HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupplement 1SUPPLEMENT 1 MATERIALS PROVIDED IN RESPONSE TO AUGUST 2018 SCIENCE PANEL MEETING DISCUSSION ON HISTORY OF FLOW MONITORING, FLOW OBSERVATIONS, AND CHARACTER OF STUDY CREEKS DETERMINING FLOWS IN SMALL WATERSHEDS AND BAYS ON SOUTH CREEK, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (Skaggs et a12009) July 2020 S-2 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek Beaufort County North Carolina Wayne Skaggs, G.M. Chescheir and Chad Poole PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. has recently been granted a permit to mine phosphate ore on lands adjacent to South Creek. The new permit expands mining in the NCPC Tract close to the PCS plant in Beaufort County, near Aurora, NC. During the mining process, surface water from the site is redirected (pumped) and released at a location different than the natural outlet. The effect of mining is to reduce the watershed area contributing to flow to the small streams that feed into the creek (stream segments impacted by mining are mostly intermittent). Our objective in the new project is to determine the impact of mining on flows from the small watersheds immediately adjacent to South Creek and other similar systems within the permit area. We have collected data and intensively studied the hydrology of 8 subwatersheds within 3 creeks on the NCPC Tract over the past 10 years. See reports by Skaggs and Group (2000 to 2009). The subwatersheds varied in size from 19 to 129 acres. All had upstream segments where flow was concentrated and of sufficient elevation such that triangular weirs and flow meters could be installed to measure instantaneous flow rates and cumulative flows. In addition to analyzing continuous data on watershed outflow, water table depths, and rainfall for each watershed, we tested and applied the simulation model DRAE% MOD to characterize the hydrology of the watersheds and predict effects of mining on daily and cumulative outflows. The new permit allows mining closer to South Creek, such that the watershed remaining after mining and prior to reclamation will be smaller, and as now, the remaining creek segments or outlets may be subject to tides, both wind and lunar. The outlets of interest are most often small bays where flow is not concentrated and flow rates are difficult to measure. Furthermore, hydrology and water quality in the bays, and the impact of mining thereon, is of great environmental interest. Methods described herein are proposed to estimate the effect of flows from small coastal watersheds on hydrology (water balance) in the bays, and the impact of mining on flow conditions. METHODS A schematic of a small watershed draining directly into South Creek is shown in Figure 1. The objective is to continuously measure flow rate at the mouth of the watershed, both before and after mining. By comparing flows before and after mining, the effect of mining on the hydrology can be determined. The problem in this case is that the outlet of the watershed may be affected by wind and lunar tides. Furthermore, the outlet may be wide with velocities that change in both magnitude and direction over the course of the day. Thus it does not appear feasible to use either weirs or velocity meters, as we have used before, to measure flow rates at the outlet. Rather we propose to use water level measurements in the bay, along with detailed information on the topography of the bay, to determine flows into and out of the bay by mass balance. One of the inputs to the mass balance is flow from the watershed upslope of the bay. We propose to determine this flow by measurement at a position unaffected by tide, such as point A in Figure 1. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-1 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-3 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report fkjver Figure 1. Schematic of small coastal watershed adjacent to river or creek affected by wind and/or lunar tides. Alternatively, it may be possible to predict the upstream flows using a calibrated model (DRAINMOD). A mass balance may be written as follows for the area denoted as Bay in Figure 1: p4S = pQI - pQo (1) Where 4S is change in storage of water in the bay (fe) over a given time increment, p is density (lbm/fe), and QI and Qo are flows into and out of the bay, respectively, during the time increment. Assuming the density is the same for inflows, outflows and water in the bay allows simplification of Eq. 1 to the following, 4S=QI-Qo (2) The inflow is the sum of flow from the watershed, QIw, and flow from the river or sound, QIs, QI = QIw + QIs (3) July 2020 S-4 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report The outflow, Qo, is simply flow from the bay to the sound or river. Then AS = Qjw + Qis - Qo (4) If the stage (water level elevation in the bay) is measured and recorded on a continuous basis, AS can be determined for any time increment. If flow from the watershed, QjW, is also measured, flow into or out of the bay for the same time increment can be determined as follows. 1. For rising stage. If the stage is rising due to wind or lunar tide, the flow direction will be from the sound or river to the bay, Qo = 0, AS > 0, and, from Eq. 4, AS = Qjw + Qis. Then Qis = AS - Qjw. 2. For falling stage. Flow direction will be from bay to sound, AS < 0, Qis =0, and, AS = Qjw - Qo. Or Qo = Qjw — AS. 3. Stage is steady. No change with time. AS = 0, and Qo - Qis = Qjw. That is, the net flow out of the bay (Qo - Qis) during the time increment will be equal to flow in from the watershed. L� Vj= Area(1)*Depth(1 ) V2=Vl + A2*(D2-Dl ) V3=Vl +V2+A3*(D3- D2) Vd=Vj +V2+V3+A4*(D4-D3) Figure 2. The relationship between storage in the bay and stage (or depth of water) at the outlet of the bay can be determined from topographic data as shown schematically here. This information will be developed from a detailed topographic survey; it is shown here for demonstration purposes. July 2020 S-5 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report In order to calculate flows using the above equations, we need to know the relationship between storage, S, and elevation (stage) of the water surface in the bay, or depth of water at bay outlet. A topo map of the bay near the outlet of Jacks Creek is shown in Figure 2, along with calculations for storage given stages (or depth of water at the outlet) ranging from 1 to 4 feet. Results are tabulated in Table 1 and volume stored is plotted as a function of stage or depth of water at the bay outlet in Figure 3. Once this relationship is defined, it is possible to determine the change in storage in the bay due to a change in stage, or water surface elevation. An exponential relationship was fitted to the data as shown in Figure 3 so that storage volume, S can be calculated in terms of stage, or depth at the outlet, X, as, S = 105899 X2.9772 (5) This relationship will clearly vary from site to site, and must be independently determined for each bay. Tide Depth Area (ac) Volume (ft^3) Or Stage (ft) i 1 2.1 93,000 2 23.3 1,110,000 3 35.3 2,647,000 4 75.4 5,933,000 Table 1. Relationship between depth of water at outlet of bay, water surface area and storage in the bay at outlet of Jacks Creek. Example Calculations Assuming No Flow From Watershed The methods for determining flows in and out of tidal bays along South Creek will be demonstrated for Jacks Creek. Water surface elevations (stage) in the Jacks Creek bay have been recorded for some years. We used the methods described above to estimate flows due to tidal fluctuations for year 2003. Stage was recorded at 1.5 hr (90 min) intervals. Stage is plotted as a function of time for day 1 of 2003 in Figure 4. For purposes of this example we will assume that flow from the watershed is zero. We will rerun the example later to include effects of flows from the watershed. Assuming Qjw = 0, Eq. 4 may be written, Qis = 4S for a rising stage and Qo = - 4S for a falling stage. July 2020 S-6 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 7000000 .11111I, M 5000000 d a� 4000000 0 co c 3000000 d = 2000000 0 1000000 Volume vs. Tide Depth 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Tide Depth at Outlet (ft) Figure 3. Relationship between volume of water in the bay and stage or depth of water at bay outlet for the bay at the point where Jacks Creek enters South Creek Starting at time, T=O, on day 1, the stage, X, was 1.55 ft. Applying Eq. 5 gives a storage volume in the bay of S = 390,434 ft3. At T=1:30, X=1.378 and S = 275,084 ft3. The stage is falling and the change in storage has decreased by 115,350 ft3. That is, 4S =-115,350 ft3 and the outflow during the 1.5 hour period was Qo = - 4S=115,350 ft3. At T = 3:00, X=1.267 and S= 214229 ft3. Thus 4S = 214229-275084 = -60854 ft3, the stage is still falling, and Qo = - 4S = 60854 ft3 for the period from 1:30 to 3:00 AM. At T=4:30, X=1.329 (stage now rising) and S = 246974 ft3. For this time increment 4S = 246974 — 214229 = 32744 ft3, and QIs = 4S = 32744 ft3. Since the stage is rising, Qo = 0. These simple mass balance calculations were repeated for the remainder of the day; the results are summarized in Table 2. Total daily flow from South Creek to the bay (due to tide) was calculated as 755,529 ft3 and flow from the bay to South Creek as 786,190 ft3. Total flow in both directions (which would ordinarily have to be measured using conventional methods) was 1,541,720 ft3. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-5 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-7 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Stage vs Time 2.5 2 847 R 1.668 w 1.5 0.5 0 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time Figure 4. Recorded stage at outlet of Jacks Creek Bay for 1/l/2003. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-6 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-8 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 2. Summary of water balance calculations for Jacks Creek Bay for day 1 (Jan. 1) 2003. Calculations to demonstrate the method; inflow from the watershed assumed zero. Time Stage Volume Change in Inflow, Sound Inflow, Water- Outflow, Bay Volume to Bay shed to Bay to Sound hrs ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft 0 1.55 390434 1:30 1.378 275084 -115350 0 0 115350 3:00 1.267 214229 -60854 0 0 60854 4:30 1.329 246974 32744 32744 0 0 6:00 1.332 248637 1664 1664 0 0 7:30 1.464 329413 80776 80776 0 0 9:00 1.493 349223 19810 19810 0 0 10:30 1.651 471160 121937 121937 0 0 12:00 1.715 527646 56486 56486 0 0 13:30 1.867 679427 151780 151780 0 0 15:00 2.001 835150 155724 155724 0 0 16:30 2.094 956101 120950 120950 0 0 18:00 2.104 969759 13658 13658 0 0 19:30 1.988 819100 -150658 0 0 150658 21:00 1.847 657987 -161114 0 0 161114 22:30 1.668 485751 -172235 0 0 172235 0:00 1.508 359773 -125978 0 0 125978 Sum 755529 786190 Total Flow 1541720 Figure 5 shows the recorded stage for a 9-day period starting January 1, 2003. A smoothing routine was used to take out effects of erratic data that usually are erroneous. The stage data were smoothed for the entire year 2003 and the methods demonstrated above were applied to determine inflows and outflows to the bay. Results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. These calculations show that total flow to and from the bay, mostly resulting from tidal influence, was over 10,700 ac-ft. The area of the entire Jacks Creek watershed is about 228 acres. Based on our measurements over a 10 year period and the application of simulation models over a longer period, mean annual outflow from the watershed is expected to be about 1.17 ft, or 266 ac-ft from the 228 acres, or about 2.4% of the outflow resulting from tidal fluctuations. Note that 266 ac-ft is about 2.4% of the total water flowing from the bay to South Creek. But almost the same amount of water flows in from South Creek to the bay due to wind tides. So the 266 ac-ft is about 1.2% of the total flow to and from the bay to South Creek. The total flow to and from the bay to South Creek is relevant in that conventional methods of determining the effect of mining on outflow would require measurement of flows both to and from the bay. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-7 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-9 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 3. Calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Runoff from the 228 ac. watershed is ignored in these calculations. Annual Flow W MdL ac-ft Outflow 468,622,069 10,758 Inflow-468,904,276 -10,765 Net Flow-282,207 -7 Total Flow 937,526,345 21,523 Table 4. Summary of calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003 assuming total flow from the 228 ac watershed is equal to the long term average of 1.17 ft (14 in). Watershed Area 228 ac Mean Watershed Outflow 1.17 ft Mean Watershed Outflow 266 ac-ft Total Flow in Bay 21,523 ac-ft Watershed Input to Bay as % of Total Flow 1.2 % Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-8 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-10 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 3.0 2.5 W 1.0 0.5 0.0 Measured and Smoothed Water Elevations /V�011 AAk �I 111103 112103 113103 114103 115103 116103 117103 118103 119103 Date i Stage tSmooth Figure 5. Recorded water surface elevation or stage at outlet of Jacks Creek bay for first 9 days of 2003. Data were smoothed to remove effects of erratic spikes in records Considering Flow (Runoff) From Watershed. The calculations in the above example did not include the effect of daily runoff from the watershed on the water balance in the bay. The purpose of that example was to demonstrate methods for determining inflows and outflows to or from the bay, and to evaluate the magnitude of those flows in comparison to flows (runoff) from the watershed. The following example includes the effects of runoff from the watershed on day-to-day and annual flows to and from the bay. Our group measured outflow from an upstream sub -watershed on Jacks Creek for 2003. These measurements (inches per hour) were multiplied by the area of the whole Jacks Creek watershed (228 ac) to determine outflow (fe) for each 1.5 hour interval for the entire year. These values were then combined with the change in volume stored in the bay for each time interval, as described in the above example, to determine inflow (from South Creek to the bay) and outflow (from the bay to South Creek) for each 1.5 hr time interval. Results are given in Table 5 for one day, June 10, 2003. Rainfall of 1.5 inches occurred on June 10 and resulted in 1.33 in of runoff (1,104,000 ft) from the 228 ac watershed to the bay. Wind tide caused over 693,000 fe to flow into the bay from South Creek, and a total of 1,556,000 fe (including over 1.1 million cu ft of runoff) flowed from the bay to South creek. For this day runoff from the watershed exceeded that flowing into the bay due to wind tide, but this is not usually the case. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-9 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-11 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 5. Summary of water balance calculations for Jacks Creek Bay for June 10, 2003. Calculations to demonstrate the method; inflow from the watershed is included. Change in Inflow, Sound Inflow, Water- Outflow, Bay Time Stage Volume Volume to Bay shed to Bay to Sound ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft Cu ft 0:00 1.744 2138731 1:30 1.629 1880929 -257802 0 15566 273368 3:00 1.594 1807373 -73556 0 143211 216767 4:30 1.633 1891429 84056 0 194757 110701 6:00 1.753 2157811 266381 91637 174745 0 7:30 1.887 2485644 327833 188924 138909 0 9:00 1.954 2662015 176371 70582 105789 0 10:30 1.999 2784095 122080 43365 78715 0 12:00 1.977 2724090 -60005 0 57458 117463 13:30 1.900 2519429 -204661 0 45616 250278 15:00 1.824 2327928 -191501 0 36767 228268 16:30 1.762 2180856 -147072 0 29740 176812 18:00 1.774 2209243 28387 4751 23636 0 19:30 1.842 2373843 164600 145851 18750 0 21:00 1.875 2456330 82487 66985 15501 0 22:30 1.912 2550665 94335 81145 13190 0 0:00 1.844 2379284 -171381 0 11193 182574 Sum 240554 693241 1103543 1556231 Total Flow 2249471 Figure 6 shows the measured water surface elevation in the bay, measured flow from the watershed to the bay, and calculated flow rates into and out of the bay for the 7-day period, June 6-13, 2003. The flow rates in fe/hr (cu ft/hr) were determined by dividing the calculated flows for a 1.5 hour period (Table 5) by 1.5, so they represent the average flow rate over the 1.5 hour period. While the water surface elevation in the bay was highest during the heavy rainfall period, it was nearly as high June 6-7 when flow from the watershed was very small. Flows are summarized on a daily basis in Table 6. Flows in and out of the bay during June 6-7 were primarily driven by wind tides, but were of about the same magnitude as during the period of heavy runoff from the watershed. Note that "Net Flow" in Table 6 is the total flow into the bay (flow into the bay from South Creek caused by wind tide plus inflow as runoff from the watershed) minus the flow from the bay to South Creek. A negative Net Flow means there was more flow out during the day than in. Total Net Flow for the 7 day period was -17.6 ac ft. This negative Net Flow results from the fact that the stage (water surface elevation) at the end of the 7-day period (1.16 ft) was lower than at the beginning (1.55 ft.), so storage in the bay was 17.6 ac ft. less at the end of the 7-day period than at the beginning. Total flow in and out of the bay during the week was calculated to be 304 ac-ft, compared to 33 ac-ft of runoff from the watershed. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-10 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-12 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500000 400000 300000 s M w 3 O LL 200000 100000 2 1.6 r_ 1.2 , O R N W 0.8 >, R CO 0.4 0 0 6/6/03 6/7/03 6/8/03 619103 6/10/03 6/11/03 6/12/03 6/13/03 Date Inflow from Watershed -Inflow from South Creek -Outflow to South Creek -Bay Elevation Figure 6. Inflow to (Blue curve) and outflow from (Red curve) the Jacks Creek bay at the bay outlet for 7 days from June 6, 2003 to June 13, 2003. Also shown are the inflow to the Jacks Creek bay from the watershed (Black curve) and the measured elevation of the bay (Green curve). Table 6. Calculated daily flows for the Jacks Creek Bay from June 6, 2003 to June 13, 2003. Daily Flow ac-ft 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 Total Outflow to 37.7 39.7 13.9 8.3 35.7 31.3 10.8 177.3 South Creek Inflow from 42.0 9.9 13.8 36.3 15.9 4.1 5.1 127.0 South Creek Inflow from 0.1 0.7 2.7 1.9 25.3 1.6 4.1 32.7 Watershed Net Flow 4.5 -29.2 2.6 29.9 5.5 -25.7 -5.3 -17.6 Total Flow 79.7 49.6 27.6 44.5 51.6 35.4 15.9 304.3 Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-11 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-13 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 7. Calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Annual Flow W ac-ft Outflow to South Creek 485,044,086 11,135 Inflow from South Creek 457,011,082 10,492 Inflow from Watershed 27,759,797 637 Net Flow -282,207 -7 Total Flow 942,055,168 21,627 Annual results for the Jacks Creek Bay in 2003 are summarized in Figure 7 and in Tables 7 and 8. Annual flows from the bay to South Creek were 11,135 ac-ft, compared to 637 ac-ft of runoff. That is, runoff from the watershed was only 5.7% of the total flow from the bay to South Creek. The annual inflow to the bay from South Creek was 10,492 ac-ft which is about 16 times the annual inflow to the bay from the watershed. The total flow to and from the bay resulting from tidal fluctuations is over 30 times greater than the runoff to the bay from the watershed. Table 8. Summary of the calculated annual flows for the Jacks Creek Bay for 2003. Annual Flow Watershed Area 228 ac Watershed Outflow (depth) 2.79 ft Watershed Outflow (volume) 637 ac-ft Total Outflow from Bay to South Creek 11,135 ac-ft Watershed Outflow as % of Total 5.7% Outflow to South Creek Total Flow from Bay to/from South 21,627 ac-ft Creek Watershed Outflow as % of Total Flow 2.9% to/from South Creek Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-12 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-14 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report ILUUU 11000 - 10000 -------------------------------------- 9000 ----------------------------------- 8000 --------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3 7000 ----------------------------- ------------------- O u_ 6000 is5000 ---------------- -------------------------------- E4000-------- --------------------------------------- 0 U 3000 - - - - -- ---------------------------- 2000 --- ----------------- 1000 �r ---- 0 1/1/03 1/31/03 3/3/03 4/2/03 5/3/03 6/2/03 7/3/03 8/2/03 9/2/03 10/2/03 11/2/03 12/2/03 1/2/04 Date Inflow from Watershed —Inflow from South Creek —Outflow to South Creek Figure 7. Cumulative inflow to (Blue curve) and outflow from (Red curve) the Jacks Creek bay at the bay outlet for the year 2003. Also shown is the inflow to the Jacks Creek bay from the watershed (Black curve). 35 30 25 3 w 20 O 15 Q 10 5 0 2003 Jacks Creek 1 & 2, PCS Phosphate, 1951-2003 Simulation 2000 2001 2002 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 8. Frequency distribution of predicted annual outflow (runoff + shallow subsurface flow) for a 53 year (1951-2003) simulation at Jacks Creek. Measured annual flows for four years of observations are shown on the graph. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-13 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-15 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Results for a long term simulation for the Jacks Creek watershed are shown in Figure 8. These results indicate that the measured outflow (runoff + subsurface flow) from the Jacks Creek watershed in 2003 was the largest in 53 years. Predicted outflow for 2003 was 31 inches, which was 2 inches less than measured for that year. The main point, however, is that, even when the annual watershed outflow was the greatest of the last 53 years, flow from the watershed was only 5.7% of the total outflow from the bay to South Creek. If we were measuring flows using conventional metering methods, we would have to measure both inflow to the bay from South Creek, as well as, outflow from the bay to South Creek. The flow from the watershed would be the difference between these measured outflows and the inflows. On that basis, flow from the watershed would be only 2.9% of the total flow that would need to be measured. Summary The data and analysis presented herein support the following conclusions: • Flows in and out of the stream/bay systems, due primarily to wind and lunar tides, are large compared to flows from the small watersheds. This means that conventional methods of measuring flow rates at the watershed outlet (where, in this case, the outlet is affected by tides) to determine effect of mining on the hydrology, is not practical. Determining the outflow from the watershed would require measuring total outflow and inflow from the bay (two large values), and taking the difference to get watershed outflow. Errors in measurements of inflow and outflow from the bay would likely be of equal or larger magnitude than outflow from the watershed. Methods presented and demonstrated herein appear to be a better alternative. • Flow from small coastal watersheds to and through the stream/bay systems such as Jacks Creek is a small percentage of the total flow to and from the bay and South Creek. • This implies that significant reductions in the watershed area due to mining would not have a great impact on the flow and associated conditions in the bay. • Flow between bays and South Creek depends on wind and lunar tides, orientation of the bay with respect to South Creek and prevailing winds, as well as the shape of the bay and its topography. Thus additional measurements and analyses are needed for a range of watershed -bay systems before final conclusions can be drawn. • The analysis presented herein did not consider flow dynamics within the bay and the effect of runoff from the watershed and the effect of watershed reduction on factors such as salinity distributions therein. Draft Plan of Study for Potential Effects of Headwater Wetland Reduction on Downstream Aquatic Functions C-14 Appendix C - Determining Flows in Small Watersheds and Bays on South Creek PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. December 2009 July 2020 S-16 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report MONITORING LOCATIONS IN HUDDLES CUT, TOOLEY CREEK, AND JACKS CREEK ON AERIAL PHOTOS THROUGH TIME (19997 20027 2020) July 2020 S-17 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report July 2020 S-18 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 1 1 S r SOURCE: GOGGLE EARTH PRO HISTORICAL AERIAL DATED: JANUARY 24, 1999 `r 3 1 4 6 GOGGLE EARTH PRO HISTORICAL AERIAL DATED: DECEMBER 31, 2002 I SOURCE: AERIAL PROVIDED BY: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. 1530 NC HIGHWAY 306 SOUTH, AURORA, NORTH CAROLINA 27806, 252-322-5121, FLIGHT DATE: JANUARY 7, 2020 J2CW MW� \ C�--�cJ •y� '` f JACKS CREEK . N LEGEND MODIFIED ALT L PERMIT BOUNDARY j COASTLINE AND EXISTING FEATURES SKAGGS SUB-BASINS(1999) BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD COMMUNITY PUBLIC TRUST CREEK PERENNIAL STREAM INTERMITTENT STREAM ELECTRONIC HYDROLOGY WELL 0 MANUAL HYDROLOGY WELL FLOW MONITOR STATION WATER QUALITY SAMPLE LOCATION Mill SALINITY MONITOR D SKAGGS MONITORING LOCATIONS NOTE: STREAM DETERMINATIONS AS PER THE 2008 FEIS. " 0 1,500 3,000 4/ SCALE IN FEET INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS AND SUB -BASINS IN JACKS CREEK J PAST AND CURRENT CREEKS MONITORING STUDY PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: TLJ DATE: 04/13/20 FILE: 174547 JACKS —CREEK. R--i 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE CP# 1745.47 F--`/1\ jZ SUITE 2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 3�22-T403 FI G U R E �1✓� FAX 91%392-9139 SUPPLEMENT 1 —C July 2020 S-19 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report AS, OURCE: OOGLE EARTH PRO HISTORICAL AERIAL ATED: JANUARY 24, 1999 OOGLE EARTH PRO HISTORICAL AERIAL ATED: DECEMBER 31, 2002 OURCE: "- ERIAL PROVIDED BY: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. - 1530 NC HIGHWAY 306 SOUTH, AURORA, NORTH AROLINA 27806, 252-322-5121, FLIGHT DATE: ANUARY 7, 2020 TOOLEY CREEK GIN S� - LEGEND MODIFIED ALT L PERMIT BOUNDARY COASTLINE AND EXISTING FEATURES SKAGGS SUB-BASINS(1999) BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD COMMUNITY PUBLIC TRUST CREEK PERENNIAL STREAM INTERMITTENT STREAM ELECTRONIC HYDROLOGY WELL • MANUAL HYDROLOGY WELL FLOW MONITOR STATION WATER QUALITY SAMPLE LOCATION Mill SALINITY MONITOR D SKAGGS MONITORING LOCATIONS NOTE: STREAM DETERMINATIONS AS PER THE 2008 FEIS. w. 0 1,500 3,000 SCALE IN FEET INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS AND SUB -BASINS IN TOOLEY CREEK PAST AND CURRENT CREEKS MONITORING STUDY PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: TLJ DATE: 04 13 20 FILE:174547 TOOLEY-CRK F-CZR--i CP# 1745.47 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE ENRONENTSU CONSULTANTS SUITE 2 IVI�A WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 29253 FIGURE TEL FAX 910/392-9139 1 SUPPLEMENT 1 —B July 2020 S-20 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report PHOTOGRAPHS OF HUDDLES CUT 2001 STREAM DETERMINATIONS: UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM VIEWS FROM UPPER LIMIT INTERMITTENT (ULI) AND LOWER LIMIT INTERMITTENT (LLI) (refer to Figure Supp. I -A and field copy of USGS topographic map for locations) July 2020 S-21 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report VA Huddles West Prong ULI- view upstream at HF2, southern most weir on Walton Road (USGS topo HWP4 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream upper limit at Walton Road. • Huddles West Prong ULI-view downstream from HF2 on Walton Road (USGS topo HWP4 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream determination. July 2020 S-22 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Huddles Cut West Prong LLI- view upstream (USGS topo HWP3 LLI); 2001 jurisdictional stream limit at flagging to right. t [, Huddles Cut West Prong LLI- view downstream (USGS topo HWP3 LLI; lizard tail is upper edge of "BREAK" in jurisdiction); 2001 jurisdictional stream limit at flagging. July 2020 S-23 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Huddles Cut West Prong ULI- view upstream towards "BREAK" (USGS topo HWP2 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream limit at flagging. ' 1 � I� Huddles Cut West Prong ULI- view downstream (USGS topo HWP2 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream limit at flagging. July 2020 S-24 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report e,F i � � d F it ,.' .� '•" � �r .,¢,� � � �'� ! � • , Lam• .t _ `�.,." ,' .... V �� `. .. (.r �1'� EKE•, - •�Rf,,' •I � .r, ;.,,:. -'�� ,� �s_- � P1; - r T,'et'�tf{•. 1 �F r's• �..`r�•. 'r 1� r'A� :,�'�� . ��� -. +. -� Ate,,(/-/ fR �• . � - ' � '- •dr -ti�� to" 4 � WL� I -A Ir ir ti, ` 'jam •C -y �� K r�^ v 1 � � � !`•#mod �' r. f?: ��/+ •'•i '�U ��� {• F l y i '.,•L t� .. Huddles West Prong ULI- view upstream at HF1, northern weir on Walton Road (USGS topo HWP6 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream upper limit at Walton Road. IM M Huddles West Prong ULI- view downstream at HF1, northern weir on Walton Road (USGS topo HWP6 ULI); 2001 jurisdictional stream upper limit at Walton Road. July 2020 S-26 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Huddles Cut West Prong LLI-view upstream near HWW1 (USGS topo HWP5 LLI); 2001 jurisdictional stream determination. Huddles Cut West Prong LLI-view downstream into swamp from LLI (USGS topo HWP5 LLI); 2001 jurisdictional stream determination. July 2020 S-27 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 2000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF TOOLEY CREEK EAST PRONG VEGETATION (2001 CZR STREAM PHOTOS UNAVAILABLE) (refer to Figure Supp. I-B for locations) July 2020 S-28 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report r� r I" A- z Tooley Creek east prong view upstream from TW1 towards TF2 (left photo) and downstream towards TW2 (right photo). 2001 ULI determination at TF2 (Fig. Supp. 1-B). T, e Tooley Creek east prong view upstream from TW3 towards TW2 (left photo) and downstream (right photo). 2001 LLI/ULP determination at TW3 (Fig. Supp. 1-B). July 2020 S-29 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report PHOTOGRAPHS OF JACKS CREEK MAIN PRONG 2001 STREAM DETERMINATIONS: UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM VIEWS FROM UPPER LIMIT INTERMITTENT (ULI), LOWER LIMIT INTERMITTENT (LLI), UPPER LIMIT PERENNIAL (ULP), AND LOWER LIMIT PERENNIAL (LLP) (refer to Figure Supp. I-C and field copy of USGS topographic map for locations) July 2020 S-30 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report l Jacks Creek main prong view upstream at ULI (USGS topo JC4 ULI); 2001 stream determinations. Jacks Creek main prong view downstream at ULI (USGS topo JC4 ULI); 2001 stream determinations. July 2020 S-31 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report �• 1 � MAII- I .t Jacks Creek main prong view upstream at CZR LLI (USGS topo JC3 LLI); 2001stream determinations. NOTE: final segment had no breaks above Sandy Landing Road (Fig. Supp. 1-C). Jacks Creek main prong view downstream at CZR LLI (USGS topo JC3 LLI); 2001 stream determinations. NOTE: final segment had no breaks above Sandy Landing Road (Fig. Supp. 1-C). July 2020 S-32 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Jacks Creek main prong view upstream at CZR ULI (USGS topo JC2 ULI/Break); 2001 stream determinations. NOTE: final segment had no breaks above Sandy Landing Road (Fig. Supp. 1-C). Jacks Creek main prong view downstream at CZR's ULI (USGS topo JC2 ULI/Break); 2001 stream determinations. Sandy Landing Road crossing in background, JF1 located on other side of road. July 2020 S-33 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report ic 41, iM = T..-»� 4 16 Jacks Creek main prong view upstream at ULP/LLI (USGS topo JC1 ULP/1-1-I); 2001 stream determinations. NOTE: main prong final ULP was marked at Sandy Landing Road (Fig. Supp. 1-C) Jacks Creek main prong view upstream at CZR's ULP/LLI (USGS JC1 ULP/1-1-I); 2001 stream determinations. NOTE: main prong final ULP was marked at Sandy Landing Road (Fig. Supp. 1-C). July 2020 S-34 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report :'AYES AURORA QUADRANGLE COMMERCE ,��,+`''� y IETIC SURVEY NORTH CAROLINA-BEAUFORT CO. .06p���v+ ^'E 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) ' 3M 33J 4T30" J t --- -7--._ _ I �38 -- 3� �rrr ri JRv !mac ln.�r 3 s n.;/. 34a 2-670 ODO FEET,7E� 4 ' �1 ` t . 3 '22`30' 0, i t { 4' -15 L /I n b { rb° Al ilz c , , 3%14 ( " = _ 70) -4 _ v aO nn o FEE 3 13 rg t0 4't;4 r�v �` . , a C� 1 1. `.�7 - i' � !C 1 0/ VM /t i Td f��t/A `��• � -.r\ V- ,4�'�'� � .l�Y'SP `�` --- ..., ,,. rr ice'•- �S4Jq �U� t �*_ ,—,_��'",�� 4 ;��` ;� Li 77 2Dr i 4 /,(I V ' coo j -' ^✓f '[� v ..��1t ,� ���y `� t1Vot0_ �� C i:� �1,-Ihi' {�. j�r�'^t.M i/- � Fh •:. w/I F M% r < x �♦,: r`"Fk1',1/�.d'".^i r fYJti , i; 7. f fl Ld _ Y 1 nefss 1l`. " 1 `t ,, ti y ' Creek }S4 , r ! w . 0Z% 1 July 2020 S-35 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVE MINING SCENARIOS ON HYDROLOGY OF HUDDLES CUT AND CYPRESS RUN WATERSHEDS (SKAGGS 2006) July 2020 S-36 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVE NHNING SCENARIOS ON HYDROLOGY OF HUDDLES CUT AND CYPRESS RUN WATERSHEDS Introduction PCS is developing plans for mining phosphorus from deposits in Beaufort County near Aurora, NC. These plans would continue and expand mining activities that have been conducted in the area since the 1960s. Permits by federal and state agencies (US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) and North Carolina (DENR) require Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) documenting the effects of proposed mining and related activities on the environment. Mining involves extraction of phosphate ore from deposits extending many feet below sea level. The process involves hydraulically and hydrologically isolating the pit area from its natural watershed. Water from rainfall and seepage are pumped from the pit and treated before eventual return to surface waters at a location remote from the natural watershed outlet. This effectively reduces the area of the watershed feeding its natural outlet, with a consequent reduction of outflow (subsurface drainage and surface runoff) rates and volumes. The purpose of this report is to document the results of hydrologic analyses of the impact of various mining scenarios on the hydrology of two watersheds near Aurora, N.C. The first watershed is the Huddles Cut watershed on the NCPC tract adjacent to the existing PCS mining site. The hydrology of the Huddles Cut watershed, which drains directly to the Pamlico River, was studied in detail by Skaggs and Group (2001,2002,2003,2004,2005). The study included continuous monitoring of four sub - watersheds over a 5-year period and the calibration and application of simulation modeling to describe the hydrology. The study also included two other watersheds on the NCPC tract, Jacks Creek and Tooley Creek. Inputs to the simulation model DRAINMOD from this study were used herein to analyze the effects of various mining alternatives on the hydrology of the Huddles Cut watershed. Results from the Huddles watersheds were similar to results from the Jacks and Tooley watersheds and are representative of the relatively small naturally drained basins that comprise the NCPC tract and most of the Bonnerton tract. Long-term (54 year) simulations were conducted for each mining scenario considered for the Huddles watershed, and average annual and monthly outflows were predicted. Results for each year were used to construct probability distributions for daily, monthly and annual outflows. The second watershed is Cypress Run located South of Route 33 near Aurora. Cypress Run is located among, and is representative of, Broomfield Swamp, Bailey Creek and South Creek watersheds, which are also potential mining sites. Cypress Run is a 3046 ac watershed with 713 acres located on the slope of the Suffolk Scarp and 2333 acres on the nearly flat lower coastal plain. The flat land is primarily used for agricultural cropland (75%) with 25% in managed forest. It is drained with a network of drainage ditches and outlet canals at various depths and spacings. DRAIN -MOD was developed to simulate the hydrology of lands with parallel drains such as exist on the flat lands of this watershed. Inputs were determined for the two major soil types making up this part of the watershed and DRAIN -MOD was used to simulate the hydrology of the different combinations of July 2020 S-37 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report soil, crop (including forest) and drainage treatment. Inputs for the scarp area were obtained from soil property measurements and from water table measurements conducted over a 6-month period in 2005. As with the Huddles watershed long-term simulations were conducted for the many combinations of soils, crop or cover, and drainage treatments to analyze the hydrologic effects of the various mining alternatives considered for the Cypress Run watershed. Methods. Huddles Cut. DRAINMOD was used to analyze the hydrologic effects of the various mining scenarios for the Huddles Cut watershed. Model inputs were determined and the model validated in a hydrologic study conducted during the period 1999-2005. Results of the study were reported in detail in annual reports of the "NCPC Stream Monitoring Program for PCS Phosphate Company, Inc." for years 2000-2006. The reports were prepared by CZR, Inc., R. Wayne Skaggs and Group, and Donald W. Stanley. The parts of the report concerning the hydrologic study were prepared by the Skaggs Group. To be consistent with previous reports, we refer herein to the hydrologic results for the various years as Skaggs and Group (xxxx), where xxxx is the year of the report. Usually the report dated for a given year contains results for the previous year, although in the case of hydrology, cumulative results from several years may be presented in some cases. Background Data and Model Inputs. The hydrologic study involved 8 sub watersheds (Figure 1). Four of the sub watersheds were on Huddles Cut, which drains directly to the Pamlico River, two on Tooley Creek, and two on Jacks Creek. The Jacks Creek sub watersheds were hydraulically connected and were ultimately analyzed as a single watershed. Each sub watershed was instrumented to continuously measure flow rates at the outlet and water table depth at two locations in the catchment (see Figure 2 and Skaggs and Group, 2001). Additional water table wells were installed and monitored manually. Rainfall was continuously measured and recorded on each site. Soils on the watersheds were primarily Roanoke, Augusta, Tomotly and associated series. Soil samples were taken at three depths from pits at multiple locations in each sub watershed and soil water characteristics were measured in the lab. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured in the field by the auger hole method. These data are reported in detail by Skaggs and Group (2002) and were used to determine soil property inputs for DRAE% MOD. DRAINMOD was originally developed (Skaggs, 1978) to simulate the performance of parallel drainage systems and their effect on the soil water balance. Its use for natural watersheds such as those on the NCPC tract required calibration to determine effective drain depths and spacings that would emulate the natural drainage processes. This was done on the Huddles sub watersheds by using rainfall data measured on -site to predict outflows and water table depths for a 32 month (May 1999-December 2001) calibration period. Predicted results were compared to measured values, and the inputs adjusted, within physically acceptable ranges, to minimize differences. Calibrated July 2020 S-38 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report model inputs for soil properties and drainage system parameters for the Huddles 4 sub watershed are given in Appendix A. After calibration, the model was tested by comparing predicted with measured results for a validation period of at least two years for all sub watersheds (Skaggs and Group, 2005). The model did a good to excellent job of describing the hydrology of all four Huddles sub watersheds, the Tooley Creek 2 sub watershed and the combined Jacks Creek 1 and 2 sub watershed (Skaggs and Group, 2005). Performance for the Tooley Creek 1 sub watershed was only fair, due primarily to loss of record and uncertainty in flow measurements for that catchment. Examples of the agreement between measured and predicted cumulative outflow volumes for the entire 5 year observation period are given in Figure 3 for Huddles 2. Out of the total rainfall of 249 inches for the period, Figure 1. Schematic of sub watersheds monitored in the NCPC Tract near Aurora, NC July 2020 S-39 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report PAMLICO RIVER HUDDLES CUT a Huddles 1 . a05 O - HUDDV GUT a�a U a U a • Manual Water Table Well uddles 3 Huddles 2 0 Automatic Water Table Well •0 Automatic Flow Station Huddle_ 0 � Tooley 1 Tooley 2 rcb.Fr 90'1 � E Mk,, Figure 2. Distribution of outflow stations and water table wells on the Huddles and Tooley sub watersheds. measured outflow from Huddles 2 was 63 inches compared to 64 inches predicted. It is obvious from Figure 3 that predicted outflows were in good agreement with measured over the entire period. Predicted outflow for the 5-year period was only 1 inch greater than measured, which amounts to an error of less than 2% on average. Outflows amounted to 25 percent of rainfall for the period, which is well within published data for similar forested watersheds in coastal North Carolina (Chescheir et al., 2003). Predicted monthly outflows are compared to measured values for the 5-year observation period in Figure 4. Predicted values were in good agreement with measured with an R2 of 0.88 and a slope of the regression line of nearly 1 (0.96). Predicted water table depths were generally good agreement with measured values. An example is shown in Figure 5 for 2003, which was the wettest (highest annual rainfall) of the years monitored. There was variation among measured water table depths, which were generally deeper for the higher elevations in the watershed and shallower (closer to the surface) in the lower elevations. Predicted water table depths generally fell within the values measured across the watershed. July 2020 S-40 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 300 250 t c 200 c 150 0 a 0 100 U 50 0 Cumulative Measured/Predicted Water Balance for Huddles 2 1999-------2000------------2001--------2002------20032004 ------ ----------------------------------------- --PET -------------- Rain -------------------------------- - - - - --00 ------- ---'------------ �♦ Periods with soil water deficits Predicted Flow '\ Measured Flow 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Months beginning in May 1999 Rain PET Meas Flow - Pred Flow - - - - - Pred ET Figure 3. Predicted and measured cumulative outflows for Huddles Cut 2 for the 5-year observation period. Other water balance components are also shown. 7.0 6.0 c 3 5.0 0 >1 4.0 1.0 0.0 DRAINMOD predictions, Huddles Cut 2, 1999-2004 --------------------------------- I O y = 0.9568x + 0.0625 RZ = 0.8763 o O--------------------- e O O ............................................................................................................ O o O O -o--o° o Qo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O O O I 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Measured monthly outflow, in ♦ Meas-DRAINMOD ----- 1:1 Line Linear (Meas-DRAINMOD) Figure 4. Predicted versus measured monthly outflows for Huddles 2 over the 5 year observation period. July 2020 S-41 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Examination of the measured outflow and water table depths over the course of the monitoring period reveals important information regarding the drainage characteristics of the watersheds. Figure 6 shows the relationship between flow rate and average water table depth (water table below the surface indicated by negative values, depth of surface ponding by positive numbers) for Huddles 2 for 2004. Results indicate that outflow is primarily a surface runoff phenomenon. Even though there are differences in surface elevations on these relatively flat watersheds with the natural streams often 1 to 3 feet below the surface elevation, subsurface drainage is relatively small. Flow rates are close to zero for average water table depths greater than 10 inches. These flow characteristics are well described by the calibrated DRAINMOD as indicated by Figures 3-5. Results are described in more detail by Skaggs and Group (2005). its] 0 E- -10 s -20 CL p -30 -40 -50 L -60 OMI M .E Huddles 4, PCS Phosphate, 2003 Day of the Year H4CW1 ........ H4CW2 ■ HOW ♦ H4MW2 ♦ H4MW3 Predicted Figure 5. Predicted and measured water table depths on Huddles 4 during 2003. Note that the predicted water table is generally between that measured on the relative high ground (H4CW2) and that measured at a relatively lower surface elevation (H4CW 1). July 2020 S-42 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report AVERAGE WTD (H2CW1 & H2CW2) vs FLOW RATE, Huddles 2, 2004 Flow = 0.8 (1.487AWTD)(1.023AWTD^10) ° 0 o Measured Approx Fit o ° 0 5 4 T ai 3 L 3 0 0 12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 Average Water Table Depth, in Figure 6. Relationship between outflow rates and average water table depth for Huddles 2. Note water table below ground surface is indicated by negative numbers while ponded water depth is denoted by positive numbers. Long-term simulations were conducted for Huddles Cut 2, Tooley Creek 2 and Jacks Creek 1&2 by using the calibrated DRAIN -MOD inputs with local weather data for years 1951-2003. Annual outflows for each year of the 53 year simulations were ranked and plotted as shown in Figure 7 for Jacks Creek 1&2. Predicted annual outflows varied from 1 to 31 inches for Jacks Creek with a median of 12.5 inches. Measured outflows are also plotted in Figure 7. Note that the observed annual outflows over the six year observation period for Jacks Creek are well distributed over the predicted range from nearly the lowest flow in 2002 to the highest in 53 years in 2003. This means that the model was tested for a complete range of weather conditions expected at this location. July 2020 S-43 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 35 30 25 3 ,° 20 O 15 Q 10 5 0 Jacks Creek 1 & 2, PCS Phosphate, 1951-2004 Simulation 2003 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 1------------------------------------------ 2000----------... ................................ 2002 0 20 40 60 80 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 7. Frequency distribution of predicted annual outflows for a 55 year (1951-1955) simulation for Jacks Creek 1&2. Measured annual flows for six years of observations, as plotted on the graph, span the range of predicted outflows for the 55 year period. Predicted frequency distributions for Huddles Cut 2, Tooley Creek 2 and Jacks Creek 1&2 are plotted for comparison in Figure 8. Results are very similar with very little difference between predicted outflows from the watersheds at any probability level. This indicates that the hydrologic effects of mining, so far as annual outflows are concerned, will be similar for these watersheds, and, by extrapolation, for many of the small coastal watersheds in the NCPC and similar tracts. 100 July 2020 S-44 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 32 24 0 w 0 16 0 ZI O Tooley Creek 2 ❑ Jacks Creek 1 & 2 ♦ Huddles Cut 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 8. Frequency distributions of predicted annual outflows for Huddles Cut 2, Tooley Creek 2 and Jacks Creek 1&2 for the 53-year period 1951-2003. Methods for Modeling the Hydrology of the Huddles Cut Watershed. The hydrology of the Huddles Cut watershed was modeled using DRAINMOD. Our objective was to consider the whole watershed rather than the sub watersheds individually, as was done in our previous study. The current watershed was considered to be the "pre -developed" condition. It is not the same as the watershed we originally studied as indicated in Figure 9. Based on an examination of Air Photos, most of the original sub watersheds Huddles I and Huddles 2, and about half of Huddles 3, have already been developed (prepared for mining) and thereby removed from the watershed. The existing, "pre -developed" or pre -mined watershed is shown in Figure 10. We analyzed the hydrology of this watershed by considering it to be made up of a high ground section, a low ground section and the marsh based on an examination of Lidar elevation data. DRAINMOD inputs (Appendix A) developed for the Huddles 4 sub watershed, which makes up a good part of the existing watershed, were used for the high ground section. These are the same soil property inputs as were used in the previous study for Huddles 2 with somewhat deeper more closely spaced drains as determined by calibration. The same inputs with shallower drains (to reflect the lower landscape position), were used for the low ground section of the watershed. The high ground section had one agricultural area (29 acres, Figure 10). This section was modeled as an agricultural field using the same inputs as were used for the Roanoke soil in agricultural fields south of Route 33 (Appendix A). Runoff and shallow subsurface flow from the high ground section was assumed to flow through the low ground section to the marsh. The marsh was treated as part of the outlet. July 2020 S-45 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Simulations were conducted for a 54 year period (1951-2004) for each proposed mining alternative. The proposed mining alternatives are shown schematically in Figures 10 through 14. The mining alternatives are given in Table 1. The areas shown are the areas remaining in the watershed and draining to the marsh after mining. Table 1. Mining alternatives and corresponding areas draining to the outlet. Mining Treatment Area, Acres Reference Pre -Development or current 677 Figure 10 Dra line Plan 580 Figure 11 SCRA Plan 230 Figure 12 SRA Plan 160 Figure 13 Preferred Plan 4.7 Figure 14 The primary objective of the simulations was to determine how the various mining alternatives would affect outflows from the watershed. Outflows (the sum of surface runoff and subsurface drainage) for each section were predicted and stored on a day-by-day, monthly and annual basis for the 54-year simulation period for each mining alternative. The model outputs for flow were in units of depth (cm). These values were converted to inches, multiplied by the relevant watershed area and summed to get flow in acre -inches per day, month, and year for every year of the simulation period. Results were then plotted, summarized, and analyzed to determine effects of various mining alternatives on outflows from the watersheds. Old Huddles Cut Watersheds In -'ative to Current relopment Condition Figure 10. Current Huddles Cut watershed (shaded area) and estimated relative positions of the old Huddles Cut sub watersheds. July 2020 S-46 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report uddles Cut Watershed Pre -Development High Ground Forest (523 ac) High Ground Agriculture (29 ac) Low Ground Forest (125 ac) Tidal Marsh (30 ac) Figure 11. Huddles Cut Watershed under existing conditions (before proposed mining). addles Cut Watershed Dragline Plan High Ground Forest (431 ac) ] High Ground Agriculture (29 ac) Low Ground Forest (120 ac) Tidal Marsh (30 ac) Figure 12. Huddles Cut Watershed showing the undisturbed area (shaded) after development using the Dragline Plan July 2020 S-47 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report uddles Cut Watershed SCRA Plan High Ground Forest (129 ac) Low Ground Forest (101 ac) Tidal Marsh (30 ac) Figure 13. Huddles Cut Watershed showing the undisturbed area (shaded) after development using the SCRA Plan addles Cut Watershed SRA Plan High Ground Forest(92 ac) Low Ground Forest (68 ac) Tidal Marsh (28 ac) Figure 14. Huddles Cut Watershed showing the undisturbed area (shaded) after development using the SRA Plan July 2020 S-48 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report uddles Cut Watershed Preferred Plan High Ground Forest (1.0 ac) Low Ground Forest (0.9 ac) Tidal Marsh (2.8 ac) Figure 15. Huddles Cut Watershed showing the undisturbed area (shaded) after development using the SRA Plan Cypress Run. Long-term flow rates from the Cypress Run watershed were determined from DRAINMOD simulations of the different soil, land cover, drainage designs, and topographic conditions on the watershed. The total flow from the watershed was calculated as the area weighted sum of the flows from different conditions on the watershed. Input data for the DRAINMOD simulations were determined from field measurements of soil properties and drainage parameters, and from calibrating the model to agree with field measured water tables and flow rates. Background Data and Model Inputs. The Cypress Run watershed is 3046 ac and includes two distinct topographies (Figure 16). The western section (713 ac) of the watershed is located on the Suffollk Scarp, the sloping Pleistocene shoreline that separates the inner coastal plain from the outer coastal plain. Land on the scarp section of the watershed slopes down from west to east at a rate of 50 ft per mile. The topography of eastern section (2333 ac) of the watershed is typical of the outer Coastal Plain with land slopes about 1 ft per mile. July 2020 S-49 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Figure 16. Diagram of the Cypress Run watershed overlaying a USGS topographic map. The diagram shows the Scarp section and the Flatland section of the watershed and the locations of wells and weirs for monitoring the hydrology of representative conditions. Over 95% of the land in the scarp section is covered with forest vegetation, with the remaining land is in roads and residential land use. Predominant soil types in this section are Leon sand and Torhunta sandy loam. Surface drainage from the scarp section is by overland flow to 5 to 20 ft wide natural drainage ways about 0.5 to 1 foot deep. About 75% of the land in the flatland section is in agricultural row crops with the remaining land in managed forest. All of the crop land is drained by 1 to 3 ft deep field ditches at spacings ranging from 90 to 230 ft. Most of the cropland is planted in a two year rotation of corn, wheat, and soybeans. About 10% of the managed forest in the flatland section had ditch drainage. Predominant soil types in the flatland section are Roanoke fine sandy loam and Tomotley fine sandy loam. Drainage from the fields and field ditches flows to main canals about 6 ft deep and 30 ft wide. Stream channels near the outlet of the watershed reach depths of 10 ft. Field Measurments. Undisturbed soil cores were taken at two depths from pits at multiple locations on the watershed. The pits located on the flatland section were on the Roanoke and Tomotley soils for both agriculture and forest landuses. Pits were also located on the scarp section in both the Leon soils and the Torhunta soils. Soil water characteristic curves for the soil samples were measured in the lab using standard methods. The soil water characteristic data are plotted in Appendix 2. July 2020 S-50 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Saturated hydraulic conductivity was measured in the field using the auger hole method. At least ten measurements were collected for each combination of Roanoke and Tomotley soil with agriculture and forest land uses on the flatland section and for the Leon and Tornhunta soils on the scarp section. The calculated saturated hydraulic conductivity values for each test are given in Appendix 3. In -field measurements of drainage rates and water table depths were recorded for a two month period (March and April, 2003) on agricultural fields in the flatland section. Measurements were made on both Tomotley and Roanoke soils. Three adjacent field ditches were selected on each soil type. Two water table wells were installed at each site: one at the mid point between the first and second field ditches, and the other at the mid point between the second and third field ditches. The wells were equipped with continuous water level recorders. V-notch weirs were located in each ditch and the water levels were continuously measured behind the weirs to calculate flow rates. The data collected from these sites were used to calibrate DRAINMOD for the flatland soils (Appendix 4). Water table depths were measured in wells at ten locations on the scarp section of the watershed (Figure 16). The wells were located such that the water table depths could be recorded for different topographic conditions on each soil type (Leon and Torhunta). Since the scarp was dissected by natural drainage ways, the wells were located on high ground between the drainage ways and on low ground near the drainage ways (see Appendix 4 for details). The wells were equipped with continuous water level recorders and measurements were recorded from January through June, 2005. The data collected from these sites were used to calibrate DRAINMOD for the soil and topographic conditions on the scarp section. Methods for Modeling the Hydrology of the Cypress Run Watershed. The hydrology of Cypress Run watershed was modeled using multiple DRAINMOD simulations. The basic procedure for simulating outflow from the entire watershed was to: 1) divide the watershed into fields having different soil type, land use, drainage designs, and topographic conditions, 2) select input parameters that would represent the different conditions, 3) make long-term DRAINMOD simulations for each field, 4) multiply predicted flow depths by the land area to get predicted outflows (in acre inches) for each field or combination of fields having the same soil, land use and drainage treatment, and 5) sum all of the daily, monthly and yearly flows to obtain values for the entire watershed. Flatland Section Simulations. The use of DRAINMOD to simulate the hydrology of the fields in the flatland section was routine, since the model was specifically developed for the parallel drain conditions present in the flatland section. The flatland section was divided into 65 fields (Figure 17). The different conditions in the fields were various combinations of soil type, land -use, ditch (drain) depth, and ditch (drain) spacing. July 2020 S-51 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Figure 17. Discretization of Cypress Run watershed into fields The relative areas and distributions of soil type and land use were determined from the Soil Survey, Geographic (SSURGO) GIS database, and the 1998 color infrared digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles (DOQQ). The relative areas and distributions of drain depths and drain spacings were determined from field measurements and the DOQQ. Five catagories of drain depths (0.3, 0.8, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.2 ft) and drain spacings (92, 133, 183, 233, and 467 ft) were selected to represent the drainage configurations on the flatland section. A combination of soil type, land -use, drain depth, and drain spacing was selected to represent each field (Table 2). Lateral seepage from the fields to the main canals was also considered since the main canals were much deeper (6 ft) than the field ditches (0.3 to 3.2 ft). Seepage would occur to the deep ditches even if the water table moved below the bottom of the field ditches. The seepage rates will depend on the depth of the main canal and the distance from the canal to the midpoint of the field. Since field widths varied, two values were used for the distance from the canal to the midpoint of the field. For most of the fields, the main canal was assumed to be 6 ft deep. Two forested fields (47 and 51 in Figure 17) were located adjacent to the 6 ft deep canals and the deeper (10 ft deep) stream channels near the outlet of the watershed. These fields did not have field or lateral ditches and were simulated with 6 ft deep ditches spaced 1700 ft apart and with lateral seepage to a 10 ft deep ditch (Table 2). July 2020 S-52 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report The fields in Table 2 were consolidated by summing together field areas for fields with the same land use, soil type, and drainage treatment. DRAINMOD input data sets were prepared for each of the 25 sets of conditions that occurred on the flatland area (Table 17). Drainage parameters and soil properties used for the DRAE MOD simulations are shown in Appendix 5. Scarp Section Simulations. The use of DRAP MOD to simulate the hydrology of the fields in the scarp section was not a routine use of the model, since the land on the scarp has a relatively constant slope of about 50 ft/mile. This condition will result in two situations. First, groundwater in the hill slope will slowly seep from the scarp to the flatlands. Second, surface water and shallow ground water from the upslope areas will contribute flow to the down slope areas. The slow seepage from the scarp to the flatland was simulated by assuming that the scarp was drained by very widely spaced deep drains. This assumption was possible since Durham Creek has incised a valley to the west of the scarp (see Figure 16). This results in parallel drain situation with Durham Creek acting as one drain and the western most ditches of the flatlands as the other. The elevation of the midpoint between the drains is about 30 ft above the drains and the spacing between the drains is about 8000 ft. DRAINMOD was used to simulate the hydrology of this drainage configuration over a 54 year weather record from Belhaven, NC. The average annual subsurface drainage rate was 0.52 in/yr and this rate was assumed to be the slow seepage rate from the scarp to the flatland. Drainage parameters and soil properties used for the DRAINMOD simulations of the slow seepage are shown in Appendix 6. Surface and shallow subsurface drainage from the scarp was simulated by using the contributing area routines in DRAMMOD. The scarp was divided into two sections: a high ground section and a low ground section. The high ground section was assumed to be the higher ground between the natural drainage ways that carry the surface and shallow subsurface drainage to the flatlands. The soil properties used for the high ground were those measured for the Leon soil which occupied the higher elevations of the scarp. The drainage configuration was assumed to be deep drains and wide spacings. Since the drain depth and spacing could not be directly measured, they were determined by simulating various depths and spacings until the simulated water table depths agreed with those measured in the high ground wells on the scarp from January through June of 2005 (Figure 18). Rainfall data collected at the Jacks Creek site for the NCPC study were used for the weather input data along with daily maximum and minimum temperature data recorded at the Belhaven Weather station. Hourly surface and subsurface drainage rates predicted by DRAINMOD were saved in a file and used as input for simulating the low ground. Drainage parameters and soil properties resulting from this calibration procedure are shown in Appendix 7. July 2020 S-53 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 2. Characteristics of fields shown in Figure 17. Field # Area ac Soil Land use Ditch Depth ft Spacing ft 0 23.79 TO forested 2.0 467 1 69.30 RO forested 0.3 183 2 74.86 TO agr-corn 2.5 183 3 22.56 TO agr-soy 3.2 233 4 2.14 TO forested 0.3 467 5 19.75 RO agr-soy 2.5 133 6 21.03 RO forested 2.0 133 7 16.39 TO forested 0.3 233 8 15.45 RO forested 0.3 467 9 40.25 TO agr-soy 2.5 183 10 82.07 RO a r-corn 2.5 183 11 36.92 RO agr-soy 2.5 133 12 5.13 RO agr-corn 2.5 133 13 7.72 RO forested 0.3 133 14 10.97 RO forested 2.0 467 15 34.27 RO agr-soy 2.5 467 16 35.81 TO agr-soy 2.5 183 17 33.95 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 18 36.32 TO agr-corn 2.5 133 19 66.32 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 20 28.82 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 21 86.41 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 22 7.14 TO a r-corn 0.8 467 23 91.45 RO a r-corn 2.5 133 24 79.81 TO a r-corn 2.5 133 25 43.42 RO agr-soy 2.5 133 26 110.74 RO agr-soy 2.0 183 27 22.26 RO agr-corn 2.0 183 28 37.07 RO agr-soy 2.5 133 29 9.99 RO a r-corn 2.0 133 30 26.33 RO agr-soy 2.0 233 31 28.15 RO agr-corn 2.5 133 32 47.89 TO agr-corn 2.5 133 33 26.29 RO agr-corn 2.5 467 34 54.62 TO a r-corn 2.0 133 35 12.46 TO a r-corn 2.5 133 36 10.35 TO a r-corn 2.5 183 37 26.48 TO agr-soy 2.0 133 38 14.44 RO agr-corn 2.5 133 39 16.48 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 40 136.61 RO forested 0.3 467 41 41.76 TO agr-soy 2.5 133 42 66.17 TO agr-soy 2.0 133 43 11.73 RO agr-corn 2.0 183 44 72.69 TO agr-corn 2.5 133 45 20.19 TO agr-soy 2.0 183 46 8.71 TO agr-corn 3.2 183 47 183.67 TO forested 0.8 183 48 16.94 TO agr-soy 2.5 183 49 3.05 TO forested 2.0 233 50 2.48 RO forested 2.0 233 51 99.07 TO forested 0.3 467 52 4.65 TO agr-soy 0.8 467 53 5.71 RO agr-soy 0.8 467 54 3.23 TO forested 0.3 467 55 30.57 TO agr-soy 3.2 92 56 38.99 TO agr-corn 3.2 92 57 22.13 RO agr-corn 2.0 183 58 30.36 TO agr-corn 2.0 92 59 23.06 TO agr-corn 2.0 133 60 10.48 TO a r-corn 2.0 183 61 9.90 TO a r-corn 2.5 183 62 32.68 TO agr-corn 2.0 133 63 17.75 TO agr-soy 2.0 133 64 5.16 TO forested 2.0 233 65 210.52 TR scarp -forest 0.7 667 66 1 169.01 1 LO scarp -forest 8.3 667 67 1 150.15 1 TR scarp-forestj 0.7 667 68 1 182.86 1 LO scarp-forestj 8.3 667 July 2020 S-54 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 3. Characteristics used in files that represent the consolidation of fields on the Cypress Run watershed. File Name Land use Soil Ditch Depth ft Spacing ft Area ac RO60C40S agr-corn RO 2.0 133.3 9.99 RO60C55S agr-corn RO 2.0 183.3 166.87 RO75S40L agr-soy RO 2.5 133.3 276.36 RO75S55L agr-soy RO 2.5 183.3 82.08 RO75C140S agr-corn RO 2.5 466.7 60.56 RO25S140S agr-soy RO 0.8 466.7 5.71 RO60C70L agr-corn RO 2.0 233.3 26.33 RO10F140L forested RO 0.3 466.7 229.10 RO60F40L forested RO 2.0 133.3 21.03 RO60F70S forested RO 2.0 233.3 2.48 RO60F140L forested RO 2.0 466.7 10.97 TO25S140L agr-soy TO 0.8 466.7 11.80 TO60C27S agr-corn TO 2.0 91.7 30.36 TO60S40S agr-soy TO 2.0 133.3 220.78 TO60C55L agr-corn TO 2.0 183.3 30.68 TO75C40L agr-corn TO 2.5 133.3 522.96 TO75S55S agr-soy TO 2.5 183.3 188.12 TO95S27S agr-soy TO 3.2 91.7 69.56 TO95C55L agr-corn TO 3.2 183.3 8.71 TO95S70L agr-soy TO 3.2 233.3 22.56 TO180F510D forested TO 6.0 1700.0 183.68 TO10F70L forested TO 0.3 233.3 16.39 TO180F500D forested TO 6.0 1666.7 104.45 TO60F70S forested TO 2.0 233.3 8.22 TO60F140L forested TO 2.0 466.7 23.79 SCARPT1 scarp -forest TR 0.71 666.7 213.09 SCARPL1 scarp -forest LO 8.31 666.7 499.50 July 2020 S-55 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 10 0 P W ~ -20 L -30 -40 1/1 2/1 3/3 4/3 5/4 6/4 7/5 Day of Year Figure 18. Comparison of simulated water table depth to water table depth measured in wells HGL1 and HGL2 on the high ground Leon soil on the scarp at Cypress Run Watershed. The soil properties used for the low ground were those measured for the Torhunta soil which occupied the lower elevations of the scarp. The drainage configuration was assumed to be very shallow drains and wide spacings. As with the high ground simulations, the drain depth and spacing were determined by simulating various depths and spacings until the simulated water table depths agreed with those measured in the low ground wells on the scarp from January through June of 2005 (Figure 19). Drainage parameters and soil properties resulting from this calibration procedure are shown in Appendix 8. For both the high ground and low ground simulations, the parameters for lateral seepage were set such that the average annual seepage rate equaled the slow seepage rate calculated in the initial scarp simulations. Total flow from the scarp was calculated as the simulated depth of flow for the combined surface and shallow subsurface drainage from the low ground simulation (which included the surface and shallow subsurface drainage from the high ground) multiplied by the area of the low ground section plus the slow seepage rate multiplied by the area of the entire scarp section. July 2020 S-56 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 10 M -30 -40 1/1 2/1 3/3 4/3 5/4 6/4 7/5 Day of Year Figure 19. Comparison of simulated water table depth to water table depth measured in wells LGT1 and LGT2 on the low ground Torhunta soil on the scarp at Cypress Run Watershed. The hydrology of each field in the flat land and for each condition on the scarp was simulated by DRAINMOD using the 54 year weather data set from Belhaven, NC. The total flow from the Cypress Run watershed was calculated by summing the products of the simulated depths of flow and the area of each condition on the flatland and then adding the flow from the scarp determined by the method described in the previous paragraph. Simulations ofDifferent Mining Alternatives. The flow depth data files calculated by the long-term simulations of each condition on the scarp and flatland were used to determine total flow from the different mining alternatives. The proposed mining alternatives are shown schematically in Figures 20 through 23. The mining alternatives considered are: 1. The Intermediate Plan (Figure 20) 2. SCRA Plan (Figure 21) 3. The No Action Plan (Figure 22) 4. Preferred Plan (Figure 23) July 2020 S-57 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report For each mining alternative, the undisturbed area after mining was distributed appropriately among the drainage, soil, and land -use conditions that existed prior to mining. The total flow from each mining alternative was determined by multiplying the flow depth of each condition by the area of that condition existing after mining and then summing the resulting flow volumes. Part of the scarp section was converted to a work lot in the Preferred Plan, the SCRA Plan and the Intermediate Plan. For these plans, an additional DRAINMOD simulation was performed to calculate flow from this new condition. The work lot was simulated with a slowly permeable soil surface layer and no vegetation. Drainage parameters and soil properties used for the DRAII MOD simulations of the work lot are shown in Appendix AH. ass Run Watershed (3046 ac) sturbed Area after nediate Development (1772 ac) sturbed Area within ass Run Watershed (531 ac) loped Work Lot within ;ss Run Watershed (125 ac) 1. Figure 20. South of Rt33 area map showing the undisturbed area after mining (development) using the Intermediate Plan and the undisturbed area within the Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-58 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report ess Run Watershed (3046 ac) sturbed Area after A Development (2631 ac) sturbed Area within ess Run Watershed (715 ac) doped Work Lot within ess Run Watershed (98 ac) Figure 21. South of Rt33 area map showing the undisturbed area after mining (Development) using the SCRA Plan and the undisturbed area within the Cypress Run Watershed. L 1 0 Cypress Run Watershed (3046 ac) Undisturbed Area after ❑ No Action Development (3110 ac) Isolated Areas not Included Undisturbed Area within ❑ Cypress Run Watershed (957 ac) Isolated Areas not Included Figure 22. South of Rt33 area map showing the undisturbed area after mining using the No Action Plan and the undisturbed area within the Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-59 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report ess Run Watershed (3046 ac) sturbed Area after erred Development (1475 ac) sturbed Area within ess Run Watershed (532 ac) (loped Work Lot within ess Run Watershed (98 ac) Figure 23. South of Rt33 area map showing the undisturbed area after mining using the Preferred Plan and the undisturbed area within the Cypress Run Watershed. For each mining alternative, the undisturbed area after mining was distributed appropriately among the drainage, soil, and land -use conditions that existed prior to mining. The total flow from each mining alternative was determined by multiplying the flow depth of each condition by the area of that condition existing after mining and summing the resulting flow volumes. Part of the scarp section was converted to a work lot in the Preferred Plan, the SCRA Plan and the Intermediate Plan. For these plans, an additional DRAINMOD simulation was performed to calculate flow from this new condition. The work lot was simulated with a slowly permeable soil surface layer and no vegetation. Drainage parameters and soil properties used for the DRAII MOD simulations of the work lot are shown in Appendix 8. July 2020 S-60 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Results Huddles Cut Flow frequency diagrams for predicted annual flows are plotted in Figure 24 for each mining alternative. A summary of the results is given in Table 4. For current (pre - mining) conditions, the mean predicted annual flow is 818 ac ft per year. On average annual flows can be expected to exceed 1435 ac ft once in 10 years (90t' percentile), and to be less than 294 ac ft per year once in 10 years (10t' percentile). All of the mining scenarios reduce the predicted annual flows as shown in Figure 24 and Table 4. The Dragline plan has the minimum effect with a predicted mean annual outflow of 711 ac ft, about 86% of the annual flow before mining. The 90t' percentile flow was 1244 ac ft, about 87% of the 1435 ac ft predicted for current conditions. These predicted reductions are consistent with the percentage reduction in watershed area. For the dragline plan the contributing watershed area after mining would be 610 acres which is 86% of the current watershed area. Thus the predicted effects on annual outflows of reducing watershed size are roughly proportional to the area reduced, as expected. The SRA plan would reduce the contributing watershed area to 187 ac or 26% of the current watershed area. Accordingly the predicted mean annual outflow was 217 ac ft or 27% of that predicted for current conditions. Some of the watersheds have larger predicted annual outflow than others, but the differences are not great, so the reduction in predicted annual flow is nearly proportional to the reduction in watershed area. Note that the preferred plan would result in mining nearly all of the watershed area (5 acres remaining, Table 4) and small predicted annual outflows, compared to the pre -mined condition. July 2020 S-61 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 2000 1800 1600 1400 r Drag Figure 24. Frequency distribution of predicted annual outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of pre -mining and four mining scenarios for the Huddles Cut Watershed. Table 4. Frequency distribution statistics for predicted annual outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the pre -mined and four mining scenarios on the Huddles Cut Watershed. Total PreDev Pref SRA SCRA Drag Annual Flow Volume (ac-ft) Minimum 22 0 6 8 20 5th Percentile 194 1 50 69 169 10th Percentile 294 2 76 105 254 25th Percentile 498 3 132 182 433 Median 728 5 193 267 634 75th Percentile 1122 8 300 416 975 90th Percentile 1435 10 379 524 1244 95th Percentile 1705 11 451 624 1480 Maximum 1822 12 484 670 1582 Mean 818 5 217 300 711 Area of Watershed (ac) 707 5 187 259 610 July 2020 S-62 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report July 2020 S-62 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Frequency distributions of predicted monthly outflows are shown in Figure 25 and Table 5. Note that the 25t' percentile predicted flows are zero for the current condition and for all mining scenarios (Table 5). This means that monthly outflows for these small coastal watersheds are zero in over 25% of the months. Typically these would be summer months when ET is greater than rainfall. The distributions plotted in Figure 25 lump predicted results for all months together. Results for specific months are discussed subsequently. Results for predicted daily flows are plotted in Figure 26 and summarized in Table 6. Median daily outflows are zero for current conditions and all mining plans. This means that predicted flows were zero for more than 50% of the days for the 54 year simulation. Results in Figure 26 indicate that flows are expected to be close to zero for about 60 to 70 % of days for all mining plans, as well as, for current conditions. Outflows from small coastal watershed, both naturally and artificially drained, vary seasonally with the majority of drainage occurring in the months of December, January, February and March. Flow frequency distributions by month, and the effect of the various mining scenarios on predicted outflows, are shown in Figures 27-38 for the Huddles Cut watershed. These results show that flow in January, February, and March occurs in about 90 percent of the years. In April and December flow was predicted to occur in about 60 percent of the years, and in only 30 to 45 percent of the years for the months of May through November. On the other hand some of the largest monthly and daily flows occur in August, September, and October as the result of hurricanes and tropical storms (Figures 34-36). The effect of the various mining scenarios on outflows during a specific month is roughly the same as predicted for annual values, with the monthly flow, for those months in which flow occurred, being reduced by about the percentage of land area removed from the watershed. July 2020 S-63 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 1000 900 800 700 $ 600 ca c 500 U_ 400 s o 300 200 100 0 -100 PreDev LE ra SCRA SRA Pref 0 1 10 100 Percent of Months Flow Equal or Exceeding Figure 25. frequency distribution of predicted monthly outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of pre -mining and four mining scenarios at Huddles Cut Watershed. Table 5. Frequency distribution statistics for predicted monthly outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the pre -mining and four mining scenarios at Huddles Cut Watershed. Total PreDev Pref SRA I SCRA Drag Monthly Flow Volume (ac-ft) Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5th Percentile 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10th Percentile 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25th Percentile 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Median 11.9 0.1 2.7 3.8 10.7 75th Percentile 105 0.7 28 38 91 90th Percentile 210 1.4 56 77 184 95th Percentile 264 1.8 69 96 228 Maximum 908 5.9 236 1 326 783 Mean 68 0.5 18 1 25 59 Area of Watershed (ac) 707 5 1 187 1 259 610 July 2020 S-64 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 240 200 160 0 120 u_ d i 80 d 40 0 -40 PreDev o b Drag 0 0 0 SCRA o SRA Pref 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000 Percent of Days Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 26. Frequency distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for 54 year (1951- 2004) simulations of pre -mining and four mining scenarios at Huddles Cut Watershed. Table 6. Frequency distribution of predicted daily flow rates for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations for pre -mined (PreDev) conditions and four mining scenarios at Huddles Cut Watershed. PreDev Pref SRA SCRA Drag Average Daily Flow Rate (cfs) Minimum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5th Percentile 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10th Percentile 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25th Percentile 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Median 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75th Percentile 0.32 0.01 0.19 0.28 0.31 90th Percentile 4.87 0.02 0.89 1.19 4.06 95th Percentile 5.37 0.03 1.23 1.70 4.54 Maximum 226 2 60 1 83 195 Mean 1.13 0.01 0.30 1 0.41 0.98 Area of Watershed (ac) 707 5 1 187 1 259 610 July 2020 S-65 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 450 400 350 300 3 LL 250 a s c 200 0 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 27. Distribution of predicted January outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. 500 450 400 350 300 3 LL 250 a r c 200 0 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 28. Distribution of predicted February outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed.. July 2020 S-66 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 450 400 350 300 3 LL 250 a s c 200 0 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 29. Distribution of predicted March outflows over a 54 year period for pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut. 500 April 450 400 350 6 300 3 LL 250 a PreDev r c 200 0 150 Drag 100 SC 50 S =Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 30. Distribution of predicted April outflows over a 54 year period for pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. July 2020 S-67 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 May 450 400 350 PreDev 300 3 LL 250 a s c 200 0 Dra 150 SCRA 100 SR 50 Pre 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 31. Distribution of predicted May outflows over a 54 year period for pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. 500 450 PreDev 400 350 300 3 LL 250 a s c 200 0 150 100 SCRA 50 June 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 32. Distribution of predicted June outflows over a 54 year period for pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. July 2020 S-68 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 July 450 400 PreDev 350 300 3 Dra �—°° 250 a c 200 0 SCRA 150 S 100 50 Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 33. Distribution of predicted July outflows over a 54 year period for pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. 500 PreDev = 539 August 450 400 PreDev 350 R 300 3 Dra �° 250 a c 200 SCRA 150 100 - �% A S 50 Pref 0 !LN 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 34. Distribution of predicted August outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. July 2020 S-69 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 PreDev = 764 Drag =661 September 450 400 PreDev 350 Dra Y W R 300 0 LL 250 21 s SCRA c 200 0 150 100 ESRA50 Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 35. Distribution of predicted September outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. 500 PreDev = 908 Drag = 783 October 450 PreDev 400 Drag 350 300 3 LL 250 a r c 200 0 150 100 ��scal s 50 Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 36. Distribution of predicted October outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. July 2020 S-70 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 500 November 450 400 350 PreDev 6300 3 LL 250 21 s 0 200 raajn 150 SCRA 100 50 S Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 37. Distribution of predicted November outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut. 500 December 450 400 PreDev 350 6300 3 LL 250 s Drag c 200 0 150 SCRA 100 50 S0 Pref 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 38. Distribution of predicted December outflows over a 54 year period for pre - mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Huddles Cut Watershed. July 2020 S-71 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Cypress Run. Pre -Mining Conditions. Average annual results for the Cypress Run watershed are summarized in Table 7. These results show that predicted total annual outflow from the Cypress Run watershed is 17.5 inches. This means that the predicted average annual outflow from the Cypress Run watershed is 53300 acre -inches, or 4440 acre-feet, or 193 million cubic feet per year. Because of somewhat higher ET on the scarp, average predicted outflow was 15.3 inches as compared to 18.2 inches for the flatland (Table 3). Table 7. Simulated water balance components for the mostly agricultural flatland, the forested scarp and the total Cypress Run Watershed. Component Flatland Scarp I Total ------------- - inches --------------- Rainfall 50.8 50.8 50.8 Infiltration 42.7 36.4 41.2 Evapotranspiration 32.7 35.6 33.3 Subsurface Drainage 9.6 0.3 7.4 Surface Runoff 8.2 14.4 9.6 Lateral Seepage 0.4 0.5 0.4 Total Outflow 18.2 15.3 17.5 In some respects the annual summaries mask more than they reveal. Outflows from the watershed are extremely variable temporally. Outflow rates are high during large storms and during wet periods. They are also affected by evapotranspiration (ET). For example, drainage rates in response to relatively large rainfall events may be small or nil if preceded by long dry periods of high ET which dry out the profile and create storage for rainfall that follows. Drainage from the flat agricultural fields may be nil during dry periods during the summer and fall, sometimes lasting into winter. On the other hand, large summer storms, tropical storms and hurricanes may cause very large outflows during the summer months. Predicted daily flow rates at the watershed outlet in cubic feet per second (cfs) are plotted for the 54-yr period in Figures 39-44. These results show that the average daily outflow rates are generally between 0.1 and 100 cfs, with maximum flow rates of several hundred cfs in some years. Predicted monthly flows (in inches) are plotted in Figures 45-50. Volumes (in acre -inches) can be obtained from these data by multiplying the plotted values by the area of the watershed (3046 acres). July 2020 S-72 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 10000.00 1000.00 o 100.00 a� r NN� a: 10.00 A c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Date Figure 39. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1951 to Dec. 31, 1959. 10000.00 1000.00 a 100.00 a� r NN� LL 10.00 A c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Date Figure 40. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1960 to Dec. 31, 1968. July 2020 S-73 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 10000.00 1000.00 a 100.00 a� r NN� LL 10.00 A c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Date Figure 41. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1969 to Dec. 31, 1977. 10000.00 1000.00 o 100.00 a� r NN� 0 10.00 LL A .5 c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Date Figure 42. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1978 to Dec. 31, 1986. July 2020 S-74 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 10000.00 1000.00 o 100.00 a� r NN� a: 10.00 A c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Date Figure 43. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1987 to Dec. 31, 1995. 10000.00 1000.00 o 100.00 a� r NN� 0 10.00 LL A .5 c0 1.00 N 0.10 0.01 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Date Figure 44. Simulated mean flow rate from Cypress Run Watershed for each day from Jan. 1, 1996 to Dec. 31, 2004 July 2020 S-75 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 15 12 c 9 3 0 LL A L 06 3 0 04 c W � CO a) o m m m m m m m m m m Figure 45. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1951 to Dec. 31, 1959. 15 12 c 3 0 LL _A L 06 3 0 O N M O W h CO T W f0 W W W f0 W W W W T T T T T T T T T T Figure 46. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1960 to Dec. 31, 1968. July 2020 S-76 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 15 12 c 9 3 0 LL A L 06 3 0 T O N M O W h CO f0 h h h h h h h h h T T T T T T T T T T Figure 47. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1969 to Dec. 31, 1977. 15 12 c 3 0 LL _A L 06 3 0 00 T O N M O f0 h h h 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 T T T T T T T T T T Figure 48. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1978 to Dec. 31, 1986. July 2020 S-77 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 15 12 c 9 3 0 LL A L 06 3 0 h CO T O N M O W CO CO CO T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Figure 49. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1987 to Dec. 31, 1995. 15 12 c 3 0 LL _A L 06 3 0 f0 h CO T O N M O T T T T O O O O O O N N N N N N Figure 50. Simulated monthly flow from Cypress Run Watershed for each month from Jan. 1, 1996 to Dec. 31, 2004. July 2020 S-78 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 40 35 30 25 0 LL 20 L L d R 15 10 OO OpO QOOQ /� QQV OpQQQo�Q O OOp0000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 51. Distribution of predicted annual outflows for the 54 year period (1951-2004) on the Cypress Run Watershed. As with the Huddles the principle results are presented using flow frequency diagrams which show the temporal variability of outflows. Results for annual predicted outflows are given in Figure 51 for the entire Cypress Run Watershed. These results indicate that the medium annual outflow is about 17 inches, which is very close to the mean of 17.5 inches (Table 7). This means that the outflow in half of the years is greater than 17 inches and in half of the years is less than 17 inches. These results further show that outflows greater than 30 inches should be expected in 10% of the years and less than 9 inches in 10% of the years. The flow frequency diagram for all monthly flows is given in Figure 52. These results indicate that the median monthly flow is just less than 1 inch, and that expected monthly flows are greater than about 4 inches in 10% of the months and less than 0.1 inches in about 13% of the months. In contrast to the Huddles Cut watershed, no monthly flows from the Cypress Run watershed are zero. This is mostly due to seepage from the scarp and from seepage from the flatland fields to the deep canals and streams. Distributions for each month are quite different (Figure 53 and Table 8). For example, the median predicted outflow for the month of January was 2.55 inches with 10% of the January months having more than 5.1 inches and 10% having less than 0.79 inches. By comparison the month of May had a median of 0.26 inches with 10% of the May months having outflows greater than 2.4 inches and 10% having less than 0.04 inches. July 2020 S-79 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 100 10 c 0 0 0.1 0.01 ' ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Months Flow Equal or Exceeding Figure 52. Distribution of predicted monthly outflows for a 54 year period(1951-2004) on the Cypress Run Watershed. 100 c 3 O 10 0.1 Jan Mar Oct May 0.01 ' ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Months Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 53. Distribution of predicted monthly outflows by month for a 54 year period (1951-2004) on the Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-80 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 8. Distribution of monthly outflows predicted in a 54-year DRAINMOD simulation of the Cypress Run watershed. Predicted Monthly Outflow for a 54 year Simulation (in) Percent of Months with 10th 25th 75th 90th Minimum Percentile Percentile Median Percentile Percentile Maximum flow < 0.1" JAN 0.38 0.79 1.56 2.55 3.54 5.10 6.94 0 FEB 0.14 0.43 1.07 1.92 3.34 4.31 6.40 0 MAR 0.24 0.42 0.82 1.62 3.15 3.81 5.36 0 APR 0.04 0.06 0.20 0.56 1.44 2.01 4.19 17 MAY 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.26 1.22 2.42 6.78 28 JUN 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.33 1.55 2.59 11.88 30 JUL 0.02 0.06 0.15 0.40 1.63 3.54 6.73 20 AUG 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.62 3.27 5.38 10.00 26 SEP 0.03 0.07 0.16 0.41 2.15 5.15 13.80 20 OCT 0.02 0.07 0.15 0.23 0.91 2.78 15.94 17 NOV 0.03 0.17 0.26 0.57 1.41 2.33 5.33 2 DEC 0.15 0.28 0.63 1.45 2.83 3.65 6.85 0 Flow frequency data on a daily basis is given in Figure 54 and Table 9. These results indicate that the median predicted daily outflow is about 1 cfs. Based on these data, average predicted daily flow rates were greater than 10 cfs in 10% of the days during the 54 year simulation period and less than about 0.11 cfs in 10% of the days. 1000 100 0.1 0.01 ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Days Flow Equaled or Exceeded Figure 54. Distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for a 54 year (1951-2004) simulation at Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-81 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 9. Distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the mostly agricultural flatland, the forested scarp, and the total Cypress Run Watershed Flatland Scarp Total cfs Minimum 0.03 0.04 0.07 5th Percentile 0.06 0.04 0.10 10th Percentile 0.07 0.04 0.12 25th Percentile 0.12 0.05 0.19 Median 0.82 0.08 1.07 75th Percentile 2.52 0.62 3.66 90th Percentile 7.07 2.78 9.95 95th Percentile 17.4 5.67 20.8 Maximum 1053 289 1342 Flow frequency data on a daily basis in given in Figure 54 and Table 9. These results indicate that the median predicted daily outflow is about 1 cfs. Based on these data, average predicted daily flow rates were greater than 10 cfs in 10% of the days during the 54 year simulation period and less than about 0.11 cfs in 10% of the days. In contrast to the Huddles Cut watershed, no daily flows from the Cypress Run watershed are zero. Seepage from the scarp and from the flatland fields to the deep canals and streams occurs every day. Results in Table 9 break the results into predicted daily flow rates from the scarp and the flatland. Effects of Different Mining Alternatives. Under current pre -mining conditions the median predicted annual flow is 4151 acre ft. per year (Table 10). On average, the flow exceeds 7074 ac. ft. per year once in 10 years (90th percentile). Likewise it is less than 2064 ac ft per year once in 10 years (1 Oth percentile). All of the mining scenarios dramatically reduce the predicted annual flows as shown in Figure 56 and Table 10. For example the Intermediate Plan had a predicted median annual outflow of 912 ac ft, about 22% of the annual flow before mining. The 90th percentile flow was 1603 ac ft, about 23% of the 7074 ac ft predicted for current conditions. These predicted reductions are consistent with the percentage reduction in watershed area. For the intermediate plan the contributing watershed area after mining would be 731 acres which is 24% of the current watershed area. Thus the predicted effects on annual outflows of reducing watershed size are roughly proportional to the area reduced. July 2020 S-82 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 10. Distribution statistics for predicted annual outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios at Cypress Run Watershed. Total PreDev Pref I Inter I SCRA NoAct Annual Flow Volume (ac-ft) Minimum 1284 340 382 355 425 5th Percentile 1837 394 455 474 548 10th Percentile 2064 424 497 511 584 25th Percentile 3046 566 663 705 811 Median 4151 781 912 974 1118 75th Percentile 5508 1064 1237 1365 1606 90th Percentile 7074 1378 1603 1758 2061 95th Percentile 8178 1543 1807 2022 2341 Maximum 8882 1 1648 1 1924 1 2125 2491 Mean 4444 846 1 987 1 1071 1242 Area of Watershed (ac) 3046 630 731 813 957 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 0 5000 d s 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 O 00 00°0000' Oa000OOp0 °❑❑❑O 000: 00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Years Flow Equaled or Exceeded ♦ PreDev ❑ Pref ♦ Inter O SCRA ❑ NoAct Figure 56. Distribution of predicted annual outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios on Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-83 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report The mining scenarios also dramatically reduce the predicted monthly flows (Table I I and Figure 57). Percent flow reductions for the monthly flows correlate fairly well to percent area reductions for the median and higher percentiles, however they do not correlate well for the lower percentiles. For example the Intermediate Plan with a 24% reduction in area had a predicted median monthly outflow of 54 ac ft, about 27% of the annual flow before mining. The 90th percentile flow was 195 ac ft, about 2 1 % of the 929 ac ft predicted for current conditions. Flow at the 5t' percentile, however, was 2.6 ac-ft which is about 37% of the 7.0 ac-ft predicted for current conditions. The lack of correlation at the lower percentiles in the monthly flows is caused by the fact that a much lower percentage of the scarp area was lost to the mining compared to percentage of flatland area lost to mining. The slow seepage from the scarp makes up a larger proportion of the total flow for low flow periods. Another observation resulting from the slow seepage from the scarp is that monthly flow volumes never equal zero as they did in the Huddles Cut watershed. Average daily flow rates were also reduced for the different mining scenarios (Table 12 and Figures 58 and 59). The effect of the scarp seepage is also evident in the daily flow values in that the percent reductions in the lower percentile flows are less than the reductions in area. Percent reduction in the 5t' percentile daily flow rate was 40% for the Intermediate Plan. The distributions of daily flow rates for the scarp and flatland for each scenario are also shown with the total daily flow rates (Table 12). These show that a much greater flow and area reductions occurred on the flatland than on the scarp. Table 11. Distribution statistics for predicted monthly outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the pre -mining and four mining scenarios on Cypress Run Watershed. Total PreDev Pref Inter I SCRA NoAct Monthly Flow Volume (ac-ft) Minimum 4.8 2.0 2.3 2.2 2.5 5th Percentile 7.0 2.3 2.6 2.6 3.0 10th Percentile 10.4 2.5 2.9 3.0 3.7 25th Percentile 42.0 13.6 15.2 14.8 18.6 Median 197 47 54 54 63 75th Percentile 577 97 116 129 143 90th Percentile 929 168 195 218 257 95th Percentile 1241 220 260 294 336 Maximum 3775 779 904 1008 1190 Mean 370 71 82 89 103 Area of Watershed (ac) 3046 630 1 731 1 813 957 July 2020 S-84 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 4000 3500 3000 r 2500 R 3 c 2000 a_ 2, t c 1500 0 Z 1000 500 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Percent of Months Flow Equal or Exceeding ♦ PreDev -Pref - - - - - - Inter SCRA NoAct Figure 57. Distribution of predicted monthly outflows for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of predevelopment and four development scenarios at Cypress Run Watershed. July 2020 S-85 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report 1400 1200 1000 w 0 800 LL d 600 d 400 200 0 • • • 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000 Percent of Days Flow Equaled or Exceeded ♦ PreDev Pref ...... Inter SCRA NoAct Figure 58. Distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios at Cypress Run. 1000 M 100 0.1 0.01 ' ' 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Days Flow Equaled or Exceeded • PreDev -Pref ------ Inter SCRA NoAct Figure 59. Distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of pre -mining (PreDev) and four mining scenarios at Cypress Run. Y-axis is changed to emphasize low flow rates. July 2020 S-86 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report Table 12. Distribution of predicted mean daily flow rates for 54 year (1951-2004) simulations of the pre -mining (PreDev) conditions and the four mining scenarios at Cypress Run Watershed. Distributions are also shown for the Scarp and Flatland sections of the watersheds. Total PreDev Pref Inter I SCRA NoAct Average Daily Flow Rate (cfs) Minimum 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 5th Percentile 0.10 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 10th Percentile 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 25th Percentile 0.19 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.07 Median 1.07 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.19 75th Percentile 3.66 0.49 0.57 0.62 0.91 90th Percentile 9.95 2.29 2.64 3.26 3.71 95th Percentile 20.8 5.48 6.32 6.35 7.13 Maximum 1342 265 308 330 386 Mean 6.14 1.17 1.36 1.48 1.71 Area of Watershed ac 3046 630 1 731 1 813 957 Scarp PreDev Pref Inter I SCRA NoAct Average Daily Flow Rate cfs Minimum 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 5th Percentile 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 10th Percentile 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 25th Percentile 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Median 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 75th Percentile 0.62 0.48 0.52 0.48 0.61 90th Percentile 2.78 2.28 2.46 2.26 2.74 95th Percentile 5.67 5.45 6.09 5.38 5.59 Maximum 289 263 292 260 285 Mean 1.25 1.16 1.29 1.15 1.23 Area of Watershed ac 713 626 1 691 1 619 702 Flatland PreDev Pref Inter I SCRA NoAct Average Daily Flow Rate (cfs) Minimum 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5th Percentile 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 10th Percentile 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 25th Percentile 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 Median 0.82 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.08 75th Percentile 2.52 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.20 90th Percentile 7.07 0.01 0.12 0.54 0.75 95th Percentile 17.4 0.03 0.42 1.96 2.53 Maximum 1053 2 16 70 102 Mean 4.88 0.01 0.07 0.33 0.48 Area of Watershed ac 2333 4 1 41 1 194 256 July 2020 S-87 Supplement 1 2019 Data Year PCS Creeks Report