HomeMy WebLinkAboutCaryApex-IBT-AnnualReport-2019-FINAL-WITH-APPENDICES    Interbasin Transfer Certificate  2019 Annual Report  Prepared for  Town of Cary  Town of Apex  Submitted to  North Carolina  Division of Water Resources      April 2020  Submitted by  Sarah Braman, PE  Water Resources Engineer  Town of Cary  PO Box 8005  Cary, NC 27512‐8005  919‐462‐3846  sarah.braman@townofcary.org      This page has been intentionally left blank.    Contents  Section Page   i   Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1‐1   Withdrawals, Discharges and Interbasin Transfers ............................................................................... 2‐1  2.1  IBT Certificate Limits ........................................................................................................................ 2‐2  2.2  Summary of Water Withdrawals, Discharges and IBT ..................................................................... 2‐2  2.3  Monthly IBT ..................................................................................................................................... 2‐4   Consumptive Use by Basin ................................................................................................................... 3‐1   Discharge Report ................................................................................................................................. 4‐1  4.1  Neuse Basin Demand and Required Discharge ............................................................................... 4‐1  4.2  Actual Discharge .............................................................................................................................. 4‐2  4.3  Compliance Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 4‐3    Interbasin Transfer Certificate Conditions ............................................................................................ 5‐1  Appendices    A  Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals    B  Daily IBT Amounts    C  Monthly Billed Water Use    D  AWWA M36 Water Audit Output    E  Cape Fear River Basin Discharge       ii     This page has been intentionally left blank.                                                                 1‐1  SECTION 1  Introduction  On March 12, 2015, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) granted an interbasin  transfer (IBT) certificate modification to the Towns of Cary and Apex (Towns) with transfer limits of 31 million  gallons per day (mgd) from the Haw River basin to the Neuse River basin, and 2 mgd from the Haw River basin to  the Cape Fear River basin, calculated as a daily average of a calendar month.   This 2019 Annual Report is specified in the Compliance and Monitoring Plan (Plan) approved by the North Carolina  Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) on July 14, 2015 and revised March 9, 2018. The schedule for reporting on  IBT certificate compliance is provided in the Plan and repeated below.  TABLE 1‐1  Interbasin Transfer Compliance Monitoring and Reporting   Description a Comments  IBT Limits  Daily average of a calendar month:  ‐ 31 mgd Haw to Neuse  ‐ 2 mgd Haw to Cape Fear  Daily average IBT is calculated daily and reported in the Annual IBT Report.    IBT calculated as the daily average of a calendar month reported on the Town of  Cary website quarterly and in the Annual IBT Report.  The percentages of water use in each basin, summarized historically, and set for  calculating daily IBT for the next year will be reported in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 1  Water Conservation Plan  Initial submittal to NCDWR by June 10, 2015, and then revised as needed to  obtain NCDWR approval. Updates, if necessary, will be provided to NCDWR in  the Towns’ respective Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management  Plan biennial updates.  Water Conservation Plan will always be available on the Town of Cary website.  Status of the plan will be included in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 2  Drought Management Plan  Initial submittal to NCDWR by June 10, 2015, and then revised as needed to  obtain NCDWR approval. Updates will be provided to NCDWR as needed.  Drought Management Plan will always be available on the Town of Cary website.  Status of the plan will be included in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 3 IBT Compliance and Monitoring  Plan  Initial submittal to NCDWR by June 10, 2015, and then revised as needed to  obtain NCDWR approval.  A revised submittal on March 9, 2018, following the  modification of the 2015 IBT certificate, added condition 9.  IBT Compliance and  Monitoring Plan will always be available on the Town of Cary website.  Status of the plan will be included in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 4 EMC Consideration of Alternative  Sources No reporting necessary.  Condition 5 EMC Consideration of Future  Water Demand No reporting necessary.  Condition 6  Resale of Transferred Water  Included in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 7  EMC Consideration of Impacts  No reporting necessary.  Condition 8  Intake Access  Included in the Annual IBT Report.  Condition 9  Required Discharge Included in the Annual IBT Report  a Certificate conditions are described in Section 4.  1 INTRODUCTION     1‐2  To meet the annual reporting requirements of the Plan, the following sections of this 2019 Annual Report include:   Status of compliance with IBT certificate limits.   Summary of historical water withdrawals, reclaimed water usage, wastewater discharges and IBT for the  January to December calendar years beginning with 2015.   Table of calculated daily average of calendar month IBT amounts for the 2019 reporting year.   Summary of amount of water used during 2015 to 2019 by customers in the Neuse River, Haw River, and  Cape Fear River basins for use in determining the distribution of consumptive uses among the basins.  Based on the amount of water used in each basin for the previous year, the distribution of consumptive  use by basin in the following calendar year will be determined and documented.   Discharge Report, documenting Required Discharge and Actual Discharge.   Status of compliance with IBT certificate conditions.  Appendix A is a table of daily Jordan Lake water supply allocation raw water withdrawals for Cary/Apex,  Morrisville and Wake County/RTP South for January 1 to December 31 of the 2019 reporting year.  Appendix B is a table of calculated daily IBT amounts for January 1 to December 31 of the 2019 reporting year.  Appendix C is a table of monthly billed water use for Cary/Apex for the 2019 reporting year from the Towns’  billing database.  Appendix D is the performance indicator and water balance output from the Town of Cary’s AWWA M36 Water  Audit analysis performed for fiscal year 2019.  The percentage non‐revenue water is used in the discharge report  to determine Neuse Demand.  Appendix E is a table of the actual discharge to the Cape Fear River Basin from Western Wake Regional Water  Reclamation Facility (WWRWRF) and other discharges such as the Durham County Triangle Wastewater  Treatment Plant.        2‐1  SECTION 2  Withdrawals, Discharges and Interbasin Transfers  The Towns’ service areas include Cary, Apex, Morrisville, RDU Airport and RTP South (the Wake County portion of  Research Triangle Park). Because the Towns’ water system service areas straddle the ridge lines between  interbasin transfer (IBT) basins, water is transferred via wastewater discharge, potable water consumptive use, or  reclaimed water consumptive use. The combined IBT amount from the communities served is calculated on a  daily basis.    2 WITHDRAWALS, DISCHARGES AND INTERBASIN TRANSFERS     2‐2  2.1 IBT Certificate Limits  The Towns’ IBT certificate limits transfers to 31 million gallons per day (mgd) from the Haw River basin to the  Neuse River basin, and to 2 mgd from the Haw River basin to the Cape Fear River basin, calculated as a daily  average of a calendar month.  During calendar year 2019, the Towns were in compliance with the monthly IBT certificate limits. The peak month  transfer from the Haw River basin to the Neuse River basin was 16.9 mgd (55% of certificate limit) which occurred  during July 2019. The peak month transfer from the Haw River basin to the Cape Fear River basin was 0.14 mgd  (7% of certificate limit) which occurred during September 2019.  Daily IBT estimates for the Towns are found in Appendix B.  Monthly average daily IBT estimates are found in  section 2.3.  2.2 Summary of Water Withdrawals, Discharges and IBT  The Towns of Cary and Apex are co‐owners of the Cary/Apex Water Treatment Facility which has its raw water  intake in Jordan Lake. Cary/Apex, Morrisville and Wake County (for the portion of RTP within that county) each  hold allocations of Jordan Lake water supply storage. Daily tracking of raw water withdrawals from Jordan Lake  for the allocation holders for the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 is found in Appendix A.  The average daily withdrawal for the Towns was 24.0 mgd during 2019 (Table 2‐1). Raw water withdrawals for  Cary (including Morrisville and RTP South) and Apex by calendar year beginning with 2015 are summarized in  Table 2‐1.  The withdrawals in Table 2‐1 do not include withdrawals for intake access. The City of Durham  accessed its Jordan Lake water allocation through the Cary/Apex Water Treatment Facility for 26 days during  calendar year 2019.    Table 2-1 Summary of Average Annual Jordan Lake Withdrawals1 Year Average Annual Withdrawal (mgd) 2015 21.2 2016 22.3 2017 22.9 2018 23.0 2019 24.0 1. Withdrawals from Jordan Lake at the Cary/Apex raw water intake. Includes water use by Apex, Cary, Morrisville and RTP South. Does not include water use by Durham. The Town of Cary owns and operates the North Cary and South Cary Water Reclamation Facilities (NCWRF and  SCWRF) which discharge to Crabtree Creek and Middle Creek, respectively. The Town of Apex owns and operates  the Apex Water Reclamation Facility (AWRF) which discharges to Middle Creek. The Towns co‐own the Western  Wake Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WWRWRF) which discharges to the Cape Fear River. Process water  from the CAWTF is discharged to a tributary of Jordan Lake. The Town of Cary also has the ability to discharge  wastewater to the Durham County Triangle Wastewater Treatment Plant (Durham Co.) which discharges to a  tributary of Jordan Lake.  The Town did not utilize this ability in 2019, as discussed in section 4.2.  Average annual wastewater discharges for Cary and Apex beginning with 2015, identified by receiving basin, are  summarized in Table 2‐2.     2 WITHDRAWALS, DISCHARGES AND INTERBASIN TRANSFERS   2‐3    Table 2-2 Summary of Average Annual Wastewater Discharges Year CAWTF Discharge (mgd) Wastewater Conveyed to Durham Co. WWTP (mgd) WWRWRF Discharge (mgd) NCWRF Discharge (mgd) SCWRF Discharge (mgd) AWRF Discharge (mgd) Total (mgd) Haw Haw Cape Fear Neuse Neuse Neuse 2015 3.3 0.02 4.6 6.0 5.3 1.2 20.4 2016 4.0 0 4.9 5.7 5.4 1.1 21.1 2017 3.8 0.48 4.5 5.9 4.7 1.1 20.5 2018 3.2 0.01 5.5 6.3 5.0 1.3 21.3 2019 3.0 0.00 5.6 6.2 5.1 1.3 21.2   The NCWRF and SCWRF produce reclaimed water which is used at each plant, pumped through distribution  systems to customers and dispensed in bulk. The WWRWRF produces reclaimed water which is used at the plant  and dispensed in bulk. The Town of Cary purchases reclaimed water from the Durham Co. TWWTP for distribution  to customers in its western service area.  Reclaimed water flows for Cary and Apex for calendar years beginning with 2015 are summarized in Table 2‐3.  Table 2-3 Summary of Reclaimed Water Flows Year NCWRF 1 Reclaimed Water (mgd) SCWRF 1 Reclaimed Water (mgd) WWRWRF 2 Reclaimed Water (mgd) Reclaimed Water Purchased from Durham Co. TWWTP (mgd) 2015 0.58 0.44 0.55 0.18 2016 0.57 0.38 0.85 0.20 2017 0.57 0.40 0.97 0.24 2018 0.52 0.38 0.83 0.23 2019 0.52 0.39 0.83 0.20 1 includes distributed, bulk, and plant use 2 includes bulk and plant use Interbasin transfers for Cary and Apex for each calendar year beginning with 2015 are summarized in Table 2‐4.  Annual average day withdrawals from the Haw Basin are quantified as (1) returned to Haw subbasin, (2)  transferred to Neuse subbasin, (3) returned to Cape Fear subbasin or (4) transferred to Cape Fear subbasin.   Table 2-4 Summary of Average Annual Interbasin Transfers for Cary and Apex Haw to Neuse Haw to Cape Fear Year Haw Basin Withdrawal (mgd) Return to Haw Basin (mgd) Haw-to-Neuse Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Return to Cape Fear Basin (mgd) Haw-to-Cape Fear Interbasin Transfer (mgd) 2015 21.2 4.3 12.9 4.0 0.03 2016 22.3 4.9 12.9 4.5 0 2017 22.9 5.4 13.2 4.2 0.05 2018 23.0 4.5 13.5 5.0 0.04 2019 24.0 4.5 14.3 5.2 0.06   2 WITHDRAWALS, DISCHARGES AND INTERBASIN TRANSFERS     2‐4  2.3 Monthly IBT   Daily IBT is calculated based on a combination of meter data and assumptions, as defined in Section 2 of the  Compliance and Monitoring Plan. Daily IBT data are then used to calculate the IBT certificate compliance metric –  IBT calculated as the daily average of a calendar month.   Table 2‐5 provides daily average interbasin transfers for each calendar month in 2019.  Table 2-5 Monthly IBT for Calendar Year 2019 Month Average Daily IBT from Haw to Neuse (mgd) Average Daily IBT from Haw to Cape Fear (mgd) January 12.4 0.01 February 12.4 0.01 March 12.9 0.01 April 13.1 0.01 May 15.4 0.07 June 16.1 0.09 July 16.9 0.13 August 15.7 0.08 September 16.1 0.14 October 15.5 0.10 November 12.5 0.03 December 12.0 0.01 Certificate Limit 31.0 2.00 Max Month July September Max Month IBT 16.9 0.14 Maximum % of Limit 55% 7%   3‐1  SECTION 3  Consumptive Use by Basin  The average daily consumptive use was 18.9% for the period January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.  Consumptive use has ranged between 10% and 23.5% since 2000. Historical consumptive use for each calendar  year beginning with 2015 is shown in Table 3‐1.  Table 3-1 Historical Consumptive Use for Cary and Apex Year Average Daily Finished Water Demand (mgd) Average Daily Consumptive Use (mgd) % Consumptive Use 2015 18.0 2.6 14.4% 2016 18.7 2.5 13.3% 2017 19.5 3.4 17.2% 2018 20.0 3.0 15.0% 2019 21.2 4.0 18.9%   Cary and Apex track historical use by assigning a subbasin to each customer. The distribution of consumptive uses  between the Haw, Cape Fear, and Neuse River subbasins for 2019 was estimated based on the previous year’s  water use in each basin as determined by billing records for Cary and Apex.  During 2019, based on 2018 billing records, it was assumed that 33.6% of water use occurred in the Haw subbasin,  1.4% of water use occurred in the Cape Fear subbasin, and 65.0% of water use occurred in the Neuse River  subbasin. During 2020, based on 2019 billing records, it will be assumed that 34.8% of their water use will occur in  the Haw subbasin, 1.3% of their water use will occur in the Cape Fear subbasin, and 63.9% of water use will occur  in the Neuse River subbasin.  Table 3‐2 shows the combined water use for Cary (including Morrisville and RTP South) and Apex, and the  percentage water use in the Haw, Cape Fear, and Neuse River subbasins.  The table also shows the Haw and Cape  Fear use percentages that will be used for 2020 calculations.   Table 3-2  Historic Water Use by Subbasin for Cary (including Morrisville and RTP South) and Apex (Annual Average Day) Year Total Billed Water Use (mgd) Haw Subbasin Cape Fear Subbasin Neuse Subbasin Billed Water Use (mgd) Percent Use Billed Water Use (mgd) Percent Use Billed Water Use (mgd) Percent Use 2014 14.57 4.27 29.3% 0.17 1.2% 10.13 69.5% 2015 15.06 4.47 29.7% 0.21 1.4% 10.38 68.9% 2016 15.24 4.52 29.7% 0.25 1.6% 10.47 68.7% 2017 16.93 5.52 32.6% 0.23 1.4% 11.18 66.0% 2018 16.94 5.70 33.6% 0.23 1.4% 11.01 65.0% 2019 18.16 6.32 34.8% 0.24 1.3% 11.60 63.9% Percentages to be used for 2020 IBT calculations 34.8% 1.3%                             4‐1  SECTION 4  Discharge Report  The following is addressed in this section as required by Condition 9 of the 2015 IBT certificate modified by the  North Carolina EMC in March 2018, and as defined by the Compliance and Monitoring Plan revised in March 2018:    Required Discharge   Actual Discharge   Compliance Evaluation   Data supporting the computation of Neuse Basin Demand, Required Discharge and Actual Discharge are outlined  in the following sections.  If mitigation measures are required, they would be included in this section as well.  4.1 Neuse Basin Demand and Required Discharge  Neuse Basin Demand is the three‐year running annual average daily amount of all finished water supplied from  sources within the Haw River (2‐1) and Cape Fear River (2‐3) Basins, for the three preceding calendar years.   Neuse Basin Demand is the sum of both billed and unbilled use by the Towns in the Neuse River Basin (10‐1).     Billed potable water use is quantified from the Town of Apex and Town of Cary water meter and billing databases.  Unbilled amounts of finished water are quantified as a percentage of billed water use.  The percentage of non‐ revenue water is calculated on a system‐wide basis for the Towns on a yearly basis using procedures detailed in  AWWA’s M36 Water Audits and Loss Control Programs publication.    Table 4‐1 is a summary of the Neuse Basin demand and required discharge calculations.  The total Neuse Basin  demand value for 2016 was stipulated in the IBT certificate, modified by the EMC on March 8, 2018.  Appendix C is  a summary of the monthly billed water use for Cary and Apex.  Appendix D is the output of Town of Cary’s AWWA  M36 Water audit for fiscal year 2019.   The non‐revenue water percentage in Appendix D is assumed  representative of both Cary and Apex systems.  The Neuse Basin treated water purchases summarized in Table 4‐1  are identified on a daily basis in Appendix B.   Table 4-1 Neuse Basin Demand Calculation Table and Required Discharge Cary Billed Neuse Basin Water Use (mgd)1 Apex Billed Neuse Basin Water Use (mgd) 1 Total Neuse Basin Billed Water Use (mgd) Water Audit Unbilled Water %2 Neuse Basin Usage, with unbilled use (mgd)3 Neuse Basin Purchases (mgd)4 Total Neuse Basin Demand (mgd) 5 2016 - - - - - - 11.10 2017 10.16 1.02 11.18 10.2 % 12.32 0.35 11.98 2018 9.98 1.03 11.01 13.0% 12.44 0.24 12.21 2019 10.05 1.10 11.15 15.9% 12.92 0.20 12.72 3 year Running Average of Neuse Basin Demand 12.30 Required Discharge (3 year Running Average of Neuse Basin Demand – 9.756) 2.54 1 From monthly billed water use (Appendix C)  2 From AWWA M36 Water Audit (Appendix D)  3 Neuse Basin Usage = Neuse Billed Water Use +  (System‐wide Non‐Revenue Water % * Neuse Billed Water Use)  4 From Appendix B columns (2), (3) and (4) which includes Durham County reclaimed water and purchases from Durham or Raleigh  5 Neuse Basin Demand = Neuse Basin Usage – Neuse Purchases      4 DISCHARGE REPORT       4‐2    4.2 Actual Discharge  “Actual Discharge” is the three‐year running annual average daily amount (in mgd) for the three preceding calendar  years of treated wastewater that the Towns of Cary and Apex actually discharge to the Haw River Basin and Cape  Fear River Basin receiving waters, without regard to which Town of Cary or Apex treatment facilities (whether by  ownership or third‐party contract) from which the treated wastewater is discharged.     In 2019 the Towns of Cary and Apex discharged highly‐treated wastewater effluent to the Cape Fear River Basin  via the Western Wake Regional WRF (WWRWRF).  Treated wastewater discharges to Durham County did not  occur in 2019.  Figure 4‐1 below shows the Towns’ daily Cape Fear River Basin discharges from WWRWRF for 2019. Supporting  data is found in Appendix E.  Figure 4-1 Cape Fear River Basin Actual Treated Wastewater Discharges   Table 4‐2 shows the Towns’ discharges to the Cape Fear River Basin beginning with 2015 and the 3‐year running  average for the reporting year 2019 which is compared to the required discharge to determine compliance.    Table 4-2 Actual Discharge Calculation Table - Cape Fear River Basin Western Wake Regional WRF (Average Day Discharge) Other Treated Wastewater Discharges Total Actual Discharge (mgd) 2016 4.9 0.00 4.90 2017 4.5 0.48 4.98 2018 5.5 0.01 5.51 2019 5.6 0 5.60 3 year running average 5.36      4 DISCHARGE REPORT   4‐3  4.3 Compliance Evaluation  For 2019, Cary and Apex’s 3‐year running average of actual discharge to the Cape Fear (5.36 mgd) exceeded the  required discharge (2.54 mgd) by 2.82 mgd.  Figure 4‐2 shows the compliance evaluation starting with reporting  year 2017.    Figure 4-2 Discharge Compliance Evaluation     The Towns are in compliance with condition 9 of the 2015 IBT certificate modified by the North Carolina EMC in  March 2018.  The Towns will continue to monitor required discharge and will comply with reporting  requirements.    If required in a future year, this section would discuss mitigation measures and temporary compliance solutions  undertaken by the Towns of Cary and Apex in the prior calendar year, the estimated impact of each such  measure, and all data supporting each estimated impact.      5‐1  SECTION 5  Interbasin Transfer Certificate Conditions  In accordance with the Compliance and Monitoring Plan, the status of the additional eight conditions that the  Towns must meet in order to maintain compliance with the IBT certificate are reported annually. The IBT  certificate conditions and their status during the 2018 calendar year are as follows.    1. Water Conservation Plan – Within 90 days of receipt of the IBT certificate, the Towns are required to submit a  water conservation plan subject to approval by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) that  specifies the water conservation measures that will be implemented by the Towns to ensure the efficient use  of the transferred water.  STATUS: The Water Conservation Plan was approved by NCDWR on July 14, 2015 and is available on the Town  of Cary website (http://www.townofcary.org/home/showdocument?id=9609) . There were no updates during  calendar year 2019.  2. Drought Management Plan – Within 90 days of receipt of the IBT certificate, the Towns are required to  submit a drought management plan subject to approval by the NCDWR that specifies how the transfer will be  managed to protect the source river basin (Haw River basin) during drought conditions or other emergencies  that occur within the source river basin.  STATUS: The Drought Management Plan was approved by NCDWR on July 14, 2015 and is available on the  Town of Cary website (http://www.townofcary.org/home/showdocument?id=9607). An update was approved  by NCDWR on August 17, 2015 to update the Town of Cary’s approved Water Shortage Response Plan. Those  minor updates were to make the Water Shortage Response Plan consistent with changes in the Town’s  organizational structure, changes in Town Council procedures, and changes in utility billing procedures. There  were no updates during calendar year 2019.  3. Compliance and Monitoring Plan – Within 90 days of receipt of the IBT certificate, the Towns are required to  submit a quarterly compliance and monitoring plan subject to approval by the NCDWR.  STATUS: The Compliance and Monitoring Plan was approved by NCDWR on July 14, 2015.  The plan was  revised on March 9, 2018 following the modification of the 2015 IBT certificate to add condition 9.  The  current plan is available on the Town of Cary website.   (http://www.townofcary.org/home/showdocument?id=19727).  4. EMC Consideration of Alternative Sources – The EMC may reopen and amend the maximum amount of the  IBT authorized if it appears that an alternative source of water is available to the Towns within the receiving  basin (Neuse River basin).  STATUS: No reporting is necessary.  5. EMC Consideration of Future Water Demands – The EMC may reopen and amend the certificate if it is  determined that the Towns’ actual future water needs are significantly less than the projected water needs at  the time the certificate was granted.  STATUS: No reporting is necessary.  6. Resale of Transferred Water – The Towns shall not resell the water that would be transferred pursuant to the  IBT certificate to another public water system.  STATUS: There were no resales of transferred water by the Towns during calendar year 2019.  7. EMC Consideration of Impacts – The EMC may reopen the certificate and amend existing or require new  conditions to ensure detrimental impacts are mitigated if environmental impacts are found to be substantially  different from those on which the EMC’s Findings of Fact were based.  STATUS: No reporting is necessary.  5 INTERBASIN TRANSFER CERTIFICATE CONDITIONS       5‐2      8. Intake Access – The Towns shall be required to provide access at their existing intake site to other Jordan Lake  water allocation holders that need access to utilize their allocations to the extent that this additional use is  determined to be feasible by the NCDWR.  STATUS: The Town of Cary has continued to provide retail water service to RTP South and the Town of  Morrisville. Chatham County has continued to access its allocation through the Cary/Apex raw water intake.  The City of Durham accessed its Jordan Lake water allocation through the Cary/Apex Water Treatment Facility  for 26 days during calendar year 2019.   9. Required Discharge – The Towns shall discharge to the Cape Fear River Basin and Haw River Basin receiving  waters a calendar year average daily treated wastewater discharge (“Required Discharge”) calculated as:    Required Discharge = Neuse Basin Demand – 9.756 million gallons per day (mgd)  Neuse Basin Demand is defined as the 3‐year running annual average daily amount for the 3 preceding  calendar years of all finished water supplied from sources within the Haw River and Cape Fear River Basins,  including both billed and unbilled amounts, expressed in mgd, used by the Towns of Cary and Apex in the  Neuse River Basin.  Unbilled amounts of finished water use are to be quantified following the procedures of  AWWA’s Manual of Practice M36, Water Audits and Loss Control Programs.    “Actual Discharge” is the three‐year running annual average daily amount (in mgd) for the three preceding  calendar years of treated wastewater that the Towns of Cary and Apex actually discharge to the Haw River  Basin and Cape Fear River Basin receiving waters, without regard to which Town of Cary or Apex treatment  facilities (whether by ownership or third‐party contract) from which the treated wastewater is discharged.     STATUS: The Towns of Cary and Apex “Actual Discharge” was greater than the “Required Discharge” for the  reporting year 2019.                                                      Appendices  A  Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals  B  Daily IBT Amounts  C  Monthly Billed Water Use  D  AWWA M36 Water Audit Summary  E   Cape Fear River Basin Discharge    A‐1  APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  1/1/2019 229.05 19.75 30.55 30.8 21,160 100.00% 1/2/2019 228.12 19.57 30.27 30.4 21,160 100.00% 1/3/2019 227.16 20.05 31.02 31.3 21,160 100.00% 1/4/2019 226.78 23.45 36.28 36.6 21,160 100.00% 1/5/2019 226.83 19.87 30.74 30.9 21,160 100.00% 1/6/2019 226.58 20.23 31.30 31.5 21,160 100.00% 1/7/2019 225.84 20.37 31.51 31.8 21,160 100.00% 1/8/2019 224.76 20.49 31.70 31.9 21,160 100.00% 1/9/2019 223.67 21.25 32.87 33.2 21,160 100.00% 1/10/2019 222.48 19.99 30.92 31.2 21,160 100.00% 1/11/2019 221.23 19.70 30.48 30.7 21,160 100.00% 1/12/2019 219.98 18.41 28.48 28.7 21,160 100.00% 1/13/2019 219.42 19.22 29.73 30.0 21,160 100.00% 1/14/2019 218.37 21.12 32.67 33.0 21,160 100.00% 1/15/2019 218.37 18.30 28.31 28.5 21,160 100.00% 1/16/2019 217.50 20.00 30.94 31.1 21,160 100.00% 1/17/2019 216.73 21.90 33.88 34.2 21,160 100.00% 1/18/2019 216.48 18.89 29.22 29.9 21,160 100.00% 1/19/2019 216.41 18.96 29.33 30.0 21,160 100.00% 1/20/2019 217.10 18.47 28.57 29.3 21,160 100.00% 1/21/2019 217.54 19.42 30.04 30.8 21,160 100.00% 1/22/2019 217.51 20.12 31.13 31.9 21,160 100.00% 1/23/2019 216.99 20.27 31.36 32.1 21,160 100.00% 1/24/2019 217.75 21.25 32.87 33.7 21,160 100.00% 1/25/2019 218.90 19.50 30.17 30.9 21,160 100.00% 1/26/2019 218.70 19.47 30.12 30.9 21,160 100.00% 1/27/2019 218.29 20.29 31.39 32.1 21,160 100.00% 1/28/2019 217.79 22.41 34.67 35.5 21,160 100.00% 1/29/2019 217.25 20.53 31.76 32.5 21,160 100.00% 1/30/2019 216.69 19.48 30.13 31.0 21,160 100.00% 1/31/2019 216.40 19.03 29.44 30.2 21,160 100.00% 2/1/2019 216.38 20.16 31.19 31.9 21,160 100.00% 2/2/2019 216.29 20.38 31.53 32.3 21,160 100.00% 2/3/2019 216.23 18.57 28.73 29.4 21,160 100.00% 2/4/2019 216.22 21.89 33.86 34.7 21,160 100.00% 2/5/2019 216.24 19.68 30.44 31.2 21,160 100.00% 2/6/2019 216.27 19.50 30.17 30.9 21,160 100.00% 2/7/2019 216.30 20.45 31.64 32.4 21,160 100.00% 2/8/2019 216.38 19.91 30.80 31.5 21,160 100.00% 2/9/2019 216.42 19.74 30.54 31.3 21,160 100.00% 2/10/2019 216.46 20.02 30.97 31.7 21,160 100.00% 2/11/2019 216.50 17.78 27.51 28.3 21,160 100.00% 2/12/2019 216.46 20.36 31.49 32.4 21,160 100.00% 2/13/2019 216.67 21.39 33.09 33.9 21,160 100.00% 2/14/2019 216.68 21.43 33.15 33.9 21,160 100.00% 2/15/2019 216.42 19.66 30.41 31.2 21,160 100.00%    A‐2    APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  2/16/2019 216.29 19.36 29.95 30.7 21,160 100.00% 2/17/2019 216.25 19.77 30.58 31.3 21,160 100.00% 2/18/2019 217.48 18.54 28.68 29.4 21,160 100.00% 2/19/2019 218.19 21.38 33.07 33.9 21,160 100.00% 2/20/2019 218.48 19.38 29.98 30.8 21,160 100.00% 2/21/2019 219.13 20.44 31.62 32.4 21,160 100.00% 2/22/2019 220.82 19.60 30.32 31.0 21,160 100.00% 2/23/2019 223.76 19.28 29.83 30.5 21,160 100.00% 2/24/2019 227.23 19.71 30.49 31.2 21,160 100.00% 2/25/2019 228.37 21.64 33.48 34.5 21,160 100.00% 2/26/2019 228.69 21.21 32.81 33.6 21,160 100.00% 2/27/2019 228.57 18.94 29.30 30.0 21,160 100.00% 2/28/2019 228.11 19.77 30.58 31.5 21,160 100.00% 3/1/2019 227.79 23.22 35.92 36.8 21,160 100.00% 3/2/2019 228.49 21.15 32.72 33.5 21,160 100.00% 3/3/2019 229.14 18.50 28.62 29.4 21,160 100.00% 3/4/2019 230.34 23.05 35.66 36.5 21,160 100.00% 3/5/2019 230.80 22.39 34.64 35.5 21,160 100.00% 3/6/2019 230.88 19.19 29.69 30.5 21,160 100.00% 3/7/2019 230.57 21.49 33.25 34.1 21,160 100.00% 3/8/2019 229.83 22.07 34.14 35.0 21,160 100.00% 3/9/2019 229.09 19.30 29.86 30.5 21,160 100.00% 3/10/2019 228.25 19.19 29.69 30.4 21,160 100.00% 3/11/2019 227.39 21.06 32.58 33.4 21,160 100.00% 3/12/2019 226.44 20.39 31.54 32.3 21,160 100.00% 3/13/2019 225.47 20.85 32.25 33.0 21,160 100.00% 3/14/2019 224.43 22.75 35.19 36.1 21,160 100.00% 3/15/2019 223.40 20.52 31.74 32.5 21,160 100.00% 3/16/2019 222.40 19.10 29.54 30.3 21,160 100.00% 3/17/2019 221.31 20.60 31.87 32.6 21,160 100.00% 3/18/2019 220.17 21.42 33.14 33.9 21,160 100.00% 3/19/2019 219.16 19.41 30.03 30.7 21,160 100.00% 3/20/2019 218.45 20.88 32.30 33.1 21,160 100.00% 3/21/2019 219.02 19.15 29.63 30.4 21,160 100.00% 3/22/2019 219.96 20.04 31.00 31.7 21,160 100.00% 3/23/2019 219.94 19.14 29.61 30.3 21,160 100.00% 3/24/2019 219.67 20.08 31.06 31.8 21,160 100.00% 3/25/2019 219.14 21.30 32.95 33.7 21,160 100.00% 3/26/2019 218.52 19.21 29.72 30.4 21,160 100.00% 3/27/2019 217.81 20.53 31.76 32.5 21,160 100.00% 3/28/2019 217.02 20.71 32.03 32.8 21,160 100.00% 3/29/2019 216.61 20.31 31.42 32.2 21,160 100.00% 3/30/2019 216.60 20.45 31.64 32.4 21,160 100.00% 3/31/2019 216.64 20.17 31.20 32.0 21,160 100.00% 4/1/2019 216.49 22.18 34.31 35.2 21,160 100.00% 4/2/2019 216.27 19.27 29.81 30.8 21,160 100.00%    A‐3  APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  4/3/2019 216.20 21.16 32.74 33.7 21,160 100.00% 4/4/2019 216.21 20.23 31.29 32.3 21,160 100.00% 4/5/2019 216.32 24.66 38.15 39.2 21,160 100.00% 4/6/2019 216.66 21.46 33.20 34.1 21,160 100.00% 4/7/2019 216.85 21.56 33.35 34.2 21,160 100.00% 4/8/2019 217.46 23.60 36.51 37.5 21,160 100.00% 4/9/2019 219.03 20.01 30.96 31.8 21,160 100.00% 4/10/2019 219.81 21.50 33.26 34.2 21,160 100.00% 4/11/2019 219.96 22.34 34.56 35.5 21,160 100.00% 4/12/2019 220.52 22.65 35.04 36.0 21,160 100.00% 4/13/2019 224.67 19.39 30.00 30.8 21,160 100.00% 4/14/2019 227.01 18.41 28.48 29.2 21,160 100.00% 4/15/2019 227.70 20.19 31.23 32.1 21,160 100.00% 4/16/2019 228.01 20.96 32.43 33.3 21,160 100.00% 4/17/2019 228.03 20.11 31.11 32.0 21,160 100.00% 4/18/2019 227.95 21.83 33.77 34.7 21,160 100.00% 4/19/2019 228.34 19.27 29.81 30.6 21,160 100.00% 4/20/2019 229.17 18.90 29.24 30.0 21,160 100.00% 4/21/2019 229.32 19.10 29.55 30.3 21,160 100.00% 4/22/2019 228.96 22.32 34.53 35.5 21,160 100.00% 4/23/2019 228.26 21.15 32.72 33.6 21,160 100.00% 4/24/2019 227.51 23.01 35.60 36.5 21,160 100.00% 4/25/2019 226.76 22.70 35.12 36.1 21,160 100.00% 4/26/2019 225.94 22.44 34.71 35.7 21,160 100.00% 4/27/2019 225.16 21.48 33.23 34.1 21,160 100.00% 4/28/2019 224.34 21.64 33.48 34.4 21,160 100.00% 4/29/2019 223.43 23.42 36.23 37.2 21,160 100.00% 4/30/2019 222.51 24.11 37.30 38.3 21,160 100.00% 5/1/2019 221.54 26.46 40.93 41.9 21,160 100.00% 5/2/2019 220.65 24.54 37.96 38.9 21,160 100.00% 5/3/2019 219.72 24.98 38.64 39.5 21,160 100.00% 5/4/2019 218.88 23.10 35.74 36.6 21,160 100.00% 5/5/2019 218.09 22.45 34.73 35.6 21,160 100.00% 5/6/2019 217.32 23.24 35.95 36.8 21,160 100.00% 5/7/2019 216.77 22.26 34.44 35.2 21,160 100.00% 5/8/2019 216.49 23.44 36.26 37.1 21,160 100.00% 5/9/2019 216.44 25.19 38.97 39.9 21,160 100.00% 5/10/2019 216.38 24.04 37.19 38.1 21,160 100.00% 5/11/2019 216.38 23.65 36.59 37.5 21,160 100.00% 5/12/2019 216.41 22.64 35.02 35.8 21,160 100.00% 5/13/2019 216.57 22.96 35.52 36.4 21,160 100.00% 5/14/2019 216.64 23.94 37.03 37.9 21,160 100.00% 5/15/2019 216.59 23.29 36.03 36.9 21,160 100.00% 5/16/2019 216.49 23.94 37.04 37.9 21,160 100.00% 5/17/2019 216.39 26.83 41.51 42.5 21,160 100.00% 5/18/2019 216.36 26.12 40.41 41.3 21,160 100.00%    A‐4    APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  5/19/2019 216.27 28.78 44.52 45.6 21,160 100.00% 5/20/2019 216.29 26.12 40.41 41.4 21,160 100.00% 5/21/2019 216.27 29.31 45.34 46.4 21,160 100.00% 5/22/2019 216.20 30.97 47.91 49.0 21,160 100.00% 5/23/2019 216.21 26.46 40.93 41.9 21,160 100.00% 5/24/2019 216.20 31.02 47.99 49.1 21,160 100.00% 5/25/2019 216.19 29.77 46.05 47.1 21,160 100.00% 5/26/2019 216.18 27.28 42.20 43.2 21,160 100.00% 5/27/2019 216.17 27.45 42.47 43.4 21,160 100.00% 5/28/2019 216.16 33.28 51.48 52.7 21,160 100.00% 5/29/2019 216.13 32.85 50.82 52.0 21,160 100.00% 5/30/2019 216.10 29.55 45.71 46.8 21,160 100.00% 5/31/2019 216.09 35.19 54.44 55.7 21,160 100.00% 6/1/2019 216.10 26.86 41.55 42.6 21,160 100.00% 6/2/2019 216.10 28.28 43.75 44.8 21,160 100.00% 6/3/2019 216.08 29.11 45.03 46.1 21,160 100.00% 6/4/2019 216.00 28.87 44.66 -40.7 20,990 99.20% 6/5/2019 216.00 29.47 45.59 52.3 21,004 99.26% 6/6/2019 215.98 26.09 40.36 31.2 20,985 99.18% 6/7/2019 216.00 27.51 42.56 69.3 21,038 99.43% 6/8/2019 216.40 21.73 33.62 99.8 21,160 100.00% 6/9/2019 217.89 25.31 39.15 40.1 21,160 100.00% 6/10/2019 218.53 23.03 35.63 36.5 21,160 100.00% 6/11/2019 218.68 23.85 36.90 37.8 21,160 100.00% 6/12/2019 218.62 25.53 39.49 40.5 21,160 100.00% 6/13/2019 218.50 22.56 34.90 35.8 21,160 100.00% 6/14/2019 218.38 27.72 42.88 43.9 21,160 100.00% 6/15/2019 218.12 25.72 39.79 40.8 21,160 100.00% 6/16/2019 217.71 27.34 42.29 43.3 21,160 100.00% 6/17/2019 217.22 27.46 42.48 43.5 21,160 100.00% 6/18/2019 216.87 27.99 43.30 44.3 21,160 100.00% 6/19/2019 216.80 29.13 45.06 46.2 21,160 100.00% 6/20/2019 217.02 27.66 42.79 43.8 21,160 100.00% 6/21/2019 217.07 26.00 40.22 41.2 21,160 100.00% 6/22/2019 217.06 25.30 39.14 40.1 21,160 100.00% 6/23/2019 216.93 27.58 42.67 43.7 21,160 100.00% 6/24/2019 216.64 27.11 41.94 42.9 21,160 100.00% 6/25/2019 216.42 30.62 47.37 48.5 21,160 100.00% 6/26/2019 216.34 30.62 47.37 48.5 21,160 100.00% 6/27/2019 216.30 30.36 46.97 48.1 21,160 100.00% 6/28/2019 216.25 31.24 48.33 49.5 21,160 100.00% 6/29/2019 216.20 28.76 44.49 45.6 21,160 100.00% 6/30/2019 216.17 29.37 45.44 46.5 21,160 100.00% 7/1/2019 216.11 29.57 45.74 46.9 21,160 100.00% 7/2/2019 216.07 29.30 45.33 46.5 21,160 100.00% 7/3/2019 216.01 32.55 50.35 17.5 21,160 100.00%    A‐5  APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  7/4/2019 215.94 28.66 44.34 9.5 21,091 99.67% 7/5/2019 215.93 26.72 41.34 60.4 21,128 99.85% 7/6/2019 215.91 26.89 41.60 43.0 21,131 99.87% 7/7/2019 215.89 28.82 44.58 43.9 21,130 99.86% 7/8/2019 215.93 28.52 44.12 62.8 21,160 100.00% 7/9/2019 216.03 30.24 46.78 50.0 21,160 100.00% 7/10/2019 216.02 28.79 44.54 39.2 21,160 100.00% 7/11/2019 216.06 28.51 44.10 45.2 21,160 100.00% 7/12/2019 216.05 26.81 41.48 42.6 21,160 100.00% 7/13/2019 216.06 29.01 44.88 46.0 21,160 100.00% 7/14/2019 216.03 28.78 44.52 45.7 21,160 100.00% 7/15/2019 215.99 30.05 46.49 -0.3 21,067 99.56% 7/16/2019 215.97 29.13 45.06 16.8 21,011 99.30% 7/17/2019 215.91 29.58 45.76 -10.9 20,898 98.77% 7/18/2019 215.91 30.99 47.94 62.7 20,928 98.90% 7/19/2019 215.83 29.96 46.35 -18.8 20,798 98.29% 7/20/2019 215.80 26.63 41.20 35.4 20,787 98.24% 7/21/2019 215.76 27.19 42.06 25.5 20,754 98.08% 7/22/2019 215.72 29.68 45.91 25.5 20,714 97.89% 7/23/2019 215.87 26.00 40.22 201.5 21,033 99.40% 7/24/2019 216.20 25.21 39.00 114.3 21,160 100.00% 7/25/2019 216.30 26.95 41.69 42.8 21,160 100.00% 7/26/2019 216.44 28.30 43.78 44.9 21,160 100.00% 7/27/2019 216.47 28.48 44.06 45.2 21,160 100.00% 7/28/2019 216.46 29.66 45.88 47.1 21,160 100.00% 7/29/2019 216.43 27.47 42.50 43.6 21,160 100.00% 7/30/2019 216.39 29.65 45.87 47.1 21,160 100.00% 7/31/2019 216.37 30.15 46.64 47.9 21,160 100.00% 8/1/2019 216.41 29.19 45.16 46.4 21,160 100.00% 8/2/2019 216.80 25.74 39.82 40.9 21,160 100.00% 8/3/2019 217.16 24.32 37.62 38.7 21,160 100.00% 8/4/2019 217.18 24.96 38.61 39.7 21,160 100.00% 8/5/2019 217.15 23.67 36.62 37.6 21,160 100.00% 8/6/2019 217.03 25.65 39.68 40.7 21,160 100.00% 8/7/2019 216.87 25.98 40.19 41.3 21,160 100.00% 8/8/2019 216.96 22.76 35.21 36.2 21,160 100.00% 8/9/2019 216.85 26.91 41.63 42.8 21,160 100.00% 8/10/2019 216.67 25.65 39.68 40.8 21,160 100.00% 8/11/2019 216.54 27.44 42.45 43.6 21,160 100.00% 8/12/2019 216.45 26.85 41.54 42.7 21,160 100.00% 8/13/2019 216.45 27.52 42.57 43.8 21,160 100.00% 8/14/2019 216.44 26.34 40.75 41.8 21,160 100.00% 8/15/2019 216.57 25.61 39.62 40.7 21,160 100.00% 8/16/2019 216.52 26.64 41.21 42.3 21,160 100.00% 8/17/2019 216.54 25.27 39.09 40.2 21,160 100.00% 8/18/2019 216.54 24.83 38.41 39.5 21,160 100.00%    A‐6    APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  8/19/2019 216.57 26.28 40.66 41.7 21,160 100.00% 8/20/2019 216.49 28.57 44.20 45.4 21,160 100.00% 8/21/2019 216.52 31.46 48.67 50.0 21,160 100.00% 8/22/2019 216.43 27.82 43.04 44.2 21,160 100.00% 8/23/2019 216.35 26.58 41.12 42.2 21,160 100.00% 8/24/2019 216.38 24.56 37.99 39.0 21,160 100.00% 8/25/2019 216.56 25.60 39.60 40.7 21,160 100.00% 8/26/2019 216.57 25.03 38.72 39.7 21,160 100.00% 8/27/2019 216.35 24.79 38.35 39.4 21,160 100.00% 8/28/2019 216.26 26.63 41.20 42.3 21,160 100.00% 8/29/2019 216.23 27.49 42.53 43.7 21,160 100.00% 8/30/2019 216.19 26.82 41.49 42.6 21,160 100.00% 8/31/2019 216.13 25.22 39.02 40.0 21,160 100.00% 9/1/2019 216.09 25.66 39.70 40.6 21,160 100.00% 9/2/2019 216.04 24.33 37.64 18.5 21,160 100.00% 9/3/2019 216.00 28.94 44.77 20.4 21,111 99.77% 9/4/2019 215.95 29.11 45.03 7.8 21,037 99.42% 9/5/2019 216.10 24.77 38.32 103.0 21,160 100.00% 9/6/2019 215.99 22.83 35.32 -69.0 20,953 99.02% 9/7/2019 215.95 25.03 38.72 40.1 20,955 99.03% 9/8/2019 215.90 26.02 40.25 31.5 20,938 98.95% 9/9/2019 215.85 27.85 43.08 26.2 20,905 98.79% 9/10/2019 215.80 26.97 41.72 16.5 20,855 98.56% 9/11/2019 215.75 26.65 41.23 15.8 20,804 98.32% 9/12/2019 215.70 28.71 44.41 15.9 20,748 98.05% 9/13/2019 215.65 27.98 43.29 19.7 20,701 97.83% 9/14/2019 215.58 25.88 40.04 -1.5 20,619 97.44% 9/15/2019 215.53 27.51 42.56 19.6 20,573 97.23% 9/16/2019 215.47 25.83 39.96 8.9 20,511 96.94% 9/17/2019 215.44 28.72 44.43 40.6 20,504 96.90% 9/18/2019 215.33 29.37 45.44 -41.1 20,332 96.09% 9/19/2019 215.26 29.47 45.59 0.0 20,242 95.66% 9/20/2019 215.20 28.16 43.56 11.0 20,177 95.36% 9/21/2019 215.13 29.16 45.11 1.1 20,090 94.94% 9/22/2019 215.05 28.27 43.73 -9.3 19,984 94.45% 9/23/2019 214.99 28.76 44.49 11.6 19,919 94.14% 9/24/2019 214.93 29.66 45.89 14.3 19,857 93.84% 9/25/2019 214.84 31.62 48.92 0.0 19,760 93.38% 9/26/2019 214.80 30.05 46.49 34.2 19,735 93.27% 9/27/2019 214.74 29.84 46.16 14.3 19,672 92.97% 9/28/2019 214.67 29.37 45.44 4.3 19,590 92.58% 9/29/2019 214.63 30.00 46.41 34.2 19,566 92.47% 9/30/2019 214.57 29.12 45.05 7.7 19,492 92.12% 10/1/2019 214.51 30.42 47.06 16.7 19,432 91.83% 10/2/2019 214.43 31.57 48.84 4.1 19,343 91.41% 10/3/2019 214.38 30.93 47.85 20.8 19,289 91.16%    A‐7  APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  10/4/2019 214.38 33.02 51.08 61.4 19,310 91.26% 10/5/2019 214.28 28.37 43.89 -36.3 19,151 90.51% 10/6/2019 214.20 29.79 46.09 -16.6 19,027 89.92% 10/7/2019 214.16 30.22 46.75 20.8 18,975 89.68% 10/8/2019 214.14 29.79 46.09 41.9 18,967 89.64% 10/9/2019 214.04 28.77 44.51 -35.6 18,808 88.89% 10/10/2019 213.97 29.57 45.74 -4.8 18,708 88.41% 10/11/2019 213.91 31.13 48.16 2.7 18,618 87.99% 10/12/2019 213.86 27.97 43.27 11.5 18,554 87.69% 10/13/2019 213.87 26.49 40.98 69.0 18,610 87.95% 10/14/2019 213.82 25.69 39.74 11.0 18,553 87.68% 10/15/2019 213.78 25.65 39.68 20.8 18,516 87.50% 10/16/2019 213.78 26.94 41.68 59.6 18,551 87.67% 10/17/2019 213.76 22.03 34.08 41.9 18,567 87.75% 10/18/2019 213.75 27.07 41.88 53.5 18,590 87.86% 10/19/2019 213.74 24.25 37.51 50.0 18,615 87.97% 10/20/2019 214.02 22.49 34.79 310.9 19,162 90.56% 10/21/2019 214.32 26.69 41.29 324.3 19,724 93.21% 10/22/2019 214.46 22.82 35.30 158.0 19,967 94.36% 10/23/2019 214.52 23.74 36.73 72.1 20,037 94.70% 10/24/2019 214.60 25.53 39.49 108.0 20,173 95.34% 10/25/2019 214.63 25.68 39.73 58.9 20,211 95.52% 10/26/2019 214.64 24.70 38.21 44.1 20,223 95.57% 10/27/2019 214.65 26.87 41.57 43.9 20,227 95.59% 10/28/2019 214.65 22.31 34.51 33.4 20,225 95.58% 10/29/2019 214.63 26.00 40.22 15.8 20,177 95.35% 10/30/2019 214.62 24.89 38.50 33.8 20,167 95.31% 10/31/2019 214.69 22.85 35.35 105.5 20,306 95.97% 11/1/2019 215.15 21.92 33.91 457.9 21,148 99.94% 11/2/2019 215.44 23.16 35.83 59.3 21,160 100.00% 11/3/2019 215.57 23.41 36.22 45.6 21,160 100.00% 11/4/2019 215.68 23.78 36.79 44.6 21,160 100.00% 11/5/2019 215.72 23.55 36.43 39.8 21,160 100.00% 11/6/2019 215.73 23.07 35.69 37.0 21,160 100.00% 11/7/2019 215.79 23.26 35.98 41.0 21,160 100.00% 11/8/2019 215.77 22.66 35.06 24.5 21,139 99.90% 11/9/2019 215.73 21.55 33.34 4.5 21,081 99.63% 11/10/2019 215.74 22.14 34.25 53.2 21,119 99.81% 11/11/2019 215.72 22.73 35.16 29.0 21,107 99.75% 11/12/2019 215.84 19.90 30.79 65.6 21,160 100.00% 11/13/2019 215.85 22.45 34.73 35.5 21,160 100.00% 11/14/2019 215.96 20.53 31.76 39.6 21,160 100.00% 11/15/2019 216.03 20.33 31.45 36.5 21,160 100.00% 11/16/2019 216.06 22.59 34.95 35.7 21,160 100.00% 11/17/2019 216.09 21.43 33.15 33.3 21,160 100.00% 11/18/2019 216.09 22.62 34.99 35.8 21,160 100.00%    A‐8    APPENDIX A - Daily Jordan Lake Water Supply Raw Water Withdrawals Jordan Lake Water Supply Storage Allocation Tracking Cary/Apex, Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South COMBINED Date  Reservoir  Level (ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (mgd)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Water Supply  (cfs)  Inflow to  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  (cfs)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (ac‐ft)  Cary/Apex/  Morrisville/RTP  Storage Level  (%)  11/19/2019 216.09 22.89 35.41 35.3 21,160 100.00% 11/20/2019 216.12 20.71 32.04 32.7 21,160 100.00% 11/21/2019 216.12 22.77 35.23 35.2 21,160 100.00% 11/22/2019 216.14 22.08 34.16 34.9 21,160 100.00% 11/23/2019 216.13 21.31 32.97 33.7 21,160 100.00% 11/24/2019 216.35 19.44 30.07 30.8 21,160 100.00% 11/25/2019 216.56 22.40 34.65 35.4 21,160 100.00% 11/26/2019 216.58 20.32 31.44 32.1 21,160 100.00% 11/27/2019 216.56 21.62 33.45 34.2 21,160 100.00% 11/28/2019 216.60 20.64 31.93 32.7 21,160 100.00% 11/29/2019 216.45 19.60 30.32 31.0 21,160 100.00% 11/30/2019 216.29 16.96 26.24 26.8 21,160 100.00% 12/1/2019 216.42 20.16 31.19 31.7 21,160 100.00% 12/2/2019 216.98 22.38 34.62 35.2 21,160 100.00% 12/3/2019 217.05 22.31 34.51 35.1 21,160 100.00% 12/4/2019 216.78 19.49 30.15 30.6 21,160 100.00% 12/5/2019 216.40 20.08 31.06 31.6 21,160 100.00% 12/6/2019 216.25 22.33 34.54 35.1 21,160 100.00% 12/7/2019 216.28 19.06 29.49 30.0 21,160 100.00% 12/8/2019 216.29 21.72 33.60 34.2 21,160 100.00% 12/9/2019 216.28 19.85 30.71 31.2 21,160 100.00% 12/10/2019 216.33 21.10 32.64 33.2 21,160 100.00% 12/11/2019 216.35 21.35 33.03 33.6 21,160 100.00% 12/12/2019 216.44 21.48 33.23 33.8 21,160 100.00% 12/13/2019 216.67 18.42 28.50 29.0 21,160 100.00% 12/14/2019 218.09 19.69 30.46 31.0 21,160 100.00% 12/15/2019 218.94 21.26 32.89 33.4 21,160 100.00% 12/16/2019 219.21 22.48 34.78 35.4 21,160 100.00% 12/17/2019 219.28 19.23 29.75 30.3 21,160 100.00% 12/18/2019 219.23 21.41 33.12 33.7 21,160 100.00% 12/19/2019 218.83 22.58 34.93 35.5 21,160 100.00% 12/20/2019 218.34 20.52 31.74 32.3 21,160 100.00% 12/21/2019 217.77 19.81 30.65 31.1 21,160 100.00% 12/22/2019 217.18 19.65 30.40 30.9 21,160 100.00% 12/23/2019 216.79 17.61 27.24 27.7 21,160 100.00% 12/24/2019 216.69 20.36 31.50 32.0 21,160 100.00% 12/25/2019 216.69 19.51 30.18 30.7 21,160 100.00% 12/26/2019 216.68 19.44 30.07 30.6 21,160 100.00% 12/27/2019 216.65 18.10 28.00 28.5 21,160 100.00% 12/28/2019 216.57 18.68 28.90 29.4 21,160 100.00% 12/29/2019 216.50 19.25 29.78 30.3 21,160 100.00% 12/30/2019 216.47 20.46 31.65 32.2 21,160 100.00% 12/31/2019 216.53 20.44 31.62 32.2 21,160 100.00%   C‐1  Appendix C ‐ Monthly Billed Water Use  The monthly billed potable water use was exported from the billing databases of the Towns of Cary and Apex.   The Town of Cary billed water use includes Morrisville and Wake County/RTP South.       APPENDIX C Billed Water Use Apex and Cary (includes Morrisville, and Wake County/RTP South) Apex Billed Water Use (MGD) Cary Billed Water Use1 (MGD) Total Billed Water Use (MGD) Billed Month Haw Neuse Cape Fear Haw Neuse Haw Neuse Cape Fear Jan‐2019  1.95   1.00   0.21   3.19   8.81   5.14   9.81   0.21  Feb‐2019  1.92   0.96   0.24   3.34   9.40   5.26   10.35   0.24  Mar‐2019  1.75   0.92   0.24   3.09   8.45   4.84   9.37   0.24  Apr‐2019  1.77   0.92   0.21   3.30   9.12   5.07   10.04   0.21  May‐2019  1.98   1.02   0.24   3.55   9.69   5.53   10.71   0.24  Jun‐2019  2.59   1.15   0.23   4.84   11.93   7.43   13.08   0.23  Jul‐2019  2.73   1.14   0.26   4.82   12.46   7.54   13.61   0.26  Aug‐2019  3.00   1.29   0.26   4.69   12.32   7.69   13.61   0.26  Sep‐2019  2.94   1.24   0.30   4.64   11.61   7.58   12.85   0.30  Oct‐2019  2.63   1.15   0.24   4.99   12.52   7.63   13.67   0.24  Nov‐2019  2.87   1.46   0.26   3.99   10.91   6.86   12.37   0.26  Dec‐2019  2.02   1.00   0.23   3.36   8.92   5.38   9.92   0.23  Annual Average Day 2.34 1.10 0.24 3.98 10.49 6.32 11.60 0.24 1 Cary Billed Water Use includes Morrisville and Wake County/RTP South                                                    This page has been intentionally left blank.  APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐1    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 1/1/2019 19.75 0.00 0.00 0.036 19.79 0.286 0.036 0.012 0.000 0.552 0.196 2.79 0.00 4.99 10.92 3.11 5.00 11.67 19.79 0.012 11.64 1/2/2019 19.57 0.00 0.00 0.038 19.61 0.307 0.038 0.013 0.000 0.593 0.219 1.37 0.00 5.22 11.85 1.71 5.23 12.66 19.61 0.013 12.62 1/3/2019 20.05 0.00 0.00 0.032 20.08 0.262 0.032 0.011 0.000 0.506 0.207 4.50 0.00 3.89 10.68 4.79 3.90 11.39 20.08 0.011 11.36 1/4/2019 23.45 0.00 0.00 0.036 23.49 0.334 0.036 0.014 0.000 0.646 0.201 3.62 0.00 5.42 13.21 3.99 5.43 14.06 23.49 0.014 14.03 1/5/2019 19.87 0.00 0.00 0.033 19.90 0.280 0.033 0.011 0.000 0.541 0.206 3.26 0.00 4.39 11.18 3.57 4.40 11.93 19.90 0.011 11.90 1/6/2019 20.23 0.00 0.00 0.037 20.27 0.312 0.037 0.013 0.000 0.604 0.207 1.69 0.00 5.72 11.68 2.04 5.73 12.49 20.27 0.013 12.46 1/7/2019 20.37 0.00 0.00 0.038 20.41 0.315 0.038 0.013 0.000 0.609 0.228 1.66 0.00 5.44 12.10 2.01 5.45 12.94 20.41 0.013 12.90 1/8/2019 20.49 0.00 0.00 0.035 20.53 0.298 0.035 0.012 0.000 0.577 0.483 2.77 0.00 4.97 11.38 3.10 4.98 12.44 20.53 0.012 12.41 1/9/2019 21.25 0.00 0.00 0.038 21.29 0.302 0.038 0.012 0.000 0.584 0.112 3.31 0.00 5.06 11.86 3.65 5.08 12.56 21.29 0.012 12.52 1/10/2019 19.99 0.00 0.00 0.044 20.03 0.302 0.044 0.012 0.000 0.583 0.040 2.08 0.00 5.10 11.86 2.43 5.12 12.48 20.03 0.012 12.44 1/11/2019 19.70 0.00 0.00 0.040 19.74 0.307 0.040 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.235 1.46 0.00 5.03 12.06 1.81 5.05 12.89 19.74 0.013 12.85 1/12/2019 18.41 0.00 0.00 0.042 18.45 0.282 0.042 0.012 0.000 0.545 0.190 1.67 0.00 4.64 11.07 1.99 4.66 11.80 18.45 0.012 11.76 1/13/2019 19.22 0.00 0.00 0.036 19.26 0.288 0.036 0.012 0.000 0.557 0.201 2.11 0.00 4.07 11.98 2.43 4.08 12.74 19.26 0.012 12.70 1/14/2019 21.12 0.00 0.00 0.037 21.16 0.303 0.037 0.012 0.000 0.586 0.234 3.14 0.00 5.45 11.40 3.48 5.46 12.22 21.16 0.012 12.18 1/15/2019 18.30 0.00 0.00 0.035 18.34 0.290 0.035 0.012 0.000 0.560 0.198 1.09 0.00 4.89 11.26 1.41 4.91 12.01 18.34 0.012 11.98 1/16/2019 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.071 20.07 0.310 0.071 0.013 0.000 0.600 0.194 1.62 0.00 5.14 12.12 2.00 5.16 12.91 20.07 0.013 12.84 1/17/2019 21.90 0.00 0.00 0.080 21.98 0.330 0.080 0.014 0.000 0.637 0.183 2.37 0.00 5.49 12.88 2.78 5.50 13.70 21.98 0.014 13.62 1/18/2019 18.89 0.00 0.00 0.092 18.98 0.263 0.092 0.011 0.000 0.509 0.180 3.33 0.00 4.47 10.12 3.69 4.49 10.81 18.98 0.011 10.72 1/19/2019 18.96 0.00 0.00 0.100 19.06 0.299 0.100 0.012 0.000 0.578 0.169 1.28 0.00 5.01 11.61 1.68 5.02 12.36 19.06 0.012 12.26 1/20/2019 18.47 0.00 0.00 0.099 18.57 0.281 0.099 0.012 0.000 0.544 0.210 1.83 0.00 4.27 11.32 2.21 4.29 12.07 18.57 0.012 11.97 1/21/2019 19.42 0.00 0.00 0.079 19.50 0.302 0.079 0.012 0.000 0.585 0.277 1.51 0.00 5.33 11.41 1.89 5.34 12.27 19.50 0.012 12.19 1/22/2019 20.12 0.00 0.00 0.084 20.20 0.307 0.084 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.198 1.94 0.00 5.40 11.67 2.33 5.41 12.46 20.20 0.013 12.38 1/23/2019 20.27 0.00 0.00 0.124 20.39 0.307 0.124 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.161 2.11 0.00 5.06 12.02 2.54 5.08 12.78 20.39 0.013 12.65 1/24/2019 21.25 0.00 0.00 0.110 21.36 0.311 0.110 0.013 0.000 0.601 0.171 2.88 0.00 4.42 12.86 3.30 4.43 13.63 21.36 0.013 13.52 1/25/2019 19.50 0.00 0.00 0.110 19.61 0.304 0.110 0.012 0.000 0.588 0.216 1.51 0.00 5.39 11.47 1.92 5.41 12.28 19.61 0.012 12.17 1/26/2019 19.47 0.00 0.00 0.110 19.58 0.296 0.110 0.012 0.000 0.572 0.188 1.98 0.00 5.07 11.35 2.39 5.08 12.11 19.58 0.012 12.00 1/27/2019 20.29 0.00 0.00 0.110 20.40 0.306 0.110 0.013 0.000 0.591 0.195 2.21 0.00 5.21 11.76 2.63 5.22 12.55 20.40 0.013 12.44 1/28/2019 22.41 0.00 0.00 0.114 22.52 0.328 0.114 0.013 0.000 0.635 0.169 2.99 0.00 5.88 12.39 3.43 5.90 13.20 22.52 0.013 13.08 1/29/2019 20.53 0.00 0.00 0.105 20.64 0.301 0.105 0.012 0.000 0.582 0.216 2.72 0.00 4.84 11.86 3.13 4.86 12.65 20.64 0.012 12.55 1/30/2019 19.48 0.00 0.00 0.057 19.53 0.293 0.057 0.012 0.000 0.567 0.214 2.09 0.00 4.76 11.54 2.44 4.77 12.32 19.53 0.012 12.26 1/31/2019 19.03 0.00 0.00 0.097 19.13 0.280 0.097 0.011 0.000 0.541 0.193 2.47 0.00 4.81 10.73 2.85 4.82 11.46 19.13 0.011 11.36 2/1/2019 20.16 0.00 0.00 0.057 20.22 0.296 0.057 0.012 0.000 0.573 0.173 2.58 0.00 4.98 11.54 2.93 4.99 12.29 20.22 0.012 12.23 2/2/2019 20.38 0.00 0.00 0.072 20.45 0.284 0.072 0.012 0.000 0.550 0.192 3.53 0.00 4.76 11.05 3.89 4.78 11.79 20.45 0.012 11.72 2/3/2019 18.57 0.00 0.00 0.063 18.63 0.284 0.063 0.012 0.000 0.549 0.219 1.75 0.00 4.77 10.98 2.10 4.78 11.75 18.63 0.012 11.69 2/4/2019 21.89 0.00 0.00 0.054 21.94 0.364 0.054 0.015 0.000 0.703 0.253 1.61 0.00 5.94 13.00 2.03 5.96 13.96 21.94 0.015 13.90 2/5/2019 19.68 0.00 0.00 0.061 19.74 0.276 0.061 0.011 0.000 0.534 0.203 3.31 0.00 4.77 10.58 3.65 4.78 11.32 19.74 0.011 11.25 2/6/2019 19.50 0.00 0.00 0.064 19.56 0.289 0.064 0.012 0.000 0.559 0.224 2.37 0.00 4.76 11.28 2.72 4.77 12.07 19.56 0.012 12.00 2/7/2019 20.45 0.00 0.00 0.029 20.48 0.298 0.029 0.012 0.000 0.577 0.203 2.73 0.00 4.91 11.72 3.06 4.92 12.50 20.48 0.012 12.47 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐2    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 2/8/2019 19.91 0.00 0.00 0.274 20.18 0.315 0.274 0.013 0.000 0.608 0.339 1.47 0.00 5.11 12.06 2.06 5.12 13.00 20.18 0.013 12.73 2/9/2019 19.74 0.00 0.00 0.045 19.79 0.287 0.045 0.012 0.000 0.555 0.484 2.70 0.00 4.63 11.07 3.03 4.64 12.11 19.79 0.012 12.06 2/10/2019 20.02 0.00 0.00 0.000 20.02 0.290 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.561 0.703 2.76 0.00 4.66 11.04 3.05 4.67 12.30 20.02 0.012 12.30 2/11/2019 17.78 0.00 0.00 0.000 17.78 0.273 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.527 0.351 1.56 0.00 4.51 10.55 1.83 4.52 11.43 17.78 0.011 11.43 2/12/2019 20.36 0.00 0.00 0.000 20.36 0.280 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.542 -0.150 3.67 0.00 4.58 11.42 3.95 4.59 11.81 20.36 0.012 11.81 2/13/2019 21.39 0.00 0.00 0.195 21.59 0.551 0.195 0.023 0.000 1.065 -0.047 1.12 0.00 5.26 13.42 1.87 5.28 14.44 21.59 0.023 14.25 2/14/2019 21.43 0.00 0.00 0.176 21.61 0.315 0.176 0.013 0.000 0.609 0.072 2.88 0.00 5.07 12.47 3.37 5.09 13.15 21.61 0.013 12.97 2/15/2019 19.66 0.00 0.00 0.185 19.85 0.287 0.185 0.012 0.000 0.556 0.478 2.75 0.00 4.59 10.98 3.22 4.61 12.02 19.85 0.012 11.83 2/16/2019 19.36 0.00 0.00 0.072 19.43 0.288 0.072 0.012 0.000 0.556 0.582 2.33 0.00 4.10 11.49 2.69 4.12 12.63 19.43 0.012 12.55 2/17/2019 19.77 0.00 0.00 0.038 19.81 0.281 0.038 0.012 0.000 0.543 0.581 3.11 0.00 4.89 10.35 3.43 4.91 11.47 19.81 0.012 11.44 2/18/2019 18.54 0.00 0.00 0.037 18.57 0.246 0.037 0.010 0.000 0.475 0.441 3.97 0.00 3.65 9.75 4.25 3.66 10.66 18.57 0.010 10.63 2/19/2019 21.38 0.00 0.00 0.042 21.42 0.315 0.042 0.013 0.000 0.608 0.329 2.70 0.00 5.29 12.13 3.06 5.30 13.06 21.42 0.013 13.02 2/20/2019 19.38 0.00 0.00 0.038 19.42 0.279 0.038 0.011 0.000 0.539 0.380 2.83 0.00 3.89 11.45 3.15 3.90 12.37 19.42 0.012 12.33 2/21/2019 20.44 0.00 0.00 0.037 20.48 0.294 0.037 0.012 0.000 0.568 0.337 3.01 0.00 4.42 11.80 3.34 4.43 12.70 20.48 0.012 12.66 2/22/2019 19.60 0.00 0.00 0.047 19.65 0.304 0.047 0.012 0.000 0.588 0.343 1.54 0.00 4.02 12.79 1.89 4.04 13.72 19.65 0.012 13.67 2/23/2019 19.28 0.00 0.00 0.038 19.32 0.282 0.038 0.012 0.000 0.544 0.322 2.57 0.00 3.86 11.69 2.89 3.87 12.55 19.32 0.012 12.52 2/24/2019 19.71 0.00 0.00 0.037 19.75 0.288 0.037 0.012 0.000 0.557 0.326 2.62 0.00 4.71 11.19 2.94 4.73 12.08 19.75 0.012 12.04 2/25/2019 21.64 0.00 0.00 0.047 21.69 0.328 0.047 0.013 0.000 0.633 0.351 2.20 0.00 5.81 12.30 2.58 5.83 13.29 21.69 0.013 13.24 2/26/2019 21.21 0.00 0.00 0.066 21.28 0.297 0.066 0.012 0.000 0.574 0.359 3.60 0.00 4.91 11.45 3.96 4.92 12.39 21.28 0.012 12.32 2/27/2019 18.94 0.00 0.00 0.116 19.06 0.300 0.116 0.012 0.001 0.579 0.385 1.24 0.00 4.74 11.68 1.66 4.76 12.64 19.06 0.013 12.53 2/28/2019 19.77 0.00 0.00 0.029 19.79 0.297 0.029 0.012 0.000 0.573 0.393 2.15 0.00 4.93 11.41 2.48 4.95 12.37 19.79 0.012 12.34 3/1/2019 23.22 0.00 0.00 0.039 23.26 0.342 0.039 0.014 0.001 0.662 0.401 2.89 0.00 5.26 13.65 3.27 5.27 14.72 23.26 0.015 14.68 3/2/2019 21.15 0.00 0.21 0.028 21.39 0.317 0.028 0.013 0.000 0.613 0.395 2.52 0.00 4.82 12.68 2.87 4.84 13.69 21.39 0.013 13.45 3/3/2019 18.50 0.00 0.00 0.031 18.53 0.296 0.031 0.012 0.000 0.571 0.352 0.95 0.00 4.79 11.53 1.28 4.80 12.45 18.53 0.012 12.42 3/4/2019 23.05 0.00 0.00 0.054 23.10 0.334 0.054 0.014 0.000 0.645 0.403 3.26 0.00 5.02 13.37 3.65 5.03 14.42 23.10 0.014 14.37 3/5/2019 22.39 0.00 0.00 0.038 22.43 0.335 0.038 0.014 0.000 0.648 0.354 2.48 0.00 5.62 12.94 2.85 5.63 13.94 22.43 0.014 13.91 3/6/2019 19.19 0.00 0.00 0.039 19.23 0.290 0.039 0.012 0.000 0.561 0.330 1.96 0.00 4.73 11.31 2.29 4.74 12.20 19.23 0.012 12.16 3/7/2019 21.49 0.00 0.00 0.051 21.54 0.319 0.051 0.013 0.000 0.617 0.311 2.57 0.00 5.17 12.49 2.94 5.18 13.42 21.54 0.013 13.37 3/8/2019 22.07 0.00 0.00 0.042 22.11 0.342 0.042 0.014 0.000 0.662 0.303 1.75 0.00 5.60 13.40 2.13 5.62 14.36 22.11 0.014 14.32 3/9/2019 19.30 0.00 0.00 0.082 19.38 0.290 0.082 0.012 0.000 0.561 0.297 2.13 0.00 4.70 11.31 2.50 4.72 12.16 19.38 0.012 12.08 3/10/2019 19.19 0.00 0.00 0.037 19.23 0.295 0.037 0.012 0.000 0.571 0.269 1.65 0.00 5.14 11.25 1.98 5.15 12.09 19.23 0.012 12.06 3/11/2019 21.06 0.00 0.00 0.043 21.10 0.338 0.043 0.014 0.000 0.654 0.329 0.97 0.00 5.84 12.91 1.35 5.86 13.89 21.10 0.014 13.85 3/12/2019 20.39 0.00 0.00 0.047 20.44 0.272 0.047 0.011 0.000 0.526 0.327 4.25 0.00 4.30 10.70 4.57 4.31 11.56 20.44 0.011 11.51 3/13/2019 20.85 0.00 0.00 0.044 20.89 0.333 0.044 0.014 0.000 0.645 0.303 1.06 0.00 5.39 13.11 1.44 5.40 14.05 20.89 0.014 14.01 3/14/2019 22.75 0.00 0.00 0.045 22.80 0.476 0.045 0.020 0.001 0.920 0.311 2.36 0.00 5.57 13.10 2.88 5.59 14.33 22.80 0.020 14.28 3/15/2019 20.52 0.00 0.00 0.049 20.57 0.282 0.049 0.012 0.000 0.545 0.343 3.79 0.00 4.67 10.88 4.12 4.68 11.77 20.57 0.012 11.72 3/16/2019 19.10 0.00 0.00 0.041 19.14 0.284 0.041 0.012 0.000 0.550 0.330 2.22 0.00 4.83 10.88 2.54 4.84 11.76 19.14 0.012 11.72 3/17/2019 20.60 0.00 0.00 0.040 20.64 0.307 0.040 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.290 2.35 0.00 5.31 11.74 2.70 5.32 12.62 20.64 0.013 12.58 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐3    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 3/18/2019 21.42 0.00 0.00 0.110 21.53 0.325 0.110 0.013 0.000 0.629 0.367 2.19 0.00 5.34 12.56 2.63 5.35 13.55 21.53 0.013 13.44 3/19/2019 19.41 0.00 0.00 0.070 19.48 0.285 0.070 0.012 0.000 0.551 0.314 2.53 0.00 4.67 11.05 2.88 4.68 11.91 19.48 0.012 11.84 3/20/2019 20.88 0.00 0.00 0.044 20.92 0.314 0.044 0.013 0.000 0.607 0.328 2.25 0.00 5.21 12.16 2.61 5.22 13.10 20.92 0.013 13.05 3/21/2019 19.15 0.00 0.00 0.066 19.22 0.285 0.066 0.012 0.000 0.550 0.285 2.28 0.00 4.62 11.12 2.63 4.63 11.96 19.22 0.012 11.89 3/22/2019 20.04 0.00 0.00 0.043 20.08 0.307 0.043 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.361 1.80 0.00 4.90 12.06 2.15 4.92 13.02 20.08 0.013 12.97 3/23/2019 19.14 0.00 0.00 0.060 19.20 0.295 0.060 0.012 0.000 0.570 0.317 1.66 0.00 5.09 11.19 2.01 5.10 12.08 19.20 0.012 12.02 3/24/2019 20.08 0.00 0.00 0.049 20.13 0.306 0.049 0.013 0.000 0.591 0.331 1.94 0.00 5.30 11.60 2.29 5.31 12.52 20.13 0.013 12.47 3/25/2019 21.30 0.00 0.00 0.047 21.35 0.307 0.047 0.013 0.000 0.594 0.347 3.06 0.00 5.09 11.88 3.41 5.11 12.83 21.35 0.013 12.78 3/26/2019 19.21 0.00 0.00 0.072 19.28 0.291 0.072 0.012 0.000 0.562 0.295 1.99 0.00 4.86 11.20 2.35 4.87 12.06 19.28 0.012 11.99 3/27/2019 20.53 0.00 0.00 0.042 20.57 0.320 0.042 0.013 0.000 0.619 0.365 1.52 0.00 5.19 12.50 1.88 5.20 13.49 20.57 0.013 13.45 3/28/2019 20.71 0.00 0.00 0.061 20.77 0.310 0.061 0.013 0.000 0.600 0.324 2.31 0.00 5.00 12.15 2.68 5.02 13.07 20.77 0.013 13.01 3/29/2019 20.31 0.00 0.00 0.048 20.36 0.686 0.048 0.028 0.000 1.325 0.332 2.20 0.00 3.40 12.34 2.93 3.43 14.00 20.36 0.028 13.95 3/30/2019 20.45 0.00 0.00 0.089 20.54 0.290 0.089 0.012 0.000 0.560 0.337 3.31 0.00 4.32 11.62 3.69 4.34 12.51 20.54 0.012 12.42 3/31/2019 20.17 0.00 0.00 0.052 20.22 0.321 0.052 0.013 0.000 0.621 0.316 1.12 0.00 6.91 10.87 1.49 6.93 11.80 20.22 0.013 11.75 4/1/2019 22.18 0.00 0.00 0.041 22.22 0.328 0.041 0.013 0.000 0.634 0.349 2.70 0.00 5.94 12.22 3.07 5.95 13.20 22.22 0.013 13.16 4/2/2019 19.27 0.00 0.00 0.085 19.36 0.293 0.085 0.012 0.000 0.567 0.319 1.90 0.00 4.61 11.56 2.28 4.63 12.45 19.36 0.012 12.37 4/3/2019 21.16 0.00 0.00 0.041 21.20 0.322 0.041 0.013 0.000 0.623 0.338 2.04 0.00 5.07 12.75 2.40 5.08 13.71 21.20 0.013 13.67 4/4/2019 20.23 0.00 0.00 0.057 20.28 0.304 0.057 0.012 0.000 0.588 0.346 2.18 0.00 4.93 11.86 2.55 4.95 12.79 20.28 0.013 12.74 4/5/2019 24.66 0.00 0.00 0.063 24.73 0.362 0.063 0.015 0.000 0.701 0.384 3.17 0.00 5.60 14.44 3.59 5.61 15.52 24.73 0.015 15.46 4/6/2019 21.46 0.00 0.00 0.042 21.50 0.317 0.042 0.013 0.000 0.614 0.328 2.62 0.00 5.17 12.40 2.98 5.18 13.34 21.50 0.013 13.30 4/7/2019 21.56 0.00 0.00 0.041 21.60 0.316 0.041 0.013 0.000 0.612 0.309 2.78 0.00 5.35 12.18 3.14 5.36 13.10 21.60 0.013 13.06 4/8/2019 23.60 0.00 0.00 0.050 23.65 0.339 0.050 0.014 0.000 0.656 0.324 3.48 0.00 5.04 13.74 3.87 5.06 14.72 23.65 0.014 14.67 4/9/2019 20.01 0.00 0.00 0.051 20.06 0.295 0.051 0.012 0.000 0.571 0.356 2.50 0.00 3.73 12.55 2.85 3.74 13.47 20.06 0.012 13.42 4/10/2019 21.50 0.00 0.00 0.049 21.55 0.320 0.049 0.013 0.000 0.618 0.361 2.53 0.00 5.49 12.17 2.90 5.51 13.14 21.55 0.013 13.10 4/11/2019 22.34 0.00 0.00 0.054 22.39 0.311 0.054 0.013 0.000 0.600 0.356 3.92 0.00 5.23 11.92 4.28 5.24 12.87 22.39 0.013 12.82 4/12/2019 22.65 0.00 0.00 0.073 22.72 0.339 0.073 0.014 0.000 0.655 0.343 2.56 0.00 5.45 13.29 2.97 5.46 14.29 22.72 0.014 14.22 4/13/2019 19.39 0.00 0.00 0.044 19.43 0.277 0.044 0.011 0.000 0.536 0.354 2.94 0.00 3.80 11.47 3.26 3.81 12.36 19.43 0.011 12.32 4/14/2019 18.41 0.00 0.00 0.040 18.45 0.285 0.040 0.012 0.000 0.550 0.308 1.52 0.00 5.09 10.64 1.84 5.11 11.50 18.45 0.012 11.46 4/15/2019 20.19 0.00 0.00 0.064 20.25 0.299 0.064 0.012 0.000 0.578 0.462 2.47 0.00 4.63 11.74 2.83 4.64 12.78 20.25 0.012 12.72 4/16/2019 20.96 0.00 0.00 0.041 21.00 0.307 0.041 0.013 0.000 0.593 0.426 2.76 0.00 5.39 11.47 3.11 5.41 12.49 21.00 0.013 12.45 4/17/2019 20.11 0.00 0.00 0.055 20.16 0.304 0.055 0.012 0.000 0.587 0.414 2.09 0.00 4.63 12.07 2.45 4.65 13.07 20.16 0.012 13.01 4/18/2019 21.83 0.00 0.00 0.086 21.92 0.309 0.086 0.013 0.000 0.598 0.391 3.52 0.00 4.93 12.07 3.92 4.95 13.06 21.92 0.013 12.97 4/19/2019 19.27 0.00 0.00 0.083 19.35 0.299 0.083 0.012 0.000 0.578 0.407 1.56 0.00 4.37 12.04 1.94 4.38 13.03 19.35 0.012 12.94 4/20/2019 18.90 0.00 0.00 0.042 18.94 0.282 0.042 0.012 0.000 0.546 0.342 2.14 0.00 4.76 10.82 2.46 4.77 11.70 18.94 0.012 11.66 4/21/2019 19.10 0.00 0.00 0.042 19.14 0.285 0.042 0.012 0.000 0.551 0.379 2.18 0.00 5.12 10.57 2.51 5.13 11.50 19.14 0.012 11.46 4/22/2019 22.32 0.00 0.00 0.046 22.37 0.330 0.046 0.014 0.000 0.638 0.362 2.75 0.00 5.67 12.55 3.13 5.69 13.55 22.37 0.014 13.51 4/23/2019 21.15 0.00 0.00 0.077 21.23 0.298 0.077 0.012 0.000 0.575 0.440 3.52 0.00 5.12 11.19 3.89 5.13 12.20 21.23 0.012 12.13 4/24/2019 23.01 0.00 0.00 0.093 23.10 0.334 0.093 0.014 0.000 0.646 0.428 3.24 0.00 5.59 12.76 3.67 5.61 13.83 23.10 0.014 13.74 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐4    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 4/25/2019 22.70 0.00 0.00 0.094 22.80 0.329 0.094 0.014 0.000 0.637 0.400 3.20 0.00 5.53 12.60 3.62 5.54 13.63 22.80 0.014 13.54 4/26/2019 22.44 0.00 0.00 0.137 22.58 0.321 0.137 0.013 0.000 0.621 0.299 3.46 0.00 5.33 12.39 3.92 5.35 13.31 22.58 0.013 13.17 4/27/2019 21.48 0.00 0.00 0.187 21.67 0.310 0.187 0.013 0.000 0.599 0.265 3.23 0.00 5.32 11.75 3.73 5.33 12.61 21.67 0.013 12.43 4/28/2019 21.64 0.00 0.00 0.087 21.73 0.324 0.087 0.013 0.000 0.627 0.279 2.43 0.00 5.57 12.40 2.84 5.58 13.30 21.73 0.013 13.22 4/29/2019 23.42 0.00 0.00 0.094 23.51 0.364 0.094 0.015 0.000 0.704 0.304 3.42 0.00 5.99 12.62 3.88 6.00 13.63 23.51 0.015 13.54 4/30/2019 24.11 0.00 0.00 0.014 24.12 0.411 0.014 0.017 0.000 0.795 0.293 4.49 0.00 5.55 12.56 4.92 5.56 13.65 24.12 0.017 13.63 5/1/2019 26.46 0.00 0.00 0.163 26.62 0.792 0.163 0.033 0.000 1.532 0.368 5.76 0.00 5.37 12.60 6.72 5.40 14.50 26.62 0.033 14.34 5/2/2019 24.54 0.00 0.00 0.210 24.75 0.962 0.210 0.039 0.007 1.859 0.343 3.34 0.00 5.40 12.59 4.51 5.44 14.79 24.75 0.046 14.58 5/3/2019 24.98 0.00 0.00 0.148 25.13 0.873 0.148 0.036 0.000 1.688 0.637 4.14 0.00 5.44 12.16 5.16 5.48 14.49 25.13 0.036 14.34 5/4/2019 23.10 0.00 0.00 0.242 23.34 0.699 0.242 0.029 0.001 1.351 0.324 3.38 0.00 5.32 12.00 4.32 5.35 13.68 23.34 0.029 13.43 5/5/2019 22.45 0.00 0.00 0.143 22.59 0.340 0.143 0.014 0.000 0.657 0.284 2.38 0.00 5.62 13.15 2.86 5.63 14.10 22.59 0.014 13.95 5/6/2019 23.24 0.00 0.00 0.072 23.31 0.339 0.072 0.014 0.000 0.656 0.255 3.12 0.00 6.31 12.54 3.53 6.32 13.46 23.31 0.014 13.38 5/7/2019 22.26 0.00 0.00 0.172 22.43 0.314 0.172 0.013 0.001 0.607 0.337 3.76 0.00 5.37 11.86 4.25 5.39 12.80 22.43 0.014 12.63 5/8/2019 23.44 0.00 0.00 0.158 23.59 0.960 0.158 0.039 0.000 1.855 0.319 2.53 0.00 5.42 12.31 3.64 5.46 14.49 23.59 0.040 14.33 5/9/2019 25.19 0.00 0.00 0.262 25.45 0.991 0.262 0.041 0.000 1.916 0.373 3.92 0.00 5.49 12.46 5.17 5.53 14.75 25.45 0.041 14.49 5/10/2019 24.04 0.00 0.00 0.197 24.24 0.861 0.197 0.035 0.000 1.664 0.301 3.80 0.00 5.43 11.95 4.86 5.46 13.92 24.24 0.035 13.72 5/11/2019 23.65 0.00 0.00 0.280 23.93 1.073 0.280 0.044 0.008 2.075 0.315 3.09 0.00 5.35 11.69 4.44 5.40 14.08 23.93 0.052 13.80 5/12/2019 22.64 0.00 0.00 0.117 22.76 0.478 0.117 0.020 0.000 0.924 0.320 2.81 0.00 5.71 12.38 3.40 5.73 13.62 22.76 0.020 13.50 5/13/2019 22.96 0.00 0.00 0.276 23.24 0.338 0.276 0.014 0.000 0.653 0.353 3.14 0.00 5.52 12.94 3.75 5.53 13.95 23.24 0.014 13.67 5/14/2019 23.94 0.00 0.00 0.132 24.07 0.627 0.132 0.026 0.000 1.212 0.251 3.45 0.00 5.89 12.48 4.21 5.91 13.94 24.07 0.026 13.81 5/15/2019 23.29 0.00 0.00 0.178 23.47 1.260 0.178 0.052 0.000 2.436 0.324 2.67 0.00 5.66 10.89 4.11 5.71 13.65 23.47 0.052 13.47 5/16/2019 23.94 0.00 0.00 0.198 24.14 0.570 0.198 0.023 0.000 1.101 0.369 2.93 0.00 7.07 11.88 3.70 7.09 13.35 24.14 0.023 13.15 5/17/2019 26.83 0.00 0.00 0.313 27.14 2.402 0.313 0.099 0.001 4.644 0.494 3.72 0.00 3.69 11.78 6.44 3.79 16.92 27.14 0.100 16.61 5/18/2019 26.12 0.00 0.00 0.266 26.39 2.092 0.266 0.086 0.000 4.044 0.450 3.01 0.00 5.30 11.13 5.37 5.39 15.63 26.39 0.086 15.36 5/19/2019 28.78 0.00 0.00 0.308 29.09 2.229 0.308 0.091 0.000 4.310 0.483 3.52 0.00 5.38 12.77 6.06 5.47 17.56 29.09 0.091 17.25 5/20/2019 26.12 0.00 0.00 0.332 26.45 1.625 0.332 0.067 0.000 3.141 0.447 3.47 0.00 5.58 11.79 5.43 5.65 15.38 26.45 0.067 15.04 5/21/2019 29.31 0.00 0.00 0.382 29.69 2.612 0.382 0.107 0.001 5.050 0.807 4.32 0.00 5.32 11.10 7.31 5.42 16.95 29.69 0.108 16.57 5/22/2019 30.97 0.00 0.00 0.237 31.21 3.134 0.237 0.129 0.001 6.058 0.616 4.29 0.00 5.57 11.17 7.66 5.70 17.85 31.21 0.130 17.61 5/23/2019 26.46 0.00 0.00 0.395 26.86 2.107 0.395 0.086 0.001 4.073 0.673 2.86 0.00 5.22 11.44 5.36 5.30 16.19 26.86 0.087 15.80 5/24/2019 31.02 0.00 0.00 0.250 31.27 3.181 0.250 0.131 0.000 6.150 0.566 4.57 0.00 5.35 11.07 8.00 5.48 17.79 31.27 0.131 17.54 5/25/2019 29.77 0.00 0.00 0.485 30.26 3.122 0.485 0.128 0.000 6.036 0.637 3.77 0.00 5.17 10.90 7.38 5.30 17.58 30.26 0.128 17.09 5/26/2019 27.28 0.00 0.00 0.329 27.61 2.890 0.329 0.119 0.000 5.586 0.707 2.92 0.00 5.01 10.05 6.14 5.13 16.34 27.61 0.119 16.01 5/27/2019 27.45 0.00 0.00 0.456 27.91 2.917 0.456 0.120 0.000 5.639 0.677 2.59 0.00 4.89 10.62 5.96 5.01 16.94 27.91 0.120 16.48 5/28/2019 33.28 0.00 0.00 0.529 33.81 4.083 0.529 0.167 0.000 7.893 0.762 4.33 0.00 5.39 10.65 8.94 5.56 19.31 33.81 0.167 18.78 5/29/2019 32.85 0.00 0.00 0.345 33.20 4.134 0.345 0.170 0.001 7.992 0.862 3.56 0.00 5.25 10.88 8.04 5.42 19.74 33.20 0.170 19.39 5/30/2019 29.55 0.00 0.00 0.560 30.11 3.704 0.560 0.152 0.000 7.161 0.748 1.95 0.00 5.16 10.68 6.21 5.31 18.59 30.11 0.152 18.03 5/31/2019 35.19 0.00 0.00 0.381 35.57 3.933 0.381 0.161 0.001 7.603 0.731 6.10 0.00 5.04 11.62 10.41 5.21 19.95 35.57 0.162 19.57 6/1/2019 26.86 0.00 0.00 0.402 27.26 1.997 0.402 0.082 0.000 3.862 0.561 4.18 0.00 5.18 11.00 6.58 5.26 15.42 27.26 0.082 15.02 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐5    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 6/2/2019 28.28 0.00 0.00 0.317 28.60 2.565 0.317 0.105 0.000 4.959 0.651 3.73 0.00 5.35 10.92 6.61 5.45 16.53 28.60 0.105 16.22 6/3/2019 29.11 0.00 0.00 0.349 29.46 2.828 0.349 0.116 0.000 5.468 0.717 3.78 0.00 5.46 10.74 6.96 5.58 16.92 29.46 0.116 16.57 6/4/2019 28.87 0.01 0.00 0.557 29.43 3.153 0.557 0.129 0.000 6.095 0.764 2.70 0.00 5.35 10.68 6.41 5.48 17.54 29.43 0.129 16.98 6/5/2019 29.47 0.00 0.00 0.381 29.85 2.852 0.381 0.117 0.000 5.514 0.724 3.56 0.00 5.61 11.09 6.79 5.73 17.33 29.85 0.117 16.95 6/6/2019 26.09 0.00 0.00 0.346 26.44 1.983 0.346 0.081 0.000 3.833 0.597 3.27 0.00 5.22 11.11 5.60 5.30 15.54 26.44 0.081 15.19 6/7/2019 27.51 0.00 0.00 0.361 27.87 2.188 0.361 0.090 0.000 4.229 0.547 3.66 0.00 5.14 11.66 6.21 5.23 16.44 27.87 0.090 16.08 6/8/2019 21.73 0.00 0.00 0.239 21.97 0.328 0.239 0.013 0.001 0.634 0.469 2.47 0.00 4.83 12.99 3.04 4.84 14.09 21.97 0.014 13.85 6/9/2019 25.31 0.00 0.00 0.130 25.44 0.545 0.130 0.022 0.000 1.054 0.378 3.47 0.00 5.73 14.11 4.15 5.75 15.54 25.44 0.022 15.41 6/10/2019 23.03 0.00 0.00 0.137 23.17 0.340 0.137 0.014 0.000 0.656 0.497 2.97 0.00 5.70 12.86 3.45 5.71 14.01 23.17 0.014 13.87 6/11/2019 23.85 0.00 0.00 0.251 24.10 0.453 0.251 0.019 0.000 0.875 0.472 3.76 0.00 5.58 12.69 4.46 5.60 14.04 24.10 0.019 13.78 6/12/2019 25.53 0.00 0.00 0.274 25.80 1.533 0.274 0.063 0.000 2.963 0.560 2.73 0.00 5.38 12.30 4.54 5.44 15.83 25.80 0.063 15.55 6/13/2019 22.56 0.00 0.00 0.263 22.82 0.342 0.263 0.014 0.000 0.661 0.427 2.47 0.00 5.21 13.43 3.08 5.23 14.52 22.82 0.014 14.26 6/14/2019 27.72 0.00 0.00 0.187 27.91 1.420 0.187 0.058 0.000 2.744 0.416 5.46 0.00 5.93 11.69 7.07 5.99 14.85 27.91 0.058 14.67 6/15/2019 25.72 0.00 0.00 0.416 26.14 1.867 0.416 0.077 0.000 3.609 0.537 3.51 0.00 5.23 10.89 5.79 5.31 15.03 26.14 0.077 14.62 6/16/2019 27.34 0.00 0.00 0.231 27.57 2.407 0.231 0.099 0.000 4.653 0.551 3.19 0.00 5.20 11.24 5.83 5.30 16.45 27.57 0.099 16.22 6/17/2019 27.46 0.00 0.00 0.263 27.72 2.273 0.263 0.093 0.000 4.395 0.623 3.23 0.00 5.34 11.51 5.77 5.43 16.53 27.72 0.093 16.26 6/18/2019 27.99 0.00 0.00 0.370 28.36 2.459 0.370 0.101 0.000 4.753 0.681 3.50 0.00 5.20 11.29 6.33 5.30 16.73 28.36 0.101 16.36 6/19/2019 29.13 0.00 0.00 0.294 29.42 2.751 0.294 0.113 0.000 5.319 0.668 3.62 0.00 5.11 11.55 6.67 5.22 17.54 29.42 0.113 17.24 6/20/2019 27.66 0.00 0.00 0.434 28.09 2.018 0.434 0.083 0.000 3.900 0.780 4.05 0.00 5.10 11.73 6.50 5.18 16.41 28.09 0.083 15.98 6/21/2019 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.174 26.17 1.993 0.174 0.082 0.000 3.854 0.723 3.01 0.00 5.28 11.05 5.18 5.37 15.63 26.17 0.082 15.46 6/22/2019 25.30 0.00 0.00 0.328 25.63 1.961 0.328 0.080 0.000 3.791 0.649 3.04 0.00 5.03 10.75 5.33 5.11 15.19 25.63 0.080 14.87 6/23/2019 27.58 0.00 0.00 0.218 27.80 2.645 0.218 0.108 0.000 5.113 0.636 3.15 0.00 5.12 10.81 6.01 5.23 16.56 27.80 0.108 16.34 6/24/2019 27.11 0.00 0.00 0.220 27.33 2.185 0.220 0.090 0.000 4.223 0.659 3.27 0.00 5.20 11.48 5.67 5.29 16.36 27.33 0.090 16.14 6/25/2019 30.62 0.00 0.00 0.491 31.11 3.481 0.491 0.143 0.000 6.730 0.752 3.79 0.00 4.97 10.75 7.76 5.12 18.23 31.11 0.143 17.74 6/26/2019 30.62 0.00 0.00 0.444 31.06 3.539 0.444 0.145 0.000 6.841 0.695 3.46 0.00 4.94 11.00 7.44 5.09 18.53 31.06 0.145 18.09 6/27/2019 30.36 0.00 0.00 0.404 30.76 4.113 0.404 0.169 0.000 7.952 0.727 2.01 0.00 4.91 10.48 6.53 5.08 19.16 30.76 0.169 18.75 6/28/2019 31.24 0.00 0.00 0.312 31.55 3.885 0.312 0.159 0.000 7.511 0.757 2.89 0.00 4.88 11.16 7.09 5.03 19.43 31.55 0.159 19.12 6/29/2019 28.76 0.00 0.00 0.355 29.12 3.151 0.355 0.129 0.000 6.091 0.637 4.10 0.00 4.28 10.38 7.61 4.41 17.10 29.12 0.129 16.75 6/30/2019 29.37 0.00 0.00 0.237 29.61 3.281 0.237 0.135 0.000 6.342 0.693 2.60 0.00 5.70 10.62 6.12 5.83 17.66 29.61 0.135 17.42 7/1/2019 29.57 0.00 0.00 0.330 29.90 3.148 0.330 0.129 0.000 6.086 0.735 4.46 0.00 5.01 10.00 7.94 5.14 16.82 29.90 0.129 16.49 7/2/2019 29.30 0.00 0.00 0.470 29.77 3.468 0.470 0.142 0.000 6.705 0.789 3.02 0.00 4.78 10.39 6.96 4.92 17.89 29.77 0.143 17.42 7/3/2019 32.55 0.00 0.00 0.548 33.10 4.665 0.548 0.191 0.000 9.019 0.866 3.13 0.00 4.73 9.95 8.34 4.92 19.83 33.10 0.191 19.28 7/4/2019 28.66 0.00 0.00 0.681 29.34 3.464 0.681 0.142 0.000 6.696 0.714 3.50 0.00 4.60 9.54 7.64 4.74 16.96 29.34 0.142 16.27 7/5/2019 26.72 0.00 0.00 0.369 27.09 2.823 0.369 0.116 0.000 5.458 0.717 3.02 0.00 4.66 9.92 6.21 4.78 16.10 27.09 0.116 15.73 7/6/2019 26.89 0.00 0.00 0.463 27.35 3.012 0.463 0.124 0.000 5.823 0.726 2.92 0.00 4.48 9.80 6.40 4.61 16.35 27.35 0.124 15.89 7/7/2019 28.82 0.00 0.00 0.477 29.30 3.368 0.477 0.138 0.000 6.511 0.667 3.25 0.00 4.59 10.29 7.09 4.73 17.47 29.30 0.138 16.99 7/8/2019 28.52 0.00 0.00 0.374 28.89 2.545 0.374 0.104 0.000 4.920 0.725 3.74 0.00 5.13 11.35 6.66 5.24 17.00 28.89 0.104 16.62 7/9/2019 30.24 0.00 0.00 0.482 30.72 3.469 0.482 0.142 0.000 6.705 0.783 3.78 0.00 4.91 10.45 7.73 5.05 17.94 30.72 0.142 17.46 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐6    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 7/10/2019 28.79 0.00 0.00 0.387 29.18 3.268 0.387 0.134 0.000 6.318 0.742 2.99 0.00 4.82 10.52 6.65 4.95 17.58 29.18 0.134 17.19 7/11/2019 28.51 0.00 0.00 0.593 29.10 2.931 0.593 0.120 0.000 5.665 0.707 3.64 0.00 4.85 10.59 7.16 4.97 16.97 29.10 0.120 16.37 7/12/2019 26.81 0.00 0.00 0.381 27.19 2.130 0.381 0.087 0.000 4.117 0.579 3.36 0.00 4.92 11.62 5.87 5.00 16.32 27.19 0.088 15.93 7/13/2019 29.01 0.00 0.00 0.476 29.49 3.386 0.476 0.139 0.000 6.545 0.714 2.89 0.00 5.13 10.21 6.75 5.27 17.46 29.49 0.139 16.99 7/14/2019 28.78 0.00 0.00 0.332 29.11 3.308 0.332 0.136 0.000 6.396 0.667 2.68 0.00 5.11 10.48 6.32 5.25 17.54 29.11 0.136 17.21 7/15/2019 30.05 0.00 0.00 0.362 30.41 3.381 0.362 0.139 0.000 6.536 0.765 3.46 0.00 5.15 10.62 7.20 5.29 17.92 30.41 0.139 17.56 7/16/2019 29.13 0.00 0.00 0.505 29.64 3.021 0.505 0.124 0.001 5.840 0.825 3.67 0.00 4.88 10.77 7.20 5.01 17.43 29.64 0.125 16.93 7/17/2019 29.58 0.00 0.00 0.467 30.05 3.254 0.467 0.133 0.000 6.290 1.006 2.86 0.00 4.84 11.20 6.58 4.97 18.49 30.05 0.134 18.03 7/18/2019 30.99 0.00 0.00 0.669 31.66 3.931 0.669 0.161 0.001 7.600 0.725 3.29 0.00 4.85 10.44 7.89 5.01 18.76 31.66 0.162 18.09 7/19/2019 29.96 0.00 0.00 0.481 30.44 3.652 0.481 0.150 0.001 7.060 0.767 3.29 0.00 4.84 10.20 7.42 4.99 18.03 30.44 0.151 17.55 7/20/2019 26.63 0.00 0.00 0.482 27.11 3.396 0.482 0.139 0.000 6.565 0.607 0.45 0.00 4.83 10.64 4.33 4.97 17.82 27.11 0.139 17.33 7/21/2019 27.19 0.00 0.00 0.127 27.32 2.667 0.127 0.109 0.000 5.156 0.572 2.29 0.00 5.47 10.93 5.08 5.58 16.66 27.32 0.109 16.53 7/22/2019 29.68 0.00 0.00 0.103 29.78 3.123 0.103 0.128 0.000 6.037 0.790 3.31 0.00 5.38 10.92 6.54 5.50 17.74 29.78 0.128 17.64 7/23/2019 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.396 26.40 1.028 0.396 0.042 0.001 1.988 0.765 3.14 0.00 5.16 13.87 4.56 5.21 16.63 26.40 0.043 16.23 7/24/2019 25.21 0.00 0.00 0.274 25.49 1.847 0.274 0.076 0.000 3.571 0.549 3.01 0.00 4.16 12.00 5.13 4.24 16.12 25.49 0.076 15.85 7/25/2019 26.95 0.00 0.00 0.386 27.34 2.232 0.386 0.092 0.001 4.315 0.567 3.83 0.00 5.29 10.62 6.45 5.38 15.50 27.34 0.092 15.12 7/26/2019 28.30 0.00 0.00 0.363 28.66 2.833 0.363 0.116 0.000 5.477 0.644 2.56 0.00 5.08 11.59 5.76 5.20 17.71 28.66 0.116 17.35 7/27/2019 28.48 0.00 0.00 0.458 28.94 3.045 0.458 0.125 0.000 5.886 0.704 3.48 0.00 4.93 10.31 6.98 5.06 16.90 28.94 0.125 16.44 7/28/2019 29.66 0.00 0.00 0.307 29.97 3.433 0.307 0.141 0.000 6.636 0.651 3.19 0.00 5.10 10.51 6.93 5.24 17.80 29.97 0.141 17.49 7/29/2019 27.47 0.00 0.00 0.493 27.96 2.687 0.493 0.110 0.000 5.194 0.700 2.74 0.00 5.25 10.79 5.92 5.36 16.68 27.96 0.110 16.19 7/30/2019 29.65 0.00 0.00 0.402 30.05 3.107 0.402 0.127 0.000 6.006 0.759 3.96 0.00 5.05 10.64 7.47 5.18 17.41 30.05 0.127 17.00 7/31/2019 30.15 0.00 0.00 0.392 30.54 3.801 0.392 0.156 0.000 7.348 0.239 2.64 0.00 4.98 10.99 6.83 5.13 18.58 30.54 0.156 18.18 8/1/2019 29.19 0.00 0.00 0.290 29.48 3.102 0.290 0.127 0.001 5.996 0.697 2.87 0.00 5.04 11.36 6.26 5.17 18.05 29.48 0.129 17.76 8/2/2019 25.74 0.00 0.00 0.321 26.06 1.287 0.321 0.053 0.000 2.488 0.619 2.70 0.00 5.33 13.26 4.31 5.38 16.37 26.06 0.053 16.05 8/3/2019 24.32 0.00 0.00 0.312 24.63 0.376 0.312 0.015 0.000 0.727 0.543 2.25 0.00 6.39 14.02 2.94 6.41 15.29 24.63 0.015 14.97 8/4/2019 24.96 0.00 0.00 0.273 25.23 1.208 0.273 0.050 0.000 2.335 0.476 2.81 0.00 5.94 12.14 4.29 5.99 14.95 25.23 0.050 14.68 8/5/2019 23.67 0.00 0.00 0.218 23.89 0.359 0.218 0.015 0.000 0.694 0.525 2.54 0.00 5.72 13.82 3.12 5.73 15.04 23.89 0.015 14.82 8/6/2019 25.65 0.00 0.00 0.320 25.97 0.982 0.320 0.040 0.000 1.899 0.490 3.63 0.00 5.54 13.06 4.93 5.58 15.45 25.97 0.040 15.13 8/7/2019 25.98 0.00 0.00 0.341 26.32 1.475 0.341 0.060 0.000 2.851 0.606 2.79 0.00 5.47 12.73 4.61 5.53 16.19 26.32 0.061 15.85 8/8/2019 22.76 0.00 0.00 0.288 23.05 0.355 0.288 0.015 0.000 0.686 0.471 1.95 0.00 6.01 13.27 2.59 6.03 14.43 23.05 0.015 14.14 8/9/2019 26.91 0.00 0.00 0.337 27.25 2.238 0.337 0.092 0.000 4.326 0.670 2.42 0.00 5.54 11.62 4.99 5.63 16.62 27.25 0.092 16.28 8/10/2019 25.65 0.00 0.00 0.258 25.91 1.987 0.258 0.081 0.000 3.840 0.639 2.77 0.00 5.46 10.87 5.01 5.55 15.35 25.91 0.081 15.09 8/11/2019 27.44 0.00 0.00 0.340 27.78 2.521 0.340 0.103 0.000 4.874 0.597 2.80 0.00 5.52 11.03 5.66 5.62 16.50 27.78 0.103 16.16 8/12/2019 26.85 0.00 0.00 0.354 27.20 2.287 0.354 0.094 0.000 4.421 0.611 2.65 0.00 5.39 11.40 5.29 5.48 16.43 27.20 0.094 16.08 8/13/2019 27.52 0.00 0.00 0.205 27.73 1.904 0.205 0.078 0.000 3.681 0.698 3.01 0.00 5.67 12.48 5.12 5.74 16.86 27.73 0.078 16.66 8/14/2019 26.34 0.00 0.00 0.361 26.70 2.494 0.361 0.102 0.000 4.822 0.468 1.97 0.00 5.61 10.88 4.83 5.71 16.17 26.70 0.102 15.81 8/15/2019 25.61 0.00 0.00 0.285 25.90 1.052 0.285 0.043 0.000 2.034 0.528 3.33 0.00 5.43 13.20 4.67 5.47 15.76 25.90 0.043 15.47 8/16/2019 26.64 0.00 0.00 0.327 26.97 1.714 0.327 0.070 0.000 3.314 0.491 3.12 0.00 5.40 12.53 5.16 5.47 16.33 26.97 0.070 16.01 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐7    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 8/17/2019 25.27 0.00 0.00 0.280 25.55 1.863 0.280 0.076 0.000 3.601 0.532 2.31 0.00 5.51 11.38 4.45 5.59 15.51 25.55 0.076 15.23 8/18/2019 24.83 0.00 0.00 0.371 25.20 1.546 0.371 0.063 0.000 2.988 0.490 2.75 0.00 5.61 11.39 4.67 5.67 14.86 25.20 0.063 14.49 8/19/2019 26.28 0.00 0.00 0.367 26.65 1.860 0.367 0.076 0.000 3.597 0.566 2.88 0.00 5.32 11.98 5.11 5.39 16.15 26.65 0.076 15.78 8/20/2019 28.57 0.00 0.00 0.364 28.93 2.775 0.364 0.114 0.000 5.365 0.548 4.10 0.00 5.25 10.42 7.24 5.36 16.33 28.93 0.114 15.97 8/21/2019 31.46 0.00 0.00 0.340 31.80 4.400 0.340 0.180 0.000 8.505 0.651 0.78 0.00 5.26 11.68 5.52 5.44 20.84 31.80 0.180 20.50 8/22/2019 27.82 0.00 0.00 0.196 28.02 3.067 0.196 0.126 0.000 5.929 0.557 1.12 0.00 5.42 11.60 4.38 5.54 18.09 28.02 0.126 17.89 8/23/2019 26.58 0.00 0.00 0.366 26.95 1.497 0.366 0.061 0.000 2.894 0.466 4.53 0.00 5.37 11.77 6.39 5.43 15.13 26.95 0.061 14.76 8/24/2019 24.56 0.00 0.00 0.208 24.77 1.538 0.208 0.063 0.000 2.973 0.400 2.40 0.00 5.46 11.72 4.15 5.53 15.10 24.77 0.063 14.89 8/25/2019 25.60 0.00 0.00 0.295 25.90 1.798 0.295 0.074 0.000 3.476 0.412 2.61 0.00 5.82 11.41 4.70 5.89 15.30 25.90 0.074 15.00 8/26/2019 25.03 0.00 0.00 0.319 25.35 1.622 0.319 0.067 0.000 3.135 0.513 3.03 0.00 5.34 11.33 4.97 5.40 14.97 25.35 0.067 14.65 8/27/2019 24.79 0.00 0.00 0.282 25.07 1.543 0.282 0.063 0.000 2.982 0.562 2.76 0.00 5.26 11.62 4.58 5.33 15.16 25.07 0.063 14.88 8/28/2019 26.63 0.00 0.00 0.304 26.93 1.913 0.304 0.078 0.000 3.698 0.463 3.73 0.00 5.32 11.42 5.95 5.40 15.58 26.93 0.079 15.28 8/29/2019 27.49 0.00 0.00 0.316 27.81 2.492 0.316 0.102 0.000 4.817 0.438 3.14 0.00 5.19 11.31 5.95 5.29 16.57 27.81 0.102 16.25 8/30/2019 26.82 0.00 0.00 0.279 27.10 2.685 0.279 0.110 0.000 5.191 0.473 2.51 0.00 5.16 10.69 5.47 5.27 16.36 27.10 0.110 16.08 8/31/2019 25.22 0.00 0.00 0.279 25.50 2.128 0.279 0.087 0.000 4.115 0.595 3.04 0.00 5.01 10.25 5.45 5.10 14.96 25.50 0.087 14.68 9/1/2019 25.66 0.00 0.00 0.258 25.92 2.423 0.258 0.099 0.000 4.684 0.576 2.97 0.00 5.00 9.90 5.65 5.10 15.16 25.92 0.099 14.91 9/2/2019 24.33 0.00 0.00 0.343 24.67 1.488 0.343 0.061 0.000 2.876 0.563 2.89 0.00 5.52 10.94 4.72 5.58 14.38 24.67 0.061 14.03 9/3/2019 28.94 0.00 0.00 0.338 29.28 2.693 0.338 0.110 0.000 5.207 0.637 3.62 0.00 5.30 11.37 6.65 5.41 17.21 29.28 0.110 16.88 9/4/2019 29.11 0.00 0.00 0.408 29.52 3.171 0.408 0.130 0.000 6.131 0.500 3.00 0.00 5.10 11.08 6.58 5.23 17.71 29.52 0.130 17.30 9/5/2019 24.77 0.00 0.00 0.143 24.91 0.987 0.143 0.040 0.000 1.908 0.410 2.76 0.00 5.77 12.90 3.89 5.81 15.22 24.91 0.041 15.07 9/6/2019 22.83 0.00 0.00 0.250 23.08 0.349 0.250 0.014 0.000 0.675 0.255 2.89 0.00 5.71 12.93 3.49 5.73 13.86 23.08 0.014 13.61 9/7/2019 25.03 0.00 0.00 0.218 25.25 1.696 0.218 0.070 0.000 3.279 0.365 2.94 0.00 5.52 11.16 4.85 5.59 14.81 25.25 0.070 14.59 9/8/2019 26.02 0.00 0.00 0.229 26.25 0.757 0.229 0.031 0.000 1.463 0.300 6.31 0.00 5.74 11.42 7.30 5.77 13.18 26.25 0.031 12.95 9/9/2019 27.85 0.00 0.00 0.333 28.18 2.304 0.333 0.095 0.000 4.455 0.318 3.91 0.00 5.38 11.38 6.55 5.48 16.16 28.18 0.095 15.82 9/10/2019 26.97 0.00 0.00 0.333 27.30 2.571 0.333 0.105 0.000 4.971 0.375 2.46 0.00 5.17 11.32 5.36 5.27 16.67 27.30 0.105 16.33 9/11/2019 26.65 0.00 0.00 0.405 27.05 2.296 0.405 0.094 0.000 4.438 0.371 3.03 0.00 5.18 11.24 5.73 5.28 16.05 27.05 0.094 15.64 9/12/2019 28.71 0.00 0.00 0.387 29.10 3.009 0.387 0.123 0.000 5.818 0.479 3.15 0.00 5.17 10.96 6.55 5.29 17.26 29.10 0.123 16.87 9/13/2019 27.98 0.00 0.00 0.274 28.25 2.700 0.274 0.111 0.001 5.220 0.374 3.77 0.00 4.98 10.82 6.74 5.09 16.41 28.25 0.111 16.14 9/14/2019 25.88 0.00 0.00 0.257 26.14 2.205 0.257 0.090 0.000 4.262 0.472 2.94 0.00 5.36 10.55 5.40 5.45 15.28 26.14 0.090 15.02 9/15/2019 27.51 0.00 0.00 0.294 27.80 2.569 0.294 0.105 0.000 4.966 0.438 2.78 0.00 5.71 10.94 5.64 5.81 16.35 27.80 0.105 16.05 9/16/2019 25.83 0.00 0.00 0.429 26.26 2.050 0.429 0.084 0.000 3.963 0.441 3.16 0.00 5.19 10.94 5.64 5.28 15.34 26.26 0.084 14.92 9/17/2019 28.72 0.00 0.00 0.312 29.03 2.726 0.312 0.112 0.000 5.269 0.505 3.98 0.00 5.15 10.98 7.02 5.26 16.75 29.03 0.112 16.44 9/18/2019 29.37 0.00 0.00 0.431 29.80 3.139 0.431 0.129 0.001 6.068 0.502 3.61 0.00 5.03 10.89 7.18 5.16 17.46 29.80 0.130 17.03 9/19/2019 29.47 0.00 0.00 0.385 29.86 3.225 0.385 0.132 0.001 6.235 0.473 3.89 0.00 5.01 10.51 7.50 5.14 17.22 29.86 0.133 16.83 9/20/2019 28.16 0.00 0.00 0.305 28.47 2.877 0.305 0.118 0.001 5.562 0.535 3.20 0.00 4.95 10.91 6.38 5.07 17.01 28.47 0.119 16.70 9/21/2019 29.16 0.00 0.00 0.284 29.44 3.279 0.284 0.135 0.000 6.339 0.532 3.96 0.00 5.20 9.71 7.52 5.34 16.59 29.44 0.135 16.30 9/22/2019 28.27 0.00 0.00 0.349 28.62 2.905 0.349 0.119 0.000 5.616 0.479 2.90 0.00 5.51 10.74 6.15 5.63 16.83 28.62 0.119 16.49 9/23/2019 28.76 0.00 0.00 0.422 29.18 2.720 0.422 0.112 0.000 5.259 0.565 4.48 0.00 5.10 10.52 7.62 5.21 16.35 29.18 0.112 15.92 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐8    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 9/24/2019 29.66 0.00 0.00 0.361 30.03 3.206 0.361 0.132 0.960 6.198 0.529 3.07 0.00 5.05 10.52 6.64 6.14 17.24 30.03 1.092 16.88 9/25/2019 31.62 0.00 0.00 0.404 32.02 3.907 0.404 0.160 0.000 7.554 0.603 3.83 0.00 4.99 10.58 8.14 5.15 18.73 32.02 0.160 18.33 9/26/2019 30.05 0.00 0.00 0.435 30.49 3.562 0.435 0.146 0.000 6.885 0.539 3.21 0.00 5.03 10.68 7.21 5.18 18.10 30.49 0.146 17.67 9/27/2019 29.84 0.00 0.00 0.306 30.15 3.381 0.306 0.139 0.000 6.536 0.531 4.25 0.00 4.97 10.04 7.94 5.11 17.10 30.15 0.139 16.80 9/28/2019 29.37 0.00 0.00 0.369 29.74 3.433 0.369 0.141 0.000 6.636 0.532 3.11 0.00 5.13 10.39 6.91 5.27 17.56 29.74 0.141 17.19 9/29/2019 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.462 30.46 3.455 0.462 0.142 0.000 6.680 0.516 3.53 0.00 5.32 10.35 7.45 5.46 17.55 30.46 0.142 17.09 9/30/2019 29.12 0.00 0.00 0.403 29.52 3.546 0.403 0.145 0.000 6.855 0.569 2.49 0.00 5.03 10.48 6.44 5.17 17.91 29.52 0.145 17.51 10/1/2019 30.42 0.00 0.00 0.463 30.88 3.052 0.463 0.125 0.000 5.901 0.551 4.52 0.00 5.67 10.60 8.04 5.79 17.05 30.88 0.125 16.59 10/2/2019 31.57 0.00 0.00 0.495 32.07 3.961 0.495 0.163 0.000 7.658 0.620 3.36 0.00 5.13 10.68 7.82 5.29 18.96 32.07 0.163 18.46 10/3/2019 30.93 0.00 0.00 0.368 31.30 3.890 0.368 0.160 0.001 7.520 0.563 3.55 0.00 5.01 10.24 7.81 5.17 18.32 31.30 0.160 17.95 10/4/2019 33.02 0.00 0.00 0.375 33.40 4.549 0.375 0.187 0.000 8.795 0.537 3.62 0.00 5.01 10.32 8.54 5.19 19.66 33.40 0.187 19.28 10/5/2019 28.37 0.00 0.00 0.261 28.63 3.181 0.261 0.130 0.000 6.150 0.528 3.49 0.00 5.00 9.89 6.93 5.13 16.57 28.63 0.130 16.30 10/6/2019 29.79 0.00 0.00 0.276 30.07 3.411 0.276 0.140 0.000 6.594 0.496 3.26 0.00 5.42 10.47 6.95 5.56 17.56 30.07 0.140 17.29 10/7/2019 30.22 0.00 0.00 0.377 30.60 3.434 0.377 0.141 0.001 6.639 0.573 4.05 0.00 5.07 10.32 7.86 5.21 17.53 30.60 0.141 17.15 10/8/2019 29.79 0.00 0.00 0.353 30.14 3.046 0.353 0.125 0.001 5.888 0.526 4.75 0.00 4.93 10.53 8.15 5.05 16.94 30.14 0.126 16.59 10/9/2019 28.77 0.00 0.00 0.368 29.14 3.349 0.368 0.137 0.001 6.475 0.589 2.34 0.00 4.96 10.92 6.06 5.09 17.99 29.14 0.138 17.62 10/10/2019 29.57 0.00 0.00 0.371 29.94 3.369 0.371 0.138 0.000 6.513 0.505 3.82 0.00 4.91 10.31 7.56 5.05 17.33 29.94 0.138 16.96 10/11/2019 31.13 0.00 0.00 0.392 31.52 3.865 0.392 0.159 0.001 7.473 0.532 4.17 0.00 4.92 10.01 8.43 5.08 18.01 31.52 0.159 17.62 10/12/2019 27.97 0.00 0.00 0.279 28.25 3.025 0.279 0.124 0.000 5.848 0.577 3.35 0.00 5.10 9.95 6.65 5.22 16.38 28.25 0.124 16.10 10/13/2019 26.49 0.00 0.00 0.242 26.73 1.959 0.242 0.080 0.000 3.788 0.486 3.67 0.00 5.57 10.94 5.87 5.65 15.21 26.73 0.080 14.97 10/14/2019 25.69 0.00 0.00 0.246 25.94 1.963 0.246 0.081 0.001 3.795 0.342 3.19 0.00 5.22 11.10 5.40 5.30 15.23 25.94 0.081 14.99 10/15/2019 25.65 0.00 0.00 0.258 25.91 2.011 0.258 0.082 0.000 3.887 0.387 3.34 0.00 5.06 10.89 5.61 5.14 15.16 25.91 0.082 14.90 10/16/2019 26.94 0.00 0.00 0.231 27.17 1.657 0.231 0.068 0.000 3.203 0.398 4.39 0.00 5.28 11.94 6.28 5.35 15.55 27.17 0.068 15.31 10/17/2019 22.03 0.00 0.00 0.261 22.29 1.157 0.261 0.047 0.001 2.237 0.288 2.39 0.00 5.02 10.89 3.81 5.07 13.42 22.29 0.048 13.16 10/18/2019 27.07 0.00 0.00 0.302 27.37 2.716 0.302 0.111 0.000 5.251 0.395 3.41 0.00 4.95 10.23 6.43 5.06 15.88 27.37 0.111 15.58 10/19/2019 24.25 0.00 0.00 0.211 24.46 1.559 0.211 0.064 0.000 3.013 0.402 3.63 0.00 5.13 10.45 5.40 5.19 13.87 24.46 0.064 13.66 10/20/2019 22.49 0.00 0.00 0.170 22.66 0.327 0.170 0.013 0.000 0.633 0.306 3.19 0.00 5.75 12.27 3.69 5.76 13.21 22.66 0.013 13.04 10/21/2019 26.69 0.00 0.00 0.222 26.91 1.894 0.222 0.078 0.001 3.661 0.285 4.08 0.00 5.35 11.34 6.20 5.43 15.29 26.91 0.078 15.07 10/22/2019 22.82 0.00 0.00 0.163 22.98 0.843 0.163 0.035 0.000 1.629 0.328 2.96 0.00 5.24 11.79 3.97 5.27 13.74 22.98 0.035 13.58 10/23/2019 23.74 0.00 0.00 0.258 24.00 1.109 0.258 0.046 0.000 2.144 0.319 3.62 0.00 5.13 11.37 4.99 5.18 13.84 24.00 0.046 13.58 10/24/2019 25.53 0.00 0.00 0.229 25.76 1.846 0.229 0.076 0.000 3.568 0.332 3.49 0.00 5.13 11.09 5.56 5.20 14.99 25.76 0.076 14.76 10/25/2019 25.68 0.00 0.00 0.273 25.95 2.172 0.273 0.089 0.000 4.198 0.686 3.47 0.00 5.01 10.06 5.91 5.10 14.94 25.95 0.089 14.67 10/26/2019 24.70 0.00 0.00 0.226 24.93 1.987 0.226 0.081 0.000 3.840 0.350 2.49 0.00 5.29 10.66 4.70 5.38 14.85 24.93 0.081 14.62 10/27/2019 26.87 0.00 0.00 0.187 27.06 1.820 0.187 0.075 0.000 3.519 0.322 3.92 0.00 5.67 11.55 5.93 5.74 15.39 27.06 0.075 15.20 10/28/2019 22.31 0.00 0.00 0.235 22.55 1.048 0.235 0.043 0.000 2.025 0.321 2.76 0.00 5.17 10.94 4.04 5.22 13.28 22.55 0.043 13.05 10/29/2019 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.217 26.22 1.776 0.217 0.073 0.000 3.433 0.402 4.09 0.00 5.08 11.15 6.08 5.15 14.98 26.22 0.073 14.76 10/30/2019 24.89 0.00 0.00 0.198 25.09 0.927 0.198 0.038 0.000 1.793 0.341 4.35 0.00 5.25 12.19 5.48 5.29 14.32 25.09 0.038 14.13 10/31/2019 22.85 0.00 0.00 0.137 22.99 0.899 0.137 0.037 0.000 1.737 0.235 2.59 0.00 5.28 12.07 3.63 5.32 14.05 22.99 0.037 13.91 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐9    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 11/1/2019 21.92 0.00 0.00 0.203 22.12 0.984 0.203 0.040 0.000 1.901 0.215 2.50 0.00 4.96 11.32 3.69 5.00 13.44 22.12 0.040 13.23 11/2/2019 23.16 0.00 0.00 0.171 23.33 0.962 0.171 0.039 0.000 1.861 0.218 3.92 0.00 5.22 10.94 5.05 5.26 13.01 23.33 0.039 12.84 11/3/2019 23.41 0.00 0.00 0.140 23.55 1.107 0.140 0.045 0.000 2.139 0.262 2.83 0.00 5.47 11.55 4.08 5.52 13.95 23.55 0.045 13.81 11/4/2019 23.78 0.00 0.00 0.213 23.99 1.314 0.213 0.054 0.000 2.541 0.261 3.37 0.00 5.20 11.04 4.90 5.26 13.84 23.99 0.054 13.63 11/5/2019 23.55 0.00 0.00 0.203 23.75 0.698 0.203 0.029 0.001 1.350 0.261 4.60 0.00 5.46 11.15 5.50 5.49 12.76 23.75 0.029 12.56 11/6/2019 23.07 0.00 0.00 0.208 23.28 1.406 0.208 0.058 0.000 2.718 0.275 2.07 0.00 5.15 11.40 3.68 5.20 14.39 23.28 0.058 14.18 11/7/2019 23.26 0.00 0.00 0.130 23.39 1.323 0.130 0.054 0.001 2.558 0.205 2.87 0.00 5.19 11.06 4.32 5.24 13.82 23.39 0.055 13.69 11/8/2019 22.66 0.00 0.00 0.134 22.79 0.624 0.134 0.026 0.000 1.205 0.154 4.37 0.00 5.17 11.11 5.13 5.19 12.47 22.79 0.026 12.34 11/9/2019 21.55 0.00 0.00 0.134 21.68 0.838 0.134 0.034 0.000 1.620 0.187 2.55 0.00 5.23 11.09 3.52 5.26 12.90 21.68 0.034 12.77 11/10/2019 22.14 0.00 0.00 0.125 22.27 0.976 0.125 0.040 0.000 1.887 0.172 2.79 0.00 5.44 10.84 3.89 5.48 12.90 22.27 0.040 12.77 11/11/2019 22.73 0.00 0.00 0.141 22.87 1.298 0.141 0.053 0.000 2.509 0.181 1.97 0.00 5.44 11.28 3.41 5.50 13.97 22.87 0.053 13.82 11/12/2019 19.90 0.00 0.00 0.092 19.99 0.282 0.092 0.012 0.000 0.545 0.165 3.21 0.00 4.85 10.84 3.58 4.86 11.55 19.99 0.012 11.46 11/13/2019 22.45 0.00 0.00 0.130 22.58 0.301 0.130 0.012 0.000 0.581 0.186 4.69 0.00 5.13 11.55 5.12 5.15 12.31 22.58 0.012 12.18 11/14/2019 20.53 0.00 0.00 0.110 20.64 0.330 0.110 0.014 0.000 0.638 0.126 2.31 0.00 5.34 11.78 2.75 5.35 12.54 20.64 0.014 12.43 11/15/2019 20.33 0.00 0.00 0.125 20.46 0.270 0.125 0.011 0.000 0.523 0.163 4.37 0.00 4.63 10.36 4.77 4.64 11.05 20.46 0.011 10.92 11/16/2019 22.59 0.00 0.00 0.130 22.72 0.683 0.130 0.028 0.000 1.321 0.157 3.15 0.00 5.55 11.70 3.96 5.58 13.18 22.72 0.028 13.05 11/17/2019 21.43 0.00 0.00 0.132 21.56 0.297 0.132 0.012 0.000 0.574 0.152 3.90 0.00 5.44 11.06 4.33 5.45 11.79 21.56 0.012 11.65 11/18/2019 22.62 0.00 0.00 0.132 22.75 0.309 0.132 0.013 0.000 0.597 0.174 4.39 0.00 5.40 11.74 4.83 5.41 12.51 22.75 0.013 12.38 11/19/2019 22.89 0.00 0.00 0.136 23.03 0.324 0.136 0.013 0.000 0.626 0.170 3.75 0.00 5.46 12.55 4.21 5.47 13.34 23.03 0.013 13.21 11/20/2019 20.71 0.00 0.00 0.139 20.85 0.295 0.139 0.012 0.000 0.571 0.219 3.29 0.00 5.16 11.16 3.72 5.17 11.95 20.85 0.012 11.81 11/21/2019 22.77 0.00 0.00 0.138 22.91 0.743 0.138 0.030 0.000 1.437 0.176 3.70 0.00 5.32 11.37 4.58 5.35 12.98 22.91 0.030 12.84 11/22/2019 22.08 0.00 0.00 0.117 22.20 0.429 0.117 0.018 0.000 0.830 0.158 3.99 0.00 5.31 11.34 4.54 5.33 12.33 22.20 0.018 12.21 11/23/2019 21.31 0.00 0.00 0.097 21.41 0.304 0.097 0.012 0.000 0.588 0.171 3.32 0.00 5.36 11.55 3.72 5.37 12.31 21.41 0.012 12.22 11/24/2019 19.44 0.00 0.00 0.100 19.54 0.293 0.100 0.012 0.000 0.566 0.175 2.13 0.00 5.32 10.95 2.52 5.33 11.69 19.54 0.012 11.59 11/25/2019 22.40 0.00 0.00 0.104 22.50 0.653 0.104 0.027 0.000 1.262 0.282 2.85 0.00 5.61 11.72 3.61 5.63 13.26 22.50 0.027 13.16 11/26/2019 20.32 0.00 0.00 0.102 20.42 0.295 0.102 0.012 0.000 0.571 0.392 2.85 0.00 5.20 11.00 3.25 5.21 11.96 20.42 0.012 11.86 11/27/2019 21.62 0.00 0.00 0.102 21.72 0.312 0.102 0.013 0.000 0.602 0.413 3.19 0.00 5.31 11.78 3.60 5.33 12.79 21.72 0.013 12.69 11/28/2019 20.64 0.00 0.00 0.099 20.74 0.284 0.099 0.012 0.000 0.550 0.345 3.83 0.00 5.36 10.26 4.21 5.38 11.15 20.74 0.012 11.05 11/29/2019 19.60 0.00 0.00 0.103 19.70 0.548 0.103 0.022 0.000 1.059 0.380 2.24 0.00 5.03 10.32 2.89 5.05 11.76 19.70 0.022 11.66 11/30/2019 16.96 0.00 0.00 0.100 17.06 0.259 0.100 0.011 0.000 0.500 0.380 1.68 0.00 4.56 9.57 2.04 4.57 10.45 17.06 0.011 10.35 12/1/2019 20.16 0.00 0.00 0.106 20.27 0.292 0.106 0.012 0.000 0.565 0.375 2.89 0.00 5.15 10.88 3.29 5.16 11.82 20.27 0.012 11.71 12/2/2019 22.38 0.00 0.00 0.100 22.48 0.323 0.100 0.013 0.000 0.625 0.342 3.26 0.00 5.66 12.15 3.68 5.68 13.12 22.48 0.013 13.02 12/3/2019 22.31 0.00 0.00 0.095 22.41 0.313 0.095 0.013 0.000 0.605 0.347 3.80 0.00 5.51 11.72 4.21 5.53 12.67 22.41 0.013 12.57 12/4/2019 19.49 0.00 0.00 0.092 19.58 0.298 0.092 0.012 0.000 0.577 0.369 1.84 0.00 5.12 11.27 2.23 5.13 12.22 19.58 0.012 12.13 12/5/2019 20.08 0.00 0.00 0.092 20.17 0.281 0.092 0.012 0.000 0.544 0.330 3.44 0.00 4.94 10.53 3.81 4.95 11.41 20.17 0.012 11.32 12/6/2019 22.33 0.00 0.00 0.095 22.43 0.718 0.095 0.029 0.000 1.388 0.344 3.10 0.00 5.27 11.48 3.91 5.30 13.21 22.43 0.029 13.12 12/7/2019 19.06 0.00 0.00 0.084 19.14 0.272 0.084 0.011 0.000 0.525 0.318 2.99 0.00 4.95 10.00 3.35 4.96 10.84 19.14 0.011 10.76 12/8/2019 21.72 0.00 0.00 0.092 21.81 0.316 0.092 0.013 0.000 0.611 0.317 3.01 0.00 5.83 11.62 3.42 5.84 12.55 21.81 0.013 12.46 APPENDIX B – DAILY IBT AMOUNTS  B‐10    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=1+2 +3+4 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)=6+7+1 2+13 (17)=8+9+ 14 (18)=10+ 11+15 (19)=16+1 7+18 (20)=8+9 (21)=18- 2-3-4 Water Withdrawal/Purchase (mgd) Consumptive Use (mgd) Water Use Discharged as Wastewater (mgd) Total Returned/Used in Each Basin (mgd) Interbasin Transfer (mgd) Jordan Lake Withdrawal Neuse Basin Purchase Total System Use Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Haw Cape Fear Neuse Total for All Basins Haw to Cape Fear Haw to Neuse Haw Raleigh Durham Durham Co. Reclaimed Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse Potable WRF Reuse WTP Process Water WRF WRF Total WRFs 12/9/2019 19.85 0.00 0.00 0.101 19.95 0.305 0.101 0.013 0.000 0.590 0.334 1.80 0.00 5.28 11.53 2.21 5.29 12.45 19.95 0.013 12.35 12/10/2019 21.10 0.00 0.00 0.104 21.20 0.977 0.104 0.040 0.000 1.889 0.384 1.74 0.00 5.34 10.73 2.82 5.38 13.01 21.20 0.040 12.90 12/11/2019 21.35 0.00 0.00 0.141 21.49 0.296 0.141 0.012 0.000 0.573 0.447 3.86 0.00 4.65 11.51 4.30 4.66 12.53 21.49 0.012 12.39 12/12/2019 21.48 0.00 0.00 0.107 21.59 0.490 0.107 0.020 0.000 0.947 0.396 2.54 0.00 5.38 11.71 3.14 5.40 13.05 21.59 0.020 12.95 12/13/2019 18.42 0.00 0.00 0.101 18.52 0.272 0.101 0.011 0.000 0.526 0.323 2.34 0.00 4.44 10.51 2.71 4.45 11.36 18.52 0.011 11.26 12/14/2019 19.69 0.00 0.00 0.097 19.79 0.289 0.097 0.012 0.000 0.559 0.383 2.58 0.00 4.87 11.00 2.97 4.88 11.94 19.79 0.012 11.85 12/15/2019 21.26 0.00 0.00 0.097 21.36 0.308 0.097 0.013 0.000 0.596 0.401 3.03 0.00 5.92 11.00 3.44 5.93 11.99 21.36 0.013 11.90 12/16/2019 22.48 0.00 0.00 0.107 22.59 0.321 0.107 0.013 0.000 0.620 0.355 3.51 0.00 5.70 11.96 3.94 5.71 12.94 22.59 0.013 12.83 12/17/2019 19.23 0.00 0.00 0.094 19.32 0.280 0.094 0.012 0.000 0.542 0.358 2.64 0.00 4.76 10.64 3.01 4.77 11.54 19.32 0.012 11.45 12/18/2019 21.41 0.00 0.00 0.100 21.51 0.322 0.100 0.013 0.000 0.622 0.377 2.37 0.00 5.49 12.22 2.79 5.50 13.22 21.51 0.013 13.12 12/19/2019 22.58 0.00 0.00 0.097 22.68 0.424 0.097 0.017 0.000 0.820 0.335 3.16 0.00 5.77 12.05 3.68 5.79 13.21 22.68 0.017 13.11 12/20/2019 20.52 0.00 0.00 0.047 20.57 0.300 0.047 0.012 0.000 0.579 0.371 2.75 0.00 5.20 11.31 3.10 5.21 12.26 20.57 0.012 12.21 12/21/2019 19.81 0.00 0.00 0.047 19.86 0.278 0.047 0.011 0.000 0.536 0.351 3.35 0.00 4.97 10.31 3.67 4.98 11.20 19.86 0.011 11.15 12/22/2019 19.65 0.00 0.00 0.049 19.70 0.290 0.049 0.012 0.000 0.561 0.351 2.44 0.00 5.08 10.91 2.78 5.09 11.83 19.70 0.012 11.78 12/23/2019 17.61 0.00 0.00 0.059 17.67 0.268 0.059 0.011 0.000 0.519 0.343 1.71 0.00 4.62 10.14 2.04 4.63 11.00 17.67 0.011 10.94 12/24/2019 20.36 0.00 0.00 0.078 20.44 0.296 0.078 0.012 0.000 0.572 0.842 2.83 0.00 5.13 10.67 3.20 5.15 12.09 20.44 0.012 12.01 12/25/2019 19.51 0.00 0.00 0.055 19.57 0.279 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.539 0.378 2.99 0.00 5.12 10.19 3.32 5.14 11.11 19.57 0.011 11.05 12/26/2019 19.44 0.00 0.00 0.049 19.49 0.295 0.049 0.012 0.000 0.570 0.322 1.95 0.00 5.31 10.98 2.29 5.32 11.87 19.49 0.012 11.82 12/27/2019 18.10 0.00 0.00 0.054 18.15 0.272 0.054 0.011 0.000 0.525 0.316 2.00 0.00 4.76 10.21 2.33 4.77 11.06 18.15 0.011 11.00 12/28/2019 18.68 0.00 0.00 0.055 18.74 0.270 0.055 0.011 0.000 0.522 0.280 2.68 0.00 4.77 10.14 3.00 4.78 10.95 18.74 0.011 10.89 12/29/2019 19.25 0.00 0.00 0.052 19.30 0.280 0.052 0.011 0.000 0.541 0.400 2.67 0.00 4.92 10.43 3.00 4.93 11.37 19.30 0.011 11.32 12/30/2019 20.46 0.00 0.00 0.051 20.51 0.299 0.051 0.012 0.000 0.579 0.344 2.71 0.00 5.30 11.22 3.06 5.31 12.14 20.51 0.012 12.09 12/31/2019 20.44 0.00 0.00 0.054 20.49 0.284 0.054 0.012 0.000 0.548 0.355 3.63 0.00 5.04 10.57 3.97 5.05 11.47 20.49 0.012 11.42     D‐1    Appendix D ‐ AWWA M36 Water Audit Summary  The following screen shots summarize the Town of Cary water audit using the AWWA Free Water Audit Software  v5.0.  For fiscal year (FY) 2019, the non‐revenue water is 15.9% by volume of the water supplied.    Performance Indicator output from FY2019 AWWA Audit for the Town of Cary:      APPENDIX D – AWWA M36 WATER AUDIT SUMMARY  D‐ 2    Water Balance Output from FY2019 AWWA Audit for the Town of Cary:    E‐1    Appendix E – Cape Fear River Basin Discharge (MGD)  Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 1-Jan-19 0.00 6.23 2-Jan-19 0.00 6.35 3-Jan-19 0.00 5.44 4-Jan-19 0.00 6.79 5-Jan-19 0.00 6.19 6-Jan-19 0.00 7.25 7-Jan-19 0.00 6.65 8-Jan-19 0.00 6.14 9-Jan-19 0.00 5.90 10-Jan-19 0.00 5.71 11-Jan-19 0.00 5.49 12-Jan-19 0.00 5.49 13-Jan-19 0.00 5.75 14-Jan-19 0.00 7.17 15-Jan-19 0.00 6.28 16-Jan-19 0.00 5.88 17-Jan-19 0.00 5.75 18-Jan-19 0.00 5.65 19-Jan-19 0.00 5.69 20-Jan-19 0.00 5.74 21-Jan-19 0.00 6.46 22-Jan-19 0.00 6.22 23-Jan-19 0.00 5.77 24-Jan-19 0.00 5.71 25-Jan-19 0.00 6.69 26-Jan-19 0.00 6.02 27-Jan-19 0.00 6.13 28-Jan-19 0.00 6.13 29-Jan-19 0.00 5.82 30-Jan-19 0.00 5.74 31-Jan-19 0.00 5.74 1-Feb-19 0.00 5.50 2-Feb-19 0.00 5.48 3-Feb-19 0.00 5.77 4-Feb-19 0.00 5.96 5-Feb-19 0.00 5.71 6-Feb-19 0.00 5.43 7-Feb-19 0.00 5.34 8-Feb-19 0.00 5.34 9-Feb-19 0.00 5.16 10-Feb-19 0.00 5.40 11-Feb-19 0.00 5.79 12-Feb-19 0.00 5.54 13-Feb-19 0.00 5.31 14-Feb-19 0.00 5.31 15-Feb-19 0.00 5.28 16-Feb-19 0.00 5.22 17-Feb-19 0.00 6.56 18-Feb-19 0.00 5.99 19-Feb-19 0.00 6.26 20-Feb-19 0.00 5.66 21-Feb-19 0.00 6.32 22-Feb-19 0.00 6.30 23-Feb-19 0.00 7.24 24-Feb-19 0.00 8.30 25-Feb-19 0.00 7.90 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE    E‐ 2    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 26-Feb-19 0.00 6.62 27-Feb-19 0.00 6.19 28-Feb-19 0.00 6.41 1-Mar-19 0.00 6.03 2-Mar-19 0.00 6.34 3-Mar-19 0.00 6.89 4-Mar-19 0.00 7.15 5-Mar-19 0.00 7.11 6-Mar-19 0.00 6.33 7-Mar-19 0.00 6.11 8-Mar-19 0.00 5.98 9-Mar-19 0.00 5.89 10-Mar-19 0.00 6.31 11-Mar-19 0.00 6.43 12-Mar-19 0.00 5.51 13-Mar-19 0.00 5.68 14-Mar-19 0.00 5.58 15-Mar-19 0.00 5.57 16-Mar-19 0.00 5.75 17-Mar-19 0.00 5.94 18-Mar-19 0.00 5.75 19-Mar-19 0.00 5.45 20-Mar-19 0.00 5.61 21-Mar-19 0.00 5.90 22-Mar-19 0.00 5.56 23-Mar-19 0.00 5.71 24-Mar-19 0.00 5.94 25-Mar-19 0.00 5.69 26-Mar-19 0.00 5.93 27-Mar-19 0.00 5.52 28-Mar-19 0.00 5.39 29-Mar-19 0.00 3.41 30-Mar-19 0.00 4.61 31-Mar-19 0.00 7.93 1-Apr-19 0.00 6.28 2-Apr-19 0.00 5.58 3-Apr-19 0.00 5.34 4-Apr-19 0.00 5.32 5-Apr-19 0.00 5.82 6-Apr-19 0.00 5.92 7-Apr-19 0.00 6.07 8-Apr-19 0.00 6.07 9-Apr-19 0.00 6.52 10-Apr-19 0.00 7.44 11-Apr-19 0.00 6.38 12-Apr-19 0.00 6.41 13-Apr-19 0.00 6.16 14-Apr-19 0.00 7.70 15-Apr-19 0.00 6.75 16-Apr-19 0.00 6.81 17-Apr-19 0.00 5.40 18-Apr-19 0.00 5.56 19-Apr-19 0.00 5.66 20-Apr-19 0.00 6.55 21-Apr-19 0.00 6.64 22-Apr-19 0.00 6.31 23-Apr-19 0.00 6.36 24-Apr-19 0.00 5.87 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE     E‐3    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 25-Apr-19 0.00 5.86 26-Apr-19 0.00 5.70 27-Apr-19 0.00 5.70 28-Apr-19 0.00 5.72 29-Apr-19 0.00 6.02 30-Apr-19 0.00 5.55 1-May-19 0.00 5.42 2-May-19 0.00 5.46 3-May-19 0.00 5.49 4-May-19 0.00 5.39 5-May-19 0.00 5.69 6-May-19 0.00 6.35 7-May-19 0.00 5.74 8-May-19 0.00 5.47 9-May-19 0.00 5.57 10-May-19 0.00 5.49 11-May-19 0.00 5.44 12-May-19 0.00 5.75 13-May-19 0.00 5.87 14-May-19 0.00 5.93 15-May-19 0.00 5.72 16-May-19 0.00 7.14 17-May-19 0.00 3.76 18-May-19 0.00 5.39 19-May-19 0.00 5.47 20-May-19 0.00 5.69 21-May-19 0.00 5.44 22-May-19 0.00 5.65 23-May-19 0.00 5.34 24-May-19 0.00 5.43 25-May-19 0.00 5.33 26-May-19 0.00 5.12 27-May-19 0.00 5.03 28-May-19 0.00 5.57 29-May-19 0.00 5.36 30-May-19 0.00 5.34 31-May-19 0.00 5.16 1-Jun-19 0.00 5.31 2-Jun-19 0.00 5.45 3-Jun-19 0.00 5.58 4-Jun-19 0.00 5.54 5-Jun-19 0.00 5.74 6-Jun-19 0.00 5.33 7-Jun-19 0.00 5.25 8-Jun-19 0.00 5.30 9-Jun-19 0.00 5.77 10-Jun-19 0.00 6.14 11-Jun-19 0.00 5.66 12-Jun-19 0.00 5.46 13-Jun-19 0.00 5.41 14-Jun-19 0.00 5.99 15-Jun-19 0.00 5.37 16-Jun-19 0.00 5.27 17-Jun-19 0.00 5.42 18-Jun-19 0.00 5.32 19-Jun-19 0.00 5.20 20-Jun-19 0.00 5.23 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE    E‐ 4    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 21-Jun-19 0.00 5.34 22-Jun-19 0.00 5.13 23-Jun-19 0.00 5.19 24-Jun-19 0.00 5.27 25-Jun-19 0.00 5.13 26-Jun-19 0.00 5.08 27-Jun-19 0.00 5.04 28-Jun-19 0.00 4.97 29-Jun-19 0.00 4.38 30-Jun-19 0.00 5.78 1-Jul-19 0.00 5.12 2-Jul-19 0.00 4.93 3-Jul-19 0.00 4.91 4-Jul-19 0.00 4.82 5-Jul-19 0.00 4.78 6-Jul-19 0.00 4.63 7-Jul-19 0.00 4.74 8-Jul-19 0.00 5.25 9-Jul-19 0.00 5.06 10-Jul-19 0.00 4.94 11-Jul-19 0.00 5.04 12-Jul-19 0.00 5.03 13-Jul-19 0.00 5.29 14-Jul-19 0.00 5.22 15-Jul-19 0.00 5.27 16-Jul-19 0.00 5.04 17-Jul-19 0.00 4.98 18-Jul-19 0.00 5.06 19-Jul-19 0.00 4.99 20-Jul-19 0.00 4.98 21-Jul-19 0.00 5.51 22-Jul-19 0.00 5.41 23-Jul-19 0.00 5.27 24-Jul-19 0.00 4.23 25-Jul-19 0.00 5.42 26-Jul-19 0.00 5.19 27-Jul-19 0.00 5.08 28-Jul-19 0.00 5.20 29-Jul-19 0.00 5.41 30-Jul-19 0.00 5.18 31-Jul-19 0.00 5.10 1-Aug-19 0.00 5.13 2-Aug-19 0.00 5.42 3-Aug-19 0.00 6.76 4-Aug-19 0.00 6.03 5-Aug-19 0.00 5.82 6-Aug-19 0.00 5.64 7-Aug-19 0.00 5.57 8-Aug-19 0.00 6.42 9-Aug-19 0.00 5.65 10-Aug-19 0.00 5.55 11-Aug-19 0.00 5.63 12-Aug-19 0.00 5.50 13-Aug-19 0.00 5.73 14-Aug-19 0.00 5.73 15-Aug-19 0.00 5.51 16-Aug-19 0.00 5.50 17-Aug-19 0.00 5.60 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE     E‐5    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 18-Aug-19 0.00 5.73 19-Aug-19 0.00 5.43 20-Aug-19 0.00 5.37 21-Aug-19 0.00 5.37 22-Aug-19 0.00 5.48 23-Aug-19 0.00 5.48 24-Aug-19 0.00 5.53 25-Aug-19 0.00 5.92 26-Aug-19 0.00 5.44 27-Aug-19 0.00 5.35 28-Aug-19 0.00 5.42 29-Aug-19 0.00 5.29 30-Aug-19 0.00 5.25 31-Aug-19 0.00 5.10 1-Sep-19 0.00 5.09 2-Sep-19 0.00 5.63 3-Sep-19 0.00 5.41 4-Sep-19 0.00 5.23 5-Sep-19 0.00 5.81 6-Sep-19 0.00 5.79 7-Sep-19 0.00 5.59 8-Sep-19 0.00 5.82 9-Sep-19 0.00 5.49 10-Sep-19 0.00 5.27 11-Sep-19 0.00 5.31 12-Sep-19 0.00 5.29 13-Sep-19 0.00 5.07 14-Sep-19 0.00 5.45 15-Sep-19 0.00 5.81 16-Sep-19 0.00 5.33 17-Sep-19 0.00 5.25 18-Sep-19 0.00 5.17 19-Sep-19 0.00 5.13 20-Sep-19 0.00 5.05 21-Sep-19 0.00 5.30 22-Sep-19 0.00 5.63 23-Sep-19 0.00 5.24 24-Sep-19 0.00 5.17 25-Sep-19 0.00 5.12 26-Sep-19 0.00 5.17 27-Sep-19 0.00 5.07 28-Sep-19 0.00 5.25 29-Sep-19 0.00 5.48 30-Sep-19 0.00 5.16 1-Oct-19 0.00 5.83 2-Oct-19 0.00 5.29 3-Oct-19 0.00 5.13 4-Oct-19 0.00 5.13 5-Oct-19 0.00 5.09 6-Oct-19 0.00 5.51 7-Oct-19 0.00 5.19 8-Oct-19 0.00 5.04 9-Oct-19 0.00 5.07 10-Oct-19 0.00 5.03 11-Oct-19 0.00 5.05 12-Oct-19 0.00 5.19 13-Oct-19 0.00 5.65 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE    E‐ 6    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 14-Oct-19 0.00 5.30 15-Oct-19 0.00 5.14 16-Oct-19 0.00 5.35 17-Oct-19 0.00 5.10 18-Oct-19 0.00 5.05 19-Oct-19 0.00 5.20 20-Oct-19 0.00 6.70 21-Oct-19 0.00 5.42 22-Oct-19 0.00 5.29 23-Oct-19 0.00 5.21 24-Oct-19 0.00 5.20 25-Oct-19 0.00 5.10 26-Oct-19 0.00 5.37 27-Oct-19 0.00 5.73 28-Oct-19 0.00 5.25 29-Oct-19 0.00 5.15 30-Oct-19 0.00 5.31 31-Oct-19 0.00 5.32 1-Nov-19 0.00 5.02 2-Nov-19 0.00 5.28 3-Nov-19 0.00 5.52 4-Nov-19 0.00 5.27 5-Nov-19 0.00 5.53 6-Nov-19 0.00 5.21 7-Nov-19 0.00 5.23 8-Nov-19 0.00 5.21 9-Nov-19 0.00 5.27 10-Nov-19 0.00 5.48 11-Nov-19 0.00 5.49 12-Nov-19 0.00 6.16 13-Nov-19 0.00 5.44 14-Nov-19 0.00 5.37 15-Nov-19 0.00 5.61 16-Nov-19 0.00 5.59 17-Nov-19 0.00 5.84 18-Nov-19 0.00 5.66 19-Nov-19 0.00 5.51 20-Nov-19 0.00 5.52 21-Nov-19 0.00 5.36 22-Nov-19 0.00 5.35 23-Nov-19 0.00 6.00 24-Nov-19 0.00 6.38 25-Nov-19 0.00 5.64 26-Nov-19 0.00 5.53 27-Nov-19 0.00 5.67 28-Nov-19 0.00 5.53 29-Nov-19 0.00 5.06 30-Nov-19 0.00 5.59 1-Dec-19 0.00 6.76 2-Dec-19 0.00 5.74 3-Dec-19 0.00 5.61 4-Dec-19 0.00 5.46 5-Dec-19 0.00 5.42 6-Dec-19 0.00 5.30 7-Dec-19 0.00 5.66 8-Dec-19 0.00 5.89 9-Dec-19 0.00 5.45 10-Dec-19 0.00 5.37 APPENDIX E – CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN DISCHARGE     E‐7    Date Discharge to Durham County WWTP WWWRF Discharge to Cape Fear River Basin 11-Dec-19 0.00 5.71 12-Dec-19 0.00 5.41 13-Dec-19 0.00 6.48 14-Dec-19 0.00 7.14 15-Dec-19 0.00 7.14 16-Dec-19 0.00 5.89 17-Dec-19 0.00 6.30 18-Dec-19 0.00 6.02 19-Dec-19 0.00 5.80 20-Dec-19 0.00 5.74 21-Dec-19 0.00 5.73 22-Dec-19 0.00 5.61 23-Dec-19 0.00 6.10 24-Dec-19 0.00 5.98 25-Dec-19 0.00 5.47 26-Dec-19 0.00 5.45 27-Dec-19 0.00 5.34 28-Dec-19 0.00 5.32 29-Dec-19 0.00 5.48 30-Dec-19 0.00 5.55 31-Dec-19 0.00 5.73