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January 15, 2013 1
This manual was prepared with the assistance of many individuals from a variety of
affiliations including: N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, N.C.
Rural Water Association, N.C. Environmental Finance Center, N.C. State University,
and various North Carolina municipalities and water systems. The manual relies on
concepts, presentation style and text found in the water efficiency best management
practices manuals from other states. Much of the information contained in the manual
was reprinted from the Texas Best Management Practices Guide with permission from
the Texas Water Development Board. The N.C. Division of Water Resources would like
to thank the Texas Water Development Board for granting permission to North Carolina
to reprint this material.
The N.C. Division of Water Resources has taken extra effort to develop best
management practices in order to enhance community water systems’ water efficiency
and conservation in this manual. However, it would not have been possible without the
support and assistance of these individuals and organizations. We would like to extend
our special thanks to all of the water systems that tested the Small Water System Water
Audit and allowed us to use their current best management practices as case studies to
better convey the goal of this manual to other communities.
Most of this material contained in the manual has been reworked extensively, and is
difficult to reference precisely. Exact referencing has been attempted when possible,
and those documents that have been used, in general, have been included in the
reference list.