HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230965_Site Plan or Location Map_20230405 •
/ Total Acreage 46.32 Ac. 2 1
Mews Gars Stormwater Lot Acreage 38.27 Ac. `�
D.9.3295 Pg.472 / its, (Not including ex. treatment plant)
H¢izan imx,ton Acreage in Parks or
M.B.fi9 78 / other land usage 0 Ac.
' Average Lot Size 331,569 s.f. Wietey rg
/• Minimum Lot Size Allowed
o se N/A Panlwsgr
Minimum Lot Size Proposed N/A
-� Number of Lots Existing 3 SITE
/ S.L Number of Lots Proposed 6 o D.
_ QP q°,_ Western Four Inw.si°rs,V.e ,per / /
_ 3 DB.4557,Pg.69e Linear Feet o£New Streets 4503 L.F. �Sg We/p�plK� i
CC zone Zone CC '� \�• way te
_` Undeveloped Density Allowed N/A /
Deed References: q%.
\ O.B. 1415, Pg. 1001
\ M.B. 48, Pg. 69.
�- \ M.B. 62, Pg. 37
_� 348% ` Tax Map 339 Parcel 20.46 PIN: 437813046256 Vicinity Sketch
\ Tax Map 339 Parcel 20.51 PIN: 437813143432
Tax Map 339 Parcel 20.8 PIN: 437813131532 Not to style
532°35• __ \ \ 20 i
i 20 E ttnl9• �_ / SETBACKS
Pankway Investments NC,LLC 'e ` \ /
D.8.5745,Pg.966 w 76�33• 1 / / Front Yard 35 feet may be reduced
Lot 20 C p&L 17 t ` / to 10 feet with Type II
Perimeter Properties �. Q
M.B,78,Pg.53 or III site plan approval
��� l p - a nv111=H ock VT, 6Dss,IV W ` ` I r / 2. Side Street 35 feet/may be redo etl
o CC t" Proposed avel a\V 1 s\ Retail snap I ${011I1WEltei N' Lill) 100.90 / to 10 feet with Type II
dmry..Lt,-a Stormwater Pond#1 Data '� I ' S \ / or III site plan approval
dwmmmwmw Pond#1 _
// N42`26'48°W Drainage Area_................._17A zo•aaly. 29t333"f 'LI I / /
j / easement �� 7' Side Yard As required per landscaping
\ 93.74' - Total BVA.............................33.6 /
_ ping
myanrenmt // $ /539°56'30'W °�fa Rear Yard As required per landscaping
\ \\ � // / N412.16'2°E La ' ;- 26.1i' " ' /
/j / I2.16' "' \ YP \
lands Lire za / /
// Exiatirg ro I 539°56'365W
\ \ \ /j / 5tanmmter Pond m . ' ' ` 61,22'/ /
// ,2'26'48"W
� I / Notes:
/j / g 16.09' �Y /¢� z ' I m•oralm9cy / tit]: LTOMIdsvalaPum area is partially wooded.
\ 'T T/ O w W W •\�\� O 8ewmeet �I �-' --_
44 Ac. 1 / 2.All easements to be puree drainage d utility easements m dimensions shown,unless
T� \ ' ' / otherwise noted.Easements shown as_ _or
\ \ \ / EXIStIng/ �� Common Area W W W \ r�. / 3,There are no Areas of EmironmenrdCm¢rn(AEO as defined by Coastal Arm Management Act(LAMA)on this site
\ low lmesmra V.0 -ao+ $ co 1 1 I / / / giralfbod map FIRM LPN 3]Ot]843]8J(TM Gry et Tadvsomilk)
1 /Banding /� 1 D.B.3622,Pg 359 - ( I e , ) 4.Flood lines drown from m electronic erkry of the d
/� rive 1 4.31 Ac. W W effective Nov 3,2005
�` • wunm // City of Jacksonville / ( I I I I '� / / r�t6 r S.Wmlands filwnfrom a Wetlands Delineation Map prepared by Jahn Pier¢6Asmcivhy,P.A.dotal 03/30/2017.
O v-+ Miller CC
College a 'W -I I �.W W,.\ D.B.JIB!!'miliry o / 6.Adjoining properly information per Ombw County Tax Records.
1 U a ^ mop / / 7.For additional details,sou specifications and additional lens.
�• ° I m I Pg.678 L=342.OT 5 I / 8,All data..are Min.'ground,U.S.Survey Feet.P
E „ 3
\,!. -.. _ z Ch=N338.9538"W / /
.!'exe. \..�•' \ _ erex fi the9.All
one wrest setback
` 'v sx 3l' \ &1,0 ti0/ 4p91 I / impervious surfaces Cue allowed within the setback,
•a ' \ d 1,258.24' / f2.Bef¢e erecting arty structure each wdml properly ezd tributary.
all verify the structure r thin the 50 foot atormwmm
.( I • _ •-�� 542°26'48'E 785.55' _ - _---- Lfi=NDS°34'll°W / setback bymeasuring from the top of bank of an moaned tributary For definition of top f bank,contact City of Jacksonville
v� �� 298.39 487.16' ~ 256 89' / / Stormwater/Water Quality Division(910)938.6446
I �1 I sF 312.96 sidewalk. i� Existing Oj / / - 13.Property tying beyond streets right-of way and within x e6s of sight impede
de,shall property of homeowners,but
N aP ryMe Properties, Existin \ / atoll have nopksrtings,ficubbay.our other obstructions whachwill'mpvda drive.•stye on(Th-a does roi,nclude Public
I O New Frontier Way \ \ / ' 14, Utilities,or sheet mockers,Craftcsi and wntrald)The hamwnon shouts metre that all cC U NEL,LLC6 BH Grissom tors,LLC b � ,� * ' Water \ / / of Jacksonville are met. applicable standards of the City
I ` 'D.B.5310 , to \ Tower/ / 14.Existing ditch banks Cue net to be disturbed If existing ditch banks are disturbed,they shall be regraded to have 3.l or flatter
side I M848 69 �.53 A�. �' \.•�•' 60 R/W pry an 9 pro positive dro rage.
Medical / ' W W (Public Street) L=544.15' / / 15.Elevetlbm per NAVD'BBrkn d to duo
I' Mali IOfB( / Lfi=N19'l5'49'W \,.... wm \ /
eree • W W W W '� 529.32' 9. / / _ 16,Site subject to JacWanalk Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedutdan Plan.
17.The.isteoce of//�. ••
•+' 1 \ N \AIeeWa \ r'13 18 Setbacks a oubutrr m dw d should follow mliti.may imply the existence fixct an zoning setbacks easemmi_ requirements
// Wetlands Line
/ /' /ExlSting W y W W y ••1 (TYP) r� ` / / 19 Arms nasal f¢trails and gresnways and/or requi,ed sidewalks shall be unobstructed from 6 ruches below Bade u 10 trot above
/1 ir/
Vuildinoo `/ p /• W W `1' W W si � \ \ \�' `'s +v^t�fk \\ se. / / grade(overhed clearance)Telephone pedes.bekefre transformers,drop inlets,fences,or arty other obstructio.shall be
/ I - ('•� see / iemoxd ad/m rebrateE'norder ro awote ad mdnrdn the ckaran¢ad shall be free of<r«ksand damage prrar to the
/�//1-1// / `Y `Y W `Y W W \' W ..\ °.\ \OB,O ...ones{���( '•.�7 ly�t, p / rice of a Finol Certibmie of Oc¢panry
• / {l I 1 I I I I I y \•
r�12 i 20.All Stop signs will be RI 1,30 High Intensity Prismmrc Mounting Heights 7'to the bottom of the s gn Galvanized U{Mnnel
IJ` W W W y W W y W v"'• W \ U7.92' \Ot ;� III III111h1, "i\ - / pmuts are recommended for mounting.
'\fir 1 gV`_ 21,Pk 24'x30"R2-,25 mph speed limit Wens maximum of 200•from the beginning of the roadway,and within 200'of each
W W W `Y N' Jr W W W W( Mow.
as 'O ® ` \ / Inter road.All signs will have a Hi Intensity Prismatic white bo
/ !��\`l Edsti n 4, W -N' W W W xY * W W W W ,/ 1 tl / xx.All Traffic Control Devices,(aigm,pavemmr markings,
^^a�'�. n9 (/ ril,walk \ / / G of SicCsanrlle MsSD standada, ty eF•oud with bled legends and bolo th
IIIJI ys,etc.)will meet the Federal MUTLD,NC supplement to the MUTLD,and
Stoerawahr Pod / O IJ!!' - 23.Place street name signsi each intersection Street rare signs background with a white High Intensity border
L. \• W y 4, W W W xY W W W W II r�11 i a m gas will have a9raea ban
/ \ \ / 12.29 AC. I r �I No _. / and)send Iturecammeddthm the street nmeesign f¢through rrafbcM9'high and at high for traffic required mstop.
\ \ v vl' ` W `4' W W W W Vr I 10. ......
' as er.se e \ s' /
\ s �O ys ` Street name signs non be mounted on tap of the Stop sign using a put asp with blade Mlderada cross pw"-
/ / \ I I 4m WHm eawmmrr .-�,o / 24.Parcels within this projectare subject to the provsoas of rhesew allocation policy of the City of Smksanwlle and that sewer
/ !L / capacity for any p¢t'cubr pure may or may not beewlable
/ `I' W W W mNks W �!' __ +v.4i / _ 25.40'temporary turnarounds shall be required of the ends of each Phase.
W W Y / O 4 ,.., .v 26.Pedestrian moss-walks reed to be Painted and sigeedin accordance with the MVTLD.
/ p„x �, W W W / */
ddx l +� �' '�10 27.All construction shall be completed in meandance with The OW of Jacksandlk'a Manml of Specifications Standards ad Design
Stormwater Pond#2 Data Portion of (MSSD).A copy of this monad is was bbk in the Public Services Department in 7a ksoudlk City b
/ \•• \ Drainage Area.................._.15.1 I I D.B.1415,Pg.1001 28.Pavement Width to.31'B-B,except as natal.PI,
/ / / - \ \'\„•
�,/ v, Told BUA.........._.................12.8 i Qd 8•�j AC• P" / 29.Bmdary data shown per survey by Sohn L.Pierre 6 Associates,P.A.dated 03/30/2017 od recorded mops.
/ 30.A11 t ldago
/ \ •
�.. \ I I - pavement mar ny.are to be submitted andappra approved Cly of Jacksonville before find plinti
/ / `. YYY •� �y / 31 Exterior lighting to be by the utility compmry,street lights shall be spaced 400-500 feet apart with o lumen output of
/ \ '\�-.// 321.76' ,/" r�t0
5'Conoco /v .. 7000-10000 lumens,
/ . . wt. \ / '\ Sidewalk A
' ./ �', = 32.Sb 3:lnon beseedd,Cub 2:l droll besodded,ab l:t
/•�, X Q° ` \ Pes pes pes require an Ergineerd Design
r \ \ / V/ * s4. rig r 33.It shall ee unlawfulf¢arry pawn to mdre airy azcavatie(or do ary other xwk which may mweadmgerou mn6tion inor on
�N,•\ I 1 .4/ • N J airy streeffisne aidewalk,public way anpublic pleaein the City,mbysowriitm permit iheref¢shollhau beet fmiobtaired
/ k, / rn Proposed �a\ W y' W / �•• '')959. from an officer of the city vetted with authority permit shall be issued in any case whereabod is
Is •
]0• • I •
N. 4 P ys1 \ ry ryto9ronttM scone.t4°
. �. 41• 1 J i Low Density Data(Lot 6) ./ W - O Stormwater ' Nw ,( 31��T•• required,until o bock shall have beet executed.
/ \ / / $ Common Area N •' �' 34.Sidewalk Turnout Areas To Meet ADA Requirements,Turnouts Should Occur Every 200'an a Proposed 4'Sidewalk
\ Drainage Area_..._......_.......7.5 g Pond#2 A /• \ 35.All proposed curb and guttc within the right of*wail!meet the MSSD's and match existing curb grade.
Y \ W "u,.. (Open Space) 6,
1 / -rota BUA,. 1B �.,J \ Y 36.The sra mwtc facility that this de ebpmem willfedinto shall meet UDOsa do do in regards olandscapingad fe tie.
I • \ kb / / d 1.69 AC. p 37.This our,including n lot,is subject M COJ's amrmwater
/ II 4'i .... Ire fore // i/. vY W V' ,� 0uriliryeewmem l ran/Mmss J ® \ project, 'g me jet Regulations.
/ L i ��-� //: - - - - _I-61/_ _ -6I� �,- 616-- �- /t e l�-�k` \
• 633.85' 589.39' 402.65' •-
/ eye / N41'48'34"W 1658.13' _ _ w` River of ufe lest
•Hunington Place --_ _ , D.B.1197,Pg�889 \II(11 t1j1(7/
Aparimenta 11L ��/ I I I - ----- / \ MB.31 Pg.194 \ ```\�H CARD 7/i
M.B.58 Pg.61 / I ,,,r b CC Zore `\bV �/
cc Zoe I w.nem uXliryaawnam Church ':�'f1s SEAL
„.y i
Apart M easementr\^l/ •�
° / erairoga The nable of
III m I \ _ 4. SEAL r-: E.
Ja/ cksonville
\ \ \ -• •
• 34978 F.
Inc.a m dmiese. Phoenix Park II,LLC Phoenix Park,LLC
DB.3344,Pg.363 I war D.B.2354,Pg.612 I ' \ \ °FH
M.B.59,Pg.108 wain, D.B.1)26,Pg. \ %7 QtN
CO Zane MCC Zone M.B.94 2,Pg.165 / `\`
• III /
Apartments Apartments I CC Zone
\ //7/fp-
Legend: \ \\
�s-e-Back of art to sank of orb PRELIMINARY PLAN -Not For Recordation,Conveyances or Sales
g Ch-Chad
aana.-Lanorcte JACKSONVILLE
D.B.-Deed Book
LS Arc Iron
Stake Food Jacksonville Twp.,Onslow Co.,North Carolina
5. Right-of-Way Curve Data M.B.-Map Book Developer:
4 Curve Radius Isrgth Tangent Chord Beairg Delta PC-Point of Curvature City of Jacksonville
li 1 730.00' 672.39' 362.17' 648,87' N16'59'52"W 52'46.27" • Pg,-Page
T. 670.00' 612.07' 329.26' 591.01' N16°21'5rW 52°20'32" PT-Point of Tangency P.O.Box 128
730.00' 111.64' 55.93' 11153' 522V5'S7'W 08°45'15° R/W-Right-of-way Jacksonville,North Carolina 28541
670,00' 100.00' 50.09' 99.90' 522b9'06°W 08°33'05' S.T.-10'870'Sight Triangle (910)9385200
0 3 35.00' 26.01' 13.64' 25.42' S91'06'08"W /2°34'41'
4 35.00' 23.22' 12.06' 22.80' NOB'41'12"1V 38ror06" GRAPHIC SCALE:DATE• 11/23/2022
_ 1"=1W'
1 ,'m,-Adjo;ner Lot Number
0 50 100 2DD 300
Curve Number SCALE:1"=100' I
-Lot Number •
Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners
W N' ,-Wetlands Hatch Held Book:COO w56,Pg.7577 Jacksonville,North Carolina
Disk Name:Aced 2752 P.O.Box 976 - 306 New Bridge Street-28540
Rev.03/19/2023 KHW-Add Stormwater data:revise Ina line between 5 and 6:adjust tract data -'-�•'-•' Job No,: 22065S.dwg KHW Phone 910 455-2414-www.TidewaterENC.com Ed.1961
J Job No.:C22063Da14a Sheet 1 of 7 ( )
Firm License Number:F-0108
1 .