HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230977_Site Plan or Location Map_20230418 -_----- �- - �, / ��\\ De tssa�P�..;.19.1.,.\ \ 7 F l I 1 II'I'll"/, 1//.,./ \�\���\�� \: \ \ Z VicinityMap -_- \ - / \ g \ / <6g�1 I I I I IIII lIIII \\\\` ) I1 1 \ l I / / 7 Z o I \ • jone l RA 1 \ \ \ I I / \� \ %it7:::___:::::-1-_,.._-__11‘___,\II - \ \ 1V / AA ) I �i r-neVl VA�1Vy1�1j11i111/ Il/l�;7/10----;('-7:1-N\":7"*7;174\\\\\ \VAV � AV II / �^y7 y\ \ II PIPe Foun. --- ` \ \ / / / 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\1 \II I I \\\\\\�-�\ /) / /I / / // v` Q Ca G ' \ - - - \\ \ 1 I � �+.h+ � �\\\\N `_ --/ / e4 Rehr s§t \ \ I 1 I / _ 30'Min.No oral Butler \ \ \ -- ---- - p_-i ion Righ P Wjny. .►.�_ SITE \ \\ \ \ z / / L \\\\ 11 11 1 111 1 l l 1111 I_ III \\\\\\\\ _ . 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Box 4143 or ni�e� Joel M.snipes V ( r / i // /// /�� / / I I I I �A���� V AA\ vvv vA v Y V V I \\VI / / / / / �-'� / / / ( / _ wv v vq, AVAVwvvvv� ^v 1 •' 3 CD Mooresville, N.C. 28117 '07 Pg. 1\319 \ \ \ \) D.B. 7698 Pg. 1171 \\11\1 / II / / / / // / / / // // I-i i / / /%7 / /// // /I I I J I l / / -- \�\\\�" 8\ \ \ \ \� �� \ \ ti �i e RA Zoned: RA / i, / N �� ��^ai 1 / / / I I / / / / i-- \\�\\\� 1 1 \\ \\\\N \ \ Al I /ID _�- I� Z o \ \ 1 1 1 1 �i] I �/ v Phone: (704) 622 9975 �V cg1 is/ /4v6d°58' 41 E l / / / / / / / v��� / V A� v v v vVv I 1 J C-3218 i1 f/ // I 1V'1r / �/ 13/8. 6'I I I f I I I v C / t ' 7 / //// /�'r"(PoSefi l l I I / / / / _ N7 _- - - > i j j I 1 / �of L� J 1 /ice � � I V ����_ • -- � J I J// / I I v v v N v v v v _ v v v l / / �5 79/ ere / / / // / ( -- _____ -�/ / I ) / ,u h Q /r 586'S 00"E II / 'I \ \ \ \ \ / `� / ` / / Z / 435.21'Tie Line 1/ I its 6par \-',"'\A V A A -\ A I p„ r� / / ----_-- / . l / " II M Tax moo: FLy O] LINE TABLE / L "� Y° �(/ cn - ir no take?i V 1 ra \S 6"5S�'4J'\'EV \ � �-- _AAA_//,�0 A VA n L�lehrzn n r eib is/ i 1 / / - / / / /�' / o° PBTPr LLI LINE LENGTH BEARING t ! 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Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 1 Sheets Vicinity Map Z U GENERAL NOTES: /� \ "'"'""'f"" " / 1 1 /' _ /--- -- /"�_�/ D8. 1698P91419.1 .. \ ' / / / �Ii1(III('II(III/I // // / � \� \ \\`� / -I )\\\ \ \ o 1. BOUNDARY SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY LANCE SCHAMBACK, PLS. -/ \ ned RA 1 \ \ \ l Fx <�6g I I 11 l \� \ \\\ _ _ I 1 1 1 / / Z 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL \ / -- - / \ �° \ \ �ilr F n e V I I 1/1/ l ///i-\\\\° \ \\\ \ �" � \ \ I 1 / Z 1 / .-I.an �__/ \ / I \1\\\\ \I IIII IIII////� \\ \\\\ \\'�i I \ \ ' / ~Q > a EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON PLANS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING \ \ \ \ / 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ III I I / \ \ \\ ' X' ) 1 \ /ACTIVITIES. ANY CONFLICTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE \ \ \ I I PipeFoun• _ ` / \ / / \ 1 \\\ / e / 'CSITE V / 1 / / ' ) v r��> >A \ VAV A i1.V'Ill Ihl'I�l ��r� 1AM ��A �r-_�i' _ ___/ ' / '''Ret- , 14=Q Q 'S, ENGINEER. A - _ .'t. = 30'um.No ara�earl r/// / \�\ \Vi V I l 11 111 �\�A,v ��� - - / on Rlph f Mnr 1�� w C. g3 4.3. GFF-SITE BORROW OR WASTE SHALL ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUSTTME BE FROM MAINTAINED UNOTILNALL DISTURBEDPROVED TE' V\ V A A V A Al I _ ----- v //fro 0tn 4762 59801�/ // _ �I A VAA\AIAV\I\II IIII I'll1l ill It I_ I IIII VAVAA �---� _ -- - _ gl Z )• a,�3`§ Hickory Nut Dr. AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE \\\A AV I I I I II 1 (/ - `� v 2b�nc�88 RemoiB I I 1 /// - / / I AI IV III IIII I� I 1V / HI A����� v _ o Pig N° 47e22259� / l / } CD W°'"o 5. SEE SHEETSREQUI DSEC SITE CONDITIONS ANDDEC 3S FOR ERANT.ROSIONCONTROL SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. I II I I I I I V 1 V I �/ ,/// - vzoned: RA 1 I I I I / //' :.:v1e. zs E i 'i.o4 I II PI IIII�I 1I 1 II II\l� �ll l l VAV\`�A Av,_ �a-_ _Hills-88 Pg . /�// ) 4 ( 1- -c/o �v 1I 1 Vl ....... asP. ns3 4� 6. ALL STORM INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY EXCAVATED DROP INLET PROTECTION I I A A I v -- A / / I V / \ V A V v `• ,.Remaining PBT l c 1 Fair W. 7. GRADES MAYABE IL OAD ADJUSTED N SHEET �N THE SFE FEE IELD TO OBTAIN EET EC-2 FBALANCCEOR MOFF CUT AAND DRAIN AFILL. I 1 AV A\\ \V A \V A I l ���vvv\ /) I\11 I\II1 I ////����''�/ /I 11\III1\\\\VIA\�VAVAAA�peso--aso , I1 \\\V A\ v �k?y;*. -�'' A// / It� / D,e �U �zAS PER. wm Wind Ln. COORDINATE ANY CHANGES WITH ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. ALL DRAINAGE FLOW V A 1 A A v v A A V A \ \ ( �- A��-� A AA V / v�-/ / of AVA \ �„ / h a LINES MUST MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 1%. A A V A A\\ \\ v A� \ V A V v vv�� \ �A VA V�\V I\ V �/� / \IVe\\VA �V --�/ Al \\ \\ \\ f"y/ - T�� \ , ,;,PHASE � Robins Hal Ln. y \ \ \ \ \\ \= �'\ \\ -��\ `_ \ /- =__/ I ��� \ P r - .. v v v v V V A A\�\v��v v� s.A Paq L nps°a i g enrl Q Q 3 oz v z �v v v v v v v v v y�, _�v v v� I I /- s. �v�`FO BE/ �� vl1 Bt -UNTIL=-��1 1 I v 1 I I y III w j,. / o/ � ��g Not To Scale \ V O� V V _�nTh 1 V I A / ivy vpVR. 1 /i�- �i/ I A A \ :44 � ) A v V A\ v\ V AV , Avvv \\--7,N///��/////i/ ��° �V+r E� 11AA�AV111 I / ////� j / / r-- /j1/fi�p�� a VICINITY MAP vvII/ _-/ _a.- _w,,,_/ 1 wvvvw v 1 1 , I _ I �„ Pj 47s 3183h i - ummy& yair,° 7 A I A VIll�lVl�\� �� v \\VAA�VA�VAVA� \\\ \ l \ / 1 I �l // 1 i NO SCALE / /D.��01p. 337 / I �_� �v �A� A�\A VA�A\VA AAVA \ \V V A / / // i ? 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'^'L Pg. s v ) 1 / / / / / / /'� END DOUBLE-RpW HIGH HAZA� I I A v �� \ \ V U e RAC V zoned RA A 1 1 / / / /„ / / / / / / / - TEMP:SEDIMENT FENCINGWITH 0,.( / / 1 I I I / / / -- -w\vv•" 1 N WTL �� tD _ _ Z Phone: (704) 622-9915 '°1V A `� I I dl .� ,d I / �^ w v v ,�5 k1STALL AT A LLOW P INTS IN c g la/ /�V6 °5B' 41 E l / / / WEIR LETS PER D L' SHEET E-3.\ / l 1 / I / / / ,,,,,,, ,::..:7�_/ w'F NCIN AT QO FEET I 1 LU • C 3218 .� 1a I \/ I OUT J � / / / / /� ,�v,�� IEWERY1 � A 1-1 W LLI A �1 )/ // ( f / �/ 138. 6'I RgPIRAw OUTFA�L PR(�TE� IO�� v ` / / rc osey� l / / / / / / - >) I 1 o/ :� \I I /�// / s865 '00"E If I PER L?ET IL\ON'PLAN SH EC 3 79/ ire / / _ F' In - Q LINE TABLE /' r 435.21'�ie Line / I/1 / Xis r -�\ \ \ - _=�\ \ -i\ \ \\ ( ./ / / / -� / l l J I/ Tax moo: h�--I Q] LINE LENGTH BEARING / Iron Stake 7 / F° 46°55'43"E 3 �jJ�= __=`\:=Ji:1_ _\-\ � glehrzln �e intrf�'7feib is/ / Llhi}T8O1`CLE_AR__ _____`�\\/ 0i / -/ /,'" :.i ���t N �PE w \ POSS r 1 v .9 _ - ===�= `\=�, v v��&arid SIX �It0 I I 1`rvP vvv i l y� oerPre9 0 L1 20.28 51836'10"W I 1 V A 1 ,c - - - AA -�� .� v N. 1 ( - __ ��v -/ l / / I • TI: Cr L2 97.56 57834'31"W \�\ 1 I A TAP 1 f V P... � �i� ��c�1 \ - A I ( _ - vv��-/ / / 11 r-Zone. c, pQ �4� �� /> �- �v I +r 1 /-,--,_- R v�731\,yA ,v �V I 7 - - ��/ // / Ind N O z�'s4aa"E� es Re nr . �41 A FES 1 7 ,a -- _ � _Jlllwv�_ �_. �V�wvv v A I I _ •v L3 98.73 .518.45'40"W ° \ l Fonra --... A 11 / - v a L4 9795 5183872'W I / . - - r = � vvv a_ V / -1' t.i[ft�lYi:. krr i-.1-7- --• p_�..� ��,•�_. L�i���� - � -V A ' / o � LS 99.52 518'44'12"W \\ \V / ° I l I ��. V i r v \ .> C. I/ S73'48'05"E 1 l�jy � - �� �_ ,�. .�t ^�'� �_ ._!� "� lea o\ a L6 62.35 S7T70b5'W V A 1 ,( � ( .; <'- i.If t► 7-a,,17°' ..�,,,,,,_t� �7i..��7� � .� �il L7 50.19 S15'0634'W I`\)I\ 32 15'Ti'Tie J� ) 1 -� I 1 � �, � �� ��/ � >_7��• �_-� :-��- �� f r )) -�-� S"� LandscoPin9 S fc III \ 1"' r .. I �'. / `. /, ,) T. 1� L8 49.30 57173'27"W / \ I � r se-/ !: ( ` 1� / / ��" / � J \ Q L9 51.05 50877'04"W 7vr�Pin lyo 4752134058 I I�// �(\j l ��1� �i 1 I / / l \ / //\\ I 1 I l / / / / / /, ,• -�" / % l/ / I // � \�I \I �V Barr,,E M I I , 1 / i,,, //�v� III o f �a(y� D/ - J L 9 51.05 50827'04'W manna B. Major I ( i g P �'• V vA / / �� / / // '�"�,(.0E ///� 1 ' /m // �" ! z r v 1-� L 11 45.50 503'46'46"W "Dre-106o-Pr 1964 1�111 �/� 1 II � J �� �I\I �/ I I l / / ///i IT_ LftAV�vyrX yi4-cjS�/// -__-/// ��_J 1 / I / v `��� ° s _' A„ F-I I .//� / I / / „SEE-DTL�✓/ / / / , /-/// �I 7 �_ �� I - i � ramVv �11\ // / / // /' ///---__/ / � o F-I L12 48.36 S02'41'34"W zoned RA �A 1�11/I� 1 1 �J 1 /;I.. Ix i,/� j A lA 1 / /% // //// //// //�/ / / xr°� CD L13 9Z78 50228'S6"W / I I / / VA V ( / / // / / / / / _ / / 1 \ 16�rr �9^ 14 14 04 L14 102.04 50237'25"W - - - /1Ay � ,!i RISERB Ilnv�1�HEO\ U BAdIF/ES �2/ /// ///�///�7 �< i /i///7 � I n G�vO L 15 9723 502 38'45"W --_ 1 / - T ///7� /// --- / / / j 1 "� A W f pus ON�6AN SH FCC S Z Ni bt� I I I I l �/' %�- �a awl Q) 1 1--I L16 19.10 S18'44'OS"W I 1 • / l_ �- V A I 1 I I III l l// /////ice O -// / \ OV • • •t�'Q,, • / 1 1 / / �"PLAN-SHEET-EC-2. I 1 / / / l oo ces -fit-t I L17 9Z98 57839'48"W �- DOUBLEROW'HIl<iH HAZARD �� �" / / / / /' 1 A l 1 \ I IIII I 1//�/ / /i// _ - -_/ /' / / t2 °,P, qm t t,�t 1, • • i, ; v8 00.86 S78'44'12"W 1 a�B6TTOM:734.00 I I/( \ V AA V A I I I I 1 / ///�j//// - `,,• • TEMP.SEDIMENT FENGfNG,WITH ROCK I 1 F II /„ / ` V�\I 1 A 1 // /// / s%s -a�'w,ao3.3z 1 �..•t III 'O.0V of 15'IHDPE L19 65.44 517127'32"W WEIR OUTLETS PER-0 0N\SHEET EC-3. 1 / I ,1 / / 7 / / TOP OF 7 \\\>,1 V A V�\ V 1 1 / � _ k ,� A A \ 11 I I / ,, l __ . � \ S // nRAINAGB RREA R�f yy 1 9 AC ES v A V A I I �/ /// / e ns a3 a1 F e h 9 io" ,, i 1 TEMP.CONSTRUCTION C Q tzt L20 55.37 515'09'49'W t/z Capp II l / 9 7•A v A I III ( ( �i L21 55.1s sn'13'27"w \ Re�Fe id I VI 1.. l / / / //DRAINAGpREAyPHA s,ZA CRE \ VA V�AA A I I I III k l l `----\ / ,/�`., /_ / / _ "'"'`;'" .. - W ( / 1 f I I / / V\ \ �\V\ VA V 1 I \ I __ / r° rsgnr r \\ \\ ENTRANCE/EXIT L22 ss.oo so87T04'w 1 / �' F�� I I / / / / / / VA VAS N A \ V A A 1 I I I V A A V v; v / / / 30'Min.war„ra1 Buffer r v/ / / / / 1/ A - 9_ DT ON SHEET EC-3. 0 a' L23 53.42 SOS'33'12"W 1 / I I �� __ \ \ V A� �1 I I 1 A v v A / r��a 11 • I V �7 I • / V-- 11 I^ A m6te / / / / ) V A VA\V AAVA V Avvim v\ t l7 F trap ,House F+i L24 48.00 S03'46'46"W 1 dProx I l / - \ \\ \ \\\\\ PIPe�Found f // S8� /�25»W,ZCY7BL v` a4 Rebnr \ 7\ / J / FI odI PI in l ( I I l l ( (���- -" \ \\\\\\\\\ \\\�����- \ \ i-r 4 <4 O es a4.4s sob 22'o7'w 1 I ! ___; \ i /9 et-ens RI / r /' \ (on$A I 1 \\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \ �.g 9h \ Tax Pin No: A 1 / // \ � I G e6sy Cek I \ \ \ 1 \ --_ \\ \\\\���� -` \\\ \\ I \ _� Max P� 47fi�323%44 of WnY I \ 4762 8747 L26 32.32 55722'46"W -� 11 // l,•I V A( A A V A V �eoa =v 1 A A V A VA�� _- " A " I / K ftino S. dmondson 1 A Cn Z L27 40.54 57021'49'W I I l I f A A A \ V A V A A - A A V �---. J 7' / / 1' v ,r I slnnley D. Dierks D.e�0357 P t 1// l� �I ir!v ��� V ��>J V - vvv 1 I l /l11 ' zo_d�RA zD.B.24e9 Pg.L. Clarke Q ►� r �v /1 l�)7C,1qr v , 1 I A r� / I / ) I I( I I III I II - / - _ = - - - zonedyR� Cn [� CURVE TABLE 7 �//// vA\ \V / 1 11 V 9/11 � t� \ �� � / / / / / / / 1 1 11 I I ice-ChdB vt � VA V A A I A _CURVE LENGTH RADIUSChordDtance 9 / '� - / V / 0sRb / _ -_ / Cenn nis I I d �, -• (/ f'/ y / f\ 11 1' �� / / 1 VA V V A V A \ r I �i Al°hndra c.Do rngae� 111(lid � W (� C1 332.68 301.00 316.00 561'11'07V 'r l A 11 f ti 7 V / / I I / I / ( / / V A A - - i \\\V A 1 I '.. 1 I / d $I \ - J I_ I 1 I ( r -_% / -_I I V� \ I V� / / I I / v- e. Iss4PR s48 C2 321.61 301.00 306.53 N7921'38"W !- I I r',EaI f o' V / I I I I 1 l cam/ f1 '71 A/h / / / - i 1 )I) I A �\ / /1 / �� V zoned: RA C3 83.37 301.00 83.10 56225'45"W l 1 " I e � v / / I I I A A ��1 I JG I • Vy�G,/"�Jl. /////� --: /�'- -#J 1 I ) 1 10 / A / I ) i /- I / I I/ A f� �� I 1 A 1 1 / / �/// /�//�i'%�-_/ 11 HR..' _ - - VO4 • �6 „ f,.o�� /- bIVERSION SW LE113E12M \ \ \ I ( / //// /�,'// /i%- _ ,p j / I i" ' /7 F/d12' Win- \Pp, se ne \ / I 1 W RAP RAP OUTFACE PROr, �� I / / - /1 �+ % ( I A WITH S RAW WATTLE§\�I 1 - A A 1 t ( / / / / - - ' /' / / // 1 ' r Pin tin' 4763 a47 I I PER DETAIL ON PLAN EET-EC-3 7 iI f/ /LSEE DTLS ON EC-P9. I A A A v 1 A vv w ////r///// / �� ml I _ -_-_____-‘-7 / / cb edecy L - 1( //� \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \\ 1 / / / ////// / /�\ / 1 In �i// _- .\ 1 1 1 f D.6/261 Pg.2159 \ \ / // I / I \ z ned: RA b \ �Wy t lI l l 1 1 / \ I 1 -v/1 /-- / Od I / I 1 F+1 J/ ,./ N NJ', RISER BASIN WITH POROUS p-ArFI_E$PER I / / I// / I i //- A v v m v � ./ a ,,,(1.�' ���DT-SL, ON-PLAN'SHEET EC-3. SESI7[ING-ON / A \1 11J /i/'//,llll 11f \ / vVA \\VA v _- ��� '-j - A QI I I /��'� V P.I. • r /1 L / l / / ) / /�// ////�I f V r _ �- //��o o- �- A I I I 1 A /// - - A\ N \ I - / i e ELAN SH�Ef'EG 2- / / / / / / ////////// ////// T M�SEDtMEN'¢ENCIi�¢ 2 fi _ L- /// _ A 04. �f,s l� i // �� / 69TT0 y5 .00/ �� �// / r//ii///// /� / ///�N�IR OCLTL6T 1 T��1p'�I`�W�T EQ 3. v- r / y - ♦ l / / �- / 11/ 7/// /�//%/ / / --/// ,--1 1• / I I V - -� �ao'V A ---Tax Pf-No 4 762 12334 0 \ V I YytllllllgL 4 I % J ___-/_/'TOP OF BERM:17S8.00 / /)I/// / / // l - /.///�/� A II II I l I I 1/- --L--�/ ore s 9 �// �i/ / I i I -I �I/ �� DRAINAGEAR A:'8.pSA�RES/ �/ //� %/// /// / �v//��// /� I �II A N D.n�s2.5-gg 1.7 - \ V �Jp� 7' s7y4s'St/-E /l I \c. Si ws.`,v` ( / 1 ' I / A) , I I / 1//D /%7 / 1I I I I I / //�// 111VA,Il 11AIv�_- '�Gj�� � 1 1 \ .-Z6 6 A �\ V I� / 1 ��: ,20.0 e I1- %/3 // / I 1 / / I 1 I I / 1 / I I \IV A A A V A lv %i//�/ji/����11111�111\IV AAA -- " // as�ecar ray. ��V ( \ \ // // \y� \ \\ 1 I I V A �4 66 R' J rl 1 I�IV�RSION W �EyBR�1 1 \ V v A v // v �1' �' / Ct) �//'_' \ S l ° I `vimv v / j A vAAA NI"- P' '�tl r� EJ�MENT�F�NCIN6 �' �v-v/ I' - v V A V A A 1 �P�.`� \ �I /llv �� � �� �WYIHSTkA TILES.V�v vvvv ��_�� / � Ikr / \ /I as Rehn la t /�_ % i .:�f \ I I I \ \\ ��- -011xL S`P�A\L .eOINITS fN, -- .� / \ �- / i/ - _ i 5 �s o, �, ,- / SEE DTL$0 C- 1 // 2i r / \ \ ' Lin O��n r �. \ - / / / n}1 tit / \I I � A� v z v �� w v� / /i// 1 1 II I vvv __4 _ -- LIMITS OF 4EARIN6 I -.� E i/�/� I 11A� �/ nr•nrrm. �b Av _�,� =� Vv 1 A Den v >) TIIP. REVISIONS BY `� 11W / rl/%//� v� VA 1 C3 \ � �� ������-- �-//r I N , / I %(I. I A v A �-__.� LEGEND Re/ COUNTY EC CLF e V 11 /// -� r - � ,��� Y� i LA\l:Jl. V A v AA (os/oi/zilcea s1n i �1\Approx mate / // ggep r �"'p _ s, l \fie\ ( +ric!! i n I 2----___ \ Vlood Plan ) // J 1 \ �'�� / C`a � 7� J <d, \\ „/,. \/) / \ \ \ \ \ ®.. /. � _ 6B 83'Ba7a \ / \ S6575�'15�W \ i 'Y/ J(zone As) /// Tpx ma:a s222s9a��\V-,/ ..,\ t �� <� -- � �" V 11 I/ 1 A`x ay - 1 r Ircreos trees / // �/ tyR41416_ vAV_i \ w(;V - i' A. �� v�\vq o�A �.1 A �� �-- _ '. fr V r -T v I/l 7 fJ.6Rg._1183 v --5- " _ /_ -- v v�{u�``^a� �1�AA V �.�nv_in v _ ham_--_-_--_ 6.62 / I' 2-j= /l//(92.11 Acres Remoininy�-s. x �� - _ -___,,_1 �i-s�\� ` �i-ux. -- i' ''^�'eo '��i\\ \ \ `j7/\j11 \\ \ , \\_< - - � _ srsr TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE / )I i�//7 r/L///',/ F•u e/ /�Loned: RA��\X\��_i�a_� '1[12 �ufter \\ ` :--- -II,'" � \� �„ 1\ �i_.��/(�//11\_�\T ��\� _ PER DETAIL SEDIMENT / Jcf ( / /// --- _ �*--V ,\i-�29r21'.i / 1r / \ 0512eb�\-- �%/�->.- 22- -sr sr TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE OUTLET / f r / 0 17 - 10V •5 ry' \ 6A.52' vFou i�� J�i ' _ \ \ / _ - _=5-� j r q e • �\ s R-.n \ \F�,s ,y\ - LC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL / _ AA 'V A /�%// // .6/-1 I A /V v�/- /// _-- VAvV-- k'/ �`., vv -v y�F0.„a v sea, �r�irriao� i,/ -__ (TYPICAL) / - //i - `� J �- Reyllo L Miro /// // f / _„\ N ,\ 1 ! //7/ /Sµ `,, 1 / / l / ! -\\\\\�\\\\_ \� i i _-� - ,0-\^�..\` - --p-,- \-` _ o 4* �j/�/// STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE e ili x stin9 creek I/ r / / r--_ �// / % _ - \ /ie� � A VA v Te 'i //�� ��1 AP / / UBLE �M�IGH+�A dRD � m Felt rCr ed >- ) i / i /// ( 00 / 9 Q• e s )J l "tncst �/�i� _-_-_i%%.��AA\ �`d`A " \ro\ y -- ^?48 / /- .-.. - PER DETAIL 6.06 �' - v'� / I I 1/ �O \ \ I /�- ���// /��i/ °'SEDIMENT 0 - _ eee��; �� -vA AV\A v�"t�ic�� �-''v"�h ,,,,,,,,,„-,4,= igiz/.( 7 /�/// / `-//-041 1 I I I I I, A A I / / //I)/ / - FENCINGWITHR CK!t ��' �- vA �>nvv // // // IJ - = �;R��---%�-�O\�\ -a_ \ v�-�- gM / ( Date: 02/10/22 filv_ /1 e3�. A \ r / / t / e - v �m-'s S 1 / / I EXISTING CONTOURS lsxt / S % 'OUTLETS PER DTLS ON SHEET EC-3;V/.i,'i j %�= \O l � .�1` �� ��4_ _ , / PROPOSED CONTOURS Scale: /1)/-IIJ /" I '9 SF''' I \ �l� l I TEMP.POROUS BAFFLES 1"=100 ft / vl/'\ R- wl \ \ 2' Contours o c y ALL ) ✓ V 11 1 \ sowood o Drawn: CLF Fes/\ f I \ PER DETAIL 6.65 \ \ / Checked:DLM / T P/n No: 47621�0033 \\\\\\ \�e�\ 1�� GRAPHIC SCALE' m TEMP.SKIMMER Project 2022-01-20 Mae(Holdings.AC. \1\ \ N \ \ 8, \\\ \ \ \ \f 0 50 100 200 PER DETAIL 6.64 Job:2022-01-20 \\ \ \ \ Know what's below. 11 Sheet PER DETAIL 641E PROTECTION 1 Call before you dig. 1 inch=100 feet C- 1 05/04/22 Location: PUBLICATION OR REUSE OF THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY DETAILS WITHIN MUST BE WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PIEDMONT DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.A. Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 3 Sheets NARRATIVE: Amity Hill LCID, LLC is proposing to use a portion of the proposed site on Bethesda Road in Iredell 5. Rough grade site as shown by proposed contours. Stabilize disturbed areas as the site is brought Z Z County, North Carolina for a Land Clearing & Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill. The scope of work will involve tograde. The angle forgraded slopes and fills shall be nogreater than the angle that can be TEMP.RGER BASH DATA 9 9 SED. SEE. SED. WEIR SKIMMER a stripping topsoil & stockpiling, preparing subgrade, grading and seeding. A screening berm will be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. In any RISER DRAIN. DENUDED MN.REP. MIN.REQ. STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE WEIR FLOW TOP TOP BOT. BOT. BOT. TOP OF TOP OF SIZE SKIMMER ACTUAL Z installed along the Bethesda Road frontage of the site. Off site areas will be protected from sediment event, slopes left exposed will, within 14 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading, be BASIN AREA AREA STORAGE 0 SURF.AREA DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH LENGTH DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH BASIN RISER SPILLWAY BERM (IN) ORIFICE SURFACE II II Z 0.using temporary construction entrance, temporary silt fencing with rock wier outlets, temporary double planted or otherwise provided with temporary or permanent ground cover, sufficient to restrain NUMBER (ACRES) (ACRES) (CF) CFS (SF) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. DIA.pN) AREA(SF) < .' A row high hazard sediment fencing with rock weir outlets, temporary diversions with straw wattles, and erosion. The angle for graded slopes and fills must be demonstrated to be stable. Stable is the 1 475_ 875 15750 21.19 9231 46 68 136 7 0.94 76 144 52 120 75400 758.50 757.00 75800 2.50 225 10930 V`=Q q two Riser/barrel sediment basins with porous baffles. The limits of construction shall be as shown on condition where the soil remains in its original configuration, with or without mechanical 2 26.31 zest 4T3se 63n znse 4.0 tte 236 20 om 126 244 toz 220 754.00 756.50 Tuoo Ise oo 4.00 3so 3oe0s- w,Ja N es 33 plans. Total disturbed is estimated to be no more than 31 acres. Upon completion all disturbed areas restraints. Additional measures to control and sediment may be required by Iredell County Erosion Design Requirements: Freeboard 2.00 Feet /I�Z a-�3, shall be permanently stabilized with gravel and grass as per the seeding specifications. Control Office. t6 w semi nen:ay 6.92 nOr C•0.35 A- H W Gro ALL TEMPORARYSKMMER SEDIMENT BASNS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER DETAL 6.64 > 6. Contractor to get roadway to final grade so that gravel base can be installed. Site shall be (..1> 4.t $.i GENERAL: seeded within 7 days of being brought to grade. y RI Qc7,..,v The work shall consist of furnishing labor and material, equipment and performing all operations Temporary Sediment Basin#1 Temporary Sediment Basin#2 Ir�F •V OoC� 7. The Contractor shall sow ground cover (including fertilizer and mulch) on all exposed earth areas G j O O ,A'"a necessary for a complete installation of all work as specified herein and as shown on the drawings. within 14 calendar days following completion of any phase of grading; sow permanent groundcover Z h ?_wa for all disturbed areas within 14 calendar days following completion of construction or Okay Okay h y �w 1. Work shall consist of installation of temporary erosion control measures; stripping topsoil, preparing development. Contractor shall inspect seeded areas at 14 days after initial seeding and repair all 8 o z �� subgrade, relocation of excess soils located on site to adjacent site placement of stone, concrete & bare areas. Non-stabilized areas shall be stabilized with erosion control blankets or other 875 Disturbed Area(Acres) 2631 Disturbed Area(Acres) A Q g asphalt; redistribution of topsoil strippings, and permanent seeding. All disturbed areas shall be left Z $ in a stabilized condition upon completion of this project. acceptable methods as approved by the Engineer. (See Stabilization time frame table this sheet). 2119 Peak Flaw from 10-year Storm(cts) 63.72 Peak Flow from 10-year Storm(cfs) i�T-J a. . F..Z ? g 2. The Contractor is expected to examine the site to familiarize himself with site conditions. The 8. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all sediment and erosion control measures 15750 Required Volume ft' 47358 Required Volume ft' '� :< Contractor shall carefully read all the specifications and examine the drawings and details in order to throughout the duration of the construction project. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited 9231 Required Surface Area ft2 27756 Required Surface Area 92 y c thoroughly familiarize himself with the work to be done. Any work shown on the drawings or included to: cleaning silt out of drain structures, adding extra gravel or riprap; regrading berms/swales 67.9 Suggested Width ft 117.8 Suggested Wdth ft w in the specifications, or reasonably implied by either, shall be performed the same as if called for by and washed out areas; repairing, replacing, or adding silt fence, etc., all as required. 135.9 Suggested Length ft 235.6 Suggested Length ft both. 9. Contractor shall clean all all impacted storm drainage structures, flumes, pipes, culverts, etc. Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft 118 Trial Top Width at Spillway!men ft EARTHWORK: prior to final payment. Contractor to clean affected pavement areas daily. Contractor shall Trial Top Length at Spillway linen ft 236 Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft 1. A temporary bench mark shall be established on site. communicate directly with the Owner or the Owner's representative to coordinate the relocation of Trial Side Slope Ratio Zl 2 Trial Side Slope Ratio Zl automobiles to prevent damage directly or indirectly as a result of these site improvements. Trial Depth ft (2 to 13 feet abate grade) 4Tnal Depth ft (2 to 13 feet above grade) 2. The Contractor shall be thoroughly familiar with the Erosion Control Sequence as stated hereafter 52 Bottom Width ft 102 Bottom Width ft a and shall follow this sequence to insure that no off site pollution occurs during or after construction. 10. At the end of the project construction and after permanent ground cover is established, the a Any deviation from this stated sequence or plans and details shall have prior approval of the Contractor shall request an inspection from Iredell County Erosion Control Inspector prior to 120 Bottom Length ft 220 Bottom Length ft Owner's Engineer and Iredell County Erosion Control Office. receiving permission to remove all temporary erosion control structures grading these areas as 6240 Bottom Area ft 22440 Bottom Area ftz 0 s- shown by the proposed contours on Sheet EC-1 and seed all remaining disturbed areas, including 30805 Actual Volume ft' Okay 100405 Actual Volume ft' Okay Q CO 3. Top Soil: Strip all top soil from the area to be graded and stockpile on site for redistribution any areas of poor quality vegetation. 9248 Actual Surface Area ft Q 2 Okay 27848 Actual Surface Area ft' Okay c N upon completion of grading. C) 12. Contractor shall "hold the Owner harmless" from financial penalty, which could be invoked by Use Spillway Capacity Sheet to Size Primary and Emergency Spillways Use Spillway Capacity Sheet to Size Primary and Emergency Spillways a 0 Z 4. If required, soil borings shall be taken in the area of the building pads by a certified soils engineer government authority, due to Contractor's negligence. ___I and the results reported to the Owner's Engineer. This work shall be done if directed by the Owner's 2.5 Skimmer Size(inches) Skimmer Size 4 Skimmer Size(inches) Skimmer Size a IJ LL1 Engineer. 13. Contractor is responsible for performing self-inspections and reporting in accordance with NCDENR 0.208 Head on Skimmer(feet) (Inches) 0.333 Head on Skimmer(feet) (Inches) a Lt_ J DWQ General Permit NCG 010000 Section II.B, paragraph 3. 225 Orifice Size(114 inch increments) 15 Orifice Size(114 inch increments) 1.5 I-i u_ J 5. Fill Dirt shall be placed in the areas indicated on the plan. Fill material shall be free of brush, ® h-I-I Q rubbish, and other material that will be detrimental to construction of a stable fill. All fill shall be 2.95 Dewatering lime(days) 2 2.90 Dewatering Time(days) 2 FBI oo cn compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor with proper moisture control. Maximum thickness SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: Suggest about 3 days 2.5 Suggest about 3 days 2.5 I� Li of layers of fill to be compacted shall not exceed 8". No slopes shall be steeper than 2:1. The SLOPES 3:1 or FLATTER 3 3 0 I-' d- D_' entire sub-grade after compaction shall be smooth and uniform slope. 4 4 E-I 0 1. Apply agricultural lime at the rate of 90 lb/1000 sf. 5 5 �L -I N O 6. Subgrade and fill to be verified and tested by geotechnical engineer. 2. Apply 10-10-10 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 20 lb/1000 sf. 6 6 ¢ .y > 3. Seed in accordance with the following schedule and application rate: w QI 7. Cut Material to be excavated is assumed to be earth and other materials that can be removed by 8 8 oc power-shovel, bulldozer, motorized pan, or normal excavating equipment; but not requiring the use DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE o_ of explosives or drills. If rock (as defined herein) is encountered within the limits of excavation, the Contract Sum will be adjusted in compliance with provisions for "Changes in the Work" of the Aug 15 - Nov 1 Tall Fescue 200 lb/ac or 7 lb/1000 sf SIZE RISER TYPE SEDIMENT BASIN#1: SIZE RISER TYPE SEDIMENT BASIN#2: "Conditions of the Contract". When rock is encountered, Contractor shall notify the Engineer y immediately; and shall not proceed further until instructions are given and measurements made for Nov 1 - Mar 1* Tall Fescue and 200 lb/ac or 7 lb/1000 sf re_I the purpose of establishing volume of rock and the value of excavating same. Rock is defined hereby Abruzzi Rye 25 lb/ac or 1/2 lb/1000 sf DRAINAGE AREA: 8.75 ACRES DRANAGE AREA: 26.31 ACRES O II as that material which cannot be ripped by a crawler-tractorrated at a minimum of 50,000 lbs. DISTURBED AREA: 8.75 ACRES DISTURBED AREA: 26.31 ACRES drawbar pull at one mile per hour, pulling a single-tooth ripper. Equipment shall be in good repair, Mar 1 - Apr 15 Tall Fescue 200 lb/ac or 7 Ib/1000 sf ALL STORAGE&SURFACE AREA BASED ON IO YEAR STORM WTfH(P7.00&C ).35) ALL STORAGE&SURFACE AREA BASED ON 10 YEAR STORM WITH(P7.00&C .1.35) ~ and shall be in proper working condition. REQUIRED STORAGE: 15,750 CUBIC FEET REQURED STORAGE: 47,358 CUBIC FEET O Apr 15 - Jul 30 Hulled Common or Bermuda 30 lb/ac or 1 Ib/1000 sf REQUIRED SURF.AREA: 9231 SQUARE FEET TOP TOP BOT. BOT. REQURED SURF.AREA: 27,758 SQUARE FEET TOP TOP BOT. BOT. SED.STORAGE WIDTH LENGTH WDTH LENGTH SED.STORAGE WIDTH LENGTH WIDTH LENGTH s� 1� Rock is further defined hereby as boulders larger than 1/2 cubic yard in size. payment will be DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) v made on the basis of unit-price for rock unless minimum-sized equipment or better is utilized as Jul 15 - Aug 15 Tall Fescue and 200 lb/ac or 7 Ib/1000 sf Fl �..) required hereinbefore. Rock work is defined hereby as removal of material by drilling, blasting or Brown Millet or 35 lb/ac or 7/8 lb/1000 sf )STORAGE PROVIDED: 37,702 CUBIC FEET 144.0 76.0 144.0 52.0 120.0 STORAGE PROVIDED,D: 109,607 CUBIC FEET 236.0 126.0 244.0 102.0 220.0 r , wedging. Rock shall be stripped for measurement before excavating, and no rock excavated or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids 30 lb/ac or 3/4 lb/1000 sf SURF. PROVIDED: 10,930 SQUARE FEET SURF. PROVIDED: 30,805 SQUARE FEET ~ A �•/ loosened before measurement will be allowed or paid for as rock. Measurement and payment, C.... therefore, shall be by number of cubic yards required to bring the excavation to the required surface * Heavily mulched during January- March period. Coat applied at the rate of 5-7 gal/1000 sf Jr, M or grade as required by the Contract Documents. The Owner may adjust the grades should excessive or 200-300 gal/ac. ALL OUTLET SIZING BASED ON IO YEAR STORM WITH P6.92&C .35) ALL OUTLET SIZING BASED ON 10 YEAR STORM WITH(k6.92&C 335) O W rock be encountered. PEAK DESIGN FLOW IO YEAR STORM: op �QFS PEAK DESIGN FLOW IO YEAR STORM: Qp 63.72ICFS L 4. Mulch with straw applied at the rate of 75-100 Ib 1000 sf. and anchor with asphalt emulsion USE 15"RCP BARREL Q�.5cfs WITH 2'HEAD USE 24"RCP BARREL:Q=22cfs VyTTH 2'HEAD UD O 04 L4 EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONSpP / P USE 5.0'x 5.0'PRECAST RISER USE 5.0'x 5.0'PRECAST RISER tack coat applied at the rate of 5-7 gal/1000 sf or 200-300 gal/ac. a rV A O Requirements of the Contract Documents apply to all work in this section. CHECK DEWATERING TIME USING SKIMMER(SHOULD BE 36 HOURS MN.) Ste: 2.501N. CHECK DEWATERNG THE USING SKMMER(SHOULD BE 36 HOURS MN.) Ste: 4.0 N. i-I-I SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 TO 2:1 STORAGE PROVIDED: I 37702ICUBIC FEET 2.25 h Dia Orifice STORAGE PROVIDED: I 109607ICUBIC FEET 3.5 h Dia Orifice GENERAL: Provide the work of this section for erosion and sediment control as indicated and USE 2 CONCRETE ANTI SEEP COLLARS PLACED 20'APART I 425 FEET SQUARE USE 2 CONCRETE ANTI SEEP COLLARS PLACED 20'APART I 5.00 FEET SQUARE O I-7 specified as follows: 1. Applyagricultural lime at the rate of 90 lb 1000 sf. 11 W I�-I 9 / SIZE ANTIFLOTATION BLOCK: S�ANTFLOTATDN BLOCK: //�� ►k�I-.11 Construction entrance; rock wier outlets, temporary sediment fencing, temporary double row high 2. Apply 10-10-10 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 20 lb/1000 sf. SIZE OF RSER= 2)13'PRECAST(I.D.) SIZE OF RSER= 2X4 PRECAST(I.D.) E_( FBI W sediment basi • hazard n andfencing, permanent lslseedinges, temporary diversions, straw wattles, riser/barrel 3. Seed in accordance with the following schedule and application rate. WEIGHT OF CONCRETE BLOCK REQ'D= 4950.00(BUOYANT WEIGHT) WEIGHT OF HT OF DISPLACED WATER= 3744.00 POUNDS MIGHT OFOONCRETE BLOCK REQ'D= 4950.00(BUOYANT WEIGHT) rr-1 W O DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE O W PQ r) CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: The Contractor shall furnish the Owner a system of temporary SEE RIP RAP OUTFALL PROTECTION: SEE RP RAP OUTFALL PROTECTION: 7 \ x V controls to minimize soil sediment erosion during the construction period caused by storm water Mar 1 - Jun 1 Sericea Lespediza (scarified) & 50 lb/ac or 11 Ib/1000 sf Do= 15(in) Q= 6.50(efs) Do= 24 On) Q= 22.00(efs) runoff. Work shall be performed as called for on the drawings and as site conditions warrant. All Tw= 3(in) Wa= 19.25(ft) Tw= 4.8(in) Wa= 30(ft) erosion control measures shall be constructed in accordance with the NC Erosion and Sediment Mar - Apr Add Tall Fescue or 150 lb/ac or 3-1/2 Ib/1000 sf La= 18(ft) D50= 3.6(in) La= 28(ft) D50= 15.6(in) Z W�•y� Control Planning and Design Manual Latest Edition. SIZE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY:Qe�1O-Qp SIZE EMERGENCYSPLLWAY:Qe�10-Qp CD XI Jun - Sep 1** German Millet or 40 lb/ac or 1 Ib/1000 sf Qe=1 14.69cfs Qe=l 41.72Icfs 11 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY: After the acceptance, it is the Owner's responsibility to properly maintain Small-Stemmed Sudan Grass 50 lb/ac or 1.2 Ib/1000 sf '.�USE TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION W/3:1 SIDES,STAGE=m.91', I 71 FEET WOE USE TRAPEZOIDAL SECTION W/3:1 SIDES,STAGE=xg.91', I 201 FEET WIDE A the work. Sep - Mar 1 Sericea Lespediza 70 lb/ac or 1-3/4 lb/1000 sf 0 W EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL: The Contractor shall provide erosion and sediment control during (unhulled-unscarified) 150 lb/ac or 3-1/2 Ib/1000 sf USE THE FOLLOWING ASSUMED ELEVATIONS FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION RELATIONSHIPS: USE THE FOLLOWING ASSUMED ELEVATIONS FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION RELATIONSHIPS: F+1 BOTTOM OF BASIN= 754.00 BOTTOM OF BASIN= 754.00 r the period of construction of this project. The Contractor shall protect and maintain the temporary Tall Fescue TOP OF RISER 756.50 TOP OF RISER 756.50 P14 II erosion and sediment control structures which provide temporary sediment pollution control, as shown Millet or Sudan 20 lb/ac or 1/2 lb/1000 sf EMERGENCY SPILLWAY NVERT= 757.00 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY INVERT= 757.00 on the drawings. The Contractor shall protect and maintain the temporary facilities as necessary to 'ITOP OF EMBANKMENT= 758.00 TOP OF EMBANKMENT= 758.00 v trap soil erosion and sediment pollution created by storm water runoff. Maintenance of these facilities ** Temporary - Reseed September 1 at recommended rates. [RISER TYPE SEDIMENT BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER DETAL 6.61 ON SHEET GR-4 RSERTYMBANKMENT BASIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER DETAIL 6.610N SHEET GR-0 vvvvvnllNt(y7 tshall include, but not be limited to, regrading and filling of washed out areas, adding erosion controlF. .( blankets, addingsilt fence, addingadditional wattles and reseedingand mulchingof the swains during 4. witha3" taa applied the rate of 50-90gal000 0 sf and anchorr with asphalt the construction period if deemed necessary by the Owner, Owner's Engineer, or the Iredell County emulsion tack coat applied at the rate of 5-7 gal/1000 sf or 200-300 gal/ac. �'1� Erosion Control Office. Area&Volume Per Contour of Basin 1 Area&Volume Per Contour of Basin 2 `. EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE: a ^ eel- 0 The following sequence of construction shall be staged as required to provide acceptable erosion and Coniclncremental Conic Total Vol. Coniclncremental Conic Total Vol. 1: a sediment control. Elevation Area(SF) Vol. Cu.Ft. Cu.Ft. •'�P``�` ( ) ( ) Elevation Area(SF) Vol.( FL) (Cu.Ft.) o 754 7,979.31 N/A 0 bottom 754 24,133.94 N/A 0 bottom x7j7hf)�+?t " '2 1. Contractor shall arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Owner, the Owner's Engineer, and a NEW STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES 755 8,684.90 8329.62 8329.62 755 25,725.51 24925.49 24925.49 Pi representative from the Iredell County Erosion Control Office prior to any land disturbing activity. An 756 9,411.90 9045.96 17375.58 Erosion Control Plan Approval Certificate shall be displayed and a copy of the approved erosion Site Area Description Stabilization Tlmeframe Exceptions 756 27,367.90 26542.47 51467.96 REVISIONS BY v control plan must be available on site at all times during construction. Contractor shall install all (-11 757 10,160.29 9783.71 Z7159.29 757 29,061.10 28230.27 7967823 Perimeter dikes,swales,ditches and slopes 7 days None /� IREDELE•COUNTY Ec, t erosion control measures. 758 10,930.09 10542.85 37702.13 top of berm 758 30,805.13 29928.88 109607.10 top of berm /A\ ' '''ANTspER SWWFF CLF High Quality Water(HOW)Zones 7 days NoneVa y^\ (os/oa/2z) . 2.Barricade off construction area. Construct access drive which shall receive a minimum of 6" depth E of 2"-3" coarse aggregate in loose measurement at locations shown on the plan. Any sediment , Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10'or less in length and are not 5 accumulation on adjacent public roads or areas not within limits of construction as a result of steeper than 2a,14 days are allowed. RIP RAP OUTFALL PROTECTION DATA this project and traffic from this project shall be immediately cleaned off by the Contractor. p Slopes 3:l or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50'in length. ISTRUC. Do Q D50 La W@Pipe W@End Dmax Thickness 47 (Minimum Stabilized Construction Entrance Length = 100' as per detail 6.06.) All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 days None,except for perimeters and HOW Zones. I.D. Inches CFS Inches Feet Feet Feet Inches Inches 3.Install construction entrance, sediment fencing along with rock weir outlets, temporary diversions FES Pond 1 15 21.19 3.6 18.0 3.8 19.25 - 5.40 8.10 with straw wattles as shown on plan sheet EC-1. Install double row high hazard sediment fencing FES Pond 2 24 63.72 15.6 28.0 6.0 30.00 23.40 35.10 along creek/basins side of property as shown on sheet EC-1. Any diversion swales with anticipated v velocities of greater than 2 ft./sec. shall be matted. e ALL RIPRAP OUTFALL PROTECTION AS PER DETAIL 6.41. *No prefabricated silt fence is to be used on this project.* Date: 02/10/22 4. Once all measures are in place, a site inspection by Iredell County Erosion Control Office shall scale:AS 01 be administered prior to any earth moving activities. SHOWN Strip topsoil and stockpile in areas as shown on the plans. Drawn: CLF Checked:DLM ;? NOTE: No offsite work shall take place offsite until approval from property owner is in place. Project:2022-01-20 Job:2022-01-20 76 Sheet 05/04/22 Location: PUBLICATION OR REUSE OF THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY DETAILS WITHIN MUST BE WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PIEDMONT DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.A. Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 3 Sheets 6.06 TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEJE%IT 6.62 SEDIMENT FENCE 6'64 SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN 6.93 6.65 POROUS BAFFLES CHECK DAM Its TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAINS Z !T� n ® / 1 taw I f me w<mn 2 5 Construction Construction to the lines and dimen,ion<m°wnmme plan onarzherfabn< Definmon r fl1 iim N nourwiO m om 0. 1 Z • Specifications 95, Sperm tin °"aiM1O"' '^Q > I. / / I -2.>. where me dam abuts the xm.n.mr.Powa<r<I Purpose ra cat or fillow tint v`=Q q •g, �p «tin < d a� W u o. ,,%:r yy ff Po.or - n 1.� £� w _ wm<S oo C pr tone wn os z a� j ��, �[ S•sL PERSPECTIVE VIEW u.t S qg luwueamu u<,am<„ <<ren°°°r ° r� PracicB App e9 n 1 -fl N 't`I�o �'- �z a ll m after heavy °rz• Pl9 pecficeorseamcc - Consla9 i :wars. � °,4 ° � Z ,G Constr a ,a,.tp.sez WI./ a E A _ l Z yI ,o_w.7 Specifications ma,<n.anamownr�< as other ,.n .mow nxx ate\ pine, 11�� am va se Pmewa dme,rrmDw°ww°n meson, urew<or.<m" was c,"Mt \� x R\\ $_E aeaiea ey a'bM some °a yy�� END VIEW FRONT VIEW ae an ev on 121 Z Q z w try term e,ea meal taw or over euitabe _ or.nsro aafHpnet .o w.ARN - -• ~� mku """cote,vmmnc ymcryro yz Wz c.5 . vemaxnY wmmoxxw t o.oe toe M,„, ee erere m,a wa wwmm mm o.w cao .,.-. n out m. riSSIeve VI POI ryH FNumaea•srxerret,mas .riots Pennrym,naEr°s°n ane sesmxmlmxnm cow wnua, g ^I, ma°°ne , Dots a ,ta.bry as tra mean w.et.. Twv Hw ve a ._...., Design Criteria FMIy , ,St Pence servo.shg consist aria a ell..nencme rcp.ebnrr•a m.eeb. -re. Eq _ _„ w•..,.Srneaaaran.er.w....nwa.iam..w .,,,,.., ,.e,m e.m r m. r a-a °e.«rce°„m 124 LI o Mainte ,e, wxFw u.rim pzwt,n ab m.mm w Perementa.teem.amatuanNew el e rben3za. ""' °' ro ° ¢g � c`m 9'mm / TebNe]3. M .m w.,nm au mpnb ewna nr< °`bcm'r=•" x. .w.ew,cwm.ru.w xr ry ` w \�i r m Slaw o19 op•Dnin •ree Mleen.1 P11°hes) J L•' ,ymnedc1. fiurta0tia.ct Me sediment harrier or ea°°<g or nn,Seen. fe•<uie ' m - } ...flea Nor 610 2 Ensure.the herght of tie sediment fence does not exceed TDB TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS Ip°^°a (x' ) y p acmlumuzor warm \11 1 `J ` _ _ r l ro '6e Ec ``\__•ate- E_ •t`Plan View r'nro turn v �n�rm \ 1 - a<.... p y U o El' Iz mT w mNa I- N- 1 swvmr xm br / '_ ben ,}mat mp ak * o p III u 6 w II iti-iil II -t-uHnl- Wire should soma tensile T ' s a %€1 D� < Ir inlet �� ::kr�I yLI n p CO III€nl u n a. a a ,/ m r coat mat P P e.a pefrm r =� % E r' , INp.I H� \o1� _ •II��, 11 O t"~ v t b em \\ IF ° ,tar 6af➢es need to be installed correctly d ll amen benefits. Px,11tn lo. 1R IWO NII�Ifi�l�Ir—m� Z nett -II-11 fill II-� HI ill-- 6�m- m n tioxn a 1 el�� _. staplesCross-SectionVew Pw fi u Iz Refer to gut sash and the folly _ t the using ,fi n�_ alYpleel 2l umlxmuo w . \.2 nyrzr•-°p\m °a'• •Most of the sediment will secured rttoaorst Y a�so ws,xoma be dFigure am.Lam stoned.,dam nu°e wulerevem m�.,m.w°°.m°wam v ,wets cu., ma. 72`:°ea 4 ll rnn�a,emnv.,"`� n.to v ^Me. 3 t. •• readilyaaess ate° « Maintenance G ^111 w x m P xw...m �. a. aw m a.D mt.t h w M6fIMi i mrp° TM Y W Constructiona a°,bw,h m,mw,na om<r Y"" them.„,mn..<wam,.a box r.eana.,,ad ,..d Antwate submergence and deposition aboue the check dam anderosion from �::r17�wl�llilf"" . 0 17'" Dr„en, 9 r<.,a wnaw a ex Fwroe.eacrvemps211:,ro.n euna"-r'-""-Y-From peneaN+aee ucuu..mgmnte,xlww,murn.•xgtY u nw.em °f°t ... a 1 «;4 Specifications Poona- - Eromnaria seamwt Pew mcnm pots nr the channel :..1. O mu<tors sot on mzu a I des w Installation of higher u.me Construction I r gob .. ) t0J i l O r, own,mwv m,n me m,� SPec ficat on rice awn m,mmawa Specifications N below °"b�� \p g`h kemme w•maa.rau.°°bxx+w...x a ,�1 ana prevent lame flows from carrying sediment over the dam.Add shoo m tmnm,tmmae,wm� w tm„b oe maroon me m,.,mom mm.nh w a,na em,<remon nCC elopeera fa.nm.m6.rcxme toe.plait Make `mwm after nsw on unlast will remain. b,®, gp�t awn u<fab^c due, n<mrPemc Overfill ueerneer caw Axuw -a. I,j we.*wi..E..p.. •watertight. mama ruction nine ly Mso ixwcb used,).atb d Maintenan p man mediately 5.Attach the fah..each pon mehes of I.(Mere.Attach each tie v.ee by stammer or edx.x mn.l /f�°'M"hY1 1111 STRAW WATTLE INSTALLATION GUIDE 6 Cr) Z� nomtioned toluene on a post nipple.when tightened to prevent saggerg. •11 the temporary secfment basin will be n• a eeroew r�,blma. °"�"""'m ate m.eu n,s,en rim, ..Inw<e a,e b, of�wadzmhdax0nw I.aoFsaaple LNORTH ®ReNA the pipe Nat least the same density as die adjacent emban.ent.Care must <ompn mcP� "° wm t,mwmt an wnenCAN vwo AMERIEN 1."--.....sual., GREEN ry Am OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE me ' p csiirs +Huuu� Speclfi el oats .°,t,eL)dmfx• /r.ON� • emu or p+ .he wub aahle w)ll matenal.1 hand compacting in.t.-inch 1,11a to*chic.,6m, mtue by en wuem Construction''......'rrn..'.',.'dremu r•rm..hUr wet"`mute,.Or".end fa.• Galin reM t °'aae�"'hr°i11r bnowd baconImaged in Me basins isisthan NIL.longdl IIit r W a mat with a•parm a In 6w ha*l„yth. a 1°"61YYi6�°'Op" J tO II III= (LII�TIT Pop WI�bel tAe- °w<n.e, g ! rrvemw,e re a"'2x.s,m)� n V \ Nr il r \ N W 114 I1n OCn noel re 665b CoiFber Bane Detail n�- - v • I °e,t Cross section n �� A fiap «ta ae am.mbaen. A a and entranee and emt channel slop..critical to the suecessMI Construction MATERIALS rope O I L,. �I S � � �rc neq Specifications t.Use matting made nrtolwie<D<m,m (-) woven into my, BASED ON SLOPE GRADIENT e l ' /K c.„ tg.xe ta,� strength mam.wtm propertiesanoYPICAL WATILE SPACING - - a. WWW ,ti tyai..i ,<nce Plan •ce_eeeP�� duld be ma.of 125 inch diameter new steel wire Mrmed into a aced no more Mat ar«r yam man b<mrg<n et, 3U shales rho i,fill Tate wets nits shape not - length - II M. L, T.f water.gat under < v anchor baffles sides b° f b C e.w.wd O 124 Map!. m ].sna,.rc that ass. pp 'acy°•ry tthe ^� V her F-1 her beta baffles at desired '�. �IIM u no n •du I� sat I� rd�m % Mrsxren nwung, ingSimmers,mmm 6Ps m rmwn parallel to Mips weight 11 m"( g x g eta wn ua.bovn t up Z Qi U2 I Section AA ,Detnket Notes 6 °db wire and coir fiber mat in the desired position without displacement tong .0 wr ,..u.wrn<d nn cr oo F�1 11rr.���� FF-�I 1 e IS the length of the rime, a(s T cat)DEEP x er(22..s cat)WOE O A = Pipe WNPaefinetl pron a.usevgaugeg n wire for supportwne pact so.MDN rnE Er:mwex Maintenane P 2.tl.1,511mes the maximum 1z�un :xnu gcwntolxkm re�ond Doan rorura,l fiSa SpeciHca[lone CbennN DE Dr n i(asi�n*"cu)rsw .�(osar�sD M)AxD m alone altimeter but not lees n for Porous Baffle Material - rims view Loir Fiber Sable Material Pro Requirements x-3'(s-f.D cn�°F TUE Ex,Moinc,botf ME FY Property then s". a.. tr ..na.0 auiwnea.re..n.be�,a t rival. 0 - tau„ A Ix�m r r W /x•y���� In w II cline the channe30 l 1+�3, o-0 Tensile Strength 90o x fi601bMgm minimum ce(eHP)m execnve end 9 (Wet) _ a h the ebannSl econanlcel°Ihmetive to alll lice ma etrow boles!or eealmem control ma storm w°tv ninon.tentlt to an le R re rice •m9'sn rninlmurn awoke to elev of 8' er.u1°°in°Nt fabric Backfill n sv./are Elongation Met) Mk a r0 x R ii :•A exD. nqm ry ernwe above maximum teilweter 7 �na .�i e�s i .m I ts r i n m e r err x 1`��Sr.r o w oto o t e c rd to nt o eta etw o tl c w l o ry o °act t o i /) Weight 20 aLSY 880 m minimum w. r e �I��eT _ depth Woof Me bank. rr n ( 41 e) M P may.. c Duo°wne. - - which. la lea i+� Width 8.9feet pp r..41,<man bweilinwn swnnm II=1i°5 "i`T a tS.•i Bpi: 3 �en�e <rercnero •Q.. _ a A Ham blanket oifilter labile r•m l T ate+ snevun omu °`Op`r' s�./a Minimum Nee sD%mmlmnm opi:..rc 0 W s� home be'nsmilfoun between :'til.:iti, Z:I m Plan the rlpreP aria soil foundation. Pop/ere i ) x.„� a 'j 1r•�;j CONSTRUCTION he bottom/toe or the p Wattles should be install perpendicular to primary XI 0.ts•.• Maintenance w<eLlr^^ direction of overland now. �/'� ^ .•r ,Ili•••.t• w(e��x.rn� .-`....MI bma�<`nr t.Grade the beam so that me bottom awl a°ntmha<k zna,m<mxtm. :NZ" 'L. VL W zIn Its sr t excavation of n Ill Install the eco be balaee'mmedat<I° e ca a°o the a.r w a°(„Eevej for hydraulic oP se(NEGRO. - �z LLz SACKFUL 3. across width a(�n<e6.62rarm. �w�« O. In berm,.m,.hasndnanothnddown Fence ken seamen contra dew .thelon �=w heS dI, effectiveness°r the Straw Wattle n a e d �y W m<,mmn dependent s p y d . F+1 W=u Its I�u Fy..e.0 e,hwee e.m nan.am.etnero. Re-anchor baffles weer i" 4.creel posts sat , x - ,, �/r�• W�_ III NI damaged. 4feet apart.The t Soo nx a5T ss3z 1 r-1 3" SectionAA The Slicing Method �anw<�of th P"`om ex 1rT, It kit oaa �— ,i 0 1�1 lam) n ryobionbupeamwx.wee+amel.eu.aweel. SLlnnw let discharge Twlext __ 2of Iio length may use MarrwD IN DITCHES ``TTtttlllllfff 4' C hosbonn,.•resole mat the subgrade for the mes �2. m�a� u-- -tl i .a<u< poi.. less alb rDIAGRAM Oq sx maxsx gyp ctby' ' rib a. br ��!w.° xmwwryw - rar at e —"-" 6.Attach a 9 gauge high.sion wire strand to the steel posts at a height of 6 writs. u<aaeoru<bmm ar ,m crxrES ,P1',./.�f�IIJu{!,'�y�.J('/� sagging. If I slur mu,t,oumtm pu v a iu il'' •L\u• wu mwrzp xe depth as ate.pn de me baffle S dbe based on pool - / - Staple Check Pattern i Qm«ted rotsmhing midming nwtm„ r _''F..1 area.All connecting pints should ove.so the top layer is OlOVO the _ a hghten _ U J a R —e temporary sediment basin will be converted to a permanent "` rc... height ism / 6 i s,owe 4 ,1.t $,nrtrmrn age .me.w,p `��� �i o�iIII I,ken rime n Inc tktmm<,rwm shown goreherb trash and other...from.skimmerand pool areas. steel T-posts to anchor emame or bazm aria a«nrcwre-�cal �02^ /t j- — At. �P```. a.Drape the coir fiber mat over the wire slmnd mounted at a t of 6 inches a by vmeos bm emmgmg me �����i �. vpga _< hewre strand wits /( aloneT 4'I �iiie �5'b`xxx vm.rbe %'d1 an,p.e.�,..e r xananoororlbe -1I-.. / fft nttt __ \\ staples,asp span,noes the boshm and u,nne,s°rIX�^�S^�r�<^I nm�enn,m \Ili\G ii%\ .��tl .n of e basin. n:eaao a<00 Me MATTING off SLOPES DIAGRAM Oc ,<\\\ S.Do not list m c DIAGRAM© REVISIONS BY w aownm<amualmwlcwuuetu< 'o //i �'i No more Man 2,ale 36.1abuc una•.nar ..ear e°ie w�m�o,u djustments mayrequiredin mestaplingreq requirementsfit individual 11E0ELE'COUNTY-EC'. aP a g r nmw.mn ground. wmb...am...... Maintenanwl ,,,eaw<ee and aver each rainfall.mac e�°twos.°=aww�.nnn.e..�nnt.,mn or, A (os/i/24jPE STAFF CLF fgµenm is mom w St site aalasn re repairs `immediately.Be sum to rnahitain access to the r n rnm.ne sin rcm mw n rat<nm to r°n.n. Ixm To swa .EEL t. 1831 01 ryre<ti es a.Io.r<orp°.nrys<.erus.ena5.l 1.v<.mo«ne s<eeinPlrcro ~�° Mrs 5 ^em tear.tda°mpove,or be Direr ineffective,<replace it promptes Should Me fabric ly. bafflecollapse. l0 ma. 311 < Remove ent deposits when it full,to_ e/e STEEL PoSL Maintenance'^ ream, • \ - tnatceod rat '...noon r,m�< ? es te - _ . ,.,.. .. UPSTREAM SIDE °ag. a r ^..m varcw U, II _ Take care mm .seat.baffles h`during lfeanDm and baffles. Ordamaged D _ov OVERLAP DOWNSTREAM SIDE HARDWARE CLOTH mrum�r m,g Itil �oorra - 4 during,leanom en depmahold never exceed half the (I OVERLAP DWARE CLOTH WITH ES WASHED (,EH. o =Pectnpr°p wtm AT d<eigned,tang dean. ET HaR fa `?: �� it Ill t i ``fie ,� - =1 '- .. ^' e b sediment remove all a BA ALONGPOINTS FENCING. 6� xsswASHEo sroHE opt ', � A,A(�\ 1 t. m NOTES, stabilize baffle tea unstable a g area g m woWH nETEH FAaHe +O !!!!!! P PEsDEofwDH e - < <n meaaR. rimnom wntt„m w a^nrw,nm�ntnnne y _ , �„ yeaw,po w,not acceptable eaaa,..at home,.compuctan Dote: 02/10/22 �w Maintenanazm lNwemna�.n•monnwa.e� ari =• ewtml.M,x r re n<v um Po mta _ • HARDWARE CLOTH SHOULD TIE ANCHOR skims MINIMUM AS rind mimmm,.l ,..,,..snit x,x<eRxw,,tx r,w< m INTO THE STEEL POSTS. Scale:SHOWN me v,teat,e<my sit be<mne18109/911111/0,181 s ngmsw to ,.'of on or rx,�x,nxan`ti..`m�e. ,mrze.e.e, weeMOO, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO Drawn: CLF '�" nw rm,nnw<mn mtamm,m�mn.mm<aronm=^^°E .100TENANCE NOTE INCLUDE STONE DOWNSTREAM OF THE HARDWARE CLOTH Checked:DLM °a mat nm<mnm.rx<e.rc m..n'a VirtaLraile..".... I.ROCK WEIRS SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PROLONGED RAINFALL. Am Project:2022-01-20 a�rcn,arc m<cmw g a= m,mm ,w.waPoxaxmnno sin„. NOT TO SCALE REPAIRS HEEDED STALL BE MPDE InHEo.reJr. Job:2022-01-20 wow raab�ume. HIGH HAZARD """" TEMPORARY ROCK WEIR Sheet c TEMPORARY SILT FENCE "°'"° HALL ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS la v caEPAaED AND SEEDED DRESSED To CONFORM To THE EXISTING GRADE, 00.00 STD NO an 05/04/22 Location: PUBLICATION OR REUSE OF THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY DETAILS WITHIN MUST BE WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PIEDMONT DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.A. Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 3 Sheets L7 z o 1, ,,z a CL: Q'^3 Az a-% GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT } CD Nova THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. STRUCTURE WITH LINER z 16.1> ��N Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction -.� , ,� Z J.., 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. ,=_Z..=_=; �, :i, ., S. ""' 0 0 �z x,; activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling ql"•�'�/q Q=< 1.c-r-' '�1 R �P�t,a z ,a 9_�:, 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the N r n, ,,,, i,! 1iii , _�� sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively). The project. lL!!:. °"""a i' '0 s! y �� ermittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Controlplan approved bythe A��x-x-A. - II l„I'4 - L IA z Q a o4z p p y pp 4. Collect all spent fluids,store in separate containers and properly dispose as "`s''==1' �+t`' j� ;z,�j _II �rimN e- (� s � delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet s rr z o delegatedauthority j hazardous waste(recycle when possible). maynot apply dependingon site conditions and the havingjurisdiction. ,,., �..» , Kim„.� n ,�� MEMO Al a y 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem ....z NQ•AAI•Nf inn o LI F =AM ammo N IW Y■Noo mrs f. SECTION E:GROUND STABILIZATION has been corrected. I I •n�moxawvaur:nunseMOLL ANN a.�rNw M�.�"LU 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products IL °'o 'LAU"O I IORM MIMS,TO MN=AMOK Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. gan MUMS TSIOA L �` U Ma,S'. R Stabilize within this MTAA CUM NANO NW ..BEVEL many calendar A nv STRUCTURE ABOVE GRA ' IT STRIICTIIRF C...)Site Area DescriptionTimeframe variations FLUT a days after ceasing LITTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. < oo (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS Q c v swales,ditches,and 7 None receptacle)on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. o z perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet awayfrom storm drain inlets and surface LU 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local a w r,.i (b) High Quality Water 7 None waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. i (HOW)Zones 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in Z m 5 If slopes are 10'or less in length and are from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within w (c) Slopes steeper than 7 p g 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. , �" 0 3:1 not steeper than 2:1,14 days are H o provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporaryconcrete washoutsper local requirements,where applicable. If an a N O allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50'in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for ..‹: length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if review and approval. If local standard details are not available,use one of the two -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. - (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk C/D <4 Zones 9. On business days,clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or Z Z -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must a I be pumped out and removed from project. -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1--1 Q C) ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it L, g (e) Areas with slopes can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, U Qi flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface install protection of storm drain inlet(s)closest to the washout which could receive I- C.) there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spills or overflow. q Note:After thepermanent cessation of construction activities,anyareas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. Q d p Y 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone i--i x ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the Plq , 2 N practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. I"I O Q:I activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project q 0 surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. I limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. W Z PORTABLE TOILETS W GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit ^( x , 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events. Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural Fri Q Cl) E., • Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonablyavailable. If 50 foot W O techniques in the table below: components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary W pq q offset is not attainable,provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place products,follow manufacturer's instructions. ITi Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10. At the completion of the concrete work,remove remaining leavings and dispose of ."I •Temporary grass seed covered with straw or • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit,if applicable,and stabilize any disturbance O -W I-4 other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers foot traffic areas. caused by removal of washout. TT 1�� W • Hydroseeding •Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. c.J IC:) • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace () W without temporary grass seed • Hydroseeding with properly operating unit. f:4 •Appropriately applied straw or other mulch •Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered - HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES t"I • Plastic sheeting with mulch 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label t • Uniform and evenlydistributedground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT """im,,,,, restrictions. ..,,..:, S sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the e''(.): ,, ��' 'I . •Structural methods such as concrete,asphalt or 50 feet away from storm drain inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls label,which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps in case of =g ' I-, retaining walls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonablys`.. A^ accidental poisoning. P, • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed available. o gc m I 3. Do not store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is �,,, ,'N6,,,v 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of possible or where they may spill or leak into wells,stormwater drains,ground water POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile. or surface water. If a spill occurs,clean area immediately. REVISIONS BY 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. construction,selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance 1 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. offsite. "" ''r 'i. NORTH CAROLINA 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. 5. Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant cover is �d •.,11� or surrounded by secondary containment structures. ti, 1R Environmental Quality Date: 02/10/22 Scale N/A NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 Drawn CLF DLIvl Project:2022-01-20 Job:2022-01-20 Sheet NCG01-1.O Locotlon: PUBLICATION OR REUSE OF THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY DETAILS WITHIN MUST BE WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PIEDMONT DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.A. Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 2 Sheets �F1-yrz V z o PART III PART III PART III ' y W.ra SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING Et> ,Qa �� .. SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTION B:RECORDKEEPING SECTION C:REPORTING O3 o biel z u1 ?_w,; - Self inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.E&SC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrences that Must be Reported h xA s below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection ICI z Q a°gz The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The Permittees shall report the following occurrences: personnel to be in jeopardy,the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. sedimentdeposition instream or wetland. w 75 a,-z g which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition,when a storm event of equal to or (a) Visible a etlad. A 7.a .. The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be kept on site and available for A+y greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-inspection shall be LJ A performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections inspection at all times during normal business hours. (b) Oil spills if: ' were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Item to Document Documentation Requirements • They are 25 gallons or more, Frequency (a) Each E&SC measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC measure on a copy • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, Inspect (during normal Inspection records must include: and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or complete,date iJ business hours) locations,dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each • They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or i- (1)Rain gauge Daily Daily rainfall amounts. shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved E&SC • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). o maintained in If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or plan. This documentation is required upon the _< 00 good working holiday periods, and no individual-day rainfall information Is Q O N order available,record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- initial installation of the E&SC measures or if i--r lY attended days (anc this will determine if a site inspection is the E&SC measures are modified after initial (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 o needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as installation. of the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA a o Z "zero." The permittee may use another rain-monitoring device (Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.S.143-215.85. w Lid (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SCi J approved by the Division. lr J (2) E&SC At least once per 1. Identification of the measures inspected, plan or complete,date and sign an inspection Q Measures 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, report to indicate completion of the x m U (d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, construction phase. iii o � hours of a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating ,,,,'1- 0 0O (c) Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC o N event>1.0 Inch In properly, w 0 in accordance with the approved E&SCplan or complete,date and sign an inspection (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the 24 hours 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, pp PPe �._, > _ 6. Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken. plan. report to Indicate compliance with approved environment. (3)Stormwater At least once per 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, ground cover specifications. o- discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, - outfalls(SDCs) and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, (d) The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an inspection report. 2.Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements hours of a rain 4. Evidence of indicators of stormwater pollution such as oil requirements for all E&SC measures After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact 7 event>1.0Inch In sheen,Floating or suspended solids or discoloration, have been performed. H 24 hours 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the site, the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the r� 6. Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken. (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be O (4)Perimeter of At least once per If visible sedimentation is found outside site limits,then a record to E&SC measures. plan or complete,date and sign an inspection reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at(800) I--i Q site 7 calendar days of the following shall be made: report to indicate the completion of the 1--I 0.j and within 24 1. Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left corrective action. 858-0368. C..) hours of a rain the site limits, I-� event>1.0 inch in 2. Description,evidence,and date of corrective actions taken,and 2.Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site Occurrence Reporting Timeframes(After Discovery)and Other Requirements 24 hours 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future In addition to the E&SC plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the (a)Visible sediment • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. 11 A "4 M _ releases. site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours,unless the deposition in a • Within 7 calendar days,a report that contains a description of the O F+r (5)Streams or At least once per If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation or a Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. 0 wetlands onsite 7 calendar days stream has visible Increased turbidity from the construction I ( this requirement notpractical: Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a N or offsite and within 24 activity,then a record of the following shall be made: q r � Fy A O (where hours of a rain 1. Description,evidence and date of corrective actions taken,and case-by-case basis. `/ 0 accessible) event>1.0 inch in 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division (a) This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage,after it is received. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d)list as impaired for sediment- W Qi W ,e_, 24 hours _ Regional Office per Part III,Section C,Item(2)(a)of this permit. related causes,the permittee may be required to perform additional [•I•^ Q x (6)Ground After each phase 1. The phase of grading(installation of perimeter E&SC monitoring,inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff ( Elstabilization of grading measures,clearing and grubbing,installation of storm (b) Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shall ,^ determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance 1 ;40 measures drainage facilities,completion of all land-disturbing record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the VW pq activity,construction or redevelopment,permanent with the federal or state impaired-waters conditions. M Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of iyi (b)Oil spills and • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. The notification ground cover). electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if 1--1 E-i 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization release of shall include information about the date,time,nature,volume and 1-4 measures have been provided within the required shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. hazardous location of the spill or release. O I4 timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as substances per Item r h W soon as possible. 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years 1(b)-(c)above L.J A All data used to complete the a-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period (c)Anticipated • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass,If possible. C...) W NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. of three years after project completion and made available upon request.[40 CFR 122.41] bypasses[40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and �i 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. I�-1 1--I PART II,SECTION G,ITEM(4) (d)Unanticipated • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. f bypasses[40 CFR • Within 7 calendar days,a report that includes an evaluation of the Still 1 rf�i DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect of the bypass. �,..... L. (e)Noncompliance • Within 24 hours,an oral or electronic notification. *1,0 ; Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down with the conditionsRI Within 7calendardays,a report that contains a description of the YD 'rifor maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare(for example,times with extended cold weather). of this permit that noncompliance,and its causes;the period of noncompliance, Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: may endanger including exact dates and times,and if the noncompliance has not °Qjm4l6`"° I health or the been corrected,the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to (a) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non-surface withdrawal environment[40 continue;and steps taken or planned to reduce,eliminate,and REVISIONS BY CFR 122.41(I)(7)] prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance.[40 CFR 122.41(1)(6). shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a (b) The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III,Section C,Item(2)(c)and(d)of this permit, case-by-case basis. _ s (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include properly sited,designed and maintained dewatering tanks,weir tanks,and filtration systems, 47 (d) Vegetated,upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above, r^ ( ) Velocity dissipationp rip rap provideddischargepointsdewatering ''r' NORTH CAROLINA e devices such as check dams,sediment traps,and ri ra are at the of all devices,and I c sr .` Environmental Quality (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item(c)above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. e Dote: 02/10/22 NCGO1 SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 Scale: N�AF Checked:DLM >? Project:2022-01-20 T. Job:2022-01-20 e. Sheet NCG01-2.0 Location. PUBLICATION OR REUSE OF THESE DRAWINGS OR ANY DETAILS WITHIN MUST BE WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PIEDMONT DESIGN ASSOCIATES, P.A. Owner: Approved: Date of Issue: of 2 Sheets