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Reservoir Model
Prepared for
North Carolina Policy Collaboratory
Prepared by
Dario Del Giudice, Matthew Aupperle, Sankar Arumugam, & Daniel R. Obenour
Environmental Modeling to Support Management and Forecasting Group
Department of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
North Carolina State University
December 2019
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3
1. Methods....................................................................................................................................... 6
Study Area ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Watershed Load Estimation .................................................................................................................... 10
Reservoir Routing .................................................................................................................................... 11
Reservoir Temperature Estimation ......................................................................................................... 11
Nutrient Model Formulation ................................................................................................................... 11
Nutrient Model Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 14
Prior Parameter Information .................................................................................................................. 14
Chlorophyll Modeling .............................................................................................................................. 16
Scenario Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 17
2. Results ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Total Phosphorus Model ......................................................................................................................... 19
Total Nitrogen Model .............................................................................................................................. 25
Chlorophyll Model .................................................................................................................................. 30
Scenario Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Comparison to Previous Results ............................................................................................................. 42
3. References ................................................................................................................................. 43
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Executive Summary
Jordan Lake is a major water supply, flood control, and recreational reservoir located in Chatham
County, North Carolina. The reservoir is highly eutrophic based on algal (i.e., chlorophyll a)
levels that regularly exceed the state criterion of 40 μg/l. The lake can be separated
longitudinally into 4 segments with unique water quality, based on constrictions due to road
causeways and natural features. The most upstream (northern) segment receives flows and
nutrient loads from watersheds that include the cities of Durham and Chapel Hill. The most
downstream (southern) segment receives input from the Haw River watershed, which includes
the city of Greensboro. Chlorophyll a levels are particularly elevated where these major
tributaries enter the reservoir.
There is a general consensus in the scientific and management community that reducing
watershed nutrient (nitrogen and/or phosphorus) loads will improve water quality by reducing
algal levels over time. However, it is also acknowledged in the scientific literature that internal
loading from reservoir bottom sediments can continue to supply nutrients for algal growth even
after watershed nutrient loading has been reduced. This phenomenon has been studied in some
natural lakes, but has received less attention in man-made reservoirs. Furthermore, the degree of
internal nutrient loading is likely to vary substantially among different lakes and reservoirs,
considering their unique nutrient loading patterns, sediment characteristics, geometry, and
In this study, we develop and apply a water quality model to infer and simulate reservoir nutrient
(total phosphorus and total nitrogen) dynamics over a multi-decadal time period (1983-2018).
We use a parsimonious mechanistic formulation based on mass balances for the sediments and
waters of the four main lake sections. The mechanistic formulation builds on previous modeling
studies exploring long-term phosphorus dynamics in natural lakes (Chapra & Canale, 1991;
Jensen et al., 2006). The model is calibrated in a Bayesian framework where prior knowledge of
biophysical rates from relevant scientific literature is systematically updated based on the long-
term calibration datasets for nitrogen and phosphorus in Jordan Lake. Furthermore, empirical
relationships are used to relate seasonal nitrogen and phosphorus levels to chlorophyll a. The
combined calibrated model is then used to make probabilistic scenario predictions of how the
reservoir’s internal nutrient cycling and water quality will respond to potential future reductions
in watershed nitrogen and phosphorus loading over time.
Modeling results explain 58% and 41% of monthly phosphorus and nitrogen variability,
respectively. This level of performance compares well with previous water quality modeling
studies (Arhonditsis and Brett, 2004), and higher performance would not necessarily be expected
given the stochasticity in sampling results within individual months and reservoir segments.
Overall, these results suggest the model is well formulated to address major drivers of nutrient
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Phosphorus modeling results indicate that there has been a gradual (11%) decrease in phosphorus
storage in the reservoir sediment from 1992 till 2018. Phosphorus storage increased in the first
decade of the period of record (1983-1992) by 5.5%; a period when watershed nutrient loading
was particularly elevated. In the first decade, internal phosphorus loading accounted for just
35.7% of total (internal plus watershed) nutrient loading to the water column. After 1992,
internal phosphorus storage declines at a slower rate than watershed loading. As a result of these
different reduction rates, in the last decade (2009-2018), internal phosphorus loading accounted
for 51% of total loading. Here, total loads do not include the portion of phosphorus load lost in
the most upstream portions of the reservoir due to rapid settling and burial of incoming
particulate material, which is estimated to be about 46%. Overall, these results suggest that
internal nutrient loading currently plays a major role in reservoir eutrophication dynamics and
will mute the impact of short-term nutrient watershed loading reductions.
Nitrogen modeling results, contrary to phosphorus, demonstrate a 30% increase in nitrogen
storage in the reservoir sediment during the study period. In the last decade (2009-2018) average
external loading was 7.4% lower than in the first decade (1983-1992), but internal loading
increased by 20% during the same interval. Internal nitrogen loading accounted for 71% of total
nitrogen loading to the water column from 2009 to 2018, compared to 65% from 1983 to 1992.
These total loads do not account for nitrogen lost in upstream portions of the reservoir due to
rapid settling of particulate material, which is estimated to be up to 24% of the external load.
These results suggest internal nitrogen loading is an important contributor to the reservoir, and
will mute the impacts of short-term watershed nutrient loading reductions.
The empirical (multiple linear regression) model linking nutrients and chlorophyll explains about
60% of the variability in the chlorophyll data. This performance is satisfactory, considering that
the model operates at daily scales, whereas similar models applied at much coarser scales have
shown comparable performances (e.g., Dolman and Wiedner, 2015). Calibrated model
coefficients generally indicate higher algal concentrations when nutrients (nitrogen and
phosphorus) and temperature are high and when flushing is low. The influence of nutrient
concentrations appears to be highest in summer (June-September), when water residence time
(the inverse of flushing rate) and temperature are high and thus less likely to limit algal growth.
The influence of flushing, on the other hand, seems to be highest in winter, when watershed
inflows are highest and most variable. The chlorophyll model also provides information on rnp,
the total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratio (TN:TP) at which algae switch between nitrogen and
phosphorus limitation. We find that, on average, rnp ≈ 16 provides the best fit to the data. This
value is substantially higher than the Redfield ratio of 7.2, which indicates that a portion of the
nitrogen pool is not easily usable by the algae to foster their growth. Given that observed TN:TP
in the reservoir typically ranges from 5 to 30, rnp ≈ 16 suggests that nitrogen and phosphorus are
limiting a similar fraction of the time. Interestingly, results also show phosphorus is more
limiting than nitrogen in the summer. In the upper (northern) portion of the lake, about 90% of
sampled summer days show phosphorus limitation, though the frequency of phosphorus
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
limitation declines in lower sections of the reservoir. In general, the chlorophyll model highlights
the importance of reducing both nitrogen and phosphorus in order to reduce algal biomass.
The combined models (nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll) are applied to simulate the reservoir’s
likely response to potential changes in watershed nutrient loading over time. Because internal
nutrient storage and loading may respond slowly to changes in external inputs, we perform these
simulations over a 4-decade period. In these simulations, we sample from the variability in
historical hydrologic conditions and from the uncertainties in the model itself. Nutrient load
reductions are made relative to a 1999-2018 baseline level for hydrology and nonpoint source
loading, and present-day point source (wastewater treatment plant) loading rates. If nutrient
loading persists at current levels, our results indicate that lake-wide concentrations will continue
to change modestly over the next 20 years (+9% w.r.t. 948 μg/l for nitrogen, -5% w.r.t. 59 μg/l
for phosphorus, and -2% w.r.t. 30 μg/l for chlorophyll) due to gradual changes in sediment
nutrient storage. Results indicate that a 50% external nutrient loading reduction will produce
approximately 9% and 5% reductions in lake-wide phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations
(respectively) after one year, 25% and 12% after 10 years, and 38% and 17% after 40 years.
Further, for the highly eutrophic northern section of the reservoir (above Farrington Road),
results suggest it will take about 30 years for a 75% reduction in nutrient loading to reduce the
probability of exceeding 40 μg/l chlorophyll to 20% (as an April-October mean, for a given
year). For the same scenario and time horizon, there is about 80% probability that
concentrations in lower portions of the lake will average below 25 μg/l. When analyzing loading
changes to different arms of the lake (Haw River vs. New Hope Creek), we find that nutrient
loading reductions to the New Hope Arm of the lake will be most impactful in improving water
quality. For instance, 2%, 10%, and 11% reductions in lake-wide mean chlorophyll concentration
are expected after 10 years if loads are reduced by 50% to the Haw River Arm, New Hope Arm,
and entire lake, respectively.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
1. Methods
Study Area
This study focuses on Jordan Lake and its tributaries, including Morgan Creek, New Hope
Creek, Northeast Creek, White Oak Creek, and The Haw River. For modeling and analysis
purposes, Jordan Lake is divided into four segments based on the locations of flow constrictions,
including the Highway 64 causeway, Farrington Road causeway, and the narrows located
northeast of the dam (Figure 1). The geometry of lake segments varies substantially, with
segment 1 being relatively shallow, and segment 4 having the smallest surface area but deepest
mean depth (Table 1).
Table 1: Jordan Lake Dimensions at USACE Normal Pool Depth of 65.8 m (216 ft) above sea
level. Segments are numbered from north to south.
Portion of Lake Normal Pool
Area: km2
Normal Pool Volume:
Normal Pool Mean Depth:
whole lake 56.44 0.2653 4.70
segment 1 13.97 0.0361 2.59
segment 2 14.43 0.0639 4.43
segment 3 20.25 0.1086 5.36
segment 4 7.78 0.0567 7.28
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 1: Map of Jordan Lake displaying the four segments and where they are separated. Black
diamonds indicate in-lake sampling points used in this study. Blue squares represent watershed
load monitoring sites.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
We compile information from multiple institutions to provide model inputs and calibration data.
Reservoir tributary flow data (Table 2, Figure 2) are retrieved from USGS (2019). Nutrient
concentration data for the lake and gauged tributaries are compiled from the Water Quality Portal
(2019), which provides a compilation of USGS and NC DEQ sampling data. Water quality
monitoring sites corresponding to USGS flow gauging sites are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2.
Water quality monitoring sites located in the middle of lake segments (used for model
calibration) are shown in Table 3 and Figure 1. We developed nutrient loading estimates for
wastewater treatment plants from self-reported nutrient concentration and flow data (NCDEQ,
Personal Communication, 2019).
Table 2: Watershed load monitoring sites directly upstream of Jordan Lake, along with the
associated reservoir segment.
Flow Site ID Water Quality
Site ID Stream Watershed
Area (km2)
USGS-02096960 B2100000 Haw River 3302 1980-2018 4
USGS-02097517 B3900000 Morgan Creek 106 1983-2018 1
USGS-02097314 B3040000 New Hope Creek 197 1983-2018 1
USGS-0209741955 B3660000 Northeast Creek 55 1983-2018 1
USGS-0209782609 0209782609 White Oak Creek 31 2000-2018 2
Table 3: Lake water quality sampling locations used for analysis.
segment 1 segment 2 segment 3 segment 4
B3680000 USGS-0209771550 B4010000 B2453000
B3680020 USGS-0209781125 B4010020 B2453010
B3950000 B3967000 CPF0880A B2453020
B3950020 B3967020 CPF0880Aa CPF055D
CPF081A1C B4030000 CPF0880Ab CPF055E
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 2: Map of Jordan Lake watersheds by color, with ungauged tributaries in hatched zones.
Blue squares represent load monitoring sites.
We obtained reservoir level and dam release data from the USACE (2019). Daily air
temperature, precipitation, and open-water evaporation data are from stations at Raleigh-Durham
Airport (ID: KRDU), and Chapel Hill (ID: 311677). Additionally, daily air temperature data
come from stations at Raleigh St. University (ID: 317079), Raleigh Apartments (ID: 317069,
NCCO, 2019). Data from Chapel Hill, Raleigh Apartments, and Raleigh St. University are
averaged to create a more complete and spatially representative record of air temperature over
the lake.
Reservoir stage-storage relationships (Figure 3) are based on digital elevation data. We gathered
elevation data for above the normal pool elevation from the USGS National Elevation Dataset
(USGS, 2019) at approximately 30-m resolution. Reservoir bathymetry for below the normal
pool comes from a recent University of North Carolina bathymetry survey (A. Rodriguez,
personal communication, May 2019) at approximately 25-m resolution.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 3: Stage-area (top) and stage-volume (bottom) relationships for the four segments of
Jordan Lake.
Watershed Load Estimation
For each tributary monitoring station, the USGS Weighted Regressions in Time, Discharge, and
Season (WRTDS) program (Hirsch & De Cicco 2015) is used to compute nutrient concentration
and load on a daily timescale. WRTDS results are aggregated by lake segment and month for
input to the reservoir water quality model. Loadings from wastewater treatment plants outside of
the gauged area are added directly to the WRTDS segment loading estimates, assuming
negligible instream nutrient removal due to their close proximity to the lake. Nonpoint source
loading from ungauged watershed areas (Figure 2) are estimated using areal loading rates (kg
km-2 month-1) derived from White Oak Creek, as it is the only gauged watershed without WWTP
loadings. Missing monthly loads for White Oak Creek and Northeast Creek (due to gaps in the
monitoring record) are filled using linear regressions developed between these sites and gauged
flow in Northeast Creek and Morgan Creek, respectively.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Reservoir Routing
A routing model is needed to estimate flows between the four reservoir segments. Routing is
performed at a monthly time step, considering flow balances among tributary inflows, over-lake
evaporation and precipitation, reservoir discharge, and changes in reservoir storage. Flows from
ungauged areas, representing 14.5% of the Jordan Lake watershed, are estimated using drainage
area ratios with nearby gauged streams. The overall reservoir flow balance is formulated as:
𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑟=𝑃𝑟+𝑃−𝐸+Δ𝑉+ 𝜀 Eqn 1.
where 𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑟 is reservoir outflow, 𝑃𝑟 is the area-adjusted tributary inflow, E over-lake
evaporation, P is over-lake precipitation, and Δ𝑉 is the change in lake storage. All of these
variables are known, such that the error term (ε) results from inaccuracies in the measured
values. Errors are generally small (averaging 3.8 m3/s as absolute values, compared to an
average reservoir inflow of 45 m3/s). As tributary gauging is expected to be the most substantial
source of uncertainty in Eqn 1, tributary inflows are adjusted up or down slightly to remove the
error and close the flow balance.
Flows between segments are determined by applying Eqn 1 for each segment with additional
term, 𝑃𝑟, to account for flow from the upstream segment. Eqn 1 is then solved for segment
outflow, 𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑟, which now represents the flow to the next segment. We note that segment flows
are sometimes negative, particularly when there is a large inflow from the Haw River that fills
the reservoir from its downstream end.
Reservoir Temperature Estimation
To provide continuous temperature inputs to the water quality model, daily water temperature is
reconstructed using a linear regression between observations of air temperature (available daily)
and water temperature (available more sporadically). Daily air temperature readings are used to
create two-week moving averages to represent the delayed reaction of a large body of water. The
linear regression is formed between these moving averages and water temperature
measurements. For this purpose, the water temperature data used for the regression were
collected at a depth of 4 meters or greater to better represent the temperature effects occurring
deeper in the lake, as the temperature data are used to influence mass transfer rates between the
sediment and water layers.
Nutrient Model Formulation
The mechanistic nutrient model is developed from 8 differential equations, representing nutrient
mass balances in the water column and sediment layer of each of the 4 reservoir segments
(Figure 4). These equations are comparable to those developed by Chapra (1990) and Jensen et
al. (2006) for studying long-term phosphorus dynamics, though these previous studies
represented natural lakes as a single well-mixed reactor (rather than multiple segments). The
mass balance differential equation for nutrients in the water column is as follows:
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
𝑑𝑟=(𝑃𝑖∗𝑃𝑟)𝜃𝑅𝑅−20 +(𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑖∗𝐵𝑖𝑛𝑖)(1 −𝜓)−𝑀𝑖(𝑘+𝑟∗𝐴𝑖
)𝜃𝑉𝑅−20 +𝑃𝑖−1,𝑖∗𝑀𝑖−1
𝑃𝑖,𝑖+1 ∗𝑀𝑖
Eqn. 2.1
In the case with reversed flow (south to north) the last two terms are replaced with the following:
−𝑃𝑖,𝑖−1 ∗𝑀𝑖
Eqn. 2.2
The mass balance differential equation for nutrients in the sediment layer is as follows:
))(𝜃𝑉𝑅−20)−(𝑃𝑖∗𝑃𝑟)(𝜃𝑅𝑅−20)−(𝑃𝑖∗𝐵𝑟) Eqn. 3
The terms in the preceding equations are described as follows:
Mi = Mass of phosphorus in segment i water layer. [kg]
Si = Mass of phosphorus in segment i sediment layer. [kg]
v = Transfer rate of nutrients to the sediment layer, as an effective settling velocity. [m•month-1]
k = Transfer rate of nutrients to the sediment layer, as a first order removal rate. [month-1]
ψ = Watershed nutrient load adjustment factor. [n/a]
R = Recycling rate of nutrients from the sediment back into the water layer. [month-1]
B = Removal rate from the sediment to permanent burial and/or denitrification. [month-1]
𝜃𝑟 = Temperature adjustment parameter for the transfer of nutrients from water column to
sediments. [n/a]
𝜃𝑅 = Temperature adjustment parameter for the sediment nutrient recycling rate. [n/a]
Ai = Area of segment i water layer at the surface (varies with time). [106 m2]
Vi = Volume of segment i water layer (varies with time). [106 m3]
Qini = Watershed inflow to segment i (varies with time). [106 m3•month-1]
Cini = Concentration of nutrient in watershed inflow (varies with time) [mg•m-3]
𝑃𝑖−1,𝑖 = Flow from upstream segment to segment i (varies with time) [106 m3•month-1]
𝑃𝑖+1,𝑖 = Flow from segment i to downstream segment (varies with time) [106 m3•month-1]
These differential equations were solved numerically on a monthly time scale using the ODIN
package (FitzJohn, 2019) in R (R Core Team, 2018). The model was run from 1983 through the
end of 2018.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 4: Diagram of the nutrient model used to track flow through Jordan Lake.
During the months of May through September, segments 2-4 demonstrate consistent
stratification (R. Luttich, personal communication, 2019). To account for such stratification, the
model output is adjusted to predict surface concentration (upper 3 m of water column). Surface
concentration is calculated from the predicted overall water-column nutrient mass adjusted for
the observed difference between bottom and surface water column concentrations:
𝐵𝑟𝑟𝑟=𝑀𝑖[𝑉𝑖+𝑉𝑖,𝑏(𝑃𝑖,𝑏:𝑟−1)]−1 Eqn. 4
where 𝑉𝑖,𝑏 is the volume of segment i below a depth of 3 meters, 𝑃𝑖,𝑏:𝑟 is the nutrient
concentration ratio for observations below/above 3 m, for months where consistent differences
were observed in the historical data (Mar-Sept for TP, Apr-Sept for TN). These ratios are
aggregated as medians to avoid the influence of extreme values. Also, because of the paucity of
paired bottom/surface observations, we grouped months together based on an inspection of the
typical seasonality of these ratios, in order to achieve more robust and realistic results (Table 4).
We note that segment 1 is shallow and does not persistently stratify, so that no adjustment was
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Table 4: Ratios of bottom to surface nutrient concentration, 𝑃𝑖,𝑏:𝑟, by month
segment 2 ratios segment 3 ratios segment 4 ratios
3 1.1 1.6 1.1
4 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.2
5 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.2
6 1.1 1.0 1.6 2.2 1.1 1.7
7 1.2 1.0 1.6 2.2 1.7 1.7
8 1.2 1.0 1.6 2.2 1.7 1.7
9 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.2
Nutrient Model Calibration
The mechanistic model is calibrated in a Bayesian framework to produce probabilistic estimates
of key model parameters. Calibration is achieved by updating prior rate and nutrient information
from previous research using the observed surface concentration data gathered from Jordan Lake
over the past 30 years. The parameters calibrated in the model are listed below in Table 5.
Bayesian model calibration is implemented using an adaptive Markov Chain Monte-Carlo
approach as implemented in the “adaptMCMC” package in R (Scheidegger 2018). The model is
calibrated in a log10 transformed scale to help account for the right skew typical of pollutant
concentration data (Ott, 1990). Parameters calibrated with this approach are centered at their
optimal value and additionally incorporate a measure of their uncertainty.
Prior Parameter Information
Before model calibration, prior distributions for model parameters are formulated from existing
literature and knowledge of the system. Most priors are Gaussian (normal) and truncated at zero
to avoid unrealistic negative values (Table 5). Priors for nutrient removal rates are developed
based on previous literature exploring internal phosphorus cycling in lakes. Effective phosphorus
settling rates have been estimated to be within 1 to 4 m/mo (Chapra, 1975; Chapra & Canale,
1981; Nürnberg, 1984; Jensen et al., 2006). Converting these settling rates to 1st-order removal
rates based on typical lake depths indicates a range of 0.1 to 0.7 mo-1. Because we include both
options within the model, our prior means are half of the center of these ranges: 1.3 m/mo and
0.20 mo-1 for v and k, respectively. Prior standard deviations are set to 1.4 m/mo and 0.26 mo-1,
respectively, so that that the upper 0.975 quantile of the prior distributions align with the upper
end of the literature ranges. In addition, the load adjustment factor ψ is assigned a mean of 0.1
and standard deviation of 0.1, considering the potential for bias in loading estimates (Hirsch et
al., 2014), and the potential for removal of particulate P in the upstream reaches of the reservoir
(Duan et al., 2014; River & Richardson, 2018).
For eutrophic lakes, reported phosphorus fluxes typically range from around 0.2 to 3.0 g/m2/yr
(Nürnberg, 1988; Chapra & Canale, 1991; Moore et al., 1998; Welch & Jacoby, 2001; Haggard
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
et al., 2005; Nürnberg, 2009; Matisoff et al., 2016). Converting these fluxes to release rates
requires information on sediment phosphorus content, reported at typical ranges of 20 to 80 g/m2
for eutrophic lakes (Larsen et al., 1981; James et al., 2005; Jensen et al., 2006). Based on these
values, the prior recycle rate is determined to have a mean of 0.0030 mo-1 with standard
deviation of 0.0018 mo-1. There is little prior information available for the phosphorus burial
rate, but it is expected to be smaller than the recycle rate, as it is not included in all models
(Jensen et al., 2006). Here, we use a prior with mean and standard deviation of 0.001 mo-1,
based loosely on Chapra & Canale (1991).
Table 5: Priors Applied to Parameters Subject to Calibration.
Parameter Distribution Lower Upper Description Units
Phosphorus Model Priors
ψ N(0.1,0.1) -1 1 watershed load reduction factor n/a
R N(0.003,.0018) 0 Inf 1st order sediment recycling rate mo-1
B N(0.001,0.001) 0 Inf 1st order burial rate mo-1
Sinit N(0.0456,0.025) 0 Inf initial sediment concentration kg•m-2
Nitrogen Model Priors
ψ N(0.05,0.05) -1 1 watershed load reduction factor n/a
R N(0.033,.017) 0 Inf 1st order sediment recycling rate mo-1
B N(0.15,0.1) 0 Inf 1st order burial/denitrification rate mo-1
Sinit N(.25,0.075) 0 Inf initial sediment concentration kg•m-2
General Priors
v N(1.3,1.4) 0 Inf effective settling velocity to
k N(0.2,0.26) 0 Inf 1st order transfer rate to sediment mo-1
θv N(1.05,0.03) 1 Inf settling/transfer temperature
adjustment n/a
θR N(1.05,0.03) 1 Inf recycling temperature adjustment n/a
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Prior information for nitrogen water column removal rates is less available than for phosphorus.
However, because nitrogen removal from the water column is mediated by largely the same
processes to phosphorus removal (e.g., phytoplankton growth, consumption, settling of detritus),
we apply the same priors for v and k used in the phosphorus model. We note that 1.1 m/mo has
been reported as an average apparent settling rate for reservoirs (Harrison et al., 2009) and is
generally consistent with our prior, though it is a net rate reflecting both nitrogen settling and
recycling. For the load adjustment factor, we assign a prior mean and standard deviation of 0.05
to account for potential settling of particulate organic matter in the upper reaches of the reservoir
as well as potential biases in load estimation. This prior is notably lower than for phosphorus, as
nitrogen does not adsorb to settling inorganic particulate matter.
Due to denitrification, many long-term studies assume little or no buildup of nitrogen within the
sediment layer over time (e.g., Jensen, 1992; David et al., 2006). Lake and reservoir
denitrification rate estimates tend to vary widely, from about 10 to 800 g/m2/yr in literature
(Windolf et al., 1996; Tomaszek & Czerwieniec, 2000; David et al., 2006). Based on typical
areal TN concentrations from 100 to 400 g/m2 (Lane & Koelzer, 1943; Tomaszek &
Czerwieniec, 2000; Fisher et al., 2001; James et al., 2005), these values suggest a denitrification
rate with a prior mean of 0.15 mo-1 with standard deviation of 0.10 mo-1. In the nitrogen model,
this denitrification rate replaces the phosphorus burial rate and is mathematically equivalent to it.
As an alternative to denitrification, sediment nitrogen may also be returned to the water column
as ammonia (Di Toro, 2001). Reported summer ammonia flux rates typically vary from 5-25
g/m2/yr for hypoxic summer conditions (Graetz et al., 1973; Beutel, 2001). On a yearly basis,
these values suggest a recycle rate prior with a mean of 0.033 mo-1 with standard deviation of
0.017 mo-1.
Chlorophyll Modeling
In-lake concentrations of total nutrients (TN and TP) are used to predict chlorophyll via
regression. The model is composed of three terms that are linearly combined to predict
chlorophyll concentration (c), namely, the nutrient concentration term, the flushing rate (F, the
inverse of water residence time) and water temperature (T):
0log( ) log min , log( ) log( )np f t
= + + +
, Eqn. 5
where ’s and rnp are parameters to be calibrated using ‘penalized least squared’ optimization
implemented using the ‘penalized’ package (Goeman, 2010). This approach is equivalent to
maximum likelihood estimation with np and t being constrained to be nonnegative, as
negative coefficients for nutrients and temperature would be physically implausible.
The nutrient concentration term of the chlorophyll model is based on the ‘equivalent nutrient
approach’ proposed by Dolman and Wiedner (2015). This approach represents chlorophyll as
being controlled by the nutrient in shortest supply, either TN or TP. To account for the fact that
algae require more TN than TP to grow, TN is divided by rnp, a calibration parameter
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
representing the TN:TP at which TN and TP are equally limiting. rnp is constrained between 5
and 30, a range consistent with the observed TN:TP in Jordan Lake and with previous literature
(Dolman and Wiedner 2015).
Calibration is conducted using daily input and output data derived from lacustrine measurements,
except for the flushing rate that was derived from monthly outputs of the routing model (see
Reservoir Routing section). Each predictor term as well as the dependent variable are log10
transformed, a solution often adopted in regression modeling of chlorophyll to mitigate the
impact of extremely high values (Dolman and Wiedner 2015; Filstrup and Downing, 2017;
Prairie et al. 1989). Additionally, the most extreme outliers are removed from model calibration
to avoid corrupting parameter estimates. Overall, 12 (out of 1020) daily data points are dropped
because (transformed) chlorophyll, TN or TP were above their upper quartile plus twice the
interquartile range or below their lower quartile minus twice the interquartile range.
The model is allowed to calibrate different parameters according to the season and segment, as
preliminary analyses show non-stationarity in the relationship between predictors and dependent
variable based on the time of the year and the portion of the lake.
Scenario Analysis
The three developed models (for TP, TN and chlorophyll) are combined to predict future water
column and sediment concentrations at monthly scales. Specifically, the combined model is used
to simulate the reservoir’s response in terms of TP, TN, and chlorophyll concentrations to past
and future nutrient loading. While model calibration is performed over the monitoring period of
1983-2018, simulations for scenario analysis are conducted over the 2019-2058 period. To
realistically account for seasonality in hydrology over this latter period, for each simulation, an
input time series is created by randomly rearranging the historical (1999-2018) inputs by year.
This historical period is chosen as representative because around the late 1990s nutrient
concentrations in the lake became approximately stationary.
To account for two major and sudden reductions in nitrogen loading due to improvements in
sewage treatment, we adjust the concentration of segment 1 riverine inputs used for scenario
analysis. Specifically, during preliminary data analysis, we find that, after December 2004,
Northeast Creek average TN loading decreases by 58%, whereas after March 2010, Morgan
Creek average TN loading decreases by 28%. Therefore, for scenario analysis, riverine inputs
from 1999 to 2010 are reduced accordingly, in order to not project forward loading conditions
that irreversibly changed.
The main nutrient loading scenarios are calculated by varying tributary concentrations from -
100% to +100% of historical values. Ancillary scenarios are also computed by varying of ±50%
loadings from either the New Hope Arm or the Haw River Arm. To account for model parameter
uncertainty for a given loading scenario, each model is run 1000 times, each time with a different
sample from the calibrated posterior parameter distribution. Additionally, for each simulation,
realizations of the residual error distributions are added to TP, TN, and chlorophyll to account
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
for model structure and observation uncertainty. Propagating parameter and residual
uncertainties through the three models is paramount to quantify the probability of exceeding a
given concentration in the future.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
2. Results
Total Phosphorus Model
Overall, 58% of the variability of the data is explained by the model (Figure 5). The coefficient
of determination (R2 or fraction of variability in the data explained by the model) is equal to
0.42, 0.25, 0.30, and 0.23 for segments 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The TP model effectively
captures the higher levels of recorded phosphorus from 1983 to 1990, and the generally lower TP
concentrations thereafter (Figure 6). In addition, the model captures intra-annual variability, with
high concentrations generally occurring in the fall-winter.
Figure 5: In-lake surface TP observations versus predictions (R2 = 0.58).
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 6: Monthly time series showing the TP model predictions along with monthly
observations for segment 1 (above Farrington Rd).
Posterior distributions generally lie within the prior distributions suggested by previous literature
(Figure 7). Posterior distributions are generally narrower than prior distributions, indicating
substantial reductions in uncertainty after assimilating calibration data. We note that the posterior
distribution for ψ is substantially shifted from the prior, indicating more phosphorus loss (i.e.,
settling and permanent burial) in upstream portions of the reservoir than expected and/or a bias
in WRTDS loading estimates. Additionally, many tributaries (e.g., Morgan Creek, New Hope
Creek, and Northeast Creek) also pass through wetlands and impoundments before entering the
lake, which can contribute to TP removal. On the other hand, the burial rate, B, is quite small,
indicating less permanent phosphorus removal within the deeper main body of the lake. In the
main body of the lake, phosphorus appears to be efficiently recycled, as indicated by the
relatively high R.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 7: Comparison between prior (dashed) and posterior (solid) distributions for the TP
model. The y-axis represents probability density. Prior distributions reflect knowledge gathered
from previous studies. Posterior distributions represent calibrated parameters.
The total phosphorus model shows an overall reduction in the water column concentration of
phosphorus over the course of the 35 year study period (Figure 8). Water column concentrations
drop by 50%, 29%, 26%, and 40% in segments 1 through 4, respectively, when comparing the
first (1983-1992) and last (2009-2018) decades of the study period. Sediment concentrations
increase during the first decade of study and then, starting from the early 1990s, they gradually
decrease. Sediment concentrations drop by 8% when comparing the first and last decades. This
concentration reduction is more prominent in segments 1 and 4, which are most exposed to the
inflow of TP from the watershed than the innermost segments. The long term trend of sediment
TP is important to note, as it will influence the rates of internal loading in the future (see section
on scenario analysis).
The majority of the phosphorus enters the lake from the watershed during the beginning of the
period, but over time, the majority of the loading to the lake (i.e., water column) starts to come
from internal recycling from the sediment layer in most years (Figure 8, top). This change in
proportion is mostly due to reduced watershed TP loading and, to some extent, to increased
sediment loading caused by an increase in sediment TP content in the beginning of the period.
Years with higher inflow generally have higher loadings, especially in segment 4 (Figures 8 and
9). Segment 4 has the strongest correlation between flushing rate and inflow, as expected due to
the dominance of the Haw River.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 8: In the Top plot, mass flow of Total Phosphorus for Jordan Lake overall is represented.
In the bottom plot, total water column concentration of TP over the course of the entire period, as
well as average areal concentration of TP in the sediments are shown.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 9: Average yearly flushing rate for individual segments using (left y-axis), calculated in
terms of how many times that segment’s volume flowed through during the period. Also plotted
is the total inflow to the reservoir (right y-axis).
The reservoir demonstrates substantial intra-annual variability in TP gains and losses (Figure
10). Internal loading is the primary contributor of TP during summer months, whereas watershed
loading dominates during the winter. Higher settling rates occur during the summer, due to the
temperature response parameters. External watershed loads and releases of nutrients through the
dam follow the same pattern as inflow and flushing rates (Figure 11).
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 10: Top: Average monthly mass transfer rates for the lake as a whole. Bottom: Average
monthly segment concentrations; dotted lines and empty symbols represent surface
concentrations during stratified periods for segments 2-4.
Figure 11: Average monthly flushing rate for individual segments, calculated in terms of how
many times that segment’s volume flowed through during the period.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Total Nitrogen Model
Overall, 41% of the variability of the TN data is explained by the model (Figure 12). For
individual segments of the lake the coefficient of determination is equal to 0.21, 0.40, 0.34, and
0.53 for segments 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The model generally captures temporal variability
in TN concentrations well. However, for segment 1 (lowest R2), the model tends to over-predict
TN concentrations in the 1990s (Figure 13).
Figure 12: In-lake surface TN observations versus predictions (R2 = 0.41).
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 13: Monthly time series showing the TN model predictions along with monthly
observations for segment 1.
Estimated model parameters (Figure 14) generally fall within the ranges indicated by the prior
distributions. The relatively high effective settling rate and low first order transfer rate generally
suggest that nutrient transfer to the sediment is better represented as a settling term. Parameter B
represents permanent burial and/or denitrification, which is estimated to be nearly zero,
indicating denitrification is not a significant process within the main body (i.e., center) of the
lake. The posterior distribution for ψ is substantially larger compared to the prior distribution,
indicating nitrogen loss occurs before entering the main body of the lake and/or a bias in
WRTDS loading estimates. The high ψ posterior distribution is likely explained as an initial
settling of particulate matter due to water slowing down before it enters the body of the lake, a
trend documented before (Jiao et. al. 2018). Also, as noted for phosphorus, many tributaries (e.g.,
Morgan Creek, New Hope Creek, and Northeast Creek) pass through wetlands and
impoundments before entering the lake, which can contribute to burial and denitrification. At the
same time, the ψ for the TN model is substantially lower than for the TP model, and together
with the low B, partially explains why there is more accumulation of TN than TP in reservoir
sediments over the study period.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
In general, inferred TN and TP sediment rates (Figures 7 and 14) are at least qualitatively
consistent with recent nutrient flux measurements (M. Piehler, personal communication, 2019).
These flux measurements indicated the sediment nitrogen releases (primarily as ammonia) were
about 40 times higher than phosphate releases, indicating that nitrogen is more efficiently
recycled from the sediment than phosphorus. Also, measured releases of nitrogen gas, which
indicate denitrification, were minimal except for at a location in the upstream Haw River portion
of segment 4. This is consistent with the minimal estimate for B and substantially negative
estimate of ψ, which also indicate that permanent nitrogen losses are largely limited to around
the mouths of the tributaries. Further comparisons with measured sediment nutrient
concentrations and fluxes will be explored in the future.
Figure 14: Comparison between prior (dashed) and posterior (solid) distributions for TN model.
The y-axis represents probability density. Prior distributions reflect knowledge gathered during
the literature review process. Posterior distributions represent calibrated parameters.
There is a higher proportion of internal loading for TN (Figure 15) than for TP (Figure 8). Over
1983-2018, internal loading contributes 71% and 53% of total loading for these two nutrients,
respectively. There is also an accumulation of sediment TN over the course of the entire study
period, while sediment TP begins to decline after the first decade. Also, where the TP model
shows notable decreases in average water column concentration, the TN model shows minor
increases of 1.7%, 6.8%, 1.4%, and 6.0% in segments 1 through 4, respectively, when comparing
the last decade to the first decade of the study period (2009-18 vs. 1983-92). It is important to
note that there was no substantial external watershed loading reductions in TN, unlike TP, which
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
explains part of the difference in water column concentration changes over the study period.
Similarly, sediment TN concentrations increase by 20% over the same period. Segment 4 again
shows the strongest relationship between higher loading on a yearly scale and higher inflow
(Figures 15 and 9).
Figure 15: In the top plot, mass flow of Total Nitrogen for Jordan Lake overall. In the bottom
plot, total water column concentration of TN over the course of the entire period, as well as
average areal concentration of TN in the sediments.
Internal loading of TN is a substantial contributor during all months (Figure 16). Internal loading
is only overtaken by watershed loading during the early months of the year when watershed
loading is the highest, aligning with high inflow and flushing rates (Figure 11). There is a much
greater difference in surface concentration relative to total water column concentration during the
summer months in the segments 3 and 4, which reflect stratification behavior (Figure 16,
bottom). This is consistent with the higher rates of internal loading of TN, as this will create
greater differences between concentrations in the epilimnion versus the hypoliminion.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 16: Top: Average monthly mass transfer rates for the lake as a whole. Bottom: Average
monthly segment concentrations; dotted lines and empty symbols represent surface
concentrations during stratified periods for segments 2-4.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Chlorophyll Model
The chlorophyll regression model with three predictor variables explains about one third of the
variability in daily chlorophyll for a given segment and season (see Figure 17 for examples of
summer). However, when considering the entire dataset, the model is able to explain more than
half of the observed variability (R2=0.59).
For most of the 16 cases considered (4 seasons × 4 segments) we find that chlorophyll is
positively related to in-lake nutrients (nitrogen or phosphorus, depending on which one is
limiting) and temperature, whereas a mostly negative relationship is found with segment flushing
rate (Table 6). This is consistent with previous literature, as higher temperatures and nutrients
and low flushing are known to favor algal growth (Paerl and Otten, 2013). Interestingly, in some
cases such as wintertime in segment 4, nutrients do not show significant positive relationships
with nutrients. This implies that, in those conditions, variability in algal biomass is mainly
controlled by hydrometeorology.
The chlorophyll model also provides information on rnp, the total nitrogen to total phosphorus
ratio (TN:TP) at which algae switch between nitrogen and phosphorus limitation. We find that,
on average, rnp ≈ 16 provides the best fit to the data, although the exact best value varies by
segment and season. In all cases except one (Table 6), the value of rnp is substantially higher than
the Redfield ratio of 7.2, which indicates that a portion of the nitrogen pool is not easily usable
by algae to stimulate growth. Interestingly, rnp = 16 is approximately equal to the median of the
observed TN:TP, which suggests that in Jordan Lake nitrogen and phosphorus are limiting a
similar fraction of the time. Additionally, for all segments, rnp reaches a minimum in summer,
which suggests that in summer phosphorus is more limiting than nitrogen. Specifically, the
model results indicate that about 80% of summer days experience some degree of phosphorus
limitation. Consequently, summer is the season when the importance of phosphorus for
controlling algal biomass is high, relative to other seasons and to nitrogen. Additionally, segment
1 appears to be limited by phosphorus most frequently (about 90% of sampled summer days)
whereas segment 4 is phosphorus limited the least (about 50% of sampled summer days). In
general, however, results of chlorophyll model calibration highlight the importance of reducing
both nitrogen and phosphorus in order to reduce algal biomass throughout the year and
throughout the entire lake.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 17: Observed vs predicted daily log-transformed chlorophyll concentration during
summer (June-September). The diagonal lines represent the 1:1 line. The model captures
reasonably well the daily variability in different portions of the lake using only three predictors
or less.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Table 6: maximum likelihood estimates of the regression model parameters calibrated to
different segments (1 to 4) and seasons. Note that in cases where the nutrient term is not
significantly positive the ratio rnp is not applicable. The units of the β coefficients are (from the
first to the fourth row) log(μgchlorophyll/l) divided by: 1, log(μgphoshorus/l), log(1/mo), and log(°C).
1,winter 1,spring 1,summer 1,autumn 2,winter 2,spring 2,summer 2,autumn
0 -0.72 0.58 -0.58 0.35 -0.14 -0.44 -3.69 0.70
np 0.86 0.53 1.01 0.61 0.65 1.14 0.88 0.15
f -0.23 -0.11 0 -0.11 -0.06 0.01 0.05 -0.11
t 0.72 0.06 0.22 0.18 0.54 0 2.60 0.43
npr 16 14 5 12 24 18 11 21
3,winter 3,spring 3,summer 3,autumn 4,winter 4,spring 4,summer 4,autumn
0 0.88 -0.12 -2.69 -1.22 1.05 1.23 -0.13 -0.41
np 0 0.9 0.92 0.92 0 0 0.62 0.20
f -0.04 -0.10 -0.04 -0.06 -0.24 -0.28 -0.14 -0.11
t 0.47 0 1.83 0.88 0.22 0.19 0.41 1.15
npr NA 20 13 17 NA NA 15 25
Combining the chlorophyll model with the TP and TN models allows us to predict chlorophyll
for each month rather than only when nutrient measurements are available (see Figure 18 for the
example of segment 1). The combined model also enables us to analyze effects of changing
riverine inputs (see next section). The model captures well the high chlorophyll events such as
the one observed in July 1986 and enables us to reconstruct other probable algal blooms, such as
the one of September 2002, which had not been monitored (Figure 18).
The combined models provide robust chlorophyll prediction. We note that the stand-alone
chlorophyll regression model was developed using actual nutrient observations, and that
substitution of modeled nutrient values would be expected to degrade predicative performance.
Still, for the entire dataset, the combined model explains a large fraction of the observed variance
(R2=0.44). This testifies to the robustness of the underlying nutrient models and the overall
modeling chain required to predict chlorophyll.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 18: Monthly time series showing the output combined TN-TP-chlorophyll model along
with monthly observations for segment 1.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Scenario Analysis
The combined model is used to assess future response of the reservoir to a broad range of
changes in riverine nutrient (TN and TP) inputs. Considering the case with nutrient loading
persisting at approximately current levels, model results show that the decreasing trend of TP
observable in Figure 8 is going to continue. For instance, after 20 years, average lacustrine
concentrations are expected to be 5% lower than the recent historical average (59 μg/l for 1999-
2018). However, halving phosphorus loads would facilitate larger lake-wide TP concentration
reductions both immediately (due to halved watershed contributions) and gradually (due to a
progressive decrease in sediment loading), as shown in Figure 19 for segment 1. Considering the
entire lake, a 50% reduction in incoming TP after 20 years would lead to lacustrine
concentrations about 30% lower than in the historical period.
Nitrogen is expected to behave somewhat differently than phosphorus. Under a scenario of no
loading changes, in 2038 TN concentrations are expected to be 9% higher than the recent
historical average of 948 μg/l. This increase in lacustrine concentrations is explainable with the
continued gradual accumulation of nitrogen in the sediments (Figure 15), which also implies a
gradual increase in internal N loading. Given this increasing internal input, halving external
(watershed) inputs would lead to a less steep reduction in TN concentrations when compared to
TP (cf. Figures 19 and 20). Specifically, for the entire lake, reducing external loads of 50%
would lead, after 20 years, to TN concentrations only 15% lower than in the period 1999-2018.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 19: Probabilistic time series of predicted phosphorus for the recent historical period and,
separated by the dashed line, the first two decades of the projection period. In this example,
riverine nutrient inputs from all watersheds are reduced of 50%. Prediction intervals incorporate
the effect of model/data and hydrologic uncertainty.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 20: Probabilistic time series of predicted nitrogen for the recent historical period and,
separated by the dashed line, the first two decades of the projection period. In this example,
riverine nutrient inputs from all watersheds are reduced of 50%. Prediction intervals incorporate
the effect of model/data and hydrologic uncertainty.
The interplay of opposite trends in nitrogen and phosphorus internal loads is largely going to
balance out in terms of chlorophyll concentration. Specifically, if future riverine nutrient loads
are maintained at recent historical levels, chlorophyll is expected to approximately remain at its
historical mean (30 μg/l, annual) for the first decade. However, over a longer time horizon,
chlorophyll is expected to decrease slightly (Table 7), due to a gradual depletion in sediment TP.
Given this mild decreasing trend, changes in external loads of the same magnitude but opposite
sign are going to lead to slightly asymmetric changes in chlorophyll concentration. For instance,
a load change of +50% is only going to lead to a chlorophyll change of +11% after 20 years,
compared to -15% with a -50% load change.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Table 7: Percentage of average changes in lake-wide chlorophyll concentration. The rows
represent the loading scenarios, while the columns indicate time periods. The values in column 1
indicate the percentage changes in loading for all watersheds, except for the last four rows which
show the effect of modifying the loads only for the New Hope (NH) Arm or Haw River (HR)
adjustment Historical 2019 2028 2038 2058
-100 0 -14 -23 -30 -41
-75 0 -9 -17 -22 -30
-50 0 -6 -12 -15 -21
-25 0 -3 -6 -8 -12
0 0 1 -1 -2 -4
25 0 4 4 4 4
50 0 7 9 11 12
75 0 10 14 16 19
100 0 13 18 22 27
-50NH 0 -5 -10 -13 -19
50NH 0 6 7 8 10
-50HR 0 0 -2 -4 -7
50HR 0 2 1 0 -2
Changing loads in the New Hope (NH) Arm would have a much larger impact on lake-wide
chlorophyll than changing loads in the Haw River (HR) Arm (Table 7), even though NH is only
20% the size of the total (NH + HR) watershed and it only contributes roughly 20% of total
incoming nutrients (see Watershed Modeling Report). Taking a 50% load reduction and a 20
year horizon as an example, changes in NH loads are predicted to cause a chlorophyll change of -
13% whereas changes in HR loads would only lead to -4%. The higher impact of changes in NH
loads can be explained by the following considerations. First, the main pool of segment 4 has
lower chlorophyll (22 μg/l) compared to the lake average (30 μg/l) and segment 1 (46 μg/l).
Therefore, chlorophyll changes in segment 4 will have a lower impact on overall lake
chlorophyll compared to the same percentage change for segment 1. Additionally, in Tables 8
and 9, it is evident that meaningful changes in segment-specific chlorophyll only occur when
loads from directly contributing tributaries are reduced. For instance, changing NH loads by
±50%, which have direct impacts on segments 1-3, will produce no significant change in
segment 4. Finally, regression results (Table 6) show that chlorophyll in segment 4 is less
sensitive to nutrient changes than chlorophyll in segment 1. As a result, for a -50% change in
overall loading, after 20 years segment 1 will experience 21% lower chlorophyll (Table 8),
whereas segment 4 chlorophyll will only be reduced by 9% (Table 9). Time series of chlorophyll
predictions further illustrate these considerations. Specifically, Figure 21 shows that segment 1
has both high chlorophyll and marked responsiveness to load reduction. Segment 4 (Figure 22),
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
on the other hand, has lower chlorophyll and a barely perceptible reduction in chlorophyll even
after a 50% reduction in riverine loads.
Table 8: Percentage of average changes in chlorophyll for segment 1. The rows represent the
loading scenarios, while the columns indicate time periods. The values in column 1 indicate the
percentage changes in loading for all watersheds, except for the last four rows which show the
effect of modifying the loads only for the New Hope (NH) Arm or Haw River (HR) Arm.
adjustment Historical 2019 2028 2038 2058
-100 0 -18 -33 -42 -55
-75 0 -12 -24 -31 -41
-50 0 -7 -16 -21 -28
-25 0 -2 -8 -11 -16
0 0 4 -1 -2 -5
25 0 9 7 6 6
50 0 13 13 15 16
75 0 18 20 22 26
100 0 22 26 31 36
-50NH 0 -6 -16 -21 -28
50NH 0 13 13 14 17
-50HR 0 4 0 -3 -5
50HR 0 4 -1 -2 -5
Table 9: Percentage of average changes in chlorophyll for segment 4. The rows represent the
loading scenarios, while the columns indicate time periods. The values in column 1 indicate the
percentage changes in loading for all watersheds, except for the last four rows which show the
effect of modifying the loads only for the New Hope (NH) Arm or Haw River (HR) Arm.
Adjustment Historical 2019 2028 2038 2058
-100 0 -12 -18 -23 -30
-75 0 -9 -13 -16 -19
-50 0 -5 -8 -9 -11
-25 0 -3 -3 -4 -5
0 0 1 0 1 0
25 0 3 4 4 5
50 0 5 7 9 10
75 0 8 10 12 14
100 0 9 13 16 18
-50NH 0 0 0 0 0
50NH 0 0 0 1 1
-50HR 0 -5 -7 -9 -11
50HR 0 5 7 8 9
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 21: Probabilistic time series of predicted chlorophyll a in segment 1 for the recent
historical period and, separated by the dashed line, the first two decades of the projection period.
In this example, riverine nutrient inputs from all watersheds are reduced of 50%. Prediction
intervals incorporate the effect of model/data and hydrologic uncertainty.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Figure 22: Probabilistic time series of predicted chlorophyll a in segment 4 for the recent
historical period and, separated by the dashed line, the first two decades of the projection period.
In this example, riverine nutrient inputs from all watersheds are reduced of 50%. Prediction
intervals incorporate the effect of model/data and hydrologic uncertainty.
Besides elucidating mean trends, the probabilistic model projections in this study take into
account parameter, hydrologic, model structure, and observation uncertainty. Consequently,
these projections enable us to quantify the probability of meeting the chlorophyll state criterion
of 40 μg/l (NCDENR, 2007) for a variety of loading scenarios and temporal horizons. Results of
these probabilistic analyses, reported in Table 10, are centered on segment 1, which is the portion
of the lake with the highest chlorophyll concentrations (46 μg/l during the historical period). In
general, Table 10 shows that substantial load reduction and multiple decades are necessary for
segment 1 to consistently achieve chlorophyll concentrations below the criterion with high
probability. For instance, with a 75% load reduction, it would take four decades to attain April-
October chlorophyll of 40 μg/l or lower with 86% confidence. For the same temporal horizon but
only a 25% reduction, the state criterion would instead be exceeded with about 72% probability.
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Table 10: Probability that mean April-October chlorophyll in segment 1 does not exceed the state
criterion of 40 μg/l in any given year. The rows represent the loading scenarios, while the
columns indicate time periods. The values in column 1 indicate the percentage changes in
loading for all watersheds, except for the last four rows which show the effect of modifying the
loads only for the New Hope Arm or the Haw River Arm.
Adjustment Historical 2019 2028 2038 2058
-100 0.05 0.47 0.69 0.84 0.98
-75 0.05 0.3 0.49 0.66 0.86
-50 0.05 0.17 0.29 0.40 0.62
-25 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.18 0.28
0 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12
25 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
50 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
75 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
100 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
-50NH 0.05 0.17 0.30 0.39 0.64
50NH 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00
-50HR 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.10
50HR 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.10
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
Comparison to Previous Results
The last major policy informing modeling project for Jordan Lake was performed by TetraTech
(2003), based on a study period of 1997 to 2001. This study used the Water Analysis Simulation
Program (WASP) for modeling water quality and the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code
(EFDC) for hydrodynamics. Although the model was calibrated to a shorter time period, it had
higher spatio-temporal resolution, and represents eutrophication processes with increased
mechanistic detail. However, there was no focus on long-term sediment nutrient dynamics or on
probabilistic model calibration. Additionally, in our work we have done a more complete
analysis of error and model performance relative to observed quantities. To compare between
this study and our results, TetraTech model segments 1-4, 5-8, 9-13, and 14-15 map to segments
1, 2, 3, and 4 of this study, respectively.
TetraTech (2003) reported the required watershed reductions in TP and TN to reach a 10% or
lower frequency of chlorophyll a concentrations above 40 μg/l during the “growing season” of
May-September. Both our results (Table 8) and TetraTech confirm that Haw River reductions
will have minimal influence on water quality in the highly eutrophic segment 1. Based on the
TetraTech report, a 50% reduction of both TN and TP would instantaneously reduce the
frequency of days with chlorophyll a above 40 μg/l to 10% or less in segment 1. From our own
analysis, a 50% reduction in loading is expected to produce only a 17% chance of reducing the
average April-October chlorophyll a concentration to below 40 μg/l at first. However, after 40
years of sustained 50% reductions, the probability would increase to 62% (Table 10). While the
two studies assessed somewhat different improvement goals, both studies indicate that reducing
external nutrient loading reductions can substantially improve water quality in the reservoir. The
primary difference is that our study indicates such improvements will likely take decades to fully
Jordan Lake Reservoir Model December 2019
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