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January 15, 2013 2
In 2011, the North Carolina General Assembly passed Session Law 2011-374 (HB 609)
Section 3.1. G.S. 143-355(l) that mandates improved efficiency of the use of North
Carolina’s water resources. As part of this mandate, water systems are required to
complete and submit a local water supply plan to the N.C. Department of the
Environment Natural Resources’ Division of Water Resources that includes a plan for
the reduction of long-term per capita demand for potable water.1
The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources was charged with
providing statewide outreach and technical assistance as needed regarding water
efficiency, which includes the development of best management practices for
community water efficiency and conservation. Although used interchangeably, water
efficiency and conservation can have different contextual meanings. Simply put, water
efficiency should be thought of as the practice of optimizing the use of available water
supply, and water conservation as behavioral practices that result in consumption
reduction. The required best management practices include:
Integrating water efficiency and conservation into local water supply plans.
Conducting regular water audits to identify revenue and nonrevenue water and
water losses.
Adopting water loss abatement programs.
Metering and sub-metering of existing residential and multi-unit residential,
commercial and industrial complexes.
Retrofitting residential fixtures (faucets, showerheads, toilets, etc.) and
equipment (clothes washers, dishwashers, etc.) to make them more water
Landscaping in a manner that conserves water and is regionally appropriate.
Employing water reuse practices that include harvesting rainwater and using gray
Pricing water to achieve comprehensive conservation and adopting full-cost
accounting in line with the recommendation approved by the State Water
Infrastructure Commission in November 2010.
1 The per capita water demand can be calculated by using a water system’s annual residential
demand and year-round population (annual demand in gallons per day divided by year-round
January 15, 2013 3
In addition to developing these, the N.C. Division of Water Resources also included best
management practices (BMPs) for:
Water supply contracts between water systems selling water and those
purchasing the water.
A consumer education program that emphasizes the importance of water
efficiency and conservation, including measures residential customers may
implement to reduce water consumption. This BMP also serves to help water
systems become eligible for state water infrastructure funds from the Drinking
Water State Revolving Fund, the Drinking Water Reserve, or any other grant or
loan of funds allocated by the General Assembly that require incorporating
consumer education as mandated by Section 3.2. G.S. 143-355.4(b).
A school outreach and education program.
The purpose of this BMP manual is to assist water system managers in determining
which BMPs would be most effective in reducing their long-term per capita demand for
potable water. Water systems are encouraged to objectively view BMPs in this manual,
and make decisions that would most benefit their organization and the customers they
serve. Although water systems are not required to implement any specific best
management practice, there are several that are considered foundational to effective
water efficiency plans. The most important is conducting regular water audits to identify
revenue and nonrevenue water and water losses. As part of conducting these water
audits, metering of all connections is essential to account for all water used. This data
will be used as a baseline for comparison against future water use to determine
increased efficiency. In addition, adopting leak detection and water loss abatement
programs allows systems to act on the water audit information to reduce water loss and
lost revenue.
The manual will outline several BMPs that have been successfully used in other water
systems throughout North Carolina and the United States. Each BMP will contain the
following components:
Applicability – The specific type of water system that could potentially benefit from the
BMP is described, as are the general goals for water efficiency that the BMP addresses.
Description – This section provides an explanation of the specifics of the conservation
measure(s) included in the BMP. The best available technology that is proven and cost
effective is recommended. Often a best available technology may not yet be cost
effective to be implemented by all water users. Highly efficient water conservation
measures that will produce cost-effective results are mentioned.
Implementation – The basic steps to accomplish the BMP are described. If the
description section includes more than one measure to complete the BMP, the
implementation section will suggest necessary steps for achieving the water savings.
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Schedule – In BMPs with multiple implementation steps, a recommended schedule for
implementation is included. In general, planning, data gathering and evaluation steps
should be accomplished within 12 months of adoption of a specific BMP.
Scope – For simpler BMPs, the scope is complete when the steps described in the
implementation section have been achieved. For more complicated BMPs, the scope
discusses the level of implementation and constraints necessary to consider the BMP
Documentation – To track the progress of a BMP, the water system should collect
certain data to document progress in implementing the BMP and evaluating actual
water savings. This section identifies the recommended data.
Determination of Water Savings – This section specifies information necessary to
calculate water savings from implementation of the BMP and may include statistical or
mathematical formulas when appropriate.
Cost-Effectiveness – Basic costs of implementing the specific BMP are explained. Due
to the wide variety in actual costs based upon the size and location of the program,
ranges of costs are given where appropriate. In many cases, costs and expenses can
be reduced or spread out when multiple BMPs are implemented. This section primarily
serves to remind the users of costs to consider when performing a cost effectiveness
References – The BMP concludes with a listing of resources for additional information
and contact information that can assist a water system in implementing the BMP.
Case Study Example – Each applicable BMP will be followed with an example of how
that specific BMP has been successfully implemented by a water system.
As efficiency and conservation practices are implemented, new insights, technological
advances and information will become available. In addition, future technologies may
improve water savings and reduce costs. Therefore, this manual should be seen as an
evolving document that will be routinely updated and modified based on new
information or user feedback. The N.C. Division of Water Resources encourages utility
managers, efficiency/conservation specialists, planners, policy makers, and others to
provide comments and feedback regarding this document, so it can be continually
improved to better serve the water systems of North Carolina. For general comments or
questions about this BMP Manual, please contact the manager of the Water Supply
Planning Branch at 919-707-9024.
By completing the following BMPs, a water system can fulfill several requirements under
Section 9 of the Drought Bill. Fulfilling these requirements also will help the water
system be eligible for loans under the N.C. Division of Water Resources State
Revolving Fund (DWRSRF). For details and further information, see