HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140784 Ver 2_Application_20150508Co►•p� �ubmiital Covec �1►ee( Plcase provide the 1'0llo���ing info: 1. Yro.ject Nan�c: 'ffP Prolcct No. \1�-521�10—SR 13SA - Brislol Avcuuc �\�ideuiu� �/'%.,:��.�;"�_�;,� 2. N�mc of I'roperty Owner/ApplicanL• Norlh Cnrolina Deparlurenl of'1'rtmsport�tion {NCDOT) 3. Name oF Consullanl/Agenl: _N/A 'Agent authorizalion neaJs lo he aliached. 4. Related/Previotis Action ID nurober(s):_N/A Site Address: N/A 5. Subdivision Name: N/A 6. City: Andre�vs 7. County:.�Clierokee F. Lat: 35.19556 N Loug: -83.32258 �V (Decimnl Degrecs Please) 9. Qunchnngle Naroe: _Anche���s 10. \\�ater�vay: UT's to Town Br�nch ��id U1� to V�Iley River (D�VR Class; C, Tr) 1]. W�tershed: Hiwassee Ri��er (FICU: 06020002) 12. Requested Action: 7i Nalionwide Permit �I 14 Genernl Permi� d� Jurisdictional Dctermiu�tiou Request _ Pre-Applic�lion Request __-----____.._.._____.._..___.._....e___.._e________e..e..eeee_ The lollo�ving information �vill be coiuplete<I b}� Corps ofYice: AID: Prep�re File Folder � Assign nuutber iu OItI�9 Begiu Date Autlioriz�tiou: Seclion l0 Scction 404 Project Descrip�io��/ N�ture of Aclivity/ Projecl Purpose: Site/W�ters Namc: Ke}����ords: PAT MCCRORY GOVCR\OR , �>:�s.. ���,`:��� �� � � ...MNi� S'I'ATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF "1 RANSPORTATION May 8, 2015 Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCDO"I' Regulatory Project Managcr U.S. Arnry Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avemie, Room 208 Aslieville,NC 28801-2714 AN'r� lo�v J. Tr��'n SEC2ETAR1' Subject: Natiou�vide 14 Periuit tlpplication - Modification TIP Project No. W-52140 SR 1388 — Bristol Avenue — Paved Road huprovements Clierokee County Action ID No. 2014-01.538 NCDW12 Project No. 2014-0784 State Projcct No. 453d41.i�'D15 (DWR Minor Permit Tee: $240) De�r Ms. Beckwith: The Nortl1 Carolina Department of Transportatiou (NCDOT) is proposing improvements along a 0.77 inile section of SR 1388, Bristol Aventte, in the Town of Andrews. Tl�is proposal entails minor roadway widening, installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, retauiiug wall and guardraiL All work �vill be couducted witl�in existiug NCDOT riglit of way or granted construction easemeut. NCDOT is requesting an additional 8-foot pipe estension on the inlet end of the culvert at Permit Site 3. The additional footage is necessaiy because Uie road grade (height) w1s raised tlu•ough this seetion of roadway. Tl�e pipe e�teusiou will Tllow us to gain the necessary 4-foot shoulder section to meet current NCDOT secondary road standards. I �m enclosing a revised PCN impact table, plioto, quld m�p and revised plan slieet for Periuit Site 3 showing the proposed pipe estension. Threatened aud Endange�•ed Species The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program lists 23 species for Cherokee Cow�ty that have federal status that are kno���n fi•om cun ent records or were kiio�vu to occur in the Counry historically. Additionally, the bald cagle (H�diaeehr.c le��cocephnlus) retains special protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Three species, the bog turtle (Glyptenrys ntrrltlenbergii), l isted as tlu�eTteiied due lo siuiilarity of appe�rance to the nortliern bog tnrtle, tlie white fi�ingeless orcl�id (Plolrn�d�ern iirfeg�•ilnbin), desig��ated as � candidate species, and the littlewing pearlymussel (Pegins,fnbtdn), listed as endaugered, are known only from historical �uur[eenlh Division Oflicn Tcicphone: (82R) iR(-2141 253 VVebster 2oad, S��Ira, Nonh Cnrolina 2R779 Pie: (823) �56-4043 SR 1388 — Yermit Modification Page 2 May 8, 2015 records. Three species, the Lidiena bat (iYlpoirs so�lnlrs), the small �>>horled po�onia (Lrot�•in mecleoloides), aud the Cumberlaud bea�i (ViAosa h•aGnlis) are listed as eitl�er tln•eateiied oi• endangei•ed. Tlie sicklefiii redhorse (�llo.rostoma sy. 2) is designated as a caiididate species. Tliere are no thre�tened or endangered species listed iu tlie databese within the Towu Brancl� watersl�ed. The only listed species found ��vithin a five mile radius of the project are for the sicklefiu redhorse and the small whorled pogonia. The uearest do�vnstream record for the sicklefin redhorse is approximately 2.0 miles from the project The record for the small whorled pogonia is appro�iuiately 3.0 miles fiom the project. '17ie Cumberland beai� is typically fonnd iu relati��ely large streams with a characteristic sand and gravel substrate. Town Bra��ch and tlie unnamed tributary to tlie Valley River have been impactecl bp comiuercial and residential developmenL Town Brauch has a substrate of cobble, gravel, and sand/silt. Towu Braucl� is approximately 2-4 feet in width and is mucli smaller than streams t�at support the Cumberland beau. The only record for the Cutnberlaud Bean in Nortli Carolina is iu the Hiwassee River do�vnstreant of Apalachia Lake, which is greater tlian 45 miles froin the project site. The terrestrial h�bitat in the vicinity of the project has been altered by remov�l of forested ripariau areas and cofrversion of Uie forested habitat to residenlial lawns and maintaiued road shoiildees. Tl�erefore, tlie l�abitat is not characteristic of l�abitat oY tlie stnall wliorled pogonia or nesting habitat for the bald eagle. Habitat for threatened and eudaugered terrestrial species appears to be lacking along �he i'oad except for a few trees, ���hich could provide roostiug habitat for tlie Indiana bat. Aquatic aud terrestrial habitat �ppeais to be lacking or limited for listed species. BMPs will minimize effects to downstream aquatic habitat. Trees, whicl� nnist be rciuoved, will be removed iu �vinter prior to April 15 to avoid affectiug the Ltdiana bat. The indirect effect on potential firture niaternal roost sites from tl�e removal of a few trees within a vast forested region �vould be cousidered insiguilicant. No tlueatened or endangered species were observed during the field scoping process or are known to occur witliiu the Town Braucl� �vatershed. For these reasons and those discussed above, ���e reconmiend a determination of"uo effecN' for tlueatened and endaugered species. This project was reviewed by NCDOT's Htmian E�rviroiuneut Uuit i�i 2014 foi potential effects to historic arcliitectiirc and archaeolog}�. lt was determined tliat uo survey was required for archaeology. A suivey was conducted for Itistoric arcliitecture with a determination of no effect (see attaclied forms). NCDOT best management prTCtices ��vill be used to minimize and control erosion aud sedimentation on this project. The construction foremau will review all erosion con�rol measures daily to ensare erosion and sedimentation �re beiug controlled effectively. If the devices are not fimctioning as intended, they will be replaced innnediatelp with better devices. SR 1388 — Permit Moditicatiai Yage 3 May 8, 2015 Iiupacts to Waters oF the Ui�itcd States Tlie winamed tribiitaries to Town Brancl� (DWR Class: C, Tr) are s�uall; liowever, they have a �vell-detiued cl�annel ���ith a substrate composed primarily of gravel, sand and silt. The umiamed tributaries flo��� into Town Braucl�, �vhich flo�vs appro�imately 1.4 miles to the Valley River. The Valley River (DWR Class: C, Tr) flows appro�imately 18.75 miles ro the Hi�vassee River (Hiwassee Lake) iii Murphy. Tlie Hiwassee River meets the defiuition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasons, we believe that the wmamed tribularies to Town Braucli are Relatively Permanent Waters aud are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Coips of Engiiieers. in order to m�ke the safety improveulents to SR 1388, it will be necessary ro impact waters of tlie Uiiited States iu tlie Hiwassee River Basin (HUC 06020002). Specifically, NCDOT is requesting to extend 3 culverts and impact one ripai'ian wetland acijacent ro Town Branch. The proposed impacts are listed below. Site No. �sisting Couditiou Proposed Cm�ditiou Net Statiou Ln �acts Site I 24" x 32' CMP 24" s 48.5' RCP 16.5' (Sta. 13+50) Including Coucrete Juuetion Box Site lA Free Plowing Stream Impeivious Dike and Flow 75, (Sta. 13+50) Diversion Site 2 Riparian Wetlaud Wetland Fill .09�4 Ac (Sta. 16+00 — 25+50) Site 3 18" s 31' CNiP 18" s 50.�' RCP 19.5' ('St�. 23+75) Site 3A Free Flowing Stream Impervious Dike and Flow 75, (Sta. 23+75) Diversion Site 4 36" s 40.5' CMP 36" x 48.5 RCP 8' (Sta. 31+25) Site 4 A �ree Plowing Sh•eaiu Impervious Dike and Flow 75, (Sta. 31+25) Diversiou Total Pcrmaneut Stremn Imp:ict for Cul��ert �itensions Total Tempora�y Streain Iu�paet for I�npeivious Dikes Rnd Flow Diversion Total Permauent Riparian Wetland Impacts for Road�ti�a,y Fill Permits Requested ��' 225' 0.094 Ac. NCDOT is hereby requestiug authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to procecd witli the constrt�ction project outliued above. By copy of this letter, 1 am askiug Ms. Marla Chauibers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, of the NorUi Caroliva Wildlife Resources Commissiou (NCWRC) to coinment directl}� to you coficerniiig the 404 Nationwide Pennit request. I am also requesting authorization uuder Sectio�� 40 L of the Cleau Water Act fi•om the North Carolina Department of Envii•onment aud Natuial Resources (DENR), Divisiou of Watei• Resoui'ces. Iu addition, I a�n asking Nis. Chambers and NIr. Ben DeWit, Roadside SR 1388 — Per�uit ModiYication Page 4 May 8, 2015 Enviromucntal Field Operations Eugiiieei (NCDOT), to coinment directly to me concernin� tliis per�uit reqaest. If you have an}� qaestions or iieed additional information, please contact me at (828) 586-2141. Your early revie��� aitd consideration ���ill be greatly appreciated. Sincerel�, ✓ ' � ✓��c�/f'ti�%�/ Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Enviroiunental Supe�visor �nclosures cc: Ms. Amy Chapmau, Divisiou of Water Resources, DENR, Raleigh Mr. Kevin Barnett, Divisiou of Water Resources, DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologisl, U.S. Fish aiid Wildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordinator, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Wesley Grindstaff, P.E., District Engiueer, NCDOT, Andrews Mr. Beu DcWit, EI, Roadside Envirotnnental P'ield Operations Engiuecr, NCDOT /�� �� �, ��' J����% O �S/�/3S� G�e���<ec�_ �n�ri�� C. Proposedlmpactslnvenlory 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Which seclions were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond ConsUuction 2. Wetland Impacls If there are wetland impacts proposed on lhe site, ihen complete lhis question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of irnpact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 � P � T Fill Riparian � Nos � pWQ 0.094 W2 � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total �Vetland Impacts - Fill 0.094 Ac 2h. Comments: This area cannot be avoided due to lhe cut slope and adjacent houses with septic tanks, which are located on top of the cut slope. NCDOT can also flalten the curve in the road by filling in this wet area. This area appears to have developed over the past few years due to poor maintenance of the drainage struclures under the roadway. 3. Stream Impacts If lhere are perennial or intermiltent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3 b. 3 c. 3d. 3 e. 3f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermiltent DWQ — non-404, widlh (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) Culvert Extension UT to Town � PER � Corps S1 � P❑ T and Junction Box Branch ❑ INT � DWQ 2 16.5' S1A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Town � PER � Corps 2 �5, Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT to Town � PER � Corps 1 19.5' Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Town � PER � Corps 1 75' Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S4 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT to Valley River � PER � Corps 2 $, ❑ INT � DWQ S4A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Valley River � PER � Corps z �5, ❑ INT � DWQ 3h. Tot�l Permnnent Sh�eam and Tributary Impacts , 44' Total Tempm�ary Sh•cnm Impacts for Lnpervious Dil<es �nd Flow Divcrsion 225' 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version COIJ� i Y; CIIFRO'�EE GF� SR. NO.: 1388 RD. NA�UE: BRISTOL AVE. PIPE SfATI0N:23+75 { �I—E'�h`;.: '/�%at�ii..rG�(�,.- ^—> ��_, 2' J/5 �—� � �> ��. TEbA°ORARY SILT FE� I' = 5' HORIZ. I' = 5' VERT, 35.3225 N 83.89°7 '!' OLD � NEIY G IN �t-, ��_> ��_—� �_> �� �RARY SILT ��h�CE NTS TIP Project No. W-52140 SR 1388 — Bristol Aveuue — Spot Safeh� Improvement Projeet Chej•okcc Coimty i.: - � X+`� .� � i'.'i �-'� 1 , •�� � �`r �. y-_.. �: . � f' 1�i�i � � ���� ��� r It � i� Pyie �Xi�� � / d'�.e A � ��] � � l�.'!R Ll .i e -= i�i � F _�n f ;' � i � ���� .. �.�v.���p `-�ii�� ��� �_y� � e� � ..: '��-�. � (� ' �' � ♦ � `i �� � a a _- ��� �'` .�.d�ri..���1��) �� �i'I��rll���-�4 -�o' �na�¢',`�/�,I. - i.� t��� �� ' � ti �I�. a � r j �► . <y<� �; I I , � J�.` �y. � �4i��i� i' � i.. ss�� 4��t ��� �� ��� � � ��� L � ����� er��` �� !.- . iKt � � /� �� ` �� i ;� � � � �» , �7,� , > I}: y��. y,�„,�«�s�� ; ` � ,�,�.�`-�- �, i ' T �� � II � 71 ��s'+� � � A/i � ' s �- , , I16'�4�i�i < < r. I � .,s� \ � i �� '� ' �d� � ' �� . ,� �/� ��`'A �� , / f .. .. � : �,���y`: T �y�s � {1� �_rT b f �t�Yil' ,� I.i�y � .� .�� - 1� � �• � �r rywy . . .r: p�[ i • 'n ! �e1 _ �,� r ..� ,� .� � � � � �1y �� �h� + •�'A,� � • y �� �gy� � ^� ,.: r , : a . �rt��j.4J•�' 4 f,..�:.; ' � -_� -i ry... � � � � ' G�r tt�[�/ ��('.� �� � .��/- _'.. . 'WH �,�e �si� +� ` i -s � �.��s y _ _ �. �.,� . Permit Site 3 — iulet �ud 063.8333333° W i i � I I 083.8250000° W i I . i i 003.87666G6° YJ . i I I � i �o ` ) � Ir�y � ' - e � r ,. '� , ; �, .}� ,, . . � i��—. I`f�' `l �� . . .. � � .. 1— - '- -- - --/ -ii- ao � / 1�� �. . . . . �� .. ' `• � au � o ° '- � n � � i i. .. � N ." ` (�,` �V r'-tl t'/..::� /� I � j' !1_ ' N �� � � �, //r,- i�; , ; ��� r � • � - • �� _'..,r,�,, ���+" � � i ( ,� �� , , /�(,'� � . , � � � � , � — I ! / I , ���; �<� �� �.� _ _ r� -_�' _ ' f r) , � tyt ,� ,/ ,��� `�-, . � — ' % �t , ='' ,��, , : �a t � ,:I ;�i��i r�.c �•ri-:r.— � ', - � 1'�l �l. 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