HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230851_Site Plan or Location Map_20230419`UV�VU.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR u U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY rnervarra,�almaP +e US Topo BEAUFORT QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA - CARTERET COUNTY sCm— ima changing wmltl 7.5-MINUTE SERIES -76.7500' 347s00• '4000°mE 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -76.6250' 48 49 50 51 34.7500' pc [•rob oint wetn k Ero P f .. 46 3a46—N eN�HHA � 4. I F T \\ � _ 1 G,6,��„e,x " 45 45 - 3a 1415 Pmm yy�� a Gl last , P-1 ° - o v i -. 9a i- ocverevxn r o / Th mr I ❑ - - - � MichIJ . � S-01 F Id w W 'a d MOREHEAD o ar ]s CITY44 i qti 44 c,. C .. 'ltie - / `� ca,roer ec St-{ 6 EP Pines Fork c 43 42 41 40 Rl R1.1 m Ku 34 � 'e33°°°'"N 33 346250' 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3510°°a'E M,6250' -76.7500'-76.6250' Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 ROAD C1A551FICATION o,ld American Datum of1983INAD83I Ex Local conrector 1 1000 er Gel. 9 gntl:SyUstem of 1T, ONGigal. Projection antl 1 0.5 D KILOMETERS 1 2 Dressway niversal Tramveru Mertamr, Zane 186 \-7 SecontlarY HyrY Local RoaG 000 500 0 METERS 1000 ,000 TM1ismap is ftolegal tlocument. BounWnes may be oMIL6 1 generalizetl for [Ms map style. P lance wlNln government may not be shown. Obtainb—permission More n Mes .Interstate Route 0 US R,u[e O State R,uce en[erlrq P.—lantls. 1000 0 1-2000 3000 �OMILES 5000 6000 ]000 8000 9000 1—awoawcts Launax Imagery NMP, June 2016 - November2016 FEET ROWS ......................................... U.S. [enws Burew, 2016 UTM GRIDAND 1me MAGNETIC NORTH 1N¢wpor[ Names............................................................................GNIS, 198o-- NOUN— AT CENTER 01 SHEET HytlrwgaDlry...............................National HytlragraEM1 Oataset, 1899 .18 CONTOUR INTERVAL S FEET 1 2 3 ,Core Creek Contours............................................Natonal fkvaflon Dat1.9 .15 IM 'WillistonBouWaries..............MUltiple sources; see meGdata file 201] 2018 NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 19g8 I111eltl 5 Harkers 1—d Wetlantls.................fWS Natiaiwl WetkMs Inventory ,010 Thi tmi Ps pr . US to conform wiS-d 6 Cape LookoutNational f(t, tial Program ITSTop,Pr,6,ct 2011.Oleos:«IalW w¢n enls protlaa is amn version o.6.1a °BEAUFORT, NC .nJpN-­- 2019