HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131177 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report 2014_20150414IV 10KI Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project Alamance County, North Carolina EEP Project ID No. 95729 Cape Fear River Basin: 03030002 - 050050 Prepared for: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1652 s Data Collection Period — July 2014 Submission Date — August 2014 r ' # * - This document was printed using 100% recycled paper. "k N'.1 lbrN Fill b, '' CARq 4EI Baseline Monitoring Document and As -Built Baseline Report UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project Alamance County, North Carolina EEP Project ID No. 95729 Cape Fear River Basin: 03030002 - 050050 Prepared for: rb� d i os r Enna nccm FEROGIR AM NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Prepared by: am R P, C" M3rF}±Gwo"2 57E P•.]0 9i9 Data Collection Period — July 2014 Submission Date — August 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................. ............................1 -1 2.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES ..................... 2 -1 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ........................................................................ ............................... 2 -1 2.2 SITE DIRECTIONS ............................................................................................................ ............................... 2 -1 2.3 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................ ............................... 2 -1 3.0 PROJECT STRUCTURE, RESTORATION TYPE AND APPROACH.. 3 -1 3.1 PROJECT COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................... ............................3 -1 3.2 RESTORATION APPROACH ................................................................................................. ............................3 -1 3.2.1 Reach RI Restoration .................................................................................................. ............................... 3 -1 3.2.2 Reach R3 Restoration .................................................................................................. ............................... 3 -2 3.2.3 Reach R4 Enhancement and Restoration ..................................................................... ............................... 3 -2 3.2.4 Reach 5 Enhancement and Restoration ....................................................................... ............................... 3 -3 3.2.5 Reach 5a Enhancement ................................................................................................ ............................... 3 -3 3.3 PROJECT HISTORY, CONTACTS, AND ATTRIBUTE DATA ............................................... ............................... 3 -4 3.3.1 Construction Summary ................................................................................................ ............................... 3 -4 4.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ................................... ............................... 4 -1 5.0 MONITORING PLAN AND SUCCESS CRITERIA ... ............................... 5 -1 5.1 STREAM MONITORING .................................................................................................... ............................... 5 -1 5.1.1 Bankfull Events and Flooding Functions ..................................................................... ............................... 5 -1 5.1.2 Cross - sections ................................................................................................................. ............................5 -1 5.1.3 Pattern ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 5 -2 5.1.4 Longitudinal Profile ..................................................................................................... ............................... 5 -2 5.1.5 Bed Material Analysis .................................................................................................. ............................... 5 -2 5.1.6 Visual Assessment ........................................................................................................ ............................... 5 -2 5.2 VEGETATION MONITORING ............................................................................................ ............................... 5 -2 5.3 WETLAND MONITORING ................................................................................................. ............................... 5 -3 5.4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MONITORING ................................................................ ............................... 5 -4 6.0 AS -BUILT DATA DOCUMENTATION ....................... ............................... 6 -1 6.1 STREAM DATA .................................................................................................................... ............................6 -1 6.2 VEGETATION DATA ......................................................................................................... ............................... 6 -1 6.3 AREAS OF CONCERN ........................................................................................................ ............................... 6 -1 7.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS ...... ............................... 7 -1 7.1 STREAMS ............................................................................................................................. ............................7 -1 7.2 WETLAND ........................................................................................................................ ............................... 7 -1 7.3 VEGETATION ................................................................................................................... ............................... 7 -1 7.4 SITE BOUNDARY .............................................................................................................. ............................... 7 -2 7.5 FARM ROAD CROSSING ................................................................................................... ............................... 7 -2 7.6 BEAVER MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................. ............................... 7 -2 8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................. ............................... 8 -1 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE III 10/23/2014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Project Attributes Table 5 Baseline Stream Summary Table 6 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Table 7 Vegetation Species Planted Across the Restoration Site Table 8 Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Restoration Summary Map Figure 3 Reference Sites Location Map LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Figures 1 - 3, Tables 1 - 4 Appendix B Morphological Summary Data (Tables 5 and 6), Reach 5 Pebble Count Sheet Appendix C Vegetation Summary Data (Tables 7 and 8) Appendix D As -Built Plan Sheets /Record Drawings Appendix E Photo -ID Log MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE IV 10/23/2014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. (Baker) restored 3,314 linear feet (LF) of perennial and intermittent stream and enhanced 2,911 LF of channel. Baker also planted approximately 14.0 acres (AC) of native riparian vegetation within the recorded conservation easement areas along the restored and enhanced reaches (Reach R1, R3, R4, R5 and R5a). The UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project (Site) is located in Alamance County, approximately three miles south of the Town of Saxapahaw (Figure 1). The Site is located in the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) subbasin 03 -06 -04 and the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP) Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) 03030002 - 050050 of the Cape Fear River Basin. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of a Rural Piedmont Stream (NC WAM 2010, Schafale and Weakley 1990) which had been impaired due to past agricultural conversion and cattle grazing. Based on the NCEEP 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan, the UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project area is located in an existing targeted local watershed (TLW) within the Cape Fear River Basin, although it is not located in a Local Watershed Planning (LWP) area. The restoration strategy for the Cape Fear River Basin targets specific projects which focus on developing creative strategies for improving water quality flowing to the Haw River in order to reduce non -point source (NPS) pollution to Jordan Lake. The primary goals of the project were to improve ecologic functions and to manage NPS inputs to the impaired areas as described in the NCEEP 2009 Cape Fear RBRP and as identified below: • Create geomorphically stable conditions along the unnamed tributaries across the Site, • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce NPS inputs to receiving waters, • Protect and improve water quality by reducing stream bank erosion, and nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restore stream and floodplain interaction by connecting historic flow paths and promoting natural flood processes, and • Restore and protect riparian buffer functions and corridor habitat in perpetuity by establishing a permanent conservation easement. To accomplish these goals, the following objectives were identified: • Restore existing incised, eroding, and channelized streams by providing them access to their relic floodplains, • Prevent cattle from accessing the conservation easement boundary by installing permanent fencing and thus reduce excessive stream bank erosion and undesired nutrient inputs, • Increase aquatic habitat value by providing more bedform diversity, creating natural scour pools and reducing sediment from accelerated stream bank erosion, • Plant native species riparian buffer vegetation along stream bank and floodplain areas, protected by a permanent conservation easement, to increase stormwater runoff filtering capacity, improve stream bank stability and riparian habitat connectivity, and shade the stream to decrease water temperature, • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat through improved substrate and in- stream cover, addition of woody debris, and reduction of water temperature, and • Control invasive species vegetation within the project area and, if necessary, continue treatments during the monitoring period. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 1 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) This report documents the completion of the restoration construction activities and presents as -built monitoring data for the post - construction monitoring period. Table 1 summarizes project conditions before and after restoration, as well as the conditions predicted in the previously approved project Mitigation Plan. Table 1 is located in Appendix A. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 1 -2 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 2.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 2.1 Project Location and Description The Site is located in Alamance County, NC, approximately three miles south of the Town of Saxapahaw, as shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The project is located in the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) sub -basin 03 -06 -04 of the Cape Fear River Basin and hydrologic unit 03030002- 050050. The project includes four unnamed headwater tributaries (UTs) to Cane Creek and is located in the Piedmont physiographic region. The four UTs were divided into individual Reaches (RI, R3, R4, R5 and Rya) as shown in Figure 2. Project Reaches R1 and R3 are dashed blue -line streams on the USGS topographic quadrangle map and project Reaches R4 and R5 are both shown as solid blue -line streams along their entire length within the project limits. Reaches RI, R3, R4, and R5a are shown as intermittent (unclassified) streams within the project limits on the 1960 Alamance County Soil Survey. The presence of historic valleys for each of the project stream systems is clearly evident on LIDAR imagery, which was confirmed during field investigations and on -site jurisdictional determination with the USACE and NCDWR. The preliminary jurisdictional determination was approved on October 13, 2013. Based on the NCEEP 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan, the UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project area is located in an existing targeted local watershed (TLW) within the Cape Fear River Basin, although it is not located in a Local Watershed Planning (LWP) area. The restoration strategy for the Cape Fear River Basin targets specific projects which focus on developing creative strategies for improving water quality flowing to the Haw River in order to reduce NPS pollution to Jordan Lake. 2.2 Site Directions To access the Site from Raleigh, take US -1 south and head west on US -64 towards Pittsboro, for approximately 25 miles. Take the exit ramp to NC 87 north towards Burlington and continue for 13 miles before turning left onto East Greensboro Chapel Hill Road. Once on East Greensboro Chapel Hill Road, travel west for approximately 1.2 miles before turning left onto Stockard Road. Then proceed 1.0 mile while heading south towards the end of the paved road. The Site is located where the farm access road continues towards a farm pond crossing near an unnamed tributary to Cane Creek. 2.3 Project Goals and Objectives The primary goals of the project are to improve ecologic functions and to manage NPS inputs to the impaired areas as described in the NCEEP 2009 Cape Fear RBRP and are identified below: • Create geomorphically stable conditions along the unnamed tributaries across the Site, • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce NPS inputs to receiving waters, • Protect and improve water quality by reducing stream bank erosion, and nutrient and sediment inputs, • Restore stream and floodplain interaction by connecting historic flow paths and promoting natural flood processes, and • Restore and protect riparian buffer functions and corridor habitat in perpetuity by establishing a permanent conservation easement. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) To accomplish these goals, the following objectives were identified: • Restore existing incised, eroding, and channelized streams by providing them access to their relic floodplains, • Prevent cattle from accessing the conservation easement boundary by installing permanent fencing and thus reduce excessive stream bank erosion and undesired nutrient inputs, • Increase aquatic habitat value by providing more bedform diversity, creating natural scour pools and reducing sediment from accelerated stream bank erosion, • Plant native species riparian buffer vegetation along stream bank and floodplain areas, protected by a permanent conservation easement, to increase stormwater runoff filtering capacity, improve stream bank stability and riparian habitat connectivity, and shade the stream to decrease water temperature, • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat through improved substrate and in- stream cover, addition of woody debris, and reduction of water temperature, and • Control invasive species vegetation within the project area and, if necessary, continue treatments during the monitoring period. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2 -2 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 3.0 PROJECT STRUCTURE, RESTORATION TYPE AND APPROACH 3.1 Project Components The project area consists of the restoration and enhancement of four unnamed headwater tributaries (UTs) to Cane Creek and is located in the Piedmont physiographic region. For assessment and design purposes, the four UTs were divided into individual Reaches (R1, R3, R4, R5 and R5a). Native species riparian buffer vegetation was established and/or protected at least 50 feet from the top of both bank along all project reaches. Lastly, cattle were excluded along all project reaches (except Reach R1) through permanent fencing outside of the conservation easement. The reach designations have remained in the same order to be consistent throughout the document. 3.2 Restoration Approach Based on the post - construction as -built survey, the project consisted of 1,045 LF of restoration on Reach R1, 398 LF of restoration on Reach R3, 2,333 LF of Enhancement II on Reach R4 (upstream), 410 LF of restoration on Reach R4 (downstream), 1,461 LF of restoration on Reach R5 (upstream), 433 LF of Enhancement I on Reach R5 (downstream) and 145 LF of Enhancement II on Reach R5a. A recorded conservation easement consisting of 19.9 acres protects and preserves all stream reaches, existing wetland areas, and riparian buffers in perpetuity. The project involved the restoration and enhancement of a Rural Piedmont Stream System (NC WAM 2010, Schafale and Weakley 1990) which had been impaired due to past agricultural conversion and cattle grazing. Restoration practices involved raising the existing streambed and reconnecting the stream to the relic floodplain, and restoring natural flows to areas previously drained by ditching activities. The existing channels abandoned within the restoration areas were partially to completely filled to decrease surface and subsurface drainage and raise the local water table. Permanent cattle exclusion fencing was provided around all proposed reaches and riparian buffers, with the exception of Reach Rl, where cattle lack access. The vegetative components of this project include stream bank, floodplain, and transitional upland planting and described as the riparian buffer zone. The Site was planted with native species riparian buffer vegetation as shown in Table 7 and Table 8 (Appendix C) and now protected through a permanent conservation easement. Table 1 and Figure 2 (Appendix A) provide a summary of the project components. 3.2.1 Reach R1 Restoration Due to the degraded nature of Reach R1, and the ability to fully restore stream functions and floodplain connection, a Priority Level I restoration approach was implemented. The lowest part of the stream valley runs along the field edge to the north of the existing stream channel. Starting at the outlet of the upstream pond dam, the restored channel was raised to provide reconnection to the relic floodplain. This approach was feasible because the pond outlet is significantly higher than the existing bed of the stream channel. In- stream structures included constructed riffles for grade control and aquatic habitat (bed material for the existing stream is sand/gravel), log vanes, and log step -pools for stream bed/bank stability, and habitat diversity. At the downstream end of the reach, the restored channel transitions down to the water surface elevation of Cane Creek; therefore, rock and log step -pools and constructed riffle structures were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. Along this downstream transition section, channel banks were graded to stable slopes, and bankfull benches were graded to further promote stability and re- establishment of riparian vegetation to the confluence. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) The existing, unstable channel was partially to completely filled along its length using a combination of existing spoil piles that were located along the reach and fill material excavated from construction of the restored channel. Vernal pools were incorporated along the filled abandoned channel to provide habitat diversity and improved detention of runoff. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored or protected along all of Reach R1. No stream crossing or breaks in the easement were installed along this reach. Since cattle do not have access to the reach, permanent fencing will not be required. 3.2.2 Reach R3 Restoration Work along Reach R3 involved a combination of Priority Level I and II restoration approaches to provide floodplain reconnection and promote long -term channel stability. In its existing condition, the reach was incised and eroding. Much of the adjacent timber had recently been harvested; therefore, restoration activities were conducted with minimal impact to existing trees. Due to the short length of the reach before its confluence with Reach R4, it was practical to use a Priority Level I approach that raised the stream back to its historic floodplain. Therefore, restoration activities involved a combination of raising the streambed along the upstream portion of the reach, and narrow benching further downstream along a portion of the right floodplain to increase the floodprone area width. These techniques allowed restoration of a stable channel form with appropriate bedform diversity, as well as improved channel function through improved aquatic habitat, more frequent overbank flooding, improved riparian and terrestrial habitats, exclusion of cattle and associated pollutants, and decreased erosion and sediment loss from stream bank erosion. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored along all of Reach R3. No stream crossings or breaks in the easement were installed along Reach R3. 3.2.3 Reach R4 Enhancement and Restoration Work on Reach R4 primarily involved enhancement approaches on the majority of the upstream portion of the reach, and restoration approaches on a short section of the downstream end near its confluence with Cane Creek. The primary source of impairment for Reach R4 is direct cattle access to the stream; therefore, Enhancement Level II approaches were incorporated along the upper portion of Reach R4 to permanently exclude cattle from the system. Due to the presence of bedrock along much of this reach, the stream showed little indication of channel incision, downcutting, or past channelization. Minor channel bank stabilization work and structure installation occurred throughout upper portions of the reach where the riparian buffer had been the most impacted and cattle access had been most detrimental to channel dimension and stream bank erosion. Portions of the riparian buffer along Reach R4 were recently thinned and cleared as a result of timber harvest, increasing the importance of restoring appropriate riparian species and removing invasive species vegetation. Along the downstream 410 LF of Reach R4, the channel condition was very poor due to channel incision and heavy use by cattle. This reach section was restored through the use of j- hooks /constructed riffle structures to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. Log vanes were added for additional bank protection and channel banks were graded to stable slopes. Bioengineering measures (vegetated geolifts) and bankfull benches were incorporated to further promote stability and re- establishment of riparian vegetation to the confluence. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored along all of Reach R4. Two existing stream crossings on Reach R4 were improved and the crossings were fenced to exclude cattle from entering the restored streams. To accommodate NRCS watering system requirements for cattle management, one additional ford crossing was installed on Reach R4 upstream during construction. This crossing is located at station MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 -2 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 33 +00 and allows cattle to move from pastures on opposite sides of the conservation easement, thus reducing the distances traveled to other areas of the farm. The channel length at the ford crossing is 20 LF and the length reduction has been accounted for in the stream credit calculations as shown in Table 1. 3.2.4 Reach R5 Enhancement and Restoration Work on Reach R5 involved full restoration of the upstream portion of the reach down to the culverted stream crossing, and enhancement approaches on a short section of the downstream end below the existing crossing. The primary source of impairment for Reach R5 was its incised and unstable condition, although direct cattle access to the stream was also a major contributor to its degraded condition. From the northern property line and moving downstream, Reach R5 was deeply incised, with vertical eroding stream banks and limited to no floodplain access. Due to the rapid drop in grade after the reach enters the project property, a Priority Level I restoration approach was feasible for the upper portion of Reach R5. This approach involved constructing the restored channel off -line and along the lowest part of the valley (to the left side of the existing channel). The benefits of this approach were that floodplain connection was restored, as well as limited impact to desirable native species trees along the existing channel, and the ability to provide full restoration of stream functions and a more appropriate channel pattern for the valley type. Many of the existing trees along Reach R5 were Tree -of- heaven (Ailanthus altissima), an invasive exotic species; therefore, removal of these particular trees was completed to encourage establishment of native species. A Rosgen Bc stream type was designed for the restoration reach, similar to the approach described for Reach R3. At the downstream end of the reach, above the culverted stream crossing, floodplain benches were graded to transition the restored reach back to the existing bed elevation at the crossing. Along the downstream 433 LF of Reach R5 below the stream crossing, channel incision decreased and the primary source of impairment was direct cattle access. Because the stream mostly connected to its floodplain along this reach, Enhancement Level I approaches were implemented for this section of Reach R5. These approaches included permanent exclusion of cattle, minor grading of the stream banks, and limited use of structures to promote channel stability, bedform diversity, stabilize an active headcut, and establish an appropriate riparian buffer. Riparian buffers in excess of 50 feet were restored along all of Reach R5. The existing culverted stream crossing near the downstream end of Reach R5 was replaced and improved as part of the proposed project. A new, culverted crossing was installed to provide access across the stream. The crossing was designed to pass a 10 -year return period event, with excess capacity on the floodplain to pass larger events without damaging the crossing. The new crossing was fenced to exclude cattle from entering the restored stream. 3.2.5 Reach R5a Enhancement Reach R5a begins at the northeastern end of the Site at the property line and flows southwestward approximately 145 LF to the confluence with Reach R5. Reach R5a was only slightly degraded, and had incised down to bedrock in some locations, causing minor lateral instability. A few of the existing riffles along the degraded Reach R5a were observed to have exposed bedrock and coarse gravel accumulations imbedded with fine sediment. Most of Reach R5a was exhibiting moderate incision, with typical BHRs of 1.3 or more. Two constructed riffles were installed to provide vertical stability and prevent any potential headcutting. The right buffer along this section of Reach R5a can be described as wooded with frequent breaks in continuity of canopy of trees insufficient to form a definable, single line of native trees along the top of the stream banks. The uppermost end of Reach R5a, near the property line exhibits a small area with a more "natural" buffer, though actively accessed by cattle. Invasive vegetation species such as Tree -of- heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and Multiflora rose were removed along the left bank and the MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 -3 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) slopes were stabilized and planted with native species buffer vegetation. A majority of Reach R5a was actively subject to water quality stressors in the form of buffer with direct livestock herd access. The reach was fenced to exclude cattle from entering the restored stream. 3.3 Project History, Contacts, and Attribute Data Baker implemented the project under a full delivery contract with NCEEP to provide stream mitigation credits in the Cape Fear River Basin. The chronology of the project is presented in Table 2. The contact information for all designers, contractors, and relevant suppliers is presented in Table 3. Relevant project background information is presented in Table 4. Tables 2, 3, and 4 are located in Appendix A of this report. As -built stationing is outlined in the Construction Summary, below, and in Table 1 in Appendix A. 3.3.1 Construction Summary In accordance with the approved Mitigation Plan and regulatory permits (i.e., 401/404, S &EC), construction activities began in early March 2014 with site preparation, installation of sedimentation and erosion control measures, and the establishment of staging areas, haul roads, and stockpile areas. The construction contractor was River Works, Inc. (River Works). Materials were stockpiled as needed for the initial stages of construction. Suitable channel fill material and alluvium was harvested on -site from existing spoil piles and within the existing streambed. Survey grade stakes were set along the thalweg and limits of disturbance to direct the grading activities. Actual in- stream structure location and placement varied slightly from the design plans in various sections due to exposed bedrock as well as to promote bedform diversity and increase vertical stability. Construction began on the upstream portion of Reaches R5 and R5a at station 10 +00 and proceeded downstream along Reach R5 towards the culverted stream crossing. The work involved the construction of a defined single thread channel that was built mostly offline using a pump around operation. The existing degraded channel was filled in and graded back to match the surrounding natural topographic contours. The entire length of Reach R5 was designed as a combination step - pool system with some natural channel meanders. The new channel was reconnected with its floodplain using a Priority Level I approach and graded as to let higher flow energies dissipate across the existing land surface. Upon completion of new channel segments, in- stream structures, coir fiber matting, and vegetation plantings, including permanent seeding, were installed before moving to the next section. Downstream of the culverted stream crossing, from station 25 +00 to station 29 +18, enhancement activities included invasive species vegetation removal, stabilizing stream banks, and installing in- stream structures. All disturbed areas were seeded with temporary and permanent seed and covered with straw before mobilizing to the next project area. The as -built length of Reach R5 after construction is 1,925 LF. After completing the upstream Reach R5, work along Reach R3 began on the upstream portion (station 10 +00) near the wooded area and proceeded downstream. The contractor used care as to not disturb mature hardwood trees within this section. Most of this reach was built within the existing channel corridor and followed the confined valley contours. In- stream structures such as constructed riffles and grade control j -hooks were installed to provide channel stability. A floodplain bench was excavated along the right stream bank to increase the floodprone area width. The as -built length of Reach R3 after construction is 398 LF. Construction activities continued downstream along the mainstem, Reach R4 (station 29 +18). Construction procedures and activities were consistent with the upstream reaches (Reach R5 and R3) and for the remainder of the project, however the contractor did not disturb vegetation within the Enhancement areas unless it was necessary to remove existing invasive species vegetation or trees that were damaged or stressed due to significant bank erosion. Enhancement activities included MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 -4 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) heavy invasive species removal, as well as localized in- stream structure installation and vegetation planting. Similar to Reach R3, a majority of the stream work along Reach R4 (upstream and downstream section) was conducted within the existing stream channel corridor due to the existing topography and channel conditions. Construction activities included heavy invasive species removal (Chinese Privet) and regrading /matting /planting channel banks from station 29 +18 to station 33 +50. Further downstream, an existing ford stream crossing was improved near station 33 +00 for landowner access and site monitoring purposes. Bioengineering measures (vegetated geolifts) and in- stream structures were added to stabilize stream banks and large woody debris was removed from the channel between Sta. 38 +00 and Sta. 44 +50. Restoration work continued along Reach R4, station 52 +70 with the installation of a pump - around operation and permanent ford stream crossing. A floodplain bench was excavated along the right bank until station 57 +00 and in- stream structures were installed per the approved design plans to provide grade control and bank protection. Additionally, a constructed riffle was added near station 53 +50 and 54 +50 to provide grade control. Upon completion of the Reach R4 channel segments, coir fiber matting was installed along the banks and all disturbed areas were covered with temporary and permanent seed and straw. Lastly, Reach RI was constructed offline from the existing dam to the confluence with Cane Creek. As the restored channel transitions down to the water surface elevation of Cane Creek, rock and log step -pools and constructed riffle structures were installed to control grade, dissipate energies, and eliminate the potential for upstream channel incision. Along this reach section, channel banks were graded to stable slopes, and the floodplain was reconnected to further promote stability and re- establishment of native riparian vegetation. The existing, unstable channel was partially to completely filled along its length using a combination of existing spoil piles that were located along the reach and fill material excavated from construction of the restored channel. Vernal pools were incorporated along the filled abandoned channel to provide habitat diversity and improved detention of runoff. The as -built length of Reach R1 after construction is 1,045 LF. Minimal site modifications involved the location and selection of some in- stream structures and bank stabilization practices. Substitutions and /or relocations were made based on existing field conditions and best professional judgment. All riparian buffer areas within the project boundaries are a minimum of 50 feet along both stream banks and are protected in perpetuity by a recorded conservation easement that totals 19.9 acres. Permanent cattle exclusion fencing (woven wire) was installed outside the conservation easement boundary along all reaches, except Reach RI, with access gates near each stream crossing as shown on the As -built Plan Sheets in Appendix C. In addition, Baker is coordinating with the landowner to install permanent watering systems for the cattle outside of the project boundary. As -built plan sheets /record drawings depict actual surveyed areas within the project area and depict any changes from the final design plans to what was implemented on -site during construction. The as -built plan sheets /record drawings are located in Appendix C. The as -built results for the project totaled 6,225 LF of stream and are outlined in Table 1. Upon completion of stream work within the Site, sedimentation and erosion control measures such as temporary stream crossings, rock check dams, and silt fence were removed and all disturbed areas were stabilized with temporary and permanent seed and mulch before de- mobilizing from the Site. In addition, the planting of bare -root trees and shrubs began in April (Reach R5) and completed in June 2014 (Reach Rl). Baker and River Works met on -site June 20, 2014 and conducted a preliminary final walk through inspection, and generated a punch -list of final items to be completed. River Works completed this punch list and demobilized in early July 2014 after the final walk inspection walk through on June 24, 2014. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 -5 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 4.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Baker has obtained regulatory approval for numerous stream mitigation plans involving NCDOT and NCEEP full- delivery projects. The success criteria for the Site will follow the mitigation plans developed for these projects, as well as the Stream Mitigation Guidelines (SMG) issued in April 2003 and October 2005 ( USACE and NCDWR) and NCEEP's recent supplemental guidance document Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and /or Wetland Mitigation dated November 7, 2011. All monitoring activities will be conducted for a period of 7 years, unless the Site demonstrates complete success by Year 5 and no concerns have been identified. An early closure provision may be requested by the provider for some or all of the monitoring components. Early closure may only be obtained through written approval from the USACE in consultation with the NCIRT. Based on the design approaches, different monitoring methods are proposed for the project reaches. For reaches that involve a combination of traditional Restoration (Rosgen Priority Levels I and/or II) and Enhancement Level I (stream bed/bank stabilization) approaches, geomorphic monitoring methods will follow those recommended by the 2003 SMG and the 2011 NCEEP supplemental guidance. For reaches involving Enhancement Level 11 approaches, monitoring efforts will focus primarily on visual inspections, photo documentation, and vegetation assessments. The monitoring parameters shall be consistent with the requirements described in the Federal Rule for compensatory mitigation sites in the Federal Register Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Volume 3 Chapter 2 Section § 332.5 paragraphs (a) and (b). Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described in Section 5.0 and report documentation will follow the NCEEP Baseline Monitoring Document template and guidance (v 2.0, dated 10/14/10). MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 5.0 MONITORING PLAN AND SUCCESS CRITERIA 5.1 Stream Monitoring Geomorphic monitoring of the proposed restoration reaches will be conducted once a year for a minimum of seven years following the completion of construction to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration practices. Monitored stream parameters include stream dimension (cross- sections), pattern (planimetric survey), profile (longitudinal profile survey), and visual observation with photographic documentation. The success criteria for the proposed Enhancement Level II reaches /sections will follow the methods described in sections 5.1.6 and 5.2. The methods used and related success criteria are described below for each parameter. 5.1.1 Bankfull Events and Flooding Functions The occurrence of bankfull events within the monitoring period will be documented by the use of a crest gauge and photographs. The crest gauge will be installed on the floodplain within ten feet (horizontal) of the restored channel. The crest gauge will record the highest watermark between site visits, and the gauge will be checked at each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred. Photographs will be used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition on the floodplain during monitoring site visits. Two bankf ill flow events must be documented within a seven -year monitoring period. The two bankfull events must occur in separate years; otherwise, the monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented during the seven -year post construction monitoring period. 5.1.2 Cross - sections Permanent cross - sections will be installed at an approximate rate of one cross - section per twenty bankfull widths or an average distance interval (not to exceed 500 LF) of restored stream, with approximately eight (8) cross - sections located at riffles, and four (4) located at pools. Each cross - section will be marked on both stream banks with permanent monuments using rebar cemented in place to establish the exact transect used. A common benchmark will be used for cross - sections and consistently used to facilitate easy comparison of year -to -year data. The cross - section surveys will occur in Years 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, and must include measurements of Bank Height Ratio (BHR) and Entrenchment Ratio (ER). The monitoring survey will include points measured at all breaks in slope, including top of stream banks, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg, if the features are present. Riffle cross - sections will be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification System. There should be little change in as -built cross - sections. If changes do take place, they will be documented in the survey data and evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., down - cutting or erosion) or a movement toward increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the stream banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Using the Rosgen Stream Classification System, and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters (i.e. BHR no more than 1.2 and ER no less than 2.2 for `C' stream types) defined for channels of the design stream type. Given the smaller channel sizes and meander geometry of the proposed steams, bank pins will not be installed unless monitoring results indicate active lateral erosion. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross - section. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the stream banks. Photographs will be taken of both stream banks at each cross - section. The survey tape will be centered in the photographs of the stream banks. The water line will be located in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) stream bank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers should make an effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. 5.1.3 Pattern The plan view measurements such as sinuosity, radius of curvature, meander width ratio will be taken on newly constructed meanders during baseline (Year 0) only. Subsequent visual monitoring will be conducted twice a year, at least five months apart, to document any changes or excessive lateral movement in the plan view of the restored channel. 5.1.4 Longitudinal Profile A longitudinal profile will be surveyed for the entire length of restored channel immediately after construction to document as -built baseline conditions for the first year of monitoring only. The survey will be tied to a permanent benchmark and measurements will include thalweg, water surface, bankfull, and top of low bank. Each of these measurements will be taken at the head of each feature (e.g., riffle, pool) and at the maximum pool depth. The longitudinal profile should show that the bedform features installed are consistent with intended design stream type. The longitudinal profiles will not be taken during subsequent monitoring years unless vertical channel instability has been documented or remedial actions /repairs are deemed necessary. 5.1.5 Bed Material Analysis After construction, there should be minimal change in the pebble count data over time given the current watershed conditions and sediment supply regime. Significant changes in particle sizes or size distribution in otherwise stable riffles and pools could warrant additional sediment transport analyses and calculations. A substrate sample will be collected where constructed riffles are installed as part of the project. One constructed riffle substrate sample will be compared to existing riffle substrate data collected during the design phase and any significant changes (i.e.; aggradation, degradation) will be noted after stream bank vegetation becomes established and a minimum of two bankfull flows or greater have been documented. 5.1.6 Visual Assessment Visual monitoring assessments of all stream sections will be conducted by qualified personnel twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to stream bank stability, condition of in- stream structures, channel migration, headcuts, live stake mortality, impacts from invasive plant species or animal species, and condition of pools and riffles. The photo locations and descriptions will be shown on a plan view map per NCEEP's monitoring report guidance (vl.5, June 2012). The Photographs will be taken from a height of approximately five to six feet to ensure that the same locations (and view directions) at the Site are documented in each monitoring period. A series of photos over time will be also be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation (bar formations) or degradation, stream bank erosion, successful maturation of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of sedimentation and erosion control measures. 5.2 Vegetation Monitoring Successful restoration of the vegetation on a site is dependent upon hydrologic restoration, planting of preferred canopy species, and volunteer regeneration of the native plant community. In order to determine if the criteria are achieved, vegetation- monitoring quadrants were installed and will be monitored across the Site in accordance with the CVS -NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1 (2007). The vegetation monitoring plots are a minimum of 2 percent of the planted portion of the Site MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 -2 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) with a minimum of nine plots established randomly within the planted riparian buffer areas per Monitoring Levels 1 and 2. The size of individual quadrants are 100 square meters for woody tree species. Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall, prior to the loss of leaves. Individual quadrant data will be provided and will include species diameter, height, density, and coverage quantities. Relative values will be calculated, and importance values will be determined. Individual seedlings will be marked such that they can be found in succeeding monitoring years. Mortality will be determined from the difference between the previous year's living, planted seedlings and the current year's living, planted seedlings. Construction of the Site was completed in June 2014 including all buffer vegetation planting. The approved contract with NCEEP requires that all vegetation must be planted at least six months (180 days) before Baseline (Year 0) monitoring activities are conducted at the end of the first full growing season. Since the final vegetation planting was completed in June 2014, the NCEEP requested that the species composition, stem density, and survivability be assessed once more in early 2015, before accepting the data for the Year 1 Monitoring Report. Due to the installation timing and condition of the bare -root stems, supplemental vegetation monitoring will be completed upon leaf -out in the early spring of 2015 to further document a successful first year for the vegetation plots on the Site. The data collected in early 2015 will be included as part of the Year 1 Monitoring Report for the Site. For each subsequent year, vegetation plots shall be monitored for seven years in Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 or until the final success criteria are achieved. The restored Site will be evaluated between March and November. The interim measure of vegetative success for the Site will require the survival of at least 320, 3 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period. At Year 5, density must be no less than 260, 5 -year old, planted trees per acre. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210, 7 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of the seven -year monitoring period, which must average 10 feet in height (DBH). However, if the performance standard is met by Year 5 and stem densities are greater than 260, 5 -year old stems /acre, vegetation monitoring may be terminated with approval by the USACE and Interagency review Team (IRT). While measuring species density and height is the current accepted methodology for evaluating vegetation success on mitigation projects, species density and height alone may be inadequate for assessing plant community health. For this reason, the vegetation monitoring plan will incorporate the evaluation of additional plant community indices, native volunteer species, and the presence of invasive species vegetation to assess overall vegetative success. Baker will provide any required remedial action on a case -by -case basis, such as replanting more wet /drought tolerant species, beaver management /dam removal, or removing undesirable /invasive species vegetation, and continue to monitor vegetation performance until the corrective actions demonstrate that the Site is trending towards or meeting the standard requirement. Additionally, herbaceous vegetation, primarily native grasses and forbs, was seeded/planted throughout the Site. During and immediately following construction activities, all ground cover at the project Site was in compliance with the NC Erosion and Sedimentation Control requirements. 5.3 Wetland Monitoring No wetlands were proposed for the Site, therefore, no such monitoring is required. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 -3 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 5.4 Stormwater Management Monitoring No stormwater BMPs were proposed for the Site. therefore, no such monitoring is required. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 -4 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 6.0 AS -BUILT DATA DOCUMENTATION Stream and vegetation components will be monitored for seven years post - construction to evaluate project success, unless the Site demonstrates complete success by Year 5 and no areas of concern have been identified. The specific locations of vegetation plots, flow /crest gauges, and cross - sections are shown on the as -built plan sheets. 6.1 Stream Data For monitoring stream success criteria, twelve permanent cross - sections were installed along all restored and enhanced reaches on the Site. The permanent cross - sections will be used to monitor channel dimension and bank stability over time. Two crest gauges were installed along the restored channels on Reach R3 and Reach R5. The crest gauges will be used to document the occurrence of bankfull events. In addition, a longitudinal survey was completed for the restored stream channels (Reach Rl, Reach R3, Reach R4 and Reach R5) to provide a baseline for evaluating changes in bed conditions over time. The as -built permanent cross - sections (with photos) and as -built longitudinal data as well as the quantitative pre - construction, reference reach, design data used to determine restoration approach as well as as -built data including one Reach 5 substrate sample are provided in Appendix B. As -built data will be used for comparison to post - construction monitoring data. The locations of the permanent cross - sections and the crest gauges are shown on the as -built plan sheets in Appendix D. Photographs of the selected portions of the restored reaches are provided in Appendix E. 6.2 Vegetation Data Bare -root trees and shrubs were planted within restoration and enhancement areas of the conservation easement. A minimum 50 -foot buffer was established and/or protected along both banks of all stream reaches. Planting of bare -root trees and shrubs and live stakes began in April 2014 and was completed on June 18, 2014. The Mitigation Plan for the Site specifies that the number of quadrants required shall be based on the CVS -NCEEP monitoring guidance (2007). The total number of quadrants was calculated using the CVS -NCEEP Entry Tool Database version 2.2.7 (CVS - NCEEP, 2007). The sizes of individual quadrants are 100 square meters. A total of six (6) vegetation plots were installed throughout the project Site. The initial planted density within each of the vegetation monitoring plots is provided in Table 8. The average density of planted bare root stems, based on the data from the six vegetation monitoring plots, is 693 stems per acre. The locations of the vegetation plots are shown on the as -built plan sheets in Appendix D. 6.3 Areas of Concern Per observations made during the final punch -list walk through and a NCEEP site visit on September 18, 2014, woody species vegetation planted along Reach R1 (left floodplain buffer) appear to have low survivability. Planted stems within some of these buffer areas are experiencing problems due to heavy competition with a thick herbaceous layer, planting just outside of the dormant season, and/or unfavorable soil conditions. Section 7.3 describes a specific corrective action plan that will be implemented for these areas of concern. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 -1 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 7.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Maintenance requirements vary from site to site and are generally driven by the following conditions: • Projects without established, woody floodplain vegetation are more susceptible to erosion from floods than those with a mature, hardwood forest. • Projects with sandy, non - cohesive soils are more prone to bank erosion than cohesive soils or soils with high gravel and cobble content. • Alluvial valley channels with access to their floodplain are less vulnerable to erosion than channels that have been disconnected from their floodplain. • Wet weather during construction can make accurate channel and floodplain excavations difficult. • Extreme and/or frequent flooding can cause floodplain and channel erosion. • Extreme hot, cold, wet, or dry weather during and after construction can limit vegetation growth, particularly temporary and permanent seed. • The presence and aggressiveness of invasive vegetation species can affect the extent to which a native species vegetation buffer can be established. • The presence of beaver can affect vegetation survivability and stream function. The Site will be monitored on a regular basis and as well as a physical inspection of the Site at least once a year throughout the post - construction monitoring period until performance standards are met. These site inspections may identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Maintenance issues and recommended remediation measures will be detailed and documented in the post - construction monitoring reports. Factors that may have caused any maintenance needs, including any of the conditions listed above, shall be discussed. Routine maintenance will be most likely in the first two years following site construction and may include the following components as described below. 7.1 Streams Routine channel maintenance and repair activities may include modifying in- stream structures to prevent piping, securing loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the project reaches. Areas of concentrated stormwater and floodplain flows that intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent stream bank failures and head - cutting until vegetation becomes established. 7.2 Wetland No wetland mitigation was proposed for the Site; therefore, no such maintenance is required. 7.3 Vegetation Vegetation will be maintained to ensure the health and vigor of the targeted plant community. Routine vegetation maintenance and repair activities may include supplemental planting, pruning, and fertilizing. Exotic invasive plant species will controlled by mechanical and/or chemical methods. Any invasive plant species control requiring herbicide application will be performed in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. Due to the low stem count observed in Reach R1 and other localized buffer areas, a corrective action plan will be initiated to address areas of concern as described in Section 6.3. Supplemental replanting MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7 -1 10/23/2014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) will take place in the upcoming 2014 dormant season and include buffer areas along Reaches R1, R3, R4, and R5. Approximately 2,000 woody stems (bare- roots) will be planted at a target density of 436 stems per acre, in a 10 -foot by 10 -foot grid pattern. In addition, supplemental live stakes will be planted along Reach RI steam banks as necessary. The vegetation plantings will be documented in the Year 1 Monitoring Report and areas of concern will be observed closely during subsequent monitoring periods to determine if further corrective action is required to meet the interim vegetative success criteria of 260 stems per acre at the end of five years. 7.4 Site Boundary Site boundaries will be demarcated in the field to ensure clear distinction between the mitigation site and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by fence, marker, bollard, post, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement. Boundary markers disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and /or replaced on an as needed basis. 7.5 Farm Road Crossing The farm road crossings within the Site may be maintained only as allowed by the recorded Conservation Easement, deed restrictions, rights of way, or corridor agreements. 7.6 Beaver Management Routine maintenance and repair activities caused by beaver activity may include supplemental planting, pruning, and dam breeching /dewatering and/or removal. Beaver management will be performed in accordance with US Department of Agriculture (USDA) rules and regulations using accepted trapping and removal techniques only within the project boundary. MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 7 -2 10/2312014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) 8.0 REFERENCES Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). 2007. CVS - NCEEP Data Entry Tool v. 2.2.7. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Lee, M., Peet R., Roberts, S., Wentworth, T. CVS -NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.1, 2007. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program.. 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. November 7, 2011. Rosgen, D. L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169 -199. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, Colo. Schafale, M. P., and A. S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR. Raleigh, NC. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y -87 -1. Environmental Laboratory. US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared with cooperation from US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NC Division of Water Quality. www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands/Mitigation/stream mitigation.html MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 8 -1 10/23/2014 FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT LIT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) APPENDIX A Figures 1 - 3, Tables 1 - 4 Haw River -��'� Mebane i Mebane i " I , _ G`E F C O U N -T Y ALA AE �G -0 - t � t E Greensboro Chapel Hill Rd'+' �. � x•65 �,- �I� � - �• � `� , I b. k Stockard Rd ` Project Location Note: Site is located within targeted local watershed 03030002050050. - — o tee:= 'A T �H•r Figure 1 Project Vicinity Map UT to Cane Creek Site � 49 j N rh I 54 j Project t 49 87 Location Alamance County 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles Reach R3 Reach RI Stream Restoration Stream Enhancement I Reach R5a Stream Enhancement 11 Recorded Conservation Easement Parcel Boundary bL Reach R5 Reach R4 Reach R4 wwwpvc V~ N Figure 2 0 350 700 Mitigation Work Plan N 31Q 111111111E=�� Feet UT to Cane Creek Site INIIII X-I till F I , A f , u, UT to Wells Creek 4 F `` ❑ Reference Site Locations Project Location .F UT to Varnals Creek A gs"I�+y Y Project Location ti Sources: Esri, DeLorme, HERE, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom 0 1 2Miles N Figure 3 46 Reference Reach Location Map EEP Project #95729 UT to Cane Creek Site Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project No ID. 95729 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non - riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorus Nutrient Offset Type R, EI, Ell R E Totals 4,594 SMU 0 0 Project Components Project Component or Reach ID Stationing/ Location Existing Footage/ Acreage (LF) Approach Restoration/ Restoration Equivalent (SMU) Restoration Footage or Acreage (LF) Mitigation Ratio Reach 1 10 +00 —20+45 944 Restoration 1,045 1,045 1:1 Reach 3 10 +00 —13 +98 425 Restoration 398 398 1:1 Reach 4 (Upstream section) 29 +32 —52+86 2,346 Enhancement Level II 933 2,333 2.5:1 Reach 4 (Downstream section) 53 +20 —57+30 411 Restoration 410 410 1:1 Reach 5 (Upstream section) 10 +03 —24+64 1,386 Restoration 1,461 1,461 1:1 Reach 5 (Downstream section) 25 +00 —29+32 426 Enhancement Level I 289 433 1.5:1 Reach 5a 10+02— 11+47 144 Enhancement Level II 58 145 2.5:1 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (LF) Riparian Wetland (AC) Non - riparian Wetland (AC) Buffer (SF) Upland (AC) Riverine Non - Riverine Restoration 3,314 Enhancement I 433 Enhancement II 2,478 Creation 0 Preservation 0 High Quality Preservation 0 BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes BMP Elements: BR= Bioretention Cell; SF= Sand Filter; SW= Stormwater Wetland; WDP= Wet Detention Pond; DDP= Dry Detention Pond; FS= Filter Strip; S= Grassed Swale; LS= Level Spreader; NI= Natural Infiltration Area MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project No ID. 95729 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Deliver Mitigation Plan Prepared N/A N/A Aug -13 Mitigation Plan Amended N/A N/A Oct -13 Mitigation Plan Approved May -13 N/A Dec -13 Final Design — (at least 90% complete) N/A N/A Feb -14 Construction Begins Nov -13 N/ Table 3. Project Contacts UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Designer 8 000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Cary, NC 27518 Contact: Kayne Van Stell, Tel. 919 - 481 -5730 Construction Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919 -582 -3575 Planting Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919 -582 -3575 Seeding Contractor 6105 Chapel Hill Road River Works, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27607 Contact: Phillip Todd, Tel. 919 -582 -3575 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources, Tel. 336 - 855 -6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Mellow Marsh Farm, 919- 742 -1200 ArborGen, 843 -528 -3204 Monitoring Performers Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 Cary, NC 27518 Contact: Stream Monitoring Point of Contact Dwayne Huneycutt, Tel. 919 - 481 -5745 Vegetation Monitoring Point of Contact Dwayne Huneycutt, Tel. 919 - 481 -5745 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 4. Project Attributes UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Project Information Project Name UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project County Alamance Project Area (acres) 19.9 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 35.8934 N, - 79.3187 W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -digit and 14 -digit 03030002 / 03030002050050 NCDWR Sub -basin 3 -06 -04 Project Drainage Area (acres) 452 (Reach R4 main stem at downstream confluence w/ Cane Creek) Project Drainage Area Percent Impervious <1% CGIA / NCEEP Land Use Classification, 2.03.01, 2.99.01, 3.02 / Forest (49 %) Agriculture (46 %) Impervious Cover (1 %) Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach RI Reach R3 Reach R4 Reach R5 Reach R5a Length of Reach (linear feet) 1,052 400 2,731 1,925 145 Valley Classification (Rosgen) VII VII VII VII VII Drainage Area (acres) 80 91 452 290 14 NCDWR Stream Identification Score 30.5 36 42.5 38.5 33.5 NCDWR Water Quality Classification WS V; NSW Morphological Description (Rosgen stream type) Incised E G Be (upstream)/ F (downstream) G B Evolutionary Trend IncisedE4Gc4F BC--)G--)Fb BC--)G--)Fb Bc4G4Fb B4G Underlying Mapped Soils We, GaE, Cg, DbB We We, GbD3, Mc, Cg, TaD We We Drainage Class Poorly drained Poorly drained Poorly Poorly drained Poorly Soil Hydric Status Hydric Hydric Hydric Hydric Hydric Average Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.0127 0.0168 0.0169 0.0126 0.0223 FEMA Classification N/A Zone AE Zone AE N/A N/A Native Vegetation Community Piedmont Small Stream Percent Composition of Exotic/Invasive Vegetation <5% <5% <5% <5% <5% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable Resolved Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Waters of the United States — Section 401 Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Endangered Species Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Historic Preservation Act No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A Categorical Exclusion (Appendix B) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) APPENDIX B Morphological Summary Data (Tables 5 and 6) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summar UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Reach 1 (1,045 LF) Parameter USGS Regional Curve interval Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data Design As -built UT to Wells Creek UT to Varnals Creek Gauge (Harman et ay 1999)* Dimension and Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Mad Max SD n Min Mean Mod Max SD a Min Mean Med Max SD n .uu Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (fl) - -- 23.0 80.0 4.9 5.6 ____ _____ 7.3 - -_ - -_ - -- 8 ___ ----- ___ ____ ----- 9.7 _____ ___ ____ -. _. ___ 6.9 ____ _____ _____ ----- 7.2 _____ ____ 9.1 - -_ - -_ Floodprone Width (ft - -- ___ ___ _____ 6.8 ___ ____ >30 - -- - -- - -- - -- ____ ----- _ - -- ----- ----- _____ ____ ____ ____ -. _. ____ >20 ____ _____ _____ ----- 61'6 ____ ____ 84.4 - -- - -- BF Mean Depth (it) - -- 2.3 5.8 0.8 0.7 ___ ___ 0.9 - -- - -- - -- - -- _____ ----- ----- ---- _ ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ 0.5 _____ _____ ____ ----- 0.5 ____ ___ 1.0 ___ ----- BF Max Depth (ft) - -- ____ _____ _____ 1.1 _____ ____ 1.2 - -- - -- - -- - -- _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ _. _. _____ 0.7 _____ ____ ___ ----- 0.7 _____ _____ 1.9 ___ ----- BF Cross-sectional Area - -- . - - -- ____ 5.2 - -_ - -_ - -- 5.3 ----- __- ___ ___ ----- 7.9 ____ ___ _ - _ ___ ____ 3.7 ____ ___ ----- - -_- 4.0 ___ ____ 8.7 - Width/Depth Ratio - -_ - -_ _____ _____ . ____ _____ 26 ____ _ -_ 8 _____ ____ 18 - - -- - -__- _____ 13.0 ____ __- __- - -_- 9.6 ___ ___ 15.2 Entrenchment Rah - -- - -- - - - -- _____ 1.2 - - - -- ____ 9.5 ___ ___ 2.0 _ -_ ____ - 3.4 _____ ___ 1.9 - ____ - ____ 3.9 ___- __. ____ >2.2 _____ __- - _- - -_- 6.9 _____ _____ 10.8 ___ ----- Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- _____ _____ 1.6 ___ ___ 4.3 _____ 1.4 _____ 2.5 - -- - - -- 1.1 _____ _____ 1.5 -__ ___ ____ 1.0 _____ ____ ----- - -_- 1.0 ___ ___ 1.3 d50(man) - -- ----- ____ ____ _____ ____ ___ -- _____ ____ ____ _____ ----- ____ ____ ----- _____ ____ ___ Pattern ChannelBeltwidth(ft - -- _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ _____ _____ ___ ----- ----- ----- ____ _____ ___ ____- _ -___ _ ?.p ____ ____ 45.0 _____ ----- ----- __ ___ ___ ----- ----- RadiusofCurvatme(ft) - -- ----- _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ----- ----- ___ ____ _____ ___ ___- ___. 14.0 ____ _____ 21.0 ___ ----- ----- ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ Rc:Bankfilll width (ft /ft ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ 0.3 _____ 4.0 - -- - -- 0.8 ____ 2.3 - -_ - -_- 2.0 .___ ___ 3.0 ___ ____ 6.9 - -_ - -_- 50.0 ,__ ____ 80.0 - -- Meander Width Ratio _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ 1.3 _____ 4.4 ___ ___ 1.2 _____ _____ 1.8 -__- __. 3.6 ____ _____ 6.5 Profile Riffle Length (ft ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _____ _____ __ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ____ Riffle Slope (ft/ft ) ----- ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ""' -'-' -- -- ____ _____ _____ -_- __- __- - -_- _____ Pool Length (ft) ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ----- ___ Pool Spacing (ft) - -- ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- i.I ____ _____ 7.9 ____ ----- 2.9 _____ _____ 5.0 _____ ___- 28.0 _____ _____ 42.0 ____ ----- _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Pool Max Depth ft) ____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 2.3 _____ 2.7 ____ ----- 1.6 _____ 2.3 -_ __- _____ 1.5 _____ ____ PoolVolume (ff) _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Substrate and Transport Parameters Ri % /Ru % /P % /G % /S% - -- ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ----- ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ __. ----- ___ _____ _____ ----- ----- ____ _____ _____ SC % /Sa % /G % /B % /Be% ____ _____ ___ ----- ----- _____ ____ ____ ----- ____ _____ _____ _____ __. ___ ____ ____ ____ ----- ----- ____ ____ _____ _____ d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 0.1 / 0.6/ 4.5 / 53 / 96 0.2 / 2.5/ 8 / 92 /1,536 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ __ ---- _ ___ ----- ___ ___ ____ ____ _____ _____ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull ( Rosgen Curve ____ ----- ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ - _____ ----- ----- ----- - -_- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Stream Power (transport capacity) Whn ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _.__ ___ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ____ 125 _____ _____ ____ _____ 0.13 - -- ____ 0.24 ____ - - -_ - -_ ____ ____ u.l ^_> ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ 0.125 __- - -_ Impervious cover estimate (% ___ _____ _____ _____ ___ ____ Rosgen Classification _____ _____ _____ _____ G5c ____ E5 _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ C4/1 ----- _ -_ ----- ____ ____ B4 /la __- __. -__ E4 /C4 - -- - -- -_- - - -- - - -- E4 /C4 _____ ____ ----- __- BF Velocity (fps) 0.8 ____ ____ 1.2 -_ .___ _____ ____ _____ 5.3 - -- - -- - -- _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ ----- 3.5 ___ ----- __- ----- ----- 3.5 ___ _____ ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs ) ___ 290.0 2000.0 19.8 _____ ____ ___ 19.8 -_ ____ _____ _____ _____ 25.2 -__ ___ - -_ ___ ____ 46.6 - - -- __ ____ 13 ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ 13 ___ _____ __- ValleyLengt _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _ -_ ----- ----- ____ ____ ----- __. _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- - - -- ----- 859.4 _____ _____ ___ ___ Channellength (fl} _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ 943 ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ ___ ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ _____ ___ ----- ___ ___ _____ 1044.9 _____ _____ _____ ,____ Sinuosity----- ---- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- 1.09 ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- 1.40 ----- ----- - -- ---- ---- 1.20 ----- ----- ---- 1.20 ----- ----- - -- - -- ----- 1.2 ---- ----- ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft ----- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- 0.0127 ----- ----- ----- ----- - --- 0.0197 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0405 ----- ----- ---- 0.012 ---- --- - --- - -- ----- 0.0123 ---- ----- ----- ----- BF slope ( ) _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.0135 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0,0 _____ _____ _____ _____ _ ____ p, 5 _____ _____ _____ 0.015 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.0150 _____ _____ _____ _____ Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- -- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BEHIVL % /L % /M % /H % /VH % /E% _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ---- _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- - - -- - - - -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- -- -- --- ----- ---- ---- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- Biological or Othe ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ * Harman, W.A., G.D. Jennings, J.M. Patterson, D.R. Clirdon, L.O. Slate, A.G. Jessup, S.R. Everhart, and R.E. Smith. 1999. Bankfoll hydraulic geometry relationships for North Carolina streams. Wildland Hydrology. AWRA Symposium Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy, eds. American Water Resources Association. June 304u1y 2, 1999. Bozeman, MT. Existing conditions survey data is compiled for the entire UT Reach within the project limits. c Bulk samples taken since pebble count procedure is rm pplicable for sand -bed streams. r Values were cbosen based on sand -bed reference reacM1 data and past project evaluations. * Composite reference,,nh information from Joha m h Creek, Johnston County; Panther Branch, Brunswick Co..V; Rocky Swamp, Halifax Coamy; and Beaver Dam Bm..h, Janes County MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued) UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Reach 3 (398 LF) Parameter USGS Regional Curve interval Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data esign As -built UT to s Creek Wells UT to Varnals Creek Gauge (Harman et ay 1999)* Dimension and Substrate - Riffle LL UL Eq. Min Mean Mad Max SD n Min Mean Mod Max SD a Min Mean Med Max SD n .ii„ Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (fl) - -- 23.0 80.0 5.1 _____ ____ _____ 7.6 - -_ - -_ - -- 8 ----- ----- ___ ____ ----- 9.7 - -_ -__ ____ -__ -_ 7.2 ----- - -- - -- ----- 8.9 - -- ____ 9.0 - -_ - -_ Floodprone Width(ft -- ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ____ >16.3 - -- - -- - -- - -- ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ --- - 20.0 - -- - -- 24.4 ----- _____ 36.3 - -- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft ) - -- 2.3 5.8 0.8 _____ ____ ____ 0.8 - -- - -- - -- - -- ----- ----- ----- ---- - ----- ----- ---- - __- - -- 0.6 - - - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.4 - -_ ___ 0.6 - -- ----- BF Max Depth (ft) -- ____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ----- 1.2 - -_ - -_ - -_ - -_ _____ ----- ___ ___ ----- ____ _____ ___ ___- __. _____ 0.7 - -- _ -__ - -- 0.8 ----- ____ 1.1 BF Cross - sectional Area (ft' - -- 80.0 300.0 5.7 - - - -- - - - -- ___ 5.6 __- __- __- 5.3 _ - -- __- _ -_ _ -_ __- 7.9 ____ ' -- __ -_ -__ --"' 4.0 -_- __- __- - -_- 3.7 '-- -_ ____ 5.3 - -- - -- _____ 26 ----- ----- 8 _____ ____ 18 - -_ - -_- ____ 13.0 - -_ -__ - -_ ____ 15.3 ___ ___ 21.7 Entrenchment Rah - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- ____ 2.2 - -- - -- 2.0 _____ 3.4 ----- ----- 1.9 _____ _____ 3.9 -__- __. 1.8 _____ ----- �._ ----- - -_- 2.7 ____ ____ 4.0 Bank Height Ratio ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ ----- ____ 1.5 _____ 1.4 _____ 2.5 - -- - - -- 1.1 _____ _____ 1.5 -__ ___ - -__ 1.0 ----- - -- ----- ----- 1.0 ____ __ 1.0 d50(mm ) -- ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ _____ ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft ----- - - - -- ___ ----- ----- ----- ____ ____ ____ __ ___ -__ ____ __- ----- - _- - -_- - -_- _"' __- __- __- __- Radius of Curvature (ft) ___ - -_ -__ -___ ___- ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _ -_ ___ - -_- _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Rc:BankfilB width (ft /ft ----- ----- _____ ----- ----- ----- _____ ___ __ ____ 0.3 _____ 4.0 ----- -- 0.8 ____ 2.3 - - -__ - -__- ----- ____ ----- ----- 8.8 ----- ----- 4.9 ____ 6.9 _____ _ -__- ----- ___ - -_- Meander Width Ratio _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ 1.3 _____ 4.4 1.2 1.8 ----- __- _____ Prolilc Riffle Length (ft ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ __- ____ ____ _____ ___ ----- ----- ----- ___ Riffle Slope (ft/ft) _____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ---- _ ____ ____ ___ ----- ----- ----- _____ Pool Length (ft) ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ ----- ----- ----- ___ Pool Spacing (ft) -- ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ___ ----- ----- ----- "I ____ _____ 7.9 ____ ----- 2.9 _____ _____ 5.0 _____ ____ 11 ___ ___ 36 ----- ----- _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Pool Max Depth ft) ____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ 2.3 _____ _____ 2.7 ____ _ -_ 1.6 _____ _____ 2.3 -_ ___ 1.5 _____ ____ 1.5 - -_ ____ ____ ___ __ -_ _____ _____ Pool Volume (ff) _____ ____ _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ Substrate and Transport Parameters Ri % /Ru % /P % /G % /S% -- ____ ----- _____ _____ ____ ----- ----- ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ __. _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ __- SC % /Sa % /G % /B % /Be% ----- _____ ___ ____ ----- ____ ___ ----- ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ ----- __. ____ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ____ ____ _____ d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 0.1 / 0.6/ 4.5 / 53 / 96 0.2 / 2.5/ 8 / 92 / 1,536 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ ___ ___ ___ ---- _ ___ ----- ___ ___ ____ ___ _____ _____ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve ____ ----- -_ - ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ --- - ____ ----- ----- ----- - -_- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) Who ____ ----- _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ----- ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____- Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area (SM) _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ ____ 0.1 _____ 0.13 -- -___ _____ ____ 0.24 - - -_ - - -_ ----- 0.1 ----- - -- -_- ----- ----- 0.1 _____ __- __- ----- Impervious cover estimate (% ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ____ __- _____ ----- Rosgen Classification _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ----- B4c _____ ____ ____ ____ C4 /1 -- ____ B4 /1 a ----- ----- - -- ----- ----- ----- ___ ____ ----- ----- ----- BF Velocity (fps) ____ _____ ___ _____ 5.3 ----- ----- ----- ----- __- ----- ----- ----- ----- __- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs ) ___ 290.0 2000.0 21.7 _____ ____ ___ 21.7 ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ 25.2 ___ ___ ----- ----- ----- 46.6 -- - -___- ----- ----- ----- ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ----- ValleyLengt _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ____ ____ ----- __. ----- ----- - -_- ----- ----- -- - ----- 356.8 - -- ___ ----- ____ Channellength (fty ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- - --- 425 ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- - -- --- --- ----- ----- - -- ---- ----- ----- - -- ----- - -- ----- 389.1 ---- ----- ----- ----- Sinuosity ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- 1.16 ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- 1.40 ----- ----- - -- ---- ---- 1.20 ----- ----- ----- 1.18 ----- ----- ---- - -- --- 1.1 ---- - --- ----- ----- Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0195 ----- ----- ----- ----- - --- 0.0197 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0405 ----- ----- ----- 0.016 ----- ----- ----- - -- ----- 0.0172 ---- ----- -- --- ---- BF slope (ft/ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.0168 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.028 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.0458 _____ _____ _____ 0.018 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.0187 _____ _____ Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- -- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ BEHIVL % /L % /M % /H % /VH % /E% _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ---- _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- - - - -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- -- -- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- Biological or Othe ____ _____ _____ ----- ----- ____ _____ ____ * Harman, W.A., G.D. Jennings, J.M. Patterson, D.R. Clumn, L.O. Slate, A.G. Jessup, S.R. Everhart, and R.E. Smith. 1999. BankPoll hydraulic geometry relationships for North Carolina streams. Wildland Hydrology. AWRA Symposium Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy, eds. American Water Resources Association. June 304u1y 2, 1999. Bozeman, MT. Existing conditions survey data is compiled for the entire UT Reach within the project limits. '13,1k samples taken since pebble count procedure is notaVpli,abl, for sand -bed sheams. 'V,1 .. were cbosen based m sand -bed reference reacM1 data and past project evaluations. 'Composite reference,,nh information from Johm-h Creek, Johnston County; Panther Bmnch, Brunswick CounTy; Rocky Swamp, Halifax CounTy; and Beaver Dam Bm..h, Janes County MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued) UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Reach 4 (2,333 LF) Parameter USGS Regional Curve Interval Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach ,s Data Design As -built UT to Wells Creek UT to Varnals Creek Gauge (Harman et a1, 1999)' Dimension and Substrate - MID LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD SD Min Mean Med Ma_, SD n BF Width (ft) _____ 23.0 80.0 10.2 15.4 _____ _____ 16.7 _____ _____ __- 8 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 9.7 _____ _____ _____ ____ 10.1 _____ _____ 13.8 _____ _____ ____ 14.0 _____ _____ _____ ----- Floodprone Width (ft ----- -- - -- - --- 18.4 ---- ---- 26.2 - -- -- -- - -- - --- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- -- -- - -- --- >30 ---- ----- ----- ----- 80.1 - -- --- 105.0 ---- ----- BF Mean Depth (ft) ----- 2.3 5.8 1.3 0.9 ----- ----- 1.0 ----- - --- -- -- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ---- ----- -- -- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- 1.0 ----- ----- ----- ---- 0.6 ----- ----- 1.2 ----- ----- BFMax Depth (ft) _____ ____ _____ _____ 1.3 _____ _____ 1.6 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____. _.._ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ 1.2 _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.1 -___ _____ 2.0 _____ _____ BE Cross - sectional Area (ft' - - - -- 80.0 300.0 16.9 14.8 - - - -- - - - -- 15.5 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 5.3 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- 7.9 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 14.0 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 7.5 - - - -- - - - -- 12.3 - - - -- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- --- -- ----- 15.4 ----- ----- 19.0 ----- -- -- 7 ----- ----- 26 _...... ._._. 8 ----- ----- 18 ---- ----- ----- 14.0 ---- ----- ----- ----- 8.3 - --- ----- 19.4 ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ---- ---- 1.2 ----- ----- 1.6 -- -- ----- 2.0 ---- ----- 3.4 ----- ---- 1.9 ----- --- 3.9 ----- - --- ---- >2.2 ----- ----- ---- ---- 7.9 - -- ---- 9.4 ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio _____ _____ _____ ----- 1.3 _____ _____ 2.8 _____ _____ 1.4 ----- _____ 2.5 _____ _ 1.1 _____ 1.5 _____ _____ _____ 1.0 _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.0 ____ _____ 1.1 _____ _____ ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ---------- - --- ----- ----- ----- Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ...... ..... ... ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 38.0 79.0 ----- 120.0 ----- ----- Radiusof Curvature (ft) ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- _ ----- - --- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- ---- 21.0 26.0 ----- 31.0 ----- ----- Rc:Bankfull Width (11/11 ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.3 - --- - --- 4.0 ---- .... _. 0.8 ----- ---- 2.3 ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- 38.0 79.0 --- 120.0 ----- ----- Meander Wavelength (ft ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4.4 ----- ----- 8.8 ---- ._._. 4.9 ----- ---- 6.9 ---- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- 72.0 104.0 ----- 124.0 ----- ----- Meander Width Ratio ----- ----- ----- -- - ---' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 -- '- ---' 4.4 ..._.... ...... 1.2 ----- ---- 1.8 ----- - --- ----- ---- ---- 3.5 6.0 ---- 8.0 - --- ----- Probe, Riffle Length ffl' ----- ----- - _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ - ----- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft) ----- ---- --- ----- -- -- ----- -- -- ----- ----- - -- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ---- _..._. ...... _.. ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- 0.0036 0.0043 ----- 0.0039 ---- ----- PoolLength (ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Pool Spacing (ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ 2.1 _____ _____ 7.9 _____ _.... ?,9 _____ _____ 5.0 _____ 42 _____ _____ 84 _____ _____ 41 _____ 72 57 _____ _____ PoolMax Depth (ft. _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2.3 ____ _____ 2.7 ___..- _.. _. 1,6 _____ _____ ?., _____ _____ 2.2 _____ _____ _____ _____ ---- _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ PoolVolume (f[1) _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ _ ___ ___ ----- ----- ____ _____ ____ ----- -_ Substrate and Transport Parameters SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be % ----- ----- ----- -- -- - -- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- - - -- - - -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- dl6 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 _____ _____ _____ -- -- 24.2 / 50.6 / 69.4 / 50.6 / 24.2 0.1 / 0.6 / 4.5 / 53 / 96 0.2 / 2.5 / 8 / 92 / 1,536 ----- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/ _____ _____ _____ ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ____ ____ _____ ----- _____ ,____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _____ ----- _____ ,____ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve ___ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __ ----- ----- Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m _____ _____ ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area(SM) ---- ---- --- ----- ----- ----- -- -- 0.7 ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- 0.13 ----- . ----- ----- ----- 0.24 ----- ----- ._ -- ----- ---- 0.7 ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.7 ---- ----- Impervious cover estimate (% _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Rosgen Classification ----- ---- ----- ----- Bic ---- ----- F5 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C4 11 ----- --.... ----- ----- ----- B4 /1 a ----- ----- ----- B3c ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- B3c ----- ---- ----- ----- BEVelocity (fps) ----- ---- - --- - --- 4.4 ----- ----- 4.6 ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- 5.3 -- -- ---- - ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 4.0 ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- 3.0 ---- ---- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs ) ---- 290.0 2000.0 69.2 ----- - ---- - --- 69.2 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 25.2 ----- ---- - ----- ----- ----- 46.6 ----- ----- ----- 56.0 ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- 56.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ValleyLengt ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- -- -- ----- -- -- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- .....-- ----- 349 ----- ----- ----- ----- Channellength (fly - -- ---- --- ----- ----- - - -- ----- 2,783 ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ----- ----- _____ _____ ____ _____ ----- ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ----- _____ 386 _____ ____ ____ _____ 1.40 ----- ----- --"' 1.20 ""' "'-- --"' ____ __-_- _____ 1.10 _____ ____ ___ ___ Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ftIf - - -- 0.0169 - -- - - - -- 0.0197 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 0.0405 - - - -- - - -- - - - -- 0.015 - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- 0.0074 - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- BE slope (11/11) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 0.0148 - -___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.028 ____ ____ _ -__ _____ _____ 0.0458 ____ ___ -___ 0.017 - -_ - -_ - -_ - - -- _____ 0.0082 Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres - -- - -- - -- ----- _____ _____ _____ __ - ----- ----- _____ ----- _____ _____ __. _____ ____ ----- ----- ----- - -_- ----- _____ _____ ----- - -_- ----- BEHIVL% /L % /M % /H% /VH % /E% ----- ____ ____ ____ ___ - - -- ----- ----- ----- _____ _- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ----- ----- ___ ____ ____ ----- ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ----- ____ ___ _____ _____ ----- ----- Biological or Othe - - - -- I - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- Harman, W.A., G.D. Jennings, J.M. Patterson, D.R. Clinton, L.O. Slate, A.G. Jessup, JR. Everhart, and R.E. Smith. 1999. Bavkfi ll hydraulic geometry relationships for Nvuh Carolina streams. Wildland Hydrology. AWRA Symposium Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J.P. I'myondy, eds. American Water Resources Association. Jane 30 -July 2, 1999. Bozeman, MT. Existing conditions survey data is compiled for the enthe UT1 Reach within the project limits. ' Bulk samples taken since pebble count procedure is not applicable for sand -bed streams. ' Values were chosen based on sand -bed inference reach dam and past project evaluations. 4 Composite ref ence reach information from Johannah Creek, Johnston County; Panther Branch, Brunswick County; Rocky Swamp, Halifax County; and Beaver Dam Branch, Jones County MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued) UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Reach 5 (1,461 LF) Parameter USGS Regional Curve Interval Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data Design As -built UT to Wells Creek UT to Varnals Creek G." go (Harman et ay 1999)* Dimension and Substrate -RiM LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD a Min Mean Med Max SD V", Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD n BF Width (ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ 8.9 _____ _____ __- 8 _____ _____ _____ ___ _____ 9.7 _____ ____ _____ ___ ____ 10.8 _____ _____ _____ _____ 102 _____ _____ 12.0 _____ ____ 23.0 80.0 8.4 Floodprone Width (ft ----- -- - -- - --- ----- ---- ----- 11.8 - -- -- -- - -- - --- ----- ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- - -- - -- --- >25 ---- ----- ----- - --- 76.0 - -- --- 103.7 ---- ----- BFMean Depth (ft) _____ 2.3 5.8 1.2 _____ _____ _____ 1.2 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ 0.8 _____ _____ _____ ____ 0.7 _____ _____ 1.4 _____ _____ BFMax Depth (ft) _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.5 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____. _.._ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ 1.1 _____ _____ _____ ____ 1.2 -___ _____ 2.8 _____ _____ BF Cross - sectional Area (ft, ----- 80.0 300.0 12.5 ----- ----- ----- 10.9 ----- -- -- ----- 5.3 ----- ----- ---- ... _. ----- 7.9 ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- 9.0 ----- ----- ---- --- 7.1 ----- ---- 15.8 ----- ----- Width/Depth Ratio ----- ----- --- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- 7.2 ----- -- -- 7 ----- ----- 26 _...... ._._. 8 ----- ----- 18 ---- ----- ----- 13.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- 8.0 - --- ----- 17.8 ----- ----- Entrenchment Ratio ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 -- -- ----- 2.0 ---- ----- 3.4 ----- ---- 1.9 ----- ---- 3.9 ----- - --- ---- >2.2 ----- ----- ----- ---- 3.2 - -- ---- 9.2 ----- ----- Bank Height Ratio _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ 2.6 _____ _____ 1.4 ----- _____ 2.5 _____ _____ 1.1 _____ _____ 1.5 _____ _____ _____ 1.0 _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.0 ____ _____ 1.0 _____ _____ ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- '---- - --- ----- ----- Pattc , Channel Beltwidth (ft ----- - -- -- -' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Radiusof Curvature (ft) ----- ---- ----- - --- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- Rc:Bankfull width ffiff, ----- ----- ----- - --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.3 - --- - --- 4.0 ---- .... _. 0.8 ----- ---- 2.3 ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- MeanderWavelength (ft _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4.4 ----- ----- 8.8 ---- ._._. 4.9 _____ _____ 6.9 ____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ Meander Width Ratio _____ _____ ----- _ -__: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.3 _ -_ _ -__: 4.4 ..._.... ...... 1.2 _____ _____ 1.8 _____ _____ _____ Pro lilc Riffle Length ( ----- ----- - _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ - ----- ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- Riffle Slope (ft/ft ) ----- ---- --- ----- -- -- ----- - - -- - --- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- Pool Length (ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ PoolSpacing (ft _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ 2.1 _____ _____ 7.9 _____ _.... 2.9 _____ _____ 5.0 ____ _____ 32.0 _____ 65.0 _____ _____ _____ .__. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ PoolMax Depth (ft. _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ 2.3 ____ _____ 2,7 ___..- _.. _. 1,6 _____ _____ 2.3 _____ _____ ____ 2.0 _____ _____ _____ ____ ....._. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Pool Volume (ftt) _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ -_ ___ -_ ____ ----- _____ ____ ----- -_ -_ Substrate and Transport Parameters _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ SC% / Sa"k / G% / B% / Be % ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- - - - -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- --- dl6 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- 16.6/31.2/47.0/85.3 /116.1 0.1 / 0.6/ 4.5 / 53 / 96 0.2 / 2.5/ 8 / 92 / 1,536 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- 6.74 / 20.49 / 29.79 / 63.73 / 118.25 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/ _____ _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ ____ ----- _____ ,____ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull (Rosgen Curve ___ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ----- ----- ---- ____ ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __ ----- ----- StreamPower (transport capacity) W/m _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ----- _____ _____ ___ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area(SM) ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 0.5 _____ _____ __ _____ _____ 0.13 _____ _..._. _____ _____ _____ 0.24 ____ _____ _._ _____ _____ 0.5 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.5 _____ _____ Impervious cover estimate (% _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ _.__. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Rosgen Classification _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ G4 _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ C411 _____ __... _____ _____ _____ B4 /1 a ----- _____ _____ No _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ B4c _____ _____ _____ _____ BEVelocity (fps) ----- ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- 4.5 ----- ----- - -- ---- ----- 5.3 -- -- ---- - ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- 4.4 ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- 4.4 ---- ---- ----- ----- BF Discharge (cfs ) ---- 290.0 2000.0 50.0 _____ ----- ____ 50 _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ 25.2 _____ ---- ----- _____ _____ 46.6 _____ ____ _____ 40 _____ _____ _____ _._._ _____ 40 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ - -.... - --- ----- -- -- ---- _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ Channel length (ft - -- '-'- "- "-" "'-' __ -' _____ 1848 ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ '-"- --"' -"- --- Sinuosity_____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.07 _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- 1.40 1.40 ----_ ___ ____ ----- --"' 1.20 ""' "'-- --"' ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ Water Surface Slope (Channel) (flift - - -- 0.0144 - -- - - - -- 0.0197 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 0.0405 - - - -- - - -- - - - -- 0.014 - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- 0.014 - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- BF slope (ft/ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 0.0128 -___ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.028 ____ ____ _ - -_ _____ _____ 0.0458 ____ ___ ____ 0.017 - -- - -_ - -_ - - -- _____ 0.017 -_ ____ - -_- Bankfull Floodplain Area (acres - -- - -- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ __ - ----- ----- ____ ----- _____ _____ __. _____ ____ ----- ----- ----- - -_- ----- _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- BEHIVL% /L % /M % /H% /VH % /E% ----- ____ ____ ____ ___ - - -- ----- ----- ----- _____ _- _ -___ ___ ____ ----- ___ ----- ----- ___ ____ ____ ___ ----- __- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ ___ _____ ____ _____ ___ ----- ____ ____ _____ _____ ----- ----- Biological or Othe - - - -- I - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- I - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- Harman, W.A., G.D. Jennings, J.M. Patterson, D.R. Clinton, L.O. Slate, A.G. Jessup, JR. Everhan, and R.E. Smith. 1999. Bavkfull hydraulic geometry relationships for North Carolina streams. Wildland Hydrology. AWRA Symposium Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J.P. Pmyondy, eds. American Water Resources Association. June 30 -July 2, 1999. Bozeman, MT. Existing conditions survey data is compiled to, the enthe UT1 Reach within the pmucet limits. ' Bulk samples taken since pebble count procedure is not applicable for sand -bed streams. ' Values were chosen based on sand -bed mfi-ce each dam and past project evaluations. 4 Composite reference reach information from Joh mah Creek, Johnston County; Panther Brsuch, Brunswick County; Reeky Swamp, Halifax County; and Beaver Dam Branch, Jones County MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 5. Baseline Stream Summary (continued) UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Reach 5. (145 LF) Parameter USGS Regional Curve Interval Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach ,a Data Design As -built UT to Wells Creek UT to Varnals Creek Gauge (Harman et a1, 1999)* Dimension and Substrate -RiM LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD n Min Mean Med Max SD a Min Mean Med Max SD \,m Mean Med Max SD n M,i, Mean Med Max SD n BEWidth (ft) -- -- - --- ----- ----- 13.6 ----- - --- --- 8 ----- ----- ----- --- ----- 9.7 ----- ----- -- -- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- - -- 23.0 80.0 2.4 FloodproneWidth (ft ----- -- - -- - --- ----- ---- ----- 16.9 ---- -- -- - -- - --- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- - -- - -- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- --- -- --- ---- --- ----- BFMean Depth (it) ----- 2.3 5.8 0.5 ----- ----- ----- 0.3 ----- - --- -- -- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ---- ----- -- -- ----- --- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- BFMax Depth (ft) _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0.5 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____. _.._ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BE Cross - sectional Area (ft, ----- 80.0 300.0 1.7 ----- ----- ----- 4.2 ----- -- -- ----- 5.3 ----- ----- ---- _.. _. ----- 7.9 ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- Width/Depth Rati ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- 45.0 ----- -- -- 7 ----- ----- 26 _...... ._._. 8 ----- ----- 18 ---- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- - --- ----- - --- ----- ----- EntrenchmentRatio ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- 1.3 -- -- ----- 2.0 ---- ----- 3.4 ----- ---- 1.9 ----- ---- 3.9 ----- - --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - -- ---- ----- - --- ----- Bank Height Ratio _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ _____ _____ 2.3 _____ _____ 1.4 _____ _____ 2.5 _____ _____ 1.1 _____ _____ 1.5 _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft ----- - -- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Radiusof Curvature (ft) ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- --- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - --- ----- ----- Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft ----- ----- ----- - --- ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.3 - --- - --- 4.0 ---- .... _. 0.8 ----- ---- 2.3 ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- MeanderWavelength (ft _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4.4 _____ _____ 8.8 ---- ._._. 4.9 _____ _____ 6.9 ____. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _-__ _____ _-__ _____ _____ Meander Width Ratio _____ _____ ----- _ -__: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.3 _ -_ _ -__: 4.4 ..._.... ...... 1.2 _____ _____ 1.8 _____ _____ Pro lilc Riffle Slope (ft/ft ) ----- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- - ---- _ -.. -..- ---- --- .. -..._ ---- - --- ----- ----- ---- ----- PoolLength (ft) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ...... .......... ....... ........ ...._ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ PoolSpacing (ft _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ----- ____ _____ _____ ____ 2.1 _____ _____ 7.9 _____ _.._ 2.9 _____ _____ 5.0 ____ ____ _.. - _...... ....... .__. ._..... ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ PoolMax Depth (ft. _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____ _____ _____ _____ 2.3 ____ _____ 2.7 ___... _.. _. 1.6 _____ _____ 2.3 _____ _____ ....... ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ PoolVolume (q) _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____ ____ __ -_ -.__ ___ ___ __- ___ ----- ____ ----- _____ Substrate and Transport Parameters _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ SC% / Sa% / G% / B% / Be % ----- ----- ----- -- -- - -- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - -- --- ----- ----- ----- -------- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- dl6 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- 0.1 / 0.6/ 4.5 / 53 / 96 0.2 / 2.5/ 8 / 92 / 1,536 - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb/f _____ _____ _____ _____ ____, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __- __. ----- ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ,____ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull(Rosgen Curve ___ _____ _____ ____ ----- _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ _____ ___ ___ ____ __- ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m _____ _____ ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ _____ _ -___ _____ ____ ----- ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ----- _____ Additional Reach Parameters Drainage Area(SM) ---- ---- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- 0.025 ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- 0.13 -- -- -..._. ----- ----- ----- 0.24 ---- ----- __ ---- -- -- - -- ---- -- -- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- Impervious cover estimate (% _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ RosgenClassification _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ C411 _____ __.. -. _____ _____ _____ B4 /1 a _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BEVelocity (fps) _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.7 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5.3 _____ ---- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ BE Discharge (cfs ) ---- 290.0 2000.0 6.2 ----- ----- - --- 7.1 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 25.2 ----- ---- .. -- ----- ----- 46.6 ----- - --- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- -_._ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ --.... - --- ----- -- -- ---- _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ Channel length (ft __ -- '-'- "- ""' "'-' __ -' ""' 144 "-' _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ "-" ""- '-"' "'- --- --- Sinuosity _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1.19 _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ _____ 1.40 -_--_ ____ ""' ""- 1.20 ""' ""- -"" ____ __- ___ ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ ___ Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- ____ 0.0236 ____ - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - --____ 0.0197 ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ 0.0405 _____ __ -_ _____ ____ - -__ _____ 0.028 ____ _____ 0.0458 ____ ----- - _- ____ - -_ ----- _____ ___ __ _____ BankfullFloodplain Area (acres - -- - -- ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ __ - ----- ----- _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ __- ____ ----- ----- ----- ----- - -_- ----- ____ _____ ----- ----- ----- BEHIVL% /L % /M % /H% /VH % /E% ----- ____ ____ ____ ___ - - -- ----- ____ ----- _____ _- _ -___ ____. ----- ----- _____ ----- ----- ___ ___ ____ ___ ----- ----- Channel Stability or Habitat Metric ----- ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ ----- ----- ----- _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _ -_- ___ ___ -__ __- ___ ----- ____ ___ _____ _____ ----- ----- Biological or Othe - - - -- I - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- Harman, W.A., G.D. Jennings, J.M. Patterson, D.R. Clinton, L.O. Slate, A.G. Jessup, JR. Evetlem, and R.E. Smith. 1999. Bavkfall hydraWie geometry relationships for Nvuh Carolina streams. Wildh ml Hydrology. AWRA Symposium Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J.P. I'myondy, eds. American Water Resources Association. Jane 30 -July 2, 1999. Bozeman, MT. Existing conditions survey data is compiled to, the embe UT1 Reach within the project limits. ' Bulk samples taken since pebble count procedure is not applicable for sand -bed streams. ' Values were chosen based on sand -bed mfi-ce reach data and past project evaluations. 4 Composite reference reach information from Johum ah Creek, Johnston County; Panther Branch, Brunswick County; Rocky Swamp, Halifax County; and Beaver Dam Branch, Jones County MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 6. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary UT to Cane Creek Restoration Proiect: EEP Proiect ID No. 95729 Reach 5 (1,461 LF) Cross - section X -1 (Riffle) Cross - section X -2 (Pool) Cross - section X -3 (Riffle) Cross - section X -4 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYI MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross - sectional Area (112) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Based on current/developing current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 10.41 11.24 12.00 10.16 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.68 1.41 0.68 0.81 Width/Depth Ratio 15.2 8.0 17.8 12.5 BE Cross - sectional Area (ft) 7.1 15.8 8.1 8.3 BE Max Depth (ft) 1.19 2.79 1.16 1.33 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 85.1 103.7 76.0 32.2 Entrenchment Ratio 8.2 9.2 6.3 3.2 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 11.8 14.1 13.4 11.8 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.7 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft) _ d50 (mm) Reach 3 (398 LF) Cross - section X -5 (Riffle) Cross - section X -6 (Pool) Dimension and substrate Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYI MY, MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) BE Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BE Cross - sectional Area (ft2) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Based on current/developing current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 8.94 8.98 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.41 0.59 Width/Depth Ratio 21.7 15.3 BF Cross - sectional Area (ft2) 3.7 5.3 BF Max Depth (ft) 0.76 1.13 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 24.4 36.3 Entrenchment Ratio 2.7 4.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 9.8 10.2 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.4 1 0.5 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft') _ d50 (mm) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 6. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary UT to Cane Creek Restoration Proiect: EEP Proiect ID No. 95729 Reach 4 (2,333 LF) Cross - section X -7 (Riffle) Cross - section X -S (Pool) Cross - section X -9 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross - sectional Area (ft2) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (fi) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Based on current/developing current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 18.74 17.08 13 -77 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.79 1.45 1.02 Width/Depth Ratio 23.7 11.8 13.5 BF Cross - sectional Area (W) 14.8 24.7 14.1 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.24 3.41 1.85 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 56.1 72.5 33.9 Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 4.2 2.5 Bank Height Ratio 1.9 1.1 1.1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 20.3 20.0 15.8 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.7 1 1.2 0.9 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft2) - - d50 (mm) Reach 1 (1,045 LF) Cross- section X -10 (Pool) Cross - section X -11 (Riffle) Cross - section X -12 (Riffle) Dimension and substrate Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY[ Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation BF Width (ft) BF Mean Depth (ft) Width/Depth Ratio BF Cross - sectional Area (ft2) BF Max Depth (ft) Width of Floodprone Area (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Bank Height Ratio Wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Based on current/developing current/developing bankfull feature BF Width (ft) 9.11 7.21 7.83 BF Mean Depth (ft) 0.95 0.57 0.51 Width/Depth Ratio 9.6 12.8 15.2 BF Cross - sectional Area (ft') 8.7 4.1 4.0 BF Max Depth (ft) 1.90 0.89 0.73 Width of Floodprone Area (ft) 65.6 65.9 84.4 Entrenchment Ratio 6.9 9.1 10.8 Bank Height Ratio 1.1 1.0 1.3 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 11.0 8.4 8.9 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.8 1 0.5 1 0.5 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft2) - - - - d50 (mm) MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) UT to Cane Creek - Reach R1 As -built Station 10 +00 to 20 +45 (Data collected July 2014) 446 R 445 444 443 442 - 441 - 440 0 439 4. > 438 - 437 W 436 435 - - 434 tThalweg 433 - 432 -M-Left Top of Bank - 431 ■ Right Top of Bank 430 }Water Surface 429 428 990 1090 1190 1290 1390 1490 1590 1690 1790 1890 1990 2090 Station UT to Cane Creek - Reach R3 As -built Station 10 +00 to 13 +90 (Data collected July 2014) 485 484 tThalweg 483 Water Surface 482 (Left Top of Bank Right Top of Bank 481 c 0 480 m y 479 W 478 477 �y 476 475 474 473 990 1030 1070 1110 1150 1190 1230 1270 1310 1350 1390 Station UT to Cane Creek - Reach R5 As -built Station 10 +00 to 20 +00 (Data collected July 2014) 503 502 501 500 499 498 497 496 = c 4. 495 > 494 493 W 492 - 491 - - 490 -4--Thalweg IT 489 —Water Surface 488 487 (Left Top of Bank 486 —i° Right top of Bank 485 990 1090 1190 1290 1390 1490 1590 1690 1790 1890 1990 Station UT to Cane Creek - Reach R5 As -built Station 20 +00 to 29 +57 (Data collected July 2014) 490 489 488 487 486 485 484 483 0 482 481 480 W 479 478 477 +Thalweg 476 Water Surface 475 474 —M—Left Top of Bank 473 Right top of Bank 472 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Station UT to Cane Creek - Reach R4 (d /s) As -built Station 53 +20 to 57 +30 (Data collected July 2014) 440 439 +Thalweg 438 -.� —Water Surface (Left top of Bank 437 Right top of Bank 436 435 c 434 0 433 432 W 431 430 429 428 427 426 425 5300 5340 5380 5420 5460 5500 5540 5580 5620 5660 5700 5740 Station Permanent Cross - section 1 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) "' A 't„' k-I - . "'I < _ .. r9. Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 7.1 10.41 0.68 1.19 15.2 1 8.2 494.47 494.48 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 1 498 497 496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o 495 c m d 494 w 493 492 As -built Q Bankfull 491 o Floodprone 490 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 2 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type IBKFAreaI BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D I BH Ratio I ER I BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 15.8 11.24 1 1.41 2.79 1 8 1 1 9.2 491 491.11 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 2 494 0 493 492 491 ------- - - - - -- c 0 0 as 490 w 489 488 t As -built 487 o- Bankfull o- Floodprone 486 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 3 (As -Built Data - Collected July 2014) 40 W Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle 8.1 12 0.68 1.16 17.8 1 6.3 488.13 488.13 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 3 493 492 491 490 c . °— m d 489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -o w 488 -------- - - - - -- 487 4 As -built 486 Q -- Bankfull Q Floodprone 485 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 4 (As -Built Data - Collected July 2014) ■,.t4 r' ,� j T'� u 9 - -}� W. i `per f r °4, , e- Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 8.3 10.16 0.81 1.33 12.5 1.0 3.2 479.65 479.65 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 4 487 486 485 r 484 0 483 w m 482 w 481 -- - - - - -- —�— As -built 480 o- Bankfull 479 o- Floodprone 478 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 5 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream I BKF I Max BKF Feature I Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER I BKF Elev I TOB Elev UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 5 485 484 483 482 c 0 481 m w 480 479 ------------------------ - - - - -- As -built 478 - -a Bankfull Q Floodprone 477 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 6 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 5.3 8.98 0.59 1.13 15.3 1.0 4.0 479.9 479.86 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 6 486 485 484 483 c 0 482 m U' 481 --------------------------------------------- 480 --- - - - - -- t As -built 479 a Bankfull Q Floodprone 478 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 7 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 14.8 18.74 0.79 1.24 23.7 1.9 3.0 457.85 459 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 7 463 462 461 460 c 0 459 --------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------- m U' 458 457 As -built a Bankfull 456 © Floodprone 455 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 8 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) 3 .. - �' .`��... ."$ a; _ • 'ice'„ - _P it ap fir, Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 24.7 17.08 1.45 3.41 11.8 1.1 4.2 457 457.5 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 8 462 461 460 --------------- - - -- ;. 459 0 458 w R 457 -------------------- w 456 455 —+— As -built o- Bankfull 454 o- Floodprone 453 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 9 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 14.05 13.77 1.02 1.85 13.5 1.1 2.5 431.18 431.28 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 9 436 435 434 433 ------------------------------------------ c 0 432 m U' 431 430 —+— As -built 429 Q Bankfull Q Floodprone 428 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 10 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Pool 8.7 9.11 0.95 1.9 9.55 1.1 6.9 440.65 440.88 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 10 445 444 443 442 c 0 441 > ---- - - - - -- a) w 440 439 —+— As -built 438 - - -© Bankfull © Floodprone 437 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 11 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 4.1 7.21 0.57 0.89 12.8 1.0 9.1 437.9 437.94 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 11 442 441 440 439 - ----------------- 0 R 438 -- - - - - -- a� w 437 436 As -built 435 - -© -- Bankfull a Floodprone 434 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) Permanent Cross - section 12 (As -built Data - Collected July 2014) Looking at the Left Bank Looking at the Right Bank Stream BKF Max BKF Feature Type BKF Area BKF Width I Depth Depth W/D BH Ratio ER BKF Elev TOB Elev Riffle C 4.0 7.83 0.51 0.73 15.2 1.3 10.8 434.5 434.69 UT to Cane Creek Cross - section 12 439 438 437 436 c 435 w 434 433 As -built 432 - -e -- Bankfull o- Floodprone 431 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Station (ft) 100 90 — 80 — 70 60 — v 50 L a 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 Sediment Distribution - Active Bed Pebble Count UT to Cane Creek - Reach 5, Riffle Cross - Section 3 --w—Cumulative Percent ■ Class Percent 0.1 1 10 Particle Size Class (mm) Silt /Clay Sand Gravel 100 1000 Cobble Boulder Bedrock ► 4 tTtP PEBBLE COUNT DATA SHEET SITE OR PROJECT: UT to Cane Creek REACH /LOCATION: Reach 5 at Cross - Section 3 DATE COLLECTED: 7/28/2014 FIELD COLLECTION BY: SEK DATA ENTERED BY: SEK SEDIMENT ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Cummulative Channel materials Die = 6.74 D35 - 20.49 Dso = 29.79 DM = 63.73 D95 = 118.25 Dioo = 180-256 Riffle Summary PARTICLE CLASS Reach Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE I SIZE (mm) Riffle I Pool Total Class % %Cum Silt / Clay I < .063 4.00 1.87 4 -A 7AI 3.74 ° a o a. °a° v °i:LVao Very Fine 063-125 .125 18.69 4.67 23.36 5.61 3.74 .. a ti o o a Fine 125-25 .25 53.27 21.50 74.77 9.35 3.74 .° S A N a 44 Medium .25-50 .50 96.26 1.87 98.13 1.87 3.74 6 6 O 49 °°a°ea Coarse .50-1.0 100.00 100.00 3.74 °o°Qa a °u14 14 Qaaa Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 1 2.00 2 1.87 5.61 ��0�(((�- (����� Very Fine 2.0-2.8 2.00 2 1.87 7.48 O �O� Very Fine 2.8-4.0 5.00 5 4.67 12.15 Fine 4.0-5.6 1.00 1 0.93 13.08 Fine 5.6-8.0 6.00 6 5.61 18.69 Medium 8.0 -11.0 5.00 5 4.67 23.36 GRAVEL O Medium 11.0 - 16.0 6.00 6 5.61 28.97 Coarse 16-22.6 9 9 8.41 37.38 0 O ' � Coarse 22.6-32 17 17 15.89 53.27 Very Coarse 32-45 23 23 21.50 74.77 (JO O Very Coarse 45-64 10 10 9.35 84.11 O Small 64-90 7 7 6.54 90.65 Small 90-128 6 6 5.61 96.26 4U- E C Large 128 - 180 2 2 1.87 98.13 Large 180-256 2 2 1.87 100.00 LIZ Small 256-362 100.00 Small 362-512 100.00 Medium 512-1024 100.00 �- Large -Very Large 1024-2048 100.00 BEDROCK Bedrock > 2048 100.00 107 0 107 Cummulative Channel materials Die = 6.74 D35 - 20.49 Dso = 29.79 DM = 63.73 D95 = 118.25 Dioo = 180-256 Riffle Summary Class % I % Cum 3.741 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 1.87 5.61 1.87 7.48 4.67 12.15 0.93 13.08 5.61 18.69 4.67 23.36 5.61 28.97 8.41 37.38 15.89 53.27 21.50 74.77 9.35 84.11 6.54 90.65 5.61 96.26 1.87 98.13 1.87 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100 Riffle Channel materials Die = 6.74 D35 = 20.49 Dso = 29.79 D84 = 63.73 D95 = 118.25 >iao = 180-256 Pool Summary Class% %Cum #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! #DIV /0! 0 #DIV /0! Pool Channel materials D,s = #N /A D35 = #N /A Dso = #N /A DM = #N /A D95 = #N /A Dioo = #N /A APPENDIX C Vegetation Summary Data (Tables 7 and 8) Table 7. Vegetation Species Planted Across the Restoration Site UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Botanical Name -F-commonName % Planted by Species Total Number of Stems Riparian Buffer Plantings - Overstory Betula nigra river birch 9.0 860 Carpinus caroliniana ironwood 6.0 570 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 9.0 860 Liriodendron tulipfera tulip poplar 6.0 570 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 9.0 860 Quercus alba white oak 9.0 860 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak 6.0 570 Quercus nigra water oak 6.0 570 Riparian Buffer Plantings - Understory Asimina triloba paw paw 6.0 570 Diospyros vir iniana persuntnon 6.0 570 Hamamelis vir iniana witch hazel 6.0 570 Itea vir inica Virginia sweets ire 8.0 760 Lindera benzoin s icebush 8.0 760 Viburnum dentatum arrowwood Viburnum 6.0 570 Riparian Live Stake Plantings Cornus amomum silky dogwood 10% NA Salix nigra black willow 10% NA Salix sericea silky willow 40% NA Sambucus canadensis elderberry 40% NA MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) Table 8. Stem Count for Each Species Arranged by Plot UT to Cane Creek Restoration Project: EEP Project ID No. 95729 Botanical Name Common Name Plots 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tree Species Betula ni ra river birch 4 1 2 Car inus caroliniana ironwood 2 1 1 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash 1 8 2 4 Liriodendron tulipfera tulip poplar Platanus occidentalis Americansycamore 4 uercus alba white oak uercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak 1 2 3 uercus ni ra water oak uercus spp. unknown oak I Shrub Species Asimina triloba paw paw 1 Diospyros vi r iniana persimmon 1 Hamamelis vir iniana witch hazel Itea vir inica Virginia sweets ire Lindera benzoin s icebush Viburnum dentatum arrowwood viburnum Unknown lunknown 7 7 16 13 19 1 Stems /plot 22 17 16 17 19 13 Stems /acre 880 680 640 680 760 520 Total Stems/ Acre for Year 0 As -Built (Baseline Data) 693 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC. FINAL BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UT TO CANE CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT (EEP PROJECT NO. 95729) APPENDIX D As -Built Plan Sheets /Record Drawings APPENDIX E Photo Log Reach 1, view upstream towards dam at station 12 +50 (June 12, 2014) 7 a :T. �jy•• d. i� Reach 1, view downstream at station 12 +50 (July 30, 2014) Reach 3, view upstream at station 12 +50 (June 5, 2014) Reach 3, view downstream at station 10 +90 (June 5, 2014) Reach 4, view upstream at 55 +00 (June 5, 2014) Reach 4, rock J -Hook, view upstream at station 53 +75 (June 5, 2014) All Wh Y' Reach 4, crossing at station 53 +00 (June 5, 2014) Reach 4, crossing at station 33 +00 (June 5, 2014) Reach 5, view downstream at station 28 +00 (June 5, 2014) Reach 4, view upstream at station 34 +00 (May 27, 2014) Reach 4, view upstream at station 32 +00 (June 5, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 27 +75 (June 5, 2014) 10192MOLMe-I -W- Reach 5, crossing at station 24 +75 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 24 +25 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view downstream at station 24 +00 (June 12, 2014) • 41- - R, • Reach 5, view downstream at station 17 +75 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 16 +75 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 11 +50 (June 12, 2014) � R = it { Reach 5, view downstream at station 24 +00 (June 12, 2014) • 41- - R, • Reach 5, view downstream at station 17 +75 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 16 +75 (June 12, 2014) Reach 5, view upstream at station 11 +50 (June 12, 2014)