HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021345 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20150414CLOSEOUT REPORT Monitoring Year 09 (MY -09) 5t" Year Post - Repair Final Report Sandy Creek Wetland Restoration and Stream Enhancement Site EEP Project #322 Contract # 5713 Site Constructed 2003 /Repaired 2008- 2009 /Replanted 2011 USACE 404 Certification Issued September 18, 2002 (Action ID #SAW- 20021391) Durham County MY -09 Collection Period: March 2014 — November 2014 Submission Date: January 29, 2015 Prepared for: NCDENR- Ecosystem Enhancement Program 116 W Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27604 IV Y 0 '11 Hr1H '(�'.1HIC11, rwar,p m Prepared by: The Catena Group, Inc. 410 Millstone Drive, Suite B Hillsborough, NC 27278 Table of Contents 1.0 PROJECT SETTING AND BACKGROUND SUMMARY ........ ..............................1 2.0 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ...................................... ..............................3 3.0 SUCCESS CRITERIA ..................................................................... ..............................3 3.1 Wetland Hydrology ......................................................................... ............................... 3 3.2 Wetland Vegetation ........................................................................ ............................... 3 3.3 Stream Enhancement ...................................................................... ............................... 3 4.0 EEP RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ................ ..............................3 5.0 CONTINGENCIES ......................................................................... ............................... 4 Table 1. Project Setting and Classifications ................................................ ............................... 6 Table 2. Project Activities and Timeline ...................................................... ............................... 6 Table3. Success Criteria ............................................................................... ............................... 6 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes .............................. ............................... 7 Table5. Project Assets ................................................................................... ............................... 7 Table 6. Project Contacts Table .................................................................. ............................... 8 Table 7. Vegetation Monitoring Plots ....................................................... ............................... 27 Table 8. Wetland Criteria Attainment Chart ( 2010 - 2014) ...................... ............................... 39 Appendix A. Project Background Data and Maps Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D. Stream Geomorphology Data Appendix E. Hydrological Data Appendix F. 2014 Wetland Delineation Data Forms Appendix G. Watershed Planning Summary Appendix H. Land Ownership and Protection Appendix I.404/401 Permits and Related Correspondence Appendix J. Project Debit Ledger Sandy Creek Mitigation Site i Closeout Report — January 2015 1.0 PROJECT SETTING AND BACKGROUND SUMMARY The Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site (Site) is located in the City of Durham approximately 3.5 miles (mi) southwest of downtown Durham County, North Carolina (Appendix A, Figure 1). The project lies in the Cape Fear River Basin within North Carolina Division of Water Quality sub -basin 03 -06 -05 (Table 1, 4, & 6). The Site was selected to mitigate impacts to Section 404 jurisdictional areas associated with the extension of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (Parkway) between Cook Road and Hope Valley Road. The impacts of the Parkway on jurisdictional wetlands and non - wetland jurisdictional waters totaled 1.73 acres near Third Fork Creek. The Site was proposed by the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) to provide 3.6 acres of wetland restoration and creation as mitigation for the impacts. The remaining 1.87 acres was proposed as mitigation for other impacts within the Cape Fear River Basin. In addition to the wetland restoration, Sandy Creek has been enhanced with the installation of log vanes. The log vanes are intended to create pool features that enhance habitat and water quality along 2,461 linear feet of stream. Stream stationing begins at the downstream end of the project and increases upstream (Appendix B). Land use in the vicinity of the Site consists of a mix of residential, commercial, and forested areas. The streams within the project area are bordered by a forested buffer of varying widths with a greenway trail running along the east side of the stream. The project is protected by a 22.6 acre (ac) permanent conservation easement held by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Sandy Creek flows from north to south and has a total drainage area of 7.3 square mi. at the culvert at US 15 -501. Site construction and planting was completed in June 2003 (Table 2). The Site was partially replanted in January 2004 in areas of low stem densities. Wetlands restoration consisted of grading activities and planting wetland vegetation. Stream enhancement consisted of the installation of log vanes to create pool features to enhance habitat and water quality along 2,461 linear feet of stream. The wetland restoration area was re- graded between December 2009 and February 2010 to correct final grade elevations to establish proper wetland hydrology. Topsoil was added to improve soil fertility for plant growth and the graded areas were replanted with native plant species. This close -out report represents the 5th year of wetland monitoring after site maintenance and re- grading. Stream monitoring has been conducted annually since original restoration activities completed in 2003. The Site must demonstrate both hydrologic and vegetation success for a minimum of five years or until the Site is deemed successful (Table 3). Currently the vegetation is meeting the success criterion with 1093 total woody stems /acre. The success criterion for vegetation is 260 total woody stems /acre at the end of the monitoring period with a diversity of at least six species of trees. Based on the vegetation plot data, the Site has at least 25 different species of trees (Appendix C,Table 7). Based on the CVS vegetation data there are 313 planted woody stems /acre and 1093 total woody stems /acre. As a result of the wetland re- grading in December 2009, the vegetation in monitoring plots 2, 3, and 4 were removed, leaving only vegetation monitoring plot 1 intact. The site was replanted and plots 2, 3, and 4, were re- established in February 2010. Warranty planting was conducted in February 2011 to replace trees that did not survive initial replanting after the wetland was re- graded. Level II of Sandy Creek Mitigation Site I Closeout Report — January 2015 the CVS -EEP protocol was administered for plots 1, 2, 3, and 4, which accounts for natural and planted woody stems. Vegetation problem areas consist of invasive exotic species presence. Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), continues to thrive in patches along the adjacent forest margin and within the wetland in the vicinity of plots 3 and 4 (Appendix A, Figure 4). These areas along the woodland margin have remained undisturbed throughout the monitoring period. Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) and bigleaf periwinkle (Vinca major) were also observed within the vicinity of plot 1 along the wetland margin. Other invasive exotics observed sparsely scattered within the conservation easement beyond the wetland restoration area include Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Gill over the ground (Glechoma hederacea), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). Chinese Privet, Japanese honeysuckle, and multiflora rose are a species of "High Concern" and bigleaf periwinkle and Japanese stiltgrass are species of "Low/Moderate Concern" according to EEP invasive species of concern list. Although these species have been given different ranks of severity, the functionality of the project is not expected to be impaired significantly by these species. Groundwater gauges were installed in the spring of 2010, post re- grading activities, at three locations — the reference wetland gauge, gauge A, and gauge C. The reference gauge was installed in its original location and Gauge B remained undisturbed in its original location. On May 23, 2013 four addition gauges (D, E, F, &G) were installed. Gauges D, E, F were installed within the wetland restoration area to capture a more accurate depiction of the groundwater levels. Gauge G was installed within the adjacent alluvial forest along Sandy Creek as supplemental reference gauge. All groundwater gauges exhibited saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for more than 12.5% of the growing season (Appendix E,Table 8). The average annual growing season for Durham County is 222 days (March 24 to November 1). Wetland delineations were conducted in October 2014 to determine the Site assets. A total of 2.23 acres of wetland restoration and 6.73 of wetland preservation were identified (Table 5). According to the mitigation plan, the site includes wetland mitigation components of wetland restoration and preservation. Often when investigating graded mitigation sites, it is typically unfeasible to identify hydric soils based upon the NRCS Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States. According to The Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Regions (Version 2.0), recently developed mitigation sites where hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology are present, but lack hydric soil indicators are referred to as "problematic" hydric soils. It also lists the following procedure for classifying problematic hydric soils as hydric by: e. Using gauge data, water -table monitoring data, or repeated direct hydrologic observations, determine whether the soil is ponded or flooded, or the water table is 12 in. (30 cm) or less from the surface, for 14 or more consectutive days during the growing season in most years (at least 5 years in 10, or 50 percent or higher probability) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2005). If so, then the soil is hydric. Furthermore, any soil that meets the NTCHS hydric soil technical standard (MRCS Hydric Soils Technical note 11) is hydric (p. 134) Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 2 Closeout Report — January 2015 By understanding a site's soil characteristics and utilizing the above criteria, alternative soil parameters can be identified, that are supported with groundwater monitoring data, to serve as site specific hydric soil indicators. As such, soil borings were performed adjacent to groundwater monitoring gauges A, B, and C to establish the below site specific hydric soil indicators used in delineating the restored wetland area. • Presence of at least 10% redox concentrations and depletions with a chroma 3 or less within 2 inches of the soil surface AND at least 2% oxidized rhizospheres within 12 inches of the soil surface • Dominance of hydrophytic vegetation The following secondary indicators were also used, but were not as reliable or consistent as the primary. Fine, faint soil depletions within the top 1 -2 inches of the soil surface. At least 5% hemic materials on the soil surface. A profile description of the soil at gauge C depicts typical soil characteristics observed within the restored wetland area (Appendix F). It is important to note that as with all indicators, their development hinges on a multitude of soil factors, ranging from soil texture to soil fertility to site development methodologies. As such, these indicators were not always easily identifiable. In these instances, the primary methodology was to perform a relative comparison of the soils within the site in order to determine whether a specific boring should be considered hydric. The log vanes are stable and are providing bank protection as intended, and are generating pools for aquatic habitat (Appendix B). The cross section shows little change in stream dimension as compared to previous monitoring years (Appendix D). Areas of streambank erosion were observed within the stream enhancement throughout the reach but did not appear to exceed natural levels. The upstream face of the US 15 -501 culverts have been conducive to creating log jams throughout the monitoring period. 2.0 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goals and objectives of the restoration project are as follows: Goals: Objectives: • Improving water quality • Level II stream enhancement of • Improving wetland hydrology 2,461 linear feet of Sandy Creek • Improving in- stream habitat • Restoration of 3.13 acres of wetlands • Restore function • Establish 22.6 acres conservation easement Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 3 Closeout Report — January 2015 3.0 SUCCESS CRITERIA 3.1 Wetland Hydrology Wetland hydrology success for the wetland restoration is met if the soils exhibit saturated within 12- inches of the surface for 12.5% of the growing season during years with normal precipitation. Eight groundwater gauges have been established within the conservation easement during the monitoring period. 3.2 Wetland Vegetation The vegetation success criteria are based on the progressive growth over the monitoring period. Vegetative success is determined by the survival of target species within the sample plots. The minimum survival rate is 260 stems /acre at end of the five year monitoring period. Included in the required survival criteria are planted seedlings and natural recruitment of the same species. At least six different representative species should be present on the entire site. Five l Ox10m vegetation plots, (VP 1 -5) are established within the wetland restoration site. 3.3 Stream Enhancement Profile The profile should continue to show the development of bed form pool features on the downstream side of the constructed log vane structures. Structures The structures should not show any breaching. The water should flow over the log vane or the rocks placed at the end of the vane. The structures should not show any erosion along the arms or evidence of water bypassing the structure. The stream banks should show evidence of vegetation stabilization. The banks disturbed by the installation of the log vane should not show any signs of erosion. Stream Cross Section & Log Vane Photo Reference Points Photographs should show no change in physical location of channel. Log vanes shall show no evidence of breaching. The photograph for the permanent cross section was taken upstream of the section looking downstream. 4.0 EEP RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS The vegetation has met the success criterion of maintaining more than 260 total woody stems per acre as well as the species diversity requirement of at least six species of woody stems. There remain problem areas with invasive exotic species, which compete with native plant species. The stream assessment found the stream to be generally stable, with no significant changes over the course of the monitoring period. The monitored cross - section and in stream structures on Sandy Creek are stable. The stream has met the success criterion of stability being exhibited at the stream cross section and within the vicinity of the log vanes. MY -09 found the majority of the project to be functioning as designed. The wetlands have met Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 3 Closeout Report — January 2015 the success criterion of having saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for more thanl2.5% of the growing season. EEP recommends the successful closeout of the assets listed with this report as a part of the Sandy Creek Project. 5.0 CONTINGENCIES It is recommended that this site be closed out without contingencies. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 4 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix A Project Background Data and Maps Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 5 Closeout Report — January 2015 Table 1. Proiect Setting and Classifications Sandy Creek Wetland Restoration and Stream Enhancement Site County Durham General Location Sandy Creek Park Basin Cape Fear Physiographic Region Central Piedmont USGS Hydro Unit 03030002060110 NCDWQ Sub -basin 03 -06 -05 (Sandy Creek) Wetland Classification Non -tidal freshwater marsh Trout Water No Thermal Regime Warm Project Performers: Source Agency EEP (WRP initially) Provider City of Durham Designer Ward Consulting Engineers Monitoring Firm(s) EcoScience Corp. MY- 01 -04; The Catena Group MY- 05-09 Supplemental Planting 2010 &2011: Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. Property Interest Holder EEP Invasive Treatment N/A Table 3. Success Criteria Table 2. Proiect Activities and Timeline Milestone Month/Year Project Instituted 2002 Permitted September 2002 Restoration Plan August 2002 Final Design (90 %) December 2002 Construction June 2003 Permanent Seed Mix Applied June 2003 Live Stake Planting N/A Bare Root Planting June 2003 As -Built Survey August 22, 2003 Supplemental Planting January 2004 Year 1 Monitoring December 2004 Year 2 Monitoring December 2005 Year 3 Monitoring December 2006 Year 4 Monitoring December 2007 Supplemental Planting December 2009 Year 5 Monitoring November 2010 Year 6 Monitoring December 2011 Year 7 Monitoring November 2012 Year 8 Monitoring November 2013 Year 9 Monitoring November 2014 Supplemental Planting 2004, 2009, 2011 Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Site Feature Success Criteria Stream Success is measured with minimal changes to the permanent cross- section, demonstrating system stability. Monitoring is conducted annually for a period of five years or more. Vegetation Average of 260 stems /acre, as indicated by permanent vegetation plots after 5 years of monitoring. At least six species of trees must be present. Wetland Exhibit saturation within 12 inches of the ground surface for more than 12.5% of the growing season, which is 222 days in Durham County (March 23 to November 1). Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 6 Closeout Report — January 2015 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 Project County Durham Drainage Area 7.3 square miles to culvert at Bypass 15 -501 Impervious cover estimate ( %) 10 percent Stream Order 3r order Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion (Griffith and Omernik) Triassic Basin Rosgen Classification of As -built NA (Enhancement only) Cowardin Classification Stream (R3UB2) Wetlands (PF01) Dominant soil types Stream - Chewacla and Wehadkee soils (Ch) Wetlands - Urban Land (Ur) SCO #ID 10542301 USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03030002060110/ N/A NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -06 -05 / N/A NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C, NSW / N/A Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced None Table 5. Proiect Assets Stream Reach Existing Linear Footage/Acreage Type Watershed Area (mil) Mitigation Linear Footage/Acreage Credit Ratio Stream and Wetland Mitigation Units Streams Sandy Creek 2,461 if EII 7.3 2,461 if 2.5:1 984.4 Wetlands Wetland A 2.23ac R - 2.23ac 1:1 2.23 Wetland B 0.55ac P - 0.55ac 5:1 0.11 Wetland C 0.29ac P - 0.29ac 5:1 0.06 Wetland D 5.83ac P - 5.83ac 5:1 1.17 Wetland E 0.06ac P - 0.06ac 5:1 0.01 Mitigation Unit Summations Stream Restoration 2461 if 984.4 SMUs Wetland Mitigation Units 2.23 ac Restoration 6.73ac Preservation 3.58 WMUs Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 7 Closeout Report — January 2015 R = Restoration, EII= Enhancement Level II, P= Preservation Table 6. Project Contacts Table Sandy Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 322 8368 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Designer: Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. (919) 870 -0526 email: bward @wce- corp.com Mr. Greg Kiser Construction Contractor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc. Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Mr. Greg Kiser Planting Contractor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc. Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Mr. Greg Kiser Seeding Contactor: 6106 Corporate Park Drive Shamrock Environmental, Inc. Browns Summit, NC 27214 (336) 375 -1989 Seed Mix Sources N /A* Nursery Stock Suppliers N /A* Monitoring Performers (MY- 01 -04): 1101 Haynes Street, Ste. 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 EcoScience Corporation (919) 828 -3433 8368 Six Forks Road, Suite 104 Re-Designer: Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. (919) 870 -0526 email: bward @wce - corp.com Re-Construction: 1405 Benson Court, Suite C Environmental Quality Resources, LLC Arbutus, MD 21227 Tel: (443) 304 -3310 Re- Planting: P.O. Box 1197 Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. Freemont, NC 27830 (919) 242 -6555 Re- Seeding: P.O. Box 91208 Erosion Supply Company Raleigh, NC 27675 (919) 787 -0334 410B Millstone Drive Monitoring Performers (MY- 05 -09): Hillsborough, NC 27278 The Catena Group (919)732 -1300 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 8 Closeout Report — January 2015 _ Date: Ll Sandy Creek: Wetland Restoration January 2015 Figure and Stream Enhancement Site MY 09 CCPV Sheet index Scale 0 50 100 200 Feet E €P Prgec[ No. 522 I i I I 2010 Aerial Photography Job N Durham County, North Carchna 4134 A r• 18 +25 i i7 +45 � - M - T / , VP1 Gauge B 15 +39 h V vlletland A Ga. VP3 13 +83 w Gau4e G= ' � t VP2 ! A Wetland Hydrology Met MY -09 i o +99 Vegetation Plot Origin } V V e 4I a n d A Stream Stations L J I r Sewer Easement Cross Section 1 - Sandy Creek Thalweg ® Welland Restoration (2.23 ac) Gauge G 0 Wetland Preservation (6.73 ac) jWetland Restoration Outside of CE 10.10 ac) Vegetation Plot Criteria Met Log Vanes CCPV Sheet (Fog 2) / Conservation Easement (22.62 acres) The Figure Client: y Sandy Creek Wetland Restoration Date. January 2015 and Stream Enhancement Site Scale: Cate�na MY -Q9 and CCPV ,�#ssett Map o r 100 Feet z� to la Group {,m 111a11 EEP Project# 322 2010 Aerial Photography 1 ' � Job No.: Cment rreoak" Durham County, North Carolina 4134 Sandy Creek: Wetland Restoration Date Figure The and Stream Enhancement Site �a ""a� zols Scale: Qtena Watershed and Site Locaticn 0 M 5001,000 2,00o Feet Group UP projectt, 2 c f 2009 TopaprapMc Map Job No: 2 oarhsm county, Na h CarM . 4134 Sandy Creek:. Wetland Restoration Date: Figure The January 2015 and Stream Enhancement Site Scale: Catena USDA -MRCS Soils 0 so 100 200 Peet EEP N. 322 I . I *-%6,Group Project � NC One M.;,Z Wl PWWgraphy Job No: 3 o„mam ca.my, Norn, Ca,d— 4134 Sandy Creek: Wetland Restoration Dare January 2015 Figure The and Stream Enhancement Site Catena Scale: Site Maintenance Map o ,s ao 60 Fer, UP Project No 322 1 e 1 1 Group 2013.anal Photo®reahr Job No: Dorn.. c.omy, N.,th C.,d,. 4134 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 14 Closeout Report — January 2015 Post Construction Veg Plot Photos ( Baseline MY -05 February 2010) No Photo Available. Plot lwas not disturbed during construction. Plot 1. Plot 2. February 2010 Plot 3. February 2010 i rim,. Plot 4. February 2010 � yY. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 15 Closeout Report — January 2015 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos MY -05 Veg Monitoring Plots (August 2010) Plot 1. August 2010 Plot 2. August 2010 Plot 3. August 2010 MY -09 Veg Monitoring Plots (August 2014) Plot 1. August 2014 Plot 2. August 2014 Plot 3. August 2014 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 16 Closeout Report — January 2015 Plot 4. August 2010 Plot 4. August 2014 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 17 Closeout Report — January 2015 MY -09 Photos (March 2014) 1 Station 0 +00. View of 15 -501 culvert from the left �descending side. Station 0 +00. Upstream facing view from 15 -501 culvert. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 18 Closeout Report — January 2015 Ir i - ` .• IF: Station 2 +04. Upstream facing view of log vane from the left descending bank. ^„ A.- { . x 'N' �rr7 ksr. µf. Y � d Station 4 +12. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 19 Closeout Report — January 2015 Stion 6 +55. Downstream facing view of log vane from descending bank. Station 8 +88. Downstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 20 Closeout Report — January 2015 Station 10 +99. Downstream facing view from footbridge. Station 13 +83. Downstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 21 Closeout Report — January 2015 / R Station 15 +39. Downstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Q .A ,1 Station 17 +45. Downstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 22 Closeout Report — January 2015 Station 19 +72. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Station 20 +91. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 23 Closeout Report — January 2015 A # -I r Station 22 +66. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. .w Station 24 +20. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 24 Closeout Report — January 2015 _ r - To MOW Station 26 +12. Upstream facing view of log vane from left descending bank. Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 25 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 26 Closeout Report — January 2015 Table 7. Vegetation Monitoring Plots E €P Proi2tt Cade 322- Profe[t Narn2: S ;ghdv UpAk Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 27 Closeout Report— January 2015 Current Plat Data (MY9 2014) Annual Means Scientific Name CommiDn Name Spmies Type E322- 01.0001 E322.01 -0002 E322- 01.17003 E322-0L0004 MY9 {2014} MYS (2013) MY7 {2012} MY6 (2011) MYS (20091 PnoLS 1 P -ail T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS Pall T PnoLS P -all T PrruLS P -al I T Pnol-S P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P-al l T PnoLS P -all T icer negundo bvxelder Tree 1 1 1: Ace negundo var- negunda boxelder Tree 2 fiscer rub rum red maple Tree 2 Inus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 1 1 1 Artimpha fruticosa deSertfalse ndigg Shrub 1 Barch,aris halimifrslia eastern baccharis Shrub I a ? 3 1 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 4 5 1 1 1 Car inns;aroliniana American h9mbearro Tree 5 5 5 Car inns caroliniana var. wnAini4an® CQastalAmerican ftrnbearn Tree S 1 1 1 1 .1 2 21 2 1 2 2 ? 2 2. 2 2 2 Cephalanthusoccidentalis Common buttonbush Shrub 1 1 1 1 L 1 2 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Cu nusamomum silky•dv !spud Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 2 2i ? 2 21 7. 2 2 ? 1 1 1 2 Fraxinus pe nnsylva n ica been ash Tree 5 5 2,1 2 8 5 5 31 5 5 0 .5 5 11 i S 4 4 4 G led itsia triacanthos heneylocust Tree 1 Li uidambarst raciflua set urn Tree 1 1 Liriodendron tulipi #era var, tulipifera Tulip -tree, Yellow Poplar, Whitewood Tree 1 1 1 Ny.ssa sylrati ca blackgum Tree 3 3 3 Pin u5iaeda WI ine Tree 2 2 l Plata nus occidentaIis Arnerican sycamore Tree 6 6 6 Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalls Syeamars, Plane -tree Tree 1 1 1 Quertus oak Tree 7 7 8 Que`rrus lyrata avercup oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus rnichauxii mamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 i 1 2 2 Querc:us pheil�os wtllofv oak Tree 1 7 ? 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 Robirua pseudoacacie black locust Tree 1 2 Rasa paIustris swamp rose Shrub La 1 1 1 Salixnigra blackwillaw Tree 4 4 4 2 3 6 6 41 6 6 30 5 5 35 5 5 32 7 7 7 Ulrnus elm Tree 4 Ulm us rubra slippery elm Tree 4 3 5 Stern court size (aresp slaedACRESj Spedcc*sscaun Stems Per ACRE 4 4 9 8 3 3 1C1 21 - 11 108- 31 11 67 31 31 15 30 30 U.0 39 39 48 1 1 '1 1 4 4 4 4 4 O.a 0.02 t}, 02 0,02 0.10 0,10 0 I v,I(1 [x.10 1 1 3 4 4 9 3 6 6 8 S t~ 14 8 8 12 9 9 1? 11 11 1. 11 11 14 161.91 161.91 364.21323.71 323.71 1538136a.21364.21 ID931313.61 323.61 677.8 313.6 3LIB 758 6 303.5 303 5 l JS 394.5 394.(a LE5.E Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 27 Closeout Report— January 2015 Appendix D Stream Geomorphology Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 28 Closeout Report — January 2015 rrwar �Danrryuneelrr- Leann_ uz Cross S "don; Gross eapn 1 26444 Notes bumn -, a ry ticn, anitruu Startup 8.00 264.20 Station 5.00 711'1 ROD 4-24 h 2653.64 Kye Famre Rfle AMkFl 1096 114,7 1197 110 ii 147 9 112.6 5t�tkn: 19 +25 1� 4 BKF j 31A 31.4 31.2 31.3 34.7 302 Elate: 712841 2 lalax d 4.1 4.6 6.3 4.2 4.2 4.4 Crew. 2P, SV' Mean, d 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.3 5,70 26444 Notes 3,00 26457 Startup 8.00 264.20 Station 5.00 284-66 ROD 4-24 930 2653.64 3L BankNI1 7.04 224.60 TOBL 9.90 26179 264.60 SAO 28429 264,54 10.34 262.40 264.,60 9.00 283,52 3ankfull L 11.20 261.72 457 10.00 262.713 groun d 12.00 261.12 46.40 11.00 261:98 TOBL 12.20 260,47 Tae L 11.50 261 44 13 :00 259.97 0.10 12.OD 259.54 Toe L 14.00 259.99 9.00 15.00 259.49 8.04 15.00 259.87 5.65 17.00 25979 6.00 16:00 2$9.83 264.E 21,00 25082 26447 17.130 25RE6 262.72 25.0D 259,90 263.83 18.00 259.63 284_72 31.00 259.77 4.38 19:00 259-82 tap gf hank 33.70 259.71 22.00 2$9:60 36.00 259 ,51 23.00 25$.72 35,70 25927 4.85 35.50 259.51 VS =mev 37.00 25927 Tw 35A0 259.70 260.95 37.90 259.70 Toe R 37.40 25.9.01 Tae R 38.70 262.01 3940 2$4.9$ 38,60 363 99 39.10 262.06 TOE L 44.00 253.85 39.70 262.64 4.111 41.00 22,4 11 11,34 41.60 24.18 TOM 42.00 26425 TOM 43.00 264.311 10,4 4$,04 2C435 11,60 45.00 264.31 2,54 43.013 284.113 .201.49 48.00 254.13 259.95 10 -00 259.72 fW00 :95,w 159.10 LL °- 252.03 C '6161 ud! fi 6}.63 252 [l7 258.03 4 6G =ire station MYOI -2906 Elemon Notes Station 9 -2014 Elevallon Notes Startup WTI -2012 E4evatcx5 Noises Station WOE-2M Elevation Notes 5tatlon 1.00 ROD 4-24 f11Y99 -201 4 dlff EIeva1Ion 286.42 Notes L pin 1.09 264.55 LPN 1.00 264.55 LEFT PIN 1.00 205.09 LPOV 1 265.02 LPN 2,40 264.60 500 264,54 45.00 1,04 264.,60 204.26 1 264 72 264.419 TOBR 1,40 457 033 264,66 groun d 4.00 264.69 46.40 13..170 264.56 TOBL 6.00 29487 264.35 .4.15 264.813 4.DO 4.34 0.10 2134.02 6.40 264.78 9.00 263.55 BankJill Lot 8.04 264,69 TOBL 5.65 204.63 40.00 6.00 437 0.13 264.E 8.00 26447 TOBL 10 -00 262.72 9.00 263.83 8 284_72 TOBL 7.00 4.38 0.14 264.88 tap gf hank 9.70 264.24 11.54 2131.515 10.71} 262.21 0.8 264.29 9.00 5.09 4.85 2154.17 9.50 283.&1 3an4dull Lei 12.60 290.08 TOE L 12.00 260.95 9.2 2163.87 10.00 7.10 2.138 262.16 MOO 263.11 1764 259.84 12.50 26+6.05 TOE L 9.6 265.17 11.00 6 35 4.111 2617.91 11,34 262,01 19 00 259,71 114,04 2,60 10,4 26243 11,60 042 5,15 2,54 TOE L 11.70 .201.49 22DO 259.95 10 -00 259.72 11.2 261.99 13.00 9.59 5;35 259.47 12AO 260.37 23.00 259.75 19.00 2543.88 11.8 260.80 15.00 9.84 5.40 2:9.52 14.00 260.32 26.60 259.64 r(Vi S =259 22.00 25P.83 12.4 259.70 TOE L 17.00 9.69 545 259.57 18,04 250,19 31 00 259,93 2800 259,43 Tw 143 259.70 19,00 5.90 5,66 259,36 19.50 200.11 35.00 2130.02 29.00 259.81 16.3 259-44 22.00 9.77 5.53 259.451 23.00 280.00 3720 259.75 TOE R 32.04 259.68 19.4 259.45 24.40 914 5.50 25.52 27.00 259A2 313-40 262.10 35.00 26Q.65 20.9 259.39 28.60 9.94 5.70 259.32 L DN 3.100 2W52 T4'1! 30 25 262,85 ioink ull d g 37 00 259,55 TOE R 22 25030 1 MS= 259 28,40 MOO 5,84 269,18 36.00 258.68 40.40 263.97 35 50 M." 24,5 ?59 27 30.00 101.05 5.11 259.71 38.24 258.76 Tae R 41-M 264.41 r09k 39.50 263.38 26.7 139.51 33.40 10.49 5.85 254G.1 Y 39.00 282.32 44 -00 204.32 41.00 264.47 TOBR 28.4 2619.01 35.00 10.11 527 259.16 41.00 264.13 TO9R 49.00 264.10 RIGHT PIN 43.00 264.53 32 259.51 37.00 10.30 8:06 2'50.9+6 43.07 2$447 45.00 264.44 33.9 4159 38 37.20 94 4:96 2%016 46.04 264.36 48 -00 264.16 35.9 259.41 37.60 9.67 5.63 2559.39 KEW 46.W 25419 RPV4 48.04 264,57 RPIN 37.7 25946 TOE 38.00 517 1.93 263:09 Cross Section 1 500 ' 0 1. !, I':: C _C CU 1 . } ' <'1. C'. 54a190 n (Feet) 0 AS -Bull - ■ - Yeai 1 Year 3 Year 5 -4- Yew 7 -%-Year 8 -W- E14F Year 13 ,1, `0 al>kfdli tame Station Ea_- Vatmn 9.5 263.94 40.9337+ 263.64 iID➢ 37.8 261.22 39.40 5.37 1.13 253.84 38,6 2$2 79 41100 4.75 4.54 264.48 39 263-1& 63.00 4.130 0.56 2114.46 40 26400 45.00 5.00 0.78 204.26 41.4 264.419 TOBR 43.{]0 5.15 0.91 264.11 groun d 43 264.44 46.40 4.95 0.81 2154.41 KPIN 45 264.35 46.5 264-20 490 264.06 40.00 264..50 RPIN Cross Section 1 500 ' 0 1. !, I':: C _C CU 1 . } ' <'1. C'. 54a190 n (Feet) 0 AS -Bull - ■ - Yeai 1 Year 3 Year 5 -4- Yew 7 -%-Year 8 -W- E14F Year 13 ,1, `0 al>kfdli tame Station Ea_- Vatmn 9.5 263.94 40.9337+ 263.64 iID➢ Appendix E Hydrological Data Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 30 Closeout Report — January 2015 Sandy Creek Gauge A 1D - 110 511110 8/29110 12M110 8124/11 12122)11 4i2Wt2 6118112 1 2j 1 12 4M"3 8/13113 121' 1 il 3 4110114 8118AA 4 -10 - 3 77 -20- 112 inches Bel4w Soil Surfac Growing &eason Date Gi-mving Season: Marcli 24 -o November 1 f,222 days'j Rain Dot@: Station DURH MtP)Avww vicc. nrc 5. u 5da.go veLft pr eff5 up port ic PmateNmt Ia. n d.sftjqo37 OK.txtj http, Neww. w;-cli rn ate. ric5u.e dulservice5lre aue5t. php) Crcrjwing acesan March 24 to NcKmrnber 1 (222 days) Pain Data: Station OURH ( httpllu.+ u�w. w�c. nre�s. usda. gewrdftprefJsuppertJclirnat�N�e #I�ndsh�ef3�t1�3.txt) ( hltp: lh�r�w_ nc- clmete .ncsu.euuisenri^eslr�quest_phpl Sander Creek Gauge B - Island 1 f1 110 5 +1.. +1 0 MP11 1 } I f m4l 1 4 8118f12 1 'I 611 5113 1 1 1 .11011 11 � i IV. h C J C 7 rrlrh€� P.a:rnx Growing Season wCAI SUIf3ce P PS 1 -'ikJ till iu -50 Ili ill 111 [l Date Crcrjwing acesan March 24 to NcKmrnber 1 (222 days) Pain Data: Station OURH ( httpllu.+ u�w. w�c. nre�s. usda. gewrdftprefJsuppertJclirnat�N�e #I�ndsh�ef3�t1�3.txt) ( hltp: lh�r�w_ nc- clmete .ncsu.euuisenri^eslr�quest_phpl 14 10 0 1 -10 _20 410 5I1110 829110 1212711 12lnch&s Rolax Sal Surface -30 -40 -50 Gro+ring 5c3ason Mardi 24 to Nwembw 1 {222 days) {http- fNNrNu.wc�c.,rres usda. go- wMpr& T) supporticilrnate hke4Aandsrticf37M3.txt3 Sander Creek Gauge F 1. 1211IM111 411011N1 81M 4 Mill, Mi1r, Date i 5 4 i; 2 1 0 Rain Data: Station DURH (hit p'1An v. nc- chmate .rocsu.edWsenrlceslrequest_php) Sandy Creek Gauge D 5 0 5/6 13 8/14113 11122%13 12/1 /10/14 9/18/14 1 kill, W -10 - in, 12 inches Below h r A� I Soil Surface .� - Growing Season 2 �s —0 7 —4 1 — Date J Sandy Creek Gauge E 10 - - 1 _- - / 1 7/5/1 9/311 11/ �/l 1/1/14 -10 - -30 - W 12 inches Below Soil surface 3/2/14 5/141 Grooving Season Date 5 6/30/14 8129114 1(}/28/144 -rr � II II 3 2 1 _1 11i �rt - Ey. W IN KAI v Sandy Crash Gauge F Date 5 0 2 1 Ic Sandy ree Gauge 1( 12 inches Below Soil Surface i�l�ll■ ���I ,IJ��Im14�61iP11��II611�IM1I.I�� f, �1I1 • -1V WJ�L���I- I�1V��I��17 I 1 YY! v �I�IR�'1l' M �~ YYYYYI Ing, Growing Y � d Season 2 -30 - -, �II' I��I�II�' �I Date i�l�ll■ ���I ,IJ��Im14�61iP11��II611�IM1I.I�� Crw!jng 9aasorr March 24 io I+"mber 1 (222 days) Fain Data: Station DURH g ppWkIimE telimu ndsind37bm vt) (h Up fl- vd"!—. nl�- dima to. rinsu.Odulscrwrceskm4ja :skpnp) ;3�tlp: v!nrw �nrvo.nros.us a. oar pry 1su Sandy Creek Wetland Reference Gauge 10 5 111 10 51110 W29110 Ci 4. -96+11 8124111 1 Ot-12 B11 19/17 1211 5,1 , � 3113113 12+'11 8014 i' s -20 12 inches Belrna° 'Sa11 Surlaaa . Grearing 5e�5rSn � k -0 1 -40 -:50 I IL 1-11 L' Date Crw!jng 9aasorr March 24 io I+"mber 1 (222 days) Fain Data: Station DURH g ppWkIimE telimu ndsind37bm vt) (h Up fl- vd"!—. nl�- dima to. rinsu.Odulscrwrceskm4ja :skpnp) ;3�tlp: v!nrw �nrvo.nros.us a. oar pry 1su Table 8. Wetland Criteria Attainment Chart (2010 -2014) Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 39 Closeout Report —January 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Gauge # Max # Consecutive Days %Growing Season actual days monitored Max # Consecutive Days %Growing Season actual days monitored Max # Consecutive Days %Growing Season actual days monitored Max # Consecutive Days %Growing Season actual days monitored Max # Consecutive Days %Growing Season actual days monitored Reference Gauge 6 3% 139 29 13% 222 16 7% 222 33 15% 222 43 19% 222 A 31 14% 129 62 28% 222 58 26% 203 125 56% 222 71 32% 222 B 21 9% 36 16% 222 33 15 % 167 96 43% 204 43 19% 196 C 7 3% 140 38 17% 222 20 9 % 222 124 56% 222 51 23% 222 D — — — — — — 22 10% 161 43 19% 146 E — — — — — — 25 11% 161 48 22% 222 F — — — — — — 15 7% 161 32 14% 222 G --- — — — ^- — 9 4% 161 30 14% 222 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 39 Closeout Report —January 2015 Sandy Creek 30 -70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall 2009 -2012 12.00 10.00 0.00 ray T 14&_ 8.00 }1 a OEM 6.00 4.00 E 0 E E 2.00 0.00 ray T 14&_ CL z Tcon r ro "0 E 0 CL z Tcon r "0 E 0 E E V) V, 70 % . 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Appendix F 2014 Wetland Delineations Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 41 Closeout Report January 2015 The C a tena G roup, Inc 410-B Millstone Delve Hillsborough, NC 27278 919,732,1300 SOIL EVALUATION FORM CatenaJoh, County; Date: Sheet. I of—L Eva I matud by: -j -C d 'n Structure f CiDnShitCnCel MaWK mvfffe colors F ?r 0. Texture Mineralogy color (Quunto, 5ize, Contrast, Color) /C L , � V "A I w 6kl r- E sf� -5 P 1 S, 2yk 5-4 Z. J� 1) �o �fz - 5-,1,?4 )07�? Eva I matud by: -j -C d 'n WETLAND DETSUMNAMN DATA FORM - Ea tem Mountaairlrs and P'iedmnt Region jU C'7' W iYaetCarrt �, r.� .jt 'a>f7 •,• Samgln� rj ®Ue. lil '1" Jir max= APP1=r *r: Q L f 6 e� & Lan ni lna pe,4rRe4r,e1�: ± _ � Lam nehd ( . +matek ,„_r Az &n:,m an (LRR o- WaPA1' 3 it 9' 7!22 7S 8 f FJN1 WW Ule, kamr:. _I r +yy� +r7 NJIA rtGdk n: `— J .Arc c5rvtic! hypr�lpp dXdr ans the sdfe °p C'dpc 'tee, r arr '� yes ? •'` 7'a iv pm. �� Fl Rmmaaks.,e I y Are v'e�erafim i'F Sui! -° .tit liyv}b Dw r4+ stq-m vy vo+' 3 d Ars �*xtr*n fGYSLr'i�ti l Rrese Yms � Nq Are 4'egvl61ion._r'�.1�aii �'� or A' ,astr-aiwP'= *`ry'w^r�'�x f•r. - ee�d.. op;5n ®rrr a+"'S&@rS +" Rrnr3+k6. i S[ MPAA,RY OF FINDIN05 - aAttach alga nsl p 1.h *wing trampling, POW 1011mDOPIi, tfatir&ICIB, impunant fma#um3, etc. I"} 'Cr�+"�M1'Ifc'�eptini'+t�±ess�14 trp "t 'Fh • I'}tirr_ -Sok �.ns? Yom_ � 'M1ip VAdand Piydrd all PraaerrT' Ym� sw,y Rernam, N"tiri]RQL��pY Is mM N Au rVfttbrm" V '. em .—Amcillid SuMsca YNv LAi) „ Thm Ammoe.ftrom "I _ High vAWTabi►4A2i _',rFlr "a SA00OW(ciy SPlurPlim 1A31 Y" 0401i1d ftftvi!00 1. Ltanp l'9GC6 P=37 _ faglmerrlD"ma(92) ,#IMt%0- n%KyCWmT*vd8Oii{Cg A"meWONP Mmpiami in mumpkia _ whir rWOm ti11r us Amw imoom is 71 -VW""-mW" 4W'" 41W _ AcVjMeFmumj91j) muftlat 6W Qum 411 ftritr V.R.IKW %. 9 tm ,�rCL LIIS) TFiiT4 (�Itf?f] Orpftow ~ TAW#4C3i L`revish Mnom (cot Mar+sn+u+�wlrnegroryr4cll !ftf&d or 5W %W PWla (I)7 f _ Ong mrPme Pawaati (nzi $14u14xe� Agwe4rd 1U31 _ MKravopoprrlH�cRN1al �l?+9 SLO" h+I10"' Rr1mml Y4" _ felt : Crpp+ .;..cras) Vh"r TOM PliPpflCf Y" we t/ Dwift k+�xs1 9rWrr111" PMWV Yta: WO mo ti mall' 1 ' a?"Prmme Y" r1u US AMY GiM! ;at Emsbarn WimrtamandPrpo'ma ;- Vf,,3ipn7 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 43 Closeout Report — January 2015 VEGEiATM (Fou r Strata) — Uss WersiHk nay -P piants, _^ Abs .Lde Cu hzrx Imicebw Tree SIPAUm [f M:WV- 2. s if . 4 h� d- 10 Al �{ Q. wl . "7 Sampling Pninl` W - S' �rJmnc� Yost worksheet NWr4ar of 4omrronL SOccet Tteal Am 484 PAM. or FRG ;a) Trxe, Hunbef ar taom"nt ,FgSJgS Ars AM Strata:: 181 Per=L or i:ern'rren[ 4OCW Thal &M 09L. FAM w FAO: I=CI l I •e 2—L rj- MuWt , by t# f�'=' = Tp1al Psecr 4BLapeoiea x t = ir5ar`••3nruh 51ratLlrrSiratrlrr: ifa[+k sesr:. ��� FRC1M spetxss av � Ya PAC W— F74 FADj sveoes %4- UaLopedea x5= y C: baWTCeale pU 19) 9 16. ry'r7 : 'n RLYI CG'laf Hytr s-.axrm {Plot sine: i. UVA 2. +�47i. 6. a. 1 tt 14. _ 12 � x � - Tnlar Cower 1W'aaer yft 5aetwn (Ptatam: 3. Preraletrar Index ° EVA HVdraFhykle YwgaIMWm tnLLlearws: 1- R2put `rw iar q dmp*c Vegetation 2- Domirdnoo Tact ie aW% S - Prayalunam ILLS !n.a` _ 4, Morphologd ArU0Ub"' il'rovWeaarpparling dM it FiamerV4 or ran a rparrte sheelf _ Pmt�larnadc Ky&uphyIEVegelaJo.i' {Explain} IdffjC=r9 ofhYtlMsai lOrd'rr+[Ur4hlr'"%ynxW bB pPeea p[. unless dlelar4a+d 9r pmhlcmahr_. Tm* -VOMa plorAe.axrLdng vines. 3m 47.6 crni or nnRre ndlYnnetor atbmaa3 height IDBIU, ragatdlaaaml Inaglrf_ SapinVUndi - VAK4y its, vfravanq —. 4— Umn 3 it L7W ON g iMar pram ar equal In 3291 It 0 Mi to Harp -AN heebamue (nuwwedy) planM rsgartllass 4TeiQ.B. en4 wool pUnts am. Tun 329 It ".aL Vkculy mbw - ALI woody wins greater Lhan 3.28 n. in S. liYdrophy cic - ypgctail,an a T1pkaY Cow Rbr sft. CmaLrL praW nar©ers here n" wI a WafeLei V;Rt 1 _ Yee H+5 U5 Army Corps, at Erq�rs EsVmm Moreaina and PWrrarrl - Version, 2.i1 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 44 Closeout Report — January 2015 US AfMy Corps w=_ayinm15 Ez_.z+n Vourrarn and PieMprg- Yemion2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 45 Closeout Report — January 2015 t✓t`- r sorL 3erhGingPon, ,�aSCrlpitan: j1!k- cube tb tM a; j;1h 1$ d)OC�. VFF 4W Vim. � abUNKA Of ifwk14o*s.l GiLr - he sb7 Cgm {a[nx r' Tt�lael R�m�- 7 oorc "Mfidh. E� ?4?'1141•.. fii kbb' . i@S�kl dra €s?7 tC * _ M- -%%hu, 0 Nyls"j: $all lnd1L&1,n s' "W*bbfthw PtOb*PHOHV 1<I"M $ofk HkVawi1AI: Dam&.rUm 51) _ 2CMMUCItLA10) SlAlM14TI L Hu cEp;edm IFtii; ft',jk P h* (11 1 i9,iJrE} _ Ca4K PMII- M11dca Al 61 i_Mock Hi9C l) r ?hr ;Wk 5.112.1 IMPft94niiT,'44E] 1110.11A 147-1 "1 }Iydrhptm GL Ade 1W LCR-IY L ift — 9JG,,jC18.r r,gl%IFTOJ Stfullfrtd La"rS(AS) {ILll'+t 1711, f+TF 2 en, Much L4171 nM N1 _ [ _ VOYS OtrIk Surd ITF'121 C�nkltWO f Jqw GVN1r Surlaelr �(A11J m, iirlAll4�R'YeCM OM _ L1d*M �E7+F+� rl Rxlmm�l 1 TIIG71 �Mk $ WTOCd S1e12i � 1 �l♦>4 B�} _i S+"1tlY mvoy i mmil III I JL PO K _ wo-ms wmw {Fill (M K I FkA 147,14;11 wdvGINYW (SP wUkA 11") _ Lka1bkswillIIf+ IPPO MISLIX111 'kti¢lprlt °RhYtlTOpRryIFa+ wllanan 'sovy P1 XWM Phoofto SM (F1 11% PLPtt'9447 1rttlRl'rd 4y rmIli WINGWrk _ _ nlpwd 9lby _ Fmilr paws w p7i1O.RA10.1 1✓1 d+dTrROieo-rC+eEea + nR4c W O"Orefo1 Tm•: DWh 1n:hnl; f1�nleAl rrurrR7 Yih No US AfMy Corps w=_ayinm15 Ez_.z+n Vourrarn and PieMprg- Yemion2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 45 Closeout Report — January 2015 WETLAND DETERWRATION EIkiA FORM - Eastern NRa#ntailas and Piedmont Region 9P b �� �1l! 4p+,canlP WrK;r Alf- � � " -oint N1s,eeligadonasl._ c. sr,/r ard'wmnNIBI De.w.arr.e4=):F _ <r!" e.- Ovw'e5crtMet&,-cnr,or �l ,%hrepim {LArt- mrall,aAp i. 14:f 1 . La: 1{, 171 L - ,m $ �l76'3 Sol WpUnilNarre':�ca g- kP, +.1tlee liar: --_ ✓' Aro- clknHd G r hgQay%pq iC iMd6orrs vn i're srac >yara1 fo�rjms : ffi y Yaa t+b ..l� ;� n . explatn Ir savrWrkc 1 %ae'JC ehPibn / Su'I 4rl-t4.OiM /° 'p%m d -1 Am VAN" alr9�mwcw Ureaff'O Yas ND " vepriwon Al � Vnilverml +r retCvG cdolair airy anvowili. In F#gmmU I SUMMARY OF FINDIINGS - ARalCh SHM iriap shvarirignar pHrigl pnini kni ions, Wnsects. importantfimWres, etc. HydmpnyVG V egalatel PraOK0 'Yeti _ So !s ana Saar�ye ,tiros H}dnc :,al Prp�w? yet — sac / -t5N Vh1ta-,di Y" 'AV,LLand Hydrolayy Prffllgrnl yea 11 *. KYDROLOOY Iceland ndlaadplit DLA1 fV 4-A r W r» rearsad �r� rl - _ whoa Sw GrrrmjW Suftca'Aww (Al } _ TOA C Pwa (bid) Spwwy Swigaiii "l � High' L"1w7kWARl �"PHf51b1i3a111111111100 (G11 GM'rMeplourlalb10) _ SaluraGen {A7f _ CxMiand Rrtraaprwrad an Wn? I+baaaa p=) ,. FAart Trim L^a i;8t8j m'1'*WMnha(21) _ lhai ar PACOM nn 101.) Dry'Snffw WNW rib*JG2j ® Sa9lrr+Vrrl DIPMO I= — 40110017t F9r+ANKVtirae, � Tftd #ioia {C56a ,e OFINY111111h "#W* **S (Ua ,^n3; a1111110 TMn 11111luc1 SWilliE4 im SalrrAn VWI4 On Aerial ImaWy (M? AVal Motor C,rW (IM) � oew ce 0,111 M l~an>'a,es1. 'dk6trW *r $naaw Nnbk SDl _ Pon 1)* Aalfi i59'+ _ C4am4+A+ cRobn n (1321 Ln- noolmn V6M an Aanal Irr*Wv (e31 a Srirlew Nq.Xrar+j (00j _ 14aeaf•SWaid ia�rF i92} � �?IUL@>afafdrr�a7,Maf (Q�a1 ._ Aqw= Fill" M131 FA:;- wrvlral TOO (tdo ■kaid tlEarratel arr� _ -- SunA?cvLamrP -r*mt? era— Nom Do$- f+t,,k0.1' '.stellar Table F'reae 7 Yea No 09901 f 1*1114 smaralion r+eaenl7 Yea, N � Dailift "W krnudea tai hs Mi L senlx Porrla+nah L1elz. sheen gaJ•,�e mcw US Amy Ccrps c! Fig wppr% Ezs M3urtzi and Pirdmor"3- Veni6ra2.D Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 46 Closeout Report — January 2015 VEGETATION (Four SUata�- Uge scientific namos of plants. Sampf®1g Podnt:.+.�< -Ybvi :fL& G*rmnard rr>¢.^=r I oamlre Jmma mwmwt T:;s lm1am 11'Ixraze rr i t Src-'nx7 Numbers DominardSpedee " trw'a' q��That Are OEM- FAr- W.drFAC: (A} Tp1al m1mtw ar bamimm Gpco Amass ALE Stara: (@} a - o Exerolrrto?[dwr!Intatfl j! � `. That An ice,., F CW, or PAC: Kl+ _ �Aq} 7 Y hwi, - rgn2i cgmi Settinpoir".jn 4Ummm 'IPtot mi , 4 �' .,y se. '2 5 8 T S 9. 10 ,� � =Tfllal dew iataI % C= 2'P.tiU, k11 }li Ul4' :1V 0EELa[&68S x1 = FAGv4T,oecJa6 A z= FACsperos x3- F5.I:�w spaces 14. UPL speaft k 5 Columr,TMBIE• (Al Preoatemm Indrx - BA - 1 - - FtapioTWior Hydrnpi -r :c VephliDn ;� �- aamrtene� T�etfa �S4 r _ 4, Morphdogx2d AdhlxWbom' (Pmvwe °...t^ pt7o1it FiQrh btrah n (Aw. %am _ y dan A —m —avast e, saperagx snl y 1_ elm, r)� 7 [,jh. -- !! PF0wr jnjc F?joraplr�ft VoptxW' Imam} . A i4e it. , ddS Indcaimm of hyari:aw arA wetiand hydrdMmual be pramrt. urdeaa aicl-wi ed at prohlemaec. #. a pnlnadnru of Fary Vegawnbae Strata. T El. fi "� �TalalCtitrt vifiezmal P9 W87 a Inald"phM ra mbeirs harm of an b sepzM!! 1.4 fumy G:i" tit Eilgi 69!6 4rm - lhtody piarrts, exclud lg viaec 3 61. IT 5 w) of rrrare it diameter stwe¢w' "9" (at31-rj, m9?"rIesx or h WI. Sapkrrgll innib-Wbc y418dta.e- svLdn'a"t.IBES UUfl3n DBH"pager -rwn or@gLuV to 3,2 &fl.t fN tal. Harp- All hvh�us (nafr"bdd'j plume. re- ^c"eU ci vze, ana woody plam leu dun 3.20 it W t 4Wt4f'vMg,- Ail woWd w- w; gnpaWttvna20ft in �' �? � LdlEli Caner FlydmPhytic VegetAon Ek06amt7 Yed NO I Eastern r fourtr5iU 80e P4ymsft - '1;e3i3n 2.3 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 47 Closeout Report — January 2015 at!) 5Qli s n5 F1 :� .& —� p,fi1B [ip5eaa.Pllon.: ( G b614 i9er' P� �ram4tliL im7 d'+mrmerttl l ame cari!iA+im Ylw4 iC9m44L.6 i+Id�GibC!Fi -] Deg', h1&1>~u: tl--7 2inahKi i11iraLLm2f I �°6— dI Lee atyPt°e !" F oft 9011 Imadwn29ft: _ F#S,{¢ WIL 0611 __ HoltleEplpardcn Imo, 15416 HNU 03) HydroW S Allp 1.OA1 _ SVit6lod Lob114(14) 2 cm kiuck W G1 CLRR MS NpIgA BWraw 04,nr SA— (AI T1 _ -Mwak Owk S1 ;A13) _ ammy war„ oky Mmamal (S1 } gLPm N, NLLRIk 142.14!) _ 9r1.�w"Warini�l Mafia' {6+1) Bardy no" (9a) SbVDed 1dOU (W: rypm GGPIPI Mcfwmp _ 'FT11 G 1 147.144H GrLpad 11fa3W1 �s�F EwWp4114 Uwbc >} _ p4p6mf11F — ROIRN a.aw. w** 04" _ xpwl- ttmp>R ku mmm (F IZ {r ltlt K lR.*A 16" _ 1 .M�ese;$m�L141+dF'4'iUrwl�Lw1�' _ Podmom R1r}dAC m soft 011) (MLOA 14ft V$ M" cd SnWIMS 4 CM, WkpGk LAI3,[ 1411 COW PWW RocoK LAII) pt -M j47, 14143 � 5t KVl3@CFPI4h' �.ie'! ?F7 �) MLRA17L, 1471 5r430w Dark Surhabe iTIP12) Od ww JEXPIW W1 Rmm ) bmMOaan of hyeop"k +f6+litlCn u+b 1 rr�ali hr pmsrtiL WmAaa dsLww at mce*amm Fk1 dMme 101! Fw** 1 Y90 err Nimmons and F194mom - VePWOn 4.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 48 Closeout Report — January 2015 V&FTLAND DETER KAMN DATA F — E23ftM VW11tWffi ane €ne =nt Reg on PrRecvste' ,�::ei,�t1+v rr• 4r r - f �a`.t1.6,...11 '.,i•r... s �9Clang r %. •r"5+` Andimnl,Cner :' f foam r, — 1-7,rr]rmm (hlis ope. tarsi: Wj, I!' �L. '4L4- ry (CV40" + w-nwwy � ryf e+�. j,Gr age)' �y ,SuD"On Grid LT r -RA I. �' 7` `� L/ 9 7 i 4r _ LcFV ff / C7 0,.: fV A0) i9- 3ail K1Pp Urrk Nof-.B / I J fr'y a f-jAw S Im dadeifKabon Am nmaii_ J tvrmloec rrn9nnm m th2 xjiq typ" Virus vd @ RA Itr rA. eapran ^ Ram a.? sofa w"Is uri._ 11- Sm I . ar mrnlopy _ "r' €rr are+e�a Are'r:� i Cra.r:rmrmm' Pr rril V� rya Are a'esY -10bW„ j,_, Soil r1f . �r 1'r�'r,Im7x �. ' eR.arah P,1 f - --Aed. errs Anare+6 M Reg whfl.j SUMMARY of rlN t9NGS Atmch site reap sho wtnq Si-Wnp ft pahrt. IGG13 soee. transects, irrrptxtant fsattrr". -alt. Hyd,aphytic VvWPtl4n Prewrtr y9s No Is " SNOW Arft Hyamt Sall Prgpwrp y" I'W -itwwavimawn yes Ma HYDROLOGY &map*aMem 1E9� Co ii ma Par% (Ital -L/NwTNn4MoIb1f) _ orrn$saw Yottarr Tave (G2r cMvFArr b "Mv 006) ft me ar 3wom PMM (01 [ Shalt" mesrtard rWI _ Ilirrr,tapggrep►it p4tlwri�? F+4v►err�>� T+1+R (D7w surtame vmer PrewrO vc* No — Dwr {'ir r"? "s"PmrrlKm PM w(v V64 , No avpd+ [-q —? � � a+�N+.+Ya i►t+ 'ra.s.w,rr 7e�e � hio Imrjum3�znikaryhatiai - — RE alefu I}5 Arm CcLT4 at Ergrwem caerern atawrow W* - Version 20 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 49 Closeout Report — January 2015 _ Sirtwmirar;kii =Tx* Amok P,"{b" V'High WmivTa9lr 0114y = t p Oft&A*%!ow (VI .fl. 04) = cAand (b+iIDNO arra iY'y'I M V Rob Nalor llfrku (bi } _ Rre co i 11 SShcmPrrl DPkaelb [b6e 1 W 'ileMj sw P" 00, 'M wj ! TPM eayp 544" PM Akpal VIV of CrUP MA a 09W IRMA ea rlarPlrllrlN _ rmn Degmaih LWF X;mralNlm VG*W cm Y4"[^rrwv (blrl ' Wq ha+a%mw Le wft MIP - AQu-c Fra -P s01 Si &map*aMem 1E9� Co ii ma Par% (Ital -L/NwTNn4MoIb1f) _ orrn$saw Yottarr Tave (G2r cMvFArr b "Mv 006) ft me ar 3wom PMM (01 [ Shalt" mesrtard rWI _ Ilirrr,tapggrep►it p4tlwri�? F+4v►err�>� T+1+R (D7w surtame vmer PrewrO vc* No — Dwr {'ir r"? "s"PmrrlKm PM w(v V64 , No avpd+ [-q —? � � a+�N+.+Ya i►t+ 'ra.s.w,rr 7e�e � hio Imrjum3�znikaryhatiai - — RE alefu I}5 Arm CcLT4 at Ergrwem caerern atawrow W* - Version 20 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 49 Closeout Report — January 2015 70rA rr N I",o Nr �+ Tautawr� OR spu4ss x I Sarr1A1�5hrr;:G SlrztLm FPW srrt: i 1. 2 _ 3 5. 7 0. - 14. t-Rrh Stmrm f.Platsar- Y 2. S Fkcwspeam i X2- FAC ape X3= F'ACUsp&c" xa= Cduma Talald: CAS { ®Y F'nFti9VWgCE IndQX = ®fA = :` Ny�iropfry�iG Vegrtb4an lnsfi�rs= _L1 - Rsod Texl rcr I- rri oMyrift VeOmbon tr �- �7orinarrr_ 7¢v ms �5�'-0f _ 5 - P. I rdex is S3.131 Taf Graver 4 -lularphea�i€ar AAapr�iana' {Pra4ide auPpordr+� af OWa In Arrawks Pr an a wpacatc - -rgst) _ acottemabc I- trd�piryW Vrgetaiian' IF�Iasr� Indcasars crrr hy4rlc sol end woUnc lryrlrci*Z must Ga Mwrr, masers mrW or prats'krrraar4 6 _ Traw- wocdy Flar". exclrrdmg vines. 3 n. f75 cmj or r YEGEFATMN (Four Svm) - L14�c gcfie na— of p7atnis. Sampiing Potnt 4IC-- ;I- he9tl. Abt&Ae Eler elarm Irdreahtx Ov*nanesTWwarUNW., Tee 4taadm ;Plot ON: 10 5mciar, 51a Nvntr rcd Ommrrant Spec 7 4i-r, fvL,L4� If7.arr I rr DSH and greater Char. or equal In '1128 T. I1 ThNNai3@L,FAGINerrFAG. IA) z L r SJ.y e Tmha! Number of �ortrrirta rtt Herb -All felliaceous (jiv�woo#7) Prints, ra$r Mess 3. _ Species Aon;iSS All Shatce- rPJ 4. = n)I.W Ci4'f6r Penxrtl of Llcrrwrant cie6 � k ye pop vOw -All woWyw z greats rm 126 ft in 5. � TLW Are OEL FACW. m FAG: _ [NO) 6. a _ Pnirmimrrnee Inam warkalimt 7. 70rA rr N I",o Nr �+ Tautawr� OR spu4ss x I Sarr1A1�5hrr;:G SlrztLm FPW srrt: i 1. 2 _ 3 5. 7 0. - 14. t-Rrh Stmrm f.Platsar- Y 2. S Fkcwspeam i X2- FAC ape X3= F'ACUsp&c" xa= Cduma Talald: CAS { ®Y F'nFti9VWgCE IndQX = ®fA = :` Ny�iropfry�iG Vegrtb4an lnsfi�rs= _L1 - Rsod Texl rcr I- rri oMyrift VeOmbon tr �- �7orinarrr_ 7¢v ms �5�'-0f _ 5 - P. I rdex is S3.131 Taf Graver 4 -lularphea�i€ar AAapr�iana' {Pra4ide auPpordr+� af OWa In Arrawks Pr an a wpacatc - -rgst) _ acottemabc I- trd�piryW Vrgetaiian' IF�Iasr� Indcasars crrr hy4rlc sol end woUnc lryrlrci*Z must Ga Mwrr, masers mrW or prats'krrraar4 6 _ Traw- wocdy Flar". exclrrdmg vines. 3 n. f75 cmj or 7 rn m n aiannelar alr t]n� V. her.gtx fOGHI. ragwmess cf . he9tl. Q 9. 9ap&ngf9hrub - xrtyaiy pl.7nti.,, o?rG Ong ureL. lir4 If7.arr I rr DSH and greater Char. or equal In '1128 T. I1 10 ml 131. 11, Herb -All felliaceous (jiv�woo#7) Prints, ra$r Mess of size. and woody pluft la#5 tl rwr 3.25 A UP = n)I.W Ci4'f6r 4f,tndv triad Slraw.m {Pry: 02W k ye pop vOw -All woWyw z greats rm 126 ft in i a a _ _ T�— v�gelaeion me = t'alal 03k�mr flnMde;phot4 numbers het ar ar z mraratie SheeS„ Uyt 10 If ( rfv= s USAftW G WarEr9neem Easiuri N6,if armaM rn4rt- 'ara°snn 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 50 Closeout Report — January 2015 SOIL :I PmFilebesciwtion. 7,6r5�. to d90 mmdW ladarAmesdUresdaatarwo Am The 1ddi0P Depei MONO Tor my ._ sift-ON Poirc .W (r' T'!m: Gyt}nncsnt~. -- dwt11es1aa� dar#�aOFeteM1� Legdrinsatas� ftmiS &all hndlaadm: H,1 4ATj aae1t'SW%N (54 — 2 crn Wuwt {1 O) INL RA 147) HtV a Epp eon i I p U11a■' Si+ww ON JOLItA 1iT_ tal _ CoW A'arrm Radon WO _ Slork P146C [A]7 Thh [gin+Sw [SO^ MLKA,147, 141 O&M 147.14!) Hydrogen ruffda (A4.1 . _ tem ry U+W)td Kk t tnI — PWK& lath rhagwtw $cell SF 1% 67VOW 0yasa IA5} 00m 134.147) 7 OM M dk ,A IM 10M W _ Rweo am &%w 7 — vtoy w1aw Dwk axim (ISiz � �. €1ePww B**w G'ar% 501ww JAI 1 i 15", 0im suiaoa rR-e 1 — 06W W-WwRt hk R111e ft) _ Thtd bark $r: ftW LA1 fj 1E9i1R _ saner mucky HRnard 011 tLM K , wt" WhWw 0 i23 &M r4 U LRA 10.141) MLAA JU) Hoar 0"" yr ;lla} upeft S A)ba S, t3 4v4k s v[ hyawhoc 1pt"m lmd _ sandy Rodae {Bit; .-_- rizoopw Soft ¢10) rELRA I'M waq" N-dfg rural be AMA _ ahtw Mau tot k0C Pann Ll1L Flail VRJtA 127. 1 +7t vnmm. alsowbed sr. wobilraft Tp". GISpIR irerntw7, US AM y Carps 3r Efg'rageer mf&W&wvrmwp Yam N. E$1W. n Lcumtsrs a>"G P*x dr }40[ - versbn i.uu Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 51 Closeout Report — January 2015 WE-FLIAMr) DEETERWRATION DATA FORM - Eastern �4 ounWing and Piedmont 4ar1 Prole 0AtbF �r S+ 1Sa lam" a i F. ` r ir.� .r,k 9,1 Z SwnpfinuDaw I d9 Apcdcartoww F � Vie-- 5wipling Point InaP5ri98Y.arSs,: tY - J. f g, K*Kn<.- C -Mhap. Lardlcrm (WIWOpe. KT am. �yg Lord: 4e nm?-, d&ry r 1- '-`' C �.+-�- $Ip�p. r75i L.. Sutrepmn IL?2♦ w ML;): _ R+' �'` Lit- :. }-;i' ats Ong + y ins ✓ �r ; "J W Map Unh Nam* 2 A NW d,$Z&EWW. —. T Am a"one?hyd -cfoya m, j,"Um4n em sih: 4 axtr*&' `s+fyrrs' NY# T+kr_ dlf re4- &> ii7 M nvaF�.1 Are'dcgel!r�n -.5til '' dwasimp hka A(F krftela- Prnre. . Sictil ' S*r•*aa64. 4vkw argr a -sxwrs n PAmwKs SUMMARY CIE FINON (M - AtUch ske —p showing ataQxlohV pgiM kKat ngr tmnzeM� rmpodant features: etc I'arrAa7p?101t vewallna* s Onig. YmL 1 _ up - .. V409 H),draa4LY Pr nr? vaa NO 7a 7aYk 3t Yep i1a K7lalka: - K" DRO"M2 f ,I31Y.YLLILya d'ffi.i drr.aerFA i $Who 60 GICM l) _ Surt/l:a Va1tMr TA11 Tna AGM19 Pear" gPrls+ly VmqmmW CrA;a/+rb&nruoe (8a) � M 19b ft /r Tobla (6z "F2055► SWAM odgr PC 1) , ttlaYnpr ftuwmn I j _ 9anlrauod 04) _ 0 h®1 lid MONO* am Ufti Pmft tCR _ Um Tafaea LMa m jBi do vvmur m5 ft [%I } _ Plrrtrosotpwov l4 welt _ 074UMW WIW TOW OM _ 8adenrrk DiftMila iB21 I CON mm H TW Nk PW � Dwfkh ®vans 4C&d Dmfl Depcon (83) _ aasn 24 ten 'Jarew++ %F*bw an ✓A"1rlW4" i ) _ Alpi Moor Chat I&) � 01w fEcam a9 Ate»} _ SWO for 3lrvmcd PW6IDti Iron DKN: 4 (96) rWmjur0w -Pn*Wn (DSZI _ Imfdsbere VMAi* On ADAII rm erg "[f,'! _ Dhow Agygard (CM V'ial�r^9ia1M.! laarwa lkAi �. R4Yr4P Area! il]a# AVAK Fauaa(9r&) FAC400al'raer(py4 OUVh *'Vviwherr P,C�nl'y Ysa— ft— Qwih ajar} YYaW Tal}gl Ptmerr? Yea _ w owth "We U5Army u9n orEjVMeess MI/eIrr1'" Fra�*rw. Y40 No r 35bpn^ %4VJ Hae rs ao& PAdmgn r - lfiar&oar a 0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 52 Closeout Report — January 2015 Sico TAL�� Im JPIQL*26 Total Ca, low V. , .,t , 0.— 149 1 V PFWMIMnCM InLdM WMdMhGet7 Towl PAIAbrily L)? VEGMTM {Four Strata) –Use sciantific 0 arnn of plants- Sampling Paint. L+ ' — VAG 3p8c" Anwilile Daminaffl lmmljr DomimanoTm4warlulibmt x4= IkEtM21E 2' 11==" V kenbor 0 birn6prt Sped� Tr,Pl Arq Cal-, FA," W. or FAC: CA] I- Total Nurntef of Domineri; ICA Spedee Acra&b A' 5rwv Porpanted Lumn2re Spadm F. Thar Are PA00j. or FAC WEI) Sico TAL�� Im JPIQL*26 Total Ca, low V. , .,t , 0.— 149 1 V PFWMIMnCM InLdM WMdMhGet7 Towl PAIAbrily %2- VAG 3p8c" x3m GPODIN x4= �ACU PL Ipmaimi Pr#wq14rLW IridaK = PJA = it — — — Hydropirrydr. VagnittAiDn Ind1cmrs: 7 1 , Rapid Ter.;4 for hydrupi-rpliu VegeLa•m —L,7= Owvwca Tact i!i -511% B. 3 - Frivdwance Iwax m n.6' 10. 4, Marphuirgim* AdtPhktions' Pnwide aruuxftr* ,:'r 'v, pkfl sine: . j 3 5 den In RewwNs or Dr% -P up2nIc shop I i - ".j RW*m.pUa HyWoptryij Vcpatz&n' IEVajr-) T. 0- Wvu*� 'Om Straw� OW sze; 2", I – –) . , " �, . J 1. 4, !, 2. 3. 4 Yf Ky sh"r) L LFS Anrrjf Cbma of EVneiers ' lridicmra Lfr P9deic W wx! wMP4 try I PwcqV mils' t)q prq3aq. ordqTA Uft rted cr pr Namadic rnom In diumew it tifft&l k4shl (DOHI. fIxAnse" a haighl. less thor 3 n b§H and gmalar Ift2n or equal %a 1_28 fl it in: I= Herb –Ail h!FbaomA {ncft-wW piers. WPPwA or mim. am W" Plach IB% Thera j'25tl IHjI WU,419 V" –All WCOAY WhW 9TQaW Ortan 3-28 & ri Hydropliotr, frevoLnt? Y22 WD I&VIMM Mwrploir�i AM Plaolmord: – worn 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 53 Closeout Report — January 2015 JS Army Corps 0 Ggu—m J Eno. mftdak+s and pie, -Um - ve sior. 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 54 Closeout Report — January 2015 VI SOIL Sar�PY�PO4q' + �.t•t FxMie nplivn: ivas.cnrhe 1� d dalaVr 41,h d on, 2 -1 or r>4dvm me a.65afts _I _ I _ Wmr ;rm. .. � '. �` —. — S*W TZ&O — Rcr!rarts C Cdn{�rYlrglna, [}a3]dpll n. giM ! 1.i�Srar iMSvW# d+C asB-' � # r PL.�Gra L rtr*3 AR+y1"' Myaric 1ndicawre; H41aonl [A1 } a Daft Su'� [INT) aet+yM ewe; _ 2 c+n Muck 01 QI O%PA 1�l _ HIM lQ) Pwrftosimm Sw�1�ApILRAsa7.1�#p �_ � Gor&#F+rar�ieR�7aar{ 464 r B�iok Nlyd c R+4'1 Trtin V&* q$l� I� 1#i. UO 116RA 147, 4421 I _ Hylko 411 WNW I+M a isw+q awrw wpm 0:23 — P r1A Fr 9�rr IF 141 d _ EV112W LOYOM AN T i A T31 ROM DNA (KRM 4. 147) {MILR�1 X36, + <Tj V*y Sh4rjaw Cu&k SMOVA jr M 2 ern M4M 1000} I L M A} utpw Fd Mars Om 6~ W } _ . , D1plad owl Buell" _. = Q4yr �> olam m RKmi,� j _ 17+O Om SvrffmW21 _ %o=Dww"-4" _ 81A�rgivllaeJl} i6�1CLitl X +6(fmF1pR11L WLRA far, 711 } WAY OkYO ywft LUI ._ UNOC&Arbo tF +7j Px" im 12m Mdredha+t dr rrydrephgi+7++5+1a'L- G-d StrlocedMnm {6+71 _ la�nru.w�ri�x +F1�1� •ATM I dYi#OICarR+�hNm�hc JS Army Corps 0 Ggu—m J Eno. mftdak+s and pie, -Um - ve sior. 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 54 Closeout Report — January 2015 WETILAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMA — Earitern Mountalris and F"WiEMcflf Region L--'E7' Rrojedlfsie: Cn s^l - Se^npW14Dow. SxrEe SamRoi^3 RGkrt Landf rr+n Mill• lam. e9e j: t ai ra l ooh rsirf (osrrcQe carrtx, ). Svl;rNian 4LRRor LiRA): BBilMap Unhc04r e: + lVh4t lye' Are C HUD I hyerela@ie bNvWxWw sn $ra of bWcW far ems trite e6year7 Yes ' MLrr ;a errs. exefsun Remstt s Ari!'.pgalaW !' soil DtHYdr6kafn T� B�Trtee= Jlaa9ucrr ei r ear c�xzsn ^.r} �a ° !*a Aie- VegelekKi .:sa elvair' env moswer3 ri Rerra+ SUMMARY OF FNDING$— ,A#eleh site !reap showing sampfing point kminuorls, tra -cots, ompomalnt features, etc. HYd YO+ Vpg IWDn. Prosrrrt7 Yes Fiy drr6 s Pnfs+ery Ysa *q 1$ We dare? Y.. Na VW&drrdF4 *19gyrPrMnil? Yss No i �,jrr� t�i,,,�f l� ■ �Gy .r r ,/ �, #t� fJt ►1 . � � •i {� ff -� .. . -7. L HYDRM OGY Voobww my" Do , .kn jo i jy� dfjnros r tsaatred: drams ■tl llul SMM Sufted Sol Ctec#t7 1E*) _ a what wow Al) Into AorrlfePlomOTa} Sporn" vapeaiedO©nesws6UAMON) _ Fwpb Mier Tst W QI Z _/=p.rri" I' alrnis ;lr9i 0 aiwiveilo" vji Oxdiwd FIM&Nv ww on L" IC4) r� Mara TOM LI-n 58+dlt _ Minor AlARI (al I � f�ralerrlloflt illurill 4NiftyICA, wvof TAW 1C2) _ Bee In n Dowifix ;82) Furxra llr+r F mhftw n Teed Sets (4) _ Crw#fth Burrom [CO) _ I '+ft ) Tt- MOO WF M7) SoNrobw V WO on Asnsl Imagery (Ce) "01 Motor Crum (EW) 05w ( o-- PAmerozi _ stmwd or SdpNd Rlsnta (Dr) _ Iron (W Q"MWPW P9ww P2} — )PundldrgnV"leco Aerial Oniopy(Q7p _ SAiGOwAeulElhi {�) wri-O. gee LAMM } M o-t o4 +ie �iswf i 7 — A4u0t FaurlE(Df!) FAC- *WWT40 iaSl th'eleiTobWPremrr7 Yom Dive (r+Gi+st SIMWEDdn pronarrt') Yes 'ND Dom ( K � Mlslh++d1 MYi� G+g4y Ya No [all*d s cv"bry lrincol otsrl'ftRe —*O DM i - 1pV6.ffi-V" vPK aattlriBldg},INtIN Avrw 'rasrra7•rrINal`sdts US An fiarrS 0 rng.netim hllMagskit 2rrd Piedndni - Versiei 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 55 Closeout Report January 2015 L,f C7 VEGETATION �FourShvWl-Ulobaniantific names of plailm- Samplirig Pairrt;-W-L� —6 A=otrLE uemnsm incinawr wgnmnan� lc�� "Wa,Dr Tree 5tM= MW size: saw-IW $4w$ NwrberofDomin3nt8q*G*s 1 ITNt Are COL, FACK or FAG- 2— OrDUI Nufter 0 Dpxnirar., Gi 3. d 30..A,� P.. A]l Strata: a. 7. a. $aplmcp'SgrLg Siratun! tiPlol: size I 3. 5. g. 61-1 FAc 770 -71-1-- 7 �F� - Y 4 3. s. 7 —r-- —rriinan, ,� That Art 7B-1, FACW, or FAC. j Tot& % Gfhvr a muhny4y by: QRL!FpecL-& _ x I = FACW swj@sL X2. FAC!spebta i Ka. Y:ACU species x4= UPI specips X5. Calkifirin Totals: 4W — (111 Prevalence Inclu =aA= I- Rapid Tact. fw 2+Arpphp= Vogwr4ign 2- Domir,@Nxi Test r5 X50% FrL'Alemm Imse, it 93.v dads, *1 Remarks or en a segiso-alBalneetl ProNernatic tt)drrphyliVLgetaMn'(!EKpiain) H.-.:c.V1Dr$;9f hydrir-v.Aamd wL-112n3 hydrulDgy mud t a feserA, urgese dWhADW or problernsiM. Tree - Woody plants, 43xdkAirV vines, 3.n. (7.6 arnj or rriore ir diameter at breast height (DBH). regardless of Night 9. SaphrxjMlwub - I%ody plwTl!p, q*audiN wwRQ& leas Mom 3 In DEN and greater Map or equal to 328 R (1 1 Q- lal 1Z Herb -Adi WWGmus (norL-wo�) plants. ragaWlan o' ELL-. and w5ody Vsrs lei�R [ham 328 R W. Tqw GP,*, 1 O* 5r oil (FlDt size: ti WoOtty An* - A.11 ypoccly w1as greaWIhan 3.25,ft ln 2. 3. Vegetation Lr,/ 5. preswl Tea— No Taml Cow (1r,,;-uaa pNlu numbRrm lwc or ca a s2parato US Army Cams at Engineers Eastern hjourylanr;knij Nwriont - Vusim 2.D Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 56 Closeout Report — January 201 5 S GIL Slr'PiatcP' im ! ° rp}Ile lolE Caiprian: (Ckarriheto the depth nFRdWW APp q the atporcd 4'r Lndw tor�.� GeV% osSarrtx _ w Featew einc -Nes! r„pwrliibiSt /i +u opi, inmp, - r 1w, Te. ire >'}e^.,arks _ Ht90tv1 Al HMIs Epipedor. (A21 KbvN Homi;(Qr _ Hydrgan Sim"dr fA41 _ S[t i 4!d 4alrert I0) _ � rM Muth qAl M fUM N1 _ Thiek OArk Su11NCt iAfZ� Stmdy MLPdq Mlnmi (S 1) (LM tt MLRA W. 144) _ Sandy Grayed Muft fS4F Sandy Radox [S5l gvww M04rix rsai Type Gaalh 0"hc4}; uS Arrn7 Ccem eT Engineers Six [S?) P*Wfieask- sw4co cm PKPA UP. 146) " TtM CIA $urt k - MM OULPA 1;1',1&W mwk (FZ a itd 4W4 Sweat (Fi} low K0Ammm%PZjLFmK am 11Q UffibiG8wbQ (P1S) oft" 13* tm FrlrprAWFllooWa Sc&{F'1N)(ANA11I") Ford lMVA WWWW "I) Ob11A IV. W) L ;f sir is J'' f ),P e- _ 2c�, Muds (Al D1 JMLRA,147) Cow '3rw m Ro$ox A161 rw-" tot, Us? Pigdmtnt F14QNI¢n S, l,h eF i Ri fAU.PA 136,1470 V" $heft* OWN 6u+ .Ti 1 T} C hw iSb*MM► Vt Ramarba] IIrxDC wv toF[Ydf*pnv C Ml1"Wilon ON ma W nydrolm mutt bt Presdr+l. um1mm "uibtd or probRtm be Flydffc "tPmwm" 'lea p0 Ea* *m MEVmiwmard Piedm:nt- Vgmicm 2,0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 57 Closeout Report — January 2015 �„ WETLAND DE EI RMINATFQN DATA FORM - Eastern M uuntairm and Piedmont Regian Ssnmilr9 Lkate: -ILI IrrvWAajE4Kep: + S_ArLll5 t, 7 S4,;W, TCW!S}ar. - / IardFarm (hillskne. GB+race. ww ): ; Fr92 6 f 2(-�A cs`zeid',.cnnonrr ixrvgx, none): ,.1 rrG F' �Skrpe{96p. d Sutrne�larr Rfi tr AIL J: ,; +C' 1 71- - _ a o-1t ,�. t 'Is Sol, tnaC Ur# Nenie: pr at tJL Fri: r .Cry~ NWkra�eAS�Gan eCrs l Are dinubc r hrydrox*Y; gw"Miorzs Orr the sine !y "i to V.n try e4Yta!7 Ye* —2L No _ IN re axVoiri in Rwrnrki.) :una lregetetla!r rk .foil { ' . rx + a �au r r+ Tft carems? Are•'rvt Ents! L+NCmnrreresncW 7&.,Pm ? Yet Net lere UdgcLal�ter .5011 r r :hdrp7 rY LlE 9ee,�ed, exrgsin"wwmw9 in Rernmkz } SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A t r-h t t2 ntap shbrwiAg oampfing point koeatlorm trarraa mu, Important faaturn. ate, Ky+drechyiit VmgeraNan Prowro 'tee Ne v tiVeileSd F+y roklpy Ptp rr� y � IetreSeapa Aee '9r1r SOII PrC Yes No Na ; - VY&MIrd7 Ydd _ Na HYDROLOGY iortrary In6kafcfa rmmCRSIT of en! ie Ned: e7 Artamrut $ t** $all Cmcks (Wp SuA CD WSter (J.1 }, � Ttwe AAwLeC Rhle� ([L1ip swbety VION"roo carca -M swk=S qa ) _ Ifih V4"rTitle (AZ Drairer Prtltrrlk mll1 l _ Swurawn W4 — 0dit" whew ao L+wyl P404 is _ Man Trim Low (5131 _ Vfit marks (W) _ Preeenae aMsduned prm all Dry- 30460h WW Tat% tCV _ Sod Imam, 7r3 0WA hNn Fads axe n law 800 Grelrtleh Burraws {Clip _ W Dicofift (83) 1%m Mu* (C71 : Srrurs wn vmmle cei Aerrar Imagery (Ck) � A)PI I IM V. crWrtWp _ OcAvItIOWw p SLwftd m5eee ad Plents (pt) _ Iron D ooslu (W #owwpW ftsmon 102p _ Irfundoomvitt4rQn14rrrel "Oe3y4 7p SNIMQx,RouftMt1W) i vmsr- puffed Lwwl (He) _ AAa, hk Raw {C►ei Mo icF11unoM13) _. FACa'NUtelriT40(061 twmace l5fAMPresern" Yes_ No r IaxfMe) WMV Tabic Preaa.rilo Yoe — NA— 040h �dwj SaWtowit Pr rrn7 Yea - Na- (`fit vronenn Nye Prnwe YON No I sin ce caoAWY ftiwmi O*Pubc Rcwroad Data (TIMim geaipa, +r5arr horMy rwdl wort Res e°s+ ). * rvWAbr* US Airme Corps of Ear 9mmn Easwm ftw4w* and Plptl wnt -Vemim 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 58 Closeout Report — January 2015 VEGETATION jFour Stratal - Use scientific names of plranls- Fk�aolute fJOrrsnSnt 7�y Stratum �Pktrt axe. w:- _ , � Cavr 8_e�ie�' I S a 7 ll. Sa90nai1'Shng Stroum Floc a 14. Tedial Qw&j 2. 4. i SaMpleng P4111t Mfr - et �srYelra� Pra,r'e*trrIndae -EVA- _LI - R*pid Tc!pt f- Hydrophytr. Vmlatwt- e - D minenee Tees Is s50q; 3 . Prevaeriroe Index il S3.13' 4 - Morpnologirml hde coons' �Provide 5upporoq data ih Ren%hfke er 4M a se ;Sf;KL shaetl ftb%irnabc HArrjpltyM VGBeWwn (`aplam) 'Infb=ra N hycirl;sorand we9e.n-1 hydratcgy rauat. be,preserl, Jness disturbed or pro8lemalil- Tree -Mcdy plants, exdudiN %tines 3,n. (1 -5=) or 7. rna-e it dia-rcler at tceast heyhl (DBH), :-Qga.dlgss cif _ � r�elght S. 9 S.apuny53w4 -v QWy pranls. ex>dudlr�3 vines. lose tha -7 3 ir. Q8H and grasle, :har or equal n 328 R fl 14- M tat 97 Hub -Al hafbae&UUs (rrdh -wb:98 FianL% regardless of size, and wrody pEa 4 I� tron w 26 ft jail. 'L = Tstml Cutiu N xk9v L ne 5tterurn [Pine size: } � Woody vine -AN wNcly vines grerxr than 3.28 fr in 3. d. 5. Hydrophytlg 'Lregrl�on /' B. Present'? Yes NO � & Total Ctrr+°r Remarks: (Irrcude phaln numbers hem or cn a Nrrarabn sneet ) US AMYy C,-rp* of E sneers °_eaiem Mountains anif PledmaM- Version 2A Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 59 Closeout Report — January 2015 Nurr@rafofDamlrurrttSpeces TFW 4eL FJCW, or FAQ r' {Al rtHunrj�r d 4arvnbrd ftaclas Affoss Adl Strata: la} Font d DDminari 5aavQ5 s rC Thaij Am ❑BL FACW. ao F.AC (AB) Prwalemv In Rx workrhW- Tclai N ryswer srl _ C)BL Bwm , Is= tlz r FACW spedea x2= FRCspeaas 13= AW'FACU x 4- i.aRVwas x�_ F ufurrnT fete: JA4 (3) Pra,r'e*trrIndae -EVA- _LI - R*pid Tc!pt f- Hydrophytr. Vmlatwt- e - D minenee Tees Is s50q; 3 . Prevaeriroe Index il S3.13' 4 - Morpnologirml hde coons' �Provide 5upporoq data ih Ren%hfke er 4M a se ;Sf;KL shaetl ftb%irnabc HArrjpltyM VGBeWwn (`aplam) 'Infb=ra N hycirl;sorand we9e.n-1 hydratcgy rauat. be,preserl, Jness disturbed or pro8lemalil- Tree -Mcdy plants, exdudiN %tines 3,n. (1 -5=) or 7. rna-e it dia-rcler at tceast heyhl (DBH), :-Qga.dlgss cif _ � r�elght S. 9 S.apuny53w4 -v QWy pranls. ex>dudlr�3 vines. lose tha -7 3 ir. Q8H and grasle, :har or equal n 328 R fl 14- M tat 97 Hub -Al hafbae&UUs (rrdh -wb:98 FianL% regardless of size, and wrody pEa 4 I� tron w 26 ft jail. 'L = Tstml Cutiu N xk9v L ne 5tterurn [Pine size: } � Woody vine -AN wNcly vines grerxr than 3.28 fr in 3. d. 5. Hydrophytlg 'Lregrl�on /' B. Present'? Yes NO � & Total Ctrr+°r Remarks: (Irrcude phaln numbers hem or cn a Nrrarabn sneet ) US AMYy C,-rp* of E sneers °_eaiem Mountains anif PledmaM- Version 2A Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 59 Closeout Report — January 2015 SOIL J Samw4mgRumt )0-6 Proille DmerlpElon= I bn She neetliM'&s scvwnM*�t She q ar�rw eairtrrer lfse otwarroa� saA Irr aCOrs,} DeP H7Mtrar R410= Feawm mncl A enurr trrreiaLF iCaier eer>� .- P.e-. Mrk!F s I Olf k W -3 S 7 to -� 7,77 Iris S- Hydne. Soil lodicatar�; Hlilml ,k91 _ HiMic Ee,prdan (A2) _ L al ; Hiala A3a Hydropn $ul(dde (AA4 _ �srattl Leyrta;P.51 _ 2 Om MwOK (,410) (CRR NI _ D>upl+Hetl Nlow Dirk Su+Paco (Alit _ Thw Ofek Surblrp Al 21 _ SardyMucky 4mml (511ImK MLPA 147, lOAl sormy (I" moft MA) 8snay Rodox rSbl WOW Malin 1361 Typa DOOM ;In w) m JS Army f tarps of Emgimers _ Do" Suftf* IZn _. I,I' 147.14Q _ ThM OWk2WbCPCMMMW. 114 1 D Woft " Radom D" :F -g) 0hpli9ti: 08% SWAWO iM Ifa4t.ylyrr�:y�R�lr!<iPtil l�l7�(LRlf, l�. WAA 134V Vercrkr. :V13 }IAA 1M 1M _ pw n,-. F.-Od sm Salt CF19) OKRA 1481 Red Ra'sr'; WWW MI; PXAA 1127. 1471 3 rsn Much DUG) (MLRA W) Cc" Proing R4dgx I,A.16) JNLFL4 14T_ 14IF T Pladme+r[Flcq I;Lkn Sold ;F1Qj IMLRA 139,117} Wy TA*T* r nor* Sufrsea FMI25 0OW1EXPm1n W, alnlarkw *1ndlaa;an4gVay4rrp"Cr*g"A rmnsnQ wwW,pd h ta"y reuM Gv PloWt. un4mdr wmed1wmrohlam4ba Myd& MA Pyart #n" Yi+ Na l"' Pazrarn Ctlaurtuis and P*On+arrt -Vars9m 2.a Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 60 Closeout Report — January 2015 VVETUND DETERMINA -FlON DATA FORM - Eastern Mou Ma rrs and Piedmont Region Pr ,e -=Ste: 5,—J, �-- ,.4�.R' j. —"s- -.. ..�. $�7 'iifip Jere. 1L'" iii 1 ashcst4'4wner: _ . f. - S�rt Lard�ns R �m r. 5err7{4. .j: = fa. .alt _ LCSar rN�Nr {pgr l�ya_ rcrrvca. $ __ 4 i r .. c r %Coe Gxl P� �r SuOraprsr� {LW orMLRAY eC.tftip [at '_ _ 74& F s?pGuI 1'lVd0 93 Sr&irvrlahlhName. L.&.- Ls AA- %a'4 hrw41 d Ala cJrwalit K 4 rg j E*e s±ic:yp�d kr jhs wm rd:• 1'W on Na ilf rm. ca'ri lan In Pgrrnarlid j isrp 1 e rpl BiNrY .foil °` 4r F9 1 * %4¢N!'li4rrrraN !�Y9..rnshrpas` anesart7 YQu No �+�e'�'epNlg#*x. ,Soil •'' or F" aipgr !der#} (T rw jw. m4tA sr ,r ary�mers h Flerra*ks.t SUMMARY OF FINCANGS - Attach site map ahgnrlawSganIpAft paiidlotabvrm, transectik IrnplorWM fita4ums. tc. H)tT0ghyIle'VNpelaHon P remwf* Yak v .1 bgos "Pow AM k}mic 1,01 PrgyN r ves _. ft 11 ad- a MFlri # �aM N 4rY4txarid Romlop Pries"V Tar rr L" �r11. 1L !lG�Nals.lmNiiisd:oeiYnrarirrtls $.,'i#w s'4w W) ��Ndt ail � anon TIM Arjeft "a= Mj4j — High V"r TfIpM (Q) Brows o) c — SMUrEfta 4a35 �ftwonwome *a i.t fts" tm = WNW Maki 161 } _ ►mat4rn,W MAMId %W " _ SWnwrA Dwesh *21 %ranit 0Mftmkma an+`!Ikd Uft CGI .Algal Mel a Chi 4147 00w (E 01rn it PhIdAM rf y _ Iw ORPHO W) Im W W aDm "ebb Na. A*fw —vWfY 487) = 4+r'MW Sbiitiid �0*s (00) A Fr Fkina 4191'S} awbw AW Q ( ca �RiaF _ W" r" UroftOle) 3TY-3*Wn VOW TRI* (C21 UWOW Vkft% W Auto I IFF49viY ICRI S['�a8r.,,Y(snie Ar++iAily _ Sht1C� 6.qurre; Far -Not& r Toadi MW NOW suftlodWWO rrFr WW7 was Nnt� new L I V.%w To* A: � ?"—No „-� (,~ ,sa°dk:ow pmmw� Y" _ No '�'f ow" la jr °a rrFtle'wIv PMLMM4 Y01 � 1#+N M1 y P a—m - rdNaM Iad"M PUP. IOi+ilas'yl Mil. IRIEW p�+ie..�e iip Nei�>al rr a aY . CSI' fir r c �Pci idol 1 /0-, 'd'di ee✓� f Yz , r US trmV CvW of Er}r.aars cF# m h"wrlwr$ 2.0 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 61 Closeout Report — January 2015 VEGETATION (Four $"tm - Lisa scientific nam" of plants. Sampling PDint L1L --? Y j,` AF1.)LL1.'T rn2rd Inzilmtar Gmr®rranr Tealnmi;hhA*L. (.0 {Pler t -� ?• +I✓., AL t'r+rra Sa¢cic59 S'tah� fVurnl)ef of dwttircnn[ 3pecas Thal Afe OBL FAIM -Y FAG' - 'ruin IVY =firer ar +�wnrum $pgC+osAcrtsa.itli £ham. IPJ 4 Pammd of d�nl. Specim t TPtX Are OBL. FAC;W. W FArG- ( I 8 - Pr*vdo * IwnOn w arltaihew. 7. 8. '7 061 -w6aa 141= aim MOM LT +Ie9 size: S x 2= _ -- 1 w r iJ i ;-#AC tpeciet x 9 -a r 1°ACLaVeC*s 9.4= i rW,nn vim. iN 3. prevalence rrd8a - f3iA- a. HjdmPlr Valel"n Ierdie. tm: T Rapid apid Tebl rrr HydrQp'1 11 vggeUlkrn 41 - Dmnara Teat m �M% 9. — 2 - pree8lenLt er, it a.01 • TOrklCaNai V 4 - 10 "p kDgical+°rtiepdFlfen;`1P hNWc siuW. ring Hot �•n {Prot mm: . ••• 7 2- iw j 'ydt tl oats in Rr rks m bn a tepame theef) _ — I7rmazx Hytlrlhyticva�aladnn' f €:maul 3. 21L 'Irdralon of Ftr;f it 9d2 srA w0ana hydralogy Mum be preterd. wte-s3 dserbad cr krab4malic 7 1{I. 71. 10 = Tptaec. 14fsn&AV Srefuia OW IAW: s,-'A ZP 1 1, I 6 Y 6 �� * TohYl+voh'Er' !sere or do a sepanRLa Ted,& - 'ready Pmts, a i&Aing mries. 3 In. r7. r; aril cr mane In yfrgrnaW a4 bm= ra4t (MI-1 mgardeaa cd height SaplirrplSirrelb- 'Aabddy plerr�. axc4�Jrrg ainae, kaae nr r,. 3 h. dBl, and 4re0er lhan ar By4wl to 3:73 It (1 my 1e1: HWE -A] hcrmireous {ncmwacdyj pant. rEpardiesm cd arm, and rily- plards hsa ihan 1M fl WII. r vim - AM wood9 vinee 9reamr'#ralr 3.24 R in Nydrapdlydr= Vcgata7an Present? Vtr6 - No USArfrgCorpsnr€ngin em FaertmMuxdelns "Pledrmt- VaNdW2.a Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 62 Closeout Report — January 2015 ML w -r !' aniAN Para: �5 Pemba [?esre flan_ (Oes[Aae W the d*M flw40td CO d*ftWNW 1e14 Of CIUMM mx ansesc:r IN MMW-Z .re.7 . _ ('nlor fMGdAA I& _wT'an Ylf 70 An J RF;,a - /kg L ��c wL= CanardidYY�I� Cdr•' L�Ca?. F HjMfS Son InayaNeas: _ rr�np P�fp�drrn ��3ry _ Block iWlc All Sal"O Ulpn IAO� Dap*W Wtow Dent &,,Ap4 r AiI, INck Dark Spa! [All) sfbflft Nw* k964r1l(61}I1 RRIc NILRA 181, 141) 8ilv>h' 0*10 Wtnx (34) t pn* Roddk (9P fiftew M akk 18!8) Tyro D*PIK MOW; 2+�u4�t�CYsix r��}iusteed$�n�lli*w+s �-c•, �Le Lirmp.T�'1+t1N�. , �+�Ita+'4 1'ar PrdE�Meldll>iE FydNe'9aa4 �; DOM $ft= } _ $ ern VLm (At9j jVLIkAV 141? Por` 9waftbwbabia t; ) MXAA W, 1431 _ C:o;U FrVW* ROOM {A19y v 1TM D&r4 9n b= CM OKRA UT 74ip INKMA tai, 1480 I"VT Oftw waft 4�z,, _ Pwon6rr F%Canrlp' w SM It IF 19 Lhimlebdmom ." fwl, to Im 147) _ Rack ci1RWbSr t"ll V" vull w . k skom IT°121 D"MilldDo&owtwF IF _ CWwr [IF —Okaw h AirmArm1 hw (9 121 iLM H. NLRA "" o URO -IC rim 131.?iz! r" of "Cfwo!w'wWpuanBra rinw0fiWASat&4lrifl -.M 101 w"7rAwr*Wwvtr!Wbemurk R" P:' w Umm 1:12x1 iLM 127-147t y rsie aN4 Wlw1 df prLb�rnMG ra�erlaln w� !4a Eas#rt+Pfourttans and Pr_rtrnard —WSW. .L Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 63 Closeout Report January 2015 WETLAND DE ERMFNATION DATA FORM - E:astem Mountains, and Piedmont Region UM"' !# a icrlrxre° l "ems: FE+ r S2mps5ry P4VrK. 6e1°�r'4 L9fl0Porn+ {hit�Ipxrt. lerrarz. }� 'P{rf.'.iF 1 .: L.W f,rt+w I: . �ar�rcc r ?+rj/ Su6reyrcn I1< R -qr M+4RA1: I- lu' LM + ��^. '.. �.+ L '�r :J iii L4alum: BLAMi2pUrnNorric: a :'+ is r_ s _ 6Jw amiricluen A±re V imeft lti dmi2tic car 1Gans Dn the s2 iypHoW Tbrr UM gl yew* YM Ala pI "m 4:4pfgwn I n FLgm @rk6.,� A.m'4M1e9s -,a ,n J Sod --Ir' W Hyd..W gWa ..y.1 .w, �117'7i4rrrrfl GTTin"+'t1a »ces° Rrc�r YG �' HU Am IV. gew.r.. tV . 540- A./. 41 Hyft*n � J.9. W. SUMMARY OF FININGS - Armed s map Ong sampling pq;l; kKab ns, trarvsecu, lmparesnt featured, etc. Hydrophm %k- y"v4imn Prosarn9 xrrs Iw Hydrii SA - Vsenl7 WRG stir 1°pUellti7 i-ryd�alo�lr ProtaseTrl� Yac Pw? !s'' tm V4 SMFO d AM w a *000ow# Y" 11p i'T�,�,rlp�w:lrlaa+ rmNYmnm ai arr t 1.ardrra: —, 4XFCG.C'.'%illgCAI) duel alp a1� aadwy �T1nl �Yrldi�t�11 — H,04 A,*%" Tobw A23 "Mm StAh a Ow Jell $ar".arnn (Ali) �110-9rr LAft #ka0h dot _ ysr�aT1lM(di} _ *+I�IWI�YiIIdIrOM1�y1 _ r4car fnrDpova 1021 � Ron" 6%n Nadwom"l"AM 94aa Rcm D in DVR"l9 107, �. PMi MLN* 4C71 _ M11 Mr11 iir ^4w 1!141 , 00w " ar _ Iran PIP144 (") VwWalmrr Vktb an Asnd h m"y (a?) _ V14611raftl! L"w"" AgWbd PfLr<IL dE1fF:l 5urtm lower Prcmrr sl4.s bon I 1 wwt U13 Amy C*W of Ergeeem So #* ft -81V V*g%w Can— StA— lag OMhw harms (h701 rom UrNNsa10 lky-s"w Mw TOM ICZ) _ C-ow irir '-Cw Cagmslml VW4ft am A4RiM kiw0✓rr PD) 0aarparP11 PaadklsIC21 IrIKrohn9rdoft ROW @34) F>c- N1w1Ud1 Tw Mq ym - Na- Iow" (Y 1� P vin— Na Dvm �(s Yar _ No' DX*fMMk wffuafa "Aaw spy""47 Ysa — No Ea:FNM 14;'VTt"S and i4edrnwi - Vmmon 2 ,] Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 64 Closeout Report — January 2015 ETA -nO III Wour $i;rm) – U— acianfiFte names of pkaM, Abealuho Nnninrd a Indicalar Tree 3Uali:r -i S'i9 Sit¢. �, fd�� "r 3s [.aver. 8ar�es� �rlu � IL. -.. 3. L. g dlru 3L+ + }1f a. 7 �: Tmhd Cater 2� f. 6[4 i? 7 FAT 3 a 6 7. 9. 1A. _ r- tlarh Stra4= (P1atsine:. 2. a 6 7. +IP 5ampWng Polnt: Vff'-'� Number of Dominenl 5Rr€m That AreCeL,FaG•Y.orFAC 't"gial Nw jw of y Spg+ Az zAllstrata: 0 485 Ptt mrA ar Wfl spwcm* PPaYaIMGi #nl� worl�IweL _L 9F I(,�yar dF K&AnNy try: CBLS�aCla6 x9= P,S.G'i'i spcoas x 2 FhC species X3= FACU 3pee;'xft K4 _ '.JPL ep6c�€ x S a Cc4bnn Totals: tda�E -,P,® IxrbarouaRncet�yatfd#'j - ro:]atd Prevalmm lydea - BfA ##ydre;:fhyAc Yagata lfon I ngrg4Un: � ,Vkl T941 Tor Romphyfic tdagnWjan C/2. P.cr'nnani Ter is X51 Y% 3 - Prekaimoo ttxtox Is -#.4' 4 - Marphal)glral Ado-ipiwfans' lFravide aupporft dab in Remrke or on a supara,.e saseO _ PrC4krm06cHyprophyhe VpgWahar' I N i llndiCtir;Ts of h'rE ma bwi s ru wetland h yl mJogy nn W. f "riltiun 5 of Four lfegewb<wi 54tiSa: Tft* - Wejoft plants. 6i7dfdlhg liras. 3 1n. 57,6 cm# x rmar9 In clamwiw Y, arepsr haWd (C ell rraardlew cd lnavdhS 9 SaPling,'S#rrab- VOOOdr puree, aaakt N Wrtae, Wee man 3 h. DBN and growler than or 9Qual io J,= T1 (i My lall 11. tda�E -,P,® IxrbarouaRncet�yatfd#'j - ro:]atd t�. of sim. and wean[ pbkft lava &M 5.28 R Tall. ,{ °ylrelr�7(PItA.eta: ' 3'F 1 = 7ota7 G roc �'WvtadVVine - AilwoixiyWmwu Omn3.MAIn T, raJ ere' Ice. LF.S� low 6. _ Pret4eI1C7 Yes r1a Tcul -Cow numbers hens os on a L — USA,7rTCrrrscAErrgir�r. Easton Mcualaim"Madmont- Vsrsmrt2.6 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 65 Closeout Report — January 2015 SOIL PmfileDftwip(tww. (Des4+h'M' tv'k fm''nc:*±rc'.e4xaeromsat 4tC4errrn +4bRa0i"111ea ❑eFn Mairfic '- .�f." .P 119y"aric W1 4ndlc3M1ar1_ H®Easa11A1I hlaoe Ep"dun IA21 61aek Hak4 fA35 _ ►!fxl*gVel SON* J141 SVVs ed L"WIT (A$) _ 2 or Muck Vat pj fLRlt No CoamnigP Doww Doak $W.Nm {A11 Tl wk 15erk WfA04 012) .,�. 6En9y M rderow is1,] �Lf1lR tl. IMLRA t47, $4E1, 6ar419 Qiga Maim IS41 V Re ful Srww M04 (N) I ot U5 Acny vapi at Erohawe sJ'AM ng Pfifx' Cv L �� RCmai4s... Nydrk ►.VOn0 xaa - Ke E:Nt r- klce.r"+a,ft ana P4dnbnt- vefWrl a Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 66 Closeout Report — January 2015 Ir,iftsta" W PM*W ffft "M S* M-: &j — 27n muck (A]P(WALRA147) _Dam poy*Wge Dw � ;Sal 14t,!r4* _ C+ P brM RwOax W6j T'Mn Dirt S +Oaft 0] JWLPA 147.140 BRA 147, 14L:7 Los" 0-1:vo t — PladirKtt F4 doWid $iii {Filtj DKWA,p i .,;FIn P11ILPA1 I , 447} 0^ &A" 01 _ Dirk E+ co M12] IDagtiaan DO* Sc I&W 47?E t'ExoWl" In Rwmwh} _ Rw U LYeprftgwa "T61 %Owv m Aff'Z} ILM Thk 1111111.11111A MI un W col ¢ 1 ?I (1111111.111A 11L IZP 'tildlftxt ar monvhm 410mma end AQi 1Y 9,aes L# 7pg A #+iN + r1w hlftk' nntltt Iba 0RA4 t . _ POO P111111111111111111 V"lal (M) II1111"�A 127. WT wim 'o116pNg9+0 at 010 d'4mablL Nydrk ►.VOn0 xaa - Ke E:Nt r- klce.r"+a,ft ana P4dnbnt- vefWrl a Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 66 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix G Invasive Species Treatments Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 67 Closeout Report January 2015 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 68 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix H Watershed Planning Summary Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 69 Closeout Report January 2015 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 70 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix I Land Ownership and Protection Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 71 Closeout Report January 2015 Appendix J 401/401 Permits and Related Correspondence Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 72 Closeout Report January 2015 Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 73 Closeout Report — January 2015 Appendix K Debit Ledger Sandy Creek Mitigation Site 74 Closeout Report January 2015