HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8980412_HISTORICAL FILE_20220624 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 q S 04 12 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION, DOC DATE 2o22 O 6 2 ¢ YYYYMMDD McPeake, Dylan From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Friday, June 24, 2022 7:00 AM To: McPeake, Dylan Subject: FW: (External] SW8 980412 - Nawab Restaurant (updated from Naked King Fish Restaurant) Please add to the application I gave you yesterday. Thanks, Tina From: Brenda Towles <wtowles@ec.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2022 6:30 PM To: Burd, Tina 1 <Tina.Burd@ncdenr.Gov> Subject: [External] SW8 980412 - Nawab Restaurant (updated from Naked King Fish Restaurant) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Re Dort SD am. Tina, The email address for the applicant is WTowles@ec.rr.com Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Brenda Towles 910-350-0002 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2022 2:58 PM To: rmorgan@morgancarterlaw.com Subject: SW8 980412 - Nawab Restaurant (updated from Naked King Fish Restaurant) The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on June 17, 2022. The project has been assigned to Dylan McPeake and you will be notified if additional information is needed. The application did not reflect an email address for the applicant, Brenda H. Towles, so we ask you notify them of this status and provide their email address per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(a)((vii) or (xi). Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 DEQ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Website: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/enerev-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-tg. the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. K 4 Non -Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist 1, Project Name: A)pre'bA„� �6STA,prJ"r Project County/Location: t-� / (o82rg jY 4acl 7'r ST-'efe'r Permit Action: New New Permit #2: ❑Not located in the ETJ of the following delegated Date Delivered to WIRO: 4/ t 7/?.0ZZ. BIMS Received/Accepted Date: / % D Date Given to Admin: (a1 jai RIMS Acknowledged Date': 9 3 d, and functioning programs: NHC: Carolina Beach / Kure Beach / Wilmington r Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland / Navassa (?) / Oak Island Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Major Mod / Minor Mod Renewal ❑Applicant & Permittee are the same?' Permit Type: HD D / LD Overall / HD &LD Combo Pend: Turf City General Permit / Offsite / Exempt + Redevelopment Development Type: omm ' Residential / Other Subdivided?: Subdivision crf'r—mgle Lot iV (Existing Permit Expiration Date`: 5c,0 g8o¢12 2 - ❑Offsite to SWS: ❑Is Offshe Lot approved in Master Permit?5 Rule(s): ❑2017 Coastal 02008 Coastal ❑Phase II ❑Universal 01995 Coastal 1:11988 Coastal Permittee Type & Documents Needed: Property Owner(s) MPurchaser Lessee �HOA Developer Viable? Viable? QViable? QVia ble? Viable? Deed Purchase Aemt QLease QElection Minutes Paperwork Application ee: ®$505 (within 6mo) Check#(s): �) ( ❑No Fee ❑Supplement' (I new form or for older forms: 1 original per SCM) ❑O&M' ❑Soils Report (Infil or PP) ❑Calculations (signed/sealed) ❑Deed Restrictions, if subdivided' ❑Project Narrative ❑USGS Map (or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Y / N ❑Plans (2 Sets) NOTES: 'Enter BUS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 'For New Projects -Enter New Permit # on Supplements & Deed Restriction Templates. ' If permittee is different, STOP. Needs to be transferred first. °If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod, STOP. Needs a renewal first. slf Lot not approved in master permit, STOP. Master permit needs mod. EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: REVIEWER NAME: UN LA-!) Comments: G:WQ\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_2022 09 08 MORGAN & CARTER, PLLC ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 602 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, N. C. 28401 910-763.3666 RnIARD M. MORGAN MAILING ADDRESS: MARK F. CARTER R. O. DRAWER 59 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28402 FACSIMILE: 910-251.9562 EMAIL: RMORGAN@MORGANCARTERLAW.COM June 16, 2022 Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. FCIEIVF— Wilmington, NC 28405 JU14 Re: Brenda I -I. Towles State Stormwater Permit Number: S W8 980412 — — — Gentlemen: Enclosed are the following in connection with the above stormwater permit. I. Permit Renewal Application Form 2. Designer's Certification 3. Permit Update Application Form 4. Check payable to the NCDEQ in the amount of $505.00 5. Certified copy of the death certificate of William B. Towles 6. True copy of the will of William 13. Towles; leaving all of his property to his wife, Brenda 1-1. Towles. Please proceed to renew the above State Stormwater Permit. If you need anything further, or have any questions, please call the undersigned. Very truly yours, Morgan &�Caarter, �PLL�C rm/hs Encls. Via hand delivery PAT MCCRORY Govemnr DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY January 11, 2016 William B. Towles 6301 'Fowles Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Subject: Permit Extension, Session Laws 2009406 and 2010-177 Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 980412 High Density Commercial Infiltration Project Naked King Fish Restaurant / 6828 Market Street New Hanover County Dear Mr. Towles: Seerelory TRACY DAVIS Direclor Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program was transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified. On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacted any development approval issued by the former Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which was current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extended the effective period of any stormwater permit that was set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177 which granted an extra year for a total of up to four (4) years extension. Accordingly, State Stormwater Management Permit # SW8 980412, which was set to expire on August 28, 2018, is now in effect until August 28, 2022. Please submit the renewal application and fee at least 180 days prior to August 28, 2022, which would be February 28, 2022. A copy of the Renewal Application can be obtained from the following website: littp•//portal ncdenr oiWweb/Ir/state-stormwater Please also note that you can keep the Division apprised of any changes in the name of the project that are not affiliated with an ownership change such as the sale of the property, by completing and submitting the attached Permit Update form. For any ownership changes, you should use the standard Name/Ownership Change form which is available at the same website link above. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources in the Wilmington Regional Office at 910-796-7215. Sincerely, /eorlget4teScot?� Stormwater Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/arl: G:IIStormwatehPermits & Projects119981980412 HD12016 01 permit —extension 980412 cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Permit File State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1 Energy, Mineral and land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I hap i/ ortal d al bA / + New Hanover County i Page 1 of 1 PARID: R04300-005-008-000 TOWLES WILLIAM BRENDA H 6828 MARKET Sl Parcel Alt ID 315806.37.5974.000 Address 6828 MARKET ST Unit City WILMINGTON Zip Code Neighborhood CFBM2 Class COM-Commercial Land Use Code 584-Ealing Place w/Alcohol Living Units Acres 1.4992 Zoning RB-REGIONAL BUSINESS Legal Legal Description Tax District Owners (1.50 ACRES) PT LT 22 SOUTHERLAND WM Owner TOWLES WILLIAM BRENDA H City WILMINGTON Slate NC Country Zip 28409 THE DATA IS FROM 2015 http://etax.nhcgov.com/Datalets/PrintDatalct.aspx?pin=R04300-005-008-000&g... 1 /7/2016 MORGAN & CARTER, PLLC ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 602 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, N. C. 28401 91 0-763-3666 RICHARD M. MORGAN MARK F. CARTER May 31: 2011 Mr. Ed Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. DRAWER 59 WIL INGTON. N.C. 28402 FAC sI m I LE: 910-251-9562 Re: State Stormwater Permit No. SW8980412 William B. Towles & Brenda I -I. Towles Naked Kingtish Restaurant 6828 Market Street, Wilmington, New Hanover County Dear Mr. Beck: Enclosed is a letter from our clients, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Towles, notifying you that they have leased the above property to a different tenant, and inquiring if that will require a change in the stormwater permit. rm/hs Lncl. Via certified mail, return receipt requested Very truly yours, MORGAN & CARTER, PLLC > William B. Towles 6301 Towles Road Wilmington, N. C. 28409 (910)350-0002 May 31, 2011 Mr. I:d Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: State Stormwater Permit No. SW8980412 William B. Towles & Brenda 1-I. Towles Naked Kingfish Restaurant 6828 Market Street, Wilmington, New Hanover County Dear Mr. Beck: When the above stonnwater permit was renewed in August, 2008, we were leasing the property at 6828 Market Street to The Naked Kingfish, Inc. Our lease with The Naked Kingfish, Inc., has ended, and we have recently entered into a lease for the property with Kevin & Amy Marksberry DBA Shockers Restaurants Wil, I.I.C. The ownership of the property has not changed, and remains in the name of William B. Towles and wife, Brenda I -I. Towles. This is notify you of the above change in the tenant, and request that you advise if it will be necessary to change the stormwater permit to change the name of the tenant. Very truly yours, William B. Towles J� ) Brenda 1-1. Towles Via certified mail, return receipt requested OR 4r:, 3 0 0 N N w