HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230443 Ver 1_Summary letter_20230327 ,o STATE�o, e. qr'0, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 27,2023 U. S.Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Resources Regulatory Field Office Transportation Permitting Branch 151 Patton Avenue,Room 208 1617 Mail Service Center Asheville,NC 28801-5006 Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ATTN: Ms. Lori Beckwith Mr. Dave Wanucha NCDOT Coordinator NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Application for Section 404 Regional General Permit 50, and 401 Water Quality Certification for proposed improvements to US 421 in Wilkes County,North Carolina,Division 11,WBS 454461.1.1, STIP U-5312—Federally Funded Dear Lori and Dave, The North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT)proposes to improve US 421 from SR 1226(Westgate Drive)to just west of the Yadkin River. The project involves upgrading an existing 3.4-mile section of US 421 from a five-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with a 30-foot raised grass median and network of superstreet intersection configurations. The proposed improvements are intended to provide better traffic flow with reducing conflicts by controlling access points. Protected Species/Section 7 Since the project is Federally funded/FHWA lead,NCDOT will consult directly with USFWS regarding species impacts(but let me know if there is an issue with that). As of 3/21/23,USFWS IPaC lists the following species (no critical habitats in the area): Gray Bat,Northern Long-eared Bat(NLEB), Tricolored Bat(the latter is proposed,but not currently listed). We are proposing a"May Affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect"for all three species. Information related to potential effects to bats include: -no caves or mines within the area. -the project will involve tree clearing(approx. 6 acres of trees),but the majority do not provide suitable summertime roosting habitat for bats(many<3 inch DBH, and/or smooth bark species). - any trees that could potential provide summertime habitat will only be removed during the inactive season(Oct 15'to April 1). -both temporary artificial lighting and night work will likely occur, for safety/traffic purposes, but no new permanent lighting will be added. -percussion activities may include temporary use of mechanized hammers, and possibly blasting. -work will involve lengthening, enlarging, and adding several culverts that could provide new suitable habitat for a variety of bat species. Mailing Address: Telephone:###-###-#### Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:###-###-#### ADDRESS 2 BUSINESS UNIT NAME Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CITY,NC ZIP ADDRESS CITY,NC ZIP Website:ncdot.gov Bog turtle The bog turtle is listed as Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance and is not afforded protection under Section 7 of the ESA. Regardless, the wetland within the study area is small, and unlikely to provide habitat for bog turtles. As a result,the project should have"No Effect"on Bog Turtles. A review of NHP records,updated July 2022, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Stream Impacts Impacts Stream Proposed Impact Permanent Temporary SB(Site 1) lengthen culvert due to roadway fill (14'),stabilize outlet channel(35') 49' 10'dewatering SC(Site 2) bank stablization/rip rap pad at stormwater pipe outlet 15' SC(Site 2A) bank stablization/rip rap pad at stormwater pipe outlet 25' SE(Site 3) lengthen culvert due to roadway fill 27' 12'dewatering SE(Site 3A) lengthen culvert due to roadway fill(54'),bank stabilization (10') 64' 10'dewatering SI(Site 4) stream loss due to culvert relocation 73' SG (Site 5A) bank stablization at outlet of relocated stream SI 18' lengthen culvert due to roadway fill(50'),stabilize outlet channel SG (Site 5) 129' 16'dewatering (57'),bank stabilizationat outlet of SH (22') SH (Site 6) temporary dewatering for culvert relocation 61'dewatering SH (Site 6A) stream loss due to culvert relocation 79' Total Stream Impacts 479' 109 Wetland Impacts Impacts Wetland Proposed Impact Permanent Temporary wetland impacts from roadway fill(0.01 acres),mechanized clearing WZ(Site 7) 0.06 acres (0.05 acres) Total Wetland Impacts 0.06 acres Total Impacts: Permanent impacts to streams: 479' (includes 389' of stream fill/loss at 2:1 ratio= 778') Temporary impacts to streams: 109' Permanent impacts to wetlands: 0.06 acres (0.06 acres of fill/loss at 2:1 ration= 0.12 acres) Mitigation—Mitigation is required for this project, but has not yet been obtained. Above, is a current tally of impacts,with mitigation needs highlighted. If USACE and NCDWR agree with the highlighted mitigation needs, then NCDOT will secure the credits (778' of stream mitigation, 0.12 acres of wetland mitigation. The following documents are also included as part of this permit application package. Pre-Construction Notification(PCN), Permit Drawings with proposed impacts Archaeology and Historic Architecture reviews Tribal Coordination(letters sent 3/27/23,and any correspondence will be provided by 4/28/23) NEPA Document(an updated consultation will be available soon, if needed) NRTR Signed PJD If you have any questions or need additional information,please contact me at(828) 386-7202. Sincerely, /12�r�GI1i Kevin Hiring NCDOT Division 11 Environmental Supervisor