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January 15, 2013 75
Rainwater Harvesting, Condensate Reuse and Gray Water Use
The purpose of this BMP is to highlight ways of creating water efficiency through the
use of rainwater harvesting, condensate reuse and/or the use of recycled water for
irrigation or other applicable purposes.
In addition to providing water use efficiency, use of rainwater harvesting methods, such
as cisterns, can also count as stormwater treatment devices. Development projects that
use rainwater harvesting methods for rooftop runoff can receive stormwater reduction
credit. This credit can be used to reduce, or possibly eliminate, other types of
stormwater treatment devices such as wet ponds. This document does not provide
details on the design techniques to achieve stormwater credit but that information is
available in the Stormwater BMP Manual provided by the N.C. Division of Water Quality.
It can be found in Chapter 19, “Rooftop Runoff Management” and is available at
This BMP is intended for use by a water system (“utility”) concerned with reducing
outdoor irrigation demands on the potable water system.
Calculation of potential savings will depend on regional climate patterns. Rainwater
harvesting and condensate reuse are applicable to industrial, commercial and
institutional (ICI) buildings, while private homes can benefit from rainwater harvesting.
Utilities may benefit by targeting this BMP to help shave peak demand through
customer education. For maximum water-use efficiency benefit, the utility should adhere
closely to the measures described below. Gray water use will not be discussed in this
BMP until the N.C. Division of Water Quality has established an approved gray water
use system as directed by the North Carolina General Assembly.
Rainwater harvesting and condensate reuse (“RWH/CR”) conservation programs are an
effective method of reducing potable water usage while maintaining healthy landscapes
and avoiding problems due to excessive run-off. Using this BMP, the utility provides
customers with support, education, incentives and assistance in proper installation and
use of RWH/CR systems. RWH/CR systems will be most effective if implemented in
conjunction with other water efficiency measures including water-saving equipment and
practices. Rainwater harvesting is based on ancient practices of collecting, usually from
rooftops, and storing rainwater close to its source, in cisterns or surface impoundments,
and using it for nearby needs. ICI users have found it to be cost-effective to collect the
condensate from large cooling systems by returning it into their cisterns as well.
Facilities with large cooling demands will be in the best position to take advantage of
condensate reuse, which due to its quality can potentially be used in landscape
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irrigation, as cooling tower makeup water, or in some industrial processes. The
variability in rate and occurrence of rainfall requires that rainwater or condensate be
used with maximum efficiency. Incentives may include rebates for purchase and
installation of water-efficient equipment.
Several factors should be considered in the design of rainwater harvesting and
condensate reuse systems. System components include the collection area, a first flush
device, a roof washer, storage structure with the capacity to meet anticipated demand
and a distribution system. For above ground structures, design consideration should be
given to maintaining the highest elevation feasible for collection and storage systems for
the benefit of gravity flow to distribution. When using drip irrigation systems, filters are
necessary to prevent particulates from clogging drip nozzles. Regular maintenance of
RWH/CR systems includes changing filter media on a regular basis and cleaning the
first flush filter. The utility should consider providing participants with reminders of
regular maintenance requirements for their RWH/CR systems. Maximum expected daily
demand and knowledge of historical precipitation patterns, including amount, frequency
and longest time between rainfall events, is important in designing the system. The
Rainwater Harvesting: Guidance for Homeowners produced by North Carolina State
University can be used as a resource, as well as technical assistance from professional
installers of equipment for proper design and implementation of RWH systems. To see
the guide, go to
While residential cooling systems are unlikely to provide significant flows of condensate,
ICI installations with large cooling demands can produce significant amounts of
condensate and should be evaluated for the dual RWH/CR system. Large ICI
installations can implement rainwater harvesting (from roofs), as well as capture of
stormwater for irrigation or other non-potable uses. Large buildings that have or need
French drain systems for foundation drain water should also evaluate the potential for
recovery of this resource as well.
The utility should consider sponsoring one or more demonstration sites. Potential
partners include customers with educational missions such as schools, universities,
botanical gardens and museums with large public landscapes.
Although rainwater is recommended for all irrigation uses, it is most appropriate for use
with drip or micro irrigation systems. Utilities implementing this BMP should consider
offering a landscape water-use survey to help customers ensure that RWH/CR systems
are properly designed and sized.
The water-use surveys, at a minimum, should include: measurement of the total
irrigated area; irrigation system checks, review of irrigation schedules or development of
schedules as appropriate; and provision of a customer survey report and information
packet. The utility should provide information on climate-appropriate landscape design
and efficient irrigation equipment and management for new customers and change-of-
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service customer accounts. See the Residential and commercial Landscape Irrigation
BMP for more detail.
Programs should consider the following elements:
Retrofit or Rain Barrel Program
Marketing the program to the customer via bill inserts will allow the utility to target
the largest summer peak users first. The utility should consider also approaching
local weather announcers, radio gardening show hosts, and newspaper
columnists for assistance in notifying the public about the program. The program
can be marketed using public/private partnerships with non-profits such as
gardening clubs, neighborhood associations, cooperative extension offices or
with green industry businesses such as rainwater harvesting companies and
local sustainable building groups. Using these partnerships can also be an
effective way to leverage available resources.
Incentives can include rebates for RWH/CR systems, recognition for RWH/CR
systems through signage, award programs, and certification of trained landscape
company employees and volunteer representatives to promote the program.
The initial step in assisting customers with landscape irrigation systems is a
thorough evaluation of the potential water captured by a RWH/CR system.
The water customers who participate in this program will need to maintain and
operate their irrigation systems efficiently. The utility should consider
implementing a notification program to remind customers of the need for
maintenance and adjustments in irrigation schedules and to system filters as the
seasons change.
The utility needs to ensure that RWH/CR system specifications are coordinated
with local building and plumbing codes.
The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association lists evaluation
training for RWH/CR programs. ICI customers may want to consider performance
contracting as an option for financing retrofitted RWH/CR systems.
New Construction: In addition to retrofitting existing homes and buildings with RWH/CR
systems, a utility may also choose to support new construction. Using this approach, the
utility could:
Adopt ordinances requiring all new ICI properties to install a RWH/CR system
that collects and stores rainwater and condensate from all eligible sources and
distributes it to irrigation and/or a cooling tower make-up system.
Implement an incentive program to encourage builders and owners of new ICI
properties to install a RWH/CR system that collects and stores rainwater and
condensate from all eligible sources and distributes it to irrigation and/or a
cooling tower make-up system. In large ICI buildings requiring cooling towers,
design consideration should be given to returning condensate flows from air
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conditioning coils to cooling tower make-up. It may be effective for this BMP to be
part of a Green Builder-type rating system that also includes WaterWise
landscaping and adequate soil depth.
Implement an incentive program to encourage homebuilders and homeowners to
install a RWH system for landscape use to reduce potable water consumption
from the utility in the summer season.
Adopt ordinances requiring that new homes or multi-unit properties install
plumbing that separately collects and stores rainwater from eligible sources and
distributes the rainwater through a subsurface irrigation system. The rainwater
could be distributed around the foundation of the residence or building or for
other landscape use.
Such programs would need to be carefully coordinated with stormwater collection
programs and meet all applicable regulations for stormwater collection and reuse.
Depending on the option(s) selected, the corresponding schedule should be followed.
Incentive Approach: In the first six months, plan the program including stakeholder
meetings as needed. Develop a plan for educating potential homebuyers, developers,
plumbers, green industry trade groups, landscape architects and realtors about this
program. After six months, implement the program.
Ordinance Approach: In the first six months, hold stakeholder meetings to develop the
ordinance. Consider offering incentives for the first year of implementation. Propose the
ordinance or rules to the local city council for approval. Develop a plan for educating
potential homebuyers, developers, plumbers and realtors about this program. After six
months, implement the program.
To accomplish the goals of this BMP, the utility should do one or more of the following:
Develop and implement an incentive program to encourage RWH/CR in new
multi-unit properties and certain new commercial developments such as office
Develop and implement an incentive program to encourage RWH/CR in existing
multi-unit properties and certain existing commercial developments such as office
Develop and implement an incentive program to encourage residential customers
to install rainwater harvesting systems.
Develop and implement an ordinance requiring condensate recovery in new non-
residential construction as applicable.
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To track this BMP, the utility should gather and have available the following
documentation for each year of operation:
The number of new RWH/CR developments for which design planning started
after adoption of this BMP.
The number and type of RWH/CR installations completed each year.
The estimated rainwater and condensate use in each RWH/CR installation.
Aggregate water capacity of RWH/CR sites.
The number, type and dollar value of incentives, rebates or loans offered to and
accepted by customers.
Estimated water savings achieved through customer surveys.
Determination of Water Savings
Water savings from a RWH/CR program is determined by water volume harvested and
used to replace other potable water sources. In programs which target new
construction, the water savings should be estimated based upon known water
consumptions for the proposed end use. A number of sources, including other BMPs,
can be helpful in estimating potential water savings. A method for estimating potential
water catchment and a monthly water balance equation for estimating water storage
capacity are:
Storage Capacity: A simple assumption is that up to three weeks may lapse without
significant rainfall. As such, it’s recommended that storage structures are sized to
maintain three weeks’ worth of water use.
More precise methods of estimating needed storage capacity or additional
information for estimating water balance of RWH/CR systems and of accounting
for the variability in seasonal rainfall pattern is available at the Rainwater
Harvesting website of NCSU at
Catchment Potential (gals) = Area x 0.62 x 0.8 x [Rainfall]
Where Area = total area of catchment surface in square feet.
0.62 = coefficient for converting inches per square feet to gallons
(unit conversion from 7.48 gallons per cubic feet).
0.8 = collection efficiency factor.
0.9 Rainfall = average rainfall in inches.
Note: Median and lowest recorded rainfall can also be calculated in order to
develop a range of expected values.
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For condensate recovery, storage should be based on the anticipated maximum
holding time before the condensate is reused for irrigation or other purposes.
The costs of this BMP to the utility will include administrative program management
costs and incentives to customers for implementing rainwater harvesting or condensate
reuse projects. Depending on program design and whether project inspections are
required, staff labor costs should range from $50-to-$100 per project. Marketing and
outreach costs range from between $20 and $50 per project. Administrative and
overhead costs range from 10-to-20 percent of labor costs. For rain barrel installations,
labor costs range from $8 to $12 per project and warehouse storage costs may be an
additional consideration.
For comments or questions on the Rainwater Harvesting and Condensate Reuse BMP,
please contact the water efficiency specialist of the Water Supply Planning Branch at
American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association.
First American Rainwater Harvesting Conference Proceedings, Gerston, J. and
Krishna, H., editors, ARCSA, August 2003.
Rainwater Harvesting Design and Installation, Save the Rain
Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting, Texas Water Development Board and
Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, 2nd Edition, 1997.
Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California,
Pacific Institute, November 2003.
Rainwater Harvesting at North Carolina State University
Case Studies for Rainwater Harvesting and Water Reuse
North Guilford Middle and High School Greensboro, North Carolina
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Greensboro is in Guilford County in north central North Carolina and has a population of
263,000 people. North Guildford Middle and High School have a total student population
of 2,344. The schools were constructed in 2007. The design of the rainwater harvesting
infrastructure for the school took place at the time of the school design.
The goal for the project was to collect enough water to flush the toilets in the facility and
also to irrigate the school grounds. This goal was met on completion of the project.
Cistern size – 360,000 gallons
Water saved per year – 4 million gallons
Cost – $500,000 or $1.39/gallon
Cost Savings – 4 million gallons at a cost of $1.50/gallon which = $6,000/year
The project’s design was driven by location, number of students and faculty, weekly and
seasonal schedule of the schools, available collection area, plumbing fixture efficiency,
rain water supply and other factors.
The rainwater harvesting project has also been used as an educational resource for the
school. Other system benefits include the elimination of stormwater runoff from the site
and the reduction of utility bills.
For more details on this project, go to
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Chapel Hill is in Orange County, where water is provided by Orange Water and Sewer
Authority. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a population of more than
28,000 students.
The facilities service division of the University of North Carolina noted the limited local
water supplies and recent droughts. This highlighted the need to reduce water
consumption across the UNC campus. Planning and construction of cisterns and the
use of reclaimed water have reduced the overall need for potable water. In 2009,
operations started on a reclaimed water system that further reduced potable water
consumption by more than 200 million gallons per year.
The first project the university undertook was using reclaimed water to irrigate some
athletic fields and to help cool the chilled water plants. In 2009, all five chilled water
plants, which use 200 million gallons of water per year, were using reclaimed water as
their water source.
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In 2012, a 350,000-gallon cistern is being constructed in the former UNC Bell Tower
parking lot. Water from the roof of the new Genome Sciences building will be stored
here and then used to irrigate Kenan Stadium and flush the stadium’s toilets. Other
cisterns installed in front of Hanes Hall and beneath the parking structure at Boshamer
Stadium collect water from the roofs of these structures and this water is then used to
irrigate the baseball field at Boshamer Stadium. Overflow irrigation is collected and
recycled into the cistern.
UNC has worked closely with OWASA on this process. The reclaimed water used on
the campus is highly treated wastewater that is pumped to the university after being
treated at Mason Farm Sewage Treatment Plant.
UNC continues to look for opportunities to use reclaimed water and harvested
rainwater. The expansion of the campus to the north will be designed using the
information gained from these existing projects.
For information on home rainwater harvesting, please see the following links:
For more information at UNC’s reclaimed water use, please see the following links:
Case Study for Rainwater Harvesting
North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, NC
The design and construction of this rainwater harvesting cistern took place after the
aquarium was built.
The goal for the project was to prevent stormwater runoff from the site. The collected
water is used to irrigate the greenhouse and plant nursery and for maintenance
purposes such as deck and vehicle washing. This goal was met on completion of the
Cistern size – 18,000 gallons held in six tanks
Water saved per year – 4 million gallons
Purpose – stormwater runoff abatement and conservation of municipal water
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The rainwater harvesting project has also been used as an education resource for the
aquarium. A major benefit of the system is that stormwater runoff on the site has been
reduced and utility bills have been lowered.
For more details on this project, go to