HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181033 Ver 1_Owen Farms_100064_MY2_2022_20230303ID#* 20181033 Version* 1 Select Reviewer: Ryan Hamilton Initial Review Completed Date 04/17/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 3/3/2023 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Yes No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name: * Email Address: Paul Wiesner paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov Project Information ID#: * 20181033 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Owen Farms Stream & Wetland Mitigation Site County: Transylvania Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Owen Farms _100064_MY2_2022.pdf 17.88MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature ........................................... Print Name:* Paul Wiesner Signature: * Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report MY2 Monitoring Report Owen Farms Mitigation Site Transylvania County, NC French Broad River Basin Cataloging Unit 06010105 NCDMS Project No. 100064 NCDMS Contract No. 7532 NCDMS RFP No. 16-007334 (Issued 9/8/2017) USACE ID: SAW-2018-01165 DWR ID: 20181033 Data Collected: August 2022 Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900 Raleigh, NC 27601-3034 DRG Contributing Staff: Ben Furr, Ryan Smith, Alex DiGeronimo, Yvette Mariotte, Kevin Williams, Michael Foster, William Bailey This Year 2 Monitoring Report has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following: • Federal rule for compensatory mitigation project sites as described in the Federal Register, Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters, Volume 3, Chapter 2, Section § 332.8, paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(14). • NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services IN-Lieu Fee instrument signed and dated July 28, 2010. February 27, 2023 Paul Wiesner Western Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services, Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778-8211 Re: MY2 Monitoring Report Comments Owen Farms Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site French Broad River Basin; CU# 06010105 – Transylvania County DMS Project ID No. 100064 Contract No. 7532 SAW-2018-01165 Mr. Wiesner, As per your letter concerning the Owen Farms Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site MY2 Report, we have updated the reviewed and addressed your comments as follows: Response to DMS Comments 1: General: Most of the storm damage reported along the West Fork French Broad River appears to be associated with streambanks and floodplain areas that have poor vegetative and woody stem coverage. During the May 10, 2022 on-site meeting, the IRT suggested that additional planting along channel banks may be warranted in future years if density doesn’t improve. Other than the repair areas that will be planted in the 2022/ 2023 dormant season, is any additional supplemental planting or live staking planned for the project site? HDR does not anticipate supplemental planting outside of the repaired areas, at this time. Visual assessment data in subsequent monitoring years will guide the necessity for supplemental planting. 2: General: Potential Wetland Expansion Areas: The proposed areas are detailed in Appendix H – Wetland Expansion Area Letter to USACE and are located on the CCPV maps. It is likely that the IRT will require additional groundwater well data in the proposed wetland creation areas (WA & WB). Random vegetation plots should also be located within the wetland expansion areas over the course of monitoring term to document vegetative success. DMS recommends continued discussion and correspondence with the IRT if the potential wetland expansion areas will be pursued by HDR. Noted: At this time, HDR does not intend to install gauges in WA and WB. In addition, WB is situated in an area where bedrock is located approximately 12 inches below ground surface and groundwater seeps into this wetland from a hillside seep. Groundwater data is not necessary to validate wetland hydrology in WB. One gauge (G6) has been added in the WC expansion area along the left bank of UT5 (Figure 2.2 and Figure 8.4). This data will continue to be presented in subsequent monitoring reports. A random vegetation plot will be sampled in these areas in subsequent monitoring years. 3: General & Table 8 – Visual Vegetation Condition: Please confirm that the entire conservation easement boundary was walked as part of the monitoring assessment and no encroachment was observed or reported in MY2 (2022). In the response letter and the report text, please discuss the repair status of the ford crossing and the kissing gates as they were observed and discussed at the May 10, 2022, IRT site visit and documented in the meeting notes. As presented in Figure 3.34, fencing at the ford crossing has been repaired. No easement encroachment was observed or reported in MY2 (2022). 4: General/ Section 2.2.2 – Vegetation: In the report text, please discuss the bare roots and live stakes that were planted in MY2 (February 2022). Please provide a MY2 (2022) planting list and planting map in the report appendices. Please include the wetland indicator status for the species in the planting list. The dormant season 2022/2023 supplemental planting should be documented in the MY3 (2023) report. A planting list and map for the February 2022 replant has been added to Appendix F (Repair Plan). 5: Section 2.2.1 – Stream Stability: “While the banks of UT 5 remain stable, a beaver dam was discovered at station 18+25 and was removed. Despite the storm event in May 2022 the stabilization materials observed in MY1 has not progressed through the system as expected. The beaver dam may be influencing the streams ability to move sediment through the system.” What are the referenced stabilization materials? If the beaver dam was removed, how can is still be influencing the stream? When was the beaver dam removed? Please review and revise this portion of the report text for clarity. The stabilization materials referenced were discussed in MY1 Report. DOT stabilization materials (gravel) were transported from upstream of the project boundary. The beaver dam was not removed until August 2022, after the Geomorph Survey was conducted. Text was added to Section 2.2.1 for clarity. 6: Section 2.2.4 – Wetland Hydrology: Per the IRT approved mitigation plan, the final performance criteria for wetland hydrology is a groundwater level within 12 inches of the soil surface for a minimum of 12% (25 consecutive days) of the growing season (April 7 through October 30, 206 days). Please update the report text to also include the percentage of the growing season based on the growing season dates established. Once the gauge data for the entire growing season has been added to the graphs (as noted in the DRAFT), please review, and update the report text accordingly. The report text in Section 2.2.4 has been updated as requested. 7: Section 2.2.4 – Wetland Hydrology: “During a site visit with the NC DEQ Western Regional Supervisor in March 2022, it was agreed that the gauge in the re-establishment area (Gauge 5) would be moved outside of this localized region of W5.” Please also note that the IRT reviewed and approved the relocated well during their May 10, 2022, site visit. Noted, this information has been added to Section 2.2.4. 8: Section 2.2.2 – Vegetation: The IRT approved mitigation plan vegetation success criteria notes; “Volunteers must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons before being included in performance standards in Year 5 and Year 7. For any tree stem to count toward success, it may be either planted or volunteer, but it must be a species from the approved planting list included in the Mitigation Plan. Other species not included on the planting list or in the stated documentation may be considered by the IRT on a case-by case basis. Additionally, any single species can only account for up to 50% of the required number of stems within any vegetation plot.” Please review and confirm that the results reported in the DRAFT text and Appendix C conform with the project’s established success criteria and update the report as necessary. Based on discussion with Melonie Allen (DMS), the vegetation tool that generates Tables 9 and 10 will not reflect success criteria thresholds until Year 3. 9: Section 2.2.2 – Vegetation: During the May 10, 2022, IRT site visit, cattails were observed in UT 5 and UT 7. Davey Resource Group, Inc. noted that cattails would be treated later in 2022 as part of the invasive treatment plan for the site. Were cattails treated as part of the MY2 (2022) invasive treatment effort? Please update the report text accordingly. Cattails were not treated during the initial herbicide application. A cattail shapefile has been added to the CCPV and cattail will be treated in these areas in spring 2023, prior to seed out. 10: Section 3.0 Maintenance and Adaptive Management Plans: The report text notes that sod mats harvested from dense herbaceous growth within the easement boundary were installed as part of the November 2022 repair effort. Is fescue in the sod mats installed, and if so, does Davey Resource Group, Inc. believe the fescue will have an impact on planted and/ or supplementally planted woody stems? Are any ring sprays around woody vegetation in the vicinity of the sod mats planned in future monitoring years? Please address and discuss in the response letter and revised report text. Sod mats that were utilized for repairing eroded areas consisted primarily of common rush and various sedge species. Areas dominated by fescue were avoided when harvesting sod matting. Ring spraying in the vicinity of sod mats is not planned at this time. 11: Table 2 – Project Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements: “All but one wetland is meeting performance criteria.” Is this still accurate based on the MY2 (2022) monitoring results? Please review and update the table as necessary. Table 2 has been updated based on MY2 data. All wetlands are currently meeting criteria. 12: Table 4 – Project Attributes: Please include the project stream’s thermal regime (Cold) in the table. Table 4 has been updated to include thermal regime. 13: Table 5. Project Activity and Reporting History: Please include all project repair, planting, and maintenance activities in the table. As an example, repairs and planting were completed in February 2022 but it is not included in the DRAFT table. Table has been updated to include repairs and planting made in 2022. 14: CCPV Maps: Please label the potential wetland expansion areas as identified in Appendix H – Wetland Expansion Area Letter to USACE. The CCPV has been updated to reflect labels on wetland expansion areas. 15: CCPV Maps: The random vegetation plots (11, 16, 19) should be identified as random plots on the CCPV Maps and legend. Were any the project’s random plots located in MY1 replant areas as discussed with the IRT? Please discuss in the response letter and update the report text accordingly. Vegetation Plot 11 was located within the replant area. The CCPV has been updated to reflect random, permanent, meeting and not meeting. 16: Figures 4.1 – 4.14 Cross Section Photos: Please include the photo dates taken in the photo captions. Dates have been added. 17: Figure 7.1- 7.4: Flow depth graphs: Please update the graphs to include all of the data from the MY2 (2022) growing season. Data has been added. 18: Figure 8.1- 8.6: Groundwater gauge data graphs: Please update the graphs to include all of the data from the MY2 (2022) growing season. Please also update each graph to include the percentage of the growing season based on the growing season dates established. Data has been updated. Percentages were added to graphs and can be viewed in Table 14: Wetland Hydrology Summary. 19: Table 14 – Wetland Hydrology Summary: The table indicates that it is reporting “Max. Consecutive Hydroperiod (%)” but reports the maximum consecutive days. Please update the table to also include the percentage of the growing season based on the growing season dates established. Table has been updated to reflect percentages. 20: Appendix G – 2022 Credit Release IRT Meeting Minutes – Please review the meeting minutes provided and confirm that all IRT requests and discussion points have been addressed in the revised MY2 (2022) report. Meeting minutes were reviewed, and discussion points have been addressed in MY2 report. Digital Support File Comments: 21: In the revised digital submittal, please ensure that all photos associated with required photo monitoring stations have been submitted and the point and photo(s) are labeled. Monitoring photo directions have been labeled within the shapefile accordingly. 22: Please submit the visual vegetation and stream assessment tables and any associated spatial features identified in the tables if not included in the currently submitted shapefiles. This data is in the support package that was submitted in January 2023. 23: Please submit the x-section graphs in the revised digital submittal. X-section graphs have been added to “Geomorph” folder in the digital submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to give me a call (919.588.9663). Sincerely, Davey Resource Group, Inc. Ben Furr Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page i February 21, 2023 Contents 1.0 Project Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Location and Setting ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Preconstruction Conditions ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Annual Monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Monitoring .......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 2 2.2.1 Stream Stability ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2.2 Vegetation ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.3 Stream Hydrology ............................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.4 Wetland Hydrology .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Maintenance and Adaptive Management Plans ............................................................................... 5 4.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page ii February 21, 2023 Figures Figure 1.0 Project Asset Map (Appendix A) Figures 2.1-2.9. Current Conditions Plan View (Appendix B) Figures 3.1-3.43 Vegetation Plot Photos and Site Photos (Appendix C) Figures 4.1 - 4.14 Cross Section Photos (Appendix D) Figures 5.1 – 5.14 Monitoring Cross Section Plots (Appendix D) Figures 6. Monthly Precipitation Data (Appendix E) Figures 7.1 – 7.4 Channel Flow Hydrographs (Appendix E) Figures 8.1 – 8.5 Wetland Groundwater Gauge Data (Appendix E) Tables Table 1. Project Mitigation Quantities and Credits (Appendix A) Table 2. Project Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements (Appendix A) Table 3. Project Monitoring Components (Appendix A) Table 4. Project Attributes (Appendix A) Table 5. Project Activity and Reporting History (Appendix A) Table 6. Project Contacts Table (Appendix A) Tables 7.1 - 7.6 Visual Stream Stability Assessments (Appendix B) Table 8. Visual Vegetation Condition Assessment (Appendix B) Table 9. Vegetation Plot Data (Appendix C) Table 10. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table (Appendix C) Table 11. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Appendix D) Table 12. Cross Section Morphology Monitoring Summary (Appendix D) Table 13. Bankfull Events Summary (Appendix E) Table 14. Wetland Hydrology Summary (Appendix E) Appendices Appendix A – General Project Information Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data Appendix C – Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D – Stream Geomorphology Data Appendix E – Hydrologic Data Appendix F – 2022 Repair Plan Submittal to IRT Appendix G – 2022 Credit Release IRT Meeting Minutes Appendix H – Wetland Expansion Area Letter to USACE Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 1 February 21, 2023 1.0 Project Summary 1.1 Location and Setting The Owen Farms Mitigation Site (Site) is located approximately 3 miles north of Lake Toxaway in Transylvania County, NC. Directions from Asheville, NC: From Asheville, NC: Travel on I-26 east to exit 40 (NC-280 W/Airport Road) and merge on to NC-280 W, continue for 15.9 miles; continue straight onto US-64 W (NC-280 W becomes US-64 W), go 3.9 miles; turn right to stay on US-64 W; continue on US-64 W for 14.9 miles; turn right on Blue Ridge Road, continue for 5.4 miles and the Site entrance will be on the left. The Site is located in the Blue Ridge Belt Physiographic Province of North Carolina. 1.2 Background In October 2020 HDR|ICA restored approximately 3,180 linear feet of stream, enhanced approximately 5,172 linear feet of stream (125 linear feet of Enhancement I; 5,047 linear feet of Enhancement II), and preserved 423 linear feet of stream at the Owen Farms Mitigation Site. Additionally, 1.396 acres of wetlands have been enhanced, 0.35 acres of wetlands have been re-established, and 0.97 acres of wetlands have been rehabilitated at the Site. The Site provides many ecological functional uplifts within the French Broad River Basin. Project goals were established based on the French Broad RBRP (NCEEP 2009), and on-Site data collected during the existing conditions survey. Site specific goals and objectives were developed to provide the highest practical potential for functional uplift based on NC SAM and NC WAM analyses of streams and wetlands on Site. 1.3 Preconstruction Conditions Streams The Site was cleared prior to 1951 and has been utilized for agricultural purposes including pasture and row crops. Prior to construction cattle had access to the majority of streams on Site. The streams on Site exhibited the following conditions prior to construction: •Portions of WFFBR had been straightened to maximize agricultural practices on the property. Thechannel exhibited actively eroding banks due to cattle hoof shear and many of the channel’s rifflesand pools had experienced significant deposition of fine material from the eroded channel banks.The large majority of the channel displayed little to no deeply rooted bank or riparian vegetation.Where a woody buffer had been present, it was commonly only one tree wide, with vegetationtypically sparse at best. Many of the trees within the one-tree buffer had been undercut becausethe channel had incised below the rooting depth. •UT 5 was dammed and ponded immediately downstream of a culvert passing under SilversteinRoad. Downstream of the pond, UT 5 had been straightened and channelized to its confluencewith the West Fork French Broad River (WFFBR). •With the exception of the upstream most 248 feet, UT 7 had an absent to minimal buffer. Thedownstream half of UT 7 appeared to have been modified for agricultural practices and ditchedalong the edge of the valley as evidenced by an incised channel and spoil piles adjacent to thebanks. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 2 February 21, 2023 •UT 8 was fairly stable except for the downstream most 40 feet of the reach which experienceddown cutting to match the invert elevation of WFFBR at the confluence. In the downstreamportion of the reach there was little to no deeply rooted vegetation along the banks. The bankshad been lined with old bricks by the landowner in an attempt to prevent further mass wastingas the channel continues to incise and undercut the banks. •UT 4a was significantly incised due to a headcut approximately 20 feet upstream of its confluencewith UT 4. •UT 1, UT 2, UT 2a, UT 3, UT 2b, UT 4, UT 4b, UT 6, UT 6a, UT 7a, and UT 7b are all first or secondorder, spring fed, perennial tributaries which exhibited mild to moderate instability due to cattlehoof shear and limited buffer presence in some areas before construction and planting activities. Wetlands Prior to construction cattle had access to all of the wetlands on Site. The wetlands on Site exhibited the following conditions prior to construction: •Wetland W3 is the largest wetland within the Site (1.8 acres) and is divided into two distinctwetland types: Riverine Swamp Forest and Floodplain Pool. The Riverine Swamp Forest portion ofW3 had a significantly altered vegetative community compared to reference condition. Thisportion of W3 consisted solely of herbaceous vegetation which was dominated by common rushand served as a cattle pasture. Fecal matter and cattle tracks were present throughout thewetland. The Floodplain Pool portion of W3 formed in a relic meander scroll of WFFBR. UT 5flowed through the eastern portion of the Floodplain Pool prior to its confluence with WFFBR.Cattle had unrestricted access to the entirety of W3 •Wetland W5 was a relic Headwater Forest wetland area adjacent to UT 7. Prior to constructionthe channelization and placement of spoil along the floodplain made it so W5 no longer supported wetland hydrology. Cattle access also altered the vegetative structure and ground surfacecondition. •Wetland W1 is a Riverine Swamp Forest that is heavily influenced by beaver. Prior to constructionactivities, cattle had full access to W1. •Wetlands W2, W4, W6, W6A, W7, W8, and W9 are all headwater wetlands that had experiencedalterations to the vegetative structure and significant fecal matter inputs due to cattle access. 2.0 Annual Monitoring 2.1 Monitoring Table 3 in Appendix A outlines all the monitoring components, methods, quantity, and frequency of data to be collected for the Site. A visual representation of all monitoring devices can be found in the MY2 Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) (Figures 2.1 – 2.9). Monitoring and data collection occurred between August 15 and August 19, 2022. 2.2 Results and Discussion This section documents the conditions observed in Year 2 monitoring. As reported in the Year 1 Monitoring Report, the Site experienced a 200-year storm event between August 15-17, 2021, that caused several areas of severe floodplain scour and bank erosion along WFFBR. Repairs to correct the storm damage took place in February 2022 and included re-grading of channel banks, installation of soil lifts, cobble toe installation, and widening and re-grading of select areas of the WFFBR floodplain. Repair plans Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 3 February 21, 2023 for work completed in February 2022 were provided in the MY1 Report. Photos of select areas after the repairs in February 2022 can be found in Figures 3.31-3.50. Following completion of the repairs in February 2022, on-site rain data recorded 6.65 inches of rain within a 24 hour period on May 25th-26th that led to additional areas of erosion in need of repair. Due to the heavy rainfall, flooding events, and isolated sections of stream bank with little to no vegetative cover several areas of bank and toe erosion developed along WFFB: 1.Erosion along the right bank between STA 10+00 to STA 10+402.Erosion along the right bank from STA 10+70 to STA 11+253.Erosion along the right bank from STA 13+90 to STA 14+504.Erosion along the right toe from STA 15+35 to STA 15+655.Erosion along the left bank from STA 16+10 to STA 16+756.Erosion along the right toe from STA 22+35 to STA 22+957.Erosion along the right toe from STA 25+15 to STA 25+50 Areas of minor to severe bank and toe erosion were repaired in November 2022. Repair activities included re-grading eroded banks and installing boulder toe protection. Repaired banks were topped with sod mats harvested within the easement boundary to provide immediate vegetative stabilization. Photographs of select areas before and after repairs can be found in Figures 3.31 – 3.50 and Appendix F. Detailed repair plans and email correspondence with the IRT regarding repair activities are provided in Appendix F. 2.2.1 Stream Stability With the exception of the areas listed in the section above, the vast majority of WFFBR has been stable over the past monitoring year. Cross section geometry along WFFBR has remained consistent with the As-Built condition with the exception of Cross Section 2 which experienced severe erosion along the right bank during the storm event in May 2022, which led to lateral migration of the cross section. Evidence of this can be seen in Figure 4.2 and Figure 5.3. It is worth noting that Cross Section 2 was surveyed prior to the repair activities in November 2022 where the right bank was built back closer to the As-Built condition and stabilized using sod mats. During the 200-year storm event of 2021, Cross Section 3 experienced significant erosion along the right bank that led to mass wasting and widening of the riffle. As part of the repairs that took place in February 2022, the riffle through this section was repaired and restored to dimensions consistent with As-Built survey. The right bank was stabilized using double soil lifts and the floodplain in the left overbank area was widened to alleviate stress along the right side of the channel during overbank flow events. UT 8 has remained stable over the past monitoring year. Cross Section 7 depicts minor deposition along UT 8 as a result of the storm event in May 2022. Photo representation in Figure 4.7 (Appendix D) shows that a significant amount of gravel and debris has been deposited through Cross Section 7. While the banks of UT 5 remain stable, a beaver dam was discovered at station 18+25 and was removed in August 2022. Despite the storm event in May 2022 the DOT stabilization materials (gravel) observed in MY1 have not progressed through the system as expected. The beaver dam that was removed after geomorph surveys were conducted may have influenced the stream’s ability to move sediment through the system. Cross sections along UT 7 remain largely unchanged over the last monitoring year. The restored reach appears stable and functioning as intended. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 4 February 21, 2023 In addition to the beaver dam located on UT 5, two large dams on UT 2 were also identified. All dams located were broken on August 18, 2022. A beaver trapper was contracted to remove the beavers and was on site October 29 through November 6 but was unsuccessful in trapping any beaver. However, the trapper reported no active or additional beaver activity. Beaver activity will continue to be monitored and prevented from impacting creditable streams on-site. 2.2.2 Vegetation Year 2 vegetation plot data can be found in Table 9 of Appendix C. The average density of planted stems across the site is 522 stems per acre, which exceeds Year 3 success criteria of 320 planted stems per acre. Stem density in Plot 12 remained the same between MY 1 and MY 2 monitoring and is currently not meeting Year 3 criteria due to a dense herbaceous vegetative layer outcompeting the planted bare roots. It is worth noting that Plot 12 is located in the Swamp Bog Complex planting area, and it is not uncommon for this community to be dominated by shrubby and herbaceous species. Plot 12 exhibited 100 percent herbaceous coverage dominated by species such as common rush (Juncus effusus), various sedges (Carex spp.), knotweed (Polygonum spp.), and golden rod (Solidago sp.). It was anticipated in the Mitigation Plan that this community may exhibit a lower stem density than the rest of the Site. Plot 12 will be re-assessed during Year 3 monitoring to determine if any of the missing stems can be accounted for after an additional year of growth. DRG plans to locate one of the random vegetation plots in the Swamp Bog complex during Year 3 monitoring period. Many of the planted stems and volunteers in Vegetation Plot 3 observed during MY1 were dead as a result of flooding from the beaver dam on UT2; however, when including remaining volunteer stems, Plot 3 meets Year 3 success criteria (320 stems per acre) at 486 stems per acre. Volunteers stems of hazel alder comprise 64% of species diversity in Plot 3, mostly in the areas affected by beaver dam flooding. DRG anticipates that resprouting planted stems and volunteers will normalize the composition of Plot 3 in MY3 following the impediment of beaver activity. Repairs were made to the floodplain along the left and right bank of West Fork French Broad River because of the damaged caused by the storm event between August 15 and 17 of 2021. In February of 2022 DRG replanted approximately 733 bareroot stems within the repaired and disturbed areas. Vegetation plot 11, one of the three random vegetation plots across the Site, was located within this area during MY2 vegetation monitoring. Results of the MY2 monitoring survey indicate that this area has a stem density of 405 stems per acre. Species and stem densities planted in February 2022 can be seen in Table 1 of the Repair Plan in Appendix F. Replanted areas are depicted in Figure 2 of the Repair Plan found in Appendix F.Temporary seed was also sown on terraced slopes and bare areas during monitoring in August 2022. Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) were observed within the easement boundary along the floodplain of West Fork French Broad, UT1, UT2, and UT7. Multiflora rose and Chinese privet were treated using a combination of Roundup Custom © and Alligare Triclopyr 3 in August 2022. Cattail was not treated in the fall but will be treated in the spring of 2023. Invasive species will be monitored and treated as needed throughout the remainder of the monitoring period. 2.2.3 Stream Hydrology All monitored streams have experienced continuous flow within tributaries and has been documented for at least 30 consecutive days. Stream flow gauge data indicates that each of the constructed stream Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 5 February 21, 2023 channels, with the exception of UT5, has experienced at least 2 bankfull events during the monitoring period. While flow gauge data from UT5 does not indicate any bankfull events, the data does show increased water depth following rain events; therefore, UT5 most likely reached bankfull for a short period of time between readings. Stream hydrologic data can be seen in Figures 7.1 - 7.4 (Appendix E). 2.2.4 Wetland Hydrology Wetland W3 re-establishment and rehabilitation areas are exceeding success criteria, experiencing groundwater levels within 12 inches of the soil surface for at least 27% of the growing season, or 57 consecutive days over the Year 2 monitoring period (Figures 8.1-8.3, Appendix E). A new gauge was installed on May 2, 2022 to provide hydrologic data for areas extending beyond the delineated boundaries of W3. Gauge data indicate that ground water has remained within 12 inches of the soil surface for 69% of the growing season, or 144 consecutive days over the Year 2 monitoring period (Figure 8.4, Appendix E). Potential wetland expansion areas were discussed during the IRT site visit in May 2022 and are depicted on the CCPV Figures in Appendix B. DRG also provided a letter to the United States Army Corps of Engineers on February 11, 2022 describing existing conditions within wetland expansion areas and a proposed monitoring strategy (Appendix H). Gauge 4, located within the enhancement area of W5, was installed to serve as a reference for the re- establishment area of W5. Gauge 4 data shows water levels within 12 inches of the soil surface for 42% of the growing season, or 88 consecutive days during the Year 2 monitoring period (Figure 8.5, Appendix E). The re-establishment area of W5 was not meeting success criteria in Year 1. Based on soil and localized vegetation it was determined that hydrologic failure of W5 was confined to the small area where the gauge was installed. During a site visit with the NC DEQ Western Regional Supervisor in March 2022, it was agreed that the gauge in the re-establishment area (Gauge 5) would be moved outside of this localized region of W5. The IRT subsequently reviewed and approved the relocated well during their May 10, 2022 site visit. Gauge 5 data now shows groundwater levels within 12 inches of the soil surface for approximately 13% of the growing season, or 28 consecutive days over the Year 2 monitoring period (Figure 8.6, Appendix E). 3.0 Maintenance and Adaptive Management Plans The Repair Plan in Appendix F provides the detailed strategy approved by the IRT to mend damage the Site received during the storm event in May 2022. Temporary seed was also sown on terraced slopes and bare areas during monitoring in August 2022. Repairs took place November 7-11, 2022 and re-planting of repaired areas is anticipated to take place January 2023. Areas identified as minor or moderate bank erosion were repaired by re-grading the banks and topping with sod mats harvested from dense herbaceous growth within the easement boundary. Areas identified as severe bank or toe erosion were repaired by installing approximately 185 linear feet of boulder toes, regrading banks to approximate design specifications, and topping graded soil with sod mats. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 6 February 21, 2023 4.0 References HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas 2020. Mitigation Plan Owen Farms Mitigation Site. Transylvania County, North Carolina. January 31, 2020. NCDENR. Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2013. Survey Requirements for Full Delivery Projects. https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fspublic/Mitigation_Services/Document_Management_ Library/Guidance_and_Template_Documents/2013_08_13_FD_SurveySpecs.pdf NCDEQ. Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2020. Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data, and Content Requirements October 2020. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Library/Guidance%20and%20Template%20Documents/DMSMonitoringReportTemplateOct2020.pdf North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS), 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina. North Carolina Wetland Functional Assessment Team (WFAT). 2016. N.C. Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual, Version 5.0 (February 2016). 290 pp North Carolina Stream Functional Assessment Team (SFAT). 2015. N. C. Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) User Manual, Version 2.1 (August 2015). 350 pp Rosgen, David. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs Colorado. Schafale, Michael P., Weakley, Alan S. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina. Third Approximation. 1990. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC. The Applied Climate Information System (ACIS). 2022. WETS Station: Brevard, NC. http://agacis.rcc-acis.org/?fips=37175 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT). 2016. Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1984. Lake Toxaway Quadrangle, North Carolina, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). Washington, D. C. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 7 February 21, 2023 Appendix A – General Project Information Total Stream Credit 5,043.893 Total Wetland Credit 1.767 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Table 1. Owen Farms Mitigation Site (DMS Project No. 100064) Project Mitigation Quantities and Credits Transylvania County, NC February 25 2023Page 8 Original Mitigation Original Original Original Plan As-Built Mitigation Restoration Mitigation Project Segment Ft/Ac Ft/Ac Category Level Ratio (X:1) Credits Comments Stream West Fork French Broad River (WFFBR)*1799.000 1799.000 Cold R 1.00000 1,799.000 Full channel Restoration, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement West Fork French Broad River (WFFBR)705.000 705.000 Cold EII 2.50000 282.000 Bank stabilization along the left bank, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 1*764.000 764.000 Cold EII 4.00000 191.000 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 2 923.000 923.000 Cold EII 3.50000 263.714 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 2A*546.000 546.000 Cold EII 2.50000 218.400 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 2B 75.000 75.000 Cold EII 2.50000 30.000 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 3 125.000 125.000 Cold EI 1.50000 83.333 Stabilization of channel dimension and profile, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 4*809.000 809.000 Cold EII 2.50000 323.600 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 4A 472.000 472.000 Cold EII 2.30000 205.217 Stabilization of channel dimension and profile near confluence with UT 4, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 4B 178.000 178.000 Cold EII 4.00000 44.500 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 5*827.000 827.000 Cold R 1.00000 827.000 Full channel Restoration, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement UT 6 114.000 114.000 Cold P 10.00000 11.400 Preservation UT 6A 206.000 206.000 Cold P 10.00000 20.600 Preservation UT 7 417.000 417.000 Cold R 1.00000 417.000 Full channel Restoration, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement UT 7 439.000 439.000 Cold EII 3.50000 125.429 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 7A 103.000 103.000 Cold P 10.00000 10.300 Preservation UT 7B 136.000 136.000 Cold EII 2.50000 54.400 Buffer planting, livestock exclusion, and permanent easement UT 8 137.000 137.000 Cold R 1.00000 137.000 Full channel Restoration near confluence with WFFBR, buffer planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement Total: 5,043.893 Wetland Wetland Group 1 (W1-W9)1.540 1.396 R E 2.00000 0.770 Planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement Wetland Group 2 (W3 and W5) 0.350 0.350 R REE 1.00000 0.350 Raising invert of adjacent tributaries and filling abandoned channels; livestock exclusion, planting, and removal of spoil Wetland Group 3 (W3)0.970 0.970 R RH 1.50000 0.647 Planting, livestock exclusion, permanent easement; restoring adjacent tributaries to increase frequency of floodwaters accessing wetland Total:1.767 *Length of streams flowing through utility easements or agricultural crossings has been deducted from As-Built and Original Mitigation Plan footage and credits Project Credits Riparian Non-Rip Coastal Warm Cool Cold Wetland Wetland Marsh Restoration N/A N/A 3,180.000 N/A N/A N/A Re-establishment 0.350 N/A N/A Rehabilitation 0.647 N/A N/A Enhancement 0.770 N/A N/A Enhancement I N/A N/A 83.333 Enhancement II N/A N/A 1,738.260 Creation N/A N/A N/A Preservation N/A N/A 42.300 N/A N/A Totals N/A N/A 5,043.893 1.767 N/A N/A Restoration Level Stream !. !. !. !.1@ #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 UT1 UT1 U T 2 A UT2 UT 2B U T 4 BUT4A U T4 W e s t Fork Fre n chBroa d R i v e r UT6 U T 6 A U T 8 UT 5 U T 7A U T 7B U T 7 West F o r k F r e n c h Broad U T 3 XS7 XS14 XS11 XS12 XS10 XS9 XS6 XS3 XS2 XS4 XS5 XS1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 19 20 18 W9 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W6A W6 W4 W3 W3 W5B W7 W5 W5 W5 W1 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W5 W5 W5 W5 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 0 1,400Feet O LEGEND Stream Restoration (1:1) (3,180 Credits) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) (83.3 Credits) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) (205.2 Credits) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) (1,360.9 Credits) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) (394.6 Credits) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) (235.5 Credits) Stream Preservation (10:1) (42.3 Credits) Non-Creditable Stream Easement Boundary Utility Easement #0 Groundwater Gauges 1@ Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Cross Sections Permanent Vegetation Plot Random Vegetation Plot Wetland Re-establishment (0.350 Credits) Wetland Rehabilitation (0.647 Credits) Wetland Enhancement (0.698 Credits) PROJECT ASSET MAP OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE FIGURE 1.0 OWEN FARMS AS-BUILT REPORTPage 9 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report   Transylvania County, NC Page 10 January 5, 2023 Table 2. Project Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements  Goal Treatment Functional Uplift Performance Criteria Measurements Monitoring Results  Restore/enhance  streams within the  Site so that they are  neither aggrading nor  degrading  Restore a stable dimension,  pattern, and profile.  Install  fencing to exclude cattle.  Reduction of nutrients and  sediment to downstream  locations, reduction of shear  stress, and improved  hydraulic function.  Entrenchment Ratios  should be ≥ 2.2.  BHR should not exceed 1.2.  BHR should not change  more than 10% in any given  monitoring interval.   Riffle section W/D ratios  should remain within the  range of the appropriate  stream type.  Cross‐section  monitoring and visual  inspections.  Cross sectional profiles  indicate aggradation of  deposited material from 200  year storm event. All cross  sections BHR≤1.  Provide/ enhance  flood attenuation.  Restore several existing streams  as primarily a Priority I restoration where bankfull and  larger flows can access the  floodplain.  Construct floodplain  bench on WFFBR.  Increase attenuation of  floodwaters, increase  biogeochemical cycling and  recharge riparian wetlands.  Four bankfull events in  separate monitoring years.  Flow gauges (Pressure  transducers), and visual  inspection.  All monitored reaches have  experienced 2 bankfull  events.  Restore/enhance  aquatic, semi‐ aquatic, and riparian  habitat.  Restore native vegetation to the  stream channel banks, wetlands,  and the adjacent riparian  corridor.  Treatment of nutrient  enriched surface runoff from  adjacent pastureland,  increased bank stability and  increased habitat.  Minimum of 320 stems/ac  present at MY‐3. Minimum  of 260 stems/ac present at  MY‐5. Minimum of 210  stems/ac present at MY‐7.   Trees should average 6 feet  in height at MY‐5 and 8 feet  in height at MY‐7. Bog  Complex communities may  exhibit lower stem density  and height.  Vegetation plots will be  monitored annually  between July 1st and  leaf fall using the CVS  protocol.  19/20 plots meeting  performance criteria. Plot 12  is currently not meeting MY3  standards.   Restore/Enhance  Wetlands within the  Site to remove  hydrologic  impairments  Reconstruct above bankfull  stream channel flows to riparian  wetlands and re‐grade  topography to remove spoil and  overburden material.  Restoration of riparian  habitat, treatment of nutrient  enriched runoff from  adjacent pastureland,  increased flood attenuation.  Groundwater elevation  within 12 inches of the  ground surface for at   least 12% of the growing  season (April 7 ‐ October  30).  Groundwater  monitoring gauges.  All wetlands are meeting  performance criteria  Restore and connect  riparian habitat with  adjacent natural  communities.    Conservation easement  establishment.  Protect Site from  encroachment in  conservation easement.  Prevent Easement  Encroachment. Visual inspection. No encroachment into the  conservation easement.  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 25, 2023 Table 3. Monitoring Plan Components Parameter Monitoring Method Quantity Frequency Notes Dimension Riffle Cross Sections UT5 (2) UT7 (1) UT8 (1) WFFBR (4) Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Pool Cross Sections UT5 (2) UT7 (1) UT 8 (1) WFFBR (2) Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Bank pins may be installed in areas of concern. Pattern Visual None twice per year Bank pins may be installed in areas of concern Profile Visual None twice per year Additional profile measurements may be required if problems are identified during the monitoring period Substrate Visual None Annual There should be an absence of any significant trend in the aggradational or depositional potential of the channel Surface Water Hydrology Flow Gage (Pressure Transducer) UT5 (1) UT7 (1) UT8 (1) WFFBR (1) twice per year Measuring devices will be inspected/downloaded at each site visit to document occurrence of bankfull events and ensure device function Groundwater Hydrology Groundwater Gages 5 Site gauges, 2 Reference Gauges Annual Data will be downloaded at each site visit. Vegetation CVS Level 2 Vegetation plots will be placed on ~2% of the planted area (17 permanent, 10x10 meter plots; 3 random plots of equal size) Years 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Vegetation will be monitored using the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocols. GPS coordinates and orientation of random plots will be provided in the annual monitoring reports and plot locations will be depicted on the Current Condition Plan View maps. Invasive and nuisance vegetation Visual twice per year Locations of exotic and nuisance vegetation and the occurrence of beaver dams and approximate inundation limits will be mapped Project Boundary Visual twice per year Fence damage, vegetation damage, boundary encroachments, etc. will be mapped Culverts and Crossings Visual Twice per year Blockages and/or erosion around culverts and crossings will be mapped and noted in monitoring reports. Page 11 Transylvania County, NC Owen Farms Mitigation Site| DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report February 24, 2022 Table 4. Project Attributes Page 12 USGS Hydrologic Unit 8‐06010105 UT 5  6UT 652 114 827 114 Confined Confined 45.2 21.7 Perennial Perennial B B B4 B4 C4 C4 Thermal Regime Cold Cold UT 1  2UT 764 923 764 923 Confined Confined 19.5 18.6 Perennial Perennial B B B4 B4 B4 B4 Thermal Regime Cold Cold Thermal Regime Wetland Group 3  (W3) 0.97 0.97 Riparian Riverine Ela F3, F6 Supporting Docs? PCN PCN CE CE N/A N/A Cold Cold Cold Cold Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA or CAMA)No N/A Water of the United States ‐ Section 401 Yes Yes Endangered Species Act Yes Yes Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable?Resolved? Water of the United States ‐ Section 404 Yes Yes Soil Hydric Status A7, F3, F6 F3, F6 Post‐project (acres)1.54 0.35 Wetland Type (non‐riparian, riparian)Riparian Riverine Riparian Riverine Pre‐project (acres)1.54 0.35 Dominant Stream Classification (proposed)E4 Dominant Evolutionary class (Simon) if applicable Wetland Summary Information Mapped Soil Series Ela Ela Cold 41 Perennial Dominant Stream Classification (existing) Dominant Stream Classification (proposed) Dominant Evolutionary class (Simon) if applicable Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Pre‐project length (feet) 372 Parameters Wetland Group 1 (W1‐ W9)Wetland Group 2 (W3 & W5) Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Intermittent NCDWR Water Quality Classification B Dominant Stream Classification (existing)E4 125 125 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, Confined Drainage area (acres)<1 Post‐project (feet) B4 C4 C4 Reach Summary Information Continued UT 3 Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification B B B4 B4 137 Confined Confined Dominant Stream Classification (proposed)C4 Dominant Stream Classification (existing)B4 C4 UT 7  8UT 49 2  Land Use Classification Agricultural/Pasture Reach Summary Information 30.6 Perennial B 809 Confined 25 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude decimal degrees)35.183902, ‐82.937970 Dominant Evolutionary class (Simon) if applicable Reach Summary Information Continued Parameters Post‐project (feet)1,799 Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined, Unconfined Drainage area (acres)3,795 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification B; Tr Parameters WFFB Pre‐project length (feet)1,975 UT 4 731 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area  Post‐project (feet) Valley confinement (Confined, moderately confined,  Drainage area (acres) Parameters Pre‐project length (feet) 417 32.1 Project Attribute Table Project Name Owen Farms Mitigation Site County Transylvania DWR Sub‐basin 0601010501 Project Drainage Area (acres)3,795 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14‐digit 06010105010020 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Blue Ridge Mountains River Basin French Broad Project Area (acres)  Transylvania County, NC February 25, 2023 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Page 13 Data Completion Collection or Delivery Complete Mitigation Plan Jan‐20 Jan‐20 Final Design – Planting and Construction  Plans Jan‐20 Feb‐20 Construction ‐‐‐7‐Oct‐20 Repair Activities Complete ‐‐‐15‐Jan‐21 Bare Root and Livestake Plantings for Entire Project  Area ‐‐‐22‐Jan‐21 Mitigation Plan/As‐built (Year 0 Monitoring‐ Baseline)25‐Feb‐21 31‐Mar‐21 Year 1 Monitoring 29‐Sep‐21 Repair Activities Complete 24‐Jan‐22 Year 2 Monitoring 19‐Aug‐22 Invasive Species Herbicide Treatment 15‐Aug‐22 Repair Activities Complete 3‐Feb‐2022 1‐Nov‐2022 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Table 6. Project Contacts Table Designer  Primary project design POC Construction Contractor Construction Contractor POC Planting Contractor   Planting Contractor POC Land Mechanics Design, Inc. 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Lloyd Glover (919) 639‐6132 Davey Resource Group 3101 Poplarwood Court Raleigh,  North Carolina 27604 Alex  DiGeronimo (843) 830‐1536 Davey Resource Group 3101 Poplarwood Court Raleigh,  North Carolina 27604 Alex  DiGeronimo (843) 830‐1536 Activity or Report Monitoring Performers Stream Monitoring POC Vegetation Monitoring POC Davey Resource Group 3101  Poplarwood Court Raleigh,  North Carolina 27604 Table 5. Project Activity and Reporting History HDR Engineering in 555 Fayetteville Street, Suite 900 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-3034 Vickie Miller (919) 232-6600 Land Mechanics Design, Inc. 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Lloyd Glover (919) 639-6132 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 14 February 25, 2023 Appendix B – Visual Assessment Data !. !. !. !.1@ #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 #7 ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅBÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅBÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB \ \ \ \Figure 2.3 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9 Figure 2.6 Figure 2.5 UT1 UT1 U T 2 A UT2 UT2B U T 4 BUT4A UT4 UT6 U T 6 A UT8 U T 5 U T 7A U T 7 BUT7 West F o r k F r e n ch Broad U T 3 WESTFORKFRENCHBROADRIVER W9 W3 W3 WA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 19 20 18 0 1,800Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.1 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion Constructed Top of Bank Culvert Cross Sections Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Fence Line Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Wetland Expansion Area ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Invasive Species Locations 7 8 9 ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅBÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB \ \ \ \ W2 W6A W6 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 G 3 G 3 G 1 G 1 G 2 G 2 G 6 G 6 WB WC WC WC 9 10 11 12 14 13 0 375Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.2 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE UT8 LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Area Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion Constructed Top of Bank Vegetative Areas of Concern Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Fence Line Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB \\ X S 3 XS4 UT3 UT 5 UT4 WEST FORK FRENCH BROAD RIVER XS12 XS11 W2 W6A W6 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 G1 G6 WB WC WC 7 9 10 11 12 14 0 375Feet O LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Area Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Constructed Top of Bank Culvert Vegetative_Areas_of_Concern Cross Sections Fence Line Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Streams Approach Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges FIGURE 2.3 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB XS 6 UT6 UT6A XS5 WEST FORK FRENCH BRO A D R I V E R W4 15 16 17 0 390Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.4 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Expansion Area Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Minor Bank Erosion Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Severe Erosion Constructed Top of Bank Vegetative Areas of Concern Fence Line Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB XS13 UT 7 WEST FORK FRENCH BROAD R I V E R XS 1 4 W5 W5 W5 W5 G5 19 20 18 0 310Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.5 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Expansion Area Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Minor Bank Erosion Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Severe Erosion #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Constructed Top of Bank Fence Line Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Wetland Expansion Area Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat \\ ÅB ÅB ÅBÅB ÅBÅB ÅB \ \ \ \ XS 9 UT5 XS 1 0 XS1 1 XS1 2XS4 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 G3 G1 G2 G6 WC WC 12 13 0 375Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.6 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Area Minor Bank Erosion Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot Severe Erosion #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Constructed Top of Bank Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Fence Line Ford Soil Lift Streams Approach Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Log Structure Hellbender Habitat Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures ÅB ÅB UT7 UT7B UT7 UT 7 A FENC E L I N E T I E S I N T O EXIS T I N G F E N C I N G W5B W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 W5 G4 20 0 375Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.7 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE LEGEND \Cattails Easement Boundary Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Area Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion Constructed Top of Bank Fence Line Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams FordStreams Approach Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Soil Lift Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Wetland Expansion Area Floodplain Interceptor Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges Log Structure Hellbender Habitat Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB UT2 UT 1 UT 1 UT2A UT2A UT2 B UT 2 UT 2 UT1 W9 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W11 2 3 4 5 0 630Feet O CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW FIGURE 2.8 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE Log Structure Hellbender Habitat Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures LEGEND \Cattails Easement Boundary Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Area Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion Constructed Top of Bank Fence Line Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Soil Lift with Boulder ToeStreams Approach Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Wetland Expansion Area Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB ÅB UT 4 B UT 2 UT2A U T 4 UT4 W1 W1 W1 W1 W4 W7 WB 5 6 7 15 0 500Feet O FIGURE 2.9 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE Log Structure Hellbender Habitat Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures LEGEND Easement Boundary \Cattails Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) ÅB Monitoring Photo Direction Invasive Species Locations Wetland Expansion Area Minor Bank Erosion Severe Erosion Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Not Meeting, Permanent Vegetation Plot Meeting, Random Vegetation Plot #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Constructed Top of Bank Fence Line Culvert Cross Sections Beaverdams Ford Soil Lift Streams Approach Stream Restoration (1:1) Stream Enhancement I (1.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.3:1) Stream Enhancement II (2.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (3.5:1) Stream Enhancement II (4:1) Stream Preservation (10:1) Non-Creditable Stream Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Rip-Rap Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor Wetland Expansion Area Floodplain Scour1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW WFFB 1799 3598 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date Assessed:8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or  surface scour 170 95% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 185 95% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 355 90% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 16 16 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%.  (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 16 16 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Table 7.1 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 24 February 25, 2023  UT4 809 1618 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date  Assessed 8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or  surface scour 0 100% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 0 100% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 14 14 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%.  (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 14 14 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Table 7.2 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 25 February 25, 2023  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report UT5 827 1654 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date  Assessed 8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or  surface scour 0 100% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 0 100% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 23 23 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%.  (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 23 23 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number  Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Table 7.3 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 26 February 25, 2023  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report UT6 114 228 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date  Assessed 8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/ or surface scour 0 100% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 0 100% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 2 2 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%.  (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 2 2 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number  Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Table 7.4 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 27 February 25, 2023  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report UT7 417 834 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date Assessed 8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/ or surface scour 0 100% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 0 100% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 10 10 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%.  (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 10 10 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number  Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Table 7.5 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 28 February 25, 2023  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report UT8 137 274 Reach Assessed Stream Length  Assessed Bank Length Date Assessed 8/16/2022 Bank Surface Scour/Bare  Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/ or surface scour 0 100% Toe Erosion Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely.  Does NOT  include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing  habitat. 0 100% Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical ‐ rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Structure Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 3 3 100% Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed  15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance document) 3 3 100% Totals   Major Channel Category Metric Number  Stable,  Performing as  Intended Total Number  in As‐built Amount of  Unstable  Footage % Stable,  Performing as  Intended Table 7.6 Visual Stream Stability Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 29 December 19, 2022  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 14.26 Visual Vegetation Assessment Planted acreage Data Assessed 8/16/2022 Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material.0.10 acres 0.00 0.0% Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on current MY stem count criteria.0.10acres 0.10 0.7% 0.10 0.7% Areas of Poor Growth Rates Planted areas where average height is not meeting current MY Performance Standard.0.10 acres 0.40 2.8% 0.50 3.5% Easement Acreage 25.0 Invasive Areas of Concern Invasives may occur outside of planted areas and within the easement and will therefore be calculated  against the total easement acreage. Include species with the potential to directly outcompete native,  young, woody stems in the short‐term or community structure for existing communities.  Species included  in summation above should be identified in report summary.   0.10 acres 0.68 2.8% Easement Encroachment Areas Encroachment may be point, line, or polygon. Encroachment to be mapped consists of any violation of restrictions specified in the conservation easement. Common encroachments are mowing, cattle access, vehicular access. Encroachment has no threshold value as will need to be addressed regardless of impact area.  0 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping  Threshold Combined  Acreage % of Planted  Acreage       Total 0.00 Cumulative Total Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping  Threshold Combined  Acreage % of Easement  Acreage Table 8. Visual Vegetation Condition Assessment Transylvania County, NC Page 30 February 24, 2022  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 31 February 24, 2023 Appendix C – Vegetation Plot Data Veg Plot 11 R Veg Plot 16 R Veg Plot 19 R Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Total Total Total Alnus serrulata hazel alder Tree OBL 9 1 Aronia arbutifolia red chokeberry Shrub FACW 11 Betula alleghaniensis yellow birch Tree FAC 1 1 1 1 11 2211 1 Betula lenta sweet birch Tree FACU 22 Betula nigra river birch Tree FACW 332211 1133 3 6611331122 533 Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory Tree FACU 1111 45 22 1 Carya ovata shagbark hickory Tree FACU 1 1 1 1 1144 11 4 Cephalanthus occidentalis common buttonbush Shrub OBL 11 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub FACW 11 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree FACU 22 1 4411 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Tree FACU 3 3 22114411 33 1 Lindera benzoin northern spicebush Tree FAC 33 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree FACU 22341133331111131422 2245111145 236 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree FACW 3311 665545441122 1166224444532 Quercus alba white oak Tree FACU 11111124446622 77 55 55 Sambucus canadensis American black elderberry Tree FACW 1 Ulmus americana American elm Tree FACW 3311 22 11 Sum Performance Standard 10 11 13 14 5 14 8 10 14 14 16 16 9 10 11 13 3 11 15 15 5 6 17 19 13 15 16 17 10 10 12 13 10 10 16 11 11 Acer rubrum red maple Tree FAC 1 Ilex opaca American holly Tree FACU 1 Sassafras sp.1 Sum Proposed Standard 10 11 13 14 5 14 8 10 14 14 16 16 9 10 11 13 3 11 15 15 5 6 17 19 13 15 16 17 10 10 12 13 10 10 16 11 11 13 14 14 10 14 16 10 13 11 15 6 19 15 17 10 13 10 16 11 11 526 567 486 405 567 648 405 526 445 607 243 769 607 688 405 526 405 648 445 405 86644455654776553453 23 27 64 40 43 38 50 31 36 47 50 32 33 35 40 38 50 31 27 55 22245463232233223132 00000000000000000000 11 14 14 10 14 16 10 13 11 15 6 19 15 17 10 13 10 16 11 11 445 567 486 405 567 648 405 526 445 607 243 769 607 688 405 526 405 648 445 405 66644455654776553453 23 27 64 40 43 38 50 31 36 47 50 32 33 35 40 38 50 31 27 55 22245463232233223132 00000000000000000000 1). Bolded species are proposed for the current monitoring year, italicized species are not approved, and a regular font indicates that the species has been approved. 2). The "Species Included in Approved Mitigation Plan" section contains only those species that were included in the original approved mitigation plan. The "Post Mitigation Plan Species" section includes species that are being proposed through a mitigation plan addendum for the current monitoring year (bolded) , species that have been approved in prior monitoring years through a mitigation plan addendum (regular font), and species that are not approved (italicized). 3). The "Mitigation Plan Performance Standard" section is derived only from stems included in the original mitigation plan, whereas the "Post Mitigation Plan Performance Standard" includes data from mitigation plan approved, post mitigation plan approved, and proposed stems. Post  Mitigation  Plan Species Mitigation  Plan  Performance  Standard Post  Mitigation  Plan  Performance  Standard Current Year Stem Count Current Year Stem Count Stems/Acre Stems/Acre Species Count Species Count Dominant Species Composition (%) Dominant Species Composition (%) Average Plot Height (ft.) Average Plot Height (ft.) % Invasives % Invasives Veg Plot 17 F Veg Plot 18 F Veg Plot 20 F Species  Included in  Approved  Mitigation  Plan Veg Plot 10 F Veg Plot 12 F Veg Plot 13 F Veg Plot 14 F Veg Plot 15 FVeg Plot 5 F Veg Plot 6 F Veg Plot 7 F Veg Plot 8 F Veg Plot 9 FIndicator  Status Veg Plot 1 F Veg Plot 2 F Veg Plot 3 F Veg Plot 4 F Scientific Name Common Name Tree/S hrub Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 32 MeetingSuccessCriteria NotMeetingSuccessCriteria Table 9. Vegetation Plot Data 14.26 2021‐01‐22 2022‐02‐03 #N/A  2022‐08‐16 0.0247 Date of Current Survey Plot size (ACRES) Planted Acreage Date of Initial Plant Date(s) of Supplemental Plant(s) Date(s) Mowing Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 526 8 0 607 6 0 486 6 0 526 7 0 567 6 7 1012 7 0 526 6 0 526 6 0 445 5 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 405 4 0 567 4 0 648 4 0 445 5 0 607 4 0 648 4 0 445 5 0 607 4 0 648 4 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 405 5 0 526 5 0 445 6 0 445 6 0 688 6 0 607 6 0 445 6 0 648 6 0 607 6 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 607 5 0 243 4 0 769 7 0 607 5 0 243 4 0 648 5 0 607 5 0 243 4 0 769 5 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 607 7 0 688 6 0 405 5 0 567 7 0 688 5 0 526 5 0 850 8 0 769 5 0 526 5 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 526 5 0 405 3 0 648 4 0 567 5 0 445 3 0 648 5 0 648 4 0 Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives Stems/Ac.Av. Ht. (ft)# Species % Invasives 445 5 0 405 3 0 *Each monitoring year represents a different plot for the random vegetation plot "groups". Random plots are denoted with an R, and fixed plots with an F. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Veg Plot 2 F Veg Plot 3 F Veg Plot 5 F Veg Plot 6 F Veg Plot 8 F Veg Plot 9 F Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 0 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Veg Plot 1 F Veg Plot 4 F Veg Plot 7 F Veg Plot 10 F Veg Plot 18 F Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 1 Monitoring Year 0 Veg Plot 20 F Veg Plot Group 11 R Veg Plot Group 16 R Veg Plot Group 19 R Veg Plot 12 F Veg Plot 13 F Veg Plot 14 F Veg Plot 15 F Veg Plot 17 F Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report Table 10 Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023 Page 33 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.50: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC  3.1 Vegetation Plot 1 : 8/16/2022  3.3 Vegetation Plot 3 : 8/16/2022  3.5 Vegetation Plot 5 : 8/16/2022  3.2 Vegetation Plot 2 : 8/16/2022  3.4 Vegetation Plot 4 : 8/16/2022  3.6 Vegetation Plot 6 : 8/16/2022  Page 34 February 24, 2023 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.50: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023  3.7 Vegetation Plot 7 : 8/16/2022  3.9 Vegetation Plot 9: 8/16/2022  3.11 Vegetation Plot 11 : 8/16/2022  3.8 Vegetation Plot 8 : 8/16/2022  3.10 Vegetation Plot 10 : 8/16/2022  3.12 Vegetation Plot 12 : 8/16/2022  Page 35 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.50: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023  3.13 Vegetation Plot 13 : 8/16/2022  3.15 Vegetation Plot 15 : 8/16/2022  3.17 Vegetation Plot 17 : 8/16/2022  3.14 Vegetation Plot 14 : 3/16/2022  3.16 Vegetation Plot 16 : 8/16/2022  3.18 Vegetation Plot 18 : 8/16/2022  Page 36 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.50: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023  3.19 Vegetation Plot 19 : 8/16/2022  3.21 Aerial overview of West Fork French  Broad River looking downstream, 5/10/2022  3.23 Aerial overview of UT3 and West Fork  French Broad River confluence, 5/10/2022  3.20 Vegetation Plot 20 : 8/16/2022  3.22 Aerial overview of the of UT8 and West Fork  French Broad River confluence, 5/10/2022  3.24 Aerial overview of UT4, UT5 and West Fork  French Broad River confluence, 5/10/2022  Page 37 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  February 24, 2023  3.25 Aerial overview of the UT7 West Fork  French Broad River confluence, 5/10/2022  3.27 UT1 Culvert looking downstream,  8/15/2022    Transylvania County, NC  3.26 Aerial overview of UT5 looking downstream,  5/10/2022  3.29 UT2A Culvert looking downstream,  8/15/2022  Page 38 3.28 UT1 Culvert looking upsream,  8/15/2022  3.30 UT2A Culvert looking uptream,  8/15/2022  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 39 February 24, 2023  3.31 UT2 Culvert looking downstream, 8/15/2022  3.32 UT2 Culvert looking upstream,   1/20/2023 3.33 UT4 Culvert looking downstream,   8/15/2022  3.34 UT4 Culvert looking upstream,   1/20/2023 3.35 Repaired fence at ford crossing of  West Fork French Borad River, 8/17/2022  3.36 Beaver dam on non‐creditable portion of  UT2, 5/10/2022  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023  3.37 Beaver dam on UT5 at STA 18+75,  8/17/2022  3.39 Repaired left bank near XS 3  WFFBR, 2/1/2022  3.38 Floodplain scour repair at right overbank  near STA 12+50, 2/1/2022  3.40 Repaired right bank using double soil lifts at  XS 3 WFFBR, 2/1/2022  Page 40 3.41 Expanded left floodplain near STA 17+00  WFFBR, 2/1/2022  3.42 Repaired left floodplain scour at STA 28 +00 WFFBR, 2/1/2022  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023  3.43 Bank erosion from STA 10+00 to  STA 10+40 WFFBR, 8/15/2022  3.45 Bank erosion at STA 10+70 to 11+25  WFFBR, 8/15/2022  3.44 Bank erosion repair using sod mats from  STA 10+00 to STA 10+40 WFFBR, 11/11/2022  3.46 Bank erosion repair using sod mats from  STA 10+70 to STA 11+25 WFFBR, 11/11/2022  Page 41 3.47 Bank Erosion between STA 13+90 and STA  14+50 WFFBR, 8/15/2022  3.48 Bank erosion repair using sod mats from STA  13+90 to STA 14+50 WFFBR, 11/11/2022   Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  February 24, 2023  3.49 Bank erosion between STA 16+10 and  STA 16+75 WFFBR, 8/15/2022  Transylvania County, NC  3.50 Bank erosion repair using sod mats from  STA 16+10 to STA 16+75 WFFBR, 11/11/2022  3.52 Toe erosion repair using boulder toe and  sod mats from STA 22+35 to STA 22+95 WFFBR,  11/11/2022  Page 42 3.51 Toe erosion between STA 22+35 and STA 22+95 WFFBR, 8/15/2022 3.53 Toe erosion between STA 25+15 and STA 25+50 WFFBR, 8/15/2022 3.54 Toe erosion repair using boulder toe and sod mats from STA 25+15 to STA 25+50 WFFBR, 11/11/2022 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100034 MY2 Monitoring Report  Figures 3.1 – 3.54: Vegetation Plot Photographs and Site Aerial Photographs  Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023 Page 43 3.54 UT2 Single thread channel, 1/20/2022 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 44 February 24, 2023 Appendix D – Stream Geomorphology Data 4.1 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 1: 8/18/2022 4.3 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 3: 8/18/2022 4.5 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 5: 8/18/2022 4.2 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 2: 8/18/2022 4.4 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 4: 8/18/2022 4.6 West Fork French Broad Cross Section 6: 8/18/2022 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Figures 4.1 – 4.14 Cross Section Photos Transylvania County, NC Page 45 February 24, 2023  4.7 UT 8 Cross Section 7: 8/18/2022 4.9 UT 5 Cross Section 9: 8/18/2022 4.11 UT 5 Cross Section 11: 8/18/2022 4.8 UT 8 Cross Section 8: 8/18/2022 4.10 UT 5 Cross Section 10: 8/18/2022 4.12 UT 5 Cross Section 12: 8/18/2022 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 46 February 24, 2023  4.13 UT 7 Cross Section 13: 8/18/2022 4.14 UT 7 Cross Section 14: 8/18/2022 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 47 February 24, 2023  Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Figures 5.1 – 5.14 Monitoring Cross Section Plots Figure 5.1 Cross Section 1 Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023 Page 48 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 ------ ------ 2692.85 2692.81 2692.83 2696.45 2696.34 2696.51 3.60 3.53 3.68 58.72 46.68 54.47 Cross Section 1 (Pool) Thalweg Elevation Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 1 (WFFBR) 3,795 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 2695.0 2696.0 2697.0 2698.0 2699.0 2700.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 El e v a t i o n (f t ) Distance (ft) XS-1 Pool (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.2 Cross Section 2 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 49 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2696.15 2695.96 2696.25 1.00 1.07 1.00 2692.68 2692.53 2692.61 2696.15 2696.21 2696.25 3.47 3.68 3.54 61.32 69.39 70.16 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 2 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 2 (WFFBR) 3,795 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 2695.0 2696.0 2697.0 2698.0 2699.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 El e v a t i o n (f t ) Distance (ft) XS-2 Riffle (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.3 Cross Section 3 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 50 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2694.46 2694.11 2694.48 1.00 1.15 1.00 2691.17 2690.90 2690.90 2694.46 2694.58 2694.48 3.29 3.68 3.58 65.45 80.97 68.38 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 3 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 3 (WFFBR) 3,795 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2690.0 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 2695.0 2696.0 2697.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 El e v a t i o n (f t ) Distance (ft) XS-3 Riffle (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 9/27/2021 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.4 Cross Section 4 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 51 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 ------ ------ 2689.58 2689.43 2689.53 2693.64 2693.95 2693.95 4.06 4.52 4.42 71.83 84.77 84.93 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 4 (Pool) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 4 (WFFBR) 3,795 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2688.0 2689.0 2690.0 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 2695.0 2696.0 2697.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 El e v a t i o n (f t ) Distance (ft) XS-4 Pool (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.5 Cross Section 5 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 52 River BasinWatershedXS IDDrainage Area (Acres)DateField Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2690.79 2690.79 2690.881.00 1.01 1.002688.36 2688.27 2688.042690.79 2690.81 2690.882.43 2.54 2.8449.82 50.32 53.99 Low Top Of Bank ElevationLow Top of Bank Max Depth (ft)Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 5 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg ElevationBank Height Ratio French Broad06010105010020XS 5 (WFFBR)3,7958/18/2022MAF, WDB 2687.0 2688.0 2689.0 2690.0 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 2695.0 2696.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-5 Riffle (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.6 Cross Section 6 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 53 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2691.20 2691.11 2691.36 1.00 1.06 1.00 2686.44 2686.52 2686.53 2691.20 2691.40 2691.36 4.76 4.88 4.83 138.26 149.49 150.40 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 6 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 6 (WFFBR) 3,795 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2685.0 2686.0 2687.0 2688.0 2689.0 2690.0 2691.0 2692.0 2693.0 2694.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 El e v a t i o n (f t ) Distance (ft) XS-6 Riffle (WFFBR) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.7 Cross Section 7 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 54 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2696.64 2696.74 2696.75 1.00 1.02 1.00 2695.39 2695.78 2695.79 2696.64 2696.76 2696.75 1.25 0.98 0.96 8.14 8.40 8.19 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 7 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 7 (UT 8) 41 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2694.5 2695.0 2695.5 2696.0 2696.5 2697.0 2697.5 2698.0 2698.5 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-7 Riffle (UT 8) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.8 Cross Section 8 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 55 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2694.42 2694.53 2694.54 2696.50 2696.68 2696.51 2.08 1.97 1.97 14.19 11.96 11.94 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 8 (Pool) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 8 (UT 8) 41 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2694.0 2694.5 2695.0 2695.5 2696.0 2696.5 2697.0 2697.5 2698.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-8 Pool (UT 8) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.9 Cross Section 9 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 56 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2703.98 2704.83 2704.92 2705.97 2706.01 2706.04 1.99 1.18 1.12 10.89 4.96 4.90 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 9 (Pool) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 9 (UT 5) 45.2 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2703.0 2704.0 2705.0 2706.0 2707.0 2708.0 2709.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-9 Pool (UT 5) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.10 Cross Section 10 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24 2023Page 57 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2702.02 2701.93 2701.91 1.00 1.01 1.12 2701.21 2701.11 2701.02 2702.02 2701.94 2702.02 0.81 0.83 1.00 4.37 4.43 5.37 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 10 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 10 (UT 5) 45.2 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2700.5 2701.0 2701.5 2702.0 2702.5 2703.0 2703.5 2704.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-10 Riffle (UT 5) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.11 Cross Section 11 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 58 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2696.66 2996.60 2696.61 2697.47 2697.56 2697.54 0.81 0.96 0.83 4.75 5.40 4.32 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 11 (Pool) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 11 (UT 5) 45.2 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2696.0 2696.5 2697.0 2697.5 2698.0 2698.5 2699.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-11 Pool (UT 5) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2 - 8/18/2022 Figure 5.12 Cross Section 12 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 59 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2694.13 2694.49 2694.18 1.00 0.75 1.00 2692.78 2693.23 2693.30 2694.13 2694.17 2694.18 1.35 0.95 0.88 7.83 4.28 5.30 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 12 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 12 (UT 5) 45.2 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2692.0 2692.5 2693.0 2693.5 2694.0 2694.5 2695.0 2695.5 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-12 Riffle (UT 5) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY2-8/18/2022 Figure 5.13 Cross Section 13 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 60 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2689.68 2689.67 2689.73 2691.25 2691.40 2691.36 1.57 1.73 1.63 8.77 9.06 8.10 . Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 13 (Pool) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 13 (UT 7) 32.1 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2689.0 2689.5 2690.0 2690.5 2691.0 2691.5 2692.0 2692.5 2693.0 2693.5 2694.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-13 Pool (UT 7) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY3-8/16/2022 Figure 5.14 Cross Section 14 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 61 River Basin Watershed XS ID Drainage Area (Acres) Date Field Crew Bankfull elevation adjusted to current monitoring year's low top of bank elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 2689.90 2689.95 2689.96 1.00 0.98 1.00 2689.18 2689.29 2689.25 2689.90 2689.94 2689.96 0.72 0.65 0.71 4.56 4.45 4.31 Low Top Of Bank Elevation Low Top of Bank Max Depth (ft) Low Top Of Bank Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Cross Section 14 (Riffle) Dimensions Bankfull Elevation (ft) - Based on As Built-Bankfull Area Thalweg Elevation Bank Height Ratio French Broad 06010105010020 XS 14 (UT 7) 32.1 8/18/2022 MAF, WDB 2688.5 2689.0 2689.5 2690.0 2690.5 2691.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) XS-14 Riffle (UT 7) Baseline - 2/25/2021 Bankfull - 8/18/2022 MY1 - 9/27/2021 MY3-8/18/2022 Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 62 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Parameter Riffle Only Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Min Max n Min Max n Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Min Max n Min Max n Bankfull Width (ft)28.78 38.38 38.47 47.90 3 30.00 30.00 27.52 39.11 4 28.5 42.58 4 26.94 39.81 4 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 1 8.50 8.50 8.94 10.08 2 7.46 12.48 2 8.10 10.59 2 Floodprone Width (ft)47.89 56.15 51.56 69.00 3 93.00 93.00 96.35 430.60 4 96.35 430.6 4 96.35 430.60 4 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 100.00 100.00 60.41 491.41 2 60.41 491.41 2 60.41 491.41 2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.89 2.12 2.07 2.41 3 2.14 2.14 1.81 3.54 4 1.75 3.34 4 2.00 3.78 4 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 1 0.63 0.63 0.43 0.53 2 0.42 0.42 2 0.51 0.58 2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.93 3.14 3.20 3.28 3 2.63 2.63 2.43 4.76 4 2.52 4.68 4 2.84 4.83 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1 0.76 0.76 0.81 0.81 2 0.69 0.91 2 1.00 1.06 2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)69.31 79.83 79.56 90.63 3 69.60 69.60 49.82 138.26 4 49.74 142.14 4 53.99 150.36 4 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 1 5.00 5.00 4.37 4.75 2 3.12 5.28 2 5.37 6.55 2 Width/Depth Ratio 11.94 18.62 18.58 25.34 3 14.00 14.00 11.05 15.20 4 12.75 19.14 4 7.91 15.39 4 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 1 13.50 13.50 16.87 23.44 2 17.76 29.71 2 19.57 20.76 2 Entrenchment Ratio 1.25 1.49 1.44 1.79 3 3.10 3.10 3.50 14.23 4 3.38 14.2 4 3.24 14.11 4 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 1 11.80 11.80 5.99 54.94 2 4.84 65.91 2 5.70 43.28 2 Bank Height Ratio 1.70 1.90 1.80 2.19 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4414 1.00 1.02 4 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 1.00 1.00 2 1.00 1.00 2 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Rosgen Classification Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) Parameter Riffle Only Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Min Max n Min Max n Min Mean Med Max n Min Max Min Max n Min Max n Min Max n Bankfull Width (ft)4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 1 9.00 9.00 10.50 10.50 1 10.47 10.47 1 10.04 10.04 1 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.60 1 12.00 12.00 11.37 11.37 1 12.10 12.10 1 12.08 12.08 1 Floodprone Width (ft)12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 1 130.00 130.00 71.78 71.78 1 71.78 71.78 1 71.78 71.78 1 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 1 30.00 30.00 422.23 422.23 1 422.23 422.23 1 422.23 422.23 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 1 0.67 0.67 0.43 0.43 1 0.43 0.43 1 0.43 0.43 1 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 1 0.92 0.92 0.72 0.72 1 0.57 0.57 1 0.68 0.68 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 1 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.72 1 0.65 0.65 1 0.71 0.71 1 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 1 1.11 1.11 1.25 1.25 1 0.86 0.86 1 0.96 0.96 1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 1 5.60 5.60 4.56 4.56 1 4.45 4.45 1 4.31 4.31 1 8.19 8.19 8.19 8.19 1 10.30 10.30 8.14 8.14 1 6.90 6.90 1 8.19 8.19 1 Width/Depth Ratio 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 1 13.50 13.50 24.42 24.42 1 24.35 24.35 1 23.35 23.35 1 16.30 16.30 16.30 16.30 1 13.00 13.00 15.79 15.79 1 21.23 21.23 1 17.76 17.76 1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 1 14.40 14.40 6.84 6.84 1 6.85 6.85 1 7.15 7.15 1 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1 2.50 2.50 37.14 37.14 1 34.90 34.90 1 34.96 34.96 1 Bank Height Ratio 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1111 1.00 1.00 1 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Rosgen Classification Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Sinuosity (ft) Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 1.10 1.10 13 13 0.01120.0246 0.0054 0.0057 0.0379 0.0110 0.0112 1.00 1.24 1.26 1.03 1.09 B4 C4 C4 B4 C4 13 45 45 45 77.8 45 76.8 C4 C4 61.7 61.7 61.7 76.8 76.8 UT 7 UT 8 Pre‐Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline  (MY0)Monitoring (MY1) Monitoring (MY2) Pre‐Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline  (MY0)Monitoring  (MY1) Monitoring  (MY2) 1.14 1.14 300 300 0.0034 0.0034 0.0036 0.012 0.006 0.007 0.007 1.06 1.12 1.14 1.08 1.14 B4 / F4 C4 C4 B4 C4 300 10 10 10 40 10 40 C4 C4 83 83 83 40 40 Table 11. Monitoring Year 2 Stream Data Summary Owen Farms Mitigation Site / DMS: 100064  ‐  West Fork French Broad River (WFFBR), UT 5, UT 7, UT 8 West Fork French Broad River UT 5 Pre‐Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline  (MY0)Monitoring  (MY1) Monitoring  (MY2) Pre‐Existing Condition (applicaple) Design Monitoring Baseline  (MY0)Monitoring  (MY1) Monitoring (MY2) Transylvania County, NC February 24, 2023Page 63 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) ‐ Based on AB‐Bankfull 1 Area ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐2696.25 2695.96 2696.25 2694.46 2694.11 2694.48 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐2690.79 2690.79 2690.88 Bank Height Ratio_Based on AB Bankfull 1 Area ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐0.97 1.07 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.00 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐1.00 1.01 1.00 Thalweg Elevation 2692.85 2692.81 2692.83 2692.68 2692.53 2692.68 2691.17 2690.90 2690.90 2689.58 2689.43 2689.53 2688.36 2688.27 2688.04 LTOB2 Elevation 2696.45 2696.34 2696.45 2696.15 2696.21 2696.25 2694.46 2694.58 2694.48 2693.64 2693.95 2693.95 2690.79 2690.81 2690.88 LTOB2 Max Depth (ft)3.60 3.53 3.68 3.47 3.68 3.54 3.29 3.68 3.58 4.06 4.52 4.42 2.43 2.54 2.84 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area (ft2)58.72 46.68 54.47 61.32 69.39 70.16 65.45 80.97 68.38 71.83 84.77 84.93 49.82 50.32 49.79 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) ‐ Based on AB‐Bankfull 1 Area 2691.20 2691.11 2691.36 2696.64 2696.74 2696.75 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐2702.02 2701.93 2702.02 Bank Height Ratio_Based on AB Bankfull 1 Area 1.00 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐1.00 1.01 1.00 Thalweg Elevation 2686.44 2686.52 2686.53 2695.39 2695.78 2695.79 2694.42 2694.53 2694.54 2703.98 2704.83 2704.92 2701.21 2701.11 2701.02 LTOB2 Elevation 2691.20 2691.40 2691.36 2696.64 2696.76 2696.75 2696.50 2696.68 2696.51 2705.97 2706.01 2706.04 2702.02 2701.94 2702.02 LTOB2 Max Depth (ft)4.76 4.88 4.83 1.25 0.98 0.96 2.08 1.97 1.97 1.99 1.18 1.12 0.81 0.83 1.00 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area (ft2)138.26 149.49 150.40 8.14 8.40 8.19 14.19 11.96 11.94 10.89 4.96 4.90 4.37 4.43 5.37 MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ MY0 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) ‐ Based on AB‐Bankfull 1 Area ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐2694.13 2694.49 2694.31 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐2689.90 2689.95 2689.98 Bank Height Ratio_Based on AB Bankfull 1 Area ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐1.00 0.75 0.87 ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐1.00 0.98 0.97 Thalweg Elevation 2696.66 2996.60 2696.61 2692.78 2693.23 2693.30 2689.68 2689.67 2689.73 2689.18 2689.29 2689.25 LTOB2 Elevation 2697.47 2697.56 2697.67 2694.13 2694.17 2694.18 2691.25 2691.40 2691.36 2689.90 2689.94 2689.96 LTOB2 Max Depth (ft)0.81 0.96 1.06 1.35 0.95 1.01 1.57 1.73 1.63 0.72 0.65 0.71 LTOB2 Cross Sectional Area (ft2)4.75 5.40 6.55 7.83 4.38 7.67 8.77 9.06 8.01 4.56 4.45 4.31 Cross Section 11 (Pool ‐ UT 5)Cross Section 12 (Riffle ‐ UT 5)Cross Section 13 (Pool ‐ UT 7)Cross Section 14 (Riffle ‐ UT 7) Cross Section 6 (Riffle ‐ WFFBR)Cross Section 7 (Riffle ‐ UT 8)Cross Section 8 (Pool ‐ UT 8)Cross Section 9 (Pool ‐ UT 5)Cross Section 10 (Riffle ‐ UT 5) Table 12. Cross Section Morphology Monitoring Summary Owen Farms Mitigation Site / DMS: 100064  ‐  West Fork French Broad River (WFFBR), UT 5, UT 7, UT 8 Cross Section 1 (Pool ‐ WFFBR)Cross Section 2 (Riffle ‐ WFFBR)Cross Section 3 (Riffle ‐ WFFBR)Cross Section 4 (Pool ‐ WFFBR)Cross Section 5 (Riffle ‐ WFFBR) The above morphology parameters reflect the 2018 guidance that arose from the mitigation technical workgroup consisting of DMS, the IRT and industry mitigation providers/practitioners. The outcome resulted in the focus on three primary morphological parameters of interest for the purposes of tracking channel change moving forward. They are the bank height ratio using a constant As-built bankfull area and the cross sectional area and max depth based on each years low top of bank. These are calculated as follows: 1 - Bank Height Ratio (BHR) takes the As-built bankful area as the basis for adjusting each subsequent years bankfull elevation. For example if the As-built bankfull area was 10 ft2, then the MY1 bankfull elevation would be adjusted until the calculated bankfull area within the MY1 cross section survey = 10 ft2. The BHR would then be calculated with the difference between the low top of bank (LTOB) elevation for MY1 and the thalweg elevation for MY1 in the numerator with the difference between the MY1 bankfull elevation and the MY1 thalweg elevation in the denominator. This same process is then carried out in each successive year. 2 - LTOB Area and Max depth - These are based on the LTOB elevation for each years survey (The same elevation used for the LTOB in the BHR calculation). Area below the LTOB elevation will be used and tracked for each year as above. The difference between the LTOB elevation and the thalweg elevation (same as in the BHR calculation) will be recroded and tracked above as LTOB max depth. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 64 January 5, 2023 Appendix E – Hydrologic Data Figure 6. Monthly Precipitation Data Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023 Page 65 9876543210 1011121314151617181920 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Ra i n ( i n ) Month Owen Farm Monthly Precipitation 2022 (30th / 70th Percentiles) Rain Gauge Monthly Totals 70th Percentile 30th Percentile Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 66 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Figure 7.1 West Fork French Broad River Flow Depth West Fork French Broad Water Level Bankfull Daily Rain Totals Bankfull event Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 67 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) De p t h ( f t ) Time Figure 7.2 UT 5 Flow Depth UT5 Water Level Bankfull Daily Rainfall Totals Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 68 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) De p t h ( f t ) Time Figure 6.3 UT 7 Flow Depth UT7 Water Level Bankfull Daily Rainfall Totals Bankfull Events Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 69 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) De p t h ( f t ) Time Figure 7.4 UT 8 Flow Depth UT8 Water Level Bankfull Daily Rainfall Totals Bankfull Events Bankfull Events Table 13. Bankfull Events Summary Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 70 January 5, 2023 Gauge ID MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY6 MY7 West Fork French Broad 8/16/2021,  8/18/2021,  9/1/2021 2/5/2022 5/26/2022 UT 5 8/16/2021,  8/8/2021,  10/30/2021 UT 7 8/16/2021,  8/18/2021 4/1/2022 6/12/2022 9/04/2022 UT 8 8/16/2021,  8/18/2021,  8/31/2021,  10/7/2021 2/5/2022 3/21/2022 5/53/2022 5/26/2022 9/05/2022 Overbank Events  Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 71 Figures 8.1 - 8.5 Wetland Groundwater Gauge Data Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40.0 ‐35.0 ‐30.0 ‐25.0 ‐20.0 ‐15.0 ‐10.0 ‐5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 11/15/2021 1/4/2022 2/23/2022 4/14/2022 6/3/2022 7/23/2022 9/11/2022 10/31/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.1: W3 Groundwater Gauge Data Wetland 3, Gauge 1 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Data Gauge 1 - 57  days above  ‐12"  threshold (~27%) Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 2 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2 Gauge 1 42 days  above  ‐12"  threshold Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 72 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40.0 ‐30.0 ‐20.0 ‐10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 11/21/2021 1/10/2022 3/1/2022 4/20/2022 6/9/2022 7/29/2022 9/17/2022 11/6/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.2: W3 Groundwater Gauge Data Wetland 3, Gauge 2 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Data Gauges  2  100  days above  ‐12"  threshold (~48%) Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 1 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2 Gauges  2  42 days  above  ‐12"  threshold Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 73 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40.0 ‐30.0 ‐20.0 ‐10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 11/11/2021 12/31/2021 2/19/2022 4/10/2022 5/30/2022 7/19/2022 9/7/2022 10/27/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.3: W3 Groundwater Gauge Data Wetland 3, Gauge 3 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Data Gauges 3 141 days above  ‐12"  threshold (~68%) Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 1 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2 Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 74 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40 ‐30 ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 11/11/2021 12/31/2021 2/19/2022 4/10/2022 5/30/2022 7/19/2022 9/7/2022 10/27/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.4: W3 Groundwater Gauge Data Wetland 3, Gauge 6 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Gauge 6 144 days above  ‐12"  threshold (~69%) Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 1 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2 Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 75 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40.0 ‐30.0 ‐20.0 ‐10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 11/11/2021 12/31/2021 2/19/2022 4/10/2022 5/30/2022 7/19/2022 9/7/2022 10/27/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.5: W5 Groundwater Gauge Data (Reference) Wetland 5, Gauge 4 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Gauge 4 88 days above  ‐12"  threshold (~42%) Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 1 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2 Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023Page 76 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ‐40.0 ‐30.0 ‐20.0 ‐10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 11/11/2021 12/31/2021 2/19/2022 4/10/2022 5/30/2022 7/19/2022 9/7/2022 10/27/2022 Ra i n  (i n c h e s ) Wa t e r  Ta b l e  Le v e l  (i n . ) Figure 8.6: W5 Groundwater Gauge Data Wetland 5, Gauge 5 12 inches below surface Rain Gauge Gauge 5 22 days above  ‐12"  threshold Be g i n  Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  4/ 7 / 2 0 2 1 En d Gr o w i n g  Se a s o n  10 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 2Gauge 5 28 days above  ‐12"  threshold (~13%) Performance Standard: 25 Consecutive Days WETS Station:  Brevard, NC Growing Season:  04/07 to 10/30 (206 days) MY1 2021 MY2 2022 MY3 2023 MY4 2024 MY5 2025 MY6 2026 MY7 2027 W3‐1 36 27 W3‐2 36 48 W3‐3 36 68 W5‐4 (reference)42 42 W5‐5 3 W3‐6 n/a 69 Monitoring Gauge Max. Consecutive Hydroperiod (%) Transylvania County, NC January 5, 2023 Table 14. Wetland Hydrology Summary Page 77 13 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 78 January 5, 2023 Appendix F – 2022 Repair Plan Submittal to IRT 12/12/22, 4:29 PM The Davey Tree Expert Company Mail - Owen Farms Repairs (SAW-2018-01165) https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=9d95a55725&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1744130895493284429&simpl=msg-f%3A1744130895…1/2 Digeronimo, Alex <alex.digeronimo@davey.com> Owen Farms Repairs (SAW-2018-01165) 2 messages Furr, Benjamin <Ben.Furr@davey.com>Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 8:53 AM To: "Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil" <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Cc: Alex Digeronimo <Alex.Digeronimo@davey.com>, Kevin Williams <KWilliams@davey.com>, "Tisdale, Jessica" <jessica.tisdale@hdrinc.com>, "andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org" <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>, "erin.davis@ncdenr.gov" <erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Kim Per our conversation last week, I wanted to provide you with a summary of our plan to complete additional bank repairs at the Owen Farms Mitigation Site this fall/winter. Erosion is primarily occurring on streambanks that have poor vegetative coverage. We plan to repair/stabilize approximately 355 LF of stream bank through the use of sod mats and boulder toe. Standard construction equipment will be used to complete the repairs (i.e. excavator and off-road hauler). The attached figure depicts the strategy that will be used at each bank repair location. A photo log is also attached that shows current conditions at each repair location. Sod mats will be collected from on-site within the existing easement. Areas where sod mats are collected and other areas disturbed during construction will be seeded and replanted. We estimate needing a total of ~100 sq. yds. of sod mat. This work will be completed under the existing Nationwide Permit 27 and Erosion Control Permit for the Site. We are currently coordinating with a construction contractor to determine the repair schedule. Once finalized, we will submit a written request for a waiver of the trout moratorium from WRC for purposes of completing repair work and minimizing erosion on-site. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Benjamin Furr | Senior Consultant Davey Resource Group, Inc. 3101 Poplarwood Court, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27604 P: 919.645.4350 ext. 4354 | M: 919.588.9663 Visit our local office page 2 attachments Owen Farms 2022 Repair Photo Log.pdf 2468K Owen Farms 2022 Repair Figure.pdf 995K Williams, Kevin <KWilliams@davey.com>Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 8:19 AM To: Ryan Smith <Ryan.Smith@davey.com>, Alex Digeronimo <Alex.Digeronimo@davey.com> [Quoted text hidden] 2 attachments Owen Farms 2022 Repair Photo Log.pdf 2468K 60 FEET OF BANK REPAIRUSING SOD MATSAND BOULDER TOESEE PHOTO P4 & P5 55 FEET OF BANK REPAIRUSING SOD MATSSEE PHOTO P2 & P3 40 FEET OF BANK REPAIRUSING SOD MATSSEE PHOTO P1 60 FEET OF BANK REPAIRUSING BOULDER TOESEE PHOTOS P9 & P10 75 FEET OF BANK REPAIRUSING SOD MATSSEE PHOTOS P7 & P8 35 FEET OF TOE EROSIONTO BE FIXED USING BOULDER TOESEE PHOTO P11 30 FEET OF TOE EROSIONTO BE FIXED USING BOULDER TOESEE PHOTO P6 0 630Feet O REPAIR PLAN MAP FIGURE 1 OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE MAP DATE: 09-15-2022 Legend Erosion Area Bank Toe Figure 11.6 XS 1 X S 8XS7 XS2UT8 W5 WEST FORK FRENCH BROAD RIVER W1 W1 W1 W2 W6A W6 W4 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 W3 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 0 690Feet O LEGEND Constructed Top of Bank Cross Sections Repair Planting Area Easement Boundary Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) #7 Groundwater Gauge - Not Meeting #7 Groundwater Gauge - Meeting Vegetation Plot - Meeting Vegetation Plot - Not Meeting Ford Soil Lift Fence Line Soil Lift with Boulder Toe Soil lift with Toe Wood Bedrock Floodplain Interceptor1@Rain Gauge !.Flow Gauges OWEN FARM REPLANTING AREA OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE Rock Cross Vane Rock Step Structures Log Structure Hellbender Habitat UT8 Table 1: Repair Plan Replant List Scientific Name Stem Densities Indicator Status Liriodendron tulipafera 146 FACU Betula nigra 146 FACW Platanus occidentalis 146 FACW Carya ovata 40 FACU Ulmus americana 146 FACW Cornus florida 109 FACU Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 1 P1: Bank erosion between Station 10+00 and 10+50 P2: Looking upstream at eroded right bank near Station 11+00 Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 2 P3: Bank erosion slightly upstream from P2 P4: Looking downstream at eroded right bank by Station 14+00 Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 3 P5: Looking downstream at eroded right bank shown in P4 P6: Toe erosion on right bank near Station 15+50 Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 4 P7: Looking downstream at scour/bank erosion on left bank near Station 16+50 P8: Looking upstream at scour/bank erosion shown in P7 Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 5 P9: Bank looking upstream at bank erosion on right bank near Station 22+50 P10: Bank erosion on right bank shown in P9 Owen Farms Mitigation Site Photographic Documentation Repair Areas 9-15-2022 6 P11: Looking downstream at toe erosion on right bank near Station 25+50 Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC Page 87 January 5, 2023 Appendix G – 2022 Credit Release IRT Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes Project: Owen Farms Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site (DMS # 100064, USACE: SAW-2018-01165, DWR: 2018-1033v1) Subject: IRT Credit Release Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Location: On-site (Silverstein Rd, Lake Toxaway, NC) Attendees: Matthew Reid (DMS) Ben Furr (DRG) Paul Wiesner (DMS) Dave McHenry (WRC) Casey Haywood (USACE) Erin Davis (DWR) Kim Browning (USACE) An on-site IRT meeting was held at 9:30am on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 (Monitoring Year 2) to review the condition of the Owen Farms Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site. The following represents highlights of discussions that occurred during the meeting: 1.IRT suggested that HDR note percent cover and herbaceous species diversity within the Swamp Forest Bog wetland complex (noting that woody stem density and height may be lower within the bog complex than in other areas on-site). 2.IRT requested that HDR map out all areas of invasive species on-site and develop a treatment plan for areas of invasive species identified within the entire conservation easement. DRG noted that invasives would be treated late summer/early fall 2022. 3.IRT requested that the wetland expansion area surrounding W3 (as well as the new groundwater gauge that was installed in the expansion area) be depicted and discussed in the MY2 report. DRG also noted that random vegetation plots would be located within the wetland expansion area over the course of monitoring to document vegetative success. 4.Cattails were observed in UT 5 and UT 7. DRG noted that cattail would be treated later this year as part of the invasive treatment plan for the Site. 5.IRT suggested that some of the random vegetation plots be located in replant areas during MY2. 6.IRT noted that woody vegetation along West Fork French Broad River was lacking. DRG indicated that additional bare roots and live stakes were planted in February 2022. IRT suggested that additional planting along channel banks may be warranted in future years if density doesn’t improve. 7.IRT reviewed culvert crossings on UT 2 and UT 4. IRT requested that photos of all project crossings be included in each annual monitoring report. Crossing photos should be taken to show upstream and downstream sides of crossings to document crossing stability and potential for aquatic passage. 8.IRT requested that a photo point be added on UT 2 to verify that a stream channel is present and active, given the beaver activity that was observed downstream of the easement. 9.Fencing was down at the ford crossing on WFFBR. IRT and DMS requested that the fencing be repaired as soon as possible. IRT and DMS agreed that spring fencing could be installed across the river that would allow the property owner to connect fencing when moving cattle across ford and remove fencing when not in use to avoid large flows from continuing to damage fence in this area. IRT also noted that additional rock could be placed on the ford to stabilize crossing and minimize erosion. 10.Kissing gates were observed and discussed during the meeting. DRG noted that calves had been able to access the easement through the kissing gates but are currently excluded by placement of wooden pallets and metal posts. DMS suggested that a long-term solution be discussed with the property owner to ensure cattle exclusion following the monitoring phase of the project. DRG indicated that they would discuss a long-term solution with the property owner, which may include nailing wooden slats across the kissing gates. 11.DRG showed DMS and IRT the beaver dam on UT 6. UT 6 was flowing under the beaver dam during the site visit and the system was still functioning as a stream. IRT agreed that the beaver dam could be left in place as long as UT 6 continues functioning as a stream (i.e. as long as the beaver dam doesn’t create a significant backwater effect on the channel). Any other active beaver dams and beaver within the conservation easement should be removed during the monitoring period. 12.DRG explained why the groundwater gauge in W5 was moved and that the groundwater gauge at the upstream extents of the wetland was intended to serve as a reference gauge which is why it was installed in the wetland enhancement area. IRT requested that the reference gauge be identified as such in future monitoring reports. 13.IRT noted that some terrace side slopes were bare and rill erosion was observed in these areas. DRG stated that additional temporary seeding would be placed in bare areas during late summer/early fall 2022, if necessary. Owen Farms Mitigation Site | DMS Project No. 100064 MY2 Monitoring Report Transylvania County, NC February 25, 2023 Appendix H – Wetland Expansion Area Letter to USACE Page 89 1 Daveyresourcegroup.com/Carolinas • Phone: 919.645.4350 3101 Poplarwood Court, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27604 February 11, 2022 Ms. Kim Browning United States Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Subject: Owen Farms (SAW-2018-01165) Wetland Expansion Areas Ms. Browning, HDR Engineering of the Carolinas, Inc. (HDR) has contracted Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) to provide monitoring services for the Owen Farms Mitigation Site (Site). The purpose of this letter is to inform you of wetland areas that have been identified outside the original wetland mitigation boundaries proposed in the Mitigation Plan. Wetland A (WA) has formed in the footprint of the filled, abandoned river channel just downstream of UT 8. Wetland B (WB) was created by excavating a floodplain bench adjacent to the river, downstream of UT 4, which tapped into a shallow groundwater hillside seep. Wetland C (WC) developed adjacent to W3 and is simply an expansion of existing wetland restoration areas. WA, WB, and WC were delineated on February 2, 2022 and exhibited hydric soils, wetland hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation. Soil profiles were collected in each new wetland area and are summarized in Table 1.Soft rush (Juncus effusus) was the dominant vegetative component of each wetland and hydrology indicators included high water table, saturated soils, surface water, and FAC neutral test. Figure 1 (attached) depicts the original wetland polygons and wetland expansion areas. Table 1. Soil Profile Summary Depth (in) Matrix Redox Features Texture WA Color % Color % 0-3 7.5YR 3/1 100 -- -- Sandy loam 3-14 10YR 3/1 97 10YR 3/4 3 Sandy loam WB 0-15 10YR 3/1 90 10YR 3/6 10 Sandy loam WC 0-6 10YR 3/1 100 -- -- Sandy loam 6-17 10YR 3/1 95 10YR 3/6 5 Sandy loam HDR proposes to install a new groundwater gauge in Wetland C to document groundwater hydrology throughout the remainder of the monitoring period. Random vegetation plots will also be located within wetland expansion areas throughout monitoring to document vegetative success. At this time, HDR is not requesting additional wetland credits for WA, WB, or WC. 2 Daveyresourcegroup.com/Carolinas • Phone: 919.645.4350 3101 Poplarwood Court, Suite 120, Raleigh, NC 27604 However, HDR would like to document their presence on-site. In addition, HDR proposes to move the groundwater gauge in W5 approximately 15 feet northeast because the gauge is currently installed on a higher spot along the wetland edge and is not representative of the majority of W5 (based on soils and vegetation observed at the current gauge location compared to soils and vegetation observed in other areas of W5). Table 2 provides a summary of wetlands on-site. Table 2. Wetland Summary Project Component Area Mitigation Type/Ratio Credits (WMU) Wetlands as Proposed in Mitigation Plan Wetland Group 1 (W1-W9) 1.54 Enhancement (2:1) 0.77 Wetland Group 2 (W3 and W5) 0.35 Re-establishment (1:1) 0.35 Wetland Group 3 (W3) 0.97 Rehabilitation (1.5:1) 0.64 Total 2.86 -- 1.76 Wetland Expansion Areas WA 0.16 Creation (3:1) 0.05 WB 0.14 Creation (3:1) 0.05 WC 0.38 Re-establishment (1:1) 0.38 Total 0.68 -- 0.48* *HDR is not requesting additional wetland credit for credits generated from wetland expansion areas at this time. Repair work, described in a previous letter dated November 16, 2021, was completed on January 28, 2022 and disturbed areas were replanted February 1-2, 2022. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions related to the information provided in this letter. You can reach me via email at ben.furr@davey.com or by phone at 919.588.9663. Thank you, Ben Furr, PWS Davey Resource Group Cc: Jessica Tisdale (HDR), Paul Wiesner (NCDMS), Andrea Leslie (NCWRC), Todd Tugwell (USACE), Erin Davis (NCDWR), Casey Haywood (USACE) #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 ^_ ^_ Figure 1 1 . 4 Figure 11 . 6 UT8 WEST FORK FRENCH BROAD RIVER W1 WA WB WCWC W3 W3 W3 W3 W2 W4 W5 W7 W6A U T 4 U T 5 U T 7 U T 6 UT3 UT4A 0 950Feet O LEGEND Easement Boundary Utility Easement Wetland Enhancement (RR, Enh, 2:1) Wetland Re-establishment (RR, Re-est., 1:1) Wetland Rehabilitation (RR, Rehab, 1.5:1) Wetland Expansion Areas Constructed Top of Bank Fence Line Groundwater Gauges #0 Existing Groundwater Gauge ^_Proposed Groundwater Gauge FIGURE 1 - WETLAND EXPANSION AREAS OWEN FARMS MITIGATION SITE UT8