HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_Fax_20060724G I'd fJF w~1TER QUAL I TV Fax: 91 97332496 Jul 26 2006 72:56 F. 01 1 1 1 6 ~: ~ North Carotin Department of Enviro>rtment amci ~atur;~l Resources i A 71 !I Division of Water Quality ! M e Director's Office Ta: ~ 1'~ 1 Company: Fax #: '7~~-'~~~~ From: ~;~'~,~v~'°c~~- Date: 7~~~/~~ ' REs: ~„ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ I Ulf ~~' '~~ ., ~, )FAX TRAN9D'1T]['TAL COVER ~ w r ~ ~~ 5 ~ ~~ w, °, Pbane#: `~3,~ J ~~ ~~ y , lumber of pages (including cover sheet): ~' ~~~ i t~ ~5 .~e~ ~ ~ Cpl -- _ ~ ~ Ce it ~ ~d ~" ~~ ~ Mailing Address Street ,A,ddxe88 Phone, (~19)~33.7Qx5 16X7 Mail Service CenteJr SX~ N. Salisbury St. Faa: ~ 019)733,2496 RaleigL, NG 27699-1.G1.7 Raleigh, NC 27604 r '_ `;i JUL-26-2806 WED 11:32 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS t K P.~ 1 [? I'd OF WATER t~UAL I TV ~U! . 2b. 2CIU6 1 i .42kM } ~. ~~ Understanding ~f the ~\ ~ , 1; At prtsent, i ~,~ +~,~' ~ duality (~~ rr '~ for this prc ~ti\l ~yy +r1~v1rOn2riCl?T,.c ~ 4'~ azea of the b oz~a i interchange, 2) Arty applicati interchattmz ti deveiopnlent. proposed runts developme:tt, applicable sta applioatiors~ ~Iwnbers coJ11 8lat~ IlYt~rChBr~ ~ ~ 3) At pres.NzF, ~ t authorizes jt s ;~ ~ B~p$.SS 433 ~~ ` ~ ~ ~~ 4) DOT has pre '~ ~ bridge and in ~. ~lOdlffCa.tRf3fi5 be acquaYed b~ 4~1 Cexti~caE Idoles, j Wendell p'e DV~'Q to d applicati¢m, 2) the sole ag construc±ion. 3) Wendell Fall<_ solely to the previously grs ~----- >~,~4,~ Fax:9197332~96 Jul 26 2036 12:56 F'. 02 P;iK~~ PGE ~lGhfvkS AND ~~~1?STEiN ~ ~ N~, G3iu °, ~'T r.~ ,, ~ k~/ ~ ,~ I ~ ~ ~~ a ~ ~ ~ I ~ /i ~'czcts _ 4 c j ~ I ere axe no existing autbo ' dons issued by ~e Division a#' lNatex 3 tlZat pe*rrzit imp3ets tow rs of tp,e 3tflte ox protected riparian b~~ffers ~ ~,t. i'-?GV~ever, I30T -'`has performed, or pxop~oses~ #o perfozm. ( , mitigation, related sale~y to the estimated imKpacts loos ed yvithlzr the posed bridge and ir±tezcltaz~ga. 'Mendell Fa11s i5 yelp sible fox ar~y '~ , gstioa that may be required ~eca,~se of mbdificatl~ ~ to e bridge anal f ~ i Q for ccr_str~ctzon by Wendell Fars Develepment (V~exzdeli Falls) of an ~5 b4 will I?e incl~.~oled in *d±e overall app;icatiori For the Wendell Falls lee application will include all aspects of the project including rbe , ~ch.a_nge, the proposed new xaad frar!1 the u:terehange *.hrougta the , uad ~l neceSSat~+ components of the developxnent~ that are req:.xirect b}° staCUies, redulatioJs, rules aid policies t4 ba included ioDW~ permit l~~T~ and USAC~' nave agreed that there ~xll be ,~o nicle3~tifioa#;on , fined on the per:xait -one fbr the entire project and on.e far the bridge F x~ .I :ndell calls ryas art agieement with ,OOT (the "DOT..Agraezn,ent") that ~ design, plan, per~lit, and caxtstrzxct au iratexel~ange am ~.he LAS 6~ t# of tea} p;tesently owned by DOT. y ;- 6 ~ ! latt$ly acquired a?I of the necessary tight of Vt~ay ("ROW'') for the ~. . n ~ralaar~gG as cuz*en~tly praposed. All o£ the necessary ROW` fay any o the bridge and irAtercizange and for the remainder of the pzojact will ~V'endell Falls ar DOT pricy to tl?e submittal ,of an applicat~on £or the gyn. r '~ ~, an:l Rig~tts of Wendell ~'r~lds ~ gg ;~,~ 9 Deve.apr~ert# will cazttinue to bold preappiiceti.on meetings ~ ith ~e ass the pz~jec: pizsnrring and design prior to submittal, of a fox;mal 11C12 will enable pezuzitting tea occur mere ruicltly. - ~, ~ ~.~ any ether pravisicns of laver, ~1/I~R shajl. allow~R;end~ll Falls ~o be :car- fcr any necessary pernsi#s ox ce*~~.~cations TclatiTln tc the '1~'te b age ana irztere>3a~e as well as the remaindegr ofthe protect. shad also possess a?sy seta ali rkg„h±s ~aad responsibilities pertain~g :cnst:uc:ion of the proposed bridge Qua ir~texchange the*. have been '.~~ b~ peTSkllit pt Cert,IfiC~ti4r! tb ~~'~'. s ~ ,~ k ~~ ~~ .JIJL-26-2006 WED 11:33 TEL:9197336 93 NAME:DWG!-WETLANDS P. 2 Dltil GF WATER t1UALITV Fax:919733296 Jul 26 2006 12:57 P. 03 J~~. 2~.200b 11:42RN1 °ARKR PEE ~~,P~S AND BERNSTEIN N~. 679 w, 3;'~ ~ `~T~~~ i Without lirni g `` a foregoing, to a extent that Wendell Falls watxld ~e zequireci by~ ; I)VJQ ax app ca le state stattite ,rules, xege?!atiO~S or poliClES to ~eZfoYTn tnitigai?o±~ ;' for impacts elated with the;='cor~struction of the p:npoSett bridge and interchavCe, ~ ~U'eadell l; ail sha.Il ba enti±led to credit ~gai_ri~± any retch ?'e~EEix87]18nt for rnatzbativh ~' ~, that has beer r w-ilI be per#'oxrraed by 170T with respect to the~propQ~ed bridge and zzaterchauge ( Nether specifc2aly for ~e bridge and intercl~aagevar as art of a larger ,~ , project ox bro. p of impacts). ~' Wendell. Fal s vrill be responsible for acquit+rig a~zy rernauein4 necessary envixoninen per~liis u.*z(1 suthvrizat=ons related to the p~o~,osed bzid~e and intercha_*~ge. ~ Cr suwh ext~virvnmenisl a22thori7a OP_5 153uEC~, bye tie D~VQ, Wendell Palls will fall w the st&ndard application erzd canst~uctioa p:oce ~ es, includzz~g: ~. I a. b. ~' c, n~, d. e. 6) Wendell Fzlls any materials including wit] control plats, RAI, 341R64v7 plying for authorsza.`aoas, " I t 1 I siding and zt3.iel.a?~li?tng impacts for t$e project as prodded in , piicable state s~att~tea, rules, re~lat<oIlS, and pvlici~es, . ~ ~ I rforming tl?e ~itigarion required by DWC~ for impacts ~ elated the proposed bridge elzd. iztEeb'cl-~nge, to tee ;.:ctenl' that I3~T s not already pezformed or will pe~arni xrutigativn, and rzor*~ing such addf~anal mitigation ss may be required by ~licable state statutes, rules regulations and ~agicies with ;pest to never i~pa,c*.s, if any, caused by clra.*;:ges, to the project sign, if any, and the connectirfg read. ' ~~ ast-~ct~~ tke BNIPs to protect water quality required in any 1 '~Vatcr E~aa4ity Ce:Ei€icati0~ pr Meuse River Ri~~~-ian Buffer lthatt72tlon that I332t~ bb iS54eC1 by the DWQ,_ f ~~ ~ ~ -On S&#iSS3CtGTy C~L~p~efi~o~ a~ t~'{C ~nterC~tl~BeCanstFUCt1oL, tifyiag D4~~, in aecozdance with tlxe 1~Q'F A,greenxent,;of-the sjcc~ completion. ~I all be entitled, as part o~_zss_appl_icatior~ paclor~e, to use and. xely on »tted by SOT t~~~yrelate to the prom 'bridge and intexc :.t liltuifaton any m?~.gatio~ proposals, ss ' entatiox>: anal erosion a any other plar±s sn.d ~peoii'ications": -___ a ., ' •JUL-26-2aD6 WED 11:33 TEL:9197336893 2 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS I ~. l P.~ 3 Ej I W' CiF 4~'itTER QUAL I T'ti+ Fax: y197332~96 J u I 26 2006 1 2: 5? F. 0~ JUL, ?6. X006 11;42AM ' ?nR~~R POE ,DAMS nND B~RNST~?N ~ ~ NC~bF7 ~ ei4 ~ ~. y ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ Roles, Responsabi?tci ' and Rohts for 1.}D?' ~: tiL ~; t~ 1) DOT will part'pate in tl!e en~r~ronmental perxiaitian,~ process by_providing access to ~ materials prey usly submitted to 17~JQ ~.tACAE, per~orxnin.g inspections, and being availab :, to respond to issues tb,st may axing '; regar~'img ` design ar_d as environmental ~ iti~atson. ~ -' titi 2 ACT an satrst'a ~ ory cozrlpletio~ ai ~e illterclzarxge construe ~an; I)~4T will be P ,. , responsible fox tlZe operation ar*~d rr_a~ntenance aF the ~acll~ues zmplernented to protect water gnality~ c]tl]erwi se vCi'i1131~ ~itl] applicable Mate statutes, rules, regula~aon.s or policzes, inelu iszg ~rithor~t l~itat?on all b~ydraul+_c structures; stornzwater BMPs, and , protected rzp an bu~'exs located im the F~O'1' xight of way.:; ~eritlell~~Fa1Is wilt no P AI '1 longer be ; esp ~ n.sible for such features, accordanc .with tl~e ~pT Agreement, if W~sadell B~ls des ~ at crnaplete .~) Xn construction o the project, ~~7 will exee~crte on a pe~ornaance bond. ~ ~ , ~~~ ~- 1~.P,X. 341$G4v1 JUL-26-2886 WED 11:33 TEL:9197336893 ~~ ~, c ~I NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS 4