HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8130516_HISTORICAL FILE_20220329 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 13 05 �6 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2022 03 Z° YYYYMMDD Ili Pusey, Steven From: Maria Simonchyk <MSimonchyk@gpminvestments.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 10:50 AM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: RE: [External] Handy Mart Hwy 53 - SW8130516 Permit Transfer to GPM Southeast, LLC Attachments: 4731 SWP Plan of Action March 29 2022 (Ed Garronbone).pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Re ort Spam. Good morning, Steve: Please see attached the plan of action for permit k SW8130516. Will this work? Thank you, Marla Simonchyk I Director of Licensing Business Support Center , tM GPM Investments, LLC 1. 8565 Magellan Pkwy, Suite 400 (N,V_E,SyT,MENTS-:C.LC' Richmond, VA 23227 Tel (804) 7301568 ext. 1176 1 Cell (646) 724 1166 Fax (804) 215 8371 www.¢ominvestments.com I httos://www.facebook.com/fasmartshorestoo/ From: Pusey, Steven <steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:43 PM To: Maria Simonchyk <MSimonchyk@gpminvestments.com> Subject: RE: [External] Handy Mart Hwy 53 - SW8130516 Permit Transfer to GPM Southeast, LLC CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Yes, I can give you an extension. If you can get it to my by end of next week, that would be fine. Steve 5� �. & Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer II Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stornnvater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office V 127 Cardinal Drive Esc., Wilmington. NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7213 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email steven.pusevGtjncdenr.gcv Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Maria Simonchyk <MSimonchyk@Rpminyestments.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3:31 PM To: Pusey, Steven <steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Handy Mart Hwy 53 - SW8130516 Permit Transfer to GPM Southeast, LLC CAUTION: External email: Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspiciousemail as an'attachment to Report"Spam.., Good afternoon. Steven: We should not be missing anything in terms of documentation for the permit referenced above. If you see something missing, please let me know. However, the inspection report has revealed a few construction/maintenance issues that need to be fixed. Storm Water Solutions company is working on the estimate for the pond repairs. I was supposed to have the Plan of Action by today, but our Senior Project Manager is out of the office, and I'm not able to get an update from him on the status of this matter until later this week. It is possible that the Plan of Action has already been sent to you directly by Storm Water Solutions. I know that they are actively working on fixing all the issues. I just don't have the direct contact with them and our internal point of contact is out of the office today. If the Plan of Action for this site has not been sent to you directly, can you please provide a few days extension? I will make sure that the Plan of Action is delivered to you this week. Thank you, Maria Simonehyk I Directorof Licensing i ti Business Support Center GPM Investments, LLC G P '' 8565 Magellan Pkwy, Suite 400 'iNVEST;IMENTS;I�a`C'' Richmond, VA 23227 Tel (804) 730 1568 ext. 1176 1 Cell (646) 724 1166 Fax (804) 215 8371 www.gpminvestments.com I https://www.facebook.com/fasmartshorestop/ This e-mail including any attachments is confidential, is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and is the property of GPM Investments, LLC and its affiliates ("GPM"). Any use of the information contained in this e-mail or any dissemination, further distribution, or copying of this e-mail other than for the benefit of GPM is strictly prohibited. If you havereceivedthis communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message and delete the original message. This e-mail including any attachments is confidential, is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and is the property of GPM Investments, LLC and its affiliates ("GPM"). Any use of the information contained in this e-mail or any dissemination, further distribution, or copying of this e-mail other than for the benefit of GPM is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message and delete the original message. AGPM INVESTMENTS 8565 Magellan Parkway, Ste 400, Richmond, Virginia 23227 Phone: (804) 730.1568 Fax: (804) 746-1669 March 29, 2022 Steven G. Posey Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Regarding: Stormwater Permit "transfer - SW8130516 Dear Mr. Pusey: Following up on the Compliance Inspection issues found on the Storm Water Pond at 1476 Burgaw Hwy, Jacksonville NC 28540. As per our conversation GPM Investments, LLC is working on resolving the issues identified and will bring this pond into full compliance with NC DENR regulations. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance and the information you provided on the company that originally designed the SWP Crystal Coast Engineering and the Engineer, David Newsome As discussed, we will be contacting Crystal Coast to review issues and deviations from the Plans. As you know these repairs are going to take some time to ensure we get this resolved correctly and permanently. We are requesting an extension with a completion date of July 15, 2022. Plan of Action: • Review As Built Plans with both Crystal Coast Engineering and Storm Water Solutions • Develop new design that will meet NC DENR standards and regulations • Submit scope and plan to NC DENR for prior approval • Complete repairs as per approved scope and plans by July 15, 2022 • Notify NC DENR repairs are completed and SWP is ready for re -inspection Sincerely, Ed Garronbone Ed Garronbone Senior Project Manager 804-314-5328 egarroubonengpm i nvest m ents.com Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:45 AM To: Drew Wides; licensing@gpminvestments.com Subject: Permit SW8 130516 - Handy Mart Hwy 53 & SW8 110327 - Handy Mart Newport Importance: High I just wanted to advise that you may ignore line numbers 6 and 7 under the "Application" section of our request for additional information on the subject permit SW8 130516. Since this is an older permit, the 2008 Rules apply here, thus the recorded deed 0&M Agreement and recorded plat referencing the O&M Agreement are not required in order to transfer the permit. Dv � 1 StSMv� O o- &4 Also, on SW8 110327, Handy Mart Newport, it appears that the deed has been recorded with Carteret County. So, line number 4 under the "Application" section of our request is not required. Should you need to get an extension of time to resolve any issues before resubmitting, please email me your request with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Let me know if you have any further questions. Regards, Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer II Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Est., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email: steveii.ousevt-(Dncdenr.eov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties. Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 4:18 PM To: 'reiter@oakstreetrec.com'; 'elayan@oakstreetrec.com'; 'licensing@gpminvestments.com' Cc: 'Drew Wides'; 'Heather Bear' Subject: Additional Information on Transfer of Permit SW8 130516 / Inspection - Handy Mart - Hwy S3 Attachments: 2022 03 addinfo CEI_deficient 130516.pdf; 2022 03 CEI BIMS 130516.pdf Please reference the letter requesting additional information and the inspection report for subject project. The requirements are similar to the previous requests for information on permits SW8 170909, and SW8 201009. However, this project has different requirements on the inspection report. We look forward to your earliest response, however no later than March 22, 2022. Regards, 5'r". �. -P Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer 11 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Est., Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: (910) 796-7215 Direct: (910) 796-7331 Email: steven.uuseya.ncderingov —` Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director March 8, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Via email only: licensink,(a)pnminvesintents.com GPM Southeast, LLC, Lessee Attn: Donald Bassell, CFO 8565 Magellen Pkwy, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23227 and Attn: Michael Reiter, Authorized Representative c/o: Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC 30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 4140 Chicago, IL 60606 Subject: Request for Additional Information / Notice of Inspection State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130516 Handy Mart — Highway 53 Onslow County Dear Mr. Bassell and Mr. Reiter: The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) received and accepted a signed Permit Transfer Application Form for the subject project on December 10, 2021. The successor -owner of the property has requested to transfer the permit without consent of the permit holder in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.1045(I)(c) and G.S. 143-214.7(c5). A preliminary in-depth review of the documentation submitted with the transfer request determined that the application is incomplete, and that additional information is needed. Since the transfer was submitted under NCAC 02H.1045(1)(c) and G.S. 143-214.7(c5), please provide the following documentation in a single, hard copy submittal package to complete the application: Application: 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2)(a)(iii) or (iv): Please confirm the following: a. Section G of the application lists the applicant as Sandbar Portfolio Owner, LLC. A review of the North Carolina Secretary of State's (NC SOS) corporation database found that this LLC has 2 members, James Hennessey and Marc Zahr. however, the application does not have their signature, or a signature from another manager. It states that it is care of Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC, which doesn't have a listing on the NC SOS. Therefore, a letter of authorization must be issued from one of the member -managers, stating that Mr. Reiter of Oak Street Real Estate Capital is authorized to sign on behalf of Sandbar Portfolio Owner, LLC. b. Please confirm the address listed in Section G of the application is consistent with the corporate address on file with the NC SOS's corporation database. Section EA of the application is intended for other related addresses and contact information. c. Please provide complete contact information for the applicant, including phone number and e- mail address, in Section G of the application. 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1): The signature by other agents shall be accepted on the application only if accompanied by a letter of authorization signed by the appropriate authority. ®� O% North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 wnm cwn u 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 130516 Page 2 of 3 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1)(a): In the case of a limited liability corporation (LLC), the application must be signed by a manager or company official as defined in GS 57D. 4/ 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2)(c): Please provide legal documentation of the property transfer to the proposed / permittee. The submitted deed must be recorded with Onslow County so it is a legal document. (D 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2)(d): Also reference item 7 below. Please provide a signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement from the proposed permittee. The most recent version of this form, which better clarifies the minimum requirements for maintaining these systems, is titled O&M EZ and can be found on the following website: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- or internet for "NC ' 15A NCAC 0211.1050(I 1): Please provide a copy of the recorded Operation and Maintenance (O&M) agreement. Note that this can be the old document, which was attached to the original permit, entitled "Off -Site System Supplement". It was originally signed by E.J. Pope, Ill. 7� 15A NCAC 0211.1042(4)(c) and 15A NCAC 02H.1050(1 t): Please provide a copy of the recorded plat or other recorded documentation that supports the site layout and the recorded drainage easements as shown on the approved plans as well as referencing the recorded O&M agreement. Notice of Inspection On February 25, 2022, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected the subject project to determine the status of compliance with this permit, most recently issued on September 2, 2021. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. A copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" summarizing the findings of the recent inspection is attached to this letter. Please either address the following items to demonstrate compliance with the permit or submit a plan of action that provides a timeline in which the following compliance issues will be resolved. 8. The baffle walls are not constructed in accordance with the plans, and it appears that flow is directed straight through the equalizer pipes or over the wall. Per the SCM Design Manual, the baffle walls were designed to create a flow path of at least 3:1 through the pond. Please explain why it is not in accordance with the plans and/or provide a plan of action to correct. Per Section 11.3 of the permit, maintenance is required for items 9, 10, 1 1: 9. The outlet box trash rack is damaged and needs repair or replacement. 10. At least one of the equalizer pipes, designed to protrude the baffle wall, has been damaged and does not go through the wall. This will need repair or replacement. 11. Forebay berm needs more stabilization. This will need repair and/or seeding/ sod. Please submit a plan of action with a scheduled completion date, to address all issues mentioned above. All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by March 22, 2022, or the application will be returned as incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please note that only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a total of 30 days to submit the requested additional information. !j the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30 days, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit later, you will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. IrlmNn North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1 ' ./ Wilmington Regional office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910796721S State Stormwater Permit No. SWS 130516 Page 3 of 3 Please note that if, upon review of the submitted information or upon a deficient compliance inspection of the project, it is determined that a major modification to the permit is required to resolve the compliance issues, the transfer application will be returned as incomplete. Upon the issuance of the modified permit, and the successful completion of any work required by the modified permit and/or the restoration of the site to design condition, the applicant will need to submit an updated transfer application and a new fee to the Division to start the transfer process over again. Please remember that the permittee is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the permit and the approved plans and specifications until the Division approves the transfer request. Please reference the State assigned permit number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Steve r. �uaerj Steve G. Pusey Environmental Engineer If Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report DES/sgp: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2013\130516 offsite\2022 03 addinfo CEI_deficient 130516 cc: WiRO Stormwater Permit File ®ra ��North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 +�ani� ION41 4107g67215 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8130516 Effective: 09/02/21 Project: Handy Mart Hwy 53 Owner: Judson Pope LLC County: Onslow Region: Wilmington Expiration: 06/03/29 Adress: 1476 Burgaw Hwy City/State/Zip: Jacksonville NC 28540 Contact Person: E Judson Pope Title: President Phone:919-658-6566 Directions to Project: From int. of NC24 and NC53 in Jacksonville SW on NC53 approx. 1.1miles to Taylor Notion Road, site on left. Type of Project: Slate Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 02/25/2022 Entry Time 12:50PM Primary Inspector: Connor Musial Secondary Inspeclor(s): Steven G Pusey Reason for Inspection: Other Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant N Not Compliant Question Areas: State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Exit Time: 01:15PM Phone: Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal page 1 Permit: SW8130516 Owner • Project: Judson Pope LLC Inspection Date: 02/25/2022 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: 1. The baffle walls are not constructed in accordance with the plans. The pond should be designed to create a flow path of at least 3:1 through the pond. 2. The outlet box trash rack is damaged. 3. At least one of the equalizer pipes, designed to protrude the baffle wall, has been damaged and does not go through the wall. 4. Forebay berm needs more stabilization. page 2 Permit: SW8130516 Owner -Project: Judson Pope LLC Inspection Date: 02/25/2022 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? N ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? N ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Comment: Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? N ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: 1. The baffle walls are not constructed in accordance with the plans. The pond should be designed to create a flow path of at least 3:1 through the pond. Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or ❑ ❑ ❑ provided to DWQ upon request? Comment: 1. The outlet box trash rack is damaged. 2 At least one of the equalizer pipes designed to protrude the baffle wall, has been damaged and does not go through the wall. 3. Forebav berm needs more stabilization. Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ M ❑ ❑ Comment: See Application section of letter. page 3 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 9:32 AM To: licensing@gpminvestments.com; reiter@oakstreetrec.com; elayan@oakstreetrec.com Subject: SWB 130516 - Handy Mart Highway 53 The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Transfer Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on December 10, 2021. The project has been assigned to Steven Posey and you will be notified if.additional information is needed. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Website: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-tq, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist - Short Version Permit#: 5iz$ 13c>5/ (. Date Delivered toWIRO: /D 202/ Project Name: uprJDJ1f�4'r } b3 BIMS Received/Accepted Date: 12 lD zOW Project County/Location: o4a (.2tV 4 C- 8 3 Date Given to Admin: r� O BIMS Acknowledged Date J * Permit Expiration Date*: Co / 3/20 Z *If w/in 6 mo, STOP - needs renewal first. Exception: only new permittee is — I submitting. Then transfer is logged in first Proposed Permittee Signed Application? Current Permittee Signed Application? QN Proposed Permittee Type & Documents Needed: If N, it will be evaluated under GS 143-214.7 (c2), which requires: Common Area Deed in HOA's Name F-150%Sold List If N, it will be evaluated under GS 143-214.7(c5) Owner(s)Eli�Purchaser "Lessee Viable? MViable? Purchase Agmt Lease "Not Subdivided: Deed Subdivision: Common Area Deed Paperwork ®Application 12$505 Fee (within 6mo) Check#(s): .) ZJ&07(* Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: 11PE Certification (if built or partially built) Project N a rrative Easements, Recorded (2017 Rules) FIO&M on File (unless new one from HOA) Electronic Copies NOTES: [Enter BIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet Viable? Election Minutes Deed Restrictions Recorded BUA/Lot Summary (If HOA Signed Application) EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: REVIEWER NAME: G:\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_20211005 �`�� Trrer A,e& RA,3b-J YgArri -TkptT eAt,) Zi TfLA�JS EKED /r) TAI'ZJy-1 GJl M SOUTHEAST, LLC 8565 Magellan Parkway • Suite 400 • Richmond, VA 23227 • Phone: 804.730.1568 • Fax: 804.215.8371 12/09/2021 NC DEQ Division of Energy 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Via:FedEx ECEEVE DEC 10 2021 7h Regarding: Stormwater Permit Transfer Applications — Handy Mart # 174 / 4731, Handy Mart # 178 / 4735, and Handy Mart #177 / 4734 Dear Sir or Madam: GPM Southeast, LLC has recently acquired the three Handy Mart stores referenced above. As part of this transaction, property ownership was transferred to Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC. Enclosed please find Stormwater Permit Transfer Applications, checks in the total amount of $1,515.00 (505.00/store), deeds, leases, and other applicable documents (all documents are submitted in duplicate). If you have any questions or concerns, need additional information or documentation, or if there is anything further we can do to assist with this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at 804-730-1568, ext. 1176, (646) 724 1166 (c ) or via email: licensing@gpminvestments.com. Sincerely, Maria Simonchyk Director of Licensing The State of South Carolina Office of Secretary of State .Mark Hammond Certificate of Authority I, Mark Hammond, Secretary of State of South Carolina Hereby Certify that: GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a limited liability company duly organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and issued a certificate of authority to transact business in South Carolina on April 12th, 2013, with a duration that is at will, has as of this date filed all reports due this office, paid all fees, taxes and penalties owed to the State, that the Secretary of State has not mailed notice to the company that it is subject to being dissolved by administrative action pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §33-44-809, and that the company has not filed a certificate of cancellation as of the date hereof. 10 2021 Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State of South Carolina this 13th day of February, 2018: Mark Hananoti ,$ccretary of State This instrument is prepared by Clifford P. Parson, Esq., a North Carolina licensed attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, will be paid by the closing attorney to the County'Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. The Preparer has made NO record search or examination as to the property herein described, unless the same is shown by the Preparer's written and signed certificate. Excise Tax: $ 8,676.00 Parcel Identifier #: 029767 WHEN RECORDED D RETURN TO: Boston National Tide Agency, LLC \ / 1 127 Auraria Pkwy Ste' 25 Denver, CO 80204 Attn: Legal Dept. GRANTOR:.IUDSON POPE LLC GRANTEE: SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (NORTH CAROLINA) Store No.: 174 This Deed is made November 23 , 2021. For the consideration of Ten Dollars and Zero Cents ($10.00), and other valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, JUDSON POPE LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company ("Grantor"), having a current address of 1092 N. Breareale Ave, Mount Olive, NC 28365, hereby conveys to SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantee"), having a current address Of 125 S Wacker Dr 91220, Chicago, Q. 60606 , the following described real property IN FEE SIMPLE situated in Onslow County, North Carolina, together with all rights and privileges appurtenant thereto: Page I See legal description set forth in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference (the "Property"). together with all improvements, buildings, structures and fixtures located thereon; all easements, if any, benefiting the Property; all rights, benefits, privileges and appurtenances pertaining to the Property, including any right, title and interest of Grantor in and to any property lying in or under the bed of any street, alley, road or right-of-way, open or proposed, abutting or adjacent to the Property; the strips, gaps or gores, if any, between the Property and abutting properties; all water, water rights, oil, gas or other mineral interests in, on, under or above the Property; and all rights and interests to receive any condemnation awards from any condemnation proceeding pertaining to the Property, sewer rights, water courses, wells, ditches and flumes located on or appurtenant to the Property. THE PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY GRANTOR BY INSTRUMENT AT Book: 3627, Page: 824. SUBJECT TO the matters set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. AND Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the above described property in fee simple and that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the property. Grantor hereby warrants and agrees to forever defend the right and title to the above described property unto the said Grantee against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under the Grantor, but not otherwise. (SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) Page 2 Dated this 2-) `day of November, 2021 by the duly authorized representative of Grantor under seal. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) ) ss: COUNTY OF Lt GRANTOR: JUDSON POPIC LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company r By:&��t(seal) Name. Judson Pope, III Title: Manager a Notary Public for 6, o l ,, — County, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that E. Judson Pope, III, as Manager of JUDSON POPE LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, on behalf of such North Carolina limited liability company, personally appeared before me this day acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing instrument for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated. Date: t t f1L-1. C I. t (SLAL) \\\\\\\0�\DIP1226, Z NUBOG V 943305-00237'�;� ND: 4881.3567-8724,f!f 1111111w\0 Notary P blic U -L' ( Notary Public Printed Name My Commission Expires:2•'L- Page 3 EXHIBIT A To SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Legal Description The Land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, and is described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in Onslow County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake set in the northern right of way line of N.C. Highway 53 (Burgaw Highway) (100' R/W), said iron slake being located the following courses and distances from N.C.G.S. Monument "Taylor" bearing grid coordinates N=365,304.8927 and E=2,453,875.807, NAD 83: North 67111'27" East 1,462.83 feet (grid distance) to N.C.G.S. Monument "Hemby" bearing grid coordinates N=365,871.9027 and E=2,455,224.072, NAD 83 and thence North 41 °00'38" East 390.95 feet (grid distance) to the point of beginning. The point of beginning bears grid coordinates of N=366,166.9092 and E 2,455,480.6126. The point of beginning is the southernmost corner of the property herein described and conveyed. Thence from said point of beginning so located North 53°51'20" West 184.78 feet to an existing iron stake in the centerline of Old Cummings Branch; thence along and with the centerline of Old Cummings Branch the complement of the following courses and distances: North 19°16'21" East 98.91 feet to an existing iron stake, North 28°25'29" East 80.92 feet to an existing iron stake, North 31 °20'57" East 86.70 feet to an existing iron stake, North 22°43'28" West 35.12 feet to an existing iron stake and North 26°29'34 East 50.31 feet to an existing iron stake; thence North 17°23'59" East 97.68 feet to an existing iron stake (Note, the property line is the centerline of Old Cummings Branch as it meanders); thence South 48°35'33" East 370.89 feet to an existing iron stake in the northern right of way line of N.C. Highway 53; thence along and with the northern right of way line of N.C. Highway 53 South 46°04'31" West 393.36 feet to the point of beginning. Property Address: 1476 Burgaw Hwy, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Page 4 EXHIBIT B TO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Exceptions I . All encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, conditions, and matters of title record. 2. Real estate taxes which are a lien not yet due and payable. 3. Encroachments and other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or an inspection of the premises. 4. Zoning and all other restrictions, regulations and ordinances applicable to the Property. 5. Interest of others in oil, gas and mineral rights, if any, recorded in the public records. cq�;���', DEC 10 2021 r Page 5 b c, GPMI, LLC; GPM2, LLC; GPM3, LLC; CPM4, LLC; GPM5, LLC; CPM6, LLC; GPM8, LLC; GPM9, LLC, GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, E CIG LICENSING, LLC, GPM APPLE, LLC AND GPM MIDWEST 18, LLC ACTION TAKEN BY WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SOLE MEMBER IN LIEU OF A MEETING "rhe undersigned, being the sole Member of GPM I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM2 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM3, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM4, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM5, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, CPM6, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM8, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM9, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM Southeast, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, E Cig Licensing, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GPM Apple, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and GPM Midwest 18, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (collectively, the "Companies" and individually a "Company"), and acting pursuant to the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act and to the limited liability company agreement of the Company, hereby waive notice of a meeting and consent to the adoption of the following resolutions and the actions contemplated herein: WHEREAS, GPM Investments, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("GPM Investments"), is the sole Member of the Companies; WHEREAS, by action of the Board of Directors of GPM Investments, LLC dated November 29, 2016, the officers of GPM Investments, LLC were directed to cause GPM Investments, LLC, in its capacity as manager or sole member of each of the subsidiaries of GPM Investments, LLC, other than GPM Petroleum LP, GPM Petroleum GP, LLC and GPM Petroleum, LLC, to cause the officers of each such subsidiary to be the same as the officers of GPM Investments, LLC; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Limited Liability Company Agreements of the Companies, the Member may, but is not required to, designate officers of the Companies; and WHEREAS, the Member deems it advisable and in the best interest of each Company to confirm the current officers of each Company. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following persons be and hereby are confirmed as the sole officers of each Company, holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names below, each to hold office until the earlier election and qualification of their respective successors or until their earlier resignation or removal: 1. Arie Kotler 2. Eyal Nuchamovitz 3. Donald P. Bassell DEC 10 Chief Executive Officer and President Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer FURTHER RESOLVED, that Maury Bricks, each Company's General Counsel, shall keep minutes of all meetings of the sole Member of the Companies and have charge of the minute books. The General Counsel shall not be considered an officer of the Companies however the General Counsel is hereby empowered to sign as the "secretary" of each Company on any instrument that requires a signature or attestation by such Company's secretary. FURTHER RESOLVED, that any individual not listed above who was previously appointed as an officer of any Company is hereby removed as an officer of such Company. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers have the authority to execute documents and agreements on behalf of each Company, acting with the signatures of at least two of them; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that Arie Kotler, as Chief Executive Officer of each Company, Eyal Nuchamovitz, as Executive Vice President of each Company and Don Bassell, as Chief Financial Officer of each Company are hereby authorized and directed to act as signatories and as listed officers in regards to any and all agreements, instruments, certificates and other licensing documents, including without limitations, those licenses and documents filed with local and state Alcoholic Beverage Control ("ABC") regulators, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ("SNAP") and/or the Illinois Gaming Board ("IGB"), and that no representatives of any Company other than such officers may execute any documents with regard to ABC, SNAP or IGB licensing unless such authority requires the signature of another person (such as, by way of example only, a resident manager who must reside in a certain state for an ABC application or the "video gaming manager" in the case of the IGB); and FURTHER RESOLVED, that to the extent, and solely to the extent, any one of the officers of a Company is prohibited by applicable regulations governing ABC or other licenses from acting on behalf of such Company prior to meeting certain qualifications, that officer shall not be authorized to execute any documents or participate in any decisions of such Company related to matters regulated by such authority prior to the date such officer is qualified with the applicable authority. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the power of each officer shall cease upon his earlier resignation or removal as an officer of the Companies; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that unless otherwise authorized in a resolution of the Member, all contracts and undertakings issued, executed or otherwise given in the name of each Company shall, before the same shall be valid and binding upon such Company; be signed by at least two authorized individuals; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to recognize the seniority and level of responsibility of employees of each Company, the CEO shall have the right to assign titles to employees of each Company, including, without limitation, the titles of Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President and Vice President. Notwithstanding such titles, such individuals are not appointed by the sole Member and shall not be deemed to be officers of any Company. Such individuals shall perform such duties and have such powers as may from time to time be delegated by the CEO; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Member is hereby directed to file a copy of this Written Consent in Lieu of a Meeting with the minutes of the proceedings of each Company; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that Arie Kotler, as Chief Executive Officer of each Company, Eyal Nuchamovitz, as Executive Vice President of each Company, and Donald P. Bassell, as Chief Financial Officer of each Company, and any of them, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all such further and other action as is deemed necessary or advisable in connection with the foregoing resolutions and to execute and deliver, as appropriate, any and all agreements, instruments, certificates and other documents as deemed appropriate in connection therewith; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all action heretofore or hereafter taken by any officer of any Company or the Member in furtherance of the distribution contemplated by the foregoing resolutions is hereby ratified and confirmed as the act and deed of such Company; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Action Taken by Written Consent of the Sole Member may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original copy of this Consent and all of which, when taken together, shall be deemed to constitute one and the same document. The date of execution of any and all such counterparts shall be deemed to be the date set forth below. This Consent may be executed by facsimile and PDF signatures. [SIGNATURE APPEARS ON NEXT PAGE] f._ SIGNATURE PAGE TO WRITTEN CONSENT OF SOLE MEMBER OF GPM I, LLC, GPM2, LLC, GPM3, LLC, GPM4, LLC, GPM5, LLC, GPM6, LLC, GPM8, LLC, GPM9, LLC, GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, E CIG LICENSING, LLC, GPM APPLE, LLC AND GPM MIDWEST 18, LLC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hereby consent to the actions set forth herein as of the 3rd day of January, 2017. By: GPM INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Sole Member By: Name: Arie Ko Title: President aAd Chief Executive Officer By: / '�j 1 Name: Don Bassell Title: Chief Financial Officer OType: CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY Recorded: 12/2/2021 12:12:22 PM J 10 Fee Amt: $8,702.00 Page 1 of 6 Revenue Tax: $8,676.00 Onslow County, NC Omega K. Jarman Reg. of Deeds BK 5633 PG 379 - 384 This instrument is prepared by Clifford P. Parson, Esq., a North Carolina licensed attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, will be paid by the closing attorney to the County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. The Preparer has made NO record search or examination as to the property herein described, unless the same is shown by the Preparer's written and signed certificate. Excise Tax: S 8,676.00 Parcel Identifier #: 029767 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Boston National Title Agency, LLC 1127 Auraria I'kwy, Ste. 25 Denver, CO 80204 Attn: Legal Dept. GRANTOR: JUDSON POPE LLC GRANTEE: SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (NORTH CAROLINA) Store No.: 174 This Deed is made November 23 2021. For the consideration of Ten Dollars and Zero Cents ($10.00), and other valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, JUDSON POPE LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company ("Grantor'), having a current address of 1092 N. Breazeale Ave, Mount Olive, NC 28365, hereby conveys to SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantee"), having a current address Of 125 S WackerDr41220 Chicago 1160006 , the following described real property IN FEE SIMPLE situated in Onslow County, North Carolina, together with all rights and privileges appurtenant thereto: Paee I submitted electronically by "Andrew Adams, PA" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the onslow county Register of oeeds. Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 1 of 6 See legal description set forth in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference (the "Property"). together with all improvements, buildings, structures and fixtures located thereon; all easements, if any, benefiting the Property; all rights, benefits, privileges and appurtenances pertaining to the Property, including any right, title and interest of Grantor in and to any property lying in or under the bed of any street, alley, road or right-of-way, open or proposed, abutting or adjacent to the Property; the strips, gaps or gores, if any, between the Property and abutting properties; all water, water rights, oil, gas or other mineral interests in, on, under or above the Property; and all rights and interests to receive any condemnation awards from any condemnation proceeding pertaining to the Property, sewer rights, water courses, wells, ditches and flumes located on or appurtenant to the Property. THE PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY GRANTOR BY INSTRUMENT AT Book: 3627, Page: 824. SUBJECT TO the matters set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. AND Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the above described property in fee simple and that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the property. Grantor hereby warrants and agrees to forever defend the right and title to the above described property unto the said Grantee against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under the Grantor, but not otherwise. (SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) Page 2 Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 2 of 6 w V Dated this Q By of November, 2021 by the duly authorized representative of Grantor under seal. GRANTOR: JUDSON POPE LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company By: &h�(seal) Name. . Judson Pope, III Title: Manager STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) ss: COUNTY OF [ 6( .f ,-"k. C �ce ��S P--- , a Notary Public for 6 v e � County, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that E. Judson Pope, III, as Manager of JUDSON POPE LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, on behalf of such North Carolina limited liability company, personally appeared before me this day acknowledging to me that he signed the foregoing instrument for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated. Date: U �p TARJ. o z_ uBoo ND3/8817567-8774, iJ/(CIOiut Notapary P blic f Notary Public Printed Name My Commission Expires: Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 3 of 6 Page 3 .1 EXHIBIT A TO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Legal Description The Land referred to herein below is situated in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, and is described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in Onslow County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake set in the northern right of way line of N.C. Highway 53 (Burgaw Highway) (100' R/W), said iron stake being located the following courses and distances from N.C.G.S. Monument "Taylor" bearing grid coordinates N=365,304.8927 and E=2,453,875.807, NAD 83: North 67'11'27" East 1,462.83 feet (grid distance) to N.C.G.S. Monument "Hemby" bearing grid coordinates N=365,871.9027 and E=2,455,224.072, NAD 83 and thence North 41°00'38" East 390,95 feet (grid distance) to the point of beginning. The point of beginning bears grid coordinates of N=366,166.9092 and E 2,455,480.6126. The point of beginning is the southernmost corner of the property herein described and conveyed. Thence from said point of beginning so located North 53e51'20" West 184.78 feet to an existing iron stake in the centerline of Old Cummings Branch; thence along and with the centerline of Old Cummings Branch the complement of the following courses and distances: North 19e l6'21" East 98.91 feet to an existing iron stake, North 28°25'29" East 80.92 feet to an existing iron stake, North 31 °20'57" East 86.70 feet to an existing iron stake, North 22°43'28" West 35.12 feet to an existing iron stake and North 26°29'34 East 50.31 feet to an existing iron stake; thence North 17°23'59" East 97.68 feet to an existing iron stake (Note, the property line is the centerline of Old Cummings Branch as it meanders); thence South 48°35'33" East 370.89 feet to an existing iron stake in the northern right of way fine of N.C. Highway 53; thence along and with the northern right of way line of N.C. Highway 53 South 46°04'31" West 393.36 feet to the point of beginning. Property Address: 1476 Burgaw Hwy, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Page 4 Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT B TO SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Exceptions 1. All encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, conditions, and matters of title record. 2. Real estate taxes which are a lien not yet due and payable. 3. Encroachments and other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or an inspection of the premises. 4. Zoning and all other restrictions, regulations and ordinances applicable to the Property. 5. Interest of others in oil, gas and mineral rights, if any, recorded in the public records. Page 5 Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 5 of 6 DEPARTMENT OF TAX ADMINISTRATION Tax Certification Form (Check One Box) ✓❑ This certifies that there are no delinquent ad valorem taxes, or other taxes which the Onslow County Tax Collector is charged with collecting, that are a lien on: Parcel Identification Number: 029767 GRANTEE: SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC This is not a certification that this Onslow County Parcel Identification Number matches the deed description. No certification required, as attorney statement that any delinquent taxes will be paid from closing proceeds is included on first page of deed, and the assessor has obtained the desired information from the conveyance (G.S. 105-303). ❑ Balance due on account. It must be paid to Onslow County Tax Collector. Please make payment within 5 days of closing. Pam McAteer Date: 020 12.0113,05 -oso0' 12/01/2021 Tax Collections Staff Signature Date ❑ This parcel may have deferred taxes which become due upon transfer of the property. Call the Tax Office, Land Records Division at 910-989-2204 for more information. 234 NW Corridor Blvd • Jacksonville, North Carolina • 28540 • Phone: (910) 989-2200 • Fax: (910) 989-5818 • OnslowCountyNC.gov/tax Book: 5633 Page: 379 Page 6 of 6 MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT By and Between Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Landlord) and GPM Southeast, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (Tenant) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. BASIC TERMS.................................................................................... 2. DEFINITIONS AND BASE PROVISIONS ........................................ 3. GRANTING CLAUSE......................................................................... 4. USE...................:................................................................................... 5. RENT...................................................................................:................ 6. TRUE LEASE....................................................................................... 7. NET LEASE......................................................................................... 8. REAL ESTATE TAXES...................................................................... 9. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES ....................................................... 10. OPERATING EXPENSES................................................................... 11. TENANT'S REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS............................................................. 13. SURRENDER OF PREMISES............................................................ 14. ALTERATIONS................................................................................... 15. ENTRY BY LANDLORD.................................................................... 16. TENAN'I'S INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS ....................................... 17. OFAC.................................................................................................... 18. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION........................................................... 19. FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY........................................................... 20. CONDEMNATION.............................................................................. 21. INDEMNIFICATION........................................................................... 22. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING ................................................. 23. LIENS................................................................................................... 24. - TENANT'S DEFAULT........................................................................ 25. REMEDIES OF LANDLORD............................................................. 26. SUBORDINATION/ATTORNMENT................................................. 27. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE................................................................. 28. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.............................................................. 29. PRESS RELEASES.............................................................................. 30. 14O1-DING OVER................................................................................ 31. FINANCIAL COVENANTS................................................................ 32. QUIET ENJOYMENT.......................................................................... 33. NOTICES.............................................................................................. 34. PERSONAL LIABILITY..................................................................... 35. ENTIRE AGREEMENTT....................................................................... 36. AMENDMENTS.................................................................................. 37. LEGAL INTERPRETATION.............................................................. 38. OPTION TO RENEW.......................................................................... 39. AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO LEASE ........................................... 40. PARTIES BOUND............................................................................... 41. COUNTERPARTS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES .......................... 42. SEVERABILITY.................................................................................. 43. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ........ Page ........... 1 ........... 2 ......... 10 ......... I I ......... 13 ......... 14 ......... 15 ......... 17 ......... 19 ......... 19 ......... 20 ......... 22 ......... 23 ......... 24 ......... 25 ......... 25 ......... 29 ......... 30 ......... 31 ......... 32 ......... 34 ......... 36 ......... 41 ......... 42 ......... 43 ......... 45 ......... 46 ......... 46 ......... 50 ......... 50 ........ 51 ........ 51 ........ 51 ........ 52 ........ 52 ........ 52 ........ 52 ........ 53 ........ 54 ........ 54 ........ 54 ........ 54 ........ 55 44. MEMORANDUM OF LEASE......................................................................................... 55 45. BROKERS........................................................................................................................55 46. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO PURCHASE............................................................. 55 47. GUARANTY....................................................................................................................57 48. LOCAL LAW 13ROVISION.............................................................................................57 11 MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT THIS MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Lease") is entered into'as of the 20 day of October , 2021, by and between Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord"), and GPM Southeast, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tenant"). RECITALS A. E. J. Pope & Son, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, EJP Real Estate One, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, EJP III Real Estate One, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, MLP/CPL LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, Judson Pope LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, Hwy 24 Rhodestown LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, EJP III Equipment, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, HM 78 Surf City, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, HM 68 Bridgeton, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, KMP Properties of Carteret County, LLC, and GTBP Equipment, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company (collectively, "Seller"), entered into that certain Asset Purchase Agreement with Tenant and Tenant's Affiliate, GPM Petroleum, LLC, dated as of September 14, 2021 (as may be amended and/or modified from time to time, the "APA"), pursuant to which, inter alia, Seller agreed to sell and transfer fee simple interest in the Premises to Tenant,or its designee. B. Landlord, as Tenant's designee, is purchasing the Premises from Seller as of the "Closing Date" as defined in the APA (the "Effective Date"). C. Landlord and Tenant are executing this Lease, pursuant to which Landlord shall lease the Premises back to Tenant, on the terms and conditions set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: BASIC TERMS. A. "Base Rent": Base Rent shall be paid in accordance with and in the amounts set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, subject to increases as set forth herein. B. "Building": The building or buildings located on the Property in the approximate square footages set forth on Exhibit B-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. C. "Commencement Date": the "Closing Date" as defined in the APA, anticipated to occur as of November 9, 2021. D. "Expiration Date": The last day of the calendar month in which the twenty (20) year anniversary of the Commencement Date shall occur, or as otherwise extended pursuant to the terms hereof. E. "Option to Renew": Six (6) additional periods of five (5) years each under the terms and conditions set forth in Section 38 of this Lease. 1'. "Premises": Collectively, the Building and the Property. G. "Property": Those certain tracts or parcels of land, more particularly described on Exhibit B-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. 11. "Term": A period of twenty (20) years (plus the number of days, if any, to have this Lease expire on the last day of calendar month), commencing on the Commencement Date and expiring on the Expiration Date, unless extended as hereinafter provided. 2. DEFINITIONS AND BASE PROVISIONS. For purposes of this Lease, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below: A. "Acquisition Threshold" means the Total Landlord Investment equals or exceeds Three Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($300,000,000.00). B. "ADA": The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time and any and all rules and regulations which have become effective prior to the date of this Lease under such statutes. C. "Affiliate": With respect to Landlord or Tenant, shall mean a person or entity that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with such person or entity. The term "control' as used in the immediately preceding sentence, means, with respect to an entity that is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other entity, the right to exercise, directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights attributable to the ownership interests of the entity, with respect to any non -publicly traded company, and more than twenty-five percent (25%) ownership, or management control, with respect to any publicly traded company. D. "Alterations": Defined in Section 15.A hereof. E. "Anti -Money Laundering Laws": The BSA and the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (commonly referred to as the USA Patriot Act), P.L. 107-56, as the same may be amended from time to time and any and all rules and regulations which have become effective prior to the date of this Lease under such statutes. 2 F. "Applicable Rent Reduction Percentage" means, with respect to any Site, a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the dollar amount allocated to such Site on Exhibit B-2 attached hereto, and the denominator of which shall be the total dollar amount allocated to all Sites on Exhibit B-2 attached hereto that are then subject to this Lease. G. "Arbitration Notice": Defined in Section 39.0 hereof. hl. "Architect" shall mean an architect selected by Tenant to complete any applicable Tenant's Work, who is reasonably acceptable to Landlord. 1. "Base Rent": Defined in Section LA hereof. J. "BSA": The Bank Secrecy Act (otherwise known as the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act), 31. U.S.C. §§ 310 et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time and any and all rules and regulations which have become effective prior to the date of this Lease under such statutes. K. "Building": Defined in Section 1.B hereof. L. "Commencement Date": Defined in Section LC hereof. M. "Comparable Buildings": Buildings in the market in which the applicable Building is located that are comparable in size, design, use, age, location, class and quality to such Building N. "Contract": Defined in Section 46.0 hereof. O. "Control" shall mean with respect to an entity that is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other entity, the right to exercise, directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights attributable to the ownership interests of the entity. P. "Default Rate": The lesser of (i) the Prime Rate plus five percent (5%) per annum, compounding monthly, or (ii) the highest rate allowed by applicable Law. Q. "EBITDA": The sum, without duplication, of the following on a consolidated basis and as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in effect at the time: (i) net income (loss), plus (ii) income tax expense, minus (iii) income tax benefit, plus (iv) interest expense, minus (v) interest income, plus (vi) depreciation expense, plus (vii) amortization expense, plus (viii) losses on sale of property, plant and equipment and other assets, minus (ix) gains on the sale of property, plant and equipment and other assets, plus (x) any impairment charges, plus (xi) any expensed transaction/acquisition related fees and expenses, plus (xii) any extraordinary, unusual or non -recurring charges including any restructuring or integration costs that were expensed, minus (xiii) any extraordinary, unusual or non -recurring gains. To the extent that a significant transaction has been consummated within the measurement period, such as an acquisition, and some annual fsBITDA for the acquisition is not included in the EBITDA for the measurement period, EBITDA shall be computed on proforma basis for the period of the acquisition that was excluded from the EBITDA measurement period. To the extent that a transaction is being contemplated and the EBITDA needs to be measured on the contemplated transaction, the incremental or proforma EBITDA for the contemplated transaction shall be computed on the same basis as described above as it relates to the contemplated transaction. R. "Encumbrance": Any claim, lien, pledge, option, charge, easement, security interest, deed of trust, mortgage, lease, sublease, attachment, conditional sales agreement, encumbrance, preemptive right, right of first refusal, right of first offer, covenant, condition, restriction, reciprocal easement agreement, declaration or other right of third parties, whether voluntarily incurred or arising by operation of Law, and includes any agreement to give or enter into any of the foregoing. S. "Environmental Laws": Each and every Law pertaining to environmental, health or safety matters or Hazardous Materials applicable to or which otherwise pertains to or affects the Premises or the use, ownership, occupancy or operation of the Premises or any portion thereof, and as the same have been or may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, including but not limited to the (1) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq.), (2) Hazardous Substances Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. §1802 et seq.), (3) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.), as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Wastes Amendments of 1984, (4) Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq.), (5) Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. §300f et seq.), (6) Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1321 et seq.), (7) Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq.), (8) Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.), (9) Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.), (10) Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. § 1 1001 et seq.), (11) Radon Gas and Indoor Air Quality Research Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq.), (12) National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. §4321 et seq.), (I3) Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq.), (14) Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C. §651 et seq.), (15) Refuse Act of 1999 (33 U.S.C. § 407 et seq.), (16) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. § 136 et seq.), (17) Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (33 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq.), (18) Noise Control Act (42 U.S.C. § 4902 et seq.), (19) Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. § 2011 el seq.) and (20) Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (42 U.S.C. § 10101 et seq.), and any similar state or local Laws and any and all rules and regulations in effect under such Laws. a T. "Event of Default": Defined in Section 24 hereof. U. "Exercise Period": Defined in Section 46.B hereof. V. "Expiration Date": Defined in Section LD hereof. W. "Final Completion" shall mean with respect to any Tenant's Work (a) the completion of construction of such Tenant's Work, including all "punch list" items, in accordance with the applicable Plans as certified by the applicable General Contractor, and (b) all permits and licenses required for the legal occupancy of such Tenant's Work, if any, have been obtained. X. "Final Completion Date" shall mean the date that Final Completion of the applicable Tenant's Work occurs. Y. "General Construction Contract" shall mean with respect to any Tenant's Work, the applicable construction contract by and between the applicable General Contractor and Tenant and approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Z. "General Contractor" shall mean, with respect to any Tenant's Work, a contractor selected by Tenant to complete such Tenant's Work and reasonably acceptable to Landlord. AA. "Guarantor' shall mean GPM Investments, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. BB. "Guaranty" Defined in Section 47 hereof. CC. "Hazardous Materials": shall mean (a) any toxic substance or hazardous waste, substance, solid waste or related material, or any pollutant or contaminant; (b) radon gas, asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, polychlorinated biphenyls, radiation, mold or other microbial matter, odors, noise, per- and poly-Fluoroalkyl substances, or any petroleum product or additive; (c) any substance, gas, material or chemical which is now or hereafter defined as or included in the definition of "hazardous substances," "toxic substances," "hazardous materials," "hazardous wastes," "regulated substances" or words of similar import under any Environmental Laws; and (d) any other chemical, material, gas or substance, the exposure to or release of which is or may be prohibited, limited or regulated by any governmental authority, or any chemical, material, gas or substance that does or is reasonably likely to pose a hazard to human health or safety or to the environment. DD. `Indemnified Party" shall mean, with respect to any indemnification obligation contained in this Lease, the individual or entity so indemnified by the indemnifying party. 5 EI. "Landlord Indemnified Parties": Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee, and each of their respective successors and assigns, and their respective members, managers, partners, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, attorneys and representatives. FI.. "Landlord": Defined in the Preamble hereto. GG. "Landlord Claim": Defined in Section 2 LA hereof. HIT "Landlord Mortgage": Defined in Section 26.13 hereof. if. "Landlord Mortgagee": Defined in Section 263 hereof. JJ. "Landlord Notice Address": c/o Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1220 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Attention: James Hennessey E-mail: hennessey@oakstreetree,com With a copy to Kirkland & Ellis UP 300 North LaSalle Chicago, Illinois 60654 Attention: David A. Rosenberg E-mail: david.rosenberg@kirkland.com KK. "Landlord's Notice": Defined in Section 46.A hereof. LL. "Landlord's Representatives": Landlord's agents, attorneys, representatives, members, directors, officers and employees. MM. "Late Charge": Defined in Section 5.0 hereof NN. "Law": All applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, orders, requirements, directives, binding written interpretations and binding written policies, common law, rulings, and decrees of all local, municipal, state and federal governments, departments, agencies, commissions, boards or political subdivisions. 00. "Negotiation Period": Defined in Section 46.0 hereof. PP. "NFA": Defined in Section 28.H hereof. QQ. "OFAC Laws and Regulations": All Laws administered by the Office of Foreign Asset Control ("OFAC") of the Department of the Treasury, C1 4 codified at 31 C.F.R. Part 500 (including those named on OFAC's Specially Designated and Blocked Persons list) or under any statute, executive order (including the September 24, 2001, Executive Order Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism), or other governmental action regarding persons or entities with whom U.S. persons or entities are restricted from doing business (including persons or entities who have violated the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 15 U.S.C. §§78dd-1, 78dd-2 and 78dd-3), as same may be amended from time to time. RR. "Option to Renew": Defined in Section LE hereof. SS. "Permitted Encumbrances": Any and all Encumbrances (i) affecting any portion of the Premises as of the Commencement Date, including, but not limited to, those Encumbrances shown on Landlord's title policy obtained on the Effective Date, (ii) consisting of any and all leases, subleases, licenses and other occupancy agreements in place with respect to the Premises as of the Effective Date or following the Effective Date and permitted to be entered into under the terms hereof, (iii) consisting of current taxes and assessments with respect to the Premises, not yet due or payable, (iv) arising or created by municipal and coning ordinances and (v) arising after the Commencement Date that are approved in writing by Landlord in its sole and absolute discretion. TT. "Permitted Personal Property Lien": Defined in Section 23 hereof. UU. "Personal Property": All personal property on the Premises, which shall include, without limitation, all business machinery and equipment, including, but not limited to, specialized equipment unique to the nature of Tenant's business, business records, furniture, furnishings, communications equipment, office equipment, computer equipment, computer software, computer tapes, computer program tapes, computer program disks, computer program documentation and manuals, computer program codes, customer accounts, customer lists, customer information, inventory and proprietary information which may belong to Tenant or be in the possession of Tenant, which is located or used upon, in or about the Premises during the Term, or any renewal or extension thereof. VV. "Plans" shall mean, with respect to any Tenant's Work, the plans and specifications prepared by the Architect and approved by Landlord. W W. "Premises": Defined in Section LF hereof. XX. "Prime Rate": The interest rate per annum as published, from time to time, in The Wall Street Journal as the "Prime Rate" in its column entitled "Money Rate." The Prime Rate may not be the lowest rate of interest charged by any "large U.S. money center commercial banks" and Landlord 7 makes no representations or warranties to that effect. In the event The Wall Street Journal ceases publication or ceases to publish the "Prime Rate" as described above, the Prime Rate shall be the average per annum discount rate (the "Discount Rate") on ninety-one (91) day bills ("Treasury Bills") issued from time to time by the United States "Treasury at its most recent auction, plus three hundred (300) basis points. If no such 91-day Treasury Bills are then being issued, the Discount Rate shall be the discount rate on "Treasury Bills then being issued for the period of time closest to ninety-one (9I ) days. YY. "Prohibited Persons": Defined in Section 19.13 hereof. ZZ. "Property": Defined in Section I.G hereof. AAA. "Real Estate "faxes": Defined in Section 8.A hereof. 131313. "Release": Any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, migrating, presence of, exposure to or disposing into the environment of any Hazardous Materials, including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles containing any Hazardous Materials. CCC. "Renewal Amendment": Defined in Section 38.0 hereof. DDD. "Renewal Notice": Defined in Section 38.A.1 hereof. EEE. "Renewal Option": Defined in Section 38.A hereof. FFF. "Renewal Term": Defined in Section 38.A hereof. GGG. "Rent": Defined in Section 5.13 hereof. 1-IFII-1. "Repossessed Premises": Defined in Section 25.0 hereof. IIL "Right of First Refusal": Defined in Section 46 hereof. JJJ. "Seller": Defined in the Recitals hereto. KKK. "Site" or "Sites" means the Building and the Property with respect to any one or more, as the context requires, of the locations described in Exhibit B-1. LLL. "SNDA": Defined in Section 26.A hereof. M M M. "Substitute Tenant": Defined in Section 25.0 hereof. NNN. "Tanks": Defined in Section 28.H hereof. 000. "Taxes": Defined in Section 8.1) hereof. 8 PPP. "Tenant": Defined in the Preamble hereto. QQQ. "Tenant Notice Address": c/o GPM Investments, LLC 8565 Magellan Parkway, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23227 Attn: General Counsel With a copy to: c/o GPM Investments, LLC Commonwealth Drive, Suite 202 Wilmington, NC 28403Attn: Director of Real Estate RRR. "Tenant's Personal Property": Defined in Section 13 hereof. SSS. "Tenant's Purchase Election": Defined in Section 46.13 hereof. TTT. "Tenant's Representatives": Tenant's agents, attorneys, representatives, directors, officers and employees and any mortgagee of Tenant's interest in this Lease or in the Premises. UUU. "Tenant's Work": Defined in Exhibit C hereof. VVV. "Term": Defined in Section LH hereof. W W W. "Time Period One" means the gross purchase prices of all real properties offered by Tenant and/or its affiliates to Landlord and/or its affiliates pursuant to that certain Standby Real Estate Purchase, Designation and Lease Program, dated [ , 2021 ], by and between GPM Investments, LLC"and GPM Portfolio Owner LLC (the "Program Agreement") pursuant to an SL.B Trigger Notice (as defined in the Program Agreement) and/or an Assigned Trigger Notice (as defined in the Program Agreement), in the aggregate, are less than Three Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($300,000,000.00). XXX. "Time Period Two" means the gross purchase prices of all real properties offered by Tenant and/or its affiliates to Landlord and/or its affiliates pursuant to the Program Agreement, pursuant to an SLB Trigger Notice (as defined in the Program Agreement) and/or an Assigned Trigger Notice (as defined in the Program Agreement), in the aggregate, equal or exceed Three Hundred Million and No/l00 Dollars ($300,000,000.00). YYY. "Total Landlord Investment" means the sum of the gross purchase prices paid by Landlord and/or its affiliates, in the aggregate, in connection with the acquisition of the Premises and all other real property conveyed, or designated to be conveyed, by Guarantor and/or its affiliates to Landlord and/or its affiliates. E ZZZ. "Transfer": Defined in Section 223 hereof. AAAA. "U.S. Publicly -Traded Entity": Defined in Section ITA hereof. BBBB.`Utility Charges": Defined in Section IO.A hereof. 3. GRANTING CLAUSE. A. Landlord, in consideration of the covenants and agreements to be performed by Tenant, and upon the terms and conditions contained in this Lease, does hereby lease, demise, let and deliver to Tenant, and Tenant, in consideration of the covenants and agreements to be performed by Landlord and upon the terms and conditions contained in this Lease, does hereby lease from Landlord, the Premises, to have and to hold for the Term. Tenant acknowledges receipt and delivery of complete and exclusive possession of the Premises, subject to the Permitted Encumbrances. Tenant is leasing the Premises "as is," "where is" and "with all faults" in its present condition. Tenant hereby irrevocably, unconditionally and absolutely waives and relinquishes any claim or action against Landlord whatsoever in respect of the condition of the Premises as ofthe Commencement Date, including any patent or latent defects or adverse conditions not discovered or discoverable or otherwise known or unknown by Tenant as of the Commencement Date. LANDLORD MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR IN LAW, IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR USE', DESIGN OR CONDITION FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, OR AS TO THE NATURE OR QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THEREIN, OR THE EXISTENCE OI' ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, LATENT OR PATENT, ARE TO BE BORNE SOLELY BY TENANT, INCLUDING ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ANY ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF THE PREMISES, ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH ALL ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS. Without limiting the foregoing, Tenant realizes and acknowledges that factual matters existing as of the Commencement Date now unknown to it may have given or may hereafter give rise to losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses that are presently unknown, unanticipated and unsuspected, and Tenant further agrees that the waivers and releases herein have been negotiated and agreed upon in light of that realization and that Tenant nevertheless hereby intends to release, discharge and acquit Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee, and each of their respective successors and assigns, and their respective members, managers, partners, 111 shareholders, officers, directors, agents, attorneys and representatives, from any and all such unknown losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses. B. Landlord and Tenant covenant and agree that, except to the extent otherwise required by applicable Law: (i) each will treat this Lease in the manner required by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, and as a true lease for state law reporting purposes and for federal income tax purposes; and (ii) each party will not, nor will it permit any Affiliate to, at any time, take any action or fail to take any action with respect to the preparation or filing of any statement or disclosure to any governmental authority, including without limitation, any income tax return (including an amended income tax return), to the extent that such action or such failure to take action would be inconsistent with the intention of the parties expressed in this Section 3.13. C. Tenant acknowledges that fee simple title (both legal and equitable) to the Premises is vested in Landlord and that Tenant has only the leasehold right of possession and use of the Premises as provided herein. 4. USE. A. Tenant may use the Premises as a gas station and convenience store and ancillary uses associated therewith, as well as for any other legally permitted use which does not detract in any material respect from the value or marketability of the Premises, in all cases subject to and in compliance in all material respects with all Laws and Permitted Encumbrances, provided, however, that Tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to comply in all respects with all Laws and Permitted Encumbrances. Tenant shall use the Premises only as provided by and in accordance with all Permitted Encumbrances, subject to Landlord's reservation of rights herein. Tenant shall not use or occupy the Premises, or any part thereof, nor permit or allow the Premises or any part thereof to be used or occupied, for (i) any purpose or in any manner which is in violation of any Law or a violation of the provisions set forth in Section 28 or any other provision of this Lease or (ii) in any manner which violates any certificates of occupancy for the Premises or makes void or voidable any insurance then in force with respect thereto as is required pursuant to Section 16 hereof. Tenant's occupancy of the Premises will be in compliance in all material respects with all Laws and insurance requirements, and as otherwise provided in this Lease, provided, however, that Tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to comply in all respects with all Laws and insurance requirements. Tenant shall neither suffer nor permit the Premises or any portion thereof to be used, or otherwise act or fail to act, in such a manner as would (1) impair Landlord's title thereto or to any portion thereof, (11) make possible a claim of adverse use or possession or an implied dedication of the Premises or any portion of the Premises, or (1I1) subject the Premises or this Lease to any Encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tenant shall not (a) permit any unlawful or immoral practice to be carried on or committed in the Premises; (b) make any use of or allow the Premises to be used for any Purpose that might invalidate insurance thereof; (c) deface or injure the Premises; (d) overload the floors, walls or ceilings of the Premises; (e) commit or suffer any material waste in or about the Premises; (0 use the Premises in any manner that would diminish the value of the Premises in any material respect; or (g) use the Premises for any of the following purposes without the Landlord's prior consent (in its sole and absolute discretion): (i) nightclub, adult bookstore or adult video shop or other adult entertainment establishment; (ii) incineration or reduction of garbage or any garbage dumps on the Premises; (iii) mortuary; (iv) fire sale, bankruptcy sale or auction house operation; (v) laundry or dry cleaning plant; (vi) "flea market," secondhand, surplus or other "off -price" or deep discount store; (vii) massage parlor; or (viii) carnival. To the extent the use of any portion of the Premises involves gaming or other activities that require special licensure, and without limiting any of'I'enant's other obligations under this Lease, Tenant shall ensure all applicable licensure is in place with respect to both Tenant and, to the extent required, Landlord. D. At all times during the Term, 'Tenant or its subtenants shall operate its business on the Premises in the ordinary course, provided, however, that, Tenant may cease operation of business at any of the Premises, but in any event may only do so if such discontinuance of operations would not activate, make applicable or otherwise trigger any right of any person or entity to acquire any such Premises whether by option, right of first refusal, right of first offer or otherwise. If Tenant does discontinue operation as permitted by this Section, Tenant shall (i) give written notice to Landlord within 10 days after Tenant elects to cease operation, (ii) provide adequate protection and maintenance of any such Premises during any period of vacancy, (iii) comply with all applicable Laws and otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of this Lease other than the continuous use covenant set forth in this Section, and (iv) pay all costs necessary to restore such Premises to their condition on the day operation of the business ceased at such time as such Premises are reopened. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tenant shall continue to pay Rent as and when due under this Lease during any period in which Tenant discontinues operation. C. Tenant will not enter into any agreements or consent to any transaction or instruments that will create an Encumbrance on the Landlord's interest in the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent in its sole discretion. "tenant shall be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of, and paying the costs and expenses under, all Encumbrances on the Premises (other than Landlord's obligations to pay debt service to any Landlord Mortgagee under any Landlord Mortgage). Tenant shall not, without Landlord's prior written consent (in Landlord's sole discretion), apply for or otherwise seek or obtain any zoning changes or variances with respect to 12 the Property. If either Landlord or Tenant desires to seek or obtain any zoning changes or variances with respect to the Property, the other party shall cooperate in all respects therewith, at the other party's request, provided that such zoning change or variance will not prohibit Tenant's use of the Property for its then -current use or be reasonably expected to reduce the value of the Property. D. Tenant, its subtenants, and their respective customers and other invitees shall have the right to access and use the Premises twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. 5. RENT. A. Tenant shall pay Base Rent to Landlord in the manner provided in Section 5.B in equal consecutive monthly installments in advance on or before the Ist day of each calendar month commencing as of the Commencement Date and continuing through the Term. If the Term commences on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, or ends on a day other than the last day of a calendar month, Base Rent for such month shall be prorated by multiplying such Base Rent by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days of the Term within such calendar month and the denominator of which is the total number of days within such calendar month. Tenant shall pay its first monthly installment of Base Rent, which may be prorated pursuant to this Section 5.A, on the Commencement Date in connection with Landlord's acquisition of the Premises. B. For purposes of this Lease, the Base Rent, the Real Estate Taxes, the Utility Charges and any and all other amounts, sums, charges, liabilities and obligations which Tenant assumes or agrees to pay or may become liable for under this Lease at any time and from time to time are sometimes collectively referred to as "Rent'; and, in the event of any failure on the part of Tenant to pay any portion of the Rent, every fine, penalty, interest and cost which may be added for nonpayment or late payment of such items, including, without limitation, all amounts for which Tenant is or may become liable to indemnify Landlord and the Landlord Indemnified Parties under this Lease (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) shall be deemed to be Rent. All Rent is payable in lawful money of the United States of America and legal tender for the payment of public and private debts without notice, demand, abatement, deduction, or setoff under any circumstances, and all Base Rent is payable in accordance with the wire or ACH information as Landlord designates to Tenant in writing from time to time. C. Tenant hereby acknowledges that late payment by Tenant to Landlord of Rent will cause Landlord to incur costs and administrative complications not contemplated hereunder, the exact amount and scope of which are presently anticipated to be extremely difficult to ascertain. Accordingly, if 13 any installment of Rent due to Landlord is not paid on the date it is due for any reason, Tenant shall pay Landlord upon demand a late charge equal to the lesser of (i) five percent (5%) of the delinquent installment of Rent and (ii) the highest amount allowed by applicable Law (each a "Late Charge"), provided, however, that for the first two (2) times in a calendar year that any installment of Rent is not paid on the date it is due, such Late Charge shall not apply unless the Rent remains unpaid three (3) days after Landlord provides Tenant notice of such delinquent Rent. The parties agree that this late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs and expenses (including economic losses) that Landlord will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant. The parties further agree that such late charge is Rent and not interest and such assessment does not constitute a lender or borrower/creditor relationship between Landlord and Tenant. In addition, any amount of delinquent Rent (including the amount of any Late Charge) due to Landlord shall accrue interest at the Default Rate from the date on which such Rent was due up to the date that such Rent is paid provided, however, that for the first two (2) times in a calendar year that any installment of Rent is not paid on the date it is due, such Default Rate shall not apply unless the Rent remains unpaid three (3) days after Landlord provides Tenant notice of such delinquent Rent. The payment of such late charge or such interest shall not constitute waiver of', nor excuse or cure, any default under this Lease, nor prevent Landlord from exercising any other rights and remedies available to Landlord. Without limitation of the foregoing, Tenant shall be responsible for payment of all interest, late charges, and other costs and fees imposed by third parties with respect to late payments of Utilities or other third party charges that are the responsibility of"tenant hereunder. D. For any non-scheduled payment of Rent hereunder that is payable by Tenant on demand by Landlord, such shall be due ten (10) days following written demand therefor by Landlord, without abatement, deduction, or setoff under any circumstances. 6. TRUE LEASE A. It is the intent of Landlord and Tenant that this Lease establish a "true lease" of all parcels constituting the Premises for all purposes under the United States Bankruptcy Code, applicable state law, and for federal income tax purposes. The Rent for the Term is intended to be "fixed rent' within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 1.467-1(h)(3) for each annual period. This Lease is a "true lease" and does not represent a financing statement, financing lease, financing agreement, device or arrangement, security interest, security agreement, capital lease, mortgage, equitable mortgage, deed of trust, trust agreement, or other financing or trust arrangement or any other non -lease transaction. Each of the parties (1) waives any claim or defense based upon the characterization of the Lease as anything other than a "true lease," (2) stipulates and agrees not to 111 challenge, and is estopped from challenging, the validity, enforceability or characterization of the lease of the Premises under the Lease as a "true lease," (3) stipulates and agrees, and is estopped from challenging, that nothing contained in the Lease creates or is intended to create a joint venture, partnership, equitable mortgage, trust, financing device or arrangement, security interest or the like and (4) shall support the intent of the parties that the lease of the Premises pursuant to this Lease is a "true lease" and does not create a joint venture, partnership, equitable mortgage, trust, financing device or arrangement, security interest or the like, if, and to the extent that, any challenge occurs. Landlord does not intend to convey any fee interest in any of the Premises to Tenant. Tenant does not intend to obtain an interest in the Premises other than a leasehold interest pursuant to the Lease. The Lease may not be construed in any manner to create any relationship between the parties other than a landlord -tenant relationship. 7. NET LEASE. A. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that (i) this Lease is, and is intended to be, what is commonly referred to as a "net, net, net' or "triple net' lease, and (ii) the Rent shall be paid absolutely net to Landlord, so that this Lease shall yield to Landlord the full amount or benefit of the installments of Base Rent, Real Estate Taxes and all other Rent throughout the Term with respect to the entire Premises, all as more fully set forth in Section 5. All of the costs, expenses, responsibilities and obligations of every kind and nature whatsoever foreseen and unforeseen relating to the condition, use, operation, management, maintenance, repair, restoration and replacement of the Premises and all improvements and appurtenances related thereto or any part thereof shall be performed and paid by Tenant, and Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability therefor. The Tenant covenants to pay Base Rent, Real Estate "Faxes and all other Rent hereunder are independent covenants, and Tenant shall have no right to hold back, offset, deduct, credit against or fail to pay in full any such amounts for claimed or actual default or breach by Landlord of whatsoever nature, for force majeure or for any other reason whatsoever. For the avoidance of doubt, Tenant shall not have, and hereby expressly and absolutely waives, relinquishes, and covenants not to assert, accept or take advantage of, any right to deposit or pay with or into any court or other third -party escrow, depository account or tenant account with respect to any disputed Rent, or any Rent pending resolution of any other dispute or controversy with Landlord. Tenant hereby expressly waives any and all defenses it may have at law or in equity to payment of Rent, including, without limitation, based on any theories of frustration of purpose, impossibility, or otherwise. B. Landlord is the owner of the Sites. This Lease constitutes a single master lease ofall, but not less than all, ofthe Premises. Landlord and Tenant have executed and delivered this Lease with the understanding that this Lease constitutes a unitary, non -severable, indivisible instrument pertaining to all, 15 but not less than all, of the Premises then leased hereunder by Tenant, and that, except as specifically provided in this Lease (and in such cases only to the extent expressly so stated), neither this Lease nor the duties, obligations or rights of Tenant may be allocated or otherwise divided among the Premises by Tenant. Landlord and Tenant each further acknowledge and agree that each of Landlord and Tenant entered into this single master lease as part of the consideration for entering into the leasing transaction between the parties, and that the transaction would not have been consummated if there were to have been separate lease agreements for each of the individual Sites. Except as expressly provided in this Lease, the Base Rent payable hereunder is payable for all the Sites as a single, indivisible, integrated and unitary economic unit and that but for such integration, the Base Rent payable under this Lease would have been computed on a different basis. A default of any of the terns or conditions of this Lease occurring with respect to any particular Site shall constitute a default under this Lease in its entirety. Landlord and Tenant agree that for the purposes of any assumption, rejection or assignment of this Lease under I I U.S.C. Section 365 or any amendment or successor section thereof, this is one indivisible and non -severable lease dealing with and covering one legal and economic unit which must be assumed, rejected or assigned as a whole with respect to all (and only all) the Premises then leased by Tenant hereunder, subject to the terms of this Lease. In furtherance of the foregoing, Landlord and Tenant intend that: This Lease is intended to be a "true lease" and an "operating lease" and not a financing lease, capital lease, mortgage, equitable mortgage, deed of trust, trust agreement, security agreement or other financing or trust arrangement, and the economic realities of this Lease are those of a true lease. The business relationship created by this Lease and any related documents is solely that of a long term commercial lease between Landlord and Tenant, this Lease has been entered into by both parties in reliance upon the economic and legal bargains contained herein, and none of the agreements contained herein is intended, or shall be deemed or construed, to create a partnership (de facto or de jure) between Landlord and Tenant, to make them joint venturers, to make Tenant an agent, legal representative, partner, subsidiary or employee of Landlord, or to make Landlord in any way responsible for the debts, obligations or losses of Tenant. 2. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that the Term with respect to any Site, including any term extensions provided for in this Lease, is less than the remaining economic life ofany such Site. 3. The parties acknowledge and agree that the amounts allocated to each Site on Exhibit B-2 are set forth solely for the convenience and I IN use of the parties in making certain calculations as may be necessary from time to time pursuant to the provisions hereof. 4. The expressions of intent, the waivers, the representations and warranties, the covenants, the agreements and the stipulations set forth in this Section 7 are a material inducement to each of Landlord and Tenant in entering into this Lease. 8. REAL ESTATE TAXES. A. During the Term, Tenant shall promptly pay, or cause to be paid, on a cash basis when due to the applicable taxing authority one hundred percent (100%) of all taxes, including ad valorem, sales, use, rent or similar taxes, including tax increases and re -assessments; payments in lieu of taxes pursuant to any statutory service agreement, payment -in -lieu -of -taxes agreement or the like; transfer taxes; assessments, including assessments for supplemental assessments and public improvements or benefits, whether or not commenced or completed prior to the date hereof and whether or not to be completed within the Term, and including assessments under Encumbrances; water, sewer and other utility levies and charges; excise tax levies; fees, including license, permit, inspection, authorization and similar fees; and all other governmental and other charges, in each case whether general or special, ordinary or extraordinary, or foreseen or unforeseen, of every character and any kind and nature whatsoever in respect of the Premises (including, without limitation, any Building and/or Property) and/or the Rent and all interest and penalties thereon attributable to any failure in payment by Tenant which at any time prior to, during or in respect of the Term hereof may be assessed or imposed on or in respect of or be a lien upon (i) the Premises or any part thereof or any appurtenance thereto, (ii) any Rent reserved or payable hereunder or any other sums payable by Tenant hereunder, (iii)this Lease or the leasehold estate hereby created or the operation, possession, occupancy or use of the Premises or any part thereof, (iv) any occupancy, operation, use or possession of, or sales from or activity conducted on or in connection with the Premises or the Property or the leasing or use of the Premises or the Property or any part thereof, or (v) any document to which Tenant is a party creating or transferring an interest or estate in the Premises, together with any interest or penalties thereon (all of which are hereinafter called "Real Estate Taxes"). Tenant shall make such payments directly to the taxing authorities and shall promptly furnish to Landlord upon its request reasonable evidence that such Real Estate Taxes have been paid. Tenant's obligation to pay Real Estate Taxes shall be absolutely fixed upon the date such Real Estate "faxes become a lien upon the Premises or any part thereof, subject to Section 8.C. Tenant shall also be responsible for all Real Estate Taxes which, on the Commencement Date, are a lien upon the Premises or any part thereof. 17 B. If Landlord receives a bill for Real Estate Taxes, Landlord shall provide the bill for each installment of Real Estate Taxes to Tenant promptly upon Landlord's receipt of such bill, and if Landlord fails to so provide such bills to "Tenant timely and as a result penalties, interest and/or fees are assessed, Landlord shall be responsible for such amounts. "Tenant shall pay the Real Estate Taxes set forth on such bill prior to when due. Tenant shall upon request provide Landlord with reasonable evidence that such Real Estate Taxes have been paid. If Tenant shall default in the payment of any Real Estate Taxes, Landlord shall have the right (but not the obligation) to pay the same together with any penalties and interest, in which event the amount so paid by Landlord shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon demand with interest thereon at the Default Rate. Tenant may pay any Real Estate Taxes in installments, if payment may be so made without penalty, fine, premium or interest, except that on the termination of this Lease any Real Estate Taxes which Tenant has elected to pay in installments shall be apportioned between Landlord and Tenant based on the time remaining in the Term. All Real Estate "faxes for the tax year in which this Lease shall terminate shall be apportioned between Landlord and Tenant on a cash basis based upon the time period in the year that each party would have the rights to the Premises. C. Tenant shall have the right, before delinquency occurs, of protesting, contesting, objecting to or opposing, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, by appropriate legal proceedings conducted in good faith and with due diligence, the legality or amount ofany such Real Estate 'Faxes, assessments or assessed valuations in its own or in Landlord's name as the case may be, and upon Tenant's written request, Landlord will, at no cost or expense to Landlord, reasonably cooperate with Tenant; provided, however, that (i) in the case of any unpaid Real Estate Taxes, lien, attachment, levy, encumbrance, charge or claim pursuant to any Law, the commencement and continuation of such proceedings shall suspend the collection or enforcement thereof from or against Landlord and the applicable Site or Sites, which suspension may be caused by the payment by Tenant of a bond or some other form of security for payment; (ii) neither the applicable Site or Sites, the Rent therefrom nor any part or interest in either thereof would be in any danger of being sold, forfeited, attached or lost pending the outcome of such proceedings solely based on the outcome of the proceeding and not if Tenant has the right to make a curative payment following the outcome of the proceeding to avoid any of the foregoing consequences; (iii) in the case of any requirement of Law, neither Landlord nor Tenant would be in any danger of civil or criminal liability for failure to comply therewith pending the outcome of such proceedings; (iv)the insurance coverage required by Section 16 shall be maintained; (v) Tenant shall keep Landlord reasonably informed as to the status of and with copies of all documents in the proceedings, upon request by Landlord; and (vi) if such contest shall be finally resolved against Landlord or Tenant, Tenant shall promptly pay the amount required to be paid, together with all interest and W penalties accrued thereon, or comply with the applicable requirement of law or insurance requirements of Section 16. Landlord shall execute and deliver to Tenant such authorizations and other documents as may reasonably be required in any such contest, provided Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for its actual out-of-pocket costs associated with such execution, and, if reasonably requested by Tenant, Landlord shall join as a party therein (and at no cost or expense to Landlord). The provisions of this Section 8.0 shall not be construed to permit Tenant to contest the payment of Rent or any other amount payable by Tenant to Landlord hereunder. Without limiting any other provision of this Lease, Tenant shall indemnify, defend, protect and save harmless Landlord and all Landlord Indemnified Parties and the Premises from and against any and all liability, costs, fees, damages, expenses, penalties, fines and charges of any kind (including reasonable attorneys' fees, including those incurred in the enforcement of this indemnity) that may be imposed upon Landlord or the Premises or any portion thereof in connection with any such contest and any loss resulting therefrom. Any refund due from any taxing authority in respect of any Real Estate Taxes paid by or on behalf of Tenant shall be paid over to or retained by Tenant. D. Tenant will indemnify Landlord and/or any Landlord Indemnified Parties, on an after-tax basis, against any fees or taxes, including, but not limited to, Real Estate Taxes ("Taxes") imposed by the United States or any taxing jurisdiction or authority of or in the United States or any state in connection with this Lease, Landlord's ownership of the Premises and/or Tenant's use of the Premises. E. Landlord and Tenant shall, upon request of the other, promptly provide such data as is maintained by the party to whom the request is made with respect to the Premises as may be necessary to prepare any required tax returns and reports required by a governmental authority. 9. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES. Tenant shall be liable for and shall promptly pay when due all personal property taxes related to Tenant's Personal Property placed in the Premises. Tenant may, without Landlord's consent, before delinquency occurs, contest any such taxes related to 'Tenant's Personal Property. 10. OPERATING EXPENSES. A. Utilities. During the Term, Tenant agrees to pay all fees, costs, expenses and charges for electricity, power, gas, oil, water, sanitary and storm sewer, septic system refuse collection, landscaping, telephone, internet, trash removal, security, and other utilities and services consumed, rendered or used on or about the Premises (or any portion thereof) and such utility franchises as may be appurtenant to the use of the Premises (or any portion thereof) (collectively, "Utility Charges"). Landlord acknowledges and IM agrees that Tenant may enter into contracts for any of the foregoing services or the like without Landlord's prior consent during the Term; provided, that any such contract shall be terminable by Tenant (or Landlord following termination of this Lease in accordance with its terms) at or prior to the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease or upon no more than thirty (30) days' prior notice to the third -party servicer. Any resulting termination premium, fee or penalty shall be the sole responsibility of "tenant. 13. Third Party Management. Tenant shall have the right to manage and operate the Premises (or any portion thereof) utilizing third parties for the management and operation thereof, without obtaining Landlord's prior written consent of such third party. Notwithstanding the appointment of any third -party manager, Tenant shall remain fully responsible for the Premises in accordance with the terms hereof. 11. TENANT'S REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Throughout the Term, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, will keep each Site in a substantially similar condition as existed on the Commencement Date (reasonable wear and tear, damage from fire or other casualty excepted), whether or not the need for such repairs occurs as a result of Tenant's use, the elements, or the age of the applicable Building, the applicable Property or Tenant's Personal Property, or otherwise, and will commit or allow no physical waste with respect thereto, and with reasonable promptness, will make all necessary and appropriate repairs and replacements thereto of every kind and nature, including without limitation those necessary to ensure continuing compliance with all applicable Laws and insurance requirements, whether interior or exterior, structural or nonstructural, ordinary or extraordinary, foreseen or unforeseen. Tenant's maintenance, repair and replacement obligations shall extend to and include, without limitation, all systems serving each Site and, subject to any Permitted Encumbrances, any Parking Areas and landscaping on the Property. The necessity for and adequacy of repairs to any Building or other improvements forming a part of any Site shall be measured by the standard which is appropriate for and equivalent in quality to such Building's Comparable Buildings. Tenant's obligations under this Section I I shall, without limitation, include the maintenance, repair and replacement (a) at all times, of any and all building systems, machinery and equipment which exclusively serve the applicable Site, and (b) the bearing walls, floors, foundations, roofs and all structural elements of each Site. Tenant will not take or omit to take any action the taking or omission of which would reasonably be expected to (i) create (or permit to continue) any dangerous condition, or (ii) create (or permit to continue) any condition which might reasonably be expected to involve any loss, damage or injury to any person or property. All repairs and replacements shall be in quality and class at least equal to the original work and shall be made promptly as and when necessary. Repairs and replacements called for as a result of fire and/or FM other casualty and condemnation shall be made pursuant to the provisions of Sections 19 and 20 hereof, respectively. In connection with the foregoing, Tenant's obligations shall include without limitation with respect to each Site, to the extent applicable: I . Maintaining, repairing, and replacing, as necessary, the roof of the Building on such Site; 2. Maintaining and repairing the bearing walls, floors, foundations, and all structural elements of the Building on such Site; 3. Maintaining (including periodic window washing and periodic painting) and repairing the facade and exterior walls of the Building on such Site; 4. Repairing and replacing, as necessary, the doors (including, without limitation, any overhead doors) and windows of the Building on such Site, and the mechanisms therefor; 5. Causing the regular removal of garbage and refuse from such Site; 6. Causing the regular spraying for and control of insect, rodent, animal and pest infestation, and maintaining in good working order and condition all doors (both swinging and roll -up doors), including, without limitation, all weather seals; 7. Servicing, maintaining, repairing and replacing all systems and equipment serving the Premises, including, without limitation, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning equipment, and generators; 8. Regular sweeping, cleaning and removal of trash, debris, other materials and stains from such Site and from the immediately adjacent sidewalks, service drives and loading or delivery areas, if any, of such Site, as necessary to keep the same clean and in good order and condition; 9. Regular sweeping, cleaning and washing of the interior of the Building, including, without limitation, floors, windows and fixtures, and periodic washing and painting of interior walls; 10. Repairing broken, damaged or leaking walls, bathrooms, ceilings, or fixtures and equipment in the interior of the Building, including, without limitation, plate glass windows, windows, floors and lighting fixtures; and 11. Irrigating and performing all gardening and landscaping of all lawns, trees, shrubs and plantings comprising part of such Site. 21 B. Landlord shall not be required to fumish any services or facilities or make any repairs or alterations in or to any Site, and Landlord shall not under any circumstances be required to (i) build or rebuild any improvements on any Site; (ii) make any repairs, replacements, alterations, restorations or renewals of any nature to any Site, whether ordinary or extraordinary, structural or non-structural, foreseen or unforeseen, or to make any expenditure whatsoever with respect thereto; or (iii) maintain any Site (including any parking or common areas which comprise part of any Site) in any way. Tenant hereby expressly and unconditionally waives, to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted by Law, the right to make repairs or perform any maintenance at the expense of Landlord which right may be provided for in any Law in effect at the time of the execution and delivery of this Lease or which may hereafter be enacted. Tenant hereby assumes the full and sole responsibility for the condition, operation, repair, replacement, maintenance and management of the Premises. However, on default of Tenant beyond the expiration of any applicable notice and cure periods in making such repairs or replacements, Landlord may, but shall not be required to, make such repairs and replacements for Tenant's account and the expense thereof shall be paid by "Tenant to Landlord upon demand with interest at the Default Rate. C. Except as expressly set forth herein, nothing contained in this Lease and no action or inaction by Landlord shall be construed as (i) constituting the consent or request of Landlord, expressed or implied, to any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, materialman or vendor to or for the performance of any labor or services or the furnishing of any materials or other property for the construction, alteration, addition, repair or demolition or maintenance of or to the Premises or any part thereof or any improvements thereto; or (ii) giving Tenant any right, power or permission to contract for or permit the performance of any labor or services or the furnishing of any materials or other property in such fashion as would permit the making of any claim against Landlord in respect thereof. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, use and maintain the Premises in compliance in all material respects with all Laws, provided, however, that Tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts, at its sole cost and expense, to use and maintain the Premises in compliance with all Laws in all respects, and Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all Laws applicable to or having jurisdiction over the use, occupancy, operation, and maintenance of the Premises, including without limitation, all Environmental Laws, the ADA and other access laws and those which require the making of any structural, unforeseen or extraordinary changes and including those which involve a change of policy on the part of the governmental body enacting the same. Tenant shall; at its sole cost and expense, comply with all Encumbrances affecting any Site or any portion thereof (other than Landlord's obligations to pay debt service to any Landlord Mortgagee under any Landlord Mortgage). Tenant, at its sole expense, shall comply with the requirements of policies of special form insurance coverage at any time in force with respect to 22 the Premises as required pursuant to Section 16 hereof and with the provisions of all contracts, agreements and restrictions affecting the Premises or any part thereof in effect as of the date hereof or the ownership, occupancy or use thereof. Without diminishing the obligations of Tenant, if Tenant shall at any time fail to comply as promptly as reasonably practicable with any Law applicable to each Site, or the use and occupation thereof, Landlord may cause each Site to so comply and the reasonable costs and expenses of Landlord in such compliance shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon demand with interest thereon at the Default Rate. 13. SURRENDER OF PREMISES. Upon the expiration of this Lease pursuant to its terms (or, in the event of termination of this Lease on a date other than the scheduled Expiration Date of this Lease, as promptly as commercially practicable thereafter (but in any event within ten (10) days thereafter)), Tenant shall surrender to Landlord the Premises, including all Alterations constructed by Tenant therein, with all fixtures appurtenant thereto (but not including furnishings, trade fixtures, furniture, computers, point of sale systems, security systems and equipment, telephone systems, machinery, equipment, reach in or walk-in freezers, reach in or walk-in coolers, beer vaults, product shelving not affixed to the Premises, any branded MID, building sign facia, any point of sale equipment and related credit card processing devices, any fuel branding or Quick Service Restaurant (`QSR") imaging equipment, any QSR equipment, any other food service equipment including fountain units, coffee machines cappuccino machines, ice makers, ice merchandisers, ovens and food warmers and food display units, any ATMs, any store safes not built into the structure of the Building, any fuel loading racks, lottery machines and other devices and equipment used by Tenant or subtenants, but not owned by tenant and other Personal Property installed or placed on the Premises by Tenant, and (unless the Lease is terminated as a result of an Event of Default hereunder and Landlord is permitted to retain such property pursuant to Law or the applicable financing of Tenant secured thereby) electric vehicle charging equipment and associated generators, fuel dispensers, and automatic tank gauges) (collectively, "Tenant's Personal Property"), free and clear of any occupants or tenancies (including subtenancies) (other than subtenants under subleases as in effect on the date hereof) and in compliance with Laws (including, without limitation, Environmental Laws) and in as good (or better) condition and repair as existed as of the Commencement Date, reasonable wear and tear and damage from fire or other casualty excepted, and any new buildings, alterations, improvements, replacements or additions constructed by 'Tenant and remaining at the Premises, in the same or better condition as when completed, reasonable wear and tear and damage from fire or other casualty excepted. Without limitation to the foregoing, upon the expiration of this Lease pursuant to its terms (or, in the event of a termination of this Lease on a date other than the scheduled Expiration Date of this Lease, as promptly as commercially practicable thereafter (but in any event within ten (10) days thereafter)), at Landlord's request, Tenant shall commission and provide to Landlord, or Landlord may commission, in each event, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, a Phase I site assessment and, only if recommended by such Phase I site assessment, a Phase 11 site assessment of any Site at Tenant's sole cost and expense, for purposes of confirming the environmental condition of any such Site and Tenant's compliance with the terms of the Lease with respect to environmental matters. Any of Tenant's Personal Property installed or placed on the Premises by Tenant or any subtenant or assignee of Tenant, if not removed within ten (10) days after termination or expiration of this Lease (unless otherwise agreed to between "Tenant and Landlord) shall be deemed abandoned and become the property of Landlord without any payment or offset therefor if Landlord so elects. If Landlord shall not so elect, Landlord may remove such 23 property from the Premises and have it stored at Tenant's risk and expense. Tenant shall repair and restore and save Landlord harmless from all damage to the Premises caused by such removal by Landlord. 14. ALTERATIONS. A. 'Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements to any Site or any portion thereof ("Alterations") without first obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord, provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default has occurred, Landlord's prior written consent shall not be required for any Alterations to any Site that: (i) will not change the essential nature of any Building as to its current use or ancillary uses; (ii) will not materially and adversely affect the structural elements or roof of any Building, the proper functioning of a Building's systems nor the value of the Building; and (iii) do not exceed the cost of Two Hundred Fifty "Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000.00) on an annual basis. In seeking approval from Landlord of any Alterations, if required, "Tenant shall provide Landlord with (1) full and complete drawings and plans for the proposed Alterations prepared by a licensed architect or engineer; and (2) notice of whether the Alteration will involve or affect Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall not have the right to seek any zoning changes or variances in connection with any Alterations without Landlord's approval. B. All Alterations shall be constructed by "Tenant, without expense to Landlord, in a good, first-class, professional and workmanlike manner so as not to void or make voidable any roof or other warranties, employing materials of first-class quality free of material defects, and in compliance with all Law, all applicable Encumbrances and all regulations and orders, rules and regulations of the Board of Fire Insurance Underwriters or any other body exercising similar functions, and in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Lease. C. Prior to the commencement of construction of any Alteration requiring consent as set forth above, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord certificates evidencing the existence of (a) workmen's compensation insurance with coverage limits not less than statutory limits covering all persons employed for such work; (b) a completed operations endorsement to the commercial general liability insurance policy referred to in Section 16.B; and (c) reasonable comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance from the contractor naming Landlord, its designees and Tenant as additional insureds, with coverage of at least $1,000,000 single -limit or such greater amount as may be reasonably requested by Landlord; and (d) builders all risk insurance on a completed value basis (or its equivalent) covering all physical loss, in an amount no less than the full replacement value of the Alterations in question. 24 D. Promptly upon the completion of construction of any Alteration that is permanently affixed to the Premises and alters the existing footprint or elevation of a Building, 'tenant shall deliver to Landlord one complete set of "as built" drawings thereof (and if the Alterations involve any change to the footprint of the applicable Building or the erection of new building, an ALTA survey for the applicable Site certified to Landlord and any Landlord Mortgagee), proof of payment for all labor and materials, and if and to the extent commercially obtainable, copies of guarantees, if any, from all major contractors in favor of Landlord and "Tenant (jointly and separately) against defects and deficiencies in materials and workmanship, and requiring the correction of the same upon demand of Landlord and Tenant at the expense of such contractor. E. All Alterations, whether temporary or permanent in character, made in or upon the Premises either by Landlord or "tenant (other than Tenant's Personal Property installed or placed on the Premises by or on behalf of Tenant) shall be Landlord's property, and will remain with the Premises without compensation to Tenant. 15. ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord or Landlord's Representatives shall have the right to enter, from time to time, any Site or any portion thereof during normal business hours (or at such other times as approved by Tenant in advance, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, or as may be reasonably necessary in emergency situations) to (i) inspect such Site, (ii) exercise its rights and/or obligations under this Lease, or (iii) show such Site to prospective purchasers or lenders or, if Tenant either has not timely exercised a Renewal Term or has no further Renewal Terms, prospective tenants within the last ninety (90) days of the Lease Term (or at any time during the continuance of an Event of Default), it being understood that the foregoing shall not restrict Landlord from marketing the Premises to prospective tenants using other customary media or methods that do not involve on -site showings or on -site postings of "for lease" or similar signs; and Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction of Base Rent by reason thereof, nor shall such entry or action by Landlord constitute an actual or constructive eviction or repossession, without Landlord's express intention to do so as expressed in writing. No such entry shall be deemed an eviction of Tenant. At any time during which Landlord or Landlord's Representatives are on the Premises, they shall use commercially reasonable efforts to not unreasonably interrupt or interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises and shall not cause any damage or injury to persons or property on the Premises. 16. TENANT'S INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. A. During the Term, Tenant shall provide and maintain property insurance on the Building and other improvements on the Premises on an all-risk basis against physical loss or damage by fire and all other risks and perils, including but not limited to, Flood, earthquake, and windstorm, in amounts no less than the full replacement cost (subject to a loss limit of $100 million), excluding excavations, footings and foundations. Such insurance 25 shall be on terms (i) that have an agreed amount endorsement or with no co- insurance provisions; and (ii) with no exclusions for vandalism, malicious mischief, sprinkler leakage or terrorism. Boiler and Machinery Coverage shall be procured either by endorsement to the property policy or under a separate placement in an amount no less than 100% of the replacement cost or as otherwise approved in writing by Landlord. The property insurance required hereunder shall (a) cover loss sustained when access to all or a portion of Building is prevented due to an insured peril at a location in the vicinity of the applicable Site; (b) cover loss sustained due to the action of a public authority preventing access to a Building provided such order is the direct result of physical damage of the type insured against at such Building or within 1,000 feet of it; (c) insure loss caused by damage or mechanical breakdown; (d) provide an ordinance or law extension; (e) cover loss sustained due to the accidental interruption or failure of supplies of electricity, gas, sewers, water or telecommunication up to the terminal point of the utility supplier with any Site; and (I) name Landlord and its lender(s) and other designees as loss payees and contain a lender loss payee endorsement. In addition to the foregoing coverages on each Building and other improvements upon any Site, Tenant shall maintain property insurance covering Tenant's machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, and all other Tenant's Personal Property at a limit of liability determined by Tenant in its sole discretion. During the period of any restoration of any Site or any portion thereof, Tenant shall maintain an "all-risk" Builder's Risk policy on a completed value basis for the full replacement cost of the property being repaired and restored, if and when there is a structural restoration and/or major repair required at any Building. To the extent any portion of any Site is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area, Tenant shall maintain flood insurance for such Site. B. During the Term, Tenant shall also provide and maintain the following insurance at the terms and in the limits specified below: Commercial General Liability Insurance against claims for third party Bodily Injury, Personal/Advertising Injury, Property Damage, and Products/Completed Operations Liability. Such insurance shall be written on an occurrence basis and such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, assumed contractual liability for the performance by Tenant of the indemnity agreements set forth in this Lease to which this insurance applies, cross liability, and/or severability of interests. Limits shall be no less than One Million and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and Two Million and No/100 Dollars ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate with no retention or self-insurance provision exceeding $200,000 unless otherwise agreed to in writing in advance by the Landlord. Tenant shall cause Landlord and its lender or other designees to be named as additional insureds under such insurance. 26 2. To the extent required by applicable Law, workers Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance insuring against and satisfying Tenant's obligations and liabilities under the workers compensation laws of the jurisdiction in which the Premises are located, and shall also include a minimum of $1,000,000 for employer's liability coverage. 3. [Reserved]. 4. Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance written on an occurrence basis and covering claims in excess of the underlying insurance described in the foregoing subsections (1), (2) and (3) above, with a Twenty Five Million and No/100 Dollars ($25,000,000.00) minimum limit per occurrence. Such insurance shall contain a provision that it will drop down as primary and noncontributory insurance in the event that the underlying insurance policy aggregate is exhausted. 5. As and to the extent Tenant engages in (i)the sale of alcoholic beverages upon such Site, liquor liability insurance with a minimum limit of One Million and No/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00), and/or (ii) the sale or use of gasoline or other petroleum products upon such Site, Tenant shall procure pollution 'legal liability insurance covering each location with a retroactive date corresponding to the first occupation by Tenant with a minimum limit of Ten Million and No/100 Dollars ($10,000,000.00) in policy aggregate coverage which coverage shall be non-contributory and should also include coverage for any underground storage tanks located on such Site. Such pollution legal liability insurance shall be primary where there is no state underground storage tank fund and shall be secondary to such state underground storage tank fund in states where such fund exists. 6. Business interruption insurance sufficient such that the Base Rent will be paid to Landlord by Tenant for a minimum of twelve (12) months from time of loss and an extended period of indemnity of one hundred eighty (180) days, if such Site is destroyed or rendered untenantable by any cause insured against (it being understood that the existence of such insurance does not reduce Tenant's obligation to pay Base Rent without diminution). C. [Reserved]. D. Tenant shall cause all such property policies to permit Tenant's waiver of claims against Landlord under Section 18 for matters covered thereby. Tenant shall cause Landlord, Landlord Mortgagee and any superior lessor or fee owner to be named as loss payees and/or mortgagees, as their interests 27 may appear, under all property insurance policies and shall cause the coverage to continue for Landlord's benefit notwithstanding any act or omission on Tenant's part. By this Section 16, Tenant intends that the risk of loss or damage to the Premises and all property thereon, including "Tenant's Personal Property described above, be borne by responsible property insurance carriers and Tenant hereby agrees to look solely to, and to seek recovery only from, its respective property insurance carriers, in the event of a loss of a type described above to the extent that such coverage is agreed to be provided hereunder. For this purpose, any applicable deductible shall be treated as though it were recoverable under such policies. I?. All insurance required to be maintained by Tenant pursuant to Section 16.A and 16.13 must be maintained with insurers authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the applicable Site is located and which have an A.M. Best Company Rating of at least A/VIII or Standard and Poor's Rating of at least A. Tenant shall provide to Landlord, and at each renewal of expiring policies, such certificates as may be reasonably required to establish that the insurance coverage required by this Section 16 is in effect from time to time and that, to the extent commercially available, the insurer(s) have agreed to give Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee at least thirty (30) days' notice prior to any non -renewal or cancellation of, or material modification to, the required coverage. Landlord and Tenant shall cooperate with each other in the collection of any insurance proceeds which may be payable in the event of any loss, including the execution and delivery of any proof of loss or other actions required to effect recovery. Tenant shall cause all liability and property policies maintained by Tenant to be written as primary policies, not contributing with and not supplemental or excess to any coverage that Landlord or Landlord Mortgagee may carry. I . Tenant may provide the insurance required by virtue of the terms of this Lease by means of a combination of primary and excess or umbrella coverage and by means of a policy or policies of blanket property insurance so long as the blanket policy or policies comply in all other respects with the other requirements of this Lease. G. If Tenant fails to obtain the insurance coverage, as set forth in this Section 16 and does not cure its failure within ten (10) days after written notice from Landlord, Landlord may, at its option, obtain such insurance for "Tenant, and Tenant shall, upon demand, pay, as additional Rent, the cost thereof. H. All policies of insurance required to be maintained pursuant to this Lease shall be endorsed, if commercially available, so that if at any time should they be not renewed, canceled, coverage be reduced (by any party including the insured) which affects the interests of the Landlord or Landlord Mortgagee, such non -renewal cancellation or reduction shall not be 28 effective as to Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee for thirty (30) days, except for non-payment of premium which shall be for ten (10) days after receipt by Landlord of written notice from such insurer of such cancellation or reduction. In addition to the foregoing, all policies of insurance required to be maintained pursuant to this Lease shall contain terms in accordance with Tenant's normal business practice and reasonably acceptable to Landlord and shall (i) contain a severability of interest and a cross -liability clause; (ii) name Landlord, Landlord Mortgagee, any ground lessor of the applicable Site and other entities as additional insureds or loss payees, as required by contract; and (iii) be endorsed to waive any rights of subrogation against Landlord, its lenders, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, and assigns. All policies of insurance required to be maintained pursuant to this Lease (other than in respect to automobile liability or workers compensation insurance) shall insure the interests of Landlord and Tenant regardless of any breach or violation by Tenant or any other party of warranties, declarations or conditions contained in such policies, any action or inaction of Tenant or others. Prior to the Commencement Date, and no less than one (1) business day following each policy anniversary with respect to certificates of insurance and no less than thirty (30) days following each policy anniversary with respect to binders, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with certificates of insurance or binders, in a form reasonably acceptable to Landlord, evidencing all of the insurance required by the provisions of this Lease for the benefit of Landlord and required to be in force by the provisions of this Lease. Such certificates of insurance/binders shall be executed by each insurer or by an authorized representative of each insurer where it is not practical for such insurer to execute the certificate itself. Such certificates of insurance/binders shall identify underwriters, the type of insurance, the insurance limits and deductibles and the policy term. At Landlord's request, "Tenant shall furnish certified copies of all insurance policies required to be carried by Tenant pursuant to this Lease. 17. OFAC. A. Tcnant has taken all reasonable measures, in accordance with all applicable Anti -Money Laundering Laws, with respect to each holder of a direct or indirect ownership interest in the Tenant, to assure that funds invested by such holders in the Tenant are derived from legal sources; provided, however, none of the foregoing shall apply to any person to the extent that such person's interest in Tenant is in or through an entity whose stock or shares are listed and traded on any recognized stock exchange located in the United States (a "U.S. Publicly -Traded Entity"). B. Tenant hereby represents and warrants that neither Tenant, nor, to the actual knowledge of Tenant, any persons or entities holding any legal or beneficial 29 ownership interest (direct or indirect) whatsoever in Tenant (1) has been designated by the President of the United States or OFAC pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 5, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. §§ 1701-06, the Patriot Act, Public Law 107-56, Executive Order 13224 (September 23, 2001) or any Executive Order ofthe President issued pursuant to such statutes; or named on the following list that is published by OFAC: "List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons" (collectively, "Prohibited Persons"), (2) is under investigation by any governmental authority for, or has been charged with, or convicted of, any violation of any Anti -Money Laundering Laws, or drug trafficking, terrorist -related activities or other money laundering predicated crimes or a violation ofthe BSA, (3) has been assessed civil penalties under these or related laws, or (4) has had any of its funds seized or forfeited in an action under these or related laws; provided, however, none of the foregoing shall apply to any person to the extent that such person's interest is in or through a U.S. Publicly -Traded Entity. If the foregoing representations are untrue at any time during the Term and Landlord suffers actual damages as a result thereof, an Event of Default will be deemed to have occurred, without the necessity of notice to Tenant. C. Tenant has taken reasonable steps, consistent with industry practice for comparable organizations and in any event as required by Law, to ensure that Tenant is and shall be in compliance with all (1) Anti -Money Laundering Laws and (2) OFAC Laws and Regulations. Tenant will not during the Term knowingly engage in any transactions or dealings, or knowingly be otherwise associated, with any Prohibited Persons in connection with the use or occupancy of the Premises. A breach of the representations contained in this Section 17 by Tenant as a result of which Landlord suffers actual damages shall constitute a material breach of this Lease and shall entitle Landlord to any and all remedies available hereunder, or at law or in equity. 18. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Lease, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, neither Landlord nor Tenant shall be liable (by way of subrogation or otherwise) to the other party (or to any insurance company insuring the other party) for any loss or damage to the property of the releasing party to the extent the loss or damage is covered by property insurance carried or required by this Lease to be carried by the releasing party EVEN THOUGH SUCH LOSS MIGHT HAVE BEEN OCCASIONED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LANDLORD OR TENANT OR THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS OR INVITEES. Landlord and "tenant shall give each insurance company which issues policies of insurance, with respect to the items covered by this waiver, written notice ofthe terms ofthis mutual waiver, and shall have such insurance policies properly endorsed, if necessary, to prevent the invalidation of any of the coverage provided by such insurance policies by reason of such mutual waiver. For the purpose of the foregoing waiver, the amount of any deductible or self -insured retention applicable to any loss or damage shall be T11 deemed covered by, and recoverable by the insured under the insurance policy to which such deductible or self -insured retention relates. Each party shall pay any additional expense, if any, for obtaining such waiver. 19. FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY. A. All proceeds (except business interruption insurance proceeds not allocated to Rent expenses) payable by reason of any property loss, damage, or destruction of or to the Premises by fire or other casualty, or any portion thereof, under any property policy of insurance required to be carried hereunder, shall be used first for the repair of any damage to the Premises (other than such payment of Rent). Any excess proceeds of insurance remaining after the completion of the restoration or reconstruction of the Premises to substantially the same condition as existed immediately before the damage or destruction and with materials and workmanship of like kind and quality and to Landlord's reasonable satisfaction, and in accordance with the general terms and conditions of Exhibit C attached hereto, as applicable (collectively, "Restoration Standards"), shall be retained by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to reasonably prosecute and settle insurance claims. B. In the event of a fire or other casualty resulting in the payment of insurance proceeds in an amount greater than Five Million and No/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00), to the extent such proceeds are paid by the insurer in advance of any repair, restoration, or replacement being performed and not as reimbursement following Tenant's restoration of a Premises (with any insurance proceeds paid as a reimbursement being retained by Tenant and not turned over to Landlord), such proceeds with respect to the Premises shall be paid to Landlord to be held by Landlord or Landlord Mortgagee for purpose of repair, restoration, or replacement of the Premises and made available to Tenant upon request, pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section 19. Landlord shall make available to Tenant the insurance proceeds paid to Landlord for such repair, restoration or replacement of the Premises as it progresses (other than business interruption proceeds to be allocated to Rent expenses as aforesaid). Payments shall be made against certification of the architect responsible for the supervision of the repairs and rebuilding that the work had been performed substantially in conformance with the approved plans and specifications therefor. Landlord shall contribute to such payments, out of the insurance proceeds being held by Landlord, an amount equal to the proportion that the total net amount so held by Landlord from time to time bears to the total remaining estimated cost of repairing, restoring and replacing. C. If the Premises or any portion thereof is materially damaged by fire or other casualty, whether or not from a risk covered by insurance, Tenant shall give Landlord prompt written notice thereof, and Rent shall continue unabated notwithstanding any casualty to the Premises. Tenant waives any statutory 31 rights of termination which may arise by reason of any damage or destruction of the Premises or any portion thereof. D. In the event ofa fire or other casualty, Tenant shall, at its expense regardless of the amount of any such damage or destruction and whether or not the insurance proceeds attributable such damage or destruction made available to Tenant, if any, shall be sufficient for the purpose, cause the Premises to be repaired, restored and replaced in accordance with all Law, this Section 19.13 and the Restoration Standards, as expeditiously as practicable using reasonable diligence to a condition as nearly as practicable to that which existed immediately prior to occurrence of the fire or other casualty and otherwise in a good workmanlike manner, using new materials of like quality. E. No damage or destruction of the Premises or any portion thereof as a result of lire or any other hazard, risk or casualty whatsoever shall relieve Tenant from Tenant's liability and obligation to timely pay the full Rent payable under this Lease and Rent shall continue unabated notwithstanding any casualty. F. The provisions of this Lease, including this Section 19 constitute an express agreement between Landlord and Tenant with respect to any and all damage to, or destruction of, all or any part of the Premises, and any Law with respect to any rights or obligations concerning damage or destruction in the absence of an express agreement between the parties, and any similar or successor Laws now or hereinafter in effect, shall have no application to this Lease or any damage or destruction to all or any part of the Premises. 20. CONDEMNATION. A. Tenant and Landlord shall promptly give the other written notice upon knowledge of the actual or threatened commencement of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding or other governmental taking affecting the Premises or any portion thereof, and, to the extent not otherwise received, shall deliver to the other copies of any and all papers served in connection therewith. Subject to the remainder of this Section 20, if during the Term all or any part of the Premises shall be taken for any public or any quasi -public use under any statute or by right of eminent domain or by private purchase in lieu thereof, all compensation awarded or paid as a result thereof shall belong to and be the property of Landlord without any participation by Tenant and without any deduction therefrom for any estate hereby vested in or owned by Tenant and Tenant hereby irrevocably assigns to Landlord any award or payment to which Tenant may be or become entitled by reason of any taking of the Premises or any part thereof, subject to the other provisions of this Section 20. Landlord shall have the exclusive power to collect, receive and retain any such award proceeds and to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such award. Nothing 32 herein shall be deemed to preclude Tenant from prosecuting any claim directly against the condemning authority in such condemnation proceeding for (i) Tenant's value of leasehold improvements made to the Site by Tenant, (ii) Tenant's Personal Property or the cost of removal thereof, (iii) relocation/moving costs and, additionally, and (iv) Tenant may make a separate claim with the condemning authority for Tenant's enterprise or business value. Tenant and Landlord each agree to execute any and all further documents that may be reasonably required in order to facilitate collection by such party of any and all awards. Tenant, in cooperation with Landlord, shall have the right to participate in any condemnation proceedings for the purpose of protecting Tenant's interest hereunder. B. If during the Term all or substantially all of any Site shall be taken for any public or any quasi -public use under any statute or by right of eminent domain or by private purchase in lieu thereof, then Tenant may, not later than thirty (30) days after any such taking, give notice to Landlord of its intention to terminate this Lease as to such Site on any business day specified in such notice which occurs not less than thirty (30) nor more than one hundred eighty (180) days after such taking. In such event, this Lease shall terminate with respect to such Site only, on the date set forth in the notice provided by Tenant and upon such termination with respect to such Site only: (x) neither party shall have any obligation to the other with respect to such Site under this Lease; (y) this Lease shall remain in full force and effect with respect to all other Sites and (z) thereafter the Base Rent shall be reduced by an amount equal to the product of (i) the Applicable Rent Reduction Percentage for such Site, and (ii) the aggregate Base Rent in effect at such time. A taking of substantially all of a Site under this Section 203 shall be deemed to have occurred only if such taking results in (u) the rentable square footage ofthe Property being permanently reduced by (1) twenty percent (20%) or more for a Site that is under two (2) acres or (11) thirty percent (30%) or more for a Site that is two (2) acres or greater, (v) the parking area of the Property being permanently reduced so that the remaining parking area of the Property is illegal under applicable zoning ordinances as to parking, (w) petroleum delivery trucks being unable to access such Site (x) any requirement to permanently remove fifty percent (50%) or more of the canopies or (1) any of the storage tanks located at a Site with four (4) or Tess storage tanks at such Site or (II) more than twenty percent (20%) of the storage tanks located at a Site with five (5) or more storage tanks at such Site or the permanent reduction of more than twenty- five percent (25%) of the fuel dispensers located at the Property, and such canopies, storage tanks or fuel dispensers, as applicable, cannot be relocated or reconfigured on the Site, or (y) a permanent loss of access, ingress or egress, or any other appurtenance necessary for the operation of such Site substantially in the manner in which it had previously been operated and there is no reasonably equivalent replacement therefor. 33 C. If during the Term all or any part of a Site shall be taken for any public or any quasi -public use under any statute or by right of eminent domain or by private purchase in lieu thereof and if the Lease is not terminated as to such Site pursuant to Section 20.13 as expressly provided in Section 20.B, then this Lease shall continue in full effect subject to a proportionate reduction of Rent or other sums payable by Tenant under this Lease based on the loss of the rentable square footage of any Building on the Property resulting from such taking or private purchase, notwithstanding such taking or private purchase. Tenant shall, promptly after any such taking and at its expense (regardless of whether any awards are available as a result of such taking), repair any damage caused by any such taking in accordance with this Section 20 and the Restoration Standards and so that, after the completion ol' such repair, such Site shall be, as nearly as possible, in a condition as good as the condition thereof immediately prior to such taking, except for ordinary wear and tear. All of the net award collected by Landlord pursuant to Section 20.A shall be held by Landlord (or Landlord Mortgagee) and applied and paid over toward the cost of repair of damage due to such taking against certificates of Tenant, signed by an authorized officer of Tenant, delivered to Landlord from time to time as such repair progresses or is completed, each such certificate describing such repair for which Tenant is requesting payment, the cost incurred by Tenant in connection therewith and stating that Tenant has not theretofore received payment for such repair. If the cost of repairs shall exceed the net award collected by Landlord, Tenant shall pay the deficiency. Any balance remaining in the hands of Landlord after payment of such costs of demolition, repair and restoration shall be retained by Landlord. D. If the use or occupancy of any Site or any portion thereof shall be temporarily requisitioned by any governmental authority, civil or military, then this Lease shall continue in full effect notwithstanding such requisition, without abatement or reduction of Rent or other sums payable by Tenant hereunder, and Tenant shall be entitled to receive the entire net award payable by reason of such temporary requisition. Any requisition of twelve (12) months or longer shall be considered a taking of substantially all of a Site under Section 203, and Tenant shall be afforded the termination rights as and to the extent set forth in said Section 20.13. 21. INDEMNIFICATION. A. Notwithstanding the existence of any insurance required to be provided hereunder (but not in duplication thereof), and without regard to the policy limits of any such insurance, and in addition to and not in limitation of any other indemnity provided in this Lease, Tenant shall protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless all Landlord Indemnified Parties from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, claims, damages, penalties, causes of action, losses, costs, fees and expenses, including without limitation reasonable counsel fees and court costs, to the maximum extent permitted 34 by Law, imposed upon, asserted against or suffered or incurred by any Indemnified Party directly or indirectly by reason of any claim, suit or judgment obtained or brought by or on behalf of any person or persons against any Landlord Indemnified Party, for damage, loss or expense, which arise out of, are occasioned by, or are in any way attributable to or related to the following: (i) Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises; (ii) the conduct of Tenant's business at the Premises; (iii) any activity, work or thing done or permitted by or on behalf of Tenant or its agents, contractors or subtenants in or about the Premises; (iv) the condition of the Premises; (v) the Lease or any breach or default in the performance of any obligation to be performed by Tenant under the terms of this Lease or arising from any act, neglect, fault or omission of Tenant or Tenant's Representatives; or (vi) the Premises or any accident, injury to or death of any person or damage to any property howsoever caused in or on the Premises, except to the extent that any of the foregoing are directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord and/or any Landlord Indemnified Parties. Tenant, at its expense, shall contest, resist and defend any such claim, action or proceeding asserted or instituted against any Landlord Indemnified Party ("Landlord Claim"). If at any time a Landlord Indemnified Party shall have received written notice of or shall otherwise be aware of any Landlord Claim which is subject to indemnity under this Section 2 LA, such Landlord Indemnified Party shall give reasonably prompt written notice of such Landlord Claim to Tenant; provided, that, except to the extent Tenant is materially prejudiced in its defense of such Landlord Claim, (1) such Landlord Indemnified Party shall have no liability fora failure to give notice of any Landlord Claim, and (II) the failure of such Landlord Indemnified Party to give such a notice to Tenant shall not limit the rights of such Landlord Indemnified Party or the obligations of Tenant with respect to such Landlord Claim. Tenant shall have the right to reasonably control the defense of any Landlord Claim; provided that Tenant shall cooperate with Landlord and Tenant shall not settle any Landlord Claim without Landlord's approval, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Tenant's liability under this Section 21 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. B. Except to the extent prohibited by Law or directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or any Landlord Indemnified Parties, Tenant hereby expressly releases Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee and all other Landlord Indemnified Parties from, and waives all claims for, damage or injury to person, theft, loss of use of or damage to property and loss of business sustained by Tenant and resulting from the Premises, including the Building, Property or Tenant's Personal Property or any part thereof or any equipment therein or appurtenances thereto becoming in disrepair, or resulting from any damage, accident or event in or about the Premises. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Section 2LB shall apply particularly, but not exclusively, to flooding, damage caused by Building equipment and apparatuses, water, snow, frost, 35 steam, excessive heat or cold, broken glass, sewage, gas, odors, excessive noise or vibration, death, loss, conversion, theft, robbery, or the bursting or leaking of pipes, plumbing fixtures or sprinkler devices. 22. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. A. Subject to Tenant's right of first refusal provided in Section 46 hereof, this Lease shall be fully assignable by the Landlord or its successors and assigns, in whole or in part in connection with Landlord's sale or transfer of its interest in a Site. In the event that from time to time Landlord desires to sever and partially assign its interest in the Lease with respect to one or more of the Sites in their entirety, then (a) the Base Rent allocated to any Sites covered by the partial assignment (the "Allocated Base Rent Amount") shall be equal to the product of the Applicable Rent Reduction Percentage for such Sites and the then current Base Rent; (b) Landlord and Tenant shall within ten (10) business days of written request (the "Landlord Severance Notice") by Landlord enter into (i) a lease modification agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit H-1 (each a "Lease Modification Agreement") and (ii) a new lease agreement covering such assigned Sites in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit H-2 (each a "New Lease"); (c) Landlord and Landlord's assignee shall enter into a landlord assignment and assumption of lease agreement with respect to such New Lease so assigned in the form reasonably required by Landlord's assignee (each a "Landlord Assignment Agreement," together with the Lease Modification Agreement and the New Lease, collectively, with respect to each Site or Sites being transferred, the "Lease Transfer Documents"); (d) upon the assignment by Landlord, this Lease shall be amended (pursuant to the Lease Modification Agreement) to exclude any such Sites the subject of such partial assignment from the Lease, and to reduce the Base Rent hereunder by the Allocated Base Rent Amount; (e) the successor Landlord to the assigned Sites shall provide Tenant with a Form W-9 and provide details for payments of future Rent to the successor Landlord for the new lease; (0 the successor Landlord for the assigned Sites shall execute a collateral access agreement either in the form attached as Exhibit 1 or in such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to successor Landlord; and (g) the Base Rent payable under the New Lease will equal the Allocated Base Rent Amount. In such event, each party shall deliver original executed counterparts of the Lease Transfer Documents to the party designated by Landlord within ten (10) business days of delivery of the Landlord Severance Notice. In addition, Tenant and Landlord shall execute and deliver to the other, any other instruments and documents reasonably requested by Landlord or "Tenant and reasonably approved by the other in connection with the sale or assignment including without limitation, amended SNDAs and/or memorandum of leases. In addition, Tenant agrees to cooperate reasonably with Landlord in connection with any such sale or assignment at no cost or expense of or additional liability or adverse effect to, Tenant. From and after the effective date of any such Landlord 36 Assignment Agreement, Landlord will be released from any liability thereafter accruing with respect to the Sites covered thereby and such assignee shall also be deemed to have assumed all such liabilities. B. Subject to Tenant's right of first refusal provided in Section 46 hereof, Landlord shall have the right to sell or convey the entire Premises subject to this Lease or to assign its right, title and interest as Landlord under this Lease in whole or in part. In the event of any such sale or assignment other than a security assignment, Tenant shall attom to such purchaser or assignee and Landlord shall be relieved, from and after the date of such transfer or conveyance, of liability for the performance of any obligation of Landlord contained herein, except for obligations or liabilities accrued prior to such assignment or sale. The successor Landlord shall provide Tenant with a Form W-9 and provide details for payments of future Rent to the successor Landlord, and shall execute a collateral access agreement either in the form attached as Exhibit 1 or in such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to successor Landlord. C. At any time and from time to time, Landlord shall have the right to sever this Lease into two or more Severed Master Leases in accordance with this Section 22.0 (such severance, a "Master Lease Severance"). In the event Landlord desires to effectuate a Master Lease Severance, then, (a) Landlord and Tenant shall within ten (10) business days of Landlord's written request (the "Landlord Master Lease Severance Notice") execute two or more master leases each in the form of this Lease, among which the Sites shall be allocated (such number of master leases and the allocation of Sites among such master leases shall be determined by Landlord and designated in the Landlord Master Lease Severance Notice), which master leases shall, collectively, amend and restate this Lease in its entirety (each such master lease a "Severed Master Lease" and collectively, the "Severed Master Leases") and (b) the Base Rent under each Severed Master Lease shall equal the product of the aggregate Applicable Rent Reduction Percentages for the Sites subject to such Severed Master Lease and the then current Base Rent. In the event Landlord elects to cause a Master Lease Severance, each party shall deliver original executed counterparts of the Severed Master Leases within ten (10) business days of delivery of the Landlord Master Lease Severance Notice. In addition, Tenant and Landlord shall execute and deliver to the other, any other instruments and documents reasonably requested by Landlord or Tenant and reasonably approved by the other in connection with the Master Lease Severance, including, without limitation, amended SNDAs and/or memoranda of leases. In addition, Tenant agrees to cooperate reasonably with Landlord in connection with any Master Lease Severance. D. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has relied on the business experience and creditworthiness of Tenant and Guarantor in entering into this Lease. Except as provided in Section 22.H or otherwise expressly provided herein, 37 without the prior written consent of Landlord, in Landlord's sole and absolute discretion: (i) Tenant shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublease, pledge or mortgage this Lease or any interest therein, whether by operation of law or otherwise; and (ii) no change of Control of Guarantor shall occur, provided that Landlord consent shall not be required (but prior written notice to Landlord shall be required) under this clause (iii) for any Permitted Guarantor Change of Control (each of items (i) through (iii) are hereinafter referred to as a "Transfer"). For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Permitted Guarantor Change of Control" shall mean any change of Control of Guarantor with respect to which any of the following conditions is satisfied: (1) immediately following such change of Control of Guarantor, Guarantor (or the successor to Guarantor, if applicable) has an investment grade rating (public or private) pursuant to ratings established by at least two (2) of the following Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organizations (NRSRO): Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch, Morningstar, Kroll, and Egan -Jones; (2) immediately following such change of Control of Guarantor, Guarantor (or the successor to Guarantor, if applicable) has the following, as applicable: (a) if such change of Control occurs during Time Period One, both (i) EBITDA equal to or greater than One Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($100,000,000.00) and (ii) net worth equal to or greater than the product of (A) ten percent (10%) multiplied by (B) the Total Landlord Investment, (b) if such change of Control occurs during Time Period Two and the Acquisition Threshold has not been satisfied, net worth equal to or greater than the product of (A) ten percent (10)% multiplied by (B) the Total Landlord Investment, or (c) if such change of Control occurs during Time Period Two and the Acquisition "Threshold has been satisfied, both (i) EBITDA equal to or greater than One Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($100,000,000.00) and (ii) net worth equal to or greater than One Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($100,000,000.00); or (3) prior to such change of Control of Guarantor, Tenant delivers to Landlord an irrevocable standby letter of credit in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Landlord ("Letter of Credit") in an amount equal to the aggregate Base Rent scheduled to be paid by Tenant to Landlord hereunder from the date of delivery of such Letter of Credit until the date that is twelve (12) months thereafter (the "Security Deposit"), to be held by Landlord for the balance of the Term. Upon Tenant's failure to timely pay Rent or any other sums due under this Lease, Landlord may, without limiting any other rights Landlord may have herein, draw on such Letter of Credit to satisfy any such unpaid monetary obligation of Tenant, and "Tenant shall, immediately upon written notice from Landlord thereof, deposit with Landlord an amount in cash sufficient to replenish the Security Deposit to its original amount. The Letter of Credit shall be issued (the following collectively, the "LC Issuer Requirements"): (a) by a commercial bank with a net worth of at least Ten Billion Dollars ($10,000,000,000), (b) that is chartered under the laws of the United States, any State thereof or the District of Columbia, and which is insured by the 38 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, (c) whose long-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are rated in the highest category by at least two of Fitch Ratings Ltd. (Fitch), Moody's Investors Service, Inc. (Moody's) and Standard & Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) (the "Rating Agencies") or their respective successors (which shall mean AAA from Fitch, Aaa from Moody's and AAA from Standard & Poor's), (d) which has a short term deposit rating in the highest category from at least two Rating Agencies (which shall mean Fl from Fitch, P-I from Moody's and A-1 from S&P), and (e) which is not insolvent and is not placed into receivership or conservatorship by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any successor or similar entity, and for which no trustee, receiver or liquidator is appointed. If at any time following the delivery of the Letter of Credit by Tenant pursuant to this Section 22.13 the LC Issuer Requirements are not satisfied, then Tenant shall, no later than ten (10) business days thereafter, deliver to Landlord either a replacement Letter of Credit which meets the LC Issuer Requirements or cash in the amount of the Security Deposit. If Tenant fails to deliver a replacement Letter of Credit from an institution that satisfies the LC Issuer Requirements or such cash Security Deposit to Landlord within such ten (10) business day period, Landlord, at its option, upon the delivery of written notice to Tenant may draw upon the Letter of Credit and instruct the Letter of Credit issuer to deliver the full amount of the Letter of Credit to Landlord as a cash Security Deposit. It is Tenant's responsibility to maintain and renew the Letter of Credit such that it is in effect at all times until the return of the Letter of Credit to Tenant in accordance herewith. Tenant shall renew such Letter of Credit no later than thirty (30) days prior to any expiration date thereof or replace such Letter of Credit with a replacement Letter of Credit which otherwise meets the LC Issuer Requirements or with a cash Security Deposit. If Tenant has not renewed the Letter of Credit (and delivered the original of such renewal documentation to Landlord) or delivered a satisfactory replacement Letter of Credit or cash Security Deposit to Landlord at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the Letter of Credit, Landlord, at its option, may draw upon the Letter of Credit and instruct the Letter of Credit issuer to deliver the full amount of the Letter of Credit to Landlord as a cash Security Deposit. In lieu of the Letter of Credit, Tenant may elect to deliver to Landlord a rental insurance product, issued by an investment -grade insurer, which will "credit wrap" all of the Tenant's obligations under this Lease for the entire Term. In addition, Guarantor shall not, at any time, transfer any asset of Guarantor if, immediately following such transfer, the EBITDA of Guarantor would be less than One Hundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($100,000,000.00), unless, prior to such transfer of such asset, Tenant provides the ARKO Guaranty (as hereinafter defined) to Landlord. In addition, no interest in "Tenant, or in any individual or person owning directly or indirectly any interest in Tenant, shall be transferred, assigned or conveyed to any individual or person whose property or interests are subject to being blocked under any of the OFAC Laws and Regulations and/or who 39 is in violation of any of the OFAC Laws and Regulations, and any such transfer, assignment or conveyance shall not be effective until the transferee has provided written certification to "Tenant and Landlord that (A) the transferee or any person who owns directly or indirectly any interest in transferee, is not an individual or entity whose property or interests arc subject to being blocked under any of the OFAC Laws and Regulations or is otherwise in violation of the OFAC Laws and Regulations, and (B) the transferee has taken reasonable measures to assure than any individual or entity who owns directly or indirectly any interest in transferee, is not an individual or entity whose property or interests are subject to being blocked under any of the OFAC Laws and Regulations or is otherwise in violation of the OFAC Laws and Regulations; provided, however, the covenant contained in this sentence shall not apply to any person to the extent that such person's interest is in or through a U.S. Publicly -Traded Entity. E. Landlord's consent to a Transfer shall be subject to the satisfaction of such conditions as Landlord shall determine in its reasonable discretion, including, without limitation, the proposed transferee having satisfactory creditworthiness as determined by Landlord in its sole and absolute discretion. In addition, any such consent shall be conditioned upon the payment by Tenant to Landlord of all out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in connection with such consent, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees. The provisions of this Section 22 shall apply to every Transfer regardless of whether voluntary or not, or whether or not Landlord has consented to any previous Transfer. No Transfer shall relieve Tenant of its obligations under this Lease or any guarantor of this Lease of any of its obligations under the Guaranty, it being understood that the initial Tenant under this Lease and the Guarantor always shall remain liable and responsible for the obligations of the tenant hereunder unless Landlord consents to release the initial Tenant under this Lease and the Guarantor based on the creditworthiness of any successor tenant and/or guarantor. Any Transfer in violation of this Section 22 shall be voidable at the sole option of Landlord. 1'. Any Transfer shall not relieve Tenant, or any person claiming by, through or under Tenant, of the obligation to obtain the consent of Landlord, pursuant to this Section 22, to any further Transfer. In the event of a sublease, if there exists an Event of Default, Landlord may collect rent from the subtenant without waiving any rights under this Lease while such Event of Default is continuing. At Tenant's request, Landlord shall inform Tenant when it has collected such rent from the subtenant. Any rent Landlord may collect from any such subtenant will be first applied to the Rent due and payable under this Lease and any other amounts then due and payable and then applied to the Rent as it becomes due and payable under this Lease. The collection of the Rent and any other sums due and payable under this Lease, from a person other than "Tenant shall not be a waiver of any of Landlord's rights under this Section 22.1, an acceptance of assignee or .M subtenant as Tenant, or a release of Tenant from the performance of Tenant's obligations under this Lease. No Transfer shall affect the liability of Guarantor under the Guaranty. G. No Transfer shall impose any additional obligations on Landlord under this Lease. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord (and Landlord's Mortgagee, if applicable) for Landlord's reasonable costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in conjunction with the reviewing and processing and documentation of any Transfer requiring Landlord's consent regardless of whether such Transfer is consummated. H. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant may upon written notice to Landlord but without the written consent of Landlord: (i) transfer its interest in this Lease to any Affiliate of Tenant controlled by GPM Investments, LLC, (ii) Transfer, or allow to be Transferred, publicly -traded shares of any direct or indirect parent entity of GPM Investments, LLC, and (iii) sublease Tenant's interest in this Lease. For the avoidance of doubt, Tenant and Guarantor shall remain fully liable under this Lease, notwithstanding any such Transfer or sublease. With respect to any sublease ofthe Premises, (i) such sublease, by its terms, must be expressly subordinate to and subject to the terms of this Lease (and all future amendments to this Lease), (ii) the use contemplated under such sublease must not breach the use restrictions herein, (iii) such sublease shall not impose any additional obligations on Landlord under this Lease, and (iv) Landlord shall have no obligation to recognize any or to agree to not disturb any subtenant or other occupant of Tenant upon any Event of Default of Tenant under this Lease, unless Landlord shall agree to do so in writing by separate instrument, but Landlord, acting in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have no obligation to do so. 23. LIENS. Tenant will not, directly or indirectly, create or permit to be created or to remain, and will promptly discharge, at its expense, any mechanic's, supplier's or vendor's lien, encumbrance or charge on the Premises or any part hereof. The existence of any mechanic's, supplier's or vendor's lien, or any right in respect thereof, shall not constitute a violation of this Section 23 if payment is not yet due upon the contract or for the goods or services in respect of which any such lien has arisen or, if Tenant is protesting or challenging such lien in good faith and has, within thirty (30) days after Tenant receives actual notice of such lien, bonded over such lien. Nothing contained in this Lease shall be construed as constituting the consent or request of Landlord, expressed or implied, of any contractor, subcontractor, laborer, materialman or vendor to or for the performance ofany labor or services or the furnishing of any materials for any construction, alteration, addition, repair or demolition of or to the Premises or any part thereof, and any such contractor, subcontractor, laborer, materialman or vendor shall look solely to Tenant and Tenant's interest in the Premises to secure the payment of any bills for any labor, services, or materials furnished. Notice is hereby given that Landlord will not be liable for any labor, services or materials furnished or to be furnished to Tenant, or to anyone holding the Premises or any part thereof through or 41 under Tenant, and that no mechanic's or other liens for any such labor, services or materials shall attach to or affect the interest of Landlord in and to the Premises. If Tenant has not removed any such lien or other encumbrance described above within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof to Tenant, Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to, pay the amount of such lien or other encumbrance or discharge the same by deposit, and the amount so paid or deposited shall constitute additional Rent and be collectible upon demand with interest at the Default Rate. Landlord hereby consents to the granting of a lien or security interest on the fixtures, furnishings, trade fixtures, furniture, computers, telephone systems, machinery, equipment and other of Tenant's Personal Property installed or placed on the Premises by Tenant in connection with any customary credit facility(ies) and/or equipment financing that Tenant has or may have during the Term hereof, and Tenant shall give Landlord written notice of any such lien ("Permitted Personal Property Lien"). In connection with any such Permitted Personal Property Lien, Landlord agrees to execute a collateral access agreement in the form attached as Exhibit t or in such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to Landlord. 24. TENANT'S DEFAULT. Each of the following events shall be deemed to be an "Event of Default" under this Lease: (i) failure to pay Rent or any other monetary obligation as and when due, and such failure continues for three (3) business days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's written notice thereof; (ii) Tenant abandons the Premises (except to the extent permitted in Section 4.13); (iii) Guarantor or Tenant becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or institutes a proceeding under state or federal bankruptcy laws (or successor laws) or Guarantor or Tenant shall be adjudged bankrupt or insolvent in proceedings filed against Guarantor or Tenant; (iv) a writ of attachment or execution is levied on this Lease, or a receiver is appointed with authority to take possession of the Premises, which attachment, execution or receiver is not removed within thirty (30) days of filing or appointment of a receiver; (v) Guarantor or Tenant shall be liquidated or dissolved; (vi) Tenant shall violate Section 23 hereof; (vii) the estate or interest of Tenant in the Premises or any part thereof shall be levied upon or attached in any proceeding relating to more than One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00), and the same shall not be vacated, discharged or stayed pending appeal (or bonded or otherwise similarly secured payment) within the earlier of sixty (60) days after commencement thereof or thirty (30) days after receipt by "tenant of notice thereof from Landlord or any earlier period provided by Law for obtaining any stay pending appeal or to prevent foreclosure or sale; provided, however, that such notice shall be in lieu of and not in addition to any notice required under applicable Law; (viii) Tenant fails to maintain any insurance required by this Lease; (ix) failure by "Tenant to perform any other covenant, agreement or undertaking of the Tenant contained in this Lease if the failure to perform is not cured within thirty (30) days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's written notice thereof, provided, however, if the breach cannot reasonably be cured within thirty (30) days, the same shall not result in an Event of Default if "Tenant commences to cure the breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of Landlord's written notice and diligently and in good faith continues to prosecute the cure of said breach to completion, provided such breach is cured within ninety (90) days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's written notice thereof; (x) to the extent required under the Guaranty, Guarantor fails to deliver the financial statements required to be delivered by Guarantor to Landlord; and (xi) an event of default beyond all applicable notice and cure periods by Guarantor under the Guaranty. 42 25. REMEDIES OF LANDLORD. A. From and after the occurrence of any Event of Default, Landlord shall have the option to pursue any one or more of the following remedies as well as any other remedy available at Law or in equity for such Event of Default: (i) terminate this Lease, in which event Tenant shall immediately surrender the Premises to Landlord; (ii) using lawful means, enter upon and take possession ofthe Premises without terminating this Lease and without being liable for prosecution or claim for damages, and relet, upon reasonable terms, all or a portion of the Premises (if Landlord elects to enter and relet the Premises, Landlord may at any time thereafter elect to terminate this Lease); (iii) sue periodically to recover damages during the period corresponding to the portion of the Term for which suit is instituted, and if Landlord elects to sue and is successful in such suit, Landlord shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses of such suit, including reasonable attomeys' fees, together with interest at the Default Rate; (iv) re-enter the Premises or any portion thereof and attempt to cure any default of Tenant, or make any such payment or perform such act for the account of and at the expense of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall, upon demand, reimburse Landlord as additional Rent for all reasonable costs and expenses which Landlord incurs to cure such default, together with interest at the Default Rate accruing from the date such costs and expenses were incurred, and Tenant agrees that no such entry or action by Landlord shall constitute an actual or constructive eviction or repossession, without Landlord's express intention to do so as expressed in writing, and no such entry shall be deemed an eviction of Tenant; (v) to the extent permitted by applicable Law, accelerate and recover from Tenant all Rent and other monetary sums scheduled to become due and owing under this Lease after the date of such breach for the entire Term and any Renewal Term that has been exercised; and (vi) enforce the provisions of this Lease by a suit or suits in equity or at law for the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein, or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any out-of-pocket expenses which Landlord actually incurs in complying with the terms of this Lease on behalf of Tenant, together with interest at the Default Rate. B. If Landlord elects to terminate this Lease, Landlord shall be entitled to recover from Tenant all Rent accrued and unpaid for the period up to and including such termination date, as well as all other additional Rent payable by Tenant, or for which Tenant is liable or for which Tenant has agreed to indemnify Landlord, which may be then owing and unpaid, and all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Landlord in the enforcement of its rights and remedies hereunder, together with interest at the Default Rate. In addition, Landlord shall be entitled to recover as damages for loss of the bargain and not as a penalty the lesser of (i) the sum of (1) the aggregate sum which at the time of such termination represents the present value of the aggregate Rent which would FW have been payable after the termination date had this Lease not been terminated for the remainder of the Term or Renewal Term, as applicable, during which such termination occurred, such present value to be computed on the basis of the rate of U.S. Treasury Bills with the closest maturity date correlating with the amount of time left in the Term or Renewal Term, as applicable, had this Lease not been terminated, and (2) any damages in addition thereto, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, which Landlord sustains as a result of the breach of any of the covenants of this Lease other than for the payment of Rent, and interest at the Default Rate or (ii) the greatest amount permitted by applicable Law. C. Landlord shall undertake to mitigate damages upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, which Landlord obligation shall be satisfied in full if Landlord undertakes to lease the Premises (the "Repossessed Premises") to another tenant (a "Substitute Tenant") in accordance with the following criteria: (1) Landlord shall have no obligation to solicit or entertain negotiations with any other prospective tenants for such Repossessed Premises until Landlord obtains full and complete possession of such Repossessed Premises including, without limitation, the final and unappealable legal right to relet such Repossessed Premises free of any claim of "Tenant; (2) Landlord shall not be obligated to lease or show such Repossessed Premises, on a priority basis, or offer such Repossessed Premises to a prospective tenant when other premises in the applicable Building or any other building owned by Landlord suitable for that prospective tenant's use are (or will be) available; (3) Landlord shall not be obligated to lease such Repossessed Premises to a Substitute Tenant for a rent less than the current fair market rent then prevailing for similar uses in Comparable Buildings for such Repossessed Premises, nor shall Landlord be obligated to enter into a new lease under other terms and conditions that are unacceptable to Landlord under Landlord's then current leasing policies for comparable space in the applicable Building or for a building belonging to Landlord in the vicinity; (4) Landlord shall not be obligated to enter into a lease with a Substitute Tenant whose use would: (i) violate any restriction, covenant, or requirement contained in the lease of another tenant of the applicable Building; or (ii) materially and adversely affect the value or marketability of the applicable Building; and (5) Landlord shall not be obligated to enter into a lease with any proposed Substitute "Tenant which does not have, in Landlord's reasonable opinion, sufficient financial resources to operate such Repossessed Premises in a first-class manner and to fulfill all ofthe obligations in connection with the lease thereof' as and when the same become due. No rcletting shall be construed as an election on the part of Landlord to terminate this Lease unless a written notice of such intention is given to Tenant by Landlord. Notwithstanding any such reletting without termination, Landlord may at any time thereafter elect to terminate this Lease for such previous default and/or exercise its rights under Section 25.A and Section 25.13. D. Pursuit of any of the above stated remedies by Landlord after an Event of Default shall not preclude pursuit of any other remedy provided in this Lease or at Law or in equity, nor shall pursuit of any remedy constitute forfeiture or waiver of any remedy of Landlord or payment due to Landlord. No waiver by Landlord of any violation or breach of any of the terms, provisions and covenants herein contained shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any other violation or breach of any of the terms, provisions and covenants herein contained. Forbearance by Landlord to enforce one or more of the remedies herein provided upon an Event of Default shall not be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any other violation or default. Once an Event of Default occurs, Landlord shall not be obligated to accept any cure of such Event of Default, and such Event of Default shall continue unless and until Landlord states in writing, in its sole and absolute discretion, that no Event of Default exists under this Lease. 26. SUBORDINATION/ATTORNMENT. A. Landlord Mortgage. Landlord may mortgage its fee interest in the Premises or any portion thereof, at any time, and from time to time, in accordance with the terms hereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord and Tenant agree that this Lease shall be subordinate to any Landlord Mortgage and the rights of any Landlord Mortgagee; provided, however, in the event of a foreclosure under any such Landlord Mortgage, or conveyance or assignment in lieu of foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, such Landlord Mortgagee and its successors and assigns shall not disturb the occupancy or other rights of Tenant under the terms of this Lease so long as no Event of Default exists hereunder. The foregoing shall be self -operative and not require any additional documentation, provided, however, if requested by Landlord or, to the extent consented to by the Landlord Mortgagee, Tenant, Tenant shall, promptly and in no event later than fifteen (15) days after a request from Landlord, enter into a reasonable and customary subordination, non -disturbance and attornment agreement (`SNDA") with Landlord Mortgagee to effectuate the subordination, non -disturbance and attomment rights contemplated by this Section 26.A. B. For the purposes of this Lease, the following definitions shall apply: "Landlord Mortgage" shall mean any financing obtained by Landlord, as evidenced by any mortgage, deed of trust, assignment of leases and rents, financing statement or other instruments, and secured by the interest of Landlord in the Premises or any portion thereof, including any extensions, modifications, amendments, replacements, supplements, renewals, refinancings and consolidations thereof. "Landlord Mortgagee" shall mean the mortgagee (and its successors and assigns) under any Landlord Mortgage. 45 27. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE. A. At any time, and from time to time, Tenant or Landlord, as applicable, shall, promptly and in no event later than fifteen (15) days after a request from the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the first party a certificate in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D or such other form as may be supplied by such first party certifying: (i) that, with respect to an estoppel delivered by Tenant, 'Tenant has accepted the Premises; (ii) that this Lease is in full force and effect and has not been modified (or if modified, setting forth all modifications); (iii) the commencement and expiration dates ofthe Term, including the terms of any extension options of "Tenant; (iv) the date to which the rentals have been paid under this Lease and the amount thereof then payable; (v) whether there are then any known existing defaults by the other party in the performance of its obligations under this Lease, and, if there are any such defaults, specifying the nature and extent thereof; (vi) that the first party, to its actual knowledge, is not in default under this Lease beyond any grace or cure periods, except as to defaults specified in the certificate; (vii) the capacity of the person executing such certificate, and that such person is duly authorized to execute the same on behalf of the other party; and (viii) any other information reasonably requested by the first party. B. At any time, and from time to time, Tenant shall, at Landlord's request, use commercially reasonable (but without the requirement to expend funds in any non -de minimis amounts) efforts to obtain estoppel certificates, in a form requested by Landlord or any Landlord Mortgagee, from any applicable counterparties under any applicable declarations, covenants, conditions and restrictions, reciprocal easement agreement or other encumbrances. 28. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary: A. "Tenant covenants and agrees that it shall not cause, conduct, authorize or allow (i) the presence, generation, transportation, storage, treatment, or usage at the Premises, or any portion thereof, of any Hazardous Material in violation of or as would give rise to liability under Environmental Laws; (ii) a Release or threat of Release of any Hazardous Material on, under, about or in the Premises; or (iii) any violation of or liability under any Environmental Law at or with respect to the Premises or activities conducted thereon. For avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Section 28.A shall prohibit Tenant from using at the Premises (1) cleaning materials, pesticides, and other common household and office products, and/or (11) materials in connection with any fuel tanks, fuel dispensers, generators or the like on the Premises, solely to the extent, with respect to each of the preceding clauses (1) and (11), that any such use thereof is in compliance with Environmental Laws. B. Landlord acknowledges that Tenant will sell, handle, receive and store petroleum fuels and other products from the Premises in the conduct of its normal business operations. Tenant shall, at its own cost, comply and ensure that the Premises and all operations and activities at the Premises comply with all Environmental Laws and the terms of this Lease with respect to Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall, at its own cost, obtain all permits, licenses and authorizations required under Environmental Laws for the operations and activities conducted at the Premises. C. Tenant shall promptly make available to Landlord on Tenant's data portal with written notice of any material violation of Environmental Laws, any material Release of Hazardous Materials in or around any Site that could impact the Premises or require any investigation, remediation or other response action under Environmental Law, and any written claim or written threat of a material claim asserting any liability under Environmental Laws relating to the Premises, and copies of all reports, site assessments, and material communications, permits or agreements to, from or with any governmental authority or other third party relating to such violation, Release or claim. D. Landlord and Landlord's Representatives shall, during the Term of the Lease, have access to the Premises to conduct such inspections and tests (i) as may be required by its actual or prospective purchasers or lenders in connection with any financing, refinancing, sale, disposition or other transfer involving the Premises or (ii) which may be necessary in the event of any permanent or temporary (for a period of more than thirty (30) days) cessation of operations at or shut down of the Premises. E. If the presence, Release, threat of Release, presence or placement on, in or around any Site, or the generation, transportation, storage, use, treatment, or disposal at or around any Site of any Hazardous Material by Tenant, Tenant's Representatives, or by any third party other than Landlord or Landlord's Representatives: (i) gives rise to any liability or obligation (including, but not limited to, any investigatory, remedial, removal, reporting, or other response action) under any Environmental Law, (ii) causes or threatens to cause any adverse effect on public health or occupational safety and health, or (iii) otherwise violates Environmental Law, Tenant shall promptly take any and all remedial and removal actions required by Environmental Laws or otherwise necessary to clean up any such Site to comply with all environmental standards applicable to any such Site given its use at the time of the remediation and mitigate exposure to liability arising from the Hazardous Material. 47 I'. Tenant shall make available on its data portal to Landlord upon Tenant becoming aware of: (i) any enforcement action, investigation, cleanup, notice of material violation, or other regulatory action taken or threatened against either party or otherwise related to the Premises by any governmental authority with respect to the presence of any Hazardous Material at any Site in violation of or giving rise to liability under any Environmental Law, or the migration thereof from or to other property, (ii) any demands or claims made or threatened in writing by any governmental authority or other person against either party hereto or otherwise relating to any actual or alleged material violation of or liability under Environmental Laws or relating to any loss or injury resulting from any Hazardous Material or based on Environmental Laws, (iii) any Release of Hazardous Materials, unlawful discharge, or non -routine, improper or unlawful disposal or transportation of any Hazardous Material on or from any Site, and (iv) any matters where Tenant is required by Environmental Law to give a notice to any governmental authority respecting any Hazardous Materials in, at, on, under or about any Site in violation of Environmental Laws, and "fenant shall thereafter keep Landlord reasonably apprised with respect to the status -and Tenant's actions to resolve such matters, and shall make available to Landlord with such other documents and information as Landlord may reasonably request with respect thereto. G. Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord and the Landlord Indemnified Parties harmless, in the manner specified in Section 21, from and against any and all liability, claim, expense, cause of action, fines, judgments, settlements, investigation, monitoring and remediation costs, penalties, losses and damages (including reasonable attorney's, consultant's and contractor's fees) resulting or arising from (i) the breach by Tenant of its covenants and agreements set forth in this Section 28, (ii) the presence, Release, placement on, in or around the Premises, or the generation, transportation, storage, use, treatment or disposal at or around any Site of any Hazardous Materials before or during the Term and any Renewal Term, as applicable, by Tenant or any third party other than Landlord or Landlord's Representatives in violation of or giving rise to any liability under any Environmental Law, (iii) any violation of or obligation under Environmental Law before or during the Term and any Renewal Term, as applicable, by Tenant or any third party other than Landlord or Landlord's Representatives, and (iv) claims by governmental authorities or other third parties associated with Hazardous Materials or violations of or obligations under Environmental Laws by "fenant or any third party other than Landlord or Landlord's Representatives, or Hazardous Materials present at, on, under or about any Site before or during the Term and any Renewal Term, as applicable, including, without limitation those that were discovered during the Term and any Renewal Term, as applicable, which were caused prior to the Term by Tenant or its agents, representatives, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees or any third party other than Landlord 48 or Landlord's Representatives. The foregoing indemnity obligations shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. Il. Without limitation to the foregoing, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all Environmental Laws relating to the operation and use of all aboveground and underground storage tanks and associated lines, systems and equipment ("Tanks") at any time located at the Premises, such compliance to include without limitation ensuring that all Tanks are equipped with leak detection systems and otherwise meet all applicable construction standards and technical requirements, are subject to regular inspections and tightness tests to confirm Tank integrity, and are covered by pollution insurance policies or other financial assurance mechanisms to the extent required under Environmental Laws. Tenant shall upon request make.available to Landlord copies of inspection reports, insurance policies, and other documentation reasonably necessary to confirm the compliance status of such Tanks. In the event of any spills, releases or evidence of leakage from or associated with the use of the Tanks, Tenant shall report the same to the appropriate regulatory agency and, if required, shall conduct testing of environmental media to confirm the nature and extent of contamination, complete all remedial and corrective actions required under Environmental Laws with respect to such spill, release or leakage, and upon completion of work provide Landlord, to the extent available, a copy of a No Further Action letter or the equivalent determination from the applicable regulatory agency ("NFA") with respect to the remedial work. I. For purposes of this Lease, any remediation to be performed by Tenant hereunder shall be at a standard as required to attain compliance with minimum remedial standards applicable under Environmental Law (with respect to the current permitted use) in a cost effective manner, employing where applicable risk -based remedial standards and institutional controls. In the event a Tank Fund or state regulator requests or requires that any restrictive covenants be placed on any of the Premises, or that Landlord execute any documentation in order to reduce a risk rating or obtain an NFA or closure of a Release, Landlord shall execute such restrictive covenants and documentation required by such Tank Fund or state regulator, to the extent that such restrictive covenants and documentation shall not adversely affect the Permitted Use of the Premises. Landlord agrees that restrictions relating to drinking water or restrictions against having a school or day care facility or other residential uses at the Premises shall not be deemed to adversely affect the permitted use of the Premises. J. Upon the expiration or early termination of the Lease, at Landlord's request made in writing at least six (6) months prior to the end of the Term, Tenant, at its sole expense, shall remove from the Premises all Tanks in accordance with all Environmental Laws and applicable commercial guidelines, perform post -removal testing of soil and groundwater to confirm the presence or absence of contamination associated with such Tanks, and to m the extent that such removal involves any excavation or remedial work at the Premises, Tenant shall perform such remediation and restore the Premises to the same grade level as immediately prior to excavation using clean fill soil, and Tenant shall obtain and make available to Landlord a copy of a NFA with respect to the Tank removal and remedial work, as applicable. If Tanks are removed by 'Tenant, 'Tenant shall be entitled to receive qualifying reimbursements with respect to such removal under any applicable underground storage tank reimbursement fund in the state in which the applicable Premises are located ("Tank Funds"). 29. PRESS RELEASES. Except for any announcement intended solely for internal distribution by Landlord or Tenant or any disclosure required by legal, accounting or regulatory requirements beyond the reasonable control of the disclosing party, including, without limitation, requirements of any applicable securities exchange or securities regulator (provided, however, to the extent permitted by the applicable securities exchange or securities regulator, the schedules and exhibits hereof shall be redacted), all media releases or public announcements (including, but not limited to, promotional or marketing material) by Landlord or Tenant or either party's employees or agents relating to this Lease or its subject matter, or including the name, trade name, trade mark, or symbol of Tenant or an Affiliate of Tenant, or Landlord or an Affiliate of Landlord, shall be coordinated with and approved in writing by the other party prior to the release thereof; provided, that nothing herein is intended to require Tenant's consent to the identification of'1'enant or the particulars of this Lease in connection with any marketing of the Premises or any portion thereof by Landlord. To the extent any such approval is granted, (a) such name, trade name, trademark, or symbol shall be displayed only in accordance with the granting party's then current branding standards, including, without limitation, those related to colors and placement and all TM and ® marks and (b) the other party agrees to promptly remove such references upon receipt of the granting party's written request to do so. 30. HOLDING OVER. Except as set forth below, if'Tenant continues to occupy the Premises or any portion thereof after the expiration or other termination of this Lease or the termination of Tenant's right of possession with respect to the Premises, such occupancy shall be that of a tenancy at sufferance. Tenant shall, throughout the entire holdover period, be subject to all the terms and provisions of this Lease (other than provisions relating to length of the Term) and shall pay for its use and occupancy an amount (on a per month basis without reduction for any partial months during any such holdover) equal to (i) one hundred percent (100%) ofthe additional Rent due under this Lease for the holdover period, and (ii) one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the monthly Base Rent due in the month immediately prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the Term. Except as set forth below, no holding over by Tenant or payments of money by 'Tenant to Landlord after the expiration of the 'Perm shall be construed to extend the Term or prevent Landlord from recovery of immediate possession of the Premises by summary proceedings or otherwise. In the event that Tenant continues to occupy the Premises or any portion thereof after the expiration or termination of this Lease, such occupancy shall be that of a tenancy at sufferance and Tenant shall be liable to 50 Landlord for all direct and consequential damages which Landlord may suffer by reason of any holding over by Tenant. 31. FINANCIAL COVENANTS. Within ninety (90) days after the end of each ofthe first, second and third calendar quarters of each year and during the term of this Lease, Guarantor shall deliver to Landlord unaudited financial statements for such fiscal quarter including a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash Flow, prepared in accordance with GAAP on a consolidated basis and certified to be accurate and complete by the CFO, VP -Finance or other appropriate officer of Guarantor). On or before one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each of Guarantor's fiscal years during the term of the Lease, Guarantor shall deliver audited financial statements for such fiscal year including a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cashflow, prepared in accordance with GAAP on a consolidated basis and audited by an independent certified public accounting firm. Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as annual audited financial statements of Guarantor are publicly available, Guarantor's obligations to deliver financial reports pursuant to this Section 31 shall be deemed to be satisfied. No more than once a year and no later than 120 days after the end of Tenant's fiscal year, Tenant shall provide Landlord unit level store profit and loss statements in excel showing the cash Flow generated by the unit, consistent with Tenant's historical policies and procedures, which include each's unit's rent payment as an expense. Failure to provide such financial statements on a timely basis shall not be an Event of Default, if Tenant provides such Financial Statements within 10 days of having received a notice from Landlord regarding the failure to provide such Financial Statement. 32. QUIET ENJOYMENT. So long as Tenant is not in an Event of Default under this Lease, Landlord shall not take any action to disturb in any material respect Tenant's quiet enjoyment of the Premises (subject, however, to the exceptions, reservations and conditions of this Lease). Except to the extent expressly set forth in this Section 32, Tenant hereby waives any right or defense it may have at law or in equity relating to Tenant's quiet enjoyment of the premises. 33. NOTICES. Any notice, demand, request, or other communication that any party hereto may be required or may desire to give hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly given (a) if hand delivered, when delivered; (b) if mailed by United States Certified Mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested), three (3) business days after mailing; (c) if by FedEx or other nationally recognized overnight courier service, on the next business day after delivered to such courier service for delivery on the next business day; or (d) if by facsimile or e-mail transmission, on the day of transmission so long as a copy is sent on the same day (or prior thereto) by FedEx or other nationally recognized overnight courier service for delivery on the next business day, to the addresses set forth in Section 2 hereof, or at such other address as the party to be served with notice has furnished in writing to the party seeking or desiring to serve notice as a place for the service of notice. Attorneys for either party hereto may provide notice of behalf of such party, provided that all other requirements of this Section 33 are satisfied. 51 34. PERSONAL LIABILITY. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in this Lease, it is specifically understood and agreed, such agreement being a primary consideration for the execution of this Lease by Landlord, that (i) there shall be absolutely no personal liability on the part of the direct and indirect members, partners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents of Landlord and its successors or assigns, to Tenant with respect to any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease, (ii) Tenant waives all claims, demands and causes of action against the direct and indirect members, partners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents of Landlord and its successors or assigns in the event of any breach by Landlord of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be performed by Landlord, and (iii) Tenant shall look solely to Landlord's interest in the Premises for the satisfaction ofeach and every remedy of"tenant in the event of any breach by Landlord of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be perforned by Landlord, or any other matter in connection with this Lease or the Premises, such exculpation of liability to be absolute and without any exception whatsoever. No breach by Landlord of any provision of this Lease shall give rise to a right of'I'enant to terminate this Lease, it being understood and agreed that'fenant's sole remedy for any such breach shall be a claim for actual damages (if any). Furthermore, Tenant hereby knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally waives any right it may have to seek punitive, consequential, special and indirect damages from Landlord and any of such Landlord's direct and indirect members, partners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents of Landlord and its successors or assigns with respect to any matter arising out of or in connection with this lease or any document contemplated herein or related hereto. The waiver by Tenant of any right it may have to seek punitive, consequential, special and indirect damages has been negotiated by the parties hereto and is an essential aspect of their bargain. 35. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Lease represents the entire agreement and understanding between Landlord and Tenant with respect to the subject matter herein, and there are no representations, understandings, stipulations, agreements or promises not incorporated in writing herein. 36. AMENDMENTS. No amendments or modifications of this Lease shall be effective unless such amendment or modification is in writing and executed and delivered by and between Tenant and Landlord, nor shall any custom, practice or course of dealing between the parties be construed to waive the right to require specific performance by the other party in compliance with this Lease. 37. LEGAL INTERPRETATION. L'ach of Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that the State of North Carolina has a substantial relationship to the parties and to the underlying transaction embodied hereby, and in all respects (including, without limiting the foregoing, matters of construction, validity and performance), this Lease and the obligations arising hereunder shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina applicable to contracts made and performed therein and all applicable law of the United States of America; except that, at all times, the provisions for 52 the creation of the leasehold estate created by this Lease, enforcement of Landlord's rights and remedies with respect to right of re-entry and repossession, surrender, delivery, ejectment, dispossession, eviction or other in -rem proceeding or action regarding each Site pursuant to Section 25 hereunder shall be governed by and construed according to the Laws of the State in which such Site is located, it being understood that, to the fullest extent permitted by law of such State where such Site is located, the law of the State of North Carolina shall govern the validity and enforceability of this Lease, and the obligations arising hereunder. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Tenant and Landlord hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waive any claim to assert that the law of any other jurisdiction governs this Lease. Words of any gender shall be construed to include any other gender, and words in the singular number shall be construed to include the plural, unless the context otherwise requires. The headings of the sections have been inserted for convenience only and are not to be considered in any way in the construction or interpretation of thisI-ease. Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, the terms of this Lease shall apply to, inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties and their respective assigns, successors and legal representatives. Any legal suit, action or proceeding against Tenant arising out of or relating to this Lease may be instituted in any federal court in the Northern District of Illinois or state court sitting in Cook County, State of Illinois, and Landlord and Tenant each waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in such federal district or county and state, and Landlord and Tenant each hereby expressly and irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of any such court in any suit, action or proceeding. In this Lease, the words "include," "includes" or "including" mean "include without limitation," "includes without limitation" and "including without limitation," respectively, and the words following "include," "includes" or "including" shall not be considered to set forth an exhaustive list. 38. OPTION TO RENEW. A. , Tenant shall have the right, at its election made in its sole discretion, to extend the Term (the "Renewal Option") for the additional periods set forth in Section LE (each, a "Renewal Term"), provided that each of the following occurs: Landlord receives irrevocable written notice of exercise of the Renewal Option (the "Renewal Notice"), not less than nine (9) full months but not greater than eighteen (18) full months prior to the expiration of the then existing Term (or Renewal 'Term, as case may be); and 2. There is no uncured Event of Default beyond any applicable notice and cure period at the time that Tenant delivers the Renewal Notice or at the time "Tenant delivers its Renewal Notice. B. The Renewal Term shall be upon the same terms and conditions as in this Lease except Base Rent for the first year of the applicable Renewal Term shall be equal to one hundred two percent (102%) of the Base Rent for the year immediately preceding the first year of the applicable Renewal Term. 53 The Base Rent shall increase by two percent (2%) annually during each Renewal Term. C. If Tenant is entitled to and properly exercises its Renewal Option, Landlord and Tenant shall execute an amendment (the "Renewal Amendment") to reflect changes in the Base Rent, the Term, the Expiration Date and other appropriate terms; provided that an otherwise valid exercise ofthe Renewal Option shall be fully effective whether or not the Renewal Amendment is executed. During any validly exercised Renewal Term, references to the Term in this Lease shall mean and refer to the Term as extended by the Renewal Term. 39. AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO LEASE. Each of Tenant and Landlord represents and warrants (a) that the individual(s) executing this Lease on its behalf is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of the corporation, limited liability company or partnership, as the case may be, and (b) that this Lease is binding on the corporation, limited liability company and the partnership in accordance with its terms. 40. PARTIES BOUND. The preparation and submission of a draft of this Lease by either party to the other party shall not constitute an offer, nor shall either party be bound to any terms ofthis Lease or the entirety of this Lease, until both parties have fully executed a final document. Until such time as described in the previous sentence, either party is free to terminate negotiations without penalty or any further obligation to the other party. 41. COUNTERPARTS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. This Lease may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement, and shall become a binding agreement when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other party. Signatures to this Lease, any amendment hereol' and any notice given hereunder, delivered electronically via .pdf, .jpeg, .TII', .TIFF or similar electronic format shall be deemed an original signature and fully effective as such for all purposes. Each party agrees to deliver promptly an executed original of this Lease (and any amendment hereto) with its actual signature to the other party, but a failure to do so shall not affect the enforceability of this Lease (or any amendment hereto), it being expressly agreed that each party to this Lease shall be bound by its own electronically transmitted signature and shall accept the electronically transmitted signature of the other party to this Lease. 42. SEVERABILITY. If any term or other provision of this Lease is invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced by any rule of law or public policy, all of the other conditions and provisions of this Lease will nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced, the parties hereto will negotiate in good faith to modify this Lease so as to reflect the original intent ofthe parties as closely as possible 54 in an acceptable manner to the end that the transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the extent possible. 43. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. LANDLORD AND TENANT HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVETHE RIGHT EITHER MAY HAVE TOA TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ISSUES PRESENTED IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING, CLAIM OR COUNTERCLAIM BROUGHT BY EITHER OF THE PARTIES HERETO AGAINST THE OTHER OR ITS SUCCESSORS WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LEASE, THE RELATIONSHIP OF LANDLORD AND "TENANT, TENANT'S USE OR OCCUPANCY OF THE PREMISES, AND/OR ANY CLAIM FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE, OR ANY EMERGENCY OR STATUTORY REMEDY. THIS WAIVER BY THE PARTIES HERETO OF ANY RIGHT EITHER MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY HAS BEEN NEGOTIATED AND IS AN ESSENTIAL ASPECT OF THEIR BARGAIN. 44. MEMORANDUM OF LEASE. This Lease shall not be recorded, either independently or as an exhibit, schedule, annex, or addendum to any other document. However, at Tenant's or Landlord's election, a Memorandum of Lease in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit E, shall be executed, acknowledged and delivered for recording in the county in which any Site is located by both parties with the costs of recording the Memorandum of Lease to be borne by Tenant. Tenant shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord a release of the Memorandum of Lease in recordable form within five (5) days following the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease in accordance with its terms. If Tenant fails to so execute, acknowledge and deliver the release within such five (5) day period, Landlord shall hereby be deemed to be Tenant's attorney -in -fact for the sole purpose of executing and recording the release on behalf of Tenant. Tenant shall pay any and all recording and other costs, fees and taxes in connection with the execution and recordation of the Memorandum of Lease. 45. BROKERS. Tenant warrants that it has had no dealings with any broker or agent in connection with this Lease. Tenant covenants and agrees to pay, hold harmless and indemnify Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee for any compensation, commissions and charges claimed by any other broker or agent with respect to this Lease, based on Tenant's actions. Landlord warrants that it has had no dealings with any other broker or agent in connection with this Lease. Landlord covenants and agrees to pay, hold harmless and indemnify Tenant for any compensation, commissions and charges claimed by any other broker or agent with respect to this Lease, based on Landlord's actions. 46. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO PURCHASE. Provided that no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing under this Lease, Tenant shall during the Term have a right of first refusal ("Right of First Refusal") to purchase the Property from Landlord pursuant to the terms of this Section 46. "The Right of First Refusal is subject to the following terms and conditions: 55 A. If Landlord receives a bona fide written offer from a third party to purchase the Property, and Landlord desires to accept such offer, Landlord shall give Tenant written notice thereof, including the stated purchase price and other material economic terms (if any), which notice may include the applicable letter of intent, purchase and sale agreement or a similar document reflecting the material terms of such offer from such third party ("Landlord's Notice"). B. Tenant may then deliver to Landlord written notice of its election ("Tenant's Purchase Election") to purchase the Property on the terms described in Landlord's Notice on or before the date that is fifteen (15) business days after delivery by Landlord to Tenant of Landlord's Notice (the "Exercise Period"). C. Upon Landlord's receipt of Tenant's Purchase Election, the parties shall negotiate reasonably and in good faith for a period of fifteen (15) days (the "Negotiation Period") in order to finalize and execute a mutually acceptable purchase and sale agreement setting forth such terms (the "Contract"), it being agreed that, if Landlord's Notice included a purchase and sale agreement negotiated by Landlord with the applicable third party, then Tenant shall be required to accept such purchase and sale agreement (with solely ministerial changes to reflect Tenant (or its designee) as purchaser) as the Contract. In the event a Contract is not executed by the parties prior to the expiration of the Negotiation Period, then Tenant shall be deemed to have waived the Right of First Refusal to purchase the Property under the terms of Landlord's Notice and Landlord shall thereafter have the right to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with a third party for the Property on terms and conditions of the Landlord's Notice or any other terms and conditions, subject to Section 46.E, and consummate the sale of the Property pursuant thereto. D. If Tenant does not deliver a Tenant's Purchase Election prior to the expiration of the Exercise Period, then 'tenant shall be deemed to have waived the Right of First Refusal to purchase the Property under the terms of Landlord's Notice, and Landlord shall thereafter have the right to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with a third party for the Property on terns and conditions of the Landlord's Notice or any other terms and conditions, subject to Section 46.1., and consummate the sale of the Property pursuant thereto. E. In the event that Tenant declines or waives (or is deemed to have waived) its Right of First Refusal to purchase the Property pursuant to this Section 46, Landlord shall have the right to sell the Property and Tenant shall not have a further Right of First Refusal unless (i) there shall be a material decrease in the purchase price from the purchase price provided in the initial Landlord's Notice or (ii) the other material terms of such sale (taken as a whole) are materially more favorable to the third -party purchaser 56 as compared to those set forth in the initial Landlord's Notice. For the purposes of this Section 46.E, a "material decrease" shall mean a decrease of five percent (5%) or more of the purchase price for the Property in the Landlord's Notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall re- institute the procedure set forth in this Article 46 if Landlord fails to (x) execute and deliver a bona fide contract with a third party for the proposed sale within ninety (90) days after Tenant declines or waives (or is deemed to have waived) its Right of First Refusal to purchase the Property or (y) consummate the proposed sale pursuant to such contract. F. Tenant's Right of First Refusal pursuant to this Article 46 shall be a one- time right,and, accordingly, if Tenant declines or waives (or is deemed to have waived) its Right of First Refusal to purchase the Property pursuant to this Article 46 and the sale of the Property by Landlord is subsequently consummated pursuant to the terms under Landlord's Notice as provided under this Article 46, then, thereafter, the terms and conditions of this Article 46 shall automatically be of no further force or effect. G. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tenant's right to purchase the Property pursuant to this Article 46 is and shall be subject and subordinate to any Landlord Mortgage and shall not be applicable to any foreclosure sale, transfer by deed -in -lieu of foreclosure or similar transfer of the Property or to any subsequent transfer or sale of the Property by any Landlord Mortgagee or its nominee, in each case, whether such transfer or sale affects the Property'or the ownership interests in Landlord. 47. GUARANTY. Simultaneously with the execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord (i) a fully executed copy of the Unconditional Guaranty of Payment and Performance attached hereto as Exhibit G (the "Guaranty") signed by the Guarantor named in Section 2 hereof and (ii) a fully executed copy of the Guaranty signed by ARKO Corp. (the "ARKO Guaranty"). 48. LOCAL LAW PROVISION. If Tenant contemplates or undertakes any improvements to the real property for any of the Sites located in the State of North Carolina, the cost of which undertakings are $30,000 or more, either at the time that the original building permit is issued or, in cases in which no building permit is required, at the time the contract for the improvements is entered into with the "tenant, Tenant as owner shall designate a lien agent no later than the time the owner first contracts with any person to improve the real property pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stint. §§44A-1 1.1 et seq. 49. LEASE CONTINGENCY. Reference is hereby made to that certain Designation Agreement, dated September 17, 2021, between Tenant and Landlord (as may be amended and/or modified from time to time, the "Designation Agreement"). This Lease shall terminate and be null and void ab initio if the "Closing" as defined in the Designation Agreement has not occurred on or before the "Outside Closing Date" as defined in the APA (the "Lease Contingency Failure"). At either party's request, the parties shall execute an acknowledgement confirming the Effective Date in the event the Lease Contingency Failure has not occurred, or, in the event the 57 Lease Contingency Failure has occurred, confirming the Lease Contingency Failure has occurred and thus the Lease has terminated. Signatures on following page) bW IT WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Lease Agreement effective as of the date first written above. LANDLORD: SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By::_; Name: James Hennessey Title: Authorized Representative [Signatures Continue on Next Page] TENANT: GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware I�mited liability company By: /rjl Name: Arie Kotler Title: CEO and 4,Qc0vea eg Py: Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP M11 EXHIBIT A TO LEASE AGREEMENT! GPM Investments, LLC _ _ Project Sandbar- Handy Mart sites GPM Seller �Lease Annual Monthly Storeq Store# 7Address City (State Zip years Rent I Rent 4700 102 11094 N Breazeale Ave. Mount Olive NC 28365 1 $ 404,760.00 _ $ 33,730.00 4701 103 358 NE Center St. Faison NC 28341 1 $ 187,620.00 $ 15,635.00 4702 114 408 Main St. Scotland Neck NC 27874 1 $ 104,820.00 $ 8,735.00 4705 134 3806 Arendell St. Morehead City NC 28557 1 $ 154,620.00 $ 12,885.00 4706 136 509 Hwy 58 Maysville NC 28555 1 $ 159,180.00 _ $ 13,265.00 4708 147 1605 Herring Ave. Wilson NC 27893 1 $ 89,100.00 _ $ 7,425.00 4709 148 1180 Henderson Dr. Jacksonville NC 28540 1 $ 159,540.00 _ $ 13,295.00 4710 150 2830 U.S. 70 W Goldsboro NC 27530 1 $ 122,820.00 S 10,235.00 4711 151 1000 S Memorial Dr. Greenville NC 27834 1 $ 164,520.00 _ $ 13,710.00 4713 154 3801 Charles Blvd Greenville NC 27858 1 $ 82,620.00 _ $ 6,885.00 4714 155 1800 S Glenburnie Rd. New Bern NC 28562 1 $ 165,900.00 $ 13,825.00 4715 156 3495 Western Blvd. Jacksonville NC 28546 1 $ 243,540.00 $ 20,295.00 4716 157 701 W Corbett Ave. Swansboro NC 28584 1 $ 61,740.00 _ $ 5,145.00 4718 161 4328 Winterville Pkwy (aka 4328 NC 11 South) Winterville NC 28590 1 $ 222,720.00 _ $ 18,560.00 4721 164 1029 Kingold Blvd. Snow Hill NC 28580 1 $ 154,680.00 _ S 12,890.00 4722 165 2325 Hwy 258 N Kinston NC 28501 1 $ 227,400.00 $ 18,950.00 4723 166 125 NC Hwy 102 W Ayden NC 28513 1 $ 266,520.00 _ $ 22,210.00 4724 167 707 N Main St. Robersonville NC 27871 1 $ 330,720.00 _ $ 27,560.00 4725 168 800 Hwy 55 E New Bern NC r 28560 1 1 $ 372,480.00 _ $ 31,040.00 4726 169 13841 NC Hwy 55 Alliance NC r 28509 1 $ 160,620.00 $ 13,385.00 4727 170 1050 Edwards Rd. Princeton NC r 27569 1 $ 255,720.00 $ 21,310.00 4728 171 7065 U.S. 70 Newport NC 28570 1 $ 227,700.00 _ $ 18,975.00 4729 172 5506 Richlands Hwy Jacksonville NC 29540 1 $ 255,960.00 $ 21,330.00 4730 173 803 W B McLean Dr. Cape Carteret NC 28584 1 $ 285,780.00 _ $ 23,815.00 4731 174 1476 Burgaw Hwy Jacksonville NC 28540 1 $ 260,280.00 $ 21,690.00 4732 175 4754 Arendell St. Morehead City NC 28557 1 $ 228,360.00 _ $ 19,030.00 4733 176 3800 W Nash SC Wilson NC 27896 1 $ 217,860.00 _ $ 18,155.00 4734 177 5673 Gum Branch Road Jacksonville NC 28540 1 $ 252,060.00 _ $ 21,005.00 4735 178 2700 NC Hwy 210 Hampstead/Surf City NC 28443 1 $ 177,240.00 _ -_ _ �.. _ _ _ _ $ 5,996,880.00 $ 499,740.00 I Note to Draft: Year I annual rents to be as follows, in each case subject to 2% annual increases. EXHIBIT B-2 TO LEASE AGREEMENT BASE RENT ALLOCATION Property Address City State Base Rent 1094 N Breazeale Ave. Mount Olive NC $ 404,760.00 358 NE Center St. Faison NC $ 187,620.00 408 Main St. Scotland Neck NC $ 104,820.00 3806 Arendell St. Morehead City NC $ 154,620.00 509 Hwy 58 Maysville NC $ 159,180.00 1605 Herring Ave. Wilson NC $ 89,100.00 1180 Henderson Dr. Jacksonville NC $ 159,540.00 2830 U.S. 70 W Goldsboro NC $ 122,820.00 1000 S Memorial Dr. Greenville NC $ 164,520.00 3801 Charles Blvd Greenville NC $ 82,620.00 1800 S Glenbumic Rd. New Bern NC $ 165,900.00 3495 Western Blvd. Jacksonville NC $ 243,540.00 701 W Corbett Ave. Swansboro NC $ 61,740.00 4328 Winterville Pkwy (aka 4328 NC 1 I South) Winterville NC $ 222,720.00 1029 Kin old Blvd. Snow Hill NC $ 154,680.00 2325 Hwy 258 N Kinston NC $ 227,400.00 125 NC Hwy 102 W A den NC $ 266,520.00 707 N Main St. Robersonville NC $ 330,720.00 800 Flwy 55 E New Bern NC $ 372,480.00 13841 NC Hwy 55 Alliance NC $ 160,620.00 1050 Edwards Rd. Princeton NC $ 255,720.00 7065 U.S. 70 Newport NC $ 227,700.00 5506 Richlands Flwy Jacksonville NC $ 255,960.00 803 W B McLean Dr. Cape Carteret NC $ 285,780.00 1476 Bur aw Hwy Jacksonville NC $ 260,280.00 4754 Arendell St. Morehead City NC $ 228,360.00 3800 W Nash St. Morehead City NC $ 217,860.00 5673 Gum Branch Road Jacksonville NC $ 252,060.00 2700 NC Hwy 210 Hampstead NC $ 177,240.00 $ 5,996,880.00 `\ So EXHIBIT C TO LEASE AGREEMENT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS All provisions of this Exhibit are expressly subject to the provisions in the Lease above governing any work performed by Tenant (or an Affiliate of'Tenant, as the case may be) on its own behalf, including Alterations or any casualty or condemnation restoration ("Tenant's Work"). In the event of any conflict between the Lease and this Exhibit, the Lease shall control. Tenant's Work will be performed by Tenant in substantial accordance with final Plans approved by Landlord (where such approval is provided for in the Lease). Tenant's contractor(s) shall secure and pay for all necessary permits, inspections, certificates, legal approvals, certificates of occupancy and/or fees required by public authorities and/or utility companies with respect to Tenant's Work. A. General Requirements All Tenant's Work shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the Plans as approved by Landlord, the terms of the General Construction Contract and the budget applicable to such Tenant's Work. "Tenant and Tenant's contractors shall provide all insurance required by Landlord as set forth in this Lease, or as is otherwise maintained in the ordinary course by prudent and reputable contractors and/or property owners, prior to the start of any construction work within the Premises. Landlord and Landlord Mortgagee shall each be named as an additional insured in all such insurance. Tenant shall, at all times, keep or cause to be kept the Premises and the surrounding area free from accumulations of waste materials and/or rubbish caused by it or its contractors' employees or workers. Tenant and/or its contractors shall provide dumpsters and maintenance of said dumpsters during the construction period in a secure, neat and orderly condition and shall remove and empty the same on a regular basis to avoid unsightly, obstructive or hazardous accumulations or conditions. Construction Procedures When submitting construction plans and specifications (preliminary, completed or final), Tenant or Tenant's appointed representative shall issue Tenant's plans, specifications and supporting documents electronically via emails to Landlord's construction coordinator. Once the applicable Plans are approved by Landlord, except for (A) changes required by governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Premises or (B) interior changes requested by "Tenant, and in each case which would not lessen the value of the Premises, Tenant shall not amend, modily or supplement the applicable General Construction Contract in any respect, except pursuant to change orders reasonably approved by Landlord, and shall not attempt to terminate, whether by legal proceedings or otherwise, the applicable General Construction Contract without the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 3. Not later than ninety (90) days after the Final Completion of the applicable Tenant's Work, Tenant shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Landlord (with a copy to Landlord's consultant) each ofthe following (1) a certificate addressed to Landlord, signed by a duly authorized officer of Tenant and the applicable Architect or General Contractor (but only if such General Contractor is a design -builder for the applicable Tenant's Work), stating that the Tenant's Work (and any equipment therein) including all "punch list" items have been completed and installed in accordance with the applicable Plans therefor; (2) a complete release of liens for the Premises signed by the General Contractor and all subcontractors of the Tenant's Work and Tenant shall, if release is not obtainable, in lieu of such release cause such lien to be removed of record by bond or otherwise so that such lienor has no recourse for recovery from or collection out of the Premises; (3) evidence of receipt of a certificate of occupancy, if available, or comparable instruments, by all governmental authorities whose approval is required of the applicable completed Tenant's Work for the occupancy thereof and the intended uses thereof, (4) if applicable, a volume containing all warranties and indemnities from the applicable contractor or manufacturer for the applicable Tenant's Work or equipment therein (excepting therefrom any of Tenant's Personal Property), each of which shall be enforceable by Landlord and all in customary form for thejurisdiction in which the Premises is situated; (5) final as -built Plans and, in the event that the Tenant's Work has modified the footprint of the Building, an as -built ALTA-ACSM Land Title Survey for the Premises indicating the applicable 'Tenant's Work thereon, together with a surveyor's certification in a customary form as reasonably satisfactory to Landlord; and (6) a title commitment dated no earlier than the date that is thirty (30) days after Final Completion and which title commitment shall not disclose any mechanics' liens affecting the Property, except that with respect to any bona fide dispute with the applicable General Contractor or any such subcontractor that has resulted in a lien, Tenant shall, if a release is not obtainable, in lieu of such release cause such lien to be removed of record by bond or otherwise so that such lienor has no recourse for recovery from or collection out of the Premises. 4. Tenant hereby agrees to indemnify, save harmless, pay, protect and defend Landlord from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, penalties, costs, expenses (including Landlord's reasonable counsel fees and costs of suit), causes of action, suits, claims, demands orjudgments of any nature whatsoever under this Lease or Landlord's ownership of the Premises arising from or in connection with (a) any General Construction Contract, if any, and any and all construction contracts or architect's agreement or resulting from the failure of Tenant to discharge Tenant's obligations thereunder or resulting from the failure of'Tenant to perform its obligations under this Lease with respect to any instance of Tenant's Work, and (b) construction and completion of Tenant's Work, whether by reason of any act or omission of Tenant, the General Contractor, Architect or by any other contractor, subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. 5. Tenant's Work shall comply in all respects with applicable Law. EXHIBIT D TO LEASE AGREEMENT FORM ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE This ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE (this "Estoppel") is made as of by [ ], a [ ] ("I Tenant/Landlord]'), based upon the following facts and understandings of [Tenant/Land lord]: RECITALS A. "tenant is the tenant under that certain Master Lease Agreement (the "Lease"), dated as of , 2021, between Tenant and [Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as landlord ("Landlord") of certain real property commonly known as and as more particularly described in the Lease (the "Property") B. [GPM Investments LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Guarantor") is the guarantor under that certain Unconditional Guaranty of Payment and Performance, dated as of , 2021, by Guarantor in favor of Landlord (the "Guaranty," and together with the Lease, collectively, the "Agreements").] C. Landlord has requested that Tenant provide this Estoppel pursuant to Section 27 of the Lease and Section XX of the Guaranty. D. [IF APPLICABLE] Landlord has agreed to convey the Property to a ("Purchaser"). As a condition to Purchaser purchasing the Property, Purchaser has required that Tenant furnish certain assurances to, and make certain agreements with, Purchaser, as set forth below. E. [IF APPLICABLE] [Landlord] [Purchaser], as borrower or as co -borrower with one or more other co-borrower(s), has applied to , a (together with its successors and assigns, "Lender") for a loan ("Loan"), which will be secured by, among other things, a mortgage, encumbering the Property. As a condition to making the Loan, Lender has required that "tenant furnish certain assurances to, and make certain agreements with, Lender, as set forth below. F. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the definitions given such terms pursuant to the terms of the Lease. THEREFORE, [as a material inducement to Lender to make the Loan and Purchaser to purchase the Property], Tenant warrants and represents to, and agrees with, Landlord [Lender] and [Purchaser] as follows: ESTOPPEL. ['Tenant and Guarantor] [Landlord] each warrants and represents to [Landlord] [Tenant] [Lender] and [Purchaser], as of the date hereof, that: 1.1 Agreements Effective. Attached hereto as Exhibit A-1 is a true, complete and accurate copy of the Lease. Attached hereto as Exhibit A-2 is a true, complete and accurate copy of the Guaranty. The Agreements have been duly executed and delivered by Tenant and are in full force and effect, the obligations of Tenant thereunder are valid and binding, and there have been no modifications or additions to the Agreements, written or oral, other than those, if any, which are attached on Exhibit A -I and Exhibit A-2 attached hereto and made a part hereof. There are no other promises, agreements, understandings or commitments between Landlord and 'tenant relating to the Property, and Tenant has not given Landlord any notice of termination under the Lease. 1.2 Possession. Except as set forth in Exhibit 13 attached hereto and made a part hereof, Tenant is in full and complete possession of the Property and has accepted the Property, including any tenant improvements or other work of Landlord performed thereon pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Lease, and the Property is in compliance with the Lease. There are no contributions, credits, free rent, rent abatements, deductions, concessions, rebates, unpaid or unreimbursed construction allowances, offsets or other sums due to Tenant from Landlord under the Lease, except t 1.3 Minimum Rent. The current monthly Base Rent under the Lease is $ subject to any escalation and/or additional Rent charges provided in the Lease, and such Base Rent is current as of the date hereof. 1.4 Rental Payment Commencement Date. The Base Rent stated in Section 1.3 above began on 12021. 1.5 Commencement Date. The Term of the Lease commenced on 2021. W. Expiration Date. The current Term of the Lease will expire on (unless sooner terminated or extended in accordance with the Lease). 1.7 Options to Renew or Extend. Tenant has no option to renew or extend the Term of the Lease, except as follows: (if none, write "None"). 1.8 No Default. There exists no breach, default, or event or condition which, with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a breach or default under the Agreements by Tenant/Landlord or, to Tenant's/Landlord's knowledge, Landlord/Tenant, except as follows: (if none, write "None"). ['Tenant has no existing claims, defenses or offsets against Rent due or to become ' Note to Draft: Only to be included in estoppels provided by Tenant. due under the Lease, except as follows: (if none, write "None" )T 1.9 Entire Agreement. The Agreements constitute the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant with respect to the Property, and Tenant claims no rights of any kind whatsoever with respect to the Property, other than as set forth in the Lease, except as follows: (if none, write "None"). 1.10 No Deposits or Prepaid Rent. No deposits, including security deposits, or prepayments of Rent have been made in connection with the Lease, except: (if none, write "None"). None of the Rent has been paid more than one (1) month in advance. 1.11 No Purchase Option or Preferential Right to Purchase. Tenant does not have any option or preferential right to purchase all or any part of the Property, except for its right of first refusal provided in Section 46 of the Lease, and except further as follows: 1.12 Authority. The undersigned representatives of Tenant are each duly authorized and fully qualified to execute this instrument on behalf of Tenant thereby binding Tenant. 1.13 Financial Condition: Bankruptcy. There are no voluntary or, to Tenant's. knowledge, involuntary actions pending against Tenant under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any state thereof. 2. HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The covenants herein shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever necessary or appropriate to give logical meaning to a provision of this Estoppel, the term "Landlord" shall be deemed to mean the then current owner of the Property and the landlord's interest in the Lease. [Signature Page to Follow[ 2 Note to Draft: Only to be included in estoppels provided by Tenant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [Tenant] [Landlord] has executed this instrument as of the date first listed above. [TENANT: [GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC], a [Delaware limited liability company] I Bv: Name: Arie Kotler Title: CEO and By: Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP] [GUARANTOR: [GPM INVESTMENTS, LLC], a [Delaware limited liability company] By: Name: Aric Kotler Title: CEO and By: Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP] [LANDLORD: [SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC], a [Delaware limited liability company] Bv: Name: James Hennessey Title: Authorized Signatory] EXHIBIT E TO LEASE AGREEMENT FORM OF MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORD AND RETURN TO: ��l DEC 10 ?021 . MEMORANDUM OF LEASE AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Memorandum") is made as of this _ day of , 2021, by and between SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord"), and GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tenant'). I. Memorandum of Lease of Premises. This Memorandum is recorded in connection with, and as evidence of, that certain Master Lease Agreement (the "Lease") dated as of , 2021, as may be amended from time to time, by and between Landlord and Tenant for that certain real property and the improvements thereon described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Premises"). The Lease is incorporated by reference into this Memorandum. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Lease. 2. Lease Term and Certain Other Provisions. The initial Term of the Lease commenced on , 20_ and expires on , 20 . Tenant has [ ] options to extend the initial Term of the Lease pursuant to the applicable provisions thereof for an additional term of [.1 years each. Tenant has a right of first refusal to purchase Premises on such terms and provisions as are contained in Section 46 of the Lease. 3. Subordination. The Lease shall be subordinate at all times to any Landlord Mortgage and the rights of any Landlord Mortgagee; provided, however, in the event of a foreclosure under any such Landlord Mortgage, or conveyance or assignment in lieu of foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, such Landlord Mortgagee and its successors and assigns shall not disturb the occupancy or other rights of Tenant under the terms of the Lease so long as no Event of Derault exists thereunder. 4. Purpose of Memorandum; Conflictine, Provisions. The purpose of this Memorandum is to make the Lease a matter of public record. If a provision of this Memorandum conflicts with a provision in the Lease, the provision in the Lease will control. 5. Counterparts. This Memorandum may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original instrument, and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. The signature of a party hereto to any counterpart hereof shall be deemed a signature to, and may be appended to, any other counterpart hereof [Signature Pages Follow[ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and "Tenant have duly executed this Memorandum of Lease Agreement as of the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Bv: Name: James Hennessey Title: Authorized Signatory S'TA'rE OF _ COUNTY 01' I, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County in said State, hereby certify that James Hennessey, whose name as Authorized Signatory of Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of said instrument, he, as such authorized individual and with full authority, executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said company, acting in its capacity as Authorized Signatory of said limited liability company as aforesaid. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of , 20_ Notary Public AFFIX SEAL My commission expires: TENANT: GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Name: Aric Kotler Title: CEO and Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2021 by Arie Kotler the CEO of GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of such company. This is an acknowledgement, and no oath or affirmation was administered to the signer of this instrument. Notary Public AFFIX SEAL My commission expires: STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2021 by Eyal Nuchamovitz the EVP of GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of such company. This is an acknowledgement, and no oath or affirmation was administered to the signer of this instrument. Notary Public AFFIX SEAL My commission expires: EXHIBIT G TO LEASE AGREEMENT' FORM OF GUARANTY UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTY OF PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE THIS UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTY OF PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE (this "Guaranty") is made as of [@1, 2021 by GPM Investments, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Guarantor"), to Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord"). RECITALS A. Landlord has been requested by GPM Southeast, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tenant"), to enter into that certain Master Lease Agreement, dated as ofthe date hereof (the "Lease"), for the Premises (as defined in the Lease). B. Tenant is a subsidiary of Guarantor and Guarantor will derive substantial economic benefit from the execution and delivery of the Lease. C. Guarantor acknowledges that Landlord would not enter into the Lease unless this Guaranty accompanied the execution and delivery of the Lease. D. Guarantor hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Lease. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease and of other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Guarantor covenants and agrees as follows: I . DEFINITIONS. Defined terms used in this Guaranty and not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned to them in the Lease. 2. COVENANTS OF GUARANTOR A. Guarantor absolutely, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees, as a primary obligor and not merely as a surety: (i) the full and prompt payment of all Base Rent, Additional Rent and all other sums and charges of every type and nature payable by Tenant under the Lease, whether due by acceleration or otherwise, including costs and expenses of collection (collectively, the "Monetary Obligations"), and (ii) the full, timely and complete performance of all covenants, terms, conditions, obligations, indemnities and agreements to be performed by Tenant under the Lease, including any indemnities or other obligations of "tenant that survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease (all of the obligations described in 7 Note to Dran: To be removed if GPM Investments, LLC is the Tenant clauses (i) and (ii) are collectively referred to herein as the "Obligations"). If Tenant defaults under the Lease, Guarantor will promptly pay and perform all of the Obligations and pay to Landlord, when and as due, all Monetary Obligations payable by Tenant under the Lease, together with all damages, costs and expenses to which Landlord is entitled pursuant to any or all of the Lease and this Guaranty. B. Guarantor agrees with Landlord that (i) any action, suit or proceeding of any kind or nature whatsoever (an "Action") commenced by Landlord against Guarantor to collect Base Rent, Additional Rent and any other sums and charges due under the Lease for any month or months shall not prejudice in any way Landlord's rights to collect any such amounts due for any subsequent month or months throughout the Lease "term in any subsequent Action, (ii) Landlord may, at its option, without prior notice or demand, join Guarantor in any Action against Tenant in connection with or based upon either or both of the Lease and any of the Obligations, (iii) Landlord may seek and obtain recovery against Guarantor in an Action (to the extent related to or based upon either or both of the Lease and any of the Obligations) against Tenant or in any independent Action (to the extent related to or based upon either or both of the Lease and any of the Obligations) against Guarantor without Landlord first asserting, prosecuting, or exhausting any remedy or claim against Tenant or against any security of Tenant held by Landlord under the Lease, (iv) Landlord may (but shall not be required to) exercise its rights against each of Guarantor and Tenant concurrently, and (v) Guarantor will be conclusively bound by a judgment entered in any Action (to the extent related to or based upon either or both of the Lease and any of the Obligations) in favor of Landlord against Tenant, as if Guarantor were a party to such Action, irrespective of whether or not Guarantor is entered as a party or participates in such Action. C. Guarantor agrees that, in the event of the rejection or disaffirmance of the Lease by Tenant or Tenant's trustee in bankruptcy, pursuant to bankruptcy law or any other law affecting creditors' rights, Guarantor will, if Landlord so requests, assume all obligations and liabilities of Tenant under the Lease, to the same extent as if Guarantor was a party to such document and there had been no such rejection or disaffirmance, and Guarantor will confirm such assumption, in writing, at the request of Landlord upon or after such rejection or disaffirmance. Guarantor, upon such assumption, shall have all rights of Tenant under the Lease to the fullest extent permitted by law. 3. GUARANTOR'S OBLIGATIONS UNCONDITIONAL A. This Guaranty is an absolute and unconditional guaranty of payment and of performance, and not of collection, and shall be enforceable against Guarantor without the necessity of the commencement by Landlord of any Action against Tenant, and without the necessity ofany notice ol'nonpayment, nonperformance or nonobservance, or any notice of acceptance of this Guaranty, or of any other notice or demand to which Guarantor might otherwise be entitled, all of which Guarantor hereby expressly waives in advance. The obligations of Guarantor hereunder are independent of the obligations of Tenant. B. This Guaranty shall apply notwithstanding any extension or renewal of the Lease, or any holdover following the expiration or termination of the Lease Term or any renewal or extension of the Lease Term. C. This Guaranty is a continuing guarantee and will remain in full force and effect notwithstanding, and the liability of Guarantor hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional irrespective of any or all of the following: (i) any renewals, extensions, modifications, alterations or amendments of the Lease (regardless of whether Guarantor consented to or had notice of same); (ii) any releases or discharges of Tenant other than the full release and complete discharge of all of the Obligations; (iii) Landlord's failure or delay to assert any claim or demand or to enforce any of its rights against Tenant; (iv) any extension of time that may be granted by Landlord to Tenant; (v) any assignment or transfer of all or any part of Tenant's interest under the Lease (whether by Tenant, by operation of law, or otherwise); (vi) any subletting, concession, franchising, licensing or permitting of the Premises or any portion thereof, (vii) any changed or different use of the Premises (or any portion thereof); (viii) any other dealings or matters occurring between Landlord and Tenant; (ix) the taking by Landlord of any additional guarantees, or the receipt by Landlord of any collateral, from Tenant or any other persons or entities; (x)the release by Landlord of any other guarantor; (xi) Landlord's release of any security provided under the Lease; (xii) Landlord's failure to perfect any Landlord's lien or other lien or security interest available under any applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, orders, requirements, directives, binding written interpretations and binding written policies, rulings, and decrees of all local, municipal, state and federal governments, departments, agencies, commissions, boards or political subdivisions ("Laws"); (xiii) any assumption by any person of any or all of Tenant's obligations under the Lease, or "Tenant's assignment of any or all of its rights and interests under the Lease, (xiv) the power or authority or lack thereof of Tenant to execute, acknowledge or deliver the Lease; (xv) the existence, non-existence or lapse at any time of "Tenant as a legal entity or the existence, non-existence or termination of any corporate, ownership, business or other relationship between Tenant and Guarantor; (xvi) any sale or assignment by Landlord of either or both of this Guaranty and the Lease (including, but not limited to, any direct or collateral assignment by Landlord to any mortgagee); (xvii) the solvency or lack of solvency of Tenant at any time or from time to time; or (xviii) any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing, that might constitute a legal or equitable discharge of Guarantor (whether or not Guarantor shall have knowledge or notice thereof). Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, Guarantor specifically agrees that (A) if Tenant's obligations under the Lease are modified or amended with the express written consent of Landlord, this Guaranty shall extend to such obligations as so amended or modified without notice to, consideration to, or the consent of, Guarantor, and (B) this Guaranty shall be applicable to any obligations of'renant arising in connection with a termination of the Lease, whether voluntary or otherwise. Guarantor hereby consents, prospectively, to Landlord's taking or entering into any or all of the foregoing actions or omissions. D. Guarantor hereby expressly agrees that the validity of this Guaranty and the obligations of Guarantor hereunder shall in no way be terminated, affected, diminished or impaired by reason of the assertion or the failure to assert by Landlord against Tenant, of any of the rights or remedies reserved to Landlord pursuant to the provisions of the Lease or by relief of Tenant from any of Tenant's obligations under the Lease or otherwise by (i) the release or discharge of Tenant in any state or federal creditors' proceedings, receivership, bankruptcy or other proceeding; (ii) the impairment, limitation or modification of the liability of Tenant or the estate of Tenant in bankruptcy, or of any remedy for the enforcement of Tenant's liability under the Lease, resulting from the operation of any present or future provision of the United States Bankruptcy Code (II U.S.C. § 101 et seq., as amended), or from other statute, or from the order of any court; or (iii) the rejection, disaffirmance or other termination of the Lease in any such proceeding. This Guaranty shall continue to be effective if at any time the payment of any amount due under the Lease or this Guaranty is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by Landlord for any reason, including, without limitation, the insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation or reorganization of Tenant, Guarantor or otherwise, all as though such payment had not been made, and, in such event, Guarantor shall pay to Landlord an amount equal to any such payment that has been rescinded or returned. 4. WAIVERS OF GUARANTOR. A. Without limitation of the foregoing, Guarantor waives (i) notice of acceptance of this Guaranty, protest, demand and dishonor, presentment, and demands of any kind now or hereafter provided for by any statute or rule of law or equity, (ii) notice of any actions taken by Landlord or Tenant under the Lease or any other agreement or instrument relating thereto, (iii) notice of any and all defaults by Tenant in the payment of Base Rent, Additional Rent or any other charges or amounts, or of any other defaults by Tenant under the Lease, (iv) all other notices, demands and protests, and all other formalities of every kind in connection with the enforcement of the Obligations, omission of or delay in which, but for the provisions of this Section 41 might constitute grounds for relieving Guarantor of its obligations hereunder, (v) any requirement that Landlord protect, secure, perfect, insure or proceed against any security interest or lien, or any property subject thereto, or exhaust any right or take any action against Tenant or any other person or entity (including any additional guarantor or Guarantor) or against any collateral, and (vi) the benefit of any statute of limitations affecting Guarantor's liability under this Guaranty. B. GUARANTOR HEREBY WAIVES "TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM BROUGHT BY ANY PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH: (A) THIS GUARANTY; (B) THE LEASE; (C) ANY LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION OF TENANT IN ANY MANNER RELATED TO THE PREMISES OR ANY PORTION THEREOF; (D) ANY CLAIM OF INJURY OR DAMAGE IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE LEASE AND/OR THE PREMISES (OR ANY PORTION THEREOF); (E) ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF TENANT, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS, SERVANTS, CUSTOMERS, CONCESSIONAIRES, FRANCHISEES, PERMITTEES OR LICENSEES; OR (F) ANY ASPECT OF THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF, OR THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESS IN, ON OR FROM THE PREMISES (OR ANY PORTION THEREOF). GUARANTOR SHALL NOT IMPOSE'- ANY COUNTERCLAIM OR COUNTERCLAIMS OR CLAIMS FOR SET-OFF, RECOUPMENT OR DEDUCTION OF RENT IN ANY ACTION BROUGHT 13Y LANDLORD AGAINST GUARANTOR UNDER THIS GUARANTY, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT ANY SUCH COUNTERCLAIM OR COUNTERCLAIMS OR CLAIMS FOR SET-OFF, RECOUPMENT OR DEDUCTION OF RENT IN ANY ACTION ARE MANDATORY PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAWS. GUARANTOR HEREBY WAIVES, BO.1.1-1 WITH RESPECT TO THE LEASE AND WITH RESPECT TO THIS GUARANTY, ANY AND ALL RIGHTS WHICH ARE WAIVED BY TENANT UNDER THE LEASE, IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF ALL SUCH WAIVERS WERE FULLY RESTATED HEREIN. ']'HE LIABILITY OF GUARANTOR UNDER THIS GUARANTY IS PRIMARY AND UNCONDITIONAL. C. Guarantor expressly waives any and all rights to defenses arising by reason of (i) any "one -action" or "anti -deficiency" law or any other law that may prevent Landlord from bringing any action, including a claim for deficiency, against Guarantor before or after Landlord's commencement or completion of any action against Tenant; (ii) ANY ELECTION OF REMEDIES 13Y LANDLORD (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY TERMINATION OF THE LEASE) THAT DESTROYS OR OTHERWISE ADVERSELY AFFECTS GUARANTOR'S SUBROGATION RIGI fl'S OR GUARANTOR'S RIGHTS TO PROCEED AGAINST TENANT FOR REIMBURSEMENT; (iii) any disability, insolvency, bankruptcy, lack of authority or power, death, insanity, minority, dissolution, or other defense of Tenant, of any other guarantor (or any other Guarantor), or of any other person or entity, or by reason of the cessation of 'tenant's liability from any cause whatsoever; (iv) any right to claim discharge of any oral[ ofthe Obligations on the basis of unjustified impairment of any collateral for the Obligations; (v) any change in the relationship between Guarantor and Tenant or any termination of such relationship; (vi) any irregularity, defect or unauthorized action by any or all of Tenant, any other guarantor (or Guarantor) or surety, or any of their respective officers, directors or other agents in executing and delivering any instrument or agreements relating to the Obligations or in carrying out or attempting to carry out the terms of any such agreements; (vii) any assignment, endorsement or transfer, in whole or in part, of the Obligations, whether made with or without notice to or consent of Guarantor; (viii) the recovery from Tenant or any other Person (including without limitation any other guarantor) becoming barred by any statute of limitations or being otherwise prevented; (ix) the benefits of any and all applicable statutes, laws, rules or regulations which may require the prior or concurrent joinder of any other party to any action on this Guaranty; (x) any release or other reduction of the Obligations arising as a result of the expansion, release, substitution, deletion, addition, or replacement (whether or not in accordance with the terms of the Lease) of the Premises or any portion thereof; or (xi) any neglect, delay, omission, failure or refusal of Landlord to take or prosecute any action for the collection or enforcement of any of the Obligations or to foreclose or take or prosecute any action in connection with any lien or right of security (including perfection thereof) existing or to exist in connection with, or as security for, any of the Obligations, it being the intention hereof that Guarantor shall remain liable as a principal on the Obligations notwithstanding any act, omission or event that might, but for the provisions hereof, otherwise operate as a legal or equitable discharge of Guarantor. Guarantor hereby waives all defenses of a surety to which it may be entitled by statute or otherwise. 5. SUBORDINATION AND SUBROGATION. Guarantor shall not be subrogated, and hereby subordinates and postpones any claim or right against Tenant by way of subrogation or otherwise, to any of the rights of Landlord under the Lease or otherwise, or in the Premises (or any portion thereof), which may arise by any of the provisions of this Guaranty or by reason of the performance by Guarantor of any of its Obligations hereunder. Guarantor shall look solely to Tenant for any recoupment of any payments made or costs or expenses incurred by Guarantor pursuant to this Guaranty. if any amount shall be paid to Guarantor on account of such subrogation rights at any time when all of the Obligations shall not have been paid and performed in full, Guarantor shall immediately deliver the payment to Landlord for credit against the then outstanding balance of the Obligations, whether matured or unmatured. 6. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OE GUARANTOR. Guarantor represents and warrants that: A. Guarantor is a company formed under the laws of the State of Delaware; has all requisite power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Guaranty; and this Guaranty is valid and binding upon and enforceable against Guarantor without the requirement of further action or condition. B. The execution, delivery and performance by Guarantor of this Guaranty does not and will not (i) contravene any applicable Laws, the organizational documents of Guarantor, if applicable, any order, writ, injunction, decree applicable to Guarantor, or any contractual restriction binding on or affecting Guarantor or any of its properties or assets, nor (ii) result in or require the creation of any lien, security interest or other charge or encumbrance upon or with respect to any of its properties or assets. C. No approval, consent, exemption, authorization or other action by, or notice to, or filing with, any governmental authority is necessary or required in connection with the execution, delivery or performance by, or enforcement against, Guarantor of this Guaranty or any other instrument or agreement required hereunder. D. 'there is no action, suit or proceeding pending or, to Guarantor's knowledge, threatened against or otherwise affecting Guarantor before any court or other governmental authority or any arbitrator that may materially adversely affect Guarantor's ability to perform its obligations under this Guaranty. E. Guarantor's principal place of business is 8565 Magellan Parkway, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23227 1'. Tenant is directly or indirectly owned and controlled by Guarantor. G. Guarantor has derived or expects to derive financial and other advantages and benefits directly or indirectly, from the making of the Lease and the payment and performance of the Obligations. Guarantor hereby acknowledges that Landlord will be relying upon Guarantor's guarantee, representations, warranties and covenants contained herein. 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Within ninety (90) days after the end of each of the first, second and third calendar quarters of each year and during the term of this Lease, Guarantor shall deliver to Landlord unaudited financial statements for such fiscal quarter including a balance sheet, income statement and statement ofcashnow, prepared in accordance with GAAP on a consolidated basis and certified to be accurate and complete by the CI-O, VP -Finance or other appropriate officer of Guarantor). On or before one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each of Guarantor's fiscal years during the term of the Lease, Guarantor shall deliver audited Financial statements for such fiscal year including a balance sheet, income statement and statement of cashfiow, prepared in accordance with GAAP on a consolidated basis and audited by an independent certified public accounting firm. Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as annual audited financial statements of Guarantor or its direct or indirect parent entity which provides for standalone financials with respect to Guarantor are publicly available, Guarantor's obligations to deliver financial reports pursuant to this Section 7 shall be deemed to be satisfied. 8. NOTICES. Any consents, notices, demands, requests, approvals or other communications given under this Guaranty shall be in writing and shall be given as provided in the Lease, as follows or to such other addresses as either Landlord or Guarantor (as applicable) may designate by notice given to the other in accordance with the provisions ofthis Section 8: If to Guarantor: GPM Investments, LLC 8565 Magellan Parkway, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23227 Attn: CEO Email: ak@gpminvestiTients.com With a copy to: GPM Investments, LLC 8565 Magellan Parkway, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23227 Attn: General Counsel Email: mbricks@gpminvestments.com If to Landlord: c/o Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC 125 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1220 Chicago, IL 60606 Attn: James Hennessey Email: hennessey@oakstreetrec.com With a copy to: Kirkland & Ellis LLP 300 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60654 Attn: David A. Rosenberg, Esq. Email: david.rosenberg@kirkland.com 9. CONSENT TO JURISDICTION. Guarantor hereby (a) consents and submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Illinois and the federal courts sitting in the State of Illinois with respect to any dispute arising, directly or indirectly, out of this Guaranty, (b) waives any objections which the undersigned may have to the laying of venue in any such suit, action or proceeding in either such court, (c) agrees to join Landlord in any petition for removal to either such court, and (d)irrevocably designates and appoints Tenant as its authorized agent to accept and acknowledge on its behalf service of process with respect to any disputes arising, directly or indirectly, out of this Guaranty. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that Landlord may obtain personal jurisdiction and perfect service of process through Tenant as the undersigned agent, or by any other means now or hereafter permitted by Applicable Law. 10. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE. Guarantor shall, from time to time within fifteen (15) days after receipt of Landlord's request, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord an estoppel certificate in the form attached to the Lease as Exhibit D. Such certificate may be relied upon by Landlord and any prospective purchaser, landlord or lender of all or a portion of the Premises (or any portion thereof). 11. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Guarantor further agrees that Landlord may, without notice, assign this Guaranty in whole or in part. If Landlord disposes of its interest in the Lease, "Landlord," as used in this Guaranty, shall mean Landlord's successors and assigns. B. Guarantor promises to pay all costs of collection or enforcement incurred by Landlord in exercising any remedies provided for in the Lease or this Guaranty whether at law or in equity; provided, however, if any legal action or proceeding is commenced to interpret or enforce the terms of, or obligations arising out of, this Guaranty, or to recover damages for the breach thereof, the party prevailing in any such action or proceedings shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party all attorneys' fees and reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the prevailing party. As used herein, "attorneys' fees" shall mean the fees and expenses of counsel to the parties hereto, which may include printing, photocopying, duplicating and other expenses, air freight charges, and fees billed for law clerks, paralegals, librarians and others not admitted to the bar but performing services under the supervision of an attorney. The term "attorneys' fees" shall also include, without limitation, all such fees and expenses incurred with respect to appeals, arbitrations and bankruptcy proceedings. C. Ifany portion of this Guaranty shall be deemed invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality shall not affect the balance of this Guaranty, which shall remain in full force and effect to the maximum permitted extent. D. The provisions, covenants and guaranties of' this Guaranty shall be binding upon Guarantor and its heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns (it being understood that Guarantor shall not have the right to assign its obligations under this Guaranty without the prior written consent of Landlord in Landlord's sole and absolute discretion), and shall inure to the benefit of Landlord and its successors and assigns, and shall not be deemed waived or modified unless such waiver or modification is specifically set forth in writing, executed by Landlord or its successors and assigns, and delivered to Guarantor. Whenever the words "include," "includes," or "including" are used in this Guaranty, they shall be deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation," and, whenever the circumstances or the context requires, the singular shall be construed as the plural, the masculine shall be construed as the feminine and/or the neuter and vice versa. This Guaranty shall be interpreted and enforced without the aid of any canon, custom or rule of law requiring or suggesting construction against the party drafting or causing the drafting of the provision in question. F. Each of the rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law or in the Lease or this Guaranty. G. The provisions of this Guaranty shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Illinois, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law. 1-I. The Recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part of this Guaranty. Guarantor hereby represents and warrants that the Recitals are true and correct. IThe Obligations of Guarantor pursuant to this Guaranty shall not be effective unless, and shall be effective only from and after, the occurrence of any of the following: (i) failure of GPM Investments, LLC to deliver audited financial statements pursuant to and as and when required under the terms of the Lease or the GPM Guaranty, provided, however, that upon Landlord receiving such audited Financial statements, the Obligations of Guarantor under this Guaranty shall again no longer be effective (unless and until GPM Investments, LLC again fails to deliver audited financial statements pursuant to and as and when required under the terms of the Lease or the GPM Guaranty, in which event the Obligations of Guarantor pursuant to this Guaranty shall again be effective for so long as such audited financial statements fail to be provided); or (ii) GPM Investments, LLC transfers any of its assets that, immediately following such transfer, would result in the "EBITDA" (as such term is defined in the Lease) of GPM Investments, LLC being less than One I-lundred Million and No/100 Dollars ($100,000,000.00).]4 SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW ° Note to Draft: To be included in guarantees signed by ARKO Corp. References to IGPM Ito be updated to reflect GPM as Tenant or Guarantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Unconditional Guaranty of Payment and Performance effective as of the date first written above. GUARANTOR: GPM INVESTMENTS, ELC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Name: Arie Kotler Title: CEO and Name: Eyal Nuchamovitr Title: EVP EXHIBIT H-1 FORM OF LEASE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT LEASE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT THIS LEASE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of' , 20 , (the "Effective Date") by and between SANDBAR PORTFOLIO OWNER LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord"), and GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tenant"). RECITALS A. Landlord and Tenant are parties to that certain Master Lease Agreement, dated ], by and between Landlord and Tenant (as amended, the "Lease"). B. Pursuant to Section 22.A of the Lease, Landlord has elected to assign its interest in the Sites set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part here of (the "Assigned Sites"). C. In connection with Landlord's assignment of its interest in the Assigned Sites, (i) [ASSIGNING LANDLORD ENTITY] ("Assigning Landlord") has entered into that certain Lease Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Landlord and [APPLICABLE TI-NANT ENTITIES] with respect to the Assigned Sites (the "New Lease") and (ii) Assigning Landlord has assigned its right title and interest in the New Lease to [ASSIGNEE], a [o] ("Assignee") pursuant to that certain Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and between Assigning Landlord and Assignee. D. In accordance with Section 22.A of the Lease, Landlord and Tenant are entering into this Agreement to amend the Lease to exclude the Assigned Sites and make other conforming changes as more particularly set forth herein. NOW "THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant hereby agree as follows: 1. Amendments: The Lease is hereby amended as follows: (i) Exhibit A: Exhibit A of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit A attached hereto.5 (i i) Exhibit B-I: Exhibit B-1 of the Lease is hereby amended to remove the Sites described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereoL6 s Attached Exhibit A to reflect a reduction of Annual Base Rent equal to the Allocated Base Rent Amount for the Assigned Sites. 6 Attached Exhibit B to be the site descriptions of the Assigned Sites. (iii) Exhibit B-2: Exhibit B-2 of the Lease is hereby amended to remove the Sites described on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof 2. Affirmation of Lease. Except as expressly provided herein, the Lease shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect; provided, that to the extent this Agreement conflicts with the Lease, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. 3. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of this Amendment by electronic means shall be equally as effective as delivery of a manually executed original counterpart of this Agreement. 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the respective parties hereto. 5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior understandings, agreements and representations, if any, with respect to such subject matter. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank] ' Attached Exhibit C to be the Assigned Sites. m IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have duly executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above mentioned. LANDLORD: SANDBAR POR'lTOLIOOWNFR LLC, a Delaware limited liability company BY: Name: James Hennessey Title: Authorized Signatory TENANT: GPM SOUTHEAST, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Name: Arie Kotler Title: CEO and By: Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP 93 GUARANTOR: GPM INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Name: Arie Kotler Title: CEO and By: Name: Eyal Nuchamovitz Title: EVP EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A TO LEASE AGREEMENT BASE RENT SCHEDULE Lease Year Annual Base Rent Monthly Base Rent I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. EXHIBIT B PREMISES" Address: Square Footage of Building: 'type of Premises: Legal Description: e'ro include all Assigned Sites. EXHIBIT C9 Property Address City State Allocated Base Rent Landlord e To include all Assigned Sites. EXHIBIT I FORM OF COLLATERAL ACCESS AGREEMENT LANDLORD'S WAIVER AND CONSENT 202 LANDLORD'S WAIVER AND CONSENT, dated as of this day of , 202_ between Sandbar Portfolio Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having an office at c/o Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC, 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1220, Chicago Illinois 60606, Attention: James Hennessey, (hereinafter called "Landlord"), and PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, having an office at 130 S. Bond Street, Bel Air, Maryland, Attention: Portfolio Manager ("PNC"), executed in connection with that certain Third Amended and Restated Revolving Credit and Security Agreement, dated February 20, 2020 (as same may be amended, amended and restated, modified, restated or supplemented from time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), among GPM Investments, LLC (sometimes referred to herein as "Borrower") and certain of Borrower's affiliates as Borrowers including GPM Southeast, LLC (`'tenant"), the financial institutions which are now or which hereafter become a party thereto (collectively, the "Lenders") and PNC, as agent for Lenders (PNC, in such capacity, the WHEREAS, Lenders will make, or have made and will continue to make loans, advances, and/or other financial accommodations to Tenant, which are secured in whole or in part by security agreements granting a security interest to Agent, for the benefit of Lenders, in all of Tenant's now owned or hereafter acquired personal property assets, including but not limited to accounts, accounts receivable, inventory, machinery, equipment, general intangibles, investment property, contract rights, goods, furniture, fixtures, licenses, trademarks, books and records and substantially all other personal property of Tenant (hereinafter called the "Collateral"); and WHEREAS, the Collateral is or may be installed or kept at the premises known as (the "Premises"), which Premises are owned by Landlord and leased to Tenant. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loans, advances and/or financial accommodations extended by Lenders to Tenant, at any time, and other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, agrees as follows: 1. Landlord represents that, as of the date hereof, to Landlord's knowledge, that certain Master Lease Agreement, dated as of entered into between Landlord and Tenant regarding the Premises ("Lease") is in full force and effect and that, as of the date hereof, Landlord has not delivered written notice to Tenant that "Tenant is in default under the Lease. Landlord agrees to endeavor to provide to Agent, concurrently with the issuance to Tenant, a copy of all notices of default delivered to Tenant with respect to the Lease; provided, however, that Landlord shall not have any liability to Agent for failure to deliver any such notice. Such notices shall be delivered to Agent at its address set forth above. 2. Landlord hereby subordinates in favor of Agent and the Lenders and agrees that, so long as any amounts are due and owing from Tenant to Agent or Lenders, it will not enforce: (a) any and all rights of distraint, levy, and execution which Landlord may now or hereafter have against the Collateral and (b) any and all statutory liens, security interests, or other liens which the Landlord may now or hereafter have in the Collateral. Any Collateral shall, at all times, be considered to be personal property regardless of whether or the manner in which it may be affixed to the Premises, so long as any obligations are owing to Lenders by Tenant (Agent shall not, however, claim any interest in any heating, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning or mechanical systems at the Premises). 3. Tenant has granted to Agent, at its option, the right to enter the Premises at any time after the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default (as defined in the Credit Agreement) for the purpose of repossessing, removing, selling or otherwise dealing with the Collateral (the "Permitted Activities"), and such license, subject as between "Tenant and Agent (but not as between Landlord and Agent), shall be irrevocable and shall continue from the date Agent enters the Premises for as long as Agent reasonably deems necessary. 4. Upon any expiration, cancellation or termination of the Lease or eviction of Tenant from the Premises, Landlord will permit Agent and its employees, agents, representatives and invitees to enter on and occupy and remain on the Premises during the Notice Period (as defined below) to conduct Permitted Activities. The Notice Period shall commence on the date Agent receives written notice from Landlord of the expiration, cancellation or termination of the Lease or eviction of Tenant from the Premises and continue until that date which is thirty (30) days after Agent receives such written notice (such period, the "Notice Period"); provided, that Agent shall pay to Landlord an access fee equal to all base rent and additional rent due to Landlord under the Lease on a per diem basis for each day of actual occupancy during the Notice Period; provided, further, that such amounts paid by Agent to Landlord shall exclude any rent adjustments or increases, indemnity payments or similar amounts payable under the Lease for default, holdover status or other similar charges. At Agent's option, the Notice Period shall be tolled during any period in which Agent is stayed or enjoined from taking Permitted Activities in respect of the Collateral by order of a court of competent jurisdiction and/or by any automatic stay imposed in any bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings with respect to Tenant, provided, that to the extent Landlord is not restricted from relocating the Collateral by such court order or has obtained relief from the automatic stay, Agent shall pay to Landlord the Access Pee on a per diem basis for each day that Agent elects to toll the Notice Period. After the expiration of the Notice Period, unless otherwise agreed to by Landlord in its sole discretion, Agent shall have no further rights to access the Premises or the Collateral then remaining on the Premises. During the Notice Period, Landlord shall not interfere with or attempt to prevent Agent from exercising any of its rights as a secured creditor under the Credit Agreement or under applicable law (including the Uniform Commercial Code) with respect to the Collateral on the Premises. S. Landlord further agrees to accept from Agent, within the same time periods afforded to Tenant under the Lease to cure a default, any payment or performance tendered or made by Agent to cure any default (including, without limitation, any payment defaults) of Tenant, it being understood that Agent shall have no obligation to cure any such default and any payment made or act done by Agent to cure any such default shall not constitute an assumption of the Lease or any obligation of "Tenant. 6. The provisions hereof shall be irrevocable and remain in full force and effect until Tenant has fully paid and performed all of its obligations to Agent and Lenders under all agreements, instruments and documents evidencing such obligations, and under the Credit Agreement, and all obligations of the Lender to extend loans or financial accommodations to Tenant shall have terminated. 7. Landlord acknowledges that, in connection with any assignment of Landlord's rights and interests under the Lease to an assignee, such assignee shall be obligated to execute an agreement in favor of Agent in form and substance substantially similar to this Landlord's Waiver and Consent. 8. Nothing contained herein, and no exercise by Agent of any of its rights hereunder (including the entry by Agent to the Premises and the making of any payments by Agent to the Landlord), shall be deemed to make Agent or any Lender a tenant at the Premises or be deemed to delegate any duties or obligations under the Lease to or constitute any assumption thereof by Agent or any Lender. Nothing herein contained shall compel Agent or any Lender to remove, retain, hold, continue to hold, sell or otherwise deal with any or all of the Collateral. 9. This Landlord's Waiver and Consent shall be binding and effective upon the execution hereof by the undersigned and no amendment, waiver or termination of this Landlord's Waiver and Consent shall be binding or effective as to Agent or any Lender without Agent's prior written consent. [Signature page follows] M IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this Landlord's Waiver and Consent as ol'the day and year first above written. Accepted: PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION By: Name: By: _ Name: Title: SIGNATURE PAGE TO LANDLORD'S WAIVER AND CONSENTI 102