HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130250 Ver 1_Monitoring Baseline Report_20150414NORKETT BRANCH STREAM MITIGATION SITE Union County, NC DENR Contract 004673 NCEEP Project Number 95360 Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report FINAL Data Collection Period: March 2014 - April 2014 Draft Submission Date: June 12, 2014 Final Submission Date: July 15, 2014 Prepared for: LT, fall 'CI1 11 rwaGe NCDENR, NCEEP 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Prepared by: wim, WILDLANDS CNG- NCCRING Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 P - 704 - 332 -7754 F - 704 - 332 -3306 Kirsten Y. Gimbert kgimbert @wildlandseng.com EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wildlands Engineering (Wildlands) restored and enhanced a total of 10,891 linear feet (LF) of stream on a full - delivery mitigation site in Union County, NC. The project streams consist of Norkett Branch, a third order stream, two unnamed first order tributaries to Norkett Branch (UT1 and UT2), and two intermittent tributaries to Norkett Branch (UT2A and UT3). Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are proposed to treat water quality on the non - jurisdictional headwaters of UT3 and an adjacent ephemeral drainage feature. The project will provide 10,098 stream mitigation units (SMUs). The Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Site) is located in southeastern Union County, NC, approximately ten miles southeast of the City of Monroe and five miles north of the South Carolina state line. The site is located in the Yadkin River Basin; eight digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 03040105 and the 14- digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03040105081020 (Figure 1). This CU was identified as a targeted local watershed in NCEEP's 2009 Lower Yadkin- Pee Dee River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) plan. This RBRP plan identifies agricultural practices and runoff as the probable major sources of water quality impairment in the Middle Lanes Creek watershed. The 2008 North Carolina Division of Water Resource's (NCDWR) Basinwide Water Quality Report (BWQR) lists turbidity and nutrient concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus as specific concerns in the Rocky River watershed portion of the Yadkin- Pee Dee River basin. Other pollutants of concern cited in this report are fecal coliform bacteria, iron, and copper. The project reaches flow off -site, directly into Lanes Creek, which is included on the NCDWR 303d list of impaired streams. The section of Lanes Creek downstream of the project site is listed as impaired due to turbidity (NCDWR, 2012). The project goals established in the mitigation plan (Wildlands, 2013) were completed with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the RBRP and NCDWR BWQR and to meet the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program's (NCEEP) mitigation needs while maximizing the ecological and water quality uplift within the watershed. The following project goals established include: • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat within the riparian corridor and provide habitat corridor extension from adjacent downstream forested habitat; • Improve additional water quality aspects within stream channels on site; • Decrease sediment inputs to the stream channels and decrease turbidity in receiving Lanes Creek; and • Decrease phosphorus, nitrogen, and fecal coliform inputs to the stream channels. The Site construction and as -built surveys were completed between December 2013 and May 2014. Adjustments were made during construction, where needed, based on field evaluation at the designer's discretion due to shallow bedrock found during construction. In general, adjustments were made within the Site due to the design features' proximity to vernal pools or existing wetlands, proximity to the old channel fill, or proximity to shallow bedrock. Grade control structures were added or removed due to the presence of bedrock and bioengineered bank armoring structures were shortened. Specific changes are detailed in Section 5.1. Baseline (MY -0) profiles and cross - section dimensions closely match the design parameters. The Site appears to have been built as designed and is on track to meeting the upcoming monitoring year's success criteria. w Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —DRAFT Page i NORKETT BRANCH STREAM MITIGATION SITE Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report EXECUTIVESUMMARY .................................................................................................... ............................... i 1.0 Project Goals, Background and Attributes ......................................................... ............................... 1 1.1 Project Location and Setting .......................................................................... ............................... 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ......................................................................... ............................... 2 1.3 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach ....................................... ............................... 3 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data ................................................. ..............................4 2.0 Success Criteria ................................................................................................... ..............................4 2.1 Streams ........................................................................................................... ..............................5 2.2 Vegetation ....................................................................................................... ..............................6 3.0 Monitoring Plan .................................................................................................. ..............................6 3.1 Stream ............................................................................................................. ..............................6 3.2 Vegetation ....................................................................................................... ..............................8 3.3 Schedule and Reporting ................................................................................. ............................... 8 4.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans .................................................................. ..............................9 5.0 As -Built Condition (Baseline) ............................................................................. ............................... 9 5.1 As -Built /Record Drawings ............................................................................... ..............................9 5.2 Baseline Data Assessment ........................................................................... ............................... 12 6.0 References ......................................................................................................... .............................13 APPENDICES Appendix 1 General Tables and Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Project Component /Asset Map Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contact Table Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Appendix 2 Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5a -c Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6a -c Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Longitudinal Profile Plots Cross - Section Plots Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Stream Photographs Appendix 3 Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Planted and Total Stem Counts Vegetation Photographs Appendix 4 Baseline Drawings W Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —DRAFT Page ii 1.0 Project Goals, Background and Attributes 1.1 Project Location and Setting The proposed stream mitigation site is located in southeastern Union County along Philadelphia Church Road approximately three miles east of NC Highway 601 (Figure 1). The site is located on tracts owned by Marie S. Autry (PIN 03060001A), Kay A. and Lane Haigler (PIN 03081007C; PIN 03081013; PIN 03081014), The Cox Farms Irrevocable Trust (PIN 03081010), John H. and Peggy S. Autry (3081007D), and Marion, Delano, Ruth, and John (Sr.) Cox (PIN 03081012). A conservation easement was recorded on 31.6 acres within the seven parcels (Deed book 06095, Pages 0530 - 0589). To access the site from Charlotte, NC, take US -74 south approximately 25 miles to US -601 in Monroe, NC. Turn right on US -601, South and continue approximately 10.5 miles and then turn left onto Landsford Road. Travel approximately 3 miles and take a left onto Philadelphia Church Road. Travel 2 miles and cross over UT2 to Norkett Branch. Both portions of the site can be accessed on either side of Philadelphia Church Road. The Site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont physiographic province. (USGS, 1998). The project watershed consists primarily of agricultural land, pasture, and forest. No recent disturbances were noted beyond land tillage associated with agriculture operations. The drainage area for the project site is 2,034 acres (3.18 sqmi) at the lower end of Norkett Branch Reach 2. The Site is located within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWR) subbasin 03- 07 -14. Norkett Branch (DWQ Index No. 13- 17 -40 -8) is the main tributary of the project and is classified as WS -V waters. Class WS -V waters are protected as water supplies draining to Class WS -IV waters or waters used by industry to supply drinking water or waters formerly used as water supply. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. Class C waters are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife and aquatic life, maintenance of biotic integrity, and agriculture. The Site is approximately 2 miles upstream from the outlet of Norkett Branch to Lane's Creek, which is listed as impaired for aquatic life on the North Carolina 303(d) list (NCDWR, 2009). The section of Lanes Creek downstream of the project site is listed as impaired due to turbidity (NCDWR, 2012). The 2008 NCDWR Basinwide Water Quality Report lists turbidity and nutrient concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus as specific concerns in the Rocky River watershed portion of the Yadkin- Pee Dee River basin. Other pollutants of concern cited in this report are fecal coliform bacteria, iron, and copper. The Site is located in the eight -digit Cataloging Unit (CU) 03040105, in the Yadkin River Basin, otherwise known as the Yadkin 05 CU. The 14 -digit hydrologic unit, or "Targeted Local Watershed," within the 03040105 CU (Yadkin 05) that includes the project site is Yadkin River Basin Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03040105081020 (Middle Lane's Creek). The River Basin Restoration Priorities Plan (RBRP) identifies agricultural practices and runoff as the probable major sources of water quality impairment in the Middle Lane's Creek watershed. Restoration goals for the entire Yadkin 05 basin outlined in the 2009 RBRP document (NCEEP, 2009) include the following: • improved management of stormwater runoff to these waters; • protection of valuable threatened and endangered wildlife resources; • continued mitigation of impacts resulting from rapid urbanization of the area; and • restoration of water quality in DWQ- identified impaired streams. klvv Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 1 Prior to construction activities, the streams had been routinely maintained to provide drainage for agricultural purposes. Impacts to the stream included straightening and ditching, eroding banks, and a lack of stabilizing riparian vegetation. The stream was used as a water source for cattle in some areas, resulting in over - widened, unstable trampled banks. Algal blooms, presumably from agricultural nutrient loading, were observed during site visits. Trampled stream banks, over - widened channels, and banks illustrating signs of instability were a common occurrence throughout the Site. The alterations of the Site to promote farming resulted in impairment of the ecological function of Site's streams. Specific functional losses at the Site include degraded aquatic habitat, altered hydrology, and reduction of quality of in- stream and riparian wetland habitats and related water quality benefits. Table 4 in Appendix 1 and Tables 5a -c in Appendix 2 present the pre- restoration conditions in detail. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The mitigation project is intended to provide numerous ecological benefits such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Expected improvements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below as project goals and objectives. The agricultural stressors and pollutants have been specifically addressed by the site design. The major goals of the stream mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Norkett Branch, Rocky River and Yadkin River Basins while creating a functional riparian corridor at the site level and restoring a Piedmont Bottomland Forest as described by Schafale and Weakley (1990). These project goals were established with careful consideration of goals and objectives that were described in the RBRP and to meet the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program's (NCEEP) mitigation needs while maximizing the ecological and water quality uplift within the watershed. The following project specific goals and objectives established in the mitigation plan include: • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat within the riparian corridor and provide habitat corridor extension from adjacent downstream forested habitat. By restoring appropriate channel cross - section and profile, including riffle and pool sequences, coarse substrate zones for macro inve rte brates and deep pool habitat for fish will also be restored. Introduction of large woody debris, rock structures, brush toe, and native stream bank vegetation will provide additional habitat and cover for both fish and macro invertebrates. Adjacent buffer areas will be restored by planting native vegetation which will provide habitat and forage for terrestrial species. These areas will be allowed to receive more regular inundating flows, and vernal pools may develop over time increasing habitat diversity. A watershed approach, restoring riparian corridor functions on multiple interconnected tributaries as well as treating agricultural drainage from headwater features with Best Management Practices (BMPs), will allow for large -scale riparian corridor connectivity. • Improve additional water quality aspects within stream channels on site. Riffle /pool sequences will be restored to provide re- aeration for oxygen levels to be maintained in the perennial reaches. Creation of deep pool zones will lower temperature, helping to maintain dissolved oxygen concentrations. Establishment and maintenance of riparian buffers will create long -term shading of the stream to minimize thermal heating. Water quality BMPs situated in the headwaters of jurisdictional streams will treat agricultural runoff before it reaches project stream reaches. Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 2 • Decrease sediment inputs to the stream channels and decrease turbidity in receiving Lanes Creek. Cattle will be fenced out of the riparian corridor, eliminating bank trampling. Sediment input from eroding stream banks will be reduced by installing bioengineering and in- stream structures while creating a stable channel form using geomorphic design principles. Sediment from off -site sources will be captured by deposition on restored floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow overland flow velocities. By allowing for more overbank flooding and by increasing channel roughness, in- channel velocities can be reduced. This will lower bank shear stress and decrease bank erosion. • Decrease phosphorus, nitrogen, and fecal coliform inputs to the stream channels. Nitrogen and phosphorus chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and cattle waste will be decreased by buffering adjacent agricultural operations from the restored channels. Cattle will be fenced out to eliminate in- channel fecal pollution. Off -site nutrient input will be absorbed on -site by filtering flood flows through restored floodplain areas, water quality BMPs, and vernal pools positioned to treat concentrated overland flow. Flood flows will be allowed to disperse through native vegetation across the reconnected floodplain. Increased surface water residency time will provide contact treatment time and groundwater recharge potential. 1.3 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach The design streams were restored to the appropriate type based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities but also with strong consideration to existing watershed conditions and trajectory. Specially, the site design was developed to address stream degradation caused primarily by livestock access, agricultural practices, and anthropogenic modifications. Other key factors addressed in the design were to create stable habitats, and improve riparian buffers. Figure 2 and Table 1 in Appendix 1 present the stream mitigation components for the Site. The final mitigation plan was submitted and accepted by the NCEEP in July of 2013. Construction activities were completed by Land Mechanic Designs, Inc in April 2014. The planting was completed by Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. in April 2014. The baseline as -built survey was completed by Kee Mapping and Surveying between March 2014 and April 2014. There were a few deviations reported in the as- built project elements compared to the design plans. Adjustments were made during construction, where needed, based on field evaluation at the designer's discretion due to shallow bedrock found during construction. In general, adjustments were made within the Site due to the design features' proximity to vernal pools or existing wetlands, proximity to old channel fill, or the proximity to shallow bedrock. Grade control structures were added or removed due to the presence of bedrock, and bioengineered bank armoring structures were shortened. Field adjustments made during construction are described in detail in section 5.1. Appendix 1 provides more detailed project activity, history, contact information, and watershed /site background information for this project. 1.3.1 Project Structure The project will provide 10,098 stream mitigation units (SMUs). Please refer to Figure 2 for the project component /asset map for the stream restoration feature exhibits and Table 1 for the project component and mitigation credit information for the Site. Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 3 1.3.2 Restoration Type and Approach The design streams have been restored to the appropriate type based on the surrounding landscape, climate, and natural vegetation communities but also with strong consideration to existing watershed conditions and trajectory. The project includes stream restoration and enhancement as well as water quality treatment BMPs. The specific proposed stream types are described below. The stream restoration portion of this project includes seven reaches: • Norkett Branch Reach 1 from the southern portion of the property to the confluence with UT2; • Norkett Branch Reach 2 from the confluence with UT2 to the northern boundary of the property ; • UT1 from the eastern portion of the Cox Farms property to the confluence with Norkett Branch; • UT2 Reach 1 from its origin at a farm pond to station 310 +80; • UT2 Reach 2 from station 310 +80 to the confluence with UT2A; • UT2 Reach 3A from the confluence with UT2A to the culvert at Philadelphia Church Road; and • UT2 Reach 3B from the culvert at Philadelphia Church Road to the confluence with Norkett Branch. Enhancement II was implemented on two intermittent channels: UT2A, which runs from the western portion of the Haigler property to its confluence with UT2, and UT3 which runs from the eastern portion of the Haigler property to its confluence with Norkett Branch. Stormwater BMPs have been implemented to treat agricultural drainage upstream of UT3 and agricultural drainage in the right floodplain of Norkett Branch Reach 2. The project design was developed based on similar reference conditions representing small Piedmont streams within the Carolina Slate Belt and on the border between the Triassic Basin Lithologic Belt and the Carolina Slate Belt. These reference streams were chosen because of similarities to the project streams including drainage area, valley slope and morphology, bed material, and location within or closely bordering the Carolina Slate Belt region of the Piedmont. The streams on the Site are all gravel bed channels and the design incorporates woody structures that will drive scour pool formation and provide aquatic habitat. 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data The Site was restored by Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) through a full - delivery contract with NCEEP. Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix 1 provide detailed information regarding the Project Activity and Reporting History, Project Contacts, and Project Baseline Information and Attributes. 2.0 Success Criteria The stream restoration performance criteria for the project site follow approved performance criteria presented in the NCEEP Mitigation Plan Template (version 2.1, 09/01/2011), the NCEEP Monitoring Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 4 Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and /or Wetland Mitigation (11/7/2011), and the Stream Mitigation Guidelines issued in April 2003 by the United States Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) and NCDWQ. Annual monitoring and semi - annual site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the finished project. The stream restoration and enhancement sections of the project have been assigned specific performance criteria components for stream morphology, hydrology, and vegetation. Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the seven year post- construction monitoring. If all performance criteria have been successfully met and two bankfull events have occurred during separate years, Wildlands may propose to terminate stream and /or vegetation monitoring after Year 5, in accordance with the Early Closure Provision in the NCEEP Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and /or Wetland Mitigation (November 7, 2011). These success criteria are covered in detail in the following paragraphs. 2.1 Streams 2.1.1 Dimension Riffle cross - sections on the restoration reaches should be stable and should show little change in bankfull area, maximum depth ratio, and width -to -depth ratio. Per NCEEP guidance, bank height ratios shall not exceed 1.2 and entrenchment ratios shall be at least 2.2 for restored channels to be considered stable. All riffle cross - sections should fall within the parameters defined for channels of the appropriate Rosgen stream type. If any changes do occur, these changes will be evaluated to assess whether the stream channel is showing signs of instability. Indicators of instability include a vertically incising thalweg or eroding channel banks. Changes in the channel that indicate a movement toward stability or enhanced habitat include a decrease in the width -to -depth ratio in meandering channels or an increase in pool depth. Remedial action would not be taken if channel changes indicate a movement toward stability. 2.1.2 Pattern and Profile The as -built survey includes a longitudinal profile for the baseline monitoring report. Longitudinal profile surveys will not be conducted during the seven year monitoring period unless other indicators during the annual monitoring indicate a trend toward vertical and lateral instability. If a longitudinal profile is deemed necessary, monitoring will follow standards as described in the NCEEP Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and /or Wetland Mitigation (11/7/2011) and the 2003 USACE and NCDWQ Stream Mitigation Guidance for the necessary reaches. 2.1.3 Substrate Substrate materials in the restoration reaches should indicate a progression towards or the maintenance of coarser materials in the riffle features and smaller particles in the pool features. 2.1.4 Photo Reference Points Photographs should illustrate the site's vegetation and morphological stability on an annual basis. Cross - section photos should demonstrate no excessive erosion or degradation of the banks. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of persistent bars within the channel or vertical incision. Grade control structures should remain stable. Deposition of sediment on the bank side of Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 5 vane arms is preferable. Maintenance of scour pools on the channel side of vane arms is expected. Reference photos will also be taken for each of the vegetation plots. 2.1.5 Bankfull Documentation Two bankfull flow events must be documented on the restoration and enhancement reaches within the seven -year monitoring period. The two bankfull events must occur in separate years. Stream monitoring will continue until success criteria in the form of two bankfull events in separate years have been documented. Bankfull events will be documented using submerged pressure transducers, crest gages, photographs, and visual assessments such as debris lines. 2.2 Vegetation The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210 planted stems per acre in the riparian corridor along restored and enhanced reaches at the end of the required monitoring period (year seven). The interim measure of vegetative success for the site will be the survival of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year and at least 260 stems per acre at the end of the fifth year of monitoring. Planted vegetation must average 10 feet in height in each plot at the end of the seventh year of monitoring. If this performance standard is met by year five and stem density is trending towards success (i.e., no less than 260 five year old stems /acre), monitoring of vegetation on the site may be terminated provided written approval is provided by the USACE in consultation with the NC Interagency Review Team. The extent of invasive species coverage will also be monitored and controlled as necessary throughout the required monitoring period. 3.0 Monitoring Plan Monitoring will consist of collecting morphological, vegetative, and hydrological data to assess the project success based on the restoration goals and objectives on an annual basis or until success criteria is met. The success of the project will be assessed using measurements of the stream channel's dimension, substrate composition, permanent photographs, vegetation, and surface water hydrology. Any areas with identified high priority problems, such as streambank instability, aggradation/ degradation, or lack of vegetation establishment will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. The problem areas will be visually noted and remedial actions will be discussed with NCEEP staff to determine a plan of action. A remedial action plan will be submitted if maintenance is required. 3.1 Stream Geomorphic assessments follow guidelines outlined in the Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques (Harrelson et al., 1994), methodologies utilized in the Rosgen stream assessment and classification document ( Rosgen, 1994 and 1996), and in the Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook (Doll et al, 2003). Please refer to Appendix 4 for monitoring locations discussed below. 3.1.1 Dimension A total of 20 cross - sections were installed along the stream restoration reaches. One permanent cross - section was installed per 20 bankfull widths along stream restoration reaches, with riffle and pool sections in proportion to NCEEP guidance. Each cross - section was permanently marked with pins to establish its location. Annual cross - section survey will include points measured at all breaks W Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 6 in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, edge of water, and thalweg. Photographs will be taken annually of the cross - section looking upstream and downstream. 3.1.2 Pattern and Profile During the as -built survey, seven separate longitudinal profiles were conducted on project streams; 2,313 LF on Norkett Branch Reach 1; 1,513 LF on Norkett Branch Reach 2; 1,212 LF on UT1; 1,033 LF on UT2 Reach 1; 1,416 LF on UT2 Reach 2; 1,041 LF on UT2 Reach 3A; and 668 LF on UT2 Reach 3B. Longitudinal profile surveys will not be conducted during the seven year monitoring period unless other indicators during the annual monitoring indicate a trend toward vertical and lateral instability. Stream pattern and profile will be assessed visually as described below. 3.1.3 Substrate A reach -wide pebble count was conducted in all restoration reaches (Norkett Branch Reach 1, Norkett Branch Reach 2, UT1, UT2 Reach 1 UT2 Reach 2, UT2 Reach 3A and UT2 Reach 36) for classification purposes. A wetted perimeter pebble count was conducted at each permanent riffle cross - section to characterize the pavement. Subsequent sampling will be performed annually at the same locations for the duration of the monitoring. 3.1.4 Photo Reference Points A total of 51 permanent photograph reference points were established within the project area after construction. Photographs will be taken once a year to visually document stability for seven years following construction. Permanent markers were established so that the same locations and view directions on the site are monitored each year. Photographs will be used to monitor stream restoration and enhancement reaches. Photographs will also be taken along Norkett Branch Reach 1 where the old channel was filled in to document the transition in to a wetland complex. The photographer will make every effort to maintain the same view in each photo over time. The representative digital photo(s) will be taken on the same day(s) the surveys are conducted. 3.1.5 Bankfull Documentation Three crest gages and three pressure transducers were installed on the Site (Appendix 4). The gages and transducers were installed onsite in surveyed riffle cross - sections XS6 (Norkett Branch), XS9 (UT1), and XS18 (UT2 Reach 3A), and will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last visit. Photographs will be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition as evidence of bankfull events. Additionally, the pressure transducer data will be plotted and included in the annual monitoring reports. 3.1.6 Visual Assessment Visual assessments will be performed along all stream and water quality BMP areas on a semi- annual basis during the seven year monitoring period. Problem areas will be noted such as channel instability (i.e. lateral and /or vertical instability, in- stream structure failure /instability and /or piping, headcuts), vegetated buffer health (i.e. low stem density, vegetation mortality, invasive species or encroachment), beaver activity, or livestock access. Areas of concern will be mapped and photographed accompanied by a written description in the annual report. Problem areas with be re- evaluated during each subsequent visual assessment. Should remedial actions be required, recommendations will be provided in the annual monitoring report. Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 7 3.1.7 Water Quality BMP Assessment Water quality grab samples will be collected during the monitoring period to assess the functionality of the step pool conveyance BMP and the pocket wetland BMP and to compare to published predicted pollutant removal rates. This sampling will not be part of the success criteria for the project. Please refer to Figure 2 for a location map of these BMPs. 3.2 Vegetation A total of 26 vegetation monitoring plots were installed and evaluated within the restoration and enhancement areas to measure the survival of the planted trees during April 2014. Vegetation plots were randomly established within the planted corridor of the restoration areas to capture the heterogeneity of the designed vegetative communities. The number of monitoring quadrants required is based on the NCEEP monitoring guidance documents (version 1.4, 11/7/11). The size of individual quadrants will be 100 square meters for woody tree species and shrubs. Vegetation assessments will be conducted following the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (2006). The vegetation plot corners have been marked and are recoverable either through field identification or with the use of a GPS unit. Reference photographs at the origin looking diagonally across the plot to the opposite corner were taken in April 2014. Subsequent annual assessments following baseline survey will capture the same reference photograph locations. The first annual vegetation monitoring activities will commence during the month of September 2014. The restoration and enhancement sites will then be evaluated each subsequent year between June 1 and September 31. Species composition, density and survival rates will be evaluated on an annual basis by plot and for the entire site. Individual plot data will be provided and will include diameter, height, density, vigor, damage (if any), and percent survival. Planted woody stems will be marked annually as needed, based off of a known origin, so they can be found in succeeding monitoring years. Mortality will be determined from the difference between the baseline year's living planted stems and the current year's living planted stems. 3.3 Schedule and Reporting Annual monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year of monitoring and submitted to NCEEP. Based on the NCEEP Monitoring Report Template (version 1.3, 01/15/2010), the monitoring reports will include the following: • Project background which includes project objectives, project structure, restoration type and approach, location and setting, history and background; • As -built topographic plans of major project elements including such items as grade control structures, vegetation plots, permanent cross - sections, crest gages, and pressure transducers; • Photographs showing views of the restored stream site taken from fixed point stations; • Assessment of the stability of the stream site based on the cross - sections; • Vegetative data as described above including the identification of any invasion by undesirable plant species; • BMP water quality sampling and assessment; • Hydrologic assessment, including bankfull documentation; Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 8 • A description of damage by animals or vandalism; • Maintenance issues and recommended remediation measures will be detailed and documented; and • Wildlife observations. 4.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans Project maintenance will be performed as described above (Section 2.0 and 3.0) in this document. If, during the course of annual monitoring it is determined the site's ability to achieve site performance standards are jeopardized, NCEEP will notify the USACE of the need to develop a Plan of Corrective Action. The Plan of Corrective Action may be prepared using in -house technical staff or may require engineering and consulting services. Once the Corrective Action Plan is prepared and finalized NCEEP will: • Notify the USACE as required by the Nationwide 27 permit general conditions; • Revise performance standards, maintenance requirements, and monitoring requirements as necessary and /or required by the USACE; • Obtain other permits as necessary; • Implement the Corrective Action Plan; and • Provide the USACE a Record Drawing of Corrective Actions. This document shall depict the extent and nature of the work performed. 5.0 As -Built Condition (Baseline) The Site construction and as -built survey were completed between December 2013 and April 2014. The survey included developing an as -built topographic surface, locating the channel boundaries, structures, longitudinal profiles, and cross - sections. For comparison purposes, the baseline monitoring divided the reach assessments in the same way they were established for design parameters. 5.1 As -Built /Record Drawings A half size baseline plan is located in Appendix 4 with the post- construction locations and alignments for the project. A record drawing has also been provided to NCEEP as a separate document that redlines any significant field adjustments made during construction that were different from the design plans. Adjustments were made during construction, where needed, based on field evaluation at the designer's discretion due to shallow bedrock found during construction. In general, adjustments were made within the Site due to the design features' proximity to vernal pools or existing wetlands, proximity to old channel fill, or the proximity to shallow bedrock. Additional riffle material was supplied to UT2A and at the end of UT2 Reach 3A. Grade control structures were added or removed due to the presence of bedrock, and bioengineered bank armoring structures were shortened. Rather than spanning the entire curve of a meander bend, brush toe and brush mattress was installed on the lower one third of the arc length into the bend. This change was made because protection is not as useful in the first third of the curve. Brush toe in close proximity to riparian wetlands or former channels were built as juncus sod matting or brush mattress to reduce excavation and seepage. In addition, changes were made to the species selection in the planting plan. Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) and ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) replaced redosier dogwood (Cornus sericea) as a source for live- stakes due to the availability Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 9 of nursery stock at the time of planting. Also, live stakes were added to vernal pool areas at Norkett Branch and UT2, and rock was added at the outlet of the vernal pools to reduce floodplain erosion. Specific changes are detailed below: 5.1.1 Norkett Branch Reach 1 • STA 103 +16 woody riffle built as constructed riffle; • STA 103 +82 brush toe built as juncus sod mats; • STA 105 +20 added log grade control J -hook; • STA 109 +60 sod matting removed; • STA 110 +70 riffle material added; • STA 112 +94 riffle material added; • STA 114 +75 brush toe replaced with brush mattress due to proximity with UT1; • STA 116 +05 brush mattress built as brush toe; • STA 117 +70 brush toe shortened, rip rap added at culvert inlet; • STA 118 +70 brush toe shortened at culvert outfall; • STA 119 +65 riffle material added; • STA 122 +02 sod matting removed due to shallow bedrock; • STA 122 +57 log sill removed due to shallow bedrock; and • STA 123 +06 brush toe removed due to shallow bedrock. 5.1.2 Norkett Branch Reach 2 • STA 124 +91 sod mat built as brush mattress due to shallow bedrock; • STA 132 +57 log J -hook removed due to shallow bedrock; • STA 135 +30 log J -hook removed due to shallow bedrock; • STA 135 +30 brush toe built as brush mattress with live whips; • STA 136 +92 log J -hook removed due to shallow bedrock • STA 137 +50 constructed riffle removed due to bedrock within channel; • STA 138 +14 brush toe at built as brush mattress; and • STA 139 +97 constructed riffle shortened. 5.1.3 UT1 • STA 200 +71 riffle shortened; • STA 201 +08 riffle material added; • STA 209 +20 brush mattress removed; and Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 10 • STA 211 +45 rock and roll riffle built as constructed riffle. 5.1.4 UT2 Reach 1 • added rock to outlets of vernal pools to stabilize floodplain; • STA 301 +16 brush toe built as juncus sod mat due to proximity of wetland; • STA 310 +52 log sill removed; and • STA 305 +50 riffle extended. 5.1.5 UT2 Reach 2 • STA 312 +50 brush mattress removed due to shallow bedrock; • STA 313 +22 brush mattress removed due to shallow bedrock; • STA 316 +79 juncus sod matting built instead of brush toe due to proximity of old channel fill; • STA 320 +63 juncus sod matting built instead of brush toe due to proximity of old channel fill; • STA 322 +05 brush mattress removed; • STA 325 +48 riffle material added; • STA 327 +48 log vane removed because of existing rock protecting outer bank; • STA 328 +90 brush toe removed due to proximity of old channel fill; • STA 329 +40 brush toe removed; • STA 330 +40 brush mattress removed due to proximity of old channel fill; • STA 330 +75 brush toe removed due to proximity of wetland; and • STA 332 +44 constructed riffle built as jazz riffle. 5.1.6 UT2 Reach 3A • STA 335 +25 boulder sill added. 5.1.7 UT2 Reach 38 • STA 337 +25 boulder toe ends at bedrock; • STA 337 +50 log vane removed due to bedrock; • STA 339 +87 jazz riffle built as constructed riffle; • STA 340 +02 brush mattress removed due to shallow bedrock; and • STA 341 +00 log vane removed due to shallow bedrock. 5.1.8 UT2A • All banks were graded and bench was cut in left floodplain; • Laid back banks at 3:1 to 5:1 slope; Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 11 • Placed matting in disturbed areas; and • Riffle material added to riffles throughout reach. 5.1.9 UT3 • STA 505 +25 added step pool. 5.2 Baseline Data Assessment Baseline monitoring was conducted between April 2014 and May 2014. The first annual monitoring assessment (MY -1) will be completed in the fall of 2014. The streams will be monitored for a total of seven years, with the final monitoring activities conducted in 2020. The close -out for the Site will be conducted in 2021 given the success criteria is met. As part of the closeout process, NCEEP will evaluate the site at the end of the fourth year monitoring period to determine whether or not the site is eligible to closeout following monitoring year five. If the Site is meeting success criteria, NCEEP will propose to the interagency review team (IRT) to proceed with the closeout process. If the Site is not meeting success criteria, then an additional two years of monitoring will be conducted by Wildlands. 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel Morphological data for the as -built profile was collected in April 2014. Please refer to Appendix 2 for summary data tables, morphological plots, and stream photographs. Profile The MY -0 profiles closely match the profile design parameters. On the design profiles, riffles were depicted as straight lines with consistent slopes. However, at some locations the as -built survey riffle profiles are not consistent in slope due to a backwater effect from downstream bedrock. Dimension The MY -0 dimension numbers closely match the design parameters with minor variations in all reaches. This is primarily due to variation in bankfull width. Summary data and cross - section plots of each project reach can be found in Appendix 2. Pattern The MY -0 pattern metrics fell within the design parameters for all seven reaches. No major design changes were made to alignments during construction. Pattern data will be evaluated in monitoring year five if there are any indicators through the profile or dimensions that significant geomorphic adjustments have occurred. Sediment Transport As -built shear stresses and velocities are similar to design parameters and should reduce the risk of further erosion along all seven restoration reaches. The as -built condition for each of these reaches indicates an overall increase in substrate particle size (Table 5a — 5c). The substrate data for each constructed reach were compared to the design shear stress parameters from the mitigation plan to assess the potential for bed degradation. The shear stresses calculated for the constructed channels are generally within the allowable range, which indicates that the channel is not at risk to trend toward channel degradation. Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 12 5.2.2 Vegetation The MY -0 planted density is 696 stems /acre, which exceeds the MY -5 and MY -7 density requirement. Summary data and photographs of each plot can be found in Appendix 3. 5.2.4 Hydrology Several bankfull events have been observed following completion of construction. Bankfull events recorded will be included in the year 1 monitoring report. 6.0 References Doll, B.A., Grabow, G.L., Hall, K.A., Halley, J., Harman, W.A., Jennings, G.D., and Wise, D.E. 2003. Stream Restoration A Natural Channel Design Handbook. Harrelson, Cheryl C; Rawlins, C.L.; Potyondy, John P. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM -245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. 2006. CVS -NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0. Retrieved from http: / /www.nceep.net /business/ monitoring /veg /datasheets.htm. Multi- Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC). 2001. National Land Cover Database. http: / /www.mrlc.gov /nlcd.php North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2009. Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP). http: / /www.nceep. net / services /restplans/ Yadkin _Pee_Dee_RBRP_2009_Final.pdf North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Basinwide Planning Program, 2008. Yadkin Pee -Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. http: / /h2o.enr. state. nc. us /basinwide /Neuse /2008 /Yadkin2008.htm North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWR). 2011. Surface Water Classifications. http: // portal. ncdenr. org /web /wq /ps /csu /classifications North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWR), 2012. North Carolina 303(d) List - Category 5. August 24, 2012. http://porta1.ncdenr.org/c/ document_ library /get_file ?uuid= 9d45b3b4 -d066- 4619- 82e6- ea8eaOe01930 &groupld =38364 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2009. Lower Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP). http: / /www.nceep. net / services /restplans/ Yadkin _Pee_Dee_RBRP_2009_Final.pdf Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169 -199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Pagosa Springs, CO: Wildland Hydrology Books. qwv Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 13 Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, 3rd approx. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, North Carolina. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACE, NCDENR- DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1998. North Carolina Geology. http://www.geology.enr.state.nc.us/usgs/coastalp.htm Wildlands Engineering, Inc (2013). Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Mitigation Plan. NCEEP, Raleigh, NC. Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report —FINAL Page 14 APPENDIX 1. General Tables and Figures 0105070050 03040105070030 J'J a 03040105070020 Monroe I a a. ff�n 1 03040105070010 . r u 0304 L j -- lk�o WILDLANDS ENGINEERING ✓Y i 03040105070060 030401050700701 - 7S .IMshtille Winkate - L � r 03040105070040 03040105081030 e :e 03040105081040 1 - i r 03040105081020 � _ 1 03040105081010 ° 030401040'j1010 ci c �?�� Hydrologic Unit Code (14) 0 k F N(jRTffi C . EEP Targeted Local Watershed A -' 03040202020010 .,j41(Gpl4nt}'. - Project Location 5011 1H ('\ROI_l1VA The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecoysystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site mayrequire traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees /contractors involved in the development, oversight,and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activites requires prior coordination with NCEEP. �Y Figure 1 Vicinity Map Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site 0 1 2 Miles NCEEP Project No.95360 Lcosystem I I I I I Monitoring Year 0 Union County, NC Figure 2 Project Component / Asset Map Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site 0 300 600 Feet NCEEP Project No.95360 W I L D L A N D S F stem I I I I I ENGINEERING l,l lla 0110 1 Monitoring Year 0 L, RR4GR'hM Union County, NC Table t. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.95360) Monitoring Year 0 Mitigation Credits Nitrogen Nutrient Nutrient Stream Riparian Wetland Non - Riparian Wetland Buffer Offset Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 9,196 902 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Project Components Design /As -Built Existing Alignment Footage/ Restoration or Restoration Restoration Mitigation Reach ID Stationing' Acreage Approach Equivalent Footage/ Acreage 2 Ratio Credits (SMU)2 Streams 100 +31 - 117 +60 Norkett Branch Reach 1 & 118 +60 - 1,980 LF P1 Restoration 2,313 1:1 2,313 124 +00 124 +00 - 131 +84 Norkett Branch Reach 2 & 132 +25 - 1,505 LF P1 Restoration 1,513 1:1 1,513 138 +99 UT1 200 +00 - 211 +98 840 LF P1 Restoration 1,212 1:1 1,212 UT2 Reach 1 300 +41 - 310 +80 820 LF P1 Restoration 1,033 1:1 1,033 310 +80 - 321 +71 UT2 Reach 2 & 322 +06 - 1,272 LF P1 Restoration 1,416 1:1 1,416 325 +20 UT2 Reach 3A 325 +20 - 335 +58 923 LF P1 Restoration 1,041 1:1 1,041 UT2 Reach 3B 336 +90 - 343 +48 380 LF P1/2 Restoration 668 1:1 668 401 +53 - 411 +46 UT2A & 411 +84 - 1,296 LF Ell Enhancement II 1,340 2.5:1 536 415 +31 UT3 505 +42 - 507 +12 163 LF Ell Enhancement II 170 2.5:1 68 Upstream of UT3 intermittent Step Pool WQ BMP 1 WQ BMP 29.7 ac treated 1:8 238 3 drainage Conveyance non - jurisdictional drainage in Pocket WQ BMP 2 eastern Norkett Branch WQ BMP 19.9 ac treated 1:3 603 Wetland floodplain Component Summation Non - Riparian Stream Riparian Wetland Wetland Buffer Upland Restoration Level (LF) (acres) (acres) (square feet) (acres) Riverine Non - Riverine Restoration 9,196 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II 1,510 Creation Preservation High Quality Preservation Alternative Mitigation 1 49.6 ac treated N /A: not applicable 1. Stationing based off of centerline as -built alignment which matched with the design alignment. 2. Credits are based off of the as -built thalweg alignment. 3. Credits determined for the BMPs were established in the mitigation plan (2013). Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.95360) Monitoring Year 0 Activity or Report Data Collection Completion or Scheduled July 2012 - October 1403 S Mint St. Suite 104 Mitigation Plan July 2013 Emily Reinicker, PE, CFM 2012 704.332.7754 Construction Contractor July 2013-November Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. Final Design - Construction Plans November 2013 2013 Willow Spring, NC 27592 Planting Contractor December 2013- April Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Construction April 2014 2014 Fremont, NC 27830 Seeding Contractor December 2013- April Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area' April 2014 2014 Fremont, NC 27830 December 2013- April Green Resource, Colfax, NC Permanent seed mix applied to reach /segments Nursery Stock Suppliers April 2014 2014 Dykes Nursery, McMinnville, TN March 2014 - April Foggy Bottom Nursery, Lansing, NC Bare root and live stake plantings for reach /segments April 2014 Monitoring, POC 2014 Kirsten Gimbert Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0) April 2014 - May 2014 June 2014 Year 1 Monitoring 2014 December 2014 Year 2 Monitoring 2015 December 2015 Year 3 Monitoring 2016 December 2016 Year 4 Monitoring 2017 December 2017 Year 5 Monitoring 2018 December 2018 Year 6 Monitoring 2019 December 2019 Year 7 Monitoring 2020 December 2020 1Seed and mulch is added as each section of construction is completed. Table 3. Project Contact Table Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.95360) Monitoring Year 0 Designer Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1403 S Mint St. Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Emily Reinicker, PE, CFM 704.332.7754 Construction Contractor Land Mechanic Designs, Inc. 126 Circle G Lane Willow Spring, NC 27592 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Seeding Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, Colfax, NC Nursery Stock Suppliers Bruton Natural Systems, Inc Bare Roots Dykes Nursery, McMinnville, TN Live Stakes Foggy Bottom Nursery, Lansing, NC Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Monitoring, POC Kirsten Gimbert 704.332.7754, ext. 110 Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Norkeft Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.95360) Monitoring Year 0 Project Information Project Name Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site County Union County Project Area (acres) 31.6 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 34 °52'47.56 "N, 80 °22'9.19 "W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province River Basin Yadkin USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit 03040105 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -digit 03040105081020 DWQ Sub -basin 03 -07 -14 Project Drainiage Area (acres) 2,034 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% CGIA Land Use Classification 43% forested, 29% managed herbaceous cover, 28% cultivated land Reach Summary Information Parameters Norkett Branch Reach 1 Norkett Branch Reach 2 UT3 UT2 UT2A UT3 Length of reach (linear feet) - Post - Restoration' 2,369 1,499 1,198 4,175 1,378 170 Drainage area (acres) 1490 1 2034 1 48 1 457 72 28 Drainage area (sqmi) 2.3 3.2 0.08 0.72 0.11 0.04 NCDWQ stream identification score 43.75 41.5 32.25 35.75 23;30.75 25.75 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WS -V Morphological Desription (stream type) P P P P I I Evolutionary trend (Simon's Model) -Pre- Restoration III III /IV II /III II, IV IV 11/111 Underlying mapped soils Floodplain Soil Types for Site Badin channery silt loam Badin channery, silt clay loam Cid channery silt loam Secrest -Cid complex Drainage class well- drained well- drained I well- drained with moderate shrink- swell potential well- drained Soil Hydric status N N N Y Slope 2 -8% 2 -8% 1 -5% 0 -3% FEMA classification AE AE N/A I N/A N/A N/A Native vegetation community Piedmont Bottomland Forest Percent composition exotic invasive vegetation -Post - Restoration 0% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 X X USACE Nationwide Permit No.27 and DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3885. Waters of the United States - Section 401 X X Division of Land Quality (Dam Safety) N/A N/A N/A Endangered Species Act X X Norkett Branch Mitigation Plan; Wildlands determined "no effect" on Union County listed endangered species. Historic Preservation Act X X No historic resources were found to be impacted (letter from SHPO dated 8/20/2012). Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) /Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) N/A N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance I X X CLOMR Approved, LOMR in process Essential Fisheries Habitat I N/A N/A N/A 1. Total stream length does not exclude easement crossings. APPENDIX 2. Morphological Summary and Data Plots Table 5a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Norkett Branch Reaches 1 & 2 'No impervious land use is present within the project watershed per the CGIA Land Use Classification data set. ' Channel Length represented does not include easement breaks. ( - - -): Data was not provided N /A: Not Applicable SC: Silt /Clay Pre - Restoration Condition Reference Reaches Design As -Built /Baseline Parameter Gage Norkett Branch Reach 1 Norkett Branch Reach 2 Spencer Creek UT to Spencer Creek UT Richland Creek Reach 2 Norkett Branch Reach 1 Norkett Branch Reach 2 Norkett Branch Reach 1 Norkett Branch Reach 2 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) 12.8 21.5 22 29.5 10.7 11.2 7.0 13.3 15.2 22.0 23.0 22.5 26.6 25.6 25.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 35 58 72 85 60.0 114+ >81 >50 48.4 >110 60.5 >115 >200 >200 >200 >200 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.7 1.8 1.4 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.0 Bankfull Max Depth 3.1 3.2 2.3 2.9 2.1 2.6 1.1 1.8 2.1 2.75 2.75 2.6 3.3 3.0 3.3 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area ftZ n/a 28.1 35.6 40.6 52.8 17.8 19.7 7.7 16.5 17.5 40.6 43.2 38.8 44.6 46.7 50.8 Width /Depth Ratio 5.9 13 9.2 21.4 5.8 7.1 6.4 10.1 13.9 11.9 12.2 13.1 16.7 13.0 14.1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 4.5 2.9 3.3 5.5 10.2 >11.6 >2.5 2.2 >5 2.2 >5 >2.2 >2.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 8.6 0.4 - -- 1 - -- 1 18.4 59.6 7.3 9.9 Profile Riffle Length (ft) - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 14 84 19 111 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0.0036 0.0039 0.0032 0.0120 0.0130 0.0140 0.0183 0.0355 0.0018 1 0.0120 0.0023 1 0.0180 0.0000 0.0152 0.0009 0.0163 Pool Length (ft) - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 12 88 51 102 Pool Max Depth (ft) n/a 4.0 4.0 2.9 4.0 3.3 2.5 1.8 2.8 7.8 2.8 7.9 3.3 5.1 3.5 4.8 Pool Spacing (ft)^ 62 300 60 300 71.0 19 42 33.0 F 93.0 29 163 30 170 67 183 98 172 Pool Volume ft3 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) I N/A N/A 38 41 11 27 N/A 35 161 37 168 38 147 38 155 Radius of Curvature (ft) N/A N/A 11 15 6 16 N/A 40 66 41 69 38 65 40 64 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft /ft) n/a N/A N/A 1.0 1.3 0.8 2.3 N/A 1.8 3 1.8 3 1.7 2.4 1.6 2.5 Meander Length (ft) N/A N/A 46 48 37.7 43 N/A 66 264 69 276 167 263 181 277 Meander Width Ratio N/A N/A 3.6 3.7 1.6 3.8 N/A 1.6 7.3 1.6 7.3 1.7 5.5 1.5 6.0 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri % /Ru % /P % /G % /S% 7 SC % /Sa % /G % /C % /B % /Be% J d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/d100 SC/4.6/8.7/28.5/64/2048 SC/SC/0.4/21.1/ >2048/ >2048 - -- - -- - -- ReachShearStress (Competency) lb/ft' n/a 0.41 0.44 0.17 0.38 0.28 0.4 0.27 0.29 0.30 0.32 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 15 -25 20 -35 15 -25 20 -35 Stream Power (Capacity) W /mZ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 2.3 3.2 0.96 0.01 0.28 2.3 3.2 2.3 3.2 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate ( %) <1 %t <1 %t - -- - -- - -- <1 %t <1 %t <i %t <1 %t Rosgen Classification E4 C /E5 E4 ES C4 /E4 C4 C5 C4 C4 /E4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.5 1 4 2.5 1 3.5 4.9 F 5.4 3.2 3.5 4.1 2.8 3.3 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 110 140 97 25 29.1 32.0 110 140 105 124 130 148 Q -NFF regression Q -USGS extrapolation n/a Q- Mannings Valley Length (ft) - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 1910 1249 1910 1249 Channel Thalweg Length (ft)2 1,980 1,505 - -- - -- - -- 2,369 1,499 2,369 1,499 Sinuosity (ft)' 1.1 1.1 2.30 2.50 1.00 1.24 1.20 1.24 1.20 Water Surface Slope ft /ftZ 0.004 0.001 0.005 - -- - -- --- 0.0025 0.0036 0.003 0.003 Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) - -- - -- 1 0.003 0.003 'No impervious land use is present within the project watershed per the CGIA Land Use Classification data set. ' Channel Length represented does not include easement breaks. ( - - -): Data was not provided N /A: Not Applicable SC: Silt /Clay Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Norkett Branch (Reach 1) - Sta 100 +31 - 117 +60 & 118 +60 - 124 +00 470 470 469 468 469 467 468 !!! �■ �..'? �' � !*��� ®��l��i���ili�iii�.il�iili 467 E�� i,7E1i�^ 1■ t.' 7l ��Ii�. 465 ��Jli�ii�w•l ����'- :�I_r�!'�ii�����A111■���■ 466 MEW ■■ ■� 464 a 465 463 464 462 ■Q.ii:.f���w►�� a 463 c � irate ��a■r�■r� .��?�w�a�■�a�� 461 'w 462 460 461 MM 459 458 w 460 459 457 458 456 457 455 11000 11050 11100 11150 11200 11250 11300 11350 11400 11450 11500 11550 11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 11850 11900 11950 12000 Station (feet) —� TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) 456 455 10000 10050 10100 10150 10200 10250 10300 10350 10400 10450 10500 10550 10600 10650 10700 10750 10800 10850 10900 10950 11000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) 470 469 468 467 !!! �■ �..'? �' � !*��� ®��l��i���ili�iii�.il�iili E�� i,7E1i�^ 1■ t.' 7l ��Ii�. 465 ��Jli�ii�w•l ����'- :�I_r�!'�ii�����A111■���■ MEW ■■ ■� 464 a 463 462 ■Q.ii:.f���w►�� � irate ��a■r�■r� .��?�w�a�■�a�� 461 'w 460 MM 459 458 457 456 470 469 468 467 466 465 MEW 464 a 463 462 ■Q.ii:.f���w►�� � irate ��a■r�■r� .��?�w�a�■�a�� 461 'w 460 MM 459 458 457 456 455 11000 11050 11100 11150 11200 11250 11300 11350 11400 11450 11500 11550 11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 11850 11900 11950 12000 Station (feet) —� TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) ■Q.ii:.f���w►�� � irate ��a■r�■r� .��?�w�a�■�a�� Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Norkett Branch (Reach 2) - Sta 124 +00 - 131 +84 & 132 +25 - 138 +99 465 465 464 464 463 461 462 460 461 459 v A AA 460 458 c 459 v 457 458 456 v X 457 0 455 D Norkett Branch End Reach 1 Begin Reach 2 456 v 454 455 454 453 452 451 450 453 13000 13050 13100 13150 13200 13250 13300 13350 13400 13450 13500 13550 13600 13650 13700 13750 13800 13850 13900 13950 14000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) • LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) 452 451 450 12000 12050 12100 12150 12200 12250 12300 12350 12400 12450 12500 12550 12600 12650 12700 12750 12800 12850 12900 12950 13000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014). ------- WSF (MYO-04/2014) • LBKF /LTOB(MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB(MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE(MYO- 04/2014) 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 v 458 c 457 456 v X 455 D Norkett Branch End Reach 1 Begin Reach 2 454 453 452 451 450 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 v 458 c 457 456 v 455 D 454 453 452 451 450 13000 13050 13100 13150 13200 13250 13300 13350 13400 13450 13500 13550 13600 13650 13700 13750 13800 13850 13900 13950 14000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) • LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) Table 6a. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross - Section) Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Norkett Branch Reach 1 and 2 Cross - Section 1 (Pool) Cross - Section 2 (Riffle) I Cross - Section 3 (Pool) I Cross - Section 4 (Riffle) Dimension I Base I MYl I MY21 MY31 MY41 MYS I Base I MYl I MY21 MY31 MY41 MY.51 Base I MY1 I MY21 MY31 MY41 MYS I Base I MY3 I MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) 33.2 26.6 26.7 25.1 Floodprone Width (ft) ** >200 ** >200 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.8 1.6 2.3 1.8 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 3.6 2.9 3.9 3.3 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ftz) 58.4 42.6 60.3 44.6 Bankfull Width /Depth Ratio 18.9 16.7 11.8 14.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio ** >7.5 ** 11 1 >8 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross - Section 5 (riffle) Cross- Section 6 (Riffle) Cross- Section 7 (Riffle) Cross- Section 8 (Pool) Dimension Base MY3 I MY21 MY31 MY4 MYS Base I MY3 I MY21 MY31 MY41 MYS Base I MYI I MY21 MY31 MY41 MY51 Base I MY3 I MY21 MY31 MY41 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) 22.5 25.7 25.6 30.1 Floodprone Width (ft) >200 >200 >200 ** Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.7 2.0 1.8 2.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.6 3.3 3.0 4.5 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ftz) 38.8 50.8 46.7 72.5 Bankfull Width /Depth Ratio 13.1 13.0 14.1 12.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >8.9 >7.8 1 >7.8 ** Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 1- Norkett Branch Reach 1 108+82 pool 476 474 472 470 468 0 466 v w 464 462 460 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Width (ft) tMYO (04/2014) — Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 58.4 x- section area (ft.sq.) 33.2 width (ft) 1.8 mean depth (ft) 3.6 max depth (ft) _ 34.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) - --a* 18.9 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 ` Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 2- Norkett Branch Reach 1 109+30 riffle 47s 476 474 c 468 0 466 - u+ - 464 462 472 470 460 i 458 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Width (ft) tMYO(04 /2014) - Bankfull FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 42.6 x- section area (ft.sq.) 26.6 width (ft) 1.6 mean depth (ft) 2.9 max depth (ft) 27.7 wetted parimeter (ft) ` 1.5 hyd radi (ft) 16.7 width -depth ratio >200 W FPA (ft) >2.2 ER 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 c 468 0 466 - u+ - 464 462 460 i 458 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Width (ft) tMYO(04 /2014) - Bankfull FloodproneArea Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 3- Norkett Branch Reach 1 113+70 pool 470 468 466 0 464 w � 462 460 458 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 60.3 x- section area (ft.sq.) 26.7 width (ft) 2.3 mean depth (ft) 3.9 max depth (ft) 28.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.1 hyd radi (ft) 11.8 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 w � 460 458 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 4- Norkett Branch Reach 1 114+30 riffle 476 474 472 470 468 FloodproneArea c 0 466 464 - - w 462 460 458 456 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Width (ft) — �MYO(04/2014) — Bankfull — Bankfull Dimensions 44.6 x- section area (ft.sq.) 25.1 width (ft) 1.8 mean depth (ft) 3.3 max depth (ft) 26.2 wetted parimeter (ft) - 1.7 hyd radi (ft) - 14.1 width -depth ratio >200 W FPA (ft) >2.2 ER 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 FloodproneArea Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section S- Norkett Branch Reach 1 122+84 riffle 474 472 470 468 466 464 462 460 458 456 Bankfull Dimensions 38.8 x- section area (ft.sq.) 22.5 width (ft) 1.7 mean depth (ft) 2.6 max depth (ft) 23.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.6 hyd radi (ft) 13.1 width -depth ratio >200 W FPA (ft) >2.2 ER - 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 0 — w 454 452 450 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Width (ft) +MYO(04 /2014) — Bankfull — FloodproneArea Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 1, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Partic le Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Norkett Branch Reach 1 Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 139.4 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 3 8 11 11 11 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 0 11 Fine 0.125 0.250 1 1 1 12 Medium 0.250 0.500 5 5 5 17 Coarse 0.5 1.0 80 3 3 3 20 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 1 5 6 6 26 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 5 5 5 31 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 5 6 6 37 Fine 4.0 5.7 1 8 9 9 46 E Fine 5.7 8.0 2 3 5 5 51 Medium Medium Coarse Coarse Very Coarse 8.0 11.3 16.0 22.6 32 11.3 16.0 22.6 32 45 4 3 4 6 6 3 3 1 7 6 5 6 6 7 6 5 6 6 58 64 69 75 81 Very Coarse 45 64 7 7 7 88 Small 64 90 4 4 4 92 Small 90 128 2 2 2 94 Large 128 180 4 4 4 98 Large 180 256 0 0 98 ■ ■■ Small 256 1 362 2 2 2 100 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■� ■ m m ■ n Medium Large/Very Larg 512 1024 1024 2048 20 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 0.4 D35 = 3.6 D50 = 7.4 D84 = 52.3 D95 = 139.4 D100 = 362.0 Norkett Branch Reach 1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v m 60% a 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti?� yo ti6 3ti b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .510'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 100 Norkett Branch Reach 1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rave Cob le Milder a 80 v 70 E 60 U 50 40 `m u 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Reach 1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v m 60% a 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti?� yo ti6 3ti b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .510'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 1, Cross- Section 2 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 2 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 107.3 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 6 6 6 Very fine 0.062 0.125 40% 6 30% Fine 0.125 0.250 6 10% Medium 0.250 0.500 2 2 8 le Coarse 0.5 1.0 2 2 10 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 10 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 10 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 v 10 Fine Fine 4.0 5.7 5.7 8.0 4 4 10 14 Medium 8.0 11.3 2 2 16 Medium 11.3 16.0 4 4 20 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 26 Coarse 22.6 32 16 16 42 Very Coarse 32 45 10 10 52 Ver Coarse Y 45 64 14 14 66 Small 64 90 14 1 14 80 Small 90 128 8 8 88 Large 128 180 2 2 90 Large 180 256 4 4 94 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 6 6 100 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 20 10 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 2 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 11.0 D35 = 27.5 Dso = 42.0 Ds4 = 107.3 D95 = 271.2 1310o = 362.0 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 2 Individual Class Percent Norkett Branch Cross - Section 2 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 90% 80% � 70% iu 60% �3 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% rave I ob le 1 e 80 v 70 E 60 U 50 c U v 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 2 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% � 70% iu 60% �3 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 00 oy o. o• ti• h• .�v titi• ti ti ti 3 h ,,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 1, Cross- Section 3 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 3 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 128.0 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 256.0 60% �3 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 Ider 0 30% Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 2 10% Medium 0.250 0.500 2 2 4 le Coarse 0.5 1.0 80 4 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 4 4 8 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 8 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 70 8 Fine Fine 4.0 5.7 5.7 8.0 2 2 10 10 Medium 8.0 11.3 1 10 Medium 11.3 16.0 4 4 14 Coarse 16.0 22.6 6 6 20 Coarse 22.6 32 8 8 28 Very Coarse 32 45 14 14 42 Ver Coarse Y 45 64 10 10 52 Small 64 90 12 12 64 Small 90 128 20 20 84 Large 128 180 14 14 98 Large 180 256 2 2 1 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 30 100 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very Large 1024 2048 20 10 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 2 Channel materials (mm) D1s = 18.0 D35 = 37.9 D50 = 59.6 D84 = 128.0 D95 = 167.3 D10a = 256.0 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 3 Individual Class Percent Norkett Branch Cross - Section 3 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 90% 80% � 70% iu 60% �3 50% Ider 30% 20% 10% rave b le 0 6ti ye tih e 1 ti 3 tie ,,� oy o� oo yw �o y� 3 o41, yo o- p0 pti O• p' ti• �' y,'' �'1'' ti 1 ti h Il ,10 'O Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 80 v 70 E 60 U 50 c U 40 i 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 3 Individual Class Percent l00% 90% 80% � 70% iu 60% �3 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% o% 0 6ti ye tih e 1 ti 3 tie ,,� oy o� oo yw �o y� 3 o41, yo o- p0 pti O• p' ti• �' y,'' �'1'' ti 1 ti h Il ,10 'O Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross - Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 1, Cross - Section 5 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 5 Summary min Tmax Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 37.9 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 362.0 60% u 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 a 40% 0 30% Fine 0.125 0.250 0 rav Medium 0.250 0.500 le 0 80 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 10 10 10 Fine 4.0 5.7 6 6 16 Fine 5.7 8.0 8 8 24 Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.0 12 10 12 10 36 46 Coarse 16.0 22.6 10 10 56 Coarse Very Coarse Very Coarse 22.6 32 45 32 45 64 20 16 6 20 16 6 76 92 98 Small 64 90 98 Small 90 128 98 Large 128 180 98 Large 180 256 98 ■■■■■ Small 256 362 2 2 100 ■■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ ■ ■■ Medium 512 1024 ■ ■■■ La ge/Very LargE 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Totall 100 1 100 100 Cross - Section 5 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 5.6 D35 - 10.7 D50 = 18.4 D84 = 37.9 D95 = 53.7 D100 = 362.0 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 5 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 100% 90% 80% 70% v 60% u Ider a 40% 30% 20% 10% rav I Cob le 80 00 p p o 6ti yti ,b �0 00 p1 p• p' ti' S' titi' titi' 1 ti ti 3 h 4,11 .LO Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 70 v 60 E so U 40 30 a 20 Ll 10 0 H __A 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 5 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v 60% u 50% a 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 00 p p o 6ti yti ,b �0 00 p1 p• p' ti' S' titi' titi' 1 ti ti 3 h 4,11 .LO Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 6- Norkett Branch Reach 2 131+6 riffle 472 470 468 0 460 466 v w 464 458 456 454 462 452 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Width (ft) — t MYO (04/2014) — Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 50.8 x- section area (ft.sq.) 25.7 width (ft) 2.0 mean depth (ft) 3.3 max depth (ft) 27.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.9 hyd radi (ft) 13.0 width -depth ratio >200 W FPA (ft) >2.2 ER 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 "r- Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 0 460 v w 458 456 454 452 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Width (ft) — t MYO (04/2014) — Bankfull Floodprone Area Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 7- Norkett Branch Reach 2 135+13 riffle 468 466 464 462 460 c 458 0 456 v M 454 452 450 448 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Width (ft) tMYO(04/2014) — Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 46.7 x- section area (ft.sq.) 25.6 width (ft) 1.8 mean depth (ft) 3.0 max depth (ft) 26.7 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 14.1 width -depth ratio , s >200 W FPA (ft) >2.2 ER 1.0 BHR gilt- rE Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 8- Norkett Branch Reach 2 � 135+73 pool 466 464 458 0 456 v w 454 452 462 450 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull 460 Bankfull Dimensions 72.5 x- section area (ft.sq.) 30.1 width (ft) 2.4 mean depth (ft) 4.5 max depth (ft) 32.2 wetted parimeter (ft) ^ - 2.3 hyd radi (ft) 12.5 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4122114 � 458 0 456 v w 454 452 450 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 2, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Partic le Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Norkett Branch Reach 2 Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 210.9 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 4 4 4 4 Very fine 0.062 0.125 .L- 0 0 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 0 4 Medium 0.250 0.500 Cob 0 0 4 Coarse 0.5 1.0 1 2 3 3 7 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 4 6 6 13 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 4 4 17 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 4 7 7 24 Fine 4.0 5.7 5 2 7 7 30 E Fine 5.7 8.0 3 6 9 9 39 Medium Medium Coarse Coarse Very Coarse 8.0 11.3 16.0 22.6 32 11.3 16.0 22.6 32 45 4 3 5 7 3 2 8 2 4 3 6 11 7 11 6 6 11 7 11 6 45 56 63 74 79 Very Coarse 45 64 2 3 5 5 84 Small 64 90 5 2 7 7 91 Small 90 128 2 1 3 3 94 Large 128 180 0 0 94 Large 180 256 1 1 2 2 96 ■ ■■ Small 256 362 1 1 1 97 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 97 ■ ■� ■ m m ■ m Medium Large/VeryLarg 512 1024 1024 2048 20 97 97 Bedrock 2048 >2048 3 3 3 100 Total 52 50 102 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 2.6 D35 = 6.7 D50 = 13.0 D84 = 62.6 D95 = 210.9 D100 = >2048 Norkett Branch Reach 2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v m 60% a 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti?� yo ti6 3ti b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .510'1' yyti O,yb CIO o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 100 Norkett Branch Reach 2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution .L- 90 ;ravel Cob le I er a 80 v 70 E 60 U 50 40 `m u 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Reach 2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v m 60% a 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti?� yo ti6 3ti b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .510'1' yyti O,yb CIO o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 2, Cross - Section 6 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 6 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 14 14 14 Very fine 0.062 0.125 14 Fine 0.125 0.250 14 Medium Coarse Very Coarse 0.250 0.5 0.500 1.0 14 14 1.0 2.0 4 4 17 • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 6 6 23 Very Fine Fine 2.8 4.0 4.0 5.7 6 8 6 8 29 37 Fine 5.7 8.0 18 17 54 Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.0 14 1 8 14 8 68 76 Coarse 16.0 22.6 10 10 85 ♦�������� Coarse Very Coarse 22.6 32 32 45 6 6 6 6 91 97 ������� ♦�� Ver Coarse Y 45 64 97 60 E Small 64 1 90 97 Small 90 128 97 Large 128 180 97 Large 180 256 97 ■■■■■ Small 256 362 97 ■■ *■ Small 362 512 40 97 ■ ■� Medium 512 1024 97 ■ ■ ■■ Large/Very Larg 1024 2048 97 Bedrock 2048 >2048 3 3 100 Total 103 100 100 Cross - Section 1 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 1.5 D35 = 5.2 D50 = 7.3 D84 = 21.5 D95 = J 39.8 D100 = >2048 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 6 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90% 80% 70% v 60% 0 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 90 0% o ti e h oy ti ti tiw � h^ � tig y0 ti� 3ti oy e° �o ,yw �o e6 6ti yti tio. sro 000 Otiti Oti 'y ti 1 ti ti 3 h .y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 rave Cobble Ider 80 a 70 v 60 E 50 u' 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 100% Norkett Branch Cross - Section 6 Individual Class Percent 90% 80% 70% v 60% 0 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% o ti e h oy ti ti tiw � h^ � tig y0 ti� 3ti oy e° �o ,yw �o e6 6ti yti tio. sro 000 Otiti Oti 'y ti 1 ti ti 3 h .y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Norkett Branch Reach 2, Cross - Section 7 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 7 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 Very fine 0.062 0.125 2 2 4 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 Medium Coarse Very Coarse 0.250 0.5 0.500 1.0 2 2 4 6 1.0 2.0 6 6 12 • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 14 Very Fine Fine 2.8 4.0 4.0 5.7 8 14 8 14 22 36 Fine 5.7 8.0 10 10 46 Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.0 6 8 6 8 52 60 Coarse 16.0 22.6 16 16 76 ♦�������� Coarse Very Coarse 22.6 32 32 45 6 8 6 8 82 90 ������� ♦�� Ver Coarse Y 45 64 6 6 96 Small 64 90 2 2 98 Small 90 128 2 2 100 Large 128 180 100 50 u' Large 180 256 100 Small 256 362 100 ■■ *■ Small 362 512 100 Medium 512 1024 100 Large/VeryLarge 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 a 30 100 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 1 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 3.1 D35 = 5.5 D50 = 9.9 D84 = 34.8 D95 = 60.4 D100 = 128.0 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 7 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90% 80% � 70% v 60% 0 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 90 10% 0% 00 oy o. o ti. h by titi• ti ti ti 3 h ,,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 rav Cobble Ider 80 a 70 v 60 E 50 u' 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Norkett Branch Cross - Section 7 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% � 70% v 60% 0 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 00 oy o. o ti. h by titi• ti ti ti 3 h ,,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Table 5b. Baseline Stream Data Summary Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UTl and UT2 Reaches 1 and 2 'No impervious land use is present within the project watershed per the CGIA Land Use Classification data set. ' Channel Length represented does not include easement breaks. ( - -): Data was not provided N /A: Not Applicable SC: Silt /Clay Pre - Restoration Condition Reference Reaches Design As Built/ Baseline Parameter Gage UT1 UT2 Reach 1 UT2 Reach 2 UT3 Qt 1 UT2 Reach 2 UT3 UT2 Reach 1 UT2 Reach 2 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Min Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) n/a 2.9 8.2 13.6 7.1 See Table 5a 7.5 8.0 8.0 10.5 9.4 9.0 9.6 Floodprone Width (ft) 6 40 29 53 16.5 1 >38 >40 >40 176 169 >200 >200 Bankfull Mean Depth 0.9 1 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth 1.2 2 1 1.5 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.2 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area (ftZ) 2.6 8.6 7.9 5.1 4.6 4.6 5.3 4.5 4.5 5.2 5.3 Width /Depth Ratio 2.6 8.6 23.4 9.8 12.2 13.9 12.1 24.5 19.8 15.3 17.6 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2 4.9 >7 >8 2.2 >5 >5 >5 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.5 2.4 1 1 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) SC 7.3 7.3 20.9 19.5 20.1 27.4 Profile Riffle Length (ft) n/a See Table 5a - -- - -- - -- 7 39 7 34 6 27 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0.017 0.054 0.009 0.032 0.006 0.013 1 0.045 0.01 1 0.032 0.013 1 0.028 0.007 0.044 0.006 0.037 0.009 0.039 Pool Length (ft) - -- - -- - -- 12 69 11 35 11 45 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.4 1.7 1.3 2.5 0.9 2.6 0.9 2.4 1.0 2.8 1.2 2.5 1.5 2.6 1.5 2.5 Pool Spacing (ft)^ 61 295 190 51 130 10 56 10 56 10 56 30 58 21 64 22 71 Pool Volume ft3 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) n/a N/A N/A N/A 26.9 49.5 See Table Sa 12 55 13 44 13 44 13 49 10 42 12 52 Radius of Curvature (ft) N/A N/A N/A 6.92 33.39 12 23 13.0 24.0 13 24 14 23 15 21 14 22 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft /ft) N/A N/A N/A 0.98 4.73 1.6 3 1.6 3.0 1.6 3 1.3 2.2 1.6 2.2 1.6 2.3 Meander Length (ft) N/A N/A N/A 83.5 141.4 23 90 24.0 96.0 24 96 61 88 45 92 44 83 Meander Width Ratio N/A N/A N/A 3.8 7.01 1.6 7.3 1.6 5.5 1.6 5.5 1.2 4.7 1.0 4.4 1.3 5.4 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri % /Ru % /P % /G % /S% SC % /Sa % /G % /C% /B % /Be% d16 /d35 /d50 /d84 /d95 /d 100 SC /SC/SC/SC/0.77/9.38/>2048 SC/SC/7.3/47.7/85.7/ >2048 SC/SC/7.3/47.7/85.7/ >2048 See Table Sa Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib /ftZ n/a 0.57 0.82 0.14 0.42 0.38 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.16 0.21 0.23 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 20 -35 10 -20 15 -25 15 -2S 10 -20 15 -25 Stream Power (Capacity) W /mZ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) 0.08 0.40 0.48 See Table 5a 0.08 0.15 0.22 0.08 0.15 0.22 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate ( %) <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t <1 %t Rosgen Classification E6 C /E4 E4 C /E6 C /E4 C /E4 C4 C4 C4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.3 1 4.2 1.4 3.4 2.6 2.4 3.2 2.1 1.6 1.9 2.0 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 12 11 17 12 11 17 10 7 10 11 Q -NFF regression n/a ir Q -USGS extrapolation IL Q- Mannings Valley Length (ft) 840 820 1156 See Table 5a 998 866 1108 998 866 1108 Channel Thalweg Length (ft)2 840 820 1,272 1,198 1,039 1,440 1,198 1,039 1,440 Sinuosity (ft)' 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.30 Water Surface Slope ft /ftZ 0.15 0.004 0.012 0.010 0.005 0.007 0.011 0.006 0.007 Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) 0.011 0.006 0.007 'No impervious land use is present within the project watershed per the CGIA Land Use Classification data set. ' Channel Length represented does not include easement breaks. ( - -): Data was not provided N /A: Not Applicable SC: Silt /Clay Table 5c. Baseline Stream Data Summary Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT2 Reaches 3A and 3B Parameter Gage Pre - restoration Condition Reference Reaches Design As Built /Baseline UT2 Reach 3 UT2 Reach 3A UT2 Reach 3B UT2 Reach 3A UT2 Reach 3B FIlin Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Max Dimension and Substrate - Riffle Bankfull Width (ft) n/a 7.5 See Table 5a 9.0 11.0 10.5 13.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 24 45+ 55+ >200 >200 Bankfull Mean Depth 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.8 Bankfull Max Depth 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.6 Bankfull Cross - sectional Area ft2 8.3 6.9 10.8 7.2 11.8 Width /Depth Ratio 6.7 11.7 11.2 15.3 16.5 Entrenchment Ratio 1 3.2 5.0+ 5.0+ >2.2 >2.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.3 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D50 (mm) 7.32 32.0 33.4 Profile Riffle Length (ft) n/a See Table Sa - -- - -- 8 25 13 28 Riffle Slope (ft /ft) 0.014 0.025 0.011 1 0.032 0.008 1 0.017 0.010 0.046 0.001 0.024 Pool Length (ft) - -- - -- 10 42 32 45 Pool Max Depth (ft) 2 1.20 3.20 1.50 4.10 1.77 2.98 2.45 3.32 Pool Spacing (ft)^ 26 53 12 63 14 77 26 66 38 72 Pool Volume ft3 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) n/a N/A N/A See Table 5a 14 50 18 61 8 37 20 61 Radius of Curvature (ft) 15 63.4 14 27 20 33 14 27 24 31 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft /ft) 2 8.45 1.6 3.0 1.8 3.0 1.3 2.6 1.7 2.2 Meander Length (ft) N/A N/A 27 108 33 132 58 88 87 105 Meander Width Rat- N/A 1.6 5.5 1.6 5.5 0.8 3.5 1.4 4.4 Substrate, Bed and Transport Parameters Ri % /Ru % /P %/G % /S% SC % /Sa % /G % /C % /B % /Be% d16 /d3S /d50 /d84 /d9S /d100 SC/SC/7.3/47.7/85.7/ >2048 See Table 5a 22.6/27.4/32/53.7 /69.7/128 SC/4.9/13.3/67.2/89.9/128 Reach Shear Stress (Competency) Ib /ft2 n/a 0.29 0.23 0.23 0.14 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull 15 25 12 F 20 17 10 Stream Power (Capacity) W /m2 _ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) n/a 0.71 See Table 5a 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 Watershed Impervious Cover Estimate ( %) <1 %' <1 %' <1 %' <1 %' <1 %' Rosgen Classification E4 C /E4 C /E4 E4 C4 Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3.7 3.7 3.0 2.1 1.7 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 26 33 26 33 15 20 Q -NFF regression il V Q -USGS extrapolation Q- Mannings Valley Length (ft) 1184 See Table 5a 830 548 830 548 Channel Thalweg Length (ft)' 1,303 1,038 658 1,038 658 Sinuosity (ft)' 1.1 1.25 1.20 1.25 1.20 Water Surface Slope ft /ft 2 0.009 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.003 Bankfull Slope (ft /ft) - -- - -- 0.007 0.002 'No impervious land use is present within the project watershed per the CGIA Land Use Classification data set. 2 Channel Length represented does not include easement breaks. ( - -): Data was not provided N /A: Not Applicable SC: Silt /Clay Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT1Sta- 200 +00 - 211 +98 477 469 476 468 475 467 474 466 473 465 ♦� y 4 472 464 a - -- A 471 v 463 470 c 462 469 461 a 468 w 460 467 466 459 458 465 457 456 ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■� iw 464 ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww■ww■ 463 455 21000 21050 21100 21150 21200 21250 21300 21350 21400 21450 21500 21550 21600 21650 21700 21750 21800 21850 21900 21950 22000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 4/2014) 462 20000 20050 20100 20150 20200 20250 20300 20350 20400 20450 20500 20550 20600 20650 20700 20750 20800 20850 20900 20950 21000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 4/2014) 470 469 468 467 466 465 ♦� y 4 464 a - -- A 463 462 461 a 460 459 458 457 456 ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■� iw www■ww■ww■ww■ww ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww ■ ww■ww■ 470 469 468 467 466 465 ♦� y 4 464 a - -- A 463 462 461 a 460 459 458 457 456 455 21000 21050 21100 21150 21200 21250 21300 21350 21400 21450 21500 21550 21600 21650 21700 21750 21800 21850 21900 21950 22000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 4/2014) Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT2 (Reach 1)- Sta 300 +41 - 310 +80 UT2 Reach 2)- Sta 310 +80 - 321 +71 & 322 +06 - 325 +20 490 485 489 484 488 483 487 482 486 481 �i►". ����`: � "it���Y�iiii�i>:i�'R!�111_����w 485 ����� 480 484 v 479 v 478 ww■ ww���wNWwi: �ii�. "'ri�i!�!�►ii.�r�.�1�C?�1'�Tiir l���111��1■w��� 483 482 0 477 ww . ww����ww■������ 481 w 480 i.`�..'�; 1 w■�����ww■ww■ w■ r- wirir��llr: ®1 w 1 ®w■��������a� 479 w 475 474 ww�ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■w 478 ■■ �ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ w■w■ww■■w■ww■ww■■■■w■■■ww ■ w■■w■■■w ■ ww■■■w■■www i■w ww■■■■w■■■ww■ww 477 473 ■ w■■w■ 476 472 475 30000 30050 30100 30150 30200 30250 30300 30350 30400 30450 30500 30550 30600 30650 30700 30750 30800 30850 30900 30950 31000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) UT2 Reach 2)- Sta 310 +80 - 321 +71 & 322 +06 - 325 +20 485 484 483 482 481 �i►". ����`: � "it���Y�iiii�i>:i�'R!�111_����w ����� 480 479 v 478 ww■ ww���wNWwi: �ii�. "'ri�i!�!�►ii.�r�.�1�C?�1'�Tiir l���111��1■w��� 477 ww . ww����ww■������ i►i��.a'� i.`�..'�; 1 w■�����ww■ww■ w■ r- wirir��llr: ®1 w 1 ®w■��������a� w 475 474 ww�ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■w ■■ �ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■ w■w■ww■■w■ww■ww■■■■w■■■ww ■ w■■w■■■w UT2 Reach 2)- Sta 310 +80 - 321 +71 & 322 +06 - 325 +20 485 484 483 482 481 �i►". ����`: � "it���Y�iiii�i>:i�'R!�111_����w ����� 480 479 v 478 ww■ ww���wNWwi: �ii�. "'ri�i!�!�►ii.�r�.�1�C?�1'�Tiir l���111��1■w��� 477 ww . ww����ww■������ 476 w■ r- wirir��llr: '..��'.L. w 475 474 w■w■ww■■w■ww■ww■■■■w■■■ww ■ w■■w■■■w ■ ww■■■w■■www i■w ww■■■■w■■■ww■ww 473 ■ w■■w■ 472 471 470 31000 31050 31100 31150 31200 31250 31300 31350 31400 31450 31500 31550 31600 31650 31700 31750 31800 31850 31900 31950 32000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) �i►". ����`: � "it���Y�iiii�i>:i�'R!�111_����w ����� ww■ ww���wNWwi: �ii�. "'ri�i!�!�►ii.�r�.�1�C?�1'�Tiir l���111��1■w��� ww . ww����ww■������ w■ r- wirir��llr: '..��'.L. w■w■ww■■w■ww■ww■■■■w■■■ww ■ w■■w■■■w ■ ww■■■w■■www i■w ww■■■■w■■■ww■ww ■ w■■w■ Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT2 (Reach 2)- Sto 310 +80 - 321 +71 & 322 +06 - 325 +20 (Reach 3A) Sta 325 +20 - 335 +58 480 419 Easement Break 478 477 ii�����1�li�i�I�R� ■��� ���rirl ■I �v��������� �:'!!���iiLi<i�sl��f������� 476 • I � 1 - �� 1 NN 475 474 v ����� ■ ����lil�lii�i>,�iii+l���■ 473 � �� ���N����w 472 ° ■I I■�alaw►.���_ f�iiiliiZi�1ls�lww�� 471 v 470 6 469 468 loll ww■ww■ ww■ ■ ■■ ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■fiww 467 ■wf�ww■ww■ ■■ 466 465 32000 32050 32100 32150 32200 32250 32300 32350 32400 32450 32500 32550 32600 32650 32700 32750 32800 32850 32900 32950 33000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) UT2 Reach 3B)- Sta 336 +90 - 343 +57 470 469 468 UT2 End Reach 3A 467 466 465 464 v 463 c 462 ° 461 w 460 459 458 457 456 455 33000 33050 33100 33150 33200 33250 33300 33350 33400 33450 33500 33550 33600 33650 33700 33750 33800 33850 33900 33950 34000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) A LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) 9 STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) ii�����1�li�i�I�R� ■��� ���rirl ■I �v��������� �:'!!���iiLi<i�sl��f������� • I � 1 - �� ����� ■ ����lil�lii�i>,�iii+l���■ � �� ���N����w ■I I■�alaw►.���_ f�iiiliiZi�1ls�lww�� UT2 Reach 3B)- Sta 336 +90 - 343 +57 470 469 468 UT2 End Reach 3A 467 466 465 464 v 463 c 462 ° 461 w 460 459 458 457 456 455 33000 33050 33100 33150 33200 33250 33300 33350 33400 33450 33500 33550 33600 33650 33700 33750 33800 33850 33900 33950 34000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) A LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) 9 STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) �:i'! ���rirl �:r �:'!!���iiLi<i�sl��f������� • I � 1 - �� ����� ■ ����lil�lii�i>,�iii+l���■ � �� ww■ww■ ww■ ■ ■■ ww■ww■ww■ww■ww■fiww ■wf�ww■ww■ ■■ Longitudinal Profile Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT2 f Reach 3B1- Sta 336 +90 - 343 +57 465 464 463 462 461 460 459 v 458 457 0 456 'v 455 454 453 452 451 450 3 4000 34050 34100 34150 34200 34250 34300 34350 34400 34450 34500 34550 34600 34650 34700 34750 34800 34850 34900 34950 35000 Station (feet) t TW (MYO- 04/2014) - - - - - -- WSF (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ RBKF /RTOB (MYO- 04/2014) ♦ LBKF /LTOB (MYO- 04/2014) • STRUCTURE (MYO- 04/2014) � A A f� t t♦♦ AA A At ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ U End Reach 3B Table 6b. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross - Section) Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT7 and UT2 Reaches 1 and 2 Cross - Section 9 (Riffle) Cross - Section 10 (Pool) Cross - Section 11 (Pool) Cross - Section 12 (Riffle) Dimension Base MYl I MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MYi I MY2 I MY3 I MY4 MYS I Base I MY3 I MY21 MY31 MY41 MY51 Base I MY3 I MY21 MY31 MY41 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) 10.5 18.1 10.6 9.4 Floodprone Width (ft) 200.0 N/A N/A 0.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.8 1.S 1.9 1.2 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft') 4.5 9.8 7.5 4.5 Bankfull Width /Depth Ratio 24.5 33.3 15.2 19.8 M1.0 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 19.1 N/A N/A 0.0 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0_L 1.0 1.0 1 1 1 Cross - Section 13 (Riffle) Cross - Section 14 (Pool) Cross - Section 15 (Riffle) Cross - Section 1U(Pool) Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY3 MY2 M based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) 9.0 13.9 9.6 9.6 Floodprone Width (ft) 200.0 ** >200 N/A Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2 2.1 1.1 1.8 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft') 5.3 11.7 5.2 7.0 Bankfull Width /Depth Ratio 15.3 16.4 17.6 13.3 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 22.1 ** >15 N/A Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 9 -UT1 204+8 riffle 478 476 - 474 FloodproneArea 0 472 470 468 466 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Width (ft) �MYO(04 /2014) — Bankfull — Bankfull Dimensions 4.5 x- section area (ft.sq.) 10.5 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) mot. 10.7 wetted parimeter (ft)_ - ....:.". 0.4 hyd radi (ft) –, 24.5 width -depth ratio" 200 W FPA (ft)£'� >2.2 ER 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 FloodproneArea Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 30 -UT1 204+30 pool 478 472 0 m 470 w 476 468 474 466 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Width (ft) C ­"IV Bankfull Dimensions 9.8 x- section area (ft.sq.) 18.1 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.8 max depth (ft) - - 19.0 wetted parimeter (ft) _.,. 0.5 hyd radi (ft) :. 33.3 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 472 0 m 470 w 468 466 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UTI, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT1 Reach Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 90.0 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 2 32 34 34 34 Very fine 0.062 0.125 1 1 1 35 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 0 35 Medium 0.250 0.500 I er 0 0 35 8o Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 35 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 2 37 ♦ - - - - Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 1 38 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 2 40 Fine 4.0 5.7 2 2 2 42 Fine 5.7 8.0 2 1 3 3 45 Medium 8.0 11.3 2 2 2 47 Medium 11.3 16.0 2 6 8 8 55 Coarse 16.0 22.6 3 3 6 6 61 Coarse 22.6 32 5 5 5 66 4111 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 45 45 64 10 12 1 11 12 11 12 77 89 Small 64 90 4 2 6 6 95 Small 90 128 3 3 3 98 Large 128 180 1 1 1 99 Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 10 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014. ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = Silt /Clay D35 - 1.0 D50 = 12.7 D80. = 55.3 D95 = 90.0 D100 = 256.0 100 UT1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rav Cob le I er 8o Be r 0 70 v 60 50 V 40 v 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014. UT1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v v 60% d 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O 06ti yti5 by O� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti'?� yo ,tiro „�'L b5 6A oi0 41" y00 �y6 .5ro'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT1, Cross - Section 10 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 30 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 86.2 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 3 3 3 Very fine 0.062 0.125 3 30% Fine 0.125 0.250 3 10% Medium 0.250 0.500 0% 3 Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 7 Ider Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 9 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 9 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦i ♦i ♦i ♦ice Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 10 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Fine 4.0 5.7 10 10 20 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Fine 5.7 8.0 6 6 26 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦♦ Medium 8.0 11.3 6 6 32 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Medium 11.3 16.0 8 8 40 Coarse 16.0 22.6 13 13 53 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Coarse 22.6 32 3 3 56 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Very Coarse 32 45 8 8 64 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Coarse 45 64 6 6 70 Small 64 90 16 16 86 Small 90 128 11 11 97 Large 128 180 1 1 98 Large 180 256 98 ■ ■ ■■ ■■Small 256 362 2 2 100 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ Medium 512 1024 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large/Very Larg 1024 2048 20 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Totall 100 100 100 Cross - Section 10 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 4.9 D35 = 12.7 D50 = 20.9 D84 = 86.2 D95 = 120.1 D10o = 362.0 UT1 Cross- Section 10 Individual Class Percent UT1 Cross - Section 10 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 90% 80% � 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O 6'L .L5 by 5 1 'L 0 b 1 qs 3 ,y6 �0 3'L by 6A 00 ,ti�b �O 56 0ti 1ti ti� A� 00 oti o. o• ti' S• 1v titi• ti ti ti 3 h ,,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■MYO- 04/2014 rav I Cobble Ider S0 v 70 60 E U 50 U 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) MYO04 /2014 UT1 Cross- Section 10 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% � 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O 6'L .L5 by 5 1 'L 0 b 1 qs 3 ,y6 �0 3'L by 6A 00 ,ti�b �O 56 0ti 1ti ti� A� 00 oti o. o• ti' S• 1v titi• ti ti ti 3 h ,,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■MYO- 04/2014 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Section 11 -UT2 Reach 1 304+70 pool 491 — width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 11.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 15.2 width -depth ratio 489 487 485 c 0 483 > v 481 479 477 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) — Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 7.5 x- section area (ft.sq.) 10.6 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.9 max depth (ft) 11.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 15.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Section 12 -UT2 Reach 1 304+92 riffle 491 9.4 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 489 max depth (ft) 9.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 19.8 width -depth ratio 180 487 >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio 1.0 BHR 485 c 483 481 479 477 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) tMYO(04/2014) - Bankfull -Flood prone Area Bankfull Dimensions 4.5 x- section area (ft.sq.) 9.4 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 9.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 19.8 width -depth ratio 180 width FPA (ft) >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream AA Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 1, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Partic le Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT2 Reach 1 Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 1 42.9 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 4 20 24 24 24 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 0 24 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 0 24 Medium 0.250 0.500 I er 0 0 24 80 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 24 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 0 24 ♦���♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 0 24 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 1 1 1 25 Fine 4.0 5.7 2 6 8 8 33 Fine 5.7 8.0 2 1 3 3 36 Medium 8.0 11.3 5 5 10 10 46 Medium 11.3 16.0 7 7 14 14 60 Coarse 16.0 22.6 13 1 14 14 74 Coarse 22.6 32 8 7 15 15 89 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 45 45 64 6 2 1 1 7 3 7 3 96 99 Small 64 90 1 1 1 100 Small 90 128 Large 128 180 Large 180 256 ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 10 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Totall 50 1 50 100 100 I 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = Silt /Clay D35 - 7.1 D50 = 12.2 D84 = 28.5 D95 = 1 42.9 D100 =1 90.0 100 UT2 Reach 1, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rav Cob le I er 80 0 70 v 60 50 V 40 v 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 UT2 Reach 1, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v v 60% d 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti'?� yo ,tiro 'S'1' b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .6ro'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 1, Cross - Section 12 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 12 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 39.6 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 180.0 Ci 50% '0 40% 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 Ider 0 20% 10% Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.250 0.500 I 0 le Coarse 0.5 1.0 $� 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 2 Fine 4.0 5.7 4 4 6 Fine 5.7 8.0 8 8 14 ����•• Medium 8.0 11.3 14 14 28 Medium 11.3 16.0 14 14 42 Coarse 16.0 22.6 14 14 56 Coarse 22.6 32 18 18 74 Very Coarse 32 45 16 16 90 • Very Coarse 45 64 90 Small 64 90 4 4 94 Small 90 128 2 2 96 Large 128 180 4 4 100 Large 180 256 a 30 ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■Small 256 362 ■ ■ ■Small 362 512 � � ■ � � Medium 512 1024 20 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 12 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 8.4 D35 = 13.3 D50 = 19.5 D84 = 39.6 D95 = 107.3 D100 = 180.0 100% UT2 Cross - Section 12 Individual Class Percent UT2 Cross - Section 12 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 80% 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% Ider 20% 10% rave I Cob le $� v 70 60 E U 50 c 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) MYO- 04/2014 100% UT2 Cross - Section 12 Individual Class Percent 90% 80% 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O 6'L .y5 ti� 5 1 'L 'b b 1 W 3 1�O 0 .5'L by 6A 00 ,ti�b �O 56 0ti titi ti� A� 00 Oti O• Particle Class Size (mm) ■MYO- 04/2014 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 13 -UT2 Reach 2 316+66 riffle 484 482 480 478 OWN c 0 476 v w 474 472 470 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Width (ft) +MYO(04 /2014) — Bankfull Floodprone Area Bankfull Dimensions 5.3 x- section area (ft.sq.) 9.0 width (ft) 0.6 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 9.5 wetted parimeter (ft) } z 0.6 hyd radi (ft) - 15.3 width -depth ratio ¢° 200 width FPA (ft) — >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio. 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 14 -UT2 Reach 2 316+98 pool 484 482 480 478 c 476 so S v w 474 472 _ 470 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 11.7 x- section area (ft.sq.) 13.9 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 2.1 max depth (ft) '=. -�.,- 14.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 16.4 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 - Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying'k 4 _- t, ew ownstream Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 15 -UT2 Reach 2 316+98 riffle 477 475 473 0 471 M 469 467 465 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Width (ft) +MYO(04 /2014) — Bankfull — FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 5.2 x- section area (ft.sq.) 9.6 width (ft) 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.1 max depth (ft)- ..�,,� _ 9.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 17.6 width -depth ratio" r ' >N59 width FPA (ft) +► `* >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio e 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 16 -UT2 Reach 2 324+55 pool 477 475 473 0 471 w 469 467 465 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (ft) +MYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 7.0 x- section area (ft.sq.) 9.6 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.8 max depth (ft) 10.6 wetted parimeter (ft) R- 0.7 hyd radi (ft) _ 13.3 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 2, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Partic le Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT2 Reach 2 Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 1 86.7 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 2 13 15 15 15 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 0 15 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 0 15 Medium 0.250 0.500 I er 0 0 15 80 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 15 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 0 15 ♦���♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 2 2 2 17 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 3 3 3 20 Fine 4.0 5.7 60 50 2 2 2 22 Fine 5.7 8.0 2 4 6 6 28 Medium 8.0 11.3 2 4 6 6 34 Medium 11.3 16.0 2 5 7 7 41 Coarse 16.0 22.6 7 5 12 12 53 Coarse 22.6 32 4 7 11 11 64 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 45 45 64 12 7 3 1 15 8 15 8 79 87 Small 64 90 9 9 9 96 Small 90 128 2 2 2 98 Large 128 180 1 1 2 2 100 Large 180 256 ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 10 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 ■ ENE Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 2.4 D35 = 11.6 D50 = 20.7 D84 = 56.1 D95 = 1 86.7 D100 = 180.0 100 UT2 Reach 2, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rav Cob le I er 80 Be r 0 70 v 60 50 V 40 v 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 UT2 Reach 2, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v v 60% d 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti'?� yo ,tiro .,�'L b5 6A oi0 y.10 y00 �y6 .6ro'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 2, Cross - Section 13 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross - Section 13 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 D100 = 1 128.0 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 60% Ed 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.250 0.500 30% 0 Coarse 0.5 1.0 Cob le 0 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 2 2 2 Very Fine 2.0 2.8 ti ti w w 3 ti6 3ti oh ba oo tiro yo e6 bti titi ti� 0`6 ti h tiv titi ti ti ti 16 h ,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 2 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 4 ♦��������� Fine Fine 4.0 5.7 5.7 8.0 6 6 10 10 Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.0 8 8 8 8 18 26 Coarse 16.0 22.6 14 14 40 Coarse Very Coarse Very Coarse 22.6 32 45 32 45 64 18 12 10 18 12 10 58 70 80 Small 64 90 14 14 94 Small 90 128 1 6 6 100 Large 128 180 100 Large 180 256 E V 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 100 ■ ■� Small 362 512 100 ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large/Very Large 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 100 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 13 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 10.2 D35 = 20.0 D50 = 27.4 D84 = 70.5 D95 = J 95.4 D100 = 1 128.0 UT2 Cross - Section 13 Individual Class Percent UT2 Cross - Section 13 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 90% 80% c 70% v 60% Ed Ider U 50% 40% ° 30% rav 1 Cob le 10% $� 0% o eti ye tih 5 00 oy o. o ti ti w w 3 ti6 3ti oh ba oo tiro yo e6 bti titi ti� 0`6 ti h tiv titi ti ti ti 16 h ,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 jE v 70 60 E V 50 c 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 UT2 Cross - Section 13 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% c 70% v 60% Ed U 50% 40% ° 30% 20% 10% 0% o eti ye tih 5 00 oy o. o ti ti w w 3 ti6 3ti oh ba oo tiro yo e6 bti titi ti� 0`6 ti h tiv titi ti ti ti 16 h ,o ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 2, Cross - Section 15 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross- Section 15 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 69.7 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 362.0 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 30% 0 20% 10% Fine 0.125 0.250 0 rav Medium Coarse 0.250 0.5 0.500 1.0 le 0 0 80 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 4 4 4 • • Very Fine 2.0 2.8 4 Very Fine Fine 2.8 4.0 4.0 5.7 8 10 8 10 12 22 Fine 5.7 8.0 10 10 32 Medium Medium 8.0 11.3 11.3 16.0 4 1 6 4 6 36 42 Coarse 16.0 22.6 12 12 54 Coarse Very Coarse Ver Coarse Y 22.6 32 45 32 45 64 8 10 8 8 10 8 62 72 80 Small 64 90 16 16 96 Small 90 128 2 2 98 Large 128 180 98 Large 180 256 98 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 2 2 100 ■ • Small 362 512 100 ��■■ Medium 512 1024 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large/Very Larg 1024 2048 100 Bedrock 2048 >2048 a 30 100 Total 100 100 100 Cross - Section 15 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 4.6 D35 = 10.2 D50 = 20.1 D84 = 69.7 D95 = J 88.1 D100 = 362.0 UT2 Cross - Section 15 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 90% ­71 80% 70% v 60% Ci 50% Ider 30% 20% 10% T rav 1 0% Cob le 80 70 v 60 E 50 U c 40 U a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 100% UT2 Cross - Section 15 Individual Class Percent 90% 80% 70% v 60% Ci 50% 40% ° 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 6ti by tih 5 ti ti w w 3 tie o 3ti ay o� oo yw �o yo oti titi ya n� 00 oy o. o• ti 5• titi. ,yv ti ti ti 3 h yo ,yo Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Table 6c. Morphology and Hydraulic Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross - Section) Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 UT2 Reaches 3A and 3B Cross - Section 17 (Pool) Cross - Section 18 (Riffle) Cross - Section 19 (Riffle) Cross - Section 20 (Pool) Dimension Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS Base MY3 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MYS based on fixed bankfull elevation Bankfull Width (ft) 10.5 10.5 13.9 14.7 Floodprone Width (ft) N/A 200.0 161.8 ** Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 2.0 1.2 1.6 2.6 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area (ft) 10.7 7.2 11.8 21.2 Bankfull Width /Depth Ratio 10.2 15.3 16.5 10.2 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio N/A 19.1 11.6 ** Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 17 -UT2 Reach 3A 332+3 pool 472 - 470 468 a 466 w 464 462 460 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) tMYO (04/2014) - Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 10.7 x- section area (ft.sq.) 10.5 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) MI. _ 2.0 max depth (ft) 11.4 wetted parimeter (ft) K. A.. w- 0.9 hyd radi (ft) y 10.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 18 -UT2 Reach 3A 332+20 riffle 472 470 468 0 466 —,,, 464 462 460 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Width (ft) +MYO(04 /2014) — Bankfull — Bankfull Dimensions 7.2 x- section area (ft.sq.) FloodproneArea 10.5 width (ft) 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1.2 max depth (ft) 10.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.7 hyd radi (ft) _- - 15.3 width -depth ratio Nam— >97 width FPA (ft) - >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 f} Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 FloodproneArea Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 3a, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Partic le Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count UT2 Reach 3A Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 1 64.0 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 2 4 6 6 6 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 0 6 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 0 6 Medium 0.250 0.500 I er 0 0 6 80 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 6 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 0 6 ♦���♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 0 6 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 0 6 Fine 4.0 5.7 60 2 2 2 8 Fine 5.7 8.0 2 2 2 10 Medium 8.0 11.3 3 3 6 6 16 Medium 11.3 16.0 3 10 13 13 29 Coarse 16.0 22.6 11 6 17 17 46 Coarse 22.6 32 11 10 21 21 67 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 45 45 64 15 2 8 3 23 5 23 5 90 95 Small 64 90 1 1 1 96 Small 90 128 1 1 2 2 98 Large 128 180 1 1 1 99 Large 180 256 1 1 1 100 ■ ■ ■ ■ Small 256 362 10 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 03/2014 ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very LargE 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 50 50 100 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = 11.0 D35 - 18.1 D50 = 24.1 D84 = 41.2 D95 = 1 64.0 D100 =1 256.0 100 UT2 Reach 3A, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rav Cob le I er 80 Be r 0 70 v 60 50 V 40 v 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 03/2014 UT2 Reach 3A, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v v 60% d 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti'?� yo ,tiro .,�'L b5 6A oi0 y,10 y00 �y6 .5ro'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 03/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 3A, Cross - Section 18 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross-Section 1 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 53.7 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 128.0 80% 0 Very fine 0.062 0.125 Ider 0 Fine 0.125 0.250 0 Medium 0.250 0.500 I '0 40% 0 le Coarse 0.5 1.0 80 0 30% Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦i ♦i ♦i ♦ice Very Fine 2.8 4.0 70 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Fine 4.0 5.7 "p, by 6O 00 ,v% O 56 b- titi ,lb A� 00 py p• p' ti' y' y1'' ��'' 'y ti ti 3 h ,y0 ,10 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Fine 5.7 8.0 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦♦ Medium 8.0 11.3 1 2 2 2 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Medium 11.3 16.0 4 4 6 Coarse 16.0 22.6 10 10 16 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Coarse 22.6 32 34 34 50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Very Coarse 32 45 24 24 74 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Coarse 45 64 20 20 94 Small 64 90 4 4 98 Small 90 1 128 2 2 100 Large 128 180 Large 180 256 a 30 ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■Small 256 362 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 ■ Medium 512 1024 Ll ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Large/Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 100 1 100 Cross - Section 18 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 22.6 D35 = 27.4 D50 = 32.0 Dfl0. = 53.7 D95 = 69.7 D100 = 128.0 UT2 Cross - Section 18 UT2 Cross - Section 18 Pebble Count Particle Distribution Individual Class Percent 100 90 90% 80% � Ider 60% Ci 50% rave I '0 40% Cob le 80 30% 20% 10% v 70 0% "p, by 6O 00 ,v% O 56 b- titi ,lb A� 00 py p• p' ti' y' y1'' ��'' 'y ti ti 3 h ,y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 03/2014 60 E U 50 c 40 a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 03/2014 UT2 Cross - Section 18 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% � 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% "p, by 6O 00 ,v% O 56 b- titi ,lb A� 00 py p• p' ti' y' y1'' ��'' 'y ti ti 3 h ,y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 03/2014 Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 19 -UT2 Reach 36 338+70 riffle 468 466 464 462 c 0 460 v 458 456 454 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Width (ft) tMYO(04 /2014) - Bankfull FloodproneArea Bankfull Dimensions 11.8 x- section area (ft.sq.) 13.9 width (ft) ` 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1.6 max depth (ft) 14.4 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.8 hyd radi (ft) 16.5 width -depth ratio 132 width FPA (ft) >2.2 Entrenchement Ratio 1.0 BHR Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 c 0 v 456 454 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Width (ft) tMYO(04 /2014) - Bankfull FloodproneArea Cross - Section Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (Project No. 95360) Monitoring Year 0 Cross Section 20 -UT2 Reach 3B 339+1 pool 468 — — 466 464 "' 462 c 460 w u 458 456 454 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Width (ft) t MYO (04/2014) — Bankfull Bankfull Dimensions 21.2 x- section area (ft.sq.) 14.7 width (ft) 1.4 mean depth (ft) 2.6 max depth (ft) 15.8 wetted parimeter (ft) T _ 1.3 hyd radi (ft)...= 10.2 width -depth ratio Survey Date: April 2014 Field Crew: Kee Mapping and Surveying View Downstream 4/22/14 Reachwide and Cross - Section Pebble Count Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 3b, Reachwide Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count BC2 Reach Summary min max Riffle Pool Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 1 89.9 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 8 20 28 28 28 Very fine 0.062 0.125 0 0 28 Fine 0.125 0.250 4 4 4 32 Medium 0.250 0.500 I er 0 0 32 80 Coarse 0.5 1.0 0 0 32 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 0 0 32 ♦���♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 1 1 1 33 Very Fine 2.8 4.0 0 0 33 Fine 4.0 5.7 2 2 4 4 37 Fine 5.7 8.0 3 1 4 4 41 Medium 8.0 11.3 5 5 5 46 Medium Coarse 11.3 16.0 16.0 22.6 7 1 2 2 9 3 9 3 54 57 Coarse 22.6 32 3 4 7 7 64 Very Coarse Very Coarse 32 45 45 64 4 5 6 3 10 8 10 8 74 82 Small 64 90 10 3 13 13 95 Small 90 128 2 3 5 5 100 t Large 128 180 Large 180 256 MEN ■ Small 256 362 ■ ■ ■ Small 362 512 10 ■ ■ ■ Medium 512 1024 ■ ■ ■ ■ Large /Very LargE 1024 2048 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 51 50 101 100 100 Reachwide Channel materials (mm) D16 = Silt /Clay D35 = 4.9 D50 = 13.3 D84 = 67.2 D95 = 1 89.9 D100 =1 128.0 100 UT2 Reach 3b, Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Distribution 90 rav Cob le I er 80 Be r 0 70 v 60 50 V 40 v 30 t 20 -1 10 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 04/2014 UT2 Reach 3b, Reachwide Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% v v 60% d 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% O �6ti yti5 by �� 1 ti ,L0 b 5^ 0 ti'?� yo ,tiro .,�'L b5 6A oi0 y,10 y00 �y6 .6ro'1' yyti O,yb OP'b o. o. o• ti ti ti ti Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 04/2014 Reachwide and Cross- Section Substrate Plots Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No. 95360) UT2 Reach 3b, Cross - Section 19 Monitoring Year 0 Particle Class Diameter (mm) Particle Count Cross-Section 1 Summary min max Total Class Percentage Percent Cumulative 87.8 Silt /Clay 0.000 0.062 2 2 2 Very fine 0.062 0.125 4 4 6 30% Fine 0.125 0.250 2 2 8 rave Medium 0.250 0.500 le 8 $� Coarse 0.5 1.0 4 4 12 Very Coarse 1.0 2.0 12 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Fine 2.0 2.8 12 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦i ♦i ♦i ♦ice Very Fine 2.8 4.0 2 2 14 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Fine 4.0 5.7 2 2 16 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Fine 5.7 8.0 2 2 18 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦• Medium 8.0 11.3 2 2 20 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� Medium 11.3 16.0 14 14 34 Coarse 16.0 22.6 4 4 38 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Coarse 22.6 32 12 12 50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Very Coarse 32 45 4 4 53 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Very Coarse 45 64 16 16 69 Small 64 90 16 16 85 Small 90 128 9 9 94 Large 128 180 6 6 100 Large 180 256 ■■■■■NSmall 256 362 No 0 Small 362 512 0 Urn : Medium 512 1024 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ E Large /Very Larg 1024 2048 Bedrock 2048 >2048 Total 101 100 100 Cross - Section 18 Channel materials (mm) D16 = 5.8 D35 = 18.0 D50 = 33.4 D84 = 87.8 D95 = 135.1 D100 = 180.0 Cross - Section 19 Pebble Count Particle Distribution 100 90 100% 90% 80% � 70% a, 60% Ider 30% 20% 10% rave I Cob le $� 0% "0 0 ,5'L o 6P 00 ,ti�b %O 56 b- titi ,ib �0 00 Oti O• O. .y. `'�' tiy. 'y ti ti 3 h ,y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 03/2014 70 v 60 E 50 U c 40 U a 30 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Class Size (mm) t MYO- 03/2014 Cross - Section 19 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% � 70% a, 60% Ci 50% '0 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% "0 0 ,5'L o 6P 00 ,ti�b %O 56 b- titi ,ib �0 00 Oti O• O. .y. `'�' tiy. 'y ti ti 3 h ,y0 ,10 Particle Class Size (mm) ■ MYO- 03/2014 Stream Photographs Photo Point 1— looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 1— looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 2 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 2 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 3 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 3 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 4 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 4 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) WF Photo Point 5 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 5 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 7 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 7 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 8 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 8 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 9 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 9 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 10 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 10 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) ONEWRWOMOr IQEEF_ — _,_ Photo Point 11— looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 11— looking downstream (04/23/2014) SFr Photo Point 12 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 12 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 15 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 13 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) _ s Photo Point 14 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 16 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 16 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) A W. Photo Point 17 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 17 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 18 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 18 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 19 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 19 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 20 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 20 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 21— looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 21— looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 22 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 22 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 23 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 23 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 24 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 24 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 25 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 25 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 26 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 26 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 27 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 27 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 28 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 28 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 29 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 29 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 30 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 30 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) I Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 31— looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 31— looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 33 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 32 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 's Photo Point 33 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 34 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 34 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 35 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 35 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 36 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 36 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Photo Point 37 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 37 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Photo Point 38 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 38 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) 1 Photo Point 39 — looking upstream (04/23/2014) I Photo Point 39 — looking downstream (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 2: Morphological Summary Data and Plots— Stream Photographs APPENDIX 3. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Planted and Total Stem Counts Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.95360) Monitoring Year 0 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Current Plot Data (MYO 2014) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95360 -WEI -0001 95360 -WEI -0002 95360 -WEI -0003 95360 -WEI -0004 95360 -WEI -0005 95360 -WEI -0006 95360 -WEI -0007 95360 -WEI -0008 95360 -WEI -0009 95360 -WEI -0010 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 4 4 1 4 11 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry Shrub 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 Stem count 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 7 7 Stems per ACRE 728 728 728 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 1 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 7. Planted and Total Stem Counts Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.9536C Monitoring Year 0 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Current Plot Data (MYO 2014) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95360 -WEI -0011 95360 -WEI -0012 95360 -WEI -0013 95360 -WEI -0014 95360 -WEI -0015 95360 -WEI -0016 95360 -WEI -0017 95360 -WEI -0018 95360 -WEI -0019 95360 -WEI -0020 95360 -WEI -0021 95360 -WEI -0022 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 3 3 3 11 2 2 1 2 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Tree 3 3 3 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 4 4 4 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry Shrub 2 2 2 I I Stem count 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 21 t 21 21 16 16 1 16 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 7 7 6 6 6 Stems per ACRE 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 728 728 728 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 849 849 1 849 6471 6471 647 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Table 7. Planted and Total Stem Counts Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site (NCEEP Project No.9536C Monitoring Year 0 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Current Plot Data (MYO 2014) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95360 -WEI -0023 95360 -WEI -0024 95360 -WEI -0025 95360 -WEI -0026 MYO (2014) PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T Pnol-S P -all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 32 32 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 1 1 1 7 7 7 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 42 42 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 75 75 75 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 5 1 5 1 67 67 67 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Tree 1 1 1 8 8 8 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 59 59 59 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 57 57 57 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 36 36 36 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 27 27 27 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry Shrub I I I I 1 13 13 13 Stem count 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 1 17 17 17 17 17 447 447 447 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 26 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.64 Species count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 7 7 12 12 12 Stems per ACRE 1 688 1 688 1 688 1 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 696 696 696 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of Planted stems excluding live stakes P -all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total Stems Vegetation Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs Vegetation Plot 7 — (04/22/2014) 1 Vegetation Plot 8 — (04/09/2014) 1 Vegetation Plot 9 — (04/09/2014) 1 Vegetation Plot 10 — (04/22/2014) 1 Vegetation Plot 11— (04/22/2014) 1 Vegetation Plot 12 — (04/23/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs A 77 - Vegetation Plot 23 — (04/08/2014) Vegetation Plot 24— (04/08/2014) Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs Norkett Branch Mitigation Site Appendix 3: Vegetation Plot Data — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs APPENDIX 4. Baseline Drawings Norkett Branch Stream Mitigation Site Yadkin River Basin 03040105 Vicinity Map Not to Scale Site Directions: From Charlotte take US -74 E. Turn Right onto US 601 S. Turn Left onto Land 'ford Rd. Turn Right onto Philadelphia Church Rd. Norkett Branch, UT1, UT3 and BMPS are on the right. UT2 and U72A are on the left. Union County, North Carolina for North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program E n os stein agenient BEFORE YOU DIOI CALL 1 -800- 632 -4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER ITS THE LAWI BASELINE DRAWINGS ISSUED JULY 15, 2014 Sheet Index Title Sheet 0.1 General Notes and Symbols 0.2 Project Overview 1.0 Norkett Branch, UT3, BMPS 1.1 -1.4 UT1 1.5 UT2 1.6 -1.9 UT2A 1.10 Project Directory Engineering: Wildlands Engineering, Inc License No. F -0831 1430 South Mint Street Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Emily G. Reinicker, PE 704 - 332 -7754 Surveying: Kee Mapping and Survey 111 Central Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801 Brad Kee, PLS 828 - 645 -8275 Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1652 EEP Project ID: 95360 DENR Contract No. 004673 Q zz�o? �pazM�o awYZmM= a 2"i =g; C) —r c� U �z Qi i� 0 U .., x 0 z bA _Q n� «ax �o � WHITE STORE RD e N ROGTF N34 °52'47.56" s °22'09.19" W80 Tg41 w Z � LL Y N � O] w SM�rH D WN SITE RD a0 Z QJ y U 2� o� F� as �PNOSEOR� 3 o a 2 Vicinity Map Not to Scale Site Directions: From Charlotte take US -74 E. Turn Right onto US 601 S. Turn Left onto Land 'ford Rd. Turn Right onto Philadelphia Church Rd. Norkett Branch, UT1, UT3 and BMPS are on the right. UT2 and U72A are on the left. Union County, North Carolina for North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program E n os stein agenient BEFORE YOU DIOI CALL 1 -800- 632 -4949 N.C. ONE —CALL CENTER ITS THE LAWI BASELINE DRAWINGS ISSUED JULY 15, 2014 Sheet Index Title Sheet 0.1 General Notes and Symbols 0.2 Project Overview 1.0 Norkett Branch, UT3, BMPS 1.1 -1.4 UT1 1.5 UT2 1.6 -1.9 UT2A 1.10 Project Directory Engineering: Wildlands Engineering, Inc License No. F -0831 1430 South Mint Street Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Emily G. Reinicker, PE 704 - 332 -7754 Surveying: Kee Mapping and Survey 111 Central Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801 Brad Kee, PLS 828 - 645 -8275 Owner: Ecosystem Enhancement Program NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1652 EEP Project ID: 95360 DENR Contract No. 004673 Q zz�o? �pazM�o awYZmM= a 2"i =g; C) —r c� U �z Qi i� 0 U .., x 0 z bA _Q n� «ax �o � II I I I — END NORKETT BRANCH REACH 2 — IF STA: 138 +99 - - _ LAT: N34 °53'13.22" LONG: W80 °21'57.42" — — / 1— — — — — 1.4 "9 POCKET WETLAND BMP — xs I I— -- -- -- -- — — — — m , BEGIN UT3 I NORKETT REACH 2 STA:505 +42 REACH BREAK I X57 U T: G: N34 °53'07.75" ( STA: 131 +84 - 132 +25 LON W80 °21'56.92" _ �— I _ — v E d� BEGIN 3 BMP BEGIN UT2A z `I\ STA:5 N3 +73 { STA: 401 +53 S 6 I cF ONG: W80 21 55 1/9" ( LAT: N34 °53'03.99" _ N w ( LONG: W80 °22'28.25" — 20' EA5EMENT DB+�- T3 1.3 I ww 1 1.16 � f GIN UT2 UT21 EACH 3A ST A. 336 +90 REACH 36 END R / / A. 335+ � \ \ c UT2A END RKETT BRANCH REACH 1 REACH BREAK I �XS 20 f XS 5 / BEGI NORKETT BRANCH REACH 2 UT2A STA: 411 +46- 411 +84 / (I/ TA UT2 RE (cRio riE) �yo ' XS 19 N : 343 +48 CH 3B END UT2 REACH 2 ceem e9sa si n I 3 i BEGIN UT2 REACH 3A CuND: 6955.62' STA: 325 +20 ND UTl 2 C. z�roa�� Z «Nnm� W a c 11 «zmmv ~Z�`On °rw A �.2 o Z �"292E Hw� LL o -0-- O cd END UT A \ \ STA: 211 +98 STA: 415 +31 S� ` CE 1.5 bo (I3 / \ o S 8 / 0 BEGIN UTl .} U CE CE — CE — CE CE __ CE TA: 200 +00 - ^X517 ap I I 1.9 c XS— �^ T: N34 °52'56.34" 5 l,/-_ - SIB / ONG: W80 °21'47.93" ^ �V .,.•i / S19-- 30 -30 I ( `� CE J 30 p NORKETT REACH 3o w x is REACH BREA 1.2 STA: 117 +60- 118 +60 \ i-I 14 1.8 \ J X54 30 x53 0 P�-I x513 i-i aE UT2 REACH 2 — — — REACH BREAK i TA: 321 +71 - 322+06 om O 1.7 ����� XS `xs 1 END UT2 REACH 1 i BEGIN UT2 REACH 2 STA: 310 +80 V / I \�+ m 51 xs 1 1.6 1\ O m BEGIN NORKETT BRANCH REACH 1 U / STA: 100 +31 ONG: W80 2154 97" N 30 AT L -- -- - - -__ _ BEGIN UT2 REACH 1 / STA: 300 +41 LAT: N34 °52'41.45" \ LONG: W80 °22'29.52" / 200' 400' 600' E W w 3 ry (HORIZONTAL) d o V I� rl I+ N � c-I IQ 1 Q z�roa�� �WV awYzmm= �ZOUFLLE H wm� LL C) a-j rr.l V J W.J 4 U �z U O U � O • r-I O Z 0' 40' 80' 120' E W w 3 ry (HORIZONTAL) d o V O .F/ 3 Q / , I� rl I+ N � c-I IQ 1 Q z�roa�� �WV awYzmm= �ZOUFLLE H wm� LL C) a-j rr.l V J W.J 4 U �z U O U � O • r-I O Z 0' 40' 80' 120' E W w 3 ry (HORIZONTAL) d o V O .F/ 3 Q CE Ot 33 % 30 - 3] 3J 33 - 33 m 91 A- VP #5 i i i L� CE \ ¢ V _ CE 1 /yam U mm / / Q z�roa�� �WV awYzmm= �ZOUFIE H wm� LL C) rr.l V J o 0 4 U �z U � � U 0 Z 0' 40' 80' 120' E W w 3 ry (HORIZONTAL) d o V Ull r-1 3 �Q C� v� z� N _ V 1 CE \ ¢ V _ CE 1 /yam U mm / / Q z�roa�� �WV awYzmm= �ZOUFIE H wm� LL C) rr.l V J o 0 4 U �z U � � U 0 Z 0' 40' 80' 120' E W w 3 ry (HORIZONTAL) d o V Ull r-1 3 �Q C� v� z� Y / \ 340 +00 460 O 1 f QSS R .'741 I I N PP #9 �RFgc�� gNcy X22 I Q I ^ N E a c NI Ce cE I � Ce w cE Z J I I I STA:124 +00 NORKETT BRANC END REACH 1 BEGIN REACH 2 END UT2 REACH 3B STA:343 +48 Ce \ Ce \ ee - 17�� Ce \ CE CE C I I I I I I I I I I 33 33 33 3J� � 129 #p0 ,�� — — — 9 � +S N VP #6 CE CE CE SCE SCE SCE S S SCE SCE CE � CE CE CE -- - I BEGIN SPSC BMP 1 STA:503 +74 I LAT: N34 °53'06.62" o° 470 LONG: W80 °21'55.19' y$' p'10 na O \ + M Vs \ Z \ Z \3J / 3 _- 10 / / 3J \ PP #13-\ VP #7 1 STA:507 +12 \ ti END UT3 CR.TC- 133.00 °o VP #27 j I BEGIN UT \ STA: 505 +42 LAT: N34 °53'07.75" \ LONG: W80 °21'56.92" PP 94 %h \ 0' 40' 80' 120' (HORIZONTAL) Q z�roa�� =���m° �WV awYzmm= Z=���v ..0 H m� LL W r4-j--I V J Q O U �z r� V J 4-j 4 v O M� U w 0 i- 7O Iti E w N � O � z� __--j cE � CE CE E 477 —� a 1 cE GE 1 a Q\ 2\ 5�\ r2\ CE STA: 414 +87 \ CE END UT2A 471 cE L // 326 +pp � cE \ CF yf �R UT2 REACH 3A �E o �F STA: 325 +20 d END UT2 REAL 2 �OB.B� 0.Ff ICI I R9 RFAf41 �� n 328 +00 .... 37 / / / I / O 1+ rn m Iz / 1= / la �/ I— CE _ GE p6h !li 0' 40' 80' 120' (HORIZONTAL) Q z�roa�� =���m° �WV awYzmm= Z=���v �ZOUFLLE H wm� LL C) {� O VN (� U �z .I.d (' U � U � o 7� 1� w ^ x E w m � 3 �Q N N G� I / O / ti N I M/ / WI / Z J I / U / �ce �I / CE CE Cl CE r CE CE CE CE - CE CE CE CE I I / / / / a / 37 CE / 37 33 3J / 37 �a END UT2 REACH 3A STA:335 +58 33S 336 +00� ! / BEGIN UT2 REACH 3B .YS\ 00— 0 STA:336 +90 I9 339 PP +158 338 +00 `R= 3J - / / / G / / l / / D VP #21 O T�j CE \ CE � CE SCE � C CE , CE Q z�roa�� =���m° �WV awYzmm= Z=���v ..0 H m� LL 111 470 470 37 3J 3 33 465 STA: 124 +00 -- 33 NORKETT BRANCH END REACH 1 BEGIN REACH 2 END UT2 REACH 3B VP #22 STA:343 +48 3400 100 1lp0. � x \ � \ U O NORKETT BRANCH \ REAOH PP —y122 +00 ♦ \ .O I ' �I L VP #5 J I I o JN 0' 40' 80' 120' (HORIZONTAL) � o E w m v Q D VP #21 O T�j CE \ CE � CE SCE � C CE , CE Q z�roa�� =���m° �WV awYzmm= Z=���v ..0 H m� LL 111 470 470 37 3J 3 33 465 STA: 124 +00 -- 33 NORKETT BRANCH END REACH 1 BEGIN REACH 2 END UT2 REACH 3B VP #22 STA:343 +48 3400 100 1lp0. � x \ � \ U O NORKETT BRANCH \ REAOH PP —y122 +00 ♦ \ .O I ' �I L VP #5 J I I o JN 0' 40' 80' 120' (HORIZONTAL) � o E w m v Q