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School Education and Outreach
A school education and outreach program should provide age-appropriate water
efficiency and conservation lessons with background information. In addition, the
lessons should be correlated to the North Carolina Essential Standards. These
programs can be offered as professional development workshops to teachers or as
programs conducted directly with students.
This BMP is intended for a water system (“utility”) that serves schools and or students
as part of its customer base. Before deciding whether this BMP is necessary, review
existing curricula to see if the local school district is already offering water efficiency and
water conservation related curriculum.
School education programs, while not related to an equipment change may result in
short and long-term water savings. Ideally, a school education program should reflect
issues that are age appropriate, hands-on, and local in scope. Any suggestions for
behavior changes should be things that a child in that targeted age range can
accomplish on his or her own in order to create a lasting behavior change and positive
environmental self-efficacy in the child.
A quality water efficiency and water conservation program for schools provides teachers
with materials that contribute to interdisciplinary learning while educating the students
about water efficiency, water conservation and local water resources. There are many
state and national programs that include water efficiency, water conservation and water
audits as part of a comprehensive water education curriculum, including Project WET
(Water Education for Teachers) and the Environmental Protection Agency. Local issues
can be incorporated into these lessons to help create a more locally appropriate
Another option beyond offering a supplemental curriculum is to offer an education
entertainment show for grades 1 through 5. These shows can be popular with teachers
and often do not have the same requirements for material to meet the N.C. Essential
Standards. In addition, the percentage of students that can be reached is often higher
than for adoption of a curriculum.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the education materials, presentation or show, the
utility should use an evaluation tool such as a pre- and post-test, or a survey.
Implementation should consist of at least the following:
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Evaluate local, regional, state and national resources available to determine
applicability to the utility’s local water conditions. Consider creating an advisory
committee of local educators to assist in choosing or creating the curriculum.
Provide environmental education professional development for utility staff that
will be working with school education and outreach. For example, workshops
offered through the N.C. Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs,
such as the Basics of Environmental Education and Methods of Environmental
Education, provide an overview of how to effectively work with various age
groups. Additionally, Project WET workshops offered through the N.C. Division of
Water Resources give the participants activities to use with different audiences.
Implement a school education program to promote water efficiency, water
conservation and water conservation related benefits. Programs include working
with school districts and private schools in the water supplier’s service area to
provide instructional assistance, educational materials, and classroom
presentations that identify urban, agricultural, and environmental issues and
conditions in the local watershed and water service area. When possible,
educational materials should meet the N.C. Essential Standards.
A water oriented curriculum that is focused on conservation and resource issues should
be made available for all grades and should include the following:
Teacher professional development specifically targeted to certain grades is an
effective approach to implementing a lasting water education presence in the
schools. If possible, you should work directly with the school system to set up
free, professional development training on a teacher workday. Correlate the
agenda to the N.C. Essential Standards that the targeted educators teach. When
possible, provide curricula and materials for them to take back to their classroom
that they can implement easily. In addition, periodic follow-up with the teachers to
ask how the utility can help them incorporate water education into their
classrooms will result in greater implementation now and in the future.
Grade appropriate programs and/or materials should be implemented for grades
1 through 5 initially. Alternatively, a presentation or educational show can be
offered for some or all of these grade levels. Some utilities also sponsor day-long
water festivals that incorporate water efficiency, water conservation and other
water resource issues for 5th grade students in a school.
For grades 6 through 8 and high school students, the utility may do one of the
following: distribute grade appropriate materials for science, math, or other
appropriate classes; present assembly type programs; sponsor science
expositions with emphasis on water resources; or implement education programs
with community groups such as Girl and Boy Scouts and 4-H clubs.
The utility can meet this BMP by focusing only on teacher training or direct student
In conjunction with the Showerhead, Aerator, and Toilet Flapper BMP, consider
providing a water audit unit as part of the curriculum where the students take flow
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measurements of showerheads and faucet aerators at their homes. If the showerheads
and faucets are higher than current standards, the students can have their parents sign
a request for replacement form to receive an efficient showerhead and faucet aerators
to install with the assistance of their parents. This unit can be successfully implemented
in grade 5.
Depending on the program option(s) selected, the following schedule should be
In the first year, find the appropriate teacher professional development curricula
and materials that meet the needs of both the teachers’ and the utility. You may
also want to meet with your local Soil and Water Conservation Education
coordinator or the Project WET State Coordinator to help facilitate the workshop.
Meet with school administration and ask for help in coordinating the training on a
teacher work day. Trainings should be grouped by ages taught, for example,
elementary, middle and high school. In the second year, begin facilitating the
The utility should adopt or develop the program in the first year and start
implementation in the second year for grades 1 to 3.
The utility should adopt or develop the program in the second year and start
implementation of the program in the third year for grades 4 to 5.
The utility should adopt or develop the program in the third year and start
implementation in the fourth year for grades 6 to 8.
The utility should adopt or develop the program in the fourth year and start
implementation in the fifth year for grades 9 to 12.
It is important that follow-up contact with teachers and schools that participated in the
past be initiated annually. It will serve as an impetus to ask questions or arrange
speakers or programs for their students for the following year.
The utility has three choices within the scope of this BMP. Select item 1, or items 2 and
3, or item 4 below. The utility should strive to reach 25 percent of teachers with
professional development training by the third year of implementation.
1) The utility should strive to reach 10 percent of students in grades 1 to 5 with a
presentation or lesson each year by the third year following the schedule above.
2) The utility should strive to reach at least 10 percent of students in grades 6 to 12
with a presentation or lesson each year by the third year of implementation
following the schedule above.
3) Alternatively, this BMP will be met if the utility only focuses on grades 1 to 5 or 6
to 12. The program would be developed in the first year and implemented in the
second year for either alternative. The utility should strive to reach either 15
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percent of students within grades 1 to 5 each year by the third year of
implementation, or 15 percent of students in grades 6 to 12 by the third year of
4) The utility can count students reached through clubs and other educational
events as participants and students impacted by utility sponsored programs
outside the utility service area.
For smaller utilities, or those in which service area boundaries overlap school district
boundaries with another water utility, jointly operated or funded programs should be
To track the progress of this BMP, the utility should gather and have available:
The number of school presentations made during the reporting period.
The number and type of curriculum materials developed and/or provided by the
water supplier, including confirmation that curriculum materials meet N.C.
Essential Standards and are grade-level appropriate.
The number and percent of students reached by presentations and curriculum.
The number of students reached outside the utility service area.
The number of in-service presentations or teachers workshops conducted during
the reporting period.
The number of students reached by teachers trained at the above workshops.
The results of evaluation tools used, such as workshop feedback forms, pre- and
post-tests, student surveys and/or teacher surveys.
Copies of program marketing and educational materials.
Annual budget for school education programs related to conservation.
Determination of Water Savings
Water savings for school education programs are difficult to quantify and therefore
estimated savings are not included in this BMP. If the retrofit kit is distributed, water
savings can be calculated as described in the Retrofitting Residential Fixtures –
Showerheads, Aerators, and Toilet Flapper Programs BMP. A 1991 study conducted for
The Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District found an average savings of 18
percent or 1,400 gallons per month in homes where the students and parents had
installed efficient showerheads and aerators on bathroom and kitchen sinks.
A true cost-effectiveness analysis cannot be determined without a measure of water
savings. By implementing this BMP, the utility will enhance its public image, increase
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customer goodwill, and increase the viability of its overall water efficiency and water
conservation efforts.
School education costs vary widely due to the varying types of programs. Curriculum
units can be developed and implemented for between $1 and $3 per student. Teacher
education workshops can be facilitated for between $20 and $30 per teacher.
Educational entertainment programs can be developed or contracted out for between $2
and $5 per student. There are prepackaged contractor programs with extensive features
that cost up to $35 per student. Most programs will require utility staff oversight and
outreach efforts to schools and students.
If the showerhead and aerator kits are distributed as part of this BMP, the costs for the
kits will be similar to those described in the Retrofitting Residential Fixtures –
Showerheads, Aerators, and Toilet Flapper Programs BMP.
Texas Water Development Board Report 362, Water Conservation Best
Management Practices Guide, November 2004.
Beyond Ecophobia, David Sobel, Volume 1 Orion Society Nature Literacy
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers): http://www.projectwet.org.
NC Project WET:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Waterkids:
North Carolina Essential Standards:
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Case Study for a School Education and Outreach Program
Greensboro, North Carolina
The Greensboro Water Resources Department has many tiers to its school education
and outreach program. The city directly provides youth education in the form of
classroom presentations, special events and programs. Presentations are provided for
school age children on a variety of topics such as general water supply awareness,
conservation and water quality. In addition, each year, more than 300 5th grade
students participate in the water festival. Students learn about the importance of water
while visiting eight different hands-on water activity sites.
The Greensboro Water Resources Department also maximizes its education and
outreach efforts by partnering with local agencies. The Greensboro Kathleen Clay
Edwards Family Library branch offers a host of environmental programs and workshops
for Greensboro residents. Educators can take advantage of Project WET (Water
Education for Teachers), Wonders of Wetlands (WOW), and Planning of Wetlands
(POW) training workshops. The Water Resources Department pays for the cost of the
curriculum guides, so workshops are provided for free to teachers in the Guilford County
School System at least once per year. Participants increase their knowledge of
watersheds, wetland design, water quality and water conservation. They then take
these activities back into their classrooms, thereby reaching the students as well.
In addition, a collaborative effort with North Carolina Cooperative Extension allows
students in Grades 1-4 to participate in their annual poster contest. The contest is held
in two categories: water conservation and water quality. Winners receive a prize and
recognition at a local city council or county commissioners’ meeting.