HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150503 Ver 1_Other Documents_20150514 (157)PROGRAMMATIC CATE G�RICAL EXCLUSION APPRUVAL � C��(��MC +�► �-� � i 14iAY 1 � 2015 I' � _.__.i D�t`:, � R�SOI!�<C�S �,p1 ' _Ur F�!2 PERP,ii�IN.^, RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC APR 1 7 2015 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM For use by a Local Government Agency TIP Project No. U-5534B WBS Element 44096 & 43819 Federal Project No. STPDA-0332(44) A. Project Description: The City of Wilmington proposes a public walkway underneath the Heide Trask (Wrightsville Beach) Drawbridge which will serve as the northern terminus (Phase IIIB) of the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail in Wilmington, New Hanover County. The Gary Shell Cross-City Trail will be approximately 15 miles long upon completion, providing bicycle and pedestrian access to numerous recreational, cultural, and educational destinations in Wilmington. Phase II� consists of a public walkway undemeath the Heide Trask Drawbridge to provide a designated crossing for cyclists and pedestrians across US 74-76 (Wrightsville Avenue) on the mainland side of the drawbridge in Wilmington. It begins in the northeast quadrant of the Wrightsville Avenue/Airlie Road intersection near the terminus of Phase IIIB of the Trail (currently in design). It ends in the southeast quadrant of the same intersection, approximately 450 linear feet from the Bridge Tender Marina parking lot. The project location is shown in Figure 1. This project is listed as U-5534B in the current 2012-2018 NCDOT State Tran�portatiorz Improvement Progr^am (STIP) (October 2014), and construction is anticipated to begin in early 2015. The proposed wallcway will be comprised of a timber bridge with composite decking and timber handrails. Under the existing drawbridge, the walkway will have an 8-foot clear distance (width between the rails). The wallcway begins in the northeast quadrant of the Wrightsville Avenue/Airlie Road intersection near the termi.nus of Phase IIIB of the Trail (currently in design). It ends in the southeast quadrant of the same intersection, near the Bridge Tender Marina parking lot. Figure 2 shows the design and Figure 3 shows a 3D rendering of the proposed walkway. This project will be built within existing NCDOT right of way. The estimated construction cost for the proposed project is $563,100. B. Purpose and Need: The purpose of the proposed project is to provide a safe crossing for cyclists and pedestrians across US 74 (Wrightsville Avenue). The wallcway also is part of the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail, which is a key piece of the City of Wilmington's TraiLs and Greenways System. Its construction will help address a need for alternative transportation in the City that is safer and more convenient for citizens. PCE-100L 1 November 2014 . NCDOT PROG�TIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCEI ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM � The Wilmington City Council approved the development of the Cross-City Trail in June 2008 as a project that will: • Provide a safe built environment that encourages healthy, active lifestyles; • Help to clear roadway congestion and pollution by providing a safe route for alternative transportation; • Impact economic viability through increased tourism, jobs, and property values; and • Improve quality of life by increasing opporhuiities for recreation, experiencing a sense of community, and connecting with nature. The Cross-City Trail is shown as a Planned Bicycle Route in the Bicycle Element of the 2030 Wilmington MPO Long-Range Ti•ansportation Plan. C. Proposed Improvements — Select ALL Activities that apply to the Project, regardless of TYPE Circle one or more of the following Type I activities: l. Non-construction activities (program activities). 2. Approval of utility installations along or across a transportation facility. O3. Construction of bicvcle and pedestrian ]anes, paths, and facilities. 4. Activities included in the State's "highway safety plan" under 23 USC 402 (programs administered by the Division of Motor Vehicles). 5. Transfer of Federal lands pursuant to 23 USC 317 when the subsequent action is not a FHWA action. 6. The installation of noise barriers or alterations to existing publicly owned buildings to provide for noise reduction. 7. Landscaping. 8. Installation of fencing, signs, pavement markings, small passenger shelters, traffic signals, and railroad warning devices. 9. Emergency repavrs under 23 USC 125 (Governor Declared Emergency). 10. Acquisition of scenic easements. 11. Determination of paybacic under 23 CFR Part 480 for property previously acquired with federal-aid participation. 12. Improvements to e�cisting rest areas and truck weigh stations. PcE-iooL 2 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 13. Ridesharing activities. 14. Bus and Rail car rehabilitatiou. 15. Alterations to facilities or vehicles in order to malce them accessible for elderly and handicapped persons. 16. Program administration, technical assistance activities, and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue e�sting service or increase service to meet changes in routine demand. 17. The purchase of vehicles by the applicant where the use of these vehicles can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities which themselves are withiu a CE. 18. Track and rail bed maintenance and improvements when carried out within the existing right of way. 19. Purchase and installation of operating or maintenance equipment to be located within the transit facility and with no significant impacts off the site. 20. Promulgation of rules, regulations and directives. 21. Replacement of guardrail. Circle one or more of the following Type II activities: 1. Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (e.g., parking, weaving, turning, climbing). a. Restoring, Resurfacing, Rehabilitating, and Reconstructing pavement (3R and 4R improvements) b. Widening roadway and shoulders without adding through lanes c. Modemizing gore treatments d. Constructing lane improvements (merge, auxiliaxy, and turn lanes) e. Adding shoulder drains f. Replacing and rehabilitating culverts, inlets, and drainage pipes, including safety treatments g. Providing driveway pipes h. Performing minor bridge widening (less than one through lane) i. Slide Stabilization j. Structural BMP's for water quality improvement PCE-100L 3 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 2. Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects including the installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting. a. Installing ramp metering devices b. Installing lights c. Adding or upgrading guardrail d. Installing safety barriers including Jersey type barriers and pier protection e. Installing or replacing impact attenuators f. Upgrading medians including adding or upgrading median barriers g. Improving intersections including relocation andlor realignment h. Making minor roadway realignment i. Channelizing traffic j. Performing clear zone safety improvements including removing hazards and flattening slopes k. Implementing traffic aid systems, signals, and motorist aid 1. Installing bridge safety hardware including bridge rail retrofit 3. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings. a. Rehabilitating, reconstructing, or replaciug bridge approach slabs b. Rehabilitating or replacing bridge decks c. Rehabilitating bridges including painting (no red lead paint), scour repair, fender systems, and minor structural improvements d. Replacing a bridge (structure and/or fill) 4. Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities. Construction of new truck weigh stations or rest areas. 6. Approvals for disposal of excess right-of-way or for joint or limited use of right-of-way, where ihe proposed use does not have significant adverse impacts. 7. Approvals for changes in access control. Construction of new bus storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such constnzction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and located on or near a street with adequate capacity to handle anticipated bus and support vehicle traffic. 9. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of e7cistiug rail and bus buildings and a.ncillary facilities where only minor amounts of additional land are required and there is not a substantial increase in the number of users. PCE-100L 4 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 10. Construction of bus transfer facilities (an open area consisting of passenger shelters, boarding areas, kiosks and related street improvements) when located in a commercial area or other high activity center in which there is adequate street capacity for projected bus traffic. 11. Construction of rail storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transp�rtation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and where there is no significant noise impact on the surrounding community. 12. Acquisition of land for bardship or protective purposes, advance land acquisition Ioans under section 3(b) of the UMT Act. Hardship and protective buying will be permitted only for a particular parcel or a limited number of parcels. These types of land acquisition qualify for a CE only where the acquisition will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in alignment for planned construction projects, which may be required in the NEPA process. No project development on such land nnay proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. 13. Acquisition and construction of wetland, stream and endangered species mitigation sites. 14. Remedial activities involving the removal, treatment or monitoring of soil or groundwater contamination pursuant to state or federal remediation guidelines. D. �ecial Project Information: Impact to E�sting Resources. A natural resources investigation was conducted in the project study area on September 11, 2013. Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Areas of Environmental Concem (AECs) occurring within the study area include the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICV� which is designated as a Public Trust Water. AECs include all lands within 75 feet of the normal high water level (NWL) of the waterway. In addition, coastal wetlands are also iucluded as CAMA regulated AECs. A detailed delineation of the normal high water mark (NHV� of the ICW and wetlands within the project study area was conducted on November 11, 2013. The NHW mark alo��g the ICW denotes the Iimits of tidally influenced open water in the study area that is subject to USACE and NCDCM jurisdiction. Two tidal salt marsh wetlands are located within the open water area of tha study area, totaling 0.43 acres, which also are regulated by the USACE and NCDCM. The site was field reviewed by NCDCM staff on November 11, 2013 to verify the normal high water line and coastal wetland areas. Natural resources within the project area, including the coastal wetlands and the NHW lvne, are shown on Figure 4. PCE-100L 5 November 2014 NCDOT PROGR.AMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION �PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Based on coordination with the USACE and NCDCM, while the project will be constructed adjacent to and partially above sensitive environmental features such as tidal salt marsh and open water habitats, the proposed project is not anticipated to have any substantial impact on any unique or important natural resources. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (LJSFWS) website (updated January 24, 2014) lists 12 federally protected (threatened or endangered) species known to occur in New Hanover County. A biological conclusion of "No Effect" was determined for each species. The "No Effect" call is the result of lack of suitable habitat or the little to no unpact of what marginal habitat is there. In addition to the twelve listed species, the northern long-eared bat and the red lcnot are proposed for listing. Scientific Name Alligator mississippiensis Acipeiaser ozyrnichus Thalictrum cooleyi Carex lutea Chelonia mydas Caretta car•etta Myotis septenirionalis Common Name American alligator Atlantic siurgeon Cooley's meadowrue Golden sedge Green sea turtle Loggerhead sea turtle Northern long-eazed bat Federal I Iiabitat I Biological Statas Present Conclusion T (S/A) Yes E Yes E No E No T Yes T Yes P Yes No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Not Charadrius melodus Piping plover T No No Effect Picoides borealis Red-cockaded E No No Effect wood ecker Calidris ca�zutus rufa Red knot P No Not D o...,, re.7 Lysimachia asperulaefoJia Rough-leaved loosestrife E No No Effect .Rnraranthus pumilus Seabeach amaranth T NO NO Ef%Ct Acipertser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon E Yes No Effect Trichechus manafus West Indian manatee E Yes No Effect E— Endangered, T— Threatened, P— Proposed, T(S/A) — Threatened due to similarity of appearance The Bald eagle was removed from the Endangered Species List on August 8, 2007. It is, however, protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. There is nesting and foraging habitat within the study area. Surveys performed on September 12, 2013 found no nests within the project study area. A review of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database, updated July 2014, indicated no occurrences of bald eagles within one mile of the project study area. The project area is disturbed, and while the proposed alignment does extend over the NHW line into the ICW, the aquatic area is Ueneath an existing PCE-100L 6 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM NCDOT drawbridge, and adjacent to an active marina and navigational channel with heavy boat traffic (ICW}. In the scoping response letter from USFWS (October 21, 2013, attached), the Service noted that this project is anticipated to have miuimal impact on fsh and wildlife resources. The proposed wallcway is adjacent to the Wrightsville Recreational Area, a stream on the 2012 Section 303(d) list for impaired use for aquatic life due to loss of use. According to the scoping response letter from NCDENR Division of Water Resources (October 28, 2013, attached), the agency is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. NCDWR requests that road design plans provide treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices. This project includes development within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The scoping response letter from the NC Department of Public Safety (October 29, 2013) noted that any development within the SFHA will require a floodplain development permit from the municipality having jurisdiction; this project is primarily within New Hanover County and the project owner is the City of Wilmington. They also stated that all structures, elements, and utilities should be protected to the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation in accordance with the local ordinance and 44 CFR 60.3. The DENR Wilmington Regional Office noted in their scoping response letter (attached) that an underground storage tank (UST) is located adjacent to the project at 1418 Airlie Road (the Bridge Tender Marina, at the southern end of the proposed wallcway). The Bridge Tender Marina property is labeled "high risk" because of the contaminant plume tl�at was discovered in Apri12007. The adjacent NCDOT property in the southwest quadrant of the bridge also is considered high risk because it is in the path of the contaminant plume, and because it is within 250' of the observed incident. The assessment and cleanup phase is underway. The source of the contaminant is a well that is out of use; contaminate levels are very low, and NCDENR plans to abandon the site, but it cannot be properly abandoned Uecause a generator or transformer has been installed on top of the well site. NCDENR staff stated during conversations that no impact to the UST is anticipated since the proposed wallcway does not cross over the well. In a letter dated November 4, 2013 (attached), the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) stated tbat the Heide Trask Memorial Bridge was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 2005 under Criterion C for engineering. At a meeting on April 14, 2014, SHPO determined that there would be no effect on historic resources (the concurrence form is in the appendix). T�i the November 2013 letter, HPO also stated that there are no recorded archaeological sites within the project area, and an archaeological survey is not recommended. PCE-100L 7 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCEI ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Permits. Encroachments into the NHW of the ICW and AEC areas will require authorization from the USACE under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. It is anticipated that a USACE Regional General Permit (GP) 56 (Piers, Docks, and Boathouses) will be prepared. GP 56 can authorize activities under both Section 10 and Section 404. Under GP 56, special conditions i.nclude two requirements. • Special Condition (d) says "The width of any pier will not exceed su� feet, unless the Corps determines, in writing, that a greater width is necessary for safe use, to improve public access, or to support a water dependent use that cannot othervvise occur." USACE and NCDCM have agreed to allow a wider path (7.5 feei) in the interest of safety and public use. • Special Condition (h) says "Docks and piers extending over wetlands will be elevated sufficiently (minimum of three feet above the wetland substrate to prevent total shading of vegetation, substrate, or other elements of the aquatic environment." The project also will require a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and a CAMA Major Development Permit from the NC Division of Coastal Management. Because erosion control and a CAMA Major Permit are required, a State Stormwater Permit also is required. Tlus project may require a Consent Agreement from USACE and may require a USCG bridges permit. Public Involvement. A public meeting was held on October 8, 2013 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrews on the Sound Church in Wilmington. Twenty-two people attended, and comments were received from nine people. The proposed design was shown. There were no major objections raised to the proposed project, and comments were generally in favor of building the project for bicycle/pedestrian safety reasons. Scoping Responses. Scoping letter responses from the US Ai7ny Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, NCDENR (Division of Water Resources and Division of Coastal Management), NC Wildlife Resources Commission, State Historic Preservation Office, and NC Department of Public Safety are attached. PCE-100L 8 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM E. Threshold Criteria ECOLOGICAL (1) Will the project have a substantial impact on any unique or important natural resource? �2) �Q. Does the project involve habitat where federally listed endangered or threaeened species may occur? Will the project affect anadromous fish? (4) If the project involves wetlands, is the amount of permanent and/or temporary wetland taking less than one-tenth (1/10) of an acre and have all practicable measures to avoid and minimize wetland takings been evaluated? (5) i� ��) ��� (9) YES ❑ � ❑ X Will the project require the use of U. S. Forest Service lands? ❑ Will the quality of adjacent water resources be adversely ❑ impacted by proposed construcrion activities? Does the project involve waters classified as Outstanding Water ❑ Resources (OWR) and/or High Quality Waters (HQV�? Will the project require fill in waters of the United States ❑ in any of the designated mountain trout counties? Does the project involve any known underground storage ❑ tanks (UST's) or hazardous materials sites? PERMITS AND COORDINATION (10) If the project is located within a CAMA county, will the project significantly affect the coastal zone and/or any "Area of Environmental Concern" (AEC)? (11) Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act resources? (12) Will a U. S. Coast Gua.rd permit be required? YES ❑ ❑ ❑ NO 11 X ❑ X X X X X NO X X X PCE-100L 9 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM (13) Will the project result in the modification of any existing regulatory floodway? (14) Will the project require any stream relocations or channel changes? SOCIAL ECONOMIC. AND CULTURAL RESOURCES (15} Will the project induce substantial impacts to planned growth or land use for the area? (16) Will the project require the relocation of any family or business? (17) Will the project have a disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effect on any minority or low-income population? (18) If the project involves the acquisition of right of way, is the amount of right of way acquisition considered mi.uor? (19) Will the project involve any changes in access control? (20) Will the project substantially alter the usefulness andlor land use of adjacent property? (21) Will the project have an adverse effect on pernnanent local traffic patterns or community cohesiveness? (22) Is the project included in an approved thoroughfare plan andlor Transportation Improvement Program (and is, therefore, in conformance with the Clean Air Act of 1990)? (23) Is the project anticipated to cause an increase in traffic volumes? (24) Will traffic be maintained during construction using existing roads, staged construction, or on-site detours? YES NO ❑ X ❑ X YES NO ❑ X ❑ X ❑ X ❑ ❑ � X ❑ X X ❑ X � X �. X ❑ (25) If the project is a bridge replacement project, will the bridge be replaced at its e�sting location (along the existing facility) and will all construction proposed in association with the ❑ bridge replaceinent project be contained on the existing facility? N/A PCE-100L 10 November 2014 � (26) �2�) NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLAS SIFICATION FORM Is there substantial controversy on social, economic, or environmental grounds concerning the project? Is the project consistent with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to the environmental aspects of the project? YES NO ❑ X X ❑ (28) Will the project have an "effect" on shuctures/properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places? (29) Will the project affect any archaeological remains which are ❑ important to history or pre-history? (30) Will the project require the use of Section 4( fl resources (public parks, recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, historic sites, or historic bridges, as defined in Section 4(� ❑ of the U. S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966)? (31) Will the project result in any conversion of assisted public recreation sites or facilities to non-recreation uses, as defined by Section 6( fl of the Land and Water Conservation Act ❑ of 1965, as amended? (32) Will the project involve construction in, across, or adjacent to a river designated as a component of or proposed for ❑ inclusion in the National System of Wild and Scenic Rivers? F. Additional Documentation Required for Unfavorable Responses in Part E Item 2—(Federally Listed Endangered or Threatened Habitat). � X X X � Of the 12 federally protected {threatened or endangered) species lrnown to occur in New Hanover County, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database identified four that have been known to occur within one mile of the project: Atlantic sturgeon — Water depths within the project area can fluctuate, so marginally suitable habitat for Atlantic sturgeon is present within the project area in the open water areas of the project. However, due to the low water levels typically present within the project area, and due to the minimal impact to the aquatic environment from the proposed project, the biological conclusion is "No Effect." Northern long-eared bat — Suitable winter hibernacula is not present within the study area, however suitable sununer roosting habit is lilcely present throughout PCE-100L 11 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATTC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLAS SIFICATION FORM the corridor. Since the species is not currently protected, pedestrian surveys for suitable roosting habitat are not required, however Kimley-Horn staff did review the project corridor in mid-August and early September and no bats were observed. Additionally, a review of the NCNHP database, updated July 2014, indicated no known occurrences of northern long-eared bat within the study area or within 1.0 mile of the study area. Due to the potential for suitable sumvler roosting habitat, but lack of known occurrences, a biological conclusion is Not Required due to Proposed Status. American alligator — Suitable habitat for American alligator is present within the study area in the open water and salt marsh areas of the project area, however due to the typically shallow water and the heavy boat traffic along the ICW, it is unlikely that Arnerican alligator is found within the project area. Additionally, a review of NHP records (updated July 2014) indicates no lcnown occurrences of American alligator within the project area or within 1.0 mile. Due to the lack of known occurrences and the minimal impact anticipated to the aquatic impacts within the project area, it has beeu determined that the proposed project will have no effect on this species. It should be noted that since American alligator is listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance, Section 7 consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service is not required. A biological conclusion is Not Required due to its status as Threatened Due to Similarity of Appearance (TS/A). West Indian inanatee — West Indian mauatee has been recorded in all open water habitats throughout the county. However, the West Indian manatee utilizes freshwater and marine habitats with depths of 5 to 20 feet. The water depths in the vicinity of the proposed project range from 0 to 2 feet, depths too shallow to provide habitat for the manatee. In addition, precautionary measures for construction activities in North Carolina waters used by the manatee have been outlined by the Ra.leigh Field Office of the USFWS. If the Guidelines for Avoiding Impacts to the West bzdian Manatee (USFWS, 2003) are implemented by the contractor during construction, the biological conclusion is "No Effect." G. PCE A�raval TIP Project No. U-5534B WBS Element 44096 Federal-Aid Project No. STPDA-0332(44) Project Description: The City of Wilmington proposes a public walkway underneath the Heide Trask (Wrightsville Beach) Drawbridge which will serve as the northern terminus (Phase IIIB) o;f the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail in Wilmington, New Hanover County. The Gary Shell Cross-City Trail will be approximately 15 miles long upon completion, providing bicycle and pedestrian access to numerous recreational, cultural, and educational destinations in Wilmington. PCE-100L 12 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION {PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Phase IIIB consists of a public walkway underneath the Heide Trask Drawbridge to provide a designated crossing for cyclists and pedesirians across US 74-76 (Wrighisville Avenue) on the mainland side of the drawbridge in Wilmington. It begins in the northeast quadrant of the Wrightsville Avenue/Airlie Road intersection near the terminus of Phase IIIB of the Trail (currently in design). It ends in the southeast quadrant of the same intersection, approximately 450 linear feet from the Bridge Tender Marina parking lot. The project location is shown in Figure 1. This project is listed as U-5534B in the current 2012-2018 NCDOT State Transportation bnprovement Program (STIP) (October 2014}, and construction is anticipated to begin in early 2015. The proposed walkway will be comprised of a timber bridge with composite decking and timber handrails. Under the existing drawbridge, the walkway will have an 8-foot clear distance (width between the rails). The wallcway begins in the northeast quadrant of the Wrightsville Avenue/Airlie Road intersection near t1�e terminus of Phase IIIB of the Trail (currently in design). It ends in the southeast quadrant of the same intersection, near the Bridge Tender Marina parking lot. Figure 2 shows the design and Figure 3 shows a 3D rendering of the proposed walkway. This project will be built within existing NCDOT right of way. The estimated construction cost for the proposed project is $563,100. PCE-100L 13 November 2014 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSTON (PCE1 ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Cate�orical Exclusion Action Classification: (Check one} TYPE I (A) X TYPE I (B) TYPE II(A) TYPE II(B) Prepared Bv: NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX Checked refer to Section E NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX is Checked Jeffrey W. Moore, P.E., License No. 22436 Date Name, Title Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, (919) 677-2175 Company/Agency, Telephone # NOTE: Form needs to be completed by either a Professional Engineer {PE), Biologist, Planner, or AICP Preuared For: City of Wilmington, North Carolina Local Govemment Agency Reviewed: // (p i�/ Date � roject Dev. Unit ] NCDOT - PDEA / Division Representative / NCDOT Division NOTE: NCDOT Review may occur at either PDEA or the Division Office. Mark through non-applicable position. Approved: For Type I(B) or II(B) projects only: ,--� / f�1 ' �� �- �� f-�-� C� Date �Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration PCE-100L 14 November 2014 �—` ew F'lanover County "�"'y'f' % Project Area (inset map) J �' �� City of Wilmington Brunswick County � � Atlantic Ocean LEGEND Figure 1 Q Project StudyArea `�=._;i;:',- Wetlands New Hanover County Vicinity Map Parcels TIP Project U-5534B [_� Wilmington 0 Wrightsville Beach City of Wilmington, North Carolina .. ,�'�: . � % ir � •a � �':, •; ,,s�►. • � � � j � . . �, � . `�� . '�'�' ' , � •• �V 1 ' -M-,� � � ��. � ' ' , .. •- Crass �i:y Tra,l. 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' y �� F , .,,� s r� :; � :GEND Figure Proposed Concrete Sidewalk o 50 10o Design M� Feet TIP Project U-553� � Proposed Boardwalk City of Wilmington, North Caroli � ; � .' a `� +*,. x. .� . . , ��, � � ,� �` � ,�":, � �� �G�IA��T- .� _ —.. - T� "/�� - ' , _ �: _ J�-� i`= : .- `�i-�„'_�--- _ � -, •�: � �'-�, �' � � � , :� , � R i , , � •� .. ; .�. . � � ;� � .� � � ; � � .., � �� �i � k f � �� . �'�'� ��...�{�:, . � , , ; � gt � ��} � ,��r y�,}i�!"�r.:.s+���-aY �4 � � �. � — _ _ - � ��-L � -R �- , _ __ _ - ' � fl'� � . - ., ��,•' _ - . . 1 _ l J � _ , •;���.�'.t��� � a � - � ,x,.� .�. - � — ,, ' � S �t :� -_ tw ~ � � = �. I ,'� �►� �� i�_ '�� i� • .s+- �,}�' p..� � l ��� I - �d� � i`� �� '�_ � �'. = � � r . 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SAW-2013-2041; U-5534B New Hanover County Mr. Jeff Moore, PE Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 33068 Raleigh, NC 27636 Dear Mr. Moore: Reference is made to your letter of October 15, 2013, regarding the project initiation for Phase IIIB of the Cross-City Trail Greenway, a portion of a 15 mile trail crossing the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County. Phase IIIB (U-5534B) specifically addresses a public walkway/pier under the Heide Trask Drawbridge (crossing the Intracoastal Waterway} to provide safe passage across Hwy 74/76 to the southwest in Wrightsville Beach. 'The letter requested information regarding potential environmental impacts and any permits or approvals that may be required by the Corps. We have reviewed the subject proposal and based upon a review of the information provided and available maps, the construction of Phase IIIB is likely to cross jurisdictional features within the study corridor. There appears to be jurisdictional areas that come under the regulatory authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act. Any discharge of excavated or fill nnaterial into waters of the United States and/or any adjacent wetlands would require Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization. Additionally any work under or over Section 10 waters would likely require a DA pertnit. The type of DA authorization required (i.e., general or individual permit) will be determined by the location, type, and extent of jurisdictional area impacted by the project, and by the project design and construction limits. Until additional data is furnished which details the extent of the construction limits of the proposed project, and an onsite inspection is completed with regard to determinations of the present of jurisdictional waters on the project property, we are unable provide specific comments concerning DA permit requirements or a recommendation of alternatives. To assist you with deternuning pernutting requirements, we recommend that you perform a detailed delineation of the streams and/or wetlands pxesent on the project site. When this information becomes available, ii should be forwarded to our office for review and comment, as well as a determination of DA permit eligibility. Should you have any further questions related to DA peimits for this project, please contact me at 910-251-4611. Sincerely, Brad Shaver Regulatory Project Manager Wilmington Regulatory Field Office cc: (electronic) Mr. Mason Herndon, NCDENR-DWQ Mr. Stephen Lane, NCDENR-DCM Mr. Steve Sollod, NCDENR-DCM Mr. Fritz Rhode, NMFS Ms. Jessi O'Neal Baker, NCDMF Ms. Emily Hughes, USACE-New Hanover Project Manager Ms. Liz Hair, USACE-Project Manager Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, NCDCR (SHPO) Mr. Chris Militscher, USEPA Mr. Ron Lucas, FHWA Mr, Gazy Jordan, USFWS Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Mr. Stonewall Mathis, NCDOT-Division 3 From: Jordan, Gary [mailto:gary_jordan@fws.gov] Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 3:00 PM To: Van Duyn, Meredith Subject: Re: U-5534B (Cross-City Trail Phase IIIB) - Scoping/Start of Study Ms. Van Duyn, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service does not have a.ny concerns or objections to this project. It appears that impacts to fish and wildlife resources will be very minimal. Therefore, we do not have any further comments. Thanlcs for the opportunity to review. Gary Jorda.n Fish and Wildlife Biologist US Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 x.32 Email: _�arx iordan�fws.a� �� � r �"'� ��`'; � NOrth Car0liria I�epartmen� of Administration Pat McCrory, Governor November 21, 20] 3 Mr. Jeff Moore City_of Wilmington c/o Kinlley IIorn & Assoc. Post Off ce Box 33068 Raleigh, Narth Carolina 27636-3068 Bill Daughtridge, Jr., Secretary Re: SCH �ile # 14-E-0000-017G; SCOPIN(�; Proposed �rojec� is for Phase IIIB of tlte Cross Cit,y Trail, a ped�strian walkw�ay �nde� the JE�eide Trask llra�vbriclge to provide a safe crossin� for cyclists and pedestrians across U� 74/'16 on the mainland side of the drawbridge. NCDOT TIP U-5S341� Dear Mr. Moore; The aUove referenced envirottinental impa.ct in.formation has been submitiec3 to the State Clearinghouse under tl�e provisions of d1e Natio.nal Lzlvi�oiunez�ta] Policy Act Attacl�ed to this l.etter are comments made in review of this document. The Department of Cultuial Resuurces has requested addi.tianai infon�iation prior to Cl�eu conc�u-rence with t]ie a.bove referenced document. Therel'ore, pursuant to 1 NCAC 25 .OS�G(c), this office recommends that supplemental docu��nentation �roviding tf�e infoa-r��ation requested by the DeparC��nent of Cul.tura� Resources be submitted to the Cleaxiaigl�ouse for furthar review and commeilt. Sin.cerely, , `�=� Crysta� Best State Environnaent�l Review Clearingl�ouse AttaclZmei�.ts cc: Region U M�riling�irldr'�ss: Tclep/rnue: (919)807-2425 Lucr�tiatAddress: 13U I Maii Scrvice Center Fax (919)733-9571 I 16 West Jones Street Raleigh, NG 276)9-1301 State Courier a�l-U1-00 Ralcieh, North Carolina e-rnni! srcUe. eletu�in,hm�set'�k�oa.nc.,��ov �tn Cyuul Opporlunily/A�r»�alive Artion Gmplover Department of Environment and Natural Resources Project Review Form Project Number: Z4-0176 Connty: New Hanover Due Date: /15/2013 Date Received: 10/25/2013 Project Description: Scopin� - Proposed project is for Phase IIIB of the Cross City Trail, a pedestrian walkway under the Heide Trask Drawbridge to provide a safe � crossing for cyclists and pedestrians across US 74/76 on the mainland sPde of the drawbridge. 1�(�- i�OT Tt.�?!.:1��4�;� NCDOT T!P U-6534B This Project is being reviewed as indicated below: Regionai Oiiice Asheville _ Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh W as6ington �/ Wilmington Winston-Sa1em Manager Sign-Off/Region: Regioaal O�ce Area f Air f DWR- 5wfaceWater _ Aquifer Protection f DEMLR-LQ&SW ,/ UST ✓ DVJR-PublicWater Response (cheek all applicable) In-House Review Air Quality ✓ DCM-Marine Fisheries �/ Parks & Recreation _ Waste Mgmt Water Resources Mgmt ^ Water Supply Section �i/�3/3 � Water Quality ✓ DWR-Transportatioa Unit �" M Herndon Wildlife �/ Wildlife—DOTT. Wilson In-House Reviewer/Agency: 5��/� Sv/%��`�C�r, � No objection to project as proposed. No Comment _ Insu�cient information to complete review O er (specify or attaeh comments) "" •--.�_____ 1�ECEIVED �° If you have any questions, please contact: Lyn Hardison at �n.hardison(a},ncdenr.�ov or (252) 948-3842 0 C T 2 9 2013 943 Washington Regional Office Washington NC 27889 Courier No. 16-Q4-01 l7C:V!-?�::iD CITY ��� ����� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Pat McCrory Braxton C. Davis John E, Skvaria, III Govemor Director Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: Lyn Hardison Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs FROM: Steve Sol[od, DCM Transportation Project Coordinator �5 CC: JeffMoore, Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc. Debbie Wilson, DCM Stephen Rynas, DCM DATE: November 13, 2013 SUBJECT: Scoping Comments U-5534B, Project Initiation Proposed Phase IIIB Cross-City Trail Pedestrian Walkway New Nanover County, NC Project Number: 14-0176 The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCl1� has reviewed the scoping request for the above referenced project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide information relevant to the potential permitting of the proposed project by ouc agency and offer the following comments. The City of Wilmington and the NC Deparfinent of Transportation (NCDOT) are beginning planning and engineering studies for Phase IIIB of the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail in Wilmington, NC. The trail will provide 15 tniles of bicycle and pedestrian access to various recreational, cultural, and educational destinations. Phase IIIB consists of a public "walkway/pier" underneath the Heide Trask (Wrightsville Beach) Drawbridge over the Atlantic Intracoastal VJaterway to provide safe crossing of Wrightsville Avenue (US74/76). Based on the information provided in the scoping letter, it appears that the proposed project will impact Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC). Therefore, the proposed project will require a CAMA Permit. The applicant is encouraged to coordinate with DCM during the planning and design phases to ensure that the project design and construction is in conformance with the rules of the NC Coastal Resources Commission. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (919) 707-9152, or via e-mail at steve.soliod(a�ncdenr.�ov. Thank you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. 1638 Mai! Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Intemet: www.nccoaslalmanagement.net M Equal Opporiunify 1 AfHrmativa Action Emybyer ; � ; � �, , • � - r ' �(- ;,' �' +� � _ .:� . , ` • . �f e I r ''^�.��',� � �,,;..' � ^ �' .ei., ' . �" n�y. �+ 'E ; � • '� ,'.1 F� _. tt�7' F+� '."',. � �!.. . . .w � '. �.A i4'�1RC" �,. Y ... -. � I�ort� �arc���a �iTridTife �es�u��es Co��ssga�. � Gordon Myers, �xec�tive Directar MEMORANDLTlvi TQ: FROM: Lyn Hardison, Environrnental Assis�ce Coordinator Divisian of Environrnenta.i Assistanc: and au�reach, DENR Travis Wi�son, Hig�way Froject Coardinator�`��^j/ Habita.t Consarvation 1'rogram � . � I?ATE: November 14, 2013 �LJ83ECT: Response to the start af study notificatian regardxng �sh and vcrildlife concezns for the proposed ped�strian walkway under the Heide Trask J7rawbridge, ldew i Hanover Caunty,lVort� Carolina, NGDO'�' TIP No, U-5534B, SCH ProJect�io, 14 a176 . � i I This memoranduzxr responds t� a request for our concerns regarding irzzpacts on fisH and wildlife resources resulting frvm the subject project. Biologists on the staff of the N. C. W�ldlife Resources Comm.ission (NCWRC) have r�viewed the proposeci improvem,ents. Our comrnents are pxovided in accordan�e with eertain prQVisions of the National Environznental Policy A�ct {42 U.S,C. 4332�Z)(c)) and the Fish and Wildfife Caardinatian Act (48 Sta�. 401, as am�nded;ltG U.S.C, 661-667d). . � ; At tlus time we do not have any specific concems reIated to this proje�t; however, ��o help faciIitate docurnent preparation and the review process our general iriformational needs ar� autlined below: i � 1. I?escription of fishery and wildlife resources witF�in the project area, includingja Iisting of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special co�4cern species. Potential l�onraw areas ta E�e usad for project canstruction should be inciuded in the inventories. A listing af designated plant species can be � developec� through consultation with: � AIC 1�tatural H�ritage Program Dept, of Bnvironment 8z Natural Resources 16fl1 Mai1 Service Center �talezgh, NC 27699-1601. WWW.ncnhp.or� Mailing Adciress: Division of InIand Fisharies • 1721 Mail Service Center • Rateigh, NC 27699-1721 7Celepbane: {919) 707-Q220 • F�x: {9I9) 707-0028 : U-5534B Page 2 November 14, 2013 ; and, NCDA Plant Canservat�on �rogram P'. Q. Ba�: 27b47 ; Raleigh, N. C, 2�611 ; (919) 733-3610 2. Description of any streams or wetlands affeoted by the project. The need for � channelizing or relocaEing portions of streams crossed and the extent of suc�i activiiies. j 3. Cover ty�e maps showing wetland acreages im�acted by the �roj ect. Wetiand; aareag�s should include all project-rela�ed areas tk�at may undergo h}�dzolog�c change as a result o#' ditching, otber drainage, or filling foz �rajeet eonstructton. Wetland identification may be aecomplished through coordination with the �(1, S. Army Cargs of Er�gi,neers (COE). If the C�E is not cansulted, the pe�san � delineaiutg wetlands should be identified and criteria Iisted. 4. Cover type maps sl�owing acreages of uplatld witdlife �abitat imgacted by tk�e � proposed project. Potential barrow sit�s shoutd t�e included, S. The extent to which the project �rill resu.Ii in loss, degradation, or fra$menta�io�C of wildlife habitat (wetlands or uplands�, 6. Mitigat�on for avoiding, minimizing or compensating for direct and indirect ' degradativn in habitat quality as well as quantitative lasses. ' 7. A cumulative impaet assessm�ent seetion which analyzes the environrnezztal e�'feets of highway constresciion and quantifies the contribuuon of t�is individual groject io euvi�anrnental degradatiozz. ; 8. A discussion of the prabable impacts on natural resourees which will result from secondary development �'aciIitated by the improved road aocess. 9. if canstruct�on of this facility is to be eoordiz�ated with other state, municipal, or private development projects, a descriptian of these �rajacts should be inal�ded in the enviranmental document, and all pxoj�ct sponsors. should be identified. ; � Thank you €ox the oppartunity to provide input in the eariy plat�ning stages far this� project. If we can furtber assist yaur office, piease contact me at (919} 707-0370. ' ������� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary October 28, 20 ] 3 u 1 �lu [�):7:�►`I Illlu I To: JeffMoore, PE, Project Manager, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. From: Mason Herndon, NC Division of Water Resources, Fayetteville Regiona] Office � Subject: Start of Study coinments for Cross-City Trail Phase II1B, proposed pedestrian walkway under the Heidi Trask (Wrightsville Beach) Drawbridge in New Hanover County, NCDOT TIP Project U- 5534B, WBS 44096, Federal Aid Number STPDA-0332(44) Reference your correspondence dated October 15, 2013 in which you requested comments for the referenced project. Preliminary analysis of the project reveals the potential for inultiple impacts to streams and jurisdictional wetlands in the project area. More specifically, impacts to: Stream Name �er g��o Stream Stream Index 303(d) Classification s Number Listin Wri tsville Recreational Area Ca e Fear SB# 18-87-24 Y # Discharges of sewage are prohibited to seg�nents classified SB or SC with a pound sign according to the provisions of 15 NCAC 2B .0203 and 2H .0404(a) in order to protect adjacent shellfishing waters. Further investigations at a higher resolution should be undertaken to verify the presence of other streams and/or jurisdictional wetlands in the area. In the event that any jurisdictional areas are identified, the Division of Water Resources requests that New Hanover County consider the following environmental issues for the proposed project: Project Specific Comments: 1. Wrightsville Recreational Asea are class SB; 303(d) waters of the State. Wrightsville Recreational Area is on the 303(d} list for unpaired use for aquatic life due to loss of use. NCDWR is very concemed with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. NCDWR requests that road design plans provide treatment of the storm water runoff tl�rough best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NCDWR's Stornswater Best Manage»�ent Practices. 2. DWR cannot comment on permit requirements with the limited information provided. Detailed field delineation is required to determine the presence or absence of jurisdictional resources within the project limits. In addition, NCDOT must provide an estunate of impacts to any resources located within the construction limits of the project before we can specifically cominent on DWR permit eligibility. 3. Please be advised that a 401 Water Quality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ensure that water quality standards are met and no wetland or stream uses are lost. Final permit Transportation and Pertnitting Unit One 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Norih Carolina 27699-1617 NorthCarolina Localion: 512 N. Salisbury Sl. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 �aturq«� Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-6488 Intemet: www.ncwateraualitv.orq An Equal Opportuniry 1 A�rmative Action Employer authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the NCDOT and written concurrence from NCDWR. Please be aware that any approval will be contingent on appropriate avoidance and minimization of wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate. General Project Comments: 5. The environmental document should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. If mitigation is necessary as required by ] SA NCAC 2H.0506(h), it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification. 6. Environmental impact statement alternatives shall consider design criteria that reduce the impacts to streams and wetlands from storm water runoff. These alternatives shall include road designs that allow for treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NCDWR's Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, July 2007, such as grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scour holes, retention basins, etc. After the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certificatiov, the NCDOT is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the ma�cimum extent practical. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.OSOb(h)}, mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 1 acre to wetlands. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan shall be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as wetland mitigation. 8. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)}, mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 1501inear feet to any single stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan shall be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program ivay be available for use as stream mitigation. 9. Future documentation, including the 401 Water Quality Certification Application, shall continue to include an itemized listing of the proposed wetland and stream impacts with corresponding mapping. 10. NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. NCDOT shall address these concerns by describing the potential impacts that may occur to the aquatic environments and any mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts. 11. An analysis of cumulative and secondary impacts anticipated as a result of this project is required. The type and detail of analysis shall conforin to the NC Division of Water Resource Policy on the assessment of secondary and cumulative impacts dated April 10, 2004. ] 2. NCDOT is respectfully reminded that all impacts, including but not 1'united to, bridging, fill, excavation and clearing, and rip rap to jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers need to be included in the final impact calculations. These impacts, in addition to any construction impacts, temporary or otherwise, also need to be included as part of the 401 Water Quality Certification Application. 13. Where streams must be crossed, NCDWR prefers bridges be used in lieu of culverfs. However, we realize that economic considerations often require the use of culverts. Please be advised that culverts should be countersunk to allow unimpeded passage by �sh and other aquatic organisms. Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands or streams are impacted, a bridge may prove preferable. When applicable, NCDOT should not install the bridge bents in the creek, to the maxunutn extent practicable. 14. Whenever possible, NCDWR prefers spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream or grubbing of the streambanks and do not require stream channel realigrunent. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges shall allow for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure. Fish passage and navigation by canoeists and boaters shall not be blocked. Bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream when possible. 15. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater shall be directed across the Uridge and pre-treated through sit�appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of NCDWR's .Stormwater Best Management Practices. 16. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands or streams. 17. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practical. Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas will need to be presented in the 401 Water Quality Certification and could precipitate compensatory mitigation. 18. The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the proposed methods for stormwater management. More specifically, stormwater shall not be permitted to discharge directly into streams or surface waters. 19. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. 20. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and elevations. Disturbed areas shall be seeded or mulclled to stabilize the soil and appropriate native woody species shall be planted. When using temporary structures the area shall be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate naturally and minimizes soil disturbance. 21. Unless otherwise authorized, placement of culverts and odier structures in waters and streams shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diaineter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted 'ui a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, please contact NCDWR for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modif'ication will be required. 22. If multiple pipes or barrels are rec{uired, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation, floodplain benches, and/or sills may be required where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediinent deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 23. If foundation test borings are necessary; it shall be noted in the document. Geotechnical work is approved under General 401 Certification Number 3 883/Nationwide Permit No. 6 for Survey Activities. 24. Sediment and erosion control measures suff'icient to protect water resources must be implemented and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Desigu Manual and the most recent version of NCS000250. 25. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. 26. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, NC Coastal Region Evaluation of Wetland Significance (NC-CREWS) inaps and soil survey maps are useful tools, their inherent inaccuracies reyuire that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to permit approval. 27. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. This equipment shall be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 28. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streainbed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized and installed. 29. Riparian vegetation (native trees and shrubs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Riparian vegetation must be reestablished within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. NCDOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mason Herndon at (910) 308-4021 or mason.herndon@ncdenr.gov. ec: Brad Shaver, US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Field Office Stoney Mathis, Division 3 Environmental Officer Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Stephen Lane, NC Coastal Management Steve Sollod , NC Coastal Manageinent Jessi O'Neal Baker, NC Coastal Manageinent Ron Lucas, Federal Highway Administration Chris Militscher, Environmental Protection Agency Gary Jordan, US Fish and Wildlife Service Jim Gregson, NCDWR, Wilmington Regional Office Jackie Roddy, NCDWR Hannah Headrick, NCDWR, Water Quality Programs Lyn Hardison, DENR Environmental Assistauce Coordinator Sonia Carrillo, NCDWR Central Office File Copy Depa�-��e�t of E�avia��nmen� a�d 1�Iat��a� �.es�u.r�es �r�ject �eview �'a�°ta�e Projeet iVumber: 1�-0176 Caanty: �e�, ���over �►�� ��t�����F���f:�����za���;.� — - ,..�,_,�. I;ate �ec�ived: 1fl/2S/2013 Prajoct Descript}art: Scoping - Praposed prQjsct is for phase IIEB oi ti�� Cro�s Cifiy TraiE, � pedestrlan walkway under �he He6de Tras� Qra�rrbridge to p►ovfde a sa�e cr�ssing ior cy�lisis a�d pedestr�ans acrass EJS 74/76 on the main{and side af the drawbrfd�e. �lC.pQT�;Tfp:�t�i,�^5w4 _ . .�,, ``�,�;,1 tJCDf�T TIP U•5�348 This Project is being reviawed as indicated below: Regioua! Office �tegEonat Officc Arce � asn�;t�c ✓ a;T b G, 0 2 T3i' � Fayettevilfo f DWR-SurfaceWater���v � Mooresvil3e ` Aquifer Protect'son � � Raleigh ,/ DSMI.R-LQ&S'N jp j.s� � _ Washington ��/ UST W j�l.. �y/1�1( � �l �) �/ W1I71111��{011r� _ aWR-Pub[ic\�ater �¢, __�,, n..:,.:,-.;. ✓ _ Winston-Sa4em jp�3�" Manager Sign-Of'f/Region: � [�esponse (cl�cc:k all spplicabie) In-Iiouse Revlew j Air Quatity �/ DCM-Marine Fishe�cs � Parks & Recreation ~ Weste Mgmt '� Water Resourccs Ivigmt _ Water SUpJ11y SectiOn �1-��., �� � Military Affairs Water Quatity ✓ DWR-7'Yansportation Unit — M Narndan ,� Wildlifo �/ Wiidlifc – bOT T. i�+iIson It�-House Reviewer/Agency�: �, No objection to projcct as proposcd. No Comment _ Insufficient it�formation to completC review _ Otl�er (specify or attaeh comments? If you have any questions, piease contaet; Lpn Hardisan at lvn,hardisonn,ncdenr.gav or (252�948-3842 943 VYashingtou Regionaf Of�ce V ashington 1V 27889 Courier No. 16-04-a1 uLM16 4!! 1VUCql 1.4t'Uik1t» Depart�nent of �:nvirounieat and Natu�ral Itesonrc�s Reviewing Offtce: �]Jilmin�ton Re i�anal Office �I�T�RGO«RRTM7� 1VTAL I2EVILPV - P120JT�CT' (;OI!'ITVI�,TdTS Proje�et Number� ��' �'' � � �� � � Due Date,��� Ahor roview of tl�is prdied fr hat been dctamine6 thai Nr• E�TR permtt(s) andlor approvals indicateci mar need to be obfatnod tn ordcr for Ihis projcct to comply �vttb Notih Cemlinz Law. Queslions rcgeidlhg these petmlts shouSd be addmasrd to tbc Rcgiortal OHict indicatod on the teverse of the fwm. All apolications, informstion and �iid�lines . tclative to tl2sc plans and pennhs ara availaLle from ehe sunc kegionai Oitice, , PFsRi�iCTS ` y Pam1t ro oonsuvct & opere[e wastcHater ucatmcnl [�J Ifpci111ics. sewrxsystcm extemions 8tsewer systems not di.uherging inro stmc surfue waters. I h?PDES - ptrmit to dischurge Inlo surfece wazcr andlor ❑� permi� io operate and constcun «�astewater facilkies � dischazging imo slatn s�ufaca watcrs. Q � Water Uso Pormit [j � WellCoiufruIXiunPemiii � � Disdge and Fili Permu ( Pumlt w�stma Rc opsrece Ah PoFludon Ab�cment ❑ fqcililics aodlarEmisslon Soocces es per 1 S A NCAC (2(1.0100 tiw 2�.0360) Pcrmli to oo�uua Rc opswtcTtanspu:utian Facitity u 0 per f 5 A NCAC (2D.0800, 2Q.U601) � Any open bnming essoeivacl witli.aubjeet Proposal must Dc io axnpliance wllh 15 A NCAC2A.y9DD k ! Demol'nion or renovatians of nn�uurec conlziaing i osbastos muiedel must be !n ca�npliance wNh 15 A 0; NCAC?A.I I f 0(a) () ) which requltes natificetion acd ; rentovW prior W 6emolition. Contad f�shastos Connol � Grou��974•707-595G. �} Cotripir� Sw�[ce Pecmit remstred under 13 A NCAC 2D.0800 r� SPGC[AL APPUCATION PRCx:FAURP.S a RE2UIRit�1E�IPS Apptication 90 days b�fore begin eonstninlon or ews�rd u[cunatn�ction conlrocls. On-siic , 30 da}ss ins,necUOn. Posl•eppliealfpn technicel confrsenca tftUei. ; {9(J deys) kyplication 180 daya before begin adtvity. On-sitn Inspex,Ctoo, Pr�application cvnfcrence usuai, Addiilonally, obtainp;.nmit to consnuct wacte�vr.rervea�mem� txcility-���tdaE[cr 90-120 daYt NPDES Repfy Ifine, 30 days xfter Teceipt of plane or iasue oCA'PDES Er.rmit-whichcwer is (WA} 1a�er. ! F�cap�ticaiion technical rAnferencc usnally neccsss�y Comp{ete npplicatinn must be recefved and perml[ fRSUed prior ro die intiapation of a weil. Appl'tcation copy rnust be served on each adjacrnl ripari� prop�rty owner,On-=ut insgcction. Prc-appSfcadon carJere»cc usuaL Filling mR��rcqutte firscana� to Aifi from N.C. Dapstunerst oi AAminieuatiun and }?edrralArcdga end "riil Peimn. Applic�timi mnst besubmiucd and pt�mil received prier to consnuafori e��d operation oF d�c source. 3f a peFmSt is rcqulrad in w�arez wi�hau lanl zaning, thCn thve are additianel reyulraments and timelines (2Q.01 ! 3). Applicalic�n must be suDmiued at )aeat 40 dey's prla• to conetcualon or modiflr.nslon o[ lhe source- N/A Ths Sedimontatton Potiutiun Camrol Ad of 1473 must t�e properlp qddressul for any lsnd dissurbing eIXivhy. hn emsion �C sedSmatteElon eonUu) plan wlll be rcauucd if onc ormo:e ectes to be di�turbrd. P1an fiind wlth pxoper Rcgia�al Office (L.and Quality Section) At lraSt 30 d8ys baJOtn be8+cuunS auivity. A feo of �6$ for4�e firet n: ta a eny porl of an ncrE. M nxpre.cs rnview c�dor isavaileblc with addittonal fees. SCdfSi1C7�Tet{01] titid C�oSiop cOMrof must be addreSSed in sccoRluica wlth NCDOT's ep}uoved progrerec, kenieular atlrnt{on should be gl�en to design � i 1�sOsNon � approprixce perimcc secltmem crappinQ devices as weil eE staUle stonnwater convoyanCeS nnd outlet.s, ❑ i �ning Pertnl� ["'� � N�thCarolinaItumfnQpermii n i Spccial Ground Cleorautx Buming Permlt • 22 coun�ies in coas[al N.C. �yitl� crc&anic seile (, J i O'tl ite(ining Fac(litics On-si�e inxpeclion usuaL �rety bond flkd wtt� ENR 3ond amount variss wfth type mine and mimber of acres o( aFfcc!cd la�id Any arc mic�ed gremw than vnc ecre mus� be permit(ed Thr, approprinte bo� raust be rccefved hefore ihe pcnnil can be isaueG. Un•site inspectlon by N.C. Div3sion Forest Resourcu If pemiit ezcxds 4 days Un-srie inspecAon by 13.C. Divisfoil ibrosl Ttesources requued'if more thu� fivc acrs of grouud clearing eGlvlties ue involeW. Jnspections should be requested at ieest 1an daya before ne�unl bnm tk pJanned•° N!A 3U days {NlAt 7 daYs (15 days} SS dsys (90 days) 9DCeys 40 daya 69 deys (9D days) 26 days (3J tiays) (3� dsYs) � 30 baya t60 days) I clPy (NIA) 1 day �� 90-120 dnyc (tVlA) � [f p�,�mit requirai, xppfica�ion GO days before begia co�stmction. ApplScem musc hn�e N.C. yunlified engineer lo: prepwa nlans, inspcet cahsimaion, cerdry constructlun ts accord�in& ta EIdR approved plent. May aiso cequirc permit und� mosquilo tontrol progun. And a 30 daY: [� Dan Svfuy Pecmu 404 pecrnit from Coms of Enginocrs. An ins}tcction o[:itc is necessary Yo vuify F3azani {(�D dnyc) ClassiFicatton. A miaimum tce of 5200.00 nmst accanpany the a�lienllon. M additionai procrssing fae bassd on n pracensaBe or tbo fotxl projta eas! will 'oe requlreA upon oompletioa. P'r�21+4f7'S (� � Forniii to AriA c�:ploratory oil or gas wall 0 I Geoph�5ical Explor�Uon Pemiit Q� Stam I,akts Co�uuuction Fcrmit []� 401 A�accr Quatity Ccnificuion �— I � [� � CAIviAPe�miti�orMkJ0ltdevcJqpmcnt SPT:Ci/+L APPL'1'CAT3QN AR4CLbURFS or R�QUTRGhf I";N'I'S F�ik rurety bund pf SS,OOD ivitli t?NR ninning to Stutc of NC eonditional ih� any well upencd by drill oparaior ehall, upon abarnlonmait, bcplogged according to IiIJR rulee and'rogulaliona, Appllcatlon filocl•.wllli.F.�R nt ICast )0 dnys nrlor to.iasuc of petmiG Appfication ' lettcr, l�lo stand�rd applioatlou fomi. f:ppticationfce !& Chargi:d based rn� 5lructuro iize, Must include descript+orui � dra�vings bf'stnu.ci�re & prouYoYoW�neiship of`ripsuixnnropeny. Nir: 525D.00 fce rmut accompuiy npplicntion CJ j{::AMA Pertnii for Mfh10R ocvclopmen� I 55�.(r0 ice'must•accompsmy appllartion jSeverai gcodotic tuonumen�s uc lucated iu or near tha prqject ares. If u�y mnnument neocla to.bc moi�c� p� N.C. Geadetic5urvey, Box 2'1687 Ralaf�h, h'C 27GJ I ❑; Abandornnanl of ans• uelis, if required musi be in aecardancn �viU� Tu1e 15A. Subcl�a�ter 2C.U100. kMifieation oF the �xoper regionel o�ce id requested if "orphan" unckrgrcamcl siorr.ps ianks NSTS� are dia.�wc�vef dnrin� nn�� exenvation onerntiun. Compiiance witn 15ANChC2H tU00 (Coasiat SlormxaurRuies) is requfred. Normet PrarscT'xn: {statumt}� titr.c limilj I 0 da}a NIA 10 A�). iJ1A 15-20 daya R'/k 60 days (130 days) 55 dzps (I SU days) 22 dAYs (25 days] 45 deys �wk3 ❑ Tar Pamiico w Nwsc Riperinn Buffcr Ruirstr.quircd. : i --- ; P)ane aad speclfications forahe ooiuwUlon, cxpansion, or altcmrion of e public �vator sysleati r.NCrbe�approvnd by tlx Uivisia� of VJe�cr ID RCSOUTCCSIAUOIiC WfllCI SU�Iy SUYIOfl f][10t'10II1E BWaiFI Of 8 COTiifBC� 0('IhC III�f1AhDtl d( COfiS(NCIl0.7 a5� ISA I'VCAC I BC.O,SiHJ C;, SOL�, Pldt'S Hritl � ;;0 da)z spedfical ions shouid be subrohted to 1634 N.ai. SGY1C! Cemer, Raleigh, Nash CaroNna 27699-16:��. A71 �tblic v�atcr mipply sys�cu�r mu�t �»�iy I Ewith s��ut wid federai drinY.ing wstcr monlmmig rcquiruncnts For more in(otmatim�, conia:� ihePulii(c Waler �'pply Scci ion, (919} 707-4100. H czis�kr.g watcrlfnes wltl beitlocereA duriu� the constniGion� p2ans #or [hewaterlincrelacaUou m�ut bc s�ivmitted lotht Divis(wt of Wntar (J . 1ie.¢oureedPubfie Waier Supply Seclia� at 163A A4ail Sea'viee CaMec, Rnlei�h, North Cwolina 276?9-1 G3�. For ma�e infcNr'naiion, eon[ec1 rl�oAubl(c 30 dxys j t4aierSupply Seqion, (919170)�9J0(!, � I � Olher commcrua (attnrL addttiunaf pages a; ncc�ssaiy, bcing canain io ciu comment nut�orily) ' —�—' ..�A" �I1S�.h+w- r-*'?:`--�� '�`"^.^'�-�-,�„jj �.�j.�'c_sJl�/7^i�'�G.J�?'�c_ ��e'r+ft....� �,� �t.it_c.,� '� � i� "��vC/�lJ'�T +�`,�� N x/ i 5 L�+cs�7,�s� i1c�.ACC•:v� %: iZi��- �'r1�n� .i�' G.<<<x-�. .1.t' l'1 t.�.-t-? �,r ': � � �11��'�(f�%iv Ipc�.,rt'w� rs c:vrf�+.:.�r� �- /�SJl��Si{ �?��oYV �,�t'�r;w�. ��7^', i � 1tF,GIOTVAL O�ICES Qurstions re�arding d�.ese p�nni�s sh�uld be adch•essed I.0 fhe Regiona[ Ofrce »v[ced below, [� Ashe�il[c Regiannt Offtce • n Moo��esvillelteg�ouai Officc: �•Wil�nington Regio¢nl EAfficc 2090 US T�ii�ltti��ay 70 610 L�ast Center l�.venue, Suit� 301 J 27 Cardinal Dtive. Extensian Swn.iuianos, NC 28778 R�Iooresville, NC ?.b 1 IS V��iln�ingtoii> nC 28445 (b28) 296-450U (704) 6G3-1699 (910) 796-7215 Q k��ayetf.cvfile �tegioual Otiice 22,5 Norch Gre.en Sh�eet, Suite 7I4 Payettevilte, IQC 28301 •5043 (910)433•330� lnrergovennnraual fonn Sep[puber 2013 (7 Rnlei�Fi �eginnnt Oftice 3500 J3arcvtt llrivc, SuiCo ! O1 Ralei�li, NC 27G09 (9l 9) ?91-4 2UU ❑ Washington.�egional Ui'Cce 9�F3 Wash'rngton Syaare MaIJ ti6TUShingto�i, N.0 2788) (252) I46-G48] U Winstosi•Snlein Ttegioua! Qf�ice :i8.5 V1Wnugbtowu S�P.et Winstvn-�Salem, NC 27; 07 (33G) �7!-$DOU COL3NTY: NEW HANOVER NORTH CAROLINA 5TATE CLEARINGHOUSE �I�� �.GL�'� DEPAR'PMENT OF ADMINiSTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW H12: OTYER STATE Ni3MBER: 19-E-0000-C176 DATE RECEIVED: 10/21/2013 AGENCY RESPONSE: il/15/2013 REVIEW CLOSED: =1/20/2013 tfS CARRIE ATKINSON CLEARTNGHOUSE CCORDINATUR DE�T OF TRANSPOR^tAiION STATEWIDF PLANNING - I�1SC #15:i9 �A�,EIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION CAP� F�AR COG CC&PS - DIV OF. EN;ERGENCY £�IANAG�MF,N`l� �ENR - COASTAL MGT DENR LEGISLA.TIVE AFFAIRS DEPT OF CULTURAL R�,SOU�2CES JEPT OF TRANSPOt�TP.TIt}N PROJECT I2IFORMATION APPLICANT: City cf Wilrnington TYpE; National Environmenta]- Fc'icy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed project is �-or Phase IIIB cE the Cross Cit�y Tra_1l, a pedPStrian walkway under ihe fieide Trask Drawbric�g� to provide a safe �.-;r.ossiriq fo.r. cyclist.s and pedestrians across US 74/76 en i:t7e mainlarid side �f T.he dr4wbrida,e. NC�OT TIF U-5534B The attached project has been submitted to the Ds. C. StotG Clearinghouse for intergovernmen�al rev�ew. Piease review �.nd submit ycur respor:se �y t_he abcve indicated date to 1301 N�ail Service Center, Ralei.gh NC 27699-1301. ?f additional review time is needed, please eortacl� this of�ic.� a�_ (919)II07-2425. AS A RESC7LT OF TAIS R�.V"IEYJ THE iOLLOW:tNC� :fS SUF�N�ITT�D: U SIGNED BY: yr�'';,� k�°9k �, i��* P�j�� T�2;; ���2�13 ��;:;� ����� � � NC CUMf9ENT ❑ CGPrME:NTS r'�.TTACHE� L'AT � : �I "" I Z '- 2�7 / � NORTH CAROLZNA STATE CLEARTNGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINTSTRA7.'ION INTERGOVEI2NMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY: NEW HANOVER �I12:OTHER MS RENEE GLEDHI]'�L-EARLEY CLEA.RINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF CULTURAL R�SOURCES STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATIO�i OFFTCE P�7SC A617 - ARCHIVES BUI�P.ING �LEIGH NC REVIEW DISTI2TBUTIOPI CAPE FEAR CQG CC&L'S - DIV OP EMERGE�CY Ni�,NAGEME�J`1 UENR - COASTAL MGT [�ENR LEGISLATIVE AFFATRS DEPT OF CULTURAL RESOURC�S DEPT OF TRANSPORTA_^ION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: City of Wilriington TYPE: National Environmental Policy Act Scopin� OCi 2 5 2at3 HIST(}iilC RP( RVASIQN OFFICE STATE NT3MBER: 14-E-0000-0176 � DATE RECEIVED: 10/211`1U13 AGENCY 12�SPONSE: 11/15/2013 REVIEW CLOSED: 11/20/2013 j � �3 _ ��G c• �, �c (L f ��L�.�.. �.4 ��(�,� � t3 s_. ���7 k y�..i i��tl�3 .�. y''r� �ESC: �'ropcsed project is for Phase IIIB ci :he Cr�ss Cit_y irail, a�edestrian DJri1�C4JCty under the Heide Tlask �rawk�ridue to provid� a sare rressing _`ox Cyclists �xrid pedestrians across US 74/76 on Lhe ntainl�ad side of the d���,�abridge. NCCpi' TIP U-553�3 The attac.hed project has been s�ubmitted to tre "d. C. Sta*e C1_earingr�ouse �ar intergovernmental review. Please re��i��.r and subm�t yc>ur rr�si,or:se b_y the ak�ove indica�ed date to 1301 Mail Ser;rice Cenl.er, Raleigi: NC 27b39-1301. If additional review tin�e is rieeded, p�ease con+_a�t this o£fice ai: (91!?)8U7-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS RE9I�W THE F�L�O'rJiNG �S SUBI�II`x'i�D: � NU COMMEN'I' � CCMMENTS ATTP.CH�B �_-�• STGNED 8Y: �4�.Q�. � " , � � si �� �1zo�^} �`� � �--�-tL';;.'3��j.i�,J �:.._,.ti �=..�,'F� T r:.:�€:�. :t. w �;'';^� . � ����,: � 1 • � • �� COUNTY:NEW hANOVER NORTH C.A.ROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW H12:OTHER STATE NUMBER: 19-E-0000-0176 DATE RECEIVED: 10/27./2013 AGENCY RESPOIQSE : 1'_• / 15 /1013 REVIEW CLOSED: 11/20/2013 MS CAROZY?V PENNY CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINA'POR � r„�:-� CC&PS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEM�NT i:�^;"; ,,:_S �;�. �•.�Jr .a 1 � "���,''' FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM �f';';�.`- "`•�,,� ��: MS C# 4 719 j�, ' V � "'r� i�ALEIGH NC lt;� ��'�` ZO'�?,� 4� REVIEW DISTRIBUTION � � �%�s" �'m��'f�� " ;�1.�;� � zt�;� ���{'6ti`� �-; CAPE FEAR COG '�������� `t;: �A'i ��._ CC&PS - D:CV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT <''��;}, ���� DENR - CUASTAL MGT ��'' �•'f-� ��J1� :�'�f,, '�k.,`��¢ �'`-�':` Z:� �f c�� �t� .<;� D�NR LEGISLATIVE AFL'AIRS � �:z=c. f a s•.':�" -....�%x.,.j^ DEP'P OF CULTUFZAL RE50URCES DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT INFORMATION ' APPLICANT: City of Wilminqton . TYPE: National Environmen�_al Policy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed prcjec"t is for Phase IIIB of t:�e Cross Ca.ty Tr�:�l, a pedes;_zxar, walkraay under the Heide Trask Drawbr=dge to provide a saie crossing ior cycla.sts and pedes*_rians across US 74/76 on th� main.lar�d sid� of lhe drawbridge. NCDOT TIP U-5534B The a�tacned project has beeri subm�.t�ed to ti:e N. C. St�LE.' Clr�ringhous� far intergovernmer•tal review. Please review and submiC your r�sc;or:s� Y>y t.he abcve indicated date to 1:301 Mail Service �;,er<ter, Rale_gP: P]C 27693-.1301. If additional review �ime is nE�ded,�?ease conta�.1, t31is office ai� (919)8�7-i'l25. F.S A RESIILT OF THIS ETr7 T,F� E � C =S SUBNIITTED: � NU CONlMENI' � CCMMENTS AT`i'AC1-iED SIGNED BY: � ��w, �_'" \ Dl-1TE: � `/ •2Dl �r North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Pat McCrory, Gavernor Frank L. Perry, Secretary Ocfiober 29, 2013 State Clearinghouse N.C. Department of Administration 1301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1301 Subject: Intergovernmental Review State Number: 14-E-OQ40-0176 Cross City Trail, New Hanover County Michael A. '� 4'J LJ : iP :t'l,� - `� .� _; �� ���1� ; ,--� `'���`_� _ �' S�y� �r "�'` C$ � _;_�: '��.:-�:�,� : < ;, J ,� _3 .,� ,. s. Director 'y 'I �• � ��- j As requested by ihe North Carolina State Clearinghouse, the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Division of Eznergency Management Office of Geospatial and Technalogy Management (GTIvn reviewed the proposed project listed above and offer the follawing comments: 1_ The project includes developrnent within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Refer to Flood Insurance Rate Map panel 3157. Any development within the SFHA will reqlure a floodplain developrnent permit from the municipatiTy having jurisdiction: either the City of Wiltnington, the Town of Wrightsvilie Beach, or New Hanover County. Please be sure the respective local floodplain administrafor reviews and issues permits for each part of the proposed Cross City Trail within an S�'HA. 2. All structures, elements, and utilities should be protected to the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation in accordanee with the local ordinance and 44 CrR 60.3. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. Tf you have a.uy questions concerning the above comments, please contact Dan Brubaker, P.E., CFM, the NC NFIP Engineer at (919) 825- 2300, by eznail at clan.brub�k�r�n�cl�ps.�„ov, or at the address shown on the footer of this document. cc: Siz�cerely, � �j , e . Ashe, P.E., CFM t Director Geospatial and Technology Managerr�ent Office John Gerber, N�'IP State Coordinator Dan Brubaker, NFIP ��igineer . MAII�ING ADDRES5: 4218 Mai! Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4218 www.ncem.org An Equal Opporiunity Employe� GTM QFFICE LOCATION: 4105 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 825-2341 Pax: (919) 825-0408 . •'' �.�,� §i'�� lcj `�'�.-�� �II��t��, L';.;.�. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Pteservation Office Ramona M. Bartos,lldministrator Gonemor Paz McCrozy Secretarg Sasan Klutu November 4, 2013 Jeff Moore Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. PO Box 33068 Raleigh, NC 27636-3068 Office of Archives and l Iistoxy Deputy 5eaetary Kevin Chcay Re: Cxoss-City Txia1, Phase IIIB under Heide Txask Drawbridge, U-5534B, Wihnington, New Hanover County, ER 13-2568 Dear Mr. Moore: 111ank you for your letter of Octoher 15, 2013, concerning the above pxoject, which pYOposes the construcrion of a bicycle and pedestrian trail underneath the Heide Trask Drawbridge (CJS 74/76, Wrightsville Avenue). There aYe no recoxded archaeological sites within the project axea. Because it appears that all of the woik will take place within the previously disturbed DOT right-of-wap there is litde likelihood that significant undiscovexed archaeological sites will be present. We do not Yecommend an archaeological sutvey in regards to the project. The Heide Trask Drawbridge was determined eligible for lisring in the Narional Register of Historic Places in 2005 undex Criterion C for engineering. Before we can comment on any potential effects that this project may have on historic properties, please foi�vvaid a copp of the site plan showing the e�i.sting and proposed trail, bridge piers, and shoreline. The above comtnents are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservarion Act and the Advisory Council on Histosic Pieseivation's Regulauons foi Compliance widi Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for potu cooperation and considerarion. If you have quesrions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review cooidinator, at 919-807-6579 or renee.gledhill- earlet ci;ncdcr.gov. In all future communicarion concerrung this project, please cite the above xeferenced tracking number. Sincerely, `�.� `� e c�lu �? ����.�.11`''1 �Ramona M. Bartos cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT, mfuu@ncdot.gov Dawn Snothexly, Wilmington HPC, Dawn.Snothexly@wilmulgtonnc.gov Locatioa 109 East Junes Street, Raleigh NC 27G01 Mai7ing Address: 4G17 Mail Service Centcr, Ralcigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-G570/807-G599 Federal Aid #: STPDA-0332(44) TIP#: U-5534B County: New Hanover CONCURRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSMEIV'T OF EFFECTS Project Descriptio�z: This project is Phase IIIB of the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail. This phase consists of a public walkway undernea.th the Heide Trask ]�rawbridge to provide a designated crossing for c�clists and pedestrians across US 74/76 (Wrightsville Avenue) on the mainland side of the drawbridge in Wilmington. It begins in the northeast quadrant of the Wrightsville Avenue/Airlie Road intersection near the termivaus of Phase IIIB of tlxe Trail (cuzxently in design). It ends in the southeast quadrant of the same intersection, approximately 450 linear feet from the Bridge Tender Marina parking lot. On August S, 2014, representatives of the �Federal Highway Administzation (FHWA) North Carolina Staie T�istoric Freservation Office (HPO) ❑ Other Reviewed the subject project and agreed on the effects findings listed witlun the table on the reverse of this signature page. Signed: �f�" :�'� �. FHWA, for the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency , . �q�i� Repxesentative, HPO � "S" � I Date �-5-1 Date �. � > 0 � x � z � � � U � � M �('1 � i � � � � � N M rl O � A a � � � � � � � � � � _ 0 � � d �G i3i c � c V- U d w � W W Z d > � � �� � a �� �� �� �� � �� �o �� -� � C � t0 rn � E'' F� O '� � L Fr� ,� a ��., , � U W � - � d � x w �ti °� � .� �