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SW8951210_COMPLIANCE_20220331 (3)
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 QS 12 to DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE WCOMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2022 03 31 YYYYMMDD RPS ENVIRONMENTAL 3/31 /2022 RPS Environmental has been maintaining and inspecting the stormwater ponds for Landfall for over 20 years. I, Jaymie McGuire have visited and inspected this site and the pond is functioning as designed. In additional we provide monthly inspection reports and remove trash and debris from the pond and OCS each month. We also spray for invasive aquatic vegetation and treat the algae in the ponds. Site: SW8 951210 Landfall Lake(Upper Pond at Horseshoe Lake) NC STATE UNIVERSITY The North Carolina Cooperative Extension certifies that JAYMIE MCGUIRE has successfully completed the written and practical examination for and is duly recognized as a j Certified Stormwater SCM inspection & Maintenance Professional Certification Number:2678 Date Expires:12131/2023 William F. Hunt, PhD, PE RPS 1�\\ ENVIRNTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 02/22/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME XX FACILITY SIGNATURE /Xx TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE 02/22/2021 Eliza Morin 0/ 1 ' s )2020 RPS Environmental. All rights reserved A Service-Disat,l •.d maei. m-Owned Small Business w rp3enviro com 1 (910)W5 1-1 � UAENVIRONMENTA Maintenance & Inspection Report 072020 HPS Environmental All rights reserved A Sern-G,sahl 1 Vote, ufOvmed Small Business w rpsenvito.com 1 (910) 0/5 1 4', "RPS NTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 07/15/2021 TECHNICIAN DATE 07/15/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME Na FACILITY SIGNATURE IVA TECHNICIAN NAME Derrick Murphy TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE 72020 RPS Environmental. All tights resetvod A Servic<r Disat lad Vete"r,n-Owned Small Business www.rpsenviioxum 1 (910)615 '!345 ENVRS NTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 11/23/2021 TECHNICIAN DATE 11/2312021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA TECHNICIAN NAME Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE X v TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE r i2020 RPS [nvnoomemal All rights reserved A Service -Disabled Vetei.m-t Farm': Small P.uslness. w v f Psenviro com 1 (910) 675-9345 RPS ENVInNTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report IE)2020 RPS Environmental. All sights reserved A Service-Diiablr d Vetes.m-Owned Small Business vvww.rpsenviro.com 1 (9101 h tS' 115 RPS ENVIn NTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report ,)2020 RPS Environmental. All rights rosei ved A Semc -Disabled Veteran UOeirr r Small Cusmess. w rpsenviro.com 1 (910) 675-9345 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET / / DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) ✓✓✓ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: $ f q NOTES: Z— e - �. S I . I � I- . Sr',11.1 - s f, • POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2.' Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3., Check piping for obstructions. / / 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1 Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 1/ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: _I I I NOTES: �i eP5 5-4- �n )>A: n5 - Cl �, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / ✓/ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, the must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. 2. 3. Remove debris from trash rack. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / ✓✓✓ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS I. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. / 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 11/3 I NOTES: 5i�vs- S, ) �I 'Drp.i rs POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHI Y nR Rl INnn: vRnni irinir- cvchrrc I. �v uvlJ Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. `/. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET / DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS I. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, / they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME yw DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. % QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. P6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI—ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: C t-ee, In POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. 3. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem(%ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. Faccomplished 2. 3. Cattails and other Indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DA DATE OF INSPECTION:, NOTES: CJ ',���, - �_7,�2, SP r,5 Drai &5 — 0��, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. . 3. Check piping for obstructions. �✓ 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. / 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME tn.� DATE OF INSPECTION: Ma--c k/ iZ NOTES: S l IW P /, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. ✓� 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS Y 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME�� DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: Ilw 105.> �-"T-'' — Erostor ax�avj 4AA�e\ban . POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. I Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. I/ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: M 2012 NOTES: She rs _ L� 5v; Owal -r S;_+ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FINSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS ove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75CY0 of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET / DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. v/ 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, / however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME_ DATE OF INSPECTION:'Ty ,-r—, 2012, NOTES: fmY J/cl,i x 5 Gi Le ct vi POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I7na debris from trash rack. 2nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3nd side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. Y CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2cumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdLed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. ✓ 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in y that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J xt, 201 Z NOTES: Dra(r`jt'— CIeo-v\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. E LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdired to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME u` DATE OF INSPECTION: A NOTES: 5 _ 5. .Z 4 S� t� WC1 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: � NOTES: ps _ G J�� SF,IIW -(0 i � POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. trash rack. RemoveMtm 2. Check arifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. j QUARTERIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspectn system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) forproper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: OC}ober IZ NOTES: S4 5� I Iway — G o I P- -DFC0 \5— L' feav\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS debris from trash rack, VCheck j ✓✓ d clear the orifice of any obstructions. nd side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) V/ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. 1Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 201Z NOTES: %PS - 5 SP,IIW0-1- S.3��' Dredr\S — CIe4A POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. E6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in ` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Z NOTES: n Lke %J415 GfrQ nd� . POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hIN7SPECTION ebris from trash rack. clear the orificeof any obstructions.d side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. j 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 0 I NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. FOR POND MAINTENANCE EQUARTERLYHECKLIST collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. .Ceck piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 1=42prLear ?p NOTES: Sf+ Febry ��-Re�ulrS vJe �0 1/l cep re S 1 a 0) POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. t/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. j 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. / S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION / BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME,,__ DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: Seers- 5•2-P- -C�2An POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 4NSPCTION move debris from trash rack. eck and clear the orifice of any obstructions. eck pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN / INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, / they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME os.w DATE OF INSPECTION: r', I 201 NOTES: SyepS - S.2 Ft D��i�s- Cl�u� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. 3. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / ✓✓ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 7_7 Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS e side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / / RE ther indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter,y must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond.he orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished inat time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: M� Zol3 NOTES: S+eps - S,-2 Ft- S�IIW,l S.3TF , �"air5 �Icc`^ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS PEION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. hE�Ev debris from trash rack. / nd clear the orifice of any obstructions.Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 17 Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓� 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: -�r\-f- Zoi3 NOTES:e P5 _ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS tINSPE�CTION ve debris from trash rack. eck and clear the orifice of any obstructions.eck pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. E6:5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. ✓ 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. ✓ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Sul 2013 NOTES: Sp.Ilw POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS from trash rack. ft r the orifice of any obstructions.e slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdUed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. ` / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in T that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: i�K use 201 NOTES: ��u;ws — C1,eAA POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. RemoE ack.2. Eorifice ✓/ Check of any obstructions. V/ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. i/ 3: Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. C/ 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: lia 2013 NOTES: c, _S 0 � �fuin5 — Clea`^ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I.from tRemove trash rack.r the orifice of any obstructions. e slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. E6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdved to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / \/ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, the must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME _ w DATE OF INSPE TION: NOTES: 54-f 5 SVi�I o�—J°��T DFCAtAs — Clew\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Q� DATE OF INSPECTION: NOV 201 NOTES: D ('a' n S- C.(ea,\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. 3. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: �ec�w ,r ZOI NOTES: I�ruins — Clew POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. i 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J an�v 4 , 2()Iq NOTES: ?i L-4Q was CAraiAe.d SP Il�ay S- I F� — Rc v k e.roSiOv\ ('epauO"ej (back W+ s1,a ld4! -aids- CI�u✓� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / F1. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in' that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: } e-br 61 NOTES: � 1 L�k� TI.J` o/ f�t'�Y\irn) CGoCAP�ei-eJ Z1ZCo/ILI V POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris fromErack. 2. Check and clear the of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3: Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. E6.S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished / according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, / however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to S days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME . DATE OF INSPECTION: M rc1N 201 �-j NOTES: S-i-e Ps - 3 -Fa- sp�llwa,7 �ra�d�5- Clear POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS t emove debris from trash rack. heck and clear the orifice of any obstructions. heck pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / c/ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / ✓ 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they.cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in.� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. 1 All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 1- FA q 20W NOTES: 0.i S .C.(ear\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hPECTIONCHECKLIST Remove debris from trash rack. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in' that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME o, DATE OF INSPECTION: M,� 2Z zoly NOTES: S4� s - S POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack. nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. / NN ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning.ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓ . 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other Indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 3 NOTES: 51-,es - 5 �f �- �GirS— l_� earn POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris fromE rack.2. ✓/ Check and clear the of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system maybe clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 3 Flu 7 U I y NOTES: �j�-cps - 5 �- SP IIVOO-11 - S�' I �+ l]`ai V�5 ` C � eavn POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. sh rack. Remove debEthe ✓/ 2. Check and clice of any obstructions. ✓� 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BA51N INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: I I NOTES: SkCP _ Sf 4- �raiv,5 — Cleav� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions.ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY M CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning.ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓ 3. Check piping for obstructions. / 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. •/ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: S 0) q NOTES: 5" brai S— Clet�r POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ✓ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. E5.Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4'. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME - DATE OF INSPECTION: C��+nb� ZOIy NOTES: She ps 5 1 -��- POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS PECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS h Remove debris from trash rack. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions.Check /✓ pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. ✓ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J�6ve �be� 61 NOTES: She p5 Sf+ SoOvW POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / ✓/ 3. Check piping for obstructions. ✓`� 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: ly NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hCKLIST rom trash rack. the orifice of any obstructions. ✓ slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas beforenext rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. /. ✓/ 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. -/ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES:�r dear. �q POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in. that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: �-e�vr 12 2015 NOTES: �� CI��� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. debris from trash rack. nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before neat rainfall event. Elnspectthe LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning.ccumulated ✓� trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. . 3. Check piping for obstructions. / 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem6[red to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. 1 All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: M& v c1� 3 oiS NOTES: K POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. L/, 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / ✓/ 1Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. P6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: h1pr. 30 20l S NOTES: p d POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. 1 All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Ma 2� Zc�IS NOTES: Gk'� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ✓✓ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / ✓/ 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION:3U 2015 NOTES: "o �;" vwfi �ew,f'ocjcs 4�ro"n jra n. SP"IIwaA(— Goon E or\b If-VVI h� JK �I�wiv at OUer. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I.bris 427-ChEeck from trash rack. lear the orifice of any obstructions. + "/� side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they.cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in,, that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J',ti3 2615 NOTES: Ir�Lrease ivy ao� P°�' • �ad 9`a�.tS piG� `t� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions.✓. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. 1 All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: /A-kA LA 2 201� NOTES: 1/ D KI I ?0r'd �e /e� k�gln POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ✓/ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / l/ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to S days. if drawdown is not accomplished in y that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME V"\ DATE OF INSPECTION: Se ew�b e i 30 201 NOTES: "U k POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS from trash rack.r the orifice of any obstructions.e ffdebris /✓ slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6: Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME y DATE OF INSPECTION:ZC)IS NOTES: -Had TAI /'epalr- barn<< tlo�n �ectV y f- aiirCal( . - mk++-}ack<'d C vj". POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Intl DATE OF INSPECTION: J"ou.e hbw OfS NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / / 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd0ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME_ DATE OF INSPECTION: �ecew bz� II p NOTES: S I oo brG('/\S _ C)-9-�r 1 II Levels V\0.Je "e Gown aaT. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. j ✓✓ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in '� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME, DATE OF INSPECTION: �awU�� 2Z 201� NOTES: "OK —CL�+ back Sjof-eS' avJ pej�rne-c S- POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 41NSPE�CTION ve debris from trash rack. eck and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ck pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BIANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdt,ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / ✓/ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / V 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: �-eb� tea, �� 201(0 NOTES: "0 K �/ Le-V Cit'Ole.d OkA+ +rc+sk b'19 docks `roM 4 df'a;,.s. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓� 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem(%ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / ✓ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION:arol� �I 2O1 to NOTES: 4 �I�or.d ° Cleatn'd WAa k:�) pa'� �n 2 areas pF San��cl r� �ro� fan, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS debris from trash rack. nd clear the orifice of any obstructions.ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. M LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: r', 1 2-7 201 (o NOTES: �. I boo (ll -Pend S�"II'.)11 had SeAcd wb31A ` SPMWAl 560A d d-e," POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS HECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS s from trash rack. tCheck / ar the orifice of any obstructions.de slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. / 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME, DATE OF INSPECTION: M0. 3 I 20 NOTES: Goon POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd'Ved to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in", that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J0 201 cp NOTES: Ali 5ood - L W, - Omsk p wed ter, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in '� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: J al 2cj NOTES: H0 h POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdLed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: k, 4�a. 201(0 NOTES: -Lake 1e�e� JUST b-e10 &J SPA 11w - cked ov- lavye ioc(cs d- 4 ras� �r� S. — Be'Q( cam S (J�f s qo;v 6CLCk+0 School— y0.y� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / ✓/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓/ 3. Check piping for obstructions. ✓� 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to S days. If drawdown is not accomplished in '� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Se' ew.��✓ Z 4 ZOl NOTES: Trgfc-d S+drM (-iererni,n- . 3 0�- r a POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. j ✓� 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓/ 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME (vV' DATE OF INSPECTION: 4e,, -,, 22 Z01 NOTES:, a k�II ' L)rc lI nS c lea v\ —' �lo u -zL<k 00-4- ° I-eav F4I POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack. nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. E LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. cumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remQ4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. i 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. — NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: C)c,;66el —7 201 NOTES:- Nurrico^e ret+E1\e0 tread;', otir way . °Lnke JroiA5 n�, 5�'Illvjc'�'l CII 100J. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris frEack. / 2. Check and clear tof any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. P6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem6t,ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME�� DATE OF INSPECTION:. © _ 11)20"o NOTES:,,?,)S..- TroP ca) germ IMaN-hev✓ °Lqj�-Q Q� norMal, fwll Ievq �AII ArQlr5 Rre 76. o No W0k!;^0L'' POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. M LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and, basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: N%vow C-- 7 ` ,01 NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions.ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY M CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. _37 ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION:�e tbu I� 20<<Q NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. 2. 3. Remove debris from trash rack. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / ✓/ ✓/ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. t� 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME VA u� DATE OF INSPECTION: urua� Zot NOTES: e S� �I�.a� c}- cirai. s arm c1�0.� 6 ��.� leve-1 ;s ,be'w) d�oQQ�a. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in y that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME�.�, DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: Clewed oti} }rab% (:ronn. rair-S. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS LIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS INSPECTIO;,a 1. Remove trash rack. 2. Check anrifice of any obstructions. 3. Check poes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect tn system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: �a "23 Zo I NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / ✓/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. /✓ 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, / they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to S days. If drawdown is not accomplished in .� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME IPA - DATE OF INSPECTION: m ',ch ZOI NOTES:"Lake draiu.s 5o06 S� ((V C. ,. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack. nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY M CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. E6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in7 that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. / 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAMEw DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: , a 5� way �no� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack. / ✓� nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. Miash ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BIANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished / according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: �� 3 d NOTES: aSouv�Ska�'IJ.Z'r waSlno�ul-. Q GSr,, tl a(e.as) ickk-e- i--epct�rs Made. +6�4A 1'5 a✓'-e C1'e Gv\. POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / t/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓� 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remd4ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. ✓ 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, / they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: JZ012 NOTES: ® 4euv�'/ Re( i0 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY E CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. / L 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. ✓ 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. ��-- NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: ��.4_1 I� 2G1� NOTES: oHeovy rain 1I' D 5P'Ilwa.1 + ba;-s CleaK (140 -6m&k) POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS N CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orifice of any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. E LY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ccumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded, areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be / accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in ` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Ate_ 01 NOTES: tTf-opicc, ` Sorts' ks k T/(ccJ I ° NO S)A6V-1�a-1' m DraIIv�s a 5lpinv✓ �t� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. /✓ 4. Check pond Inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished % according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Se k 011 NOTES:e Irrnc�, — heavy rCair� e 5p,(l y r_le<<� . a NO 5�° Ukd.ei wcts6 wt d I i�ln' S 1 mac. ° No-kras1\ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. 1 Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. / BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they be / must removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: Qclabe� )2 26( NOTES: --Drains C`ec. \ a j Je,j rock oAe,�l1,ayd u� . [—!'o51ov\ a!e IVvvlen "j m ceoO'er C4 lak- Op2A POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS .1. Remove debris fEack. 2. Checkand clear of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem(%ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAMEc�j�-._ DATE OF INSPECTION: �b,i� bw 30 2oiI NOTES: 1'���a red Z waS6tki_ a.-(eaS eq 1 6LA+InWe, i Corner o�- )11 e POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. j 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in7 that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: aci44� I� 2-0l'I NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / ✓/ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. i QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME ✓ONE,.'! A, r, l+ DATE OF INSPECTION 3 r8 NOTES: L/GG�n SO/'"c-- O/caS /K POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructtons. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. ✓ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓ 3. Check piping for obstructions. ✓ 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / V/ 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept In good working order. NAME Jolle, DATE OF INSPECTION o �— NOTES: S: Je_Ilit- ki k(}S Sur- -e SPo i'S +{.a hee- q� ✓ 0nL �'OG Cr.r•'-f- SCp end o� veyv. cue, lVn r.'L 0, c, nGG 3�� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. % V/ 3, Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. l/ BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Jorlt-gY c a-. 6rCLn_¢— DATE OF INSPECTION 3 % NOTES: L C t✓A \ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME & k o DATE OF INSPECTION I NOTES: F,IleA 11,1 art, 54fleS SjOfs . POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. lYbitL 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. / ✓/ 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. ✓ BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME "A DATE OF INSPECTION G NOTES: , uI Xe;rL) �n� v>l�ic pr✓ al-r 21 O S i55�`eVilz--w' t . /vDl �l"�ld7�Jxi/'' ��-y�lu���� l,��l.,n Lp • jai %��'!,� ✓� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ✓ 1 Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. ✓ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME ,JpnG•��(rv� DATE OF INSPECTION NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. c� 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME 1rl Llv GEC DATE OF INSPECTION S Z l — I NOTES: -26 Crc c1-tc' I I POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. / 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged, The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME) e DATE OF INSPECTION Z NO1 ES: ))�-I..Si/l nil 6111119 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructlons. V 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE ]. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond- 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Am je, TvS1Ge DATE OF INSPECTION -7/I11 rl I �/� NOTES: ',5 �Qi tt�` Or, 1112 1y nV isglej POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructlons. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 3. Inspect the collection system( catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. I I 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 7S% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION NOTES )� 0{ hA�/ fAin�l( fror iv i,See(Koj mvddl Feu areQs Co��� zro'3)t \ i.� }b la hh (5 )fi ,,< 4t ZZOR /70rc f,?A] l%f� MOrCIznJ Slv;rS d ZIJ'N 80,I4SV-,,, �I POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: no. c,, DATE OF INSPECTION: 3 NOTES: T rw.s � � ( POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / ✓ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: DATE OF INSPECTION: %lO / NOTES: cJe, yr; 3 ✓e mo ant✓(�Y� (J✓' «� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season.. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: sr,; 1J 2 DATE OF INSPECTION: 1 j NOTES: 5Gyb lj 11arelvS ojvnl� Lj W)L/-6 sg(l) 14 i, �41L dstl`_7�rwv' � Q/gwni� 6&is Preoyw w.PJf"f POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. n /6 �es Y 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME:..)vrc I her C> DATE OF INSPECTION: II o2 NOTES: Ke.mom Sed; r.-G.,-� -(:o,,. Ord o-Pf! -due- Ord �lu�ed G ruv�c� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECFOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hINS,,KLISTPECTION m trash rack. e orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. 4. Check piping for obstructions. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / E6.S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS I. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE & INSPECTION: 12/3 NOTES: vJ ,stio«� VAI�d�. s �� II< . POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. v/ ✓ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: Onv L DATE OF INSPECTION: [ q NOTES: 0 u uh _ems s,'d l v POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hPECTION Remove debris from trash rack.Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions.Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5..Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE 0 INSPECTION: NOTES: Cleur,eJl oc+ dr-a;^5 a, -,A pi'&Pd.. i POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / ✓/ 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME:Jon ate., (> DATE OF INSPECTION: 3 L/ 1 9 NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: DATE OF INSPECTION: V3 719 NOTES: (o is 0--+rc-s1, 1 POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ✓ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. f QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: DATE OF INSPECTION: S P /7 NOTES: Tvws POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS INSPECTION CHEC;ak ,1. Remove debris fro. 2. Check and clear theny obstructions. 3. Check pond side sloe trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKPOND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collecticatch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION ✓' BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in'� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. 2. ReMtSrashrom trash rack. Chthe orifice of any obstructions. 3. Chslopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARCKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inction system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 37 Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orce is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not isin ` that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components oftdetention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME )ohs ( (� DATE OF INSPECTION: ]/g1/11 NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS hINS,�T,,PEION om trash rack.e orifice of any obstructions. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in t that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: S. NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. P6.5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. / Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS I. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished Wn that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME J, DATE OF INSPECTION: %� (� l NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. 2. Remove debris from trash rack. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS I. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 1V NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ON CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS e debris from trash rack.nd clear the orificeof any obstructions. ond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.LY E CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. cumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. 1 Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE I. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. 3. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in _1 that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: I I NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / ✓✓ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. i QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓� 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. j 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / ✓ GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: Jolwi-Ai',' (� DATE OF INSPECTION: I,! NOTES: Trc s j, POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: jpha uHrrz��— DATE OF INSPECTION: a o NOTES: D ve, ✓ See- �L�i ci�owr �6" � POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. f BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME:Jahµ Fr &ZZ,e, DATE OF INSPECTION: 10 1A o NOTES: F X rw4s ,x dd, scud POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. 1 Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: Jo,', . (;_,z,� DATE OF INSPECTION: 3 c, NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. ✓ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: jpncri'{ (��-- DATE OF INSPECTION: Li � NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. RMrashrarom trash rack. ✓/ 2. Chthe orifice of any obstructions. 3. Chslopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event.QUARCKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inction system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION:/�JZD NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. ✓ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓/ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. ✓/ 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: JoreJk-r. 61 re-e-re_. DATE OF INSPECTION: G li NOTES: d; / a �ur�� c1 new Gpraee�¢ POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: ors c.r 6, DATE OF INSPECTION: IJ NOTES: LJo I S o I II y U POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. / v 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1, Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE,THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME:Jvnw+�un (� DATE OF INSPECTION: Y q NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. V/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: ,Jona'A.,-,-, L DATE OF INSPECTION: 1 I NOTES: / �G-5 h POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY ORAUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. /✓ Y QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: DATE OF INSPECTION: 10 Y NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remAed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS .1. Remove debris from trash rack. / V 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. / ✓✓ 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / ✓ 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdbed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) / GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. r2.accomplished Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME JUhw��o, DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. V 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS .1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. r/ee Js wo 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / 0/ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remAed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: 6u ✓k POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. / QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: 3�S 21 NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. Pez- t~ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. / 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: f-IJ zl NOTES: Ur; --(;ce-- off Pond s;dL c-6u lJ s,-- SC)rmL boo✓/� LG�r: nq c'f--'b c Trove G vc.n cL � ✓V POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS de 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdVred to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the. pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATE OF INSPECTION: SSG 21 NOTES:TorG—s k io; Y, K POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. 1 Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. / 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) V GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Jonc T/j Cj _ DATE OF INSPECTION: C ► p ZI NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. 1 Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. j Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75%of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Joel. DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS .1. Remove debris from trash rack. / V/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. / ✓✓ 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME � 0a7 ro-� DATE OF INSPECTION: 21 NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME DATEOFINSPECTION: 4 // 21 NOTES: A10 Ts�c� POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. Ell -ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME JOhG +��i r✓eewc� DATE OF INSPECTION: I C�j�l 21 NOTES: Tress h POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / V/ 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. V/ 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. ✓ QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be removed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME: JbnnT w„ t�reene_ DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES: POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. / c 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. // �✓� 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. / ✓/ S. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. ✓ 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded. areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME Cto,k Uk., _ DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTES• — F; lie d ero1a by dr.; , � IPe w -I-t' oar., ,'k 9w,_ r6df -►o��e� w�-� ,av��Q �a+cl�� w�� sod neat M��elc�Ad sfR:��aw� — -F 11, d el ro d;11�� o.C..q �'jr44^ Sa'Aj +0Jos., I , a wok +-k,, iq I �lpp�e d E,J On J 0-i wa 1 k ; , 0.% nza/ +'M-*- Q-5 i d ¢ n Le- . f ,J v POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem&ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME D64 DATE OF INSPECTI N: f ZZ NOTES: / POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS 1. Remove debris from trash rack. �N 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfall event. j V QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper functioning. 2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and. basin bottoms. 3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas immediately. BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be rem64ed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according to the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The orifice is designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in '� that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME C I� DATE OF INSPECTION: 22 NOTES: WQ Y1esej 4o 0r'4e✓ o� q I K1 F+. Wain✓ I-el"i �� rvA a �-er k a r nor^eiM rr - 65� 'PC'5t- CuLl 0�' lD �+ to i i0�a1 1Z�� lv1"IC-r POND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR MONTHLY OR RUNOFF PRODUCING EVENTS I. Remove debris from trash rack. /. 2. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions. 3. Check pond side slopes, remove trash, repair eroded areas before next rainfal4en >� QUARTERLY CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Inspect the collection system (catch basins, piping, grassed swales) for proper2. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates and basin bottoms.3. Check piping for obstructions. 4. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. 5. Replace riprap and repair broken pipes. 6. Reseed or resod grassed swales twice a year as needed. Repair eroded areas i BI-ANNUAL CHECKLIST FOR POND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure. 2. Check the pond depth at various points in the pond. If the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth, sediment will be remdDed to at least original depth. (SEE THE WET DETENTION BASIN INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT) GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIREMENTS 1. Mowing of the side slopes, not including normally submerged vegetated shelf, will be accomplished according.- the season. MAXIMUM GRASS HEIGHT WILL NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES. 2. Cattails and other indigenous wetland plants are encouraged along the pond perimeter, however, they must be removed when they cover the entire surface area of the pond. 3. The oris designed to draw down the pond in 2 to 5 days. If drawdown is not accomplished in' that time, the system may be clogged. The source of the clogging must be found and eliminated. 4 All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. NAME C DATE OF INSPECTI N: Z NOTES: Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY April 19, 2018 Landfall Subdivision II Owners Association A"I'fN: Steve Hughes, COO Landfall COA 1749 Drysdale Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JR. Interim Director Subject: Notice of Inspection Request for Additional Information Landfall Lake (aka the Upper Lake at Ifo seshoe Lake) State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 951210 New Ilanover County Dear Mr. Hughes Effective August 1, 2013, the State Stormwater program was transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwaler permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified. Please note that this letter references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit. On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacted any development approval issued by the former Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Stalules, which was current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extended the effective period of any stormwaler permit that was set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which granted an extra year for a total of four (4) years extension. Accordingly, the Division i herewith notifying you that the subject permit is now effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2022, which includes all available extensions. On February 15, 2018 and on April 13, 2018, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected Landfall Lake (aka the Upper Lake at Horseshoe Lake), located in the Landfall Subdivision, Wilmington, New Hanover County. Access was obtained via the property at 1 1 12 Shelter Cove to determine the status of compliance with the State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 951210 originally issued on August 23, 1996 and as subsequently modified and renewed. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that more information is needed to make a final determination about compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed forms entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, one for the February 15, 2018 inspection and one for the April 13, 2018 follow-up inspection, which summarizes the Findings of these inspections. The following allegations were made by Mr. Baker Mitchell: That the slopes of the pond were vertical. Inspection revealed that while some areas of the slopes were steeper than the permitted 3:1, they were not vertical and they were stable. The rules allow for steeper slopes if they can be stabilized. The Division is reluctant to require a stable slope to be disturbed and regraded to a flatter slope, since that can lead to significantly more erosion and sediment. The 3:1 slope simply allows for easier mowing of the grass and is not indicative of any diminished treatment capacity. The approved plans show a "notch" cut into the existing slope to accommodate a grassed "footpath" of an unknown width. It was intended that the 3:1 slope be maintained above and below the notched -out area. However, if the 3:1 slope were to be strictly enforced, it may lead to the elimination ofthe sidewalk. slalcof Nonh Carolina I Envirc-nmental Qualily I Encrgy,Minclaland Land Rrsnurcc,; Wilmington Regional Office 1127Cerdinal Oriaerxlension I Wilmiington,NC 28405 910796 015 State Stormwater Perm it No. SW8 951210 Pape 2�of 2 2. That the slopes were eroded. There was no significant slope erosion observed during the inspection. ]'hat sediment had accumulated itf the pond. fhc Division questioned whether what we observed in the wetland mitigation zone behind the lot at 1112 Shelter Cove was sediment or simply wetland backwash material. In at least 2 places at the end of a pipe from the watershed into this mitigation zone, a small forebay had been dug to presumably expose the invert of the pipe and facilitate drainage. The addition of a forebay would certainly improve drainage, but reduced pipe capacity is not a violation of the pennit. Hydraulically, the drainage will still get pushed into the pond, even with a partially blocked pipe. 4. That the water surface of the pond no longer meets the minimum amount required by the permit. In an email to the Division, the permittec staled that the water surface in this pond had been artificially elevated for 14 months in an attempt to kill off the phragmites, with the knowledge of the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy. This was accomplished by plugging the orifices and boarding up the overflow weir. N1r. Mitchell may be under the impression that because the water surface doesn't cover as much area as it did when the outlet was boarded up, the amount of water surface area is somehow now deficient. The permitted permanent pool elevation is 5.0 feet msl. This does not mean that water is required to be present at 5.0 at all times, rather, it means that there must be sufficient surface area available at elevation 5.0 to meet the minimum surface area requirement. Without accurate survey information taken at elevation 5, (notjust at the current water elevation) it is not possible to definitively say that a violation exists at this time. The Division observed the following additional deficiencies that need to be addressed: 1. The wetland mitigation areas limit the maintenance activities that the permittee can undertake. If surface area has indeed been reduced and if the wetland mitigation zone cannot be graded to restore the permitted contour, then the permittee will need to consider modifying the permit to omit the mil igation zones from the provided pond surface area and volume calculations. 2. The grassed "footpath" noted within the notched slope on the plan details ended up being a 4-foot wide concrete sidewalk, which the Division has no record of approving. The invert of the orifices that drain the temporary pool volume are required to be at elevation 5.0. At the April 13, 2018 inspection, the water level was about 2"-3" above the top of the orifices or approximately elevation 5.5. Very little water was observed in the wetland mitigation area, which, per the approved plan, is designed to hold water between elevation 4.0 and 5.0. If the orifice invert is set correctly, then in theory, there should have been more water staged up in the mitigation area. It could be that sediment has accumulated in that mitigation zone to the point that both surface area and temporary pool volume have been impacted. Please either provide the requested information, or a response to this letter with a plan of action, including a timeline to provide the required information by May 19, 2018. If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date, then I)EMLR staff will re -inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violal ion. Please also note that any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)- 796-7215 or via email at linda.lewisawncdeur.eov. Sincerely, , Linda Lewis, L.I. Environmental Engineer Ill Enc: Compliance Inspection Report GDS\arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Perrnits & Projects\1995\951210 HD\2018 04 Cla_addinfo 951210 cc: Baker Mitchell, 1 1 12 Shelter Cove Place, Wilmington, NC 28405 WiRO Stormwater Permit File Slotcof North Carolina I I'ner gy. 1,14 vtal an d Land Ncsoutces Wilmington Regional Off i,c 1 177 Ca dlmdl Diivc aIcnSi ni I Wilmington. NC 2M05 410 796 7215 .40. Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8951210 Effective: 04/30/08 Project: Landfall Lake at Horseshoe Lake SD Owner: Landfall Subdivision II Owners Association County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: James G Martz Directions to Project: Expiration: 04/30/22 Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Title: Actress: Landfall Subdivision City/State/Zip: Wilmington NC 28411 SW8021212 James K Cosper & Laurie A Cosper - Giovanni Point SW8970610 Drayton Point Hoa Inc - Drayton Point Phase I Landfall Inspection Date: 02/15/2018 Entry Time: 02:30PM Primary Inspector: Aloe R Lewis Secondary Inspectorjs): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: N State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Phone: 910-256-7651 Exit Time: 02:40PM Phone: 910-796-7215 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation page. 1 Permit: SW8951210 Owner -Project: Landfall Subdivisan ll Owners Association Inspoclion Date: 02/1512018 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: While inspecting the Landfall Clubhouse pond under SWB 950506, Steve Hughes (Landfall COA) asked the inspector to take a look at the Landfall Lake to see if we saw anything that might be a violation of the permil.,At the time of this inspection, the inspector did not have the file. Mr. Hughes told the inspector that he has received complaints from a horne owner who backs up to one of the wetland mitigation areas within the pond concerning the aesthetically unpleasing appearance of the pond. The pond contains wetland mitigation zones, which do not have as much vegetation in the winter as they will later in the spring and summer. The inspection revealed a higher than expected water level, which is apparently due to one or more of the orifices being clogged. Suggested using turned -down elbows to reduce the potential for clogging. As of the writing of this report, the permiltee has added the turn -down elbows. There were 7 orifices installed instead of the 6 that were permitted. As of the writing of this report, the permiltee has plugged one of the orifices. The weir opening in the outlet structure needs a trash rack. As of the writing of this report, the permitlee has added a trash rack over the weir opening. The slopes are a bit bare in places. As spring approaches and the rountine monthly inspection is done, the inspector should lake note of any bare or thin areas or areas where the grass is not greening up, or where erosion is evident, and have the landscapers repair, sod or seed them. Some areas of the slopes are steeper than 3:1, but those slopes appeared to be stable. page. 2 permit: SW8951210 Owner -Project: Landfall Subdivision ll Owners Association Inspection Date: 02/15/201B Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment 1. Permit expiration date extended to 2022. SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑ DWQ upon request? Comment: 2. Need grass on certain areas of the side slopes 3 The orifices need to be unclogged Suggest adding turn -down elbows to keep floatables from clogging them up. 4. Need to replace the missing trash rack over the face of the weir cut. 5. All calculations and approved plans show 6 orifices (gD,4" diameter, each There were 7 orifices in the _ outlet structure. page: 3 9 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8951210 Effective: 04/30/08 Project: Landfall Lake at Horseshoe Lake SD Owner: Landfall Subdivision II Owners Association County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: James G Martz Directions to Project: Expiration: 04/30/22 Type of Project: Stale Stormwater- HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: On -Site Representativejsj: Related Permits: Title: Adress: Landfall Subdivision CitylState/Zip: Wilmington INC 28411 SW8021212 James K Casper & Laurie A Cosper- Giovanni Point SWB970610 Drayton Point Has Inc - Drayton Point Phase I Landfall Inspection Dale: 04/13/2018 Entry Time: 10:00AM Primary Inspector: Alida R Lewis Secondary Inspectorjsj: Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Stale Stormwater (See attachment summary) Phone: 910-256-7651 Exit Time: 11:00AM Phone: 910-796-7215 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation page: 1 Permit: SVV8951210 Owner -Project: Landfall Subdivision II Owners Association Inspection Date: 04/13/2018 Inspection Type Inspection Summary: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up The Division received a complaint from Baker Mitchell alleging that the pond is not in compliance with the permit. The Division met with Mr. Mitchell at his home at 1112 Shelter Cove in Landfall, which backs up to one of the wetland mitigation zones within the permitted wet detention pond. The Division concentrated on this area of the pond and the outlet structure during this inspection. Mr. Mitchell made the following allegations: 1. That the slopes of the pond were vertical. Inspection revealed that while some areas of the slopes were steeper than the permitted 3:1, they were not vertical and they were stable. The rules allow for steeper slopes if they can be stabilized. The Division is reluctant to require a stable slope to be disturbed and regraded to a flatter slope, since that can lead to significantly more erosion and sediment. The 3:1 slope simply allows for easier maintenance of the grass height. The approved plans show a "notch" cut into the existing slope to accommodate a grassed "footpath" of an unknown width. It was intended that the 3:1 slope be maintained above and below the notched -out area. However, if the 3:1 slope were to be strictly enforced, it may lead to the elimination of the sidewalk. 2. That the slopes were eroded. There was no significant slope erosion observed during the inspection. 3. ihat sediment had accumulated in the pond. The Division questioned whether what we observed in the wetland mitigation zone was sediment or simply wetland backwash material. In at least 2 places at the end of a pipe from the watershed into this particular wetland mitigation zone, a small forebay had been dug out to presumably expose the invert of the pipe and facilitate drainage. The ability of the pipes to drain the runoff into the pond would certainly be improved by the addition of a forebay, but it is not a violation of the permit if the pipe's capacity is reduced due to some accumulated material. Hydraulically, the drainage will still get pushed into the pond, even with a partially blocked pipe. Without sufficient and accurate survey information, it is difficult to tell if the soil we observed had accumulated above elevation 5.0. This wetland mitigation zone is permitted to average about one foot deep, per the approved plans. 4. That the water surface of the pond no longer meets the minimum amount required by the permit. In an email to the Division, the permittee stated that the water surface in this pond had been artificially elevated for 14 months in an attempt to kill off the phragmiles, with the knowledge of the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy. This was accomplished by plugging the orifices and boarding up the overflow weir. Mr. Mitchell may be under the impression that because the water surface doesn't cover as much area as it did when the outlet was boarded up, the amount of water surface area is somehow now deficient. The permitted permanent pool elevation is 5.0 feet msl. This does not mean that water is required to be present at 5.0 at all times, rather, it means that there must be sufficient surface area available at elevation 5.0 to meet the minimum surface area requirement. The use of the pond as a wetland mitigation area limits the maintenance activities that the permittee can undertake. l he grassed "footpath" noted within the notched slope on the plan details ended up being a 4-foot wide concrete sidewalk, which the Division did not approve. The Division has no record of approving any additional sidewalk for the existing permit. The Division is questioning whether the invert of the 6-4" diameter orifices that drain the temporary pool volume is set at 5.0, as required by the permit. At the time of the inspection, the water level was about 2"-Y above the top of the orifices. Very little water was observed in the inspected wetland mitigation area, which is designed to have water covering the surface between elevation 4.0 and 5.0. If the orifice invert is set correctly, than in theory, there should have been more water staged up in the mitigation area. It could be that sediment has accumulated in the wetland mitigation zones to the point that both surface area and temporary pool volume are impacted. page: 2 Permit: SW8951210 Owner - ProjecC Landfall Subdivision ll Owners Association Inspection Date: 04I13I201 P, Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's codification is in the No? ON ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: 1. There is an allegation that the facility no longer has a sufficient amount of surface area to meet the minimum required amount. Without accurate survey information the Division cannot confirm this allegation Google images suggest that there is sufficient area available at elevation 5 even though the lake level may not currently be at 5.0. The water level in the pond was kept artificially high for 14 months in an effort to kill off the phragmites with the knowledge of the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy. The Division suspects that the allegation of insufficient surface area stems from the recent lowering of the water level back to the permanent pool elevation of 5.0 which has exposed the wetland mitigation areas. Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑ DWO upon request? Comment: 2. Sediment or wetland backwash material appears to have accumulated in the wetland mitigation zone Removal of the accumulated material may be contraindicated by the wetland mitigation conservation easment agreement which may not allow such activity. 3. Some areas of the slopes below the concrete path are steeper than 3:1, but they are not vedical as alleged. They are stable and are not eroding. The Division is reluctant to require those slopes to be regraded to 3:1 as that will only lead to erosion and sedimentation. Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ ®❑ ❑ Comment: 4. The pond section detail on the plans shows a "notched" area within the pond slope for a "grassed footpath". This turned out to be a four -foot -wide concrete sidewalk. The slopes above and below the "notch" were intended to be maintained at 3:1. The file contains no letters of approval for the additional BUA associated with the concrete sidewalk. page: 3 RPS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outell areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 01:32 PM 01:50 PM 01/20/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A No 0 Yes Yes Yes U) J_ Q W 0 W w v� z 0 a 0 L n 3 Maintenance & i i Ocs FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 01/20/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA 110NME NL Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF Y1��1:I.QNG1J7:i1: TECHNICIAN NAME 01/20/2021 Derrick Murphy FACILITY SIGNATURE v I I TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE I D/ I l IONMIFNTe Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins. ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning property? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Partly Cloudy P30 12:53 PM 01:10 PM 02/22/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow" Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes P. J_ Q w 0 w Q w Z 0 .: P 1 0 FPS "ONMENTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins. ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning property? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning property? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / NIA Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A NIA N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Windy P30 02:22 PM 02:46 PM 03/09/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes Maintenance & Ins[)ect!l I ',,jo in ON -SITE IMAGI U�; 1..1.E �.. / t M 1 ,! RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report Ill 7 Trash pickup FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 03/09/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME P Ocs 03/09/2021 Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE XX TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE AJI`- U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS YES / NO / N/A Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Yes Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? N/A Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Yes Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Yes Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? N/A Are all fences connected and functioning properly? N/A Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Yes Are all fence lines free of vegetation? N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 07:58 AM 12:52 PM 04/08/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED YES / NO / N/A COMMENTS Did you mow? N/A Was any trash present on -site? Yes How many bags of trash were removed from the site? 1 Is this site free of erosion? Yes Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Yes Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? No Treated today � � N AL Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS heating pored r After treatment RPS FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE Maintenance & Inspection Report ocs 04/08/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME XX FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME picking up trash 04/08/2021 Eliza Morin FACILITY SIGNATURE X x TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE e � n ) W RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS YES / NO / NIA Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Yes Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? N/A Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Yes Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Yes Are all emergency spillways functioning properly"? N/A Are all fences connected and functioning properly? N/A Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Yes Are all fence lines free of vegetation? NIA Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 12:26 PM 12:55 PM 05/2512021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED YES / NO I N/A COMMENTS Did you mow? N/A Was any trash present on -site? Yes How many bags of trash were removed from the site? 0 Is this site free of erosion? Yes Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Yes Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? No Treated today 4 F a n a a a a 6 ENVI� NTt- Maintenance & Inspection Report I uP FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 05/25/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME P 05/25/2021 Derrick Murphy FACILITY SIGNATURE �� TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE ID % 4' r ME Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 03:54 PM 04:18 PM 06/07/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of bash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 0 Yes Yes No Treated today m C a C oa c y J_ Q W G w w z 0 a e n n 0 3 0 F43SENVIRONMNr. I ' • ' w. A/ C FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 06/07/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA //�I / FACILITY SIGNATURE . / I / /_1 TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE oc5 06/07/2021 Derrick Murphy 0 C_ r k RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 08:27 AM 10:18 AM 07/07/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes No Treated today u RIPS Maintenance & Inspection Report -.,4 m ID ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS treating pond ,,CS u RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report r t P FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 07/07/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME XX FACILITY SIGNATURE FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF x� TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE 07/07/2021 Eliza Morin C(;im U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and herd structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF 1002 Sunny P30 08:30 AM 12:07 PM 07/15/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of hash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 0 Yes Yes No Treated today RIPS Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS spraying pond Spraying pond spraying pond U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / NIA Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A NIA Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 02:28 PM 02:55 PM 08/02/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? I low many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 0 Yes Yes No Treated today I Maintenance & Inspection 'ftpo�rt ON SITE IMACA Df I , I ' spraying pond V P a ..... »- P Maintenance FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 08/02/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA ENVIRONMENT,. & Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME 08/02/2021 Derrick Murphy FACILITY SIGNATURE 4// 4 TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE I� m ��' Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all nutlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 08:00 AM 11:21 AM 08/09/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes No Treated today 46I 0 a m cr c 0 a 5) c Cka c c c 0-7 w a 3 a U RPS Maintenance & Inspection FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 08/09/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME XX FACILITY SIGNATURE FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF x x TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE 4r 08/09/2021 Eliza Morin 6 ENVIRONMENT" Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes NIA Landfall POA LF1002 Partly Cloudy P30 07 55 AM 08:34 AM 09/09/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 0 Yes Yes No Treated today Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS ENVI� NTA Maintenance & Inspection Report FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 09/09/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME rr 09/09/2021 Derrick Murphy FACILITY SIGNATURE v /�' I TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE ID C II, � ✓s U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly') Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 12:02 PM 12:54 PM 10/26/2021 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/NIA COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes No Treated today ENVIF*mB RONMENTAL Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS G I,,�ati,j nr,�I RRS Maintenance & Inspection after treatment FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 10/26/2021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY SIGNATURE FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME 11 SN : I . I [N LP. b�t1. I_l l�L• I � 10/26/2021 Anthony Buck U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 12:05 PM 12:45 PM 11 /23/2021 Walter Farmer COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes F lid*rN]-]'llrpit'sDO] jjodea uoipedsul'8 eoueueluiew I 1 IC 11 J I 1I sda ENVNVI SNTH Maintenance & Inspection Report k-imom 'MF.� l r-M.- Oc5 FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF k RPS Maintenance & Inspection Report � • 1 SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/of swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning property? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all uutlall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 10:42 AM 10 53 AM 12/15/2021 Walter Farmer COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes pq rl J SlIV134 3°JVWI 31IS-NO llodea uoipodsul'8 soueueluieyy rJJ11, 1. 11 ,"3 sda o s U RRS Maintenance & Inspection FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 12/1512021 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE tl'�NCLII�1l.1.1.ld!I� P 12/15/2021 Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE v TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE /// 1(� RPSENVIRONMENT/ Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Windy P30 02:22 PM 02:46 PM 01 /03/2022 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes Maintenance & Inspection f - epwl ON SITE IMAt i[ D[ I i\ -.00 - J"- 496mW" - 'S"Ift N' qlwkq FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE FNVI� NL• Maintenance & Inspection N P Trash pickup 01/03/2022 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF IYXyaa[tl/d:�7_llq TECHNICIAN NAME P Ocs 01/03/2022 Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE XX TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE PIJN� 6 ENVI� NT/' Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 02:47 PM 03:55 PM 01/31/2022 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this she free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes No Treated today rR„PS Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS After treatment Trash pickup Treating pond 6 ENViTv NTA Maintenance & Inspection Report go= Now FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 01I31 Y 022 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME 01/31/2022 Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE / ` / TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE V ENVIRONMENT" Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning properly? Are all oudall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 09:26 AM 09:36 AM 02/25/2022 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes 1 Yes Yes Yes n y J_ Q w a w a w v� z 0 n L+ lal n FW3BEWRONMNTP. Maintenance & Inspection Report W� a. "'. N-1 N Ocs FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 02/25/2022 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA P m FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF TECHNICIAN DATE 02/2512022 TECHNICIAN NAME Anthony Buck FACILITY SIGNATURE \ / ` / TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE O i� U RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report SITE DETAILS CUSTOMER NAME FACILITY NUMBER WEATHER FACILITY NOTES ARRIVAL TIME DEPARTURE TIME DATE TECHNICIAN SITE CONDITION DETAILS SITE CONDITIONS Are all pond basins, ditches, and/or swales functioning properly? Are all Forebay separators functioning properly? Are all outlet boxes functioning properly? Are all pipes and hard structures functioning properly? Are all emergency spillways functioning properly? Are all fences connected and functioning property? Are all outfall areas free of vegetation and sediment? Are all fence lines free of vegetation? YES / NO / N/A Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Landfall POA LF1002 Sunny P30 03:08 PM 03:35 PM 03/07/2022 Eliza Morin COMMENTS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED DETAILS MAINTENANCE PERFORMED Did you mow? Was any trash present on -site? How many bags of trash were removed from the site? Is this site free of erosion? Is this site free of safety hazards and / or issues? Is this site free of aquatic vegetation? YES/NO/N/A COMMENTS N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes u RIPS Maintenance & Inspection Report ON -SITE IMAGE DETAILS '14i 4 W. :xr- t R� Fl �yf 1F11 J'.n `I Maintenance & Inspection Report RRS Maintenance & Inspection Report in FACILITY EMPLOYEE SIGNOFF FACILITY EMPLOYEE DATE 0310712022 FACILITY EMPLOYEE NAME NA FACILITY SIGNATURE X X TECHNICIAN DATE TECHNICIAN NAME TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE 0Cs 03/07/2022 Anthony Buck �o i