HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024210_Staff Comments_19980401.0 - Z (Fwd) (Fwd) Re: July 7 meeting agenda e(ooz IYAVO Subject: (Fwd) (Fwd) Re: July 7 meeting agenda Date: Wed, I Apr 1998 14:13:26 EST From: "JASON DOLL" <jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us> Organization: DWQ Water Quality To: jason_doll@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Forwarded message: From: Self <NRDEM02/TS19Y76> TO: Sullins Coleen Subject: (Fwd) Re: July 7 meeting agenda Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 15:43:53 EST As you requested. ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- From: <michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us> Organization: DEM Water Quality To: jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:21:25 EST Subject: Re: July 7 meeting agenda Priority: normal Jason - The message was sent to the following folks alan@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us brentmcd@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us stephen@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us ruth@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us coleen@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us daveg@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us lisa@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us jay@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us jimmie@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us larry@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us Jessica Miles@deh.ehnr.state.nc.us Linvill�;@wsro.ehnr.state.nc.us Mauney@wsro.ehnr.state.nc.us In addition, I invited Owen Anderson (Wildlife Resources Commission) since he and Ron Linnville had the most serious comments on the EA. Jay Sauber indicated he cannot make it, so he suggested inviting Mike Mickey (WSRO) and Kurt Turnbower I forwarded it to Mike and left it up to him to get this to Kurt, since I don't know who he is or where he works. I think you brought up some good points. Will Coleen and Ruth have a chance to meet with Preston/ Steve before next Monday to discuss this? I figured we needed to get an update on these issues (especially about the wq testing that is going on) from staff before we approached the big guys regarding what they wanted to do. I wouldn't have gone ahead and finalized the meeting if I had known you or Coleen or Ruth had these concerns. Ruth never said anything in her e-mail. Alan didn't seem to see a problem with setting up the meeting either - he has been the project manager on this up to now since it started way before my time. I have not been in any meetings, nor do I know what Preston or Tedder want on this. I am merely trying to satisfy internal DEHNR concerns with the EA and I thought a meeting among all the staff players would be informative and would help define what we should do (i.e. get staff support for what to do with these issues). I am not sure what you want me to do at this point. Please let me know. Are you going to attend the meeting? I of4 4/20/98 11:57 AM Mag 16 197 2:47 L. C.F.W.& S.A. TEL 762-34ie P. 3 a I understand from the meeting on May I that hydrologic modeling can only be done up to U.S. Lock & Dam No. I in Bladen County. Is this also the case with DWQs water quality modeling? 0 I -low does DWQ and DWR propose to coordinate the input and output data between the water quantity and quality models in the interest of basinwide water quantity and quality management? Please respond to this request prior to the next meeting of the Steering Committee. T Sin crely, Kurt G. Taube Executive Director cc.* Authority Board Members Mr. Mick Noland Mr. Jeff Phillips Mr. Lee Smith Mr. Dave Weaver Mr. Greg Martin Mr. Ed Xreul Ms. Kristin Beck Mr. John. Bauer Mr. Roger Sheats Mr Chuck Wakild Mr. Tom Fransen C (Fwd) (Fwd) Re: July 7 meeting agenda From: "JASON DOLL" <jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us> Organization: DEM Water Quality To: michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:00:28 EST Subject: Re: July 7 meeting agenda Priority normal Michelle, I have a couple questions/concerns. First off, who did this message go to besides me? As you can see from the tracer below, it does not say. What I'm wondering is who are you planning to have at the meeting? The reason I ask is that we have all had a general awareness that the questions you raise here loom large, but I don't think we have reached any clear consensus on the answers to all of them yet (but maybe I've missed something). I'm not sure how much good we will be to High Pt. in terms of giving them direction at this juncture. Were you in the last internal meeting we had out at the lab with Dorney and Jay Sauber and everybody? I don't remember anything concrete coming out of that, other than the plan to begin sampling the Deep River in that area again. We might need to have another one of those internal pow -wows before we can tell High Pt. what they need to do. Have Tedder or Preston rendered any opinions thus far? This whole dealy has become a large enough political matter that they probably need to weigh in on it about now. Nevermind consensus, we are basically going to end up doing what they say to do. I think their angle is somewaht complicated by the substantiail history of EMC involvement on this project. Please Advise, Jason • From: <michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us> • Organization: DEK Water Quality • To: Michelle Suverkrubbe • Date: Tue, I Jul 1997 10:36:06 EST • Subject: LTuly 7 meeting agenda • Reply -to: michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us • Cc: boyd@dem. ehnr. s ta te. nc. us • Priority: normal > The High -Point Eastside WWTPI Randleman Lake meeting has been set for -Tuly 7 (next monday) at 10:00 am in > the13 floor conference room (room number 1304S) in the Archdale Bldg. in Raleigh. Please be aware there are two > conference rooms on the 13th floor - so look at the room numbers to be sure you are in the right place! Please try > to attend or make sure a representative of your office can attend. This project has been in DWQ for over a year > and we really need to move it forward as soon as possible. > The puxpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed High Point Eastside WWTP 'expansion (currently under > DEMVR review as a draft: EA) and its relationship with Randleman Lake (as a future water supply) . > Tentative Agenda is as follows: > > 1) High Point Eastside WWTP Expansion EA - its current status and DWQ's concerns 2 of 4 4/20/98 11:57 AM Mag 16 19? 8:46 L. C. F. W. & S. A. TEL ?62-3418 P. 2 BOARD MEMBERS BLADEN COUNTY Frank Belote 13RUNSWICK COUNTY %Villiam D. Carter R(Chard Dlc*a Marshall Alton Milliken. Sr. JiVnes *Bubba* Smith COLUMBUS COUNTY Dompsay B. Harring Lynwood Nonis NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster 134mlel W. Eller PENDER COUNTY Robert M. Forand, Jr. CfgvGland Simpson CITY OF WILMINGTON John R. Andrew Don Betz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kurt G. Thubo Lower Cam? rp"v w,,i- .170 If "JI& V W"- A 111110rity POst Qffice Box 1673 Wilmingtoil, Nortl-, Carolina -28402 (910) 762-2065 (910) 762-3418 PAX May 67 1997 Mr. Jason C. Doll Environmental Modeler DEHNR Water Quality Section - P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-05.35 Itc: Water Quantity and Quality Modeling Dear Mr. Doll: It was a plrut3ure to mea yoLI on May I after Vie Cape Fear River Model Steering Committee Meeting, and to have an opportunity to briefly and generally discuss water quantity vs water quality modeling in relationship tO the subject at hand regarding Jordan Lake water allocafions. _and interbasin transfers. Several questions and comments were put fordi during'' our meeting about water quantity and quality modeling relationships and data result possibilities, but no specifies were related or offered other than that the information to be provided through the hydrologic mod*el would be used to assist with DWQ's water quality modeling efforts. In order for me to be better informed and educated about this matter as a representative on the Steering Committee, I request tliat you provide to me in writing it response to the questions asfollows: * Can one model be developed by known technology that simultaneously addresses water quantity and quality? if lot, describo reasons by parameters and components why this would not be Practical or could not be done. * What components and parameters need to be included for establishing the most eff-ective water quantity model that would provide DWQ the best beneficial data and infortnation to help maximize results to assist with water quality modelinc'0 Be very specific, 01 (Fwd) (Fwd) Re: July 7 meeting agenda > 2) Randleman Lake project - what is the latest on the water quality testing? Will the water quality meet public > water supplyl health standards? What is realistic chances of this lake becoming a water supply - regardless of > the WQ results? > 3) Will permitting this discharge endanger the potential future water supply use of this water? Will the WSWS > regulations come into play too late to afford any real protection to the water supply? > 4) Should High Point be required to better address the secondary NPS water quality impacts from > induced growth (to protect this potential water supply) as part of the WWTP expansion? or can they wait many > years to implement stormwater controlslBmPs once the WSWS reclassification is complete? Can1should DWQ > require this as a condition of the FONSI on the WWTP expansion? * 5) How should DWQ proceed on the NPDES pexmit issue in light of these factors? * Some alternatives - * a. Not allow the EA to go out as is. Require the preparation of an EXS (due to the potentially significant indirect > and cumulative effects of the project that HP are not yet mitigating in the EA). We can ask for a public hearing for • the EXS. • b. Make HP adopt stormwater controls for the project service area as a condition of the EAIFONSI. > (Xf so, what controls? Water Supply Watershed minimums or some other stormwater requirements?) > c. Allow the EA to go on without addressing these items further. Do not hold up the EA or the permi t. Let the > Lake project deal with these issues. > X will try to keep the meeting as short as possible, but I have reserved the conference room for 2 hrs. > Thank you! • Michelle L. Suverkrubbe, AICP • Environmental Specialist * NC Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources * Division of Water Quality, Planning Branch * 512 N. Salisbury Street * P.O. Box 29535 * Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 * (919) 733-5083 x 567 Michelle L. Suverkrubbe, AICP Environmental Specialist NC Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, Planning Branch 512 N. Salisbury Street P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 (919) 733-5083 x 567 Jason Doll Environmental Modeler NC Division of Water Quality PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Tel: 919-733-5083 ext 507 Fax: 919-733-9919 jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us of 4 L 4/20/98 11:57 AM iG 197 8:45 BOARD MEMOSRS BLADEN COUNTY Frank Seloto BRUNSWICK COUNTY W1111am D. Carter Richard 0DIcko Marshall Alton Milliken, Sr. James 'Bubba* Smilth L. C.F.W.& S.A. TEL 762-3418 Lower Cape Fear Water and SewerAuthority COLUMBUS COUNTY Dempsey B. HarrIng Lynwood Norris NEW HANOVER COUNTY WIlUarn A. Castor Daniel W. Mr PENDER COUNTY Robart M. Forand. Jt. Cleveland Simpson CITY OF WILMINGTON John R. Andrew Don Botz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kurt G. Thube Post Office Box 1673 Wilmington, Nor-th Carolina 28402 (910) 762-2065 (910) 762-3418 FAX FAX TRANSMITTAL TPLANSXITTAL X)ATE FROX 71WM TO: rag FxW51/1/ FIRM NAXE: &I t FXRX FAX NUMBEPL: 7.?;4-3rxr TOTAL NIMBER OF PAGES.- _j:hjf P ft fj A 7, viv 7�, Izi A pit War 14 "MMANWO w Mr r Ir ImArMfffirl Fillf-I'MrArf; All-WilyAWK IF-75 wAff-1.3 WAV-Iff�� P. 1 to P0 14. High Point - need to set up meeting Subject: High Point - need to set up meeting Resent -Date: Wed, I Apr 1998 14:12:35 EST Resent -From: "JASON DOLL" <jason@dem-ehnr.state.nc.us> Resent -To: iason—doll@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 16:43:04 EST From: <michelle@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us> Organization: DWQ Water Quality To: alan@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us,jason@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, coleen@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, ruth@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, Linville@wsro.enr.state.nc-us, Coble@wsro.enr.state.nc.us CC: Linville@wsro.enr.state.nc.us, Mauney@wsro.enr.state.nc.us, steve@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, greg@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, boyd@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us I received a call from Randy McNeil (with Davis -Martin -Powell) regarding the High Point EA this mornizig. I told him that we are uncomfortable issuing a FONSI on the EA at this time, but that we were also reluctant to require an EIS (but that is not out of the question due to the serious prediction of WQ violations in the future Randleman lake, even with proposed advanced treatment of the WWTP). I also indicated that we have a variety of questions and concerns pretaining to the WWTP and the reservoir. I suggested setting up a meeting with his firm, City of High Point, and DWQ staff (permits, modeling, and regional folks) sometime after the first of September. The purpose of the meeting will be to talk about our concerns with both the WWTP, the future lake and other WQ issues that we are trying to grapple with in this watershed. We need to have a suggested game plan for them. I did not bring up the "Watershed Management Plan" that Preston talked about requesting from-PTRWA. We need to get those details in order first. So - I need you all to check the following dates -- September 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, or 12 -- and let me know what days and times you can or cannot be available to meet on this project. Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you. Michelle Suverkrubbe Division of Water Quality (919) 733-5083 x 567 I of 1 4/20/98 11:51 AM Lq H. F I Thank you fol- Your considerations of these cornments in your delibe.-ations, of these important matters. Very t yours, Kurt Taube Executive Director K-j-."'Ij cc: ALIthority Board Members Mick Noland. PWC of Fayetteville Jeff Phillips, Brunswick County Lee Smithl Brunswick County Dave Wcaver, New Hanover Countv Greg Martin, Bladen County Ed Knjel. International Paper Co. Kristen Beck, Dupont John Batier, Pender County Chuck Wakild, Water Management Trust Fund Hugh Caldwell, City of Wilmin—gion Jim Varner, Brunswick County Mary Gornto, City of Wilmington Larry Summers, Bladen County Roger Sheats, Mid Carolina COG Paul Butler, Jr., N.C.'s Southeast Harper Peterson, City of Wilmingrton Camilla Herlewich, Cape Fear River Program [Fwd: (Fwd) HIGH POINT] Subject: [Fwd: (Fwd) HIGH POINT] Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:58:21 +0100 From: "Boyd DeVane" <boyd — devane@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> To: Steve Zoufaly <steve — zoufaly@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> Dianne Reid <dianne reid@h2o.enr. state.nc.us> Jay Sauber <jay_saug-er@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> 3 Ruth Swanek <ruth — swanek@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> Jim Blose <jim blose@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> Jason Doll John Dorney <fo-hrLdomey@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> Internal <jason—doll@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> 30 Anyone have any Solomon -like wisdom to address this issue? Subject: (Fwd) HIGH POINT Resent -Date: Tue, 24 Mar 98 10:18:57 EST Resent -From: TS19W70@,mordor.ehnr.state.nc.us Resent -To: boyd,_devane@h2o.enr.state.nc.us Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:18:36 +0000 From: "LARRY COBLE" <LARRY—COBLE@WSRO.ENR.State.NC.US> Organization: WSRO DENR To: coleen@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us,, tommy__,stevens@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, greg@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us, boyd@dem.ehnr.state.nc.us What do we need to do to get this moving?? ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- From: "Steve Mauney" <STEVE—KAUNEY@WSRO.ENR.State.NC.US> Organization: WSRO DENR To: LARRY COBLE@wsro.enr.state.nc.us Date: Mon, f3 Mar 1998 17:17:26 +0000 Subject: HIGH POINT Reply -to: steve — mauney@wsro.enr.state.nc.us Priority: normal When we met with High Point on 3-2-98 they indicated that the Eastside plans have been near completion for months. The final plans were submitted to Construction Grants & Loans on 3-16-98. There is ONE BIG PROBLEM -the plans can't be approved until a permit is issued. This leads to another problem- a permit application can't be submitted until a FONSI is issued by this agency. The FONSI is the approval that we issue of their ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESMENT. This leads us to the MAIN PROBLEM -they can't get their EA APPROVED because it has been linked to the Randleman Lake EA. While this regional office may have had a little involvement in getting the HP EASTSIDE WWTP ENV.ASSES. linked to Randleman Lake EA, it now looks like we need to move on with the High Point EA. Their plant can't handle much more than 20 MGD before it gets into compliance problems. (on January 27-98 their flow went to 22.14 MGD with a BOD=345 mg/1 and TSS=248 mg/1 ). OBviously there are significant design problems and some operational problems when their chlorine contact basin has so many solids that it looks like an aeration basin. Based on our meeting we understand that they are spending $7 million on I/I, are replacing major sections of sewer (8,000 ft of the Mechanicsville sewer not to mention others), and have a full time I/I crew working on the Eastside basin. Solids handling and disposal has plagued this plant but with the recent activation of a centrifuge and activation of the incinerator in the next few months that problem should be under control. My suggestion is that we proceed with the approval of the EA for the Eastside plant so they can begin to get an npdes permit process and then UPGRADE THIS WWTP. Please review and forward to anyone who may be able to resolve this EA blockade. Larry D. Coble I of 2 4/20/98 11:53 AM Tile State is required to protect the uses Ofour water resources and should conduct or hire OUtside Consultants to conduct -studies required to assess tile potential beneficial and detrimental inpacti on water uses.. If hydrological niodcling is a necessary tool that tile State needs to protect all water I'CSOLJI*CCS, then tile State -should be re- sponsible in making the budgetary financial provisions re(lUired to appropriately rnanage and protect these rescourccs. Rcqljcsritl(y stakeholders throughout the basin to provide lunip sum fividin for the model cannon 9 t be done equitably, and could ffir-ther polarize the interbasin transfer issues and concerns amongst all the stakeholders. Funding for hydrological modeling by DIVR should be obtained through the lecislature as part of the agencV's annual bUdget process. Aliother potential funding SOUrce for DWR COUld be an appropriadon till-OL1811 the Water Management Trust Fund. You may Nvant to explore this with Mr. David NIcNaught, Executive Dire 7' ctor. I don't believe at this point in tinle tilat Ill equitable fundingVproacli between stakeholders til"OU-01OL11 tile entire basin can be arranged that will receive funding commitments from all local governmenT.S. T hope DVtTR staff will consider these comments ill its deliberations of the Aindint-, question for a model fOrtilc Cape Fear River Basin, and ramificatior s I is c d i, v o t fundine ol'otiler hydrolo a C 11 Ile gical models that Will Ultimately be necessary In other parts ofthe State. Ill cOnclusion, nly recommendations are as fbflows: That DWR obtain funding fior the model thrOUS,111 special appropriations 1111*000) tile legislature or other S. tate funded progranis supportive of environmental projects. Ifthe above is not possible. then the aPPlicants, benefitting from an interbasin transfer ShOUld Solely be responsible fOrthe niodel's ffindinca. Downstream stakeliolders from Jordan Lake should not be asked or required to inc-Ur expenses fior the necessity of a Illodel promulgated by requests and needs of upstrearn stakeholders. The implication ill,-j[ downstream stakeholders ShOUld 11ave part owliel-silip of the inodel throu-tyli financial Pal-ticiPation is like saVincy tllillt downstream -stakeholders will sollichow loose bencf1ts as a result 0i'llow the modal is developed if they don't Participate financiallv. Of"COUrse, this is 'lot tile case because the need flor modelitig-is to Proect potential down'treani water qUantity and q1lalitY i'llpacts caused and affeCted by upstream water users and related �Valcr diversions sucVgest that DWR study and examinea*systeni orfuser fees anionest the entities obtainill-cy Nvater from Jordan Lake to pay -% for the costs of required modelinc-y. This can be Stablished and justified as a coniponent-of a.11 customer's water rate alone -With tile other rate conlponenES such as debt servict., and opearation and maintenance. %�