HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024210_Permit Modification_19990111Alate of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 11, 1999 Mr. Thomas P. Gore, Plants Division Manager City of High Point Public Services Department P.O. Box 230 High Point, North Carolina 27261 NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DF-PARTmENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NA;rURAL RESOURCES Subject: NPDES Permit Modification Permit No. NCO024210 High Point—Eastside WWTP Guilford County Dear Mr. Gore: A permit modification request and check for $100.00 (#302493) was received by the NPDES Unit on November 9, 1998. After review of the request, the modifications to your NPDES permit as discussed below have been approved. This modification will become effective January 1, 1999. The draft modifications, based on the Division's review, are listed below: Cyanide daily maximum limit has changed to 22 gg/l, and a weekly average of 5.0 gg/l has been added. A quantitation limit of 10 gg/1 has been specified. Limits and monitoring for chromium and nickel have been removed. Metals monitoring shall coincide with toxicity test monitoring. Expiration date change to August 31, 2001. Cyanide Monitoring Because North Carolina's toxicant standards are based on chronic criteria, the Division will implement the cyanide limit as a weekly average rather than a daily maximum at the facility's request. However, the strewn must be protected against both acute and chronic effects. Therefore, a daily maximum limit based on EPA's acute criterion for cyanide is also included in the permit. In light of information available regarding cyanide measurement techniques, the Division also feels it is reasonable to specify the total cyanide quantitation limit as 10 lig/l (10 ppb) in your NPDES permit. Levels reported as "<10 gg/l" will be considered zero for compliance purposes. Silver Monitoring The facility requested removal of the silver monitoring requirement; however, the action level cited in your letter of October 27, 1998 was incorrect. The action level in North Carolina for silver is 0.06 �Lgll, and past data indicate there is reasonable potential for the discharge concentration to exceed this level. Therefore silver monitoring remains unchanged. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper 0 Reasonable Potential Analysis The statistical method used by North Carolina for assessing reasonable potential to exceed a limit differs slightly from the RPE procedure described in the technical support document referenced in the modification request. North Carolina's method has been approved by the U.S. EPA, and the Division uses this approach for all facilities in the State to determine whether or not metals limits are required in permits. Based on this analysis of the data submitted, the Division is not removing the lead limit from the permit at this time. General Monitoring Requirements The facility requested that monitoring requirements for chromium, nickel, lead, mercury and silver be dropped from the permit. Monitoring for lead remains unchanged since the limit still applies. Monitoring for silver is unchanged because there is reasonable potential to exceed the action level. The Division also feels that quarterly monitoring for mercury is not excessive. Monitoring for chromium and nickel, however, was removed because the facility continues to monitor these parameters as part of the Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP). Monitoring for mercury and silver cannot be discontinued because no data would exist for future reasonable potential analyses, performed upon each permit renewal. Unless a toxicant is either eliminated as a pollutant of concern or is included with sufficient frequency in tha LTMP, monitoring must remain in the permit. This permit has also been modified to specify toxicity monitoring be done in conjunction with metals and cyanide monitoring. This will assure that future comparison of data with toxicity test results is not erroneous. Expiration Date Please note also that this permit modification changes the expiration date for the subject permit to August 31, 2001. The Division is beginning the second five-year cycle of river basin planning and permit renewals. An examination of the basin planning schedule has revealed that the timing of permit renewals does not allow an evenly distributed workload as first envisioned. In an effort to improve customer service, and after a review of the water quality issues in your area, the Division is changing the permit renewal schedule for NPDES permits in your sub -basin. Please find enclosed the amended effluent limitations pages for outfall 001 and cover page, both of which should be inserted into your permit, The old effluent and cover pages should be discarded. All other terms and conditions contained in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit modification are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7447. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. If you have any questions regarding this modification to your permit, please contact Bethany Bolt at (919) 733- 5083, extension 551. Sincerely, Original Signed By R,.,Wil A. VoIr reston owar' n,r., P.E. c Enclosure cc: NPDES Unit Central File Pretreatment Unit Winston-Salem Regional Office[Water Quality Section Permit No. NCO02421 0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215. 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, City of High Point is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at High Point Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant on Riverdale Drive east of High Point Guilford County to receiving waters designated as Richland Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1. 11, 111, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective January 11, 1999. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on August 31, 200 1. Signed this day January 11, 1999. Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Envirom-nental Management Commission A (1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (page I of 2 effluent pages) ]FU�4 k1t_, Permit No. NCO024210 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT, CHARACTERISTICS:.-��, LIMITS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly.:�. Average Weekly� Average - Daiffy' Max, In *mu keasurement;'::j Frequency, Sample Type Sample Location Flow 16.0 MGD Continuous Recording I or E BOD, 5 day, 20*C (April 1 - October 3 1)1 8.0 mg/I 12.0 mg/1 Daily Composite 1, E BOD, 5 day, 20*C (November I - March 31)1 16.0 mg/I 24.0 mg/1 Daily Composite I, E Total Suspended Solidsi 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/1 Daily Composite I, E NH3 as N (April 1 - October 3 1) 3.0 mg/I Daily Composite E NH3 as N (November 1 - March 3 1) 6.0 mg/1 Daily Composite E VH2 Daily Grab E Dissolved Oxygen3 Daily Grab E, Ul D Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 400/100ml Daily Grab E, Ut D Total Residual Chlorine Daily Grab E Temperature *C Daily Grab E, U9 D Conductivity Daily Grab E, U9 D Total Nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 + TKN) Monthly Composite E Total Phosphorus Monthlv Com2osite E Chronic Toxicity4 Quarterly Composite E Cadmium 2.0 gg/I Weekly Composite E Cyanide5 5.0 Ag/I 22 tig/I Weekly Grab E Lead 25 pg/I Weekly Composite E, Ut Dt Copper 2/Month Composite E Iron 2/Month Composite E Mercury Quarterly Composite E Silver 2/Monffi omposite E Zinc 2/Month Composite E Notes: Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, U - Upstream (2 locations): (1) Richland Creek at least 100 feet above outfall, (2) Deep River at NCSR 1113, D - Downstream (2 locations): (1) Deep River at NCSR 1129, (2) Deep River at NCSR 192 1. Stream samples shall be grab samples and shall be collected 3/Week during June -September and I/Week during the remaining months of the year. t Upstream and downstream monitoring for lead and nickel shall be conducted monthly by grab sample at the first upstream site U(1) and the first downstream site D(1). I The monthly average effluent BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). A (1). LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUEREMENTS (page 2 of 2 effluent pages) V t Permit No. NCO024210 V?jA _' 2 The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 3 The daffy average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 6.0 mg/l. 4 Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 90%: January, April, July, and October; see Part III, Condition G. Toxicity monitoring shall, coincide with metals and cyanide monitoring. * s The quantitation. limit for cyanide shall be 10 pg/ I (10 ppb). Levels reported as "< 10 pg/ I" shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. There shall be no discharge offloating solids or uisiblefoam in other than trace amounts. r"T"U'a EAST SIDE NOTES FOR HIGH POINT MODIFICATION REQUEST (NCO024210) Summary: 10/27/98 Modification request to set cyanide quantitation limit at 10 �tg/l, as well as drop limits and/or monitoring for chromium, silver, nickel, mercury and lead. In addition, facility wishes to have a weekly average for cyanide instead of a daily max. Basinwide Plan Information: Facility discharges into Richland Cr, in the Cape Fear River Basin. Richland Cr is listed as impaired on the 303 (d) list. Problem parameters are fecal, turbidity, copper, and lindane. Plan notes that High Point East Side is a contributing source of copper, as well as the pesticide lindane. (this should be noted at renewal). Nutrients are also elevated— High point is also a major contributor. WLA Information: History notes for 4/14/92 VILA revealed that although the 7Q10 of Richland is 1.0 cfs, limits for metals were intentionally set at standard/action level concentrations. This was. the result of interacting dischargers contributin to the high concentration of metals instream (assumed to be the standarls/action leveh). Essentially, stream has reached its assimilative capacity for Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, & Zn. Data Review: Facili submitted data, as well as the results of RPE "Reasonable Potential to Excee-Y al is (method used was from EPA support Socument). A reasonable s potential anarysis (NC, method) was performed on data submitted, since this is consistent with DWQ's approach to all NC facilities. Results • Analysis of past 60 data points submitted (7/97-6/98) supported that there was no reasonable potential for chromium to exceed 50 gg/l. Chromium limit may be dropped. • Facily considered the action level for silver to be 60 gg/l, instead of 0.06 g�/I. At least .hree data points since 2/98 were well above that level. Silver monitoring should remain in permit as is. • Analysis of data (7/97-6/98) supported that there was no reasonable potential for nickel to exceed 88 gg/l. Nickel limit may be dropped. Analysis of data (7/97-6/98) for lead indicated there was in fact reasonable potential to exceed 25 gg/l. Even if the maximum value for that set (23.52 gg/1) were omitted as an outlier, the analysis predicted a max. concentration of 26 gg/l, still warranting a limit. Lead limit and monitoring should remain in permit as is. As a part of this modification, it should be noted on the effluent page that toxicity testing should be performed in conjunction with metals monitoring, especially since this ficility has been identified as a major contributor to those. parameters with action levels. This is consistent with more recent changes to monitoring requirements at renewal. 01/08/99 NCO024210 BAB CN Finally, a CN quantitation limit of 10 jAg/l is reasonable and also consistent with other recent permit modifications. Regarding the change of a daily max. limit into a weekly average— in the past, we have converted the daily max limit into a weekly average and replaced the daily max limit with either 1/2FAV (Final Acute Value adopted by EPA) or the weekly average limit X 4, whichever is more stringent. �6 FAV = 22 �tg/l vs. (5.0 x 4) = 20 gg/l. Per Dave G., 12/8/98: Current li is to a Po icy pp!y only the 1/2 FAV for the daily max, not taking into account dilution. This is because the criterion is based on acute effects and is more appropriately applied as the full concentration. Therefore, the limit should be 22 �ig/l. Check LTMP. Monitoring for metals w/out limits should only be reduced to 2/Month unless frequent monitoring part of LTMP. L TMP Monitoring at discharge is 3 consecutive days per quarter (schedule attached). Therefore, monitoring for Nickel and Chromium can be dropped from the NPDES, permit. Monitoring requirements We can only �rant a request to eliminate monitoring for the above metals without limits if there is sufficient monitoring in the Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTPM for Pretreatment): There would be no way to peiform. reasonable potential analyses without data in the future, unless the toxicant in question is no longer a pollutant of concern. Monitoring can be reduced, however, to 2/Month. (Normal practice is to assi nts without limits of 2/Month for Class III and IV facrmonitoring f6r toxica, ,ties). Since there were only 8 data soints for mercu. , and monitoring is alreaqy qnly . ry quarterly, I do not recom a reduction in monit ri frequency at this time. Eight is the absolute minimum amount of points re ired for a reasonable potential analysis (8-12, at least, are suggested), so I do not tvink this parameter can yet be eliminated from the NPDES pe"r"m'it. R qi o n -s Iqpu t Eric Black of the WSRo concurred with the proposed. modifications. He also requested I forward information regarding reasonable potential analysis to him. Expiration date change to August 31, 2001. 01/08/99 2 Ncoo-242 to Eastside LTMP G, H. Sawling schedule SAMPLING SCHEDULE for Eastside Note: "All 12" does not include oraanics. Monitoring Initial Thereafter Point 1 Influent March 15-19 3 consecutive 1993. * days per quarter la Influent 2 discharge la Effluent 3 Primary effluent 4 & 5 raw sludge 6 Digested sludge 7 N/A 8 Trickling Filter 9 Septage Upereek Recovery zone April March 15-20 April March 15-19 March 15-19 April 15-19 March 15-19 Mar. 15, 1993 First 5 loads See Narrative See narrative 4 consecutive days, every 6 months 3 consecutive days per quarter 4 consecutive days, every 6 months As above Annually Annually 3 consecutive days per quarter 1 Per month 4 per month during summer 4 per month during summer POCS All 12 & PH Organics** 00, All 12, VY, no BOD on 3-20 Organics** All 12 All but TSS & BOD Metals BOD, COD, NH3 Metals, COD, CN pH See narrative I as above * Those sampling points marked above are already sampled on a regular basis. ** Please explain what is needed. I. Detection level and methods Both shall meet the criteria in the LTMP model. Long Term Monitoring Plan Subject: Long Term Monitoring Plan Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 08:03:12 -0500 From: "Paul Clark" <paul_clark@h2o.enr.state.nc.us> Internal To: bethany_bolt@h2o.enr.state.nc.us FYI - I read something in the guidance manual that applies to our discussion yesterday. It appears that influent and effluent monitoring frequency guidelines are as follows: - If the headworks is going to be completed within six months and no previous LTMP data collected (this is uncommon), collect 10 work days for initial data, then quarterly monitoring on a work day - Otherwise, monthly monitoring on workday for first year, then quarterly monitoring on a workday for following years. Note: the monthly/quarterly requirement was instituted to allow effluent sampling to coincide wl NPDES monitoring and was considered less stringent than 3 consecutive days per quarter. .Thus, my impression is that facilities will be moving away from the consecutive days to monthly/quarterly. Any questions, please ask. I of 1 12/14/98 7:50 AM Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point -East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 RIGH POINT -EAST Facility Name = NPDES # = Q- (MGD) = 7Q10 (cfs)*= I WC (-/.) = Chromium Max. Pred Cw (jig/1) FINAL RESULTS NO LIMIT 35 Allowable Cw (pgll) 50 Silver Max. Pred Cw (jig/1) ABOVE ACTION LEVEL I I Allowable Cw (pg/1) 0.06 Nickel Max. Pred Cw (pgll) NO LIMIT 38 Allowable Cw (jagll) 88 Lead Max. Pred Cw (ligil) LIMIT 49, _� Ta�ble Cw (jig/1) 25 *Actually 1.0 efs. but because several dischargers interact and contribute to high instrewn metals concentrations, previous models assumed levelsfor these metals were at water quality standardslaction levels. and therefore limits should be set at the standards (see history of 1992 WLA). I examined past 60 points of data, with the exception of silver, which had three points exceeding the action level of 0.06 VgA in 1998 (action level cited by facility as 60 V&A, which is inconrect.) Data points considered outliers ane shaded. Parameter - Chromium Standard = 1 50 pg/l n BDL=1/2DL (pg1l) Actua Data (ggill 980625 2.50 <5.00 980618 2.30 <5.00 980611 2.50 <5.00 980604 2.30 <5.00 980528 2.50 <5.00 980521 2.50 <5.05 980514 2.50 <5.00 980507 2.56 -<5.00, 980430 2.50 <,5.00 980423 2.50 <5.00 980417 17.43 17.43 980414 2.50 <5.00 980409 2.50 <5.00 980402 2.50 <5.00 980326 2.50 <5.00 980319 2.50 <5.00 980312 2.50 <5.00 980305 2.50 <5.00 980226 2.50 <5.00 980219 2.50 <5.06 980213 2.50 <5.00 980212 2.50 <5.00 980210 2.50 <5.00 980205 2.50 <5.00, 980129 2.50 <5.00 980123 2.50 <5.00 990122 2.50 <5.00 980120 2.50 <5M 980115 2.50 <5.00 980108 2.50 <5.00 971231 2.50 <5.00 971223 2.50 <5.00. 971218 2.50 <5.00 971211 2.50 <5.00 971204 2.50 <5.00 271 1i 2� 2�350 1-00 9�� �01 0 <5.00 9711131 2.50 <5.00 RESULTS jStd Dev. 1 2.52 IMean 1 2.93 jC.V. 1 0.86 Mult Factor (n=60) Max. Value 17.4 pg/l Pyfa_xPred Cw 34.9 itg/l Allowable Cw 50 Ag/l Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point. -East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Chrondu^ cont. 971106 2.50 <5.00 971030 2.50 <5.00 971023 2.50 <5.50 971016 2.50 <5.00 971010 8.67 8.67 971009 2.50 <5.00 971007 2.50 <5.00 971002 2.50 <5.00 970925 2.50 <5.00 970918 2.50 <5.00 970911 2.50 <5.00 970904 2.50 <5.00 970828 2.50 <5.00 970821 2.50 <5.00 980814 2.50 <5.00 970807 2.50 <5.0 0 970731 2.50 <5.00 970724 2.50 <5.50 970718 2.50 <5.00 970717 2.50 <5.00 970715 2.50 <5.50 970710 2.50 <5.00 1 611 Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point --East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = 7Q 10 (cfs) = I WC (V/O) = HIGH POINT - EAST SIDE (001) NCO024210 16.0 0.0 100.00 Parameter = Silver Standard = 0.06 pg/I (AL) n BDL=1/2DL (Pg/l) Actual Date (Rg/1) 980625 2.50 <5.00 980618 2.50 <5.00 980611 2.50 <5.00 980604 2.50 <5.00 980528 2.50 <5.00 980521 2.50 <5.00 980514 2.50 <5.00 980507 2.50 <5.00 980430 2.50 <5.00 980423 2.50 <5.00 980417 3' .85 5.854 980414 2.50 <5.00 980409 2.50 <5.00 980402 2.50 <5.00 980326 2.50 <5.00 980319 5.57 5.57 980312 2.50 <5.00 980305 2.50 <5.00 980226 6 6 20 RESULTS Std Dev. 1.24 Mean 3.02 C.V. 0.41 Mult Factor (n=19) Max. Value 6 gg/I Max. Pred Cw I I Ag/I Allowable Cw 0.06 pg/l No need for remaining data points. Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point -East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Facility Name = NPDES # = Qw (MGD) = 7Q 10 (cfs) = I WC (0/,) = HIGH POINT - EAST SIDE (001) NCO024210 16.0 0.0 100.00 Parameter = Nickel Standard = 88 jug/l n BDL=1/2DL (pg/1) Actual Data (pg/1) 980625 13.6 13.6 980618 23.75 23.75 980611 5.00 < 10.00 980604 5.00 < 10.00 980528 10.85 980521 <10.00 980514 .5.00 5.00 <10.00 980507 5.00 <10.00 980430 <50.00 980423 5.00 <10.00 980417 14.86 14.86 980414 5.00 <10.00 980409 5.00 <10.00 980402 5.00 <10.00 980326 5.00 <10.00 980319 5.00 <10.00 980312 5.00 <10.00 980305 5.00 <10.00 980226 5.00 < 10.00 980219 5.00 < 10.00 980213 5.00 <10.00 980212 5.00 < 10.00 980210 5.00 < 10.00 980205 5.00 <10.00 980129 5.00 < 10.00 980123 5.00 <10.00 980122 11.23 11.23 980120 5.00 < 10.00 980115 5.00 < 10.00 980108 5.00 <10.00 971231 5.00 <10.00 971223 5.00 <10.00 971218 5.00 <10.00 971211 5.00 <10.00 971204 5.00 <10.00 971126 5.00 <10.00 9711201 5.00 <10.00 9711131 5.001 <10.00 RESULTS Std Dev. 3.42 Mean 6.04 Cv. 0.517 Mull Factor (n=59) Max. Value 23.75 pg/I Max. Pred Cw 38 pg/I Allowable Cw 88 pg/I Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point -East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Nickel, cont. 971106 5.00 <10.00 971030 5.00 <10.00 971023 5.00 <10.00 971016 5.00 <10.00 971010 5.00 <10.00 971009 5.00 <10.00 971007 5.00 <10.00 971002 5.00 <10.00 970925 5.00 <10.00 970918 5.00 <10.00 970911 5.00 <10.00 970904 5.00 <10.00 970828 5.00 <1 0.00 970821 5.00 < 10.00 980814 5.00 < 10.00 970807 5.00 <10.00 970731 5.00 < 10.00 970724 17.1 17.1 970718 5.00 <10.00 970717 5.00 <10.00 970715 5.00 <10.00 970710, 5.001 <10.001 611 Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point -East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Facility Name = NPDES#= Qw (MGD) = 7Q 10 (cfis) = I WC (0/0) = HIGH POINT - EAST SIDE (001) NCO024210 16.0 0.0 100.00 Parameter = Lead Standard = 25,Pg/l n BDL=1/2DL (Ag/1) Actual Data (Ag1l) 980625 1.0 <2.0 980618 2.5 2.5 980611 10.44 10.44 980604 5.8 5.8 980528 2.50 <5.00 980521 2.50 <5.00 980514 2.50 <5.00 980507 2.50 <5.00 980430 2.50 <5.00 980423 2.50 <5.00 980417 15.34 15.34 980414 6.166 6.166 980409 2.50 <5.00 980402 2.50 <5.00 980326 2.50 <5.00 980319 7.26 7.26 980312 2.50 <5.00 980305 2.50 <5.00 980226 2.50 <5.00 980219 2.50 <5.00 980213 2.50 <5.00 980212 2.50 <5.00 980210 2.50 <5.00 980205 2.50 <5.00 980129 2.50 <5.00 980123 2.50 <5.00 980122 2.50 <5.00 980120 2.50 <5.00 980115 2.50 <5.00 980108 2.50 <5.00 971231 2.50 <5.00 971223 2.50 <5.00 971218 2.50 <5.00 971211 2.50 <5.00 971204 2.50 <5.00 971126 2.50 <5.00 9711201 2.50 <5.00 9711131 23.52 23.52 RESULTS Std Dev. 3.4 1 Mean 3.4 C.V. 0.99] Mult Factor (n=60) Max. Value 23.52 pg/1 Max. Pred Cw 49 pg/l Allowable Cw 25 pg/l (Even if 23.52 ivere considered ar outlier, the mult. factor would be 1.7, which predicts a maximum Lconcentration of 26 mg/l.) Reasonable Potential Analysis: High Point --East Side (NCO024210) 03-06-08 Lead, cont. 971106 2.50 <5.00 971030 2.50 <5.00 971023 2.50 <5.00 971016 2.50 <5.00 971010 2.50 <5.00 971009 2.50 <5.00 971007 7.19 7.19 971002 2.50 <5.00 970925 2.50 <5.00 970918 2.50 <5.00 970911 2.50 <5.00 970904 2.50 <5.00 970828 2.50 <5.00 970821 2.50 <5.00 980814 2.50 <5.00 970807 2.50 <5.00 970731 2.50 <5.00 970724 2.50 <5.00 970718 2.50 <5.00 970717 2.50 <5.00 970715 2.50 <5.00 9707101 2.501 <5.00 611 1 cL: IF a i INDUSTFRAL LOADWGG ESfIDM TKN It" 85 270 OLOU is 48 9 ODOM asaw 0=00 DMJ 0=0 OW" ODWO 022 4 0 0 0 a a 01 ilea 3861 IX074 : OL3 MOM im 310 OMW aOMJ abase =00 aW)j OOMD 0=0 a 003 G- 0 0 0 0 0 o 01 r ODOM 0.00031 DOW DMOD W)MOI OAMO 0=0 11 OwX am a a 0 0 0 a 0 Ow"MimWIVOM M OD45 M048 O.OW O.W3 0025 n M ii: OA4 Q�l 0 0 0 owls 0.0030 Own Oxam 0 Gal OANO Dams am 4 a 00 0 0 0 ow 186 45a is 24M 0 a a 30 74 3 ODOM (LOOM 0. 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Am 00072 awar 'L" DO 2N 0 7- ONO3 OVV73 0351 0451 IMI am 1266 4 14 14 0 OD All a CIS 2 ODIN MAI U i M G= 4m MAI= 237 0,04 GOOD 0.14 W Poll 0.114 a. �DVELQWE 171 &1 a MOODS CLOTS, WOMM M0054 Owls 0 1 'a aami 0=11 a12 DAM MAS DOC D03M 06 �1 a25 no 322 id,13 SO Mon ODZSO 02626 02ST2 Game amin am am 401 0.11300 215 owls Case MX20 IM 1.15 CA IS DOOM area exam cam CAD4 0.140 Cam 0=1 107 'WAS1 -0V OWN 021 IN 1 322 34 0.0130 claim 0 INS A-l"a Ow" MM`G '? a 0 am &26 OM15 OUS) 21M US CA 746 19 UOTT3 MNc6 0.144 DOOM 0.0224 M2008 r 1141 Owl 4se W4 IM DOOM OWS2 1160 la,17 Dal .0., SO 2164 215 102 01 Ama OV121 00M 0.120 '2 A: Cal 112 0=1 Am an on ibSO $at a M:1 M0277 cam GAINS 0.M23 21 01 Casio 005 a a- am 129 Us 20 amsel Mamel 0.11% 0.1050 0.12� am 0 of I &K own awaci Immi A= lam on Ulli I u 21 MMTNj OD9�1 0.1237 OJOUN ODSM 0.1317 00� 0 w aAl 00 Obale *�Oj I�l a' 269 -i2e 20 M02501 Dal; U.u2su U., 5, =I 3.-� Am came jAe alacal Izzal Dal le � mAj atle;, 2=*m 64 as 5 0009 DOI OGMQ ce Mase 0.100 Onle Mean .IS 0=16 G. C a.m Na VAIN 2.29 29 Zt 4M 'M - 2D4. atOk OM20 4040 094� Gas w cS OASM am 1891-42n .272 -AN �ow 0=0 OM101272 _--02T 25.88 .047, 9439 154O.Va Isu &,UG 1679 I CITY OFHIGH POINT NORTH CAROLINA October 27, 1998 146623.PA.TS Mr. Dave Goodrich NPDES Permit Group Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Enviroment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Goodrich: Subject Request for Major Permit Modification for Cyanide and Metals Monitoring City of High Point, Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) NPDES Pern-dt NCO024210 Guilford County The purpose of this letter is to request that a quantitation level for cyanide be added to the pern-dt immediately as a minor permit modification and to request that permit limits/monitoring of certain metals where justifiable be removed from the permit. k 0 co Cyanide The City of High Point is requesting that a quantitation level of 10 gg/L for cyanide be Z: included in the NPDES permit for the Eastside WWTP. We understand that the Divisio&f Water Quality has determined that 10 ug/L is an appropriate quantitation level for cyariWe for compliance purposes unless specific studies are conducted to develop an alternative= quantitation level. It is also our understanding that all cyanide values less than this W quantitation level would be reported and averaged as zero for compliance monitoring C:) purposes. This change can be accomplished with a minor pern-tit modification. The City of High Point also submitted a letter on April 23, 1997, requesting a minor modification to convert the daily cyanide limit into a weekly average for both the Eastside PUBLIC SERVICEs DEPARTMENT, P.O. Box 230, High Point, North Carolina 27261 Telephone (336) 883-3410 FAX (336) 883-3109 TDD (336) 883-8517 Mr. Dave Goodrich Page 2 October 27,1998 and Westside WWTPs. A check in the amount of $200 was submitted on May 30,1997, for these minor modifications. The permits have not been modified. Please let us know if we need to resubmit this request, or if the previously submitted fees could be applied to the requested minor permit modification. Metals Reasonable potential to exceed (RPE) values were calculated for effluent metals concentrations for the period of July 1, 1995, through June 30, 1998, for the Eastside WVVTP. The RPE calculation is based on EPA's Technical Support Docunwnt (TSD) for Water Quality - Based Toxics Control, Table E-1, Daily Maximum Permit Limit Calculation: This table presents a RPE value calculation procedure if all values in the dataset are above the detection level and a procedure if the dataset contains values that are below the detection level. Both procedures were used. RPE values were calculated for the 99thpercentile and compared against daily maximum permit limits. If the RPE value is less than the permit limit for a particular metal, then the City of High Point feels that there is no reasonable potential to exceed the permit limit or action level and requests that monitoring for that metal be discontinued. The results of the calculation are summarized in Table 1. The complete data set is presented in Attachment A. Table I Eastside WWTP Summary of Metals and Cyanide Data Data from July 1, 1995 through June 30,1998 (All values pg1l unless noted) Daily 991, Monitoring Standard Maximum Percentile Frequency Average Deviation Maximum Count Detections Limit RPE Cadmium Weekly 0.14 3.39 8.88 126 5 2 4.6 Chromium Weekly 0.89 7.24 29.09 125 8 50 20.5 Copper 2/month 14.18 9.80 101 123 122 7(a) 37.7 Total Iron 2/month 151.02 500.09 3221 131 52 1000 1263.3 Lead Weekly 0.79 5.92 23.52 123 10 25 16.6 Nickel Weekly 3.64 12.52 63 123 22 88 39,5 0 0 6 Silver 2/month 0.89 18.14 57.89 123 8 C60�) 26/8 Zinc 2/month 63.37 33.64 345 133 128 50 167.0 Mercury Quarterly 0 8 0 <0.2 Bold italics denotes a North Carolina action level Mr. Dave Goodrich Page 3 October 27,1998 The metals with permit limits greater than the 99thpercentile RPE include: Chromium Silver Nickel Lead Therefore, the City of High Point requests that the permit limits and monitoring requirements for these metals be dropped from the NPDES permit. In addition, mercury has not been detected in the effluent for the period of July 1, 1995, through June 30, 1998. Therefore, the City of High Point also requests that mercury monitoring be dropped. Based on previous discussions with your staff, the addition of a quantitation level is considered a minor permit modification. However, we understand that removing the monitoring requirement for some metals would be considered a major modification. Therefore, we have included a check in the amount of $500 in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (b)(5). We appreciate your consideration of these comments. ff you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. me at (336) 883-3410. Sincerely, Thomas P. Gore Plants Division Manager City of High Point c: Ms. Colleen H. Sullins, P.E. - NC DENR/DWQ Winston-Salem Regional Office Bill Kreutzberger/CH2M HILL American Canoe Association Attachment A City of High Point Eastside WWTP RPE Analysis Data City of Hight Point Eastside VVWTP Effluent Data for RPE Analysis Total Cd Cr Cu Fe Pb N! Ag Zn CN Hg (ugil) (ug/1) (ugil) (ug/1) (ugil) (ugil) (ugil) (ug/1) (ug/1) (ug/1) Average 0.14 0.89 14.18 151.0 0.79 3.64 0.89 63.37 6.03 Stdev 3.39 7.24 9.80 500.1 5.92 12.52 18.14 33.64 8.56 Minimum 1.024 5.4 2.15 94 2.5 10.07 5.37 4 5 Maximum 8.88 29.09 101 3221 23.52 63 57.89 345 40 0 Count 126 125 123 131 123 123 123 133 144 8 Detections 5 8 122 52 10 22 8 128 66 0 7/6/95 <1.0 <5.0 5.54 104 <5.0 <50 <5.0 61 <5.0 7/13/95 <1.0 <5.0 10.21 129 <5.0 34.1 6.88 69 9 7/20/95 <1.0 11.91 14.13 150 <5.0 <50 <5.0 17 15 7/27/95 5 29.09 10.68 115 <5.0 27.8 <5.0 40 14 8/3/95 <1.0 15.85 24.4 295 <5.0 63 <5.0 36 39 8/10/95 <1.0 <5.0 153 <5.0 30.9 <5.0 43 7 8/17/95 <1.0 <5.0 21.09 325 9.54 14.8 15.04 38 40 8/23/95 <5.0 8/24/95 <1.0 <5.0 128 14.9 <5.0 69 16 8/31/95 <1.0 <5.0 25.07 507 9.2 23.1 5.37 <1 0.0 13 9/7/95 >1.0 <5.0 34.45 196 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 74 <5.0 9/14/95 <1.0 <5.0 11.9 182 <5.0 12.4 <5.0 4 10 9/21/95 <1.0 <5.0 9.17 171 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 50 16 9/28/95 <1.0 <5.0 10.46 161 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 52 21 10/5/95 <1.0 10.34 18.66 675 <5.0 12.6 7.01 119.0 <5.0 10/12/95 <1.0 >5.0 10.24 215 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 102.0 <5.0 10/19/95 <1.0 <5.0 12.28 219 <5.0 11.6 <5.0 85.0 <5.0 10/26/95 <1 .0 <5.0 17.75 187 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 68.0 <6.0 11/1/95 <1.00 <5.00 10.48 157 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 72 <5.0 11/9/95 <1.00 <5.00 9.53 142 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 58 <5.0 11/16/95 <1.00 <5.00 29.74 165 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 91 6 11/22/95 <1.00 <5.00 31.92 137 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 70 <5.0 11/30/95 <1.0 11.95 11.91 126 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 60 <5.0 12/7/95 <1.0 <5.0 15.87 149 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.0 88.0 <5.0 12/14/95 <1.0 <5.0 12.24 123 <5.0 15.9 <5.0 60.0 <5.0 12/21/95 <1 .0 <5.0 24.51 193 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 34.0 12/28/95 <1 .0 <5.0 9.42 94 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 <10 <5.0 1/7/96 <5.0 2/1/96 <5.0 2/8/96 <5.0 3/7/96 <1.0 <5.0 20.65 438 <5.0 10.32 <5.0 69 5 3/14/96 <1.0 <5.0 9.11 103 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 53 <5.0 3/21/96 <1.0 <5.0 8.9 103 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 41 <5.0 3/28/96 <1.0 <5.0 <2.0 111 <5.0 <1 0.0 <5.0 52 <5.0 4/3/96 485 70 <5.0 4/11/96 275 91 4/18/96 143 84 4/25/96 847 95 5/2/96 <2.0 <5.0 9.94 63 <5.0 rpedata.xis East 10/30/98 1 of 9 City of Hight Point Eastside WWTP Effluent Data for RPE Analysis Total Cd Cr Cu Fe Pb Ni Ag Zn CN Hg (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ugil) (Ugil) (U911) (Ugil) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ug1l) (Ug/1) 5/9/96 <2.0 <5.0 14.92 71 <5.0 5/16/96 <5.0 <0.2 7/3/96 154 345 <5.0 7/12/96 148 118 7/18/96 112 65 7125/96 141 31 8/2/96 <5.0 10/4/96 <5.0 10/10/96 <5.0 12/5/96 <1.00 <5.00 19.66 152 <5.00 <10.0 <5.00 148 <0.2 12/12/96 <1.00 <5.00 14.3 131 <5.00 <10.0 <5.00 75 <5.0 12/15/96 <1.00 <0.2 12/16/96 7 12/19/96 <1.00 <5.00 14.26 196 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 67 12/26/96 <1.00 <5.00 18.5 160 <5.00 <1 0.0 <5.00 84 <5.0 1/2/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.24 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.0 50 <5.0 1/7/97 <1.00 <5.00 20.9 <500 <5.00 30.95 <5.0 73 1/9/97 <1.00 <5.00 16.64 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.0 65 1/10/97 <1.00 <5.00 13.74 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.0 53 10.5 1/15/97 17 1/16/97 <1.00 <5.00 14.78 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.0 58 1/17/97 9.5 1/23/97 <1.00 5.4 13.36 <500 <5.00 10.85 <5.0 85 1/24/97 5 1/30/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.08 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.0 82 1/31/97 11.5 2/6/97 <1.00 <5.00 13.9 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 62 2M97 12 2/13/97 <1.00 <5.00 14.12 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 63 2/14197 <5.0 2/20/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.51 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 42 2/21/97 5 2/27/97 8.88 <5.00 11.7 <500 <5.00 32.57 <5.00 56 2/28/97 7.5 3/6/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.94 576 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 65 3/7/97 13 3/13/97 <1.00 <5.00 8.67 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 71 3/14/97 6.5 3120/97 <1.00 <5.00 8.53 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 63 3/21/97 16 3/27/97 <1.00 <5.00 7.88 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 87 3/28/97 18 4/3/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.89 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 48 <0.2 4/4/97 25 4/10/97 <1.00 <5.00 8.89 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 63 4/11/97 6 rpedata.xis East 10/30/98 2 of 9 City of Hight Point Eastside WWTP Effluent Data for RPE Analysis Total Cd Cr Cu Fe Pb NI Ag Zn CN Hg (Ugil) (Ugil) (Ug1l) (Ug1l) (Ug1l) (UgIQ (Ug1l) (Ugil) (Ug1l) (Ug/1) 4/17/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.1 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 77 4/18/97 <5.0 4/24197 <1.00 <5.00 9.89 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 43 4/25/97 19.5 4/30/97 14 5/1/97 <1.00 <5.00 13.67 949 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 36 11 5/2/97 28 5/7/97 8 5/8/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.28 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 81 14 5/9/97 8.5 5/14/97 <5.0 5/15/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.62 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 89 8 5/16/97 13 5/21/97 <5.0 5/22/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.06 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 76 <5.0 5/28/97 13 5/29/97 <1.00 <5.00 4 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 47 32 5/30/97 36 6/4197 9 6/5/97 <1.00 <5.00 7.59 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 69 15 6/6/97 <5.0 6/11/97 6 6/12/97 <1.00 <5.00 8.7 <500 <5.00 10.07 <5.00 65 11 6/13/97 8 6/18/97 7 6/19/97 18 6/20/97 <1.00 <5.00 9 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 65 7.5 6/25/97 <5.0 6/26/97 <1.00 <5.00 8.31 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 98 14 6/27/97 5 7/2/97 <1.00 <5.00 7.14 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 48 31 7/3/97 <5.0 <0.2 7/4/97 5.5 7/9/97 <5.0 7/10/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.64 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 64 5 7/11/97 5 7/15/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.82 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 143 7/17/97 <1.00 <5.00 14.81 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 55 7/18/97 <1.00 <5.00 2.15 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 57.89 <25 <5.0 7/24/97 <1.00 <5.00 9.96 <500 <5.00 17.1 <5.00 47 <5.0 7/31/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.75 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 60 <5.0 8/7/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.22 <500 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 <25 5 8/14/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.45 <500 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 45 7 8/21/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.15 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 <25 <5.0 8/28/97 <1.00 <5.00 18.58 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 27 <5.0 9/4/97 <1.00 <5.00 11.12 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 44 <5.0 rpedata.xIs East 10/30/98 3 of 9 City of Hight Point Eastside WWTP Effluent Data for RPE Analysis Total Cd Cr Cu Fe Pb NI Ag Zn CN Hg WWI) (Ug") NO) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ug1l) (Ug1l) (Ug/1) 9/11/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.82 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 26 <5.0 9/18/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.74 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 64 <5.0 9/25197 <1.00 <5.00 14.1 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 38 <5.0 10/2/97 <1.00 <5.00 17.67 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 52 <5.0 10/7/97 <1.00 <5.00 13.44 <500 7.1,9 <10.00 <5.00 65 10/9/97 <1.00 <5.00 14.55 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 52 6 <0.2 10/10/97 <1.00 8.67 16.04 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 45 10/16/97 <1.00 <5.00 18.04 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 55 <5.0 10/23/97 <1.00 <5.00 16.98 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 58 <5.0 10/30/97 <1.00 <5.00 19.2 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 49 <5.0 11/6/97 <1.00 <5.00 14.36 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 57 <5.0 11/13/97 <1.00 <5.00 26.82 <500 23.52 <1 0.00 <5.00 54 <5.0 11/20/97 <1.00 <5.00 19.4 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 77 <5.0 11/26/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.56 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 60 <5.0 12/4/97 <1.00 <5.00 10.91 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 66 9.5 12/11/97 <1.00 <5.00 11.3 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 62 <5.0 12/18/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.54 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 65 <5.0 12/23/97 <1.00 <5.00 12.05 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 66 <5.0 12/31/97 <1.00 <5.00 4.49 <500 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 49 <5.0 1/8/98 <1.00 <5.00 17.41 1057 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 58 8 <0.2 1/15/98 <1.00 <5.00 14.06 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 61 <5.0 1/20/98 1.41 <5.00 3.75 <500 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 70 1/22/98 <1.00 <5.00 17.57 <500 <5.00 11.23 <5.00 76 <5.0 1/23/98 <1.00 <5.00 26.12 917 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 66 1/29/98 <1.00 <5.00 15.39 563 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 57 13.5 215/98 <1.00 <5.00 26.29 855 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 72 <5.0 2/10/98 <1.00 <5.00 10.56 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 53 2/12/98 <1.00 <5.00 12.28 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 72 7 2/13/98 <1.00 <5.00 11.23 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 63 2/19/98 <1.00 <5.00 13.71 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 63 9 2/26/98 <1.00 <5.00 11.96 <500 <5.00 <10.00 6 30 <5.0 3/5/98 <1.00 <5.00 15.83 <500 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 87 9 3/12/98 <1.00 <5.00 9.77 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 77 <5.0 3/19/98 <1.00 <5.00 28.78 1268 7.26 <10.00 5.57 68 <5.0 3/26/98 <1.00 <5.00 10.52 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 57 <5.0 4/2/98 1.024 <5.00 5.655 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 61 <5.0 4/9/98 <1.00 <5.00 7.483 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 78 <5.0 4/14/98 <1.00 <5.00 10 <500 6.166 <1 0.00 <5.00 99 4/16/98 <5.0 4/17/98 1.406 17.43 101 3221 15.34 14.86 5.854 155 4/23/98 <1.00 <5.00 9.385 576 <5.00 <10-00 <5.00 43 <0.2 4/24/98 18 4/30/98 <1.00 <5.00 7.388 <500 <5.00 <50.00 <5.00 56 <5.0 5M98 <1.00 <5.00 18.27 904 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 74 13 5/14/98 <1.00 <5.00 7.831 <500 <5.00 <1 0.00 <5.00 34 <5.0 5/21/98 <1.00 <5.00 19.18 <500 <5.00 <10.00 <5.00 45 <5.0 rpedata.xIs East 10/30/98 4 of 9 City of Hight Point Eastside VVWTP Effluent Data for RPE Analysis Total Cd Cr Cu Fe Pb Ni Ag Zn (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ugh) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ug/1) (Ugil) (Ug1l) 5/28/98 <1.00 <5.00 12.78 <500 <5.00 10.85 <5.00 50 6/4/98 <1.00 <5.00 13.99 <500 5.8 <1 0.00 <5.00 49 6/11/98 <1.00 <5.00 20.97 <500 10.44 <1 0.00 <5.00 39 6/18/98 <1.00 <5.00 10.81 <500 2.5 23.75 <5.00 48 6/25/98 <1.00 <5.00 12.49 <500 <2.0 13.6 <5.00 60 CN Hg (Ug1l) (Ug/1) <5.0 31 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 rpedata.xis East 10/30/98 5 of 9