HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150070 Ver 1_Storm Drainage and Erosion Control Calculations_20150421WILLOWCROFT Town of Stallings, North Carolina Storm Drainage & Erosion Control Calculations MRH -13040 October 28, 2014 Revised April 17, 2015 APR 2 1 2015 IV WILLOWCROFT TOWN OF STALLINGS, N.C. The following report analyzes the storm drainage system designed for the proposed Willowcroft site The proposed storm drainage system was modeled using the rational formula to determine the runoff to each inlet The system was analyzed using Intelisolve's Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 V12 01. The output from this program is included in the Model Results section. All time of concentrations for individual inlets were assumed to be 5 minutes unless shown otherwise. All drainage areas were delineated using the proposed and existing grades. The conclusion of this analysis is that the proposed storm drainage system will provide adequate runoff capacity during periods of peak rainfall resulting from the 10 year design event Storm Drainage Calculation Methodology ✓ The rational formula was used to determine the runoff to each inlet for the pipe system design and inlet spread calculations. ✓ All drainage areas for the storm sewer were delineated using the proposed and existing grades ✓ Rainfall intensity was calculated based on Intensity- Duiation- Frequency data from NOAA precipitation frequency data for the site area ✓ Intelisolve's Hydraflow Storm Sewers 2008 V12.01 was used to perform the runoff and storm drainage computations. Storm System Model Results Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No 1 FES -A2 TO CB -A3 46 15 36 Cir 51 000 69676 69887 4 137 69942 701 08 n/a 702 401 End Combination 2 CB -A3 to CB -A4 4641 66 Cir 104 783 69710 69710 0 000 70240 70242 005 70246 1 Combination 3 CB -A4 to CB -A5 4539 66 Cir 45 372 69710 69710 0 000 70246 70247 009 70256 2 Combination 4 CB -A5 to CB -A6 4510 66 Cir 195 557 69710 69710 0 000 70256 70259 003 70262 3 Combination 5 CB -A6 to CB -A7 42 18 60 Cir 72 000 697 10 69780 0 972 70262 70264 006 70270 4 Combination 6 CB -A7 to CB -A8 41 02 60 Cir 156 305 69780 69900 0 768 70270 70079 n/a 70079 5 Combination 7 CB -A8 to CB -A9 3959 60 Cir 141 868 69900 69990 0 634 70079 701 65 097 70262 6 Combination 8 CB -A9 to CB -A10 3551 30 Cir 104 444 70372 70475 0 986 70553 70677 n/a 70840 7 Combination 9 CB -A10 to CB -A11 3098 30 Cir 96 981 70496 70641 1 495 70677 70830 n/a 70830 8 Combination 10 CB -A11 to CB -Al2 2339 24 Cir 127 341 70741 70996 2003 70868 711 68 n/a 71323 9 Combination 11 CB -Al2 to CB -A13 1705 24 Cir 73 798 71096 71244 2005 71200 71393 036 71393 10 Combination 12 CB -A13 to CB -A14 1440 18 Cir 162 328 71344 71669 2002 71463 71808 n/a 71808 11 Combination 13 CB -A14 to CB -A22 763 15 Cir 74 975 71741 71891 2001 71828 72001 n/a 72001 12 Combination 14 CB -A22 to CB -A23 615 15 Cir 93 485 71911 72098 2000 72001 721 98 n/a 721 98 13 Combination 15 CB -A23 to CB -A24 569 15 Cir 76 499 721 53 72344 2 497 72220 72441 n/a 72441 14 Combination 16 CB -A14 to CB -A15 412 18 Cir 24 382 71840 71855 0 615 71915 71933 n/a 71933 12 Combination 17 CB -Al2 to CB -A16 400 18 Cir 24 500 71240 71253 0 531 71323 71330 n/a 713 601 10 Combination 18 CB -A11 to CB -A17 578 18 Cir 24 600 70854 70886 1 301 70927 70979 047 70979 9 Combination 19 CB -A17 to CB -A18 1 57 15 Cir 34 021 70909 70943 0 999 70979 70993 n/a 709 931 18 Combination 20 CB -A10 to CB -A19 1 77 15 Cir 24 500 70655 70668 0 531 708 40* 708 42* 003 70845 8 Combination 21 CB -A9 to CB -A20 1 36 15 Cir 24 539 70746 70759 0 530 70792 70805 0 17 70822 7 Combination 22 CB -A3 to CB -A21 066 15 Cir 24 480 70074 70087 0 531 701 08 701 19 011 701 19 1 Combination Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15][With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Return period = 10 Yrs , *Surcharged (HGL above crown) , t - Line contains hyd lump Storm Sewers v10 30 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No 1 CB -B2 to FES -61 2954 30 Cir 55 050 69749 69778 0 527 69942 69979 084 70063 End Combination 2 CB -B3 to CB -132 2796 30 Cir 24 510 69778 69791 0 530 700 63* 700 75* 025 701 00 1 Combination 3 D1-64 to CB -63 2758 30 Cir 29 571 69791 69806 0 507 701 00* 701 13* 049 701 62 2 DropGrate Project File Storm Network B stm Number of lines 3 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Return period = 10 Yrs , *Surcharged (HGL above crown) Storm Sewers v10 30 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No 1 FES -C2 to CB -C3 5 19 24 Cir 47 240 701 60 701 84 0 508 70238 70264 n/a 70281 End Combination 2 CB -C3 to CB -C4 477 60 Cir 25 561 69800 69800 0 000 70281 70281 000 70282 1 Combination 3 CB -C4 to CB -05 383 60 Cir 123 143 69800 701 30 2 680 70282 701 83 n/a 701 83 2 Combination 4 CB -05 to CB -C6 334 60 Cir 68 013 701 30 70260 1 911 701 83 70310 n/a 703 35 1 3 Combination 5 CB -C6 to CB -C8 1 85 15 Cir 24 500 70826 70839 0 531 70881 70893 020 70914 4 Combination 6 CB -C6 to CB -C7 1 73 60 Cir 126 330 70270 70490 1 742 70310 70526 n/a 705 26 j 4 Combination Project File Storm Network C [With 60in pipe) stm Number of lines 6 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Return period = 10 Yrs , j - Line contains hyd dump Storm Sewers v10 30 Storm Sewer Tabulation Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rim Elev Line ID coeff (1) flow full Line To l Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up Dn Up Line T(a(ac (ft) (C) (min ) (min) (m /hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) ( %) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 51 000 0 19 1540 055 0 10 847 50 135 54 46 15 1357 761 36 414 69676 69887 69942 701 08 69676 70437 FES -A2 TO CB -A 2 1 104782 052 1505 055 029 828 50 126 56 4641 000 1 98 66 000 697 10 69710 70240 70242 70437 70544 CB -A3 to CB -A4 3 2 45 372 094 1453 055 052 799 50 122 57 4539 000 1 92 66 000 697 10 697 10 70246 70247 70544 70592 CB -A4 to CB -A5 4 3 195557 1 14 1359 055 063 747 50 104 60 45 10 000 1 90 66 000 697 10 69710 70256 70259 70592 711 30 CB -A5 to CB -A6 5 4 72 000 093 1245 055 051 685 50 98 62 4218 2568 216 60 097 697 10 69780 70262 70264 711 30 71262 CB -A6 to CB -A7 6 5 156305 095 11 52 055 052 634 50 85 65 41 02 2282 431 60 077 69780 69900 70270 70079 71262 71248 CB -A7 to CB -A8 7 6 141 868 086 1057 055 047 581 50 72 68 3959 2075 637 60 063 69900 69990 70079 701 65 71248 71096 CB -A8 to CB -A9 8 7 104444 086 938 055 047 516 50 69 69 3551 4073 885 30 099 70372 70475 70553 70677 71096 70965 CB -A9 to CB -A10 9 8 96 981 063 809 055 035 445 50 67 70 3098 50 15 795 30 1 50 70496 70641 70677 70830 70965 71221 CB -A10 to CB -A1 10 9 127341 071 603 055 039 332 50 64 71 2339 3201 963 24 200 70741 70996 70868 711 68 71221 71591 CB -A11 to CB -A1 11 10 73 798 073 435 055 040 239 50 61 7 1 1705 3203 858 24 201 71096 71244 71200 71393 71591 71833 CB -Al2 to CB -A1 12 11 162 328 072 362 055 040 1 99 50 58 72 1440 1486 900 18 200 71344 71669 71463 71808 71833 721 94 CB -A13 to CB -A1 13 12 74 975 039 1 90 055 021 1 05 50 56 73 763 9 13 751 15 200 71741 71891 71828 72001 721 94 72260 CB -A14 to CB -A2 14 13 93 485 013 1 51 055 007 083 50 53 74 6 15 9 13 618 15 200 71911 72098 72001 721 98 72260 72503 CB -A22 to CB -A2 15 14 76 499 1 38 1 38 055 076 076 50 50 75 569 1020 707 15 250 721 53 72344 72220 72441 72503 72799 CB -A23 to CB -A2 16 12 24 382 1 00 1 00 055 055 055 50 50 75 412 824 456 18 062 71840 71855 719 15 71933 721 94 722 14 CB -A14 to CB -A1 17 10 24 500 097 097 055 053 053 50 50 75 400 765 420 18 053 71240 71253 71323 71330 71591 71604 CB -Al2 to CB -A1 18 9 24 600 1 05 1 43 055 058 079 50 54 73 578 11 98 588 18 1 30 70854 70886 70927 70979 71221 71224 CB -A11 to CB -A1 19 18 34 021 038 038 055 021 021 50 50 75 1 57 646 284 15 1 00 70909 70943 70979 70993 71224 71268 CB -A17 to CB -A1 20 8 24 500 043 043 055 024 024 50 50 75 1 77 470 1 44 15 053 70655 70668 70840 70842 70965 70978 CB -A10 to CB -A1 21 7 24 539 033 033 055 0 18 018 50 50 75 1 36 470 330 15 053 70746 70759 70792 70805 71096 711 09 CB -A9 to CB -A20 Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15][With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Intensity = 73 99 / (Inlet time + 12 40) ^ 0 80, Return period =Yrs 10 , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers v10 30 Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 2 Station Len (ft) Drng Area Rnoff coeff (C) Area x C Tc Rain (1) (in /hr) Total flow (cfs) Cap full (cfs) Vel (ft1s) Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rim Elev Line ID Line To Line Incr (ac) Total (ac) Incr Total Inlet (min) Syst (min) Size (in) Slope ( %) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) 22 1 24 480 016 016 055 009 009 50 50 75 066 471 256 15 053 70074 70087 701 08 701 19 70437 70437 CB -A3 to CB -A21 Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15][With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Intensity = 73 99 / (Inlet time + 12 40) ^ 0 80, Return period =Yrs 10 , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers 00 30 Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rim Elev Line ID coeff (1) flow full Line To l Incr To tal Inlet Syst Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up Dn Up Line TInt)a (ft) (C) (min) (min) (in /hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) ( %) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 55 050 041 722 055 023 397 50 52 74 2954 2977 7 12 30 053 69749 69778 69942 69979 69749 70285 CB -62 to FES -61 2 1 24 510 012 681 055 007 375 50 5 1 75 2796 2986 570 30 053 69778 69791 70063 70075 70285 70285 CB -133 to CB -132 3 2 29 571 669 669 055 368 368 50 50 75 2758 2921 562 30 051 69791 69806 701 00 701 13 70285 701 26 DI -64 to CB -133 Project File Storm Network B stm Number of lines 3 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Intensity = 73 99 / (Inlet time + 12 40) ^ 0 80, Return period =Yrs 10 , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers 00 30 Storm Sewer Tabulation Page 1 Station Len Drng Area Rnoff Area x C Tc Rain Total Cap Vel Pipe Invert Elev HGL Elev Grnd / Rim Elev Line ID coeff (1) flow full Line To Incr Total Incr Total Inlet Syst Size Slope Dn Up Dn Up Dn Up Line (ft) (ac) (ac) (C) (min) (min) (m /hr) (cfs) (cfs) (ft/s) (in) ( %) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 End 47 240 028 297 055 0 15 1 63 50 383 32 519 16 12 449 24 051 701 60 701 84 70238 70264 701 60 70685 FES -C2 to CB -C3 2 1 25 561 071 269 055 039 1 48 50 375 32 477 000 025 60 000 69800 69800 70281 70281 70685 70703 CB -C3 to CB -C4 3 2 123 143 036 1 98 055 020 1 09 50 323 35 383 4264 1 81 60 268 69800 701 30 70282 701 83 70703 71025 CB -C4 to CB -05 4 3 68 013 075 1 62 055 041 089 50 289 37 334 3601 314 60 1 91 701 30 70260 701 83 70310 71025 711 89 CB -05 to CB -C6 5 4 24 500 045 045 055 025 025 50 50 75 1 85 470 361 15 053 70826 70839 70881 70893 711 89 711 89 CB -136 to CB -C8 6 4 126 33C 042 042 055 023 023 50 50 75 1 73 3437 258 60 1 74 70270 70490 703 10 70526 711 89 71328 CB -C6 to CB -C7 Project File Storm Network C [With 60in pipe] stm Number of Imes 6 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Intensity = 73 99 / (Inlet time + 12 40) ^ 0 80, Return period =Yrs 10 , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers v10 30 Inlet Capacity Calculations Inlet Report Page 1 Line Inlet ID Q = Q Q Q Junc Curb Inlet Grate Inlet Gutter Inlet Byp No CIA carry capt Byp Type Line Ht L Area L W So W SW Sx n Depth Spread Depth Spread Depr No (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (ft) (sgft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) ( ft/ft) ( ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) 1 CB -A3 042 000 042 000 Comb 60 300 334 600 200 Sag 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 019 200 044 200 30 Off 2 CB -A4 1 14 000 1 14 000 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 3032 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 020 271 045 271 30 1 3 CB -A5 207 036 216 027 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 023 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 027 611 052 611 30 Off 4 CB -A6 250 022 237 036 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 D 023 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 028 655 053 655 30 5 CB -A7 204 000 1 82 022 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0012 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 028 670 053 670 30 6 CB -A8 209 000 1 85 024 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0011 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 029 695 054 695 30 7 CB -A9 1 89 024 1 88 025 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0010 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 029 725 054 725 30 8 CB -A10 1 89 054 243 000 Comb 60 300 334 600 200 Sag 200 0 094 0 020 0 000 033 920 058 920 30 Off 9 CB -A11 1 38 005 1 41 002 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0029 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 022 371 047 371 30 10 CB -Al2 1 56 006 1 57 005 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0030 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 023 411 048 411 30 11 CB -A13 1 60 012 1 67 006 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 030 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 024 436 049 436 30 10 12 CB -A14 1 58 000 1 46 012 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 009 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 027 631 052 631 30 11 13 CB -A22 086 000 085 000 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 013 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 021 331 046 331 30 12 14 CB -A23 029 051 080 000 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 023 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 019 201 044 201 30 13 15 CB -A24 303 000 252 051 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 008 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 033 925 058 925 30 14 16 CB -A15 220 000 1 93 027 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 009 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 030 760 055 760 30 17 17 CB -A16 213 027 219 021 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0031 200 0094 0020 0013 026 551 051 551 30 18 18 CB -A17 231 021 226 026 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0029 200 0094 0020 0013 026 581 051 581 30 19 CB -A18 083 000 083 000 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0035 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 018 1 88 043 1 88 30 20 CB -A19 094 000 095 000 Comb 60 300 334 600 200 Sag 200 0 094 0 020 0 000 022 365 047 365 30 Off 21 CB -A20 072 000 072 000 Comb 60 300 000 600 200 0010 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 021 316 046 3 16 30 20 22 CB -A21 035 000 035 000 Comb 60 300 334 600 200 Sag 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 019 200 044 200 30 rff Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15][With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Inlet N- Values = 0 016, Intensity = 3 97 / (Inlet time + 0 10) ^ 0 00, Return period = 1 Yrs ` Indicates Known Q added All curb inlets are throat Storm Sewers v10 30 Inlet Report Page 1 Line Inlet ID Q = Q Q Q Junc Curb Inlet Grate Inlet Gutter Inlet Byp No CIA carry capt Byp Type Line Ht L Area L W So W SW Sx n Depth Spread Depth Spread Depr No (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (ft) (sgft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) 1 CB -C3 062 001 063 000 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0028 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 0 17 1 77 042 1 77 30 Off 2 CB -C4 1 56 000 1 51 005 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0028 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 023 411 048 411 30 Off 3 CB -05 079 016 095 000 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0027 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 020 236 045 236 30 4 CB -C6 1 65 003 1 52 016 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0018 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 025 5 16 050 5 16 30 5 CB -C8 099 000 098 001 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0018 200 0094 0020 0013 021 321 046 321 30 1 6 CB -C7 I 092 I 000 � 089 I 003 Comb 60 300 000 300 200 0010 200 0 094 0 020 0 013 023 406 048 406 30 — Project File Storm Network C [With 60in pipe] stm - Number of lines 6 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Inlet N- Values = 0 016, Intensity = 3 97 / (Inlet time + 0 10) ^ 0 00, Return period = 1 Yrs ' Indicates Known Q added All curb inlets are throat Storm Sewers v10 30 Inlet Report Page 1 Line Inlet ID Q = Q Q Q Junc Curb Inlet Grate Inlet Gutter Inlet Byp No CIA carry capt Byp Type Line Ht L Area L W So W SW Sx n Depth Spread Depth Spread Depr No (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (ft) (sqft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) 1 CB -82 090 000 090 0 00 Comb 60 300 334 300 200 Sag 200 0 050 0 020 0 013 017 565 042 565 30 Off 2 CB -63 026 000 026 000 Comb 60 300 334 300 200 Sag 200 0 050 0 020 0 000 011 225 036 225 30 Off 3 DI -64 1470 000 1470 000 DrGrt 00 000 409 367 200 Sag 200 0 020 0 020 0 000 057 5913 057 59 13 00 Off -T Project File Storm Network B stm Number of lines 3 Run Date 4/17/2015 NOTES Inlet N- Values = 0 016, Intensity = 3 97 / (Inlet time + 0 10) ^ 0 00, Return period = 1 Yrs * Indicates Known Q added All curb inlets are throat Storm Sewers v10 30 HGL Calculations Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) M) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) M N (ft) (K) (ft) 1 36 46 15 69676 69942 266 559 696 1 06 70048 0 000 51 000 69887 701 081 2 21** 559 826 1 06 70214 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 24 1 32 2 66 4641 69710 70240 530 2348 1 98 006 70246 0 017 104 783697 10 70242 532 2351 1 97 006 70248 0 017 0 017 0 018 079 005 3 66 4539 69710 70246 536 2360 1 92 006 70252 0 016 45 372 697 10 70247 537 2362 1 92 006 70253 0 016 0 016 0 007 1 49 009 4 66 4510 697 10 70256 546 2373 1 90 006 70261 0 017 195 55 697 10 70259 549 2376 1 90 006 70265 0 017 0 017 0 033 061 003 5 60 4218 69710 70262 500 1963 215 007 70270 0 026 72 000 69780 70264 484 1945 2 17 007 70271 0 023 0 025 0 018 080 006 6 60 41 02 69780 70270 490 629 210 066 70336 0 000 156 305699 00 70079 1 79 ** 629 652 066 701 45 0 000 0 000 n/a 050 n/a 7 60 3959 69900 70079 1 79 614 629 065 701 43 0 000 141 863699 90 701 65 1 75 ** 614 645 065 70230 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 50 097 8 30 3551 70372 70553 1 81 * 380 935 1 08 70661 0 000 104 44 704 75 70677 2 02 ** 425 835 1 08 70786 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 50 n/a 9 30 3098 70496 70677 1 81 381 814 094 70771 0 000 96 981 70641 70830 1 89 ** 399 776 094 70924 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 66 n/a 10 24 2339 70741 70868 1 27* 2 10 11 12 1 03 70971 0 000 127 34 709 96 711 68 1 72 ** 287 815 1 03 71271 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 50 n/a 11 24 1705 71096 71200 1 04* 1 65 1035 072 71272 0 000 73 798 71244 71393 1 49 ** 250 681 072 71465 0 000 0 000 n/a 050 036 12 18 1440 71344 71463 1 19* 1 50 958 1 10 71573 0 000 162 32 716 69 71808 1 39 ** 1 71 842 1 10 71918 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 50 n/a 13 15 763 71741 71828 0 87* 092 833 070 71898 0 000 74 975 71891 72001 1 10 ** 1 14 669 070 72070 0 000 0 000 n/a 050 n/a 14 15 615 719 11 72001 090 094 653 053 72053 0 000 93 485 72098 721 98 1 00 ** 1 05 584 053 72251 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 13 n/a 15 15 569 721 53 72220 0 67* 067 854 049 72268 0 000 76 499 72344 72441 0 96 ** 1 02 560 049 72489 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 00 n/a 16 18 412 71840 71915 0 75* 088 466 031 71946 0 000 24 382 71855 71933 0 78 ** 092 446 031 71964 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 00 n/a 17 18 400 71240 71323 083 091 401 025 71348 0 421 24 500 71253 713 301 0 77 ** 091 439 030 71360 0 534 0 477 0 117 1 00 030 18 18 578 70854 70927 0 73* 086 672 039 70967 0 000 24 600 70886 70979 0 93 ** 1 15 504 039 71018 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 19 047 19 15 1 57 70909 70979 070 045 223 019 70997 0 000 34 021 70943 709 931 0 50 ** 045 346 019 71011 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 00 n/a 20 15 1 77 70655 70840 1 25 1 23 144 003 70843 0 075 24 500 70668 70842 1 25 1 23 1 44 003 70845 0 075 0 075 0 018 1 00 003 21 15 1 36 70746 70792 0 46* 041 331 0 17 70809 0 530 24 539 70759 70805 0 46 ** 041 329 0 17 70822 0 517 0 523 0 128 1 00 017 Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15][With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 Run Date 4/17/2015 Notes * depth assumed , ** Critical depth ,1 -Line contains hyd dump , c = ctr e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers 00 30 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 2 Line Size (in) Q (cfs) Downstream Len (ft) Upstream Check JL coeff (K) Minor loss (ft) Invert elev (ft) HGL elev (ft) Depth (ft) Area (sgft) Vel (ft/s) Vel head (ft) EGL elev (ft) Sf M Invert elev (ft) HGL elev (ft) Depth (ft) Area (sgft) Vel (ft/s) Vel head (ft) EGL elev (ft) Sf M Ave Sf N Enrgy loss (ft) 22 15 066 70074 701 08 034 024 243 011 701 19 0 000 24 480 70087 701 19 0 32 ** 024 269 0 11 701 30 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 00 0 11 Project File Storm Network A [Revised 2015- 04- 15] [With 60in pipes] stm Number of lines 22 -T- Run Date 4/17/2015 Notes * depth assumed , ** Critical depth , -Line contains hyd dump , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers v10 30 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) N N (ft) (K) (ft) 1 30 2954 69749 69942 1 93 407 727 082 70024 0 585 55 050 69778 69979 201 424 697 076 70055 0 536 0 560 0 308 1 11 084 2 30 2796 69778 70063 250 491 570 050 701 14 0 465 24 510 69791 70075 250 491 570 050 701 25 0 465 0 465 0 114 050 025 3 30 2758 69791 701 00 250 491 562 049 701 49 0 452 29 571 69806 701 13 250 491 562 049 701 62 0 452 0 452 0 134 1 00 049 Project File Storm Network B stm Number of Imes 3 Run Date 4/17/2015 c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers v10 30 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) N (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) N M (ft) (K) (ft) 1 24 519 701 60 70238 078 1 14 457 030 70268 0 000 47 240 701 84 70264 0 80 ** 1 18 441 030 70294 0 000 0 000 n/a 057 n/a 2 60 477 69800 70281 481 1940 025 000 70282 0 000 25 561 69800 70281 481 1940 025 000 70282 0 000 0 000 0 000 1 50 000 3 60 383 69800 70282 482 1 12 020 0 18 70300 0 000 123 14 701 30 701 83 0 53 ** 1 12 342 0 18 70201 0 000 0 000 n/a 050 n/a 4 60 334 701 30 701 83 053 1 01 299 017 70200 0 000 68 013 70260 703 10 I 0 50 ** 1 01 330 0 17 70327 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 50 025 5 15 1 85 70826 70881 0 55* 051 360 020 70901 0 530 24 500 70839 70893 0 54 ** 051 361 020 70914 0 534 0 532 0 130 1 00 020 6 60 1 73 70270 703 10 040 062 238 012 70322 0 000 126 33D704 90 705 26 I 0 36 ** 062 279 012 70538 0 000 0 000 n/a 1 00 0 12 Project File Storm Network C [With 60in pipe] stm Number of lines 6 Run Date 4/17/2015 Notes * depth assumed , ** Critical depth , -Line contains hyd lump , c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers 00 30 Sediment Basin Calculations Riser Sediment Basin Riser Sediment Basin Design Worksheet Reference NC Erosion and Sediment Control Manual Job Name. Willowcroft Job Number: MRH -13040 Date. 9/30/2014 Designer: TMM Description: Basin #1 Calculate peak inflow from 2 10 & 25 -year storms (1) Use SCS Segmental Approach (TR -55) Segment 1. Overland Flow Length = 100 ft Height = 2 ft Slope = 00200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0 10 description P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3 5 inches Segment Time = 6.77 minutes Segment 2: Concentiated Flow 013 Length = 100 ft I leight = 1 5 it Slope = 00150 ft/ ft Paved 9 = no Velocity = 1 98 ft/sec Segment Time = 084 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1271 ft Height = 21 3 ft Slope= 00168 fdtt Manning's n = 010 description Flow Area = 300 sf Wetted Perimeter = 632 ft Channel Velocity= 1 17 ft/sec Segment Time = 1805 minutes Tc• 500 minutes (2) Compute Intensity (input data for project location) Typical Mannings for Sheet Flow Smooth Surfaces 0 011 Fallow (no residue) 005 Cultivated soils Residue cover < 20% 006 Residue cover > 20% 017 Grass Short grass prairie 015 Dense Grasses 024 Bermuda grass 041 Range (natural) 013 Woods Light underbrush 04 Dense underbrush 08 2 4575 1020 081 502 10 8435 1510 083 703 25 9388 1470 082 821 1 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin (3) Calculate Rational C Description of Surface C Value Area (acres) Grassy Areas 03 000 Wooded Areas 025 000 Disturbed Areas 06 11 75 Right of Way 08 Parks & Cemeteries 030 Total 11 75 Ac Combined Rational C 060 (4) Compute flows Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 3540 10 4956 25 5786 Runoff Coefficients (C) Lawns 030 Wooded 025 Streets 095 Gravel Areas 055 Drives,Walks 095 Roofs 095 Parks & Cemeteries 030 Residential (including streets) Single Family (lot <20,000 sf) 060 Single Family (lot >20,000 sf) 050 Multi - Family, Attached 070 Industrial Light Areas 070 Heavy Areas 080 Office Parks 075 Shopping Centers 080 Calculate the required sediment storage for the pond Drainage Area = 11 75 acres Using 1800 CF /AC "YR (NC Erosion and Sediment Control Manual) __> Required Sediment Storage = 21150 CF 2 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Calculate the stage- storage function for the pond Contour feet Contour Stage Area feet SF Average Contour Area (SF) Increment Contour Volume CF Accumulated Contour Volume CF Estimated Stage (feet 6940 00 0 0 0 000 6950 1 0 14102 7051 7051 7051 097 6960 20 15587 14845 14845 21896 211 6980 40 18758 17173 34345 56241 402 7000 60 22180 20469 40938 97179 586 Ks = 7397 b = 1.4572 Enter Ks and b values from the graph of storage vs stage shown on the next page Ks = Constant of power equation b = Exponent of power equation 120000 100000 I 80000 60000 40000 20000 I 0 00 10 20 30 40 50 Storage vs Stage 60 70 3 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Design pond maximum sediment storage and design cleanout level Sediment cleanout level is 1/2 of the design volume of the basin, referenced to the top of the riser Min elevation for top of riser = 70000 and stage = 6 00 feet Required sediment volume = 21150 CF Depth of sediment at stage = 2 06 feet and EL = 696 06 feet Therefore, sediment cleanout mark set at volume = 10575 CF and stage = 1 28 feet EL = 695 28 feet 4 OF 11 11/612014 Riser Sediment Basin Check length to effective width ratio Check effective flow length vs effective flow width at principal spillway elevation Length to width ratio = (Length) /( Effective width), should be greater than two (2) Effective Width (WE) = A / L A = Surface area at principal spillway crest A = 24454 SF L = Length of flow path from inflow to outflow L = 223 feet (Must int Effective Width = 109 66 feet Length to Width ratio = 203 Length to width OK 9 YES 5 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin 6 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Check actual sediment storage volume and surface area provided Required sediment volume = 21150 CF Check provided volume at top of riser elevation Elev at Top of Riser = 70000 Stage at Top of Riser = 6 00 feet Vol at Top of Riser = 97179 CF OK Check Required Surface Area = 435 "Q10 (At Top of Riser) Area at Top of Riser = 24454 SF Area Required = 21557 743 SF Area OK? OK 7 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin 8 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Determine sizes required of skimmer Basin Storage Volume 97179 CF Desired Dewatering time 48 Hours Required Orifice Diameter 5 8 Inches (per Faircloth Skimmer specifications) Required Pipe Diameter 6 Inches 9 OF 11 11/612014 Riser Sediment Bann Summary of important information Sediment basin invert = 69400 feet Riser crest elevation = 70000 feet Riser diameter = 60 inches Barrel diameter = 30 inches Barrel Length= 54 feet Barrel Slope= 1 85% Emergency spillway crest elevation = 69650 feet Emergency spillway length (weir) = 20 feet Max 10 year WSEL across spillway = 698 50 feet Top of berm elevation (settled) = 699 50 feet Freeboard in 10 year storm = 1 00 feet Cleanout Elevation= 696 06 feet Anti - flotation block width= 600 feet Anti - flotation block length= 600 feet Anti - flotation block thickness= 3000 inches Notes : 1) Design trash rack, or anti -vortex device / trash rack outside this worksheet 2) Design velocity dissipator for barrel for design flow through principal spillway 3) Fence and warning signs to be erected whenever necessary 4) Constructed height of berm should be 10% greater than design height to allow for settlement of berm Design height is minimum 5) Basin sideslopes should not be steeper than 2 5 1 11 OF 11 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Riser Sediment Basin Design Worksheet Reference NC Erosion and Sediment Control Manual Job Name Willowcroft Job Number. MRH -13040 Date 9/30/2014 Designer TMM Description- Basin #2 Calculate peak inflow from 2, 10, & 25 -year storms (1) Use SCS Segmental Approach (TR -55) Segment l: Overland Flow ft/sec Length = 100 tt Height = 2 ft Slope= 00200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0 10 description P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3 5 inches Segment Time = 6.77 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow 013 Length = 100 ft Height = 1 5 ft Slope = 00150 ft/ft Paved ? = no ft Typical Mannings for Sheet Flow ft/sec Smooth Surfaces 0 011 Fallow (no residue) 005 Cultivated sods Residue cover < 20% 006 Residue cover > 20% 017 Grass ft Short grass prairie 015 Dense Grasses 024 Bermuda grass 041 Range (natural) 013 Woods Light underbrush 04 Dense underbrush 08 Velocity = 1 98 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.84 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1271 ft Height = 21 3 ft Slope = 00168 ft/ft Manning's n = 010 description Flow Area = 300 st Wetted Perimeter= 632 ft Channel Velocity= 1 17 ft/sec Segment Time = 18.05 mtnutes Tc. 5.00 minutes (2) Compute Intensity (Input data for project location) Return Period B D E Intensity (in /hr) 2 4575 1020 081 502 10 8435 1510 083 703 25 9388 1470 082 821 1 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin (3) Calculate Rational C Description of Surface C Value Area (acres) Grassy Areas 03 000 Wooded Areas 025 000 Disturbed Areas 06 365 Right of Way 08 Parks & Cemeteries 030 Total 3 65 Ac Combined Rational C• 060 (4) Compute flows Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 11 00 10 1539 25 1797 Runoff Coefficients (C) Lawns 030 Wooded 025 Streets 095 Gravel Areas 055 Drives,Walks 095 Roofs 095 Parks & Cemeteries 030 Residential (including streets) Single Family (lot <20,000 sf) 060 Single Family (lot >20,000 sf) 050 Multi- Family, Attached 070 Industrial Light Areas 070 Heavy Areas 080 Office Parks 075 Shopping Centers 080 Calculate the required sediment storage for the pond Drainage Area = 365 acres Using 1800 CF /AC'YR (NC Erosion and Sediment Control Manual) __> Required Sediment Storage = 6570 CF 2 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Calculate the stage- storage function for the pond Contour feet Contour Stage Area feet (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Increment Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume CF Estimated Stage feet 7000 00 0 0 701 0 10 4208 2104 2104 2104 098 7020 20 5048 4628 4628 6732 207 7040 40 6932 5990 11980 18712 399 7060 60 9046 7989 15978 34690 593 Ks = 2171 b = 1 5564 Enter Ks and b values from the graph of storage vs stage shown on the next page Ks = Constant of power equation b = Exponent of power equation 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 00 Storage vs Stage 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Design pond maximum sediment storage and design cleanout level Sediment cleanout level is 1/2 of the design volume of the basin, referenced to the top of the riser Min elevation for top of riser = 70000 and stage = 6 00 feet Required sediment volume = 6570 CF Depth of sediment at stage = 2 04 feet and EL = 702 04 feet Therefore, sediment cleanout mark set at volume = 3285 CF and stage = 1 30 feet EL = 701 30 feet 4 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Check length to effective width ratio Check effective flow length vs effective flow width at principal spillway elevation Length to width ratio = (Length) /( Effective width), should be greater than two (2) Effective Width (WE) = A / L A = Surface area at principal spillway crest A = 9046 SF L = Length of flow path from inflow to outflow L = 114 feet (Must int Effective Width = 79 35 feet Length to Width ratio = 1 44 Length to width OK ? NO Baffles 5 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Check actual sediment storage volume and surface area provided Required sediment volume = 6570 CF Check provided volume at top of riser elevation Elev at Top of Riser = 70000 Stage at Top of Riser = 6 00 feet Vol at Top of Riser = 35300 CF OK Check Required Surface Area = 435 *Q10 (At Top of Riser) Area at Top of Riser = 9046 SF Area Required = 6696 660 SF Area OK? OK 6 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Determine sizes required of skimmer Basin Storage Volume 35300 CF Desired Dewatenng time 48 Hours Required Orifice Diameter 3 7 Inches (per Faircloth Skimmer specifications) Required Pipe Diameter 4 Inches 7 OF 9 11/6/2014 Riser Sediment Basin Summary of important information Sediment basin invert = 70000 feet Riser crest elevation = 700 00 feet Riser diameter = 60 inches Barrel diameter = 24 inches Barrel Length= 54 feet Barrel Slope= 1 85% Emergency spillway crest elevation = 69650 feet Emergency spillway length (weir) = 20 feet Max 10 year WSEL across spillway = 704 50 feet Top of berm elevation (settled) = 705 50 feet Freeboard in 10 year storm = 1 00 feet Cleanout Elevation= 70204 feet Anti - flotation block w(dth= 600 feet Anti - flotation block length= 600 feet Anti - flotation block thickness= 3000 inches Notes . 1) Design trash rack, or anti -vortex device / trash rack outside this worksheet 2) Design velocity dissipator for barrel for design flow through principal spillway 3) Fence and warning signs to be erected whenever necessary 4) Constructed height of berm should be 10% greater than design height to allow for settlement of berm Design height is minimum 5) Basin sideslopes should not be steeper than 2 5 1 9 OF 9 1116/2014 Temporary Erosion Control Culvert Calculations Culvert Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve TEMPORARY CULVERT 1 Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 700.25 Pipe Length (ft) = 40.00 Slope ( %) = 1 00 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 70065 Rise (in) = 150 Shape = Cir Span (in) = 15.0 No Barrels = 1 n -Value = 0.013 Inlet Edge = Projecting Coeff. K,M,c,Yk = 0.0045, 2, 0 0317, 0 69, 0.5 Embankment Flow Regime Top Elevation (ft) = 702.50 Top Width (ft) = 30.00 Crest Width (ft) = 2000 Elev (ft) Profile 70300 70250 70200 701 50 701 00 70050 70000 69950 0 Friday, Apr 17 2015, 2 29 PM Calculations Qmin (cfs) = 0.00 Qmax (cfs) = 6.66 Tailwater Elev (ft) = (dc +D) /2 Highlighted Qtotal (cfs) = 1.00 Qpipe (cfs) = 1.00 Qovertop (cfs) = 000 Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 519 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 580 HGL Dn (ft) = 701 08 HGL Up (ft) = 701 07 Hw Elev (ft) = 701 13 Hw /D (ft) = 0.38 Flow Regime = Outlet Control Hw Depth (ft) 235 5 10 1 85 1 35 085 035 -015 -065 -1 15 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Reach (ft) Embankment I� HGL Hw 5 10 1 85 1 35 085 035 -015 -065 -1 15 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Reach (ft) Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 1 - 04/17/15,2:32 PM Q < ' Veloc Total ° e Pipe Over Dn 'Yo. (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (f /S) a (fus) 1 00 1 00 000 1 16 278 200 200 000 209 370 300 300 000 293 429 400 400 000 371 482 500 500 000 446 532 600 600 000 519 580 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 1 - 04/17/15,2:32 PM Depth HGL Dn Up Dn Up Hw (in) °` (in) (ft) (ft) ° (ft) 990 501 701 08 701 07 701 13 1090 679 701 16 701 22 701 32 11 66 832 701 22 701 34 70149 1230 960 701 28 701 45 701 63 1287 1074 701 32 701 54 70203 1338 11 79 701 37 701 63 70226 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 1 - 04/17/15,2:32 PM HGL Hw /D 038 054 067 078 1 11 129 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 1 - 04/17/15,2:32 PM Culvert Report Hydraflow Express by Intelisolve TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 701 50 Pipe Length (ft) = 45.20 Slope ( %) = 1.11 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 702.00 Rise (in) = 15.0 Shape = Clr Span (in) = 15.0 No. Barrels = 1 n -Value = 0.013 Inlet Edge = Projecting Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k = 0 0045, 2, 0 0317, 0 69, 0.5 Embankment Flow Regime Top Elevation (ft) = 70400 Top Width (ft) = 3000 Crest Width (ft) = 2000 Elev (ft) 70500 70400 70300 70200 701 00 70000 Profile Friday, Apr 17 2015, 2 31 PM Calculations Qmin (cfs) = 0.00 Qmax (cfs) = 666 Tailwater Elev (ft) = (dc +D) /2 Highlighted bank Qtotal (cfs) = 1.00 Qpipe (cfs) = 1.00 Qovertop (cfs) = 000 Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 5.19 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 5.81 HGL Dn (ft) = 70233 HGL Up (ft) = 70240 Hw Elev (ft) = 70247 Hw /D (ft) = 0.37 Flow Regime = Outlet Control Hw Depth (ft) 300 0 5 200 1 00 Leraff -1 00 -200 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Reach (ft) Err bank ent HGL 20 Lf f 15 in 1 1 % Hw 0 5 200 1 00 Leraff -1 00 -200 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Reach (ft) Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 - 04/17/15,2:31 PM Q Veloc Total Pipe' Over Dn Up° ° (cfs) (cfs) (cfs)- (fus) °° (fus) 1 00 1 00 000 1 16 295 200 200 000 209 370 300 300 000 293 429 400 400 000 371 482 500 500 000 446 532 600 600 000 ; 519 581 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 - 04/17/15,2:31 PM Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 - 04/17/15,2:31 PM Depth HGL ,Dn° ° �P.° ° ° Dn Up Hw (in)e (ft) (ft)° (ft) 990 480 70233 70240 70247 1090 679 70241 70257 70267 11 66 832 70247 70269 70284 1230 960 70253 70280 70298 1287 1074 70257 70289 70338 1338 11 76 70262 70298 70361 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 - 04/17/15,2:31 PM HGL Hw /D 037 054 067 078 1 29 1 11 Hydraflow Express - TEMPORARY CULVERT 2 - 04/17/15,2:31 PM Rip Rap Apron Calculations Project Project No Outlet ID Outlet flowrate Pipe diameter Number of pipes Pipe separation Outlet pipe slope 25 20 V ti 15 W _T V 10 d 5 0 0 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET WILLOWCROFT Date 17- Sep -14 MRH -13040 Designer TMM Basin 1 35 85 cfs 30 inches 1 0 feet 667 percent Figure 8 06.b.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 2 Width = Outlet pipe diameter 30 in Outlet flowrate 35 9 cfs Outlet velocity 7 3 ft /sec Material = Class B 2 Length = 15 0 ft Width = 7 5 ft Stone diameter = 6 in Thickness = 22 in 9 Zone Material Diameter "I htckness Length Width I j Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) ' 3-x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class 11 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 ; 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required i Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 2 Outlet velocity based on full -flow velocity MRH13040 -Table - Rip Rap Apron Bann 1 11/6/12014 Project Project No Outlet ID Outlet flowrate Pipe diameter Number of pipes Pipe separation Outlet pipe slope 25 20 u a 15 w u v 10 5 0 0 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET WILLOWCROFT Date 24- Jul -14 MRII -13040 Designer CSM FES -C 1 271 cfs 30 inches 1 0 feet 0 53 percent Figure 8.06.b.1 1 2 3 Zone from graph above = 2 Width = Outlet pipe diameter 30 in Outlet flowrate 27 1 cfs Outlet velocity 5 5 ft/sec, Material = Class B 2 I 4 5 6 Pipe diameter (ft) 7 3 9 10 Length = 15 0 ft Width = 7 5 ft Stone diameter = 6 in Thickness = 22 in 9 Zone Material Diameter I 'thickness I Length I Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x D(o) ; 3 x D(o) 2 I Class B i 6 22 6 x D(o) j 3 x_D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) Class I i 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) _4 5 Class II 23 27 10 x D(o) i 3 x D(o) 6 Class II 23 27 j 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required 1 Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 2 Outlet velocity based on full -flow velocity MRI-113040 -Table - Rip Rap Apron FITS -C 1 1(/6/2014 Project Project No Outlet 1D Outlet flowrate Pipe diameter Number of pipes Pipe separation Outlet pipe slope DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WORKSHEET WILLOWCROFT Date 28- Oct -14 MRH -13040 Designer TMM Basin 2 1539 cfs 24 inches 1 0 feet 185 percent Fieure 8.06.b.1 1 Diameter Thickness Length Outlet pipe diameter 24 in Length = 8 0 tt Outlet flowrate 15 4 cfs Width - 6 0 ft Outlet velocity 4 9 ft/sec Stone diameter = 3 in Material = Class A Thickness = Zane' 7__.; 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I _ 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class 1I 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class 11 j 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required -Zone 6 l -- - - - - -- u _ u 10 �^ ZonCS > Zone 4 _ 5 - ,7 oneT Zo�te3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pipe diameter (ft) Zone from graph above = 1 Diameter Thickness Length Outlet pipe diameter 24 in Length = 8 0 tt Outlet flowrate 15 4 cfs Width - 6 0 ft Outlet velocity 4 9 ft/sec Stone diameter = 3 in Material = Class A Thickness = 9 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 j 4 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 2 Class B 6 22 6 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 3 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 4 Class I 13 22 8 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 5 Class 1I 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 6 Class 11 j 23 27 10 x D(o) 3 x D(o) 7 Special study required I Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8 06 05 through 8 06 06 in NC Erosion Control Manual 2 Outlet velocity based on full -flow velocity MRH13040 -Table - Rip Rap Apron Basin 2 revised 11/6/2014