HomeMy WebLinkAboutHigh Falls Dam RFMI Response Letter USACE-DWR FINAL 04_10_23SAGE ECOLOGICAL SERVICES EST. 2016 April 10, 2023 US Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regulatory Office 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Attn: Mr. Lyle Phillips Attn: Mr. Chad Turlington 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 105 512 N. Salisbury St., Archdale Bldg. gt" Flr Wake Forest, NC 27587 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: High Falls Dam Removal USACE & DWR Requests for More Information USACE SAW-2018-02060 DWR Project No. 20230177 Sage Project #2018.031 On February 27 and 28, 2023, the USACE provided comments on the High Falls Dam Removal project (via email). On March 13, 2023, the NC DWR sent a "Request for More Information" letter with additional questions. Below we reiterate the comment/question and our response follows. From the USACE: 1. In order to verify compliance with General Condition 18, the Corps has initiated formal consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and will not be able to render a decision until ESA Section 7 consultation is complete. The USFWS is aware that this project requires a signed Biological Opinion; a copy of the Biological Assessment was included with the application submission. The USFWS has been involved in project coordination with NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NC WRC) to mitigate impacts to state listed mussel species. This coordination is well documented. USFWS will not provide a Biological Opinion until the WRC is satisfied with the proposed coordination plan for mussels. 2. In order to verify compliance with General Condition 3 and Regional Condition 1, the Corps will consult with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Attached is a copy of the "Proposed Coordination Plan for Mussels" which has been reviewed by Vann Stancil and Brena Jones. Their input has been incorporated into the Plan and Vann has indicated that this plan will suffice for demonstrating coordination for this project. 3. Is there FERC involvement with this project? Unique Places to Save is updating the documents required to surrender the power generation license to FERC. Unique Places to Save has indicated that they have been in contact with Amy Bergbreiter at FERC to provide necessary updates (see attached email correspondence). From NC DWR: 1. A condition of a 401 Certification for a project of this nature would be as follows: "For all dam removal projects meeting the definition under G.S. 143-215.25 and requirements under G.S. 143-215.27 of a professionally supervised dam removal, the applicant shall provided [sic] documentation that any sediment that may be released has similar or lower lever of contamination than sediment sampled form downstream of the dam in accordance with Session Law 2017-145." High Falls Dam Removal RFMI response Page 1 of 2 Please see the attached High Falls Contaminant Tier 1 Evaluation provided by Kris Bass. 2. DWR has been in contact with Gabriela Garrison with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission regarding the mussel community below the dam. They are supportive of the project, but have concerns about the mussel community during the dam removal process. They have requested that the mussels be relocated during the dam removal process. Please provide documentation of your coordination with WRC to address their concerns and action that you may take to mitigate and potential detrimental impact on this mussel community. As described in our response to USACE comment number 2, NC WRC has indicated that the attached "Proposed Coordination Plan for Mussels" is acceptable and demonstrates the coordination on this project. We believe this addresses the comments and questions raised by the USACE and NCDWR. If there is any additional information we can provide, please call me at (919) 559-1537. Respectfully submitted: can Clark Nicole J..Thomson, PWS Sage Ecological Services, Inc. Sage Ecological Services, Inc. Attachments: Proposed Coordination Plan for Mussels FERC email correspondence High Falls Contaminant Tier 1 Evaluation High Falls Dam Removal RFMI response Page 2 of 2 Unique Places To Save To: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission US Fish and Wildlife Service From: Christine Pickens, PhD, Science Director, Unique Places to Save Date: April 3, 2023 Re: Proposed coordination and timeline to minimize impacts to state -listed mussel species at High Falls Dam The removal of High Falls Dam, a former hydroelectric dam located on the Deep River in northern Moore County, is currently being planned and permitted. While dam removal provides lasting benefits to wildlife through the restoration of the natural river channel and flows, reconnects habitats for aquatic species, and improves safety for public outdoor recreation, the process of removing a dam can also have negative near- and long-term impacts to local wildlife and habitat. In the case of High Falls Dam, there will disruption to established habitat for and populations of state -listed mussel species directly downstream of the base of the dam and towards the NC 22 bridge. The mussels present are currently benefitting from added stability, increased food supply, and concentrated host fish and mussels of the same species that create a positive reproductive feedback loop. Finding a way to realize the restoration potential of dam removal while minimizing impacts to existing wildlife and habitats is an important part of making the project successful. Potential impacts to wildlife and habitat related to the removal of High Falls Dam are expected to occur during, in the months following, and years following dam removal. During dam deconstruction, river channel flows will be disrupted for a limited time and some of the sediment trapped behind the dam will be released and flushed through the project site. Based on modeling, the amount of sediment is relatively low (and of a larger grain size) compared to the sediment transport capacity of the Deep River, suggesting that sediment will flush through the site within three months of removal based on typical flows. In the months and years following removal, the exposed streambank is expected to revegetate and a new canopy will form along the natural river channel as it reaches equilibrium, which can be defined as when the sediment transport capacity is in balance with the sediment load for a particular reach of a river. It may take months to years for Iotic species to inhabit the former impoundment, depending on the species mobility, life history, and abundance or proximity to the site. To minimize impacts to wildlife and habitats during and in the months and years following dam removal the following actions are proposed: Prior to dam deconstruction: Organize a team of qualified consultants, possibly supervised by NCWRC staff, capable of identifying and collecting mussel species of greatest conservation need present at the project site. Identify at least 1-2 suitable sites for translocation of mussels. o Potential for Ramseur, but this dam will likely be removed in the near future. Collect, salvage, transport and possibly propagate mussel species of greatest conservation need between approximately 50-100 m downstream of the base of High Falls Dam (to avoid dangerous hydraulics) to approximately 150 m downstream of the NC 22 bridge, in addition to side channel(s) on the north side of the river. Collection would need to occur prior to dam removal and no sooner than June 1, with baseflow/low flow conditions and relatively clear water for maximum visibility. PO Box 1183 • Chapel Hill, NC 27514 • 919-428-2040 • info@uniqueplacestosave.org During dam deconstruction/removal (targeted for late summer/early autumn to avoid spawning and occur prior to higher winter flows): • Limit the amount of time that water is not flowing through the main river channel so the animals and habitat downstream stay inundated as much as possible. (This can be accomplished by following the dam removal design plans and only opening the powerhouse gates to the race that lead to the powerhouse, (i.e., "powerhouse gates") to lower water levels behind the dam immediately prior to dam removal, if needed. Note that opening the gates will only allow water to drop approximately 4.4 ft from the top of the dam.) o There is a possible trade-off in sending water through the race if flows are low; less water will be available to flow through the main river channel. o The confluence of the race and the river is downstream of the high concentration of mussel habitat. NCWRC staff to visit site and provide feedback. o Incorporate additional recommendations on the dewatering process from WRC and other agencies. • Follow the erosion and sediment control plan and initial streambank stabilization planting in the dam removal design plans to prevent loose sediment from washing into the river from construction activities. Immediately following dam removal: • Perform bare root planting as guided in dam removal design to further stabilize the streambank. Post -removal work proposed: • [Proposed: Included in American Rivers proposal to NOAA, recommended for funding but awaiting final grant agreement and budget.] Monitor the site for appropriate conditions to support the return of mussel species and presence of species following dam removal and channel equilibrium. NCWRC staff will need to review and provide input to monitoring plan before dam removal begins. Goal of monitoring remaining mussels would be to help determine when the site reaches equilibrium. • [Proposed: Included in American Rivers proposal to NOAA, recommended for funding but awaiting final grant agreement and budget.] Perform additional river restoration as needed. Reestablishment of the main river channel may be facilitated by additional in -stream and streambank restoration activities. Outlined below is a suggested coordination plan between Unique Places to Save, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and US Fish and Wildlife Service that serves to address and reduce impacts to mussels. This plan should accompany permit application once finalized. UP2S = Unique Places to Save; NCWRC = North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; USFWS = US Fish and Wildlife Service; NFWF= National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; UPLLC= Unique Places, LLC; NOAA= National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. PO Box 1183 • Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-428-2040 info@uniqueplacestosave.org Prepare and secure permits for dam Current- Mar NFWF grant to UP2S removal 2023 UPLLC Public outreach/communication Current- Dec USFWS grant to UP2S 2023 UP2S Organize mussel survey and Current — Pending approval UP2S translocation and/or salvage June 2023 (or from American coordinates, earlier?) Rivers/NOAA grant WRC guides priority and placement of mussels Collect mussels at High Falls Dam June— Aug Unknown NCWRC, 2023 UP2S If possible, hold and/or propagate June 2023- Resources for this NCWRC desired mussel species. Aug 2025; effort are not 12+ mo secured yet, but in minimum development Dam deconstruction/removal Aug— Nov Limited funds in UP2S 2023 NFWF grant to UPLLC; USFWS funds for outreach Initial streambank restoration/planting Sept — Dec NFWF grant to UP2S 2023 UPLLC (avail until Dec 2023) Post -channel equilibrium (see Oct 2023 — NFWF grant to UP2S if NFWF definition in narrative above) planting Oct 2024(?) UPLLC if before grant; UP2S (depends on timing of channel Dec 2023 and coordinates stabilization). More likely to happen funds available. If with American with additional restoration activity after Dec 2023 or Rivers described below. no funds available, NOAA/American Rivers Grant [Proposed] Post -removal monitoring Earliest: Nov TBD: NOAA grant UP2S (chemical, physical, biological). 2023, to American Rivers coordinates requested for with American multiple years Rivers & after removal. Project Partners [Proposed] Additional in -stream and Earliest: Aug TBD: NOAA grant UP2S streambank restoration, as needed. 2024(?) to American Rivers coordinates with American Rivers & Project Partners PO Box 1183 • Chapel Hill, NC 27514 • 919-428-2040 • info@uniqueplacestosave.org 4/3/23, 2:47PM Unique Places to Save Mail - Status of Surrender Application for High Falls (FERC Project 7987) -J Z Christine Pickens <cpickens@uniqueplacestosave.org> Unique Places To Save Status of Surrender Application for High Falls (FERC Project 7987) Amy Bergbreiter <Amelia.Berg breiter@ferc.gov> To: Christine Pickens <cpickens@uniqueplacestosave.org> Thanks for the update! From: Christine Pickens <cpickens@uniqueplacestosave.org> Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 9:18 AM To: Amy Bergbreiter <Amelia.Bergbreiter@ferc.gov> Subject: Re: Status of Surrender Application for High Falls (FERC Project 7987) Hi Amy, Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 9:25 AM Yes, there has been progress! We just started the permitting process for the dam removal, but it's on hold while we 1) address a sediment study need, and 2) coordinate with NC Wildlife Resources to protect vulnerable mussels that exist below the dam and may be impacted by removal. I had to secure additional funding/resources to meet WRC's requirement and that took a little while to do, but it is finally coming along. We've got a solid draft of the surrender application (following the Hoosier Dam example) and we just need to look it over and update it with the most recent plans and studies that accompanied the PCN. USFWS has reviewed our Biological Assessment, but they haven't issued their Biological Opinion yet. We expect the Biological Opinion to be provided once they are satisfied with our coordination plan with WRC. We're also simultaneously working on outreach tools to educate the public and potential stakeholders about the dam removal. I'll get the surrender application to you once we get the updated sediment study components. Thank you, Christine https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=77b62b5789&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:l 761527517397418220&simpl=msg-f:17615275173974182... 1 /2 4/3/23, 2:47 PM Unique Places to Save Mail - Status of Surrender Application for High Falls (FERC Project 7987) Christine Pickens, PhD Science Director 225.931.2073 e. cpickens@uniqueplacestosave.org w. www.uniqueplacestosave.org [Quoted text hidden] https:Hmai I. goog le.com/ma i I/u/0/? i k=77b62b5789&view=pt&sea rch=al I&perm msg id=msg-f:1761527517397418220&si m pl=msg-f:17615275173974182 ... 2/2 Tier 1 Sediment Evaluation High Falls Dam Removal Introduction Unique Places To Save is working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to plan the removal of High Falls Dam on the Deep River in Moore County, NC. The dam, located near High Falls, NC, is a run -of - river dam built in 1900 and formerly used to generate hydropower. It has out -lived its useful life and is a barrier to aquatic passage. The reach of river immediately downstream of the dam is excellent habitat for several endangered species of mussels and fish, including the Cape Fear Shiner. However, the dam presents a barrier to these species, cutting off miles of potential aquatic habitats and disrupting sediment continuity. Its potential removal will reconnect approximately 19 miles of the Deep River and many miles of tributaries to the next dam upstream in Coleridge, NC. As a result of the dam's longevity, there is a wedge of sediment accumulated upstream of the dam. NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) has requested an evaluation of the sediment and its potential for contamination prior to removal, and NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) has requested a sediment analysis as part of meeting the conditions for a Clean Water Act 401 Certification. U' KRIS BASS E N G I N E E R I N G Methods A Tier 1 evaluation was completed within a one -mile radius of High Falls impoundment (Appendix A). This approach is consistent with the methods outlined in the EPA/Army Corps of Engineers document "Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Discharge in Waters of the US —Testing Manual (1998)" This document details a tiered evaluation of the potential for sediment contamination, beginning in the Tier 1 phase with compilation of data to determine if sources of potential pollution exist near the accumulated sediment. In addition, Tier 1 of the evaluation includes a description of the accumulated sediment and approximation of the volume stored. The document states that if the material is determined unlikely to be a "carrier of contaminants," as is the case if the material is primarily sand, gravel, or inert materials, testing may not be necessary. A prior study of the sediment stored behind High Falls Dam, completed by KBE, determined that approximately 37,000 tons of accumulated sediment is stored upstream of the dam. Sampling completed in December 2018 classified the sediment as primarily sand and gravel with little to no fines. As a result, this material is unlikely to be considered a carrier of contaminants. Table 1 shows a summary of sediment descriptions, and full results are included in Appendix B. Table 1. Sediment sampling results from Geotechnologies, Inc. within the High Falls Impoundment, collected in December 2018. Sample I Latitude Longitude Notes S 1 , 5. a : x5�, I-'t}.52 I ? Sand sample Sand *alu plc 35.4 10IZ4 -'1}.52406 Sand sample S3A 35.4 1ST) -71).5240{7 'ifdU'CI Samp IC S4 35.47,k 63 -'L).52491 Sand samri for piishcd ? it it) bedrock 45 35.470�05 -7L).52540 Sand simi plc. sampler pmhai ? it it) bedrock s6 35.47,77-5 -79.526#i9 Si317d .1aM lc_ yam )ler PLLS11Qd 3.5 tt 141 1kAruX:k ? .i3.4-493 -7L).5_#Z9c) Kki l tiL{i44r _ Ltatil. �i1d lxrul�i�r 1 i)IlirlmS S� 35.4S4_27 -79.527-#i3 No Roca very, ftick ind boulder boilom S9 35.49914 -74.5.1 147 Sr Lnd 1,J311Le. saF11 S1ef VUShed .) 11 UP hUdM k S 10 35.41P 3 -74.5.1960 No ROU iw r ', rock Jild NFul it l' IN5114 H11 Geospatial data were obtained from state and federal sources to determine if any potential sources of contaminants are currently or were historically present in this area. Per the EPA/Army Corps manual, files were obtained that might represent sources of contamination, pathways of contaminant transport or other substances which may be harmful to aquatic biota. This included data such as current or former hazardous waste sites, landfills, brownfields or Superfund sites, sanitary sewer facilities, fuel storage tanks and others. A full list of data obtained can be found in Table 2, below. All data were obtained and were current as of April 4-5, 2023. Table 2. Data obtained for Tier 1 evaluation Data Active Permitted Landfills Aboveground Storage Tank Incidents Animal Feeding Operations Brownfields Sites Coal Ash Structural Fills Dry -Cleaning Remediation Sites Federal Remediation Sites Source Records Found NC DEQ None found NC DEQ Two found NC DEQ None found NC DEQ/US EPA None found NC DEQ None found NC DEQ None found NC DEQ None found FRS ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information US EPA None found System) FRS ICIS-AIR (Air) US EPA None found FRS RCRAInfo (Resource Conservation and US EPA None found Recovery Act Information) FRS TRIS (Toxics Release Inventory System) US EPA None found Hazardous Waste Sites NC DEQ None found Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites NC DEQ None found Manufactured Gas Plant Sites NC DEQ None found Permitted Septage Sites NC DEQ None found Permitted Solid Waste Landfills NC DEQ None found Pre -Regulatory Landfills NC DEQ None found Sanitary Sewer Treatment Plants NC DEQ None found SEMS (Superfund Enterprise Management US EPA None found System) Underground Storage Tanks NC DEQ Three found Very few potential sources of contaminants were found within a 1-mile range of the High Falls impoundment. Of the data sources that were assessed, three former underground storage tanks (UST) and two aboveground storage tank (AST) incidents were discovered. Each of the three USTs appear to have been removed, and NC DEQ issued a letter of no further action required for each. These are attached in Appendix B, below. All three USTs were issued a risk rating of "Low" by NC DEQ. As such, these former tanks are unlikely to be a source of contamination for sediment within the impoundment. Two AST incidents were also found within 1 mile of the impoundment. One incident, occurring in 2008, was assigned a risk rating of "Low" by NC DEQ and issued a letter of no further action required (attached in Appendix B). The second incident, more recent, occurred in June 2022 and was issued a risk rating of "Unknown". No documents are yet available for this incident. However, this incident occurred close to a mile from the Deep River, and it is unlikely that a small-scale, above -ground gasoline spill could have reached the impoundment. In addition to the above incidents, one pre -regulatory landfill (PRL) was discovered very close to the 1- mile search area (1.1 miles from the impoundment). This small landfill was only active for a few years in the 1970s before closure. In addition, the nearest creek to the PRL converges with the Deep River at a location downstream of High Falls Dam, making contamination of sediment upstream of the dam unlikely. Conclusions An extensive evaluation of available data discovered very few sources of contaminants within 1 mile of the High Falls Dam impoundment. Three USTs, formerly located in the search area and since removed, were discovered but deemed unlikely to be a source of contamination. Two AST incidents also occurred within 1 mile of the impoundment, also unlikely to be a pollution source for the Deep River. No other sources of contaminants, such as hazardous waste sites, animal feeding operations, brownfields, or Superfund sites, were found near the impoundment. In addition, the accumulated sediment upstream of High Falls Dam has been classified as primarily sand and gravel, with very few fine sediments. This type of material is considered unlikely to be a carrier of contaminants. As such, these results are sufficient to meet the exclusion criteria for further testing, as described in the EPA/US Army Corps manual. Appendix A — Site Maps 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 mi Troy Seagrove RANDOLPH COUNTY — — — MOORE COUNTY O O O Star m n O Biscoe Z Candor Location Map Goldston CHATHAM COUNTY -/ High Falls Dam R peep iver .% Sanford � Robbins ~` Carthage Cameron Whispering Vass 44 Pines Taylortown Pinehurst Moore County Airport �J HOKE COUNTY CE 0 U Z E c: ca D 0 0 U ca 00 LL 0 CM so c m c � 04 E' o LO W LO U) c U) mYrn `�� Y 3 � One Mile Buffer Assessment Area ac mw 4n xW o U Z E High,Falls L cu L.L O G LM 2 J• McConnell Putnam Robbins ParkwoodCD Le end 0 1 2 3 4 mi LO w 0)Lo o Impoundment m Y 1-mile Buffer of Impoundment Y � rn Underground Storage Tank Locations in ac mw Legend to = o Impoundment 1-mile Buffer of Impoundment x W Underground Storage Tanks High Risk `j Intermediate Risk `j Low Risk Unknown Risk Blank Risk o NZ U O E C6 _>� 0 � U CO L.L O G 2 J McConnell Putnam Robbins Parkwood E 0 1 2 3 4mi w0)LO CO L Oi Y � rn Aboveground Storage Tank Locations in ac mw Legend to = o Impoundment 1-mile Buffer of Impoundment x W Aboveground Storage Tanks Q High Risk Intermediate Risk Low Risk QUnknown Risk Blank Risk o NZ U E C6 0 � U CO L.L 0 G 2 J McConnell Putnam Robbins Parkwood E 0 1 2 3 4mi w0)LO CO L Oi Y � rn Pre -Regulatory Landfills Legend Impoundment ® 1-mile Buffer of Impoundment , Pre -Regulatory Landfill Ilk Note: Landfill is outside of 1-mile buffer Robbins 4 mi 0 E U N Z [if _>� E c ca 0 0 U c c ILL O 0 0) so 0) c a� a� 0) 0 L ( V O O LO w 0) u7 N N �o mYM Y 3 rn Appendix B — Additional Documentation GeoTechnologies, 1 GeotechnicaI and Construction Materials Testing Services December 21, 2018 Kris Bass Engineering 625 S. Lakeside Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Attn: Mr. Kris Bass, PE Re: Sampling Report High Falls Dam High Falls, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-18-0494-EA Mr. Bass: GeoTechnologies, Inc. has completed the authorized sampling for the above referenced project in High Falls, North Carolina. It is our understanding that consideration is being given to removal of the existing dam on the Deep River near High Falls, North Carolina. The dam was constructed as part of the abandoned hydro- electric facility located just north of the bridge over the Deep River on SR 22. As part of the process to remove the dam, it is desired to evaluate the make-up of the river bed both downstream and upstream of the dam. This report presents a brief description of the sampling procedures and the results of the sampling. Area Geology: The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic and Geologic Province of North Carolina. The Piedmont Province is characterized by a gently to steeply sloping topography, rolling hills and ridge lines, dissected by moderate to well -developed (mature) dendritic type drainage system and drainage swales, hollows, tributaries, creeks, streams, and rivers. More specially, the site is located within the Carolina Slate belt with bedrock materials consisting of metamorphosed argillite, mudstone, volcanic sandstone, conglomerate and volcanic rock. These materials were formed about 570 million years ago during the later Proterozoic — Paleozoic Era. Sampling: GeoTechnologies representatives were on -site on December 7, 2018 to evaluate the condition of the river bed both downstream and upstream of the dam. The river bed was visually evaluated and samples obtained for further laboratory analysis. Based upon a visual evaluation of the river bed below the dam, the river bed is primarily comprised of boulders (greater than 12"), cobbles (12" to 3"), gravel and sand sized particles overlying bedrock. Very little fine grained (silt & clay) sized particles were observed. Figure 1 shows the approximate sample locations. Samples of the material were obtained at three locations downstream of the dam. The samples were collected by wading into the river and collecting samples with a sampling tube or plastic sealable bag. Due to the depth of water upstream of the dam, a canoe with a small engine was used to navigate the river and obtain samples. An additional seven locations were sampled with the tube sampler. Three of the locations encountered bedrock and/or boulders/cobbles that could not be sampled with the sampler. Sand samples were obtained using the tube sampler at the other four locations upstream of the dam. The table below summarizes the sample locations with latitude and longitude locations. 3200 Wellington Court, Suite 108 • Raleigh. North Carolina 27615 • Phone 919-954-1514 • Fax 919-954-1428 • www.geotechpa.com Kris Bass Engineering Re: High Falls Dam December 21, 2018 Page: 2 Sample ID Latitude Longitude Notes S1 35.47856 -79.5217 Sand sample S2 35.47816 -79.5235 Sand sample S3 35.47808 -79.52406 Sand sample S3A 35.47808 -79.52406 Gravel Sample S4 35.47863 -79.52491 Sand sample, sampler pushed 2 ft to bedrock S5 35.47805 -79.52540 Sand sample, sampler pushed 2 ft to bedrock S6 35.47775 -79.52689 Sand sample, sampler pushed 2.5 ft to bedrock S7 35.47992 -79.52899 No Recovery, rock and boulder bottom S8 35.48427 -79.52783 No Recovery, rock and boulder bottom S9 35.48914 -79.53147 Sand sample, sampler pushed 3 ft to bedrock S 10 35.49353 -79.53960 No Recovery, rock and boulder bottom The recovered samples were transported to our laboratory for sieve analysis in general accordance with ASTM D-422. The sieve results are attached. Based upon the sieve results, the samples classify as GW, SW, SP and SM in accordance with the USCS classification system. The table below provides a classification symbol and description for each sample. Furthermore, based upon the results of our sampling and testing, it appears that the river bottom appears to transition to a natural condition somewhere between samples S6 and ST Sample ID USCS Symbol USCS Description S 1 SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands with little to no fines. S2 SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands with little to no fines. S3 SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands with little to no fines. S3A GW Well graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures with little to no fines. S4 SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. S5 SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands with little to no fines. S6 SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. S9 SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands with little to no fines. GeoTechnologies, ln�. Kris Bass Engineering Re: High Falls Dam December 21, 2018 Page: 3 Closing: GeoTechnologies, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to have provided you with our services on this project. Please contact us if you should have questions regarding this report or if we may be of any further assistance. • `���N CA/J Sincerely, OQ` FESS%p / GeoTechnologies, Inc. Q,O ti'• 9 'n /� Ak � SEAL ' V I I z a�-tf 25955 Mark R. Potratz, P.E. '•F Q'•' !yGINE� • NC License No. 25955 � R pO'(PP`•` MRP/pr-dli "' � � W O Attachments GeoTechnologies, ln�. High Falls Dam Sieve Analysis 1180494EA Sieve Size - Percent Passing Sample 2" 1.5" 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 S1 100 95.8 88.6 67.4 21.3 6 2.4 1.7 S2 100 92.6 80.2 71.8 61.8 40.9 12.2 0.86 0.31 0.23 0.2 S3 100 99.7 97.4 76.4 16.7 4.3 2.8 1.9 S3A 100 75.1 44.3 21.4 10.9 6 2 0.8 0.2 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.03 S4 100 98.3 94.9 59.7 25.3 22.1 20 18.1 S5 100 98.4 92.8 59.7 12.8 4.2 2.81 2.06 S6 100 99.4 98.1 92.6 64.5 54.6 51.6 47.7 S9 100 92.4 79.9 39.6 4.8 1.3 0.87 0.46 S10 R R _ r.. AL Goode earth © 2018 Google .F r - S9 ti Sg : ;Hig hT4111 t r S7 54 S1 56 S 5 S352 ,N 3000 ft 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.::::: Brown Course to Medium Sand S-1. 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes �_ N_ 0� 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' °' #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.::::: Brown Course to Medium Sand with Aggregate S-2. 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.:::::. Brown Fine to Medium Sand S-3 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1" M M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.::::: Brown Fine to Course Aggregate S-3A. 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.::::: Brown Silty Fine to Medium Sand S-4. 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 100 90 80 70 30 20 10 0 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.:::::. Brown Fine to Medium Sand S-5 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 7t N_ 00 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' M #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.:::::. Brown Silty Medium to Fine Sand S-6 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 10 9 8 7 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes �_ N_ 0� 2" 1 1/2" 1.. `"' °' #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 Grain Size In Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND FINES COARSE FINE I COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT SIZES CLAY SIZES Boring No. Elev./Depth Nat. W.C. L.L. P.L. P.I. Soil Description or Classification GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION \.:::::. Brown Course to Medium Sand S-9 11W Project: Job No.: 1-18-0494-EA High Falls Dam 3200 Wellington Court, Ste 108 High Falls, NC Date: 12/19/18 Raleigh, NC 27615 i r NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL. RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT July 2, 1999 Mr. Stephen T. Majors High Falls Oil 1611 Hwy 22 P.O. Box 29 High Falls, NC 27259 RE: Underground Storage Tank Closure Report for: Quick N Easy #4 531. NC Hwy 4 High Falls, Moore County, NC Facility ID#: 0-020944 Dear Mr. Majors: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the above referenced report from your office on July 2, 1999. The Underground Storage Tank section staff has reviewed the closure report and has determined that no additional excavation, site investigation, or monitoring is required. However, should new information become available concerning this matter, we reserve the right to reopen the investigation. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me or any member of the UST section staff at 910-486-1541. Sincerely iim�b�erly K. Lewis, F.E. Regional Supervisor UST SECTION 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714, FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301-5043 PHONE 910-486-1541 FAX 910-486-0707 WWW.ENR.STATE.NC.US/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 0% POST -CONSUMER PAPER r r Site Investigation • • • r Permanent Closure or Changes -in -Service of U.S.T.— FOR Return Completed Form To: TANKS State Use Only The appropriate DEM Regional Office according to the county of the facility's location. IN [SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE OF OWNER'S COPY (PINK) FOR REGIONAL I.D. Number NC OFFICE ADDRESS]. Date Received INSTRUCTIONS Complete and return within (30) days following completion of site investigation. Ownership1. Owner Name: ( r FacilityName: ( ^j a Corporation, Individual, Public Age y, her Entity) Street Address: L ZZ (or company) / FacilityO ID # if available): [/J Coun - Cp c ', Street Address ( Ci State: Z i Code' _ (or state Road) ou Ci • (zipCode: `/ Telephone Numb r• O n ' / - Q ARboneI (Area Code) Ill. Contact (Area Code) Person 1 Name: F-GP �,-e ►N- ,, �p r' S Job Title: l/ d v`e-` ip ✓L Tel. No.: q/6 `C16 131 C 1 rr Closure Contractor: ( O S t ttII r6,d Address: /N/ - Crr r#.c # C4( L16C Tel. No.: q (c - qq 7- 17111 Primary Consultant: S h fN �a cS �xAddress: Tel. No.: Lab: c Address: Tel. No. IV. U.S.T. Information V. Excavation Water In Tank Size in Tank Last Excavation condition VI. Additionai Information Required Free Notable Odor or Product Visible Soil contamination No. Gallons Dimensions Contents Yes No Yes No Yes No See reverse side of pink copy I pp r / 60 (owner's copy) for additional �Z C� S information required by pp /I b, N.C. - DEM in the written t�c4 loU 1 2 rS report and sketch, bOD q�O ,�� (��! r �5 NOTE: The site assessment p portion of the tank closure must be I conducted under the supervision of a Professional Engineer or VII. Check List Licensed Geologist. (Check the ontact local fire marshal. activities completed) otity DEM Regional Office before abandonment ABANDONMENT IN PLACE C� Drain & flush piping into tank. I Remove all product and residuals from tank. Fill tank until material overflows tank opening. Excavate down to tank. Clean and inspect tank. Plug or cap all openings. Disconnect and cap or remove vent line_ Solid inert material used - specify: Remove drop tube, fill pipe, gauge pipe, vapor recovery tank connections, pumps and othernk fixtures.p a�ulbmersible or plug all lines except the vent and fill lines. Purge tank of all product &flammable vapors. reaoa vent hole. Cut one or more large holes in the tanks. Ir Label tank. BackfilI the area. b�rDispose of tank in approved m nnerD Date Tanks Permanent) closed: O Y r' Final tank destination: * tt L r� Date of Change -in -Service: Vill. Certification (Read and Sign) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached Ouments, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the mitted information is true, accurate, and complete, Print name and official ll(tiitle of owner or owner's authorized representative Signature Date Signed UVV/Ua 1-Z (Hev. v/l t%/vo) ' White Copy - Regional Office // Yellow Copy - dentral Office Pihk Copy- Owner (GWAJSr�3) r-V11 TANKS * I Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change-InService Ratum C xnpk*Ad Fam To: The appropriate DEM RegiorW Office eocardnp to the county d the fadhys location. (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF OWNER'S COPY (PINK) FOR REGIONAL OFFICE ADDRESS]. Notice State Use Only L D. Number _ Date Received INSTRUCTIONS Complete and return thifty (30) days prior to closure or change -in-service. L OWNERSHIP OF TANK(S) ank Owner Name: r ' bdv*A AAk Ap;"Aar E treat Address:. A/C :ounty: O6P :'h: / State: Zip Code: $ ele. No. (Area Code): —ft/p) V4V-3/, ame: IL LOCATION OF TANK(S) Facility Name or Company Facility ID # (if available) d ' 0 Z� Street Address or State Road: 5 3 A3 c :L 2 2 County: Moore- City: i Zip Code: a�a5 t Tele. No. (Area Code): �e(q0 III. CONTACT PERSON -9.rvv l lue:v Telephone Number:(yL0) -3io IV. TANK REMOVAL, CLOSURE IN PLACE, CHANMWSERVICE 1. Contact Local Fire Marshall. 2. Plan the entire closure event. 3. Conduct Site Sal Assessments, 4-: If Removing Tanks or Closing in Place refer to API fications. 2015 'Cleaning Petroleum Storage Wbtnks' & 1604 'Removal & Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks". 5. Provide a sketch localing piping, tanks and soil sampling locations. 6. Fill out form GWAIST-2 'Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure" and retum within 30 days following the site investigation. 7. Keep records for 3 years. V. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY: :ontractor) Name: 411. 4, '17 Jdress: State: Zip Code: S ontact: / or Phone: d / VI. TANKCS) SCHEDULED FOR CLOSURE OR CHANGE -IN-SERVICE NK ID# TANK CAPACITY LAST CONTENTS PROEQSED A TIVITY CLOSURE CHANf"E•IN-SERVICE 4— GDC] Removal A inndonment New Canty Stoisd 2e2 cpe, 5 VII. OWNER OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED 0 REPRESENTATIVE name and ofticel ire I iature: II *wuw work `Scheduled Removal Date. `� Date Submitted.— —?— d+anga, noiy Y= appnoPiele DEM RegiernW Ofboe 48 hours prior a oiVrally sdvxi&d data. I ►ST 3 Rev.7/2.9/91 mvi, copy - Repbti Ofrae Yellow Copy - Central Olke P Copy - OMrter FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP QUICK N EASY #4 531 NC HIGHWAY 22 HIGH FALLS, NC 27259 _ IS :.. ..:.. ^- 22 .: : -. ... .... . Gal me ......: :: ... . ..... . Bra r..►' i.+ .. ......... ... ...... ..... : _ O • . .. ........ ... .. :•i Lick .� Creek J SITE • _, awe C 01997 ysftrm Global Carp.--_'7 ' FIGURE 2: SITE MAP QUICK N EASY #4 531 NC HIGHWAY 22 HIGH FALLS, NC 27259 qN North Scale: 20 feet QUICK N EASY #4 (not to scale) Canopy D1 5030 - BQL Tank 1: 2000 gallon Gasoline Tank 2: 2000 gallon Diesel Tank 3: 8000 gallon Gasoline Tank 4: 6000 gallon Gasoline T4-1 T3'1 5T3-2 T4-3 5030 - BQL 503 - BQL 030 -BQL 5030 - BQL y • T4-2 d • T3-3 5030 - BQL D2 5030 - BQL 3550-BQL, 5030-BQL 3550 - BQL. 5030 - BQL T1-1 5030 - BQL T2-2 T1-2 3550 -- BQL. 5030 - BQL 5030 - BQL Grass Island NC HIGHWAY 22 I mI Analytical Results 0 The soil sample locations and laboratory analyses results are summarized 0 in Table 2. Copies of the soil sample analytical reports are contained in the appendix. Table 2 Analytical Results and Methods of Soil Samples Quick N Easy #4 Sample ID Matrix EPA Method 5030 (MG/KG) EPA Method 3550 (MG/KG) T1-1 Soil BQL T1-2 Soil BQL T2-1 Soil BQL BQL T2-2 Soil BQL BQL T3-1 Soil BQL T3-2 Soil BQL T3-3 Soil BQL T4-1 Soil BQL T4-2 Soil BQL T4-3 Soil BQL D1 Soil BQL D2 Soil BQL BQL • BQL = Undetected or below quantitation limit Quantitation limit are fully calculated using dilution factors and % solids. 40 * TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons VA 0 FIR -al as 9'1 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Fayetteville Regional Office James G. Martin, Govemor Wiliam W. cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 6, 1991 Mr. Vernon G. Majors President High Falls Oil Company, Inc. P.O. Box 29 High Falls, NC 27259 SUBJECT: Review of Lab Results UST Soil Assessment Quick and Easy #1 Highway 22 High Falls, Moore County Dear Mr. Majors: This is to acknowledge receipt of the above mentioned soil assessment dated November 25, 1991. Based on review of the lab results, no additional soil excavation and removal is required. Should new information become available concerning this matter, we reserve the right to reverse this finding. Should you have any questions or need clarification, please contact Mrs. Cindy Hegg of this office at (919) 486-1541. ram• - -- Si erely,. 10 ," t Regional Supervisor; MJN/cah Wachovla Building, Suite 714 • Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 0 Telephone 919-486-1541 a FAX 919-486-0707 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer " FOR Return Completed Form To: Sate TANKS The appropriate DEM Regional Office according to the county of the facility's location. IN [SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE OF OWNER'S COPY (BLUE) FOR REGIONAL I.D. OFFICE ADDRESS]. Date Please complete and return within (30) days following completion of site investigation. Hiqh Falls Oil Com .-Mner Name (Corpandion, Ir'dtidtml, Pubic Agency, or other Entry) P.O. Box 29 Hwy.22 Street Address Moore ;ourfigh Falls, NC 27259 �'ty 919 State 464-3111�'11 p code 'area Code Number Name Vernon G. Majors Closure Contractor High Falls Oil me) Lab GUilfor(gaLaboratories Tank I Size in I Tank I last No. Gallons Dimensions Contents ,lob Title President Quick n Easy # 1 C�>►jell Facility Name or Comp" 0-020945 Facility ID # (if available) H Street Address or State Road Moore Hi h Falls, NC 27259 6ffty city 464-2373 z i p code Area Code Telephone Number Inc. P.O. Box 29 H (Address) P.O. Box 9735 Grec:mc;hnrn 280 1 1 Kerosene (K-1 waver in Fro Excavation Product Yes I No Yes X I I X Check the activities completed. Contact local fire marshall Notify DEM Regonal Office before abandonment Drain & flush piping into tank. Remove all product and residuals from tank Excavate down to tank (� Clean and inspect tank Remove drop tube, fill pipe, gauge pipe, vapor recovery tank connections, submersible pumps and other tank fixtures. Cap or plug all lines except the vent and fill lines. 0 Purge tank of all product & flammable vapors. 0 Cut one or more large holes in the tanks.. 1 / (� Backfill the area. Date Tank Permanently closed: November 1 991 Telephone N rnber ( 919 ) 464-3101 Falls, NC 27259 27408 Notable Odor or Visible Soil Contaminstion Yes I No R. See reverse side of blue copy (owners copy) for additional information required by N.C. - DEM in the written report and sketch. ABANDONMENT ly PLACE (� Fill tank until material overflows tank opening; I� Plug or cap all openings;. 0 Disconnect and cap or remove vent line Solid inert material used - please specify: REMOMAL i 0 Create vent hole (� Label tank [� Dispose of tank in approved roamer Final tank destination: Wrtify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately onsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. Print name and official title of owner or owner's authorized representative gnature Date Signed Vernon G. Majors President aW/UST-2 White Copy - Regional office Yellow Copy - Central office Blue Copy - owner MEMO TO FILE: FROM: Steve Kay - Environmental Engineer UST Section, Wilmington Regional Office SUBJECT: Site Closure & NFA Incident Name Stop N Shop FA Number FA-387 Incident Number if Assigned 7973 This file was reviewed for archiving on _1/08/2015_, and it was determined that a NFA letter should have been issued to the RP on _4/29/1991_ but for some reason was not. Therefore, the date entered above is the official closure date. No additional assessment or site work is required unless new information is made available to our office that indicates further investigation would be warranted. Data Entry Screens - Incidents Only General Info J'Activity Record Status UST# rFA-387 INCIDENT# f-7973 INC NAME: jSTOP RSHOP FACIL ID ADDRESS INC HWY 22 CITY: [Pi5P FAZES ZIP CODE: 27-259 COUNTYREGION FAY MGR JWB LAT DEC: 35.483757LONG DEC: -79 5-21692 Accuracy Acc Ref Acc Res - W r 2T1991 DISCOVERED] 4/29/1991 C L US E C � T -77 C on � R i,,� ,. E— R i �J� FL REPORTED: F —4/29/1991 TYPE SOURCE 12 COMM K:2 CONTAMINATION: SUPPLY WELL PTYPE i'j CAT CODEF-J�] REG RE GW MTBE U WELLMTBE: AddFTecard Ford, Record Prink Record Reicnal PIRF Update # Agl�?ke Select RO Rpork , North Carolina Michael F. Easley, Governor VVilliam G. Ross Jr., Secretary High Falls Oil Company Stephen Majors P.O. Box 29 High Falls, NC 27259 Dear Mr. Majors: NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Waste Management Underground Storage Tank Section May 15, 2008 Natural Resources Dexter R. Matthews, Director Re: Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0106 Corrective Action Kerosene AST Release 1628 Hwy 22 High Falls, Moore County FA Number: 88155 The Initial Assessment Report received by the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Fayetteville Regional Office on February 4, 2008 has been reviewed. A review of the report indicates that soil contamination does not exceed the TPH action level of 10 ppm for Gasoline Range Organics and 40 ppm for Diesel Range Organics. Based on information provided to date, the UST Section determines that no further action is warranted for this incident. This determination shall apply unless the UST Section later finds that the discharge or release poses an unacceptable risk or a potentially unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. This No Further Action determination applies only to the subject incident; for any other incidents at the subject site, the responsible party must continue to address contamination as required. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me at the address or telephone number listed below. If James W. Brown Hydrogeologist H Fayetteville Regional Office cc: Moore County Health Department Moore County Emergency Services Moore County Manager FRO GW File FA-88155 An Equal Opportunity; Affirmative Action Employer - 50 % Recycled �.10 % Post Consumer Paper UST Regional Offices Asheville (ARO) — 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville (FAY) — 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Systel Building, Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 433-3300 Mooresville (MOR) — 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Raleigh (RRO) — 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 (919) 791-4200 Washington (WAS) — 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 Wilmington (WIL) —127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem (WS) — 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 Guilford County Environmental Health, 1203 Maple Street, Greensboro, NC 27405, (336) 641-3771 FTP: NFA nonustNOR0507.dot HIGH FALLS OI.L COMPANY, INC. 0 PO Box 29 - 1611 NC Hwy 22 High Falls, North Carolina 27259 (910) 464-3 101 Fax: (910)464-5505 February 27, 2008 NCDENR Underground Storage Tank Section Division of Waste Management Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville. NC 28301 RECEIVED MARA f � OENR - FAYETTt ALLE REGIONAL OFRCG RKEIVED MAR 0 3 2008 i l agkY' 7VLLEREGIONALOFRCE ------------ Reference: High Falls Oil Kerosene Release February 3, 2008 1628 NC Highway 22 High Falls, NC 27259 Dear Mr. James Brown, High Falls Oil has concluded the cleanup process of the Kerosene release caused by vandalism on February 3, 2008. High Falls Oil removed about approximately 24 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the referenced site. The soil was taken to the property own by High Falls Oil on the corner of Highway 902 and Highway 22 near Bennet, NC. The soil was disposed under UST-71 certificate # CAU600199, which is attached. Pictures and a site map been attached depicting the areas of excavation and soil sample locations. The soil samples were delivered to Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc in Kernersville, NC. The samples were analyzed results by EPA Methods 5030 and EPA Method 3550. All of the samples analyzed at BQL (Below Quantitation Limt); the results are attached. High Falls Oil believes it has completed its clean up of this unfortunate incident. Please advise if any further action is required. Please contact me at 336-312-3238 if you questions or concerns. Thank you, Stephen Majors President High Falls Bulk Plant - Kerosene Spill Areas of Excavation Soil Sample Location a zeb 27 08 03:11P High Falls Oil 9104645505 p.2 RF.suRCH & AiWyTICAL UboRATQRIES, INC. Analytical/Process GonsultGtlons February 20, 2008 lfth falls Oil P.O. Box 29 I & Falls, \ C 27259 Atkaden: Stcvc Majors Chemical Analysis for Total Petroleum hydrocarbons (fPII) for Selected Soil Samples Identified as KI Bulk Plant (A Higb balls Oil Project. collected 05 February 2008) Qttantit" lon i1.rA Method iWA Method _Sample RAL Date Time I.1nd1 5030 3550 Identif ration S20nplC4 lateen Omit (mP/kr) MIE&e) (Mal�i Hl'O-1 609548 02/05/08 1700 to I)QL BQL 11r.0-2 609549 02/05AN I710 10 130L SQL W-0-3 609550 02/05/09 1600 10 RQI. RQI. Ilr0-4 6095S1 02/0SIOR 1400 t0 OQL RQI. HF0-5 609552 02/05/08 1700 t0 BQL BQL Hr0-6 609553 O2/OS/0N 1600 10 13QL BQL Cl'A Method 50.10 - TotW Petrolaurn Iivdrocarbnns as Ga olinc EVA Method 3550 ^ Total PctmlcwnHydrocarbons as9iwci m6oftmmilligramspwkilogram=pampermillion(ppm) SQL — 13clow Quanrir ttina limit NR = Not RequesYcd RESEARCh & ANAIyTICAL LkoRATOROIES, INC. Analytical / Process Consultations Phone 1336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD we�a i wecTFuue�w uicr COMPAN IT I 1 1 s Q i + JOB NO. 1 k� ? w i c z a 0��0�y �Q y0 Jc 0 A \���O�OV�pp 0co'Gp��O G�Q20v `7 m; Q Q" �` �` Q' 0 of�� /_Ul `V ti 'Y� 'L``� �' � �" �" ^ �`0 � �/ REQUESTED ANALYSIS STR T AD {R�ESS x (� i iw Z(L ATE, PROJECT P/4 CITY, ZIP IP 1�� S �Ia5 SAMPLER NAME (PLEASE PINT) SUe fYk� OCj CONTACT PHONE orsLL 3b-3i2-3Z35 SAMPLE1jj1W4ATURE _- SAMPLE NUMBER (LAB USE ONLY) DATE TIME COY GRAB �.0 CI CFLORNE �M SAMPLE is SAMPLE LOCATION 1 LD. RrO �sog ao o - l 3S-sa Sa3a 14 l"0 - 2 ' 4T-0 -3 f i'()- 2-b-o8. 2:o0 r6 - -i FO -S- ;L-5-68 S; e a X f'FF6 ^ S- �6 -(o ?-4,c6 RELINQUISHEP BY DATEMME -7 RECEIVED BY REMARKS: syt pAlf SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT °C RELI QUISHED BY DATEMME 7-vg 13 RECEIVED BY Contaminated Soil Permits UST-71 North Carolina Division of Waste (gof 5o Cubic Yards or Less Certificate #� A I I ®d 1 L ❑Temporary Storage ❑ Other (explain below) Approval is Hereby Granted To: Name: 54.cu,e., MKA4®-6r-5 Phone Number.r- Address: 1 to 1 Q 3 3�6 U 1" 32 3 for the storage/treatment of approximately cubic yards of contaminated soil as specified below: Type of Contaminants: dN es-obe4O-C- Location of Source of Contaminant(s) (including business/owner name): Address of Source ofContaminant JG.rwe �-S County: Method of Sto e[Freatment: . M-C.-�1 3,s; i 4-9 e >G C c 3 rtirCIt-e-e-- Location(s) where contaminated soil will be stored or applied of (map(s) must be provided): This approval is based upon information provided to the Regional Supervisor, �AI C-Regional Office, by the responsible party, who hereby agrees to conduct the approved soil management aY 'vities in accordance with applicable state, local or federal requirements and additionally agrees to abide by any special conditions or limitations specified below and on the second page of this form. (NOTE: If the contaminated soil to be managed is regulated under Subtitles C or D of RCRA, then the soil shall not be stored or treated without written permission from the NC Division of Waste Management.) Special Conditions, Limitations or Comments: & d 6: 01 Ce cate of Approv issued this the Signature of DWItif Representative day of A w7r ❑r.�� �P-ny UST-71 (07/03) Page] Qf2 t'y ?9. 15r3'5V5 September 1, 2003 - ,, •�. �_ �� ,. - - i.. _� , <. '. P,