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20071557 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20071017
o~ - -55`1 Rock Bridge Stream & Wetland Restoration Plan Haywood County, North Carolina October 15, 2007 Prepared for: Blue Sky Communities, Inc. Rock Bridge Development Prepared by: ,., ~ n. ~'~ ~°' 7a;.Y' .~ of ,~' r~~~ L1~NR . ~~A~~~N~,~~~ ,~A,q(zGH ~~ ~~D 4 PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 The project site, known as Rock Bridge is located off Hemphill Road in ' Haywood County, NC. Latitude and longitude for the site are 35.5635723 N and 83.0446220 W, respectively. The site is located within the Dellwood USGS Topo Quad (See Attachment A). To access the site from Asheville, take I-40 west to ' exit 20. Head south on Jonathan Creek Road N 3 miles. Turn right onto State Route 1321. Take the next left onto Grindstone Rd. Follow Grindstone 1 mile turning right onto Hemphill Rd. The site is 2000' further on the right. Blue Sky Communities, Inc. is proposing to restore 100 linear feet of stream that had previously been impacted during construction of a bridge and .03 acres ' of wetland impact. The restoration is in response to a Notice of Violation issued by the Division of Water Quality. The restoration will include installing one cross vane, adding proper dimension and profile to the channel, reestablishment of ' native streambank vegetation, and restoration of the existing wetland back to its original functioning form. Existing Site Conditions Hemphill Creek originates on the Cataloochee Divide near the Great Smoky Mountain National Park Boundary. It is a third order tributary to Jonathan Creek which flows into the Pigeon River and then into the French Broad. From the Rock Bridge site, Hemphill Creek drains a 6.1 sq. mile watershed (see Attachment A). At this point Hemphill Creek enters a broad Type VII valley with an existing floodplain and alluvial deposititon. Hemphill Creek at the Rock Bridge site becomes a Cob Rosgen stream type with an entrenchment ratio of 10.53, width to depth ratio of 14, and sinuosity is 1.0 (see Attachment B). Hemphill Creek has been altered over the years due to agricultural practices. The creek throughout this valley has been relocated and straightened to accommodate agriculture. This straightening has increased gradient to 3.5%; therefore increasing sheer stress on banks. Hemphill Creek consists of larger gravel and cobble throughout this reach. During construction of a bridge over Hemphill Creek, some channel substrate was removed from a 100' reach (see Figures 1-4). The dimension of the stream was also altered to support the bridge. Existing soil and plant material were removed from a .03 acre section of a wetland on site (see Figures 5-7). Both impacts lead to a Notice of Violation from the Division of Water Quality. The following restoration plan will address this violation. Precipitation According to the PRISM maps (see Attachment C) maintained by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, this area of Haywood County receives approximately 54-66 inches of rain annually. Excess water that falls as precipitation must leave the site as ground water flow, surface sheet flows, channelized surface flow, or deep water seepage. Soils ' The project site is located within the mountain physiographic region of North Carolina. Soils series present on site include Statler loam and Cullowhee-Nikwasi complex. Statler loam soils are present on moderately steep well drained soils having a slope of 1 to 5 percent. Parent material consists of loamy alluvium. Cullowhee Nikwasi soils are found on floodplains that are frequently flooded. Soils are poorly drained and usually on slopes of 0 to 2 percent. Parent material ' consitsts of loamy alluvium over sandy and gravelly alluvium (see Attachment D). ' Reference Reach The reference reach for this site was 300' downstream of the violation on Hemphill ' Creek. This stable reach of similar size was used to emulate proper dimension and profile for the restoration and enhancement of the 100' section of Hemphill Creek that had previously been disturbed (Attachment E). i Restoration Plan ' Blue S Communities Inc. lans to restore the 100' section of Hem hill Creek kY p p back to its original dimension and restore the impacted wetland. The goals of the ' project are: ' 1. Restore natural dimension and profile. 2. Stabilize banks and reduce erosion. 3. Create and preserve a riparian buffer with permanent native vegetation. ' 4. Create aquatic habitat and complexity. 5. Restore the impacted wetland back to original state. Construction Plan and Specifications ' Construction activities will include construction of a cross vane just downstream of the bridge to hold grade and redirect flow away from the banks. Proper dimension and profile will be administered to this 100' section of stream based on reference reach conditions. Banks will be resloped and matted with geotextile fabric (see typical). The streambanks will then be heavily planted to ensure ' stability. Substrate will be added to mimic conditions downstream. The existing 0.03 acres of impacted wetland will be filled and reseeded with a wetland seed mix. Approximately 150 cubic yards of fill will be used to fill the existing ditch. i Across vane will be used to provide grade control, keep the thalweg in the center of the channel, provide access to the floodplain, and protect the banks. The cross vane will be constructed as if it is two single vanes with a center structure perpendicular to the channel flow. The center stone will set the invert grade of the stream bed. The vane will be oriented upstream with angles off the bank from 20 to 30 ' degrees. It will be located N30 feet downstream of the bridge. The vane will start at bankfull and slope downward into the channel, pointing upstream. Large, ' flat rocks will be used to construct the vane. Slopes on the vanes will range from 2 to 7 percent. Boulders in the vanes will fit tightly together and footer rocks will be utilized to ensure scour does not topple the structures (See Typical with Plans). Planting Plan and Specifications A 30 foot protective buffer on either side of the channel will be included to enhance the project. Vegetation is a key component to the restoration project. The slopes will be planted with appropriate riparian species from an approved list, to recreate the natural buffers that occur on site. Salvaging of onsite plant materials will be utilized to meet the planting objectives. Trees will be planted at an 8 X 8 foot spacing. Plant survival and growth of at least 320 stems/acre through year 3 and 260 stems/acre in year 5 will be considered successful. The objective will be to mimic most of the natural buffer that is on site, which is mainly composed of shrubs and trees. However, warm season grasses will be used, in accordance with the'~Warm Season Grass Establishment and Management in North Carolina and Virginia" provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a temporary planting to aid with soil stabilization. Plant Material Specifications Bare Root or Container (Woody and Herbaceous Material): The plants will either be transplanted on site, ordered as bare root , or purchased in 1-3 quart containers. Upon delivery, the specimens shall appear healthy with no leaf spots, leaf damage, leaf discoloration, chlorosis, leaf wilting or curling, or evidence of insects on leaves or stems. Plants will be planted immediately. If plants cannot be planted immediately, plants will be stored in shade and kept moist in peat moss, mulch, or other suitable material. Container (Woody Material): The soil within the root ball shall be field capacity (1/3 atmosphere) or wetter upon delivery to the job site. Any wilted, dry and/or lightweight plants shall be rejected. Plants shall be planted immediately upon delivery. If not, then they must be stored in shade and root balls kept moist through periodic watering until time of planting. ' If actively growing, plants shall appear healthy with no leaf spots, leaf damage, leaf discoloration, chlorosis, leaf wilting or curling, or evidence of insects on ' leaves. For trees, where spiraling woody roots exist on the outside of the soil/root mass upon the removal of plants from the containers, the landscape contractor shall separate (cutting where necessary) and spread them out prior to planting. Soil Amendments: Soil amendments are required around tree plantings. The amendments used should be leaf or pine bark compost at rates of one part compost to one part soil (from planting hole). A slow release fertilizer or "super phosphate" type fertilizer should be mixed in with soil amendment mix. No surface mulch is required where plants are planted at or near original grade, unless tree shelters are used to promote growth and survival percentage. A 6-inch soil berm will be constructed 12 inches from the outer edge of the root ball to hold water. I Monitorin Plan 9 ' Within 90 days of construction completion, WNR staff will provide the resource agencies with photos of each site and a baseline monitoring report. A monitoring report with photos will be submitted annually for 5 years. WNR will conduct ' monitoring and Blue Sky Communities, Inc will provide the financial assurance that will ensure this project is complete and successful. ' An as-built report will be included with the first annual monitoring report. At least two bankfull events in separate years will be documented within 5 years. ' Otherwise, stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have occurred in two separate years. Success will be measured in terms of plant survivability and channel stability. ' Channel Stability ' Channel stability will be measured through cross-sections, longitudinal profiles, and pebble counts; and then compared to previous measurements. A minimum of four permanent cross-sections will be taken per 1,000 linear feet of stream ' representing 50% pools and 50% riffles. Pebble counts will be performed at each cross section. A longitudinal profile will be conducted to monitor any changes in profile. If the reach is less than 3,000 linear feet, then all 3,000 feet will be ' surveyed. If the reach is greater than 3,000 linear feet, then the profile will include 30% of the restored stream or 3,000 linear feet (whichever is greater). If 1 1 there is substantial evidence of instability, such as down-cutting or erosion, remedial actions will be planned, approved, and implemented. Plant Survival Vegetative success will be measured in terms of plant survival. Plant survival will be measured with stem counts in designated vegetative monitoring plots. Stem counts of at least 320 stems/acre in year 3 and 260 stems/acre in year 5 will be considered successful. Vegetative monitoring plots, 1/10 acre in size, will be set up adjacent to each cross section. Plant survivability will be assessed using these vegetative monitoring plots. If there is substantial plant mortality that leads to lowered stem counts, remedial actions will be taken. Areas with less than 75% vegetation coverage will be re-seeded and/or fertilized; and live stakes and bare rooted trees will be planted to achieve the desired densities. Exotic, invasive, and invader species will be removed so that they will not exceed 20% of the vegetative composition. Photographic Reference Sites Photos will be taken at each cross section as well as monumented reference sites throughout the restoration reach. These photos will indicate aggradation, degradation, and/or bank erosion. If none exists, no remedial action will be required. If aggradation, degradation, and/or bank erosion occurs, the problem will be accessed and remedial actions will be planned, approved, and implemented. Recommended Native Species for Stream Restoration Trees Yellow Buckeye Sweet Birch River Birch Bitternut Hickory Shagbark Hickory Persimmon Green Ash Carolina Silverbell Blackgum Sycamore Black Cherry Aescu/us octandra Betula lenta Bete/a nigra Carya cordiformis Carya ovata Diospyros virginiana Fraxinus pennsy/vanica Ha/esia caroliniana Nyssa sy/vatica Platanus occidentalis Prunes serotina 1 Black Willow Sa/ix nigra White Basswood Tilia heterphylla ' Small Trees and Shrubs r Tag Alder A/pus serru/ata Serviceberry Ame/anchier arbrea Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia ' Common Pawpaw Asimina triboba Sweet-shrub Ca/ycanthus floridus Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana 1 Alternate Leaf Dogwood Corpus a/ternifo/ia Silky Dogwood Corpus amomum Hazel-nut Cory/usAmericana Witch Hazel Hamame/is virginiana Winter Berry I/ex verticillata Doghobble Leucothoe axillaries Spicebush Lindera benzoin Male-berry Lyonia /igustrina Umbrella Tree Magnolia tripeta/a Ninebark Physocarpus opu/ifo/ius Wild Azalea Rhododendron peric/ymenoides I Swamp Aza I ea Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Rose Rosa pa/ustris Silky Willow Sa/ix sericea ' Meadowsweet Spirea /atifolia Sweet Leaf Symplocos tinctoria Wihe-rod Viburnum cassinoides ' Yellow-root Xanthorhiza situp/icissima Herbaceous Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphy//um ' Swamp M i I kweed Asc%pias incarnate Fringed Sedge Carex crinata Bladder Sedge Carex intumescens Hop Sedge Carex /upulina Lurid Sedge Carex lurida Broom Sedge Carex scoparia ' Tussock Sedge Carex stricta Fox Sedge Carex vu/pinoides ' Turtlehead Che%ne g/abra Umbrella Sedge Cyperus strigosus Bottlebrush Grass E/ymus hystrix 1 1 1 Joe-Pye Weed Eupatorium fistu/osum Boneset Eupatorium pen`oliatum Jewelweed Impatiens capensis Soft Rush Juncus effuses Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides Cardinal Flower Lobe/ia cardina/is Great Blue Lobelia Lobe/ia siphi/itica Seedbox Ludwigia alternifolia Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Tea rth u m b Po/ygonum sagittatum Green Bulrush Scirpus atrovirens Woolgrass Scirpus cyperinus Soft Stem Bulrush Scirpus va/idus Bur-reed Sparganium americanum March Fern Theypteris palustris River Oats Uniola /atifolia Ironweed ~ernonia noveboracensis cn .~ ~. a~ .~ U F-, "~ GA ~_ O O .:~ N ~. U N x r-+ .~ O .~ c~ O N s.. GA Lz. a~ ~. .~ 0 a~ Cl, .^.!~ C .~ O O .-~ .:~ ~, U C1. y x .-~ .~ O .~ O_ N s. CA ~i ~, ~° a~ ~. 3 0 bn 0 0 a~ a~ ~. U a~ x .~ a .~ 0 M ~. w a~ ~, Q.. 0 ~, .~ 0 Gn x 0 0 x ~. U Q.. a~ x .~ 0 .~, o~ >~ ~. .Y ~~ ~~ ~, o ~~ .~ w ~~ ^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . s~ wee Figure 5. Violation site. Impacted wetland. Looking downstream toward Hemphill Creek. Figure 6. Violation site. Impacted wetland. Looking downstream. ac C o~ o' ~. a. a. t" 0 0 x ~~ a. 0 Attachment A USGS Topo Map and Watershed Delineation Copyright (C) 1997, Maptech, Inc Attachment B Hemphill Creek Existing Conditions Hemphill Creek, riffle 2774 2772 2770 _~ 2768 ~ 2766 -° 2764 iu a', 2762 w 2760 2758 2756 2754 0 50 100 Bankfull Dimensions 60.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 21.7 width (ft) 2.8 mean depth (ft) 3.6 max depth (ft) 23.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.6 hyd radi (ft) 7.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 15.1 velocity (ft/s) 920.4 discharge rate (cfs) 1.64 Froude number 150 200 250 Width (ft) Flood Dimensions 322.0 W flood prone area (ft) 14.8 entrenchment ratio 4.1 low bank height (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.031 Manning's roughness 0.08 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric 10.0 resistance factor u/u' 16.4 relative roughness 300 350 400 450 Materials 15 D50 Bed (mm) 52 D84 Bed (mm) 219 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.7 channel slope (%) 4.45 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.51 shear velocity (ft/s) 72 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Hemphill Creek, riffle 2772 2770 2768 _~ 2766 ~ 2764 •°- 2762 i~ ~ 2760 w 2758 -------------------------- 2756 2754 2752 0 50 100 Bankfull Dimensions 60.3 x-section area (ft.sq.) 29.9 width (ft) 2.0 mean depth (ft) 2.9 max depth (ft) 30.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.9 hyd radi (ft) 14.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 12.3 velocity (ft/s) 739.1 discharge rate (cfs) 1.55 Froude number 150 200 250 300 Width (ft) Flood Dimensions 307.9 W flood prone area (ft) 10.3 entrenchment ratio 3.6 low bank height (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.031 Manning's roughness 0.09 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 9.3 resistance factor u/u"` 11.8 relative roughness 350 x---- 400 450 Materials 15 D50 Bed (mm) 52 D84 Bed (mm) 161 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.7 channel slope (%) 3.28 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.30 shear velocity (ft/s) 42 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Hemphill Creek, pool 2775 2770 2765 0 .~ ~ 2760 w 2755 2750 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Width (ft) Flood Dimensions --- W flood prone area (ft) --- entrenchment ratio 5.1 low bank height (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.031 Manning's roughness 0.09 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 9.6 resistance factor u/u' 12.8 relative roughness 350 400 450 500 Materials 15 D50 Bed (mm) 52 D84 Bed (mm) 169 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.7 channel slope (%) 3.43 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.33 shear velocity (ft/s) 46 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Bankfull Dimensions 61.2 x-section area (ft.sq.) 28.0 width (ft) 2.2 mean depth (ft) 4.1 max depth (ft) 30.0 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.0 hyd radi (ft) 12.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 12.5 velocity (ft/s) 767.4 discharge rate (cfs) 1.55 Froude number Hemphill Creek, riffle 2768 2766 2764 2762 0 2760 2758 w 2756 2754 2752 2750 0 50 100 150 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions 60.2 x-section area (ft.sq.) 35.0 width (ft) 1.7 mean depth (ft) 2.8 max depth (ft) 35.6 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 20.4 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 10.8 velocity (ft/s) 652.6 discharge rate (cfs) 1.47 Froude number Flood Dimensions 200 250 300 350 Materials 278.4 W flood prone area (ft) 8.0 entrenchment ratio 4.2 low bank height (ft) 1.5 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.032 Manning's roughness 0.10 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 9.0 resistance factor u/u* 10.1 relative roughness 15 D50 Bed (mm) 52 D84 Bed (mm) 140 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.7 channel slope (%) 2.85 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.21 shear velocity (ft/s) 31 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Hemphill Creek, riffle 2760 2758 ~ 2756 c ~~ 2754 a~ w 2752 2750 2748 0 50 Bankfull Dimensions 60.8 x-section area (ft.sq.) 29.9 width (ft) 2.0 mean depth (ft) 3.0 max depth (ft) 30.8 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.0 hyd radi (ft) 14.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 9.6 velocity (ft/s) 581.4 discharge rate (cfs) 1.20 Froude number 100 150 200 Width (ft) Flood Dimensions 317.3 W flood prone area (ft) 10.6 entrenchment ratio 3.7 low bank height (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.040 Manning's roughness 0.15 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric 9.3 resistance factor u/u~ 11.9 relative roughness 250 300 350 Materials 15 D50 Bed (mm) 52 D84 Bed (mm) 163 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.7 channel slope (%) 3.32 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.31 shear velocity (ft/s) 33 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Hemphill Creek -~-bed ~ x-section <> riffle crest o pool ^ run glide x a ~ b - c 2757 2756 ,,,,-,~ ~~ 2755 2754 ~ 2753 2752 ~ 2751 w 2750 2749 2748 2747 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) - ratio reach 2.7 --- 280.1 9.6 c anne wi s --- --- --- riffle 3.1 (2.2 - 5.1) 1.1 (0.8 - 1.~ 39.5 (5.3 - 78.4) 1.4 (0.2 - 2.7) --- --- pool 0.61 (0 - 3.3) 0.2 (0 - 1.2) 16.2 (11.4 - 21.3) 0.6 (0.4 - 0.7) 41.1 (36.9 - 45. 1.4 (1.3 - 1.6) run 9.5 (2.3 - 15) 3.5 (0.9 - 5.E 14.8 (5.5 - 25.3) 0.5 (0.2 - 0.9) --- --- glide 0 0 15.7 0.5 --- --- 1 1 1 Bed Surface Material '~ Size Range (mm; Count silUclay 0 - 0.062 4 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 3 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 2 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 2 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 4 very coarse sand 1 - 2 4 very fine gravel 2 - 4 4 fine gravel 4 - 6 2 fine gravel 6 - 8 3 medium gravel 8 - 11 7 medium gravel 11 - 16 11 coarse gravel 16 - 22 7 coarse gravel 22 - 32 9 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 8 ver coarse ravel 45 - 64 8 small cobble 64 - 90 3 medium cobble 90 - 128 2 large cobble 128 - 180 2 ve lar a cobble 180 - 256 1 small boulder 256 - 362 1 small boulder 362 - 512 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 ve lar a boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 87 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan ------------- detritus/wood - artificial ------------- total count: 87 Note: PEBBLE COUNT UNDER BRIDGE Bed Surface Pebble Count, Hemphill Creek ' '-cu mulative % -# of particles c silUclay sand gravel cobble boulder 100% 12 90% '- -------- -------- ----- --- 10 80% ~ c I ~ Y 70% I g c ~ 60% ~ m _ ~ 50% ----- -- -------- ---- j 6 0 I ~ a 40% 1 ~_ 30% ~ i I 4 ~ `~° 20% ~ ~ 2 10% ~ I 0 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 0.83 mean 6.6 silUclay 5% D35 8.9 dispersion 10.8 sand 17% D50 15 skewness -0.27 gravel 68% D65 26 cobble 9% D84 52 boulder 1 D95 120 Attachment C NC Prism Maps U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE NORTH CAROLINA ANNUAL PRECIPITATION 1 SCALE 1 :1,180,000 ' II 46-48 °• LJ 82-86 .- O 48-50 86-90 D 50-54 90-100 D 54-58 ~ 100-110 O 58-62 Ll 110-120 '~ 62-66 Average Annual Precipitation 1961-1990 inches per year ~ <40 ~ 66-70 D 40-42 ~ 70-74 D 42-44 ~ 74-78 D 44-46 ~ 78-82 83~ D 46-48 8~2~ ~ 82-86 D 48-50 ~~~=~~ 86-90 ~ 50-54 90-100 D 54-58 ~~~~ a 100-110 ~ 58-62 110-120 D 62-66 81 ao~ �.4 Attachment D Soil Maps Soil Map-Haywood County Area, North Carolina (Rock Bridge, Hemphill Creek) N Meters A 0 35 70 140 210 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 (IS()A Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 10/2/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Soil Map-Haywood County Area, North Carolina (Rock Bridge, Hemphill Creek) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) ~ Very Stony Spot Area of Interest (AOI) ,~ Wet Spot Soils ~ Other Soil Map Units Special Line Features Special Point Features - Gully ~_.~ Blowout Short Steep Slope . ® Borraw Pit f . Other X Clay Spot Political Features ~ Closed Depression Municipalities ~(, Gravel Pit S Cities „ Gravelly Spot ~ Urban Areas ~ Landfill Water Features fy Lava Flaw ,_~._j Oceans ,~, Marsh ~^-~ Streams and Canals ~ Mine or Quarry Transportation ~ Rails O Miscellaneous Water Roads © Perennial Water ~~. Interstate Highways v Rock Outcrop US Routes + Saline Spot State Highways Sandy Spot ,y Local Roads Severely Eroded Spot Other Roads ~ Sinkhole ~7 Slide or Slip ~ Sodic Spot w Spoil Area Q Stony Spot MAP INFORMATION Original soil survey map sheets were prepared at publication scale. Viewing scale and printing scale, however, may vary from the original. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 17N This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Haywood County Area, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 7, Mar 16, 2007 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 4/5/1999 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 10/2/2007 ~ Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Soil Map-Haywood County Area, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Rock Bridge, Hemphill Creek Haywood County Area, North Carolina (NC606) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CxA Cullowhee-Nikwasi complex, 0 5.6 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded EvE Evard-Cowee complex, 30 to 50 0.8 percent slopes SdC Saunook loam, 8 to 15 percent 2.7 slopes, stony SdD Saunook loam, 15 to 30 percent 1.5 slopes, stony SuA Statler loam, 0 to 3 percent 7.8 slopes, rarely flooded Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) 18.4 30.6% 4.2% - - 14.8% 8.1 42.4% 100.0% Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey 10/2/2007 Page 3 of 3 Attachment E Reference Reach Data 0 + 65 Hemphill Creek Reference Reach, Pool 99 ..r_.,~_.a..__ _._.-.~ ._. _..~ ~~ ._ ~__-_ _ - - 98 97 96 _ ~ .. .ro °- 95 a~i 94 w 93 92 91 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Width Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 60.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 28.1 width (ft) 2.2 mean depth (ft) 4.1 max depth (ft) 30.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 2.0 hyd radi (ft) 12.9 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 10.6 velocity (ft/s) 646.9 discharge rate (cfs) 1.33 Froude number --- entrenchment ratio 4.5 low bank height (it) 1.1 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.035 Manning's roughness 0.11 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 8.4 resistance factor u/u' 7.9 relative roughness 35 40 Materials 13 D50 Bed (mm) 84 D84 Bed (mm) 153 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.5 channel slope (%) 3.11 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.27 shear velocity (ft/s) 36 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 0 + 79 Hemphill Creek Reference Reach, Riffle 100 99 - .____ __ __ _ - _ 98 ~ 97 ~~ 96 m 95 w 94 93 92 91 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Width Bankfull Dimensions 59.1 x-section area (ft.sq.) 32.4 width (ft) 1.8 mean depth (ft) 3.8 max depth (ft) 34.5 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 17.8 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow Flood Dimensions 248.5 W flood prone area (ft) 7.7 entrenchment ratio 4.0 low bank height (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.036 Manning's roughness 0.12 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 8.1 resistance factor u/u' 6.6 relative roughness Materials 13 D50 Bed (mm) 84 D84 Bed (mm) 131 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.5 channel slope (%) 2.67 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.17 shear velocity (ft/s) 27 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) 9.5 velocity (ft/s) 558.8 discharge rate (cfs) 1.27 Froude number 1 + 20 Hemphill Creek Reference Reach, Riffle 97 96 95 c .° 94 ------ -- c~ °~ 93 w 92 91 90 0 5 10 Bankfull Dimensions 52.9 x-section area (ft.sq.) 27.9 width (ft) 1.9 mean depth (ft) 2.8 max depth (ft) 31.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 1.7 hyd radi (ft) 14.7 width-depth ratio Bankfull Flow 9.1 velocity (ft/s) 482.9 discharge rate (cfs) 1.23 Froude number 15 20 25 Width Flood Dimensions 236.8 W flood prone area (ft) 8.5 entrenchment ratio 3.0 low bank height (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio Flow Resistance 0.037 Manning's roughness 0.13 D'Arcy-Weisbach fric. 7.8 resistance factor u/u' 6.9 relative roughness 30 35 40 Materials 13 D50 Bed (mm) 84 D84 Bed (mm) 130 threshold grain size (mm): Forces & Power 2.5 channel slope (%) 2.65 shear stress (Ib/sq.ft.) 1.17 shear velocity (ft/s) 27 unit strm power (Ib/ft/s) Hemphill Creek Reference Reach 101 100 ss ~ 98 c 97 w 96 95 94 93 ---bed water srf -~- bankfull ~ x-section <> riffle crest o pool ^ run glide x --- + --- - --- R _ ~_ ,. _- ~I- 1' ~ ~-~; _ .._ ~' 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Channel Distance (ft) slope (%) slope ratio length (ft) length ratio pool-pool spacing (ft) p-p ratio reach 2.5 --- 252.0 (8.4 channel widths) --- --- --- ritfle 2.5 (1.1 - 4.5) 1 (0.4 - 1.8) 17.0 (6.2 - 36) 0.6 (0.2 - 1.2) --- --- pool 0.9 (0 - 3.7) 0.4 (0 - 1.5) 5.5 (2.5 - 10) 0.2 (0.1 - 0.3) 26.3 (7.6 - 52) 0.9 (0.3 - 1.7) run 7.4 (1 - 14) 3 (0.4 - 5.6) 6.1 (2.6 - 11.2) 0.2 (0.1 - 0.4) --- --- glide 0.32 (0 - 3.5) 0.1 (0 - 1.4) 2.5 (1 - 4) 0.1 (0 - 0.1) --- --- Hemphill Creek Reference Reach French Broad River Basin --- East West Distance 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ratios m U C RS N L Dimensions (ft) Bankfull Width: 30.2 -10 -60 -110 a 0 z -160 -210 Sinuosity: 1.1 Bed Surface '~ Material Size Range (mm; Count silUclay 0 - 0.062 3 very fine sand 0.062 - 0.125 3 fine sand 0.125 - 0.25 3 medium sand 0.25 - 0.5 3 coarse sand 0.5 - 1 3 very coarse sand 1 - 2 5 very fine gravel 2 - 4 6 fine gravel 4 - 6 3 fine gravel 6 - 8 6 medium gravel 8 - 11 10 medium gravel 11 - 16 15 coarse gravel 16 - 22 8 coarse gravel 22 - 32 9 very coarse gravel 32 - 45 6 ver coarse ravel 45 - 64 2 small cobble 64 - 90 4 medium cobble 90 - 128 4 large cobble 128 - 180 6 ver lar a cobble 180 - 256 3 small boulder 256 - 362 2 small boulder 362 - 512 1 medium boulder 512 - 1024 large boulder 1024 - 2048 ve lar a boulder 2048 - 4096 total particle count: 105 bedrock ------------- clay hardpan - detritus/wood ------------- artificial ------------- total count: Note: 105 Bed Surface Pebble Count, i silUclay Hemphill Creek Reference Reach sand gravel -~-cumulative % cobble boulder -# of particles j 16 100% 90% 14 80% ~ I ~ 12 ~ 70% ~ ~ c c 60% ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ 50% ----- --- -------- ---- ~ i 8 o_ ;' ~ ~ ~ w Q 40% I I g ~ ~ ~ o 30% t ~ ~ ~ 4 20% ~ ~ 2 10% ~ I 0 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 particle size (mm) Size (mm) Size Distribution Type D16 1.3 mean 10.4 silUclay 3% D35 8.5 dispersion 8.2 sand 16% D50 13 skewness -0.07 gravel 62% D65 22 cobble 16% D84 84 boulder 3% D95 200 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ r ^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rock Bridge: Design Summary; Hemphill Creek Enhancement Existing Conditions VARIABLES Steam Name Unit Hemphill Creek County Haywood Notes: Responsible Crew WNR Stream Type Cob Drainage Area sq. mile 6.1 Bankfull Width (Wblcf) ft 29.10 min/max 21.7/35.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 2.08 min/max 1.712.8 Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf/Dbkf) ~ .; _~~ min/max 7.7/20.4 Bankfull Cross~ectional Area (Abkf) sq. ft 60.53 min/max 60.2/60.8 Wetted Perimeter (wet Perim) ft 33.26 est 2*Dbkf + Wbkf Width Floodprone Area (Wfpa) ft 306.40 minlmax 278.4/322 Entrenchment Ratio ~;) " min/max 9.6/11.1 Sinuosity (K) ~ 04 ,, r:,. ,~ ~~a~ . "' r. _ - Bankfull Mean Velocity (Ubkf) ft/sec 12.00 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) cfs 726.34 Hydraulic Radius (Abkf /wet Perim) 1.82 Sheer Stress (62.4 * Hd * Slope) Ibs/sq.ft. 3.373 Sheer Velocity (32.2 * R * S )1/2 ft/sec 1.319 Unit Power(Ibs/ft/sec) (62.4 *Q*SMlblcf) 46.258 Friction factor (U/U*) 9.10 D50 mm 15.00 D84 mm 52.00 Bankfull Maximum Depth (dmbkf) ft 3.10 riffle min/max 2.8/3.6 Maximum Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth ° ~ac~ Low Bank height ft 3.90 Low Bank Height/Max Riffle Depth Meander Length (Lm) min/max Meander Length Ratio Radius of Curvature (Rc) Rc /Bankfull Width Belt Width (Wblt) Meander Width Ratio ;ti s~;~.~+., ~ g~ . Valley Slope (VS) 0.03 Channel Slope (S) 0.03 Pool Slope (Sp) 0.01 min/max .00/.033 Pool Slope / S Riffle Slope (Srfl) 0.03 min/max .022/.051 Srfl / S , Run Slope (Brun) 0.10 miNmax .023/.15 Brun / S 3.20 Glide Slope (Sgld) 0.00 min/max Sgld / S 0.00 Max Pool Depth (Dmpd) ft 4.10 Dmpd /Dbkf ratio 1 9 Max Run Depth (Dmrun) ft 3.10 Dmrun /Dbkf 0.11 Max Glide Depth (Dmgld) ft Dmgld /Dbkf Pool Width (Wbkfp) ft 28.00 Wbkfp / Wbkf 0.96 Pool -Pool spacing ft 41.10 min/max 36.9/45.4 Pool -Pool / Wbkf 1.41 Pool Length 16.20 Pool Length Ratio 0.56 Riffle Length 39.50 Riffle Length Ratio 1.36 Glide Length 15.70 Glide Length Ratio 0.54 Run Length 14.80 Run Length Ratio 0.51 Channel Materials D 16 mm 0.83 D 35 mm 8.90 D 50 mm 15.00 D 84 mm 52.00 D 95 mm 120.00 Mean values WNR Cob Cob 6.1 6.1 29.10 30.20 28.00 27.9!32.4 2.08 1.86 2.00 1.8/1.9 13.99 #DIV/0! 14.00 14.7/17.8 60.53 56.172 56 52.9/59.1 5£i 33.92 32.00 3 ~<a2 0.00 306.40 242.7 200.00 236.8/248.5 10.53 ~' 0~; #DIV/0! 7.14 7.8/8.2 1.04 ~ (: #DIV/0! 0.87 -t ~: ;.; ;~~;. 12.00 8.47 8.48 726.34 475.77684 475.00 1.66 1.75 2.563 3.88 1.266 1.416 24.380 37.653 6.69 5.99 13 13.00 84 84.00 3.10 3.30 3.55 2.8/3.8 1.49 i -~ ;' #DIV/0! 7 7 3.50 1.26 1 v~~u 0.00 ~~ Ov #DIV/0! (i ;fir; 0.00 Q 000 #DIV/0! ~ ~~i~.. n/a ~ v 0.00 #VALUE! 0.00 ~x'= .~. ~ ~i< 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0/.037 0 t~ #DIV/0! 0.00 0.03 0.03 ~ :;: .011 /.045 1.04 ?.0? 1.01 0.10 0.07 n~ ':1 .01/.14 320 2.98 o.oo o.oo o ©aa .00/.035 0.00 {~.(:% 0 n0 4.10 4.10 1.97 x.20 3.30 3.548387 1.77 _28.10 0 ~' #DIV/0! 41.10 26.30 24.38410596 7.6/52 1.41 ~, `-" #DIVlO! 0.2 5.50 5.099337748 0.18 0.18 17.00 15.7615894 0.56 0.56 2.50 2.317880795 .~ 0.08 0.08 6.10 5.655629139 0.20 0.20 _ Jl 1.30 1.30 -~ 8.50 8.50 ~ 13.00 13.00 84.00 84.00 200.00 200.00 10/8/2007 ~~ I~ ROCK BRIDGE RESTORATION Stream and Wetland Restoration Haywood County, North Carolina `~ '~ A ! t Index of Pages ~°'/~~'~~~' ~ ~`~ 1 ~ t~~ f ~ • Cover Pa e ~ V ~F~~;aPR g • Symbols and Notes _ ~"~~~~~~~~~?~~ •~, ,,~ • Overall Site Plan • Stream Plan View • Wetland Plan View • Existing Cross Sections • Longitudinal Profile • Proposed Cross Sections • Construction Typicals CLIENT Blue Sky Communities, Inc. Nick Roknich 89 Walnut Street Waynesville, NC 28786 ~ PROJECT SUMMARY • Restore natural dimension and profile of impacted channel • Stabilize banks and reduce erosion • Establish buffers with native vegetation • Restore impacted wetland :1 ' ~. .n ~ ~~~.:~ Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants :`;: • •~~• P,O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 • ,.R.,.. ~'` `~" `~ 828-648-8801 PROJECT CODE: BSCI-1000 DATE: 10-09-2007 DATE: REVISION: PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION W C~ O m Y U O U w O VICINITY MAP Stream Enhancement Symbols -~~ BANK UNDERCUT BANK FAILURE ROCK CROSS VANE ~ ROCK J-HOOK ROOT WAD ~~~ LOG AND ROCK J-HOOK ~ ARMORED TOE OF SLOPE ------ BANKFULL ----- FLOOD PRONE ~~~J' EXISTING CHANNEL WITH THALWEG RIFFLE RUN POOL GLIDE General Notes i ~o o '' g~ a~ ~ ~o zs 0 ~~ J p Wz OC S a w 0 N z ~~ ~~~ z °° ~~ a ~° a c 0 c~ 0 a E a ~ o ~ ~ z ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ -v U ~ ~L ~, W = ~- .~ Q LL I Vl Rock Bridge Stream and Wetland Restoration DATE: REVISION: Hemphill Creek N:~, =--- _ _ ,, ~~ ~ ~~, n _ _ _~ ~ i'~t~ Wetl d and~Natural Resowce Consultants --- -- - ~ ~ ~- - --- ~, ~~ ~ P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Stream Plan View 828~ggg01 PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR RECONSTRUCTION J Rock Bridge Stream and Wetland Restoration Hemphill Creek Wetland Plan View t ~~'~'~~ ~~ ~ ' ;., !', ti: Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants ~~!,;~' ~ P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 828-648-8801 DATE: REVISION: PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR RECONSTRUCTION Existing Riffle Cross Section #4 ~ 2771 p 2767 ''~ 2763 ~ 2759 v 2755 w 2751 0 25 50 Bankfull Mean Depth:1.7' Bankfull Width: 35.0' Flood Prone Width: 278,4' Existing Pool Cross Section #3 2772 = ' 2768 ~ •~ 2764 c~ 2760 > 2756 w 2752 0 25 50 Maximum Pool Depth: 4.1' Bankfull Pool Width: 28' 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Distance Existing Cross Section Bankfull Flood Prone Scale 1:20 75 100 125 150 175 200 225', Distance Existing Cross Section Bankfull Flood Prone Scale 1:20 ~_ 0 Z z 0 ~ Jrc a~ ~o ~ Z f~ Jo Wz ~o a~ w 0 ~~ ~_ N ~~~ U ~zo w ~~ ~~ a~~ N~ ~ ~ 'O G ~~ ~O ,~ a 3 c a~ E U C ~ ~ ~ X W o 'E ~ a. ~ '~ ~ 0~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ U ~ m s ~ ~ Q N 0 ~ 'X ~ 2 W STA 0+00 - STA 1 +00 i 2757 ~ 2755 2753 ~' 2751 > 2749 w 27470 Existing Profile Proposed Profile 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance Scale 1:10 __ _ _- STA 1 +00 - STA 2+00 ~ 2757 p 2755 ~ 2751 v > 27 _ 2 47 w 100 110 120 130 Existing Profile Proposed Profile 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 ~I Distance ~~ i, Scale 1:10 -- -__ ___ - _-~ z ~_ Z~ ~ 0 ~ f I aN ~° ~ ~ Q o Z~ ~ Jp Wz °C S a a 0 ~ ~ UN ~q~ V ~s°°° ~~ N ~ z~ b~ ~~ a ~° 3 ?~= O O ,,.., N a ~ ~ o ~ o ~ + o ~ L = W 0 ~ ~ v c~ ~ 4' ~ a ~ v ~ v ~ ~ V ,~ ~ - z~ m s U ~ ~ ~ v 0 = J Proposed Riffle Cross Section ~ 12 'a:.r 8 - 4 v ~~ w Bankfull Mean Depth: 2.0' Bankfull Width: 28' Flood Prone Width: 200' Side Slope 2.5:1 Proposed Pool Cross Section 0 12 ~ 4_ __~ 4J ~5 95 W Maximum Pool Depth: 4.41' Bankfull Pool Width: 26.05' Side Slope 2.5:1 Bankfull Scale 1:20 Distance -- Bankfull - Flood Prone 85 95 105 i Scale 1:20 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 Distance ~~ ~ M~ z~ a~~ ~NN x~°° pkp RJ a O 3 ,~ J a E U X C ~ 0 -c 0 a W ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ U) ~ N ~ N ~ _ OC m U .~ = a~ 00 o v a E n' 0 12 Proposed Riffle Cross Section ~ 1~ '~ 8 ~ 4 w ~ 4 5 35 ~5 Bankfull Mean Depth: 2.0' Bankfull Width: 28' Fload Prone Witlth: 200' Side Slope 2.5:1 Proposed Pool Cross Section 1~ o 8 ~~ > 4 _v '~ W 0 45 35 ~5 i Maximum Pool Depth: 4,41' Bankfull Pool Width: 26.05' Side Slope 2,5:1 15 5 0 5 Distance Bankfull -- Flood Prone 15 5 0 5 Distance 15 15 Bankfull ~5 25 35 35 45 Scale 1:10 Z~ g~ ~~ }o ~W a~ zo ~s J~ I ~ z ag ~~ N U z~ ~~ ~~~ pkp LA ~O .. W 3 _z ,x~`~ r,_ -=~. ~ o ~ o N ~ X c ~ 0 ~ o w °' ~ ~ `~ a a~ ~ ~ a~ a~ ~' ~c ~ V ~ A L M IY1 I~ ~ Q ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ = a. Bankfull Widt~~~ Base Width ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I I I, BKF !, Bench - - ~/3-----~/3--~/3- ~~ ~ Gaps i 20-30 I ~~~ it 2` ~ ,_..i No Gaps Scour ~, Pool Gut -off $il~ ~ ~~, `~~; '~ Cut -off Sil l ii~~ ~~~ !, ` i ', I ~ ~-- P ~~ n UI e W ,Foundation /Footer Rocks i SLOPE 2:1 AND ~~.'i~~ ~' Bankfull ,r,', 0 ^THAWE ~~ Cross Section ooter Hocks i ~, Z o go a z ~ I~ ~°v ~g I Z~ '~ 0 Wz d W H O b UN vU ~zs da x ~a U `D co z~ b~ ~~ ~d _a 3 ..~.. -~ _. s= +~ N U t6 C W _ W ~^ ^~^,, /u~ A A ~U ~ ~ _ c~ ms ~ a ~ U ~ p ~ = U BARE ROOT PLANTINGS LIVE STAKE: P OF STREAM BANK OF WATER ~~-~ ~ ~ ~- , ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. BARE ROOT / CONTAINER PLANTINGS TOP OF STREAM BANK LIVE STAKES ~r r Plan View '~ __ __ _ _ -- Cross Section i NOTES ON PLANTING: • PLANT BARE ROOT PLANTS ABOVE THE TOPS OF BANKS PLANT BARE ROOT PLANTS OUT TO THE BUFFER WITDTH • ALLOW 5'-10' BETWEEEN PLANTINGS • CUT AND INSTALL LIVE STAKES ON THE SAME DAY • INSTALL STAKES PERPENDICULAR TO THE BANK i • LEAVE 115 OF THE STAKE ABOVE GROUND • STAKES SHOULD BE 2-3' LONG AND 112-2" IN DIAMETER • SPACE LIVE STAKES 2-3' APART ~i ~ Rock Bridge Stream Enhancement DATE: REVISION: a., Hemphill Creek ~~~~ ~~ ~,'~1 1 e,~ / P.O. Box 882 Caawn, N.C. 28716 szs~aa-8801 PRELIMINARY PLANS Planting Typical DO NOT USE FOR RKONSTRUCFION - --- _ __ __ ~ TRENCH STAPLES TOP OF STREAM BANK EDGE OF WATER EDGE OF MATTING/ ~~ ~ ~ TOE OF SLOPE (UNDERWATER) ~~~ ~ i / ~ /. ~ / ~_~ II CHANNEL FLOW ~, '' Plan View INSTALLATION: ' 1. SLOPE BANKS ~ 2. SEED BANKS I 3. PLACE MATTING TO MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION 4. SECURE WITH 12" STAPLES ON 3' CENTER I1 ~ ~~ MATTING ANCHORED IN A 6 INCH DEEP TRENCH WITH STAPLES AND BACKFILL Rock Bridge Stream Enhancement DATE: REVISION: Hemphill Creek ~~I; -- --- ,,h~ ,.,, _ u,~,~ N, ti~ ~ - _ __ _ _ _ __ _ -- --- _ ~. ' Welland and Natural Resource Consultants I,~,,~' P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 Matting Typical '' 828-648-8801 PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR RECONSTRUCTION