HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081203 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20150414PLUM CREEK WETLAND MITIGATION PROJECT 2012 MONITORING REPORT MONITORING YEAR 4 OF 5 Brunswick County, NC Lumber River Basin Cataloging Unit: 03040207 EEP Project Number: 92549 EEP Contract Number: D06040 -A Prepared for: In NCHNR C1111clit h ROWPAM North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1652 2012 Monitoring Report — Year 4 of 5 Project Construction Completed: 2008 Data Collection for Monitoring Year 4 of 5: 2012 Report Submitted: April 2013 Prepared for: NCDENR Prepared by: i�e. pibCYjlAAIL The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Tel (919) 866 -4400 Fax (919) 755 -3502 Project Manager: Michael O'Rourke Tel (919) 866 -4421 Fax (919) 755 -3502 morourke@louisberger.com The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Proiect TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary /Project Abstract ...................................... ..............................1 2. Methodology .......................................................................... ............................... 4 2.1. Vegetation ........................................................................... ............................... 4 2.2. Hydrology ........................................................................... ............................... 5 2.3. Photo Stations ...................................................................... ............................... 5 3. References .............................................................................. ............................... 6 FIGURES Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map Figure 2: Monitoring Plan View TABLES Table 1: Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3: Project Contacts Table Table 4: Project Background Table Table 5: Veg Plot Criteria Attainment Table 6: CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Table 7: CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Table 8: Wetland Gauge Attainment Data — 5 percent criteria APPENDICES Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D Hydrologic Data Appendix E Pedon Description Sheets Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 i The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Proiect 1. Executive Summary /Project Abstract The goals of the Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project (Appendix A, Figure 1) are to re- establish wetland functions at the Site by restoring wetland hydrology, plant community composition and structure, and wildlife habitat. The project will increase surface water residence time which will improve groundwater recharge. Much of the water budget is influenced by precipitation, as surface flow enters the site from adjoining parcels. A longer residence time will lead to improved biochemical treatment resulting in improved water quality. Restoration of a native wetland vegetative community will enhance floral and faunal habitat diversity benefiting both terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. In order to achieve project goals, the following objectives were implemented: Initially the lateral ditches and southern perimeter ditch on the Site were plugged. The west ditch and Boggy Branch were left intact to prevent hydrologic trespass on adjoining properties. Soil to construct ditch plugs was excavated from the Site and the borrow pits were graded to form small, shallow vernal pools. Following Year 2, Berger filled the lateral ditches and southern perimeter ditch completely with on -site soil to facilitate lateral groundwater flow through site. Existing vegetation (loblolly pine) was sheared, drum chopped, and left on Site to promote organic matter decomposition. There was no re- grading of the contours of the Site. Habitat benefits on Site will be achieved for both terrestrial and aquatic species by increasing micro - habitat diversity and vegetation diversity. The Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Site (site) is an 89 -acre site located in the Carolina Flatwoods ecoregion of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain (Griffith et al., 2002). Prior to the restoration, the Site was a loblolly pine plantation for several generations of timber, owned by Plum Creek Timberlands, Inc. The Site occurs in the headwaters of the Lumber River Basin: USGS Hydrologic Unit 03040207 and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) subbasin 03- 07 -59. Boggy Branch, which drains to the Lockwoods Folly River, flows along the eastern side of the Site. Land use immediately surrounding the Site is mostly silviculture with timber stands of varying ages in rotation. The Green Swamp Game Land is located to the northwest of the Site. A swine operation is located to the southeast of the Site. Overall, the Site met the criteria of 288 planted stems per acre with an average sampled density of 341 planted stems per acre. In Year 1, planted and volunteer stems had a sampled density of 1,929 stems per acre; therefore, it was not necessary to perform another count of volunteer stems in Year 2 or Year 3. Visual inspection during Year 2 and Year 3 monitoring efforts confirmed that the volunteer stem count and species remained consistent. Vegetation plot data is presented in the summary table below and in Appendix C. The Site met the vegetation survival rate success criteria in 7 of the 9 monitoring plots. The results from Year 1 had shown that three plots did not meet the criteria; Plots 4, 6, and 7. Year 2 monitoring results showed that Plots 4 and 7 met the criteria because stems that had been labeled missing in Year 1 or were not included in the As -Built inventory were located in Year 2. Year 4 monitoring confirmed the findings of previous years, again with Plot 6 falling short of the success criteria by just one stem count. Unlike previous years, Plot 2 fell one stem count short of meeting the success criteria in year 4. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 1 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Summary Table: Vegetation Attainment Data Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Summary of Stems per Acre Results for Years 1 through 5 Veg Success Criteria Achieved / Total Stems (Stems per acre) Plot Year 1 (2009) Year 2 (2010) Year 3 (2011) Year 4 (2012) Year 5 (2013) 11 Yes /11 stems Yes / 12 stems Yes / 13 stems Yes / 13 stems (445) (485) (526) (526) 2 Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems No / 7 stems (320) (320) (320) (283) 3 Yes / 9 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 9 stems Yes / 8 stems (364) (320) (364) (323) 4z No/ 7 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems (283) (320) (320) (323) 5 Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 9 stems Yes / 8 stems (320) (320) 364) (323) 63 No / 7 stems No / 7 stems No / 7 stems No / 7 stems (283) (283) (283) (283) 7 No/ 7 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes/ 9 stems (283) (320) (320) (364) 8 Yes / 9 stems Yes / 9 stems Yes / 9 stems Yes / 8 stems (364) (364) (364) (323) 9 Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems Yes / 8 stems (320) (320) (320) (323) 1 - One additional planted stem was found during Year -3 monitoring. - During Year 1 monitoring, these plots did not make vegetation criteria due to missing stems. These stems were found during subsequent years monitoring efforts. 3 - Short of meeting the 288 stem/ac threshold. In 2012, rainfall totals in the pre - growing season were significantly low and the site was classified to be in moderate to severe drought during this period. In addition, rainfall amounts were low at the beginning of the growing season while exhibiting moderate drought conditions. One well (11 percent) on Site continuously recorded soil saturation within the upper 12 inches for greater than 12.5 percent of the growing season. Additionally, three wells (33 percent) of the Site continuously recorded saturation within the upper 12 inches between 5 percent and 12.5 percent of the growing season, and five wells (55 percent) continuously recorded saturation for less than 5 percent of the growing season (See summary table below and Appendix D). Overall, soil saturation measured at well sites during Year 4 was lower than that of Year 3. These finding are consistent with moderate and moderate to severe drought conditions reported during and prior to the start of the 2012 growing season. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 2 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Summary Table: Wetland Gauge Attainment Data - >5 percent and <12.5 percent criteria Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Summary of Groundwater Gauge Results for Years 1 through 5 Gauge Success Criteria Achieved / Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Year 1 2009 Year 2 2010 Year 3 2011 Year 4 2012 Year 5 2013 G -1 No / 3 days No / 9 days No/ 11 days No / 4 days (1.2 percent) (3.6 percent) (4.4 percent) (1.6 percent) G -2 Yes / 19 days Yes / 19 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 20 days (7.6 percent) (7.6 percent) (7.2 percent) (8 percent) G -3 No / 9 days Yes / 15 days No / 9 days No / 5 days (3.6 percent) (6 percent) (3.6 percent) (2 percent) G -4 Yes / 22 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 15 days No / 9 days 8.8 percent) 7.2 percent) 6.0 percent) 3.6 percent) G -5 Yes / 41 days Yes / 20 days Yes / 22 days Yes / 22 days (16.5 percent) (8 percent) (8.8 percent) (8.8 percent) G -6 No / 3 days No / 8 days No / 7 days No / 2 days 1.2 percent) 3.2 percent) 2.8 percent) 0.8 percent) G -7 Yes / 24 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 58 days Yes / 35 days (9.6 percent) (7.2 percent) (23 percent) (14.1 percent) G -8 Yes / 22 days Yes / 19 days Yes / 50 days Yes / 31 days 8.8 ercent 7.6 percent) 20 percent) (12.4 percent) G -9 No / 12 days Yes / 15 days No / 12 days No / 6 days (4.8 percent) (6 percent) (4.8 percent) (2.4 percent) The Site is still recovering from a severe drought in the region that has lasted for several years. For Year 4, the region was classified as having abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions for 100 percent of the growing season. Moreover, for 116 of 144 weeks of the last 4 growing seasons, (81 percent of the time), the site has been classified as abnormally dry or having varying degrees of drought conditions. Drought classification data for monitoring years 1 to 4 can be found in the summary table below. Precipitation measured well below average for all of the growing season except August which was above average. The average annual rainfall over the last 30 years at the nearest weather station in Shallotte is approximately 48.3 inches with the least amount of rain recorded in that period is 33.3 inches. The 2012 (Jan -Nov) rainfall on site totaled 38.86 inches, which is roughly 10 inches below average, or 80 percent of the average annual rainfall over the past 30 years. Precipitation data can be found in Appendix D. Reference well locations can be found on Appendix A, Figure 1. Soil profiles were dug at each well location. All profiles displayed hydric soil characteristics of low chroma soil color. Pedon description sheets for each soil profile can be found in Appendix E. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 3 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Protect Summary Table: Drought Conditions During Growing Seasons Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Summary of Drought Classifications for Years 1 through 5 Drought Rating per Week During Growing Season (Percentage) Not Rated Abnormally Moderate Severe Extreme Dry Drought Drought Drought Year 1 7 weeks 28 weeks 1 week 0 weeks 0 weeks (2009) (19.4 percent) (77.8 percent) (2.8 percent) (0.0 percent) (0.0 percent) Year 2 21 weeks 12 weeks 3 weeks 0 weeks 0 weeks 2010) (58.3 percent) (33.3 percent) (8.3 percent) (0.0 percent) (0.0 percent) Year 3 0 weeks 10 weeks 13 weeks 7 weeks 6 weeks (2011) (0.0 percent) (27.8 percent) (36.1 percent) (19.4 percent) (16.7 percent) Year 4 0 weeks 19 weeks 17 weeks 0 weeks 0 weeks 2012 (0.0 percent) (52.8 percent) (47.2 percent) (0.0 percent) (0.0 percent ) Year 5 (2013) Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly the Restoration Plan) documents available on EEP's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request. 2. Methodology 2.1. Ve etg ation Vegetative data will be sampled every monitoring year for five years. Survival criteria of planted woody stems will be 320 stems per acre in Year 3, 288 stems per acre in Year 4, and 260 stems per acre at the completion of the project monitoring period at Year 5. Nine vegetation plots were established on Site. All plots are 10 meters by 10 meters in size. Plots were established at each monitoring well location (Appendix B, Figure 2). Each plot is identified by its corresponding well as shown on Appendix B, Figure 2. The plots were established throughout the Site in order to gain a representative view of the overall success of the plant community. The CVS -EEP Level 1 was used for assessing vegetative success (Lee et al., 2006). Level 1 is the inventory of planted stems. Berger is only required to perform a Level 1 assessment under the existing contract. Although Berger performed a Level 2 assessment in Year 1, it was not done in Year 2. Visual inspection during Year 2 and Year 3 monitoring efforts confirmed that the volunteer stem count and species remained consistent; therefore, a Level 2 assessment was not necessary. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 4 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Protect 2.2. Hydrology Hydrology will be considered successful by two metrics, per the USACE wetland delineation manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). One criterion provides for hydrologic success if the soil is ponded, flooded, or saturated within 12 inches of the soil surface continuously for at least 12.5 percent of the growing season, assuming normal precipitation. The second alternative measurement of success would be to attain ponded, flooded, or saturated conditions within 12 inches of the soil surface continuously between 5 and 12.5 percent of the growing season, provided the hydric soil and hydrophytic vegetation wetland criteria are also met. In Brunswick County, the growing season is typically 249 days, assuming a temperature of above 28 degrees F and a frequency of 5 of 10 years (MRCS, 2009). The growing season in Brunswick County typically occurs between approximately March 15 and November 18 in a given calendar year. As a result, 5 to 12.5 percent of the growing season is 12 to 31 days. The groundwater hydrology of the Plum Creek Site is monitored during the growing season in accordance with USACE guidelines through the use of shallow monitoring wells with automatic data loggers ( USACE, 2003). Groundwater data is collected from 15 monitoring wells. Nine wells were established throughout the site to accurately obtain a representative view of the groundwater hydrology. Six additional wells were installed in the western central portion of the site, perpendicular the western border ditch (Appendix B, Figure 2). The purpose of these wells is to show the linear extent of drawn down effect of this ditch on the restored wetland. A stream gauge was installed in Boggy Branch, within the property boundaries, for informational purposes only. The stream gauge keeps records of the level of water in Boggy Branch. No success criteria are attached to the gauge. 2.3. Photo Stations Eight fixed photo stations were established throughout the Site. These locations are presented in Figure 2, Appendix B. Photographs were taken during the monitoring efforts in November 2012. Photographs can be found in Appendix B. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 5 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Protect 3. References Environmental Laboratory, 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y -87 -1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Griffith, Glenn, J. Omernik, J. Comstock, 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina Regional Descriptions. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Corvallis, OR. Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 Available URL: hitp:/ /cvs.bio.unc.edu /methods.htm. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Climate Information — Wetlands Retrieval for North Carolina. Brunswick County. Available URL: http: / /www.wcc.nres.usda.gov /c ig bin/getwetco.pl ?state =nc. Accessed: January 15, 2009. US Army Corps of Engineers, 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared by: USAGE, NCDWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: April 2013 6 Appendix A: Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables f�eierence bite 030404060102 P"ect Site �= r}31vi402GN103 US -'7 Project site • c If .. �a i 030402080106 n 1414 Inh nd XX�LI51A -J IT HQ 6n'.5 k79 onnU 17 Ebw id MYRTLE EE5Li- 4C.dFi+_ NAB£ HOE mm+ IW,99 WOUS17 S� EASV hiSNY Eq'�fktU,7N5JFS6HAEL50N HVi4 tcrwrtl �}LdL.L49i6RAYHfi� NCbLH Il?'S rril tum I+ki orm PJLH_M-PhV l.EFG NEiSrri¢ Tum�-TomoG.R LC".TACL4Dandpra adra Pf6V48TRNL The lhor: - LffT antllaWr o Staal IaH of a•aeniad} uMl d T'c almhrn dm load 7hz r: ihr° aarctwa� urrcrN Ills Eila 71K.4ALl".a Fla ra an ar.11ar.,-,a rrpl wnrall -c ed 11w WDE'ar ;:, ;,rmarn Ed,merrgramJtM ani4 s nnplraa4 my. rmcasldarl wnru4%J. nail iii l bw lm Lold;r" Fly l>rrr4 w&i plYrma o wstep lg arvae naw al Joan lha uaacmam houadary,mid harvtwo acca Gr IN "WA prLYc lr.nal palmilud A+xcs�r hr aJh_naud perK ftpldstal +and radeJ a jwe> naarl 1"** �q-., AA04 le3r °:Ylrp—tA*,Jd.I"tdy.ilµlPnwq,r ikol�} 4 kdovv3lhHMMIOraWr. 0 APr, ndlHd .01nlnrlrmF +nd him Pf.-r,K who AmN,lwlroit 11pv:l��.111 =4olyhr anF paraanau ialJOatlNaaa. rara>ual aaadnrrak raW and aakMma KALiti lihotconAnynn w h E�-P Legend N North Car4iir Ecosystem Enhancement Program Referelnes Site F1'iurn Creek Wetland Mitigution We Brunswi-ok County t2 Dilgft HUC 0 05 1 2 EEP Project No_ D06040- Prrcie-ct Ea;serrent Boundary IA i S Rr4oje. T Vi rini Ma FIGURE 1 Sour g^ Ll' '.', l�Iruts Topographic Mop 6- 't•q'la. hJG m4° .: t , Roads Crecamber _p' _ t?arrgr,, >t lil {j Table 1: Project Components and Mitigation Credits Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Project Total Acres* Type Restoration Comment Component or January 2007 February 2007 Level April 2008 Reach ID Existing Vegetation Removal N/A and Ratio Construction Planting 77 Non - riverine/ Restoration Pond Pine Zone 1 January 2009 Non - riparian 1:1 Woodland February 2010 Year 2 Monitoring November 2010 February 2011 Community Existing 6 Non- riverine/ Enhancement Pond Pine Wetland WA Non- riparian 2:1 Woodland Community Mitigation Unit Summations Non-Riparian Wetland — 80 acres * The remaining acreage is either unsuitable for mitigation or will remain as upland. Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Elapsed Time Since Vegetation Removal Complete: 3 yrs 6 months Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete: 3 yrs 1 month Number of Re orting Years: 3 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Deliver Technical Proposal January 2006 March 2006 Categorical Exclusion January 2007 February 2007 Restoration Plan April 2008 July 2008 Existing Vegetation Removal N/A July 2008 Construction N/A October 2008 Planting N/A December 2008 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) January 2009 April 2009 Year 1 Monitoring November 2009 February 2010 Year 2 Monitoring November 2010 February 2011 Year 3 Monitoring November 2011 December 2011 Year 4 Monitoring November 2012 December 2012 Table 3: Project Contacts Table Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Designer The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Primary project design POC Michael O'Rourke (919- 866 -4421) Construction Contractor River Works, Inc 4117 Pleasant Garden Road Greensboro, NC 27406 Construction contractor POC Bill Wright (336- 279 -1002) Planting Contractor Superior Forestry Services, Inc. 36462 Highway 27 Tilley, AR 72679 Planting contractor POC John Foley (870- 496 -2442) Nursery Stock Suppliers Division of Forest Resources — Claridge Nursery (919- 731 -7988) Coastal Plain Nurse 252- 482 -5707 Monitoring Performers The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 EEE Consultants, Inc 3834 Althorp Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 Stream Monitoring POC N/A Vegetation Monitoring POC Ray Bode, PWS (919 -545 -0256) Tina Sekula, PWS (919- 696 -9506) Wetland Monitoring POC Ray Bode, PWS (919 -545 -0256) Tina Sekula, PWS (919- 696 -9506) Table 4: Project Background Table Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Project Information Project Name Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project County Brunswick Count Project Area acres Approximately 89 acres Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 34.068850, - 78.229486 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain River Basin Lumber River USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040208 USGS Hydrologic Unit 12-digit 030402080102 NCDWQ Sub -basin Long Bay Subbasin Project Drainage area (acres) 110 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 0% CGIA Land Use Classification Other Needleleaf Evergreen Forests Wetland Sum mar Information Size of Wetland (acres) 83 acres Wetland Type Non- Riparian, non - riverine Mapped Soil Series Torhunta Mucky Fine Sandy Loam Drainage class Very poorly drained soils Soil Hydric Status Hydric Source of Hydrology Precipitation / Groundwater Hydrologic Impairment Previous Ditching Native Vegetation Community Pond Pine Woodland Community Percent Composition of exotic invasive vegetation <5% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes Yes Jurisdictional Determination Waters of the Unites States — Section 401 No Endangered Species Act No Historic Preservation Act No CZMA / CAMA No FEMA Floodplain Compliance No Essential Fisheries Habitat No Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project TO Lo P54 -7 0 G 0 G-6 "A TO rr alm 50 0.4c 11 7 S clftth I Pn q d'Itchm ak �1ch 135 G-1 P��! , 0-8 0 J G-2 (21 V15�16 - L I C30A I Sao F'JJL P57 PSA \�n SWgy ar. Stream Gauge. G-3 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040-A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B a=w1w UMT I -*a =R a%" 14 71W§ MMMIW32! N MD37" H1 7123am WXOMX�, --Y.7MM Xt 2M2-%M, R DT-R-eG'S 52 -.T923M 34.AW57sr JI 13 -9—' , —10 MEMO, I 49X[�IATL -9, ORN M418 u. 2.2 1-S R 7U .74 d5EW1, it 2sn cro Low Fee Legend 43rounclyroter Mani-canr-M WWI& LISDA Sala E::::l Project She HO at DW 13 2.:i% Gold shorct Fine:Sanft Loiurn, 19 TD 2 Fercerkt Slopes PfElOeAm E"rkded LAlc Hi,tMydralc Leon fine 5wd,GTo2 Pp.-rrzrst Stopes C,qvkWall-nd MINW-lic,- VN-' Hookqfy n(X MOM M�-, Lyn.chburl& Fine Srvrdv Lbam 11-uniwick Cvuntv '011taun (I �] goggy Bran rh Gauge Pwitega Mucky Loam UP PirDl*ft NO. 00*C40-A phatosinionk Velatntion M4witacing Pkft Mains Pdne 5endy Loam Current condition Plan Vic, kv(tNrkd Enhamement Vk.@ Siii4iY41 met 0-twh4l1ta MA44Aws4ndv Po,,d ;qm wbod1wJ vea 5'.a yiyal F4*1 Met Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040-A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Veg Plot 1, view from southwest corner January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 1, view from southwest corner November, 112011 Veg Plot 1, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 1, view from southwest corner November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 2, view from southwest corner January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 2, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 2, view from southwest corner November 15, 2011 Veg Plot 2, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 3, view from southwest corner January 8, 2009 Veg Plot 3, view from southwest corner November 16, 2011 Veg Plot 3, view from southwest corner November 16, 2010 Veg Plot 3, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 4, view from southwest corner January 8, 2009 Veg Plot 4, view from southwest corner November 16, 2010 Veg Plot 4, view from southwest corner November 16, 2011 Veg Plot 4, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 5, view from southwest corner January 8, 2009 Veg Plot 5, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 5, view from southwest corner November 16, 2011 Veg Plot 5, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 6, view from southwest corner January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 6, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 6, view from southwest corner November 15, 2011 Veg Plot 6, view from southwest corner November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 7, view from southwest corner January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 7, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 7, view from southwest corner November 15, 2011 Veg Plot 7, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 8, view from southwest corner January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 8, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 8, view from southwest corner November 15, 2011 Veg Plot 8, view from southwest corner November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Veg Plot 9, view from southwest corner, January 7, 2009 Veg Plot 9, view from southwest corner November 15, 2010 Veg Plot 9, view from southwest corner November 15, 2011 Veg Plot 9, view from southwest corner November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Stations Photo Station 1, view looking north October 28, 2009 Photo Station 1, view looking north November 15, 2010 Photo Station 1, view looking north November 15, 2011 Photo Station 1, view looking north November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 2, view looking east October 28, 2009 Photo Station 2, view looking east November 15, 2010 Photo Station 2, view looking east November 15, 2011 Photo Station 2, view looking east November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 3, view looking east October 28, 2009 Photo Station 3, view looking east November 15, 2010 a rt .4 Photo Station 3, view looking east November 15, 2011 Photo Station 3, view looking east November 12, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 4, view looking east October 29, 2009 Photo Station 4, view looking east November 15, 2010 Photo Station 4, view looking east November 15, 2011 Photo Station 4, view looking east November 13. 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 5, view looking east October 29, 2009 Photo Station 5, view looking east November 16, 2011 Photo Station 5, view looking east November 15, 2010 Photo Station 5, view looking east November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 6, view looking west October 29, 2009 Photo Station 6, view looking west November 15, 2010 Photo Station 6, view looking west November 16, 2011 Photo Station 6, view looking west November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 7, view looking east October 29, 2009 Photo Station 7, view looking east November 15, 2010 Photo Station 7, view looking east November 16, 2011 Photo Station 7, view looking east November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Photo Station 8, view looking north October 29, 2009 Photo Station 8, view looking north November 15, 2010 Photo Station 8, view looking north November 16, 2011 Photo Station 8, view looking north November 13, 2012 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix B Appendix C: Vegetation Plot Data The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Protect Table 5: Veg Plot Criteria Attainment Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Tract Veg Plot ID Stems Per Acre Veg Survival Threshold Met? (288 stems per acre Tract Mean Plum Creek Wetland Restoration Site 1 526 Y 78% 2 283 N 3 323 Y 4 323 Y 5 323 Y 6 283 N 7 364 Y 8 323 Y 9 323 Y ' - During Year 1 monitoring, these plots did not make vegetation criteria due to missing stems. These stems were found during Yr -2's monitoring efforts. Table 6: CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A 3. Report Prepared By 4. Tina Sekula 5. Date Prepared 6. 11/21/2012 1:49 PM 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. database name 12. The Louis Berger Group -Plum- 2011 -A.mdb 13. database location 14. C:\Users\tsekula\Desktop\temp\Plum2Ol2 15. computer name 16. TINASEKULA -WIN7 17. file size 18. 59760640 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------ - - - - -- 24. 25. Metadata 26. Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of prej ect(s) and project data. 27. Pro', planted 28. Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. 29. Pro', total stems 30. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems. 31. Plots 32. List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). 33. Vigor 34. Fre ency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix C The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Protect Table 6: CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A plots. 35. Vigor b Spp 36. Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. 37. Damage 38. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. 39. Damage by Spp 40. Damage values tallied by type for each species. 41. Damage by Plot 42. Damage values tallied by type for each plot. 43. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp 44. A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. PROJECT SUMMARY-------- - - -- ------------------------- 50. 51. Project Code 52. 92549 53. project Name 54. Plum Creek Wetland Restoration Site 55. Description 56. The project involves the construction of approximately 80 acres of non- riverine wetland restoration. 57. River Basin 58. Lumber 59. length(ft) 60. NA 61. stream-to-edge width ft 62. NA 63. area (s m) 64. 323,748 mil 65. Required Plots (calculated) 66. 9 67. Sampled Plots 68. 9 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix C The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Table 7: CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A O) ri N M 4 LA %6 P� OO C� C H M W I^ ri O ri O ri O ri O ri O ri O ri O a-1 O ri O W OJ z y +�+ O N (1 � L d, � d, � d, d L 01 d Cn d C� � L C 1 � L Cal d " C E Q. o O a 4' Q' '^ ,n M O ,n M O ,n M O ,n M v Ln M O ,n M O ,n M O ,n M O qt ,n M O N E ate+ H ; N O A N Cn � N Cn > N Cn > N Cn > N Cn > N Cn > N Cn > N O > U O O O O O O O O O O V M CL CL CL CL CL M M CL Chamaecyparis Atlantic white thyoides cedar 4 3 1.33 1 2 1 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay 8 6 1.33 1 1 2 1 1 2 Pinus serotina pond pine 62 9 6.89 10 7 6 6 5 7 9 7 5 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak 1 1 1.00 1 swamp Quercus michauxii chestnut oak 1 1 1.00 1 TOT: 5 1 5 1 76 1 5 1 13 7 8 1 8 1 8 1 7 1 9 1 8 1 8 Project Code Project Name River Basin Year 4 Stem Count 92549 Plum Creek Wetland Restoration Site Lumber 341.734543 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix C Appendix D: Hydrologic Data The Louis Berger Group, Inc. Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project Table 8: Wetland Gauge Attainment Data - >5 percent and <12.5 percent criteria Plum Creek Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A Summary of Groundwater Gauge Results for Years 1 through 5 Gauge Success Criteria Achieved / Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage) Year 1 (2009) Year 2 (2010) Year 3 (2011) Year 4 (2012) Year 5 (2013) GG1 No / 3 days No / 9 days No/ 11 days No / 4 days PGW-4- (1.2 percent) (3.6 percent) (4.4 percent) (1.6 percent) GG2 Yes / 19 days Yes / 19 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 20 days P4CAV2 (7.6 percent) (7.6 percent) (7.2 percent) (8 percent) GG3 No / 9 days Yes / 15 days No / 9 days No / 5 days P49W-3 (3.6 percent) (6.0 percent) (3.6 percent) (2 percent) GG4 Yes / 22 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 15 days No / 9 days F CY 4 (8.8 percent) 7.2 percent) 6.0 percent) 3.6 percent) GG5 Yes / 41 days Yes / 20 days Yes / 22 days Yes / 22 days (16.5 percent) (8.0 percent) (8.8 percent) (8.8 percent) G -6 No / 3 days No / 8 days No / 7 days No / 2 days 6 1.2 percent) 3.2 percent) 2.8 percent) 0.8 percent) GG7 Yes / 24 days Yes / 18 days Yes / 58 days Yes / 35 days ACAV7 (9.6 percent) (7.2 percent) (23.3 percent) (14.1 percent) GG8 Yes / 22 days Yes / 19 days Yes / 50 days Yes / 31 days RCW-8 (8.8 percent) 7.6 percent) (20.1 percent) (12.4 percent) G -9 No / 12 days Yes / 15 days No / 12 days No / 6 days P4&W9 (4.8 percent) (6.0 percent) (4.8 percent) nt) Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Project; EEP Project Number 92549; EEP Contract Number D06040 -A; Year 4 of 5; Submitted: December 2012 Appendix D 12.0 0.0 5 -12.0 4 U a -24.0 Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge G -1 (Serial No. EBD3BBC) Project Site -36.0 'A 'f Y l ` lil -' 1 1 k I h I 1W I )) `— It ill I – } —' r N N N N N N N N o z z N o z Cry Groundwater N N N N N CQ ti ti � Q D0 N rq o m N Date of Measurement - - -- Required Depth (in.) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 a 2.00' v 1.50 sue. CIA 1.00 0.50 I I fib' Imo' I ° IA IN A� 11 1 14,1 0.00 o z z o z C) 4 oo Precipitation 12.0 0.0 2 r V c i C: v -24.0 -36.0 N N C ^� ti ti Plum Creek «Tetland Mitigation Gauge G-Z (Serial No. EBD77A1) Project Site N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N c N N al ab N M � r NNN `,O O N M Cq N N Date of Measurement Groundwater — — — - Requi red Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2..00 1.50 a 1.00 0.50 0.00 C L } �.r 1-0 1?.0 — 0.0 4.0 1 beginning of 1 7T[�1�y7fttii8 1 1 seas€ it - March 15 1 1 1 -36.0 [`] C-) fro <A N Ci N ?^1 n, Q as C N - Groundwater Plum Creek'4Vetland -Niitigation Gauge G -3 (Serial 'N- o. 11313B87) Project Site Date of ?Measurement - - - Required Depth (in.:) end of gro ig ; 4. OCI seasOEL - November 18 ! iso C u — ! C — 3. X10 C ! I 1 1 — ? i0 I � 1 r .r r .r Li 1 50 a+ y Ca ±ti N ca [V N [ f •5fY N q 4^] Q r? CL r? }' J + �' C5 4 Precipitation 1. (]0 — 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 i 5 z -12.0 ❑ i v A -24.0 -36.0 ti ti Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Gauge G-4 (Serial No. 1130ED8A) Project Site a�i a�i � � a. n. �' � • c c � � � t�q t�q a o. � � � N N IC ,� v, W N N Oti n7 r N N N N O N N N rq Date of Measurement Groundwater ­-Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 ..w Ci 1.50 �• 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 i C.+ -12.0 C L U C t -24.0 Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge G -5 (Serial No. 11313B7D) Project Site -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N iV N N w w ¢ ¢ ti ti ti ti ti CIO) o o Z '~ W) N N ,� W N N N M ~ N 6 6 N rq N N N � Date of Measurement - Groundwater - -- =Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2..50 O 2.00 C, 1.50 sue• 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 i v S z U ❑ G -2.4.0 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Gauge G -6 (Serial No. EBDZ 18E) Project Site -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ^-' N N � •--� N v7 DQ N N N 6 Cy' M � � N rq N IC rq rT i' [� N N � OQ '--� Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 O 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1?.0 0.0 i C+ -1?,0 L ❑ C G -?4.0 Plum Creek AVetland Mitigation Gauge G-7 (Serial No. EBD2Al2) Project Site -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C3 [�C C3 N N M M ❑. C :3 C'n V) 0 0 z N I C •--� N GO N N N fir' O ~ N N N rq rT, M [� N N OQ � Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 ..w ?.00 +.r 1.50 �• 17. 1.00 0.50 11 12.0 0.0 i s c i t.i a v -24.0 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Gauge G -8 (Serial No. 1130ED80) Project Site -36,a it 110 +rT —;1 11 , � I f! I! %IT19 It 1 T1 1 r ]PI11 nI �0T W,I I I ffIFu TF T Tq Y T 'Al 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN z. g, C.' 9-+ '� bq biz ❑. CL w'' +' ,7 .'� rq N oo N N n o N c�a rq n 4 00 N N '--i Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00' 1.50 sue. 1.00 O. 50 0.00 1 2.0 0.0 z. r -12.0 0 s, C D -24.0 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Gauge G-9 (Serial No. EBD5020) Project Site -36.0 , N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N w w ti ti v2 v2 0 o z N Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00 1.50 sue• G.a 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 C L G r.+ D z. V a G -24.0 Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge 'Ditch25' (Serial No. EBD3EDF) Project Site -36.0 '`—s' 1� "AsI 1. 1! A, )--�, I- W I --f, -1 11I I n, , I I I sT, I w I r +1_ 1 .1 11 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N h] N N C M L" �• S3 z. CL 7 C C bA bfl o U, .O N N ~ N N N N DO r, Date of Measurement Groundwater — — — - Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 C: ..w C: Q 2.00 C, G 1.50 sG. 1.00 0.50 0.00 G., 12.0 0.0 -12.0 0 U a G - ?4.0 Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge 'Ditch50' (Serial No. EBD64BE) Project Site -3s.a N N N N N - N N N N N N N N rq N N ,--i rr1 DD N N N t j 4 M ~ N N N r7ti 'n N N 4 Date of Measurement -Groundivater ­-Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 ?.00 1.50 h o0 0..50 0.00 12.0 0.0 n i. -12.0 --- - - - - -- O i. O C. G A -24.0 besinnins of srowins season - March 15 i i i i Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge 'Ditch75' (Serial No. EBDBA05) Project Site end of growing season - November 18 6 i i i i -- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ___ i -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C M i. s^ r'>-. ✓'�+ C 7 7 X11 bA CL �. v v .� '7 � v2 0 0 Z Z NNNN rq ca N DO Date of measurement Groundwater - - - - Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 a 2.00' R 1.50 A., 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 d -12.0 O C7 0 C. A -24.0 -36.0 N N C Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Gauge 'Ditch 100' (Serial No. 11310FEA) Project Site Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00 R 1.50 4 1.00 0.50 0.00 N w N w S3 03 !1. ¢ G. Q cC C�3 ti ti ti ti ti ¢ N w2 Uhl U D U o O i7 Z N rq ,� rV rV 'J rq rq q N ry �- 00 Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00 R 1.50 4 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 a� �s -12.0 a U 0 A -24.0 -36.0 N N ti Plum Creek NVetland Mitigation Gauge 'Ditch 185' (Serial No. 11313BC2) Project Site N N N N N N N N N f^3 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N rn N Q oo � 4° O N ti m ti ti 5 4 N cm tur N a o rq N a a d 40 � Date of Measurement - Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 I-1.0 0.0 C R! a L a G G -24.0 Plum Creek AVetland Mitigation Gauge "Ditch235' (Serial No. A28C5CB) Project Site -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C�3 C N N a3 S3 Q.. w w C �. 4C C ^ '� '� C ti ti ti ti ti bl1 bfl Q N N V V rq N r`-I �, Date of Measurement - Groundwater ­-Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 C." a 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 C i S O L U O -24.0 Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Reference Site FOREST GUAGE {Formerly REF 2) (Serial No. EBCFCF6) -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 63 CC iL C CC 4C N N U U Q C'n CIO C7 N DO N N N G M N rq N N N 4 Date of Measurement �Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 O 2.00 ' 1.50 W6 QA 1.00 0.50 0.00 12.0 0.0 -12.0 0 s. 0 C. A -24.0 -36.0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N i 00 N � d M N N N N Date of Measurement Groundwater - - -- Required Depth (in.) Plum Creek Wetland Mitigation Reference Site POND GUAGE {Formerly PC -REF1} (Serial No. EBD2B2F) N N N N N N N N Precipitation 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 0 2.00' 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 00 14.00 12.00 10.00 c 5.00 �s .; 'E; 6.00 a 4.00 2.00 0.00 Plum Creek 30 -70 Percentile Graph Shaliotte, North Carolina Jan '12 Feb '12 Mar '12 Apr'12 Mav'12 Jun'12 Jul'12 Aug'12 Sep '12 Oct 112 Nov'12 Dec '12 Date 2012 Rainfall — — 30th Percentile 70th Percentile 70.0 60.0 50.0 c 40.0 'U 30.0 AN 20.0 10.0 0.0 Plum Creek 30 -70 Percentile Graph Shallotte, North Carolina Jan '12 Feb '12 Mar '12 Apr'12 May'12 Jun'12 Jul'12 Aug'12 Sep '12 Oct'12 Nov '12 Dec '12 Date � 2012 Rainfall — —30th Percentile 70th Percentile Appendix E: Pedon Description Sheets Sampling Location: Well 1 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -14 10 YR 2/1 sandy loam Oxidized rhizomes 14 -18 10 YR 4/2 sandy loam No saturation Sampling Location: Well 1 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 2 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -9 10 YR 2/1 sandy loam Oxidized rhizomes 9 -18 10 YR 211 sandy clay loam Sampling Location: Well 2 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 3 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -10 10 YR 2/1 SACL Lo 10 -18 10 YR 3/2 SACL Sampling Location: Well 3 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 4 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -15 10 YR 2/1 SACL Lo 15 -18 10 YR 4/2 SACL Sampling Location: Well 4 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 5 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -18 10 YR 2/1 SACL Lo Sampling Location: Well 5 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 6 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -2 organic Oxidized rhizomes 0 -10 10 YR 211 sandy loam Sampling Location: Well 6 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 7 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -18 10 YR 2/1 SaCI Lo Oxidized roots Sampling Location: Well 7 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 8 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -18 10 YR 2/1 SaCI Lo Oxidized roots Sampling Location: Well 8 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Sampling Location: Well 9 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: Describer: Roberts /Bode Landscape Position: Headwater wetland Depth to Saturation or Free Water: Vegetative Cover: Scrub -shrub Parent Material(s): Hydric Soil: x Yes No Hydric Soil Indicator: Soil Series: HGM Wetland Class: Slope Depth (in): Matrix Color /Colors: Redox Concentrations percent /size /color /location /type Texture % rock frags & size Roots size & abundance 0 -18 10 YR 2/1 Sandy loam Oxidized roots Sampling Location: Well 9 Time: Date: 11/13/2012 Weather: