HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230343 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230416TERRAIN o ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING April 16, 2023 US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attention: Mr. Brad Shaver Subject: Incomplete Application Response SAW-2022-02693 Gladiolus Road Site New Hanover County, NC Dear Mr. Shaver: Terrain Environmental Consulting, PLLC (Terrain) appreciates your comments regarding the Nationwide Permit application for the Gladiolus Road Site. Our responses to those comments are below. 1. Avoidance and Minimization Comment: • What exactly makes up the maintenance access for stormwater pond, is this a conversion impact along the run of a buried utility or is this a filled road? If this is more than a conversion impact can this road be set within the secondary street yard buffer? If this is not practicable could the access be set along the top of the wetland impact C, affecting only the top of the drain not further down the drain? Response: • The maintenance access will be a permanent gravel road. This road has been moved from Impact C to Impact B which results in Impact B increasing from 0.03 acres to 0.04 acres, and Impact C decreasing from 0.08 acres to 0.02 acres. This is also discussed below in the Revised Wetland Impacts Discussion. Comment: • Could retaining walls be utilized around wetland impact B to eliminate this impact all together? Response: • This impact cannot be avoided as it provides for the necessary turnaround for delivery trucks as required by Tractor Supply. The turning radius for this road impact is for a WB65 truck with a turning radius of 52 feet. The road is at the minimum size to allow for these trucks to safely turn. The shape of the wetland in that area was taken into consideration Terrain Environmental Consulting Project 22-028-WS April 16, 2023 Gladiolus Road Site Incomplete Application Response to provide the turning radius. An alternative, T-head turnaround would result in more impact. To reduce this impact, an extended curb (18-inch vertical concrete curb) has been proposed for a portion of the impact instead of a fill slope. Since the stormwater access road has been relocated to this impact, the overall impact amount at this location increases but the deepened curb helps to minimize that increase. Comment: • Is there any level of development that would be permitted near or around the OHE areas? If so, could there be opportunities for more avoidance. Response: • Development is not permitted within the OHE. New Hanover County requires a secondary street yard buffer along the north side of the OHE. A condition of the property rezoning was that no work would occur within the buffer as is currently proposed. Thus, there is no room to move the development south. 2. Secondary Impacts, taken from NW 39, "(4) (i) A description of the proposed activity; the activity's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the activity would cause." Comment: What measures are being designed to eliminate secondary impacts associated with wetland impact D? Currently, impact D eliminates the wetland from flowing NW, if the wetlands to remain west of impact D flow or could flow a different direction please show the flow path and how it will be maintained. If the wetland is isolated, it would be secondary impact that would need to be tabulated as an impact. Response: • The wetland within impact D does not appear to flow to the northwest. The northern edge of that wetland is within the property boundary and there is no offsite connection to the northwest. This feature does connect to the roadside ditches along Castle Hayne Road and Gladiolus Road which eventually flow into Ness Creek, nearby to the southwest. A copy of the topographic survey, provided by Paramounte Engineering, with delineated wetland features shown has been included along with flow arrows for the ditches based on ditch bottom elevations. Ditch bottom elevations along Gladiolus Road in the southeast corner are at 31 feet while in the southwest corner elevations are at 30 feet. Ditch bottom elevations along Castle Hayne Road in the northwest corner are at 34 feet while in the southwest corner elevations are at 30 feet. These elevations indicate surface drainage through the ditches is toward the southwest corner of the property where a culvert is present allowing flow 2 Terrain Environmental Consulting Project 22-028-WS April 16, 2023 Gladiolus Road Site Incomplete Application Response to continue south toward Ness Creek. This survey also shows the north terminus of this wetland and it being located entirely within the project property with no offsite connection north. Thus, the remaining wetland outside impact D is not severed from its downstream surface water connection and no secondary impacts are resulting from the proposed wetland impact D. These ditch connections are vital to keeping impacts below 0.5 acres, and we would gladly meet you onsite to view them. Comment: If wetland impact C must remain, what measures will be taken to connect the remaining wetlands to downstream waters? Response: • As mentioned above, the maintenance access road has been moved to Impact B. A culvert has been included to allow flow between the remaining wetland areas on either side of the road. 3. Sketch Comment: • Please provide a cross section drawing of each different impact. It's expected that each impact will be a different elevation therefore please provide a cross section of the building footprint and loading dock into the wetland A, driveway access area into wetland B, access for stormwater into wetland C, and parking area into wetland D. The cross section will show the proposed slope, whether it be through a retaining wall or filled slope with vegetative stabilization. There should be no slopes tying into the wetland shallower than 3:1. Response: Cross -sections have been provided for each of the impacts. All fill slopes at wetland impact areas are 3:1. 4. Mitigation Comment: • Please provide the reservation letter from the mitigation bank you propose to use. This provides the confidence the bank has the type of credits available for the proposed action. Response: • A copy of the wetland mitigation reservation letter was provided to you via email on March 13, 2023. Acknowledgement of receipt was provided by you via email on March 14, 2023. However, the new site plans result 3 Terrain Environmental Consulting Project 22-028-WS April 16, 2023 Gladiolus Road Site Incomplete Application Response in less impact. A new mitigation request was sent to the mitigation bank and the new reservation letter has been included. REVISED WETLAND IMPACT TABLE AND DISCUSSION The wetland polygons in the PJD Package and impacts identified in the Pre - Construction Notification were based on wetland boundary flag data collected using hand-held, sub -meter accurate, non -survey grade GPS equipment. Subsequent to submission of the PCN, the project surveyor located our wetland boundary flagging which resulted in small changes to the wetland polygons and wetland impacts, along with some site design changes discussed below. Table 1 below provides a summary of those changes. TABLE 1 — REVISED WETLAND IMPACTS Impact Area Original Impact New Impact Impact Change Impact A 0.27 ac 0.28 ac 0.01 ac Impact B 0.03 ac 0.04 ac 0.01 ac Impact C 0.08 ac 0.02 ac - 0.06 ac Impact D 0.11 ac 0.11 ac None Original Impact Total 0.49 ac New Impact Total 0.45 ac Net Impact Change -0.04 ac The increase at Impact A is due to the surveying of the field flags and not due to any site plan changes. The increase at Impact B is due to relocating the stormwater maintenance access road from Impact C to Impact B. The wetland at the new road crossing is narrower than it was at the originally proposed crossing, resulting in less impact. Also as discussed above, an extended curb has been partially incorporated at Impact B instead of a fill slope to help further reduce impacts. A culvert has also been placed under the newly positioned stormwater access road to allow for hydrologic connection between the wetland sections on either side of the road. Impact B also now includes a stormwater pipe beneath the access road, taking stormwater runoff from the built -upon area to stormwater pond. This allows for two activities to occur within the same impact footprint thus avoiding an additional impact for the stormwater pipe. Impact C has been reduced by moving the stormwater access road to a location where the wetland crossing is narrower and by incorporating an extended curb. The reduction is very small (0.004 acres) and rounding the impact to two decimal places shows no change. No change is proposed for Impact D. The revisions made in response to your comments and by moving the stormwater access road have resulted in a net decrease in the total wetland impacts from 0.49 acres to 0.45 acres. rd Terrain Environmental Consulting Project 22-028-WS April 16, 2023 Gladiolus Road Site Incomplete Application Response CLOSING If you have any questions, require additional information, or wish to schedule a site meeting to review the ditch connections discussed above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, (�41 Paul Masten, LSS, PWS President/Owner Attachments Wetland Impact Map Topographic Survey with ditch flow arrows 5 � N�STa140 �IRm'4. M �I �Z d W a x �I a U I v VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1,000' NORTH SITE DATA: PROJECT NAME: TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY SITE ADDRESS: 3400 CASTLE HAYNE RD. CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 DEVELOPER: CASTLE HAYNE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC. 120 MARKET SQUARE: 2ND FLOOR PINEHURST, NC 28374 PARCEL ID: R02500-002-009-003 0.77 ACRES R02500-002-021-000 1.66 ACRES R02500-002-022-000 1.71 ACRES R02500-002-020-000 1.73 ACRES R02500-002-009-000 5.72 ACRES PROPOSED PROJECT AREA: +/- 11.52 ACRES PROPERTY OWNER: ASHTON & AVERY, LLC 201 MARSHFIELD DR. WILMINGTON, NC 28411 EXISTING ZONING: R-20 PROPOSED ZONING: CONDITIONAL REZONING B-2 COMP. PLAN PLACE TYPE: COMMUNITY MIXED USE JURISDICTION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROPOSED USE: RETAIL / COMMERCIAL (TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT) ° WETLANDS IMPACT A LOWEST OUTFACE ELEVATION \\ I 0.28 ACRES OF WETLANDS Q EXISTING ROADSIDE DITCH TO REMAIN SEWER GRINDER PUMP \� FLOWS TO THE SOUTH W co(2) PROPANE TANKS \ Z U 3:1 FILL SLOPE R02500-002-uuu-UUU MAINTENANCE >- M GORE RICHARD M ACCESS FOR STORM Q M I , w WATER POND D.B. 2637 PG. 0163 \ /31� 1: cf)w I I I I M.B. 21, PG. 93 co W - — WITH GRASS PAVERS Z g W It I AND PIPE CROSSINGS J I l v N 87°01'26" E 1021. ' TOTAL 2 J J nu_ V \ IRF 33 -rE F i / V/ DISTURB WET 3 I 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER w f- I PROPERTY LINE 1 WETLAND O U U I 0.36' 30' SETBACK 3Z� 2d 11R' 1a �i 3 d � I I � IPF co U � 20' LANDSCAP E BUFFER 33 34 e� O m LL I o PE 5 _ — 3:1 FILL SLOPE 13M 1 4- w \ I � O I � — � ! � �_ — w I / c� 7 I I Ix:'':•:: . �++:'::: :ED PROPOS++ ++ v + /m �:: �• M -4 F 21,930SF ATION ++++++++++.++ : :_::-'+:++ STORM Lij4.00m ':' Z LL +: LOADING DOCK' Ei+ WATER POND I J v LL- N 36 i WETLAND IMPACT B 1 ACRE _ . � \ 8 :�� I:�:�:�.. +/- 1'.'.r 0.04 AC I PN 16 TRASH ENCLOSURE I/ L _ J EXISTING DRIVEWAY � W PU JUSE � I I PN 18 AND DRIVEWAY PIPE O I TO BE REMOVED Iwcv I I 1 w W �: �I\1 x — 21) O EXTENDED CURB TYP. M N16 Z�M v7 1 os PAo '.'INV: 32.11v I I I I m <4 I O Q p (6 Q M M I C _ o Lu I I I I MP HOUSE 35 I FENCED OUTDOOR DISPLAY AREA PN 28 � N W m m I _ 20,000 SF PN 27 ;V o Q p 19 (13,170 SF) I CD > - 1-0 WE 7/8/10/1 M 1 24 II E K25;'' y REGULATED TREE �i / WETLAND � IA TO BE REMOVED 24� — — I <IN 31.74 13 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 3M PROPOSED DRIVEWAY DRIVE LANE COD PILE --- AND DRAINAGE PIPE I I �� .+. . '. TRAILER DISPLAY AREA --- - OHE OHE---------- \ / 35------- -- - I I I � :++ r� 3+ + o OHE ---- PYLON SIGN :: .. ; . = — E -- ---- - SEPARATE PERMIT �-- ---� 3 � � � 13M — —_ — — � OHE —off � _ � - � - EXIST. DITCH - ( z ) I y / _ W� G m J ( WETLAND IMPACT C E - - t - -- off — TO REMAIN M ---�- -- II OHE OHE 0.02 AC -- - --- — — — — OHE � _ RIGHT TURN / I I F� E O Ul OHE A - �- T OHE o OHE - OHE OHE SOUTH - OHE I rn - OHE --- --- - DECELERATION LANE HE v WETLAND IMPACT D —�— w -� OHE cn — o OHE — ---- _ � vn WETLANDS � — I HE _ EXTENDED CURB, TYP. DH OHE oo — _ OHE o- - — — = OHE / -�- Z (AS REQ'D BY NCDOT) _ v ' - TO REMAIN —0.11 AC \ _ - - OHE w - --- --- � � OHE - OHE IHE OHE! OHE �I HE — OHE I I I HE STREET YARD - INSIDE UTILITY EASEMENT TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED, �OHE NO NEW LANDSCAPING) OH I I IOHE / OHE I HE v W EXIST. DITCH H I TO REMAIN I� I x A ll _ I I 1 �f -V-29.2 I M OUTLET RIP -RAP 3:1 SLOPE 3:1 SLOPE ENERGY DISSIPATER 17-FT WIDE ACCESS TO POND L=8-FT 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 0+00 IX 30LF 15" RCP BURIED 20% ACCESS ROAD CROSS SECTION B (WETLAND IMPACT B) NTS w Z. INLET ❑ — I z PG=35.40 J w CURB INLET w 3 1 a-za• AND GRATE 14 4" P F VEMENT RTRUCK Cl 102 FILL T RNAROUND 1 P - -_ ___ TOP 15"=34.20 T -----INV 15"=32.95 - - ---- ______ -' BURIED 3" TO 33,20 --_-- EXISTING GRA E ) (WETLAND IMPA EXISTING GRADE (WETLAND IMPACT) �m 41 LF C F24IN, RCP @-030% v.y o Zz FEE _77-1-71f r> r> n 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+60 0+90 1+00 ACCESS ROAD PROFILE B (WETLAND IMPACT B) 1 "=20' 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 1+10 OHE OH -OFiE cn G - I Y I J _ �I HE OHE \� OHE OHE - b 33 - _F QM >_ - O E \�- U t/SHE EXTENDED CURB, TYP. E �- OHE HE _ OHE OH Fm- OHE X - l W LL' h Q� - OH --- --- E OHE I I - l OHE -1 u) d `C� OHE /W OH OHE OF�E T icy - 0 — - - JE � m EXIST. DITCH \ OHE p OHE A� � OHE M IL' I cam, \ I -� o - - TO REMAIN EXIST. DITCH OHE o — OHE �HE �H/ � \ OHE d OHE T FLOWS —�-� TO REMAIN OHE OHE HE 3 WETLANDS OVERHEAD ELECTRIC (OHE) SOUTH HE -J O FLOWS o j OHE OHE OHE �— — / / TO REMAIN I I o O E OHE 4E vn� SOUTH I U! `—OHE HEM �� T OHE / ( OHE "I yaN J � 1 32 OHE„u` J I— -� 35' SETBACK —3 3 _ _ — ' r- F�� FFv�ff 0.2 E E _ 3z----— � - � F .28' 34-- 30.55' =_32— �kST+JRB D-31 —' `—F� Fa3� F � TIE �3 IN -30.1 8^ RCP-29.89-- c oz�i11 A M" — — �z PROPERTY �m� F _34 — - - - RRS PKF N 87°01'49 — \ �F _ -- — 3 GLADIOLUS ROAD _ — —RRS `INV:29.9 GLADIOL — ✓ —029 60' PUBLIC ROW — - - PKF — TOTA�LQ 3� 18"CPP 18"CPP IPF' IRF IRF WETLAND IMPACT I v:2s.zs� 18"R� GRAPHIC SCALE WETLANDIPF FERTILE GARDENS INV: M.B. 6 PG. 86 0 25 50 100 200 0.45 AC < 0.50 A \ INV: 30.00 I N O R T H SCALE: 1 "=50' EXIST. DITCH FLOWS SOUTH EXTENDED CURB TYP. (WETLAND IMPACTS C & D) TENDED JRB TO DEPTHS :R GRADING PLANS EXISTING WETLAND GRADE CABC SUBGRADE BELOW CURBING SLOPE TO BE IMMEDIATE PER EROSION CONTRI VEGETATION SF EXISTING WETLAND GRADE TYPICAL BUILDING AND FILL SLOPE SECTION TYP. (WETLAND IMPACT A) BUILDING AND FOOTING Z O W 0 0 U I-� w � Q � N n V 00 V N 7 H W n o < o W 0 W 1 W W Z ~ W O z W UQ�G L z O N � p N z (L) " W 00 W U V z N O o a w � �z �o �W � CIA I� H 1� W �7t N <'')OZZU N Lo m M O _ Q QL oo U Z LL U) } } — Q -1 U<afCOL z �aU� o w p U > Z Z W O U J w Q W J U d 0ali� 0 oUi000 SEAL Fig. 1.0 PEI JOB#: 22389.PE Wv R02500-002-008-000 \ 3- GORE RICHARD M ' + I D.B. 2637 PG. 0163 air 24+46.02 R 19.3 33�§— / IRF 8 N 1007 11 (3 IR / — _ --- - - - --- - --- --- 30 34 03 s' T## 20702 f N R T R 1003 �jjIRF DISTURBED 6 I 3- .arm — — — — 007 01 /cn 00 \—� L y'� Wi�r GO 24 59.45 R12.37 I c�� / a \ � //\ \ PE 15 \ TRACT 1 \ \(� I Z / 3� /'.�_ 13M �y l , M.B. 36, PG. 17� 34� �� A \ — 1 M /— 131� w w / \ \ z a. A �3 m / -' \ 1 \-35- w o A9Il \ z m \ 33� _ �'\ F �I I SPOIL PILE (f / \ " s" m I \ - �- I / \ 25+02. 12.5 + I � �€' 24 g \ M as- w 1U+48.37 L24 00 C❑Ci❑ /a.M rl''. ' \ 24+94.66 R24.0 00 0.000 I N 36 PN 26 M loos ❑ v IRS �° 3IPF o I A 101 g o + PU 0USE�cP PN 16 \ / -!�- I 500,747 SQ. FT. PN 18 �s- g 107 �. �- � s. - ,� �� 11.496 AC. ± \ 13 m TRV TNTN S TEMP w 3 �1 � 0 / z �mi TRACT 3 PN 16 I I PA 0 / z M.B. 36, PG. 174 oo Cc) Ap . m o Z N d 4 \ _ o��co I s- I PUMP HOUSF�w . 9 sP a, a. c'� TR R b �' /� m -� - �o�U� TRACT 2 -I P:�------- °=:,� PN 28 Lo Lu m �R = N — � Z a' �� I PN 27 p � y n J34.098M.B. 36, PG. 174 —� „ -C\�/ 023 a. .85 9 z o 7/8/10/10 MAP „- l� �"F� WET , � 4 > ry N — 1 g I Q L5 P 1 25 a� \ \s" / 24 cl N ZP 0D �' I WOOD PILE L3M �aa` a' I 20810 20809 E 34,11 OHE 20812 OHE 20811 OHE—x 3--43 ❑HP � I I ❑HP 2 0 8 lF_�-4— ❑ H P. 208 2081 20815 OHE —20814 00 OHP 3�3� ❑HP ❑HP toII X� X ❑HP OFi� 4 \ I I I H OHE —QFfP P ,.HE SHE a- w \ 9' a. �, —,�— OHE g OHE yM OHEu u w \ umH OHE OHE OHE OHE —- y . OHE /- �v m`2 \ OHE g "OHE s3— sr OHE w HE g \ /�� g / I g OHE-------- OHE I / � I M 103 �- WET - HE �et� g �• PN S ------ OHE O ummFw I I M. I Un�n a,. OHE OHE al"OHL�' g�HE I . 'VP H I I W I I E OHE u,T�---- — 32— - -- E OH � 1OHE OHE �- `� 32 \ � cn OHE �;�� \ a. g --- L �J OHE IPF BENT 6 \ \ 3� 32 2 c� 0— 2 g --- tea. 26+1Q.�3 H V S o' a �� INV=30.1 "RCP =2�:8� �� s, 3 g��- ----- - - lL LJ 0 + 2 13.52 L 3 s- 'a a, g 34 A DISTURB �" 3Ap 0 4 I X -2 -- - 2M 3 Za.--- 30.59 F DISTURBED 13 GLADIOLUS ROAD IRF - 00 , 0W,. 0.00 s. 4,51 � L - g y M. Tf�V PNT I2021 100 M.B. 6 PG. _ MG 2020 �- 2019 1 2018 C❑G❑ A / TR T IR __ 22 2017 C'❑G❑ C❑❑ C G❑G❑ R W � N S D R 1 C❑G❑ FERT LE GARDENS 11 I + � s a- M.B. 6 PG. 86 bo + 1.80 L19.40 g I I II I CD I