HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_More Info Received (Fax)_20070405APR.U5'2007 15:20 919 876 5823 USACE RAL REG YJ.S..A~rmp Corps of Engineers Rale~gl~ Regulatory F~e1d Ofl;~ce 6~0$ Fa~.ls o~the Neese Road Suite 120 Rale~gb, North Carolina 27615 ' Phane: (919} 876-$441 Fax. (919) 876-5823 FAX COVER Sk~EET X6224 P.oaiioo5 Rate: ~ ~~ 1 ~ '~ ,~~,i~~~ ~es~a~e to: ~~ Frbm: ~'otal number o~ pages including cover page: If aU pages are not received, please calf 876-844X. ~~~~ .~ f 1~ ~n°", APR-5-2007 THU 13:15 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 APR. 05'200'] 15:20 919 876 5823 USACE RAL REG outhern Matthews, Monte K SAW _ ........ . Todd Preuninger [f"PreuningerQwithersravenel.com] From: gent; Thursday. August 10, 2006 $:11 ~1M 70• Manuele, Jean 6 SAW ~c; Matthews, Monte K SAW Sgb]eet; FW: Emailing: LRTP Amendment_Public Info_Packet Importance: High ~Y1 -Let me know if you can attend -Wednesday the 16th hanks, odd #6224 P.002/~05 .,.a _ - - - the public hearing is scheduled for 9:30 in the ~ wdlcome to US tpeak,ehtowever, due oQtame lconst aints`andividual aurinQ this hearing, members of the public are e ~omrnents will be limited to three minutes. Please send written comments to daug~W'ilsQ mss'-~-ale-'~.t~~~~-~~ °r may them to: ~ ~ ~. 1L~iz+ v i~ ~ I Southern Wendell BypasslKnightdale-Eagle Rock Rd Extension Alignment Proposed LRTP Amendment lnfarmational Packet Prepared by CAMPa Staff July 13, 2406 Instructions The entire public information packet (3 MB) can be downloaded by following the below link, however APR-5-2007 THU 13:16 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 2 ~ d ~' ~ SONd~1SM-~1M0~3WtiN ~689~~Z6Z6~~~1 9Z~~Z f1Hl ZOaZ-S-ddd '' ~retvaelu~al 9Itlp. Suite ADB l27 yYesl tlarya~i titrevl RALE16Fi,/1C Q7001 ~MF~1~RpNDUN1 To: Capital Area MPO TAC Members ,Members of the Public Fm; Capital Area MPO Staff Re- Wendell Falls Development Date: July 13, 2006 re red to provide ndices have been p Pa This document and the associated app far public review and comment on the background and other information necessary ~ ~ shown on the adoptEd Capital proposed realignment of the Southern Wendell Byp ublic hearing held at the Ran a Transportation Plan. 'T'here will be a p g this Area MPO Long- g tion Advisory Committee meetin regarding August 16 Capital Area N-PQ Yransporta NC {see below The ublic hearing is scheduled far 9:30 inaRp e1 ~ eigh~e Wake Caun matter P blie are welcome to speak, however, due Commons Conference Center, located at a01 ary ,-,iinutes. Please send map), During this hearing, members of the pu to time constraints individual cant ~ raleinh.nc.us a~remail them to' written comments to diane.wtlss The Capital Area MPa Suite 406 The Professional Building 127 west Hargett St. Raleigh, NC 2.7601 Histo of Ado led Southern Wendell B ass Alf nment: lion improvement development of the Metropolitan Transports In the 1990's, during " enin of Poole Road to 4 lanes (with possible to ~l~~nsportation Plaen as a Plan, the vnd adder to the Capital Area MPO 2025 Long Rang 5ul?sEQuentlY ear 2025. In 2003 Wake County, to coordination with project to be completed by the y 50C/£00'a 6ZZ9# ~s~ ~~rx a~~asn £Z95 9L6 6~6~iZ~~T LOOZ~50'aa~ 1'tl'll ~i At1P ~ \11.11<tsl'~-l Il \~ i't \f*\I\t. nx~7 r,t~ ~ l {~-~ L[ADp~ANhtING pGCNCY~ C{-'r pf 13a1.CIGw ' ~ b 'd SaNa~13M-~]MO ~3WdN €689~~Z6Z6 "131 9ti ~i=T f1Hl z~~z-S-~Idd ,~'°" ' nation and Feeder Road Plan> the Capital Area MPO, p~-oduced the Wake County Trartspo ft ali nment for a Knightdale-Ea~1e e°C e~~aCd t 4 5m~t an which included a tiro htdale Bypass to Taylor Rd. and th extended from the ~igthe Town of Wendell. Lt was determ-aed~~aso~uthem side- of extension of Third St. In was necessary in order td provide another east-west r0~ e current and future traffic on }Mendell Blvd' throul3h tha Town of Wendell and alleviate Wendell. a Transportation Plan ~tal Area N1PO 2030 long Rang During Development of the Gap. fined that the "Chird St. Extension was fn ~~~eel,.f a A~l this time, (LRTP) it was determ urchased by the Town o artment of new park facility that wasp the .North Carolina Dep ssible representatives from the Town of Wendell, and the Capital Area MPO met in order to discuss another pa Transportation, nt that was developed abandoned the~le Rd and lcont Hued alignment. The al-gnme NC 231 or favor of a southern route that intersectR ~!'~' Joh s an County and eventua~ns nation with Stott s M- Range T Po ,outheast to meet up Selma Rd. This alignment was adapted5a 204 of the 2030 ong plan which was adopted on Septembe ublic review, comment, and a Public hearing prior Bath of these documents underwent P 'n accordance with the Cap-tal Area MQO Public involvement Proc to their adapt-on, - Histo of Pro sed Chan in Ali nrrtent: Committee 2D05 the Capital Area MPO Technical Coordinating At the October ~~ resented regarding a proposed development in the Wendell meeting, information wasp resented: area. At that time the fallowing information wasp ~ spurred interest in residential and lEtion of US 64!264 (Kntghtdale) gYP~$ The recent comp due tea 'the much-improved ~ a ~e scale Gornnlerc~al development in eaStem Wake eo-~tty have recently pr°P° 450,440 square ettt and Pulte Homes ~~ ~ include regional access. Mercury Developm n base, and exp ent, to be located east development, currently in the planning and desig This proPOS~ develot~ ace and 4,000 ~" homes. lies in the Bath of the proposed feet of commercial Sp Wendell, ital Area MPO LAng-Range of bake Myra and north of a~u Rya cadway mown on the Gap' Southenl Wendell Bypass, Transportation Plan. re held between the MPQ staff, representatives of Mercury Several meetings we Wendell and NCl)OT in order to Gheenconstrupct~ed peYelopment, the Town of In order to elo ment and the alignment of the WeQ f e~~ ~u hemwWendelt BYPa~~ er to have dev P would function as the we s~ ~e US 64 Bypass, NGDOT dtirected the deve oP More construct an interchang rove the proposed alignment of Wendell Palls parkwoaY sed to the Capital Area MPQ app Mercury P po NCDOT would grant permission to encroach on the US ~~ Bypass' , h Poole Rd. as parkway north of the alignment sh~o~n o~~he LRTP. The construct the Wendell Palls osed to Bonn ra ased by Mercury alignment connected a i nment rd ~~ ~ r adway alignment Q P the adopted LRTP g 50C/~r00'd fiZZ9# ~~ti 'IKii S~h'SA £Z85 9L8 6T6 TZ~ST LOOZ~90'tid~i s •d SONd~13M-~]MO ~ 3WdN ~689~~Z6Z6 ~ X31 Zti ~ €~ flHl Z00Z-S-~Idd ~.:~ / • `~ ted route and therefore required pevetapment was a significant departi re from the adop l amended, via a public involvement Proc an Rd that the CAMPa 2030 I.RTP be forma y o sed Richards rt of subsequent TAG vote, prior to the endorsement of the Pr 1A10, 204b in suppo ,~ The Town of Wendell passed a resolution an Ap ~ innin alignment. ;chardson Rd. alignment and asked that the ~aPi~ltAr~ ~ 0 ld andJune b, 2046 the R otess. A public ir-format the LRTP amendment pr an alignment change and obtain their to inform land owners who might be affecked by feedback. rovided by the Developer and comments fr ~ TAB W. h ~ ~~~mmendation Information p the TCC in ,tune, 2006. The TCC forwarded the itemrtaa 45-day Public comment period• that the TAC begin the amendment process by ope g held on August t6 to ved the initiation of the amendment process o ~ e opening of a 45-day The TAC appro A public hearing is scheduled t public comment period. the TAC vn whether to pursue an receive comments on this proposal. A decision by amendment to the LRTP will be forthcoming. nation e utalic hearing will be held at the August t 6 Capital Area MPO Transpo Th P scheduled for 9:30 ir- R°°~-' 1~A °f the 1Nake County Advisory Committee meeting, a prive, Raleigh, NC (see below Commons Conference Center, loco fd`ng ~e p o ~ amendment, please contact map). poi more inforrnatian raga Diane Wilson ~ ggg-807-8515 or at diane.wilson@ti.raleigh.ne•us. 4 Jake County enter Building __~_ 50C/500'd ~ZZ9# ~~~J~ti 'IK'd ~~risri ~`~~~ EZB~ 9L8 6T6 TZ~ST LODZ,90'tid~t