HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_Emails_20060124Kick-off Meeting for US 64 Interchange (Wendell Falls Blvd.) Subject: Kick-off Meeting for US 64 Interchange (Wendell Falls Blvd.) From: "Flesch-Pate, Julie" <jpate@louisberger.com> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:25:33 -0500 To: <monte.k.matthews@saw02.usace.army.mil>, <IAN.MCMILLAN@ncmail.net>, <eric. c. alsmeyer@usace. army.mil> When: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 2:00 PM-4:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: NCDOT Poole Road Building A-Structure Design Conference Room "c" Near column C-4 To All: I hope you are able to attend our kick-off meeting with NCDOT to discuss future design of the US 64 Interchange. The agreement between Wendell Falls Blvd. Inc. and NCDOT has been signed and approved by the board. Copies will be provided at this meeting or sent to you separately if you are not able to attend. Monty-our timeline for submitting the roadway and Phase I (residential development) mapping, detailing the total amount of impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetland is the last week in February. Thank You, Julie Flesch-Pate The Louis Berger Group 1 of 1 1/24/2006 9:31 AM ~ys"`ANEe A~ ~m,,,d STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 25, 2006 Mr. Dean Hatfield The Louis Berger Group 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, NC 27511 Dear Dean: LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Attached is a fully executed copy of the agreement between the Department of Transportation and Wendell Falls Development for the construction of a bridge and interchange at Eagle Rock Road and US 64 Bypass in Wake County. The developer shall be responsible for all aspects of this project. Work will be to state standards and specifications and subject to departmental approval and inspection. The Department has no financial obligations under the terms of this agreement. Roadway Design Engineer Chris Haire has scheduled a scoping meeting on February 8 for the DOT's various branches and units and your staff to review the project. This will be an opportunity for everyone to discuss the major project phases and process for review/approval as the project progresses. Please provide the original to Mercury Development. A copy is provided for your files. Let me know if you have any questions at this time. Sincerely, Sandy ce Attachment cc: Deborah Barbour, Director, Preconstruction Jon Nance, Division Engineer Calvin Leggett, Program Development MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-7384 LOCATION: NG DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9428 TRANSPORTATION 6UIlDIN6 STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR ~ 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET __^ 1536WrIl.SEFtVICECENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE.NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1538 Analysis provided by the Developer (design should be based on twenty year traffic projections after construction). Preliminary design was part of the R-2547C TIP Project drawings and is illustrated on Exhibit A. The interchange concept was originally proposed as part of the recently completed US 64 Knightdale Bypass Design Build Project. The final construction documents will convert the interchange design concept in SI Units (Metric) to English Units (B) The Developer shall be responsible for the construction of the roadways connecting the interchange ramps to existing state owned roadways. Upon completion the Project will be taken onto the state highway system for maintenance. The Department shall review and approve the design and construction of the Project. The Project shall be constructed to state standards for highway construction. Every effort will be made to construct the west side of the Project within the existing right of way. (C) All intersections except the Y-line within the Project shall be at-grade intersections. (D) The Department shall have sole authority to approve driveway connections and median crossovers and intersections onto state maintained roadways. (E) The right of way shall include all temporary and permanent construction and drainage easements needed for construction of the Project. The width and location of the roadway, structure, right of way, and construction and drainage easements shall be determined during the planning and design phases of the Project. 2. All work will be in accordance with the approved Project plans and specifications and state standards for highway construction. All work associated with the Project will be done at no expense to the Department and paid for 100% by the Developer. 3. The Developer shall be responsible for the preparation of all necessary planning and environmental documents and shall obtain any environmental permits needed for construction of the Project. All documents are subject to reasonable review and approval by the Department and shall be prepared in accordance with the Department's standards and regulations. For purposes of this Agreement, the words or "reasonably" shall mean a standard applying normal policy and procedures without undue delay and determined at the discretion of the Department. The Developer shall provide the Department with a copy of any engineering contracts prior to award of the contracts to allow the Department to reasonably ensure the scope of work is adequate.. The Developer shall be permitted to withhold the pricing terms of such contracts. Upon completion of the final environmental and planning documents, the Developer shall provide the Department copies of the documents as needed for its records. In the event a public hearing and/or meeting is needed, the Developer shall prepare any maps and materials reasonably needed and conduct a public hearing andlor meeting. 2 contractor to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. The resident engineer will be the Department's representative on the Project. (C) During construction of the Project, if any changes in the plans or work are necessary, such changes must be approved by the Fifth Division Engineer prior to the work being performed. (D) The Department's Fifth Division Engineer shall have the right to inspect, sample or test, and approve or reject any portion of the Project during construction. (E) The Developer shall be responsible for all sampling and testing required however, upon written request from the Developer, the Department will consider pre-testing items that are included in the Department's established statewide program. (F) The Developer shall sample and test all materials in reasonable close conformity with the Departments Guide for Process Control and Acceptance Sampling and Testing. (G) All materials incorporated into the Project and workmanship performed by the contractor shall be in reasonable close conformity with the Standards and Specifications of the Department. (H) Upon completion of the Project, the Department's Fifth Division Engineer shall be furnished with copies of all test reports and certification that all materials and construction were in reasonable close conformity with the Standards and Specifications of the Department. (I) upon completion of the Project, the Developer will furnish the Fifth Division Engineer with two (2) complete sets of As-Built plans: (J) The Division Engineer will be responsible for final acceptance of the completed work on behalf of the Department. (K) The Developer will be responsible for ensuring that the contractor complies with the terms of the contract and any instructions issued by the Division Engineer as a result of any review or inspection made by said Division Engineer. (L) During construction of the Project, the Developer shall provide and maintain adequate barricades, signs, signal lights, flag men, and other warning devices for the protection of traffic in conformation with the 2004 Edition of the North Carolina Supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways published by the Federal Highway Administration. (M) All construction work shall be in accordance with Department policies and procedures for highway construction. Driveway permits will be reviewed and approved by the Department according to standard policies and procedures. 4 12. If constructed, upon completion of the Project, and final inspection and approval by the Department, the Project will be taken onto the State Highway System and shall be maintained and controlled by the Department. 13. Prior to June 30, 2006, the Developer shall provide documentation of the local municipal planning organization (MPO) approval of the proposed alignment of the roadway segment of the Project. 14. The Developer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department, to the extent allowed by law, for any third party claims for payment or damages, of any nature, asserted against the Department in connection with any aspect of the Project. Furthermore, the Developer shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with state and local environmental laws and regulations and ordinances and shall indemnify the Department against any fines, assessments or other penalties resulting from noncompliance by any entity performing work under contract with the Developer. 15. This Agreement may not be amended except in writing executed by all parties. 16. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and assigns. The Developer may not assign its interest in his Agreement without the written consent of the Department, which consent shall not be withheld by the Department provided the Department is reasonably satisfied with the development expertise and financial condition of the assignee and upon such consent, the Developer shall be released from any obligations hereunder. The Department shall provide written assurances of the validity and enforceability of its obligations under this Agreement to any such successors and assigns of the Developer upon reasonable request therefore. The Developer shall provide to the Department written assurances of the validity and~enforceability of this Agreement prior to assignment. 17. If any provision herein contained which by its nature and effect is required to be observed kept or performed after the construction of the Project, it shall survive. 18. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 6