HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_Fax_200707261 DIU QF WATER QUALITY Fax: 9197332496 Jul 24 2006 17:26 . • JU!, ~~, 206 4; 11rvI FR~RKER 'OE F~DRI~S AND BERhSTEIN b9~ ; N~ b53b V 9 ',I K'- ~ .. .. Categrnv of Faz• D Can~d~ential ~ ~ In csso T0: ~. ~a~d ~- S,ts~n Caward7 't';±Oh4; Yt. ~ RE' ''VV'8nt3edl Corrrrs: Taal number of Fages TiI~ ~iE'OI~MATION CON7fL~E7 rN Wi3GM iTLS ADDRES4'D. I~"FFL~ R /~ REi2E8'YNO'['IF1ED NOTI17ltrr SEAIDER. IF YOII HAVE BECfitVEO' 'JkfGy TAL FAC$A~.E TO U$ AT Tn 7t~wtEtc YOR7. RAL340164vi P. O1 .. FJ ~1f7aMte~a and ~++-a'F1W7 Ar~1 ` . ~ ~. N } ~ C'~'HE~ OFF?CES: Wachavia Capitol Center 150 Faye~ceville Sweet, Suite 14pp CN~~L~sra:~z, SC Foss Office Box 389 ~ ~~ZL.OTfE, NC Raleigh, SIC 27002 ;~ COLLMTsA, SC '!'e3ephortes 919.828.05&4 _ SPAR?'AN9YI;tG, SC rave 41.9.S.i4.45o4 ww'w.~y, u~tpoe.com FACSIMILE ~ik~hhT~l'v1ISSION COVER S)~F,~' ~ i ~ i ~ ,;, ~~ ,:; PRIV(LECxaD COMM[JNiGATX4N'l ;, ;, ~l ATTCJRNIEY 'UI10Ii.IC PItQDIICT -- _ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i r, ~~ in 4ra~ss,~sion o~1R'~csimiEe, pease call g19.SZ8.~ISC4 k i COMPA'VY: FAX NQ. ~, „RFC,~'Il;1rIT' S PHaNE No .i 1)El~ 7Z5-3060 ~ l~~t~7f 7~3-9.50 ,, h - psoA ~ DAB: r1~1y' ?~, zoOG ~. ;, ~ F~esehange I~sl~~~ " ~ I~ a diT~g cover: S. A raz~stnitzed by: ~~e: R N' y i ~, t k ti 4 FACSTFi1LE IS .'~~V17.EGSn ATT~/01i CONPEOr`~,1T'U~I. AC~B:312~IS?I']FD ON1.Y~C+B T~lS USE OF T'ri$ YSRSv~' 1'G •' IDE4 aF' T~$ bCr.SSAQE 1S NOF TH& Ta+1XEIVCl~b kECL"IENT (OR SUG73f RSCIf°~N'f~;S ~'1P~,43`~C^ OR i+vE3+1}'}R XGU i 1, Di5'L4ISUI° OSL COPY Tf~ MAT_.RI,;LS Al'rR,CHRd HERHTO WITHOUT THE^PR~O~ WRITTEN CO?•tSENT 0; Tn'E E'S F0.CSIl~.'C T.r1 ERROR, PC.f SSE N6T'i*Y THb S61v'AER SY COLLECT'f~LEa'IiON~~ C~',LI,~plv"b T~E'I'(,iR~F TrT.~ 4VE AT)DRisSS BY u.S.?OST4. S6~VF4`$ /AND We WA..L1~1dBUR~ YQV ~tID R~~,iGTiir~ FO$ i RGE. z ,+ ,i ~, a ,~ { ;~ i y ~, ~ • JUL-z4-2D~6 MON 16:02 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 DIV OF WATER QUALITY Fax: 9197332496 Jul 2d 2006 . ~ JUL, 24.2006 4; 11P19 ~ FAR~~R PQE fiDAMS AVD B~~S-EIV R. Bruce Thompsa~ I Part~q' '!'dephaae; 914.H96.4147 Direct Fay 919.835.4561 'I~XA la'A~YIVJ~LE 17:26 n( P. 02 M < !~ n I 9~SKBAPUEALitlLS SHal1~ISR1 fzs ~. ArarNryt and Corn,advn Ri Iaao W~chU~ia Ca2iLni Ccncc• '~ tStq~q F~yette.~lile 5Lrcec Mall ~i 5vft[ 1400 S P~ ho~st ~fftct ~4X 389 ~ RaSeigh, NC 27662.0384 ~° J~zty z4, 2006 xt phone 919.B26AS54 { F 919,83~.45fi4 ' ,p3t1CCt(iOe.tOm !' ,; ~ Raehard E. Raters, ., ~ ~ ., e T3epartment of Erly ;lmental and ~ratural Resources ~ ~. 1220 MeadAw Hill ace f t ~ ~ Raleigh, NC 27609 ~ i ~; Susan Coward i`7.C. laepattmeot z I501 Mail Service Raleigh, NC 2769 Re: pJeaz Ric~tard and At my' x~ ~zuxlediate cAnsid :asolve the issues to present the a~~ This docun 2spects ofHB 643. o~-way plan that v DENR and DUT c~ T will do TYview this offer with me on this t RBT:Irb Enclasurc 1ZAL 34166$vl I r 3 ranspoxtalion er s ~ a ~~ 1 - '' ~„ j? fl ~ t Repzesentxtitve Golcman di,d alol ask tt~t ~ b43 be.; caleridared for 'cm. The purpose of the delay was to allow us s mein opporrurlity to smdirt~ tb.e proposed ir~rchange. As such, my client has autliori~e~i tale term sheet for your consideration. z t "es.SieS ille ternaS contained in the DENIM offer ,and adds some of the dditianally, lny cl~er-t is asking that the DOT accept the most currezat right- presezuued oy ~Silelldell Falis for the aii~leut of Rich,azdson ,Road. If ~ gree to there terms, I will memorialize txlem in ~,1n4re~arl~sl agxesaent. i~ r best to delay a final eo11CV~1•enCe vote axltil you have an oppozt~~,ity to tlE~ appropria#e peopte at your agencies, ~s always, thank you fcr worki;zg ~. ~'~l free to contact me ifyou have any questions ot~corr ~ ents. Sixcerely, _ R. 111ce -~lOm~soilll - ~~ JUL-24-2006 MON 16:02 TEL:9197336893 ;~ E e l; ~ Yf ~~ ki ~~;;~ y .t NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS 9 P. 2 Dl~t OF WATER QUALITY Fax: 9197332496 Jul 24 2()06 17:26 P. 03 . ~ • • Jt;~. ~~.2006 4:11~~9 •~ °~RKER P0~ ADAMS RND B~R~S3EI~ f N . S~3S F. 3f~ ~ i r r~ F ~Irderstanding af'the S acts F ~~; a 1} , ~ At present. re are na existing authorizations issued by the Dxr,ision-of Water Quality ` .~ ~ ~(D~VQ} diet °rmzt iaxipacts to waters of the state or protected riparian bu~'ers for this ~` ~ ~ i~ project. Ho evgr; T has performed, or proposes to pe~f±~m, =environmental ~ ~' C~, ~ ~ mitigatiozr rel ted~olzl to tha impacts located witnau the area,of t}~..e bra . seg. bridge and l ~VQ i t d t i i b h i hi ' era aange. a airprove t m gat c t a on, w ~, once perl"o d, will sdiisfy DWQ's zeq ~ znezats £or mitigation related to the cousttucuon;,o£t]~e proposed bridge and intercllt~,gB currerrtty proposed. - 2) Any applicati n for co~truction by Weadeli >~alis Deveiopmennt {Wendell Falls) o£ as intezchange t TJS 64 will be incittded in the overall applic~,tian, for the SJVendeil Fails development, ~"ne application will includo all aspects of the ,project isaclttding tl~c pmposcd tut cage, the proposed new road iiom die , intercgo througkz ttze deveIopaent, d all r~cessary oo~apozteats of axe develaprognt that are regiured by applicable statutes, regulations, ryes and policies to be, included ~ DWQ permit app~icaiYOns, I~WQ and USACR brave agreed shat there will .$e~.. tvvQ idemi£zc~ion p numbers con ' ed on the permit- one for the erytixe pmject and. one forthc bridge and ~` intercchange. , r f :~ 3) At present, W ndelt Falls lrss an enaroachmeut agreement vyith TaQT that authorizes it to plan. per~cit, construct an ~tarchange an the US 54 Hypass on Right of flay q`, presently r~wa by DOT, a ~~ ~~ 4) DST has p~ , ~ ~? ously acgtilred all af' the rpocessary Rig~.t of YVay (R~JVi~, fQr the bridge and inte?~cban ~ I~ { ~ale,~, Responsibttitf~ , rnsl:~ig~ts of BYendell ~'alTs ~i I) Wendell Fa11s velvprnent will continue to bald pxeafiplioation meetings wxtl~ the B~~Q to discus? the roject pt~nniag and design prior td submittal of_a fomaal application„ which w•l?I asr le permitti~ to occur uaore q~aic~ldy. H 2) Notwithstan ~} h r g any other provisions of 12*~v, the Bepartn><~t of Envamrtment and • Natttrai ~-eso ~s sl>`all a11ow QV'endell Falls to be the, so1~ applicant for any neeessa_*y pe`, its or c~fications xelatizzg to the co~nstYUCtion bf the bridge zurxd ~, interchange well as tFe xe.~ainder of ~e project, ` • ~ 3) ~ Wendell FaFs '~ ~ ~. l also possess asy aid ail rights aid respo~+~ibilities perEainiag sorely to ~ ~ the constnxcty of tae ~rsposed bx;dge -and interchange within the privately funded irttemhaztge '~ tha.# lave bveri previoezsly p~ ~ by perir~;t or cestifi.catioz~ to tk~e . Naxth Carat' zpar~tent of'l'rsxzsportation. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ; 4~ Without u~ g ~e foregoing, to the went that Wended Fal>s would be rectuired by ~' ~ l]WQ ar appli bIo state s~-atutes, =ttles, zeg+.tlations or polio=_es to pet~arnn mitigation for `~ ~ izttpacts assort d w~ the cctinstrwctiaza of the proposed bridge; and.intErc~tange, 'E7~lezadeil ~ ~ ~ ~ "~ .., R,~L 34 1484v1 JUL-24-2006 Mf~N 16:02 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS I 1 3 z i P.A 3 DIV OF WATER QUALITY .' JD_.24 266 4.11P~1 lulls shalt b or will be p proposed bn interchange S) Wezxdell F permits and envixar~z~aen applicatiozt e_ b. c. ,~ {, d. e. C '~. _at 6) vv~dell mkt ~ wi~out 3 2IIy Q~~' l~Qles, Responsi! Fax: 9197332496 Jul 24 2006 17:26 F. 04 PARl4ER ?~E ;D~,~1S ",UD a~RYSiEIN ~ ~ N~.6:3~ F. ~"~ ~~ ~'~ I ~~ E N~ V entitled to crzti.it agaiztst any such req~~emerst for mitigation that ~~ been 'formed by I~OT and that has bean appmYed by DWt~ with respect to tlZe age a`2,~' ~ttte~*chaBge (whether approved specif ally foz the bridge end as Bart of a larger project or group 3f impacts), ," a Wilk ~ reSUOn._si.ble £ox acquiring ar~y remaiz~;irx$ rtac~;ssary esaVironmeatal atthoriaations related to the proposed bridge .grad interchange. Fpz such ~ authorizations isstted by the DWQ, ~Tettdell Fads wild follow the standard d co~ctan, prvicesscs, includiztg; . i;; applying for authori~tion3, ~~ ~ ri K- av'oi~ng atld zr++rixsrizing impacts for th,e project as provided in applicable state statutes, rules, regalator~, anal policies, ~~Pu~~ ~? per#ormi-~g the mitigation app~nverfby D~Q foz' impaess zelated to ~e uroposed bridge and interohaage, to the ex#ent that DQT has not already performed or will pcxforen; t~tiligation, and performing sucl± additional mitigation as mey be xegtzired by applicable state statutes, >,ucls~ zegulations and policies with. respect to ne~v xntpscts, i£any, caused by cl~nges to fire project design., x£any,k; , r ~ constructing the Bb's to groteot'Wttter q~raiity required iz~ arty 401 '9t~crter Qttatity Certif cation or Meuse River ~ipaxian. Buffet ~uthor~~ataion that may rye issr~d b'Y the D~VQ, Upon compledam of the interehan.ge constxuct<on, notxfyu-g DQT, `itt ac~rdance with the e~cxoarlnment agreement oi' the project cnrzipletion. ti~ FaI shall be ended, as part of its applioation pacitage, to use an y o ' qty 'tted~ 1`JQT th_,_~_r,~laie t4 the pmposvd bridge ~d iuterc~ge,-rudtng izrat ~ma#gation propo~ s~s~edlmezatafiom and, erosaon control plans,~nd _.:~ pi ~Eld S~~C~St!Or;S. ~ ~ ~ `,~ 1} 17CJT will ~) Upon caznple~ operation a~d otherwise con withoi,t i3.rztits buffers locates such features. ?tA..L 341489vt x ~ x~ aipate zn. the envirorLmerttal permittt~ pxocess %n any r , able marnter. ~ ~~ ion d#' t`~.c hiterd~;anga oonstrucuon, I3QT wlli rye responsible fir the n?a?ntenaace of +,he facilities impleme±tted. to proteck water q•,taliiy or aiy rai#1~ applicable state statutes, rules, ~gulatians or ,policies, includittg ion all hydraulic strums, stotmwarer B1VIl~s, and protected r~~rian in ~~`~ DO'T rift ol'way. Mendell Falls will no, loner be ~sponsible for ,f ,~i ~ 1 2 , , .~ ~ - ~ JUL-24-2006 MON 16:03 TEL:9197336$93 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 4 Dlu DF wpTER QUALITY Fax: 9197332496 Jul 24 2006 17:27 P. 05 JUt, 24.2006 4:12°ri~ PA,RKE~ ?OE A~D,4MS ~PrD aERNSl'EZh ~ N~. 6~3~ P. ~i'S 4 ` ~ ~ ~~ ~ 3) ~a the event ~~t ~7~ndell Falls flocs mot oonaplete catfstructixrn oftha project, I30T will ~` ,~~\ cxccute on performance bond that will eaabls I~C3T to stabiliz+~ any distuzbed areas in ~i the transpo `'on RQVV to the extent that downstream water qualzty.vill be protectecl. ~~ ~) DQT =will eept the mast ourrent ROAN plan presea~ted by 'UVe~ndel3 Falls gar the aligtun~c o 'chardso>z Road. 1 ~U ,~/ „ .'y ~~ u ~ H• i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Ii ~ ~ S ~~ ~~~~ c~ ~~ -~ ~c d / f ''~ ~ ~~~~ ~; ~ ; ~... u ~ ~ ~~ ~ f '`, t~-r,. ~at~e~1 JUL-24-2806 MON 16:03 TEL:9197336893 3 ~i ~t ~~ ' NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS A P. 5 SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE JUL-24-2006 MON 15:54 NAME DWQ-WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE PAGES START TIME ELAPSED TIME MODE RESULTS 97339794 . 2 JUL-24 15:53 00' 40" ECM OK