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NCS000379_Renewal Application_20210202
N PDES Permit Renewal Application Nucor Steel Corporation Cofield, North Carolina Prepared for: Nucor Steel — Hertford 1505 River Road Cofield , NC 27922 Prepared by: E H S Support January 2021 IDENR-LAND MA ITY s T OR.MWATER PERMITTING NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation k Introduction Table of Contents 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1-1 2 Renewal Application Form,Attachment A.and Table 1........................................................2-1 3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SPPP)Development and Implementation Certification Form...................................................................................................................................3-1 4 Supplemental Information Form and Attachments..............................................................4-1 EHS Support LLC i `P NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Acronyms Acronyms AC air compressor ASU CT air separation unit cooling tower BMP best management practice CAS chemical abstracts service CCW contact cooling water HT heat treat HTC heat treat contact HTCL heat treat closed loop HTNC heat treat noncontact lb pound mg/L milligrams per liter NCCW noncontact cooling water NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NSHC Nucor Steel Hertford County ppm parts per million POTW publicly owned treatment works RO reverse osmosis ROS Representative Outfall Status RRO reject reverse osmosis SPLP synthetic precipitation leaching procedure SPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TCLP toxicity characteristic leaching procedure VDG CL vacuum degasser closed loop VDG CT vacuum degasser cooling tower Trademarks,trade names,company,or product names referenced herein are used for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. EHS Support LLC ii NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Introduction 1 Introduction Nucor Steel—Hertford presents this National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application for renewal of NPDES Permit No. NCS000379,which expires on July 31,2021.The permit renewal application must be submitted no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date or,in this case, February 2, 2021.This NPDES permit renewal application consists of three parts: 1. Renewal Application Form for NPDES Stormwater Individual Permit 2. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) Development and Implementation Certification Form 3. Supplemental Information Required for Renewal of Individual NPDES Stormwater Permit The following sections present these components of the renewal application. EHS Support LLC 1-1 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Renewal Application Form,Attachment A,and Table 1 2 Renewal Application Form, Attachment A, and Table 1. EHS Support LLC 2-1 Permit Coverage Renewal Application Form National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES Permit Number Envirorrmenra! Stormwater Individual Permit NCS o0os7s Quality Please provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence will be mailed Owner/Organization Name: Nucor Steel-Hertford Owner Contact: Chad Beard Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279,Winton, NC 27986 i P.O.Box 279,Winton,NC 27986 Phone Number: 252-356-3700 FEB 02 Fax Number: 252-356-3895 E-mail address: chad.beard@nucor.com LACNR-1 A= 0 C;_if!!Ty 5 i OrilvIWATER P Rl,'!i O Facility Information Facility Name: Nucor Steel•Hertford Facility Physical Address: 1505 River Road,Cofieid,North Carolina 27922 Facility Contact: Bill Vaughan Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279,Winton, NC 27986 Phone Number: 252-356-3707 Fax Number: 252-356-3895 E-mail address: bill.vaughan@nucor.com Permit Information Permit Contact: Bill Vaughan Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279,Winton, NC 27986 Phone Number: 252-356-3707 Fax Number: 252-3%3895 E-mail address: bill.vaughan@nucor.com Discharge Information Receiving Stream: Chowan River ar:d Unnamed tributary to Brooks Creek Stream Class: Chowan River(B;NSW)and Unnamed Tributary,to Brooks Creek(C;NSW) Basin: Chowan River Sub-Basin: 03-01-01 Number of Outfalls: six Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a separate sheet if necessary. See Attachment A CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is tr e, compl to an ccurate. J j Signature Date r / 2 Chad Beard General Manager Print or type name of person signing above Title Please return this completed application form DEMLR -Stormwater Program and requested supplemental information to; Dept. of Environmental Quality pp 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 r.; Attachment A Nucor Steel— Hertford Renewal Application Form Facility/Activity Changes There are two categories of facility/activity changes at the Nucor Steel—Hertford facility that we would like to address in the NPDES permit renewal process. First,we have discovered two new stormwater drainage areas along Port Road that discharge at the Dock Port on the Chowan River.Second,through performance of our visual observations we have noticed the potential for several non-stormwater discharges at the site that we would like to be considered allowable, non-stormwater discharges. Each of these proposed changes are discussed below in more detail. 1. New Stormwater Discharges Nucor Steel—Hertford discovered two new stormwater drainage areas along Port Road at the north end of the facility.There are drainage ditches on both sides of Port Road that collect and channel stormwater runoff from industrial activities to two point-source discharges at the Dock Port on the Chowan River.The discharge areas are similar in nature and effluent quality is expected to be similar. We would like to have these two outfalls added to the renewed permit.We understand that once these outfalls are permitted,we can prepare and submit a Representative Outfall Status(ROS) Request Form (Form No.SWU-ROS-2009)which will allow Nucor Steel—Hertford to analytically monitor one of these two representative outfalls. Furthermore, if ROS is granted for these two outfalls,we understand both outfalls will still be subject to qualitative monitoring requirements outlined in the permit. 2. Non-Stormwater Discharges We understand several of these non-stormwater discharges(i.e.,fire-fighting activities,fire hydrant flushings, potable water, potable water line flushings,air conditioning condensate,foundation drains, and water from footing drains) described below are already considered allowable non-stormwater discharges per the definition of allowable non-stormwater discharges in Part IV of the current permit, however,we listed them here for completeness. a. Fire-Fighting Activities-Discharges from emergency fire-fighting activities and uncontaminated fire hydrant flushings (excluding discharges of hyperchlorinated water unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life). Nucor flushes fire hydrant lines once annually.Water from fire hydrants comes directly from groundwater wells.This discharge may be present in all drainage basins, but most prevalent in Al and Bl drainage areas. b. Potable Water-Potable water sources(excluding discharges of hyperchlorinated water unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life). Occasionally Nucor must flush potable water lines to ensure proper sampling and maintenance. This discharge may be present in drainage basins including Al,A3, 131,C1,and D1. c. Pressure Washing Buildings-Water from the routine external washing of buildings,conducted without the use of detergents and other chemicals.This discharge may be present in drainage basins including Al,A3, B1,C1,and D1. EHS Support LLC 1 d. Air Conditioning Condensate-Uncontaminated air conditioner condensate,compressor condensate,steam condensate, and condensate from the outside storage of refrigerated gases or liquids.This discharge may be present in drainage basins including Al,A3, B1,Cl,and D1. e. Water in Basement Sumps-Water from foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with pollutants(e.g., process materials,solvents,and other pollutants). Nucor has a procedure outlined in its SWPPP including the mandatory inspection of stormwater in basements before sumps are allowed to discharge.This discharge may be present in drainage basins B1 and Al. f. Dust Suppression-Uncontaminated water used for dust suppression. Nucor is required under its Title V air permit to conduct dust suppression of its roadways.Water for dust suppression on roadways is taken from the Al stormwater pond and the Fire Loop system which is supplied by groundwater.This discharge may be present in drainage basins including Al,A3, B1, Cl, D1,and D2. g. Cooling Tower Mist-Nucor Steel operates large,contact and noncontact cooling water towers in the Outfall Al drainage basin, and two smaller cooling towers in the B1 drainage basin.The water used in the towers is treated with various chemicals to improve and sustain cooling tower performance.Table 1 is a list of the chemicals used in the water systems. Each cooling tower is equipped with drift eliminators to minimize cooling tower mist deposition in the stormwater drainage areas.The drift eliminators are thoroughly inspected on an annual basis, and preventive maintenance is conducted in accordance with established schedules. Repairs, if needed, are conducted in a timely manner. Nucor Steel has observed the deposition of cooling tower mist in the areas outside the cooling tower basins.A portion of the mist evaporates and the balance is absorbed by the soil or pavement during dry conditions. During precipitation events the mist will commingle with the stormwater runoff and discharge to Outfall Al and Outfall B1. Based on analytical data collected over the current permit cycle(August 2016 to October 2020),the cooling tower mist does not appear to negatively impact the water quality at Outfall Al and Outfall B1. Based on this information,we respectfully request the above listed non-stormwater discharges to be considered allowable, non-stormwater discharges in the renewed permit. EHS Support LLC 2 Table 3 Water Systems Chemicals NHcor Steel-Hertford Chemical Name(I—le mark names m Manufacturer Component CAS No. General Purpose Water Cmimotodlan M Est Estimim ated Usage Notes chemical names) CL-5832 CltemTreal Non Haeardous kale lnhitslim 20U i n _ 1200 ,010- Used In NCCW&CCW CL-5632 Ch—Teea, Ci0ic add,11—wiaeOle CorroslanJScale mhib4or 100 ppm 270 phons Used in AC,HTNC.VOG CT&ASU Cr BL-1240 ChemTreat Nan-ti—rdous Cleaner Minimal Vannus Used lor neutral pHdeanl snot used in coaling towers) CL-1370 Cb—Twa, 2-PhDs ono 1.2.4,bulane lrrcarbo>t Ilcacld 37971.36-1 Scale lnhiltdor 50 pp. 180 gallons Used In NCCW&CCW CL-2030 Cltem T,edl N,N dart N,N tlimelh Nmmamuni chloride 5538-94.3 Af aeCde Ifed efiodkall Summer Months Perwdk Used In NCCW&CCW CL•2062 O—Treat 1.2-Oil.0-3 Ahrlla ro i.namide 10222.01.2 Mirrabionde BOir 120 aliuns Usedin Mold,HTCL VOG CL closed loo CL-215 ChemTreal various various Microbiodde 100 on 60 pilons Used In AC HTNC,VOG CT EL-2212 ChemTreat Gkoaraldah de 111.30.9 Microbkxide I led eriodicnll loll ppra Period. Fed2 to 41knesa year CL-28400 cl,—Treat NO,—.sold,various 2632-MO Corrosl.n Inhibit., 2000 pron 60 allons Used in HTCL,VOG CL(closed loops CL-2906 Cl—Twat Metue, Vanous Corrosion lnhihitor 213(uppra 1U X.Ilco, use.in HT Csi,vayovs stem dosed lwpl CL-3432 Clremiseat Vanous Various i,,Nbnor 50 pp. 120 allons Usedm HTC CL-3859 Chem Teat 1-h eih kdene-1,1-fth.s hom-a d,eera 1.SSiurn Sall 14BW53-8 Cleaner Minimal Vanous Used For neutral pit leani s loot used M coding lowers) CL-41 ChemTreat Nan-H—rdaus Microbiodde 200 pint 1300 V 1-1 Usedin NCCW,CCW&HTC CL-4132 ChemTreat mixture v4Heus Corr.sion Inhibit., 30 pp., 180 allons Usedm NCCW-CCW CL-5432 ChemTreal 1-h —eth hdene-1,l-th hosph-lc and 2609.21.4 $Cale Inhibitor 2adopal 600 all— Usedin NCCW C-2199T ChemTreal 1-Bromw3-chlora-S,S-d'imelh h dantdn 15019-R6-1 Mlcrobiaide Free Chlorine 0.5 pp. 250Ibs Usedin AC HTNC&VCSG C7 CN-100 Chem Teat V.I.. Vanous Ar'dl(Clean., Minvnal Mlnknal I Used for Acid Owings lnat used in cooling towers) CN-140 Chevell—I Urea H wh7nnde 506b89A Acxlic Cleaner Mi—T Mlmmal Used For Acid Clearings not used In cooling towers CN-17. CltemTreal GI olio acid 79-14.1 Acdic Cleaner Minimal Minenal Used for Acid Clearings(not used In cooling tawersl 0-709 Ch—T,ea, tetra tassium phycph.,phaie 7320-34.5 Corrosion lnhihnar 30 240 gallons Used in NCCW&CCW CT-775 Chem beat phnsplonc ud 7666-38.2 Corrosion lnhibimr loploo 60 aeons Usedm NCCW&CCW EXP-825L Ll,—Leal c.pe1 merol epmMofchydnne and Oimeth lamine 25988.97-0 Cab uiant 70 pp. 1200 K.k.si used m CCW F&121 ChemTreal St r—Ac is Pol—e,Ois ers Pro Bela Mo.— 100 pp. 300 gallon, Used in NCCW P-935E ChemTreal N—Hacardous F2occulanl 30 ppm 600 gallons Used In CCW NMI. ChemTreal Pul afuminum Olonde 1321.41.9 Coagulant Inul current) a use) 70 Pan, Usedin CCW P-891L ChemTreal Aluminum Chlamh rate 12042.91.0 Cow ulant 30 pp. GOO Rations Used in CCW RL-124 ChemTreat sodium bisulfole 7631.911•5 be Chloeinallon SO Ego, 90 gJ0ons Usedm NCCW SRO&Pond RD. RL-qM4 ChemTreal 2-PhDs w :,2.;0ehme lucerloayhcxld 37971.36,1 RO an0—Mm 15 plao, 75 allons Used In NCCW RRO.Maid RO&Pond RO, OLN 200 Chem7rem Mal— 7632-0P11 Cnrrmlan lnmhltor 2DUOppm 750r,aeons used in Mold Water HCIAcid Various Hydrogencld.o& 7fi47-01-0 Hanussmvwf.rcledMn Mmv-1 Minvnal USedfcrpHaduumentinneutralpHckann notusedincoolin towers) H r —Peroelde V.." tbEd,ufle.--de28% 7722�84.1 PAte,Cle—g SDO ppm L750 ..Dins Fed once perweek for Tetra deanin Wustic Soda Various Sodium H drpxsde 25X 1310-73-2 HO Clean Not used in Towers Caustic Soda Vannes S.tliumH rode SaX 1310�732 RO Ckanl Not used In Towers 3leach Varous M'.' OUiumH thF.rll! 7Wt1-52-9 Bimida 3OW G9Iw Mons Usedm NCCW,CLW,RTC,ASU CT Sulfuric And Vacous suilunca-tl 7664-93-9 Had.t—nt 20DOPIRm 6300 ae.ns Used in NCCW&CCW AC=Air Compressor ASU CT_Air Separation Unit Cooling Tower CAS=Chemical Abstracts Service CCW-Contact Cooling Water HT=Heat Treat NTC=Heal Treat Conlon HTCL=Heat Treat Closed L.ap H7NC-Heal treat Nanronlact It.=Pounds NCCW=Noni,-I.t C-hng Water ppm=Pans per million RO=Reverse Osmosis RHO-Helen Reverse Osmosis VD(;CL=Vacuum 0egasser Closed Loop V0G Cl-Vacuum OeRasser Coming Tnwer EHS'"r;1 SUPPOK page Tar 1 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Stee{Corporation Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SPPP) Development and Implementation Certification Form 3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) Development and Implementation Certification Form EHS Support LLC 3-1 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION CERTIFICATION North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources—Stormwater Program Facility Name: Hucorsteel-Hertford Permit Number: NCs000379 Location Address: 1505 River Read,Cofield,North Carolina27922 County: Hertford County "I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete." And "I certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater discharge permit," And "I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign (according to permit signatory requirements)and return this Certification. DO NOT SEND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WITH THIS CERTIFICATION. Signature J Date I Chad Beard General Manager Print or type name of person signing above Title SPPP Certification 10/13 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental information Form and Attachments 4 Supplemental Information Form and Attachments EHS Support LLC 4-1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL OF INDIVIDUAL NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete: (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Initials C E 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas,process areas and loading and unloading areas),drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. C E 2 A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results,date sampled, and storm event data. C E 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed,observations,and date monitoring conducted. C E 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned,please include information on these BMP's. C E 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes,changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. Ci E 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form). CE=Christine Ebert, Interim Environmental Manager If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal,then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results) NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 1—Site Maps EHS Support LLC Below is a key to the drawings presented in this section. The first drawing presented is a site-wide drawing of Nucor Steel—Hertford showing the various drainage areas and stormwater outfalls. Subsequent drawings provide a more detailed view of the drainage areas and outfalls. Key To Drawings Drainage Areas and Outfalls Nucor Steel Drawing Number Depicted on Drawing Comments EV-20650-001 Al,A3, Bl,C1, D1, D2 Site-wide drawing EV-20650-0O2 B1,D1, D2 None EV-20650-0O3 Al,A3, B1, D1, D2 None EV-20650-004 Al,A3 None EV-20650-005 C1 Drainage area"B2B"drains to Outfall C1 FF e 19, AR �CGCY: DI - a -_ - . . .. . . ... ...... - ._. ...............__................. .. ... _. .. ... _,.. ....... ._ . ,•;: i •�. A S/lr �'' PORT Dun" O y.��-� i r � N R IVe L _ _ ... . 4 \ 0 ROAD 11 D 111 N /�uro rms PoRr rrRMRTM�auRD/ND /roR/Nc onem"I, srAnM Q : YMN NORTH ROAD �--, !AREA � 1 c, IID21, O� 1 OROWIN V ti ARu MRL scAlffuNANV-OWEa7Vc E ... .. .... . ... ...:. ......... NECXCTr ROAD ' _ war�/MP k CASTER Or'!k'L'BUIL 1 : t POND' IN ZONE • : ; i GIHI SCALE : DWG.." T Iwo Iwo PAR i , 1 / / WIN C1NPL A7A'O LO �1 .:,. .. ... . i I .,,.... .. ....,.., ,. .. f F / F I INCH +•; 300 T ... r . GYDONH : v • I 1 EST J . / YARD 4AWfRM&MA/MRHA wF7'G/B(RL —Nfk10VP NAPT/I R0.1D CArr/rRL6"k LOOAT'R k'1 ARC AAWw ks fJ� , ... ,.. "....A1 � .,,'., , m wA Vie,.. D r�A AW ` 6 / : e /ARMY'cawPs ar rR�vrrRs "X K'Aw"wrsr AMP d Q - TERWWrD ARr J OUrrALL fn7DRE _ A 11 Nf�G�CN Q4/IT—^. t i / SOf/iN CM/xOYCC/VANYAf PARRM/O l0! ss ••••,,,w Rf / HOr MNL(RODL/AAY k /Slw)DITA:1;'BlA1L m � � r I r � T� SrORMWAWR •I '� N srAcaw. N noes�cuo // 'O PW Na As coo • 1 ��Dw Rp REA C AtGF4 D Po DRAINAGE ACR ATA �,• 6 '"'�.� ,6 � OUTf,AJif, DRAINAGE ZONES: ,...,:t♦,,.�;. rRAOrAPS'RDw ., „ .. ...�. . :..l�/�. ..... .... ....... ., ,. ►;; 1T / BASIN WO.- Al 16J,835 acrd's 16.5% srR�mw urDvwM ' M N BASIN A,. "AY' 95.074 acres 9.7% RAD10/dOAD ND CI B ZO : - N \ r! BASIN No, "B1" 167.061 acres 17.0% E F. DWG• E 4—� r _ amp— - AYAWAAsr"0 BASIN No, "Cl" 87.745acres 8.9% _. BASIN No ... 5.148-acres 05% R�D ` : �qp � ..-•""...� 1 BASIN ND. ",02" 1.742 acres 0.2% YlEJO'M"r^"` w r.,• I WATER STRCEr _ sNIPPAVO EAsr AP/ TOTAL 518.605 acres 52.7% ~ .,,. "^'••••� SO1rrH ROAD SNIPP/MG wrs7 • L 1.. �T DRA!•ACE ZONES::. ..... .........:...... .. _.... _ _ BASIN N: C. ..... 31'344 ., 92% •.•~ SrORMwArfR PLAN/CD PAvrs E D: acres' , rvnArc' PAS eto.Cr ,IRS BASIN Md. "D 91.861 acres 9.3% BASIN N6. "F' 58.070 acres 5.7% H \ /('• \.` F ! Goa BASIN Md. "F' 187.805 acres 19.1% H \. . .. .....i............... .........,...i, ..y..i.. . ..... .. . ... ..... .. .._. ......, ...... . ... ' ��✓� � ' rC' 43 727 acre s 4 4%BASIN No'. SIN NFr S1.260acrs 5.5% TOTAL 485 067 acres 47 3%A EMQRE... .... i ' � L MICDR PR OP ERTY" careo POINT MONUMENT • M ........ .......... .........._. .. .......W0ao �E 8ss acres sosX B ON. 76* 228' � CORRIDOR PARCEL 92.134 acres 9.4% N.C. N � 953.19L03' \� N.C. E 2.642.812.72' TOTAL 983.672 acres 100.0X d 0 D NUCOR STEEL CORP. NUCORw DAID S,C2NCR M.x DEC.12.M01 Ill IV1.FAUM 0 NERTFORD COIRITY e..am TERRY HAMYON 1505 WNER ROAD COFITID.N.0 27922 F .NJ7^ mw.x DIM11R 70iA.�DIm M a Ot a,rxr. bra ti tt MAINTENANCE AND — t'.300' art 7 a 1I WE Rx1 Cr rob W a,+Ua uu./MIS t D7t LW HE W T o 0/rhl OUT moat IOEIIDID?6 Ira EVA YTx ENGINEERING DEFT. wta-M:e..we w t)TMROINENTAI DEPAR7tAR sa 1 v a >R nx,6 wM•M'nA+Ma.se./6DEs!OPt 1 W«r-m I C *AVM MCaS2 Kmm 6 L6 ArM rays AE ea YIM MID ME ran US Lt0 7.0 M Off-K�Fram EV—20650—COl " VASTER KM OF FOM DRANAa USIN ZONM 00 I s it VIEKM K PM•kr M OM IIEa./K7EY 6 U1 T nw,a<-nt 1 I yn� D.au n IE Dvr 6r Duele a Iu71Em�ac to idMru rDert wt 6Kt I"PATH A Alq PERCEHTAM DATA IR 1617 2W KM a M70'M MWAM 71EA./Kola I m 1—r-'I "'m ® m pm ADD AFVWM Mt we Ilx ra 556-7II6 flan MUM .._-._..._ .._._ ._._._.._. nDt ai`FD[e-n- nwut as v6 nclW[rla/wml• e.n M. I.rnlo.rrs x. ax pvwu ollwe Ms.c wwc n. amis Mwn aew�Mw,Da I/S EY-M65t-CO7 E I 2 2 A 5 6 71 1 1 9 1 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 IS1 16 17 1I 19 26 G E N D 0 - B a, :`\, ����' 11•IIIiIa-- /.a.lSl �,>- ,�` /- \ i.—_-24-__- •.,` �' = :\ NI 0,FFICE BUILDING ') ShI© F `i p_-__ ---' _ ``� '\ ;-...--. _ �';\a"�� --',\` �•` j' �•`;;�'/ �' "/' it • � ' BU •• � 2.•.`''�''2,- `.! U" ' �` N\ Ir�lp7 r '~'�D.L:;It 1\\+'CJ',i l — / T11 � '`„ /i N.C. GRID NORTH /iiii iii iii ii 3o / ro \ ri PAVAQ ROAD- -, i�iix1ii%ixii��ii �' ;\ ^� �) \f SLAGGED ROAD----" 3. F r: _i F"—N / \ RAIL GALL:=TRACK •�_�`;; .��: - 1 DITCHED — 1 ✓ � � :Fid''' .% wry E \ \\ RETENION FOND �`" ! \ �r\ ` \ '`` \;\ E (------ llB2A" —--------- - F 13 2 A, F \\ '`. ;•� , 3Q--------�82'\ - \ BIt <: O`. 1' ( `'• 11 11 � 1 �1 �� -- - • B 5 3 "` \ �, DI OUT CA I I IN vi VA D .97 'BI OUT�ALL 11 it /iiD2 ir�� B L N. / I ill ll,�iW� \ I :-_ ! I \ 6 \m 0) 6, I,_ % 30 11 \� I 11 I N, 1 N, L'i a; 1� -1 A I \ \ I \ \ 1. \� ` -'mot:-�`. \\— v/ 'N� \•/ —� \ \1 \ \\\ •, -- '/^\\ _•\\\fix — ��r..•\,..`_— IMPERVIOUS FEATURES: PERVIOUS FEATURES: ACREAGE DATA FOR SITE DRAINAGE BASIN ZONES: GRA7C SCALE 100 0 73 113 300 Soo MILL BUILDINGS 490,728 s.f. FOREST do GRASS 5,311,473 s.f. BASIN No. Bi 998.118 s.f. (22.913 oc. BASIN No. B3 1,063,657 s.f.(24.418 cc. BASIN No. B5 20,015 s.f. (0.459 cc. D1 OUTFALL 224,121 s.f. 5.145 cc. o PAVED ROADS 398,353 s.f. R/R TRACK YARDS 56,375 s.f. BASIN No. 82A 4,996,823 s.f. (114.711 ac.3 BASIN No. B4 199,678 s.f. (4.584 cc.; TOTAL (POND B1 ZONE) 7,510,960 s.f.(172.428 cc.) D2 OUTFALL 75,815 s.f. 1.740 cc.) L nNc3. tso Frey o SLAGGED ROADS 563,393 s.f. DITCHED POND "B2" 131,885 s.f. CONCRETE DOCK 22,000 s.f. RETENTION POND "B1" 495,029 s.f. NUCOR STEEL CORP. NUCOR DEC.It 2 DAVID T2 CONCRETE SLABS 37,4119 s.f. CONCRETE WALKS 12.281 s.f. PERVIOUS TOTAL 5137.6 1 c.) PLATE MILL FAC)OTY a HERTFORD MINTY nca® TERRY HAIRSTOM OFFICEELEC/ BUIECHLDINGS BUILDINGS 61,407 s.f. (137.621 cc.) MAINTENANCE AND xNL t' 1w OFFICE BUILDINGS 61,907 s.f. ( 7$•8% ) 1505��ROAD COFTFID,N.C. 27922 sa 7 OF 1: 91E Fvx a FaxD YI•axw2fL AxfA d xo1Ls A oEK (Xw AX) x 14" .mm m A 92 a1Fx aSA7E CRAPM W aFLlKlols DAM "A a u ENGINEERING DEPT. K ENNRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT sa 2 or 12 m"a Fao m•m4Kmx NIA q xolFs A¢tt ("NaE-nc) c 19/up nmaxs&o A to W.W Faxon ARE I WXM rm ac ro &Ft c,n T.TA - Pt WIS.Ba.F.M IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 1,615,486 s.f. SITE PLAN OF POND•Bl'DRAINAGE ZONE AREA 30 s aF U sa KNI OF POW oorv4E Y[A./WM A att l isAxaE-m) a 3MAs 1,f9xD r I K a T W 17M•A M71100AKIS FOR S=MIM FoW "t Wt TxA 6xl•a slL 2'9I6 EV-20651—0O2 (37.086 cc.) FOR BASINS•BN','B2A•,'BY.•84•AND'BS' I WT.OF 12 9ff Fux OF Fao AI'WJMW/ALA./MM A Ott. (IMAMI-W) A 121MA91 �Fw XE "A1A01M- Oft mt TT.K Fu 5252 3%-3M x m Fouw. xw. ( 21.2% ) Fu1 w.ti: ataxc all m nE w tr' Iqw oxa x. xaoola.: x. a1c xaKxoxs eaArlc arwe xAxm x. w oxArle uxe xNmc �OOx ` �3'i6'- 2/5 ETh211652-COT D I 2 3 L 5 6 7 ! 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16 �� 1 17 1 Is 19 20 - DiX .� D I OUTFALL. .�;1;,\ _ y •t - ,_ \ '; � � .:;:;':�:.•.. - -- - � .•/ 1 it "'%`\;1: D2 OUTFACE i�` z t3 I il` of -A/ D Z -�� \ ::r :; :�- : I :: ♦ Ilk � 00. jp- NZ \ N; \ 11A2 110 "All % 1' MILL BUILDING OFFICE BUILDING — — '`24\ \ 1, ' ' ^ 1�\ `,' / ,1 \\ �C;\`\;`, gas'. ,\\ N ;;�' f� .\�3 ;� -�, :l / � / ,�\\tip• ,\ \ f``�-,. ` SHOP BUILDING [r`` � �� \`y `t-3G' ���;.- _ //��Q♦_ �� I �\ ��V ')`���>c�z_zzz::�., PAVED ROAD r//i�!r./jiii O •O ♦ ':_..___ 1 M_ •\emu j�4--:_�-_--�- '-�_�� - 1,1,N. , 'SLAGGED ROAD ;i \>_- I ��' ♦�� \`,., J j' _ � , /OUTFACE -= n RAILROAD TRACK' _` = ----- Al_ �1i'� +' ';l%;' �` \: � /' i♦ =—.s`;f�_ '�.ria�?r��\f /7:: • r;l„l o' ♦ r n DITCHED FOND ' j I \ PONQ RETENTION POND NORTH N N.C. GRID ° OOT IMPERVIOUS FEATURES: PERVIOUS FEATURES: ACREAGE DATA FOR SITE DRAINAGE BASIN ZONES: GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 7S 150 300 SOD MILL BUILDINGS 507,681 s.f. FOREST do GRASS 4,687,609 s.f. BASIN No. Al 2,727,476 s.f. 62,614 cc. BASIN No. A4 548,381 s.f. (12.589 ac. o PAVED ROADS 14,089 s.f. R/R TRACK YARDS 315,665 s.f. BASIN No. A2 3,773,686 s.f. �86.632 ac TOTAL (POND Al ZONE) 7,049,543 s.f. (161.835 cc 2 INCH- 150 poor 0 SLAGGED ROADS 206,291 s.f. DITCHED POND "A2" 109,712 s.f. CONCRETE STRUCTURES 45,073 s.f. RETENTION POND "Al' 667,471 s.f. NUCOR STEEL CORP. NUCOR � DAHD51nNNETz CONCRETE SLABS 48,833 s.f. PROCESS POND 229,992 s.f. o.,c DEG 12,2002. OVERHD. PIPE SUPT. FDTNS. 4,822 s.f. REJECT POND 135,309 s.f. , TERRY HAIRSTON ELEC/MECH BUILDINGS 5,027 s.f. QUENCH POND 58,473 s.f. Puh NLL FACtM 0 HERTORD 001 M OFFICE/SHOP BUILDINGS 13,496 s.f. 15M RIM RDAs Canon,N.C. 27922 MAINTENANCE AND � t .156 art)Q 12 LIE 1131I a!'EID•CI•SA•'I,O:AkA./x016!k1EY. f'rtwa[-aC) 0 12A51M am a a 02 WTADS W%w DaDVA FOU M& vA EE x¢ ENGINEERING DEFT. .vcaa-� PERVIOUS TOTAL 6,204,231 s.f. ENNRDNNENTAL DEPARTMENT art E T 12 2X Iva v m1 W oAI W/EEA./MM a DEv. (MM"-me) c 10123AN 2mD:II adm2a a aD WAM 2M IK WW W�=sm 0Ni FO& "a LYO T.T. Put Offs Hu N.279 P IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 845,312 s.f. (142.429 cc.) yh pOND'Ai'DRAINAGE ZONE AREA 1MNq N.C. 2"966 EV-20652-CO3 845,316 cc.) 42.429 ) a r s u as"a M.u.o2N AAEA./was a DEr (Ml -=) • 3/17/05 =019 w DEM O wm a oat a5aaas m sma valo Fewr. ors IuLt T U ( 12.0% FOR BAS NS'Al,'A2',AND'Ae 9 T!a 12 sa NMI a m o•A,dwucE A EA./Da3!OFY. (1sN"1C) A 12/30/02 aaaD mE K(T ANS Al2OML Dry I= LEx F. (zsz)356-9eDs sat. rouar. n. ) R07 WiD 16-OFF26 oSCnle T S2 nE xa:EMU" s.a x. �v�Dlcrs w. wrt: .Mau:s ptuc a►,c uwwE w wX. lassws alllan:amc sw�x Phew (252)356-m, 3/5 EY-20651-004� D 1 2 S 4 S 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IA1 15 1 16 1 17 IS 19 20 6 30 A 110 11A20 D � _ . I __ _ "A I 0100 ♦� �, 11 11. i• -O� ��r \AEI s\` \�\ �\ `\ 7 \ 12 f Z t i r\ '\� A Js I• :36, \' Q S;\\• \: \1% \-30� \ )1/)!!; F \ - IM, c n `�° �. \ (Ye. r`\\11 j 1 �`�l,``\tea �o� \�• ' ` ti�� c NJ `AI OUT. LL, \ N.C. GRID NORTH i�' /j° / % { J ' `` �'•- lrr( / ,�o A D A30IX i' \ I th I AO uu X— MILL BUILDING jI » �lil., OFFICE BUII INC SHOP. H. BUILDING.. _ ,� _ A 3 f , ; _ ; . L BAYED ROAD it rr/xr rr r�r ?`' �, � I j'�:°= f /, lim": \j.{;III' ' _ f );IIL.% / / r/ rr' r rr � � ;fi yf' 11'1''1 � I L•/.r/r..;•-, I, ✓r';ri i r. f,�+'�'�.�,�..,�,� :c��� � �t`�h ,�i;lll ./r'•(�g% ^I'��•rlr/,%1 !'�\`%fj�,1`,of L SLAGGED ROAD ' . •:.:. �' \ \t�$�,iil'i� �=��"i'i��`r>' i�\�\� 'I RAILROAD TRACK �., + Ilipll lir/,� /'•t' > �aI IN �.� 1 �11;1{Ill;fljfl ..\' . ,s♦s6 N '. IIII�}III./.,1 n�' \ `} �6 DITCHED POND" q`s' �s l�fl'fl. lj j'`1 1 �♦ RETENVON POND ',•`aOW'� u�n�`�so's' N N IMPERVIOUS FEATURES: PERVIOUS FEATURES: ACREAGE DATA FOR SITE DRAINAGE BASIN ZONES: GRAPHIC SCALE f00 0 73 150 600 MILL BUILDINGS N/A FOREST do GRASS 3,048.166 s.f. BASIN No. A3 4,141,406 s.f. 95.073 oc. PAVED ROADS N/A R/R TRACK YARDS 376,205 s.f. TOTAL (POND A3 ZONE) 4,141,406 s.f. �95.073 ac.3 1 INCH- 150 TTCT ° SLAGGED ROADS 295,565 s.f. RETENTION POND 'A3" 421,470 s.f. ° CONCRETE DOCK N/A lw""" DAMD STEINMETZ CONCRETE SLABS N/A PERVIOUS TOTAL 3,845,841 s.f. NUCOR STEEL CORP. NUCO R EAU DEC.12,2002 CONCRETE WALKS N/A (88.288 ac.) ELEC/MECH BUILDINGS N/A ( 92.9% PLATE MRL FACIUTY o HERTFORD C"YY RSTON OFFICE BUILDINGS N/A 1505 RIVM ROAD COFID.D.N.C. 27922 MAINTENANCE AND �m 1'-TERRY iso 5111 7 aF 12 sN"a Woa•a•m1N"4 2A.1./Mans 6 GEW. (Vw -W) ENGINEERING DEPT. zia— , F IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 295,565 s.f. ENMRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT WI a 12 91 FLM a Wao W m.w.¢,v6'.1./■6ns a t1EM (lA1xaE-n1e) a 14/7510 Wptass 10r00N1.Ra IIFICT Wa105 2K N0l loam MIo rE W00. w.s e7.a UN. Pact Gina Bn N 1 279 P (6.785 ae.) SHE PLAIT OF POND'AY DRAINAGE ZONE AREA W 5 OF 12 9x PLAN OF PW•Ar aWa1a w ./WAS A GEM. (W&*aE-W) 6 3/11/% mum 10 K WT a WW 6 W W5arffs M 51Ww1m Wart "I u e Ux 100tm it 2 9m EV—20653—C04 ( 7.1% ) FOR BASIN'AY ONLY sn a 1z saL WLw a Wolo'AP solo¢1a./NM A MV. (MMU-7K) " 1y»/N mum Fa Nan NE ONOW_ O W.5 me ttx Fiz 252 35E-3695 var. Favor �: Wmt RAIL V-WF-a mmtre OK W M x.:tvaNSxa• .uvrwax an: N:wion unnc ae..wre,r wa ieraae< owls aec Wwac Phen k=1 SS!-3714 4/5 EV-20651-GO5 C I 2 3 L 6 6 7 6 9 10 II II IS 14 IS 16 17 16 19 20 cl � A too 0 A J�-------- ", 77� B X op!! •. Moto v) % v N.C. GRID NORTH. _,- \\ C \1 llB 2/ j POND C2 f- tv 4, jr D D A ss F 301. E B2B LA 0 F F I'D D C G 'Cl OUTFACE ..... H \v. 0 L E G E N D 36' 1A j " E QFFICE..B ll MILL BUILDING- BUILDING % K K BUILDING PAVED-..ROAD ZZ L SL AGGEDROAD L . ........X.. RAIL-ROAD TR4PK' m DITCHEP..IPOND • F,RETENTION POND LiTairn.Th-'r. " E ll N N 0 0000 100 r IMPERVIOUS FEATURES: PERVIOUS FEATURES: ACREAGE DATA FOR SITE DRAINAGE BASIN ZONES: GRAPHIC SCALE 100 75 150 590 $90 6, SHOP BUILDINGS N/A FOREST & GRASS 3,145,364 3.f. BASIN No. B29 3,822 87.745 cc.) 0 PAVED ROADS 27,371 s.f. R/R TRACK YARDS 266,617 s.f. TOTAL (POND C1 ZONE) 3,822:1,61 s.f. �87.745 cc.) I INCH- 150 FM 0 SLAGGED ROADS 64,455 s.f. EROS'N CTPL POND "C2* 51,208 s.f. CONCRETE DOCK NA..f. RETENTION POND "Cl- 239,739 3-f- NUCOR STEEL CORP. DAVID SMNMETZ CONCRETE SLABS 1,620 DEC.12.2002 CONCRETE WALKS N/A PERVIOUS TOTAL 3,702,928 s.f. FAB SHOP BUILDINGS 20520 :.f. (55.00 cc.) PLATE MLLFACUTY 0 HERTFOROCOMTY TERRY_HARSTON OFFICE TRAILERS 5: 8 267 J. 96.9% 15M RIVER ROAD CM0,N.C. 27922 MAINTENANCE AND 1 .�mV MY or 9TKM0FPWVWJMA9�,/WDI6&M 11(MMU-1C) D YAM Lmw Drrum C.E sr. ENGINEERING DEPT. ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT MY I OF 112 (max-M) 10/m/06 ap.& LVA 17A . . . Pt offla B.N,2" IMPERVIOUS TOTAL 119,233 s.f. STE PLAN OF POND*C1'DRAJNAGE ZONE AREA MY 5 OF 12 31 KM OF FM-0 PAW2 WA./MOTU&ELEV. I INANDLE-111C I I 3117AS �TO K WT V DW A RAT NEWUPM FCR STamwm7m 111ttt1T T-TA lnntax N.C. 21906 EV-20654-CO5' (2.737 cc.) FOR BASIN'82r ONLY MY 4 612 (mmu-M) A 12/1O/04 11=1)rol KI&V M~AL Ors me lix Fa. (252)W-3M 3.1% "m ME n�.m I em refa=i�! I Ph— (252)3511-SM CMOs. X. 1 0— 5/5 LAST SHEEP. D I 1 20 g 3 5 1 6 7 6 1 9 1 10 If It 13 14 1 1 1 16 1 17 1 is I to I NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 2—Analytical Monitoring Summary EHS Support LLC Outfall Al Analytical Summary Analytical Parameters Benchmark Va4uas 9/26/2036 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 41261201E 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 13/23/2020 Range Total of (mg/L unless otherwise noted} 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:55 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:37 AM 10:14 AM 10:43 AM liow to high) Eaceedances Monitoring Year 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 NA NA Monitoring Period 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 NA NA Sample Number la lb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NA NA Total Precipitation{Inches 3.09 0.25 2 0.1 1.8 1.1 0.4 1.7 1.6 0.2 NA Storm event duration,hours 24 24 24 6 24 24 24 24 24 8 6.24 NA Flow volume,mWiran gallons 13.68 1.22 8.85 0.44 7.97 4.97 1.77 7.52 7.08 0.885 0.44-13.68 NA PH(standard uni15-5.u.) 6-9 8.91 8.92 US 8.84 8.83 8.89 7.71 8.39 8.82 8.59 7.71-8.92 0 Non-polar oil&grease 15 <5 <5 c5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 c5 c5.0 c5-<5 0 Lhemical oxygen demand 120 34 35 42 32 27 24 27 35 33 54 24.54 0 Total suspended solids 100 9.6 5.7 19 5.1 3.6 7.6 5.5 18 8 11 3.6-19 0 Nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 10 <0.04 0.05 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 c0.04 0,05 <0.04-0.05 0 Total phosphorus 2 0.1 0.08 0.13 0.06 0.09 <0.04 0.1 0.07 0.05 0.46 <0.04-0.46 0 Lead,total recoverable 0.075 <0.002 c0.002 0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0,002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002-0.002 0 Zinc,total recoverable 0.126 0.015 0.084 0.031 0.013 0.013 0.013 0,013 0,016 0.014 0.030 0.013-0.031 0 Nla nesium 32 1.938 0594 3.061 1.943 3.905 3.53 3,903 2.051 4.558 5.312 0.594-5.312 0 Ccipper 0.010 0.004 0.003 n.007 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.004 0,003 0.fl03 0,005 0.003-0.007 0 Mercury 0.000012 0,0000022 0.0000043 00 0.00057 0.000003 <0.000001 <0.000001 0.0000019 <0.000001 <0.00000f3 0.0000017 <0.000001.0,0000057 0 Antiman 0.09 <0.003 0.003 10.003 0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 1 <0.003 0,015 < 1 0 mg/L=milligrams per liter EHS Support Page 1 of 1 Qutfall A3 Analytical Summary Analytical Parameters 9/26/2016 1D/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 4/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2eS9 4/21/2020 11123/202D Range Total it of (mg/L unless otherwise noted) Benchmark Values 11:01DAM 10:00 AM 30:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:1S AM 10:45 AM 9:5OAM 10:20 AM 9:56 AM 10:22 AM (low to high) ExCeedanees Monitoring year 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 NA NA Monitorng Period 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 NA NA Sample Number la 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NA NA Total Precipitation(inches( 3.09 0.25 2 CIA 1.8 1.1 0.4 1.7 1.6 0.2 0.1-3.09 NA Storm event duration,hours 24 24 24 6 24 24 24 24 24 8 6.24 NA Flaw volume,million gallons 7.20 0.63 5.05 0,25 4.55 2.78 1.01 4.29 4.04 0.505 0.25-7.80 NA pH(standard units-s.u.) 6-9 8.7 9.69 8,56 8,63 8.57 9.49 8.72 6.61 8.41 7,96 0 Non-polaroil& rease S5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5.0 <5-<5 0 Chemical oxygen demand 120 27 31 29 23 27 26 21 45 22 20 20.45 0 Total suspended solids SOD 2.8 4.3 5.1 8,4 <2.6 12 3.8 12 3.4 <2.6 <2.6-12 0 Nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 10 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 1004 0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04-10,04 0 Total phosphows 2 0.68 <0.04 0.04 0,11 0.04 10.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 < 0 Lead,totak recoverable 0,075 <C.0O2 0.004 c0.002 <0.002 <0,007 0.002 <0.002 0.002 <0.002 <0,002 c0,002.0,004 0 Zinc,total recoverable D.326 0.015 C.088 0.02 01012 <0.01 0.031 0.015 0.055 0.016 0.020 <0.01-0,088 0 Magnesium 32 3.098 2.471 2.975 2,913 4,405 4.366 4.74 3.51 5.024 4.017 2.471-5�024 0 Copper 0.010 0.003 0.004 0,002 <0.002 0.003 0.004 OA02 0.003 0.003 01003 <D.002 T. 0 Mercury C.000012 0. "'a 0.0000064 0 600003 0.000001 <O,OM001 O.000OD27 0.0000016 0.000001 0.0000016 <C.000M1 <0.000001-0.000064 a Antimony0.09 c0.003 <0.0O3 <0,003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 1 <0.003 <0.003 1 <0.003 0.00099 10.00099 mg/L-milligra ms per liter EHS Support page 1 of 1 Outfall 81 Analytical5ummary Analytical Parameters Benchmark Values 9/26/2018 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 04/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/202C 1112312020 Range Total of (mg/L unless otherwise noted) 11:00 AM 10:00 AM IMOO AM 10:55 AM 20:35 AM 11:15 AM 10:45 AM 10:58 AM 10:48 AM 11:05 AM (low to high) Exceedanees Monitoring Year 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 NA NA Monitoring Period 1 1 7 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 NA NA Sample Number la 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NA NA Total Precipitation(inches) 3.09 0.25 2 ails 1.8 1.1 OA I.7 1.6 0.2 0.1-3.09 NA Storm event duration,hours 24 24 24 6 24 24 24 24 24 a 6-24 NA Flow volume,million gallons 14.43 1.17 9.34 0.47 8.41 5.14 1.87 7.94 7.47 0.934 0.47-1.4.43 NA pH(standard units-s.u-) 6-9 7.29 7.35 7,18 7.23 7.82 9.71 8.11 8.28 7,65 8.55 0 Non-polar oil&grease 15 <5 <S <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5.0 <5-<5 0 Chemical oxygen demand 120 24 24 22 <2O <20 27 25 28 23 24 <20-28 0 Total suspended solids 100 8.7 3.7 9.5 <5.0 9 5.6 11 26 22 8.5 3.7-26 0 Nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 10 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 c0.04 <0.04 <0,04 <0.04 <0.04 c0.04 <0.04-<a,04 0 Total phosphorus 2 0.07 0.13 <0.04 0.06 0.05 0.06 0,11 0.05 0.04 0.68 <0.04-0.13 0 Lead,tetal recoverable 0.075 <0,002 <0.902 <O.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0,002 0.006 <0.002 <0.002 < 0 Zinc,total recoverable 0.125 <OA01 40.061 0.613 <0.01 0.011 <0.010 0.018 0.205 6,025 <0,020 < 0 Magnesium 32 3.571 3.214 51238 4.235 6073 4.728 5.061 4.709 4,788 3.791 3.27a-6,073 0 Copper 0.010 <0.002 <0.002 0,003 0,002 0.003 0.003 0,004 0,011 0.004 0.003 <0,002.0011 1 Mercury0.000012 0,0000018 O,OOOOOI 0.0000034 10.000001 '0.000001 <6.000001 0.00000I4 OOOC00023 0.0000011 <0.000001 <0.000001-0,0000034 0 AmImon 0.09 <0.003 I <O.903 <0.003 <0.003 1 <0.003 <OA(13 <0.003 <0.003 <6.003 0.00052 O.Oa052-<0.003 0 mg/i=milligrams per litor EHS Support Page 1 of I 0utfail Cl Analytical Summary Analytical Parameters Benchmark Values 9/26/2616 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 04/26/2018 12/13/2012 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 11/23/2020 Range Total 0 of {mg/L unless otherwise noted) 11:00AM 10:00AM 10:00 AM 11:35AM 11:45 AM 12:35 AM 11:05 AM 11:17 AM 11:21 AM 11729 AM {low to high) Exceedances Monitoring Yedr 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 NA NA Monitoring Period 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 NA NA Sample Number la 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NA NA Total Precipitation(inches) 1.09 0.25 2 0.1 1.9 11 0.4 1.7 1.6 0.2 0.1-3.09 NA Storm event duratlon,hours 24 24 24 6 24 24 24 24 24 B 6-24 NA Flow volume,million gallons 7.38 0.60 4.78 0.24 4.30 2,63 0.96 4,05 3.82 0.478 0.24-7.38 NA li lstandard units-sm.) 6-9 8.93 BAI 8.25 8.54 8.19 8,86 7.82 8.42 7.47 8.31 7.47-8.93 0 Non-polo,oil 8 Vrease 15 <5 <5 <5 <5 1 <5 c5 <5 <S 5.1 c5.0 <5-5.1 0 Chemical oxygen demand 120 32 3B 45 <2D -20 21 31 27 20 27 <20-45 0 Total suspended solids 100 8.9 5 12 6.9 2.9 10 13 11 11 11 2.9-13 0 Nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 10 <0.D4 <0.04 <0.04 c0.04 0.06 13.495 .05 <O.D4 <0.04 0.05 <0.04 <0.04-0.06 0 Total phosphorus 2 0.51 c0.04 D.07 0.04 0.04 0.7 <0A4 <0,04 <0.04 <O.04 <D.0441.51 0 Lead,total recoverable 0.075 c0.002 c0.002 <D.002 <0.002 <0.002 .002 c0.002 <0.002 <OA02 <0.002 c0.002-<0.002 0 Zinc.total recoverable 0.126 0.001 <U.010 0.015 <0.010 <0.01 0.01 0.017 0.022 0.01 0.022 0.001-0-022 0 Magnesium 32 1.99 1.78 3.717 3.356 4.558 4.042 3.642 4,491 2.948 1.78-0.558 0 Copper 0.020 u.002 c0.002 0.002 <3002 0.002 <0.002 0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0..2 <0.002-0.002 0 Mercury 0.0=12 O.11000035 0.0000044 0.0000021 <0.0011001 umuu028 <0.000001 OOO"79 <0.000001 <0,0000011 O.000D016 c0.000001-MOODOD44 0 Antimony 0.09 <0.003 -0.003 <0.003 <0,003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 c0.003 c0.003 0.00029 0.00029-<O.W3 U mg/L=milligrams per liter EHS L I Supporf Page 3 of 1 ,�i NPD A ES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation `�- Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 3 —Visual Monitoring Summary EHS Support LLC Outfall Al Visual Monitoring Results Parameters Surveyed 9/26/2016 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 4/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 11/23/2020 Medium Color Clear Clear Clear Clear blue Blue Blue-green Light green Blue-green Dark blue Odor None None None None None None None None None None Clarity 001e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Floating solids note 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Suspended solids"Ote 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 Foam Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Oil Sheen Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Erosion/deposition visible? No No No No No No No No No No Other indicators of pollution? No No No No No No No No No No Note 1:Scale is 1 to 5 where 1 is the best quality and 5 is the worst quality. EHS Support- of 1 Outfall A3 Visual Monitoring Results Parameters Surveyed 9/26/2016 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 4/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 11/23/2020 Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Blue-green Blue-green Blue Light green Blue-green Light blue Odor None None None None None None None None None None Clarity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Floating solids n°te 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Suspended solids°°`°1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Foam Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Oil Sheen Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Erosion/deposition visible? No No No No No No No No No No Other indicators of pollution? No I No I No I No j Na I No I No I No I Na I No Note 1:Scale is 1 to 5 where 1 is the best quality and 5 is the worst quality. EHS Support 1 of 1 Outfall Bl Visual Monitoring Results Parameters Surveyed 9/26/2016 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 4/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 11/23/2020 Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Blue-green Blue-green Blue-green Light green Light green Light green Odor None None None None None None None None None None Clarity note' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Floating solids note 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Suspended solids"01e F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Foam Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Oil Sheen Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Erosion/deposition visible? No No No No No No No No No No Other indicators of pollution? No No No No No No I No I No vo No Note 1:Scale is 1 to 5 where 1 is the best quality and 5 is the worst quality. EHS Support' 1 of 1 Outfall C1 Visual Monitoring Results Parameters Surveyed 9/26/2016 10/24/2016 4/4/2017 10/17/2017 4/26/2018 12/13/2018 4/10/2019 10/23/2019 4/21/2020 11/23/2020 Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Olive green Olive green Olive green Light green Light green Dark green Odor None None None None None None None None None None Clarity n01,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Floating solids°"" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Suspended solids n0'e' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Foam Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Oil Sheen Visible? No No No No No No No No No No Erosion/deposition visible? No No No No No No No Na 1 No 1 No Other indicators of pollution? No No I No I No No I No I No No No No Note 1:Scale is 1 to 5 where 1 is the best quality and 5 is the worst quality. EHS Support 1 of 1 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 4 —Summary of Best Management Practices (BMPs) (Existing and Planned) EHS Support LLC EXCERPTS OF BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FROM NUCOR STEEL HERTFORD'S STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN, REVISION 5, December 23, 2019 6.4 Best Management Practices BMPs are measures used to prevent or mitigate pollution from any type of activity. BMPs have a very broad definition and may include materials management practices, housekeeping, preventative maintenance, inspections,spill prevention/response,sediment and erosion control, and management of runoff. Other BMPs include,but are not limited to debris control,vegetative ground cover, infiltration, stormwater detention or retention where necessary and sediment catch basins. The need for BMPs will be based on the assessment of the potential of sources contributing significant quantities of pollutants to stormwater discharges and data collected through monitoring and auditing. 6.4.1 Scrap Processing BMPs NSHC produces high quality steel and imposes strict limitations on the quality of scrap metal it purchases. To this end, NSHC places restrictions on all scrap steel purchased and used in its manufacturing operations. NSHC's scrap specification minimizes the potential for contaminants being present in the scrap, and thus, minimizes the potential for releases to the environment. All scrap materials must be depleted to the extent practicable of free organic liquids such as oils, greases, hydraulic fluids and other liquid contaminants. Lead and mercury-containing components, such as batteries, battery cables, wheel weights from vehicle rims and mercury switches are also removed from scrap to the extent practicable. All scrap loads are visually inspected prior to unloading and NSHC rejects any load with visible free liquids or other apparent contamination. Routine inspections of the scrap yard are also conducted to monitor for visible signs of oil and grease or other contamination. Awareness training provided to the scrap yard team members emphasizes immediate cleanup of any identified pollutant release, either from the scrap itself or the scrap handling equipment. Last, the stockpiles are not covered but are underlain by slag that is porous and generally impedes solids transport. Erosion from hauling activities is minimized by the placement of slag on exposed ground surfaces. See Appendix D of SPPP for more information on NSHC's Scrap Management Plan. 6.4.2 Slag Processing BMPs Analytical test results support the fact that the metals in the slag are generally not leachable as determined by TCLP, SPLP, and ASTM Methods. Further studies on the beneficial reuse of slag have also been conducted by the Steel Manufacturers Association and support this conclusion. The resultant lime content of slag could contribute to an elevated pH in stormwater; as a result, the facility conducts semi-annual pH monitoring in required by the current NPDES Permit. Because slag is heavy, it is unlikely that the material itself would be washed away with stormwater flow from an area with such flat topography. Routine inspections of the slag processing area are conducted,and general awareness training is provided to the slag processing contractors that emphasizes immediate clean-up of any identified release from slag processing equipment. EHS Support LLC 1 6.4.3 Bone Yard BMPs All liquids contained in equipment, including hydraulic line fluid,coolant and any other liquid that could become a pollutant source, are drained prior to placing the equipment in bone yard areas, thus minimizing potential pollutant sources. Generally these area are surrounded by good vegetative buffers allowing any sediment in the stormwater to settle out before reaching the outfall. 6.4.4 Fueling Stations: Fueling stations are located around the NSHC site and can be located on the maps within the SPCC Plan in Appendix B of the SPPP. All fuel tanks are double-walled with an automatic shut- off device shall be installed on all gasoline and diesel fuel pumps. General BMPs for fueling stations include: • Spills and overfill prevention equipment shall be installed on tanks and pumps • Team members shall avoid "topping off"vehicle fuel tanks • Located on paved concrete pads where possible • Grading, berming or curbing fueling areas to avoid stormwater runoff. • Spill kits with absorbent materials are placed near each fueling station around the site. Spill kits are inspected quarterly by the environmental department to ensure supplies are fully stocked. 6.4.5 Baghouse Maintenance and Dust Handling BMPs During loading of baghouse dust to rail car the rail car loader shall sweep up any spilled dust in the silo area. The swept up dust shall be placed in the satellite drums located at the silo. Labels and covers shall be kept on the satellite drums at all times. When performing work on the screw conveyors, the dust shall be run out of the conveyors and conveyed to the silo. Any remaining dust shall be vacuumed or swept and placed in the labeled satellite drums. During cleaning or scraping of the fan wheels the scraped dust and materials shall be kept inside the fans to be conveyed to the baghouse, with exception of the main air fans. Used filter bags will be placed in a sealed plastic bag for disposal. When performing maintenance in a baghouse compartment, any dust found on the floor is swept down a filter bag hole in a cell plate(after removal of a filter of course). 6.4.6 Dock Area BMPs No discharge of liquid material from either barges or tug is allowed at or around the dock facility at NSHC. Proper removal of this material is the responsibility of the transport company. No maintenance of barges or tug is to be performed, unless in an emergency, at the dock facility at NSHC. Maintenance of barges and tug is the responsibility of the transport company and should be scheduled at deep-water ports.Any observed leak or spill shall be immediately contained and cleaned up. The cause of the problem should be repaired as soon as possible. Drip pans or similar EHS Support LLC 2 �� � ,� VVY containers shall be placed under any leaking piece of stationary equipment until the leak is repaired. Dry cleanup methods, using absorbent material shall be utilized where appropriate on all significant leaks and spills. An adequate supply of absorbent materials shall be maintained and used absorbent material shall be swept up and properly disposed. Oily equipment and vehicles are not to be washed or steam cleaned on the dock area. Loading areas should be swept on a regular basis, and equipment shall be inspected regularly for leaks. 5.4.7 Loading/Unloading BMPs All loading and unloading of tank vehicles takes place only in the designated, secure loading/unloading areas. Loading and unloading areas are graded, bermed or within a curb area around loading area to prevent stormwater runoff contamination. Trucks shall be inspected regularly for leaks and any accidental spills will be cleaned up immediately. 6.4.8 Container Protection BMPs Warning signs are posted at appropriate locations throughout the facility to prevent vehicles from damaging aboveground piping and appurtenances. Most of the aboveground piping is located within areas that are not accessible to vehicular traffic (e.g., inside diked area). Additionally, concrete blocks and other guards are placed where needed to protect equipment from vehicular collisions. 6.4.9 Sediment and Erosion Prevention BMPs The topography at the Nucor facility is primarily flat with dense vegetation typical of the North Carolina coastal region. Unpaved yard/operation areas are periodically re-graded to prevent the formation of ruts and gullies. Gravel and stone aggregate placement at the sites are coarse,with a minimum amount of fine particles, which would be easily flushed by runoff.A good vegetative cover shall be maintained in non-operational unpaved areas. Vegetation around the 4 stormwater ponds and ditches leading to the ponds is encouraged as long as flow is not impeded. Any observed erosion, scouring or sedimentation shall be controlled using appropriate vegetative, stabilization, or structural measures. Vegetative filter strips may be installed to provide a buffer area around the facility operation areas.Grassed swales may be used to stabilize eroded ditches or channels. Management of runoff involves stormwater treatment measures. Source reduction and containment/diversion BMPs are preferred to stormwater treatment. Even though most of the stormwater issues at Nucor are well suited to source reduction and containment/diversion BMPs, stormwater treatment is provided as an additional source of control to ensure protection of water quality. Nucor's stormwater system exceeds all State requirements. The stormwater system utilizes grassed swales and 4 wet detention ponds. The dense growth of vegetation is used to absorb pollutants and filter sediment. Pond surface areas exceed requirements by 41-110% and have the capacity to detain runoff from a 100-year storm event. In addition, forebays are used and in many cases are larger than required. EHS Support LLC 3 I k° 6.4.10 pH Control Due to high pH levels from the 61 and Al ponds,a pH control system has been installed to ensure levels are within the benchmark of 6 to 9. A permanent system which includes an addition of carbon dioxide just before the B1 and Al outfall is able to monitor the current pH level, and add carbon dioxide as necessary. EHS Support LLC 4 CA PLANNED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Nucor Steel Hertford plans on having their slag processing contractor, Harsco Environmental, install a wash pad for large off-road trucks and equipment by the end of calendar year 2021. The wash pad will use potable water and eco-friendly detergents and will be equipped with an oil/water separator. The oil/water separator will discharge to the sanitary sewer system to the Town of Winton's publicly owned treatment works(POTW). Preliminary estimates of wastewater discharge volume are 6,000 gallons per week (based on 20 hours per week at 5 gallons per minute). EHS Support LLC 5 3 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 5 —Significant Changes EHS Support LLC SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES AT NUCOR STEEL HERTFORD SINCE AUGUST 1,2016 (effective date of current NPDES permit) Addition or Deletion of Work Processes Nucor Steel Hertford has had a few construction permits since the effective date of the current NPDES permit: • Blast and Paint Building Addition o October 2019-July 2020 o A stormwater construction permit was obtained for a building addition to the main shipping building in October 2019.This was a 5.77-acre project to add a paint line building addition to the west end of the shipping warehouse.The construction project location was located on previously developed land including a paved roadway,slag covered trailer yard,and a ditch. The main stormwater drainage area affected by this project was the B1 area. Inspections of the drainage area were completed weekly and no issues were noted.The land-disturbing construction was completed in July 2020 and the project was terminated in July 2020 after an inspection from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). • Trailer Yard o August 2019 o A stormwater construction permit was obtained in August 2019 for the construction of three small trailer yards totaling 3.29 acres of land.The location of the three trailer yards was previously grassy and wooded areas to the south of the shipping building.These areas were cleared, leveled, and laid with compacted slag.The main drainage areas affected by this project were the B1 and C1 drainage areas.The land disturbing construction was preformed within a week. Inspections were conducted during the project,and no issues were noted.The stormwater construction permit was terminated in October 2019 after an inspection from NCDEQ. • Air Separation Unit Building o July 2017—October 2019 o A stormwater permit was obtained in July 2017 for the construction of a new building to house Nucor's Air Separation Plant.The location of the project was a 2.6-acre wooded piece of land to the west of the B1 pond.The area directly surrounding the building is covered in level slag with a stormwater ditch surrounding the site.The main drainage area affected by this project was the B1 area.The land disturbing construction was completed in December 2018 and inspections of the area were completed with no issues noted.The stormwater construction permit was terminated in October 2019 after an inspection from NCDEQ. • Mold and Segment Building o July 2017—October 2019 o A stormwater permit was obtained in November 2017 for the construction of a new building to house Nucor's Mold and Segment maintenance activities.The location of the project was 1.5 acres of grassy area north of the main substation.The area directly surrounding the building was covered with leveled slag and is adjacent to a previously constructed stormwater ditch.The main drainage areas affected by this project were the Al and A3 areas.The land disturbing construction was completed in December 2018, and inspections of the area were completed with no issues noted.The stormwater construction permit was terminated in October 2019 after an inspection from NCDEQ. EHS Support LLC 1 Changes in Material Handling Practices No changes have been made to material handling practices. Changes in Material Storage Practices No changes have been made to material storage practices. Changes in the Raw Materials Used at the Facility No changes have been made in the raw materials used at the facility. EHS Support LLC 2 NPDES Permit Renewal Application—Nucor Steel Corporation Supplemental Information Form and Attachments Supplemental Information Item 6 —SPPP Certification EHS Support LLC STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION CERTIFICATION North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources— Stormwater Program Facility Name: NucorSteel-Hertford Permit Number: NCs000379 Location Address: 1505 River Road,Cofield,North Carolina27922 County: Hertford County "I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete." And "I certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater discharge permit." And "I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT SEND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WITH THIS CERTIFICATION. Signature LLL Date 119V4) Chad Beard General Manager Print or type name of person signing above Title SPPP Certification 10/13