HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230973_FRO Submitted_20230405 BUNCOMBE COUNTY FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OWNERSHIP FORM FOR AN (828)250-4830•Planninglnfo@BuncombeCounty.orp EROSION CONTROL PERMIT www.buncombecounty,orgiplanning INSTRUCTIONS:All sections must be completed.Section E must be CASE NUMBER: completed in the presence of a Notary Public. PIN(Numbers):96538823610000 Project Name: Virginia Commons Latitude: 35.4544 Longitude: -82.4988 Amount of fee enclosed:S Project Location-Highway/Street:Virginia Commons Dr Proposed Use: a Single Family Residence ❑Multi-Family o Vacation Rental ❑Commercial/Industrial/Other ❑Other Proposed Disturbed Area(Include offsite borrow and waste areas): 2.01 acre(s) B. Contact Information—Yinancially Responsible Per.son Section 26-228(b)of the Buncombe County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance: "Erosion control plans shall be accompanied by a notarized statement of financial responsibility and ownership".This statement shall be signed by the person financially responsible for the land disturbing activity or his attorney in fact.The undersigned states that he/she is the person financially responsible for land disturbing activity described in this application and acknowledges receipt of a copy of the County of Buncombe Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and that he/she has thereby been advised of the requirements therein as well as the penalties and resources available to the County in the event of violation of the Ordinance,including revocation of the Land Disturbing Permit and all building permits issued in connection with the project covered by the application. Name of Business: D.R.HORTON,INC Name of Applicant:Debra Green Mailing Address: 80 Peachtree Road,Suite 200,Asheville,NC 28803 Street address: 8025 Arrowridge Blvd,Suite 200,Asheville,NC 28273 E-mail address: degreen@drhorton.com Telephone:828-482-4688 Cell: Fax: C. Landowner(s)of Rccord Name of Landowner(s)of Record: Kenneth Jackson Mailing Address: 3 Walden Ridge Drive,Suite 300,Asheville,NC 28803 Recorded in Deed Book No: DB 5523 Page: Pg 658 (Plat 17-114) D. Contact Information—North Carolina Agent(IfApplit 11,1,-) Section 26-228(b)of the Buncombe County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance:"If the person financially responsible is not a resident of North Carolina,a North Carolina agent must be designated in the statement for the purpose of receiving notice of compliance or non-compliance with the plan,the Act,this ordinance,or rules or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this ordinance." The person noted below is the designated North Carolina agent and is duly authorized by the financially responsible person to accept and convey correspondence regarding the aforementioned project. Name of Agent: Mailing Address: E-mail address: Telephone: Cell: Fax: Signature: Date: E.. Certification I,the undersigned,attest that I am the financially responsible party or an authorized representative with signatory authority for the financially responsible party,responsible for the construction activities and maintenance of the site until ownership is completed for the above referenced project.I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the County of Buncombe Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and have thereby been advised of the requirements therein as well as the penalties and resources available to the County in the event of violation of the Ordinance.The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. Name: Debra E.Green Title: City Manager Signature: _>�A�e� Date: a, as.a3 a Notary Public for the County of State of L—o.-%eX.—c..hereby certify that C-_r�v personally appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged that the above form was executed by him and is correct to the best of his ed a and belief. WitnessAWh� cEa`rSd LeZ jisl�4-Y day t 120 Notary Public, North Carolina Buncombe County Not �.a — L- — � My Commission Expires February 13,2024 My I mmissionExpires OFFICE Review Fee:$ Permit No.: Check No: USE Date Paid: Received by: Date Issued: The County of Buncombe does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to,or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities.Requests for appropriate auxiliary aids and services,when necessary to offer a person with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in or enjoy the benefits of County services,programs, or activities, may be made by contacting Buncombe County Erosion Control,(828)250-4848. Buncombe County's TDD number is(828)250-4001. BUNCOMBE COUNTY EROSION & SEDIMENTATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LOT REVIEW CHECKLIST CASE#: A. Project Information Virginia Commons Project Name: Watershed: Cane Creek to Mills River Jurisdiction: Buncombe County PIN Number(s): 96538823610000 Disturbed Acreage: 2.01 B. Applicant C. Engineer Name: Jason Smith Name: Debra E. Green Address: Address: 80 Peachtree Road,Suite 200,Asheville,NC 28803 P.O.331 Cornelia,GA 30531 Phone: Degreen@drhorton.com Phone: Email: (828)482-4688 706-894-2331 Email: jmsmith@jmsmithengineering.com D. Plan ReviewPackage Requirements The submittal package must include all applicable items below to demonstrate compliance Applicant Staff Use with the Ordinance. Unless otherwise noted,all references shown in brackets must be included to be considered a complete package. Select all applicable items and provide with the submittal. THIS CHECKLIST ONLY APPLIES TO MULTI-LOT 7N/A ✓ N/A SECONDARY DEVELOPMENT WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS. Required to Initiate Processing: I Notarized Buncombe County Application for Land Disturbing Permit/Financial ✓❑ ❑ Responsibility Ownership Form 2 Review Fees ✓❑ ❑ 3 BC Checklist and Guidelines for Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans Form E/ El Additional Documents: ❑ ❑ 5 Jurisdictional Approval: Copy of approval notification for projects other El ❑ municipality's zoning jurisdiction 6 401/404 Documentation(Buffer determination letters,PCN application, ❑ ❑ comments,approval) 7 Stormwater Approval:Copy of approval notification for projects within Town of ❑ ✓❑ Back Mountain jurisdiction 8 NCDOT encroachment agreement(s)completed,signed,notarized for all off-site ❑ ❑✓ construction 9 Cover letter stating the purpose of the submission 10 RESUBMITTALS:Letter detailing changes,comments,proposed solutions to ❑ ❑ comments,etc 1 l One(])digital copy of a complete set of construction drawings for 1"submission IVI 12 Existing Conditions Plan/Survey LJ ✓ 13 Drainage Area Map showing drainage areas to erosion control devices: Li IF71 14 Sediment basin design 15 Ditches,swales,and channels:Q25/V25. Tractive force(shear stress),capacity ❑ and eomet 16 Dissipaters:Q25 velocities,stone size and dimensions 1 17 Velocity calculations for stormwater runoff at points of discharge resulting from a ❑ 25-year storm after development Proposed Plans: 18 Location/Vicinity Map ✓ 19 North arrow,graphic scale,drafting version date, legend and professional seal ✓ 20 Overall masterplan showing lot numbers for development ✓ 21 Existing and proposed easements ✓ 11 22 Bodies of water ephemeral,intermittent and perennial streams along with ponds or lakes ✓ 23 Zone of undisturbed vegetated buffer around streams(hatch or shade area) ✓ 24 Limits of disturbance delineated and specified on plan ✓ 25 Proposed improvements:roads,buildings,parking areas,grassed landscaped,natural areas ✓ 26 Lot lines,lot numbers and road names ✓ 27 Water and sewer utilities 28 Stormwater conveyance: inlets,culverts,swales,ditches,channels and drainage easements ✓ 29 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROLS:locations and dimensions of gravel entrances, ❑ diversion ditches, PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS:locations and dimensions of dissipaters,ditch ❑ ❑ 30 linings,armoring,levels readers,retainingwalls,etc. SITE STABILIZATION PLAN: Showing seeding schedule,acres to be stabilized,methods 31 of soil preparation,specifications for permanent and temporary vegetation and notation of ❑ groundcover requirements for exposed slopes(21 calendar days of any phase of completion) and permanent groundcover 90 calendar days at project completion) 32 1 Construction Details ✓ Standards and Requirements:By marking items with an"X",applicant acknowledges potential standards to be applied to the proposed development. Sec.26-247(a)Design and Performance Standards-All soil erosion and sedimentation control plans and measures must conform to the applicable standards specified in North 33 Carolina's Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual and provide ❑ protection from the calculated maximum peak rate of runoff from the twenty-five year storm. Erosion control devices must be installed to prevent any offsite sedimentation for any construction site regardless of the size of the land disturbance. Sec.26-247(b)Standards for High Quality Water(HQW)Zones Land-disturbing activities to be conducted in High Quality Water Zones must be designed as ❑ ✓❑ follows: a Uncovered areas in High Quality Water(HQW)zones must be limited at any time to a ❑ ❑ maximum total area of 20 acres within the boundaries of the tract. Maximum Peak Rate of Runoff-Erosion and sedimentation control measures, b structures,and devices within HQW zones must be planned,designed and constructed ❑ Q to provide protection from the runoff of the 25- ear storm. 34 Settling Efficiency-Sediment basins within HQW zones must be designed and c constructed so that the basin will have a settling efficiency of at least 70%for the 40 ❑ 0 micron(0.04mm)size soil particle transported into the basin by the runoff of that 2-year storm which produces the maximum peak rate of runoff. Open Channel Grade-The angle for side slopes must be sufficient to restrain accelerated erosion(side slopes no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical if a vegetative d cover is used for stabilization unless soil conditions permit a steeper slope or where the ❑ 0 slopes are stabilized by using mechanical devices,structural devices or other acceptable ditch liners Applicant Signature: Date: 61 �a. 2