HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230752_Site Plan or Location Map_20230321No tice * Property subject to any easements and right of way on record, and all NCDOT easements and rights of way. * This survey is subject to any facts that may be disclosed by a full and accurate title search. * This survey plat does not show any unrecorded, written or unwritten easements, dedications or other encumbrances. Such burdens could exist on this property and not appear on this plat. Accordingly, users of this plat are warned to remain alert for the existence of such unrecorded burdens not shown hereon. * This plat was drawn for the exclusive use of the party named hereon. Said certificates do not extend to any unnamed person without an express recertification by the surveyor naming said person. * The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) was used to perform to geospatial positioning accuracy standards, part 2 standards for geodetic networks at the 959 confidence accuracy classifiction (957 confidence) using real time kinematic. 1, Ted M Benbow, certify that this map was drawn under my supervision from an actual GPS survey made under my supervision and the following information was used to perform the survey. Class of Survey CLASS A Positional Accuracy. 0.06 Type of GPS Field Procedure: RTK Dates of Survey. 412512022-612812022 Datum/Epoch: NAD83 (2011) Published/Fixed-Control Use: VRS GEOID Model. 2018 Combined Grid Factor.- 0.99989017 Units: US Survey Feet 1/2' EIR ® BASE OA Now or Formerly The City of Statesville D. B.1412, Pg. 367 PIN. 4754-58- 0762 * Area determined by coordinate computations. * No NGS or NCGS Horiz. Control Monument found within 2,000 feet of the site. * This property may or may not contain wetlands. No wetlands were identified, delineated or located for purposes of this survey. -: * The surveyor was not provided with underground utility plans or surface r1i ground markings to determine the location of any underground utilities. locations to be verified before digging. Call NC One Call at 1-800-6J2-4949 2 (or 811). * Contour Interval is 1 (One) Foot. �C 1, Ted M. Benbow, PLS, certify that this project was completed under my direct and responsible charge from an actual ground survey made under my supervision; that this topographic survey represents an actual field survey that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of a class with the Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina according to North Carolina Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 56, Section 1605, that the topographic survey was completed on broken lines may not meet the stated standard,, and all coordinates are based on Deed Book 1J43 Page 283. Now or Formerly Josephine P Salisbury D.B.597, Pg.503 PIN. 4754-59-3803 Rim elevation: 805.27' nvert out: 797.57' g ay 0, T2N N S �cey2 O aoortz I I �C-) v es�' Eagt Spa I W I c 0 s IVicinity Ma NTS Legend y P' CAPS ON MONUMENTS SET CONTAIN THE • I SURVEYORS NAME AND LICENSE NUMBER. 0 A O 1/2" IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP EXISTING MONUMENT FOUND AS INDICATED ~ :I cD I X COMPUTED POINT o ................... UTILITY POLE p -6 . ................... FIRE HYDRANT I SO .. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE T 0 I ................... OAK TREE ' ` A f EIR ............ EXISTING IRON ROD AS SHOWN J Q • PIN ............ PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT Witness this my original signature, registration number and i Proudly SurveyinglredellCounty •"� I m ••••••• '' ' I Since 1989 seal this 30th day of June, 2022 A.D. '''`',CAR'•'' 630 SIGNAL HILL DRIVE EXT., STATESVILLE, NC 28625 '� `: • "' • • • O� PHONE (704) 878-9661 ��Q•�`'��� •%i9 www. boun darydevel opmen t. com Flood Hazard Area Certificate Ted M. Benbow NC PLS L-3175 Firm License # C-1588 R/W ........... RIGHT OF WAY o LINE SURVEYED TIE LINE SURVEYED ' - — — — -LINE NOT SURVEYED R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE - -SS - SANITARY SEWER LINE ' I - SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LINE OE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE I CENTERLINE DITCH LINE x CHAINLINK FENCELINE L-3175 ; ; According to mapping provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and shown on the Digital ' Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Panel 4754, lredell County, North Carolina, effective date: 3/18/2008, the property shown hereon is not located within a special flood hazard area. The property is entirely within on •.: F•�'; uR• ' Q;':' area designated 'Zone X - other areas". Areas determined to be outside the 0.29" annual chance floodplain: areas outside future conditions 19' annual chance flood lain. . A,i: •BEND • p pN CL ~N Wm �C� 4P O L=J 3 Unless otherwise indicated, all distances shown are horizontal ground distances. To convert to grid �. distance, multiply the ground distance by the combined factor. Boundary and Topographic Survey For.• Lot 21 of DelVielopers En teg)n*ses /NC Chamberurg Township, lredell County, NC Owners of Record. • Better Path Homes LLC Deed Reference: D.B.2919, Pg.676 Plat Reference: P. B. 29, Pg. 23 PIN: 4754-59-3609 Job Number: 2204128. D WG (2204128. CRD) Field Work: 0612812022 Plat Date: 061JO12022 Dro wn By: DF