HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 4_As Built Report_20150504BANK PARCEL NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION SITE WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PHASE I & PHASE I EXPANSION AS -BUILT REPORT DWQ Projecl # 2008- 1473 ,t .4 EBX -13020 April 27, 2015 O F�� D MAY 042015; LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To Ms Katie Merritt 11 MCADANIS Date May 1, 2015 NCDENR -DWR 512 N Salisbury Street, Archdale Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 '' FEDERAL EXPRESS Re Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Phase I & Phase I Expansion I am sending you the following item(s) Job No EBX -13020 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Phase I & Phase I Expansion Report These are transmitted as checked below ® As requested ❑ For approval ❑ For review and comment Remarks Copy to ® For your use Signed George Buchholz, REM,,,PWS Environmental Scientist, Project Manager, Water Resources and Infrastructure Raleigh- Durham Charlotte 2905 Meridian Parkway 11301 Carmel Commons Blvd, Suite 111 Durham, North Carolina 27713 Charlotte, North Carolina (919) 361 -5000 (704) 527 -0800 Designing Tomorrow's Infrastructure & Communities McAdamsCoxom Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .............. .............. ............................... .. . ....... . 11P tL t dD t ... .............. .. 1 roJec oca ion an escnp ion ......... . ..... .. .... ... ............. I ........................ ... 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ....................... ............................... ........ ...... 2.0 Project Area — Pre - Construction Condition Summary .................. ................... 3 0 As Built Site Conditions ................. .................................. ............................... 3.1 Restoration Plan ........... ... ............................... .................... ............. ... 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots ..................................... ............................... 3 3 Photo Stations ............................................................ ............................... 4 0 Monitoring, Maintenance Plan, and Reporting ........................ ............................... 5.0 Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation .............................. . . . .................1 ...................2 ............ .. 2 .................3 . . ............3 ...................4 ............... ..5 ...................5 .................5 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure l: Site Location Map Figure 2.1: Conservation Easement Area — Phase I Figure 2.2: Conservation Easement Area — Phase 1 Expansion Figure 2.3: Proposed Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Restoration Area — Phase I BPDP Figure 2.3A: Ncusc Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas — Phase I Figure 2.313: Neusc Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas — Phase I Expansion Figure 3.1: As -Built Exhibit —Phase I Figure 3.2: As -Built Exhibit — Phase I Expansion Appendix B: Existing Conditions Photographs Appendix C: Vegetation Assessment Data Table l • Plant Species Summary Table 2A: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table — Phase I Table 2B. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table — Phase I Expansion Table 3A: Stcm Count Total and Planted by Plot Species — Phase l Table 313: Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species — Phase I Expansion ADDendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos — Phase 1 Appendix E: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos — Phase I Expansion Appendix F: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets — Phase I Appendix G: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets — Phase I Expansion Appendix H: Photo Stations — Phase I Appendix 1: Photo Stations — Phase I Expansion Appendix J: Correspondence DWR Memo dated August 9, 2013 Email from EBX Requesting use of DWR Memo Email October 17, 2014 from DWR Authorizing use of DWR Memo {`I Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Location and Description Located off of Arrington Bridge Road, at its intersection with John Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina (Figure 1, Appendix A) is the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration area previously referred to as the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel and currently known as the Amngton Bridge Bank Parcel (hereafter referred to as the Bank Site). The Bank Site was proposed to be developed in two (2) phases- Phase I and Phase H. According to the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP, EcoEngineering, April 2012), Phase I consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598449002 and is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge Road and John Street. Phase II consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598632250 (located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge road and John Street) and 2598543857 (located north of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the west side of John Street, and is separated from Parcel Number 2598449002 by a railroad easement and utility line casement). Since approval of the BPDP, only a portion of Parcel Number 2598632250 was developed and dedicated to Phase II. The Arrington Bndge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase II As Built Report (June, 2013) describes that portion of land developed for Phase IL Based on the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase Il As -Built Report (June, 2013), Parcel Number 2598543857 was not developed as part of Phase II. Because the approved BPDP allowed development to occur on Parcel Number 2598543857, it was decided that development on Parcel Number 2598543857 would be dedicated to Phase I. Figure 2.1 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed Conservation Easement (CE) platted for Phase 1. Figure 2.3 (Appendix A) is provided to illustrate the Phase I CE as approved in the BPDP. Since approval of the BPDP, a portion of Parcel Number 2598427606 has also been added to Phase I, this portion of Phase I will hereafter be rcferied to as Phase I Expansion. Parcel Number 2598427606 (Phase 1 Expansion) is located south of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the south side of Arrington Bridge Road. On October 15 ' 2014, staff from the Division of Water Resources (DWR) authorized approval to this additional area to Phase I, and is referred to as Phase 1 Expansion. Email correspondence authorizing approval is provided in Appendix G. Figure 2.2 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed CE platted for Phase I Expansion. The total signed and scaled CE for both Phase I and Phase 1 Expansion of the Bank Site consists of + 43.512 acres (Figures 2.1 and 2.2, Appendix A). Figures 23A and 2.313 (Appendix A) are provided to illustrate the constructed Phase I and Phase I Expansion Conservation Easements with aerials. The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the Neuse River watershed by providing off-site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requinng stream buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. As shown on the easement plat (Figure 3.1, Appendix A), the CE for Phase I of the Bank Site is 38.886 acres (1,693,874.16 sf) Within the Phase I CE, 0.99 acres (43,124.4 sf) is dedicated to 0' to 50' of the Neusc Riparian Buffer and 0.981 acres (42,732 36 sf) is dedicated to 50' to 100' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer. Therefore, a total of 1.971 acres (85,856.76 so is dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer. A total of 31.558 acres (1,374,666 48 sf) is dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen. Therefore, there is 5.357 acres (233,350.92 sf) of the Phase I Expansion CE that is not dedicated to either Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits or Nutrient Offset Credits. Pat A- Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC As shown on the easement plat (Figure 3.2, Appendix A), the CE for the Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site is 4.626 acres (201,508 56 sf). Within the Phase I Expansion CE, 1.63 acres (71,002.8 sf) is dedicated to 0' to 50' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer and 1.402 acres (61,071.12 sf) is dedicated to 50' to 100' of the Neuse Riparian Buffer. Therefore, a total of 3.032 acres (132,073.92 sf) is dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer. A total of 0.947 acres (41,251.32 sf) is dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen. Therefore, there is 0.647 acres (28,183.32 sf) of the Phase I Expansion CE that is not dedicated to either Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits or Nutrient Offset Credits. The Bank Site Service Area is contained within 8 -digit USGS HUC 03020201. Stormwater runoff from the Bank Site drains into an unnamed tributary of the Ncuse River (Stream Index #27- (56)). According to the N.C. Division of Water Resources Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), the Neuse River is classified as Class C and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) in this location. The "C'" classification is for "waters protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture" while the NSW designation is for "Nutrient Sensitive Waters ". This Bank Site shall be established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Nfitigation Bank (Bank) made and entered into by EBX Neuse 1, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and was entered into by the parties on November 10, 2008. The Division of Water Quality is now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR). 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutncnt offset mitigation project are to: To improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tnbutary of the Ncusc River by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences. To improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation casement. To provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary to the Neuse River and associated riparian and upland buffers These goals will be met through the following objectives: - By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site. - By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods. - By establishing a conservation easement to provide long -term protection for the Bank Site. - By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program 2.0 Project Area — Pre - Construction Condition Summary Land adjacent to the Bank Site is comprised of active agricultural fields which have historically cultivated corn and soybean. Prior to construction, the 33.529 acre Phase 1 CE of Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC the Bank Site was within agricultural activities and contained corn fields which were harvested and pastureland Prior to construction, the 4.626 acre Phase I Expansion CE of the Bank Site was in active pastureland. There are areas along the unnamed tributaries and along Arrington Bridge Road that contain relic forest /shrub communities. These fringe forest/shrub areas have been impacted by historical agricultural activities. Species such as sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Ater rubrum), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), willow oak (Quercus phellos), and water oak (Quercus nigra) were observed Small significant populations of non - native, invasive species including privet (Ligustrum sinense) and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) were also observed, which are indicative of a disturbed forest community. Since these fringe forest/shrub areas have been disturbed, a reference forested community was examined to gain insight as to the type of forested community which would have been on the Bank Site if agricultural activities had not occurred. One such reference forested community located approximately 0.7 miles west of the Bank Parcel was examined. The reference forested community is generally characterized as a Basic Meste Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype), according to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) classification system (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). The canopy and undcrstory is dominated by southern red oak (Quercus pagodcfolia), willow oak, water oak, white oak (Quercus alba), sweetgum, red maple, tulip poplar, red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), beech (Fagus grandifolia), American holly (Ilex opaca), dogwood (Cornus florida), American elm (Ulmus Americana), paw -paw (Asimina triloba), swamp bay (Persea palustris), giant cane, and highbush blueberry (Yaccinium corymbosum). Photographs showing existing conditions prior to construction are located in Appendix B. 3.0 As Built Site Conditions 3.1 Restoration Plan Construction of Phase I and Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site occurred on December 17 and 18, 2014. Construction activities included planting the conservation area followed by staking of photo stations and vegetation plots. In addition, base line vegetation sampling was conducted. All photographs and data are attached in`the appendices. Grassed fields within the conservation easement were scarified prior to vegetation planting activities. The established microtopography on level surfaces will promote diffuse flow and surface water storage In addition, subsurface hardpans were eliminated to promote vegetation growth and survival and to increase groundwater recharge rates. Grasses will be treated with herbicide to reduce competition with planted species. Where necessary, invasive species will be treated with herbicide to ensure they do not become dominant within the Bank Site, or hinder the establishment, growth and survival of planted vegetation. The Bank Site was planted with bare root seedlings consisting of species previously observed on the Bank Site and selected species known to inhabit Basic Mesic Forests (Coastal Plain Subtype) community type as described in Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley, 1990) Table 1 (Appendix C) provides a listing of planted species and a summary of total stems planted within Phase i and Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site, A total of 24,900 individual stems, or 695 stems per acre, were planted within the Bank Site, which is slightly above the desired range of 436 to 681 stems per acre according to the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (EcoEngineering, April 2012) Po I 101" Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC The list provided in Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package was used as a guide in species selection. Due to stock unavailability from local nurseries, changes were made on -site The planted species were a mixture of hardwood tree species consistent with those found within a Basic Mesic Forest in the Coastal Plain. Plant composition consisted of nine (9) tree species. No shrub species were selected as part of plant composition. The following is the only substitution: bald cypress (Taxodtuna distichium, Tree). The Bank Sponsor will conduct Monitoring Year 1 field exercises during the fall of 2015, as further described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 At the conclusion of Monitoring Year 1, a deterinination will be made regarding the need for supplemental plantings, at which time, input from DWR will be sought prior to developing a supplemental planting plan. If supplemental plantings are required, it will take place between the months of January and April, 2016, and at which time, a minimum of three (3) additional tree species listed in the Waync County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (EcoEngineering, April 2012) will be planted. Temporary and permanent native herbaceous seed will be applied simultaneously to the nutrient offset restoration areas within the Bank Site area. Temporary seed will provide cover until the permanent seed applied becomes established. Temporary cover consisted of millet (E'chtnochloa crusgalh), annual rye grain (Secale cereale), and crimson clover (Trtfohum incarnatum). Permanent ground cover consisted of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), decrtongue (Panicum clandesimman), black -eyed susan (Rudbeckta htrta), and riverbank wildryc (Elymus riparius). 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots McAdams permanently installed six (6) vegetation plots for future monitoring purposes on December 18, 2014; five (5) plots were installed in Phase I and one (1) plot was installed in Phase I Expansion. It was subsequently determined that five (5) additional plots would be needed for monitoring purposes, for a total of eleven (11) vegetation monitoring plots located at both Phase I and Phase I Expansion. The five (5) additional plots were established on March 18, 2015; three (3) additional plots were established in Phase 1, and two (2) additional plots were established in Phase I Expansion. Therefore, there are a total of eight (8) vegetation plots located at Phase I and a total of three (3) vegetation plots located at Phase I Expansion The locations of the plots are depleted on the As -Built Exhibits (Figures 3.1 and 3.2, Appendix A). The plots were installed randomly throughout the Bank Site and each are 100 square meters in size (10 meter by 10 meter square plots) Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in general accordance to CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Ve etg ation (CVS -EEP, v4.2). Table 2 (Appendix C) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot. Based on the baseline vegetation monitoring, all eleven (11) vegetation monitoring plots were within the desired range of 436 to 681 stems per acre (Table 2, Appendix C) Table 3 (Appendix C) provides a more detailed summary of stem counts and the type of planted species within each vegetation monitoring plot. The number of planted stems per acre for the monitoring plots ranges from 769 stems to 971 stems. Photographs of the vegetation monitoring plots are located in Appendix D. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix E. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides the measurements, location, and vigor of each planted tree within the vegetation monitoring plots. 4 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 3.3 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Site. Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. McAdams permanently installed seven (7) photo stations for future monitoring purposes. The location of the photo stations and their direction are depicted on Figures 3.1 and 3.2 (Appendix A) Photographs for the photo stations arc located in Appendix F. 4.0 Monitoring, Maintenance Plan, and Reporting The Bank Site will be monitored for five (5) consecutive years or until the required success criteria has been met as determined by DWR. Monitoring Year 1 field exercises will begin during fall of 2015. Supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented, if necessary, after a determination has been made regarding the success of the project following each monitoring year. Monitoring activities will follow the terms and conditions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and thc North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources (DWR). The eleven (11) vegetative monitoring plots will be monitored in general accordance with the CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. A monitoring report will be submitted annually to DWR no later than December 31 of each monitoring year describing the conditions of the Bank Site and relating those conditions to the success criteria. The target density for the riparian buffer is a minimurn of 320 planted trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period. Vegetation monitoring will occur between August and October of each monitoring year. A determination will be made regarding the success of the project following the collection and evaluation of ecological and physical monitoring data, photographs, and site observations. 5.0 Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation The Bank Site will provide Neuse Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits for development impacts within the Neuse River Basin. Additionally, it will provide Nutrient Offset Mitigation Credits for development unpacts within the Ncuse River Basin USGS HUC 03020201 outside of the Falls Watershed. On October 17, 2014, EBX requested to use the DWR Memorandum dated August 9, 2013 to request to receive Neuse Buffer mitigation credits from 51 — 100 feet adjacent to the streams onsite. On October 17, 2014, DWR authorized their approval for this request All correspondence between EBX and DWR are provided in Appendix G. Of the total + 38.155 -acre conservation casement area for Phase 1 and Phase I Expansion, + 37.508 acres will be dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer restoration and Nutrient Offset restoration (Figures 2.1 and 2.2, Appendix A). A total Neuse Riparian Buffer restoration area of 5.002 acres (217,887 12 sf) will be used to generate 5 002 acres (217,887.12 so of Neuse Riparian Buffer credits. The remaining 32.506 acres (1,415,961.36 sf) of riparian restoration -area within the Site (i.e areas outside of the Neuse Buffcr) will provide Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen (currently based on 2,273.02 lbs of nitrogen/ac of riparian restoration). The Site will provide 73,886.788 pounds of Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Credit. si 0 �' -L' I Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Table l provides a summary of mitigation credit for the Site. Table 1: MitiLyation Credit Summary NEUSE RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION /ENHANCEMENT CREDITS Conservation Area Neuse River Buffer acres / s Restoration Enhancement Phase 1 1.971 acres 85,856 76 sf) 0.00 Phase 1 Expansion 3.032 acres 132,073.92 sf) 0.00 TOTAL ACREAGE 5.003 acres 217 930.68 s 0.00 RATIO 1:1 3:1 TOTAL CREDITS 5.003 acres 217 930.68 s 0.00 NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION CREDITS Conservation Area Nutrient Offset Restoration acres ) Nitrogen Credit (2,273.02 lbs/ac Phase I 31.558 71,731.965 Phase I Expansion 0.947 2,152 550 TOTAL CREDITS 32.505 73,884.515 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 6.0 References EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 2012. Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel — Bank Parcel Development Package. EcoEngincering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. June 2013. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation — Phase II — As Built Report. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R, 2008. CVS -BBP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http: / /www.nceep .net/news /reportsibuffers.pdf Accessed August 2009. Schafale MP and AS Wcaklcy. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. I OW �r Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC APPENDIX A Site Maps s i Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC -`� ph ' . '_ ;� . • ' �`� 6:9 sew iii .:..'CMDRBORO we. "March'.; i , - - - - -- -- va, Nat .rJ - I rGof Cuurse �w1 lu •, South C r � r r c Goldsboro BANK SITE PHASE Cam, r 1 •- �•_ ' 'tea � - '` �! .i[.!•� .jam U, Tp R PHASE I �. V JOA f 4Vndi 1` ' Legend 35'21'0.33 "N 78' 0'38.64 "W LL Q Bank Site Phase I Phase I Expansion ` N ~ 7.5 MINUTE USGS "SW GOLDSBORO- QUAD; 1974 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988) F a, 7.5 MINUTE USGS "SE GOLDSBORO" QUAD; 1982 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988) F , } `. of ll �'• , • , FIGURE 1. USGS QUAD SW/SE GOLDSBORO 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet I inch = 2,000 feet M c A D A M S ng 0/4 / i- i ` J u 0 Ul Pit y rl I MERE �g ng 0/4 / i- i ` J u 0 Ul Pit y rl I MERE ti `IL tj MHHN Dot ! 2 ��Y Z srtrts s' W m LL i ti Si �g �j O ffi i ILI Y. Jill I ti y 1p n jw' MHHN Jill ISjl 2 Z W_ s' W m LL i ti Si ; ! /0)4) k Y al pq � nil my I = 3 .,►� si iw ? L _' fee ^•�I I :ai DUE a lit• MA Y2 a+� far 2 Z W_ s' W m LL i ti Si Q O FIGURE 2.3 - PROPOSED RIPARIAN BUFFER & NUTRIENT !!j OFFSET RESTORATION AREA - PHASE I BPDP 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 1 inch — 500 feet M C A DA M S FIGURE 2.3A - PROPOSED NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS - PHASE I 0 250 500 1,000 Feet A M I inch — 500 feet c A U A M S, FIGURE 2.313 - PROPOSED NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS - PHASE I EXPANSION 0 250 500 1,000 Feel 1 inch 500 feet "PRELIMINARY PLAT' NOT FOR SALES; CONVEYANCES, OR RCCOROA TION. GRAPHIC SCALE it EBX -NEUSE I, LLC. ARRINGTON BRIDGE I YIELD MAP MATRIX EAST, PLLC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 906 N. QUEEN ST., SURE A KINSTON, NC 28501 TEL: 252 -522 -2500 FAX- 252 -522 -4747 FIGURE 3.1 "I NNW Y.l7 "o. EBX -13020 BE ARRINGTON BRIDGE �� UM J( MR YeAGAMS �¢ " "NFEX1302X.DWG °°W"� °� a BANK PARCEL aeos xmamo P,.t,Y.y s SCALE: ShuhAm. Nw .: C-o 97713 y SAT¢: ' " =zoo• AS -BUILT REPORT "`°"` N° c-o�s 04-27 -15 WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS `�' T�.e�.M��.� Zee CL �� � � $ 5a y$y y[^ R $� �•�ici �` p9 "F., a_ �� 3�k_-r � � '7 a 4 � xM�k�� ,., . • as � Alw lip z Oar f / ee U � 42i V W ri / �VC, N x 3' � nrl ro co ILN APPENDIX B Existing Conditions Photographs Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel As Built Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 December 18, 2014 Existing Conditions (Photos taken October 4, 2011): Existing Condition Photo 1: View from Arrington Bridge Road. Existing Condition Photo 2: View from Arrington Bridge Road at ditch. Existing Condition Photo 3: View from South John Street. The stream is located to the left and the agricultural fteld is located to the right. Existing Condition Photo 4: View from South John Street. APPENDIX C Vegetation Assessment Data j Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Table 1. Plant Species Summary Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neusc Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase I & Phase I Expansion Wayne County, NC AS BUILT: December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEngineering Project #: EBX -13020 Tet.11 Nenue Rinarian and Nntrient Offset Restoration Area =35 828 acres Scientific Name Common Name Species Type* Total Bare Root Species Planted Betula ntgra river birch T 1,200 Ltnodendron lultpr%ra tulip poplar T 1,000 Platanus occtdentalty sycamore T 3,400 Quercuv alha white oak T 2,300 Quercus mtchauxit swamp chestnut oak T 3,200 Quercus ntgra water oak T 3,800 Quercas pagodafoho cherry bark oak T 4,600 uerr -u3 phellov willow oak T 4,600 Taxodium drsttchium bald cypress T 800 TOTAL NUMBER OF STEMS 24900 NUMBER OF STEMS PER ACRE 695 Notes* T = denotes medium to large tree Table 2A. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table - Phase I Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT: December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEneineering Project #: EBX -13020 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Threshold Met ?* Tract Mean 1 Yes 100% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 9 Yes 10 Yes 11 Yes * Within Range of 436 to 691 ic(.oTding to the "Wayne county Development Alliance Bank Park - Bank Parcel Development Package ", April 27, 2012 Table 2. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT: December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEngineering Project #: EBX -13020 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Threshold Met ?* Tract Mean 6 Ye- 100% 7 Yes 8 Yes * Within Range of 436 to 681 ac,u>rdtng to the "Wayne wunty Development Alliance bank Dark - bank Parcel Development Package ", April 27, 2012 I able 3A. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegatlon Plot - Phase I Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT: December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEnguicerulg Project #. EBX -13020 Total \Luse. Riparian and Nutrient 0tket Restoration Aria = 33 519 aces Table 3B. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Butler & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEngmccring Protect # EBX -13020 Scicalific Name I Common Nami I Species I ypel VP -6 1 VP -7 f vP -8 J�JMJMJMJMWJ AS RUII T SLl11SfARY (Dec 2014 & Mar 2015)1 Quercus alha H hits oak I fee 4 1 4 Quer urs michauxu swamp a hi.sinut oak I ree 2 5 7 Quercris ni +ra water oak 1 roe 1 3 6 10 Quercus agodl faha ihery bark oak riee 1 4 5 Ourrruc Plrellm willow oak Tiee 17 6 6 -79 I otal Noose Repinan and Nntncmt 011xA Restoration Aeei - 3 979 acres AS RL I LT ANN UAL MLANS Scientific Name Common Name 19pmie, T) p.1 VI' -1 I VP -2 I VP -1 I NP-4 VP -5 VI' -9 P-01 NIP it AS RUIL r SUMMARY (Dec 2014 &Mar 2015) Planted Stuns Beudanigra river birch Tree 3 ! 6 4 1 6 2 8 31 Lurudcnrlrunlydrpijera tult poplar Tru 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 12 Platanm uccrdentalts s camori. Ini 2 1 2 5 Quercus albri white oak rre, '- 1 3 Quercits naehaum swamp Lhixtnut oak Im 3 J 3 5 16 Quercus ni •ra wales oak free 2 3 1 1 3 10 Quercus a od✓folia c hirry bark oak Iles 16 3 3 1 I I 3 4 3 44 hterC145 pliellov willow Oak Tree Ill 11 7 5 1 2 4 40 laxodrumdrstrcluum bald a press Tree 3 5 8 Shin Coum lolal 14 21 21 21 24 20 19 19 169 Sue ul Vigetstion Not (Acres) U 02 0 02 0 02 002 002 002 002 0 02 020 N tonbir ul lh frerenl Species 4 5 4 6 6 6 6 5 42 Stems Per Acre 971 850 850 850 971 1 809 769 761) 5 Total \Luse. Riparian and Nutrient 0tket Restoration Aria = 33 519 aces Table 3B. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot - Phase I Expansion Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Butler & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Wayne County, NC AS BUILT December 19, 2014 & March 18, 2015 EcoEngmccring Protect # EBX -13020 Scicalific Name I Common Nami I Species I ypel VP -6 1 VP -7 f vP -8 J�JMJMJMJMWJ AS RUII T SLl11SfARY (Dec 2014 & Mar 2015)1 Quercus alha H hits oak I fee 4 1 4 Quer urs michauxu swamp a hi.sinut oak I ree 2 5 7 Quercris ni +ra water oak 1 roe 1 3 6 10 Quercus agodl faha ihery bark oak riee 1 4 5 Ourrruc Plrellm willow oak Tiee 17 6 6 -79 I otal Noose Repinan and Nntncmt 011xA Restoration Aeei - 3 979 acres APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos — Phase l ffim L'AiJ,I Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I As Built Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 December 18, 2014 & March 18, 2015 Vegetation Plot Photos: Vegetation Plot 1: View facing 134 °SE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the left and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the right. Vegetation Plot 2: View facing 202 °S Vegetation Plot 3: View facing 300 °NW Vegetation Plot 4: View facing 44 °NE Vegetation Plot 5: View facing 144 °SE Vegetation Plot 9: View facing 334 °NW Vegetation Plot 10: View facing 150 °SE Vegetation Plot 11: View facing 220 °SW APPENDIX E Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos -- Phase I Expansion um 10 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I Expansion As Built Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 December 18, 2014 & March 18, 2015 Vegetation Plot Photos: Vegetation Plot 6: View facing 212 °S .i Vegetation Plot 7: View facing 310 °NW Vegetation Plot 8: View facing 30 °N APPENDIX F Vegetation Momtonng Data Sheets — Phasc I I Lnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/1812014 Area Veg Plot No 1 X -axis 200°S Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBN cm V1 or Notes Map ID Screnbfic Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 03 01 0 539 39 3 2 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 07 1 9 0 708 31 3 3 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 12 35 0 514 27 3 4 Betula ni ra river birch B 1 02 53 0 548 67 3 5 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 8 5 31 0 701 341 3 6 1 Betula ni ra river birch B 07 74 0 331 261 3 7 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 2 96 0 362 471 3 8 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 25 69 0 665 24 3 9 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 3 1 5 0 682 30 3 10 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 35 29 0 659 31 3 11 Quecus michauxn swamp chestnut oak B 1 43 45 0 705 37 3 12 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 5 61 0 474 28 3 13 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar B 57 761 1 476 44 3 14 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 83 86 0 692 27 3 15 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 73 67 0 496 32 3 16 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 69 52 0 375 30 3 17 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 65 45 0 522 24 3 18 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 59 31 0 515 45 3 19 Quercu michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 54 1 7 0 374 24 3 20 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 83 1 5 0 496 261 3 21 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 88 26 0 349 34 3 22 Betula ni ra river birch B 92 46 0 856 48 1 3 23 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar B 97 7 0 988 53 3 24 Quercu michauxn swarrip chestnut oak B 98 89 0 644 34 3 B = bare root Note 1 Plot is located partially within the 50' Neuse River Buffer xY y ddch x S John Road Site Arrington Bndge Bank Parcel - Phase I Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Veg Plot No I X-axis 200*S 10 E mmmmmmmmmm_ 160 men 0 11 05 00 05 1345 X-AXIS Site Page Monitoring Year Date Area Veg Plot No X -axis Plot Location Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 1 AS BUILT 12/18/2014 2470y see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter I Height centimeter DSH cm Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quecus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 02 03 0 222 32 3 2 Quecus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 02 22 023 28 3 3 Quecus michauxn swamp chestnut oak B 02 41 0 545 61 3 4 Quecus michauxn swamp chestnut oak B 02 62 0 522 54 3 5 Quecus michauxn swamp chestnut oak B 02 82 0 799 601 3 6 Quercus phellos willow oak B 32 02 0 422 491 3 7 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 32 32 067 59 3 8 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 32 45 0 352 37 3 9 Quercus ni ra water oak B 32 67 0 364 43 3 10 Quercus rn ra water oak B 32 89 0 226 44 3 11 Betula nicira river birch B 6 03 0 507 66 3 12 Quercus phellos willow oak B 6 16, 0 526 59 3 13 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 6 361 0 528 58 3 14 Quercus phellos willow oak B 6 571 0 358 56 3 15 Quercus phellos willow oak 8 6 78 0 344 53 3 16 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 6 97 0 357 59 3 17 Quercus phellos willow oak B 87 18 0 481 58 3 18 Quercus phellos willow oak B 87 37 048 49 3 19 Quercus phellos willow oak B 87 64 0 488 56 3 20 Quercus phellos willow oak B 8 7 1 7 0 36 1 64 3 211 Quercus phellos willow oak B 871 91 03521 571 1 3 B = bare root ditch S John Road x Y xy ddch , Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/1812014 Area Veg Plot No 2 X-axis 2471W 10 05 00 mm m m- =MID= mr0q.= NO m m mmmmmm mmmmmmOmm �am IfimmmmmmmemmIme mmmmmmmm =� mmmmmEmEm �01 me-m—mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmlommmm mmmlemmmommmm 05 5 X-AXIS Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Vag Plot No 3 X -axis 345 °N Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 05 03 0 305 47 3 2 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 25 03 0 579 53 3 3 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 45 03 0 619 54 3 4 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 66 03 0 411 33 3 5 Linodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar B 85 031 0 629 44 3 6 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 5 28 0 425 51 3 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 36 28 0 567 56 3 8 Quercus phellos willow oak B 56 28 0 501 45 3 9 Quercus phellos willow oak B 75 28 0 419 36 3 10 Quercus phellos willow oak B 93 28 0 574 58 3 11 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 06 44 0 396 49 3 12 Quercus phellos willow oak B 52, 44 0 423 62 3 13 Quercus phellos willow oak B 26 57 0 415 57 3 14 Quercus phallos willow oak B 41 65 0 542 56 3 15 Betula ni ra river birch B 7 57 0 431 57 3 16 Betula ni ra river birch B 87 63 0 395 58 3 17 Quercus phellos willow oak B 94 86 0 418 51 3 18 Betula ni ra Inver birch B 78 77 1 75 40 3 19 Betula ni ra Inver birch B 1 5 99 0 741 58 3 20 Betula ni ra Inver birch B 3 4 0 375 45 3 21 Betula ni ra I nver birch B 0 81 _23 8 0,557 50 3 B = bare root — — — — .• — _. — — — Z- - -- oad xy S John Road Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/1812014 Area Veg Plot No 3 X-axis 3450N 05 0,0 05 5 X-AXIS lu IDMmmmm m m MO. — —0 VA mmMmmmmmm no= no=== no= 05 5 X-AXIS lu Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Veg Plot No 4 X -axis 890E Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus ni ra water oak B 06 04 0 897 60 3 2 Quercus n3 ra water oak B 27 04 0 571 44 3 3 Quercus ni ra water oak B 47 04 0 575 38 3 4 Quercus hellos willow oak B 1 66 04 0 435 37 3 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 87 041 0 385 26 3 6 Lirodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar B 54 27 0 767 44 3 7 Betula rn ra river birch B 35 27 0 512 50 3 8 Betula rn ra river birch B 12 27 0 439 57 3 9 Betula nl ra river birch B 72 27 031 37 3 10 Lirodendron full ifera tulip poplar B 91 27 0 615 43 3 11 Quercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 83, 55 0 388 28 3 12 Betula ni ra river birch B 6 55 0 577 54 3 13 Quercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 1 42 55 0 319 30 3 14 Quercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 23 55 0 625 31 3 15 brodendron tub fera tulip poplar B 04 55 1 245 62 3 16 Quercus phellos willow oak B 85 84 057 441 3 17 Quercus phellos willow oak B 81 84 0 579 491 3 18 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 71 84 0 439 40 3 19 lQuercus phellos willow oak B 48 84 0265. 21 3 20 Quercus phellos I willow oak B 1 241 84 0 385 43 3 21 jQuercus phellos 1willow oak B 1 011 84 0 445 33 1 3 B = bare root Ddch Y xY x S John Road RadRo'd -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — ^ — — — — — Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Phase nxwe » Monitoring Year AS BUILT oum 12/18m014 Area mw Plot wv 4 . X-axis 891E m 0 0.0 ��D mmmmmmmmmm # wou:16 "0 mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMOMMMIM mmmmmmmmmmi mmmmmmm mm MMMMMMM' mm mmmmmmmmmm mmalemalemme mmm on x Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Montonng Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Vag Plot No 5 X -axis 182 °S Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X I Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter cm Vi or Notes 1 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 03 03 0 808 65 3 2 Quercu michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 24 03 0 765 57 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak B 44 03 0 615 56 3 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 63 03 0 376 37 3 5 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 85 0 31 0 596 63 3 6 Quercu michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 97 2 0 625 58 3 7 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 82 22 0 323 37 3 8 Lmodendron tuli ifera tulip poplar B 64 24 059 55 3 9 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 43 28 069 50 3 10 Quecus michauxu swamp chestnut oak B 22 27 0 618 53 3 11 Quecus michaux i I swamp chestnut oak B 05, 33 0 642 66 3 12 Quecus michaux i swamp chestnut oak B 03 63, 0 258 281 3 13 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak 8 16 59 0 395 31 3 14 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 29 53 0 288 28 3 15 Betula m ra river birch B 45 57 0 288 59 3 16 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 61 47 0146 23 3 17 Quercus ni ra water oak B 78 38 0 302 29 3 18 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 94 27 0 468 63 3 19 Quercus phellos willow oak B 99 66 0 321 44 3 20 Quercus hellos willow oak B 81 69 0 477 58 3 21 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 66 75 0 596 59 3 22 Quercus pagodifblia cherry bark oak 8 39 8 0 478 58 3 23 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 29 86 059 59 3 24 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 51 9 05961 31 1 3 B = bare root Note 1 Plot is located partially within the 50' Neuse River Buffer y ditc xy x `1 Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase I Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Veg Plot No 5 X-axis 182*S ILI 05 0,0 05 144SE 4 X-AXIS 0 � 0. 05 0,0 05 144SE 4 X-AXIS Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No 9 X -axis 28oN Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 06 06 778 60 3 2 Quercus alba white oak B 25 06 56 47 3 3 Taxodwm distichum bald cypress B 45 05 582 60 3 4 Taxodium distichum bald cypress 8 1 66 05 938 62 3 5 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 86 041 578 651 3 6 Betula ni ra river birch B 84 24 384 46 3 7 Betula m ra river birch B 66 2 3 405 49 3 8 Betula ni ra river birch B 49 2 5 579 62 3 9 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 26 30 1266 45 3 10 Quercus paclodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 0 36 428 23 3 11 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 19, 66 588, 56 3 12 Quercus albs white oak B 36 55 551 62 3 13 Linodendron tul fera tulip poplar B 52 53 302 23 3 14 Betula ni ra river birch B 69 46 288 37 3 15 Quercus m ra water oak B 96 99 895 59 3 16 Platanus occidentalis sycamore B 72 99 626 47 3 17 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 55 991 618 46 3 18 Linodendron tul fera Itulip poplar B 4 31 991 5 911 49 -01 3 19 Betula rn ra Inver birch B 241 991 4 39 3 20 Betula m ra I river birch B 1 091 1001 3951 581 3 B = bare root i r i i r Ditc ! Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Phase 1 Page x Monitoring Year AoBUILT Date 3118/2015 Area Vag Plot wv o X-axis 281N mv vo | «o ' m / e | i� � m *» �o m 19 18 / m � / uo �_—_�----- | oo zo m 30 40 m 60 m oo ou mo Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No X -axis Plot Location In 19405 see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X mater Y meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 05 04 505 53 3 2 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 22 06 425 53 3 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 45 04 560 60 3 4 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 1 70 06 752 59 3 5 Quercus ni ra water oak B 93 061 585 481 3 6 Betula ni ra river birch B 91 31 582 42 3 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 70 30 423 36 3 8 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 49 30 958 60 3 9 Taxodium distichum bald cypress B 26 29 418 55 3 10 Quercus nl ra water oak B 07 26 598 54 3 11 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 08 51 442 60 3 12 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 1 30 521 613 59 3 13 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 49 561 115 23 3 14 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 67 58 750 60 3 15 Quercus ni ra water oak B 89 61 305 58 3 16 Betula ni ra river birch B 97 81 889 60 3 17 Linodendron tul ifera tulip poplar B 77 81 438 27 3 18 Quercus phellos willow oak IB 60 81 61 65 3 19 Platanus occidentalis s camore 16 1 451 81 16921 47 3 20 Quercus albs 1white oak 1B 1 181 80 7811 54 3 Conserv; B = bare root r 1 1 t 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 Ditch Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No 10 X-axis 194'S F---10 _0 90 so 70 60 SO 40 30 20 10 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X-AXIS 19 18 r 17 T 16 15 T 8 7 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X-AXIS Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No X -axis Plot Location III Y80'yy see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meter meter millimeter centimeter cm Vigor Notes 1 Linodendron tul ifera tulip poplar B 06 04 1055 55 3 2 Betula m ra river birch B 27 02 591 62 3 3 Betula m ra river birch B 46 02 782 60 3 4 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 67 02 585 59 3 5 Betula m ra river birch B 86 02 561 61 3 6 Quercus phallos willow oak B 14 33 261 31 3 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 32 30 440 47 3 8 Quercus pagodiibla cherry bark oak B 50 27 582 52 3 9 Quercus phellos willow oak B 67 26 257 32 3 10 Quercus phellos willow oak B 86 18 252 26 3 11 Betula ni ra river birch B 89 51 401 50 3 12 Betula ni ra river birch 8 69 51 266 51 3 13 Platanus occrdentalis sycamore B 54 56 613 52 3 14 Betula ni ra river birch B 31 57 395 53 3 15 Platanus occrdentalis sycamore B 14 59 885 47 3 16 Lmodeadron tulpfera tulip poplar 8 12 88 275 25 3 17 Betula ni ra river birch B 31 87 273 58 3 18 Betula ni ra river birch B 43 8 6 6 35 61 3 19 Quercus a odifoha cher bark oak B 64 85 4321 33 3 20 B 97 83 608 70 3 B = bare root x �C.n.e,.t,,n X, y y Ditch --- --- ---r°---------------------------------------------------------------------- r Ditch Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Page 2 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No 11 X-axis 2801W 100 90 80 70 60 LA so 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X-AXIS 6_ 17 18 0 is U4 6 7 8 @3 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 X-AXIS APPENDIX G Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets — Phase I Expansion Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 12/18/2014 Area Veg Plot No 6 X -axis 258 °S Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X meter Y meter ddh millimeter I Height centimeter DBH cm Vi or Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 04 04 0 294 32 3 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 08 38 0 505 34 3 3 Quercus michauxn swamp chestnut oak B 1 66 0 406 36 3 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 07 92 032 42 3 5 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 21 75 0 446 61 3 6 Quercus rn ra water oak B 23 49 064, 35 3 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 2 1 8 0 445 47 3 8 Quercus phellos willow oak B 38 29 0 469 59 3 9 Quercus phellos willow oak B 4 56 0 477 30 3 10 Quercus hellos willow oak B 4 82 0 317 41 3 11 Quercus phellos willow oak B 55 99 0 585 54 3 12 Quercus phellos willow oak B 54 66 0 622 36 3 13 Quercus phellos willow oak B 56 46, 0 459 59 3 14 Quercus phellos willow oak B 53 07 062 30 3 15 Quercus phellos willow oak B 69 21 0 614 41 1 3 16 Quercus phellos willow oak B 77 55 0.274 28 3 17 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 71 79 047 29 3 18 Quercus phellos willow oak B 92 7 0 327 49 3 19 Quercus phellos 1willow oak B 99, 45 0 592 34 3 20 Quercus phellos 1willow oak B 1 851 32 061 33 3 is = bare root Note 1 Plot is located partially within the 50' Neuse River Buffer – ----- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ` – – � Tree hne y Dttc I — xy � Fence I x Conservation Easement Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase I Expansion Page 2 Monitonng Year AS BUILT Date 12118Y2014 Area Veg Plot No 6 X-axis 2581S 01 0,0 212So 05 5 X-AXIS ="-D-' mmmm mme-mmmm j mm-mallmmmemimmm mwm-Mm M-Mmmm mmmmmmmmmm 05 5 X-AXIS Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18t2015 Area Veg Plot No X -axis Plot Location 2 °N see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X I meter Y meter ddh I millimeter Hei ht centimeter DBH cm Vi or Notes Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 05 06 751 51 3 2 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 34 1 2 451 48 3 3 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 48 03 583 56 3 4 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 65 1 3 430 53 3 5 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 81 021 456 511 3 6 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 96 1 8 306 481 3 7 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 50 27 312 471 3 8 Quercus Phellos willow oak B 20 20 446 46 3 9 Quercus phellos willow oak B 02 38 421 60 3 10 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 25 55 748 30 3 11 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 67 49 585 47 3 12 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak B 99 46 746 47 3 13 Quercus alba white oak B 881 64 457, 29 3 14 Quercus aiba white oak B 551 63 430 321 3 15 Quercus aiba white oak B 39 78 433 31 3 16 Quercus aiba white oak a 07 68 811 42 3 17 Quercus m ra water oak B 27 93 622 33 3 18 Quercus m re water oak B 57 99 771 36 3 19 Quercus ni ra Iwateroak B 73 81 750 34 3 B = bare root I I � Conservation Easement 1 I I 1 � 1 I i Y, ` 1 i ` i I Zone Zone g__ Channel �' Zone C Site Amogtvonuoaoa"parco Phase IExpansion Page u Monitoring Year AS BUILT oum 3/18m015 Area wm Plot wn r xaxm x^w ! u/o | i � oo oo | m ' | ! oo / | � so � / | . m m / m | ' / � m � ! | "" � — ' 10 2 m m so oo m xn on 10 i 18 — ' 10 2 m m so oo m xn on 10 Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel - Phase 1 Expansion Page 1 Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3/18/2015 Area Veg Plot No 8 X -axis 76 °NE Plot Location see sketch below AS BUILT DATA X I Y ddh Height DBH Map ID Scientific Name Common Name Source meterl meter millimeter centimeter cm Vi or Notes 1 Quercus phellos willow oak B 07 05 586 61 3 2 Quercus ni ra water oak B 07 26 443 49 3 3 Quercus ni ra water oak B 07 44 434 21 3 4 Quercus phellos willow oak B 1 07 64 605 45 3 5 Quercus phellos willow oak B 07 83, 594 70 3 6 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 33 95 305 19 3 7 Quercus phellos willow oak B 30 71 313 59 3 8 Quercus ni ra water oak B 30 51 318 52 3 9 Quercus alba white oak B 30 31 467 50 3 10 Quercus alba white oak B 33 1 0 448 50 3 11 Quercus alba white oak B 63 1 5 434 49 3 12 Quercus phellos willow oak B 63 31 431 41 3 13 Quercus ni ra water oak B 63 50 768 61 3 14 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 58 68 455 29 3 15 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 61 88 469 57 3 16 Quercus pagodifolia cherry bark oak B 89 92 446 59 3 17 Quercus phellos willow oak B 87 74 563 46 3 18 Quercus ni ra water oak B 90 61 46 45 3 19 Quercus ni ra Iwater oak 1B 1 95 48 464 391 3 20 Quercus alba white oak B 1 99 241 606 551 3 B = bare root t 1 L 1 t l Channel , t � x 1 1 Tree line Easement Site Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Phase 1Expansion pno* x Monitoring Year AS BUILT Date 3118/2015 Area voo Plot wo o X-axis 761ws loo 70 7 x 50 13 30 9 10 10 zz ��D APPENDIX H Photo Stations — Phase I A— I Environmental Banc, & Exchange, LLC Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase I As Built Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -1 3020 December 18, 2014 Photo Station Photos: Photo Station l: View facing 260 °W, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the right and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the left. Photo Station 2: View facing 234 °SW Photo Station 2: View facing 300 °NW Photo Station 3: View [acing 301 °NW Photo Station 4: View facing 288 °W Photo Station 4: View facing 94 °E Photo Station 5: View facing 88 °E Photo Station b: View facing 178 °S Photo Station 6: View facing 10 °N APPENDIX [ Photo Stations — Phase I Expansion RM I# Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel — Phase i Expansion As Built Report Wayne County, North Carolina EBX -13020 December 18, 2014 Photo Station Photos: Photo Station 7: View facing 50 °NE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the right and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the left. Photo Station 7: View facing 152 °SE, showing the Neuse River Riparian Buffer to the left and Nutrient Offset Restoration area to the right. Photo Station 7: View facing 216 °SW, showing the Nutrient Offset Restoration area. APPENDIX J Correspondence Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory Thomas A Reeder John E Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary August 9, 2013 MEMORANDUM To- N C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program prom. Tom Reeder Subject DWR responses to the EEP document "Refoi ins needed nnniedhately to the regulation of i iparian huffer mitigation" On August 2, 2013, the Division of Water Resources (DWR) received a document from the N C Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) titled "Reforms needed imniedtatelr in the regulation of riparian buffer mitigation" Below is a short summary of each point raised in the document and DWR's response to those points 1. Riparian Buffer Mitigation Widths — the Ironclad 50' Standard There are two issues raised under this section (a) provide mitigation credit for buffers wider than 50 feet and (b) provide mitigation credit for buffers narrower than 50 feet Response: (a) DWR will approve mitigation credit for butler widths in excess of 50 feet on a prorated basis, up to a maximum of 200 feet, including on pre - existing mitigation sites Buffer wid£h (#t) Percentage.of full Credit' ` 50 -100 300% 101 -200 25% for area > 100 feet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1617 Location 512 N Salisbury St Ralegh North Carolina 27604 Phone 919.807 -6300 t FAX 919807.6492 Internet wwwnmaterquairtyorg M Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Example for restoration of a 1,000 linear foot stream segmcnt: 50' m WM-Arn required 100 FULL CREDIT FOR Stroam A So' JWMR 1.000 LF A, ra - 50,000 f1 C, - 50.000 "I 100' F-I!, c 8,011 FOR A I,In @UFFfR 25 " FULL CREDIT FOR AODITIONAL BUFFER BEYOND 100 Area - 100.00011 [rrdil = lS�OVl1 W FO ScAej *vId / reaY� 1!S o0f1I1= (b) DWR agrees that mitigation credit should be granted for restored buffer widths less than 50 feet, however this would require a rule change. The draft consolidated buffer mitigation rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295) already has provisions for narrower buffers in urban areas and DWR supports expanding this to non -urban areas. 11. Riparian Buffer Jurisdiction — Man Jurisdiction. There are two issues raised under this section: (a) the ability to conduct restoration or enhancement on unmapped streams and (b) the ability to conduct restoration or enhancement on all watercourses, including ditches. Response for the Neuse, Tar - Pamlico, Catawba and Jordan: Under the current buffer mitigation rules, applicants may "restore or enhance a non - forested riparian buffer..." A riparian buffer is defined within each of the buffer rules. Each rule has an applicability paragraph that defines where the rule shall apply (e.g. in the Neuse "This Rule shall apply to SO foot wide riparian buffers directly adjacent to surface waters in the Neuse River Basin (intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, ponds, and estuaries), excluding wetlands.") The rule goes on further to clarify that a subject feature must be depicted on either the USGS topo map or the NRCS soil survey and defines the Zones of the riparian buffer. To allow buffer mitigation to occur on non - subject features requires a rule change DWR does support buffer mitigation on unmapped streams, and the draft consolidated buffer mitigation rule (15A NCAC 02B 0295) aheady has language to allow for this Response for Randleman: Under the current Randleman buffer mitigation rules, applicants may "restore or enhance a non - forested riparian buffet " A rtpaltan buffer is defined within the Randleman rules to include unmapped features, as well as ditches or manmade conveyances that "delrvet untreated stormwater runoff from an adjacent source directly to an intermittent or perennial stream are subject to the Rule " DWR will continue to allow buffer mitigation to occur an the Randleman watershed on unmapped features as well as ditches or manmade conveyances that meet the rule Response for Goose Creek: Under the current Goose Creek buffer mitigation rules, unmapped streams may be used to provide buffer mitigation, as well as first order ephemeral streams that discharge /outlet into intermittent or perennial streams 111. Riparian Buffer Jurisdiction — Stream Calls on Mapped Streams The issues raised under this section focus on the requirement to have a stream determination made by DWR staff More specifically, there is a concern that the stream method is not appropriate for modified natural streams that may be severely degraded and that these streams are not eligible for mitigation Response: • DWR will allow all subject streams to be eligible for riparian buffer mitigation IV. Restoration Success Criteria — Native Hardwood Trees The issues raised under this section focus on the requirement to plant a minimum of at least two native hardwood tree species and the current DWR practice of not allowing Sweet Gum or Red Maple to be counted towards meeting this requirement Response: • DWR agrees that as written, the use of Sweet Gum and Red Maple counts towards meeting the minimum requirement of the rule Mitigation providers wall be expected to meet planting criteria established by the IRT an butter areas that are part of a stream mitigation site V. Restoration Success Criteria — Planted Stems The issues raised under this section focus on the requirement to plant 320 trees per acre and the statement that DWR does not count trees derived from existing seed sources, planted seeds, stump sprouts or other volunteer species towards meeting that 320 requirement Response: • DWR agrees that using 260 stems per acre at the end of the monitoring period would provide more consistency with the federal performance standards for stream and wetland projects, however this would require a rule change The draft consolidated buffer mitigation rule (15A NCAC 02B 0295) has already incorporated this change DWR staff will continue to consider the presence of woody volunteers during closeout of buffer sites VI. Restoration and Enhancement Criteria — Measuring Density The issues raised under this section focus on tree density for determining restoration or enhancement More specifically, the issues include the inconsistency among rules, the lack of clarity on how to measure density which has resulted in inconsistent calls among DWR staff, and the use of a tree's dnphne. Response: • DWR agrees that the inconsistency among rules has created confusion and inconsistency in implementation, however this would require a rule change to be consistent among all six rules The draft consolidated buffer mitigation rule (15A NCAC 02B 0295) has definitions for restoration, enhancement and preservation, which were written to provide clarity and predictability while still allowing DWR staff to use best professional judgment in evaluating potential mitigation saes based on their many years of experience In the Jordan and Randleman watersheds, the rules allow for restoration on sites with fewer than 100 trees /acre and enhancement on sites with between 100 and 200 trees In these two watersheds, DWR will accept established forestry protocols (e g fixed radius plot sampling) to be used to determine existing tree densities in any non - forested buffer area Sufficient numbers of plots should be used to accurately assess stem densities and delineate areas of the site with varying densities Plot data should not be averaged to determine an overall stem density unless the site is fairly homogeneous in terms of vegetative coverage Existing forested areas should be delineated out and not included in stem density calculations DWR has not considered the drip line to represent the outer edge of a wooded area for several years and will not consider it in the future Existing wooded areas should be delineated at the trunks of the outer edge of the areas Buchholz, George From: Merritt, Katie <katie merritt@ncdenr gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 3 34 PM To: Buchholz, George Subject: FW Arrington Bridge I Credit Release Please attach to AsBuilt From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11.18 AM To: 'Cara Conder' Cc: Norton Webster, Ely Perry - Forward Record, Matt Fisher Subject: RE- Arrington Bridge I Credit Release Hi Cara, All sounds good I will work on the revised credit release letter today. And yes, it is okay to comply with the DWR memo dated August 9, 2013 to extend the buffer widths out to 100 feet for this project Any changes to the project from what was approved in the BPDP, can be provided in the As -Built report and survey Thanks Katie From: Cara Conder [madto caraC@ebxusa.com] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11 14 AM To: Merritt, Katie Cc: Norton Webster; Ely Perry - Forward Record, Matt Fisher Subject: Arrington Bridge I Credit Release Kate, On September 2, 2014 we requested the first credit release for Arrington Bridge Phase I and I also emailed a preliminary plat with 100 foot buffers The release we received on September 4, 2014 was based on the plat that has 100 ft buffer After our discussion today, instead of sending in a formal request for those buffer credits we received, we would prefer to have the credit release revised based on the BPDP amounts as you said it should have been The BPDP amounts were 102 acres of buffer and 3157 acres of nutrient vs the preliminary plat with the 100 ft buffer that had credit calculations of 197 acres of buffer and 31 559 acres of nutrient We would like to use the DWR memorandum dated August 9, 2013 to request the buffer credits from 50 -100ft when the as -built survey is complete Please let us know if this will be ok Thanks, Ca ra Cara Conder Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 909 Capability Dnve, Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 dir 919 -829 -9909 x 21 cell 919- 608 -5876 fax 919 - 829 -9913 www ebxusa com Buchholz, George From: Merritt, Katie <katie merritt @ncdenr gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 3 35 PM To: Buchholz, George Subject: FW Arrington Bridge Phase I - addt'I areas proposed Attachments: Nutrient Offset Restoration Area pdf, SKM_C224e14101514430 pdf Please attach to the AsBuiit From: Merritt, Katie Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2 51 PM To: Norton Webster Subject: Arrington Bridge Phase I - addt`I areas proposed Norton, You have notified me that EBX would like to add an additional 5 acres (approx 4) of mitigation (buffer and nutrient) to the existing Phase I site of Arrington Bridge The BPDP for Phase I was approved on July 19, 2012, which also included a mitigation plan for Phase II During the site visit we performed on October 14, 2014, it was determined that the feature being proposed for buffer restoration and nutrient offset on this additional area, is a downstream segment of the intermittent stream located on the Arrington Bridge Phase I site Stormwater runoff from the upstream segment flows towards this downstream segment through a culvert under Arrington Bridge Road Since the stream being proposed is the same stream that has already been approved for buffer mitigation on Phase I, DWR is okay with allowing this 5 additional acres to be added as an "Addendum" to the existing Phase I bank However, a survey will be required to determine the exact area of the mitigation Additionally, after seeing the site yesterday, it is determined that the proposed nutrient offset area tin yellow on the attached figure) is not land currently in agriculture It is actually a grassed yard /open space Therefore, this side of the stream cannot be used to generate nutrient offset mitigation, only buffer mitigation Nutrient offset is generated from converting a nutrient loading activity into nutrient reduction, such as converting agricultural land into a forested buffer The approved BPDP does not include /allow buffer mitigation beyond 50 feet Please make sure that the figures and accounting of credits complies with the rules in place at the time the Phase I BPDP was approved in July 2012 Please provide the following in an "Addendum to Arrington Bridge Phase I BPDP (previously known as Wayne County Development Alliance)" for review and approval into the existing Arrington Bridge Phase I Mitigation Bank • General Description of the additional area, location, existing use, etc • A revised aerial showing the separate mitigation assets & new easement boundaries of Phase I (similar to the figure_ attached to this email titled Nutrient Offset Restoration Area, which was submitted with the original BPDP ) - - - -- - • A new topo map showing the entire Phase I site • Planting Plan (if different than the one approved in the BPDP, or if the same, note that the same plan will be used for this area as approved in the BPDP on July 19, 2012) • Signed Survey • Conservation Easement • Construction Bond (if needed) Please let me know if there are any other questions Thanks, Katie Katie Merritt Nutrient Offset & Buffer Banking Coordinator NCDENR- Division of Water Resources Work 919- 807 -6371 Website http / /portal ncdenr org /web /wq /401bufferpermittine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. APlease consider the environment before printing this email FIGURE 1 - PROPOSED RIPARIAN BUFFER 8 NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA EcoEnglneering 0 250 500 1,000 DEJ Feet A division of "The John R McAdam, Company, Inc. i inch -- 500 feet Legend Arrington Bridge I Extension 9 _f:J-f t0oft Buffer 0 175 350 700 1,050 1,400 Nutrient Buffer 1 Feet