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SW8941203_APPROVED PLANS_20070320 (2)
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 q4 12 03 DOC TYPE E CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 00 7 03 2 O YYYYMMDD NY ' IOVM 7N/N/Yl�ZI '1 \ i�z it It Is 121 11 / Is Ir If It I �� � I� � ♦ 1 r� 1 � \\� 1 Q � 1 i h0� a( W � � f r ♦ 1 ` DEC 0 5 1"4 v DEM PROJ Sw8g4rZo3 5 • vS -1'0 5.3 e"{ty'� xv If it it I It It X' / a - 9mlvlvt��-11- — t ' rT ,i I I, i ' i I I It '] { ~\ \ J 1j I it it It I it It - It I t l t r l , 'l 1 , . K.t ti• 7 is 1 1 r A It 11 ,21 / VICINITY MAP NTS SS SSFM Lo rn rn �Y 8" SS SS SS ---- SS SS SS - SS SS 7.38 Z - SSFM SSFM ---- --- SSFM ---- SSF M --- ------ SSFM -- ---- SSFM ---- - -� --- --- U w Q 72ND STREET (50' ROO) � � w \ � L - w---� o wU _ _ > 8,56 - - 7.7� xqD' . 7,8�, 7a30 � . 7.06 W x 6.78 . 6.88 6._ li 6.52 w w \ as 0 6.77 N z Z O \ �Z g _ a_1 " 7,90 739 92 \ O .72 7 6�, x rn C) < 7.15 . 6.71 �710i �O W W w __- W W W W W b W U x 6,63 6.90 1 I 6.28 9.30 :::: 9.30 _ T J Y s a �7a • J -QT25716 92 5.5 6 471 8::::.. . . . .: .....:7.82 "Qa � 7.� 108.31' M cV 00 O - _ o � U -t V) Z >> > U� co z x w rn (D (V M O co a roz 1 12.35' 109.23' LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ---------------- RIGHT OF WAY -- EXISTING WATER - - EXISTING STORIDRAIN --1u. 11F» -- - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN O EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 6 4TPROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION oPEXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 9 - EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING ASPHi.LT TO BE REMOVED ::':':":.::::":::::::.::: PROPOSED ASRIALT ----� _ ---� ---i FLOW DIRECTK.-i i ARROW SITE DATA EXISTING PARKING SPACES: 30 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES: 45 '37 SD 7.98 SD SD 82 ST. JAMES DFVE (20W�U I$D k cn SoD w , II I7�5II 5 / / � / o Oc.82 �1,7 C W Lon co 7ss ° 77�no _ 66 U 761 8.96 rzLn / 6.00roz 15.40 Q > `n 76u a - 7.asz_ w z Q 746 �~ wU O O w 109 .47©1�: 7.70 : :.:.zX w _ 6.99 * LLJ J 8,93 ~ O: ['�. w V -7.22 ll. . • 8.60I ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9.5 - . j2aLLJ O 2. v, / ' \/ =-8..38_ _ �- - - 9 - `.8.36-i / I I I6.93 ) U 7. 6.87 \ �za - 9- i I I I I SJ z . :::I:. Lci " :: _ I - �� OU > _ . - - I I I I I I 5 iL O ILLA o 2 1I'IIII�IN�11 / Ma�II I I I II� IL� 5.5 � L'i ov :l(10 V8.12 Lo w Y i I I O IfL W Of 8.79$; 8-:::- - n\ Q O� 1/ l I I I I I 0 o = 8.87 6:8 sa .'.. a.:c".. � I w U EXISTING :.�. LLJ --0---- 0,6. s POND #2 I II I 00 ue3a X77 d z 7.aa auE w 7.25 6 / 53 I 6.23 �l OF 1:"::"�I II 14b3 ---- 7.2e7. - J e/ I I / // 9 9.20-- 9 _ _ 5.0 s. 8�25 s. 7.01� `7.25 SD X _ -- - t. 5./ �M� 1�j/ O \ .6, 80 ..: :. . . . ��' /y ",Z> .�2- I� \ .1 -� •".95 _ _ - - 8�49 / / �V l l I mIl -- �40 �c�_98 _ ------ - - -- J bI ; I i / 9 00 / / TOP OF 1 7.98 . 8.09 - - iY .7.70 �� - 1- - -_ - .i9,29 115 = 7.51 2 7.86 7,69 . .77 SS SS U SS 8 SS 7 - SS a� SS SS n �= X N "� SL o o � w CD a i w EXIST. SSMHt�7 �1� \ I I I I I \ C X V)I I � �. w i � � _ EXIST. _UW-F_PAVEMENT - - _ i 69 ° U_ w V)ro �D_ d U _z - - - - -O- t7- - - - - 6Al 7,17 7.28 71 ST STREET 508 �01N!R - - - - - V �'o C _ - W - - - - - - L j L _ ( > U � V) o� = Z - �> ii - d N w 7.73 -O > ro > d z U U z Un N z roz x_ ww X w w Z Y o V) 0 a Y 0 U U) O w w o � z � Q 0 0 N W a 0 J m zQ O z II 0 Q �I w c) II w z� 1= 0 Q Z I� W W Q �0 Q �i cn a- 0 II II Ii W tii F- !� Z e y� W II 5 Z Q V H II na E oo � � U � � m MJ N II � 00 0 0 z - Of "ZW c z a i ":2ox 3 �I rn3a� II6,61 (, I� 60Z II rY �I w w Z II � LZiJ �I L II 70ZZ �J (N II O II IIIIIII IIIIIII I I IIII�� III II / 03173 // II ots& JPN / cm: JPN DRft DLL li ')Ah: 031ZL04 / ,AISM _ SCALE. 1 20� OCT 18 2004 w X U W W W- W W W - W - W-- W W W O' N THERE ARE NO NETLANDS ON THIS SITE o 20 ao so C f 108.31' Lo 0) M N 00 ss ss ss ss 8„ SS SS SS ss SSFM SSFM SSFM SSFM SSFM SSFM 72ND STREET (50' ROW) I O I I W o CL r [L 0 w J j w 0 Z J U Lri d w Z 0 F- oa U 0' O 00> Z I � I O N M O 00 0 o' O U4 U d U1 > > d > cn z �- 00 Z X -� W _ SS ♦IIF 7738 SSFM N x 8.56 \ 7.7 X .lip 7.90 w w w w \ w w - - - - ...- ..... . .. .. :.:.::::: .. ..... w.... U....q'''' /Q ::I:I. P. i 0 ......... ..... .. .'.... ...... 5 :� 4� ::::...:...::::: : / .:!rt 1� / Y I ' " ... .....' ......... ." / �.. ... . . . . . . . ..�...� g.8.... ... ..._.if-.. . ...:r. 0 CcI ...... .._._-_x:.43 1T c) ' . . . . U....... w ...... ..:.:.:.:. wI."..".._. .._.....x.�.... : .:.:. I 0. ..:. .' .:.:.:.:.:. - SD SD SD fie, D ST. JAMES DRIVE 20' ROW n w 0 Y 0 w 1 12.35' 109.23' Z O W U w Z N CD w O -- w--� W x�0' x TR x 7C20 x 7.06 6,78 6.88 x 6 LL 6.77 6.52 VO w w \._ Q 85 LLA .92 \ 0 \ -- , \ \ J 7.39 Q � .72 \/) 7.10� �76 10 \cp - w w 7.15 U \ x 6,71 6.63 6.90 \ x 6.28 z S - ?I - - - 7,1 5.5�3' - ��\1`16� Q YLLJ 6� .47 4p`a a .25 7,16 / .92 5.5 \1 O J a•J 7.8 \ x1�6 16.99 *�7.8'2}M�� . 7.52 l j 7 59x � / _ - - .32 ez7 8.0 0 EXISTING I \ I 1 POND #1 .67, I\ W 8.15 \ U 7.33 .21 I w 7.62 w lLI \ 6 w 1 6.04 I I \ O! \ 00 w a U - w 7. d Iil 2.21 I W Z d I \ p W 8.10 U %r 7.51 i- J ��x_T.53� \ \ I �.37I II ' 6.98 0 8.08 I- "17.63 Q x6.66 _ _ j x 8.80 g\ \ 5.78 O Q h- x 7gex 11� \ _ I 1 I f N z SO� 0.78 - - \IL13 \ \ \ I I i , Q w \ 5J I ICI}12 �6I I 7Ln * --- O W d3 - S B- J Ix .3 \ 10.7�'\8�19 \ �6 I I I I / 7 8 a7.2 \\\ \ x 06 5. 6� I I I I I 6.36 U N F- In I 1 I QL zw 7.67 SO w x �\ I II d1 d w w .56 d 1 I ;" ! �\ 6.09 LLJ I\ , -<-� J N z p S� O 7.42 \ x 9. 7 ° ° ° 1 \ 7.98 '3 \ .37 _ SD x I ° CO 'D /°a J x5.60 / 0 7.55 82 w I - a a • F- 1 t I 0 7.61 12 59 Ljj U O W Q O Z46 N fy. >..� . v z v w J W I - 10.9 .47 I / I I / . . . . . :. N p 770 .56 s N I I .. ..... = J Z d 6.99 x7.32 0:::.::: �I L_ :: n: �.:.:. W x7,22 11. x _ �- \ 123 /4 8.60I .26 N ly 1 11 I I I I I O: :.. 1s 8. 7 x 9.5� �� O .8� o ' - - _ Q Ld 2: . - 6.93 I ) z w 5.75 / w t w: 7R4N U > x 8:28- _ W Z x 6,87 cn x 6 d --- - �9 I I I I 5.281 I I I I I II I w p [ �. O `\ � 5.5 1'I I 1 * :::::.:F:'uwj::::: ~Q 7.97 d W II '� I I I Z Q ;::::::':'. 8.12 _� III, r-o1 N I I w 8.87 I\ 0 0 EXISTING I I I I 1// o f ICh :': ooco w 17J84 x 6. 5 # ► I I III - r> � 0 0 w x 6,77 POND 2 N LU 7.25 \ '\ 1 I �11 I I I / I x 623 53 7.28 / ---- 9 \:_::::::: . _-'-' - v 9 - 7.0� 73� sD �� J (J R s_:o s. a:2 .6 p 5 1 � 9s \-------` I �x �1.32 / mQ x6.49 6.80 v�. 7. i8. x \ \ 8.98- x 9.00 - .40 - B. i TOP OF 7.98 e.o9 - 7.709.29 .15 ss ss w ss ss _ - ss ss ss Z51 Lo O I 1 I I I II I 8' x 7. 8�25 x °� x 7.86 x 7.69 x .77 �x II/ X / i= X `n `L J cn i w EXIST. SSMH�1 \ C 8,96 /1 W � z O_ U W W J I � w 8.93 ~ C-] W U z W Li w Cl- 0 w U z w W w a 0 fh C4 N Z Q O Z F O Ir J t Q V 6.11 6.61 ii cn� w _ _ EXIST. OF PAVEMENT i cn 9P U� n, - a _ 1Tt - 7.1 nO > _ cn cn d d U z p W 6,41 7.17 7.28 7.08 71STSTREET(50e.ROW)3 _ > ,ems- �� o 6 z C _ g --- _o ->- a - N---_-----o c7z----- L-=aze� - 7,73 \ M j d _Z U N U Z N 00 z �Z X JW X W H Q U N = w w w w w w w w `� w �w w� I lo� ti V Z Z Ycr O ^Q Q- Q W Z0 OU) /J�/� VJ CL >1 OY Q �O lJ N W to r Z L:i \ W 3 m 0 � J O Z < U ILL-, _ �oa N 1 4 FUMM x N Z c C Wz�0 a iY0(j) "mo c Z o c°�Ox 3 m3a� � U Z 06z W w li Z P W Z J V) I N Z OO II�IIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII it ��IIII III II II i III II 0P173 Qu LPN Gm � PN gmMt DLL we 03/2 /04 9 SEAL U9afi G2 ■ se �t i , I 1 , 1 I I I { 1 / 1 ` 21 i i 19 1 ,17 / 4- I / I I I I b I ' i ' I / I ' I , LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA I , ------------------------ "j I ' - D CORATIVE STONE :URF CE ' WE ROADWAY SERION� I I 1 I I 1 I , 1 I � ' 1 18 22 I 20 j - 1 I � 1 I N I I d I I I ' 1 I , I I I I ,1 r t , 1 / L_--------------------------� --------.------- --- 1-1�1■ -------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 TEMPgjAR UEILT FENCETA 72ND STREET 71 ST STREET EXISTING SOIL ROAD I LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA ---- ------------� --------- __� ------------- -`------------- ----- I—t—I�Ittttt�l_,_,Illlitttitl�l�l�l�lel�l�l��l-1�_ , - - 1 - LIMIT OF GISTUROM AREA - - I 1 I 7 1 � , rt 13 11 g i I 1 i I I Ir I CONCRETE ORNNAGE STRIP, SEE ROADWAY SECTIONS. y 1 1 SD-4 it I I 1 , ,fie/ , J , l 8 4 _ 0,0, aF D/BEo I ! I \ �Ils� LIMIT i � i U 1 I , I I 1 10000,0000 I I 10000 I I 1 ' I � ,/� 14 i 10 j I 16 ( 12 8 1 I1 � EXISTING SOIL ROAD I TEMPQSREAER SILT )FENCEDETAI STORMWATER NOTE: Runoff from all built -upon areas of single-family lots shall drain to the center access road for conveyance by the storm drain system to the stotmwater detention ponds. Atlontic W- In racIo astal a_wtoy LONG BEACHIYAPON -1 BE_ ACH PROJECT SITE SITE �. Atlantic Ocean CtfMt1L - VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1 Inch w 1-1/2 Mlles II ' NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 20 -L SOUTHPORT -i lee ( f� ov0 °e G SCALE: 1" = 20' The drawing Is M property of Hotlstoa and Aseodates. PA_ and Is not to be reproduced In whole or In W tdtloul written permission ,T horn Ilalteton and Assoclates, PA. ®Copyright IN4 ALL RIt3HTe RESERVED 93-0 1 ------ ------ __________________ _ _ CONSTg9EEIDETAL 7ANCES----- I EXISTING SOIL ROAD 1 I 1 \ - ______________I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 p0 I Z I W IX I 5 1 I I I -- 1 ii> I 1 I I I �$ —1 TEMP W DIKYAVR - 1 ----------r- - LI C-B 1 EXISTING 18" ' CORRUGATED -- - PLASTIC PIPE - - II _�- 1 I � I 1 ttt0!♦Il� ', CONCRETE DRAINAGE STRIP. 1 SEE ROADWAY SECTION. I 1 I 1 1 +IIIIIIIIIIIIL.I� 1.....1SD-3 .-• �- CB-2- 1 I , SD72 I CB-1 r _ _ D CORATNE STON; E SU ACE 'an T O CB-3 (SEE I I I 1� 1 1 I Z T , - I I I 1 I , • I I 1 I , r. , SD— 1/ - bbb 1 I I __A i 1 1 1 1 I TEMP?rY SILT FENCE I TEMPORARY CNEO( DAYr ' (SEE DETAIL.) (SEE DET ` I I , ' ((EXISING DUAL IB" PIPES $HALL BE REPLACED WITH DUAL !1" PIPES.) EXISTING SOIL ROAD SD-6 0 !Y CB-5 I/ I / I - I I I Ss�it� ii 5�30 LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA EXISTING INV 3,90 3 i 72ND STREET BOTTOM OF POND tit --ELEV. - 1.0' M.S.L. , �� � , N011 E& WATER SURFACE EV. 5.5' M.S.L. t ELEV. O STORAGE FROM RUNOFF �— FROM 1" RAINFALL - 6.5' M.S.L. ` ' , 1 I 1 i. 1.2I \; i IM�POy dTYHdSV �I \/ •'P�•RETAINING WALL u t 1 1I , " 1 , ' I \\ I I 1 4 1 1 I I I I 1 ENTRY PAYLION , , IIIjjII 1 I 1 I -�lll 1 1 BOARDWALK ppOl I I OcEpi _?M1 1CDO� , Z , , I I I, , I , 'SEE "OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS" •\ `\ '�1 - - / - - " I , ELEV. O STORAGE F - a I ` FROM 1" RAINFALL ATER 71 ST STREET NOELEV - 5.5' M.S.L.CE -- BOTTOM OF POND ELEV. - 1.0' M.S.I. -I -----'_-'_----------- —--- ------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------- ---- ---' TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 4.2 AC. STORMWATER NOTE: Runoff Ircm all built -upon areas of single-family lots shall drain to the center access road for conveyance by the storm drain system to the stormwater detention ponds. w J SI EROSION CONTROL. NOTE: Where slopes are steeper than 3 null !,' stabilized using rip —rap or suitab,, • ' n rn )I Erosion mat where used shall be .r NS 3,I or equal, and shall be installed pw II ,I ',foctuf.., s recommendations. , " il-n d1aWInS r On popwV el Ttouaeu and A•wdata, PA -and ,1 nol lobe rep10duted in I -I or M pRrt 1tiEFout WAMI �rlllk{TOR Ilmn Nelrtoo and Aemeebt r. P.A. ®C/prApllt 104 N N V / C C� co W � W C �^ tZ Z 0 a L Z rn rA Q; J N O) ZZ X m OU o o_ �U C O � j`11�I1�; 0) 1� V 12 a J N V4 W W MIA 4 .......e........:........ ........ ................ ........i..................---- TOR OF .......-.-....i.. USER @ 6.5 MSL i.... - - - XIS�lNd GRADE ......_....._. !.___.. .... - /........,. ,....... ...:.. . _ ..... ..l..... .. �.. _ far ....._._i... ...:... .. �' �ORA FfRO�Fi°�AA A ' ........:........>........;..............;.................:....... i - �' y...................... O1a ' BOTr � OF _ ... ° ...... RIFICE � 5.9' MS i ;PRO Dl{RAdE . BOTTOM OF ND 0 1.(Y MSL 0 40 W 120 160 200 STATION (FT.) STORMWATER POND SECTION A -A 12 8 `i 3 �y4 0 10 a 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 STATION (FT.) OUTLET PIPE PROFILE GRA TOP OF SEfl 6:5 MSL . _ _ iMA A _... ...... ........':.._....'..._ i I i BOTTOM OF R�tCE SMS S i ... i E PROPC ED GRADE ............. ...............'.._.......... OTTOWOF ONO (� 1 0' M- L. ........i....._.>........i......................s.__.................._E................ .._ .............-..€_.... _ 0 40 Io 120 160 200 STATION (FT.) STORMWATER POND SECTION B-B FASTEN PVC TO ANGLES WITH W16" GALV. BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS AT APPROX. ELEV. OF 6" INTERVALS. s 6.V W 8" PVC ORIFICE GUARD INV. ELEV. .4A 1 1/2' X 1 1/2" ANGLE- EMBED IN CONCRETE AT BOTTOM AS SHOWN IN SECTION B-B. FASTEN TO RISER AT APROX, 1" FROM TOP OF RISER. DO NOT FASTEN TO RISER AT ANY THE OTHER LOCATION. GUARD TOP VIEW OF RISER SECTION A -A NOTE: ALL PIPE SHALL BE ALUMNZED CORRUGATED METAL SECTION B-B OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL PITS ELEV. BOTTOM OF ORIFICE . 5.5 MSL ELEV. BOTTOM OF ORIFICE GUARD = 5.0' MSL EROSION GENERAL CONTROL NOS 1. All construction activities shall be performed in compliance with the Sedimentation Pollution CGntrol Act of 1973. 2 All land disturbing activity is to planned and conducted to limit exposure to the shortest • g ty be P po feasible time. 3. All construction sites and severely eroded areas shall be stabilized by the establishment of a permanent ground cover. 4. The construction entrance and silt fencingshall be installed prior to an din on the P Y� g site. As soon as all areas are permanently stabilized, all permanent measures have been installed, and final approval is received by the Erosion Control Engineer, the temporary Measures may be removed. 5. Over the life of the project, the Owner shall make periodic inspections to evaluate the success in controlling erosion of soils to off -site areas. If areas are found where erosion is taking place, the Owner shall take the necessary measures to remedy the situation. In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.1003(a)(2), the following DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTEC77VE COVENANTS shall be recorded In the Brunswick County Registry prior to the conveyance of any residential lots or the construction of any buildings. Said Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants shall apply to St. James by the Sea and St. James Beach Club in the Town of Long Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina as shown on these plans: "No more than 4.000 square feet of any lot within the St. James by the Sea tract, and no more than 0.47 acres of the St. James Beach Club tract, shall be covered by structures and/or paved surfaces, including walkways or patios of brick, stone. slate, or similar materials. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with stormwater nuwff,(7 rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and therefore benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them." The above DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECITVE COVENANTS are included within a notarized Division of Environmental Management document which has been signed by Mr. Robert B. McHenry, Sr. Mr. McHenry is owner of Harbor Development Corporation which is developer of St. James by the Sea and also an authorized officer of Homer E. Wright, Jr., Inc., developer of St. James Beach Club. The execution of said document has been certified by an appropriate Notary of the State of North Carolina. Executed originals of this document are included within the submittal package to the North Carolina Department of Environment. Health and Natural Resources - Division of Environmental Management for compliance to the North Carolina Stormwater Regulations. STORMWATER DATA SUNIIKARY FEATURE DESCRIPTION FEATURE VALUE Total Built -Upon Area (ac.) 2.93 Total SW Project Area (ac.) 5.85 Elevation of Orifice (normal pool elev. in ft. msl) 5.5 Diameter of Orifice (in.) 1.75 EIevation of Riser (ft. msl) 6.5 SW Storage Depth (ft.) 1.0 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (sf) 11,200 Surface Area of Pond @ Top of Riser Elev. (sf) 13,000 Storage Between Normal Pool dt Top of Riser 12,100 Computed Runoff from V Rainfall (cf) 12.000 Approximate Time for Draw Down (days) 3.1 Design Peak Flowrate (cfs) 1.0 Pool Elevation @ Peak Flowrate (ft. msl) 6.7 STORMWATER DENSITY DATA PROPOSED BUILT -UPON AREA (BUA): St. James by the Sea ... »............... 2.46 ac. St. James Beach (hib .................. 0.47 ac. Total BUA......».»..»».........».»....»..». 2.93 ac. TOTAL STORMWATER PROJECT AREA (TA) ....... 5.85 ac. %BUA/TA »»»»»»». .. »....»» 50.1 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION St. James by the Sea (SJS) is being developed by Harbor Development Corporation, and St. James Beach Club (SJBC) is being developed by Homer E. Wright, Jr., Inc. The two tracts abut one another, and together comprise the whole of Block 5B within the Town of Long Beach. SJS has an area of approximately 5.9 acres, and SJBC has an area of approximately 1.9 acres. The two oievelopers, due to: a) the tracts being contiguous to each other; b) common business mlere {S rn L dCVel n s oche o me t ro ects• and c natural terrain which lends itself to a sharlm P P J ) stormwater collection system, have decided that a joint effort in some phases of project development would be advantageous. ' The northern half of the project area is primarily made up of stands of old live oaks with cleared underbrush, and the southern half is primarily made up of flat grassed area and sand dunes. Runoff from the project area drains to pipes under S. E. 71st Street which discharge into an existing ditch. The existingditch parallels the coast line and flows approximately 1 2/3 miles P aPPro� Y to the beginning of Davis Canal. Along this initial reach the ditch passes through thrice existing ends. From inn' f Davishe beginning o Canal, water C a the ate flows to the Atlantic Intracoastal P g g Waterway more than four miles downstream. B . SOILS AND TERRAIN The northern portion of the project is slightly rolling, and the southern portion is flat except at the dune line. The Soil Survey of Brunswick County_ indicates that the most prominent seals within the project boundaries belong to the Wando series in the northern half of the project, and the Duckston series in the southern half of the project. The Wando series consists of excessively drained fine sand on uplands. The Duekston series consists of poorly drained fine sand. C.ADJACENT PROPERTY This project is bordered to the north by Oak Island Drive, to the south by the Atlantic Ocean, to the east by S. E. 72nd Street, and to the west by S. E. 71st Street. D. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES Construction entrances, silt fencing, stone check dams, and drop inlet protection constitute the principle temporary erosion control measures. These measures should be sufficient to prevent any significant amounts of sediment from leaving the site. The primary permanent erosion control measures will be the permanent stormwater pond and permanent grassing. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Obtain approval of Erosion Control Plan from NCDEHNR- Land Quality Section. 2. Install construction entrances and silt fencing. 3. Replace the existing 18" pipes under S. E. 71st Street with the proposed 24" pipes (C-A). 4. Install check dam. 5. Instan culvert C-1. 6. Begin clearing and grubbing of proposed roadway and parking areas. 7. Rough grade roadway areas. Begin installation of storm drains and catch basins. 8. Begin construction of stormwater pond outlet ditches with retaining walls (as required). 9. Begin stormwater pond construction. 10. Begin construction of Beach Club buildings and swimming pool. 11. Finish grade roadways and parking areas. Place base material and pavement. 12. Stabilize all slopes steeper than 3:1 (H:10 with rip rap or other suitable protective measure. 13. Within thirty days following final grading activities, seed and mulch or otherwise stabilize all disturbed areas which are not built upon. 14. Maintain temporary erosion control measures until permanent ground cover is established. 15. Obtain certificate of compliance through and on -site inspection by NCDEHNR Erosion Control Engineer. Contact person is Mr. Dan Sams, 919-395-3900. 16. Remove temporary erosion control measures and stabilize these areas immediately. Permanent erosion control measures shall remain. 1. All disturbed areas due to construction and any severely eroded areas shall be stabilized by the establishment of a permanent grass cover. The seed species shall be selected based on the type soil present, seasonal conditions and other considerations. As an alternative, the contractor may use the methods and schedules shown below, however, it is recommended that a specialist be consulted with attention given to site specific conditions. a. Cultivate area to a depth of 5 itches b. Apply agricultural lime at the rate of 40001bs. per acre c. Apply 10-20-20 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 500 lbs. per acre d. Sow grass seeds at the following rates: Kind Rate Per Acts Common Bermuda Grass unhulled 25 lbs. hulled 12 lbs. Pensacola Bahiagrass 50 lbs. Korean Lespedeza .25 lbs. Tall Fescue 30 lbs. e. Mulch with straw at the rate of 3250 to 4350 lbs, per acre. f. Anchor straw with asphalt emulsion tack coat applied at the rate of 300 gallons per acre. 2. Where it is not possible to establish a permanent grass cover in a reasonably short period of time due to seasonal considerations, a temporary grass cover shall be established. The temporary cover shall include the planting of annual grasses or small grains such as rye grass. Temporary covers shall not eliminate the requirement for permanent grass cover. Where the season or other conditions are not suitable for growing a temporary erosion resistant cover, mulch may be applied; however, mulch used alone shall be for the shortest time practical. A temporary or permanent vegetative cover shall be established as soon as conditions are favorable. 3. Topsoil shall be used over unfavorable soil conditions for successful establishment of vegetative cover. 4. Irrigate as necessary to optimize plant growth. Tl This drawing is Brs Property o1 aeostoo ant,A•sodat". P.A. arse Is ro1 to be reproduoed in whob or In part vAlmn wrk*n permission from Reestan end Asaoeiste,4 PA. () CopyrW im co 7 Fw 'Zr CCm W ti W 0 O Z U VL Z o rr W Z 0) ''rtrt O V � L AZ U) z� Q1 D N V` m z� o O�a. Vl c h� m m v 93-0781 Y STORM DRAIN & CULVERT DATA TABLE SW MIN. Fall Flow with Invert Elev (MSLI Headwater Effect 10 - Year - - _ TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER 'lr 'r lti � 5' - 1' ..` r:...... "".. " :: rci, y - .a'&... Diameter In Out �i (cfs) V (fos) Peak Q•Wsl 1 C-l1 20 18" 5.3 5.3 > 6 < 2.0 6 � ,,�;•;.::.'.. / MAX. "tr: Sa-1 2 0 24" 3.9 3.0 19 3.0 19 i !s wasHED-. $Q SD-2 2 0 24" 4.5 4.0 19 3.0 19 a i!:p?a:wi\�.0,,�5��:,.` 25' OR WIDTH OF •` .;, , .... ..•.::: • EXISTING ' `z�,' PROPOSED STREET, SD-3 2 0 24" 4.8 4.6 18 2.9 18 CHANNEL SLOPE • :::.,.,�,\y\�,, . A8C ,. ROADWAY a lT s,; WHICHEVER IS +.�.a>, r Ml RIP -RAP... %•� GREATER SD4 24" 5.8 4.9 8• 2.5 13 a ¢ SD-6 15" 8.5 5.9 3.9• 3.2 6.7 VARIES` C-B 18" 3.7 3.9 2.7 1.5 2.7 SECTION VIEW x'` C-1 15" 5.5 5.0 2.7 2.2 2.7 • This value represents approximate Q intercepted by all upstream catch basins. Excess Qlo ISTING SLOPES PLAN VIEW over this value flows within roadway centerline Swale. 10, MIN. Note: All pipe shall be helical CNW or equal. �� . NOTE: HEIGHT A WIDTH DETERMINED BY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND SEDIMENT STORAGE REQUIRED NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING ROADWAY to r ` cam. 35' MIN. /5' MIN. H > ..�.:.'.r._. ,: WASHED r.\r.\r.\r.\.r .35. �w..\........ 12"MW. ,���:...,-,:. .. 6" MIN. _.. , '.:• STONE \.a.. . _.,.- rA saz SECTION VIEW CATCH BASIN DATA 5 FRONT VIEW b v c B Invert Elev (msll Top Elev. TYPICAL CHECK DAM DETAIL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL_- _dn It (msll Inlet Grate Specification NTS NTS C) CB-1 4.6 4.5 7.5 Neenah R-3156 z w D,M A CB-2 4.9 4.8 8.0 Neenah R-3156 (two required) ! W d Ni. OTES: JUNCTION BOX COMPONENTS SHALL 8E REINFORCED t k `O d FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. 1 CB-3 5.9 5.8 9.0 Neenah R-3396 2. JUNCTION BOX SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. CB-4 8.5 11.5 Neenah R-3396 a all 3 CB-5 4.0 3.9 7.2 Neenah R-3010-A o e' �'k ;�„r a s cp: ' SmadmoresN STEEL OR WOOD POST ' l•1•l v & #C&e.�;,�t•R yar, Yea 1 i. C-g ,rrtar yam' WOVEN WIRE FENCING AS REO•RD. �"zi Y �a ctay�, a .aterj maafrYFmoiaa•1 .. a�"nx$ x 2; , % gei SILT FENCE FABRIC EXTRA STRENGTH (50 &1 IN. MIN.) SYNTHETIC POROUS SD FABRIC OF NYLON, POLYESTER, OR ETHYLENE YARNS, MIN 12 Vl GA. w z MIN. 10 GA. INTERMEDIATE b = FILL SLOPE LINE WIRES WIRE s 3 Q B F STANDARD LN7 PLANa C N P(FRAME A, COVER , •�,... ,.e GRADE N���Mw COMPACTED FILL OVER SKIRT 20 EASEMENT 3p A \ A ' 1� ANCHOR SKIRT WITH INN a- LONG �R , v.<.:::: �b:, 4 :`,7.a9011 ay '.�'`:: .. : .. r"��Ry, .. .. .. r"i`Z e�'� ��4i�4�iwip9 Jro+:v\ar.�4v`Jiiv\9� \^y`�Ni@i: LJti'�4Ay �5`�r T Fi ?T\r•Y r\ MRRE STAPLES @12-O.C. za •rz �, ? `•� Q, 'FOR REPAST OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, L� i : +,✓ Z ' , rQiv CUSe OMPACTED WASHED STONE IN LIEU OF r4 = p ' . .y COMPACTED FILL - ' /li A4 AgRWD. S' : .AS 1:E0'D: I 1. j ••��'��' , Ay\y\y , v, :(S µINN, " �a gu: c .a < rt- TYP. rr O - MAT�ERIALTAND DEPTHASELECTED BY •TIVE STONE- ¢ ¢ MIN. i" THICK CONCRETE REINFORCED O Y FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW WITH 6" X 6" - 1 Wi0 W.W.F. OWNER. cl 20 I 20 ° c w Z 1. Irotall sift tenoee to shorn on dr and of bnliare to ccrarol alla0an d ar ses. awmrg necessary adpcent X ' 2 W hen wood polls ere tined. they shall be minftntmn of Win diameter and G InIerpM. Poet shag be creosote or 9" tA1f/. y` ; ::': • :'- �:. •:.::: - .gay. S3 c act" \y,. oroponal w What*pentac"posts see us ik t h y shoppins. {\`Ivor` p ♦ \' ,' y ♦• r i\ ` , ,\, \L L\4\. ' �� n r� r,\r ;'li ri\SvQir� :: TREATED 2 X 4 POST i FRAME 3. Wltare suet posts w treed, they ahe0 W 5In length and W of IM s•I fastener ergk type. _ _ `MNY wS Y.MSL 4. Woven wk•1 ,after• %�]4..%r $:<1T WN.i\4\ v\5 rv\r\ \r\i\4 Orr ivn��4:2 <^y�?yQ,�• Ax•••'•.af ... • � :.;:ti,_ ,t • : r : •.i{: 12' MIN. ertof 3 required hanm ( mi Note 6), shill t it" with b AST YA1 g• darn op winos shall (`i a a tnktintan d 32 wade and haw a rttiNmum d 8 irw wYos win 12' Ma The t a• }•.•.:.`a\%. ,grcl\ =y'.o..,•ar., r r-a _ ^ N COMPACTED SUBQRADE .:.-:.,: {:.? : , i 7�,i {:.,:.- :,. ;.:: i s :: U b :::!C{i: is i:::j= •. be 10 ge . and isermediete wires shell be 12-112 ~, Wine la6rk steel W feel•nsd ro wood pwu with rtd less CO rrrri�iir irrrN}rr Sri �•rilrrr ri7iii}irrirJri r.r r•r•r •':. ;.:i?.: r•r•r.. tirL•ti•ti Y�•M1--.•♦•1.•1.•\•y,,•,,•N:•t,.\•l•1,•ti•yy 1•V•\•1•L•5 �r\.1•h.ti1.Mti.\.1.ti.y�.L 1 \. 1.•ti.\•1,•ti•\.\•ti.1.ti•�•\•1,.�•ti•1,•ti•1., than 09 angles 1 1/2" btq. GROUND STABILIZATION CONSTRUCTION M[N. 6" COMPACTED �L�1?MLIti�Vl1J-.ftiJLfL'/\�1`.f1JM1,\�1�\f\:�f1}\•�••-,ti-1±115 \lM1`L�\f1Kt��iJ;ltM1 yl\,1F1�.ti�1�1�TL1ti�ti�\�1,;.�{�L 1�{��fL-�iti�41 ♦.r•r•r-r•r•r•i•r•r.i.♦•r-r.�}r.r.r.r.i.�.r-ryr•r.r.r.r. v.r-r.r.r.i.r.r.i.r-f.r.r.t.,r.r.r.}tir.r.+•ryw•.r.r.�.r.1.r.r.r.r.. /a 7a� ��y� S. Fifter fabric shell be d nylon. polyester, prapyMne or dhyune yam with mldmum strength d 30 bJYn. in.. and a FABRIC UNDERLAYING ALL DECORATIVE ABC BASE COURSE • .1.•\•ti•1.•t•••Mti• .1•-\.�.ti•\•L•l•Y%.1.•\•�K•NN\•1•tiK• o ti•1.•-1,•F•MY\•1•\•L.4••1.tiM•ti•�•�•Y1•Yv4•ti-1.1•t.�.\.�•ti-b-\ PLL-11\ VIEW SECTION A -A nunim m N%nllerYq eRkJMmy. Fabric shell racoon tlreriold Wabias aid stabiken. STONE. FABRIC SMALL BE TERRATEX N08 a 6. I liner fabric is used wfth a str ength of SD bAin. 6. or prsur, 6pg the post spacing (S) doss not wooed G, woven OR APPROVED EWAL ^ , SECTION B-B SECTION A -A wire fencing is not required. Otherwise, w win lenckV is regWnd, and IwM spacing shall no esww V. o INTERCEPTOR JUNCTION BOX TYPICAL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE ST. JAMES BY THE SEA ROADWAY SECTION NTS NTS NTS W rn U)CO CO W W 0 OZ B z U� o B SD 4 B Z B� SO-3 W SP2 � O � x t t tt "<�? R a•�L�ic, ca A z Cn NOTES: NOTES: x* A a A NOTES: a NOTES: A s ,n `' A A A 1. SEE -CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE- FOR INLET GRATE &< 1. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED '': 1. THIS DETAIL APPLIES 70 CB-3. CB-4.- - 3 t t•: 1. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED t A O FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. :. . • , . 2. SEE -CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE- FOR ELEVATIONS AND INLET GRATE r, '- ,.! SPEClFlCATKNNS. ?< ¢ - .. r. F-0fl H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. A s V J m is e z 2. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED 2. CATCH BASIN SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. _ _ a SPECIFICATIONS. FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. 2. CATCH BASIN SHALL DE SET LEVEL MI A DRY HOLE. 3. SEE "CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE' FOR INLET GRATE , „� , ,; : -' r. a 3. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED FOR H-20 •< "'" `"" "' �. 3. SEE'CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE- WR INLET GRATE -« e •; s ZOO 3. CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. 1M o SPECIFICATIONS.� � � �, a :, BRIDGE LOAD. y ` SPECIFICATIONS. 4. CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. a Z t ' , 4. INLET GRATE FRAME SHALL BE RECESSED INTO CATCH H KU t t:IT,l .lea z"jggfC n, ' .y t a K y�c': BASIN TOP. �rtfty' CAII�L� ftoU , SD-1 ro l O � B� N CO s u CO a f F 'n1Tsy 6) PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW 93-0781 Y 72 ND STREET I , � I 1 1 I I l I , 1 21 1 19 1 ;'17 15 I 1 ILIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA I � I -- 1 0 1 DECORATIVE STONE SURFACE � (SEE ROADWAY SECTION.) , , I Y ' I , Q ' ------ -- 1 I I ' I ' _ I I I II ' I� I I I , I I 1 \ 18 ` - -- 1 W I 22 20 - - 1 I 1 ' I ; \\ I 16 1 I I ' a I I I I \ I I I I � I I I I I I I 1 I I rl 173� P ----------------------- ----- — --- -- --- - —' -- -- ---- I —TEMP RARY SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL.) 1 i I 71ST STREET EXISTING SOIL ROAD I LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA F131 it2 11 10� ---------- ff�itTi,-, �Ii�l�l�l�it>•If lttt✓• r - � LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA r I I I 1 I r r I I I I r I , r I ' I r I I A0, r r I ' I I 7 , I I I I ,. r I I - I SD-5 —tom' AREA LIMIT OF DISTURBED I 12 0 II ,- f / / , '1 / / I / I/ I � I I � , I , I I I , I TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (SEE DETAIL.) EXISTING SOIL ROAD STORMWATER NOTE: Runoff from all built -upon areas of single-family lots shall drain to the center access road for conveyance by the storm drain system to the stormwater detention ponds. a I I 11 zl J U ' I Q 8 Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway LONG BEACH SITE SOUTHPORT I At'ontia Ocean VICINITY MAP SCALE: I Inch.= 1-1/2 Miles APPROVED ,R"�IN„PN i AFC; 1 �.L.l r,. e 1 IU'IC9!i0n NO.J�^a Q41003 I� DEC 2 7 1994 U DEM 'Qj # Sco P 9 /Z03 ,fir!., _reds NOT ISS€1F.D FOR C01"STUCT10N V' O This drawing is the property of Hoeaton and Asaociataa. P.A. and is not to be reproduced in whole or In part without Written permission from Homton and Au iatee, P.A. © Copyright 1990 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED V /00 00 N W � w o O Z U 0 U� z W Z 0 O L 7A Z Q+ J rn N 0 Z� oo 0CL C O 00 � v 3-0781 Y I ----- ------ ------ ------------ ------------ ------ ------ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES - ----- -- (SEE DETAIL.) EXISTING SOIL ROAD r TEMPQRARY CHECK DAM \\�\ ' C-1 (SEE DETAIL.) 72ND STREET ' BOTTOM OF POND LIMB OF DISTURBED AREA ELEV. = 1.0' M.S.L. 10 9 1immilw4r 1 NORMAL WATER SURFACE- t _- ELEV. = 5.5' M.S.L. —_--_ ---- \i STORAGE FROM RUNOFF ' --- �----------------- --''—� �---- -- —_- -- . -----� ---- --- FROM 1�� M 1 RAINFALL 6.5M.S.L. i o fit pR0 pNp �'' Arl, I I W � n L 7 I �\ t I N C—B� - 5 3 �� WN W ; Z SD— I Z ' 1 I oQ I EXISTING 76" I � I , ,1 3 I - -- TED CORR PLLASTICC"°' PE CB-5 It --- — � I /' I I 1/ �' I I I ' / It t 1� CONCRETE DRAINAGE STRIP. t t-1 SEE ROADWAY SECTION. SD-4 �' �----- CB-2 / SD-3 i CB-1 I p aD SD-2 I I I 1 INTERCEPTOR JUNCT ONB / (SEE DETAIL) m ENTRY PAVILION \ 1 D CORATIVE STONE SU ACE e.o n ®n ^ BOARDWALK ' I \ - -+�—__—_ -- ----- ----- SEE ROADWAY SECT ON.) — Iu I - POOL ' aCI 1 I GCB-3 Z N AVN,ION ~O 1TVFIdSV z n� �Q�O'% I CONCRE� 1 / 1, r 1 I, F 1 Gvi d r W '' x I QZ r to---- W \�. , I I = , 8 L ! T -------------- it , 1 11 1 I 1 I� - I B I 11 SILT FENCE , TE-M-P —SARY II ——.-_ TEMPORARY OARY CHECK _D_AM EEDAIL)ETAIL.) (SEE DET-- -- - __ __-___ _ ------ ---- - --- LIMIT OF DISTURBED AREA PROPOSED RETAINING WALL SEE "OUTLET' STRUCTURE DETAILS G EXISTING AS REQUIRED _ INV. 3.90 Qi \, � ELEV. O STORAGE FROM RUNOFF - I C—A FROM 1" RAINFALL - 6.5' M.S.L. EXISTING SOIL ROAD EXISTING DUAL 16" PIPES 71 ST STREET \, NORMAL ELEV. WATER M.S.L. , �..__ BOTTOM OF POND ' ELEV. - 1.0' M.S.L. - —__—__—__--_—_--__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__--_—.'__— -------- TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 4.2 AC. STORMWATERNOTE: EROSION CONTROL NOTE: Runoff from all built -upon areas of single-family lots shall drain to the Where slopes are steeper than 3:1, soil shall be stabilized using rip —rap or suitable erosion mat. center access road for conveyance by the storm drain system to the Erosion mat where used shall be Tensor NS 3000 stormwater detention ponds. or equal, and shall be installed per manufacturer's D 20 40 recommendations. 1 I I pa.orrrrara M ���t���E5�,���4I— SCALE: 1" = 20' } This drawing Is era property of Houston and Associates. P.A. and is not to be reproduced in whole or in part Wdnrwt wralen permission ''AA from Houston and Associates. P.A. ® Copyright 1994 vI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED rr^^^ O Vl � W v N W W �Z o O� Z LLJZ N 0 o AZCID z� J rn N '^� �f (n m �+ Z O OV CL c_ �1 Co V 93 -0781 Y ........... ._...-_...._........_......... .-.. _..............._.. __.._ ....... ........_.... ._._............. , --_....... ......... _ i � - - . _............ i I i i i i i i E i e i i i i OF ER &;S MSL ^ ._;,J•. .� I OF IISER Q e.S ', XISj1NGi GRADE _ _TOP _ _ y - r 3 E ; t BO OM OF flIF'ICE � S.S' MS ': i i € `:BOYJOMjOF RIF(CE � S. MS .. • i i i i i i E . ........-...�. ..-'......_i...-.... 4 ... ...... _.- ....... ..... - ._......._i... - - '- - i i i € i ....�.. , .. .....__..._-...._.......-._i...-- ' .................... , _..`......... a ....... - . - _-:......_.........j... ... > y, - .. : ---................... -ED ...1........;....._T.._...... _ W ...-....._..... ; ..._................ PR QRA DE 1 WP-'-.. GRADE 1Tou . BO OF N6 i.o' MSL . OT'foM N.BOF 1 0' M$L . i. i i i i -4......... ........................................ ......... _..... ...... _..................-. ..----------------------- --... ._......._....._._.... _. .........._._.-.... ... .+ 0 40 s0 120 160 200 0 40 60 120 160 200 STATION (FT.) STATION (FT.) STORMWATER POND SECTION A -A STORMWATER POND SECTION B-B 10 6 ? 6 > J W 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 So 60 70 60 STATION (FT.) OUTLET PIPE PROFILE FASTEN PVC TO ANGLES WITH S/16" GALV. BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS AT APPROX. ELEV. OF 6" INTERVALS. � x 6.6' N 8" PVC ORIFICE GUARD INV-ELEV. =4.-' I I12` X 1 112" ANGLE EMBED IN CONCRETE AT BOTTOM AS SHOWN IN SECTION a-B. FASTEN TO RISER AT APROX. 1- FROM TOP OF RISER. DO NOT FASTEN TO RISER AT ANY THE OTHER LOCATION. GUARD ORIFICE si TOP VIEW OF RISER SECTION A -A NOTE: ALL PIPE SHALL BE ALUMWZED CORRUGATED METAL MENNEIR h! s OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL NTS ELEV. BOTTOM OF ORIFICE = 5.5 MSL ELEV. BOTTOM OF ORIFICE GUARD = 5.0' MSL F.ROSION L. CONTROGENERAL. NOTES 1. All construction activities shall be performed in compliance with the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973. 2. All land disturbing activity is to be planned and conducted to limit exposure to the shortest feasible time. 3. All construction sites and severely eroded areas shall be stabilized by the establishment of a permanent ground cover. 4. The construction entrance and silt fencing shall be installed prior to any grading on the site. As soon as all areas are permanently stabilized, all permanent measures have been installed, and final approval is received by the Erosion Control Engineer, the temporary treasures may be removed. r life of the t the Owner shall make 'odic inspections to evaluate the 5. Over the project, pen spec success in controlling erosion of soils to off -site areas. If areas are found where erosion is taking place, the Owner shall take the necessary measures to remedy the situation. M • 1_uwu In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.1003(a)(2), the following DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS shall be recorded in the Brunswick County Registry prior to the conveyance of any residential lots or the construction of any buildings. Said Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants shall apply to St. James by the sea and St:. James Beach Club In the Town of Long Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina as shown on these plans: No more than 4.000 square feet of any lot within the St James by the Sea tract, and no more than 0.47 acres of the St James Beach Club tract, shall be covered by structures and/or paved surfaces, including walkways or patios of brick stone, state. or similar materials. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with stormuwfer rumff rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and therefore benefits may be enforced by the State of North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be bindtry on all parties and all persons claiming under them" The above DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTTVE COVENANTS are included within a notarized Division of Environmental Management document which has been signed by Mr. Robert B. McHenry, Sr. Mr. McHenry is owner of Harbor Development Corporation which is . developer of St. James by the Sea and also an authorized officer of Honer E. Wright, Jr., Inc., developer of St. James Beach Club. The execution of said document has been certified by an appropriate Notary of the State of North Carolina. Executed originals of this document are included within the submittal package to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources - Division of Environmental Management for compliance to the North Carolina Stormwater Regulations. 0 STORM,WATER_DATA _SUNIIYIARY FEATURE DESCRIPTION FEATURE VALUE Total Built -Upon Area (ac.) 2.93 Total SW Project Area (ac.) 5.85 Elevation of Orifice (normal pool elev. in ft. msn 5.5 Diameter of Orifice (in.) 1.75 Elevation of Riser (ft. msl) 6.5 SW Storage Depth (ft.) 1.0 Surface Area of Pond @ Normal Pool (sf) 11,200 Surface Area of Pond 0 Top of Riser Elev. (sf) 13.000 Storage Between Normal Pool & Top of Riser 12.100 Computed Runoff from V Rainfan W) 12,000 Approximate Time for Draw Down (days) 3.1 Design Peak Flowrate (cfs) 1.0 Pool Elevation 0 Peak Flowrate (ft. mill) 6.7 STORMWATER DENSITY DATA PROPOSED BUILT -UPON AREA (BUA): SL James by the Sea .»................. 2.46 ac. SL Janikes Beach Club ................. 0.47 ac. Total BUA....».»»....»»..»».»...........».. 2.93 ac. TOTAL STORMWATER PROJECT AREA (TA) ....... 5.85 ac. %BUA/TA 50.1 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION St. James by the Sea (SJS) is being developed by Harbor Development Corporation, and St. Jams Beach Club,(SJBC) is being developed by Homer E. Wright, Jr., Inc. The two tracts abut one another, and mgether comprise the whole of Block 5B within the Town of Long Beach. SJS has an area of approximately 5.9 acmes, and SJBC has an area of approximately 1.9 acres. The two deve due to: a the tree bein cord uo each n bust s kmpers, ) is g g us to oilier; b) coratno nes interests in other development projects; and c) natural terrain which lends itself to a shared stormwater collection system, have decided that a joint effort in some phases of project development would be advantageous. The northern half of the project area is primarily made up of stands of old live oaks with cleared underbrush, and the southern half is primarily made up of flat grassed area and sand dunes. Runoff from the project area drains to pipes under S. E. 71st Street which discharge into an existing ditch. The existing ditch parallels the coast line and flows approximately 1 2/3 miles to the beginning of Davis Canal. Along this initial reach the ditch passes through three existing ponds. From the beginning of Davis Canal, the water flows to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway more than four miles downstream. B . SOILS R O SAND TERRAIN The northern portion of the project is slightly rolling, and the southern portion is flat except at the done line. The Soil Survey of Brunswick County indicates that the most prominent soils within the project boundaries belong to the Wando series in the northern half of the project, and the Duckston series in the southern half of the project The Wando series consists of excessively drained fire sand on uplands. The Duckston series consists of poorly drained fine sand. C.ADJACENT PROPERTY This project is bordered to the north by Oak Island Drive, to the south by the Atlantic Ocean, to the east by S. E. 72nd Street, and to the west by S. E. 71st Street. D. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES Construction entrances, silt fencing, stone check dams, and drop inlet protection constitute the principle temporary erosion control treasures. These measures should be sufficient to prevent any significant amounts of sediment from leaving the site. The primary permanent erosion control measures will be the permanent stormwater pond and permanent grassing. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Obtain approval of Erosion Control Plan from NCDEHNR- Land Quality Section. 2. Install construction entrances and silt fencing. 3. Replace the existing 18" pipes under S. E. 71st Street with the proposed 24" pipes (C-A). 4. Install check dam. 5. Install culvert C-1. 6. Begin clearing and grubbing of proposed roadway and parking areas. 7. Rough grade roadway areas. Begin installation of storm drains and catch basins. 8. Begin construction of stormwater pond outlet ditches with retaining walls (as required)- 9. Begin stormwater pond construction. 10, Begin construction of Beach Club buildings and swimming pool. 11. Finish grade roadways and parking areas. Place base material and pavement. 12. Stabilize all slopes steeper than 3:1 (H:V) with rip rap or other suitable protective measure. 13. Within thirty days following final grading activities, seed and mulch or otherwise stabilize all disturbed areas which are not built upon. 14. Maintain temporary erosion control measures until permanent ground cover is established. 15. Obtain certificate of compliance through and on -site Inspection by NCDEHNR Erosion Control Engineer. Contact person is Mr. Dan Sams, 919-395-3900. 16. Remove temporary erosion control measures and stabilize these areas immediately. Permanent erosion control measures shall remain. 1. All disturbed areas due to construction and any severely eroded areas shall be stabilized by the establishment of a permanent grass cover. The seed species shall be selected based on the type soil present, seasonal conditions and other considerations. As an alterative, the contractor may use the methods and schedules shown below; however, it is recommended that a specialist be consulted with attention given to site specific conditions. a. Cultivate area to a depth of 5 inches b. Apply agricultural lime at the tare of 4000 lbs. per acre c. Apply 10-20-20 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 500 lbs. per acre d. Sow grass seeds at the following rates: Kind Rate Per Acre Common Bermuda Grass unhulled 25 lbs. hulled 12 lbs. Pensacola Bahiagrass 50 lbs. Korean Lespedeza .25 lbs, Tall Fescue 30 lbs. e. Mulch with straw at the rate of 3250 to 4350 lbs. per acre. f. Anchor straw with asphalt emulsion tack coat applied at the rate of 300 gallons per acre. 2. Where it is not possible to establish a permanent grass cover in a reasonably short period of time due to seasonal considerations, a temporary grass cover shall be established. The temporary cover shall include the planting of annual grasses or small grains such as rye grass. Temporary covers shall not eliminate the requirement for permanent grass cover. Where the season or other conditions are not suitable for growing a temporary erosion resistant cover, mulch may be applied; however, mulch used alone shall be for the shortest time practical. A temporary or permanent vegetative cover shall be established as soon as conditions are favorable "1 3. Topsoil shall be used over unfavorable soil conditions for successful establishment of G vegetative cover. �I 4. Irrigate as necessary to optimize plant growth. V This drawhp Is the property of Houston and Aee•etetes, PJ6 and is not to be repraaloed In whole or In pit wl,wut wralen permission tom Newton roil Asemlatae, PJL ® Copyright IM (n ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 93-0781Y STORM DRAIN St CULVERT DATA TABLE 50• MIN. E1t11 F10W with invert Elev. (MSL) Headwater Effect 10 - Year :.:;`.:��•:^ s, , I.D.Diameter In Out $ (cfs) V (fos) Peak g (cfs) TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER _ _ - - - - - - -.: a_.•,y 1 -xx ----------------------- 1 2019' 5.3 5.3 >6 <2.0 6 , a,` ::: SU-1 2 0 24" 3.9 3.0 19 3.0 19 <a.o..a:'"'at MAX: SIY2 2 ®24" 4.5 4.0 19 3.0 19 +!5 WASHED-f." ` • k 25.OR WIDTH OF STONE ;: x EOUS NG PROPOSEDSTREET, CHANNEL SLOPE '�? ;`,a,.", ' ``' q SD-3 2 ®24" 4.8 4.6 18 2.9 18 ��a.oaia,,,.,,'.. ROADWAY ,�..s s,. WHICHEVER IS •- M7 RIP -RAP' -ate >'F.t'9`> GREATER SD-4 24" 5.8 4.9 8e 2.5 13 5 SD5 15" 8,5 5.9 3.90 3.2 6.7 d VARIES Ale C-B 18" 3.7 3.9 2.7 1.5 2.7 SECTION VIEW," C-1 15" 5.5 5.0 2.7 2.2 2.7 e This value represents apprmdmate g intercepted by all upstream catch basin& Excess gio XISTING SLOPES •j PLAN VIEW Over this value flows Within roadway centerline swalle. ` 10' MIN. Note: All pipe shall be helical CMP or equal. - vayp y %a NOTE: HEIGHT L WIDTH DETERMINED BY 'y EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND .'... .... .:.............:.:::.::• �:.: j:::':.py SEDIMENT STORAGE REOIARED NEW CONSTRUCTION :..:..:..:..:..:.•:.,:::.,:.•:.•:::..:..:..:..;.,:::: '`a'.a' EXISTING ROADWAY y',:'','•:::•;•.:`::::;:'::•'::�';::'::':::: ::':j'':[',: 35'MIN. 15•MIN. uu ..��� ''js• 'YY D� ; `:...:::. WASHED 6" MIN. ,......, _ . ..... .,., 12-MIN. y`�a STONE s0_2 SECTION VIEW CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE FRONT VIEW c B Invert Elev. (mal) Top Elev. r I.D. in out (mall Inlet Grate Specification y drill TYPICAL CHECK DAM DETAIL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL g NTS NTS O . Z 1 4.6 4.5 7.5 Neenah R-3156 Z z A CB-2 4.9 4.8 8.0 Neenah R-3156 (two required) a`ai NOTES: 1. ALL JUNCTION BOX COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED 1 5.9 5.8 9.0 Neenah R-3396 IrY FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. - U +y 2. JUNCTION BOX SHALL BESET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. 8.5 11.5 Neenah R-3396 +N•4t ~ O yr Z i _ 1 4.0 3.9 7.2 Neenah R-3010-A o S f1FF MIFN DTl OR WOOO POST C-R 1r STEEL WOLVEN WIRE FENCING AS REO'RD. err EXTRA STRENGTH (50 tV1 IN. MIN.) SYNTHETIC POROUS SAT FENCE FABRIC SD- FABRIC OF NYLON, POLYESTER, OR ETHYLENE YARNS. MIN. 12 1/2 GA. w 7-• MIN. 10 GA. INTERMEDIATE b = FILL SLOPE y� O LINE WIRES WIREyt 9 �` 1•••• ? 1 yy (~ 1 STANDARD MH PLAN VIEW r ✓ F FRAME A COVER GRADE A A ,a, MIN COMPACTED FILL OVER SKIRT 20' EASEMENT " L' ♦ aT d ANCHOR SKIRT WITH ON 4" LONG .' K ♦ Coax 3,' §. . �'.::: ' #¢ \�<`x,♦ .�'a'r, �i�i u8{,! Qyd` o , ,aS`'a5a�ra4iJJ6 % +Y3. �..` aTy 1•�%3i`a�"TEN `��5� `�4 WIRE STAPLES @ it O.C. A �nJa, .a,.` •, sl ` 4r ( Q• . t � � >r •FOR f1EPAi1 � SILT FENCE FAILURES, lR�l- "� ` Z Z .�t� �rc�-" , `-`^ , ,-� USE 157 WASHED STONE W LIEU OF p -C�9I7'"4 ::r`:�3 COMPACTED FILL r ^ Rr kx AS REOD.' AS REO'D. 1' Uj'`i COMPACTED DECORATIVE STONE �1 (S MIN '• :n a r `Ci¢� s TYP. WNERL m ¢ MIN. 4" THICK CONCRETE REINFORCED MATERIAL ANDDEPTHSELECTED BY wy a _ FRONT VIEW SIDE VTEW WITH 6" X s" - tOnD W.W.F. LL I ~ rt w 1. Instal si0 lances as shown on drawing and et bolions necessary to control sNation of adjacent ames. 20 20 F its 2. Where wood posts are used, 0ney shall be a Minimal d r in diameter and 6 in length. Pasts anal be creosote a 9" MIN. ' .. "5• TREATED 2 X 4 POST ti FRAME w ^ 3. em at" sm uaad t11 pientachloropilind headed southern be Sin and be d 0a "I fastener ��r'%`::::'.1y�,1'.vv' :�s..y.. 4.•. •. ' »?�ay'�q . .'.' ,.�...%,` i %i `% 'a�i"5:�,�' a •.:'.: .:..:- ;:fy: .n..a`.. •a,Ria naa4.�.jy�' �y....^ INV. ..38MSL 4. Wown wire /e�icip, wham they (sea Nola i B)nNW toftorm b ASTM At i6�tla�ss 3 gaNaniZinp. Fabric shm0 /2" WN „ �,0�',y�ia J"r r,Sa6�,4a9�,b, • .;:::i:•i:T.: .: .: .:: •..•,alaL, A/TL�y- Q4,M.,c ,a.a.'a f. N : • •t {.:. i..:i {!. i::,::,: {: ;: r +.+;? 12' MIN. be a miMnaan d 37 wNs and haw s mirlMlflrn d 8 YN Wres wi1117 slay fpadnp. TM top aM1 bo0am Wires steel {`t ' M ..�.?'}:5�i:'.'r'_./'.'lr'r'. J}i: r'.'Tir'i'r'r•iii r•r r.r.r. ` .. •. `L::,.r.r.r.r•. be 10 pups. and Intermediate wlros shah be 12-iM2,paupe., Who Ishdc s1tY be IaYarnW to wood pasts with not less COMPACTED SUB(iRADE 7:J}f}f}l•l1f}!}f}l}J,�N}f}J}J}IJ}I}J}Jf }J}f}J}f}j}f}j}j}•,}fL1Lt=a9atapleel l/or Igla GROUND UNDERLAYING ALL DECORATIVE MIN. 13COMPACTED 4 '~f}f f�'f}l}l}J}J}!'J J}J~%'J}J}t}J}•}f}f}J;ILf}f}!}t}t1il•:%t • �i}i r}i}i}i}iM1i}i}i}i}i}i}i}r}i}i}i}i}i{�}}}i}}}i}i}i}r i r}iL�L fL• PLAN ��y� 5. Flier fable shall be d ncen, polyester. W contain or ehylew yam with minimum strength d 30 bJOn. in., and a FABRIC UNDERLAYING ALL DECORATIVE ABC BASE COURSE M � •L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•LH•u4LfL•L•L•\•L•L•L•L•L•L•L• L•L•L•L•L•L•ML•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•L•HL•L•L•L•L•L•{•L•ti PLA VIEW SECTION A -A Norientalfhwfa �' used may- Falk shall coded r greater, that it a and pacing I . STONE. FABRIC SHALL BE TERRATEX N08 .� 6.0 filler fabric ts used with a strength d 50 DIWt In. or greets, BpQ tha poet sparing IS) does not exceed G, woven OR APPROVED EQUAL r- SECTION B-B SECTION A -A wire fencing is not required. Otheml aowo wire fencing is rsgwW. and Post spacing shelf not exceed V. ^ o INTERCEPTOR JUNCTION BOX TYPICAL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE ST. JAMES BY THE SEA ROADWAY SECTION cc rn NTS NTS NTS w rn Fall to ' v 00 Ci= W � W c 0 �Z O � U a VL Z H sD a H Z H� SO-3 W a sae o . ] N" :IFFY ♦4� > � : .. -- 4 tz> NOTES:".', N NOTES: . NOTES: :. .... .... T A r,, A NOTES: A : •,' A A :. , A 1. SEE'CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE' FOR INLET GRATE ' 1. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED 1. THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO CB3, CB-4. < ; - ,;8 ENTS SHALL 8E REINFORCED `�,«s- - �� SPECIFICATIONS. ♦: ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS ' ^ X FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. .. 2. SEE'CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE' FOR ELEVATIONS AND INLET GRATE ` ; ' " ` a xg a : i FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. a s .a N J m Ns , 2. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED A 1 A 2. CATCH BASIN SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. ' ' .�:� : : , • , ' SPECIFICATIONS. � < s < 2. CATCH BASIN SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. c Z .. ,,_ FOR H-20 BRIDGE LOAD. DATA TABLE FOR w 3. SEE -CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE' FOR INLET GRATE ,. - 3. ALL CATCH BASIN COMPONENTS SHALL BE REINFORCED FOR If-20 - "'-' a1 �'s 3. SEE -CATCH BASIN INLET GRATE -a SPECIFICATIONS- ' ' ' ' BRIDGE LOAD. > 3. CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. , • , SPECIFICATIONS. O Q 4. CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SET LEVEL IN A DRY HOLE. > i 4. INLET GRATE FRAME SHALL BE RECESSED INTO CATCH * `�.` air :X �i ¢C•�::� w i BASIN TOP. y ..» ♦"E .',�, r qy Erx O X x fix ♦: ,OY r.' Di ��t � M> ,.y.Y `;G A"*g\\S\S\tiCA 1r1111IIhil '^ SD1Wtl H� (2 O 2 sue•--1 H,a•J r CO j' rn CO PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PIJAN VIEW PLAN VIEW �y/f n R GO`��� Iq -72Ill ..�.9 ��� ai�rS ,1 : y:J i �0 I'. .�<o-M ,r:>♦, z: s:3 c 0 AASI. "` r 1 ! . .. .. .. <, ... 'ba v, ♦ ." ` ,Y S. ... .:.. , . .. .:•. .v.,i [ rr: a:::•�i:' :'•rr:t: N ::t• ,L •.. 1••"•f.�•.r. _ .'. .. ham" ... ... .... Ira r.: .-. ......... •:. � . ... . _. ...:AS.. _. .. ""F <_.:..:.. ';.. .. - -, •:.-: .... , :... .ASREO'D. .. .. ...... :... _ ..., .::>. .; . t.:. ., ,.... .,:. ... .:':; ....-..,,.. ...:. :r'AS REOD. . -: :: : ... ,.. �, ._:. .:i.. ':• ,>, t4 HELICAL hill HELICAL HE HELICAL CMP •>.:s .„<. 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CB-3 & CB-4 GRATE INLET CATCH BASIN, CB-1 NTS NTS NTS NTScc CjI to T in Z \ in w V c This drawing is the property of Houston and Associates, P.A. and = o e 3o y is not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission00 U from Houston and Associates, P.A. © Copyright 1994 �/I . n EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 72ND STREET (50' ROW) EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT -- -- - -- - - -- TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: FMSL_ — PERM. POOL ELEV.: 5.50 FMSL 24" CPP PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY INV. OUT: 3.00 FMSL USE ELASTOMETRIC BOOT AND SEAL WITH NON -SHRINKING GROUT ON BLEEEDDOWN AND PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY ORIFICES \'AJI vrA �'✓y'> NORTH NC GRID NAD83 VA ''/ ✓ s .y /V/Av/i '� AAV/ 'x G- u/ _ _ ----- _ r ti r ,v . ,My •6- 4 '• 5— �_I �LINE • < 4 _ — VEGETAT IONT_ ,. ♦ i ; ? < SIGN r I a c ' • • t �10 PALM wr \ \ _ 1 L ♦✓ • • �V.�� 1 / / I I \', j~ x < ;; ,- / // / / APPROXIMATE EXISTING STORMWATER I I I \ /y ! " \ X' \ \ <�✓x ��' u\ ��,}' „� I l l POND CONTOURS I I I I ILz`� I� vw� V 'v w EG:8-06 X /\l r„� ✓ j\ \I' — _= — I If\\ _I ✓ /\ \/. \ \ i`. r. l \ / I 1 Ld I,< \ Tim I O \:\ 1� ��.. x\,'u�' /\. — — �— -- _5� ` \ \ \ \ I I lO Z 1 \\ \ T \ \ 1�/\'11/"\/\ ,�\/\ Y\ \/ \f \' _ v / l ` < — % A. / ' 'V A A Q' '<l`✓`, y- \./\,'•� \/:`fir-X`.\,/\\.� l \' \�t./'l \ \ \ i wa v� ✓ r;.\ of { ;� \ l / / /v. v; vX/ , EXISTING / l\i` \� > /> ' /\; .✓ '� •I. ' ♦ "\'\T` 'X \<f\�✓^�; \ l{ `\f\<'\.'' t ?:.� �`VC�i. IK 18'STORMDRAIN / /-`.i`.i �, /'\ ' 4 • • \. y/ \/\ ,�,. ''\ \/\ \ ELECTRIC BOX /- i - /\r\ . ♦ is// `/ y, iY� r >'✓ ` �k�Y{. `'v % .� \ .: ,\„ ✓�/\/. /\.... / \ tr \' \.\. \,\\/ :\.1\/\, \,/'%\' \r`\�\.\. �<,',,��i\,\Z,f \ �ii s \C - ". ,' \. .. _. _ ,.' \ : •.mil ,.,' / .., %}. , r / \.' \ , < / ✓' \ i'. \( . Y �< ✓ ✓ \ \, Y / \` %' ;' \ w/ r F. \ �` \.. .,fi` `� ./ - - - ''Y ✓ - v /X' \ _ .� `,// %„ •. t5EN1�(�Gii�G�/ESS, EXISTING <POOL \ _,_::. r / __-,\.<:.._,\,�,'\?'- X'\/\,/\ ✓y! ! .l � .•. �\/ `: ✓,l� �'j\E':7i60-/ .(\/ - `�;..,/ �� / '�%"�, \,'\:\✓^ q _ ' � - < \/ EXISTING WOOD ,��% • I � / /\ i\, / / �4.; \ /�; `., . �� i-�. ��" , \ < \/\ , Y k` \/ , r 'I _. EXISTING ✓\,' ,\ 1/ ✓ ` ✓ / j' /'\ 'af >�` ,S , / /-..v,'\,' \o� 'I SIGN AND ® r \ ,\�`!1/ \ ♦ i • : ,\ /\,; /,.,f` TELEPHONE POLE • /, , TELEPHONE POLE /v/ vV A/ ` ' v' ` '/y V/' %"� � EC- hZ4' jC / (yr f � �� ; � O v < \„✓< \ ; \, .. ,•,. EXISTING y, .,' .`�' ♦� �. �� y\V�\%`vy r / _- FG: 8.45 ` r /� •' • • LAMP POST \. ` / \ • ' ' / < - EG:8.05 > \ ;� \,< � / � • �. iC / ••.f ••! ,,�� Qt- ��4. /�< \/� i I I •.• i • s. ����< / \ '\j EG: 7.68 •♦ .•• .`' ••• t. .x�\ / -_ - \i✓ '��\y. , i, / 1 j •S•�,' � �� i •' s•' •' .• <�,� ��f\ `/ /�� � \ ❑ "••• •♦ .•, FG: 7.69 / \' \ :<,af I I I I •• /' — •tv a. ����'�• ••��• •� tip.•• `.��i •'� / a�< /\v <j"\\v'y/Aam ,<<, ,v'� A•4♦ \q�IIIIIIIIIZi� fi • �• • ' •� .'�• •• v A/ v v /� V/ � � rA� _ ♦ I I INV.: 3.0 FMSL 1 2— I I r j / v vy� APPROX. EXISTING STORMWATER I 1 •: ��'_ :. ! • _ �r.' .,, l�, ✓ k Ec:zBo Fc:7s7 ` ` 1 POND CONTOURS o i ! • ♦/ . = �- • • EXISTING 1 �j -, PROPOSED 175'OF ELECTRIC ilL F,G: 8.60 ' _ EG: 8.20 .i SEDIMENT FENCE \ _ - 2 / f-. / \ _ _ •t_--SQF QF-12ILH �.. _ XI SfiATION MP •. ., r _ \ A\ A\� _ 4- 6it L.- _ sa ���'\• __.. U _- ti PROPOSED ' - 1'ry I' ' \ / - - \ PROPOSED 4'x4' I �' _ , P TOP OF _ \ / I P RISER --___ 68' OF 24' C STORMWATER I — —SEE DETAIL - — I H_- - EXISTING STORMDRAIN 4' CONCRETE SQUARE RISER NTH GRATE ELEV: 6.60 FMSL TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: 6.60 FMSL PERM. POOL ELEV.:15.50 FMSL 12'MIN —T 1.75" REVERSE SLOPED ORIFICE WITH SCREEN ELEV. 5.50 FMSL a ANTI -FLOATATION COLLAR (7' BASE, 1' THICK) AESTHETIC POND RISER WITH ORIFICE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT CROSS—SECTION NOT TO SCALE SUBGRADE ( IN FEET ) i inch = 20 ft. *NOTE. IF WIRE FENCING IS OMIT7ED AND 10' ONLY SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC IS USED THE WOODEN OR STEEL POSTS MUST BE MAXIMO A MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 6 *R i FeN�INc iF1 . ,i ,.,. � •:�Illli lll�l,i 1'i�l, i• , 11 11tti„1; 1. ISOMETRICAQkp �1 QQM o. SILT FENCE DETAIL Ei w 0 W lL W O D_ W U fi w a 0 RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 DWQ GENERAL NOTES: 'Roa# SW'gcWZQ3 KkJ (1) SITE LAYOUT FOR ST. JAMES BEACH CLUB WAS PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. (2) PARKING LOT MODIFICATION IS BASED OFF OF THE PLAN SET TURNED INTO NCDENR-DWQ BY ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. DATED 10/15/04. (3) THOSE PLANS WERE APPROVED BY NCDENR-DWQ ON AUGUST 5, 2005 AS A MODIFICATION TO EXISTING STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203. (4) THIS SUBMITTAL IS A PLAN SHEET UPDATE TO THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. (5) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS OF THE UPDATE IS LESS THAN APPROVED ALLOCATION OF THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. LBODD EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED • :� PROPOSED PAVEMENT - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR — — — 5 — — — EXISTING POND CONTOUR - - EXISTING CENTERLINE EXISTING FENCE - - EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY -- - EXISTING EOP PROPOSED CENTERLINE PROPOSED SILT FENCE BUILT UPON CALCULATIONS OVERALL AREA: TOTAL PROJECT AREA = 6.24 AC. PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS ALLOCATION RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS = 2.35 AC. STREETS AND ROADWAY = 0.37 AC. PARKING LOT = 0.58 AC. TOTAL (SW8 941203) = 3.30 AC. PERMIT MODIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (NONE) = 2.35 AC. STREETS AND ROADWAY (NONE) = 0.37 AC. PARKING LOT MODIFICATION = 0.22 AC. PARKING LOT REMOVAL = 0.03 AC. TOTAL (MODIFICATION) = 2.91 AC. TOTAL PROJECT DENSITY: 2.91 AC. (100) = 46.63% 6.24 AC. V R4 ' DESCRIPTION DATE OWNER: HARBOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. BOX 433 OAK ISLAND, NC 28465 (910) 278 — 9874 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering / Landscape Architecture / Construction Management P.O.Box 1172 Phone:910-254-9333 Wilmington, NC 28402 Fax: 910-254-0502 DRAWN : J. CARMINE PROJECT NUMBER 200-10 DESIGN : J. CARMINE CHECK : J. PETROFF SCALE : 1" = 20' APPROVED: J. PETROFF DATE : 27-JULY-2006 FILE NAME : St. James by the Sea Subdivion and Beach Club NCDENR STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203 MODIFICATION JOB NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 200-10 SW-1 EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT 72ND STREET 50' ROW A� EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT t.. ,v ,. NORTH - NC GRID NAD 83 �, 1 O I I �, / - // \ v 1` h /1 FG 8.32. �\; - - - ._ -. - - 7- - - - - - - _ \ ., vv t t._ •••• A� ��/\ / - -. - - - .- - _ _ � _��� LINE OF r. ` x • I • 1' , '.. j„ - .- i :• �' 'r'•. '' A ; {'• i •. • .h Y: • Vi - �� �� _. _. -. - - 4- 6 � --� �� �- � �, A t � I� VEGETATION F �• '� •� •: i FG:8.18%A.� / v, ` ��-3 _ �� i _ _ •. •� - •� .... •r� /v < ,/ �� 1 I 1, EG 8.20 V APPROXIMATE EXISTING STORMWATER ND CONTOURS i I I I Iv\ ; W LIJ 2TY \�W ./ 3\4 a �i z A Uj i / /k ✓ /'� v a \ g \ v, ` lv y v V�� I �' a f. I I \ 1- , v �\ In XXX Yn../,-A \\'� ' \�\T \i'��\�%'••.••� \''. /�/y i\y \��`�.\i�/\�� may`.• \,"• /\//i\,./y�i,F•\/ ,�\-�,. I 1 -1B'STORMDRAIN EXISTING /"..� . ,' ' ,.,\, / ,\\' '\ 4r' ••• •i �'\ \ ` \/ �../\ \\/y < /•'-'-` „� 1 ELECTRIC BOX!'y/\ YyY ., ,. 1. ,� r. v. , / \, x \7: EXISTING / X ?. \. \ { \ '� ;� \ POOL y <v, . EXISTING WOOD 111 _ - SIGN AND )� , v' • • _ __ II I \ EXISTING .• '� .., � �'\ • � � y\ / \:' V� _ • t :LEPHONE POLE TELEPHONE POLE EXISTING /\./�T' i i / EG T:24' '1� •• /' �.. `/�j y� , \ , \� �l jl _ _ FG: 8.45 I EG: 8.05 \ \\� / \. `>:'\/ LAMP POST �i \,' \ k / y • . • • / ! �.� �� v//�/ `ti �< ` \t �yy L.. Y a L • . t .. A `-%� v / EG: 7.68 • .� • 1. A \v _ 7 •, iEl vc E01t Z/ I , A. Oil. A. / t.X>< jAMm ... v - - IIIiIII��j ' • • •'• •� � � ., i y/ �, v, � � � INV.: 3.O FMSL � ° • ..- ;v ' �, v'` FG:7.97 1 1 APPROX. EXISTING STORMWATER f �� ,. 4. • EXISTING \\\\\\ \ �� POND CONTOURS/ ojr _ ELJI •`8 ELECTRIC .. __ _ 8 _ j� PROPOSED 1750E FG: 5.60 -7 EG: 8.20 �:' SEDIMENT FENCE V ._- 2 _------_ tSOP OF- f21ZC1i_-u -_-_ E - -_ _ - _ _ / "�.•,�i_' EXISTING PUMP ���` ,. / _ 6 // JJ STATION , -/ -...- 6 S9 _ ---- !- j 68 0PO4ED PP PROP OSED 4'x4' - \ Q0.25% STORMWATER RISER --' - -' � � SEE DETAIL 70P OF DI H - - - _ INV.: 2.83 FMSL EXISTING STORMDRAIN i / r ' PROPOSED 750E - - ---_ �- PIPE TO BE REMOVED SEDIMENT FENCE - EXISTING 4' CONCRETE SQUARE TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: 6.60 FMSL RISER WITH GRATE ELEV: 6.60 FMSL PERM. POOL ELEV.: 5.50 FMSL PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY OUT: •• FMSL NON-SHRINKINGANTI-FLOAT TION COLLAR • ON BLEEEDDOWN AND PRINCIPALSPILLWAY • • - ORIFICEWITH • TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: 6.60 FMSL PERM. POOL ELEV.: 5.50 FMSL 12•MIN 1.75" REVERSE SLOPED )RIFICE WITH SCPEEN ELEV. 5.50 FMSL TYPICAL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE SUBGRADE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. "NOTE: IF WIRE FENCING IS OMITTED AND ��, ONLY SYNTHE77C FILTER FABRIC IS USED THE WOODEN OR STEEL POSTS MUST BE H1R MpkIM�M A MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 6 � FeN�ING 1 ISOMETRIC VIEW SILT FENCE D IL NOT TO SCALE eN R s��enc Fll�el posy w CJ W U_ O z P W U z IWi a RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 DWQ b GENERAL NOTES: vROJ# %-q¢1 w3Md N (1) SITE LAYOUT FOR ST. JAMES BEACH CLUB WAS PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. (2) PARKING LOT MODIFICATION IS BASED OFF OF THE PLAN SET TURNED INTO NCDENR-DWQ BY ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. DATED 10/15/04. (3) THOSE PLANS WERE APPROVED BY NCDENR-DWQ ON AUGUST 5, 2005 AS A MODIFICATION TO EXISTING STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203. (4) THIS SUBMITTAL IS A PLAN SHEET UPDATE TO THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. (5) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS OF THE UPDATE IS LESS THAN APPROVED ALLOCATION OF THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. LEGENDO EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT t.. ,v ,. NORTH - NC GRID NAD 83 �, 1 O I I �, / - // \ v 1` h /1 FG 8.32. �\; - - - ._ -. - - 7- - - - - - - _ \ ., vv t t._ •••• A� ��/\ / - -. - - - .- - _ _ � _��� LINE OF r. ` x • I • 1' , '.. j„ - .- i :• �' 'r'•. '' A ; {'• i •. • .h Y: • Vi - �� �� _. _. -. - - 4- 6 � --� �� �- � �, A t � I� VEGETATION F �• '� •� •: i FG:8.18%A.� / v, ` ��-3 _ �� i _ _ •. •� - •� .... •r� /v < ,/ �� 1 I 1, EG 8.20 V APPROXIMATE EXISTING STORMWATER ND CONTOURS i I I I Iv\ ; W LIJ 2TY \�W ./ 3\4 a �i z A Uj i / /k ✓ /'� v a \ g \ v, ` lv y v V�� I �' a f. I I \ 1- , v �\ In XXX Yn../,-A \\'� ' \�\T \i'��\�%'••.••� \''. /�/y i\y \��`�.\i�/\�� may`.• \,"• /\//i\,./y�i,F•\/ ,�\-�,. I 1 -1B'STORMDRAIN EXISTING /"..� . ,' ' ,.,\, / ,\\' '\ 4r' ••• •i �'\ \ ` \/ �../\ \\/y < /•'-'-` „� 1 ELECTRIC BOX!'y/\ YyY ., ,. 1. ,� r. v. , / \, x \7: EXISTING / X ?. \. \ { \ '� ;� \ POOL y <v, . EXISTING WOOD 111 _ - SIGN AND )� , v' • • _ __ II I \ EXISTING .• '� .., � �'\ • � � y\ / \:' V� _ • t :LEPHONE POLE TELEPHONE POLE EXISTING /\./�T' i i / EG T:24' '1� •• /' �.. `/�j y� , \ , \� �l jl _ _ FG: 8.45 I EG: 8.05 \ \\� / \. `>:'\/ LAMP POST �i \,' \ k / y • . • • / ! �.� �� v//�/ `ti �< ` \t �yy L.. Y a L • . t .. A `-%� v / EG: 7.68 • .� • 1. A \v _ 7 •, iEl vc E01t Z/ I , A. Oil. A. / t.X>< jAMm ... v - - IIIiIII��j ' • • •'• •� � � ., i y/ �, v, � � � INV.: 3.O FMSL � ° • ..- ;v ' �, v'` FG:7.97 1 1 APPROX. EXISTING STORMWATER f �� ,. 4. • EXISTING \\\\\\ \ �� POND CONTOURS/ ojr _ ELJI •`8 ELECTRIC .. __ _ 8 _ j� PROPOSED 1750E FG: 5.60 -7 EG: 8.20 �:' SEDIMENT FENCE V ._- 2 _------_ tSOP OF- f21ZC1i_-u -_-_ E - -_ _ - _ _ / "�.•,�i_' EXISTING PUMP ���` ,. / _ 6 // JJ STATION , -/ -...- 6 S9 _ ---- !- j 68 0PO4ED PP PROP OSED 4'x4' - \ Q0.25% STORMWATER RISER --' - -' � � SEE DETAIL 70P OF DI H - - - _ INV.: 2.83 FMSL EXISTING STORMDRAIN i / r ' PROPOSED 750E - - ---_ �- PIPE TO BE REMOVED SEDIMENT FENCE - EXISTING 4' CONCRETE SQUARE TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: 6.60 FMSL RISER WITH GRATE ELEV: 6.60 FMSL PERM. POOL ELEV.: 5.50 FMSL PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY OUT: •• FMSL NON-SHRINKINGANTI-FLOAT TION COLLAR • ON BLEEEDDOWN AND PRINCIPALSPILLWAY • • - ORIFICEWITH • TEMP. STORAGE ELEV.: 6.60 FMSL PERM. POOL ELEV.: 5.50 FMSL 12•MIN 1.75" REVERSE SLOPED )RIFICE WITH SCPEEN ELEV. 5.50 FMSL TYPICAL PARKING LOT PAVEMENT CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE SUBGRADE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. "NOTE: IF WIRE FENCING IS OMITTED AND ��, ONLY SYNTHE77C FILTER FABRIC IS USED THE WOODEN OR STEEL POSTS MUST BE H1R MpkIM�M A MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 6 � FeN�ING 1 ISOMETRIC VIEW SILT FENCE D IL NOT TO SCALE eN R s��enc Fll�el posy w CJ W U_ O z P W U z IWi a RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 DWQ b GENERAL NOTES: vROJ# %-q¢1 w3Md N (1) SITE LAYOUT FOR ST. JAMES BEACH CLUB WAS PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. (2) PARKING LOT MODIFICATION IS BASED OFF OF THE PLAN SET TURNED INTO NCDENR-DWQ BY ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. DATED 10/15/04. (3) THOSE PLANS WERE APPROVED BY NCDENR-DWQ ON AUGUST 5, 2005 AS A MODIFICATION TO EXISTING STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203. (4) THIS SUBMITTAL IS A PLAN SHEET UPDATE TO THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. (5) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS OF THE UPDATE IS LESS THAN APPROVED ALLOCATION OF THE SW8 941203 MODIFICATION. LEGENDO EXISTING PAVEMENT v,y,, r EXISTING PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED PAVEMENT " ! - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR - - - 5 - - - EXISTING POND CONTOUR - - EXISTING CENTERLINE EXISTING FENCE - - EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY - -- - EXISTING EOP - - PROPOSED CENTERLINE PROPOSED SILT FENCE BUILT UPON CALCULATIONS OVERALL AREA: TOTAL PROJECT AREA = 6.24 AC. PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS ALLOCATION RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS = 2.35 AC, STREETS AND ROADWAY = 0.37 AC. PARKING LOT = 0.58 AC. TOTAL (SW8 941203) = 3.30 AC. PERMIT MODIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (NONE) = 2.35 AC. STREETS AND ROADWAY (NONE) = 0.37 AC. PARKING LOT MODIFICATION = 0.22 AC. PARKING LOT REMOVAL = 0.03 AC. TOTAL (MODIFICATION) = 2.91 AC. TOTAL PROJECT DENSITY: 2.91 AC. (100) = 46.63% 6.24 AC. RE DESCRIPTION REV.BDATE Y REVISIONS .NI//NNN %3r'06 pQForES3/per SEAL E 028858 k 6 I � OWNER: HARBOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. BOX 433 OAK ISLAND, NC 28465 (910) 278 - 9874 Coastal Land Design, PLLC Civil Engineering / Landscape Architecture I Construction Management P.O.Box 1172 Phone:910-254-9333 Wilmington, NC 28402 Fax: 910-254-0502 DRAWN : J. CARMINE PROJECT NUMBER : 200-10 DESIGN : J. CARMINE CHECK : J. PETROFF SCALE : 1" = 20' APPROVED : J. PETROFF DATE 27-JULY-2006 FILE NAME : St. James by the Sea Subdivion and Beach Club NCDENR STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203 MODIFICATION JOB NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 200-10 SW-1 a Ste3ors"wwatt=..r Permit F01IIian St_ James LU 0 fw:; k Ir Z: •low 3EI _ • • • Ex aw low • IN 4w ML 701 BrunswicK County, North Carolina Coastal Land Desi,-yn9 PLLC Civil Engineering / Landscape Architecture / Construction Management P.O.Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 OWNER: Phone: 910-254-9333 Fax: 910-254-0502 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORP. P.O. BOX 433 OAK ISLAND, NC 28465 (910) 278 - 9874 LOCATM MAP BRUNSINSCK COWN, NORW C'AROLI11A NDT TO SCALE SHEETINDEX SW-1 NCDENR STORMWATER PERMIT SW8 941203 MODIFICATION C-1 ST. JAMES BY THE SEA PROPOSED PARKING ADDITION OAK ISLAND, NORTH CAROLINA (APPROVED BY NCDENR-DWQ AND SUPPLIED FOR REFERENCE ONLY) C-2 ST. JAMES BY THE SEA 'ROPOSED PARKING ADDITION DAK ISLAND, NORTH CAROLINA !APPROVED BY NCDENR-DWQ AND SUPPLIED FOR REFERENCE ONLY) SHEE-I iNOTE : SHEETS C-1 AND C-2 ARE SUPPLIED IN THIS PLAN SET FOR REFEFENCE ONLY AS REQUESTED BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPAFTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR)-DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (DWQ}WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE (WIRO). SHEETS C-1 AND C-2 WERE OBTAIVED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AT THE NCDENR-DWQ-WIRO. COASTAL LAND DESIGN, PLLC ACCEPTS NO LIA3ILITY FOR THE DESIGN, CALCULATIONS, PERMITTING, ANWOR FINAL CERTIFICATION OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON SHEETS C-1 AND C-2. RECEIVED NOV 16 2006 DwQ PROJ # �� CT+1 ZC�3 Nf v1� APPROVED i CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL INAGEMENT COMMISSION 'ISION OF WATER QUAUTy 2 ©--M,4/- 2W-� CA 08858 REV NCDENR RFI: SW8 941203 JRC ADDED PARKING LOT DIMENSIONS 14NOV-2006 PRELIMINARY DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION 72ND STREET I --------1QP-(IF_121Z-.,-- - - _ I - - — - - - ------ EXISTING CONDITIONS GRAPHIC SCALE 0 O 10 20 40 a ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. Notes: • 62 Parking Spaces (3 HC) • Single Access BUILT UPON CALCULATIONS OVERALL AREA: TOTAL PROJECT AREA = 5.93 AC. PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS ALLOCATION RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS = 1.93 AC. STREETS AND ROADWAY = 0.37 AC. CLUBHOUSE AND PARKING = 0.75 AC. TOTAL = 3.05 AC. TOTAL PROJECT DENSITY: 5. 3.9305 AC. AC. (100) = 51.35% O � I I II I li I i I ___----IQP-QF-RILCN--------II IMPERVIOUS EXHIBIT NOT TO SCALE EXISTING PAVEMENT DESIGN 26,292 SF PROPOSED PAVEMENT DESIGN 28,295 SF 72ND STREET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII10- PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET 1 inch = 20 ft. Notes: /77 • 75 Parking Spaces (3 HC) APPROVED (- • Dedicated Entrance (NORTH CAROUNA ENVIRONMENTAL. MANAGEMENT COMMISSION • Dedicated Exit )-5 zU� GENERAL NOTES:' MAR 13 2014 (1) EXISTING SITE LAYOUT FOR ST. JAMES BEACH CLUB WAS 8Y. PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. (2) SITE ADDRESS: 123 SE 72ND ST. OAK ISLAND, INC 28465. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES 1) THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY AND, WHERE POSSIBLE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. ANY CONFLICTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE OWNERS AND ENGINEERS ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. /' E004 C AREA OF PROPOSED MODIFICATION — — BOUNDARY PRELIMINARY DESIGN NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION IREV. I DESCRIPTION SATE T REVISIONS 0`��N1Cq+Op, 0� FEssio �iy'•.,, SEAL 028858 u O� a F'VGtNch,P RFV F� ��. B.. OWNER: HARBOR DEVELOPMENT CORP. 8509 E. Oak Island Dr., Unit 1 Southport, NC 28465 Coastal Land Design,PLLC Civil Engineering / Landscape Architecture Land Planning / Construction Management NCBELS Firm License No: P-0369 P.O.Box1172 Phone: 910-254-9333 Wilmington, NC28402 v .cldeng.com Fax: 910-254-0502 DRAWN : J. PETROFF PROJECT zoo-10 NUMBER : DESIGN : J. PETROFF CHECK : J. PETROFF SCALE : 1' = 20' APPROVED : J. PETROFF DATE : 24—Nov-2013 FILE NAME : St. James By the Sea Oak Island, NC Parking Lot Revision JOB NUMBER SHEET NUMBER 200-10 SP-1 I � o SQ�p,�MP o� SR. Lai N"C271 - I I- 108.31' VICINITY MAP NTS I w T I I 0 1` co I LO rn [n I----112.35' M N 00 I-109.23' O 0 0 x m Q? U `t Z n I _ > to o0z °0 z w 8„ - SS -- SS SS SS SS - SS x 7.38 mi LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ---------------- - RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING WATER so so so EXISTING STORMDRAIN S. ss. ---- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN ss -" -s' ss EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION P O P~h EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING ASPHkLT TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED ASPHALT ----�'--- ----�- FLOW DIRECTION ARROW SITE DATA EXISTING PARKING SPACES: 30 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES: 45 m w z Y O N Y /n cn w zi p O w rn o '5 z ix W O' c" N z Q 0 z F O � O m ryO�� LL 11 W z �-- I -- SSFM SSFM - SSFM SSFM -- - SSFM --- ---- SSFM ---I - - Oz j (� cam. O w a 11' Qz 72ND STREET 50' ROW o c \ - T,- _ � � !� ( _ _ _ _ _ w 7.7� 0 x 7,G 7�30 w J.06-w x 6.78 x 6.88 - > II 0 \ N CC�SS j g '-7 �''- x 6 _ U. 6.77 6.52 6.11 r) w z o ��/85 w W (� J \ p \ \\ z 7.90 7.39 .92 p x ti H .72. T767��\ J O r^ 3 - 7.15 \ x 6.71 - i0\ I VJ w- w w w w w w xow • 6.63 w x 6.90 x 6,28 < v :' 9.3D - 7.39-7 - - - 7.1 - 5.59- �••�� 1 1'1 \ O 3. 5.8 7;) < .. 1 '.•:;:;::::x LLI 8..... 0_ .� .25 7.16 .92 5.5 55.bs •••••'••'.. •.••-•.•.•- x 7.82 -' dxJ 7.68 - I 11?.96 1 \�(/ ::::.::::::.. .Q 1 p6.99 w 7.52 j 7 59x I ' U. .....: J / ... O 7 32 N/ 1 1 6• , II - O 8.0 :'::..... •1 EXISTING o: ..:.'.' kPOND #1 ''' I , W 0 II Ld p z \ w LLJ I w :1�:. .../. �y. :..... ': $.8$':•:1: •:1F 3:• 6.04 % W _. 6+ 7.62 \ W a 1 W N 1~W-• 6 ti .•,.. . / .. T ' I 0 \ 00 U Z w W U5:5I2.21 w Z W'' '.' 1' .0I'. •;�.� ' •'4': ..l- NF- - sl -V0 ' uo i_ O �W z W 6.98 xd7.63 686 5.78 z� x l// 8.08 g N :. 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N.-. z It N V1 W 0-' w O_ I I I w w I :�; w:�:N: x w Z O a 7.70 .56. _ ° 10.9 x .47' Z I :•:0:...; ;�:..•. O I 8.93 w x x::.:F":-:•:..fi.�;:::::: ::: / -�-,-- -_ x4 x7.22 12 ,38.60cl :�� Zb x 8 7 p Q9.5 $3v O 2: W N I / ' V _ U \ `x ` „ 9.77 - 9 '/ I x7.07 836/ 6.93 -a.3 I U Y I :.:�:•::�::.•:.::.��::.:. :: .... � �._ 2 /> - x _92----- 5.75 �- w x 6.. W �e1 I I N w o a5.5 w W�77 W...z Il III I(IIIIIIII IIII IIIIII II I .�:::::::::::::•.:.:�;.•.•.;.; 1 0 w fl.79 �� $: :�:>::nt 8'�:�: - n �� I Ip'- 1/ � a.e7 �s.5a a..:.�. - Q o p a (IIII :`x'�c;:�.::::::_rn•' I I a o EXISTING I �IDjI o, I of / :.} . x 6.5 I�I li / > 00 _ 0 t7184 POND #2 I I i f 7.44 8,08 W _ x7.25 x 6J7 d / �. x 6.23 I \ 1 III 53 03173 .............. tj� x--7----1-----1 QF x7.2s x 7. ' r4�3 ' / ots. JPN / ---- 9 9.20 �__ x 9 x zoF- / s \ 5.5 - i�I I I j / / / /'CQQ�I I / cm. 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OF PAVEMENT �; p / c�� a w _ \ Cl _ x 7.1 L ------ �`,�� cNno U) 0 °.I U z ----o w -_ I1ilii661 x 6.41 7.17 7.28 7.08 71 ST STREET (508.�30W;R a o N n� = z C - rs> s - - - o - - a - - - - - - o Z - - - - - x s2o«--- - U x &IB I---�-°0 - - �_ v' w 7.73 N � -: tl w Z U F- C/ U Z y . z °> N �z n N j NIL -LIP ao - 00 z x w x Ld - w - w --- w w - w w w vie w pw w ��� N SCALE: �i �� = 20� OCT 1 8 2004 II N I � Cl THERE ARE NO WETLANDS ON THIS SITE II 0 20 40 so t9 ss SSFM 108.31 1 112.35' 1 -T7 O 9-- z < 0 z 0 QU Z rr z SSFM -- SSFM SSFM SSFM SSFM SSFM 0 cc 0 0 J < z W 72ND STREET (501 ROW) Lij D /\tk 0 N r Q > C x TR 7C�0 LAJ x 7, 6.78 6.88 6.11 x 6. 6.52 a 0 Ld 0 6.77 UJ z :5 t> �6 85 3. 0 cn < 0 z x 7.90 7.39 .92 0 =j j x /11 ;E \ 3: .72 z <�7 7767�% LLJ 7.15 x 6.71 )<7,10� -j 1 0 1 3: - 663 1 r% w w w W W w w w x 6.90 -6.28 VJ x U 5 9 9 ..y ..... ly M < LLI T I .F .47 a. i: 8;4 .... ... 0. .25 .92 0 .............. .... 0 9 7.82 1 .96 7. 639 ........ 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F- Lq uj V) "t 0 L a_ w....... ...... x 0) 0 Ld x I op�JJ x 6.09 .56 0. 00 > < x Z (L ...... w 00- C14 o:: 0 7' 6.61 2 x W Z. 5.97 C) 42 .39\ 37 SD SD SD 98 ST. JAMES DRIVE (20 SD 49 x ROW) 5.60 W LLJ 7.55 w EL o)jZ ro 7.7 0 866 .8 8.96 C\4 LL, (D > cn U) Ln '00 LLj Nt, 0-- 779 7.45 a- F- �j do �LLJ 7.46 N CL 0 -1 0 0 l < 0 z U) b Of w 10-9 .4 C14 a 7.70 .56 Ld Ld . . . . . . L41- EA 6-99-7.32 w............ F-- 8.93 X12 3 4tj LU It -7.22 1 L 8.60 z. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . - - - : .............. ... x 8 7 x9.Z_ x 0 0 ............. r- � . 5 v 0) -----9.94 6.93 x 9.77 -gus Z* E LLI f F-- '7.07 6*117 x cn -G49 5.75 7.A4 > w . . . . . . . . > CL - - - - - - . .:. . C�n� L� . . . . . . . . ... z U) x 6. 0 28/ 5.5 < EL 7,97 z < 0 Lu T . . . . . .... . . . . 10- 12 , I ui 10 U- w LLJ 0 C) bi 8.79 All 0 0 / �' I 0_ / I (I 8,87 EXISTING POND #2 w (if x 6. 5 . . . . . . . . 0 M4 1 6.77 P ul m 0 m 3: x7..5 x 7.44 8.08 6.23 A 1 0?173 .... .... .. L QIF .......... x 7.28 1 4�3/ PN 7/1 PN X 7 9 7.0 DLL :5�O SD 81 -5 '5.95 9 8.49 1.6.80 7 1 \ I - - - / . 1 03/2(/04 8.98 18. 1 9.00 - 4C x - - - - - -- - - 7.981/- 8.0 x X7,70 ss x 8" 8.25 x 7.51 29 ;ls�)� ss ss ss ss 'n 7.86 7.6�- x <7 7� 1 x OC Lr: ,� uj U) 1� EXIST. SSMH FI) w LLJ 7.11 EXIST. Or PAVEMENT i U � CL LLI > SIAL , U) z n V� 0 - - - - - - - - - - Cr- t) 6.41 7.17 7.28 7.oe 71 ST STREET (50-880W) > C) Lo (n c6 z 0- 0 z T7 AIR -t 1 --4- -UiL- .44--c" > ui a_ . . z U- > z u 0 L 3 rn > Z V) L W 00 on lw x LLI A- cn 2 x C) w w w w w w W W w.--- PIP I 1 I I I I I I I I "ExT("A' D.A, Br,vNDAi Y ;o cvwrT'>S p,VcFr 7leJT' STF IR) rill � I,` T DEC 0 5 1994 D.EM egol # 5w8 941Zo 2 —l9" GMP Tuttl FVA 0•4c8 �a<c I„c(eJ �oG r[(�Jti lk�r i I I I I I 1 1 ST ,, ii, , Sea i (;r $e. , 4 6 1, , ESr�rYATED A. 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