HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230180 Ver 1_SWM Report_20230407STORMWATER REPORT WEDDINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS Davidson County Lexington, NC TSH Holdings, LLC. 1101 Ivey Road, NC 27253 Ph: (919) 708-7407 ttommv27320AYahoo.com January 24, 2023 Project No. 21-081 ittl fill, SEAL 036233 !lryu11 Jeremy L McCall, P.E. Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC lA Wendy Court Greensboro, 27409 (336) 294-9394 Certificate #P-0826 Introduction The Weddington Place Apartments project is located in the City of Lexington. The project consists of developing a 42.791 acre property, currently owned by Weddington Apartments of Lexington, LLC. The site is located on Brown Street, approximately 550 feet west from the intersection of Cotton Grove Road and Brown Street. The site generally consists of five main drainage points where water leaves the site to the south (DP #A-E). The property will follow the stormwater regulations for treatment of water quantity and water quality thru four wet detention basins. Offsite water from the west will be diverted around the site through pipes BPI -7. This is modeled as DA Bypass to DA-A. Offsite water from the north on the east side of the project will be diverted around the site through STP-138, STP-139, and STP-140. This is modeled as DA Bypass to DA-C. There are small areas that bypass the wet detention basins due to elevations and natural drainage patterns. These are modeled as DA Bypass SCM#. Drainage to DP D and E in the post development condition does not include imperious area. Post Construction BUA on site is 851,892 sf (or 19.56 Acres); surface runoff from this BUA will pass through the four wet detention basins. There is no BUA existing or proposed from off -site to be treated by the wet detention basins. Methodology The stormwater quality analysis was prepared using the updated NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual. This includes using the Simple Method for Runoff Volume (part B of NCDEQ Stormwater Manual) calculate the Design Volume for stormwater treatment. C-2 Bio-Cell of the NCDEQ Stormwater Manual was used for design of the 12 Minimum Design Criteria (MDC). The stormwater analysis was prepared using the "Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD Civil3D, Version 2022. The method involves inputting the CN values, calculated by Table 2-2a of TR-55 (per the soil survey for hydrological soil group), time of concentrations (per Chapter 3 TR-55), and drainage area to obtain an output flow based on Soil Conservation Service's TR-55 methods for the 2-yr and 10-yr 24-hour rainfall events. This process was performed for both the pre and post development conditions in order to get a peak discharge and volumes of stormwater runoff of the post construction does not excide the pre development runoff conditions. The program was then used to route the storm events thru the wet detention basins to show the requirements are being met. Procedure Five drainage points was determined for this project based upon the existing drainage areas. Drainage Point "A-E" was determined to be along the property's southern boundary where surface runoff ultimately flows to Swearing Creek/High Rock Lake. Per the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE website, hydrological soil groups were found to be CcB (Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes), DdB (Davidson loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes) and DdE (Davidson loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes). Table 3 of the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, CcB, DdB and DdE are hydrological soil groups B. For hydrological soil group B, CN values of 80 for Residential Apartments, 70 for Residential (less than 25% IMP), 60 for Woods, Good condition were used. Pre -Developed Condition (See Appendix A for CN): DP -A (Hydrograph 1 Z Area: 25.65 Acres Composite CN: 64 Time of Concentration: Tc = 50.9 Minutes. DP-B (Hydrograph 2): Area: 25.71 Acres Composite CN: 61 Time of Concentration: Tc = 45.0 Minutes. DP-C Hydrograph 3): Area: 19.82 Acres Composite CN: 66 Time of Concentration: Tc = 42.80 Minutes. DP-D (Hydrograph 4): Area: 1.41 Acres Composite CN: 60 Time of Concentration: Tc = 17.0 Minutes. DP-E Hydrograph 5): Area: 1.98 Acres Composite CN: 60 Time of Concentration: Tc = 16.2 Minutes. Hydrograph No. 23 is the Hydrograph that combines the postconstruction flow for all five drainage points (Hydrographs 11, 15, 20, 21, & 22) for a Total Pre -development Flow for the site. Post -Developed Condition (See Appendix B for CN): Area Draining to DP -A Off -site DA Bypass A (Hydrograph 6): Area: 18.32 Acres Composite CN: 66 Time of Concentration: Tc = 50.9 Minutes. DA to SCM#3 (Hydrograph 7): Area: 9.59 Acres Composite CN: 80 Time of Concentration: Tc = 50.9 Minutes. DA Bypass SCM#3 (Hydrograph 8): Area: 1.13 Acres Composite CN: 61 Time of Concentration: Tc = 50.9 Minutes. 2 Hydrograph No. 18 shows the routing of Hydrograph 7 through SCM#3, Hydrographs 6, 8, and 18 were combined to get a total post development flow to DP -A and is shown in Hydrograph 20. Area Draining to DP-B DA Bypass SCM#1 (Hydrograph 9h Area: 1.17 Acres Composite CN: 60 Time of Concentration: Tc = 8.2 Minutes. DA to SCM#1 (Hydrograph 10): Area: 18.16 Acres Composite CN: 71 Time of Concentration: Tc = 35.9 Minutes. Hydrograph No. 16 shows the routing of Hydrograph 10 through SCM#1, Hydrographs 9 and 16 were combined to get a total post development flow to DP-B and is shown in Hydrograph 21. Area Draining to DP-D DA D (Hydrograph lit Area: 1.25 Acres Composite CN: 60 Time of Concentration: Tc = 17.0 Minutes. Area Draining to DP-C DA to SCM#2 (Hydrograph 12): Area: 7.68 Acres Composite CN: 78 Time of Concentration: Tc = 24.60 Minutes. DA Bypass SCM#2 (Hydrograph 13 - Area: 12.75 Acres Composite CN: 69 Time of Concentration: Tc = 42.1 Minutes. DA to SCM#4 (Hydrograph 14): Area: 4.29 Acres Composite CN: 80 Time of Concentration: Tc = 13.9 Minutes. Hydrograph No. 17 shows the routing of Hydrograph 12 through SCM#2, Hydrograph 19 shows the routing of Hydrograph 14 through SCM #4, Hydrographs 13, 17 and 19 were combined to get a total post development flow to DP-C and is shown in Hydrograph 22. Area Draining to DP-E DA E (Hydrograph 15): Area: 0.53 Acres Composite CN: 60 Time of Concentration: Tc = 23.30 Minutes. Hydrograph No. 24 is the Hydrograph that combines the postconstruction flow for all five drainage points (Hydrographs 11, 15, 20, 21, & 22) for a Total Post -development Flow for the site. Peak Runoff Quantities were calculated for the pre -development and the post -development condition at for the entire site. The drainage areas that flow to the wet detention basins were then routed through the SCMs to obtain peak storm elevation and peak discharge for each storm event. Hydrographs were then combined for total volume to calculate the storage volumes required for the 2, 10, and 100-YR Storm Events and the peak combined runoff values were calculated as well.. The 100-YR storm events are provided to shown no overtopping of the wet detention basins during the 100-YR event. Summary of Results A summary of peak flows from the SCS Method are as follows: SUMMARY TABLE PEAK Q (CFS) HDY # 2-YR 10-YR 100-YR PRE-DEV DA#A 1 1.16 15.29 58.72 PRE-DEV DA#B 2 0.579 13.17 57.4 PRE-DEV DA#C 3 1.487 15.66 55.44 PRE-DEV DA#D 4 0.028 1.215 5.292 PRE-DEV DA#E 5 0.039 1.906 8.127 POST -BYPASS DA-A 6 1.215 12.4 44.2 POST DA SCM#3 7 4.827 17.02 42.1 POST DA BYPASS SCM#3 8 0.041 1.571 6.105 POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 9 0.025 1.507 6.116 POST DA SCM#1 10 3.466 21.58 65.22 POST DA-D 11 0.025 1.077 4.691 POST DA SCM#2 12 4.047 15.51 39.76 POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 13 1.612 12.12 38.92 POST DA SCM#4 14 3.55 12.19 29.67 POST DA-E 15 0.011 0.412 1.83 POST (HYD10) THROUGH SCM#1 16 0.106 13.12 59.53 POST (HDY12) THROUGH SCM#2 17 0.09 0.788 26.78 POST (HDY7)THROUGH SCM#3 18 1 0.102 2.607 33.5 POST (HDY14)THROUGH SCM#4 19 0.091 0.173 10.87 COMBINED POST DA-A (HDY6,8,18) 20 1.306 13.52 78.44 COMBINED POST DA-B (HDY9,16) 21 0.112 13.29 60.41 COMBINED POST DA-C (HDY13,17,19) 22 1.741 12.41 76.47 TOTAL COMBINED PRE (HYD1-5) 23 3.179 44.31 172.57 TOTAL COMINDED POST (HYD11,15,20-22) 24 3.09 37.51 214.31 Totallncrease -0.089 -6.8 41.74 11 Conclusion The intended purpose of the stormwater analysis is to show there are no adverse effects of impervious construction on the downstream watersheds. For construction of the Weddington Place Apartments Project, the additional runoff from the increase in ISA, from the post -development is routed through the stormwater SCMs to remove pollutants, and stormwater control structure is designed to reduce the peak flow rates to show no adverse impacts to the receiving downstream waterway per the conducted stormwater study. The proposed SCMs meets the requirements of the of the City of Lexington Ordinance for the water quality aspect of treating the 1" runoff volume. The study should satisfy the requirements found in the City of Lexington Ordinance. Appendix A Pre-Develpoment Curve Number Calculations Project : Weddington Date : 1/13/2023 Project No.: 21-048 Designed by: JLM Checked by: JLM Rational Method C Values PRE -DEVELOPED CONDITIONS DRAINAGE AREA A LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA ( % ) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 14.53 56.01% 60 872 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 11.42 43.99% 70 799 TOTALS 25.95 100.0% 1671 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 64 DRAINAGE AREA B LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 23.09 89.82% 60 1385 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 2.62 10.18% 70 183 TOTALS 25.71 100.0% 1569 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 61 DRAINAGE AREA C LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 12.19 61.51% 60 731 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 2.44 12.32% 70 171 COMMERCIAL B j 5.19 j 26.17% 1 80 j 415 TOTALS 19.82 100.0% 1317 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 66 LAND USE WOODS (Good) LAND USE WOODS (Go DRAINAGE AREA D HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA B 1.41 100.00% 60 84 TOTALS 1.41 100.0% 84 WEIGHTED CN (PRE -DEVELOPED) = 60 DRAINAGE AREA E HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA B 1.98 100.00% 60 119 TOTALS 1.98 100.0% 119 WEIGHTED CN (PRE -DEVELOPED) = 60 Appendix B Post-Develpoment Curve Number Calculations Project : Weddington Date : 1/13/2023 Project No.: 21-081 Designed by: JLM Checked by: JLM SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS DEVELOPED CONDITIONS DRAINAGE AREA BYPASS A LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA ( % ) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 7.03 38.39% 60 422 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 11.28 61.56% 70 789 RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 0.01 0.05% 80 1 TOTALS 18.32 100.0% 1212 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 66 DRAINAGE AREA TO SCM #3 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA ( % ) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 0.08 0.85% 70 6 RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 9.51 99.15% 80 761 TOTALS 9.59 100.0% 766 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 80 DRAINAGE AREA BYPASS SCM#3 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 1.01 89.60% 60 61 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 0.12 10.40% 70 8 TOTALS 1.13 100.0% 69 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 61 I DRAINAGE AREA BYPASS SCM #1 1 LAND USE WOODS (Good) HYDROL. AREA GROUP (AC.) B 1.17 TOTALS 1.17 AREA CURVE NO (%) (CN) 100.00% 60 100.0% WEIGHTED CN (PRE -DEVELOPED) = CN x AREA 70 70 60 DRAINAGE AREA TO SCM #1 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 15.98 87.96% 70 1118 RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 2.19 12.04% 80 175 TOTALS 18.16 100.0% 1293 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 71 DRAINAGE AREA D LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 1.25 100.00% 60 75 TOTALS 1.25 100.0% WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 75 60 DRAINAGE AREA TO SCM #2 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 1.31 17.01% 70 91 RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 6.37 82.99% 80 510 TOTALS 7.68 100.0% 601 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 78 DRAINAGE AREA BYPASS SCM #2 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA WOODS (Good) B 5.98 46.93% 60 359 RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 25% IMP) B 1.52 11.96% 70 107 RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 5.24 41.11% 80 419 TOTALS 12.75 100.0% 885 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 69 DRAINAGE AREA TO SCM #4 LAND USE HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA RESIDENTIAL (APARTMENTS) B 4.29 100.00% 80 343 TOTALS 4.29 100.0% WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 343 80 LAND USE WOODS (Good) DRAINAGE AREA E HYDROL. GROUP AREA (AC.) AREA (%) CURVE NO (CN) CN x AREA B 0.53 100.00% 60 32 TOTALS 0.53 100.0% 32 WEIGHTED CN (POST -DEVELOPED) = 60 Appendix D Hydrographs Hydrograph Return Period Recce raf low Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk@ Civil 3D@ by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph No. type hyd(s) Description (origin) 1-yr 2-yr 3-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr I 00-yr 1 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 1.160 ------- ------- 15.29 ------- ------- 58.72 PRE DA-A 2 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.579 ------- ------- 13.17 ------- ------- 57.40 PRE DA-B 3 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 1.487 ------- ------- 15.66 ------- ------- 55.44 PRE DA-C 4 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.028 ------- ------- 1.215 ------- ------- 5.292 PRE DA-D 5 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.039 ------- ------- 1.906 ------- ------- 8.127 PRE DA-E 6 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 1.215 ------- ------- 12.40 ------- ------- 44.20 POST BYPASS DA-A 7 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 4.827 ------- ------- 17.02 ------- ------- 42.10 POST DA-SCM#3 8 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.041 ------- ------- 1.571 ------- ------- 6.105 POST DA BYPASS SCM #3 9 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.025 ------- ------- 1.507 ------- ------- 6.116 POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 10 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 3.466 ------- ------- 21.58 ------- ------- 65.22 POST DA SCM#1 11 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.025 ------- ------- 1.077 ------- ------- 4.691 POST DA-D 12 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 4.047 ------- ------- 15.51 ------- ------- 39.76 POST DA SCM#2 13 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 1.612 ------- ------- 12.12 ------- ------- 38.92 POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 14 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 3.550 ------- ------- 12.19 ------- ------- 29.67 POST DA SCM#4 15 SCS Runoff ------ ------- 0.011 ------- ------- 0.412 ------- ------- 1.830 POST DA-E 16 Reservoir 10 ------- 0.106 ------- ------- 13.12 ------- ------- 59.53 POST THROUGH SCM#1 17 Reservoir 12 ------- 0.090 ------- ------- 0.788 ------- ------- 26.78 POST THROUGH SCM#2 18 Reservoir 7 ------- 0.102 ------- ------- 2.607 ------- ------- 33.50 POST THROUGH SCM#3 19 Reservoir 14 ------- 0.091 ------- ------- 0.173 ------- ------- 10.87 POST THROUGH SCM#4 20 Combine 6,8,18, ------- 1.306 ------- ------- 13.52 ------- ------- 78.44 COMBINED POST DA-A 21 Combine 9, 16, ------- 0.112 ------- ------- 13.29 ------- ------- 60.41 COMBINED POST DA-B 22 Combine 13,17,19 - ------- 1.741 ------- ------- 12.41 ------- ------- 76.47 COMBINED POST DA-C 23 Combine 1,2,3, ------- 3.179 ------- ------- 44.31 ------- ------- 172.57 TOTAL COMBINED PRE 4,5, 24 Combine 11,15,20 - ------- 3.092 ------- ------- 37.51 ------- ------- 214.31 TOTAL COMBINED POST 21,22, 25 Combine 6,7,8, ------- 5.582 ------- ------- 27.51 ------- ------- 81.63 Post Total No Route 26 Combine 9, 10, ------- 3.489 ------- ------- 21.87 ------- ------- 66.21 Post Total B no Route 27 Combine 12,13,14 - ------- 7.763 ------- ------- 33.79 ------- ------- 92.93 Post Total C No Route 28 Combine 11,15,25 - ------- 15.42 ------- ------- 79.51 ------- ------- 233.79 Post Total Combined Before Routing 26,27 Proj. file: Wet Ponds2.gpw Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 1 PRE DA-A Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 25.950 ac Basin Slope = 2.0 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-A Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 1 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.160 cfs = 764 min = 16,373 cuft = 64 = 1594 ft = 50.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 2 PRE DA-B Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 25.710 ac Basin Slope = 3.1 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-B Hyd. No. 2 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.579 cfs = 770 min = 10,721 cuft = 61 = 1635 ft = 45.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 3 PRE DA-C Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 19.820 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-C Hyd. No. 3 -- 2 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 3 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.487 cfs = 750 min = 15,722 cuft = 66 = 1517 ft = 42.80 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 4 PRE DA-D Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.410 ac Basin Slope = 3.5 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-D Hyd. No. 4 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.028 cfs = 744 min = 510 cuft = 60 = 509 ft = 17.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 5 PRE DA-E Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.980 ac Basin Slope = 2.2 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-E Hyd. No. 5 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.039 cfs = 738 min = 698 cuft = 60 = 358 ft = 16.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 6 POST BYPASS DA-A Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 18.320 ac Basin Slope = 1.9 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST BYPASS DA-A Hyd. No. 6 -- 2 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 6 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.215 cfs = 760 min = 14,506 cuft = 66 = 1665 ft = 51.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 ' 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 7 POST DA-SCM#3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 9.590 ac Basin Slope = 1.9 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 7 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-SCM#3 Hyd. No. 7 -- 2 Year 360 480 600 720 840 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 4.827 cfs = 736 min = 23,682 cuft = 80 = 1686 ft = 35.10 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 IM11111 2.00 1.00 ' 0.00 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 8 POST DA BYPASS SCM #3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.130 ac Basin Slope = 6.2 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA BYPASS SCM #3 Hyd. No. 8 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.041 cfs = 724 min = 475 cuft = 61 = 227 ft = 6.60 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 9 POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.170 ac Basin Slope = 6.6 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 Hyd. No. 9 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.025 cfs = 728 min = 423 cuft = 60 = 303 ft = 8.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 9 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 10 POST DA SCM#1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 18.160 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#1 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 3.466 cfs = 738 min = 22,800 cuft = 71 = 1436 ft = 35.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 10 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 — Hyd No. 10 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 11 POST DA-D Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.250 ac Basin Slope = 3.5 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-D Hyd. No. 11 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.025 cfs = 744 min = 452 cuft = 60 = 509 ft = 17.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 11 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 12 POST DA SCM#2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 7.680 ac Basin Slope = 2.3 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 12 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#2 Hyd. No. 12 -- 2 Year 360 480 600 720 840 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 4.047 cfs = 730 min = 16,480 cuft = 78 = 1145 ft = 24.60 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 IM11111 2.00 1.00 0.00 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 13 POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 12.750 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 Hyd. No. 13 -- 2 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 13 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.612 cfs = 744 min = 13,656 cuft = 69 = 1640 ft = 42.10 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 14 POST DA SCM#4 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 4.290 ac Basin Slope = 2.3 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#4 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 3.550 cfs = 724 min = 10,448 cuft = 80 = 603 ft = 13.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 14 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 — Hyd No. 14 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 15 POST DA-E Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 0.530 ac Basin Slope = 1.7 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 2.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-E Hyd. No. 15 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.011 cfs = 748 min = 195 cuft = 60 = 474 ft = 23.30 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 15 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 16 POST THROUGH SCM#1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 10 -POST DA SCM#1 Reservoir name = SCM #1 Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -' 0 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Max. Elevation Max. Storage POST THROUGH SCM#1 Hyd. No. 16 -- 2 Year 600 1200 1800 2400 Hyd No. 16 Hyd No. 10 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.106 cfs = 1464 min = 21,467 cuft = 757.03 ft = 18,577 cuft 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 TTTTTT_II Total storage used = 18,577 cuft Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 17 POST THROUGH SCM#2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 12 - POST DA SCM#2 Reservoir name = SCM #2 Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -' 0 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Max. Elevation Max. Storage POST THROUGH SCM#2 Hyd. No. 17 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.090 cfs = 1450 min = 15,439 cuft = 761.85 ft = 12,818 cuft 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 Hyd No. 17 Hyd No. 12 FFFM_II Total storage used = 12,818 cuft Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 18 POST THROUGH SCM#3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 7 - POST DA-SCM#3 Reservoir name = SCM #3 Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -' 0 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Max. Elevation Max. Storage POST THROUGH SCM#3 Hyd. No. 18 -- 2 Year 600 1200 1800 2400 Hyd No. 18 Hyd No. 7 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.102 cfs = 1460 min = 20,637 cuft = 755.00 ft = 19,561 cuft 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 FFFM_II Total storage used = 19,561 cuft Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 19 POST THROUGH SCM#4 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 14 - POST DA SCM#4 Reservoir name = SCM #4 Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -' 0 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Max. Elevation Max. Storage POST THROUGH SCM#4 Hyd. No. 19 -- 2 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.091 cfs = 1142 min = 10,387 cuft = 763.84 ft = 6,892 cuft 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 Hyd No. 19 Hyd No. 14 TTTTTT_II Total storage used = 6,892 cuft Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 20 COMBINED POST DA-A Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 1.306 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 760 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 35,619 cuft Inflow hyds. = 6, 8, 18 Contrib. drain. area = 19.450 ac Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 COMBINED POST DA-A Hyd. No. 20 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 ' ' --1 1 1 1 1 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 Time (min) Hyd No. 20 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 8 Hyd No. 18 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 21 COMBINED POST DA-B Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 0.112 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 1440 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 21,891 cuft Inflow hyds. = 9, 16 Contrib. drain. area = 1.170 ac COMBINED POST DA-B Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 21 -- 2 Year 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 600 Hyd No. 21 1200 1800 2400 Hyd No. 9 3000 3600 Hyd No. 16 4200 4800 5400 6000V vv Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 22 COMBINED POST DA-C Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 1.741 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 744 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 39,482 cuft Inflow hyds. = 13, 17, 19 Contrib. drain. area = 12.750 ac Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 COMBINED POST DA-C Hyd. No. 22 -- 2 Year 0.00 ' ' ' 0 480 960 1440 1920 2400 2880 3360 3840 4320 4800 Hyd No. 22 Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 17 Hyd No. 19 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 ■0— 0.00 5280 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 23 TOTAL COMBINED PRE Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 3.179 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 758 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 44,024 cuft Inflow hyds. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Contrib. drain. area = 74.870 ac TOTAL COMBINED PRE Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 23 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 23 Hyd No. 1 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 5 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 24 TOTAL COMBINED POST Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 3.092 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 750 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 97,638 cuft Inflow hyds. = 11, 15, 20, 21, 22 Contrib. drain. area = 1.780 ac Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -' 0 TOTAL COMBINED POST Hyd. No. 24 -- 2 Year 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 Hyd No. 24 Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 20 Hyd No. 21 Hyd No. 22 Q (cfs) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 25 Post Total No Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 5.582 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 738 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 38,663 cuft Inflow hyds. = 6, 7, 8 Contrib. drain. area = 29.040 ac Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 F 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 25 Post Total No Route Hyd. No. 25 -- 2 Year 360 480 600 Hyd No. 6 720 Q (cfs) 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 8 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 26 Post Total B no Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 3.489 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 738 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 23,224 cuft Inflow hyds. = 9, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 19.330 ac Post Total B no Route Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 26 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 26 Hyd No. 9 Hyd No. 10 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 27 Post Total C No Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 7.763 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 726 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 40,583 cuft Inflow hyds. = 12, 13, 14 Contrib. drain. area = 24.720 ac Q (cfs) 8.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 27 Post Total C No Route Hyd. No. 27 -- 2 Year 360 480 600 Hyd No. 12 720 Q (cfs) 8.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 14 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 28 Post Total Combined Before Routing Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 15.42 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 734 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 103,117 cuft Inflow hyds. = 11, 15, 25, 26, 27 Contrib. drain. area = 1.780 ac Post Total Combined Before Routing Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 28 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 18.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 - 6.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 L0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 28 Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 25 Time (min) Hyd No. 26 Hyd No. 27 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 1 PRE DA-A Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 25.950 ac Basin Slope = 2.0 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 •M am 3.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-A Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 15.29 cfs = 748 min = 105,954 cuft = 64 = 1594 ft = 50.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 M 3.00 i i i , I I I I I I I ` 1 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 2 PRE DA-B Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 25.710 ac Basin Slope = 3.1 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-B Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 13.17 cfs = 744 min = 87,194 cuft = 61 = 1635 ft = 45.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 0.00 ' 1 1 1 1 1 " ' ' ' ' ' ' N. ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 3 PRE DA-C Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 19.820 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 •M am 3.00 0.00 ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 3 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-C Hyd. No. 3 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 15.66 cfs = 740 min = 89,951 cuft = 66 = 1517 ft = 42.80 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 M 3.00 i i i f I I I I I I I ` 1 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 4 PRE DA-D Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.410 ac Basin Slope = 3.5 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-D Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 4 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.215 cfs = 726 min = 4,543 cuft = 60 = 509 ft = 17.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 5 PRE DA-E Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.980 ac Basin Slope = 2.2 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor PRE DA-E Hyd. No. 5 -- 10 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 5 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.906 cfs = 724 min = 6,220 cuft = 60 = 358 ft = 16.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 6 POST BYPASS DA-A Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 18.320 ac Basin Slope = 1.9 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 .M 4.00 2.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST BYPASS DA-A Hyd. No. 6 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 12.40 cfs = 748 min = 82,995 cuft = 66 = 1665 ft = 51.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I%- ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 7 POST DA-SCM#3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 9.590 ac Basin Slope = 1.9 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 •M am 3.00 0.00 ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 7 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-SCM#3 Hyd. No. 7 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 17.02 cfs = 734 min = 77,436 cuft = 80 = 1686 ft = 35.10 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 M 3.00 i —r I I I I I I I` 1 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 8 POST DA BYPASS SCM #3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.130 ac Basin Slope = 6.2 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA BYPASS SCM #3 Hyd. No. 8 -- 10 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 8 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.571 cfs = 720 min = 3,867 cuft = 61 = 227 ft = 6.60 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 9 POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.170 ac Basin Slope = 6.6 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA BYPASS SCM#1 Hyd. No. 9 -- 10 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 9 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.507 cfs = 720 min = 3,770 cuft = 60 = 303 ft = 8.20 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 10 POST DA SCM#1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 18.160 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 M 4.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 10 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#1 Hyd. No. 10 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 21.58 cfs = 736 min = 102,177 cuft = 71 = 1436 ft = 35.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 4.00 i i i i I I I I I I` 1 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 11 POST DA-D Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 1.250 ac Basin Slope = 3.5 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 1 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-D Hyd. No. 11 -- 10 Year 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 Hyd No. 11 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 1.077 cfs = 726 min = 4,027 cuft = 60 = 509 ft = 17.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 2.00 1.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 12 POST DA SCM#2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 7.680 ac Basin Slope = 2.3 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 •M am 3.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 12 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#2 Hyd. No. 12 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 15.51 cfs = 728 min = 57,302 cuft = 78 = 1145 ft = 24.60 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 M 3.00 i I I I I I I -rl%. 1 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 13 POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 12.750 ac Basin Slope = 2.4 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 13 360 480 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST BYPASS DA SCM#2 Hyd. No. 13 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 12.12 cfs = 740 min = 66,910 cuft = 69 = 1640 ft = 42.10 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 i I I I I I I I I '%� 1 0.00 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 14 POST DA SCM#4 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 4.290 ac Basin Slope = 2.3 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA SCM#4 Hyd. No. 14 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 12.19 cfs = 722 min = 34,163 cuft = 80 = 603 ft = 13.90 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 • 11 4.00 2.00 0.00 ' ' ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 14 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 15 POST DA-E Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 0.530 ac Basin Slope = 1.7 % Tc method = LAG Total precip. = 4.25 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor POST DA-E Hyd. No. 15 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.412 cfs = 728 min = 1,738 cuft = 60 = 474 ft = 23.30 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 15 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 16 POST THROUGH SCM#1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 10 - POST DA SCM#1 Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM #1 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 m 4.00 0.00 ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 16 POST THROUGH SCM#1 Hyd. No. 16 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 13.12 cfs = 756 min = 97,527 cuft = 757.89 ft = 35,967 cuft Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 4.00 i i I I I I I N1-i 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 €_€_€_€_€_€_I Total storage used = 35,967 cuft Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 17 POST THROUGH SCM#2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Inflow hyd. No. = 12 - POST DA SCM#2 Reservoir name = SCM #2 Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 • 11 . 11 3.00 0.00 ' r 0 600 Hyd No. 17 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Max. Elevation Max. Storage POST THROUGH SCM#2 Hyd. No. 17 -- 10 Year 1200 1800 2400 Hyd No. 12 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 0.788 cfs = 904 min = 53,188 cuft = 763.22 ft = 35,984 cuft 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 I_I_I_I_I_I_I Total storage used = 35,984 cuft Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 • 11 . 11 3.00 1 0.00 6000 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Hyd. No. 18 POST THROUGH SCM#3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume Inflow hyd. No. = 7 - POST DA-SCM#3 Max. Elevation Reservoir name = SCM #3 Max. Storage Storage Indication method used Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 • 11 . 11 3.00 0.00 0 600 Hyd No. 18 POST THROUGH SCM#3 Hyd. No. 18 -- 10 Year Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 = 2.607 cfs = 786 min = 73,007 cuft = 756.08 ft = 42,894 cuft Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 • 11 . 11 3.00 -'I 10.00 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 Time (min) Hyd No. 7 I_I_I_I_I_I_I Total storage used = 42,894 cuft Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 19 POST THROUGH SCM#4 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 0.173 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 1392 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 33,247 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 14 - POST DA SCM#4 Max. Elevation = 765.78 ft Reservoir name = SCM #4 Max. Storage = 26,637 cuft Storage Indication method used. POST THROUGH SCM#4 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 19 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 Hyd No. 19 Hyd No. 14 �I Total storage used = 26,637 cuft Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 20 COMBINED POST DA-A Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 13.52 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 748 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 159,870 cuft Inflow hyds. = 6, 8, 18 Contrib. drain. area = 19.450 ac COMBINED POST DA-A Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 20 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 240 480 720 960 1200 1440 1680 1920 Time (min) Hyd No. 20 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 8 Hyd No. 18 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 21 COMBINED POST DA-B Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 13.29 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 756 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 101,297 cuft Inflow hyds. = 9, 16 Contrib. drain. area = 1.170 ac Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 RIM 4.00 2.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 21 COMBINED POST DA-B Hyd. No. 21 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 lllll• 11 4.00 2.00 `~ 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 9 Hyd No. 16 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 22 COMBINED POST DA-C Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 12.41 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 740 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 153,344 cuft Inflow hyds. = 13, 17, 19 Contrib. drain. area = 12.750 ac COMBINED POST DA-C Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 22 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 480 960 1440 1920 2400 2880 3360 3840 4320 4800 Time (min) Hyd No. 22 Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 17 Hyd No. 19 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 23 TOTAL COMBINED PRE Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 44.31 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 744 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 293,862 cuft Inflow hyds. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Contrib. drain. area = 74.870 ac TOTAL COMBINED PRE Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 23 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 23 Hyd No. 1 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) Hyd No. 4 — Hyd No. 5 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 24 TOTAL COMBINED POST Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 37.51 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 752 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 420,276 cuft Inflow hyds. = 11, 15, 20, 21, 22 Contrib. drain. area = 1.780 ac Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -' 0 TOTAL COMBINED POST Hyd. No. 24 -- 10 Year 360 720 1080 1440 Hyd No. 24 — Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 21 1800 2160 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 22 2520 2880 3240 Hyd No. 20 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 3600 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 25 Post Total No Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 27.51 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 738 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 164,298 cuft Inflow hyds. = 6, 7, 8 Contrib. drain. area = 29.040 ac Post Total No Route Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 25 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 28.00 28.00 24.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 25 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 7 Hyd No. 8 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 26 Post Total B no Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 21.87 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 736 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 105,946 cuft Inflow hyds. = 9, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 19.330 ac Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 M 4.00 0.00 ' ' 0 120 240 Hyd No. 26 Post Total B no Route Hyd. No. 26 -- 10 Year 360 480 600 Hyd No. 9 720 Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 4.00 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 27 Post Total C No Route Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 33.79 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 726 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 158,375 cuft Inflow hyds. = 12, 13, 14 Contrib. drain. area = 24.720 ac Post Total C No Route Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 27 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 35.00 35.00 30.004 1 30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) Hyd No. 27 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 13 Hyd No. 14 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. v2022 Wednesday, 01 / 25 / 2023 Hyd. No. 28 Post Total Combined Before Routing Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 79.51 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 734 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 434,385 cuft Inflow hyds. = 11, 15, 25, 26, 27 Contrib. drain. area = 1.780 ac Q (cfs 80.00 70.00 .1 11 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Q (cfs) 80.00 70.00 •1 11 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 28 Hyd No. 11 Hyd No. 15 Hyd No. 25 Time (min) Hyd No. 26 — Hyd No. 27