HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025305_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_20000810N600 Z 5305 rm Fun ALTERNATIVE DISCHARGE APPROACHES MMI Prepared for: University of North Carolina rwq Cogeneration Facility CB#1800, Cameron Avenue Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-1800 rm Prepared by: AWARE Environmental Inc.® 9305-J Monroe Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28270-1490 AEI Job No. N301-12 fa+ AEI Document No. 30112001 f=1 Rev. 2 August 2000 OR INq TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Description Page tio. TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. i miq 1:0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1 mri 2.0 EVALUATION OF DISCHARGE ALTERNATIVES...............................4 A. Modification of Existing OWASA Discharge.................................5 1. Increase OWASA Discharge at Existing Sewer Connection ...... 7 r, 2. Hold and Discharge to Existing Sewer Connection....................8 3. Discharge to OWASA Municipal Sewer System at Alternative SewerTie-in..............................................................................11 Mq B. Relocate Outfall to Morgan Creek ....12 ............................................. C. Modify Existing Biomonitoring Requirements..............................13 1. In -stream Monitoring................................................................13 ''l 2. Alternate Biomonitoring Criteria..............................................14 3. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study.............................................14 4. Reuse/Recovery of Wastewater................................................1 5 PEI 3.0 FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY.......................................16 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS P" LIST OF APPENDICES A Comparative Construction Cost Estimates and Project Schedules B 1999-2000 UNC-Cogen Flow Data C 1992 OWASA Pritchard Branch Sewer Line Capacity Evaluation D Sewer Line Flow Testing Costs E Comparison of Effluent Biomonitoring vs. In -Stream Biomonitoring Laboratory Results F Preliminary Macroinvertebrate Study Results fm FIM am ran SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION rm The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill operates a Cogeneration Facility (UNC-Cogen), mm which is located at Cameron Avenue in Chapel Hill. UNC-Cogen produces steam and electricity for the UNC Campus and University of North Carolina Hospital. The water discharged from the UNC-Cogen facility is of a very high quality (TOC less than 10 mg/1 with very low metals, TSS, and oil and grease). UNC-Cogen discharges this water in accordance with the provisions of an NPDES permit (NC Permit No. NC0025305). As part of MR the NPDES permit requirements, UNC-Cogen must meet a very stringent chronic Ceriodaphnia biomonitoring (toxicity) test. However, a high quality water is very sensitive to the chronic Pm Ceriodaphnia biomonitoring tests. The permit requires compliance with whole -effluent chronic toxicity limits at an in -stream waste concentration (IWC) of 90%, which represents the most M stringent criteria for this test imposed by the State. Pin UNC-Cogen has experienced difficulties in meeting the whole effluent chronic toxicity limits. As a result, UNC-Cogen entered into a Special Order by Consent (SOC) (EMC WQ 94-35) with r"' the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) from May 1995 through March 1, 1997 that resulted in the rerouting of a high conductivity waste stream and the completion of a toxicity reduction rm evaluation (TRE). PIR Based on the results of the TRE, several sources of effluent toxicity were identified. The primary effluent toxicity source at the UNC-Cogen facility was caused by conductivity and has been eliminated. The principal cause of problems with the toxicity test remaining at the facility is the boiler condensate. The boiler condensate contains boiler water feed, condensate treatment additives and low concentrations of metals which leach from the steam piping. Based on the fm TOC content in the final effluent (< 10 mg/1) and the manufacturer's toxicity data for the boiler feed chemicals, the boiler feed chemicals are not present in the effluent at concentrations M, sufficient to cause toxicity. The polymer and other treatment plant chemicals have also been P" 1 eliminated as potential sources of toxicity. Based on the THE evaluations it appears that the MR failure of the effluent toxicity tests is being caused by very low concentrations of metals, particularly copper and zinc, and the sensitivity of the test when being performed with very clean Pon water at a 90% IWC. The typical levels of copper and zinc in this stream is: copper 24 ppb MIR zinc 116 ppb These levels are well below safe drinking water standards. The effect of low levels of copper and zinc on the toxicity test has been magnified by on -going water conservation practices at the UNC-Cogen facility. These activities have continued to result in a significantly cleaner effluent. Since the toxicity of copper and zinc is increased in cleaner waters with low organic carbon, hardness, alkalinity and suspended solids levels, the improvements in water quality by UNC-Cogen have resulted in aquatic toxicity at extremely low copper and zinc levels. The primary source of the copper and zinc is leaching of these metals from metals surfaces in the ''' steam distribution and condensate return system. Due to the relatively low levels of copper and zinc present, it is very difficult to significantly reduce the discharge of these metals through source reduction. On -going toxicity control methods in operation at UNC-Cogen consist of powdered activated carbon (PAC) addition with pH control. UNC-Cogen has made extensive strides in treating this discharge, however, there are on -going problems in maintaining consistent compliance with the min bio-monitoring criteria. These problems are related to the good quality of the discharge stream and the sensitivity of the bio-monitoring test procedure. FM MM MR 2 I %1 AWARE Environmental (AEI) was requested to research and evaluate alternative discharge approaches for this stream. The objective of this evaluation is to identify the most feasible alternates for further evaluation. �, 3 rAn SECTION 2.0 FM EVALUATION OF DISCHARGE ALTERNATIVES fon AEI, in conjunction with UNC-Cogen, defined and provided an initial screening analysis of a number of discharge alternatives. The initial screening of these options included the feasibility F' of implementation, regulatory acceptance, construction cost, and implementation timetable. If the alternative was found to be feasible to implement, preliminary cost estimates were prepared P" and preliminary engineering analysis were conducted to provide an indication of the cost and implementation schedule of the alternative based on current information. There were some options, such as those requiring modification of the NPDES permit, for which preliminary cost estimates could not be prepared. These options were evaluated based on an identification of the regulatory steps required for implementation. The specific discharge alternatives which were evaluated included: P" 1. Discharge to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) municipal sewer system through the existing OWASA discharge location; either with intermittent NPDES discharge or complete OWASA discharge; rom 2. Discharge to the OWASA municipal sewer system at an alternative sewer tie-in; 3. Relocate the existing outfall to Morgan Creek; FUR 4. Modify the existing biomonitoring requirements to an in -stream biomonitoring criteria; 5. Modify the existing biomonitoring requirements by a modification of test criteria; 6. Modify the existing biomonitoring requirements to an alternative compliance criteria. This alternative concentrated, primarily, on the use of instream macroinvertebrate monitoring instead of biomonitoring; and 7. Modification of UNC-Cogen operations to provide extensive recycle/reuse of wastewater. Each of these alternatives has been evaluated for feasibility and the advantages and Fan disadvantages of each alternative has been defined. Where possible, comparative construction FM cost schedules and comparative project schedules have been determined. Preliminary pipe W" 4 M routes, schematics, detailed comparative construction cost estimates and comparative project P" schedules are included in Appendix A. A description of each alternative is presented in the following sections. Section 3 of this report pw� includes a summary of the various alternatives, while Section 4 lists the various FM recommendations for more detailed studies. The flowrates used for the various alternatives are based upon 1999-2000 flow rates for the wastewater treatment plant discharge and the discharge to OWASA, as well as the permitted OWASA sewer flows of 145,000 gpd and 150 gpm. There was not a complete set of 1999 measured OWASA data. The available OWASA flow data is from sewer billings from 1997-2000, which was the basis used to evaluate the flow to OWASA. These flows are based on monthly averages from sewer billings, in addition to OWASA flow monitoring reports from 1997-1998. The OWASA flow data for 1997 to present averaged 82 gpm (118,100 gpd). This is well below the permitted maximum values. As is shown by the flow monitoring reports the maximum OWASA flow rate of 150 gpm is regularly reached and/or exceeded for short periods during normal plant operations. The maximum WI flow to OWASA from sewer billings, was 168,786 gpd at flow rates up to 285 gpm recorded in the flow monitorinPq g reports. A maximum average flow of 89.4 gpm was recorded from the flow monitoring station. The wastewater treatment plant flow averaged 37,000 gpd with a peak flow of raq 0.119 mgd, or 83 gpm. To provide an estimate for future growth, it was assumed that the wastewater flow would increase proportionally to the projected stream generation. This approach provides r-On future flow increases of 14% by 2005, 25% by 2010, and 46% by 2016. The available flow data for sewer and wastewater flow is summarized in Appendix B. A summary of current and projected P" flows is included as Table 1. ,C, A. Modification of Existing OWASA Discharge The UNC-Cogen facility presently discharges sanitary and selected process wastewater streams On to the OWASA municipal sewer system through a sewer connection located in the south west corner of the facility. The facility discharges to the Pritchard Branch of the OWASA sewer F&I system, and this ultimately discharges to the OWASA Mason Farm WWTP. UNC-Cogen currently has a maximum permitted flow of 145,000 GPD, a maximum permitted flowrate of 150 "a' gpm, and a maximum permitted temperature of 175°F. Based on preliminary discussions with M 5 furl Table 1 Pon Current ran Projected 2005 son Projected 2010 ri" RM Projected 2016 MR Current and Projected Wastewater Discharge UNC Cogeneration Facility Sewer Discharge NPDES Discharge Total GPM GPD GPM GPD GPM GPD Average: 82 118,109 26 37,000 108 155,109 Min: 46 65,900 1 2,000 47 67,900 Max: 117 168,786 82 118,000 199 286,786 Average: 93 134,503 28 40,000 121 174,503 Min: 52 75,047 1 2,000 54 77,047 Max: 133 192,213 93 134,000 226 326,213 Average: 103 147,873 35 50,000 137 197,873 Min: 58 82,507 2 3,000 60 85,507 Max: 146 211,320 103 148,000 249 359,320 Average: 120 172,333 35 50,000 154 222,333 Min: 67 96,155 2 3,000 69 99,155 Max: 171 246,276 119 172,000 290 418,276 Notes: 1. Current Sewer Flows Based On Monthly Billings 1997-6/19/00 2. Current NPDES Discharge Based on MR-1 Reports from 1/1/99 - 5/31/00 3. Projected Flows Based on Anticipated Future Increases in Steam Generation W (W OWASA, the UNC wastewater is acceptable for discharge based on water quality concerns. However, based on a sewer capacity review of the Pritchard Branch conducted by OWASA in 1992, this branch is flow limited to approximately 385 gpm, and is already at capacity due to M-1 current permitted UNC flow (150 gpm) and the surrounding residential area (250 gpm used). Possible access to a different OWASA sewer branch, the Tanbark Branch, is possible from the W1 front of the UNC-Cogen facility at Graham and Cameron Street. Appendix C is the flow capacity analysis of the Pritchard Branch conducted by OWASA in 1992, and is still considered to accurately reflect the current conditions. The existing discharge is flow limited at two locations, underneath Highway 54, a major four -lane throughway, and the line immediately upstream from Highway 54. These are shown in the sewer route diagram included in Appendix A. In 1994, DOT replaced these lines, with 8" DIP piping installed. For this study, Pin it is assumed that the original pipeline inverts have remained unchanged. Three alternatives to increase the allowable flow to OWASA were considered. These alternatives are: fain 1. Modification of the Pritchard Branch sewer line; 2. Discharge of additional streams into the Pritchard Branch (existing connection) based on Pin hold and off-peak release with intermittent NPDES discharge, and 3. An alternative tie-in to the Tanbark Branch. These alternatives are described independently below. L Increase OWASA Discharge at Existing Sewer Connection Based on the 1992 sewer capacity review by OWASA, two (2) 8" diameter pipe sections, totaling about 500 feet long, limit the capacity of the line to which UNC-Cogen discharges. One pipe section, approximately 150 ft long, travels under Highway 54, the other pipe section is immediately upstream from Highway 54. Based on the 1992 flow capacity analysis conducted by OWASA, the minimum capacity of the other pipe sections in the sewer branch is 572 gpm, which is sufficient to handle the maximum projected UNC wastewater flow through 2016, assuming a constant residential flow of 250 gpm throughout. In order to provide additional flow capacity, the sizes of the two constricting sections could be increased, either by replacing the 00 7 rA1 %a', existing pipe or installing an additional sewer line. Either an additional 6" pipe or a single 10" Mn diameter pipe would provide for the extra flow from UNC-Cogen. FM The major obstacle to expanding the sewer is the difficulty of enlarging the pipeline that travels underneath Hwy. 54. Conversations with the DOT indicate that any piping modifications would require boring under the roadway to avoid impacting traffic flow. Two possibilities were considered: pipe bursting to replace the existing sewer line with a larger pipe, and boring a new pipeline. It is AEI's understanding that the 8" sections were replaced in 1994 by DOT, and are of ductile iron pipe construction. Based upon conversations with several contractors specializing in pipe bursting/pipe boring, pipe bursting cannot be performed on ductile iron pipe. For this reason, the boring and installation of a new additional pipeline was considered. Modification of the sewer line will require coordination, review and approvals from OWASA, as well as a permit from DOT for the road crossing which will include submittal of detailed plans and specifications to DOT. DOT permit review time can vary between 30-120 days, depending on the permit required, and Fl� in all cases will require OWASA to be involved in the DOT permit. Bidding and construction would also have to be coordinated with OWASA to proceed. An initial estimated project P, schedule is included in Appendix A. Assuming a worst -case DOT permit review of 120 days, this results in a schedule of 96 weeks, or almost 2 years, to modify the sewer. The comparative ` " construction cost is estimated to be $166,000. VK) Comparative operating cost estimates were prepared to compare the operating costs to the FW, am operation of the wastewater treatment plant. The comparative costs are summarized in Appendix A. Assuming that sewer surcharges do not change from existing rates, the operating cost is estimated at $49,000, less than 32% of the estimated 1999 treatment plant operating cost. 2. Hold and Discharge to Existing Sewer Connection Instead of expanding the piping, another option is to hold wastewater on site and increase the a, discharge to OWASA during off peak hours, such as between 12:00 AM — 6:00 AM, when the Faq 8 Pi1 rpm discharge from residential users is much lower. This would allow UNC to increase the OWASA r=1 discharge without impacting the residential neighborhood or requiring construction of additional piping. The main disadvantage of this option is that UNC will continue to have an NPDES discharge on `a' an intermittent basis during peak flow conditions, thus requiring operation of the treatment plant and permit compliance. Based on discussions with DWQ, the biomonitoring requirements for an intermittent discharge are much less restrictive than for continuous discharge. For an intermittent discharge, typical biomonitoring requirements include 5 tests on the first 5 discharges, with the biomonitoring test being changed to a 24 hour LC50 (lethality test) using fathead minnow. This is a less restrictive test that monitors survival of fish over 24 hours, instead of the current chronic test that monitors reproduction of water fleas over 7 days. Based on the success of the LC50 test, monitoring only may be required once per year, or a toxicity permit limit may be set. Based on the available data UNC would be able to comply with this criteria. In order to implement an intermittent discharge scenario at UNC, UNC must make a request to OWASA for a flow variance from the present 145,000 GPD maximum daily flow and the maximum rate of 150 gpm. The elimination of the 150 gpm maximum flow rate would allow an ran increased discharge during the hours that the system has greater capacity. The recent data shows - - an average UNC sewer discharge of 82 gpm. This would indicate that under present conditions, MCI OWASA can accommodate the NPDES discharge with only a very intermittent discharge under stormwater conditions. A worst case scenario would be maintaining the permitted maximum `ER' flow of 150 gpm all day. This would result in a maximum daily flow is 216,000 GPD, and would provide an additional 71,000 GPD capacity over the current permitted maximum daily ran flow. In evaluating this alternative, the worst case scenarios are used since the measured data is Oki RIM from monthly average sewer billings. Based on the projected flows in Table 1, this scenario would handle the average flows through 2010. Under these conditions a comparison of this additional capacity to the 1999 discharge flow shows that this additional capacity would have eliminated 97% of the 1999 NPDES discharges, ,q 9 LN 0 resulting in only nine (9) days of discharge during 1999, with some of these discharges as a result ""' of a hurricane. Using the 1999 NPDES flow as a basis for the future projected wastewater discharge and a worst case assumption that only 71,000 gpd capacity is available, this scenario 'u' would result in intermittent discharge of 24 days, 34 days, and 59 days of discharge in 2005, 2010, and 2016, respectively. Appendix B contains a summary of the 1999 NPDES discharge ran flow as reported in the MR-1 reports to DWQ. Thus, a variance in total flow from the 145,000 rim gpd limit and an increase in allowable flowrate above 150 gpm between 12am-6am would provide a feasible operational system throughout current plant projections. This variance also has the advantage of modifying the biomonitoring criteria to a 24 hour acute test which would result in biomonitoring compliance for NPDES discharge, while still providing UNC with the most operational flexibility. The main disadvantage is that this option will probably require the continued operation of the WWTP to ensure treatment during peak flow periods. Associated construction costs to implement this option is dependent upon OWASA requirements to monitor flow, and may - require a flow monitoring study or flow monitoring at the Hwy. 54 manhole, as well as possible �► installation of pumps to pump treated effluent either to OWASA or to storage. On a temporary basis, UNC can probably implement this option using the existing equalization basin transfer M pumps without significant construction to achieve at least partial elimination of the discharge. A schematic for this option is included in Appendix A. The existing settling basin capacity is approximately 26,000-33,000 gal each. This can be used to provide up to 1 day flow storage per basin. Additional emergency storage capacity is provided by the two equalization basins, with approximately 64,000 gal capacity each. In Appendix A an comparative cost estimate was prepared for permanent installation of transfer pumps, piping and control valves. This comparative construction cost is $90,300. The implementation schedule is primarily dependent upon OWASA approval for a variance rather than the construction activities. Val �► A comparative operating cost estimate was prepared based on the worst -case 2016 discharge scenario, which has the maximum operation of the treatment system. The operating costs are P, FM 10 r01 r=. summarized in Appendix A. The operating cost is estimated at $105,500, approximately 68% of the estimated 1999 WWTP operating cost. 3. Discharge to OWASA Municipal Sewer System at Alternative Sewer Tie-in As an alternative to modifying the OWASA sewer line under Highway 54, the sewer lines in the ram front of the UNC-Cogen facility discharge to the Tanbark Branch line. The existing flow rate and the capacity for this line is unknown at this time. In order to determine the flow capacity for this line, a sewer flow capacity analysis is necessary in both the Graham Street and Franklin Street lines to determine current sewer flows, together with a survey of two manholes recently uncovered on Franklin St. to verify pipe inverts. AEI conducted a preliminary flow capacity analysis of the Tanbark Branch Line along Graham St. and Franklin St. based on available pipe sizes and elevations from OWASA. Based on this analysis, this line has a maximum capacity of 308 gpm. A preliminary flow estimate using standard flow estimates for residences and commercial establishments indicates that this sewer line may have enough capacity to accommodate the SWI additional UNC flow. This flow capacity must be confirmed by a flow study, as any flow pan contribution due to stormwater, inflow and infiltration (I&I) is unknown. UNC would have to sponsor this study and this flow capacity study would have to be approved by OWASA, and include monitoring manhole flows for several months to include rainy -season data. �► Based on conversations with contractors that have previously completed flow studies for OWASA, the cost for a flow study is approximately $5,200 per month per manhole (see F" Appendix D). This option would also require construction of a pump station to pump the wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant to the sewer manhole on Graham St. In order to implement this option, several steps are required to evaluate the feasibility. First, the inverts of two manholes on Franklin St. need to be surveyed to determine the sewer pipe inverts. These manholes were formerly covered and have recently been uncovered. The pipe inverts are necessary to determine if these manholes restrict flow. Next, a flow study of this line must be ,� 11 MI M1 conducted to verify actual flow rates and remaining capacity. This study has to be done during 'i' rainy periods such as in the fall, to identify flow contributions due to stormwater. Based on the results of the flow study, if sufficient additional capacity is available, then UNC-Cogen can FM proceed with requesting permission to tie -into the sewer. ran If the results from the capacity analysis are favorable, UNC-Cogen would construct a wastewater piq pump station and pipeline across the facility to the existing sewer manhole near Graham Street. A preliminary route for the pump station piping and the Tanbark Branch sewer are attached in Appendix A. Comparative cost estimates and project schedules are slightly lower than to modify the existing bottleneck, at a schedule of 76 weeks, and a construction cost of approximately $1455000. A comparative annual operating cost estimate is estimated to be $56,300, slightly higher than the expansion of the existing sewer connection due to additional monitoring costs and maintenance Pa, of the pump station. r-191 B. Relocate Outfall to Morgan Creek Currently, UNC-Cogen discharges wastewater to an intermittent stream feeding to Morgan fowl Creek. Because of the low stream flow, UNC-Cogen is required to conduct its biomonitoring testing at an in -stream waste concentration (IWC) of 90%. This very high IWC is one reason the biomonitoring test for UNC-Cogen is so sensitive. Based on a review of the available USGS stream monitoring data, the low flow (7Q 10) in Morgan Creek is 4.1 MGD. By relocating the UNC-Cogen discharge to Morgan Creek, UNC-Cogen could reduce the in -stream waste Vm concentration (IWC) of its wastewater to 2.9% (at a peak wastewater discharge of 0.119 MGD) or less instead of the current IWC of 90%. This reduced IWC criteria would result in compliance with the biomonitoring requirements. AEI estimates that this relocation would require installation of a 4,200 ft pipeline (0.8 mi.). In order to accomplish the outfall relocation, this alternative requires both extensive regulatory MR review and construction. Construction is required to install a pipeline and discharge structure to Pa, 12 Morgan Creek through residential areas and crossing Highway 54, which is also addressed as P" part of the OWASA tie-in. Fu' Relocation of the outfall would be treated by DWQ as a major permit modification, which will be subject to public notice and review. In addition, local right-of-way access for the pipeline `" would have to be obtained, as well as DOT approval for both access and to bore under Highway 54. As a first step, this alternative would need to initiate discussions with DWQ to identify FaT information needed to proceed. This alternative requires both the highest construction cost and Mn longest project schedule, at almost $600,000 and would require approximately 2.5 years to complete. A preliminary pipeline route is included in Appendix A. C. Modify Existing Biomonitoring Requirements Other alternatives considered and discussed with DWQ include modification of the biomonitoring requirements. These alternatives included in -stream biomonitoring, and use of ,an alternate biomonitoring criteria. run 1. In -stream Monitoring - During the April 3 and April 6 biomonitoring sampling, one sample was also collected from the ran receiving stream, approximately 500 ft. downstream from the UNC sample point (adjacent to Brookside Dr.). Of the two samples, the effluent sample indicated a reproduction reduction of 29%, while the sample downstream indicated a reproduction reduction of 0.67%. This indicates that there is no apparent toxicity of the sample in the stream. Laboratory analytical sheets are M attached as Appendix E. FINI AEI discussed the option to allow in -stream biomonitoring sampling with the DWQ. DWQ was fm indecisive since the use of in -stream monitoring has not been used by the State. This will make regulatory approval of this option difficult to achieve. If it were decided to proceed with this option additional stream biomonitoring screening samples should be collected. These data should be compared with compliance sampling as a direct comparison of the two different P14 sampling points. As this is a procedural change, there are no construction costs. The primary MCA 13 MR - cost are for additional biomonitoring samples and engineering costs associated with obtaining FMA State approval for the method change. M9 2. Alternate Biomonitoring Criteria The possibility of other modifications of the biomonitoring criteria were discussed with DWQ. Rol One modification suggested was use of lethality biomonitoring (%) instead of the current chronic biomonitoring criteria (use of mortality instead of reproduction). Based on conversations with Pq DWQ, this alternative would not be readily accepted by the State for a continuous discharge, but can be pursued for an intermittent discharge (This is presented in Alternative A.2). ran Another alternate discussed is the possible use of another organism for biomonitoring instead of FM Ceriodaphnia Dubia. Use of an alternate organism can be accepted by DWQ provided that we FOR can submit the following information: • Test protocol procedure • Identify at least one laboratory that can perform biomonitoring testing with that organism, r^1 • Show that reproducible data can be obtained with a reference toxicant Based on our conversations with DWQ, we do not recommend pursing these alternatives at this time. These will be difficult and costly to implement. There appear to be other options available `'I' which would be more cost effective for UNC-Cogen. 3. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study One possible alternative to biomonitoring is to conduct a periodic Benthic macroinvertebrate study on the receiving stream instead of biomonitoring the UNC-Cogen discharge. This study is a review and identification of macroinvertebrate life present in the stream to determine the impact on the stream, using procedures from the DWQ Biological Assessment Unit. This is an alternate form of biomonitoring, and would be performed once per year instead of the quarterly chronic toxicity test. FMI ,M, 14 qM A macroinvertebrate study involves the collection, quantification and identification of W macroinvertebrate life present in the stream. The specific species in the stream are identified. The various species are rated using guidelines from the DWQ Biological Assessment Unit, and 1=1 provide an indication of stream quality. The study on the receiving stream would be compared to a reference "pristine" stream to determine the level of impact. The choice of reference stream `M would also be determined during the macroinvertebrate study. AEI conducted a preliminary review of the receiving stream on April 7, 2000 and identified genera that indicate that the stream PR is suitable for conducting a macroinvertebrate study. The results of this review is summarized in M Pq Appendix F. These studies are typically undertaken during the summer as a worst case basis. Based on the AEI preliminary review of the received stream, the next step is to proceed with a formal Macroinvertebrate study and identify a suitable reference stream using a state certified facility. If the study indicates little impact on the receiving stream, then it would be possible to proceed with meeting with the DWQ to discuss the preliminary results and address how to FER proceed with requesting a modification of the NPDES Permit. fun The costs associated with this option are primarily the macroinvertebrate study costs and engineering costs associated with obtaining DWQ approval for the method change. The initial �+ costs associated with the macroinvertebrate study is $15,000425,000. The study should be done during the summer, with the pursuit of state approval of the permit modification during the second half of this year. ` q 4. Reuse/Recovery of Wastewater Some potential for wastewater reuse is present at the facility, such as using wastewater in the cooling towers. Unfortunately, no convenient large irrigation sources, such as golf courses or wooded areas were identified, thus this option was not strongly investigated. Recycle or reuse FM options may prove useful to reduce peak water discharge, which may be useful when combined with some of the sewer discharge options, and should be considered on a task -by -task basis. M ,� 15 rAn PR SECTION 3.0 M FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY In evaluating the comparative feasibility of each option, the sum of three factors were considered: the level of effort required for regulatory approval, construction costs, and estimated Fal implementation time. For all alternatives, wastewater loadings were estimated based on future stream generation projections. F" Regulatory approval requirements were estimated based on conversations with regulatory ' agencies as appropriate for each alternative. Order -of -magnitude construction costs were p, Psi estimated for comparative purposes, and are based on current available information. Implementation time was estimated based on AEI's previous experience with similar projects, and discussions with contractor's and regulatory personnel. Each alternative was discussed in the previous section. The advantages and disadvantages of each alternative are summarized in Table 2 attached. Preliminary drawings, detailed comparative construction costs and project schedules are included in Appendix A. M, An increase to the allowable flowrate and/or total flow to OWASA is the easiest option to MR implement in at least a temporary operating mode. This would allow UNC to operate as an intermittent discharge facility, with less restrictive biomonitoring requirements. Intermittent discharge operation is a feasible option for both current and projected wastewater loadings. The effluent should be tested using the less restrictive biomonitoring requirements to verify that UNC can meet the new criteria. Of the alternatives to eliminate the wastewater discharge, both OWASA alternatives have comparable construction costs and schedules. The critical factor is to determine the available capacity in the Tanbark Branch along Graham and Franklin St. to determine if the available capacity in the sewer is present. Expanding the existing Pritchard Branch line at Highway 54 rm provides sufficient capacity for the projected wastewater loadings. 16 . F-mq NEE.3-1 VUR The relocation of the outfall to Morgan Creek has the longest schedule, highest construction cost, and greatest regulatory and public impact. For these reasons, we would not recommend pursuing +R this alternative at this time. To modify the applicable biomonitoring requirements, the less restrictive fathead minnow LC50 test for an intermittent discharge is the best choice. The critical factor is to proceed with the fathead minnow LC50 test to evaluate potential compliance issues. Should continuous discharge continue, then the alternate that has the best chance of regulatory acceptance is the macroinvertebrate study in lieu of biomonitoring. One option is to proceed with an initial macroinvertebrate assessment and identification of a reference stream during the summer as a worst -case condition. F, One other alternative that may be possible to pursue is to use in -stream sampling for biomonitoring.. This will be difficult for the DWQ to approve. At this time, continuing with in - stream biomonitoring screening tests in conjunction with compliance tests is recommended. _ Based on the DWQ response, we do not recommend pursuing alternate toxicity tests or other biomonitoring criteria at this time. Recycle/reuse options were not strongly considered in this study, as there are no local sources that could accept all of the UNC-Cogen wastewater, thus toxicity would still be an issue. FM P" MR P" fm 17 fZ9 pal RR F9 "K, P" n P" fm fm Table 2 Evaluation of Wastewater Discharge Alternatives Alternative 1. Flow Increase to Current OWASA Outfall Summary oI Aavantages ana Llsaavantages Advantage 1. Eliminates NPDES permit requirements 2. Support of DWQ 2. Off-peak Flow Increase to Current OWASA Outfall with On -site Holding 3. Discharge to OWASA's Tanbark Branch using Graham/Franklin Street Sewer 4. Relocate Outfall to Morgan Creek 5.1 Modify Existing Biomonitoring Requirements - In -stream Monitoring 5.2 Modify Existing Biomonitoring Requirements - Alternate Biomonitoring Intermittent discharge 5.3 Modify Biomonitoring Requirements - Macroinvertebrate Study 5. Recycle/Reuse 1. Intermittent Discharge Reduces Toxicity Criteria 2. Easily Implemented 3. LittIe Construction Necessary for Temporary Implementation 4. Lowest Permanent Construction Cost 5. Support of DWQ 6. Eliminates NPDES permit requirements 7. Support of DWQ 8. Reduces IWC, and provide toxicity requirements which can consistently be achieved 9. Possible Improvement in passing toxicity 10. Requires little or no construction cost 11. Possible improvement in passing toxicity 12. Requires little or no construction cost 13. Easier toxicity test 14. Support of DWQ 15. Best acceptability by DWQ since they have suggested this approach 16. Represents "true" impacts on stream 17. Study taken less frequently 18. Reduces wastewater discharge 18 Disadvantage 1. Construction and boring required to increase pipe size 2. Coordinate/permits from OWASA and DOT 3. Approximate 2 years implementation time 4. Need OWASA Approval 5. Requires On -site Holding of Wastewater 6. Treatment System Maintained 7. Requires flow studies to verify available capacity 8. Requires pumping flow to front of Cogen facility 9. Approximate 2 years implementation time 10. Highest capital costs: 11. Major permit modification requiring extensive state review, public notice and easements; 12. Longest project schedule 13. Hwy. 54 Road Crossing (see Alt. 1) 14. DWQ approval may be difficult 15. WWTP operation still an issue 16. Requires Confirmation Testing 17. Trials and studies needed 18. DWQ approval difficult 19. Demonstrate compatibility with Daphnia Test 20. Toxicity and WWTP operations still an issue 21. Confirmatory trials needed 22. Stream quality needs to be confirmed by outside consultant 23. Reference stream needs to be determined 24. Toxicity and WWTP operation still an issue 25. Will not eliminate wastewater discharges 26. Toxicity will still be an issue MR SECTION 4.0 PX, RECOMMENDATIONS ,=, AWARE Environmental Inc. evaluated a number of alternatives for handling water discharges and achieving consistence compliance with biomonitoring criteria. Based on the results of our Fm evaluation, AEI recommends the following initial courses of action. 1: The recommended approach is continued OWASA discharge utilizing a controlled discharge concept. Specifically, UNC-Cogen would discharge at a 150 gpm rate from 6am to 12am and with an additional flow rate during periods when there is low domestic/residential demand (12am-6am). This will allow the OWASA system to remain within capacity limitations. UNC-Cogen would continue to have an intermittent discharge NPDES permit which will result in a biomonitoring limit consistent with the nature of the discharge. To initiate UNC-Cogen should: • Begin scoping meetings with OWASA for flow variances and/or night time flow rate increase; and • Collect additional biomonitoring screening samples for 24 hr. LC50 fathead minnow studies to compare biomonitoring to current testing, including screening at various carbon dosages. 2. There are several alternative secondary approaches depending upon the options UNC wishes to pursue. The following actions should be initiated if problems develop in the recommended r� option. These options include: • Conduct a macroinvertebrate study and identify stream water quality. Based on the results of study, DWQ could change to an instream macroinvertebrate permit requirement. Note that the " worst -case" macroinvetebrate study is best done during the summer months; • Collect in -stream biomonitoring screening samples with compliance effluent samples as a direct comparison. • Based on results of OWASA flow variance request, proceed with scoping meetings with OWASA to either conduct a flow study on the Tanbark Branch or to eliminate the current flow restriction at Highway 54. 30112r001 19 APPENDIX A COMPARATIVE CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES AND PROJECT SCHEDULES ran ran RM rAn ram ton Fmq Fun mn rvm Om rml OR CAM w ri PER Construction Cost Estimate UNC Expand Sewer Piping Under Highway 54 Description No.Units Unit Meas. Per Unit Total Highway Bore and Casing Pipe 200 LF $300 $60,000 Excavation of Boring Pits: 20'x30'x6' 534 CY $6 $3,200 HDPE Pipe 10" 400 LF $20 $8,000 Trenching 200 LF $30 $6,000 Manholes 3 EA $1,200 $3,600 Clearing and Grubbing LS $5,000 $5,000 Additional Flow Tie -In: Piping $10,000 $10,000 Pumps $13,500 $13,500 Installation $3,000 $3,000 Subtotal $112,300 Construction Misc., OH and P 18% $20,200 Contengincy 30% $33,700 Grand Total 1 $166,200 rMl Mn M" OM MM L11 fan M f=, PRI Miq M) Construction Cost Estimate UNC Pump to OWASA At Existing Connection Description No.Units Unit Meas. Per Unit Total WWTP Pumps: 2 FLYGT CP-3102, 110 GPM @40ft. 1 LS 13,500 $13,500 Installation (GT EST.) $2,500 EQB Pumps: 1-FLYGT CP-3102/Basin 2 EA 7,500 $15,000 (GT EST.) Installation (GT EST.) $3,000 Trenching: 4" pipe 300 LF $25 $7,500 Above Ground Pipe 60 LF 15 $900 Replacement Mixer Est. 1 LS 4600 $4,600 Control Valves (4) GT Est. 4 EA 3500 $14,000 Subtotal $61,000 Construction Misc., OH and P 18% $11,000 Contengincy 30% $18,300 Grand Total $90,300 r=, w m m fun run FER ram, rAq w Fm Construction Cost Estimate UNC Install New Sewer Connection To Tanbark Branch Description No.Units Unit Meas. Per Unit Total Connect Flow Study: Est. 3 mos. @ 2 manholes 6 EA $5,200 $31,200 @ $5200/mo. Survey 2 Manholes LS $1,000 $1,000 Pump Installation - FLYGT 110 GPM 40 TDH LS $13,500 Pipeline: 4" PVC & Trenching (assume 3' deep) 1000 LF $25 $25,000 Casing Pipe at Railroad 50 LF $40 $2,000 Jacking and Boring 50 LF $1,000 $5,000 VWVTP Modification (GT EST.) LS $5,000 Pump Station: 10x10x10 concrete 1 LS $12,000 $12,000 (Same as 1996 Est.) Subtotal $97,700 Construction Misc., OH and P 18% $17,600 Contengincy 30% $29,300 Grand Total $144,600 fmn m rIIq PRI m m rm PM f" rm rp" Min m Construction Cost Estimate UNC Relocate Discharge To Morgan Creek Description No.Units Unit Meas.- Per Unit Total Pipeline Relocation: 10" Sewer 4200 LF $50 $210,000 Outfall Structure LS $4,000 $4,000 Highyway 54 Toad Crossing and Casing 200 LF $300 $60,000 Boring Pits LS $3,200 $3,200 Manholes: est. every 50 feet 84 EA $1,500 $126,000 Subtotal $403,200 Construction Misc., OH and P 18% $7,300 Contengincy 30% $121,000 Grand Total $597,200 Sin Pon rm rm owl Im COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE UNC COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NC Sewer Expansion at Existing Discharge Task 1. Scope Meeting with OWASA 2. Preliminary Design 3. Scope Meeting with DOT 4. Surveying/Engineering Design (Detailed Plans and Specifications) 5. Submit to OWASA for Review 6. Final Modifications and Comments 7. Submit to DOT with Encroachment Agreement 8. DOT Response 9. Modifications 10. Final Submittal and Approval 11. Advertise for Bid 12. Bid Phase 13. Bid Award; Contract Approval 14. NTP Issued 15. Construction Phase 16. Startup; shutdown Duration (weeks) 2 6 2 12 4 4 2 16 4 8 2 8 4 2 16 4 Basis: 1. 120 Day DOT Review Assumed 2. OWASA/DOT Review Assumed Separate (Worst Case) 3. No Major Encroachment Issues 4. 16 Week Construction Estimated Cumulative Time (weeks) 2 8 10 22 26 30 32 48 52 60 62 70 74 76 92 96 rMl rAq Mn COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE ,_, UNC COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NC re" om PM F, Fan W Flow Variance and Construction of Transfer Pumps Task Duration Cumulative Time (weeks) (weeks) 1. Scope Meeting with OWASA 2 2 2. Prepare Request for Variance, Permit Modification 6 8 3. Submit to OWASA 4 12 4. Implement Temporary Discharge System 8 20 5. Engineering Design 8 28 6. Advertise for Bid 2 34 7. Bid Phase 4 38 8. Bid Award; Contract Approval 4 42 9. NTP Issued 2 44 10. Construction Phase 10 54 11. Startup; shutdown 2 56 Basis: 1. OWASA Review Times Estimated 2. 10 Week Construction Estimated 3. DWQ Permit Modification Process Independent of Critical Path f"q r:1 ran Im ram Imn COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE UNC COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NC OWASA Tie-in At Alternative Connection Task Duration Cumulative Time (weeks) (weeks) 1. Scope Meeting with OWASA 2 2 2. Preliminary Design 6 8 3. Conduct Flow Study 12 20 4. Submit Flow Study Results to OWASA with 4 24 Request for Flow Increase 5. OWASA Approval, Begin Engineering 8 32 Design 6. Submit to OWASA for Review 4 36 7. Final Modifications and Comments 4 40 8. Final Submittal and Approval 4 44 9. Advertise for Bid 2 46 10. Bid Phase 6 52 11. Bid Award; Contract Approval 4 56 12. NTP Issued 2 58 13. Construction Phase 16 74 14. Startup; Shakedown 2 76 Basis: 1. Flow Study Shows Capacity Exists 2. Flow Study to Include Some Rainy Season Data 3. Regulatory Review and Construction Time Frames Assumed riq FIq COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE UNC COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NC Relocate Discharge to Morgan Creek Task Duration Cumulative Time (weeks) (weeks) 1. DWQ Scope Meeting 2 2 2. Preliminary Engineering 8 10 3. Submit Permit Modification Request 4 14 4. DWQ Review/Public Notice Process 16 30 5. Approval — Engineering Design 16 46 6. Final DWQ Submittal/DOT 16 62 Submittal/Building Permit 7. Final Modifications and Comments 8 70 8. Final Submittal and Approval 12 82 9. Advertise Bid 10. Bid Phase 12 94 11. Bid Award; Contract Approval 4 98 12. NTP Issued 13. Construction Phase 26 124 14. Final Startup; Shakedown 6 130 Basis: 1. DWQ Review/Public Notice Estimated at 16 weeks 2. Separate DOT/City Submittal Assumed (worse case) 3. 26 week Construction Estimates MR fW-1 091 COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE UNC COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NC - Modify Existing Biomonitoring Requirements ' To Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study Task Duration Cumulative Time (weeks) (weeks) 1. Conduct Preliminary Macroinvertebrate Study; 8 8 Identify Reference Stream 004 2. Arrange Meeting with DWQ, Develop Study 4 12 Plan 3. DWQ Review and Approval 12 24 '^ 4. Conduct Additional Study (if needed) 6 30 5. Summarize Results; Submit Report 4 34 6. Request Permit Modification 4 38 Basis: 1. Conduct Preliminary Study Prior to State Meeting 2. 90 Day DWQ Review Assumed 0=, Comparative Annual Operating Cost Breakdown On -Site Treatment vs. Sewer Discharge Options UNC Cogeneration Facility Wastewater Treatment Sewer With Intermintent Complete Sewer Discharge At System'Discharge2 3 Discharge' 4, Alternate Tie -In Locatinn2.5 Laboratory $43,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Operations/Maintenance $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Chemical Cost $14,000.00 $3,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sludge Disposal $88,400.00 $44,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sewer Fee $0.00 $46,100.00 $49,300.00 $49,300.00 TOTALS $155,400.00 $105,500.00 $49,300.00 $56,300.00 Notes: 1. Based on 1999 Flow Data and Following Assumptions: Chemical Cost Based on 50 IWO PAC @ $0.75/lb, and Sludge Disposal Costs Average of 1998&1999 2. Based On Worst Case Projected 2016 Flows 3. Intermitent Discharge Option Assumes: Testing Reduced by 75% Chemical Cost Based On 5 Ib/D PAC x 306 D/Yr, and 50 IWO PAC x 59 D/Yr, and PAC @ $0.75/lb Sludge Disposal Assumed Reduced By 50% (Worst Case) Sewer Fee Based On $2.55 Per 1000 Gallon Current Sewer Discharge Not Included In Sewer Fee 4. Complete Sewer Discharge Option Assumes: Testing Cost Same As Current Discharge Sewer Fee Based on $2.55 per 1000 Gallon 5. Alternate Tie -In Assumes: Testing Cost Annual Instrument Calibration Estimated Pump Station Maintenance Costs L CAMERON AVE. v�% '77 -arm, R, n A Z,= W!, e , p, e ?S, Xf -71 fy 'I ttA -6� N N, 1% % y f 1z L , J. 4 ZNjr. , ,- 1-7 Z ;p�, v, -vt iLX'/ 4 --,tm 2/ q k SEWER LINES TO BE 4 P- ENLARGED 1. 6V ALTERNATIVE I MORGAN CREEK CURRENT OWASA OUTFALL ALTERNATIVE DISCHARGE APPROACHES UNC-CHAPEL HILL COGENERATION FACILITY TO MORGAN CREEK CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE NOT TO SCALE APPROVED BY DRAWN BY: J.K.S. (NOT SHOWN) DATE DULY 2000 DESIGNED BY REVISED July 28, 2000 3:56:34 p.m. PROJECT NUMBER AMMr-- DRAWING NO. Drawing: 30112SO3.DWG.DWG N301 -1 L 305-1 moNRCCL RM CHARLOTTE, NC 28270 . INFLUENT• pH CONTROL f I FLOCCULATION TANK UNC r SPUTTER AT R OIL/W E NPDES COGEN WASTEWATER BOX SEPARATOR DISCHARGE I AS NEEDED ' I I SETTLING EFFLUENT pH I BASIN CONTROL I I WASTEWATER I I I I TREATMENT PLANT I I EQUALIZATION BASINS I I I (FOR EMERGENCY STORAGE ONLY) I I INSTALL PUMPS IN SETTLING BASIN TO ----------------------------------11�----� PUMP TO SURGE t BASIN / SEWER SURGE BASIN I I EXISTING OWASA DISCHARGE REROUTE EXISTING OVERFLOW FROM LEGEND EFFLUENT pH CONTROL TANK TO INFLUENT pH CONTROL TANK ALTERNATIVE 2 EXISTING HOLD & RELEASE TO OWASA ALTERNATIVE DISCHARGE APPROACHES PROPOSED UNC-CHAPEL HILL COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA >< VALVE SCALE N.T.S. APPROVED BY : DRAWN BY: DATE JULY 2000 DESIGNED BY REVISED July g: 2000 4:23Dw p.m. Drawing: 301212AL2.DWG.DWC PROJECT NUMBER 1 A�r�1�1NC-8 DRAWING N0. I V 301 I 9305—J MONROE RD. CHARLOTTE. NC 28270 s �-� UNCOVkR ED— P, MANHOLE. RiJEY FOR 'M 003 n Z, INVERTS 001 - I - !"R A ef j 3- FP -ANKLIN STREEi IF, ,V SEWE 14 T Nr STUDY! -fd i 4 FOR F�41 A, UN6 -L,4;, jI , , i,;f i , _:, I - — 11 ;" 1 1 D MANHOC6,, SU#tVEY` Fb1R` AU N-r f 1 INVERTS_ f PP�_ R. 3 14 —J� 'P, - Z I . . � Q L f r1L 1.j 7 ag LJ L j i v A I 4-44 4 7 4 0— . i"M t-o Ile -7j IULJ Ij L ab Z �,j 7 L Ly 'c; v Ju oc, r ; F- ;V-i i L j 4; 41 PP U+ V kv� :n 4p, v x n. i3 Afe -, r--T ALTERNATIVE 3 DISCHARGE TO OWASA WITH -4 ,,P POSED ALTERNATIVE DISCHARGE APPROACHES DISC RGEi T v J IF, L 91, V, c. UNC-CHAPEL HILL COGENERATION FACILITY CAMERO N AVENUE CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA '7 SCALE N.T.S. APPROVED BY DRAWN BY: F- JULY 2000 DESIGNED BY DATE REVISED ON11; NERATFOR�FACILMY PROJECT NUMBER M A AFAR DRAWING NO. July 28, 2000 4:12:56 m. Drawing: 301212AL3A.DWG.Dp.WG N 301-12 A&IM ff ko INC . J i 1 t i ! ^a �i �� / � ,�� I ter. G �'• '• '! ` r -- ■"t. u i :u �� �• (r1 u L ee ^ • -ii a �Yti :'{ �: � �... • '�� r I 1' � _ - _ I _ - . _ _ _ u1 \ / � tit ( 1] • ' / � r` .-•.� �-",9 I r '. �/ ! ": • �'� �-L...1• Y � oc`.Tbc 3- - - •- - �' r �. `' • . y I VII( Ll i ,S �%7 / \ Y ( ~ ' i ,1 - ' 1I„� I� • -:a! t ti :� y ♦ I 1 ,t e { /� d .*yr \\ •gyp•\Y c i`s _ 1 I E 1', �.'3?=� ;: - I '.r,,� p(� t r r� 5oa. 3 3cP. ! �M 1 a �1 s• ! i --- --- f1 / .ri 1• .` IS I W'^ Z�II l' Z ..-.--..--. 1 - y ,/J /�� 1 •1. A ' I }' vl.¢I .Y I :4��i �q -0( : ! .Z 6%t II �,Y' I c _ ^ � / /-•��.�4:� �i_: •1 1!f �� c'Y Wks 1♦ 'I I yyW 11 I � •r+� % I i i N L /� !r ' •i �."'1 W 1 W: �; til l,i Lai { s r O •� GI • I • r-Z-6: N .L' •4t �'� Qt. LW 2 '�' (D r Fp r �a �-r:C, ram'•- _ _ + "Jjr .__ -Y�`r . ._�J•' 4/ !.. s - Jr! • ./•" -•1'�:\f L• ..1 I =--_gD'-_�� I' 15i..''�\ :y A 3�-c�l �iI . �:ti :a •��•=Q- K- 3j ------... ---_- ry W<c , •, I ;t 1, jl Il" .~r.� rv=i _•'.P- 1 , 1 ---------- le/ti.%._ 4 ', : ' i . I I �•�— r• ►- ` rN i 1• ry L r-� ilk a i 1 Lv kk it �' _•; �• / _-1'7- -_..! ____g%- __-' '__ .-- _ _ .:. .-F _. •.--T_ _T•- e �S. .'CI C= ro s_ tk f 'l -APPROXIMATE:-, - __fir ;� �: '�•%, - I- �._�� ! ROUTE OF . FORCE MAIN': _ � ' / ; is r �•+ � �� �, J I r I P T16N + ALTERNATIVE 3 DISCHARGE TO OWASA WITH July 28, 2000 4:12:31 p.m. Drowing: 301212AL3.DWG. DWG UNC-CHAPEL HILL COGENERATION FACILITY CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE N.T.S. APPROVED BY DRAWN BY: DATE JULY 2000 DESIGNED BY REVISED PROJECT NUMBER A �� jw DRAWING NO. N 301-12 AL r. I"e r • - .1 � , - r `III / rc; t r ++,, sr � .:- �s-e,,.,.# I i �f' �� ( � P`� "^�3 V '� '4 ( i'!. �•�C rt•^�y'4 v :�°'r� �'� 1.i + r t �..-.-.'err t e S :"""'} •� r! � �f �', t ' f'[ � +� f .-='\�„aa� •t'� � �� � r r` ,,,,..--.�. { l�': H f / ��� � S -' � � r � rri �'' �,,� - fs f t { r '���,ra' � � � � �� i �•4 �'` !"1 � •� '-!j^ {lr^j� 4# 7, err" � f AOP "'�, r ��a, ti, . 1,�.✓'�a� ✓�� l ! R i r , _ �� � �'s.e i - � � 1� + � �i.�s j f 1.. �./� �.. •'d-. 1 .. -• j 1 , � V �':�``-. -., ,— (f ��`((� t� ti �+ 1 � . � � }l/ � � � �� ,1 ,K. 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CHARLOTTL NC 28270 Y Y 1� A� ri �1 ^1 ^1 Y APPENDIX B 1999 UNC-COGEN FLOW DATA P" r1" rmn FM M" faq MCI L twl FE" (09 rMM PM UNC - Cogeneration Facility 1999-2000 Watewater Treatment Plant Discharge Flow Date Flow MGD 1 /1 /99 0.026 1 /2/99 0.038 1 /3/99 0.060 1 /4/99 0.037 1 /5/99 0.026 116/99 0.022 117/99 0.018 1/8/99 0.018 119/99 0.026 1 /10/99 0.034 1 /11 /99 0.030 1 /12/99 0.037 1 /13/99 0.029 1 /14/99 0.035 1 /15/99 0.049 1 /16/99 0.044 1 /17/99 0.019 1 /18/99 0.059 1 /19/99 0.054 1 /20/99 0.054 1121 /99 0.064 1122/99 0.047 1 /23/99 0.032 1 /24/99 0.066 1 /25/99 0.062 1/26/99 0.035 1 /27/99 0.015 1/28/99 0.024 1 /29/99 0.024 1 /30/99 0.021 1131 /99 0.022 2/1 /99 0.039 2/2/99 0.032 213/99 0.036 214/99 0.032 215/99 0.022 2/6/99 0.019 2/7/99 0.019 2/8/99 0.022 2/9/99 0.009 2/10/99 0.002 2/11 /99 0.035 2112/99 0.026 2/13/99 10.023 2/14/99 10.023 Date Flow MGD 2/15/99 0.030 2/16/99 0.025 2/17/99 0.026 2/18/99 0.038 2/19/99 0.037 2/20/99 0.033 2/21 /99 0.023 2/22/99 0.023 2/23/99 0.020 2/24/99 0.027 2/25/99 0.030 2/26/99 0.038 2/27/99 0.024 2/28/99 0.027 3/1199 0.024 3/2/99 0.024 3/3/99 0.029 3/4/99 0.024 3/5/99 0.024 3/6/99 0.023 3/7/99 0.022 3/8/99 0.022 3/9/99 0.028 3/10/99 0.020 3/11 /99 0.024 3/12/99 0.023 3/13/99 0.020 3/14/99 0.041 3/15/99 0.055 3/16/99 0.016 3/17/99 0.009 3/18/99 0.011 3/19/99 0.010 3/20/99 0.029 3/21 /99 0.065 3/22/99 0.049 3/23/99 0.021 3/24/99 0.009 3/25/99 0.013 3/26/99 0.010 3/27/99 0.009 3/28/99 0.030 3/29/99 0.038 3/30/99 0.035 3/31 /99 0.036 Date Flow MGD 4/1 /99 0.064 4/2/99 0.034 4/3/99 0.032 4/4/99 0.033 4/5/99 0.030 4/6/99 0.045 4/7/99 0.031 4/8/99 0.031 4/9/99 0.030 4/10/99 0.040 4/11 /99 0.036 4/12/99 0.027 4/13/99 0.026 4/14/99 0.034 4/15/99 0.016 4/16/99 0.023 4/17/99 0.024 4/18/99 0.018 4/19/99 0.022 4/20/99 0.035 4/21 /99 0.027 4/22/99 0.067 4/23/99 0.084 4/24/99 0.074 4/25/99 0.069 4/26/99 0.048 4/27/99 0.041 4/28/99 0.068 4/29/99 0.073 4/30/99 0.055 5/1 /99 0.049 5/2/99 0.048 5/3/99 0.054 5/4/99 0.050 5/5/99 0.043 5/6/99 0.027 5/7/99 0.043 5/8/99 0.049 5/9/99 0.045 5/10/99 0.047 5/11 /99 0.041 5/12/99 0.038 5/13/99 0.033 5/14/99 0.026 5/15/99 10.019 FBI M" M f•, PSI PM F;1 fa► FNi pir, Date Flow MGD 5/16/99 0.035 5/17/99 0.031 5/18/99 0.038 5/19/99 0.032 5/20/99 0.036 5/21 /99 0.036 5/22/99 0.038 5/23/99 0.033 5/24/99 0.035 5/25/99 0.035 5/25/99 0.035 5/26/99 0.029 5/27/99 0.029 5/28/99 0.029 5/29/99 0.028 5/30/99 0.033 5/31 /99 0.031 6/1 /99 0.030 6/2/99 0.030 6/3/99 0.035 6/4/99 0.030 6/5/99 0.029 6/6/99 0.029 6/7/99 0.030 6/8/99 0.033 6/9/99 0.030 6/10/99 0.030 6/11 /99 0.030 6/12/99 0.030 6/13/99 0.029 6/14/99 0.028 6/15/99 0.051 6/16/99 0.056 6/17/99 0.030 6/18/99 0.038 6/19/99 0.029 6/20/99 0.029 6/21 /99 0.029 6/22/99 0.038 6/23/99 0.026 6/24/99 0.034 6/25/99 0.022 6/26/99 0.039 6/27/99 0.035 6/28/99 0.031 6/29/99 0.031 6130/99 10.029 7/1 /99 10.031 Date Flow MGD 7/2/99 0.033 7/3/99 0.037 7/4/99 0.033 7/5/99 0.033 7/6/99 0.024 7/7/99 0.029 7/8/99 0.030 7/9/99 0.035 7/10/99 0.035 7/11/99 0.040 7/12/99 0.048 7/13/99 0.052 7/14/99 0.060 7/15/99 0.035 7/16/99 0.022 7/17/99 0.043 7/18/99 0.035 7/19/99 0.034 7/20/99 0.029 7/21 /99 0.027 7/22/99 0.035 7/23/99 0.048 7/24/99 0.061 7/25/99 0.042 7/26/99 0.027 7/27/99 0.032 7/28/99 0.032 7/29/99 0.035 7/30/99 0.048 7/31 /99 0.044 8/1 /99 0.048 8/2/99 0.035 8/3/99 0.014 8/4/99 0.016 8/5/99 0.048 8/6/99 0.022 8/7/99 0.015 8/8/99 0.040 8/9/99 0.045 8/10/99 0.038 8/11 /99 0.032 8/12/99 0.030 8/13/99 0.028 8/14/99 0.051 8/15/99 0.063 8/16/99 0.046 8/17/99 10.039 8/18/99 10.047 Date Flow MGD 8/19/99 0.036 8/20/99 0.043 8/21 /99 0.030 8/22/99 0.030 8/23/99 0.029 8/24/99 0.026 8/25/99 0.038 8/26/99 0.045 8/27/99 0.041 8/28/99 0.030 8/29/99 0.030 8/30/99 0.032 8/31 /99 0.034 9/1 /99 0.032 9/2/99 0.033 913/99 0.034 9/4/99 0.046 9/5/99 0.098 9/6/99 0.118 9/7/99 0.078 9/8/99 0.077 919/99 0.060 9/10/99 0.027 9/11 /99 0.024 9/12/99 assume >.071 9/13/99 0.020 9/14/99 0.031 9/15/99 0.067 9/16/99 0.094 9/17/99 0.067 9/18/99 0.053 9/19/99 0.044 9/20/99 0.039 9/21 /99 0.031 9/22/99 0.017 9/23/99 0.040 9/24/99 0.028 9/25/99 0.023 9/26/99 0.018 9/27/99 0.066 9/28/00 0.052 9/29/00 0.062 9/30/99 0.079 10/1 /99 0.079 10/2/99 0.058 10/3/99 0.036 10/4/99 0.038 10/5/99 10.034 NGD F;i rAI;) MR FMR rAq fmn fal, on P" r#a pvq wi run r�� m Date Flow MGD 10/6/99 0.035 10/7/99 0.035 10/8/99 0.039 10/9/99 0.035 10/10/99 0.048 10/11 /99 0.041 10/12/99 0.034 10/13/99 0.044 10/14/99 0.040 10/15/99 0.026 10/16/99 0.054 10/17/99 0.053 10/18/99 0.056 10/19/99 0.045 10/20/99 0.068 10/21 /99 0.037 10/22/99 0.025 10/23/99 0.032 10/24/99 0.034 10/25/99 0.024 10/26/99 0.040 10/27/99 0.030 10/28/99 0.024 10/29/99 0.046 10/30/99 0.039 10/31 /99 0.039 11 /1 /99 0.035 1112/99 0.068 11 /3/99 0.052 11 /4/99 0.033 11 /5/99 0.034 11 /6/99 0.032 11 /7/99 0.033 11 /8/99 0.032 11 /9/99 0.033 11 /10/99 0.029 11 /11 /99 0.032 11 /12/99 0.033 11 /13/99 0.031 11 /14/99 0.032 11 /15/99 0.035 11 /16/99 0.031 11 /17/99 0.035 11 /18/99 0.031 11 /19/99 0.029 11 /20/99 0.027 11 /21 /99 0.030 11 /22/99 10.035 Date Flow MGD 11 /23/99 0.030 11 /24/99 0.029 11/25/99 0.031 11 /26/99 0.047 11 /27/99 0.043 11 /28/99 0.056 11 /29/99 0.022 11 /30/99 0.029 12/1/99 0.049 12/2/99 0.045 12/3/99 0.061 12/4/99 0.034 12/5/99 0.030 12/6/99 0.035 12/7/99 0.032 12/8/99 0.032 12/9/99 0.048 12/10/99 0.031 12/11 /99 0.016 12/12/99 0.016 12/13/99 0.027 12/14/99 0.057 12/15/99 0.029 12/16/99 0.031 12/17/99 0.044 12/18/99 0.047 12/19/99 0.047 12/20/99 0.029 12/21 /99 0.024 12/22/99 0.047 12/23/99 0.062 12/24/99 0.035 12/25/99 0.054 12/26/99 0.033 12/27/99 0.006 12/28/99 0.048 12/29/99 0.053 12/30/99 0.042 12/31 /99 0.069 1 /1 /00 0.039 1 /2/00 0.039 1 /3/00 0.039 1 /4/00 0.023 1 /5/00 0.036 1 /6/00 0.057 1 /7/00 0.051 1 /8/00 0.041 1 /9/00 10.041 Date Flow MGD 1 /10/00 0.062 1 /11 /00 0.037 1 /12/00 0.037 1 /13/00 0.037 1 /14/00 0.037 1 /15/00 0.040 1 /16/00 0.051 1 /17/00 0.048 1 /18/00 0.053 1 /19/00 0.053 1 /20/00 0.051 1 /21 /00 0.036 1 /22/00 0.038 1 /23/00 0.042 1 /24/00 0.039 1 /25/00 0.048 1 /26/00 0.048 1 /27/00 0.039 1 /28/00 0.040 1 /29/00 0.040 1 /30/00 0.061 1/31 /00 0.054 2/1 /00 0.040 2/2/00 0.047 2/3/00 0.047 2/4/00 0.034 2/5/00 0.027 2/6100 0.026 2/7/00 0.020 2/8100 0.029 2/9/00 0.043 2/10/00 0.031 2/11 /00 0.035 2/12/00 0.045 2/13/00 0.026 2/14/00 0.026 2/15/00 0.026 2/16/00 0.028 2/17/00 0.029 2/18/00 0.041 2/19/00 0.033 2/20/00 0.035 2/21 /00 0.030 2/22/00 0.053 2/23/00 0.039 2/24/00 0.010 2/25/00 0.024 2/26/00 10.029 FBI Fun FM FM piq FM fan M FEA MR M FM ran r", rAM Date Flow MGD 2/27/00 0.033 2/28/00 0.038 2/29/00 0.038 3/1 /00 0.036 3/2/00 0.034 3/3/00 0.034 3/4/00 0.036 3/5/00 0.037 3/6/00 0.035 3/7/00 0.035 3/8/00 0.038 3/9/00 0.037 3/10/00 0.034 3/11 /00 0.038 3/12/00 0.035 3/13/00 0.035 3/14/00 0.020 3/15/00 0.018 3/16/00 0.028 3/17/00 0.030 3/18/00 0.031 3/19/00 0.031 3120/00 0.056 3/21 /00 0.029 3/22/00 0.057 3/23/00 0.033 3/24/00 0.034 3/25/00 0.032 3/26/00 0.030 3/27/00 0.053 3/28/00 0.039 3/29/00 0.035 3/30/00 0.039 3/31 /00 0.038 4/1 /00 0.035 4/2/00 0.024 4/3/00 0.030 4/4100 0.041 4/5/00 0.036 4/6/00 0.033 4/7/00 0.035 4/8/00 0.046 4/9/00 0.050 4/10/00 0.041 4/11 /00 0.047 4112/00 0.038 4/13/00 0.049 4/14/00 0.041 Date Flow MGD 4/15/00 0.036 4/16/00 0.043 4/17/00 0.054 4/18/00 0.035 4/19/00 0.068 4/20/00 0.042 4/21 /00 0.053 4/22/00 0.035 4/23/00 0.032 4/24/00 0.021 4/25/00 0.040 4/26/00 0.046 4/27/00 0.029 4/28/00 0.033 4/29/00 0.053 4/30/00 0.041 5/1 /00 0.020 5/2/00 0.040 5/3/00 0.030 5/4/00 0.031 5/5/00 0.031 5/6/00 0.033 5/7/00 0.032 5/8/00 0.031 5/9/00 0.034 5/10/00 0.036 5/11/00 0.029 5/12/00 0.031 5/13/00 0.030 5/14/00 0.028 5/15/00 0.028 5/16/00 0.030 5/17/00 0.028 5/18/00 0.030 5/19/00 0.041 5/20/00 0.028 5/21 /00 0.048 5/22/00 0.058 5/23/00 0.074 5/24/00 0.049 5/25/00 0.033 5/26/00 0.054 5/27/00 0.034 5/28/00 0.038 5/29/00 0.035 5/30/00 0.037 5/31 /00 0.054 Average Flow: .037 (MGD) Minimum Flow: .002 (MGD) Maximum Flow: .118 (MGD) All Data Is Based On 1999-2000 MR-1 Reports I I I I 3 I I I I J I I I I ] J l I UNC Cogeneration Facility 1999 - 5/31/00 Chronological Flow 0.140 0.120 0.100 A 0.080 0 M 0.060 0.040 0.020 TO MI 12/16/98 3/26/99 7/4/99 10/12/99 1 /20/00 4/29/00 Date 1997-2000 Sewer Discharge From UNC Congeneration Facility to OWASA Service Period Number Of Days Total Flow (1000 al) Average Flow GPD Average Flow GPM Average Flow GPM**Flow Maximum GPM** Sep-97 30 4,722 157,400 109 89.4 218.6 Oct-97 31 3,525 113,710 79 87.42 244.49 Nov-97 30 3,372 112,400 78 Dec-97 31 3,728 120,258 84 84.67 199.79 Jan-98 31 3,719 119,968 83 78.74 193.93 Feb-98 28 4,726 168,786 117 76.43 285.8 Mar-98 31 4,500 145,161 101 87.51 227.59 Apr-98 30 1,977 65,900 46 67.55 224.51 May-98 31 2,818 90,903 63 84.94 233.19 11 /19/1999 3,129 11 /15/99-12/15/99 30 3,647 121,567 84 12/15/00 - 1 /11 /00 27 2,458 91,037 63 1 /11 /00 - 2/9/00 29 2,960 102,069 71 2/9/00 - 3/9/00 28 3,181 113,607 79 3/9/00 - 4/10/00 32 3,777 118,031 82 4/10/00 - 5/15/00 35 4,102 117,200 81 5/15/00 - 6/19/00 36 4,743 131,750 91 Average Flow: Minimum Flow: Maximum Flow: * From Sewer Billings ** From OWASA Flow Monitoring Report 118,109 82 82 228 65,900 46 68 194 168,786 117 89 286 ria MR FMM OR ran M) ran ONO ram FM Projected Steam Growth UNC Cogeneration Facility Year Total Thermal Load (103 LBS) Boiler No. 6 (103 LBS) Boiler No. 7 (103 LBS) Boiler Nos. 5 and 8 (103 LBS) Total Steam Load (103 LBS) Percent Increase Assumed Projected Wastewater Increase 1999 2,338,662 1,341,149 1,341,149 30,677 2,712,975 0.00% 0.00% 2000 2,430,150 1,381,226 1,381,226 31,877 2,794,329 3.00% 3.00% 2001 2,430,150 1,381,226 1,381,226 31,877 2,794,329 3.00% 3.00% 2002 2,498,766 1,411,527 1,411,527 32,777 2,855,831 5.27% 5.27% 2003 2,607,408 1,459,887 1,459,887 34,202 2,953,976 8.88% 8.88% 2004 2,647,434 1,477,812 1,477,812 34,727 2,990,351 10.22% 10.22% 2005 2,756,076 1,526,734 1,526,734 36,152 3,089,620 13.88% 13.88% 2006 2,756,076 1,526,734 1,526,734 36,152 31089,620 13.88% 13.88% 2007 2,7781948 1,537,077 1,537,077 36,457 3,110,611 14.66% 14.66% 2008 2,881,872 1,582,633 1,582,633 40,179 3,205,445 18.15% 18.15% 2009 2,996,232 1,629,166 1,629,166 53,135 3,311,467 22.06% 22.06% 2010 3,087,720 1,663,642 1,663,642 69,445 3,396,729 25.20% 25.20% 2011 3,179,208 1,696,847 1,696,847 88,656 3,482,350 28.36% 28.36% 2012 3,270,696 1,726,697 1,728,697 110,904 3,566,298 31.45% 31.45% 2013 3,367,902 1,760,703 1,760,703 138,544 3,659,950 34.91 % 34.91 % 2014 3,470,826 1,793,130 1,793,130 171,070 3,757,330 38.49% 38.49% 2015 3,573,750 1,824,152 1,824,152 206,725 3,855,029 42.10% 42.10% 2016 3,682,392 1,855,389 1,855,389 247,697 3,958,475 45.91% 45.91% run 0.160 0.140 0.120 0.100 0 0.080 o u. 0.060 0.040 0.020 0 000 UNC Cogeneration Facility 2005 Projected Flow S N ♦♦♦ • wow ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ , , � Z♦ , � . , � ♦ ♦ ♦ fw 12/21 /98 2/9/99 3/31 /99 5/20/99 7/9/99 8/28/99 10/17/99 12/6/99 Date 24 Days With Flow Greater Than 0.07 MGD 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 EMKIMIA 0.04 0.02 UNC Cogeneration Facility 2010 Projected Flow 1 w •, • ♦1♦i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ,� ♦ M♦ ♦ I , ♦♦ f� 12/21 /98 2/9/99 3/31 /99 5/20/99 7/9/99 8/28/99 10/17/99 12/6/99 Date 34 Days With Flow Greater than 0.07 MGD UNC Cogeneration Facility 2016 Projected Flow 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0 c� 0.1 0 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 12/21 /98 2/9/99 3/31 /99 5/20/99 7/9/99 8/28/99 10/17/99 12/6/99 Date 59 DaysWith Flow Greater Than 0.07 MGD 08-'11/00 10: 30 FAX 919 968 4464 OWASA 9001i 016 r� 400 Jones Ferry Road Post Office Box 366 Carrboro, NC 27510 Orange s - Phone: (919) 968-4421 ext. 248 Sewer Authority Fax: (919) 968-4464 r� mdarr9owasa.org pin rm&� F.ax r� To: George TyrianlAware Environmental From: Mary Darr Fax (704) 845-1759 Date; August 11, 2000 Phone: (704) 845-1697 Pagem 16 Re: UNC Cogen. Wastewater Discharge CC; ❑ Urgent O For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply Ll Pleases Recycle rial -Comments; George: This is the information t could find in our files. I hope that it is helpful. Mary mm r� 08.'11/00 10:30 KAX 919 968 4464 OWASA - Orange Water and Sewer Authority OWASA 400 Jones Ferry Road P.O. Box 366 Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 968-4421 October 1, 1997 Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer - Cameron Avenue 179A/CB ## 1800 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 MR Dear Mr. Du3ose: SUBJECT: UNC POWER PLANT WASTEWATER DISCHARGE 9 002i 016 FILE COPY Transmitted herewith is the September, 1997 report of the temperature and flow monitoring data taken at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of the discharge for this period are as follows: September Average flow rate 89.4 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 218.6 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 92.2 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 153.1 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and UNC which regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute Maximum temperature 175 degrees F Please advise if additional information is needed. ao Attachment Sincerely, 4K.thry4n.'Kalb, P.E. General Manager of Operations An Equal Opportunity Employer . ]'l ' 11 l ]I ], I I ] ]' � Power Plant Monitor Output for September,1997 FLOW 250 200 ISO too • � �- - r-fit--- 0 I 091011" 091031" 0910"7 09/07197 09/M9/97 09/1U97 09/13/97 0911S/97 04/17H7 09/19V97 09121N7 04/73197 09R3/97 04/27/97 09/29197 . "M197 09/04/97 09106W 09/0Sf97 09/10W 0911V97 09/14/97 0911&" 091MM 09/2W97 09nW7 09a4197 09126M 09nV97 MOM Date + FLOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE 89.36 GPM AVERAGE M9218 •F MAXIMUM 218.60 GPM MAXIMUM ---- 192 18 OF MINIMUM 29.00 GPM M MM IM -- fi3.97 OF� TEMPERATURE T 200 ---, ISO w 100 j o i so i 0 SEPT 97.WiC4 10/01/97 08-'l1%00 10:81 FAX 919 968 4464 OWASA Orange Water and Sewer Authority �+ OWASA 400 Jones Ferry Road P.Q. Box 366 Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 968-4421 November 14, 1997 9 004 016 FILE COPY Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179AOCB # 1800 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC POWER PLANT WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Transmitted herewith is the October, 1997 report of the temperature and flow monitoring data taken at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of the discharge for this period are as follows: October Average flow rate 87.42 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 244.49 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 70.41 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 154.29 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanita ry Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and UNC which MCI regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute Maximum temperature 175 degrees F Mq Please advise if additional information is needed. ao Attachment Sincerely, Kathryn R. Kalb, P.E. General Manager of Operations Air Equal Opportunity Employer riq 0 Power Plant Monitor Output for October, 1997 0 O FLOW tM 250 200 W 150 i 100 I 50 ' o J_ 14/01N7 f0/0319T 10/p5N7 10107N7 10/09/97 10/11/97 10113/97 10/15N7 iQ/17A7 10/19A7 10111/97 t0123A7 1Q/23/97 10MA7 ICV2997 10/31/97 y J 1 1010?/97 IN0497 10106197 1QlQgN7 lQ/10N7 10/12/97 WNW 101107 10/IW7 10/20/97 10/22/97 1QR4197 10%26/97 -------_.�_____.- - - ---- - _ Datc IO/26A7 IQ/aQr97 ! TEMPERATURE AFLOW VE�4. 87.42 GPM AVERgGE MAxIWM— - - _ _ �244.49 GPM -- 70.41 'F MINIMU_M..—.. � _ 2t.81 GPM M,___AJ�MUM - � 154.29 T _ MINIMUM 49.85 T TEMPERATURE- i 200_ ' 150 _ I 100- 0 1 l r Oki ,� ; Ar IOl01/97 10103/97 10VO5ro7 10107197 10✓09197 10111/97 10/13/97 1Q/13/97 10/17/97 10/19/97 10121197 _ - - 1010Y97 100"7 10/06/97 10/08/97 10/10/97 MUM 10/14/97 10/1N97 10/IE/97 1W20/97 10=97��10NA7� 10R6/g7 W21 y�9 0fmn7 A7 --� Date 0 0 -r OCT_97.WK4 0 11/14/97 I ' I 03 11%00 10:32 FA. 919 963 4464 O%ASA 9 006%016 Orange Water and Sewer authority OWASA 400 Jones Ferry Road P.O. Box 366 Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 968-4421 January 6, 1998 FILE Copy Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179A/CB f# 1800 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC POWER PLANT WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Transmitted herewith is the December, 1997 report of the temperature and flow monitoring data taken at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of the discharge for this period are as follows: December Average flow rate 84.67 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 199.79 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 48.59 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 68.56 dearees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and. UNC which regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate ISO gallons per minute . Maximum temperature 175 degrees F Please advise if additional information is needed. Sincerely, r Kathryn R. alb, P.E. ao General Manager of Operations Attachment An Equal Oplacrtunity Employer 76•-11 O O Power Plant Monitor Output for December, 1997 FLOW Mn 20D 150 Qrr 100 __ it ,, 1 •; .1 : !�1 (t ,':1 t ! j ' �.. , , i r i t• 1, :r: — ----- —.... Km IS • �!., ,+ q t �� a i?F •i+••'ll 'L� 'A j, ,, I �I 1 ,•1 I • , ' 1�•' •il!• �. !!.{� ( i,~fI� •, I�.! ... -_ .I �Il!• ilh � I II ;a: pig ilI{I t• jil lye tl ��s� +f ` I .�, I�+{�� .� ° i � 3 f � �{' ( III � i � , • 11� ;' 50 _ f ,: . P'1 � !j ;, j I� r,,t I _l •3 ..� ., • _t+- �: 1 I . � ' f i-�_-'� - `.� 1`.r � • � —;� ,.• ��'` ,. s � ; ; • :f ' t- I• � � �, 1. r i� ; ;' . ,;' 1201/97 17A3/97 12/03/97 —• �_-- _----�.`—� ! 12l02/97 12/04WNW 12/0N-- _� ---. I i ��• _ ! 2/07/97 I ..b9/97 12/11/97 12/13/97 12/15/97 12117197 12/19/97 I M I/97 12/23ro7 I b2S197 12/27/97 I J29ro7 I 12131ro7 97 12/OE/97 12/10/97 12112/97 17/14/97 12/16/97 12/11V97 12/20/97 12/22/97 12/24197 12/2&V7• 12/207 IV30M Date FLOW -- TEMP ERATURE AVERAGE 84 67 GPM AVERAGE MAXIMUM 199.79 GPM - _._._ 48.59 OF -- IINIMUM _ -- MAXIMUM - -- _ 68.56 T - -- --. -..- -. ---•-_"-- .._---�-- '` 20.48 GPM __. MINIMUM ------ - 40--_._T.._ TEMPERATURE .700 �.._T_ , 0 100 L-7 s 1 30 0 12/01/97 12/03/97 12/05/97 12/07/97 171 7 -- i ____._ ..�_._. �__ 1.• -.,_i _ /O9ro7 IJII191 12/02/97 12/ON97 1I/06ro7 illl3ro7 12/15/97 12/17197 12/19/97 12/21/97 12/32/97�►2/25/97 12/27/97 12a9/97 17/31/97 -.— 1JOS197 12/10/97 12/12/97 IJ14/97 12/16/97 12/18/97 12/21)N7 IVU/97 M24/97 12/26/97 12l2i/97 12A0/97 —y f lst.. -� DEc_OTWK4 0 01/05/98 08"11 00 10:33 FAX 919 968 4464 OWASA @ 008/016 Orange Water and Sewer Authority OWASA 400 Jones Ferry Road P 0. Box 366 Carrboro, NC 27510 (919) 968-4421 February 11, 1998 Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179A/CB#1800 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC Power Plant Wastewater Discharge FW4 Transmitted herewith is the January, 1998 report of the temperature and flow monitoring en at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of he discharge fo this period are as follows: g r January Average flow rate 78.74 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 193.93 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 59.87 degrees.F Maximum discharge temperature 129.47 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and UNC which regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute Maximum temperature 175 degrees F Please advise if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Kathryn K Kalb, P.E. General Manager of Operations bf Attachment An Equal Opportunity Employer I Power Plant Monitor Output for January, 19" FLOW 250 200 150 too 50 0 01/01M 01103191 01105198 01/07199 01/09/98 01102M 01/04/98 ol/o6igg 01/081gg 01/1 01111/98 01/13/98 01/15MI 01117/98 01/19/" 0)/21M 01/23/99 OW3198 01/27/ WS 01112198 0 1/ 1091 00/1"S olll&#Vg 01/Z0198 01/2219g 01124f" 01/26/gg 98 01,29199 01/31198 1 OM208 0313068 Date FLOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE 78.74 GPM MAXIMUM AVERAGE59.87 T MINIMUM 193.93 GPM MAXIMUM 129A7 T 18-93 GPM N111YIMU117 37.50 OF I EMPERATURE VA 0 JAN-95.WK4 I 200 150 too 7- 50 0 01/011" 01/03M 01/05/ 01107/91 01/09191 01111/9p 011131 . - 1 1 01/02199 01104/90 01/06/90 o1jol08 01/10/9 9' 01115M 01/11/91 01/19198 01121/98 01/23199 01/25193 0 1127/" olngM 01/31/gg 011"Ns 01/14M 01116nA 0111V98 0112W99 01122198 01124/92 61n6M 0112INS 01/30/91 Date 02/10/98 a t FM !_, M4 U�lf 11 UU 1U:34 FAA 919 968 4464 0W'ASA �j010"0It; OINASA ORANGE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY Quality Service Since 1977 March 9, 1998 Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179AICB# l 800 Chapel Hill, NC 27S 14 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC Power Plant Wastewater Discharge Transmitted herewith is the February, 1998 report of the temperature and flow monitoring n at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant featuresof he discharee fo this period are as follows: g r January Average flow rate 76.43 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 285.80 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 45.51 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 188.47 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and UNC which re ulates this discharge includes the following limits: g Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute Maximum temperature 175 degrees F Please advise if additional information is needed. Sincerely, bf Attachment 40010SIC, Fc rry Road PO Box 366 • Carrbn1'0. ,1C : 7510-0366 Kathryn R. Kalb, P.E. General Manager of Operations Equal opporrunit l- Enid 1po rs Punted an Rrc.cl4-ti Paper Veicc (919) 968-442 I FAX (919) 968-4464 ir•�r��i: rnr:tsa. nr� PM Power Plant Monitor Output for February,1998 FLOW 350 I 300 250 200 a � ISO 100 -J 1 �._ _.i _._ ...._.._...._........ .... c0 OV01/98 02/03/98 02/05/98 OV0719S 02/09/98 0?/1 02/02/98 1/98 02/13/98 pyls/gs 02/17/98 OL14/98 02Q1/ga I r I f 02/04/98 02/06/48 02/009 OV10198 02/12/92 OV14198 01/16/98 OVIV99 02/20/98 02/22n8 02/24/99 02/26/9�702/28/98 Date FLOW . TEMPERATUREAVERAGE GPM — MAXIMUM 76.43 GAVERAGE 84.04 's' MINIMUM GPM MAXIMUM 188.47 •F _--- _ _ 15.13 GPMMINEMIUM — 45.51 •F TEMPERATURE 200 150 I - _ - O 100 - gill*- j I 50i i 0 _ — —— ! 02/01/90 02103/99 02/05/98 02/07/98 02/09/98 OVI1/92 02/1119B 01/13/98 0?JI7148 02/19/98 021Z1/41t 02/13/98 01J2S/9g 02/OINB 02l01/98 02/0ti/98 02/08193 02/10/93 02/12/92 02/14M 02/l6l98 02/18/98 02/20l98 02R2/9i 02R4/98 02/26/98/270?l28/98 i_ ... __ _ - - - _._--- ----- --�� Date K4 I ; I I' I' F 03109►98 uo i 1, uu lu : as r —1 919 968 4464 OWASA Q 012/016 OWASA ORANGE WATER & SEWER AUT HORITY Quality Service Srnce 1977 F+ April22, 1998 Rm Mr. Raymond DuBosc UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179A/CB#1800 p" Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC Power Plant Wastewater Discharge Transmitted herewith is the March, 1998 report of the temperature and flow monitoring data taken a t the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of the discharge for this period are as follows: March Average flow rate 87.5 J gaIlons per minute Maximum flow rate 227.59 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 82.28 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 140.94 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between OWASA and UNC which regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute Maximum temperature 175 degrees F r Please advise if additional information is needed. Sincerely, Kathryn R. Kalb, P.E. _ General Manager of Operations bf Attachment A la, 400 Jog1cs Ferry Road PO Box 366 - Equ�I U/�pnrtrnun• Cr�ip/niacr Voicc (919) 968-4421 Carrhoro, NC 275 10-U366 Printed cm Iiccacled Parer FAX (919) 968.4464 11.11'11: 0 W'.7sa. AP? M Power Plant Monitor 0 Output for March,1998 0 rn FLOW 250 200 150 a 100 50 0 4� P d �'P� ' �SP� ��� ��P� P�� P�� o� `�� ti�� ^ '� ► ��b �b 1�e E P� H� �� �b p� '� '� 7 7 '! '! "► .�'` ,��� 'S�� 'f�` •��� '��� '!�� "��� '��� 7�`q AO ,�(1� ,�n'L ,y�'� ,��y* ,���Y' ,�(LFl ,�(L'11p ,�(y���q��� _ t��� Date 'Y Y FLOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE 87.61 GPM AVERAGE 82.2$ OF MAXIMUM 227.59 GPM MAXIMUM 140.94 OF MINIMUM 16.06 GPM MINIMUM 45.86 OF ,TEMPERATURE 250 200 I50 0 100 SO 0 ,A 7vp`4`e ,`Nq4 4"�~ `"r 4" 4� dam` 4 `�ti Datc :x .0jkjhh' "c:18200%datalmonthlyWamih_98.xis 0 4/22/98 aLa y03 44b4 0WASA @ 014 016 owasa ORANGE VY ATER & SEWER AUTHORITY 4 Quality Ser r•?ce Since 1977 June 12, 1998 "q Mr. Raymond DuBose UNC Power Plant Engineer Cameron Avenue 179A/CB# 1800 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dear Mr. DuBose: SUBJECT: UNC Power Plant Wastewater Discharge Transmitted herewith is the April and May; 1998 reports of the temperature and flow monitoring data taken at the UNC Power Plant discharge to the OWASA sanitary sewer. Significant features of the discharge for this period are as follows: r April Average flow rate g 67.55 gallons per minute Maximum flow rate 224.51 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 83.08 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 150.57 degrees F May Average flow rate Maximum flow rate 84.94 gallons per minute 233.19 gallons per minute Average discharge temperature 85.85 degrees F Maximum discharge temperature 149.78 degrees F The May 24, 1996, Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement betweeli OWASA and UNC which regulates this discharge includes the following limits: Maximum flow rate 150 gallons per minute -- Maximum temperature 175 degrees F �+ Please advise if additional information is needed. Sincerely, AMP Kathryn R. Kalb, P.E. General Manager of Operations 400 loncs Fcrry Road PO Box 366 fi/ua/ Oppo�t��nitr Emp/n�rr �+a Calrboro. NC 27S 10-0366 Primcd on Recycleci Paper Voicc (919) 968 -4421 FAX (919) 968.4464 1113VIV011117.1j.014 0" Power Plant Monitor Output for May,1998 FLOW 2so 200 150 a ,00 50 0 4F h( he $I'- O 4r 4f SOP hP�y�`°��h�`��`y��'►�e�����y`�'�'�h1`yE�h1�`� ��� �� �`� poi ��' ,� f� *P6 .�' �i'� �b �° �� ,,p� �P` Date FLOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE 84.94 GPM NVax,imuM AVERAGE 85.86 'F 233.19 GPM MINIMUM MAXIMUM 149.7$ •F 14.41 GPM MINIMUM 50.61 OF TEMPERATURE 250 200 � 1S0 0 100 50 0 • A h�• �,. �� ��- �0p_ ` OR y�4v•��e5�e e h`!e0�iey`!y('���,���`�''�`e��i°�`�"�,��� � np� ���0► � c� �� '`�1� Date K AS 6110198 to Power Plant Mnnitnr to Output for April,1998 Q FLOW 2so 200 ISO a 100 c7 50 0 ° .�`� ►� ►�,ft' ae� �y� M,�4 .�P° � Pt`� o� .P° ,� ,eft► AP° t{► � P° � �,b ,�c�° d ,� � �' ,�` �' � � �° Date FLOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE 67.55 GPM AVERAGE 83.08 •F M'�XrMUM 224.51 GPM M41iQMUM 150.57 'F MINIMUM 15.13 GPM NIINaVIUM 52.60 'F TEMPERATURE 250 200 150 O 100 SOWNW 0 Date 6/10/98 m APPENDIX C 1992 OWASA PRITCHARD BRANCH SEWER LINE CAPACITY EVALUATION 03/30/00 10:27 F.AS 919 968 4464 OWASA Q001 400 Jones Fury Road Post OMW Sax 366 Carrboro. NC 275 10Oranc -Water Phone: (919) 968-4421 eid. 246 MIP Fax (919)968-4464 SewerAuthority w�► Fax 'M' To: Geo W Tynan From Mary Darr lFUM (704) 845-1759 Data March 30, 2000 PtMM (704) 84&1697 POW= 2 Ra UNC Cogeneration Factiity CC: ❑ urger O For Review ❑ Pl"" Carnnent D Piesse Reply O Phase ReeyClO •Comnsentw George: Attached is the spreadsheet done by OWASA in IM. A DOT project replaced the sewer fines closest to NC 54 after this spreadsheet was done. To evaluate the sections of sewer that have the minimum capacities, !rwert infonre ion for the replaced sewer wail need to be collected and the reca elated. systemcapacities May P" r.� SANITARY SEWER LINE CAPACITY FROM UNC POWER PLANT TO MORGAN CREEK.OUTFALL MARCH 19 , 5 19 92 J.W. NE ' Pipe Segment Inv. Out Inv. Length Pipe Slope Manning Area Wet. Per. Hyd. R. Velocity Flow Flow In (h.) Size (") (96) "n" (cuft.) (ft.) (sgft.) (fps) (MGD) (GPM) 004 003 -6.27 _ ` 459.69 455.13 139.03 8 3.28 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 - - - - - 003 002 455.03 454.61 32.05 8 1.31 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 3.96 141 002 - 001 454.56 442.28 227.59 8 5.40 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 8.04 681 621 001 - 004 442.23 430.45 182.28 8 6.46 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 8.80 1.89 1.81 260 1379 004 - 003 430.24 417.01 178.84 8 7.40 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 9.42 1.12 1375 003 - 002 417.06 415.32 135.48 8 1.28 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 3.92 2 i 1615 002-001 414.93 410.29 26.64 8 17.42 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 14.45 9 001-009 410.08 402.50 252.66 8 3.00 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 6.00 3.26 264 2264MAX 009-008 402.22 395.02 47.93 8 15.02 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 13.42 1.35 1. 93 �� 008 - 007 394.82 394.29 43.93 8 1.21 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 3.80 3.03 2102 007 - 006 394.19 390.44 42.31 8 8.86 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 10.31 6 96 006 - 005 390.34 384.76 87.42 8 8.28 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 9.96 2. .33 115 005-004 384.65 381.99 69.15 8 3.85 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 6.79 2. 1560 004 - 003 381.93 377.49 89.74 8 4.95 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 7.70 1.53 64 003 - 009 377.46 367.96 186.22 8 5.10 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 7.82 1.74 1206 009 - 008 367.86 364.22 132.73 8 2.74 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 5.73 1.7612 008 - 007 364.06 362.12 39.26 8 4.94 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 7.70 1.29 8 007 - 006 362.07 354.99 222.73 8 3.18 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 6.17 1.74 1206 006-005 354.14 346.27 220.27 8 3.57 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 6.54 1.39 967 005 - 001 346.05 337.42 399.91 8 2.16 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 5.09 1.48 025 1797 001-001 337.39 332.01 206.53 8 2.60 0.013 0.349 2.09 0,17 5.59 1.15 001-- 002 331.90 325.28 269.40 8 2.46 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 5.43 1.26 875 875 002 - 001 325.25 32398 88.79 8 1 43 0 013 0 349 209 0 t 4 14 1.22 850 001-004 323.65 322.27 1 1 1 92 8 23 0 013 0 3a1 t 03 0 t Y 3.b4 0,511 U b! I-Wo 004 - 003 321.89 320.69 107.80 e 1 11 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 3.65 0.82 n0k 572 003-002 32075 307.89 99 .97 0.013 0.349 0.17 12.47 2.81 002 - 001 308.02 301.71 133.91 8 4.71 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 7.51 1.70 1 177 001 -003 301.66 300.21 286.50 8 0.51 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 2.46 0.56 386 � 003 - 004 300.16 299.29 172.63 8 0.50 0.013 0.349 2.09 0.17 2.46 0.55 385 MIN 01 MP 004-001 298.95 297.04 326.1 T 12 0.59 0013 .0 0.785 3.14 0.25 3.47 1.76 1224 i ( ?ZLoCAIM -N`C-,a k �N-o L i rJC I<mq IN ik 1Tr5W' . 1 • I r r APPENDIX D SEWER LINE FLOW TESTING COSTS r PM rAll f=1 To: George P" From: Jason Peq Date: May 3, 2000 Subject: Sewer Capacity/Flow for UNC-Cogen AEI Job N3 01-03 Telephone Conversation: PK, Mark Thompson (841-8733) and John Hoynacki (803-547-5874) with ADS ADS does a lot of work with OWASA. They have three ongoing projects there now. P%+ Basically what we are looking for is a) sewer total capacity in the lines indicated, and b) total sewer flow in the lines indicated. ADS is comfortable in dealing with OWASA, and understands there requirements very well. This would be a fairly routine job for them. ADS will install flow meters are the critical junctions. Because UNC-Cogen will discharge into one line, the current flow in this line is necessary. In turn, this line 'm discharges into another main, and the flow in this main is required. Flow meters operate for 30 days, which is acceptable to OWASA. Flows are also 42R correlated to rainfall, collected by a rain gauge. There is probably a rain gauge in use around the Chapel Hill area; if not, ADS can supply it. The cost for each monitoring flow meter, run for 30 days, is $5200. This project will probably require two (2) flow monitoring points, though it may be possible to use only one. A rain gauge, monitoring for rainfall every 15 minutes, can be supplied for $1000. A range on costs would be $5200-$11,400, depending on the number of monitoring flumes employed. W" Aware Environmental, Inc. rq From: George Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:33 PM To: computer _rm Subject: FW: Chapel Hill - Connection to OWASA System ral Pon From: Becky Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:22 PM To: George P► Subject: FW: Chapel Hill - Connection to OWASA System -----Original Message----- r" From: John Hoynacki [SMTP:John.Hoynacki@adsenv.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 20001:55 PM To: awareenvironmental@bigfoot.com 0 ra" A'700001.txt charset Subject: Chapel Hill - Connection to OWASA Sy = windows-1252too M r" cm rR r on Page 1 ATT00002.html: charset = windows-1252 s tern ATT00001.txt rMl Hello George Tyrian, r--=+ I was reviewing notes today and did not know if I got back to you on the information for flow monitoring in the OWASA/Chapel Hill System. F=, I originally talked to Jason Annan and then I believe you about fl ow '�' monitoring for a connection to a steam plant or some other type of plant. I spoke to John Greene at OWASA about some of the particulars of w hat he may be looking for and he said it would take between 4 and 6 monitors. Om His only concern was that if flow monitoring was done now if will not provi de a wet weather picture of the system. We have worked with OWASA staff a lot over the past 5 years and they know our work and the quality of our wor k. We can provide a turn -key project and written provide capacity analysis a Mn nd electronic data for your analysis. go rM For you information on Budget/Expense - if you put in 1 meter for 30 days - cost is aprox. $5,500. 2 monitors for 30 days cost $4,500/monitor/month M" 3 monitors at $4000/monitor/month PM4 4 monitors at $3500/monitor/month 5 and greater at $3,200 per monitor per month W If this project is still a possibility and if we can provide assis F=+ tance, please let me know 803-547-5874 Page 1 ATTOOOOl.txt Thanks -" John Hoynacki Page 2 r ,r r APPENDIX E COMPARISON OF EFFLUENT BIOMONITORING VS. ., IN -STREAM BIOMONITORING LABORATORY RESULTS r r r ran /r� 14 LIU FP Tr I TEST . I NC . 9119 S�-i TU HWHf-:t P. U= UL PM M F" Effluent ToxiCity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 04/13/CO facility: ZMC.-CHAPEL HILL POWER PLANT NPDES#: KC0025305 Pipe#: 001 County: ORANGE i Work %lyder: 0004-00204 Environmental Sciences Branch :+Ir,IL ORIGINAL TO: Div. of Environmental management N.C. Dept. of Emm POR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 Ncrt Carolina CeriodaphZia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction. Toxicity Test Chronic Tes- Results Calculated t = 0.077 Pan Tabular t - 2.996 CO:�' �'ROL ORGANISMS' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 o Reduction = 0.67 E fi Mortality Avg.Reprod. # Young Produced 35 25 29135 1 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0.00 30.00 Control Control Adult (L) ive (W ead L L L L IL * * * 0.00 29.80 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 rya Effluence 9c� TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Control CV 35.986a PASS FAIL # Young Produced 134 3C 29 251311 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ti control or -as X ! producing 3rd Adult (:�) ive (D} ead ILL L L 1 j* f* * * * * brood100% Check one L * I _st sample 1st sample end sample Complete This For Either .est P TesC Start Date: 04/05/00 Control 7.8 7.7 7.9 8.0 8.0 7. 9 Collection. (Start) Date Sample 1: 04/03/00 Sample 2: 04/06/00 FUR P Treatment 2 7.5 ?.7 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.7 Sample Type/Duration /-. 13� /F s e s Grab Comp. Drraticn D t e t e t e S S a n a n a Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A r d r d r d L' M M t t t Sample 2 X 24 h:s = P P ls- sample 1st sample 2nd sample D.C. .......... Hardness (mg/1) 49 ....... .......... Control 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.0 8.0 Spec. Cond. (Amhos) 190 268 275 Treatment 2 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.9 Chlorine (mg/l) ::::::.... <0.1 <0. _ i�i :: i:::i LCSO/Acute Toxicity Test Sample temp. at receipt+'O C) 2.5 :.6 rAq (Mortality expressed as 1, combining replicates) Nate: Please $� :t k. concentration! Complace This Seccion. Also "q ! ; ti , , t t Mortality /end star -/end MR 1=a 'LC50 = 146 95* Coff-l"-fiffence Limits - b sLarc _. Method of Determination Control Moving Average Frobit Spea_rnar_ Karber - Other - :-iigh Canc. nFI D.C. Organism. Tested: Ceriodap m-1 a aubia Duration (hre) : Copied from.. DEM for: AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 (DUBIA ver. 4.32) FM ** £0'39Ud 1U101 ** .O.Q Ha I o :.o, 1 gbT� dos �-.zoJ (Z£'t 'zan Mann) S5/1Z 'na-Z (L8/£) T-.LV uuoj I43 i wc.=3 pazdo0 (szg) uoZ-eznc eTenp a TirgdepoTaa3 :ps4gsL ws :ue5at0 zau-O zagzuy. uL•,u :sadS _� - - s, !aTgosg — asezantl Buzno;q s-TWT7 aouaF':'tuc, 4S6 uoT2eut=0a9Q jo poupa;l = CSX iL�tTE�zoyq osT�l noT�oaS stgy 6;0a dwco soTjssjuaouo0 I 4 ; 4; s _____F fi Ss low eo am wo ba aseaTd . a.,oK — {sa��ozTaa= SuTtt►gmoo 'it sQ passazdbca AZTTQ ;soW) 9' T 0b ..........,(Jo,`'dTaoas �e• dwaq a �dr:e S qsa,I AzzoYxos aar0-</050'I SEE Oct 06i � (so�:r1) •puo, -oadg 6'L 6'L 0'8 0'8 T'8, 0'8. Z. �::a;�a2azZ 0'8 0'8 i T'8; Z'8 Z'8j T'8� .......... .......... 6tr (T/Bui) ssaupz-eH I To.T...o., aTdl:Qs puz aIc%::es -ST eldu;vs ast d d J. s :u 6Z X Z eTdw�es Y i W X P. 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(AEI) personnel conducted an initial reconnaissance of the stream created by storm water runoff and effluent from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Cogeneration Facility. George Tyrian and Kristin Kulow of AEI were accompanied by a representative of the Cogeneration Facility. The purpose of the visit was to determine the feasibility of conducting a macroinvertebrate study for use as an indicator of water quality. Individuals from six (6) insect genera including Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, and Collembola were identified. In addition, nematodes, snails, and crayfish were also found in the stream during the visit. The stream was typically shallow and the bottom was a mix of fine sandy, pebbled and rocky areas. Leaf litter was present in the stream as well as areas of riffles and pools. pm Based on the observations made during the site visit, it appears that the stream is suitable for conducting a macroinvertebrate study using the standard operating procedures set forth by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural am Resources, Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section's Biological Assessment Unit. A biotic index of the stream could then be calculated providing a baseline for comparision to adjoining tributaries and future stream evaluations. FOR 04 P" am