater system. The system also functions to buffer water high in pollutants from runoff associated with the adjacent developed areas. Mammalian species include: Odocoileus virginianus (white - tailed deer), Vulpes vulpes (red fox), Urocyon cinereoargenteus (gray fox), Procyon lotor (raccoon), Didelphis virginiana (opossum), Sciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel), and smaller rodents such as the (field mouse). Bird species include: various species of predatory hawks and owls, as well as smaller bird species such as Turdus migratorius (american robin), Cyanocitta cristata (blue jay), Mimus polyglottos (mocking bird), Cantopus vixens (eastern wood pewee), Parus carolinensis (Carolina chickadee), Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina wren), Parus bicolor (tufted titmouse), species from the family Ardeidae (herons), among others It should be noted that this habitat provides excellent migratory and resident song bird habitat and nesting areas. Herpetological species found in the region include: Agkistrodon piscivones (eastern cottonmouth), Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix (southern copperhead), Crotalus adamanteus (eastern diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake), Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster (redbelly water snake), Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake), Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta (black rat snake), among others. Turtle species in the region include: Terrapene carolina bauri (eastern box), Clemmys guttata (spotted turtle), Chelydra serpentina (common snapping turtle), and Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (eastern mud turtle). Many toad species from both the Scaphiopus (spadefoot) and Bufo (true toads) families, as well as frogs from the Hyla (tree frogs) and Rana (true frogs) families. Various species of salamanders from the Ambystoma (mole salamanders), Notophthalmus (newts), and Plethodon (woodland salamanders) families. Anolis carolinensis (green anole) and Alligator mississipiensis (alligator) is also found in the region. The moist soil and standing water (both in the creek and in adjacent depressions) provide valuable habitat for the fife history of many of these herpetological species. Insects which are a valuable food source for many of the herpetological and bird species use these water sources during different life history stages as well. 3.4 Preservation and Protection Ultimately, the intent of this mitigation package is to put this land in a conservation easement. Recent urban impacts within and adjacent to the mitigation site increase the need for preserving wetland functions in a natural state. In addition, continued availability of Nationwide Permits to surrounding property owners increase the possibility of further degradation of the wetland and its associated functions. Preservation of this land will provide significant vital resource protection in the lower reaches of the Cape Fear River watershed. Appendix 1. Bibliography 1. Brinson, M. M. (1993). "A hydrogeomorphic classification for wetlands," Technical Report WRP -DE-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, . Vicksburg, MS. 2. Lewis, W. M. and National Reaserch Council (U.S.). (1995). Committee on Characterization of Wetlands. "Wetlands: characteristics and boundaries ". pp. 307. S )Vie Y O I / _ 421 t l � j A O O 2. C V 33 = ' Regional /each Z1 I Access � � t � I Orton tn/ Orion ! I' 9G r ,e rfanfelien r Gardens I R•ylenel -e r 0 y 1 caroltna BROe/1 Inlet MlyvawTioN Sirq •Ito > � a.oth z odd 4 1 Across sr. a ICarolina tooth N w Z -hunsrle \ TO l Sf. Jk. I O' .'� t 7 Y • v icon a Carolina' Bosch: ' J, uNNr u y T R•aJan.l tooth Aem.0 . !! O1Nr r •y� ocf V Y .RMr J < I v IIV •lVp 'v fRM. ' B*acit bA. •Wnc.�c . 'nio.3a cT'S� r� Kurt Beach �° MASURE ISUND GENERAL LOCATION MAP (No Scale) IONOR 1RW SITE LOCATION (No Scale) Figure 3. O ¢ KUItE / r • - 3 Ei ACN CLU e OCEAN HEM S • o ICitlps urRilf s ; •� C [CCCM C p' w ISE: ISlc - �,� / .KURE EAC - • BEACH WALK PROJECT LOCATION (No Scale) Figure 1. II Q) .r, N I Z O F d Ci N w .r F 2 Gy O V N H m a t a t z. w U d c a F 2 rr O � 8 0 � N a Q V n t 0 vJ O v y a a Ad y U) >1 �x u O rn 4J O N U +' 4-1 0) 4.) (0 U U ro U N 4-J N O O 3 N a ua H Q W � H a U+)w -d C b O ( 3 U a m r , Q0 r-+ a, N U \ 4Ub I I i U NOON CA m cr A O Q• N 4 J N N O A �OtM OOM a 7 o O coin -ao LO � 3 Z 3 D Z 3 N 0 � U A 0 t!1 O N N N Q, •,� w U � a o / a -I ri N C a4AU �4 / 4-4 / ,F:4� 4�-i -4 r-4 r 3 r�CUAU N H N May 18, 1996 Re: Description for Bob Weinbach Tract B of The Cape Property A certain tract or parcel of had lying and being in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and being a part of tract 22 of The Cape and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a point bang locate the following bearings and distances from the southeastern comer of lot 286, section 4A of The Cape as recorded in map book 23 page 40, Records of New Hanover County, North Carolina, N 29 -31 -15 W 100.01 ft., thence S 81 -28-30 E 395.45 R. to the point and place ofboginuing: Proceed thenec with the eastern line of Tile Cape Golf Course Property N 06 -55 -30 E 98154 $. to an old iron, thence N 70 -26-45 W 276.92 R to a point being the southeastern corner ofBernmda Dune at no Cape, thence with the easiem line of Bermuda Dunes N 17 -38-45 R 553.31 ft. to a point in the southern line oftho Southerland Division, thence with said southern line S 86-03 -45 E 890.04 & to a point in the run of Telfair Crock thence down said nw approximately the following bearings and distances S 24 -07 -03 W 1531,23 ft., thence S 19 -48-41 F 828. IS, thence S 11 -34-04 W 333.77 $., thtnoa S 36 -25 -35 W 325.70 ft, to a. point in said ran, thence leaving said ran N g4 -35 -00 W 85.46 B. to a concrete monument, thence N 07 -19-25 E 413.44 It. to a concrete monurnea+t, thence a new line N 19-4238 W 858.81 ft. to the point ofbeginm g and containing 28.463 acres, according to a survey by hanover resign Services, P.A. in May of I996, All AA. 's are znaguetic relative to map book 23 page 40. e ayno, is s<<4M0464&0 ` L OCA TION MAP NOT TO SCALE '6 .L.", SITE sq P010 N NOTES I I / \ I SOUTHERLAND DIVISION \ BOON 1 OF LANDS k DOWERS PAGE 455 m- oo -ox -n \ I / \ 'j- — 5 e6ro3'65 -E 890.01 — — — — — — BERMUDA DUNES AT ME CAPE \ \ R \PZ J. N (G7, 4 \ 0 THE \ \ \ CAPE GOLF COURSE i \ \ Enslwc w«TROL I «T xa1 \ a «1Ew«c ar PssI K tEIT MaR O«as As slow, o« «w 9oaP �\ a vAOE a i io xex `\ Y xa) S 83 S Bl C F El.• 242 L... ` �xo El 1. SURVEYED W MAY OF 1996. ?. ARCAS COMPUTED BY O.M.D. J. FOR REFERENCES SEE AS NOTED HEREON. I. RUN OF 7ELFAW CREEK NOT SURVEYED AT THIS TIME ITS LOCAWN WAS TAKEN FROM A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE CAPE AS PREPARED BY.14CK STOCKS, R.L.S LEGEND I.L.M. - IRON LINE MARKER CL - EXISTING IRON R.R.S. - RAILROAD SPIKE R/W - RIGHT -OF -WAY E.C.M. - EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT AWL - HIGH WATER LINE I.S. - IRON SET LINE BEARING pSTANCE C.I. 1 M 64'35'00 -w 65.66 \ 2 N 6076'1 S'E YOOAO 3 N 29.11.15 w 20.07 A M 607615E 160.00 TRACT "A" 5 N 29'31'IS'w 100.01 a o 11.319 Ac U.S. COAST GUARD 'LORAN STATION' NORTH CARO(WA. COVIJTY I. A NOTARY PU&!C OF INC COUNTY AND STATE AFORESND, CERTIFY MAT £rREG A. WAYNE A RCGSIFRM LAND SURVEYOR. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS MI DAY D A04VMLMM THE EXCCUT)W OF 7Hf rORfCOM AMMUMENT. WINCSS MY NAmO AND Of mMM STAMP OR SEAL TI6'S DAY or_ 19 _ NOTARY PUB(/C MY CLMNIISSIOV EXPIRES CCRTIRCA If OF REGSTRA DOH BY REGISTER OF DECOS NORM CAROL WA, CWN7Y MC FCI4 ND CERTIFICATE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IS CERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT. FILED fOR REGSTRA DOH THIS DAY OF 19 : A/ O'CLOCK AND DULY RECORDED W MAP BOOK PAGE Br I CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. GRCG A. WAYNE RLS L -7876 E.CM. QIG U / Lsr TRACT "B" / 28.463 Ac m- ao -ox s / = -xa Q� h QAj� /=A 8 / — — — — — — — — — — — / ,ter U Q omwox� Itl A �' u[ uw 1 m J m- ao -o: -Itl 1di.• 6 W— — — — — — — — V— P \P Z y J \ JCL J J 7ff its c IA te.u. Lg a - 1.44 N LW TNt uw F 6 d m ao 0 1 %9 �'� \'•'�CTF,p - CfRTIFICA7E OF ACCURACY AND MAPPING S1 At i ' ? L GREG A. --C CERDFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS ORAIMI UNDER MY SUPERVISION m- 00- Ox -0[-tlx ; fROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION 1 -2876 ar ' RECORDED AS NOTED NEREON); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY •' i0 - INDICATED AS ORA6N FROM INFORNATNW f0UN0 AS NOTED NfRfCW; THAT INC RA no • SIIR`n : •••'•,Qf(, OF PRFGSIOV AS CALCUCA IED IS L' MAT IMIS Pl.4T WAS FRCPARfC IN �'• ',r' ,•`- '•..,, ACCOROANCC WIN GS 47 -JO AS A NDED. WMESS MY ORI(YNAL SICHA TIME. • REGSMATIOH NUMBER AND SEAL MIS_aDAY OF L A.O. IySL ORE A f RL -7876 NORTH CARO(WA. COVIJTY I. A NOTARY PU&!C OF INC COUNTY AND STATE AFORESND, CERTIFY MAT £rREG A. WAYNE A RCGSIFRM LAND SURVEYOR. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS MI DAY D A04VMLMM THE EXCCUT)W OF 7Hf rORfCOM AMMUMENT. WINCSS MY NAmO AND Of mMM STAMP OR SEAL TI6'S DAY or_ 19 _ NOTARY PUB(/C MY CLMNIISSIOV EXPIRES CCRTIRCA If OF REGSTRA DOH BY REGISTER OF DECOS NORM CAROL WA, CWN7Y MC FCI4 ND CERTIFICATE OF NOTARY PUBLIC IS CERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT. FILED fOR REGSTRA DOH THIS DAY OF 19 : A/ O'CLOCK AND DULY RECORDED W MAP BOOK PAGE Br I CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. GRCG A. WAYNE RLS L -7876 E.CM. QIG U / Lsr TRACT "B" / 28.463 Ac m- ao -ox s / = -xa Q� h QAj� /=A 8 / — — — — — — — — — — — / ,ter U Q omwox� Itl A �' u[ uw 1 m J m- ao -o: -Itl 1di.• 6 W— — — — — — — — V— P \P Z y J \ JCL J J 7ff its c IA te.u. Lg a - 1.44 N LW TNt uw F 6 200 100 0 100 SCALE /N FEET HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SVRVE)VRS,ENCINEERS B LAND PLL.Aa CRS 319 WALNUT STREET MWIN N.C. 26101 IJJ�1 \J PHONE: : (91 (910) 313 -6002 4aY. �Id� MAP FOR BOB WEAN BA CH FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: BOB WeINBACH DATE: MAY 17, 1996 d m ao 0 1 O m- 00- Ox -0[-tlx .,a i by 1 A [ M w I L? — — — — — — — — --- — \ 45�9D -0x -06-01 — m- ao -ox -a / -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 200 100 0 100 SCALE /N FEET HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SVRVE)VRS,ENCINEERS B LAND PLL.Aa CRS 319 WALNUT STREET MWIN N.C. 26101 IJJ�1 \J PHONE: : (91 (910) 313 -6002 4aY. �Id� MAP FOR BOB WEAN BA CH FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: BOB WeINBACH DATE: MAY 17, 1996 Appendix 3. Warranty Deed from BEACHWALK DEVELOPMENT, INC. to NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL LAND TRUST for 28.463 —Acre Tract r�5(� N� BOOK PAGE 2089 0644 Excise Tax f= C'CRC'�p "1!10 VERIFIED t.r:;;ty SI!E HOTS RCCiSTIt OF DEEDS IIEW HANOvER CO. NC '96 OCT 3 PM 2 44 Recording'rllne. Book and Page Tax Lot No........... ............................. ............................... ........... Parcel Identifier NoR)8500,- 002 -05,6, -000, ........................ Verified by ............................. ............................... .... County on the .... day of .............. .. ......, 19.......... by........................................... ............................... . ...... ......... .................................................................... ............................... r Mail after recording to . .�?.Q.....CQ.�sEP1... LQhG� ...T. IN 51.........Z.1.5... ......��eeT.yS.Gt.!.ci..�.... t�!1. ........ 0- c ..... z. 0 01 ........ ...................... .. _ ......... .... ............ . ........ .... ............... ........ ... ................. This Instrument was Y repared h Ned M. Barnes, C -2 Pleasure Island Plaza, Carolina Beach, NC 28428 P.................. Thief description for the II'"lex NORTH CAROLINA GENE RAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this ..... ,�.`�'.... day of . ..... September 19 96 by and between GRANTOR BEACHWALK DEVELOPMENT, INC. a North Carolina Corporation U.I'i0 GRANTEE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAI. LAND TRUST a North Carolina Non — Profit Corporation 313 North Front Street, Suite A Wilmington, NC 28401 Enter In apprnpriale block for each party: name, address, and, If appropriate, character of entity, e.q. corporation or partnership 'fhe designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successor's, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSF•TH, that the Grantor, for it valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of hrnd situated hr the City of rowtmhip, New Hanover ..................... , County, North Carolina and more partieulurly described as follows: ..... ... SEE. ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" WHICH IS FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. RET1,'p. N,rr) TO NC c6a%( I"'d TVu5f 110. 7677.0�.- N. C, Ilan Amos. Form No. D (D 1976, Itrriwol 4) 1977 —+,.w, wine. s e•, in<, s.. lit. v, j—.jN. N e Voss ..1-1 er N C Mr 'w .'9e. EXHIBIT A BOOK PAGE 2089 .06`16 A certain tract or parcel of h(nd lying, and hcing in Federal Point'1'owaship, New Ifanover County, Nurlh Cm -oMm, and hc,inl, a 11:11( of tract 72 ul "I'hr, Cape and hr.ing; nrnrc.. particularly described as hollows: Beginning on a point being locate the following bearings and distances Rom the southeastern corner of lot 286, section 4A of'I'he Cape as recorded in map book 23 page •10. ILccortls of Nc%v 1 lanover Comity, North Carolina, N 29 -31 -1 S W 100.01 1t., thence S 81 -28 -30 12 395.45 11. to the point an<l place of beginning: Proceed Iltcnce with the eastern line of 'llic Cape Golf Course Properly N 06 -55 -30 1; 982.54 R. to an old iron, deuce N 70 -26 -45 W 276.92 fl. to a point being the southeastern corner of Ilcrmuda Ihme at '1110 Cape, lhcnce wish the caslcrn line. of Ilcrtnuda lhmcs N 17 -38 -45 Is 55 :1,31 11. Ili a point in the sogtlern line of the sowherland Division, Ilence with said southern line S 86 -03 -45 Is 890.04 fl. to a point in the run of Telfair Creek thcucc down said run approxiurately (Ile following bearings and distances S 2,1.07 -03 NV 1531.23 fl., (Renee S 19 -48 -41 C-• 823. 18, thcucc S 11-311-04 W 333.77 1t., thcucc S 36- 25 -35 W 325.70 [l. to a point in said run, deice (caving said ru.n N 84 -35 -00 W 85.46 11. to a concrete monument, thence N 07 -19 -25 1:413.44 Il, to a concrete I - "'Bend, Ilrcnce a new line N 11t- 42-311 W 851t.91 1l. to the point oftrcl,inninl; raid c.umlaining 7.8.•10 :1 neres. according: to a survey by hanover Design Services, P.A. in May of 1996. All hcarjups arc ntat;nctic relative to man book 23 oars 40. Appendix 4. DEED OF EASEMENT to NORTH CAROLINA right —of —way from 28.463 —Acre Tract from Robert and Pamela Weinbach COASTAL LAND TRUST for access West Telfair Circle to BOOK PAGE R`00PDED AND VERIFIED V 2 0 8 5 0 8 1 8 1�,; sIjE ooTS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER OF DEEDS NE's/ HANOVER C(bEJ9b OF EASEMENT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER '96 OCT 3 Pfd 4 34 THIS DEED OF EASEMENT, made as of this -O day of 0 JZZ ti 1996, by and between Robert Weinbach and wife, Pamela Weinbach hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" and North Carolina Coastal Land Trust, a North Carolina Non - Profit Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee ". W I T N E_S S E H: L,y WHEREAS the Grantor is the record ownerp of certain real property as described in Book 0�0� Page d �-r of the New Hanover County Registry, the Servient'Tract; , WHEREAS, Grantee is the record owner /,o/f/ that certain real property described in Book ! Page (o T7" of the New Hanover County Registry which adjoins the real property of Grantor, the Benefited Tract; NOW THEREFORE, the Grantor for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants to the Grantee, its successors and assigns a non - exclusive easement over and across the easement area more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for the purpose of ingress, egress and regress within the easement area; said easement running from West Telfair Circle to the Benefited Tract. It is mutually agreed by Grantor and Grantee that as part of the consideration Grantee agrees that Grantor may relocate the easement at anytime in the future to accomodate the development of the Servient Tract owned by Grantor as described in Bookwol p /p y , Page U � — , provided only the Grantee continues to have legal access to the real property described in Book 9Gnf , Page by means of a similar twenty foot road or right of way. This easement is subject to the following conditions: 1. During the existence of the easement, the Grantee shall indemnify and save harmless the Grantor from any and all actions, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs and all consequential damage on account of or in any way going out of any and all known and unknown personal injury, death, any property damage resulting from the use and /or employment of the easement as gETURN TD NED M. BARNES BOOK PAGE 2089 0820 EXHIBIT "A" A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Federal Point Towuship, New Hanover C'ottnty, North Carolina, and being; a 20 fl. in width access easement, and being a part of that tract as shown as tract "A" on a neap prepared by Hanover Design Services, P.A. dated May 17, 1996, and being more particularly described as follows: Begi using on a point being in the centerline of the right of way of We, Telfair Circle (50 11. 'private right of way), said point being located at the southern terminus of said Telfair Circle as shown on a map of section 4 -A of Ilse Cape as shown In rttap book 23 page ,10, Records of New Hanover County, North Carolina: Proceed from said begimwtg point, with the centerline of aforesaid Telfair Circle extended, S 29 -31 -45 F 30.00 fl. to a point, thence S 81 -28 -30 E 568.15 fl. to a point, being in the eastern line of the aforesaid tract "A ", thence with said line N 18 -42 -38 W 22.49 ft. to a paint, thence N 81 -28 -30 W 5q8. l2 fl. to a point, thence N 29 -31 -45 W 20.26 a. to a Point At the southern end of the aforesaid rip ht of way of Telfair Circle, thence with the end of said right of'way S 60 -28 -15 W 20.001}. to the point of beginning and containing 0.268 Acres, according to computations by t-ianover Design Services, P.A. this date. pin actual field survey was not performed this date: All bearings are magnetic relative to reap book 23 page 40. CHARLIE HOLLIS REGULATORY CONSULTANT 138 Green Forest Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 910/392 -6833 (Phone /FAX) October 14, 1996 Project: Final Wetland Mitigation Plan; Beach Walk, Inc. Action I.D. No. 199603247 Mr. Ernie Jaknke Wilmington Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 -1890 Dear Mr. Jahnke: Please reference the following: 1. PDN and Wetland Mitigation Proposal for NWP -26 dated April 9, 1996 2. Regulatory Branch NWP -26 authorization letter dated May 30, 1996 with conditions 3. Draft Wetland Mitigation Plan from Mitchell & Assoc., Inc. dated July 24, 1996 4. Regulatory Branch letter dated August 14, 1996 stating that the mitigation plan would be approved upon the submittal of an acceptable preservation arrangement and a survey plat of the mitigation site I am pleased to inclose for you, the Final Wetland Mitigation Plan for the Beach Walk project. This Final Plan includes: a. description and survey of the Mitigation site (Appendix 2), b. copy of the Warranty Deed from Beach Walk, Inc. to The North Carolina Coastal Land Trust for the 28.463 -acre mitigation site (Appendix 3), c. copy of a Deed of Easement from Robert and Pamela Weinbach granting perpetual access to the 28.463 -acre mitigation site (Appendix 4). Please confirm that these documents complete the conditions as set forth in the Regulatory Branch letter of August 14, 1996. Our thanks are extended to the Corps staff, and especially to Matt Flint for his helpful advice and guidance in this matter. This process has set a standard by which future proposals should be compared and has provided significant public and private benefits. We look forward to the opportunity to jointly encourage similar projects in the future Please contact me if you have any questions. �'o A f r' e ly, ie Hollis��, Incl: Final Wetland Mitigation Plan ,-, r 1 • Mitchell and Associates Inc. Harding Street 128 North • Greenville, North Carolina 27858 • (919) 752 -4077 • Fax (919) 752 -7380 R',� 4 -11% S�- I il WN'RAWN WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN Requested by Beach Walk, Inc. 1009 N. Lake Park Boulevard, Suite 4A Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Prepared by Mitchell and Associates 128 North Harding Street Greenville, NC 27858 July 24, 1996 RECEIVED AUG 4 71996 EWIRONbENTALSCI S PRA1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Beach Walk, Inc. has proposed development activities within an approximately 30 acre tract of land located north of the Kure Beach Fire Department and south of Largo Way in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Conceptual project design indicates that approximately 8 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands will be impacted by the above development activities. Mitchell and Associates, Inc. has been retained by The Beach Walk, Inc. to prepare a mitigation plan to off set wetland impacts identified in the projects conceptual design. 2.0 IMPACTED SITE 2.1 Site Location The area of concern is located north of the Kure Beach Fire Department and south of Largo Way, in the Town of Kure Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The actual areas of wetland impact, +/- 8 acres are shown (Figure 2). 2.2 Site Description The proposed development site contains wetlands which are isolated with no inlet or outlet and are primarily shallow pot holes and depressions that have developed anaerobic soil conditions through poor or blocked drainage. A number of these wetland areas appear to have formed in shallow borrow areas associated with soil removal from previous land owners. Additionally, a number of shallow fill roads cross wetlands in a number of locations within the site. The majority of mid and over story vegetation has been harvested, leaving herb and shrub species as dominant vegetation. A large canal is present on the eastern property boundary and is likely altering normal drainage patterns in the area. 2.2.1 Wetland Classification The geomorphic setting of this wetland system is a isolated depressional pocosin. The FWS classification for this system is Palustrine, scrub - shrub, saturated. The major functions of this system are stormwater retention and enhanced water quality by denitrification. 2.2.2 Soil Types Soil types present at the Kure Beach site are primarily Lynn Haven fine sand (Typic Haplaquods) and Leon sand (Aeric Haplaquods). Soil disturbance by prior landowners is still evident in the forms of pot holes and depressions, in which a number of wetland areas have developed, and shallow fill roads which cross wetlands at various points within the site. 2.2.3 Vegetation Vegetation present at the Kure Beach site has been drastically altered from normal conditions due to disturbance by prior landowners, including harvesting of merchantable timber. The majority of the mid and over story vegetation has been removed leaving primarily the shrub species as dominants. What remains consists of a variety of deciduous and evergreen species, including: Pious serotina (Pond pine), Persea borbonia (redbay), Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle), Ilex glabra (gallberry), Lyonia lucida (fetterbush), and Smilax laurifolia (cat briars). 2.2.4 Hydrology Hydrology at the Kure Beach site is primarily rainfall and runoff from adjacent uplands. Lateral flow of subsurface groundwater has likely been altered by the influence of nearby canal ditches and drainage modification surrounding the headwater wetland system. Following high amounts of rain, water ponds in depressions and pot holes due to the poor drainage class of the soils present. 3.0 MITIGATION SITE 3.1 Mitigation Site Location The proposed mitigation site is located at approximately N 34 03' 49.2" and W 77 54' 18.3" which is west of Highway 421, east of River Road, and is bordered on its western boundary by The Cape subdivision. Telfair's Creek borders the property on the eastern boundary (Figure 3). 3.2 Site Description The Telfair's Creek site is 28.5 acres of primarily forested wetlands adjacent to and above the headwaters of Telfair's Creek. Three small parcels of uplands are present within the site, two appear to be disturbed areas associated with the construction of The Cape golf course and a third at the southern end (Figure 4). The area located on the southern end of the property is drained. Large ditches present in this region are the primary source of drainage. Minor impacts from man are already evident within and adjacent to this forested riverine wetland increasing the need for preservation. These impacts include: fire suppression, channelization for mosquito control, point source discharge from upland ditches. Nearby are several recently constructed road crossings for residential subdivisions which fragment this wetland system. These circumstances increase the need for the preservation of this already jeopardized wetland system. With urban development in the area encroaching on Telfair's Creek preservation of this wetland system would provide valuable wildlife habitat, as well as lessening the impacts of urban development in the region through erosion control and the removal of contaminates carried via runoff. 3.2.1 Wetland Classification The geomorphic setting of this forested wetland is a low - gradient alluvial riverine system. The ecological significance of this system is high and is most notable for its major habitat for wildlife, game and non -game species, and biodiversity 1. FWS classifications: forested area, Palustrine, forested wetland, temporarily flooded, broad leaved deciduous; depressional areas, Palustrine, scrub - shrub, broad leaved evergreen, saturated. This type of system is also characterized by having strong biogeochemical activity and nutrient retention. This attribute allows the transformation of inorganic nutrients (pollutants) into organic matter and/or sediment, thus supplying less - contaminated water to the lower reaches of the Cape Fear River. This area also serves as a buffer for flood events by providing a slow release of water. 3.2.2 Soil Types Soil types present along Telfairs Creek are of the deep organic variety, primarily histosols Dorovan muck (Typic Medisaprists), interfaced with sandier Lynn Haven fine sand (Typic Haplaquods). 3.2.3 Vegetation Vegetation along Telfairs Creek consists of : Nyssa sylvatica (blackgum), Acer rubrum (red maple), Persea borbonia (redbay), Gordonia lasianthus (loblolly bay), Magnolia virginica (sweetbay), Pinus taeda (loblolly pine), Cyrilla racemiflora (tiff), Ilex glabra (gallbery), Lyonia lucida (fetterbush), Smilax laurifolia (cat briars), Osmundia cinnomomea (cinnamon fern), Woodwardia viginica (Virginia chainfern), and other various less significant species. 3.2.4 Hydrology The primary source of water in this region is rainfall and associated runoff from surrounding upland areas. Overflow from lakes on The Cape golf course also flow into the property. 3.3 Preservation Habitat Values It is the intent of this section to identify and amplify species with known occurrence or those with a high probability of occurrence within the preservation area and their dependence upon this system. Due to the high quality of this habitat and its location in a relatively developed area, it provides a number of functions pertinent to wildlife within the area and many species which migrate through the area seasonally or in a life history stage. This wetland provides a corridor between Telfairs Creek and Snow's Cut, ultimately culminating in the Cape Fear River, thus providing vital shallow water habitat for juvenile fish species, as well as a corridor for migratory species along an inland freshwater system. The system also functions to buffer water high in pollutants from runoff associated with the adjacent developed areas'. Mammalian species include: Odocoileus virginianus (white - tailed deer), Vulpes vulpes (red fox), Urocyon cinereoargenteus (gray fox), Procyon lotor (raccoon), Didelphis virginiana (opossum), Sciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel), and smaller rodents such as the (field mouse). Bird species include: various species of predatory hawks and owls, as well as smaller bird species such as Turdus migratorius (american robin), Cyanocitta cristata (blue jay), Mimus polyglottos (mocking bird), Cantopus virgins (eastern wood pewee), Parus carolinensis (Carolina chickadee), Thryothorus ludovicianus (Carolina wren), Parus bicolor (tufted titmouse), species from the family Ardeidae (herons), among others. It should be noted that this habitat provides excellent migratory and resident song bird habitat and nesting areas. Herpetological species found in the region include: Agkistrodon piscivorus (eastern cottonmouth), Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix (southern copperhead), Crotalus adamanteus (eastern diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake), Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster (redbelly water snake), Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake), Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta (black rat snake), among others. Turtle species in the region include: Terrapene carolina bauri (eastern box), Clemmys guttata (spotted turtle), Chelydra serpentina (common snapping turtle), and Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum (eastern mud turtle). Many toad species from both the Scaphiopus (spadefoot) and Bufo (true toads) families, as well as frogs from the Hyla (tree frogs) and Rana (true frogs) families. Various species of salamanders from the Ambystoma (mole salamanders), Notophthalmus (newts), and Plethodon (woodland salamanders) families. Anolis carolinensis (green anole) and Alligator mississipiensis (alligator) is also found in the region. The moist soil and standing water (both in the creek and in adjacent depressions) provide valuable habitat for the life history of many of these herpetological species. Insects which are a valuable food source for many of the herpetological and bird species use these water sources during different life history stages as well. 3.4 Preservation and Protection Ultimately, the intent of this mitigation package is to put this land in a conservation easement. Recent urban impacts within and adjacent to the mitigation site increase the need for preserving wetland functions in a natural state. In addition, continued availability of Nationwide Permits to surrounding property owners increase the possibility of further degradation of the wetland and its associated functions. Preservation of this land will provide significant vital resource protection in the lower reaches of the Cape Fear River watershed. Appendix 1. Bibliography 1. Brinson, M. M. (1993). "A hydrogeomorphic classification for wetlands," Technical Report WRP -DE-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. 2. Lewis, W. M. and National Reaserch Council (U.S.). (1995). Committee on Characterization of Wetlands. "Wetlands: characteristics and boundaries ". pp. 307. . VJ { )Via a a in o 0 j 421 T a p O. C 33 Regional Reath v t. i AteerJ �F aJ Q �l corollni i a� Orton r offon l w f Gordan I RpNnar Beath In IN MlTns�rioN Srr4 Stich tI � } 0 I �aHIU10 #each N N = 4vnJrk Sr. Ike N r s i . V yvrV a y Carolina Beach!" UNNY C v TAN *QWW #eoel. Atem 'OINr = OCF� Y - .AMY 1 14; •EVpN : �v �¢a3scT•Srr>!t Kure Beach PLEASURE ISLAND GENERAL LOCATION MAP (No Scale) o.T SITE LOCATION (No Scale) Figure J. V� O %,BE BEACH WALK PROJECT LOCATION (No Scale) Figure 1. 4d U d m M a �.d y .i' N D d � s V a Q v . $ V) °m� 0 n. CL r / W //� �i �. A; OF o' A ot� _'� PM v r 4d U d m M a �.d y N D d � V a Q v s `" $ V) °m� 0 n. CL :J —• � w U i O fa O / U U m U ro U r, -r-I 3 O U O O r C -W N 0 H o w E4 U .,_+ w I v z ro O 3 H U ro O 41 — — — — — — — - .a � r-+ N a iu U \ 4U(0 I I N co N rl A -W N N O A i O M O O M a- - c a 04 3 z 3 z3 a� A 0 a� m c a u a F4 o / r-+ o r+ ao co Q -4N - c W A U �4 / ro i 4-) 3 �CtOC]U N E-4 .. Q) May 18, 1996 Re: Description for Bob Weiabach Tract B of The Cape Property A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and being a part of tract 22 of The Cape and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a point being locate the following bearings and distances from the southeasteni comer of lot 286, section 4A of The Cape as recorded in map book Z3 page 40, Records of New Hanover County, North Carolina, N 29 -31 -15 W 100.01 ft., thence S 81 -28-30 E 395.45 R. to the point and place of beginning: Proceed thence with the eastern line of Ile Cape Golf Course Property N 06 -55 -30 E 982.54 A. to an old iron, thence N 70 -26-45 W 276.92 ft. to a point being the southeastern corner ofBermuda Dune at The Cape, thence with the eastern line of Bernaamda Dunes N 17 -38-45 E 553.31 A. to a point in the southern lime of the Southeriand Division, thence with said southern line S 86 -0345 E 890.04 k to a point in the run of 'S'eliair Creek thence down said run approximately the following bearings and distances S 24-07-03 W 1531.23 A., chance S 19 -48-41 F 828. 18, thence S 11 -34-04 W 333.77 ft., thence S 36 -25 -3S W 325.70 ft. to a point in said run, thence leaving said inn N 84 -35 -00 W $5.46 A. to a concrete monument, thence N 07- 19-25 E 413.44 R. to a concrete monument, thence a new line N 1"2-38 W 858.81 ft. to tine point ofteginning and containing 28.463 acres, according to a survey by hnover Design Services, P.A. in May of 1996. All ben 'ngs are a%aguetic relative to map book 23 page 40. eg A. ayne CARO 'X476 IRVj&I L OCA TION MAP NOT TO SCALE n< cNK j Y "P", SITE " W0 t>•st91c cp]tRa upWAIR Ifply( Of vEST'", o])at As sNOw oN NM IIOOW 2) 9AOC b Jam• ll� \4 1^ OJ cmtlWa wW19oL NnAAKMt Tnlma.IE a lcsr 1F1T]Nt a91aL As saM4 oN Nu 90011 » rAOC w \ LNIE BEARING DISTANCE 1 N 64'35'00•W 85.46 2 N 6076' 200.00 4 N 6021ri 15' E V 20.07 4 N 6078'15 160.00 S N 29 -31'15'W 100.01 NOTES I. SURVEYED IN MAY OF 1996. 2. AREAS COMPUTED BY D.M.O. J. FOR REFERENCES SEE AS NOTED HEREON. 4. RUN OF IELFABR CREEK NOT SURVEYED AT THIS OWE. ITS LOCATION WAS TAKEN FROM A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE CAPE AS PREPARED BY JACK STOCKS. R.L.S LEGEND I.L.M. - IRON LINE MARKER EL . EXISTING IRON R.R.S. - RAILROAD SPIKE R/W - RICHT -OF -WAY E.C.M. - EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT N.W.L. - HIOi WATER LINE I.S. - IRON SET BERMUDA DUNES AT THE CAPE THE CAPE GOLF COURSE \ � xs1 1i 2A.\ xsi \ �f. TRACT "A" 11.319 AC C.C.. U.S. COAST GUARD LORAN STATION' ,,•� \.',,jT(,PF ;til I i I �1 At 1 1. GREG A. WAYNE. C£RBFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION i : FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERHSION (DEED OESGIRMBON '• RECORDED AS NOTED HEREON); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND AS NOTED HEREON, THAT THE RA00 • • STTR' j:' OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED LS I:JAQatC THAT THIS PLAT IYAS FRfPARfc 4v • •'• ••, •• %RFC 'tp�•�,: ACCORDANCE WAN OS 47 -30 AS AMENO£0. WIINESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE. REGISTRATION NUMBER •N AND SEAL INISJDAY OF 6 A.D. I�G (_CREYX WAYRE RL -1876 ryh ux uw I LI — — — — — — — — --- — - \ \ lJ- - BERMUDA DUNES AT THE CAPE THE CAPE GOLF COURSE \ � xs1 1i 2A.\ xsi \ �f. TRACT "A" 11.319 AC C.C.. U.S. COAST GUARD LORAN STATION' NORTH CAROLINA COUNTr L A NOTARY PCIBLIC OF THE COUNTY AND STA IE AFORESAID, CERTIFY THAT GREG A WAYN[ A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS DAY AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE EXECUTION OF DIE FOREGOING WSMUMENT. MMESS Mr NAND AND OFFITAAL STAMP OR SEAL. INIS DAY OF_ It _ NOTARY PL6UC MY COMMISSION EOWS CEROFICATE OF REOSIRA BON BY REGISTER OF DEEDS NORTH G4ROLWA. COAVTY THE FOREGOING C£R7?nCA7E Of NOTARY PUBLIC IS CfRnnfD TO BE CORRECT. FILED FOR REGS IRA DON MIS DAY OF 19 ; A! OICLOCK _• AND OULY RECORDED IN MAP 800K PAGE or I CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISAWO PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. i SWTItERLAND DINSION . BOOK 4 OF LANOS M DOWERS PAGE 455 / IA. NN' I tl- 00 -9] -H //ok TRACT "B" 28.463 Ac 0— Y ao -°' m -:) / 2 ss- 9 � �J 7� (Nl — <yy FOB 93- 00 -Of -.S 0 / — — — — — — — — — — �r QLU V ,v eyoo o]� n 6 / 2 / 0:J \ \ v1d �A] Nw I P TOt d � W _ — — — — — — — — — P. Ww4A�m T@ Z� 'A T ux- ao� -'oi ff -m �ff 4.3 LC.u. 1.44 �� 4W TAi u/J I ss-90 -ox -N ,,•� \.',,jT(,PF ;til %% CfROFlCA R' OF ACCURACY AND MAPPING �1 At 1 1. GREG A. WAYNE. C£RBFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION i : FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERHSION (DEED OESGIRMBON '• RECORDED AS NOTED HEREON); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND AS NOTED HEREON, THAT THE RA00 • • STTR' j:' OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED LS I:JAQatC THAT THIS PLAT IYAS FRfPARfc 4v • •'• ••, •• %RFC 'tp�•�,: ACCORDANCE WAN OS 47 -30 AS AMENO£0. WIINESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE. REGISTRATION NUMBER •N AND SEAL INISJDAY OF 6 A.D. I�G (_CREYX WAYRE RL -1876 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTr L A NOTARY PCIBLIC OF THE COUNTY AND STA IE AFORESAID, CERTIFY THAT GREG A WAYN[ A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS DAY AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE EXECUTION OF DIE FOREGOING WSMUMENT. MMESS Mr NAND AND OFFITAAL STAMP OR SEAL. INIS DAY OF_ It _ NOTARY PL6UC MY COMMISSION EOWS CEROFICATE OF REOSIRA BON BY REGISTER OF DEEDS NORTH G4ROLWA. COAVTY THE FOREGOING C£R7?nCA7E Of NOTARY PUBLIC IS CfRnnfD TO BE CORRECT. FILED FOR REGS IRA DON MIS DAY OF 19 ; A! OICLOCK _• AND OULY RECORDED IN MAP 800K PAGE or I CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISAWO PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. i SWTItERLAND DINSION . BOOK 4 OF LANOS M DOWERS PAGE 455 / IA. NN' I tl- 00 -9] -H //ok TRACT "B" 28.463 Ac 0— Y ao -°' m -:) / 2 ss- 9 � �J 7� (Nl — <yy FOB 93- 00 -Of -.S 0 / — — — — — — — — — — �r QLU V ,v eyoo o]� n 6 / 2 / 0:J \ \ v1d �A] Nw I P TOt d � W _ — — — — — — — — — P. Ww4A�m T@ Z� 'A T ux- ao� -'oi ff -m �ff 4.3 LC.u. 1.44 �� 4W TAi u/J I ss-90 -ox -N 200 100 0 200 SCA[E IIO FEET HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVE)YARS.ENGYNEERS A• LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STRFCT MWINGTON. N.C. 26401 "ONE: (910) 340 -6002 MAP FOR BOB WEINBACH FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: 808 WeINBACH DATE: MAY 17, 1996 W O 1YOO�.01 a-oT n 1iF yti0 _ ryh ux uw I LI — — — — — — — — --- — - �as- 90 -ox -oe 1 — \ \ I tAx YM I l u- ao -o] -a F-- I — — — — — — -- - — — — 200 100 0 200 SCA[E IIO FEET HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVE)YARS.ENGYNEERS A• LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STRFCT MWINGTON. N.C. 26401 "ONE: (910) 340 -6002 MAP FOR BOB WEINBACH FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: 808 WeINBACH DATE: MAY 17, 1996 j i �((1(q6 7.00 Iqb• U �• J,, �x ` DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: May 24, 1996 To: John Dorney Environmental Sciences Branch From: James H. Gregson4 k Wilmington Regionil Office Through: Dave Adkins - Wilmington R nal Office t l Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations��'�F c� Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill q�s� 996 Central Office Permit #960353 F� Beach Walk at Kure Beach 019 New Hanover County s� A site visit was conducted for this project along with Charlie Hollis, consultant for the owners of the proposed Beach Walk development. The site consists of three approximately 10 acre parcels. Total wetland area on the site is approximately 8.5 acres. The site is bordered on the west by an existing dirt road owned by the Town of Kure Beach and on the east by an existing canal. These wetlands contain pocosin type vegetation and sandy soils and are interspersed with highground pockets and fingers. Several of the wetter spots on the site are shallow depressional areas that have a thick peat layer on the surface which probably remains saturated for most of the year. There appears to be an approximately 50' border of non- wetlands adjacent to the existing canal due to the drainage influence of the canal. The wetland score for this 8.5 acre area was 15. Some of the small depressional areas could potentially provide some aquatic habitat and possibly could score higher than 15, however it is doubtful that these areas would have 1 -2' of water from late fall to spring nor can they be considered a freshwater marsh. The applicants are offering a mitigation proposal which includes the preservation of approximately 30 acres of riparian wetlands along approximately 3000 ft. of Telfair Creek. Telfair Creek is an approximately one mile long channelized stream that runs parallel to US HWY 421 and is tributary to Snows Cut (AIWW). It appears that Telfair Creek receives the majority of its flow from seeps at the base of sand ridges at the edge of the floodplain. The wetland rating for the proposed mitigation site was 80. This wetland along Telfair Creek is significant both in terms of pollutant removal and bank stabilization and also has moderate value for water storage. The proposed preservation site is in an area with heavy development pressure, both residential and commercial. �p n r�P 616I1t � Tr,IW t, 0\ C.ti,� )� t it ��,�c lay �t��� °; F.� >���`a�� G�(`• � r �,r:.� � �ry1i���, 960353. may Page Two Understanding that preservation alone is usually not an acceptable type of mitigation, in this instance we are loosing 8.5 acres of very marginal wetlands in terms of water quality values and will be preserving 30 acres of highly functional wetlands that would no doubt be lost in the near future in one acre chunks. Therefor this Office is not objecting to the current project proposal with the following recommended conditions: 1. That the applicant pursue on site stormwater controls which will utilize existing wetlands for storage and removal of suspended solids. 2. That the final mitigation plan be approved and the area be formally donated as a conservation area prior to issuance of the 401 Certification. 3. That the applicant conduct a search within the 30 acre mitigation site for areas that may be suitable for enhancement. ATTACHMENTS JHG:960353.may cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files - .:- i i �.. t v �t •� tai i<.t t i tV i � V i It \t31`1 LL' � 1(}!i Project name r'f =i r� C, e,- nearest road 11-C County,.` -a��� Wetland area `±J ac_es'Vetland width feet Name of evaluato-, ngrA I / atidn Adj ace nt:�-:�*: C. Or lrtlke. flr I aC1IiS 3r s- --s-i channe ls �2:rki_-= Wer/andScorm I ' r , o� you [ upslope, or radius / f for ©Yi a7L�et7 x �z' 4 i -1 ll y CEflOTiti LI '3rG t' C i �ii r;n C.r"ilcs A 3r s- --s-i channe ls �2:rki_-= Wer/andScorm I ' r , o� you [ upslope, or radius / ©Yi a7L�et7 x �z' 4 i -1 ll y CEflOTiti LI '3rG t' C i �ii r;n C.r"ilcs A ! 'fIIrs V Jar'flV om r :t �ai',.Lr t}OC � c. d I etIIe1S se r an rit LO rive atIz� t mac= _ OQG °r' flr. inundate _ c :�r� - 3T e6fl L rt _- v; t GEC D � I ditched c r. ^:.,. ue ^L G oflflii�+ Wei --Iand tv_e 3r s- --s-i channe ls �2:rki_-= Wer/andScorm I ' r , o� you [ upslope, or radius :. YY C t LJ-UNLJ . RH l 1000 V V rtttJh Ct l Ve�slan -our .�Projert name �.�'Y��ti_� µi L IL' - ._.�....�'�_;._.� �c.�._.. dearest road._._, �... w__ �.. ....._____..�....- .�,�„�.__._. County—' "� �1�►Nv��►2 v G' y_ � Wetland area acres �'Vetland width �' feet C _... =Ga/ en ^.afGiiiia �c`. u he _ _..__ __..._ _ ... =ses or s. channels Wetland Score „z x i _ � �- _:_-_.: _ .._._. _. ... _ _ _ _.: _:�-_•..� __ •....-; ;i% mile ,;c,;-=am, upslope, or radius 4EMORANDUM PRINT NAMES: Reviewer • CA��0 ' r0: JOHN DORNEY WQ SUPV.: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: S'a y SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) PERMIT YR: APPLICANT NAME: PROJECT TYPE: COE #: RCD_ FROM _CDA: REG OFFICE: 96 PERMIT NO: 0000353 BEACH WALK AT KURE BEACH SUBDIVISION APP WIRO LIVER AND SUB BASIN #: 03 6(./7 STREAM CLASS: ,5e WL_IMPACT? : C), IN WL REQUESTED: -5� WL_SCORE( #): MITIGATION ?: OY/N MITIGATION SIZE: COUNTY: NEW HANOVER PERMIT_TYPE: IND DOT #: DATE_FRM_CDA: 64/15/96 STR INDEX N0: /Op— 7/ WL TYPE: pvC WL_ACR_EST? : Y61 WATER IMPACTED BY FILL ?: Y NC MITIGATION—TYPE: 07K (/� %�SU'�'� DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO ?: Y/g IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED? ;fY )N HAVE PROJECT CHANGES /CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT ?: Y/N RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE /COND DENY COMMENTS: 2-az :c: Regional Office Central Files CHARLIE HOLLIS REGULATORY CONSULTANT 138 Green Forest Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 910/392 -6833 (Phone /FAX) April 9, 1996 Project: Beach Walk at Kure Beach; Kure Beach; New Hanover County, N.C. Mr. Matt Flint, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Regulatory Branch P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington NC 28402 -1890 and Mr. Jim Gregson N.C. Division of Environmental Management Wilmington Field Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 -3845 Gentlemen: Q �h Enclosed is a Predischarge Notification (?EN) for the disturbance of up to 8.5 acres of wetlands for the development of the project known as "Beach Walk at Kure Beach ". ,-..�. For several mont:,s, I have served as cons.:�_a..t to the respective owners of three approximately 10 —acre adjacent 7arcels of land in Kure Beach, N.C. located immediately north of the Kure 3each Town Hall. Jurisdictional wetlands on these properties were delineated by Gary Mitchell in late 199!, and verified by the Corps (Jeff Richter) in February of 1995. Recently, the property has heen the subject of a development plan known as "Beata Walk at Kure "each "; a plan that would utilize the entire 30 acres for residential housing. Initially, we looked at how the :�ro;ect ^'_?nt be constructed in several phases, beginning with the existing non— "wetland areas and extending, over time, across the rernaining property through the installation of drainage and /or the use of appropriate permits. The wetlands on these properties are shallow systems overlaying sandy porous soils that persist because of poor and /or blocked drainage; and it was noted that by restoring and improving the drainage, most (if not all) of the wetlands would become dry. As we consider:c these plans, and discussed them with the Corps of Engineers, we cecided to submit a Predischarge Notification (PDN) for t-:e disturbance of wetlands as now delineated that would be needed for -he ent -re project balanced by the commitment of ' generous area o -np ^ortant 'wet -- mitigation. Total anticipated disturbance of wetlands they are now delineated will be «p to 8' acres over all three tracts of proper *_o provide for roads and streets, utilities and residential units f^,r _he entire project as proposed. Page Z Considerable time has been spent seeking the availability of a mitigation area that would be significant in terms of location, size, and quality. We are pleased that we.have been able to obtain a commitment for approximately 30 acres of extremely high quality riparian swamp forest wetlands (interlaced with high — ground hammocks) adjacent to Telfair Creek near its confluance with its estuary at Snows Cut, just north of Carolina Beach, N.C. Telfair Creek watershed upstream of these 30 acres has been subjected to considerable stress and disturbance by channelization, filling, development encroachment, and road crossings; whereas this nearly 3000 — feet —long riparian area has not been disturbed in the past and is vital to the maintenance of water quality downstream. The wetlands there consist primarily of forested drainage features that extend from the creek (FWS classification: Palustrine, forested wetland, temporarily flooded, broad — leaved deciduous) and isolated depressional pockets (FWS classification: Palustrine scrub — shrub, broad — leaved evergreen, saturated). Wetland soils are of the deep organic variety, primarily histosols (Dorovan muck), interfaced with sandier Lynn Haven. Typical vegetation includes redbay (Persea borbonia), loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), sweetbay (Magnolia virginica) loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), red maple (Ater rubrum), gallberry (Ilex glabra), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), cat briars (Smilax laurifolia), and various wetland ferns. These areas are valuable as filters for nutrient material and potential pollutants from both point and non —point sources that would enter Telfair Creek and the Cape Fear River. These wetlands enhance water quality by providing denitrification and chemical precipitation of both runoff waters and backwater flood waters as well as trapping sediment. They also serve as a buffer for flood water retention, thereby decreasing erosion potential downstream; and the entire system is important as a refuge and corridor for wildlife, especially in its setting in the midst of other highly developed areas. The 8.5 acres of wetlands at the Kure Beach project site, on the other hand, are predominantly shallow pot holes and depressions that have developed anaerobic soil conditions through poor or blocked drainage (FWS classification: Palustrine, scrub — shrub, saturated). Soils are primarily Lynn Haven. Much of the vegetation has been removed, but that remaining consists of a varies o= deciduous and evergreen species, including Pond pine (Pinus serotina), red bay (Persea borbonia), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), gallberry (Ilex glabra), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), and cat briars (Smilax laurifolia). These wetlands are surrounded by existing ditches, and although they support a physical subsrate for periphyton and site specific invertebrates, they function only minimally in retaining stormwater. Additionally, these wetland areas, even if not permitted to be disturbed, are likely to be largely converted to high ground by lawful restoration and improvement of area drainage and by probable construction of future Kure Beach infrastructure such as roads, streets, and utilities. The entire tract is bounded on the west by lands that must remai. undisturbed within the buffer area of the Sunny Point Army Munitions Terminal. Page 3 It is our sincere belief that this proposal is an environmentally responsible and beneficial one. We believe that it balances the short —term economic needs of the developer with the long —term environmental needs of the community in a unique manner that benefits both and that satisfys the goals of Federal and State wetland policies. We urge the approval of the attached requested Predischarge Notification for Nationwide Permit 26 which would confirm these commitments. Please contact me if there any questions or if you need additional information. S' erely, harlie Ho lis Encl: PDN Cy: John Dorney BeachWalk DEM DD:' ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGLNEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL. MAN�.GEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, H- ALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402 -1890 P.O. Box 29535 ATTN: CESAW -CO -E Raleigh, NC 27626 -0535 Telephone (919) 2514511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733 -5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT."T M,A- NAGEMENT. PLEASE PRWf. I. Owners Naive: BEACH WALK, INC. (Attn: Mr. Bob Weinbach) 2. Owners Address: 1009 N. Lake Park Blvd., Suite 4A; Carolina Beach, NC 28428 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): 910 - 458 -3979 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: CHARLIE HOLLIS, REGULATORY CONSULTANT 138 GREEN FOREST DR111E WILMINGTON NC 28409 PHONE /FAX (910) 392 -6833 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH M =p) County: NEW HANOVER Nearest Town or City: KURE BEACH Spec?'rc Location (Include road numbers, 12r)Lna1l,s, e *'c,): North of Kure Beach Town Hall 6. Name of Closest Stream./R;ver: Atlantic Ocean 7. Raver Basin: Atlantic Ocean C. IS I ?�'S pr0)e0I located ir) a ater5'�d 012 5'' °,, as Trout, S?, HQW, ORW, �S ., or WS jj? y'_: 9- Have �y Secdo 40. per u« bw�n Drev:a!� lv requested s , for use on .his p:o-e v? YES 1 NO If yes, explain, 10. Estunaled total number f ac o res of wa +it:s of e U.S., Lncicd n? we la_ ^cr n o� :cr_-2t°,d on proitc: s:te: 10 11. Number of acres of Ovate:= o-- Lrit U.S., ._1ud:ng proposed pro*e�.. Fi11 Drained: 8.5 Flcoded: Excavate.; : ToL1IT ac;ed: 8.5 less 30 —Acres Mitigation (See attachments) I 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS -8 lr2" X 11" drawings only): Construct streets, utilities, t ponds, residential units and •4IN #NNX#*X#X# infrastnncture as shown t t 13. Purpose of proposed work: Construct BEACH WALK development consisting of residential housing units and.aminities 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. Wetlands are located in an irregular vatern throughout the area; Significant 30 —acre area of riparian wetlands are proposed as mitigation (see attachments) 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine.Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [R3 NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USIF�VS ANTD /OR NiNIFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact she State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES U NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOi-7–D BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information re --ured by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was oer:c'r ,-4 by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater mar. a S ..... -.;yn ._ . quired fcr this project, attach copy. E. What island use of .ccerty? RESIDENTIAL F If applicable, what is = •esez :::et:.cd of sewage disposal? ('.ommuNTTY AGENT'S (See att:.c::ed '-ester and drawings) q O fA � `T = I p 421 y o • I i �� n b O In y fi 33 Z I R.pionoI B.och d -jE Acc.si `C 0 7 -G ti Carolina Beach Inlet I � a M�T��hrioN Orton �,, q I2 m \ /,1! Sira 0't— Plum ono. �- a Breeze. rGocdens/ I R.pionol I Won > eeoch a�d • F Access sr. ,, • • I 9� �� li o 8 O A O 'A Coo w Pk T p Carolina Beach UNNY r C V Al L4 R.pionol e.aeh Aec.ss !~ Ayf.C' blN7 _ ocf Ah Y .RMY V BtvD. O ERM. Eelacu W�cK F R4o�a cT Si ra / Kure Beach � / m PLEASURE ISLAND Q GENERAL LOCATION MAP If (No Scale) •l44 c r O 4 �51 >� e�N'AIRE RD- , � r y jAT C. ^ n 1 waver A . �_ INLET ACRES DR. 3 EFACM CLVe OCEAN VIEW ' a RIVEN G\ SETTLERS L .NYRTIF SBA _ s3 R A A RETCN CT �E NROT► FERN Rp t ¢ {E•.+ L _ ___ u� F i_ MYRTLE GROVE FIRE ='S'. i =r'lCH _ _» FEDERAL PT. FIRE 0157 [S�� �' IS ?I yk C tH. z I e 1 THE CAPE z °. ' ?URNET / THE CARE BLV7. _ .INLET KURE EAC - #W N LINNSIDER , W Ck119 Cie {GLF CR. d F1 EORIC4�l �Et�. i L' , i PIER IIANTUKET C I I SEDGLEY Q BEACH WALK ks� 9 PROJECT LOCATION (No Scale) -- �`. Sig.. ? t o r/- �y•�'' "�3i,':v �� `,i 4J' P :eon . n,' Q��t• ` iF RIV ,:; • �Ap PREDISCHARGE NOTIFICATION NWP -26 _ Am BEACH WALK AT KURE BEACH ss 30 —ACRE MITIGATION —T- BEACH WALK, INC. SITE LOCATION (No Scale) 1009 N. Lake Park Blvd., Suite 4A Carolina Beach, NC 28428 April 9, 1996 Page l of 6 ---------- It# r t1 I dpl % 1-4 ii 9-b'"A ;, r '469 ArA - -7 f 4 ;A!%7— J- 9V At 7. Y j-- —f- 7; 07 fj.+ MITIGATION AREA 30—ACRE -x' =491 -- If From New Hanover County Tax MaP Scale: 400' 1 PREDISCHARGE BEACH WA%t BEACH 1009 N. Lake P C o C� M r � 8 0 n � r 0 $ ro x ro w 4 '—A, . y, v N h -- - - - -- - - s a s F G S d r, Q n a x e I v a L V u n K \may � •a 0 a ti W Q I r ro S � w td x H N 0 n to�7 W W ►� b W N A m t x � g v V 14 C� r��] 6i zaZM n > o��O• C, °d z 00 En w� x i � 9 N � '—A, . y, v N h -- - - - -- - - s a s F G S d r, Q n a x e I v a L V u n K \may � •a 0 a ti 0 W Y oN n N N .o �n + z N n C� V i2 V Y W '1 O n �'1 v1 N �i oa W I kl I I 2 ! Q r-i V O 0 0 p, o I J I IM I � 0 I I I I = N Q' I 0 ly I I I I z 6 w z H W A A WH 3 7 wc co rc, w v WASI CD - h C 4' t 64 �C5 co CO • BC2 ' 4 \9 Ile I-L I.V sC3 71 LoL aD • 'L vz z V) C� 4 BO S41 4, 'CA V1.1 1 Q 4. Pr3 A 0 Ina 41, jz TIX. U2 0) N co G6 0 BF8 0 fto It 16 I J, . Tv BF12 t .4 A BF 14 fe uj cl s A 4, to -4 lk �Flll Of k 14 y'' lb Ng67 " ". 0 41 WD� Gil So OF22 v cr, It 1* AN '4 1z '3..zo,9zxLS 0) W co cl: D o Y I KS . 0 � C� CN 'o 0 p C) FROM : CHARLIE HOLLIS REGLI_ATORY CONS PHONE NO. : 9103926833 Jun. 13 1996 03:03PM P02 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. Cox 1898 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28402.1890 REPLY TO G)ATMNT*NOF May 30, 1996 Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199603247 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 Beach Walk, llncorporated Attn: Mr. Bob Weinbach 1009 N. Lake park Blvd. Carolina Beach, North Carolina 28426 Dear Sir: Please referenas your appltoata.on of April 9, 1996, for Dspartmert of the Army (DA) authorization to dinaharge fill in a total of 6,S &0r:3e Of jurisdictional wetlands located above the headwaters of an unnamed tributary to the Cape Fear River, on your property known as "Beach Walk at Kure Beach ", located north, of K Avenue and west of 4th Avenue, In Kure Beach, New Hanover county, worth Carolina. Your application submittal included a proposal to mitigate for wetland impacts caused by your development through the purchase and protection of an approximately 30 acre tract containing wetlands associated with Telfair Creek, a tributary to the Cape gear Vivar, Aaar Wilmington, North Carolina. After review of your proposal and pursuant to 33 CPA 330.4 ( ®)(3), we have determined that your project is autrhorirad by Nationwide Permit No. 26 provided all conditions associated with this authorization and the following special aax�ditioand are Mott 1, No work in wetlands may begin until a mitigation plan for your project has been approved by the Corps of Engineers. At the minimum, your mitigation plan should include the following: a. an accurate survey of the mitigation site property boundarlea, b. a delineation map of the wetlands on the property, C. a general description of the natural communities and any significant resources identified on the property, d. a general description, including location, of any ma» -made structures, existing on the mitigation site, e. a description of any enhan omant, or restor4tion measures to be accomplished on the mitigation situ, and f. a legally binding means of perpetually preserving the mitigation site in its natural state. 2. A Section 401 water qumllty Omrtificatian Must bo obtained from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Contact Mr. John Aorney, telephone (919) 733 -1786 for this certification. ,FROM : CHARLIE HOLLIS REGULATORY CONS PHONE NO. : 9193926833 Jun. 13 1996 03:03PM P03 3. A aonaiate +troy determination must be obtained from the North Carolina pi.vioi*n of Coastal Management (NCDCM). Contaot Mr. Steve Benton, telephone (919) 733 -2293 for this consistency determination. Fox the guxposas Of the Corps of angineersr Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CYR), part 330.4, published in the Federal Register on November 32, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean water ACt, was provided by Nationwide Permit No. 26 for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approvals. This verification will be valid until the nationwide permit is modified, reissued or revoked, which will occur prior to January 21, 1997. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide permits, which will be announced by public notice when they occur. If you commence, or are under contract to commence, this activity before the date the nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve months from the date of the modification or revocation, to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. Questions or comments may be addressed to Matthew Flint, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory 14xanoh, telephone (910) 251-4466_ Sincerely, PILE NAMRtO107- one.al CESAW -00 - RL /FLXNT /rs /a MAIL MSAW -CO -R /FILE ` Matthew Flint Regulatory opecialist Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure). Mr. Steve Benton Mr. Bob Stroud, District Manager North Carolina Department of Wilmington Regional Office Environment, Health and North Carolina Division of Natural. RenourceS Coastal Management post office Box -21687 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Raleigh, North CAroli.nA 27611 -7697 Wilmington, North Carolina 26405 »3845 Mr. John Dorney r. Charlie Hollis Division of Environmental Management egulatory Consultant North Carolina Department of 138 Green Forest Drive Environment, Health and Wilmington, North Carolina 26409 Natural Resourcas 4401 Ready Creak Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 2 ✓FROM : CHARLIE HOLLIS REOLLATORY CONS PHONE NO. : 9103926833 Y CHAXWE HOLLIS KBOULATORY CONSULTANT - 138 Creep Forest Drive: Wilmington, NC 28409 9101392 -6833 (Phone /rAX) FAX Message Tos i"~ /E <-ft –o — 11.11 MYA..T..n�1�YiYl YY Jun. 13 1996 03 :02PM P01 Date: G// 3 let G Ir �� sub jeett Oft W Uc. Civo-V Number of pages including this page;. ..� Comments; r5 Ci.s C�.1 SCvS.� ck-a—��. W- ti c.� eaGN\ wee SEE fi A Nu OD 7 1-� 6 0 z Q 0. (k , M 0 42 "42 3 MATCH #,MEET NO; U w 0 0 <0 U 01 U. 0 uj --Mau Q O ;7 w Z AnLAJRw Jr cc w Z 0 0 Z LAM 1w -No 0 U P0 u 1 T cc W u z )IF _ > 0 Z I.- z Z 0 D I. 4 0 C-) z rw - .4140, 4W 01 4z V� 0 J. • 7� ay 4, AF j Now mosow.. -4, sW W_V� - 7W` 'WPM 7w, J*1 v 44: Z iz iz _**5 fi VIP 04 • 'D z SEE fi A Nu 0190 OD 7 1-� 6 0 z Q 0. (k , 0190 LL UJ 0 Z t�'`�J Awl M MAP PRE-PARED EY M4P PREPAR':D FOR P_ MAPPING Ll-.GEND 0 DArES a SCALES INDEX Tn A"Arlilt-ir— ca 3wm" MEET NO: -Z5�_ TIT' ES CLT NEW HANOVER STATE & COLINTY LINE L)iITRIC-. —SD— AREA 1•. S (COIC-ulak d) I 01TE OF MtP: 13 / 75 BALANCED COUNTY TOWNSHIP LINE TV PAYER I.D. BLOCK LINE FEAT 16.5 GOVERNMENTAL NORTH CARCI-INA 1` JFrcm Decd) R E A L 131R.-PU P E n Rio 71(11111wiim� I WAIP ISERviCES &TA ;,1uNIC',-,L LINE wononswom TAA PALER 1.01 B►C'K NUMBER 44.94.1 L DMICN31101111 N FEET {Sc- 1) 66 is) DATE lAP l*EV1St0N- D. OARCEL 14LIW3E'( 001 _&E N' -H�,VAY 06 HIGHWAY,ROAD a STREET R/W T.X PAYER fTERS at DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: 41 13- 01. 02 07 1 — 06 Tex R&, `)AD R/W A Mapping Division PeF10A0qE,0 X'cw CE161E TERY, CHURCH. SCHUCL,E TC. BY %AME UNII L&O ST*; 141, iwAy 4F to 4a 101 *111 .21 -- 09 11D Ll 1 12 DERAL POINT PROPERLY LINE N 46 .00 we D'NAR() OF CCPuNTY UF'Ql,'Al UVT LINE NORTm CAF(OLINA HIGHWAY P5 411 40' 0 A)J EET 13 1♦ Is C'I'-E LAYER C11110MISS REALTY SLOCK *4oMS,-:R N=W, ;4APOVFR COUN-FY HiGHWAV - _;�_w " .TRUM8LF CO iONERS UTILITY EASEMENT R/W --N4ME--- ORIGINAL 9 + A^ "oriCan Appraisal Asset,.*-- Co. zc,�/ i F_� 04 55'.5 Sol•m Ave. Dayton,ohl• 454u• Wilmington, North Carolina 2940t LAXEvPOND,R!VER % STPcAM ra 75 NEW HANOVER COUNTY9 NORTH CAROLINA.1 OP1134N41- REALTY I-OT NUMBER (0/) TOWNSHIP ROAD.ETC BY NAME SCALE; 40' op as 04 _j ILANU L40OK 1AREA N ACRES (From Deed) 1C. --Rtt:TAVENUE,ET-1. dY cawei PL oe; ENGR^r DAYTON OHIO 4400 D.M. MAP NUMBER 8g' 7 to 0 0 V_ 0. 0 M 0 U w 0 0 <0 U In Q. U. 0 uj i Q LL UJ 0 Z t�'`�J Awl M MAP PRE-PARED EY M4P PREPAR':D FOR P_ MAPPING Ll-.GEND 0 DArES a SCALES INDEX Tn A"Arlilt-ir— ca 3wm" MEET NO: -Z5�_ TIT' ES CLT NEW HANOVER STATE & COLINTY LINE L)iITRIC-. —SD— AREA 1•. S (COIC-ulak d) I 01TE OF MtP: 13 / 75 BALANCED COUNTY TOWNSHIP LINE TV PAYER I.D. BLOCK LINE FEAT 16.5 GOVERNMENTAL NORTH CARCI-INA 1` JFrcm Decd) R E A L 131R.-PU P E n Rio 71(11111wiim� I WAIP ISERviCES &TA ;,1uNIC',-,L LINE wononswom TAA PALER 1.01 B►C'K NUMBER 44.94.1 L DMICN31101111 N FEET {Sc- 1) 66 is) DATE lAP l*EV1St0N- D. OARCEL 14LIW3E'( 001 _&E N' -H�,VAY 06 HIGHWAY,ROAD a STREET R/W T.X PAYER fTERS at DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: 41 13- 01. 02 07 1 — 06 Tex R&, `)AD R/W A Mapping Division PeF10A0qE,0 X'cw CE161E TERY, CHURCH. SCHUCL,E TC. BY %AME UNII L&O ST*; 141, iwAy 4F to 4a 101 *111 .21 -- 09 11D Ll 1 12 DERAL POINT PROPERLY LINE N 46 .00 we D'NAR() OF CCPuNTY UF'Ql,'Al UVT LINE NORTm CAF(OLINA HIGHWAY P5 411 40' 0 A)J EET 13 1♦ Is C'I'-E LAYER C11110MISS REALTY SLOCK *4oMS,-:R N=W, ;4APOVFR COUN-FY HiGHWAV - _;�_w " .TRUM8LF CO iONERS UTILITY EASEMENT R/W --N4ME--- ORIGINAL 9 + A^ "oriCan Appraisal Asset,.*-- Co. zc,�/ i F_� 04 55'.5 Sol•m Ave. Dayton,ohl• 454u• Wilmington, North Carolina 2940t LAXEvPOND,R!VER % STPcAM ra 75 NEW HANOVER COUNTY9 NORTH CAROLINA.1 OP1134N41- REALTY I-OT NUMBER (0/) TOWNSHIP ROAD.ETC BY NAME SCALE; 40' op as 04 _j ILANU L40OK 1AREA N ACRES (From Deed) 1C. --Rtt:TAVENUE,ET-1. dY cawei PL oe; ENGR^r DAYTON OHIO 4400 D.M. MAP NUMBER 8g' 0. Z M 0 U LL Z O w Z m� 9 >: cc w Z 0 0 Z N 00 -No 0 U P0 u T cc W u z )IF _ > 0 Z I.- z Z 0 D I. 0 C-) z LL UJ 0 Z t�'`�J Awl M MAP PRE-PARED EY M4P PREPAR':D FOR P_ MAPPING Ll-.GEND 0 DArES a SCALES INDEX Tn A"Arlilt-ir— ca 3wm" MEET NO: -Z5�_ TIT' ES CLT NEW HANOVER STATE & COLINTY LINE L)iITRIC-. —SD— AREA 1•. S (COIC-ulak d) I 01TE OF MtP: 13 / 75 BALANCED COUNTY TOWNSHIP LINE TV PAYER I.D. BLOCK LINE FEAT 16.5 GOVERNMENTAL NORTH CARCI-INA 1` JFrcm Decd) R E A L 131R.-PU P E n Rio 71(11111wiim� I WAIP ISERviCES &TA ;,1uNIC',-,L LINE wononswom TAA PALER 1.01 B►C'K NUMBER 44.94.1 L DMICN31101111 N FEET {Sc- 1) 66 is) DATE lAP l*EV1St0N- D. OARCEL 14LIW3E'( 001 _&E N' -H�,VAY 06 HIGHWAY,ROAD a STREET R/W T.X PAYER fTERS at DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: 41 13- 01. 02 07 1 — 06 Tex R&, `)AD R/W A Mapping Division PeF10A0qE,0 X'cw CE161E TERY, CHURCH. SCHUCL,E TC. BY %AME UNII L&O ST*; 141, iwAy 4F to 4a 101 *111 .21 -- 09 11D Ll 1 12 DERAL POINT PROPERLY LINE N 46 .00 we D'NAR() OF CCPuNTY UF'Ql,'Al UVT LINE NORTm CAF(OLINA HIGHWAY P5 411 40' 0 A)J EET 13 1♦ Is C'I'-E LAYER C11110MISS REALTY SLOCK *4oMS,-:R N=W, ;4APOVFR COUN-FY HiGHWAV - _;�_w " .TRUM8LF CO iONERS UTILITY EASEMENT R/W --N4ME--- ORIGINAL 9 + A^ "oriCan Appraisal Asset,.*-- Co. zc,�/ i F_� 04 55'.5 Sol•m Ave. Dayton,ohl• 454u• Wilmington, North Carolina 2940t LAXEvPOND,R!VER % STPcAM ra 75 NEW HANOVER COUNTY9 NORTH CAROLINA.1 OP1134N41- REALTY I-OT NUMBER (0/) TOWNSHIP ROAD.ETC BY NAME SCALE; 40' op as 04 _j ILANU L40OK 1AREA N ACRES (From Deed) 1C. --Rtt:TAVENUE,ET-1. dY cawei PL oe; ENGR^r DAYTON OHIO 4400 D.M. MAP NUMBER 8g' IRTHOPHOTO MAP SECTION C x. cl 0 I cl 0 I