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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150458 Ver 1_Application_20150508Low Impact Bridge Project Data Sheet - Attachment G
WBS 45355.127
Coun Davie
Brid e Num6er 290060
Description Re lace Brid e no. 60 over Peeler Creek on
SR 1802 ill Boone Rd
Basin Yadkin
Classification WSIV
Stream SIN 12-103-1- 2
T Perennial
Size width & de th 14' x 1'
T Precast Prestressetl Concrete Channels; End Bents PPC Caps on Timber Substructure
Existing Structure Size ien nxwimn om-am 31'X25.8'
Suff. Ratin 28,g
Proposed Structure T e Concrete Cored Slabs; Concrete End Bents on Steel Piles
SiZ¢ len 'Mh out-out 65' X 30'
Stream USACE Im cts LF New Im acts 20' Perm; 15' Tem
NCDWQ Im acts LF New Im acts 20' Perm; 15' Tem
USACE Im acts AC D
Wetlands Non 404 Im acts AC 0
CAMA Im acls AC NA
NC DWQ Buffers Impacts (SP) ry
Buffer Application Required (VIN) N
NC DWq StormWater Permit Required (Y/N) N
Habitat In Michaux's sumac, Northern Lon Eered Bat
T&E S cies Present No- Sumac (surveyetl 521A4); No Bal species found on bridge; No survey for speues in trees
Bio Conclusion No Effed for Sumac; Ma affect not likel to adversel affect-NLEB
Moretorium T r WRC None
Dates NA
Native/Hatche No
Trout Waters T�out S cies Present No
Trout Conditions !N No
WRC Reviewer Mada Chambers
Essential Fish Habihat /n �o
Nav.O nin no
USCG Permit no
Historic Pro rties na surve re uired
Archaeolo ical Resources no surve re uired
7ribal Lands No
4 Resources No
6 LWC Resources No
Wild and Scenic River No
Forest Service Lands No
NA Area No
FEMA Bu out No
FEMA Flood Stud MOA 2A - Limited Detailed Stud
USTs Haz Mats No
Relocatees No
Location �T 35.851 N
LONG 80.519 W
20' permanent impacts are due to rip rap bank stabilization. The total length
of pertnanent rip rap is 45' but 25' of this is in the same location as the
Prqect Comments existing timber abutment. The temporary impacts are due to piacement of an
impervious dike during structure removal and rip rap placement. The total
length af the impervious dike will be 60'.
Completed by: ��� �_� � J�
, � ead Engineer, Date
5��,�--. :�-5 -15
�� Division Environmental Officer, Date