HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120946 Ver 1_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20150414Annual Monitoring Report YEAR #4 Morgan Creek Floodplain (at Mason Farm) Biological Preserve Orange /Durham Counties, North Carolina EEP Project #258 Contract # 16- 005217 MY — 04 Monitoring Report Data Collected: September 2014 Submitted: December 2014 os stem E'n ar ement PROGRAM Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 217 West Jones St. Suite 3000A Raleigh, NC 27603 Annual Monitoring Report YEAR #4 Morgan Creek Floodplain (at Mason Farm) Biological Preserve Orange /Durham Counties, North Carolina EEP Project #258 Contract # 16- 005217 MY — 04 Monitoring Report Data Collected: September 2014 Submitted: December 2014 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 217 West Jones St. Suite 3000A Raleigh, NC 27603 Prepared by: r �] Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. P.O. Box 690429 Daw E o stem Charlotte, NC 28227 MOGEN5EN MITIGATION, INC an�ement PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Executive Summary ........................... ............................... II. Methodology .................................... ............................... III. References ....................................... ............................... APPENDICES Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map & Background Figure 1. Vicinity Map ............................. ............................... Tables 1.1. Project Components .................. ............................... Tables 1.2. Component Summations ............ ............................... Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History ............................... Table 3. Project Contact Table .................... ............................... Table 4. Project Attributes Table ................. ............................... Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View ........ ............................... Figure 3. Flood Plain Assessment ................ ............................... Tables 5.0 -5.1 Vegetation Condition Assessment ............................. Photo's (Veg. Plots & Berm Openings) ......... ............................... 1 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. Vegetation Plot Criterion Attainment ............................... 29 Table 7. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata ...... ............................... 30 Table 8. CVS Stem Count Total & Planted .... ............................... 31 Appendix D. Hydrologic Data Tables 9.0 -9.1. Verification of Bankfull Events . ............................... 33 Table 10. Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment .......................... 33 Figures 4.0 -4.6. Groundwater Gauge Charts ..... ............................... 34 Appendix E. USGS Stream Data 2014 Stream Data from USGS Station ID#02097517 ..................... 43 I. Executive Summary The Morgan Creek Floodplain Site (Site) is located on the Mason Farm Biological Reserve (MFBR) and is owned by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It was constructed for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). The design was done by Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. and constructed by Riverworks, Inc. The fourth year monitoring was done in September 2014 by Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. (MMI). Monitoring was done in conformance with the NCEEP Monitoring Report Template_ Version 1.5—adopted 8 June 2012 and monitoring requirements issued by the NCIRT in November 7, 2011 and can be found at http: // portal .ncdenr.org /c /document library/get file?p I id= 1169848 &f6lderld = 2288101 &nam e= DLFE- 39234.pdf. The Site is located on the MFBR immediately adjacent to A. E. Finley Golf Course and down the road from the North Carolina Botanical Garden. The Site is in the Morgan Creek Local Watershed planning area and is in the Cape Fear River (Haw) 14 -digit HUC 03030002060080. The Site has been used for biological research for UNC — Chapel Hill. Restoration actions included the construction of berm openings to increase flood water access to the floodplain behind the artificial berm along Morgan Creek. The project involved 14.37 acres of wetlands, the preservation of 5.61 acres of wetlands and preservation of 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer along the south bank of Morgan Creek. The Catena Group delineated the wetland preservation area in 2005 and the reference wetland in February 2008, neither of which were verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Goals 1. Facilitate regular flooding of the Morgan Creek floodplain behind the berm; 2. Promote attenuation of sediment and nutrients on the flood plain; 3. Reduce downstream flooding by creating additional storm water detention; 4. Reduce erosion by limiting flooding shear stress on Morgan Creek banks ; 5. Restore more natural hydrology to 14.37 acres of impacted wetlands; 6. Preserve 5.61 acres of existing forested wetlands; 7. Re- establish a natural plant community through plantings and invasive species control; 8. Preserve 3200 linear feet of riparian buffer on the south bank of Morgan Creek. Objectives 1. Create five (5) stable openings in the existing artificial berm to allow flood waters to access the conservation easement area; 2. Successfully plant 14.37 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands with native desirable trees and shrubs; 3. Demonstrate jurisdictional hydrology in 14.37 restored wetland acres by measuring groundwater through RDS continuous read monitoring gauges; 4. Preserve the entire Site through means of a conservation easement or deed restrictions in perpetuity. Five vegetation plots were located, flagged and monitored using Version 4.2 of the CVS -EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol. The success criterion specified in the mitigation plan Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 1 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 requires a minimum survival rate of 288 stems per acre for MY 4. During MY 5 the success criterion drops to 260 stems /per acre. All vegetation data was collected in September 2014. Based on the overall vegetation count data for MY 4 there is a mean density of 194 planted stems /acre surviving. The mean density of surviving planted stems and naturally occurring stems combined is 777 stems /acre. All five vegetation plots fell short of meeting the 288 stems /per acre target this year, with three of them failing by greater than 10%. The overall low density of surviving planted trees is supplemented with a good survival of desirable native volunteer species except for Plot 5 which is overgrown with Japanese stiltgrass ( Microstegium vimineum) and Johnson grass. All plots exhibited natural regeneration of woody species, with stem densities of natural stems ranging from 283 to 1295 stems /acre. Native species observed in plots include green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), red elm (ulmus rubra), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), silky dogwood (cornus amomum), and persimmon (Diospyrus virginiana). It is important to note that given prolific regeneration of volunteer native species resulting in an overall stem density of 777 stems /acre, NCEEP does not anticipate supplemental planting of this site. Data collected for all the plots are included in Appendix C. Problem vegetation areas were observed and photographed. These areas were dominated by microstegium, Japanese honesuckle (Lonicera japonica) and the invasive shrub buckthorn (Rhamnus davurica). Other invasive species observed included kudzu (Pueraria Montana), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Chinese lespedeza (Lespedeza sp.), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) and porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata). The NCEEP is actively treating Kudzu and porcelain berry on this site through an invasive species management contract. Japanese stilt grass is ubiquitous throughout the site and is problematic but would be very difficult to treat. The areas of problematic invasive species are noted as `VPAF on Figure 2. Vegetation Plot 5 is dominated by microstegium and is noted as `VPA2'. The low survival rates of planted stems in Plots 2, 3, 4 & 5 are noted on Figure 2, notwithstanding the prolific regeneration of natural stems in some of these areas, as noted in the text above. Significant Flood Events MMI began monitoring the Morgan Creek Floodplain in the late summer of 2013. Several significant flood events have taken place since the data collection began this fall. Previous year's monitoring reports note that there have been multiple storm events which have successfully flooded the conservation easement area through the berm openings. MY 2 report prepared by Ward Engineering, PC indicated that flood events that reach 7.8 feet above normal water surface elevation allows water to access the flood plain through the berm openings. MMI has accessed the USGS Stream Gauge #02097517 and according to this data flood stage reached 8 feet above normal water surface once (two consecutive days) in 2013 although none of those events occurred during the MMI monitoring time frame. Data from this Gauge for 2014 are reported in Appendix E. Each significant flood event that occurred in 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 2 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 was registered on the 5 crest stage gauges located at the berm openings. These occurrences are included in Table 9, below. MMI has installed manual crest stage gauges (CSG) at each berm opening and have checked these after each significant flood event. Each significant storm event crest elevation is noted using the CSGs and comparing it to the USGS stream gauge and precipitation data. The average flood height measured on the five (5) crest stage gauges was 30 inches during the fall monitoring. Due to the constriction through the berm gap openings we have incorporated a correction factor of negative 6 inches. Therefore, we have used a flood height water surface elevation of 24 inches above the existing ground elevation through each berm gap opening during any flood event that accessed the flood plain. The predicted flow pattern for a typical flood event is extrapolated across the gently sloping flood plain and is shown on Figure 3. The 24" water height flowing through each berm gap opening was assumed to become gradually shallower across the floodplain due to loss of head. This elevation would range from 2 feet at the berm openings then down to the receiving ditch that is at the back of the floodplain. Due to the shape of the floodplain and the associated existing berm it is assumed that the 24" water depth is maintained for a larger area at the downstream most portion of the project, as shown on Figure 3. Wetland Hydrology Nine RDS Groundwater gauges were installed according to the Technical Note HY- IA-3.1 (USACE 1993). The gauges record data every 24 hours and are downloaded quarterly. Seven gauges are located within or immediately adjacent to the conservation easement area and one is a reference gauge located off site. Gauge #8 was located approximately 1400 ft due south from gauge #1 in an area referred to as the "Big Oak Woods" area. It was located quite a distance from the conservation easement and therefore was abandoned according to Perry Sugg (NCEEP Project Manager). The location is shown on "Figure 4 - Restoration Site Hydrologic Features and Gauge locations" from the mitigation plan prepared by Becky Ward & Associates. Five gauges (1, 2, 4, 5 and 6) are in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 1 where groundwater is expected to be within 12" of the surface for at least 12.5% of the growing season (27 consecutive days). Two gauges (3 and 9) are located in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 2 where the groundwater is expected to be within 12" of the surface for at least 5% of the growing season (11 consecutive days). According to the NRCS -USDA the growing season runs from March 27 to November 3 which is 221 days (0.125 x 221 = 27 days & 221 x 0.05 = 11 days). Gauge #7 was originally installed in the reference wetland but was moved to a new location due to beaver activity and was referred to as #10 in the MY3 report. This gauge ( #10) was submerged in spring 2014, however it was subsequently located in the fall in a damaged condition and has been returned to Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 3 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 EEP for a replacement. Therefore, no data was available for this reference gauge for this MY 4 Report. NCEEP has replaced gauge #10 which will provide data for the MY5 monitoring report. In an effort to further delineate the hydrology in Wetland Restoration Area Soil Unit2, NCEEP installed three additional groundwater gauges (wells a -c) in October 2014. The locations of these new wells have been added to the appropriate MY4 visual assessment figures, however data from these new wells are not included in the MY4 monitoring report. NCEEP will be responsible for downloading data from these three new wells and providing it to MMI for incorporation into the MY5 annual report.Precipitation data was not collected from the onsite rain bucket gauge due to a malfunctioning bucket, which was removed at NCEEPs direction in 2013. Therefore onsite rainfall data from this rain gage was not available for the year. We have supplemented the site data with data from the NC Climate Office (Station name: Chapel Hill — Williams Airport. A USGS stream gauge located 1500 feet upstream of the Site (Station ID 0209517) was used to correlate precipitation data and with groundwater gauge data and is shown in the Groundwater Gauge Charts in Appendix E. The data from the RDS gauges indicates nearly all gauges have achieved jurisdictional hydrologic success criteria. The exception is Gauge # 3, which recorded groundwater depths within 12 inches of the surface for only 3% of the growing season. All other gauges achieved jurisdictional hydrology for more the 12.5% of the growing season with gauge #'s 1, 5 & 6 exceeding 20 %. Visually comparing these data to previous years' monitoring reports shows a clear trend toward reaching jurisdictional hydrology in all the wetland areas being monitored. Problem Areas The following is a summary of other problem areas (other than vegetation survival and invasive species) such as beaver encroachment, status of berm openings and anthropomorphic impacts. No beaver activity was observed during the numerous site visits made this fall. There is evidence of passive recreation by pedestrians but this is limited to walking on the mowed paths so no problems exist at this time. Several berm openings have erosion problems especially Berm Opening #1 (see photo) which has a significant pool that has eroded out. The erosion at Berm Gap #1 is getting noticeably worse and ha completely washed out the adjacent hiking trail (see picture). This should be repaired as well as the other berm openings that are experiencing erosion issues (Berm Opening's #2 & #3). Berm Opening's #4 & #5 are in reasonably good condition. Photos of all Berm openings can be found in the Site Photo's in Appendix B. NCEEP is scheduled to perform maintenance repairs on Berm Openings #'s 1 -4 during MY5. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 4 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 II. Methodology All photos were taken with a Nikon digital camera and are available electronically. A Trimble Hand Held GPS unit was used to locate veg. plot corners, groundwater gauges and problem areas. An RDS data collector was used to download the groundwater data from all gauges to an Excel sheet format. All graphics have been done using ArcGIS and are available electronically. A. Vegetation Methodologies Five 10 x 10 square meter vegetation plots were monitored according to the CVS -EEP Level 2 Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for Recording Vegetation 4.2 (Lee et al 2008). The plot corners are marked with 1" PVC pipe and marked with bright red flagging tape. All plots were relatively easily located except for Plot #5 which was dominated by Japanese stilt grass, Johnson grass and lacked any surviving planted trees. Data collected from each plot is included in Appendix C. Monitoring plot locations are shown on the maps in Appendix A. Plant identification was aided by the seminal publication Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and Surrounding Areas (Schaffle & Weakly). B. Wetland Methodologies Originally, nine (9) RDS GW Monitoring Gauges were installed. Gauge #8 is no longer being monitored and Gauge #7 (previously labelled #10) was submerged and lost in the spring site visit but recovered for this fall MY 4 Report. All gauges are downloaded quarterly throughout the growing season to ensure that the gauges are functioning properly. Hence, gauges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9 provided data for MY4 and will be monitored in future years. Data is provided in an Excel spreadsheet and supplemented with data from the State Climate Office. All raw data supporting the tables, figures and graphs in the appendices are available to NCEEP upon request. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 5 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 III. References Lee, Michael T.; Peet, Robert K.; Roberts, Steven D.; Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. NRCS -USDA. (2013). Climate Information for Orange County in the State of North Carolina. NCCO. (2013). NC Climate Office Annual Precipitation Data (Station name: Chapel Hill — Williams Airport). USGS. (2013). USGS Real -Time Water Data for North Carolina. Stream Gauge Station ID #02097517. Weakly, Alan. (2011). Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and the Surrounding Areas. Miller, James. (2003). Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests. A field guide for identification and Control. USDA Forest Service Southern Research station General Technical Report SRS -62. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 6 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 APPENDIX A. PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 7 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table la. Project Components Table 1 a. Project Components Mor an Creek Flood lain - EEP# 258 Project Non - Footage Restoration Stream Riparian Component Existing Restoration Approach or Stationing Mitigation Mitigation BMP Comment or Reach Feet /Acres Level Acreage Restoration Ratio Units Elementsi Enhancement I ID Enhancement II Creation Preservation 5.61 Totals 19.98 (Feet /Acres) Wetlands 14.37 R 14.37 1:1 14.37 Wetlands 5.61 P 5.61 5:1 1.12 1 = BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; Grassed Swale = S; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area, O = Other; CF = Cattle Fencing; WS = Watering System; CH = Livestock Housing Table lb. Component Summations Non - Applicable Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. P] Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 1 b. Component Summations Morgan Creek Floodplain — EEP# 258 Non - Restoration Stream Riparian Ripar Upland Buffer Level (If) Wetland Ac Ac Ac Ac BMP Non - Riverine Riverine Restoration 14.37 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation 5.61 Totals 19.98 (Feet /Acres) MU Totals 15.49 Non - Applicable Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. P] Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Morgan Creek Floodplain - EEP# 258 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Conservation easement MOA NA Aug-05 Restoration Plan Jul -06 Aug-06 Final Design — Construction Plans Aug-06 Nov -08 Permanent Conservation Easement NA May-09 Construction NA Jul -10 Bare root, containerized plantings NA Dec -10 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline ) Mar -11 Aug-1 1 Year 1 Monitoring Nov -11 Dec -11 Year 2 Monitoring Oct -12 Nov -12 Year 3 Monitoring Sep-13 Dec -13 Year 4 Monitoring Sep-14 Oct -14 Bolded items are examples of those items that are not standard, but may come up and should be included. Non - bolded items represent events that are standard components over the course of a typical project. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 10 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 3. Project Contacts Table Morgan Creek Floodplain -EEP# 258 Designer Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. 8368 Six Forks Rd, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Primary project design POC Becky Ward 919 - 870 -0526 Construction Contractor River Works, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Construction contractor POC Will Pedersen 919 - 459 -9001 Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying, PLLC 3201 Glenridge Dr Raleigh, NC 27604 Survey contractor POC Elisabeth Turner 919 - 875 -1378 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27930 Planting contractor POC Charlie Bruton 919 - 424 -6555 Seeding Contractor River Works, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 Contractor point of contact Will Pedersen 919 - 459 -9001 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource 336 - 855 -6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Core Nursery 919 - 542 -6186 Mellow Marsh Farm, Inc. 919 - 742 -1200 Dykes and Son Nursery 931 - 668 -8833 ArborGen (SuperTree Seedlings) 800 - 222 -1290 NC Forestry Service (Claridge Nursery) 919- 731 -7988 Monitoring Performers Mogensen Mitigation, Inc., Goldstein & Associates, Inc. 1221 P.O. Box 690423 Charlotte, NC Corporation Pkwy, Raleigh, NC 28227 27610 Stream Monitoring POC N/A Vegetation Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (Mogensen Mitigation, Inc.) 704 - 576 -1111 Wetland Monitoring POC Rich Mogensen (Mogensen Mitigation, Inc.) 704 - 576 -1111 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 11 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 4. Project Attribute Table Table 4. Project Attribute Table Morgan Creek Floodplain -EEP# 258 Project County Orange /Durham Physiographic Region Piedmont (Triassic Basin) Ecoregion Central Piedmont Project River Basin Cape Fear River Basin USGS HUCfor Project (14 digit) 3.03E +12 NCDWQSub -basin for Project 3/6/2006 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? Haw River (Jordan Lake) WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) Warm of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design phase? No Restoration Component Attribute Table Site Drainage area N/A Stream order N/A Restored length (feet) N/A Perennial or Intermittent N/A Watershed type (Rural, Urban, Developing etc.) N/A Watershed LULC Distribution (e.g.) N/A Residential N/A Ag -Row Crop N/A Ag- Livestock N/A Forested N/A Etc. N/A Watershed impervious cover ( %) N/A NCDWQ AU /Index number N/A NCDWQ classification WS- IV;NSW 303d listed? Yes Upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes Reasons for 303d listing or stressor Standard Violation Total acreage of easement 31.54 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 19.75 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 11.8 Rosgen classification of pre- existing N/A Rosgen classification of As -built N/A Valley type N/A Valley slope N/A Valley side slope range (e.g. 2 -3.%) N/A Valley toe slope range (e.g. 2 -3.%) N/A Cowardin classification N/A Trout waters designation N/A Species of concern, endangered etc.? (Y /N) No Dominant soil series and characteristics Chewacla Series Depth Clay% K T Use N/A for items that may not apply. Use " -" for items that are unavailable and "U" for items that are unknown Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 12 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 APPENDIX B. VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 13 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 5.0. Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage' 11.8 Easement Acreage2 31.54 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acrea e 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and 0.1 acres Brown Line 0 0.00 0.0% 4. Invasive Areas of herbaceous material. 500 SF Brown Line 2 0.1 0.1% 2. Low Stem Density Woody stem densities clearly below target levels 0.01 acres Brown Line 4 0.44 3.7% Areas based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 5. Easement 3 Areas or points (if too small to render as none Total 4 0.44 3.7% 3. Areas of Poor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are Growth Rates or obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres Brown Line 0 0 0.0% Vigor Cumulative Total 1 4 1 0.44 3.7% Easement Acreage2 31.54 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort. 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries. 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concern /interest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short -term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree /shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e.g. 1 -2 decades). The low /moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems. Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by EEP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not likley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree /shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme risk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches. In any case, the point or polygon /area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 16 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 % of Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Areas or points (if too small to render as 500 SF Brown Line 2 0.1 0.1% Concern polygons at map scale). 5. Easement 3 Areas or points (if too small to render as none Brown Line 0 0.00 0.0% Encroachment Areas polygons at map scale). 1 = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort. 2 = The acreage within the easement boundaries. 3 = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. 4 = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas, but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concern /interest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short -term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree /shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e.g. 1 -2 decades). The low /moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems. Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by EEP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not likley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree /shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. Those in red italics are of particular interest given their extreme risk/threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches. In any case, the point or polygon /area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the executive summary. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 16 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 5.1 Vegetation Condition Assessment — Species of Concern High Concern: Low /Moderate Concern: Vines Genus /Species Shrubs /Herbs Genus /Species Shrubs /Herbs Genus /Species Kudzu Pueraria lobata Japanese Knotweed Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese Privet Ligustrum Japonicum Porcelain Berry Ampelopsis brevipeduncul Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus Glossy Privet Ligustrum lucidum Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora Fescue Festuca spp. Japanese Hops Humulusjaponicus Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia English Ivy Hedera helix Wisterias Wisteria spp. Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense Microstegium Microstegium vimineum Winter Creeper Euonymus fortunei Chinese Silvergrass Miscanthus sinensis Burning Bush Euonymus alatus Bush Killer (Watch List) Cayratia japonica Phragmites Phragmites australis Johnson Grass Sorghum halepense Bamboos Phyllostachys spp Bush Honeysuckles Lonicera, spp. Trees sericea Lespedeza sericea Lespedeza Periwinkles Vinca minor Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Garlic Mustard (Watch List) Alliaria petiolata Morning Glories Morning Glories Mimosa Albizia julibrissin Cogon Grass (Watch List) Imperata cylindrica Bicolor Lespedeza (Watch List) Lespedeza bicolor Princess Tree Paulownia tomentosa Giant Reed (Watch List) Arundo donax Chinese Yams (Watch List) Dioscorea oppositifolia China Berry Melia azedarach Tropical Soda Apple (Watch List) Solanum via rum Air Potato (Watch List) Dioscorea bulbifera Callery Pear Pyrus calleryana IJapanese Spirea (Watch List) I Spiraea japonica Japanese Climbing Fern (Watch List) I Lygodium japonicum White Mulberry I Morus alba Japanese Barberry (Watch List) Berberis thunbergii Tallow Tree (Watch List) ITriadica sebifera Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 17 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. rr P� i A. I: Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 19 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 20 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 21 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 22 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 ^^ Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 23 , ' , ' Morgan Creek F|oodp|oin MY-04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 24 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. �S 25 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 vog +enMitigation, Inc. k \ / • \ § 26 Morgan Creek Hood plain MY-04 Monitoring Repo& November 2014 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 27 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 APPENDIX C. VEGETATION PLOT DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 28 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 6. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Appendix C Table 6. Vegetation Plot Attainment Morgan Creek Floodplain / EEP Project 258 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table 6. Vegetation Plot Attainment Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? MY04 Planted Stem Density (stems /acre) MY04Total Stem Density (stems /acre) VP-1 No 243 283 VP-2 No 162 1133 VP-3 No 283 931 VP-4 No 283 1295 VP-5 No 0 486 SITE MEAN 194 826 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 29 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 7. CVS Metadata Appendix C Table 7. CVS Metadata Morgan Creek Floodplain / EEP Project 258 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Report Prepared By Daniel Kuefler Date Prepared 9/17/2014 12:02 database name cvs- eep- entrytool- v2.3.1.mdb database location C: \Users \dkuefler \Desktop \CVS Veg File computer name ZENBOOK file size 74088448 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------- - - - -- Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded PROJ ECT SU M MARY------------------------------------- Project Code 258 project Name Mason Farms Description Wetland Enhancement and Restoration on Mason Farms Biological Reserve in Orange /Durham Counties River Basin Cape Fear length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) area(sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Plots Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 30 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 8. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Exceeds requirements by 10% Color for Density Exceeds requirements, but by less than 101/o Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 31 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Current Data • �����voov00000���0000 ©moo ©000000 ��000���voo������0000 ©moo ©000000 .'..: ��oo ©v0000 ©�����oo ©moo ©vo ©0000000 •- �����voo���oo ©���00000�oo ©000000 • - Size • 00000�oo ®vv ®oo���� ®�� ® ®��oo��� 00000000 ©© o ©000�oo ®vv ®000 ®� ®oo ®��� ® ® ®��� Exceeds requirements by 10% Color for Density Exceeds requirements, but by less than 101/o Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 31 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 APPENDIX D. HYDROLOGIC DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 32 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 9. Bankfull Events Accessing Through Berm Openings Table 9. Bankfull Events Accessing Through Berm Openings Morgan Creek Floodplain -EEP # 258 Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo # 17- Dec -10 n/a Visual observation of wrack lines MY- 01 #6 3- Jun -11 27- May -11 USGS Gauge height >11.0 feet, Visual observation of overland flow /indicators MY- 01 #7 1- Aug -11 31- Jul -11 USGS Gauge height >9.0 feet, Visual observation of overland flow /indicators MY- 01 #8 7- Sep -11 7- Sep -11 USGS Gauge height >8.5 feet n/a 23- May -12 23- May -12 USGS Gauge height >8 feet n/a 28- Jul -12 28- Jul -12 USGS Gauge height >9.7 feet n/a 3- Sep -12 3- Sep -12 USGS Gauge height >9.3 feet n/a 19- Sep -12 19- Sep -12 USGS Gauge height >10.1 feet, Visual observation of overland flow /indicators 6 30- Jun -13 30- Jun -13 USGS Gauge height >8.5 feet n/a 1- Jul -13 1- Jul -13 USGS Gauge height >8.5 feet n/a 7- March -14 7- March -14 USGS Gauge height >8.5 feet n/a 16- May -2014 16- May -14 USGS Gauge height >8.5 feet n/a 2- Sept -2014 n/a *Berm Gap 1 - Crest Stage Gauge Flood Elevation 24" n/a 2- Sept -2014 n/a *Berm Gap 2 - Crest Stage Gauge Flood Elevation 36" n/a 2- Sept -2014 n/a *Berm Gap 3 - Damaged n/a 2- Sept -2014 n/a *Berm Gap 4 - Crest Stage Gauge Flood Elevation 28" n/a 2- Sept -2014 n/a *Berm Gap 5 - Crest Stage Gauge Flood Elevation 36" n/a *Flood Elevations measured from existing ground. Gauge #3 has been repaired and reset. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 33 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Table 10. Wetland Criteria Attainment a - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Gauge # Max# Conseq. Days % Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max# Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max# Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max# Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained Max# Conseq. Days %Growing Season Success Criteria Attained 1 20 9 Yes 61 28 Yes 35 16 Yes 50 22 Yes 46 21 Yes 2 53d 24 Yes 34 15 Yes 8 4 No 23 10 Yes 39 18 Yes 3 5d 2 No 5 2 No 3g 1 No - - Yes 7 3 No 4 3e 1 No 8a 4 No 23 10 Yes 48 21 Yes 39 18 Yes 5 24d 11 Yes 53 24 Yes 61 28 Yes 52 23 Yes 46 21 Yes 6 23d 10 Yes 51 23 Yes 25 25 Yes 51 23 Yes 46 21 Yes 9 Od 0 No 32 14 Yes 11 11 Yes 32 15 Yes 45 20 Yes 10 Of 0 No 61 18 Yes 42 42 Yes 169 76 Yes a - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 71 days of the growing season b - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 115 days of the growing season c - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 145 days of the growing season d - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 141 days of the growing season e - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 131 days of the growing season f - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 116 days of the growing season g - Data missing — groundwater level monitored for 69 days of the growing season Gauge 3 was replaced due to malfunction and did not yield viable data. Gauge 7 was removed prior to restoration activities. Gauge 8 data is unrelated to the success of the wetland restoration project component. Hydrology Success Criteria: Five gauges (1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) are in Wetland Restoration Soil Unit 1, where groundwater is expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 12.5% of the growing season. Two gauges (3 and 9) are in Wetland Soil Unit 2 where the groundwater is expected to be within 12 inches of the surface for at least 5% of the growing season. Growing Season: March 23 to November 3 ( source: http: / /www.wcc .nres.usda.gov /cgibin /state.pl ?state =nc) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 34 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.0. Groundwater Gauge 1 Data Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 35 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.1. Groundwater Gauge 2 Data Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 36 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 2 -MY4 (2014) 80 N 5.00 u m 60 4.00 40 0 m c 3.00 3 0 20 0 r „ 2.00 N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -20 0.00 40 ---- - - - -39 days------ - -60 -1.00 1/1/2014 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 36 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.2. Groundwater Gauge 3 Data Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 37 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 3 -MY4 (2014) 80 N 5.00 60 u 0 4.00 40 0 m c 3.00 3 0 20 0 r „ 2.00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J - - - --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 -20 0.00 -40 - -7 days-- - -60 -1.00 1/1/2014 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 37 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.3. Groundwater Gauge 4 Data Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 4 -MY4 (2014) 80 5.00 00 N S u m 60 4.00 0 m 40 c 3.00 3 0 20 6 r m 2.00 0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -20 A='jdUU U'jUWk_1 A 0.00 40 ---- - - - -39 days------ - -60 -1.00 1/1/2014 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. w Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.4. Groundwater Gauge 5 Data Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 5 -MY4 (2014) 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 N 1 u m 0 tw m c 3 0 0 r m -:L�jdW_ALL'JLJML_� A --------- - - - - -- 46 days --------- - - - - -- -60 - 1/1/2014 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 39 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Precipitation (in) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.5. Groundwater Gauge 6 Data 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 1/1/2014 Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 6 -MY4 (2014) N s u m 0 0., bA m c 3 0 0 r M ---------- - - - - -- 46 days -------- - - - - -- 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 40 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Precipitation (in) 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Figure 4.6. Groundwater Gauge 9 Data Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 41 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Morgan Creek Groundwater Gauge 9 -MY4 (2014) 80 N 5.00 60 u f0 4.00 0 m 40 � c 3.00 3 0 20 0 `m 2.00 0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 1.00 -20 40 As 0.00 ----------- - - - - -- 45 days ------ - - - - -- -60 -1.00 1/1/2014 1/31/2014 3/2/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/31/2014 6/30/2014 7/30/2014 8/29/2014 Groundwater Depth (in) — — — 12 Inches Below Surface USGS Stream Gauge Height (in) Precipitation (in) Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 41 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 APPENDIX E. USGS STREAM DATA Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 42 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 # ---------------------------- - - - - -- WARNING ---------------------------------------- # The data you have obtained from this automated U.S. Geological Survey database # have not received Director's approval and as such are provisional and subject to # revision. The data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the # United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its use. # Additional info: http: / /help.waterdata .usgs.gov /policies /provisional- data - statement # File- format description: http: // help .waterdata.usgs.gov /faq /about- tab - delimited- output # Automated - retrieval info: http: / /help.waterdata. usgs .gov /faq /automated - retrievals # Contact: gs- w_support_nwisweb @usgs.gov # retrieved: 2014 -09 -24 16:45:33 EDT (vaww02) # Data for the following 1 site(s) are contained in this file # USGS 02097517 MORGAN CREEK NEAR CHAPEL HILL, NC # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data provided for site 02097517 # DD parameter statistic Description # 04 00065 00003 Gage height, feet (Mean) # 04 00065 00001 Gage height, feet (Maximum) # 04 00065 00002 Gage height, feet (Minimum) # Data -value qualification codes included in this output: # P Provisional data subject to revision. Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 43 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 Max Min Max Date Mean (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) USGS 2097517 1/1/2014 4.42 4.09 4.26 49.08 USGS 2097517 1/2/2014 4.68 4 4.21 48 USGS 2097517 1/3/2014 4.1 49.2 USGS 2097517 1/4/2014 4.46 4.23 4.38 50.76 USGS 2097517 1/5/2014 4.37 4.19 4.3 50.28 USGS 2097517 1/6/2014 4.62 4.25 4.46 51 USGS 2097517 1/7/2014 4.53 4.38 4.44 52.56 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 43 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 1/8/2014 4.39 4.26 4.33 51.12 USGS 2097517 1/9/2014 4.37 4.13 4.28 49.56 USGS 2097517 1/10/2014 5.13 4.09 4.43 49.08 USGS 2097517 1/11/2014 8.22 5.13 6.68 61.56 USGS 2097517 1/12/2014 7.77 5.21 6.01 62.52 USGS 2097517 1/13/2014 5.21 4.78 4.96 57.36 USGS 2097517 1/14/2014 5.17 4.7 4.88 56.4 USGS 2097517 1/15/2014 4.9 4.62 4.79 55.44 USGS 2097517 1/16/2014 4.75 4.54 4.67 54.48 USGS 2097517 1/17/2014 4.64 4.45 4.56 53.4 USGS 2097517 1/18/2014 4.56 4.37 4.48 52.44 USGS 2097517 1/19/2014 4.48 4.3 4.41 51.6 USGS 2097517 1/20/2014 4.44 4.25 4.37 51 USGS 2097517 1/21/2014 4.43 4.22 4.35 50.64 USGS 2097517 1/22/2014 4.42 4.22 4.36 50.64 USGS 2097517 1/23/2014 4.37 4.16 4.3 49.92 USGS 2097517 1/24/2014 4.33 4.11 4.26 49.32 USGS 2097517 1/25/2014 4.32 4.12 4.24 49.44 USGS 2097517 1/26/2014 4.34 4.08 4.23 48.96 USGS 2097517 1/27/2014 4.32 4.11 4.25 49.32 USGS 2097517 1/28/2014 4.28 4.07 4.22 48.84 USGS 2097517 1/29/2014 4.3 4.08 4.21 48.96 USGS 2097517 1/30/2014 4.3 4.06 4.2 48.72 USGS 2097517 1/31/2014 4.29 4.06 4.19 48.72 USGS 2097517 2/1/2014 4.34 4.06 4.2 48.72 USGS 2097517 2/2/2014 4.31 4.08 4.2 48.96 USGS 2097517 2/3/2014 4.41 4.1 4.25 49.2 USGS 2097517 2/4/2014 4.65 4.11 4.31 49.32 USGS 2097517 2/5/2014 4.64 4.32 4.47 51.84 USGS 2097517 2/6/2014 4.45 4.21 4.37 50.52 USGS 2097517 2/7/2014 4.35 4.15 4.29 49.8 USGS 2097517 2/8/2014 4.34 4.12 4.25 49.44 USGS 2097517 2/9/2014 4.31 4.09 4.23 49.08 USGS 2097517 2/10/2014 4.29 4.08 4.21 48.96 USGS 2097517 2/11/2014 4.29 4.06 4.21 48.72 USGS 2097517 2/12/2014 4.3 4.06 4.2 48.72 USGS 2097517 2/13/2014 4.73 4.29 4.5 51.48 USGS 2097517 2/14/2014 5.29 4.48 4.78 53.76 USGS 2097517 2/15/2014 6.17 4.89 5.49 58.68 USGS 2097517 2/16/2014 6.07 5.07 5.38 60.84 USGS 2097517 2/17/2014 5.1 4.81 4.97 57.72 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 44 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 2/18/2014 4.86 4.68 4.79 56.16 USGS 2097517 2/19/2014 5.21 4.68 5.02 56.16 USGS 2097517 2/20/2014 5.08 4.72 4.89 56.64 USGS 2097517 2/21/2014 6.17 4.65 5.21 55.8 USGS 2097517 2/22/2014 5.46 4.88 5.11 58.56 USGS 2097517 2/23/2014 4.88 4.62 4.76 55.44 USGS 2097517 2/24/2014 4.68 4.49 4.61 53.88 USGS 2097517 2/25/2014 4.58 4.32 4.48 51.84 USGS 2097517 2/26/2014 4.48 4.31 4.42 51.72 USGS 2097517 2/27/2014 4.45 4.28 4.4 51.36 USGS 2097517 2/28/2014 4.4 4.21 4.35 50.52 USGS 2097517 3/1/2014 4.39 4.18 4.31 50.16 USGS 2097517 3/2/2014 4.37 4.17 4.29 50.04 USGS 2097517 3/3/2014 4.67 4.19 4.42 50.28 USGS 2097517 3/4/2014 4.5 4.28 4.43 51.36 USGS 2097517 3/5/2014 4.43 4.23 4.37 50.76 USGS 2097517 3/6/2014 4.95 4.18 4.37 50.16 USGS 2097517 3/7/2014 11.36 4.95 8.44 59.4 USGS 2097517 3/8/2014 9.73 5.56 6.85 66.72 USGS 2097517 3/9/2014 5.58 5 5.23 60 USGS 2097517 3/10/2014 5 4.76 4.87 57.12 USGS 2097517 3/11/2014 4.8 4.59 4.7 55.08 USGS 2097517 3/12/2014 5.17 4.54 4.71 54.48 USGS 2097517 3/13/2014 5.02 4.63 4.79 55.56 USGS 2097517 3/14/2014 4.65 4.47 4.57 53.64 USGS 2097517 3/15/2014 4.53 4.39 4.48 52.68 USGS 2097517 3/16/2014 4.73 4.37 4.49 52.44 USGS 2097517 3/17/2014 5.31 4.73 4.89 56.76 USGS 2097517 3/18/2014 5.4 5.11 5.26 61.32 USGS 2097517 3/19/2014 5.3 4.87 5.02 58.44 USGS 2097517 3/20/2014 4.88 4.64 4.78 55.68 USGS 2097517 3/21/2014 4.71 4.5 4.62 54 USGS 2097517 3/22/2014 4.58 4.43 4.52 53.16 USGS 2097517 3/23/2014 4.59 4.4 4.49 52.8 USGS 2097517 3/24/2014 4.53 4.36 4.47 52.32 USGS 2097517 3/25/2014 4.47 4.33 4.42 51.96 USGS 2097517 3/26/2014 4.45 4.3 4.4 51.6 USGS 2097517 3/27/2014 4.44 4.25 4.36 51 USGS 2097517 3/28/2014 4.46 4.24 4.34 50.88 USGS 2097517 3/29/2014 4.71 4.39 4.59 52.68 USGS 2097517 3/30/2014 4.69 4.46 4.58 53.52 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 45 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 3/31/2014 4.5 4.31 4.43 51.72 USGS 2097517 4/1/2014 4.42 4.28 4.37 51.36 USGS 2097517 4/2/2014 4.28 51.36 USGS 2097517 4/3/2014 4.43 4.29 4.38 51.48 USGS 2097517 4/4/2014 4.45 4.29 4.37 51.48 USGS 2097517 4/5/2014 4.41 4.25 4.35 51 USGS 2097517 4/6/2014 4.36 4.21 4.31 50.52 USGS 2097517 4/7/2014 7.57 4.23 5.78 50.76 USGS 2097517 4/8/2014 6.54 5.04 5.48 60.48 USGS 2097517 4/9/2014 5.04 4.74 4.88 56.88 USGS 2097517 4/10/2014 4.76 4.55 4.68 54.6 USGS 2097517 4/11/2014 4.64 4.48 4.58 53.76 USGS 2097517 4/12/2014 4.61 4.4 4.52 52.8 USGS 2097517 4/13/2014 4.52 4.37 4.46 52.44 USGS 2097517 4/14/2014 4.54 4.35 4.45 52.2 USGS 2097517 4/15/2014 5.61 4.39 4.98 52.68 USGS 2097517 4/16/2014 5.3 4.72 4.91 56.64 USGS 2097517 4/17/2014 4.73 4.5 4.63 54 USGS 2097517 4/18/2014 4.62 4.43 4.54 53.16 USGS 2097517 4/19/2014 5.36 4.55 5.15 54.6 USGS 2097517 4/20/2014 5.2 4.76 4.94 57.12 USGS 2097517 4/21/2014 4.78 4.55 4.68 54.6 USGS 2097517 4/22/2014 4.66 4.5 4.6 54 USGS 2097517 4/23/2014 4.57 4.39 4.51 52.68 USGS 2097517 4/24/2014 4.48 4.31 4.42 51.72 USGS 2097517 4/25/2014 5.6 4.3 4.66 51.6 USGS 2097517 4/26/2014 4.98 4.62 4.82 55.44 USGS 2097517 4/27/2014 4.63 4.41 4.54 52.92 USGS 2097517 4/28/2014 4.49 4.31 4.43 51.72 USGS 2097517 4/29/2014 4.68 4.31 4.41 51.72 USGS 2097517 4/30/2014 4.9 4.56 4.76 54.72 USGS 2097517 5/1/2014 4.77 4.45 4.61 53.4 USGS 2097517 5/2/2014 4.53 4.33 4.45 51.96 USGS 2097517 5/3/2014 4.45 4.26 4.37 51.12 USGS 2097517 5/4/2014 4.37 4.21 4.31 50.52 USGS 2097517 5/5/2014 4.35 4.16 4.28 49.92 USGS 2097517 5/6/2014 4.29 4.12 4.23 49.44 USGS 2097517 5/7/2014 4.32 4.12 4.23 49.44 USGS 2097517 5/8/2014 4.27 4.1 4.21 49.2 USGS 2097517 5/9/2014 4.24 4.07 4.17 48.84 USGS 2097517 5/10/2014 4.25 4 4.17 48 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 46 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 5/11/2014 4.22 4.06 4.15 48.72 USGS 2097517 5/12/2014 4.22 4.02 4.14 48.24 USGS 2097517 5/13/2014 4.17 3.95 4.09 47.4 USGS 2097517 5/14/2014 4.14 3.89 4.02 46.68 USGS 2097517 5/15/2014 11.74 3.89 5.88 46.68 USGS 2097517 5/16/2014 11.84 5.68 8.69 68.16 USGS 2097517 5/17/2014 5.68 4.88 5.18 58.56 USGS 2097517 5/18/2014 5.07 4.59 4.76 55.08 USGS 2097517 5/19/2014 4.64 4.44 4.56 53.28 USGS 2097517 5/20/2014 4.51 4.35 4.45 52.2 USGS 2097517 5/21/2014 4.46 4.29 4.38 51.48 USGS 2097517 5/22/2014 4.4 4.24 4.33 50.88 USGS 2097517 5/23/2014 4.42 4.2 4.3 50.4 USGS 2097517 5/24/2014 4.32 4.14 4.24 49.68 USGS 2097517 5/25/2014 4.25 4.09 4.19 49.08 USGS 2097517 5/26/2014 4.25 4.08 4.17 48.96 USGS 2097517 5/27/2014 5 4.01 4.28 48.12 USGS 2097517 5/28/2014 4.41 4.12 4.26 49.44 USGS 2097517 5/29/2014 4.27 4.08 4.2 48.96 USGS 2097517 5/30/2014 4.25 4.03 4.14 48.36 USGS 2097517 5/31/2014 4.19 3.94 4.09 47.28 USGS 2097517 6/1/2014 4.16 3.95 4.07 47.4 USGS 2097517 6/2/2014 4.18 3.94 4.08 47.28 USGS 2097517 6/3/2014 4.15 3.94 4.07 47.28 USGS 2097517 6/4/2014 4.12 3.9 4.03 46.8 USGS 2097517 6/5/2014 4.16 3.82 4.04 45.84 USGS 2097517 6/6/2014 4.11 3.86 4 46.32 USGS 2097517 6/7/2014 4.08 3.81 3.99 45.72 USGS 2097517 6/8/2014 4.09 3.83 3.98 45.96 USGS 2097517 6/9/2014 4.39 3.9 4.04 46.8 USGS 2097517 6/10/2014 4.39 3.9 4.13 46.8 USGS 2097517 6/11/2014 4.27 3.9 4.05 46.8 USGS 2097517 6/12/2014 4.12 3.86 4.02 46.32 USGS 2097517 6/13/2014 4.11 3.85 4.02 46.2 USGS 2097517 6/14/2014 4.15 3.85 4 46.2 USGS 2097517 6/15/2014 4.08 3.83 3.98 45.96 USGS 2097517 6/16/2014 4.06 3.73 3.92 44.76 USGS 2097517 6/17/2014 4.07 3.82 3.96 45.84 USGS 2097517 6/18/2014 4.03 3.78 3.92 45.36 USGS 2097517 6/19/2014 4.02 3.68 3.9 44.16 USGS 2097517 6/20/2014 4.03 3.76 3.91 45.12 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 47 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 6/21/2014 4.16 3.78 3.96 45.36 USGS 2097517 6/22/2014 4 3.73 3.88 44.76 USGS 2097517 6/23/2014 3.99 3.7 3.88 44.4 USGS 2097517 6/24/2014 3.97 3.57 3.82 42.84 USGS 2097517 6/25/2014 3.97 3.67 3.85 44.04 USGS 2097517 6/26/2014 3.95 3.67 3.84 44.04 USGS 2097517 6/27/2014 4.56 3.73 4.01 44.76 USGS 2097517 6/28/2014 3.99 3.69 3.85 44.28 USGS 2097517 6/29/2014 3.94 3.68 3.82 44.16 USGS 2097517 6/30/2014 3.94 3.67 3.82 44.04 USGS 2097517 7/1/2014 3.95 3.47 3.77 41.64 USGS 2097517 7/2/2014 3.9 3.56 3.77 42.72 USGS 2097517 7/3/2014 3.91 3.42 3.73 41.04 USGS 2097517 7/4/2014 3.88 3.5 3.72 42 USGS 2097517 7/5/2014 3.86 3.58 3.72 42.96 USGS 2097517 7/6/2014 3.86 3.45 3.71 41.4 USGS 2097517 7/7/2014 3.87 3.55 3.72 42.6 USGS 2097517 7/8/2014 3.87 3.41 3.71 40.92 USGS 2097517 7/9/2014 3.88 3.45 3.69 41.4 USGS 2097517 7/10/2014 3.96 3.35 3.74 40.2 USGS 2097517 7/11/2014 3.97 3.59 3.78 43.08 USGS 2097517 7/12/2014 3.89 3.46 3.72 41.52 USGS 2097517 7/13/2014 3.86 3.46 3.69 41.52 USGS 2097517 7/14/2014 4.07 3.26 3.68 39.12 USGS 2097517 7/15/2014 6.1 3.69 4.31 44.28 USGS 2097517 7/16/2014 4.96 3.83 4.16 45.96 USGS 2097517 7/17/2014 4 3.68 3.86 44.16 USGS 2097517 7/18/2014 3.93 3.62 3.79 43.44 USGS 2097517 7/19/2014 3.94 3.54 3.76 42.48 USGS 2097517 7/20/2014 3.95 3.55 3.74 42.6 USGS 2097517 7/21/2014 3.56 42.72 USGS 2097517 7/22/2014 3.56 42.72 USGS 2097517 7/23/2014 3.92 3.58 3.76 42.96 USGS 2097517 7/24/2014 4.91 3.51 3.84 42.12 USGS 2097517 7/25/2014 4.47 3.64 4.04 43.68 USGS 2097517 7/26/2014 3.9 3.58 3.74 42.96 USGS 2097517 7/27/2014 4.45 3.54 3.9 42.48 USGS 2097517 7/28/2014 3.99 3.57 3.78 42.84 USGS 2097517 7/29/2014 3.85 3.55 3.72 42.6 USGS 2097517 7/30/2014 3.89 3.52 3.69 42.24 USGS 2097517 7/31/2014 4.51 3.51 3.72 42.12 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 48 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 8/1/2014 6.25 3.98 4.6 47.76 USGS 2097517 8/2/2014 4.59 3.8 4.12 45.6 USGS 2097517 8/3/2014 4.01 3.71 3.88 44.52 USGS 2097517 8/4/2014 3.99 3.68 3.82 44.16 USGS 2097517 8/5/2014 3.9 3.6 3.77 43.2 USGS 2097517 8/6/2014 3.94 3.51 3.73 42.12 USGS 2097517 8/7/2014 3.93 3.57 3.75 42.84 USGS 2097517 8/8/2014 3.94 3.53 3.76 42.36 USGS 2097517 8/9/2014 4.91 3.72 4.38 44.64 USGS 2097517 8/10/2014 4.6 3.87 4.25 46.44 USGS 2097517 8/11/2014 4.43 3.77 3.97 45.24 USGS 2097517 8/12/2014 4.99 4.12 4.44 49.44 USGS 2097517 8/13/2014 4.45 3.89 4.14 46.68 USGS 2097517 8/14/2014 4.08 3.76 3.91 45.12 USGS 2097517 8/15/2014 3.98 3.7 3.84 44.4 USGS 2097517 8/16/2014 3.94 3.55 3.79 42.6 USGS 2097517 8/17/2014 3.93 3.62 3.78 43.44 USGS 2097517 8/18/2014 5.21 3.58 3.96 42.96 USGS 2097517 8/19/2014 4.76 3.69 4.04 44.28 USGS 2097517 8/20/2014 3.94 3.64 3.82 43.68 USGS 2097517 8/21/2014 3.93 3.53 3.78 42.36 USGS 2097517 8/22/2014 4.21 3.49 3.8 41.88 USGS 2097517 8/23/2014 4.51 3.68 3.95 44.16 USGS 2097517 8/24/2014 4.02 3.64 3.83 43.68 USGS 2097517 8/25/2014 3.91 3.47 3.7 41.64 USGS 2097517 8/26/2014 3.91 3.53 3.76 42.36 USGS 2097517 8/27/2014 3.86 3.47 3.71 41.64 USGS 2097517 8/28/2014 3.85 3.35 3.64 40.2 USGS 2097517 8/29/2014 4.2 3.55 3.89 42.6 USGS 2097517 8/30/2014 3.85 3.49 3.67 41.88 USGS 2097517 8/31/2014 3.83 3.49 3.65 41.88 USGS 2097517 9/1/2014 3.83 3.49 3.66 41.88 USGS 2097517 9/2/2014 3.84 3.47 3.67 41.64 USGS 2097517 9/3/2014 3.84 3.37 3.63 40.44 USGS 2097517 9/4/2014 3.82 3.28 3.63 39.36 USGS 2097517 9/5/2014 3.82 3.44 3.64 41.28 USGS 2097517 9/6/2014 3.79 3.32 3.59 39.84 USGS 2097517 9/7/2014 3.84 3.43 3.64 41.16 USGS 2097517 9/8/2014 3.97 3.5 3.72 42 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 49 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 9/9/2014 3.94 3.5 3.71 42 USGS 2097517 9/10/2014 3.87 3.51 3.72 42.12 USGS 2097517 9/11/2014 3.83 3.46 3.67 41.52 USGS 2097517 9/12/2014 3.85 3.42 3.65 41.04 USGS 2097517 9/13/2014 3.86 3.41 3.64 40.92 USGS 2097517 9/14/2014 3.82 3.42 3.64 41.04 USGS 2097517 9/15/2014 3.8 3.42 3.64 41.04 USGS 2097517 9/16/2014 3.8 3.42 3.61 41.04 USGS 2097517 9/17/2014 3.93 3.38 3.7 40.56 USGS 2097517 9/18/2014 3.83 3.35 3.63 40.2 USGS 2097517 9/19/2014 3.8 3.42 3.63 41.04 USGS 2097517 9/20/2014 3.81 3.38 3.61 40.56 USGS 2097517 9/21/2014 0 USGS 2097517 9/22/2014 0 USGS 2097517 9/23/2014 3.81 3.43 3.65 41.16 USGS 2097517 9/24/2014 5.45 3.48 4.42 41.76 USGS 2097517 9/25/2014 4.98 3.65 4.15 43.8 USGS 2097517 9/26/2014 3.94 3.52 3.76 42.24 USGS 2097517 9/27/2014 3.86 3.49 3.69 41.88 USGS 2097517 9/28/2014 3.86 3.48 3.67 41.76 USGS 2097517 9/29/2014 3.9 3.46 3.71 41.52 USGS 2097517 9/30/2014 3.87 3.49 3.72 41.88 USGS 2097517 10/1/2014 3.83 3.48 3.69 41.76 USGS 2097517 10/2/2014 3.82 3.44 3.66 41.28 USGS 2097517 10/3/2014 3.81 3.41 3.66 40.92 USGS 2097517 10/4/2014 3.8 3.45 3.64 41.4 USGS 2097517 10/5/2014 3.81 3.45 3.65 41.4 USGS 2097517 10/6/2014 3.82 3.44 3.65 41.28 USGS 2097517 10/7/2014 3.78 3.35 3.6 40.2 USGS 2097517 10/8/2014 3.83 3.43 3.65 41.16 USGS 2097517 10/9/2014 3.84 3.43 3.67 41.16 USGS 2097517 10/10/2014 5.43 3.44 3.82 41.28 USGS 2097517 10/11/2014 5.12 3.72 4.23 44.64 USGS 2097517 10/12/2014 4.24 3.62 3.89 43.44 USGS 2097517 10/13/2014 3.92 3.54 3.75 42.48 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 50 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 10/14/2014 4.25 3.51 3.87 42.12 USGS 2097517 10/15/2014 5.56 3.7 4.48 44.4 USGS 2097517 10/16/2014 0 USGS 2097517 10/17/2014 3.88 3.5 3.72 42 USGS 2097517 10/18/2014 3.8 3.45 3.67 41.4 USGS 2097517 10/19/2014 3.8 3.45 3.66 41.4 USGS 2097517 10/20/2014 3.82 3.46 3.68 41.52 USGS 2097517 10/21/2014 3.82 3.44 3.67 41.28 USGS 2097517 10/22/2014 4 3.43 3.76 41.16 USGS 2097517 10/23/2014 4.02 3.65 3.86 43.8 USGS 2097517 10/24/2014 4 3.63 3.85 43.56 USGS 2097517 10/25/2014 3.98 3.56 3.83 42.72 USGS 2097517 10/26/2014 3.99 3.56 3.84 42.72 USGS 2097517 10/27/2014 3.99 3.62 3.85 43.44 USGS 2097517 10/28/2014 3.99 3.62 3.84 43.44 USGS 2097517 10/29/2014 4.22 3.61 3.87 43.32 USGS 2097517 10/30/2014 3.99 3.57 3.83 42.84 USGS 2097517 10/31/2014 4.05 3.56 3.86 42.72 USGS 2097517 11/1/2014 4.71 3.84 4.29 46.08 USGS 2097517 11/2/2014 4.19 3.78 4.03 45.36 USGS 2097517 11/3/2014 4.18 3.62 3.95 43.44 USGS 2097517 11/4/2014 4.22 3.76 4.02 45.12 USGS 2097517 11/5/2014 4.2 3.63 3.99 43.56 USGS 2097517 11/6/2014 4.46 3.64 4.07 43.68 USGS 2097517 11/7/2014 4.33 3.89 4.15 46.68 USGS 2097517 11/8/2014 4.17 3.71 3.98 44.52 USGS 2097517 11/9/2014 4.19 3.66 3.98 43.92 USGS 2097517 11/10/2014 4.2 3.67 4.02 44.04 USGS 2097517 11/11/2014 4.25 3.47 4.03 41.64 USGS 2097517 11/12/2014 4.25 3.68 3.96 44.16 USGS 2097517 11/13/2014 4.09 3.37 3.89 40.44 USGS 2097517 11/14/2014 4.15 3.63 3.9 43.56 USGS 2097517 11/15/2014 4.14 3.03 3.9 36.36 USGS 2097517 11/16/2014 4.14 3.06 3.9 36.72 USGS 2097517 11/17/2014 4.63 3.64 4.15 43.68 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 51 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014 USGS 2097517 11/18/2014 4.43 3.03 4.17 36.36 USGS 2097517 11/19/2014 4.23 3.03 3.95 36.36 USGS 2097517 11/20/2014 4.25 3.03 3.99 36.36 USGS 2097517 11/21/2014 4.25 3.05 4.02 36.6 USGS 2097517 11/22/2014 4.19 3.1 3.93 37.2 USGS 2097517 11/23/2014 5.1 3.53 4.02 42.36 USGS 2097517 11/24/2014 5.1 4.08 4.51 48.96 USGS 2097517 11/25/2014 4.29 3.76 4.05 45.12 Mogensen Mitigation, Inc. 52 Morgan Creek Floodplain MY -04 Monitoring Report November 2014