HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211396 Ver 2_2023.03.15_Washington ES_ePCN Cover Page (reduced)_20230316■ &sea& 5410 Trinity Road P 919.866.4951 Suite 102 F919.859.5663 TIMMONS GROUP Raleigh, NC 27607 vwwvtimmons.com March 16, 2023 Lyle Phillips U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Zachary Thomas 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Electronic Pre -Construction Notification Attachments — Re -Permitting Washington Elementary School Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Project No.: 46651 Dear Mr. Phillips and Mr. Thomas, On behalf of Gurel Architects, we are providing additional attachments and information to aid in the review of the electronic Pre -Construction Notification of the Washington Elementary School, an approximately 8.40-acre site located at 1000 Fayetteville Street in Raleigh, North Carolina, within Wake County (the Site). The proposed application is a re -submittal of a previously approved project to replace a failing culvert at an elementary school. The project was unable to be completed by permit expiration or the 1-year extension period and as such, is being re -submitted for continued coverage. This application is consistent with the previous submittal, with additional information added to address the change in stream impact review from linear feet to acreage. Nothing has changed for the project. Please review the below attachments and contact Lauren Norris -Heflin at (919) 866-4943 or lauren.norris-heflin(a�timmons.com if additional information is required. Sincerely, Timmons Group Morgan Gilbert, WPIT Environmental Scientist I Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY ATTACHMENTS Appendix A Figure 1 — Vicinity Map Figure 5 — NRCS Soil Survey Map Figure 6 — Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Delineation Map Appendix B Agent Authorization Form Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Buffer Determination DWR Pre -Filing Request Previous 401 and 404 Certifications Appendix C Environmental Impacts Set Appendix D IPaC Official Species Report NCNHP Database Report Appendix E SHPO Concurrence, Map, and List Appendix F Flood Study Map Appendix A Path: YA805\46651 -Washington Elementary School\GIS\46651-JD-VIC.mxd W ORGAN Si E MORGAN 57 z _ � a a Supreme ❑ �� IN Cmdma HAR[;ETT S Pl ARrvv sT 3 in Ninaa pi - 43 IN DA.:;F s� �f r 2 ? C UAV•f ST k r. C A$ARRCIS T w F . .- WlENC)7R 5T �� E [flvpM s W soC7 TM sT E SOUTF}.ST q nnao k F Shaw U,lk A ❑ � 4rlewv �e '� st��, Fr sr � - A a — Z z 7- - O MSfF4 y t W 'F v LED -WE AVID _ Washnggtta� Gr P D� Q ,,i �� ■ Ma"" Elem Sch Site Limits E! E F 5 T x PE��t,St GrrF�14 ikil lA. ,� Q BRAG6 ST A-C UP Q ti r I t f.�L PS I 4 � `�� , •,' fARMERS S T i L n l 8iRr AVf C-r]V FARM RD z y, Site limits are approximate. -SLUFF Topographic imagery from USGS. WACKFR sr r. 4 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 _ Feet J WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TIMMONS GROUP WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. w TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 46651 U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE(S): RALEIGH WEST PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 8.40 ACRES DATE(S): 2019 LATITUDE: 35.767110 WATERSHED(S): UPPER NEUSE (NEUSE RIVER BASIN) LONGITUDE:-78.643899 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 03020201 These clans and associated documents are the exclusive Drocertv of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in Dart and shall not be used for anv Durcose whatsoever. inclusive. but not to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. Path: Y:\805\46651 -Washington Elementary School\GIS\46651-JD-NRCS.mxd SEW - N d' S if'st r kr - PEI P_ L I + AIA l� Site Limits e . C2 1 II 1 L 1 Yd on k aim r� Site limits are approximate. Soils from NRCS web soil survey. _ 111 0 420 e40 1,260 1,6e0 Feet WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL T I M M O N 5 GROUP •'' ��� WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 5: NRCS SOIL SURVEY MAP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 46651 U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE(S): RALEIGH WEST PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 8.40 ACRES DATE(S): 2019 LATITUDE: 35.767110 WATERSHED(S): UPPER NEUSE (NEUSE RIVER BASIN) LONGITUDE:-78.643899 HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 03020201 These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. h:71lIh�C010r King Jr Blvd \ F \ \ng♦ Walnr,f Sr 4 p� a • • . v'i�lnu[ Tem ■ ` . Park r � 000�� Legend .FlIIIIIIIIIIIIJ Project Study Limits- 8.40 Acres M Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Wetland Flag Field Data Station Stream Buffer Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Topographic Contours Major- 10 Foot Minor- 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2.Waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DEQ Stream Identification Form version 4.11. N 0 50 100 200 Feet IJ Sth AILaI!f S r 296 293 4 1 r/ I \,r ♦ r Oj 2 r s y 7 � r p • ♦ �,1�I o i \ / ♦� ---ram �/ {+ - •t - _-r� - •� � 'i rt \ ,P ♦ , . �' ♦>�: �.'�� d .w > ; " 'i W. 51 Lam/ I � r 1 �1 � - _ -a _f- ! III - \,\�\/ - \♦ - �yAN. N y � W j o E c d E O w c a r 3 � w awK w S2 �0 a a� � m a y O Z c 0 Z0 m U H a � ova"o — u S2 W ` z F m� ` 0 O W A N W W = c v N a, o € >o DATE $ o s gw 0912312020 DRAWN BY M. COOLEY DESIGNED BY . M. COOLEY i CHECKED BY �! K.HEFNER ' SCALE 1 "= 100' a ,CL -_ D O = U z ° W o e J 0 F— Z w W F— A LU _J z W Q Z � Z o O z Q W 3: Z LD W Q IL •L� JOB NUMBER 46651 ' F SHEET 1 OF NO. 1 Appendix B The Department of the Army US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 To Whom It May Concern: TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. AGENT AUTHORIZATION All Blanks to be Filled in by Applicant NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 I, the undersigned, current applicant designate, authorize representatives of Timmons Group to act on my behalf as my agent in the processing of permit applications, to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc., from this day forward. This the 9th day of September 120 21 (number) (Month) (Year) This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. Project Name: Washington Elementary School Applicant Name (Print): Gurel Architecture — Mete Gurel Applicant Signature: Applicant Mailing Address: 1145 Executive Ircle, Suite B, Cary, NC 27511 Applicant Fax 919.468.1717 Telephone: No. 919.468.1716 Applicant Email s.mete.gurel@gmail.com Address: L 0 Ln Ln rn 00 M r-I w E 0 U Ln 0 E E U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2020-01767 County: Wake U.S.G.S. Quad: NC -Raleigh West NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Requestor: Timmons Group, Inc. Lauren Norris -Heflin Address: 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 Size (acres) —8 acres Nearest Town Raleigh Nearest Waterway Rocky Branch River Basin Neuse USGS HUC 03020201 Coordinates Latitude: 35.767110 Longitude:-78.643899 Location description: The project site is located west of Fayetteville Street near its intersection of Levister Court in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The Preliminary Jurisdictional determination review area is shown as the pink outlined "Proiect Study Limits" on the attached "Figure 6- Potential Wetland and Waters Delineation Map" exhibit. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination ® There appear to be waters on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). The waters have been delineated, and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated 9/23/2020. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts, compensatory mitigation requirements, and other resource protection measures, a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. ❑ There appear to be waters on the above described project area/property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). However, since the waters have not been properly delineated, this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation, this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction over all of the waters at the project area, which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ There are waters on the above described project area/property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ We recommend you have the waters on your project area/property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner, you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. ❑ The waters on your project area/property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. The approximate boundaries of these waters are shown on the enclosed delineation map dated DATE. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey SAW-2020-01767 will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. ❑ The waters have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on DATE. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described project area/property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ❑ The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US, including wetlands, without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of structures, or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC § 401 and/or 403). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact George Lyle Phillips III at (919) 554-4884 X25 or Geo rge.L.Phillips(&us ace.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: See the preliminary jurisdictional determination form dated 12/16/2021. D. Remarks: None E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Mr. Philip A. Shannin Administrative Appeal Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Floor M9 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8803 AND PHILIP.A. SHANNIN&USACE.ARMY.MIL In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by Not applicable. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Official: 5eaf9e- LY66- ?>Adz� I I t Date of JD: 12/16/2021 Expiration Date of JD: Not applicable SAW-2020-01767 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at hrips://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/. Copy Furnished: NOTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL OPTIONS AND PROCESS AND REQUEST FOR APPEAL A licant: Timmons Grou Inc., Lauren Norris -Heflin File Number: SAW-2020-01767 Date: 12/16/2021 Attached is: See Section below INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D ❑X PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E SECTION I - The following identifies your rights and options regarding an administrative appeal of the above decision. Additional information may be found at or http://www.usace.army.mit/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits.asi) or the Corps regulations at.33 CFR Part 331. A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit • ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. • APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. • ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. • APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the district engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. SECTION II - REQUEST FOR APPEAL or OBJECTIONS TO AN INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, you may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. POINT OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS OR INFORMATION: If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may appeal process you may contact: also contact: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division MR. PHILIP A. SHANNIN Attn: George Lyle Phillips III ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL REVIEW OFFICER Raleigh Regulatory Office CESAD-PDS-O U.S Army Corps of Engineers 60 FORSYTH STREET SOUTHWEST, FLOOR M9 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8803 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 PHONE: (404) 562-5136; FAX (404) 562-5138 EMAIL: PHILIP.A.SHANNIN(aUSACE.ARMY.MIL RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15-day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportum to participate in all site invest] ations. Date: Telephone number: Signature of appellant or agent. For appeals on Initial Proffered Permits send this form to: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: George Lyle Phillips III, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For Permit denials, Proffered Permits and Approved Jurisdictional Determinations send this form to: Division Engineer, Commander, U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic, Attn: Mr. Philip Shannin, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 60 Forsyth Street, Room 1OM15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 12/14/2021 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Timmons Group, Inc., Lauren Norris -Heflin, 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: Wilmington District, Washington Elementary School / Raleigh / Wake County, SAW-2020-01767 D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The project site is located west of Fayetteville Street near its intersection of Levister Court in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The Preliminary Jurisdictional determination review area is shown as the pink outlined "Project Study Limits" on the attached "Figure 6- Potential Wetland and Waters Delineation Map" exhibit. (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County: Wake City: Raleigh Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Latitude: 35.767110 Longitude:-78.643899 Universal Transverse Mercator: NAD 83 Name of nearest waterbody: Rocky Branch E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ®Field Determination. Date(s): 11/18/2020 TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEWAREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION Site Number Latitude Longitude Estimated Type of aquatic Geographic authority to (decimal (decimal amount of resources (i.e., which the aquatic degrees) degrees) aquatic wetland vs. resource "may be" resources in non -wetland subject (i.e., Section 404 review area waters) or Section 10/404) (acreage and linear feet, if applicable A 35.766502 -78.644178 1121 Non -wetland Section 404 Waters B 35.767655 -78.644796 710 Non -wetland Section 404 Waters 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre- construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AID before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative orjudicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AID or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be" waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: �■ Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: Lauren Norris -Heflin Map:Vicinity, HUC, environmental inventory, parcel, NRCS soils, delineation map 0 Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. ❑X Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ■❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: 030202011101 ❑■ ❑ USGS NHD data. ■❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: 1:24,000; Raleigh West, 2019 ❑■ Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Wake County, 1970 �■ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: USFWS NWI North Carolina 2018 ❑ State/local wetland inventory map(s): ❑■ FEMA/FIRM maps: 3720170300J (eff. 5/2/2006) El ❑� 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: 242-244 (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: ■❑ Aerial (Name & Date) or ■❑ Other (Name & Date): NC OneMap Orthoimagery 2017 Landscape ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. �e9�- cyGe- pG��C rrr 12/16/2021 Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)' ' Districts may establish timeframes for requestor to return signed PJD forms. If the requestor does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. h:71lIh�C010r King Jr Blvd \ F \ \ng♦ Walnr,f Sr 4 0 p� a • • . v'i�lnu[ Tem ■ ` . Park r � 000�� Legend .FlIIIIIIIIIIIIJ Project Study Limits- 8.40 Acres M Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Wetland Flag Field Data Station Stream Buffer Culvert Potential non wetland waters Topographic Contours Major- 10 Foot Minor- 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2.Waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DEQ Stream Identification Form version 4.11. N 0 50 100 200 Feet IJ Sth AILaI!f S r 296 293 4 1 r/ I \ \r ♦ r Oj , 2 r s i. ne ♦ \ / � ♦� ---ram �/ {+ — •t — _—r� - •� � 'i rt \ ,P Nb o I ;/ , Lam/ I � r 1 � 1 � - _ -a - f - ! III - \ \, � , / - \♦ - of * —� _` [ `♦ — rw �' : a !t._.l a .� . � / � ^, � L ., ♦ ♦ ♦,!\\}.,. \ :4: _ _LF A�' N y � W j o E c d E O w c a r 3 � w awK w S2 �0 a a� � m a y O Z c 0 Z0 m U H a � �0 a Qo ova"o — u S2 W ` z F m� ` 0 O W A N W W = c v N a, o € >o DATE $ o s gw 0912312020 DRAWN BY M. COOLEY DESIGNED BY . M. COOLEY i CHECKED BY �! K.HEFNER ' SCALE 1 "= 100' a � CL z O _ J O O Q w z 2 U J w � w o F- Z z a W o 0 a A LU J o LU W Z Q Z O Z W '^� v a_ Z 0CID v! W � Q _ IL 11O — JOB NUMBER 46651 ' F SHEET 1 OF NO. 1 Kate Hefner From: Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brigham@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 2:17 PM To: Kate Hefner Cc: Lauren Norris -Heflin Subject: RE: [External] Buffer Determination Review Request - Washington Elementary School - Raleigh, NC CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good to hear from you Kate! For sites located in the Neuse River Basin -Per 15A NCAC 02B. 0714, all features depicted on the most recent version of the published manuscript of the soil survey map or the USCG National map, are subject to the riparian buffer regulations. If a landowner or affected party believes these maps inaccurately depict surface waters or the specific origin point of a stream then an onsite determination can be requested. That being said, per our e-mail conversations and the documents presented to me, the features, as depicted on the provided maps, are subject to the Neuse River riparian buffer regulations, outlined in 15A NCAC 02B. 0714. The maps can be used for planning and future permitting needs. Thanks, Joshua S. Brigham -Environmental Specialist NCDEQ-Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office Office: 919-791-4251 1-C.-r-I OL Rrrr�O.WF E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Kate Hefner[mailto:Kate. Hefner@timmons.com] Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 1:58 PM To: Brigham, Joshua S <joshua.brigham@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com> Subject: RE: [External] Buffer Determination Review Request - Washington Elementary School - Raleigh, NC y•External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to o"rtslpam@nc.gov ���d`A h:71lIh�C010r King Jr Blvd \ F \ \ng♦ Walnr,f Sr 4 p� a �,� 1 �r h , • • Tem ■ ` . Park r � 000�� Legend .FlIIIIIIIIIIIIJ Project Study Limits- 8.40 Acres M Stream Identifier © Wetland Identifier Wetland Flag Field Data Station Stream Buffer Culvert Perennial Stream (R3) Topographic Contours Major- 10 Foot Minor- 1 Foot 1. Waters of the U.S. within the project study limits have been located using submeter, Bluetooth GPS antennas by Timmons Group. 2.Waters of the U.S. have not been confirmed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers until stamped. 3. Project limits are approximate. 4. Topography based on USGS LiDAR. 5. Cowardin Stream Classifications are based on NC DEQ Stream Identification Form version 4.11. N 0 50 100 200 Feet IJ Sth AILaI!f S r 296 293 I \,r ♦ r UP tp 2 r s y 7 � r p • ♦ �,1�I o Zl \ / ♦� ---ram �/ {+ — •t — _—r� - •� � 'i rt \ ,P ♦ � � , � � . � . �' ♦>�: �.'�� d .w > '; � 'i 1, 1, r 1 �1 � — _ -a _f- ! III — \,\�\/ — \♦ — —� _`"k I `♦ — N U A N � � W j o E E � a E o aw � w 4wt2 a w o � Z �o U S2 N ` w F N Z O @ U mm 0 w = c v N a, o € >o DATE $ o s gw 0912312020 DRAWN BY M. COOLEY DESIGNED BY . M. COOLEY i CHECKED BY �! K.HEFNER ' SCALE 1 "= 100' a ,CL -_ D O = U z 0 w � z o e J 0 F— Z w W F- A LU _J z W Q z Z � z o O z Q � W 3: Z LD 0 W Q IL •L� JOB NUMBER 46651 ' F SHEET 1 OF NO. 1 From: Lauren Norris -Heflin To: 401PreFile Subject: Pre -Filing Request - Washington ES DWR ID 21-1396 Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:29:00 AM Attachments: imaae001.ipa Good morning, I would like to submit a Pre -Filing Request for re -permitting the Washington ES project, DWR ID 21- 1396. Plans have not changed, but it is anticipated work will not be able to be completed prior to permit expiration and reissuance may be required. DWR ID: 21-1396 Project name: Washington ES Project County: Wake Applicant name: Gurel Architecture Applicant address: 1145 Executive Circle, #B, Cary, NC 27511 Type of project/Approval sought: NWP 3 and 13 Thank you, Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager 9 TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 5410 Trinity Rd, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: 919.866.4943 1 Cell: 919.607.1723 1 Fax: 919.859.5663 Lauren.Norris-HeflinPtimmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours To send me files greater than 20MB click here. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2020-01767 County: Wake U.S.G.S. Quad: NC -Raleigh GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Gurel Architecture Mete Gurel Address: 1145 Executive Circle, #B Carl, NC 27511 Size (acres) --8 acres Nearest Town Raleigh Nearest Waterway Rocky Branch River Basin Neuse USGS HUC 03020201 Coordinates Latitude: 35.767110 Longitude:-78.643899 Location description: The project site is located west of Fayetteville Street near its intersection of Levister Court in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Description of projects area and activity: This verification authorizes the permanent discharge of fill material resulting in no loss within 123 linear feet of stream channel and the temporary discharge of material within 114 linear feet of stream channel. Applicable Law(s): ❑X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: NWP 3. Maintenance and NWP 13. Bank Stabilization SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached Conditions, your application signed and dated 9/15/2021, and the enclosed plans Washington Elementary. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide and/or regional general permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide and/or regional general permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case -by -case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact George Lyle Phillips III at (919) 554-4884 X25 or George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil. Corps Regulatory Official: � 9&- ✓ 60- PhX G�k tit Date: 12/16/2021 Expiration Date of Verification: 3/18/2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f'?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished: Colleen Cohn — NCDEQ-DWR — 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Action ID Number: SAW-2020-01767 County: Wake Permittee: Gurel Architecture, Mete Gurel Project Name: Washington Elementary School Date Verification Issued: 12/16/2021 Project Manager: George_Lyle Phillips III Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: George Lyle Phillips III Raleigh Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 or George.L.Phillips @usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACTS N ZONE 1 = 1,943 SF. ZONE 2=269SF z �O W W Q W — J Q N �� z O _ — �. 'w<m U) QZQ- PLUNGE POOL EMBEDDED STONE (NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS) 15.5 CY W_ O Q+ N -- C Z Q / W W CL Q _� J+ Z CL Q W Z Q F- Q 00 (n zY (DZ �u �cn �N / mLIJ ---- W Q m N CD co TEMPORARY �.................LOD......... — — _ — - - / ' xR� / / / / EXISTING > N O 2 _ EMBEDDED STONE Y iBUFFER IMPACTS (SOUTH) a BUFFER IMPACTS L / ZONE 1 = 5,205 SF. w o N APPROACH PAD 570 SF. / ' / ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS (PERMANENT) 0 - NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS ZONE 2 - 689 SF. w ( ) J m EMBEDDED STONE PERMANENT IMPACT E-cr / .� / a a 11 C j \ PROPOSED / \ ¢z �¢ / c j / BOULDER SILL / G" �, j� /' //' SCALE 1"=20' fl m NOR V 0 20' 40' 0 0 0 a o DATE 0 8-24-2021 DRAWN BY A. Willard • DESIGNED BY • A. ASFA W • CHECKED BY 8. Ward • • SCALE FT C ` Q - ZQ 3 N In o J W Z 0 �Q a � U z -j j cn ULuV)0wU= z 0 W a J JU Zo r/a O =U - a � Za � Q �c2 E O o3 63 E_ 0. NO 46651 SHEET NO 1 �. E NOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND AS SUCH REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. PUBLISH OR USE THEM ONLY WITH THE ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL Existing Pipe Length (Ft.) Inv In. Elev. (Ft.) Inv Out. Elev (Ft.) 24" RCP (West) 26 Ft. 236.10 Ft. 236.0 Ft. 60" RCP 26 Ft. 233.87 Ft. 233.75 Ft. 24" RCP ( East) 26 Ft. 235.63 Ft. 236.15 Ft. EXISTING124" RCP EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE p (TO BE REMOVED) i (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 4 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ly 16 LF OF PROPOSED 36" RCP SHEETS C100 AND C101) I @ 0.01 FT/FT i INV. IN=234.80 FT. b INV. OUT=234!60 FT. EXIs I ING TOP OF BANK I y EXIStING HEADWALL X� b (TO BE REMOVED) 14"G (X2) _x c� SOD \ � - PROPOSED - - - - - - STREAM CENTERLINE - - -5_ PROPOSED �C2Oy ROCK -SILT -SCREEN - ' _ - - - 240 - -___---_-_ ---�C---__ Tvtk=--240-_-� __________ -236 238_ EXISTING GATEAND CHAIN LINK FENCE (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEETS C100 AND C101) _ � \ REMOVE EXISTING DEBRIS (ROCK CONCRETE END WALL �> PIECES, CHAIN LINK FENCE ETC.) \ IN WORK AREA 236 d 1+75 / .d 3 EXISTING ' \ STREAM , \ _ 235 _ i \ \ CENTERLINE > ✓ \ EXISTING _ _ q239 ' z TOE OF BANX'- \ c=\I _ - -� _ - - - �\ W o �\ 33"BEECHy - - - 240 LL A PROPOSED m �X� A BOULDER SILL x� 2 PROPOSED PLUNGE POOL 16 LF OF PROPOSED 36" RCP 20 AND RIPRAP PROTECTION �y Uj Uj @ 0.01% FT/FT TO ELEV. 238 FT. 1 INV. IN=234.80 FT. / I z INV. OUT=234.60 FT. I / o� m ti PROPOSED HEADWALLS fI� z (SEE SHEETS C300-C302) 4 PROPOSED I � __ / C201 SILT FENCE 00 U) I 1 J N EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 1 z (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 1 O IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEETS C100 AND C101) 11 W N 1 j / m / y � � 250 � 250 250 36 FT. ORNAMENTAL FENCE ,--',(SEE ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS) 225 PROPOSED BOULDER SILL 5' LONG x 2' DEPTH x 2' WIDTH (MIN.) (TYP. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM FACES) 220 0+80 0+85 0+90 6 FT. 1 6 FT. 0+95 1+00 1+05 SECTION A -A SCALE 1 "=5' HORIZONTAL 1 "=5' VERTICAL 1+10 1+15 225 220 1+20 235 230 225 N z O No LN m iX uu No_---241 ---- --------- "c/►\ \PROPOSED A WM BOULDER SILL A ' EXISTING — TOP OF BANK ry� I EXISTING 60" RCP I P (TO BE REMOVED) --- 240_ �> A ---_ _-_- 2 - - PROPOSED PLUNGE POOL = � - 238 �� AND RIPRAP PROTECTION C2 S/ 238 0° ----=--__ ELEV. 238 FT. '---_2' -_ 235"-- ------- ------ - - -- 0 _ P PROPn,5ED ROCK SILK` S-CREEN C20 ----- __........ _ 233 - FLU 2+75 - - - - 233 - .............:::::..... - _ + 5 a - - - - _ 2+50 > - _ �232 i II • d _ 234 — --_- -_ _ EXIS-TING Od d o •� � REAM 238 CENTERLINE I I EXISTING 24" RCP \ 240 I (TO BE REMOVED) N EXISTING 16 LF OF PROPOSED 60" RCP A TOE OF BANK A @ 0.01 % FT/FT Io EXISTING INV. IN=232.48 FT. TOP OF BANK 24A INV.I OUT=232.30 FT. wl I I jMC3 o IN U- I a co w n N SF �D SF �Y N \ / � � U) I D= LOD LSD o a Q / w / Q w PROPOSED 4 / 2 F SILT FENCE C20 / �p w U)o / r/ CD �z00 �c I/ H 0- i �q WWI PLAN VIEW SCALE 1"=10' 1 "=10' 0 10' 20' 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 CULVERT REPLACEMENT AND PLUNGE POOL PROFILE SCALE 1 "=10' HORIZONTAL 1 "=5' VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR STREAM WORK: 1. COMPLY WITH ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE INSTALLATIONS SPECIFIED ON THE CIVIL EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEETS C103 TO C106. 2. LIMIT CLEARING AND LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY TO THE AREA NECESSARY TO INSTALL THE PERMITTED MEASURES ADJACENT TO THE STREAM. 3. REMOVE AND STORE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE. 4. PERFORM CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND DEBRIS REMOVAL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR ACCESS TO THE STREAM AND HEADWALL AREA. 5. INSTALL STREAM PUMP AROUND TO DIVERT NORMAL STREAM FLOW. COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF WORK AREA PUMP AND SILT BAG TO DEWATER WORK AREAS AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS. 6. INSTALL 60-INCH AND DUAL 36-INCH RC PIPES AND HEADWALL AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS. 7. COMPLETE STREAM BANK GRADING AND SCOUR PROTECTION IMPROVEMENTS. INSTALL RIPRAP PROTECTION, SEED AND MAT BANKS DAILY AS WORK PROGRESSES. 8. COMPLETE STABILIZATION MEASURES. 9. COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF FENCEING AND ACCESS PATH RECONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL PLANS. 10. SEED ALL DISTURBED NON -PAVED AREAS AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 11. INSTALL WOODY VEGETATION AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANTING PLAN. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS (APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS) -583 PROPOSED CONTOURS — — — — EXISTING STREAM CENTERLINE — • • • — • • • — — PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE EXISTING TOP OF BANK --------- EXISTING TOE OF BANK x EXISTING FENCE CLASS II RIPRAP d ° FENCE REMOVAL LOD LOD — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF SF — SILT FENCE 0@00 ROCK SILT SCREEN 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 250 245 240 235 230 0 �b 225 II w J Q U U) Ln J Q U 220 � 3+10 w HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 "=10' 0 10, 20' P. 0 C;0FREL ARCHITECTURE 1145E EXECUTIVE CIRCLE CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 T:919.468.1717 F:919.468.1716 .••`HCAD ! ''•• R O. F Lx 5ip� SEAL - 113344`3 NC3TpR CONSTRWTION �.!G...... Q: �;LYNNE,, I •• • • E o U 10 0 E � N U E o w z } 0 Q oU �N a z 0 _ 00 L N w 0 W CD M > 00 z w i--i O\ �o U z W M J Z < < o O o � � O ul) > _ 6 o } 00 0 -1 Ln o, J w GYMNASIUM RENOVATION WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1000 FAYETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, NC 27601 WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CULVERT REPLACEMENT PLAN AND PROFILE 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DATE: 03-18-2021 JOB NO: 46651 DRAWN BY- 209 CHECKED BY: B.W. APPROVED: - ,. C200 2'-6' TERMINAL SLOPE AND LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH lF STAKE AT 3'-5' 11F INTERVALS -DG v- WOODEN CHECK SLOT A� STAKES 'INTERVALS (MIN) \X\\��\�i ISOMETRIC VIEW INITIAL CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT NOTES: 1. CHECK SLOTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 25 INTERVALS. 2. ALL MATTING TO BE SECURED WITH WOODEN STAKES ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AT 5 INTERVALS. 3. FABRIC OVERLAP WHEN 2 ROWS OF MATERIAL ARE USED SHALL BE PLACED WITH THE UPPER ROW OF MATERIAL PLACED OVER THE LOWER ROW OF MATERIAL. 4. TRENCH MATTING AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF MAT AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 5. OVERLAP FABRIC IN DIRECTION OF FLOW WITH MATTING UPSTREAM ON TOP OF DOWNSTREAM MAT. 6. MATTING WILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS. TYPICAL MATTING INSTALLATION 1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK EROSION CONTROL FABRIC C-700 COIR MAT \\� \\\ SEE AND STRAW PRIOR TO MAT INSTALLATION END BANK PROTECTION AT BANKFULL ELEVATION 238.0 FT.\� EMBEDED APPROACH APRON AND PLUNGE POOL iv CLASS II MIX iv 2H 2H STREAM CHANNEL 2'4" NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE RIPRAP PROTECTION (CLASS II) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE PUMP ZONE ACTIVE WORK ZONE 250' MAX DISCHARGE WITH STABLE OUTLET (NOTE 3) OR ON BEDROCK ROCK SI I- w DISCHARGEI HOSE DEWATERING SEDIMENT PUMP FLOW AS NEEDED SPECIAL STILLING BASIN DIVERSION PUMP RAW PUMP WITH ROCK PAD BASE FLOW NOTES: 1. WORK AREA TO BE STABILIZED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. 2. ROCK SILT SCREENS REQUIRED FOR PUMP AROUND OPERATIONS ARE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO PUMPING. 3. STABLE OUTLET TO CONSIST OF ROCK PLACED IN CHANNEL FOR ENERGY DISSIPATION AND 45' ELBOW INSTALLATION AT THE END OF THE PIPING SO THAT THE WATER DISCHARGES VERTICALLY UP IN THE AIR. THE OUTLET WILL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGNER PRIOR TO PUMPING. TYPICAL PUMP AROUND OPERATION SUMP HOLE OR POOL '1 INTAKE HOSE PLANTING NOTES 1. WOODY SPECIES TO BE PLANTED WITH A COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING SMALL TREES/SHRUBS: (ROOTED PLANT PLUGS/TUBELINGS - 12"-18" IN HEIGHT. LIVE STAKES MAY BE USED UPON APPROVAL BY THE DESIGNER). SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE / PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE DESIGNER. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT PLANT QUANTITIES / SPECIES FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PLANTING. TOTAL PLANTS = / N AMELANCHIER ARBOREA - SERVICE BERRY LINDERA BENZOIN - SPICEBUSH _ ILEX VERTICILLATA - WINTERBERRY \ r �/ CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS - BUTTONBUSH b / \ CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS - SWEET -SHRUB / P CORNUS AMOMUM - SILKY DOGWOOD ALNUS SERRULATA - TAG ALDER / \ PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS - NINEBARK FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA- GREEN ASH �X � P I O> CLASS II MIX BANK STABILIZATION 2 2. ZONE A TO BE MATTED WITH FIBERWONDERS COIR MAT C-700 OR APPROVED EQUAL. C201 PLACE RIPARIAN SEED, EROSION CONTROL SEED, AND THIN LAYER OF STRAW PRIOR TO MATTING INSTALLATION. SEE COIR MATTING CHANNEL INSTALLATION DETAIL THIS b / ',X� P� \ \ SHEET. ROOTED PLANT PLUGS SHALL BE PLANTED 3 FEET ON CENTER. 3. PLANTING STOCK TO BE GROWN BY NURSERIES WITHIN THE SAME PHYSIOGRAPHIC PLUNGE POOL EMBEDDED STONE 2 REGION (PIEDMONT) AND WITHIN 200 MILES OF THE PROJECT SITE. I x ONE A � I C201 4. FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY WITH ON SITE SOIL X� r CONDITIONS: �X� b LIME'h TON/AC __X I 2 PHOSPHATE 20-40 LBS/AC POTASH 50-70 LBS/AC WATERING REQUIREMENTS: ONCE/WEEK IF NO RAIN p x �; i - - _ %; % _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 5. RIPARIAN SEED MIX ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDS PIEDMONT RIPARIAN SEED MIX OR 238 38 _ _ _ �%i T - - _ __- _ _ __ _ APPROVED EQUAL BY DESIGNER. APPLICATION RATE 25 LBS/AC. - - 0-- - 2�r. �/ I �G ;�f' �� _ -�%�' 6. TEMPORARY SEED TO BE PLACED WITH PERMANENT SEED. 240 - S I I 236 ,�2'xrok _ 234 _ _ - _ \ 1 235 - - _ _ _ _ SEE EROSION CONTROL SHEET C200. 238 _ a 2 3 > -- -- i _ 23 - 8 — — — _ — ` 236 - .::- - 233 - . - - - - — .. �. -- .-.-::. . .. 33 - 2+75 2.... _ 236-:;:::»:;X-:::::»:....:::.........-.........:.::.::.;::.::.: — .. 2 . ...................... . — _ _ — ..................+ . . 3................................... — — _ _ - - — ..... .......... _ `I 0 — —::::.:...:..:.: P - -- --- --- t� - - - - .... �234 ....... .. _ __ _ ::.- ::......................... .......::............ ........................................... - _ LEGEND N L � - = - _ `(> 237 a 592 --- EXISTING CONTOURS \ I c=_ 239 _ 238 J -583 PROPOSED CONTOURS — \ \ - ZONE A 240 240 1 ZONE A — — — — EXISTING STREAM CENTERLINE - - - A — • • - — - - - — — PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — X__ X I 1 EXISTING TOP OF BANK / 241 1 EXISTING TOE OF BANK / d 1 A EXISTING FENCE / I o CLASS II RIPRAP MIX BANK STABILIZATION r I d x 1 PLANTING ZONE A � ��'9 � � � / -=� 2 EMBEDDED STONE I \ OD LOD LSD EMBEDED STONE APPROACH PAD \ / C201 I LtiD L x � CLASS II BANK STABILIZATION MIX 65% CLASS II RIPRAP 25% CLASS B RIPRAP 10% #57 STONE MIX PRIOR TO PLACEMENT TO ENSURE MINIMAL VOIDS IN INSTALLED ROCK SEE PLAN AND PROFILE FOR ELEVATIONS STABILIZATION PLAN 1 "=10' MAINTENANCE: CLEAN OUT AT 50% CAPACITY LIFE OF FENCING: 6-9 MONTHS 3'-0" NOTES: 1. FLOW SHALL NOT RUN PARALLEL WITH THE FENCE. 2. END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL. 3. SEE NC DEQ SEDIMENT DESIGN MANUAL FOR CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES AND PLANNING 8 CONSIDERATIONS. MIN 4. SILT FENCE SHOULD NOT BE USED ALONE BELOW GRADED SLOPES GREATER THAN 10' IN HEIGHT. Z-0" MIN. 10 GA. LINE WIRES SCALE 1 "=10' 0 10, 20' EL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC FILL SLOPE GRADE IVIIN � SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SIDE VIEW 8' MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SILT FENCE FABRI INSTALLED TO SECON WIRE FROM TOP III III III =IIIII-IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII-IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIIII-IIIII=IIIII IIIII=- - IIIII IIIII FRONT VIEW - - IIIII IIIII - IIII IIII IIII SILT FENCE PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES MIN. 12-1/2 GA. INTERMEDIATE WIRES GRADE IIIII E111 TOP OF BANK STREAM BED Ch\orz Vr 01I'CCHIVI TOP VIEW TOP OF BANK V-6" MIN. FRONT VIEW V-6" MIN. 3' MAX. SEDIMENT STRUCTURAL STONE CONTROL STONE CROSS SECTION NOTES: USE CLASS B STONE FOR STRUCTURAL STONE AND PAY FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER TON STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL, CLASS B. USE NO. 5 OR NO. 57 STONE FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PAY FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER TON SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE. CONSTRUCT DAM A MAXIMUM OF 1 FOOT ABOVE NORMAL FLOW DEPTH. ROCK SILT SCREEN NOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND AS SUCH REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. PUBLISH OR USE THEM ONLY WITH THE ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL GIJREL ARCHITECTURE 1145E EXECUTIVE CIRCLE CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 T:919.468.1717 F:919.468.1716 .•�:�H'GA! `o �f •F•...5ioSEAL 113344`3 NC3TOR CONSTRI �PQ: • • • • o • U I� o " vi 0 � N U E O w z }: 0 Q U U � 0Z = LU N Of " �u 0 _ .--I Q� 00 w �0(DM >=r'o w i--i Ur N � Ol �z o U z W m Q J z �� o� O 0 O o 0 ,--I O ul) �Lr) > _ 6 O CD c� Ln0) J w GYMNASIUM RENOVATION WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1000 FAYETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, NC 27601 WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA STABILIZATION PLAN AND DETAILS 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DATE: 03-18-2021 JOB NO: 46651 DRAWN BY: 209 CHECKED BY: B.W. APPROVED: - SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE .. C201 DocuSign Envelope ID: 13070AD33-3131F-4491-886B-0305E46CBEOB ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director December 15, 2021 Wake County Board of Education Attn: John Beavin I I I Corning Road Cary, NC 27518 (via email jbeavin@wcpss.net) NORTH CAROL,INA £nvironmentat Quality DWR # 20211396 Wake County Subject: APPROVAL OF 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Washington Elementary School USACE Action ID. No. SAW-2020-01767 Dear Mr. Beavin: You have our approval for the impacts listed below for the purpose described in your application dated September 15, 2021, received by the Division of Water Resources (Division) September 20, 2021, and payment received September 24, 2021. These impacts are covered by the attached Water Quality General Certifications Number 4132 and Number 4134. This certification is associated with the use of Nationwide Permit Numbers 03 and 13 once they are issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. The Division has determined that the proposed project will comply with water quality requirements provided that you adhere to the conditions listed in the enclosed certification. The following proposed impacts are hereby approved. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Stream S1: Culvert 16 linear feet 0 linear feet S2: Bank Stabilization 71 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) S3: Bank Stabilization 0 (linear feet) 62 (linear feet) S4: Embedded Stone 14 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) S5: Plunge Pool 22 linear feet 0 linear feet S6: Dewaterin 0 linear feet 52 linear feet �� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources f ERaleigh Regional Office 13800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 919.791.4200 DocuSign Envelope ID: 13070AD33-3131F-4491-886B-0305E46CBEOB Washington Elementary School DWR# 20211396 401 Certification Page 2 of 2 This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of this Certification. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2)]. If you are unable to comply with any of the conditions of the attached Water Quality General Certification, you must notify the Raleigh Regional Office within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The permittee shall report to the Raleigh Regional Office any noncompliance with, and/or any violation of, stream or wetland standards [15A NCAC 02B .0200] including but not limited to sediment impacts to streams or wetlands. Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee became aware of the non-compliance circumstances. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. [G.S. 143-215.5] This Certification can be contested as provided in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes by filing a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing (Petition) with the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within sixty (60) calendar days. Requirements for filing a Petition are set forth in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and Title 26 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Additional information regarding requirements for filing a Petition and Petition forms may be accessed at http://www.ncoah.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000. One (1) copy of the Petition must also be served to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 This letter completes the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 02H .0500. Please contact Colleen Cohn at 919-791-4258 or Colleen. Cohnkncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: BCDA9D825D4A46D... Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosures: GC 4134, GC 4132 cc: Matt Michel, Timmons (via email) Mete Gurel, Gurel Architecture Lyle Phillips, USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office (via email) DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch electronic file DocuSign Envelope ID: 13070AD33-3131F-4491-886B-0305E46CBEOB ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director December 8, 2021 Wake County Board of Education Attn: John Beavin I I I Corning Road Cary, NC 27518 (via email jbeavin0wcpss.net) NORTH CAROL,INA Environmental Quality DWR # 20211408 Wake County Subject: APPROVAL OF NEUSE RIVER BASIN RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Washington Elementary School Dear Mr. Beavin: You have our approval for the impacts listed below for the purpose described in your application dated September 23, 2021, received by the Division of Water Resources (Division) September 23, 2021, with payment received September 24, 2021. These impacts are covered by the Neuse River Buffer Rules and the conditions listed below. Please note that you should get any other federal, state, or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. The following impacts are hereby approved, provided that all of the Conditions listed below, and all of the conditions of the Neuse River Buffer Rules are met. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [15A NCAC 02B Neuse .0611(b)(2)] Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Buffers — Zone 1 B 1: Culvert Installation 570 (square feet) 0 (square feet) 132: Construction Access 0 (square feet) 7,148 (square feet) Buffers —Zone 2 B2: Construction Access 0 (square feet 958 (square feet This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of this Authorization Certificate. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Authorization Certificate and is responsible for complying with all conditions. [15A NCAC 02B .0611(b)(2)] If you are unable to comply with any of the conditions below, you must notify the Raleigh Regional Office within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. Q�A North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources c�:r�Q E Raleigh Regional Office 13800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 919,791,4200 DocuSign Envelope ID: 13070AD33-3131F-4491-886B-0305E46CBEOB Washington Elementary School DWR# 20211396 Buffer Authorization Certificate Page 2 of 2 The permittee shall report to the Raleigh Regional Office any noncompliance with the conditions of this Authorization Certificate and/or any violation of state regulated riparian buffer rules [15A NCAC 02B .0714]. Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the applicant became aware of the circumstances. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. [G.S. 143-215.5] This Authorization Certificate can be contested as provided in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes by filing a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing (Petition) with the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within sixty (60) calendar days. Requirements for filing a Petition are set forth in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and Title 26 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Additional information regarding requirements for filing a Petition and Petition forms may be accessed at http://www.ncoah.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000. One (1) copy of the Petition must also be served to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 This letter completes the review of the Division under the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules as described in 15A NCAC 02B .0714. Please contact Colleen Cohn at 919-791-4258 or Colleen. Cohn&ncdenr. Roy if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: Sc eta �Ui,�n. ,w BCDA9D825D4A46D... Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ cc: Matt Michel, Timmons (via email) Mete Gurel, Gurel Architecture DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting via Laserfiche U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2020-01767 County: Wake U.S.G.S. Quad: NC -Raleigh West GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Gurel Architecture Mete Gurel Address: 1145 Executive Circle, #B Cary, NC 27511 Size (acres) —8 acres Nearest Town Raleigh Nearest Waterway Rocky Branch River Basin Neuse USGS HUC 03020201 Coordinates Latitude: 35.767110 Longitude:-78.643899 Location description: The project site is located west of Fayetteville Street near its intersection of Levister Court in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Description of projects area and activity: This verification authorizes the permanent discharge of fill material resulting in no loss within 123 linear feet of stream channel and the temporary discharge of material within 114 linear feet of stream channel. Applicable Law(s): © Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: NWP 3. Maintenance and NWP 13. Bank Stabilization SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached Conditions, your application signed and dated 9/15/2021, and the enclosed plans Washington Elementary. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide and/or regional general permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide and/or regional general permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case -by -case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact George Lyle Phillips III at (919) 554-4884 X25 or George.L.Phillipsnusace.armv.mil. Corps Regulatory Official: � ✓ L.✓ 66- Ahu" l " !rr Date: 12/16/2021 Expiration Date of Verification: 3/18/2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Copy furnished: Colleen Cohn — NCDEQ-DWR — 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Action ID Number: SAW-2020-01767 County: Wake Permittee: Gurel Architecture, Mete Gurel Project Name: Washington Elementary School Date Verification Issued: 12/16/2021 Project Manager: George Lyle Phillips III Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: George Lyle Phillips III Raleigh Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 or George.L.Phillips@us ace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date Appendix C TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACTS N ZONE 1 = 1,943 SF. ZONE 2=269SF z �O W W Q W — J Q N �� z O _ — �. 'w<m U) QZQ- PLUNGE POOL EMBEDDED STONE (NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS) 15.5 CY W_ O Q+ N -- C Z Q / W W CL Q _� J+ Z CL Q W Z Q F- Q 00 (n zY (DZ �u �cn �N / mLIJ ---- W Q m N CD co TEMPORARY �.................LOD......... — — _ — - - / ' xR� / / / / EXISTING > N O 2 _ EMBEDDED STONE Y iBUFFER IMPACTS (SOUTH) a BUFFER IMPACTS L / ZONE 1 = 5,205 SF. w o N APPROACH PAD 570 SF. / ' / ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS (PERMANENT) 0 - NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS ZONE 2 - 689 SF. w ( ) J m EMBEDDED STONE PERMANENT IMPACT E-cr / .� / a a 11 C j \ PROPOSED / \ ¢z �¢ / c j / BOULDER SILL / G" �, j� /' //' SCALE 1"=20' fl m NOR V 0 20' 40' 0 0 0 a o DATE 0 8-24-2021 DRAWN BY A. Willard • DESIGNED BY • A. ASFA W • CHECKED BY 8. Ward • • SCALE FT C ` Q - ZQ 3 N In o J W Z 0 �Q a � U z -j j cn ULuV)0wU= z 0 W a J JU Zo r/a O =U - a � Za � Q �c2 E O o3 63 E_ 0. NO 46651 SHEET NO 1 �. E Dark Blue Permanent No Loss Stream Bank Impact = 495-sq ft (0.011-ac) Permanent No Loss Stream Bed Impact = 469-sq ft (0.0107-ac) _ Pink Temporary Bank Impact = 776-sq ft (0.018-ac) Temporary Stream Bed for Construction = 376-sq ft (0.009-ac) Permanent culvert fill = 240-sa ft (0.0055-ac) i �ivirvr�rr� r / c BUFFER IMPACTS NORTH /2 / xR� ZONE 1 = 1,943 SF. / w ZONE 2=269SF 0+°U)� orcr<-wcn (A Z cn O Q aQw � J i / TEMPORARY x \ \ ROCK SILT SCREEN \ -_ 0, --_- w wQ w J Q N Z m _ - - �p U � Uj q - o z QaQ , , PLUNGE POOL EMBEDDED STONE z U),N w w�' (NO FUNCTIONAL LOSS) Q z Q� Q m ' 15.5 CY (318-SQ FT, 0.0073-AC) x Co C) + - =Z Q / ----- wQmc~n —� ,r Z Y U Z � Uj N / WUj Q m m / N / / ... ....... '. LBD................... ..................... .................................... _ ........................................... . ....... _ — — _ — - f:'::'::'::' ::':.:'::'::::':: ::+ ... / / / i r: . / 1 EXISTING / / TOP OF BANK EXISTING - W / — — TOP OF BANK I is T::'::::::y: O )-'tTn XISTING ::: m N .................. FnF RANK - __ter ,::.:::.:'::::.:.::'::'::':;'::':::'::': END LOD 1 k�� U) — - -- — — /r— > t BANK STR // d PROPOSED STREAM END L D\1E CENTERLINE CENTERL/INr r t- r P F BANK LEGEND LOD LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS - - - - - PROPOSED CENTERLINE ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS (TEMPORARY) ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACTS (TEMPORARY) ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS (PERMANENT) EMBEDDED STONE PERMANENT IMPACT SCALE 1 "=20' EMIR 0 20' 40' • DESIGNED BV • A. ASFA W • CHECKED BY 8. Ward • SC E C ` Q - H o z= N U) 0 WZ J `° �0 U W a Q � O z J o� WZ LU zED U V z U 0W a LU U J ,U, tl H AOa zo =U za � Q Eo 0 0o O �a a3 Ea O. [qSHEffNO. NOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND AS SUCH REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. PUBLISH OR USE THEM ONLY WITH THE ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL Existing Pipe Length (Ft.) Inv In. Elev. (Ft.) Inv Out. Elev (Ft.) 24" RCP (West) 26 Ft. 236.10 Ft. 236.0 Ft. 60" RCP 26 Ft. 233.87 Ft. 233.75 Ft. 24" RCP ( East) 26 Ft. 235.63 Ft. 236.15 Ft. EXISTING124" RCP EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE p (TO BE REMOVED) i (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 4 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ly 16 LF OF PROPOSED 36" RCP SHEETS C100 AND C101) I @ 0.01 FT/FT i INV. IN=234.80 FT. b INV. OUT=234!60 FT. EXIs I ING TOP OF BANK I y EXIStING HEADWALL X� b (TO BE REMOVED) 14"G (X2) _x c� SOD \ � - PROPOSED - - - - - - STREAM CENTERLINE - - -5_ PROPOSED �C2Oy ROCK -SILT -SCREEN - ' _ - - - 240 - -___---_-_ ---�C---__ Tvtk=--240-_-� __________ -236 238_ EXISTING GATEAND CHAIN LINK FENCE (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEETS C100 AND C101) _ � \ REMOVE EXISTING DEBRIS (ROCK CONCRETE END WALL �> PIECES, CHAIN LINK FENCE ETC.) \ IN WORK AREA 236 d 1+75 / .d 3 EXISTING ' \ STREAM , \ _ 235 _ i \ \ CENTERLINE > ✓ \ EXISTING _ _ q239 ' z TOE OF BANX'- \ c=\I _ - -� _ - - - �\ W o �\ 33"BEECHy - - - 240 LL A PROPOSED m �X� A BOULDER SILL x� 2 PROPOSED PLUNGE POOL 16 LF OF PROPOSED 36" RCP 20 AND RIPRAP PROTECTION �y Uj Uj @ 0.01% FT/FT TO ELEV. 238 FT. 1 INV. IN=234.80 FT. / I z INV. OUT=234.60 FT. I / o� m ti PROPOSED HEADWALLS fI� z (SEE SHEETS C300-C302) 4 PROPOSED I � __ / C201 SILT FENCE 00 U) I 1 J N EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 1 z (TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED 1 O IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEETS C100 AND C101) 11 W N 1 j / m / y � � 250 � 250 250 36 FT. ORNAMENTAL FENCE ,--',(SEE ARCHITECTURAL SHEETS) 225 PROPOSED BOULDER SILL 5' LONG x 2' DEPTH x 2' WIDTH (MIN.) (TYP. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM FACES) 220 0+80 0+85 0+90 6 FT. 1 6 FT. 0+95 1+00 1+05 SECTION A -A SCALE 1 "=5' HORIZONTAL 1 "=5' VERTICAL 1+10 1+15 225 220 1+20 235 230 225 N z O No LN m iX uu No_---241 ---- --------- "c/►\ \PROPOSED A WM BOULDER SILL A ' EXISTING — TOP OF BANK ry� I EXISTING 60" RCP I P (TO BE REMOVED) --- 240_ �> A ---_ _-_- 2 - - PROPOSED PLUNGE POOL = � - 238 �� AND RIPRAP PROTECTION C2 S/ 238 0° ----=--__ ELEV. 238 FT. '---_2' -_ 235"-- ------- ------ - - -- 0 _ P PROPn,5ED ROCK SILK` S-CREEN C20 ----- __........ _ 233 - FLU 2+75 - - - - 233 - .............:::::..... - _ + 5 a - - - - _ 2+50 > - _ �232 i II • d _ 234 — --_- -_ _ EXIS-TING Od d o •� � REAM 238 CENTERLINE I I EXISTING 24" RCP \ 240 I (TO BE REMOVED) N EXISTING 16 LF OF PROPOSED 60" RCP A TOE OF BANK A @ 0.01 % FT/FT Io EXISTING INV. IN=232.48 FT. TOP OF BANK 24A INV.I OUT=232.30 FT. wl I I jMC3 o IN U- I a co w n N SF �D SF �Y N \ / � � U) I D= LOD LSD o a Q / w / Q w PROPOSED 4 / 2 F SILT FENCE C20 / �p w U)o / r/ CD �z00 �c I/ H 0- i �q WWI PLAN VIEW SCALE 1"=10' 1 "=10' 0 10' 20' 1+30 1+40 1+50 1+60 1+70 1+80 1+90 2+00 2+10 2+20 2+30 2+40 2+50 CULVERT REPLACEMENT AND PLUNGE POOL PROFILE SCALE 1 "=10' HORIZONTAL 1 "=5' VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR STREAM WORK: 1. COMPLY WITH ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE INSTALLATIONS SPECIFIED ON THE CIVIL EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEETS C103 TO C106. 2. LIMIT CLEARING AND LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY TO THE AREA NECESSARY TO INSTALL THE PERMITTED MEASURES ADJACENT TO THE STREAM. 3. REMOVE AND STORE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE. 4. PERFORM CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND DEBRIS REMOVAL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR ACCESS TO THE STREAM AND HEADWALL AREA. 5. INSTALL STREAM PUMP AROUND TO DIVERT NORMAL STREAM FLOW. COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF WORK AREA PUMP AND SILT BAG TO DEWATER WORK AREAS AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS. 6. INSTALL 60-INCH AND DUAL 36-INCH RC PIPES AND HEADWALL AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS. 7. COMPLETE STREAM BANK GRADING AND SCOUR PROTECTION IMPROVEMENTS. INSTALL RIPRAP PROTECTION, SEED AND MAT BANKS DAILY AS WORK PROGRESSES. 8. COMPLETE STABILIZATION MEASURES. 9. COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF FENCEING AND ACCESS PATH RECONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL PLANS. 10. SEED ALL DISTURBED NON -PAVED AREAS AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 11. INSTALL WOODY VEGETATION AS CALLED FOR ON THE PLANTING PLAN. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOURS (APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS) -583 PROPOSED CONTOURS — — — — EXISTING STREAM CENTERLINE — • • • — • • • — — PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE EXISTING TOP OF BANK --------- EXISTING TOE OF BANK x EXISTING FENCE CLASS II RIPRAP d ° FENCE REMOVAL LOD LOD — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF SF — SILT FENCE 0@00 ROCK SILT SCREEN 2+60 2+70 2+80 2+90 3+00 250 245 240 235 230 0 �b 225 II w J Q U U) Ln J Q U 220 � 3+10 w HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 "=10' 0 10, 20' P. 0 C;0FREL ARCHITECTURE 1145E EXECUTIVE CIRCLE CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 T:919.468.1717 F:919.468.1716 .••`HCAD ! ''•• R O. F Lx 5ip� SEAL - 113344`3 NC3TpR CONSTRWTION �.!G...... Q: �;LYNNE,, I •• • • E o U 10 0 E � N U E o w z } 0 Q oU �N a z 0 _ 00 L N w 0 W CD M > 00 z w i--i O\ �o U z W M J Z < < o O o � � O ul) > _ 6 o } 00 0 -1 Ln o, J w GYMNASIUM RENOVATION WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1000 FAYETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, NC 27601 WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA CULVERT REPLACEMENT PLAN AND PROFILE 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DATE: 03-18-2021 JOB NO: 46651 DRAWN BY- 209 CHECKED BY: B.W. APPROVED: - ,. C200 2'-6' TERMINAL SLOPE AND LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR TRENCH CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH lF STAKE AT 3'-5' 11F INTERVALS -DG v- WOODEN CHECK SLOT A� STAKES 'INTERVALS (MIN) \X\\��\�i ISOMETRIC VIEW INITIAL CHANNEL ANCHOR TRENCH INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOT NOTES: 1. CHECK SLOTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 25 INTERVALS. 2. ALL MATTING TO BE SECURED WITH WOODEN STAKES ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AT 5 INTERVALS. 3. FABRIC OVERLAP WHEN 2 ROWS OF MATERIAL ARE USED SHALL BE PLACED WITH THE UPPER ROW OF MATERIAL PLACED OVER THE LOWER ROW OF MATERIAL. 4. TRENCH MATTING AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF MAT AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 5. OVERLAP FABRIC IN DIRECTION OF FLOW WITH MATTING UPSTREAM ON TOP OF DOWNSTREAM MAT. 6. MATTING WILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS. TYPICAL MATTING INSTALLATION 1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK EROSION CONTROL FABRIC C-700 COIR MAT \\� \\\ SEE AND STRAW PRIOR TO MAT INSTALLATION END BANK PROTECTION AT BANKFULL ELEVATION 238.0 FT.\� EMBEDED APPROACH APRON AND PLUNGE POOL iv CLASS II MIX iv 2H 2H STREAM CHANNEL 2'4" NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE RIPRAP PROTECTION (CLASS II) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE PUMP ZONE ACTIVE WORK ZONE 250' MAX DISCHARGE WITH STABLE OUTLET (NOTE 3) OR ON BEDROCK ROCK SI I- w DISCHARGEI HOSE DEWATERING SEDIMENT PUMP FLOW AS NEEDED SPECIAL STILLING BASIN DIVERSION PUMP RAW PUMP WITH ROCK PAD BASE FLOW NOTES: 1. WORK AREA TO BE STABILIZED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. 2. ROCK SILT SCREENS REQUIRED FOR PUMP AROUND OPERATIONS ARE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO PUMPING. 3. STABLE OUTLET TO CONSIST OF ROCK PLACED IN CHANNEL FOR ENERGY DISSIPATION AND 45' ELBOW INSTALLATION AT THE END OF THE PIPING SO THAT THE WATER DISCHARGES VERTICALLY UP IN THE AIR. THE OUTLET WILL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGNER PRIOR TO PUMPING. TYPICAL PUMP AROUND OPERATION SUMP HOLE OR POOL '1 INTAKE HOSE PLANTING NOTES 1. WOODY SPECIES TO BE PLANTED WITH A COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING SMALL TREES/SHRUBS: (ROOTED PLANT PLUGS/TUBELINGS - 12"-18" IN HEIGHT. LIVE STAKES MAY BE USED UPON APPROVAL BY THE DESIGNER). SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRE / PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE DESIGNER. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT PLANT QUANTITIES / SPECIES FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO PLANTING. TOTAL PLANTS = / N AMELANCHIER ARBOREA - SERVICE BERRY LINDERA BENZOIN - SPICEBUSH _ ILEX VERTICILLATA - WINTERBERRY \ r �/ CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS - BUTTONBUSH b / \ CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS - SWEET -SHRUB / P CORNUS AMOMUM - SILKY DOGWOOD ALNUS SERRULATA - TAG ALDER / \ PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS - NINEBARK FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA- GREEN ASH �X � P I O> CLASS II MIX BANK STABILIZATION 2 2. ZONE A TO BE MATTED WITH FIBERWONDERS COIR MAT C-700 OR APPROVED EQUAL. C201 PLACE RIPARIAN SEED, EROSION CONTROL SEED, AND THIN LAYER OF STRAW PRIOR TO MATTING INSTALLATION. SEE COIR MATTING CHANNEL INSTALLATION DETAIL THIS b / ',X� P� \ \ SHEET. ROOTED PLANT PLUGS SHALL BE PLANTED 3 FEET ON CENTER. 3. PLANTING STOCK TO BE GROWN BY NURSERIES WITHIN THE SAME PHYSIOGRAPHIC PLUNGE POOL EMBEDDED STONE 2 REGION (PIEDMONT) AND WITHIN 200 MILES OF THE PROJECT SITE. I x ONE A � I C201 4. FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY WITH ON SITE SOIL X� r CONDITIONS: �X� b LIME'h TON/AC __X I 2 PHOSPHATE 20-40 LBS/AC POTASH 50-70 LBS/AC WATERING REQUIREMENTS: ONCE/WEEK IF NO RAIN p x �; i - - _ %; % _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 5. RIPARIAN SEED MIX ERNST CONSERVATION SEEDS PIEDMONT RIPARIAN SEED MIX OR 238 38 _ _ _ �%i T - - _ __- _ _ __ _ APPROVED EQUAL BY DESIGNER. APPLICATION RATE 25 LBS/AC. - - 0-- - 2�r. �/ I �G ;�f' �� _ -�%�' 6. TEMPORARY SEED TO BE PLACED WITH PERMANENT SEED. 240 - S I I 236 ,�2'xrok _ 234 _ _ - _ \ 1 235 - - _ _ _ _ SEE EROSION CONTROL SHEET C200. 238 _ a 2 3 > -- -- i _ 23 - 8 — — — _ — ` 236 - .::- - 233 - . - - - - — .. �. -- .-.-::. . .. 33 - 2+75 2.... _ 236-:;:::»:;X-:::::»:....:::.........-.........:.::.::.;::.::.: — .. 2 . ...................... . — _ _ — ..................+ . . 3................................... — — _ _ - - — ..... .......... _ `I 0 — —::::.:...:..:.: P - -- --- --- t� - - - - .... �234 ....... .. _ __ _ ::.- ::......................... .......::............ ........................................... - _ LEGEND N L � - = - _ `(> 237 a 592 --- EXISTING CONTOURS \ I c=_ 239 _ 238 J -583 PROPOSED CONTOURS — \ \ - ZONE A 240 240 1 ZONE A — — — — EXISTING STREAM CENTERLINE - - - A — • • - — - - - — — PROPOSED STREAM CENTERLINE — X__ X I 1 EXISTING TOP OF BANK / 241 1 EXISTING TOE OF BANK / d 1 A EXISTING FENCE / I o CLASS II RIPRAP MIX BANK STABILIZATION r I d x 1 PLANTING ZONE A � ��'9 � � � / -=� 2 EMBEDDED STONE I \ OD LOD LSD EMBEDED STONE APPROACH PAD \ / C201 I LtiD L x � CLASS II BANK STABILIZATION MIX 65% CLASS II RIPRAP 25% CLASS B RIPRAP 10% #57 STONE MIX PRIOR TO PLACEMENT TO ENSURE MINIMAL VOIDS IN INSTALLED ROCK SEE PLAN AND PROFILE FOR ELEVATIONS STABILIZATION PLAN 1 "=10' MAINTENANCE: CLEAN OUT AT 50% CAPACITY LIFE OF FENCING: 6-9 MONTHS 3'-0" NOTES: 1. FLOW SHALL NOT RUN PARALLEL WITH THE FENCE. 2. END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL. 3. SEE NC DEQ SEDIMENT DESIGN MANUAL FOR CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS, WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES AND PLANNING 8 CONSIDERATIONS. MIN 4. SILT FENCE SHOULD NOT BE USED ALONE BELOW GRADED SLOPES GREATER THAN 10' IN HEIGHT. Z-0" MIN. 10 GA. LINE WIRES SCALE 1 "=10' 0 10, 20' EL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC FILL SLOPE GRADE IVIIN � SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SIDE VIEW 8' MAX. VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SILT FENCE FABRI INSTALLED TO SECON WIRE FROM TOP III III III =IIIII-IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII-IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIII=IIIIII-IIIII=IIIII IIIII=- - IIIII IIIII FRONT VIEW - - IIIII IIIII - IIII IIII IIII SILT FENCE PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES MIN. 12-1/2 GA. INTERMEDIATE WIRES GRADE IIIII E111 TOP OF BANK STREAM BED Ch\orz Vr 01I'CCHIVI TOP VIEW TOP OF BANK V-6" MIN. FRONT VIEW V-6" MIN. 3' MAX. SEDIMENT STRUCTURAL STONE CONTROL STONE CROSS SECTION NOTES: USE CLASS B STONE FOR STRUCTURAL STONE AND PAY FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER TON STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL, CLASS B. USE NO. 5 OR NO. 57 STONE FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PAY FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE PER TON SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE. CONSTRUCT DAM A MAXIMUM OF 1 FOOT ABOVE NORMAL FLOW DEPTH. ROCK SILT SCREEN NOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE AND AS SUCH REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. PUBLISH OR USE THEM ONLY WITH THE ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL GIJREL ARCHITECTURE 1145E EXECUTIVE CIRCLE CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 T:919.468.1717 F:919.468.1716 .•�:�H'GA! `o �f •F•...5ioSEAL 113344`3 NC3TOR CONSTRI �PQ: • • • • o • U I� o " vi 0 � N U E O w z }: 0 Q U U � 0Z = LU N Of " �u 0 _ .--I Q� 00 w �0(DM >=r'o w i--i Ur N � Ol �z o U z W m Q J z �� o� O 0 O o 0 ,--I O ul) �Lr) > _ 6 O CD c� Ln0) J w GYMNASIUM RENOVATION WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY 1000 FAYETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, NC 27601 WAKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA STABILIZATION PLAN AND DETAILS 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DATE: 03-18-2021 JOB NO: 46651 DRAWN BY: 209 CHECKED BY: B.W. APPROVED: - SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE .. C201 240 239 238 237 236 235 C 234 233 W 232 231 230 F 229`' 228 Washington Elementary Longitudinal Profile �'crw►� �ncn�5 ' Main Channel: Station 1+00 - 3+30 5�►2 ��Y bpi �x�sr�N� i I {PE ❑ IJ ❑ ❑ OOF— M S p (\ 1JL z 3. M , +90 2+20 2+50 C-� 2+80,°�b M 3+10 M H00 1 30 1+6 Station (feet) V) .5 tTW e BKFL TOBL TOBR O WS v v Project: Washington Elementary Location: Cross Section 1 Station: 1+21 Benchmark description: Date: 12/7/2020 USGS Grid Coordinates Plan Sheet Photo Reference Location: North East Ref. No. Permanent Benchmark Elevation: Permanent Benchmark Location: Blue cells are instructions and notes. Please read them. Cross Section taken from left to right looking downstream. Gray cells are outputs and should be left alone. Yellow cells are for data input and manipulation If you need additional sheets for more cross sections, just create a copy of the sheet by right clicking on the tab at the bottom of this sheet. Back -Sight Height of Instrument Fore -Sight Height "TW', "Bankfull right" and "bankfull left" MUST be entered verbatim in this column for the sheet to work. "TOBL", "TOBR", "TOE L" and TOE R" are recommended. Bankfull Cross Section 2 X Bankfull Station BS HI FS EIEVatIOn Left End Station Ri ht End Station Station Elevation Elevation from bankfull Incremental A Height (ft) ncremental Distance (ft) Incremental Area (ft� Station Dis ante Between Points Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet 7 Purple rows are for additional data. Start station 0+00 at the firs[ yellow row. Additional data needed if elevation is less than bankfull or 2 x bankfull. Delete values in these columns where the ground elevation falls lower than bankfull outside the bounds of [he stated/calculated bankfull station. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74.17 242.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83.77 239.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 74.9304 0 87.67 239.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93.21 238.65 bankfull left 93.21 238.65 0 0 0 0 0 0 94.961 237.20 93.21 94.96 237.2 1.45 0.725 1.75 1.26875 0 2.272664 97.50 235.94 TOE L 97.5 235.94 2.71 2.08 2.54 5.2832 01 2.835348 100.00 235.46 TW 100 235.46 3.19 2.95 2.5 7.375 0 2.545663 102.73 235.65 102.73 235.65 3 3.095 2.73 8.44935 0 2.736604 103.88 235.62 TOE R 103.88 235.62 3.03 3.015 1.15 3.46725 0 1.150391 106.14 236.75 106.14 236.75 1.9 2.465 2.26 5.5709 0 2.526757 106.60 239.76 TOBR 106.43037 106.43037 238.65 0 0.95 0.290365 0.275847 0 1.922059 111.64 241.39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117.441 242.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 115.4226 0 120.83 242.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -111116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 am 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pull down orange if more rows needed. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 These numbers are taken from the raw data table. There is no need to change these cells TW Bankfull I TOB Left I Right I Left Right Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation I Station Elevation 1001 235.461 93.211 238.651 01 01 01 01 106.61 239.76 You can change the yellow cells below. This is where you can adjust the stations or elevations of the parameters below. The units are +/-feet of offset. The cells can be left blank if you do not wish to make changes. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left 1 Ri ht Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 These are parameters that are used for morphology calculations, after any adjustments below. There is no need to change these cells. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left Ri ht Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation Station Elevation 1001 235.461 93.211 238.65 I 0 I 0 I 0 I0 106.E 239.76 Bankfull Stream Morphology Station 1 Elevation 93.211 238.65 Wbkf= 13.220 106.43041 238.65 Abkf = 31.690 2xBankfull dbkf = 2.397 Station I Elevation W/D = 5.515 74.93 241.84 Error, data needed if red dmbkf = 3.190 115.42 241.84 Wfpa = 40.492 If red, cross section does not reach ER = 3.063 bankfull elevation, add data. Average Bankfull Elevation ft 238.65 Bankfull Width ft 13.22037 Bankfull Area ft 31.6903 Bankfull Wetted Perimeter ft 15.98949 Bankfull Hydraulic Radius ft 1.981946 Low Bank Height ft -235.46 vera a PIN Elevation LPIN and FEPlNlr,g Sta Elev 0 0 Project: Washinngton Elementary Location: Cross Section 2 Station: 1+40 Benchmark description: Date: 12/7/2020 USGS Grid Coordinates Plan Sheet Photo Reference Location: North East Ref. No. Permanent Benchmark Elevation: Permanent Benchmark Location: Blue cells are instructions and notes. Please read them. Cross Section taken from left to right looking downstream. Gray cells are outputs and should be left alone. Yellow cells are for data input and manipulation If you need additional sheets for more cross sections, just create a copy of the sheet by right clicking on the tab at the bottom of this sheet. Back -Sight Height of Instrument Fore -Sight Height "TW', "Bankfull right" and "bankfull left" MUST be entered verbatim in this column for the sheet to work. "TOBL", "TOBR", "TOE L" and TOE R" recommended. Bankfull Cross Section 2 X Bankfull Station B$ HI F$ EIBVatIOn Left End Station Ri ht End g Station Station Elevation Elevation from Bankfull Incremental Av g Height (ft) ncremental Distance (ft) Incremental Area (ft�) Station Distance Between Points Feet Feet ewe Feet Feet Feet Purple rows are for additional data Start station 0+00 at the firs[ yellow row. Additional data needed if elevation is less than Bankfull or 2 x Bankfull. Delete values in these columns where the ground elevation falls lower than Bankfull outside the bounds of [he stated/calculated Bankfull station. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83.20 242.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88.47 239.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 85.5687 0 95.10 239.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97.30 238.13 TOBL, bankfull left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98.951 234.99 TOE L 97.34992 97.34992 238.035 0 0 0 01 0 0 100.00 234.91 TW 100 234.91 3.125 1.5625 2.65008 4.140749 0 4.097383 101.74 235.30 101.74 235.3 2.735 2.93 1.74 5.0982 0 1.783171 103.77 235.44 103.77 235.44 2.595 2.665 2.03 5.40995 0 2.034822 105.96 235.82 TOE R 105.96 235.82 2.215 2.405 2.19 5.26695 0 2.222724 106.53 236.15 106.53 236.15 1.885 2.05 0.57 1.1685 0 0.658635 107.64 236.37 107.64 236.37 1.665 1.775 1.11 1.97025 0 1.131592 109.64 236.611 109.64 236.61 1.425 1.545 2 3.09 0 2.014349 111.941 238.25 TOBR, Bankfull right 111.63848 111.63848 238.035 0 0.7125 1.998476 1.423914 0 2.454492 115.72 239.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119.28 240.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121.68 241.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 121.5982 0 124.02 241.58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pull down orange if more rows needed. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 These numbers are taken from the raw data table. There is no need to change these cells Bankfull TOB TW Left I Right Left I Right Station I Elevation Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation Station I Elevation I Station I Elevation 1001 234.91 97.31 238.131 111.941 238.251 97.31 238.131 111.941 238.25 You can change the yellow cells below. This is where you can adjust the stations or elevations of the parameters below. The units are +/- feet of offset. The cells can be left blank if you do not wish to make changes. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left I Ri ht Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 0 0 0 -0.51 01 0,191 01 01 01 0 These are parameters that are used for morphology calculations, after any adjustments below. There is no need to change these cells. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left Ri ht Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 100 234.91 97.3 2Jf.bJl 111.941 238.44 w.J1 238.13 I111.94 238.25 Bankfull tion Stream Morphology Station Eleva 97.349921 238.035 Wbkf = 14.289 111.63851 238.035 Abkf = 27.569 2xBankfull dbkf = 1.929 Station Elevation W/D = 7.406 85.57 241.16 dmbkf = 3.125 121.60 241.16 Error, data needed if red Wta = 36.029 p If red, cross section does not reach ER = 21:L; bankfull elevation, add data. Average Bankfull Elevation (ft) 238.035 Bankfull Width ft 14.28856 Bankfull Area (ft) 27.56851 Bankfull Wetted Perimeter ft 16.39717 Bankfull Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.681297 Low Bank Height (ft) 3.22 Vera a Elevation M10 PIN Area Sta Project: Washington Elementary Location: Cross Section 3 Station: 1+63 Benchmark description: Date: 12/7/2020 USGS Grid Coordinates Plan Sheet Photo Reference Location: North East Ref. No. Permanent Benchmark Elevation: Permanent Benchmark Location: Blue cells are instructions and notes. Please read them. Cross Section taken from left to right looking downstream. Gray cells are outputs and should be left alone. Yellow cells are for data input and manipulation If you need additional sheets for more cross sections, just create a copy of the sheet by right clicking on the tab at the bottom of this sheet. coin mar r-.. god - o- Back -Sight Height of Instrument Fore -Sight Height "TW", "Bankfull right" and "bankfull left" MUST be entered verbatim in this column for the sheet to work. "TOBL", "TOBR", "TOE L" and TOE R" are recommended. Bankfull Cross Section 2 X Bankfull SiatlOn BS HI FS EIEVatIOn Left End Station Ri ht End Station Station Elevation Elevation from bankfull Incremental Av . Height (ft) g Incremental Distance (ft) Incremental Area (ft� Station Distance Between Points Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Purple rows are for additional data. Start station 0+00 a[ [he firs[ yellow row. Additional data needed if elevation is less than bankfull or 2 x bankfull. Delete values in these columns where the ground elevation falls lower than bankfull outside the bounds of the stated/calculated bankfull station. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44.09 243.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83.48 242.130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85.94 241.650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89.94 239.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 86.62837 0 91.68 238.780 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93.961 238.160 TOBL, bankfull left 93.96 238.161 0 0 0 0 0 0 96.37 235.560 TOEL 93.96 96.37 235.56 2.6 1.3 2.41 3.133 0 3.545152 98.71 235.280 - 98.71 235.28 2.88 2.74 2.34 6.4116 0 2.356693 100.00 235.040 TW 100 235.04 3.12 3 1.29 3.87 0 1.312136 104.01 235.350 TOER 104.01 235.35 2.81 2.965 4.01 11.88965 0 4.021965 106.23 237.730 TOBR 106.23 237.73 0.43 1.62 2.22 3.5964 0 3.254658 109.87 239.920 106.9447 106.9447 238.16 0 0.215 0.714703 0.153661 0 0.834087 113.90 240.250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120.50 240.540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124.03 241.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138.04 241.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139.00 241.300 0 0 0 0 0 0 138.936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 01 01 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 Pull down orange if more rows needed. 0 0 01 01 01 01 0 These numbers are taken from the raw data table. There is no need to change these cells TW Bankfull TOB Left I Right Left Right Station I Elevation Station I Elevation I Station Elevation Station Elevation I Station I Elevation 1001 235.04 93.961 238.16, 161 106.231 237.73 You can change the yellow cells below. This is where you can adjust the stations or elevations of the parameters below. The units are +/- feet of offset. The cells can be left blank if you do not wish to make changes. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left Ri ht Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 0 These are parameters that are used for morphology calculations, after any adjustments below. There is no need to change these cells. TW Bankfull TOB Left Ri ht Left Ri ht Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation Station Elevation 100 23b.U41 93.961 238.161 Ul 93.9bl 238.16 106.23 237.73 Bankfull Stream Morphology Station Elevation 93.96 238.16 Jdb 12.985 106.9447 238.16 29.054 2xBankfull 2.238 Station Elevation 5.803 86.63 241.28 3.120 138.94 241 28 Error, data needed if red 52.308 Average Bankfull Elevation ft 238.16 Bankfull Width ft 12.9847 Bankfull Area 29.05431 Bankfull Wetted Perimeter ft 15.32469 Bankfull Hydraulic Radius ft 1.895915 Low Bank Height ft 2.69 vera a PIN Elevation LFIIN and HFIINPIN Area Sta 1EIIev 0 0 0 1 0 red, cross section does not reach mkfull elevation, add data. Washington Elementary 11/18/2020 POI-1 Drainage Area (sq.mi) 0.205 Regional Curve Data Rural Urban Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (SF) 7.6 21.5 Bankfull Width (FT) 8.2 14.5 Bankfull Depth (FT) 1.0 1.4 Bankfull Discharge (CFS) 29.71 113.0 HYDROLOGIC SUMMARY - HEC-HMS OUTPUT Project Name: Washington Elementary School Project Number: 46651 Location: RALEIGH, NC Existing or Proposed: EXISTING Date: 3/16/2021 Prepared By: Abrham Asfaw, El Checked By: B. Ward PE 1/3 PMP Breach Hydrologic Element Drainage Area(M) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year Subbasin-1 0.2069234 138.5 195.7 239.4 294.8 336 374.7 Sink-1 0.2069234 138.5 195.7 239.4 294.8 336 374.7 MMIFAKINII StreamStats Washington Elementary School StreamStats Report Region ID: NC Workspace ID: NC20201124200233016000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 35.76800,-78.64683 Time: 2020-1 1-24 15:02:49 -0500 Pullen Park k4s r i Basin Characteristics — rlillsaarcu h it „Vu A-1organ St �I Q I � — � Co ' S�ua I-� j I � sky}��4•i rr F_- -�-- — _ I _ _ _ = EC -t - �Dorotht�I off_ 00 - [E �r1 Parameter Code Parameter Description DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream LC061MP PCTREG1 PCTREG2 PCTREG3 PCTREG4 https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ Percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2006 impervious dataset Percentage of drainage area located in Region 1 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 2 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 3 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 4 Value Unit 0.16 square miles 63.7 percent 100 percent 0 percent 0 percent 0 percent 1/4 11 /24/2020 StreamStats Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit PCTREG5 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 5 0 percent Urban Peak -Flow Statistics ParameterS[Region 1 Piedmont Urban under 3 sgmi 2014 5030] Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 0.16 square miles 0.1 3 LC061MP Percent Impervious NLCD2006 63.7 percent 0 47.9 Urban Peak -Flow Statistics DisclalmerS[Region 1 Piedmont Urban under 3 sgmi 2014 5030] One or more of the parameters is outside the suggested range. Estimates were extrapolated with unknown errors Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Flow Report[Region 1 Piedmont Urban under sqmi 2014 50301 Statistic Value Unit Urban 2 Year Peak Flood 313 ft"3/s Urban 5 Year Peak Flood 302 ft"3/s Urban 10 Year Peak Flood 292 ft"3/s Urban 25 Year Peak Flood 272 ft"3/s Urban 50 Year Peak Flood 256 ft"3/s Urban 100 Year Peak Flood 245 ft"3/s Urban 200 Year Peak Flood 232 ft"3/s Urban 500 Year Peak Flood 234 ft"3/s Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Citations Feaster, T.D., Gotvald, A.J., and Weaver, J.C.,2014, Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for urban and small, rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2011 (ver. 1.1, March 2014): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5030, 104 p. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2014/5030/) Peak -Flow Statistics ParameterS[Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 2014 50301 https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 2/4 11 /24/2020 StreamStats Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 0.16 square miles 0.1 1 LC061MP Percent Impervious NLCD2006 63.7 percent 0 47.9 Peak -Flow Statistics Disclal mers[Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 2014 50301 One or more of the parameters is outside the suggested range. Estimates were extrapolated with unknown errors Peak -Flow Statistics Flow Report[Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 201450301 Statistic Value Unit 2 Year Peak Flood 313 ft"3/s 5 Year Peak Flood 302 ft"3/s 10 Year Peak Flood 292 ft"3/s 25 Year Peak Flood 272 ft"3/s 50 Year Peak Flood 256 ft"3/s 100 Year Peak Flood 245 ft"3/s 200 Year Peak Flood 232 ft"3/s 500 Year Peak Flood 234 ft"3/s Peak -Flow Statistics Citations Feaster, T.D., Gotvald, A.J., and Weaver, J.C.,2014, Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for urban and small, rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2011 (ver. 1.1, March 2014): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5030, 104 p. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2014/5030/) USGS Data Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. USGS Software Disclaimer: This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 3/4 MMIFAKINII StreamStats USGS Product Names Disclaimer: Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Application Version: 4.4.0 https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 4/4 A Pipe Culvert Outlet Scour Analysis 50-Year 1 Estimating Scoure Hole Geometry in Cohesionless Soil (Q50) 1 Peak Discharge (Q50)-Main channel Pipe Q = 150.17 ft3/s 3 Culvert Diameter D = 5.00 ft 4 Material Standard Deviation (Sigma, Gravel Bed Assumed) S = 2.10 5 Duration of Peak Discharge t = 30.00 min 6 Fullflow Hydraulic Radius R = 1.25 ft/s 7 Hight above bed ratio Hd = 0.00 ft'/s 2 Calculation of Scour Hole Geometry h, W, L$ 11 _ a i� t Rc " R� " R� "�J - OaC�, ,ra f `g(R2.$) 316 ( I where, ha = depth of scour, m (ft) W$ = width of scour, m (ft) Lg = length of Scour, m (ft) V. = volume of scour, m3 {W) R� = hydraulic radius at the and of the culvert (assuming full flow) Q - discharge, m�fs (Wls) g = acceleration of gravity, 9.81 mIs` (32.2 ft /s2) t = time in minutes 6 = (D6,VD,0)0-', material standard deviation a,, 0 are coefficients, see Table 5.1 Q$ = Slope Correction coefficient, see Table 5.2 Qh = drop height adjustment coefficient, see Table 5.3 The bed -material grain -size distribution is determined by performing a sieve analysis (ASTM DA22-63)_ The values of Da4 and D1s are extracted from the grain size distribution. If a <1.5, the material is considered to be uniform. If ry >1.5, the material is classified as graded. Typical values for a are 2.10 for gravel and 1.87 for sand. Alpha Beta Teta Cs Ch Depth of Scour 2.27 0.39 0.06 1.02 1 Width of Scour 6.94 0.53 0.08 1.14 1 Length of Scour 17.1 0.47 0.10 1.09 1 Volume of Scour 1 127.08 1.24 0.18 1.15 1 8 Depth of Scour hs = 4.51 ft 9 Width of Scour Ws = 21.61 ft 10 Length of Scour Ls = 41.07 ft 11 Volume of Scour Vs = 2172.59 ft 12 Location of Maximum Scour Ls = 18.04 ft3 Project Name: Washington Elementary School Project Number: 46651 Location: City of Raleigh Date: 12/8/2020 Prepared By: Abrham Aafaw, El Checked By: Becky Ward Existing or Proposed: Proposed Storm Event Return Period (year): 25-Year HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF ENERGY DISSIPATORS FOR CULVERTS AND CHANNELS RIPRAP BASIN AND APRONS FOR CULVERT - FHWA HEC 14 CIRCULAR, CHAPTER 10 Directions for user: Fill in the appropriate values for the cells with a yellow background. The spreadsheet will then calculate the recommended dimensions for the riprap basin at the culvert outlet. Refer to the Figures Spreadsheet for Definition of Values ABLE 1 - INPUT DATA CULVERT CULVERT Voutlet OUTLET TAILWATEF CULVERT OUTLET HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH Y2 DEPRESSION FROUDE# TW/Ye H W Ye Hd Fr RATIO see note 1 see note2 see note3 see note 4 ft ft fps ft ft ft. 5 5 11.3 3.02 3.79 1.00 1.15 1.25 NOTES 1 V= Q/A where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 2 box culverts: Ye = culvert outlet (brink) depth non rectangles: Ye = (A/2)^ 0.5 where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 3 For best results,TW/Ye < 0.75 4 Hd = culvert depression below streambed TABLE 2 COMPUTATION OF BASIN LENGTH AND WIDTH RIPRAP D50 (FT.) D50/Ye Hs/Ye Hs LENGTH LENGTH GOVERNING BASIN (Hs+Hd)/D50 SEE NOTE 1 SCOUR METHOD 1 METHOD 2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH L= 10Hs L= 3W L WB SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 CLASS B 0.67 0.22 1.09 3.29 32.9 15.00 32.9 42.1 6.44 CLASS 1 0.79 0.26 0.86 2.61 26.1 15.00 26.1 37.6 4.57 CLASS 11 1 1.00 0.331 0.58 1.761 17.61 15.001 17.61 31.91 2.76 NOTE 1 SCOUR DEPTH TO BRINK DEPTH RATIO INOTE4 Hs/Ye = Fr *(1/(D50/Ye))^0.54-1.5 BEST RESULTS WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION ARE ACHIEVED WITH A PRE -FORMED SCOUR NOTE 2 CULVERT WIDTH (W) HOLE HAVING A DEPTH (Hs + Hd) EQUAL TO A DETERMINE W AS FOLLOWS: VALUE OF TWO OR MORE TIMES THE D50 SINGLE CULVERTS RIPRAP SIZE ((Hs+Hd)/D50 =>2) BOX CULVERTS: W = BOX WIDTH ROUND/ OVAL PIPES: W = DIAMETER OR HORIZONTAL DIMENSION NOTE 3 BASIN WIDTH (WB) CALCULATIONS BASIN WIDTH =WB=N*W+(N-1)*S+2*(L/3+2*Y2+2*FB) FILL IN VALUES OF W, N AND S BELOW WHERE W = CULVERT WIDTH OF SINGLE CULVERT W = 0 N = NUMBER OF BARRELS N = 0 S = SPACING BETWEEN CULVERTS S = 0 L = BASIN LENGTH FB Hs = SCOUR DEPTH FB = BASIN FREEBOARD A Pipe Culvert Outlet Scour Analysis 50-Year 1 Estimating Scoure Hole Geometry in Cohesionless Soil (Q50) 1 Peak Discharge (Q50)-Main channel Pipe Q = 150.17 ft3/s 3 Culvert Diameter D = 5.00 ft 4 Material Standard Deviation (Sigma, Gravel Bed Assumed) S = 2.10 5 Duration of Peak Discharge t = 30.00 min 6 Fullflow Hydraulic Radius R = 1.25 ft/s 7 Hight above bed ratio Hd = 0.00 ft'/s 2 Calculation of Scour Hole Geometry h, W, L$ 11 _ a i� t Rc " R� " R� "�J - OaC�, ,ra f `g(R2.$) 316 ( I where, ha = depth of scour, m (ft) W$ = width of scour, m (ft) Lg = length of Scour, m (ft) V. = volume of scour, m3 {W) R� = hydraulic radius at the and of the culvert (assuming full flow) Q - discharge, m�fs (Wls) g = acceleration of gravity, 9.81 mIs` (32.2 ft /s2) t = time in minutes 6 = (D6,VD,0)0-', material standard deviation a,, 0 are coefficients, see Table 5.1 Q$ = Slope Correction coefficient, see Table 5.2 Qh = drop height adjustment coefficient, see Table 5.3 The bed -material grain -size distribution is determined by performing a sieve analysis (ASTM DA22-63)_ The values of Da4 and D1s are extracted from the grain size distribution. If a <1.5, the material is considered to be uniform. If ry >1.5, the material is classified as graded. Typical values for a are 2.10 for gravel and 1.87 for sand. Alpha Beta Teta Cs Ch Depth of Scour 2.27 0.39 0.06 1.02 1 Width of Scour 6.94 0.53 0.08 1.14 1 Length of Scour 17.1 0.47 0.10 1.09 1 Volume of Scour 1 127.08 1.24 0.18 1.15 1 8 Depth of Scour hs = 4.51 ft 9 Width of Scour Ws = 21.61 ft 10 Length of Scour Ls = 41.07 ft 11 Volume of Scour Vs = 2172.59 ft 12 Location of Maximum Scour Ls = 18.04 ft3 Project Name: Washington Elementary School Project Number: 46651 Location: City of Raleigh Date: 12/8/2020 Prepared By: Abrham Aafaw, El Checked By: Becky Ward Existing or Proposed: Proposed Storm Event Return Period (year): 25-Year HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF ENERGY DISSIPATORS FOR CULVERTS AND CHANNELS RIPRAP BASIN AND APRONS FOR CULVERT - FHWA HEC 14 CIRCULAR, CHAPTER 10 Directions for user: Fill in the appropriate values for the cells with a yellow background. The spreadsheet will then calculate the recommended dimensions for the riprap basin at the culvert outlet. Refer to the Figures Spreadsheet for Definition of Values ABLE 1 - INPUT DATA CULVERT CULVERT Voutlet OUTLET TAILWATEF CULVERT OUTLET HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH Y2 DEPRESSION FROUDE# TW/Ye H W Ye Hd Fr RATIO see note 1 see note2 see note3 see note 4 ft ft fps ft ft ft. 5 5 11.3 3.02 3.79 1.00 1.15 1.25 NOTES 1 V= Q/A where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 2 box culverts: Ye = culvert outlet (brink) depth non rectangles: Ye = (A/2)^ 0.5 where A is the wetted area at brink of culvert 3 For best results,TW/Ye < 0.75 4 Hd = culvert depression below streambed TABLE 2 COMPUTATION OF BASIN LENGTH AND WIDTH RIPRAP D50 (FT.) D50/Ye Hs/Ye Hs LENGTH LENGTH GOVERNING BASIN (Hs+Hd)/D50 SEE NOTE 1 SCOUR METHOD 1 METHOD 2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH L= 10Hs L= 3W L WB SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 4 CLASS B 0.67 0.22 1.09 3.29 32.9 15.00 32.9 42.1 6.44 CLASS 1 0.79 0.26 0.86 2.61 26.1 15.00 26.1 37.6 4.57 CLASS 11 1 1.00 0.331 0.58 1.761 17.61 15.001 17.61 31.91 2.76 NOTE 1 SCOUR DEPTH TO BRINK DEPTH RATIO INOTE4 Hs/Ye = Fr *(1/(D50/Ye))^0.54-1.5 BEST RESULTS WITH ENERGY DISSIPATION ARE ACHIEVED WITH A PRE -FORMED SCOUR NOTE 2 CULVERT WIDTH (W) HOLE HAVING A DEPTH (Hs + Hd) EQUAL TO A DETERMINE W AS FOLLOWS: VALUE OF TWO OR MORE TIMES THE D50 SINGLE CULVERTS RIPRAP SIZE ((Hs+Hd)/D50 =>2) BOX CULVERTS: W = BOX WIDTH ROUND/ OVAL PIPES: W = DIAMETER OR HORIZONTAL DIMENSION NOTE 3 BASIN WIDTH (WB) CALCULATIONS BASIN WIDTH =WB=N*W+(N-1)*S+2*(L/3+2*Y2+2*FB) FILL IN VALUES OF W, N AND S BELOW WHERE W = CULVERT WIDTH OF SINGLE CULVERT W = 0 N = NUMBER OF BARRELS N = 0 S = SPACING BETWEEN CULVERTS S = 0 L = BASIN LENGTH FB Hs = SCOUR DEPTH FB = BASIN FREEBOARD Appendix D United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Project Code: 2023-0052971 Project Name: Washington Elementary School e x hSai k 4YYFJiYJft +cfln7i� i� March 07, 2023 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The enclosed species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). If your project area contains suitable habitat for any of the federally -listed species on this species list, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species. If suitable habitat is present, surveys should be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of this species list and/or North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. The purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend may be conserved. Under sections 7(a)(1) and 7(a)(2) of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 402 et seq.), Federal agencies are required to utilize their authorities to carry out programs for the conservation of threatened and endangered 03/07/2023 species and to determine whether projects may affect threatened and endangered species and/or designated critical habitat. A Biological Assessment is required for construction projects (or other undertakings having similar physical impacts) that are major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2) (c)). For projects other than major construction activities, the Service suggests that a biological evaluation similar to a Biological Assessment be prepared to determine whether the project may affect listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat. Recommended contents of a Biological Assessment are described at 50 CFR 402.12. If a Federal agency determines, based on the Biological Assessment or biological evaluation, that listed species and/or designated critical habitat may be affected by the proposed project, the agency is required to consult with the Service pursuant to 50 CFR 402. In addition, the Service recommends that candidate species, proposed species and proposed critical habitat be addressed within the consultation. More information on the regulations and procedures for section 7 consultation, including the role of permit or license applicants, can be found in the "Endangered Species Consultation Handbook" at: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/TOC-GLOS.PDF Migratory Birds: In addition to responsibilities to protect threatened and endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), there are additional responsibilities under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) to protect native birds from project -related impacts. Any activity, intentional or unintentional, resulting in take of migratory birds, including eagles, is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a)). For more information regarding these Acts see https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations.php. The MBTA has no provision for allowing take of migratory birds that may be unintentionally killed or injured by otherwise lawful activities. It is the responsibility of the project proponent to comply with these Acts by identifying potential impacts to migratory birds and eagles within applicable NEPA documents (when there is a federal nexus) or a Bird/Eagle Conservation Plan (when there is no federal nexus). Proponents should implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize the production of project -related stressors or minimize the exposure of birds and their resources to the project -related stressors. For more information on avian stressors and recommended conservation measures see https://www.fws.gov/birds/bird-enthusiasts/threats-to- birds.php. In addition to MBTA and BGEPA, Executive Order 13186: Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds, obligates all Federal agencies that engage in or authorize activities that might affect migratory birds, to minimize those effects and encourage conservation measures that will improve bird populations. Executive Order 13186 provides for the protection of both migratory birds and migratory bird habitat. For information regarding the implementation of Executive Order 13186, please visit https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/ executive-orders/e0-13186. php. 03/07/2023 3 We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Code in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. Attachment(s): • Official Species List • Migratory Birds 03/07/2023 OFFICIAL SPECIES LIST This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 03/07/2023 PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code: 2023-0052971 Project Name: Washington Elementary School Project Type: Culvert Repair/Replacement/Maintenance Project Description: Culvert replacement Project Location: The approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https: www. google.com/maps/(a)35.7669522,-78.64491590599297,14z ry ar 6Nyd Lt'10.1 +Am,ld i. 617l�1 i 1 Counties: Wake County, North Carolina 03/07/2023 3 ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT SPECIES There is a total of 8 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesi, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. 1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. MAMMALS NAME STATUS Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus Proposed No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Endangered Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/10515 NAME STATUS Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 AMPHIBIANS NAME STATUS Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi Threatened There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6772 FISHES NAME STATUS Carolina Madtom Noturus furiosus Endangered There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/528 03/07/2023 4 NAME STATUS Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masom Threatened There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5164 Dwarf Wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/784 INSECTS NAME STATUS Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Candidate No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 FLOWERING PLANTS NAME STATUS Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5217 CRITICAL HABITATS THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. 03/07/2023 MIGRATORY BIRDS Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act! and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Actz. Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. 1. The Migratory Birds Treat. Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. 3. 50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a) The birds listed below are birds of particular concern either because they occur on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) list or warrant special attention in your project location. To learn more about the levels of concern for birds on your list and how this list is generated, see the FAQ below. This is not a list of every bird you may find in this location, nor a guarantee that every bird on this list will be found in your project area. To see exact locations of where birders and the general public have sighted birds in and around your project area, visit the E-bird data mapping tool (Tip: enter your location, desired date range and a species on your list). For projects that occur off the Atlantic Coast, additional maps and models detailing the relative occurrence and abundance of bird species on your list are available. Links to additional information about Atlantic Coast birds, and other important information about your migratory bird list, including how to properly interpret and use your migratory bird report, can be found below. For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, click on the PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY at the top of your list to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. BREEDING NAME SEASON Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Breeds Sep 1 to This is not a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) in this area, but warrants attention Jul 31 because of the Eagle Act or for potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities. Black -billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus Breeds May 15 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Oct 10 and Alaska. https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9399 03/07/2023 BREEDING NAME SEASON Cerulean Warbler Dendroica cerulea Breeds Apr 28 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Jul 20 and Alaska. https:Hecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/297 Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica Breeds Mar 15 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Aug 25 and Alaska. Kentucky Warbler Oporornis formosus Breeds Apr 20 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Aug 20 and Alaska. Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor Breeds May 1 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Jul 31 and Alaska. Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Breeds Apr 1 to This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA Jul 31 and Alaska. Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Breeds May 10 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Sep 10 and Alaska. Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus Breeds This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) only in particular Bird Conservation Regions elsewhere (BCRs) in the continental USA Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina Breeds May 10 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA to Aug 31 and Alaska. PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read and understand the FAQ "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. Probability of Presence (■) Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4-week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. 03/07/2023 3 How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. 2. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability of presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. 3. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. Breeding Season( ) Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time -frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort (1) Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid cell(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. No Data (—) A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. ■ probability of presence breeding season I survey effort — no data SPECIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN I JUL AUG I yy SEP OCT yyyy NOV DEC Bald Eagle I I I I I I I I I+ ���� Non -BCC Vulnerable Black -billed Cuckoo ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ � i i i 77 TITT MT 1777 77++ ++++ ++++ Cuckoo 03/07/2023 4 BCC Rangewide (CON) Cerulean Warbler BCC Rangewide ++++ 4* ++++ + I I I I I I-++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ (CON) Chimney Swift BCC Rangewide 11' ++++ ++++ +14 "* l "" ■■l1 1pill 1111 "1+ ++++ ++++ (CON) ���� Kentucky Warbler BCC Rangewide ++++ W+ ++++ ++T I I I I I I-++ ++ I I I I I-+ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ (CON) Prairie Warbler BCC Rangewide +++ I +++ 0011 TI I I I I F+ J I ++ *+++ T00T ++++ ++++ (CON) Prothonotary le ++++++++++++ goo 4 �11 Jill Jill++++++++ BCC Rangewide (CON) Red-headed Woodpecker T BCC Rangewide (CON) Rusty Blackbird BCC -BCR pill loop IN11111T T ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +101 0„' Wood Thrush BCC Rangewide ++++ ++++ ++++ ++011111 00+1000 411 1 1 I I 104 *4 11 I I I (CON) Additional information can be found using the following links: • Birds of Conservation Concern https://www.fws.gov/program/migratory-birds/species • Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds https://www.fws.gov/library collections/avoiding-and-minimizing-incidental-take-migratory-birds • Nationwide conservation measures for birds https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/ documents/nationwide-standard-conservation-measures. MIGRATORY BIRDS FAQ Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures or permits 03/07/2023 5 may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the list of migratory birds that potentially occur in my specified location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCQ and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL)Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets. Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering or migrating in my area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may query your location using the RAIL Tool and look at the range maps provided for birds in your area at the bottom of the profiles provided for each bird in your results. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 03/07/2023 6 2. 'BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non -BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non -eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Lorin. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ "What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, 03/07/2023 should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. 03/07/2023 IPAC USER CONTACT INFORMATION Agency: Timmons Group Name: Morgan Gilbert Address: 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 27606 Email morgan.gilbert@timmons.com Phone: 9842552351 Ray Cooper, Governor ■�r'f NC DEPARTMENT OF w■r.A pNE NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ■■■■ March 7, 2023 Morgan Gilbert Timmons Group 5410 Trinity Road Raleigh, NC 27606 RE. Washington Elementary School Dear Morgan Gilbert. D. Reid Wilson, Secretary Misty Buchanan Deputy Director, Natural Heritage Program NCNHDE-21179 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. These results are presented in the attached `Documented Occurrences' tables and map. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is documented within the project area or indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. Also please note that the NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or an occurrence of a Federally -listed species is documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rod nev.butlerWncdcr.gov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPARTMCNT OF NATURAL. AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 4] 121 W JONES STREET, RALEI01_ NC 27603 - 1651 MAIL SERVICE CFNTEP. RALEIGH. NC 2761* OFC !Dig 707.9120 • FAX 919.707.412, Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Intersecting the Project Area Washington Elementary School March 7, 2023 NCNHDE-21179 No Element Occurrences are Documented within the Project Area There are no documented element occurrences (of medium to very high accuracy) that intersect with the project area. Please note, however, that although the NCNHP database does not show records for rare species within the project area, it does not necessarily mean that they are not present, it may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. The use of Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys if needed, particularly if the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species. If rare species are found, the NCNHP would appreciate receiving this information so that we may update our database. No Natural Areas are Documented within the Project Area Managed Areas Documented Within Project Area fvanaed ATFa ame— Owner Owner Type City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh Local Government NOTE: If the proposed project intersects with a conservation/managed area, please contact the landowner directly for additional information. If the project intersects with a Dedicated Nature Preserve (DNP), Registered Natural Heritage Area (RHA), or Federally -listed species, NCNHP staff may provide additional correspondence regarding the project. Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at httr)s://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/heir). Data query generated on March 7, 2023; source: NCNHP, Q4, Winter (January) 2023. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 7 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Washington Elementary School March 7, 2023 NCNHDE-21179 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common NameW Last '� Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group servation Occurrence Status tatus Rank Rank i Date = Rank Amphibian 37391 Ambystoma Mole Salamander 1900-10-01 H 4-Low --- Special G5 S2S3 talpoideum Concern Amphibian 38432 Eurycea quadridigitata Dwarf Salamander 1972-05-21 H 4-Low --- Special G5 S1 Concern Amphibian 39566 Pseudacris nigrita Southern Chorus Frog 1964-03-03 H 4-Low --- Special G5 S2 Concern Bird 37932 Ammodramus Henslow's Sparrow 1909-04-15 H 4-Low --- Endangered G4 S1B,S1 henslowii N Bird 37723 Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill 1976-05-24 H 4-Low --- Special G5 S2 Concern Bird 37919 Peucaea aestivalis Bachman's Sparrow 1916-04-01 H 4-Low --- Special G3 S3B,S2 Concern N Butterfly 35199 Erynnis martialis Mottled Duskywing 1933-04-29 X 5-Very --- Significantly G3 S2 Low Rare Dragonfly or 32043 Coryphaeschna ingens Regal Darner 2004-Pre H? 5-Very --- Significantly G5 S2? Damselfly Low Rare Freshwater 11071 Fusconaia masoni Atlantic Pigtoe 1951 H 3-Medium Threatened Threatened G1 S3 Bivalve Mammal 32135 Myotis lucifugus Little Brown Bat 1981 H 4-Low --- Endangered G3G4 S2 Mammal 40154 Zapus hudsonius Meadow Jumping 1944-03-14 H 4-Low --- Significantly G5 S1 Mouse Rare Moth 34927 Acronicta albarufa Barrens Dagger Moth 1938-Pre H 5-Very --- Significantly G3G4 S1S2 Low Rare Reptile 35528 Ophisaurus attenuatus Eastern Slender Glass 1984-05-07 H 4-Low --- Special G5T5 S1 longicaudus Lizard Concern Sawfly, Wasp, 37105 Bombus affinis Rusty -patched Bumble 1994-09-01 H? 4-Low Endangered Significantly G2 S1 Bee, or Ant Bee Rare Sawfly, Wasp, 40036 Bombus variabilis Variable Cuckoo 1962-08-17 H 4-Low --- Significantly G1G2 SH Bee, or Ant Bumble Bee Rare Sawfly, Wasp, 40230 Megachile ingenua a leafcutter bee 1930-05 H 4-Low --- Significantly G2? SH Bee, or Ant Rare Page 3 of 7 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Group Observation Occurrence 1 D� Rank Sawfly, Wasp, 40244 Megachile integra a leafcutter bee 1925-06-30 H Bee, or Ant Sawfly, Wasp, 40032 Megachile oenotherae a leafcutter bee 1961-05-15 H Bee, or Ant Vascular Plant 26314 Clematis catesbyana Coastal Virgin's -bower 1890-08-15 H Vascular Plant 38697 Cyperus virens Vascular Plant 41615 Dichanthelium annulum Green Flatsedge Ringed Witch Grass 1897-07 H 1899-05 H No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Name Owner City of Raleigh - Caraleigh Mini Park City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Chavis Way Greenway City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Chavis Way Greenway City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - FEMA - HMGP Phase 2 City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Little Rock Trail City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Little Rock Trail City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Rocky Branch Trail City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Rocky Branch Trail City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Rocky Branch Trail City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Greenway - Walnut Creek - Eliza City of Raleigh Pool Greenway City of Raleigh Greenway - Walnut Creek - Eliza City of Raleigh Pool Greenway City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh Accuracy Federal State Global State Status Status Rank Rank 4-Low --- Significantly G2G3 SH Ra re 4-Low --- Significantly G1G3 SH Ra re 5-Very --- Significantly G5 S2 Low Ra re Peripheral 5-Very --- Special G5 S1 Low Concern Vulnerable 4-Low --- Endangered G4 S1 Owner Type _ Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Page 4 of 7 Managed Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Name Owner City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Open Space City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Open Space- Walnut Creek Wetland City of Raleigh Park City of Raleigh Open Space - Chavis Heights Park City of Raleigh City of Raleigh Open Space - Dorothea Dix Hospital City of Raleigh Land City of Raleigh Open Space - Eliza Pool City of Raleigh Neighborhood Park City of Raleigh Open Space - John P Top Green City of Raleigh Neighborhood Park Owner Type Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government Local Government City of Raleigh Open Space - Little Rock Trail City of Raleigh Local Government City of Raleigh Open Space - Little Rock Trail City of Raleigh Local Government City of Raleigh Open Space - Moore Square City of Raleigh Local Government City of Raleigh Open Space - Nash Square City of Raleigh Local Government NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC DPS, Division of Emergency State NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh NC Hazard Mitigation Buyout Property - Raleigh City of Raleigh Easement City of Raleigh Greenway - Little Rock Trail City of Raleigh Greenway Easement NC Division of Mitigation Services Easement Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management NC DPS, Division of Emergency State Management City of Raleigh Local Government City of Raleigh Local Government City of Raleigh Local Government NC DEQ, Division of Mitigation Services State Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at httr)s://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/heir). Data query generated on March 7, 2023; source: NCNHP, Q4, Winter (January) Page 5 of 7 2023. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 6 of 7 eSrerrl Blvd 26/t 3� NCNHDE-21179: Washington Elementary School E Jones Si _ 358 fE e y s9borou h St E Edenton St Pullen r e5 W Morgan SE New Bern Ave W Hargett St � ® Hargett St � W M., Martin St Dorothea Dix Park �e<48 z �r La avN.l,ce n, � i r S 5' March 7, 2523 0 Managed Area (MAREA) 0 Buffered Project Boundary Q Project Boundary O� ut C u N Or O U5 �"j 3 fFClyt W Caharrus Si � � w � — a N W Lenoir St nnir St W Sout St c � H boro[hea Dr a7 V b C N a+ N a rJil N N Carale 4O V'N\� ■ 1.1 Koes -J yy Sources: Esn, Airbus GS, USGS, NGA NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, 05. NMA, Geodat rAyrelsen, Rgks—terstaal. GSA Genlend FEhtA, Inlermap and the GIS user CAmmunity Sourres' Esn, HERE. Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, ® Opan5lrtMlklap o Iributars. and [be GIS User Cammunny Page 7 of 7 Appendix E Governor Roy Cooper March 30, 2021 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Secretary D. Reid Wilson Mete Gurel Gurel Architecture s.mete. gurelkgmail.com 1145B Executive Circle Cary, NC 27511 Re: Gymnasium Renovations, Washington School, Raleigh, Wake County, GS 21-0531 Dear Mr. Gurel: Thank you for the February 2, 2021, submission of plans and project manual for the proposed renovations for the gymnasium and culvert of the former Washington Graded and High School, a property listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Both the 1949 gymnasium and the 1942 culvert are contributing resources addressed in the National Register nomination. We have reviewed the submitted material and find that the overall project meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and will not have an adverse impact on the gymnasium. While the rebuilding of the culvert will result in the loss of that contributing structure, it is important to the overall historic property for the culvert to be properly functioning. We have the following comments to offer for your consideration. 1949 Gymnasium The finish of the new handrailing, galvanized or finished black, will minimally affect the historic and architectural character of the building, and would not be considered an adverse effect. Either choice is acceptable. We approve the addition of new scuppers to address future overflow needs of the gymnasium roof. We recommend that new "storefront" windows, replacing the later double hung windows, be designed in such a manner that the upper and lower fixed sash are offset to mimic the visual character of a historic double hung windows. 1942 Culvert Although this culvert is a contributing structure, we concur with your proposal to rebuild the culvert/bridge so that it functions to adequately handle the flow of water across the property. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 These comments are made in accord with G.S. 121-12(a) and Executive Order XVI. If you have questions regarding them, please contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/814-6579. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above -referenced tracking number. �S%incerely, (1� u U Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Washington Elementary School Qf lI:I[II :ti[' ■ • 1116,1111111Z f Its J : * *J y f * � t * 2[ - ■ F ■ t L w * �7 1 7 Tip t x 4 arlsa'om St C 1'a0, Hoka+t_ e +4v e _ x' * rn rY S� Vlo norr.. , or It {"Cj 'rFeg'�y� 4ri le,KI +A 4 3 bt +. C",ar �IT;faPlt y u_ $r 9 ter5,01, Vi Ilher l fr m tilzi v Walnut LFI FboI o � CruekWetlerod r a E 0, d srltPr 4+Vst�i+ na tFrt9t `,�dlrMurCraak BYu I VY;11kr--r St 8/18/2021, 12:49:17 PM 1:18,056 0 0.13 0.25 0.5 mi ..: Local districts & boundaries '` Local HD Center Point Surveyed Only, Gone Local individual resources & centerpoints Surveyed Only individual resources & centerpoints Surveyed in NRHD, Gone 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 km ■ Town of Cary, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, Esri, HERE, Local Landmark Surveyed Only Blockface- Multiple properties Garmin, INCREMENT P, NGA, USGS M Local Landmark, Gone Surveyed in NRHD Blockface in NRHD North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Town of Cary, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, NGA, USGS I Participating NC Counties, NCCGIA, INC OneMap, US EPA I Esri, HERE OBIECTID Id 117661 .7662 117663 .7664 117661 .7892 117891 .7896 117898 .7899 117911 .7901 117902 118374 118654 119291 119293 119296 119811 120281 120282 120471 120193 120648 120696 120706 120811 121383 121384 121657 121658 121664 121665 122007 122414 122417 123098 123413 123466 123483 123484 123485 124474 142183 159772 160281 160772 161103 162928 162929 162930 162931 162932 163419 163561 163563 163671 163672 164460 164536 164541 164710 164852 164854 164859 164860 164864 164871 164927 164935 177531 177532 Site ID 0 WA2889 0 WA3091 0 WA2888 0 WA2887 0 WA2572 0 WA0186 0 WA0011 0 WA0218 0 WA0033 0 WA0026 0 WA0013 0 WA0001 0 WA0007 0 WA3792 0 WA4185 0 WA2587 0 WA3891 0 WA2583 0 WA2574 0 WA0183 0 WA0184 0 WA3920 0 WA1847 0 WA4492 0 WA0049 0 WA0029 0 WA4083 0 WA4082 18560 WA4136 0 WA2875 0 WA2280 0 WA2978 0 WA3014 0 WA0053 0 WA4169 0 WA3360 0 WA4054 0 WA---- 0 WA0016 0 WA0036 0 WA0009 0 WA4179 0 WA4553 33 WA0007 0 WA5547 0 WA4694 0 WA3656 0 WA3445 0 WA4695 0 WA4697 0 WA4699 0 WA4741 0 WA4857 9402 WA2570 0 WA4261 0 WA4271 0 WA0128 0 WA4249 0 WA3814 0 WA3649 0 WA3869 0 WA0059 0 WA5102 0 WA0058 0 WA2795 0 WA0056 0 WA0132 0 WA4241 0 WA0127 173613 WA6524 0 WA0195 0 WA3996 Status Local State HD status Site Name Descriptioi Notes Internal year NR year SL year DOE year Landi year Surve NR nomim DOE Repoi County NR LL None Boylan Ap: 19353-story brick Colonial Reviv 2007 2006 https://file http://ww Wake SL None None St. Mary's 1940 Art N Eligibility in question 1991 Wake SL None None H illyer Me 1925 Gothic Revival/stone/3story 1991 Wake SLDOE None None Gibbon Es: c. 1910 2-story. bungalow/c1940s C 1991 1999 Wake SLID None None Wake Cou 1950 Inter Demolished 1992 Wake NR LL None Profession 19258-story Beaux Arts 1983 1984 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Dodd-Hins 1887 Victorian house 1972 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None St. Pauls A 1909 Gothic Revival brick church 1987 1979 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Montford 18581talianate 2-story brick hou 1978 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Joel Lane I c. 1770, 1-, #NAME? 1970 1972 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Elmwood 1814 Federal style house 1975 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Raleigh W� 1887 brick watertower 1971 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD North Cart 1833-40 Greek Revival, stone; W 1970 1990 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Mount Ho 1872-1950s African American cei 2009 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake SA None None South Boylan Avenue Ineligible 2013; ER 03-1507; WA Cc Rpt#571 / Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt 0 https://file Wake NR LL NRHD Odd Felloe 1923-192410-story skyscraper, ( 1997 1993 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Ca raIsigh 11892 & tat Damaged by April 16, 2001 2002 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Mahler& 11876 & 1902 commercial buildin, 2000 2001 https://file http://ww Wake SL None NRHD Norfolk& 1920 brick/ 1 1/2-story 1991 Wake NR LL NRHD Masonic T19073-story brick fraterna l bu iId 1984 1990 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Capital Clu 1929 Art Deco style building 1985 1990 https://file http://ww Wake DOED None None Poor Boys 1945 Demolished between 1993-1998 1995 Wake NRHD None None Dix Hi II(D, 1856- 19 39 state menta l hospital 1990 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake SL LL NRHD Branch Bai 1965 15-st In Fayetteville Street HD I Emery 2006 2006 http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD White-Hol c. 1800 Georgian 2-story frame h 1971 1986 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Old Masor 1907-1909 Beaux Arts 1979 1979 https://file http://ww Wake SLDOEHD None None WestJones Street RR Eligibility in question 1991 1994 Wake SLHD None None Old Fourth Ward Hisb Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560; WA 1989 https://file Wake SLHD None None Caraleigh l textile millvillage 1991 Wake SLID None None Chavis Hei 1940 2-stc See also WA4212 Chavis Heights 1991 Wake SLID None None Negro Sch, 1869 Demolished 1977 Wake SL None NRHD Firestone 11928 Art Deco/Comm/yel.B 1991 Wake SL None None Cameron (1925-503-story brick 1991 Wake NRHD None None CAPITOLA Late 19th - Eligibity reconfirmed I 1978 https://file https://file Wake NR LL None Dr. M.T. Pr 1900 brick #NAME? 1999 2009 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL None Washingtc 1924 brick school 2005 1997 https://file http://ww Wake SL LL None Chavis Par c. 192342 figures & seats 2005 2008 http://ww Wake DOE None None Bridge 1936 reinf See 2005 F Wa ding for Site ID from Chandre 2005 Wake NR LL NRHD Federal Bu 1874 Second Empire style 1971 1972 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD State Bank 1810 Federal 2-story building 1970 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR LL NRHD Ch rist Chu 1848-1852 Gothic Revival stone l 1970 1969 https://file http://ww Wake NR None None Raleigh W� 1887-later See WA2795 (plant) 8 1999 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake SLID None None Carolina Coach Comp Demolished in spring 2015 2006 Wake SO None NRHD State Capitol State H h DCR Site 1990 http://ww Wake SO None NRHD Henry Lan 19601-story side gable brick Ranch 2010 Wake SO None NRHD House Sears kit h Identified as kit home by RHDC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD U nion Stat c. 1891, 19502-story station w/ Roma nesq us Revival tower Wake BF None None Apartments & School Wake SO None NRHD House Sears kit h Identified as kit home by RHDC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD House Sears kit h Identified as kit home by RHDC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD House "the Norfc Identified as "The Norfolk" kit home by RHDC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD House "The Geor Identified as "The Georgia" kit home by RH DC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD House Carolina B Identified as kit home by RHDC in 2012 2012 Wake SO None NRHD Southern I c. 1949 11 Demolished between 5/2018-1/2021 Wake SO None None J. W. Ligon Junior High School Wake SO None NRHD (forme r) B, 1926 2-sto ry red brick school Wake SO None NRHD Depa rt me 1 1937 5-sto ry brick & stone bu iIding by North ru p&O'Brien Wake SO None NRHD (former) N Mid 20th ( Gone between 1998-2002 Wake SO LL NRHD The Monte 1912 brick commercial building 1979 http://ww Wake LHD LHD NRHD Ca pitol Squa re Loca l H istoric Dist Boundary d raw from LHC shapefiIs http://rhdWake LHD LHD NRHD Moore Square Local Historic Dist Boundary drawn from LHC shapefile 1992 http://rhdWake SO LL NRHD And new Goodwin Hor AKA Dr. Andrew Watson Goodwin House 1980 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD Arkansas L c. 1880 2-s aka Kimball & Co. Commercial Realtors 2008 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD First Presb c. 1900 1969 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD E.B. Bain V 1940 Art N Does not include pumping station 1999 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD First Bapti: c. 1859 Gothic Revival 1969 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD Montgome 2-story frame w/ classical details 1984 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD Tupper Memorial Baptist Church 2000 http://ww Wake SO LL NRHD Capital Apc. 1917 brick apartment building 1990 http://ww Wake SA None None Depot Hist Late 19-ea Ineligible i CritA and Crit C; ER 12-0560; WA Cc Rpt#563 / Eligibility reconfirmed; CH 12 https://file Wake NRHD None None Boylan Hei Early 20th Eligibility under Cril 1985 https://file https://file Wake LHD LHD NRHD Boylan Heights Local Historic Disl Boundary drawn from LHC shapefile 1984 http://rhd Wake Quad Nam Township Density Location Photo Link Spatial Acc Latitude Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 817 Hillsborough Stre [NRnom] 35.78046 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 8 Saint Mary's Street Raleigh 35.78138 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 710 Hillsborough Street Raleigh 35.78117 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 621-623 Hillsborough Street Rale 35.78054 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 201 W. Davie Street Raleigh 35.77534 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 123-127 West Hargett [NRnom] 35.77821 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 330 Hillsborough St, F [NRnom] 35.78093 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 402 West Edenton Str [NRnom] 35.78167 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 308 Boylan Avenue R� [NRnom] 35.77661 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 728 West Hargett Stre [NRnom] 35.77882 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 16 North Boylan Aver [NRnom] 35.78171 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 115 West Morgan Stn [NRnom] 35.7795 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Capitol Sqi http://ima [NRnom] 35.78038 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1100 Fayetteville at P [NRnom] 35.76453 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Boylan Avenue Raleig [Report] 35.77992 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 19 W. Hargett Street I [NRnom] 35.77817 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 421 Maywood Avenu, [NRnom] 35.75987 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 228-232 Fayetteville E [NRnom] 35.77728 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 327 W. Davie Street Raleigh 35.77522 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 427 South Blount Stre [NRnom] 35.7743 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 16 West Martin Streel [NRnom] 35.77712 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 415 South Bloodworth Raleigh 35.77485 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H SW corner jct. Doroth [NRnom] 35.76833 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 333 Fayetteville St. Raleigh 35.77577 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 206 New Bern Avenue [NRnom] 35.78002 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 133 Fayetteville Stree [NRnom] 35.77842 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Area around W. Jones St., Glenw 35.78238 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Dorthea Dr., Florence [Report] 35.7725 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Maywood Avenue, Gi [Addr] 35.76016 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 700 S. Haywood Street Raleigh 35.7714 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 600 South Bloodworth Street Ral 35.7724 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 201 West Martin Street Raleigh 35.77672 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 804 West Morgan Street Raleigh 35.78019 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Hillsborough St., Mori [NRnom] 35.78063 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 511 S. Wilmington St. [NRnom] 35.77371 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1000 Fayetteville Stre [NRnom] 35.76738 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 505 Martin Luther King Blvd Rale 35.77073 Raleigh Wt Cedar Fork H [Report] 35.77725 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 314 Fayetteville Stree [NRnom] 35.77668 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 123 New Bern Avenue [NRnom] 35.78061 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 120 East E http://ima [NRnom] 35.78078 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1810 Fayetteville St, F [NRnom] 35.75799 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1201 S. Blount St. Raleigh 35.76532 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Capitol Sqi http://ima [Aerial] 35.78069 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 513 Bailey Drive Ralei [PIN/Addr] 35.75613 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 726 S. Boylan Avenue Raleigh 35.77215 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Raleigh 35.77734 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 568-596 E Le noir Stre, [Ad dr] 35.77241 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 418 Cutler Street Ra leigh 35.775 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1030 W. South Street Raleigh 35.77443 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1007 W. South Street Raleigh 35.77347 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 730 S. Boylan Avenue Raleigh 35.77201 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 505 Florence Street Raleigh 35.77443 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 320 W Cabarrus St, Re [Addr] 35.77495 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 706 E. Lenoi r Street Raleigh 35.77131 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 501 S Boylan Ave, Ral, [PIN/Addr] 35.77413 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 100 W. Edenton St Raleigh 35.78149 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 111 W. Morgan Stree[NR map] 35.7794 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 128-138 East Hargett Street Ralei 35.77802 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Raleigh [LHC] 35.78041 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 130 Woodburn Road [LHC] 35.77764 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 220 Hillsborough St Raleigh 35.78081 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 207 Fayetteville Street Raleigh 35.77797 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H SW corner Morgan& Salisbury St 35.77944 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1810 S. Fayetteville Street Raleigl 35.75828 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 99 North Salisbury Street, Union 35.78104 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 214 New Bern Ave Raleigh 35.77998 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 501 S. Blount Street at Cabarrus'. 35.77395 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 127 New Bern Avenue Raleigh 35.78058 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H S. Dawson, W. Cabarr [Report] 35.77794 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Dorthea Dr., N & S Ra [NRnom] 35.77453 Raleigh Wt Raleigh H Boylan Avenue Raleig [LHC] 35.77433 Longitude year Su rvex y -78.6519 -8755485 4270456 -78.6503 -8755315 4270583 -78.65 -8755276 4270553 -78.6488 -8755150 4270467 -78.6409 -8754264 4269753 -78.6416 -8754339 4270147 -78.6447 -8754688 4270520 -78.6452 -8754741 4270622 -78.6511 -8755398 4269928 -78.6508 -8755370 4270231 -78.6489 -8755157 4270627 -78.641 -8754276 4270325 -78.6391 -8754063 4270444 -78.6455 -8754774 4268270 -78.6491 -8755177 4270381 -78.6399 -8754157 4270142 -78.6533 -8755644 4267631 -78.6398 -8754140 4270019 -78.6447 -8754692 4269737 -78.6365 -8753780 4269610 -78.64 -8754166 4269998 -78.6332 -8753412 4269686 -78.6544 -8755765 4268792 -78.639 -8754051 4269812 -78.636 -8753715 4270395 -78.6389 -8754046 4270176 -78.6469 -8754937 4270719 -78.6489 -8755151 4269364 -78.6498 -8755253 4267671 -78.6283 -8752865 4269212 -78.6332 -8753411 4269350 -78.6421 -8754403 4269942 -78.6529 -8755599 4270418 -78.639 -8754048 4270479 -78.6383 -8753971 4269529 -78.6427 -8754465 4268661 -78.6307 -8753128 4269121 -78.6515 -8755445 4270015 -78.6398 -8754138 4269937 -78.637 -8753836 4270476 -78.6377 -8753911 4270499 -78.6419 -8754378 4267374 -78.6364 -8753764 4268378 -78.6395 -8754110 4270488 -78.6299 -8753045 4267118 -78.6523 -8755529 4269315 -78.6437 -8754580 4270028 -78.6295 -8752993 4269351 -78.6524 -8755544 4269707 -78.6541 -8755737 4269628 -78.6542 -8755743 4269496 -78.6526 -8755566 4269297 -78.649 -8755163 4269629 -78.6458 -8754812 4269699 -78.6264 -8752653 4269201 -78.6505 -8755332 4269588 -78.6403 -8754199 4270597 -78.6408 -8754252 4270310 -78.6368 -8753814 4270122 -78.6384 -8753985 4270449 -78.6368 -8753813 4270069 -78.6426 -8754458 4270504 -78.639 -8754051 4270114 -78.6404 -8754212 4270316 -78.6419 -8754379 4267413 -78.6404 -8754206 4270535 -78.6357 -8753684 4270389 -78.6366 -8753785 4269563 -78.6367 -8753796 4270472 -78.6461 -8754844 4270111 -78.6521 -8755516 4269642 -78.6521 -8755508 4269615 177533 0 WA2982 SL None NRHD B. F. Good c. 1917 Comm/brick/2-story. 1991 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 311-313 W. Martin Street Ra leigf 35.77683-78.6443 -8754644 4269958 177534 0 WA2981 SL None NRHD U. S. Rudd 1928 Craftsman/Comm/brick 1991 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 307-309 W. Martin Street Raleigf 35.77684-78.644 -8754614 4269959 177535 0 WA0724 NRHD None None Depot Hist Late 19-ea Eligibility L See also Cl 2002 https://file https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H S. Dawson, W. Cabarr [NRnom] 35.77641-78.6445 -8754667 4269901 177537 0 WA0044 NR LL NRHD Rogers-Bal 1855 2-stc Determine Damaged 1 1979 1979 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 125 E. South Street Re [NRnom] 35.77231-78.6372 -8753855 4269338 177538 0 WA0014 NR LL NRHD Estey Hall 1874 Italia Damaged by April 16, 1973 1973 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H SW corner of S. Bloun [NRnom] 35.77168-78.6372 -8753852 4269251 177540 0 WA3881 SL LL NRHD City Marke C. 1914 Mission 1-story & 2-story brick build 1973 1990 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 214 E. Martin Street Raleigh 35,7765-78,636 -8753714 4269913 177541 0 WA0057 SO LL NRHD First Bapti: c. 1904 Gothic Revival 1979 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 101 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh 35.7794-78.6378 -8753921 4270310 177542 0WA3981 SO LL NRHD Prairie Bui Late 19th( Aka Kimbrell's Furniture Store? 1969 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 113 South Wilmington Street Ral 35.77894-78.6379 -8753926 4270248 177543 0 WA3983 SO LL NRHD Early Store C. 18701talianate brickcommerical building 1978 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 137 South Wilmington Street Ra 135.77838-78.6379 -8753936 4270171 177544 0 WA7241 SO LL NRHD Grand UniLate 19th C. 3-story, 7-bay brick warehouse 2011 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 115 E Hargett St, Raleigh 35.77839-78.6376 -8753893 4270172 177545 0 WA3815 SO LL NRHD Raleigh Fu 1914 3-story brick Classical Revival commerical building 2011 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 119 E Hargett St, Raleigh 35.77844-78.6373 -8753864 4270179 177546 0 WA4053 SO LL NRHD Delaney Bi c. 1926 Commercial 1992 http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 133 East Hargett Street Raleigh 35.77837-78.6369 -8753820 4270168 177547 0 WA0192 NRHD None None MOO RE SC Early 20th Eli gib ity reconfirmed I 1985 https://file https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Moore Square Raleigf [NRnom] 35.77749-78.6366 -8753789 4270049 177548 0 WA0005 NR LL NRHD Briggs Han 1874 Italia nate 4-story brick com 1973 1969 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 220 Fayetteville Stree [NRnom] 35.77766-78.6396 -8754124 4270071 177549 0 WA0198 NR LL NRHD Lumsden-F 1896-1903 commercial 3-story bi 1983 1990 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 226 Fayetteville Stree' [NRnom] 35.77742-78.6396 -8754122 4270039 177550 0 WA4309 NRHD None None FAYETTEVI Late 19th- Eligibity reconfirmed I 2008 https://file https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Fayetteville, S. SalisbL [NRnom] 35.77694-78.6397 -8754137 4269973 177551 0 WA2565 NR LL NRHD Raleigh Ba c. 1924 Neoclassical building 1993 1993 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 5 West Hargett Street [NRnom] 35.7781-78.6396 -8754116 4270133 182117 WA3773 SO None NRHD House Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 102 DuPont Circle [PIN] 35.77635 -78.65 -8755279 4269892 182118 WA3751 SO None NRHD Wa her Woolcott House Wake Raleigh Raleigh W,H 324 S. Boylan Avenue [PIN] 35.7759-78.6513 -8755417 4269830 182119 WA3753 SO None NRHD York House Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 425 Boylan Avenue [PIN] 35.77482-78.6507 -8755353 4269681 182120 WA3752 SO None NRHD John La ncaster Ho use Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 402 S. Boylan Avenue [PIN] 35.77552-78.6514 -8755429 4269778 182121 WA3871 SO None NRHD John Coffey House Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 711 McCollough Stree [PIN] 35.77552-78.6519 -8755494 4269778 182122 WA3967 SO None None Central Prison Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 1300 Western Boulev [Addr] 35.77679-78.656 -8755943 4269953 182123 WA2591 BF None NRHD Union Seed and Fertilizer Company Warehouses Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 310-324 S. Harringtor [NRinv] 35.77634-78.6454 -8754769 4269890 182124 WA2984 SO None NRHD Brogden Produce Company Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 409 W. Martin Street [NRinv] 35.77685-78.6457 -8754798 4269960 182125 WA2576 SO None NRHD Raleigh Cotton Oil Mill & Fertilizer Company Building Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 406-412 W. Davie Stri [NRinv] 35.77604-78.6457 -8754799 4269849 182126 WA2983 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 321-329 W Martin Str [NRinv] 35.7769-78.6448 -8754701 4269967 182127 WA2571 SO None NRHD Progressive Lithographic Company Wake Raleigh Raleigh WiH 324 Commerce Place [NRinv] 35.77627-78.6447 -8754689 4269881 182128 WA2575 BF None NRHD Warehouses Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 328-330 W. Davie Stri [NRinv] 35.77603-78.6449 -8754706 4269848 182129 8026 WA2980 BF None NRHD Commerci: 1950 2-ste See also WA8052 Warren's Restaurant Building Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 303-305 W Martin St, [NRinv] 35.77685-78.6438 -8754587 4269961 182130 WA2573 SO None NRHD 1. G. Ball Company Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 320 W. Davie Street [NRinv] 35.77607-78.6443 -8754641 4269853 182131 WA2580 SO None NRHD Allen Forge Building Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 417 S Dawson Street [NRinv] 35.77502-78.6434 -8754538 4269709 182132 WA2569 SO None NRHD Store Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 316 W. Cabarrus Stre, [NRinv] 35.77467-78.6444 -8754653 4269661 182133 WA2577 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 426-4305 Dawson St, [NRinv] 35.77466-78.6439 -8754601 4269660 182134 WA2579 SO None NRHD Dr. Pepper Bottling Plant Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 416-418 S. Dawson St [NRinv] 35.77509-78.6441 -8754619 4269720 182135 WA2578 SO None NRHD Strother-McRary Hou. Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 404 S. Dawson Street [Sanborn] 35.77559-78.6438 -8754591 4269788 182136 WA2979 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 215-227 W Martin Str [NRinv] 35.77688-78.6427 -8754465 4269964 182137 WA0730 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Raleigh Wi H 200 blk W Martin St,! [Addr] 35.77687-78.6424 -8754427 4269964 182489 WA6548 SL None NRHD Hamlin Dri 1963 brick F. Carter Williams, architect 2014 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 35.77801-78.6371 -8753845 4270120 182839 WA6516 SO None None Commerci: c. 1956 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 320 W South St, Ralei [Report] 35.77259-78.6445 -8754661 4269377 182840 WA6517 SO None None Commerci: c. 1957 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 518 W South St, Ralei [Report] 35.77261-78.6474 -8754992 4269378 182841 WA6518 SO None None Woodard': c. 1940 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603.1; U-5521 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 520 W South St, Ralei [Report] 35.77261-78.6477 -8755024 4269379 182842 WA6519 SO None None Office Buil� c. 1962 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 / Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 W Cabarrus St, Re [Report] 35.77529-78.648 -8755060 4269746 182843 WA6520 SO None None Warehous c. 1949 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 414 Dupont Cir, Raleii [Report] 35.77552-78.6486 -8755127 4269778 182844 WA6523 SO None None Northwest c. 1952 J., Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 / Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 S Harrington St, A [Report] 35.77965-78.6453 -8754759 4270344 182845 WA6521 SO None None United Sta c. 1950 J., Included into district 2013 as contributing resource; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603.1; U-5. https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 411 W Morgan St, Rat [Report] 35.77946-78.6456 -8754790 4270318 182912 WA6522 SO None None Capital Co, c. 1950 J., Included into district 2013 as contributing resource; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603.1; U-5. https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 117 S West St, Ra leigf [Report] 35.77903-78.6457 -8754803 4270259 183078 WA3124 SO None None Blue Star 2 c. 1940 2Ineligible 2013; CH 12-1829; WA Cc Rpt#603; U-5521 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 416 W South St, Ralei [Report] 35.77256-78.6461 -8754846 4269371 183190 WA4555 BF None None Dillon Supply Cc & Peden Steel Company Offices & Warehouses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100-200 blks S. West'. [Addr] 35.77853-78.6466 -8754902 4270191 183275 144919 WA5023 SO None None Vehicle Me 1969 2-ste Not likelyto be eligible once it is 50 years old; See ER 10-1610; Multi Cc Rpt#477 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 310 New Bern Ave, Re [Report] 35.77841-78.6338 -8753476 4270175 184752 0WA5549 SO None NRHD Ruby Broo 19601-story side gable brick and masonite Ranch 2010 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 508 Bailey Drive Ralei [PIN/Addr] 35.75581 -78.6304 -8753096 4267074 185074 WA3015 SO None None House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 840 W Morgan Street [Addr] 35.78011-78.6548 -8755809 4270408 185076 WA3012 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 715-727 W Morgan S7 [Addr] 35.77979-78.6513 -8755419 4270364 185078 WA3013 SO None None Charles Grady Grocers Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 801-811 W. Morgan 5 [CoGIS] 35.77965-78.6523 -8755537 4270345 185079 WA2861 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 804-810 W. Hargett S' [Addr] 35.77951-78.6528 -8755586 4270325 185080 WA2858 SO None None Byrum Lumber Comps Gone between 1998-1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 730 W. Hargett Street [Sanborn] 35.77903-78.6516 -8755457 4270260 185081 WA2857 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 716, 720 W. Hargett 5 [Addr] 35.77882-78.6502 -8755295 4270231 185082 WA3011 BF None None Joslyn Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 705, 709 W. Morgan ! [Addr] 35.77977-78.6501 -8755292 4270361 185083 WA2648 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118-1205. Boylan Avr [Addr] 35.77922-78.6494 -8755211 4270285 185084 WA4569 BF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100, 101, 201 S. Boyle [Addr] 35.77938-78.6491 -8755183 4270308 185085 WA2647 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 117,121,131 S. Boylar [Addr] 35.7791-78.649 -8755168 4270269 185086 WA3010 SO None None Phillips Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700-704 W. Morgan 5 [CoGIS] 35.78013-78.6494 -8755211 4270411 185087 WA4559 SO None None IBM Buildi 1965 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 711 Hillsborough Stre [CoGIS] 35.78058-78.6501 -8755293 4270472 185088 9579 WA3844 SO None None Joel White c. 1882 2-e Demolished in 10/2019 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 709 Hillsborough St, F [CoGIS] 35.7806-78.6497 -8755246 4270475 185089 WA4235 SO None None Williams -Cross Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 706-708 Hillsborough [CoGIS] 35.78125-78.6497 -8755241 4270564 185090 WA2638 SO None None House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 12 N. Boylan Avenue [CoGIS] 35.78145-78.6489 -8755155 4270592 185091 WA4549 SO None NRHD Boylan Heights Infill Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H S. Boylan Avenue [Addr] 35.7745-78.6509 -8755377 4269638 185092 8125 WA2886 SL None None Char -Grill Approved for SL by NI 2018 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 618 Hillsborough St, F[PIN] 35.78106-78.6485 -8755116 4270538 185093 WA3009 SO None None Mary Little House (Gc Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 602 W. Morgan Stree' [Sanborn] 35.78011-78.6478 -8755037 4270408 185094 8067 WA2884 SO None None Blue Tower Restaurar Gone between 4/2017-7/2018 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 605 W Hillsborough S[Sanborn] 35.7806-78.648 -8755051 4270475 185095 WA3833 SO None None Houses (Gone) Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H SW corner Hillsboroui [Addr] 35.78058-78.6478 -8755029 4270473 185096 WA2826 SO None None Glenwood Avenue Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 7-17 Glenwood Avem[Addr] 35.78143-78.6478 -8755034 4270589 185097 WA2885 SO None None Temple Beth-Or(Gon, Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 610 Hillsborough Stre [Sanborn] 35.78106-78.6483 -8755091 4270538 111111 WA3111 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 605, 615 Willard Plan [Addr] 35.78183-78.6484 -8755097 4270644 185099 WA3218 SO None None Gifford Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 610 Willard Place [PIN] 35.78213-78.6484 -8755100 4270686 185104 WA2639 SO None None Cla rence A. Johnson House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 109 N. Boylan Avenue [PIN] 35.782-78.6495 -8755217 4270667 185108 173607 WA3750 DOE None None Dr. Hubert 19012 1/2Crit B and Crit C; ER 20-0299; WA Co Rpt#1123; TD-5269 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 131 Boylan Ave, Ralei [Addr] 35.77882-78.649 2020-8755163 4270231 185110 WA2827 SO None None Askew -Taylor Paints Shop Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 110 Glenwood Avenu[PIN] 35.78221-78.6473 -8754976 4270696 185222 WA3591 BF None None Houses& Commercial Bldg. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk S Saunders St [Addr] 35.7708-78.6483 -8755088 4269130 185223 WA3336 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk Dorothea Dri, [Addr] 35.77141-78.649 -8755170 4269214 185224 WA3337 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk Dorothea Dri% [Addr] 35.77108-78.6489 -8755153 4269169 185225 WA3590 BF None None Houses& Commercial Bldgs. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk S. Saunders Sl[Addr] 35.7718-78.6482 -8755080 4269267 185226 WA3602 BF None None Houses & Commercial Bldgs. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk W. South Stre [Addr] 35.77269-78.649 -8755162 4269390 185227 WA3603 BF None None Houses & Commercial Bldgs. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk W. South Stre [Addr] 35.77226-78.649 -8755164 4269330 185228 WA3589 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S Saunders St [Addr] 35.77295-78.648 -8755052 4269425 185229 WA3451 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk W. Lenior Stre [Addr] 35.77339-78.6485 -8755112 4269486 185230 WA3452 BF None None Houses&Commercial Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk W Lenior Stre [Addr] 35.77308-78.6486 -8755121 4269443 185231 WA3640 SO None None Houses & Garage (Go Gone between 1998-2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S. West Stree7 [Addr] 35.77284-78.6465 -8754894 4269410 185232 WA3449 BF None None Houses & Store Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk W. Lenior Stre [Addr] 35.77333-78.6471 -8754959 4269478 185233 WA3450 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk W. Lenior Stre [Addr] 35.77305-78.6471 -8754961 4269439 185234 WA3639 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone between 2005-2010 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S. West Stree7 [Addr] 35.7728-78.6462 -8754855 4269405 185235 9092 WA3638 BF None None Houses& Commercia 525 S West St to be moved 5/20/2018 to intersection of Hargett & Bloodworth Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S West Street [Addr] 35.77382-78.6463 -8754865 4269545 185236 WA3288 BF None None Houses & Warehouse Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk W. Cabarrus E [Addr] 35.77426-78.6469 -8754931 4269605 185237 WA3289 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk W. Cabarrus E [Addr] 35.77434-78.6479 -8755046 4269617 185238 WA3587 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Saunders St [Addr] 35.77398-78.6477 -8755027 4269567 185239 WA3588 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Saunders St [Addr] 35.774-78.648 -8755052 4269569 185240 WA3582 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Rosengarten `. [Addr] 35.77407-78.6483 -8755092 4269578 185278 WA3903 SO None NRHD Nash Square Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Nash Square [Addr] 35.77774-78.6427 -8754465 4270082 185546 WA0728 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H W Martin, Harrington [Addr] 35.77656-78.6456 -8754793 4269920 186644 9630 WA3867 NRHD None None John Chavi c. 1930 WI African American 2016 2014 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 605 Martin Luther Kin [NRnom] 35.77024-78.6299 -8753043 4269054 187651 WA3877 SL LL NRHD Mecca Res 1937 brick Greek entrepreneurship in food i 2015 2014 http://rhd Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 13 E Martin St, Raleig [Report] 35.77712-78.6386 -8754014 4269997 187729 0 WA1846 NRHD None None EAST RALE Late 19th - early 20th C. mixed u: 1990 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Raleigh [NRnom] 35.77359-78.6343 -8753535 4269513 187730 WA7016 LHD LHD NRHD Prince Hall Local Histc Formerly k Boundary drawn from LHC website map 2012 http://rhd Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H S. Person, Cabarrus, L [LHCweb] 35.77346-78.636 -8753720 4269495 187762 WA2300 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Bragg St IN sd[Addr] 35.76594-78.6347 -8753576 4268464 187763 WA2301 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Bragg St IS sd[Addr] 35.76563-78.6347 -8753577 4268421 187764 WA2302 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Bragg St IS sd[Addr] 35.76563-78.6335 -8753441 4268422 187765 WA2321 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 507-812 Cape Ave [Addr] 35.76988-78.632 -8753273 4269004 187766 WA2296 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk S Blount St(V\[Addr] 35.76759-78.6373 -8753864 4268690 187824 WA3046 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 4-26, 9-23 Pantops St [Addr] 35.76205-78.6447 -8754690 4267930 187825 WA3072 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 10 1-2 10 Prospect Ave [Addr] 35.76287-78.648 -8755051 4268042 187826 WA3112 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1400-1640 SSaunder [Addr] 35.75976-78.6492 -8755186 4267616 187827 WA3142 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 19-325 Summit Ave [Addr] 35.76138-78.6455 -8754774 4267839 187828 WA3143 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 46-216 Summit Ave [Addr] 35.75998-78.6467 -8754908 4267646 187829 WA3153 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1600-1632 Thompsor [Addr] 35.75894-78.6506 -8755344 4267503 187830 WA3277 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76449-78.6361 -8753734 4268265 187831 WA3278 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76474-78.6348 -8753582 4268299 187832 WA3279 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76442-78.6348 -8753585 4268255 187833 WA3280 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76467-78.6335 -8753445 4268290 187834 WA3281 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76462-78.6324 -8753323 4268283 187835 WA3282 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Branch Street [Addr] 35.76439-78.6325 -8753328 4268252 187836 WA3273 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk Bragg Street, I [Addr] 35.76583-78.6381 -8753949 4268449 187847 WA4236 SO None None Walnut Terrace Public Gone between 2010-2013 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 111 W. Lee Street [Addr] 35.76606-78.6412 -8754298 4268480 187859 WA3274 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Bragg Street, I [Addr] 35.76588-78.6335 -8753439 4268455 187875 WA3275 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Bragg Street, I [Addr] 35.76587-78.6324 -8753317 4268454 187876 WA3462 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1000 blk Mark Street, [Addr] 35.76769-78.6381 -8753954 4268704 187877 WA3464 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 blk Mark Street, [Addr] 35.76649-78.6379 -8753927 4268539 187878 WA3455 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 blk Mangum Str [Addr] 35.76516-78.6325 -8753333 4268356 187879 WA3443 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk Lee Street, N : [Addr] 35.76728-78.6384 -8753982 4268647 187880 WA3444 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk Lee Street, S s [Addr] 35.76702-78.6384 -8753983 4268612 187973 WA2281 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700-8005 Bloodwortl [Addr] 35.77061-78.6335 -8753445 4269104 187977 WA2635 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 816, 818 Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76987-78.634 -8753497 4269002 188052 WA2274 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk IS sd) Bledsoe [Addr] 35.76809-78.6334 -8753425 4268759 188084 WA2472 SO None None (former) Buckeye Cottonseed Oil Mill Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1400 S. Blount Street [PIN] 35.7626-78.6383 -8753970 4268006 188086 WA2270 SO None NRHD Byrd House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 217 Bledsoe Ave [PIN] 35.76847-78.6362 -8753737 4268810 188087 WA3601 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk E. South Stree [Addr] 35.77173-78.6306 -8753122 4269258 188088 WA3641 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1000 blk S. Wilmingtc [Addr] 35.76778-78.6385 -8753998 4268716 188089 WA3642 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 blk S. Wilmingtc [Addr] 35.76653-78.6386 -8754012 4268544 188090 WA2339 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk Ellington St (E [Addr] 35.77158-78.6345 -8753550 4269238 188091 WA2340 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk Ellington St (V [Addr] 35.7716-78.6348 -8753583 4269240 188092 WA2337 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk Ellington St (E [Addr] 35.76877-78.6345 -8753548 4268853 188093 WA2338 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk Ellington St (V [Addr] 35.76876-78.6348 -8753584 4268850 188094 WA2330 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk S East St (E sd[Addr] 35.77146-78.6324 -8753324 4269222 188095 WA2331 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk S East St(Ws,[Addr] 35.77129-78.6329 -8753379 4269198 188096 WA2332 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk S East St (E sd[Addr] 35.77011-78.6326 -8753342 4269035 188097 WA2333 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk S East St(Ws,[Addr] 35.76994-78.633 -8753388 4269013 188098 WA2334 BF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900-1100 S East St (E [Addr] 35.76752-78.6327 -8753348 4268680 111111 WA2111 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Ra leigh Wi Raleigh H 900 bIkS East St(Ws,[Addr] 35.76756-78.6331 -8753398 4268686 188177 WA5548 SO None None Melvin am 1960 1-story side gable Ranch Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 504 Bailey Drive [PIN] 35.75582-78.6306 -8753117 4267076 188209 WA2360 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk Lee St IS sd) [Addr] 35.76692-78.6364 -8753767 4268598 188210 WA2361 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Lee St IN sd) [Addr] 35.76713-78.6347 -8753572 4268627 188211 WA2362 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Lee St IS sd) [Addr] 35.76689-78.6347 -8753571 4268594 188212 WA2363 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Lee St IN sd) [Addr] 35.7671-78.6334 -8753432 4268622 188213 WA2385 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk S Person St(E[Addr] 35.77125-78.6351 -8753619 4269193 188214 WA2386 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk S Person St(E[Addr] 35.77-78.6352 -8753628 4269021 188215 WA2387 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk S Person St(E[Addr] 35.76877-78.6352 -8753630 4268852 188216 WA2388 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk S Person St(V[Addr] 35.76878-78.6357 -8753685 4268854 188217 WA2389 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1000 blk S Person St([Addr] 35.76766-78.6353 -8753643 4268699 188218 WA2392 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 bk S Person St(I[Addr] 35.76643-78.6354 -8753648 4268531 188219 WA2393 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 bk S Person St (\[Addr] 35.76644-78.6358 -8753694 4268532 188220 WA2394 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 blk S Person St [Addr] 35.76521-78.6354 -8753653 4268364 188221 WA3896 IF None None Mill Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Montrose Street [Addr] 35.75977-78.6516 -8755461 4267617 188271 WA2847 SO None None Caraleigh Baptist Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1400 Green St [PIN] 35.76164-78.6483 -8755085 4267874 188272 WA2369 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E Lenoir St IN [Addr] 35.77289-78.6332 -8753403 4269417 188282 WA2390 SO None NRHD Allen -Roberts -Harris House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 10131 Person St [Addr] 35.76809-78.6353 -8753638 4268758 188285 WA3276 SO None None Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Bragg Street,: [Addr] 35.7656-78.6324 -8753318 4268417 188286 WA3341 SO None None Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 blk S. East St— [Addr] 35.76643-78.6331 -8753394 4268531 188287 WA3454 SO None None Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 blk Mangum Str [Addr] 35.76511-78.6323 -8753306 4268350 188292 WA2294 IF None None Houses & Apartment Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk S Blount St(E[Addr] 35.76888-78.6368 -8753813 4268866 188293 WA2295 IF None NRHD Houses&Apartment Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk S Blount St(E[Addr] 35.76758-78.6369 -8753822 4268689 188294 WA3342 IF None None Houses&Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 blk S. East Str—[Addr] 35.76517-78.6328 -8753369 4268358 188295 WA2391 IF None NRHD Houses&Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1000 bk S Person St(\[Addr] 35.76768-78.6357 -8753687 4268702 188296 WA2297 IF None NRHD Houses&Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 bk S Blount St(E[Addr] 35.76648-78.637 -8753828 4268538 188297 WA2415 IF None None Houses & Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E South St IS:[Addr] 35.77196-78.6332 -8753410 4269290 188298 WA2299 IF None NRHD Houses& Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk Bragg St IN sd[Addr] 35.76603-78.6365 -8753773 4268476 188299 WA2359 IF None NRHD Houses & Duplex Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk Lee St IN sd) [Addr] 35.76719-78.6363 -8753757 4268636 188300 WA3463 IF None None Houses & Duplexes Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 blk Mark Street, [Addr] 35.7665-78.6382 -8753962 4268541 188301 WA3556 IF None None Houses & Duplexes Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1300 blk S. Person Str [Addr] 35.76401-78.6355 -8753662 4268199 188302 WA2282 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk5 Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77122-78.6339 -8753487 4269189 188303 WA2283 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blk5 Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77-78.6339 -8753487 4269020 188304 WA2285 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk5 Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76763-78.6341 -8753508 4268696 188305 WA2286 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 bk S Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76637-78.6338 -8753475 4268523 188306 WA2287 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100 bk S Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76639-78.6341 -8753509 4268525 188307 WA2288 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 bk S Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76517-78.6339 -8753485 4268358 188308 WA2289 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 bk S Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76517-78.6342 -8753519 4268358 188309 WA2267 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk Bledsoe Ave [Addr] 35.76838-78.6379 -8753933 4268798 188310 WA2268 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk IN sd) Bledsor [Addr] 35.76843-78.6363 -8753752 4268806 188311 WA2269 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk IS sd) Bledsoe [Addr] 35.76817-78.6363 -8753753 4268769 188312 WA2271 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk IN sd) Bledsor [Addr] 35.76836-78.6346 -8753569 4268796 188313 WA2272 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk IS sd) Bledsoe [Addr] 35.76812-78.6346 -8753566 4268763 188314 WA2273 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300-400I N sd) Bledsc [Addr] 35.76837-78.6339 -8753483 4268797 188380 WA3345 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1300 blk S. East Str— [Addr] 35.76393-78.6332 -8753410 4268188 188381 WA3361 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1100-1200 E. Fayette [Addr] 35.76458-78.6434 -8754541 4268277 188382 WA3398 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Hoke Street, P [Addr] 35.76358-78.6348 -8753589 4268140 188383 WA3399 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Hoke Street, P [Addr] 35.76314-78.6324 -8753318 4268079 188385 WA2794 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1408-1518 Fayettevill [Addr] 35.76136-78.6439 -8754598 4267836 188386 WA2817 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 8-328 Gilbert St [Addr] 35.76027-78.6438 -8754588 4267686 188387 WA2818 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 111-219 Gilbert St [Addr] 35.75961-78.6467 -8754907 4267595 188388 WA2845 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1217-1601 Green St [Addr] 35.76081-78.6478 -8755028 4267760 188389 WA2846 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1304-1640 Green St [Addr] 35.76081-78.6481 -8755071 4267760 188390 WA2990 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 101-409 Maywood A, [Addr] 35.76063-78.6492 -8755190 4267736 188391 WA2991 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 126-416 Maywood A%[Addr] 35.76101-78.6492 -8755189 4267787 188392 WA2996 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1501-1636 Montrose [Addr] 35.75895-78.6516 -8755460 4267504 188516 WA3343 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1200 blk S. East Str— [Addr] 35.76513-78.6331 -8753402 4268353 188542 WA3917 SO None NRHD House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 406 E South St. [PIN] 35.7718-78.6332 -8753413 4269267 188545 WA2266 SO None None House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 408 E South St. [PIN] 35.77179-78.6331 -8753393 4269266 188550 WA3461 SO None None House&Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1000 blk Mark Street, [Addr] 35.76768-78.6378 -8753920 4268703 188551 WA2284 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 900 blk5 Bloodworth [Addr] 35.76761-78.6337 -8753467 4268693 188645 WA2413 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E South St IS:[Addr] 35.77183-78.6342 -8753517 4269272 188646 WA2416 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk E South St IN [Addr] 35.77201-78.6307 -8753128 4269296 188647 WA2429 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk Worth St IN s, [Addr] 35.77069-78.6345 -8753552 4269115 188648 WA2431 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Worth St IN s, [Addr] 35.77071-78.6322 -8753298 4269117 188649 WA2432 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Worth St(Ssc [Addr] 35.77042-78.6322 -8753295 4269079 188650 WA2430 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300-400 blk Worth St [Addr] 35.7704-78.6345 -8753556 4269075 188651 WA4171 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 304-348 Summit Aver [Addr] 35.762-78.6508 -8755365 4267924 188652 WA3865 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 7121 East St. [PIN] 35.7715-78.6329 -8753376 4269227 188655 WA3555 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 700 blk S. Person Stre [Addr] 35.77124-78.6355 -8753667 4269191 188656 WA3557 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1300 blk S. Person Str [Addr] 35.76441-78.6359 -8753705 4268253 188657 WA3344 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1300 blk S. East Str— [Addr] 35.76392-78.6329 -8753373 4268187 188738 WA3890 SO None None Rass House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 Maywood Street [PIN] 35.76097-78.6518 -8755483 4267781 111111 WA3011 BF None None Houses Wake Ra leigh Wi Ra leigh H 506-522 Maywood A%[Addr] 35.7611-78.6539 -8755716 4267799 188781 WA2414 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E South St (S: [Addr] 35.77185-78.6348 -8753591 4269275 188782 0 WA0002 NR LL NRHD AgriculturE 1921-23 5-story Neoclassical buil 1976 1979 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 2-20 East Edenton Str [NRinv] 35.78144-78.6394 -8754097 4270591 190201 8492 WA3446 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk E. Lenoir St., [Addr] 35.77278-78.6276 -8752789 4269402 190202 8743 WA3235 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk Alston Street, [Addr] 35.77336-78.6274 -8752763 4269482 190206 9818 WA2433 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk Wynne St(W [Addr] 35.77226-78.6302 -8753078 4269331 190207 12072 WA2263 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone between 1999-2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 574 E Cabarrus St [PIN] 35.77383-78.6292 -8752961 4269546 190208 9304 WA2310 SO None NRHD Rush Metropolitan/Memorial AME Zion Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 558 E Cabarrus St [PIN] 35.77367 -78.63 -8753055 4269525 190209 9768 WA2424 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Swain St(E:[Addr] 35.77331-78.6293 -8752973 4269475 190210 9769 WA2425 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Swain St(W[Addr] 35.77334-78.6297 -8753015 4269479 190211 8862 WA3388 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S. Haywood S [Addr] 35.77337-78.6281 -8752836 4269483 190213 9309 WA2316 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.7738-78.6277 -8752795 4269541 190214 12069 WA2265 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone between 1999-2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 602 E Cabarrus St. [PIN] 35.77383-78.6281 -8752837 4269547 190215 12063 WA2264 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone between 1998-1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 581 E Cabarrus St. [PIN] 35.77408-78.6289 -8752929 4269581 190216 9313 WA2320 IF None NRHD Houses Survey DB liststhis as gone; maybe most ofthe resources are? Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk Candor Ln [Addr] 35.77464-78.6287 -8752911 4269658 190221 9529 WA2358 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S Haywood St [Addr] 35.77437-78.6283 -8752863 4269620 190223 9412 WA2326 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk E Davie St IS s [Addr] 35.77515-78.6287 -8752909 4269727 190224 8805 WA3321 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 bIk Da la r Street, [Addr] 35.77447-78.6302 -8753075 4269633 190225 9780 WA2426 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Watson St(E: [Addr] 35.77448-78.6304 -8753098 4269635 190226 9781 WA2427 SO None NRHD House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk Watson St(W [Addr] 35.77446-78.6308 -8753139 4269633 190240 9765 WA2422 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk S Swain St(W[Addr] 35.77593-78.6294 -8752987 4269834 190247 9637 WA2370 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Lenoir St(N [Addr] 35.77288-78.6321 -8753285 4269416 190248 9324 WA2371 IF None NRHD Houses, Store, & Apartment Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E LenoirSt IN [Addr] 35.7729-78.6307 -8753126 4269418 190249 9325 WA2372 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Lenoir St(S [Addr] 35.77259-78.6306 -8753122 4269376 190250 12182 WA4287 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 514 S East St, Raleigh [PIN] 35.77338-78.6328 -8753366 4269485 190251 8986 WA3721 SO None NRHD House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 507 S. Bloodworth Sti [PIN] 35.77371-78.6333 -8753421 4269530 190252 9301 WA2308 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77421-78.632 -8753273 4269599 190253 9302 WA2309 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77413-78.6303 -8753087 4269587 190254 9305 WA2312 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77386-78.632 -8753271 4269551 190255 9306 WA2313 IF None NRHD Houses&Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.7738-78.6305 -8753104 4269541 190256 9303 WA2311 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77408-78.6287 -8752909 4269580 190257 9307 WA2314 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77384-78.6288 -8752922 4269547 190258 9966 WA2328 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S East St (E sd[Addr] 35.77331-78.6324 -8753315 4269475 190259 9420 WA2329 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S East St(Ws,[Addr] 35.77323-78.6328 -8753367 4269464 190260 9300 WA2307 SO None NRHD Houses (Gone) Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77384-78.6329 -8753371 4269547 190261 8987 WA2279 SO None NRHD Houses (Gone) Gone before 1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 524-532 S Bloodwortl[Addr] 35.77304-78.6338 -8753473 4269438 190262 8984 WA2278 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blkS Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77337-78.6333 -8753421 4269483 190263 8985 WA2277 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blkS Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77339-78.6337 -8753468 4269485 190270 12070 WA3887 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone before 2002 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 548 E Martin St. [Addr] 35.77647-78.6304 -8753101 4269908 190272 8819 WA3338 SO None None Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk S. East Street, [Addr] 35.77727-78.6321 -8753288 4270018 190273 8820 WA3339 SO None None Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 2010 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk S. East Street, [Addr] 35.77739-78.6326 -8753341 4270035 190274 8855 WA3381 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone between 2005-2010 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E. Hargett Stri [Addr] 35.77789-78.6328 -8753366 4270103 190275 8752 WA3254 SO None None Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk S. Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77739-78.6335 -8753444 4270035 190276 8751 WA3253 SO None None Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 2010 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk S. Bloodworth [Addr] 35.7774-78.6332 -8753403 4270035 190277 8509 WA3468 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E Martin Strer [Addr] 35.77657-78.6329 -8753373 4269922 190278 8508 WA3467 SO None None Commercial Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E Martin Strer [Addr] 35.77687-78.6329 -8753373 4269964 190279 8753 WA3255 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk S Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77605-78.6332 -8753407 4269851 190280 9346 WA2373 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Martin St (N [Addr] 35.77682-78.6306 -8753121 4269956 190281 9347 WA2374 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E Martin St IS [Addr] 35.77646-78.6307 -8753126 4269906 190282 8821 WA3340 IF None None Houses&Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk S East Street [Addr] 35.77603-78.6322 -8753300 4269848 190283 8808 WA3324 IF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E. Davie Stree [Addr] 35.77517-78.631 -8753166 4269731 190284 8809 WA3325 SO None None Apartments Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk E. Davie Stree [Addr] 35.77554-78.6309 -8753150 4269780 190285 8807 WA3323 SO None None Commercial Buildings All resources gone by 2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk E. Davie Stree [Addr] 35.77521-78.633 -8753385 4269736 190286 8983 WA2276 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blkS Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77473-78.6337 -8753462 4269670 190287 8754 WA3256 SO None None Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S. Bloodworth [Addr] 35.77472-78.6332 -8753413 4269668 190288 9406 WA2322 SO None NRHD Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Davis St IN:[Addr] 35.77561-78.6342 -8753514 4269791 190289 8890 WA3553 IF None None Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S. Person Stre [Addr] 35.77476-78.6349 -8753599 4269674 190290 8891 WA3554 IF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S. Person Stre [Addr] 35.77478-78.6353 -8753645 4269676 190291 9408 WA2323 IF None NRHD Houses & Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Davie St IS s[Addr] 35.77524-78.6343 -8753528 4269739 190292 9409 WA2324 SO None NRHD Davie Street Presbyterian Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 E Davie St [PIN] 35.77526-78.6348 -8753592 4269743 190293 8806 WA3322 SO None NRHD Commercial Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E. Davie Stree [Addr] 35.77564-78.6358 -8753700 4269794 190294 8755 WA3257 IF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S. Blount Stre, [Addr] 35.77482-78.637 -8753827 4269682 190295 9273 WA2290 IF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 blk S Blount St(E [Addr] 35.7748-78.6366 -8753782 4269679 190296 9298 WA2305 IF None NRHD Houses& Commercial Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77422-78.6343 -8753534 4269599 190297 9299 WA2306 IF None NRHD Houses &Comm Bldg Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77383-78.6343 -8753533 4269546 190298 9673 WA2380 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Person St(E[Addr] 35.77343-78.6349 -8753602 4269492 190299 9674 WA2383 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Person St(V[Addr] 35.77344-78.6354 -8753651 4269492 190300 9827 WA3994 SO None NRHD Octavia W c. 1905 2-s Gone by 1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 506 Person St [Addr] 35.77382-78.6353 -8753645 4269545 190301 9825 WA3992 SO None NRHD Womble-K c. 1882 1-s Gone by 2i Listed in NR inventory Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 518 Person St 35.77329-78.6354 -8753652 4269472 190302 9824 WA3991 SO None NRHD Margaret! c. 1893 2-s Gone by 2i Listed in NR inventory Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 520 Person St 35.77325-78.6354 -8753651 4269466 190303 9677 WA3939 SO None NRHD Nichols House (Gone) Gone by 2i Listed in NR inventory Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 522 S. Person Street 35.77317-78.6354 -8753653 4269456 190304 9676 WA2382 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone by 1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 517 S Person St [Addr] 35.77337-78.635 -8753609 4269483 190305 9675 WA2381 SO LL NRHD Gethsemai 19221-story front gabled concrete block church with rear trancep, 2015 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 501 S Person St [PIN] 35.77391-78.6349 -8753602 4269558 111111 9634 WA2367 SD None NRHD Houses(Gone) All resources gone by 2005 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E LenoirSt IN[ Addr] 35.77291-78.6344 -8753539 4269420 190307 9635 WA2368 SO None NRHD Commercial Building( Gone by 19998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Lenoir St IS'.[Addr] 35.77257-78.6344 -8753546 4269373 190308 9678 WA2384 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S Person St(V[Addr] 35.77248-78.6354 -8753657 4269361 190309 9274 WA2291 IF None NRHD Houses& Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 blk S Blount St(E [Addr] 35.77358-78.6366 -8753787 4269511 190310 8756 WA3258 IF None None Houses& Commercial Bldg. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 500 S. Blount Street, \[Addr] 35.77358-78.637 -8753831 4269512 190311 9012 WA3736 SO None None McKimmon-Taylor-Blr Gone by 1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 512 Blount Street [PIN] 35.77353-78.6371 -8753838 4269505 190312 9296 WA2303 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77431-78.636 -8753715 4269612 190313 9297 WA2304 SO None NRHD Houses (Gone) All resources gone by 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77396-78.636 -8753716 4269564 190314 9632 WA2365 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E Lenoir St(N [Addr] 35.77301-78.636 -8753722 4269434 190315 9633 WA2366 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E Lenoir St(S [Addr] 35.77263-78.6361 -8753726 4269381 190316 9751 WA2411 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E South St IN [Addr] 35.77226-78.6361 -8753728 4269330 190317 11886 WA2412 IF None None Houses & University Bldg Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 blk E South St (S: [Addr] 35.77184-78.6361 -8753729 4269273 190318 9275 WA2292 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S Blount St(E [Addr] 35.77239-78.6367 -8753793 4269349 190319 11885 WA2293 SO None NRHD Shopping Center Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 600 blk S Blount St(\A[GSV] 35.77267-78.6372 -8753848 4269386 190320 8506 WA3465 IF None None Houses & Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Martin Strer [Addr] 35.77695-78.6341 -8753506 4269974 190321 8888 WA3551 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk S. Person Stre [Addr] 35.77618-78.6348 -8753588 4269868 190322 8889 WA3552 SO None None Houses (Gone) Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk S. Person Stre [Addr] 35.77621-78.6353 -8753639 4269873 190323 8507 WA3466 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone by 1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 300 blk E Martin Strer [Addr] 35.77659-78.6342 -8753515 4269925 190324 8036 WA3060 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 311-325 S. Person Str [Addr] 35.77626-78.6348 -8753588 4269880 190325 7994 WA2566 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 325-333 Blake Street [Addr] 35.77596-78.6356 -8753679 4269838 190326 9343 WA3882 SO None NRHD Commercial Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 222 E Martin Street [Addr] 35.77661-78.6356 -8753676 4269928 190327 8034 WA3058 SO None None Baxter S. Castleberry Filling Station Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 227 S. Person Street [PIN] 35.77696-78.6348 -8753583 4269975 190328 9498 WA3816 SO None None Sister Betty's House (( Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 330 E. Hargett Street [Sanborn] 35.77788-78.6335 -8753444 4270102 190329 8981 WA3720 SO None None Minor -Bur c. 1903 2, Moved herefrom 615 N Blount St Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 105 S Bloodworth St, [PIN] 35.77906-78.633 -8753386 4270263 190331 9075 WA3252 SO None None House (Gone) Gone before 1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 127 S. Bloodworth Sti [PIN] 35.77824-78.633 -8753390 4270152 190460 12156 WA4229 SO None None Spaulding Gym (Shaw University) Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E. South Street [Web] 35.77023-78.6378 -8753922 4269052 190461 9808 WA2428 SO None NRHD University Bldgs Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blkS Wilmington [Addr] 35.77023-78.6386 -8754015 4269052 190462 9741 WA2410 IF None None Houses &Comm Bldg Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk E South St IN [Addr] 35.77231-78.6377 -8753907 4269337 190464 9386 WA0137 SO None NRHD John A. Williams House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 New Bern Ave [PIN] 35.77999-78.6362 -8753744 4270392 190465 9369 WA0130 SO None NRHD Department of Justice Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Morgan St [NRinv] 35.77941-78.6386 -8754008 4270312 190466 9373 WA0133 SO None NRHD (former) North Carolina Museum of Art Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 107 E Morgan St [NRinv] 35.77975-78.6373 -8753866 4270358 190467 8997 WA0126 SO LL NRHD Sal ly Brets c. 18951-story side ga ble frame Victorian cottage with 2 rea r ga bli 2016 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 11 S Blount St [PIN] 35.77969-78.6363 -8753748 4270350 190470 9431 WA0061 SO None NRHD William Worrel Vass F Demolished in 1971 http://d.lil Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Edenton St [Web] 35.78145-78.6387 -8754024 4270592 190472 9436 WA3779 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 117 W. Edenton Stree [Sanborn] 35.78108-78.6412 -8754299 4270541 190473 11880 WA0054 SO None NRHD Church of Good Shepherd Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 125 W Hillsborough S [Sanborn] 35.78013-78.6415 -8754327 4270411 190474 9576 WA3842 SO None NRHD Dr. Rogers House (Go Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 130 Hillsborough Stre [Sanborn] 35.78074-78.6415 -8754329 4270494 190475 9575 WA3841 SO None NRHD House (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 124-128 Hillsborough [Sanborn] 35.78073-78.6412 -8754300 4270493 190476 9374 WA0134 SO None NRHD Revenue Building and Annexes Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 W Morgan St [NRinv] 35.77999-78.6404 -8754206 4270392 190477 8016 WA2878 SO None None Middleton Late 19th/ Gone between 2008-2009 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 201 W Hillsborough S [Sanborn] 35.78022-78.642 -8754385 4270423 190478 9429 WA0131 SO None NRHD Departmei Late 19th C.4-story Ita lianate brick building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H NW corner Edenton 8 [NRinv] 35.78141-78.6397 -8754137 4270587 190479 8123 WA2879 IF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 224-226 Hillsborough [Addr] 35.78076-78.6429 -8754492 4270497 190480 117132 WA4556 SO None None Edenton Street Methodist Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 228 W. Edenton Stree [Sanborn] 35.78181-78.6426 -8754455 4270641 190481 9801 WA0129 SO None NRHD Highway Building and Annexes Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 10 S Wilmington St [NRinv] 35.77994-78.6379 -8753929 4270385 190482 9803 WA3979 SO None NRHD Moore's Barber Shop Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 106 S Wilmington Strf[PIN] 35.77927-78.6384 -8753988 4270292 190483 9804 WA3980 SO None None Blood Bank Building (i Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 108 S. Wilmington Str [Sanborn] 35.77918-78.6384 -8753988 4270280 190484 9372 WA0135 SO None NRHD Ruffin Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 10 E Morgan St [NRinv] 35.77945-78.6396 -8754125 4270317 190485 9721 WA3953 SO None None Mangels Department Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 123 S Salisbury Street [Sanborn] 35.77871-78.6399 -8754156 4270215 190486 8037 WA3104 IF None NRHD Buildings Listed in Survey DB as "Houses" Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 122-1325. Salisbury5 [Sanborn] 35.7786-78.6404 -8754210 4270201 190487 8031 WA3006 SO None None Capital City Telephone Company Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 121 W. Morgan Stree[Sanborn] 35.77948-78.6415 -8754337 4270321 190488 8013 WA2589 SO None None Hoover Buick Compar Demolished in 2000 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 W. Hargett Street [Web] 35.77852-78.641 -8754279 4270190 190495 11905 WA4046 SO None None Memorial Auditorium Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 2 E South St [Sanborn] 35.77132-78.6391 -8754064 4269202 190496 9748 WA2400 SO LL NRHD Tyler Hall: Shaw University 2015 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blkS Wilmington [Web] 35.77054-78.6391 -8754060 4269095 190497 9745 WA2396 SO LL NRHD Leonard Hall: Shaw University 2015 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 800 blkS Wilmington [Web] 35.77026-78.6391 -8754066 4269056 190498 9749 WA2399 SO None NRHD Tupper Memorial Hall: Shaw University Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St [Web] 35.77003-78.6384 -8753989 4269025 190499 9746 WA2397 SO None NRHD Meserve Hall (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St (Shaw [Sanborn] 35.7717-78.6381 -8753955 4269254 190500 9743 WA4031 SO None None Greenleaf Hall (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E. South Street [Sanborn] 35.77052-78.6372 -8753856 4269093 190501 9800 WA3978 SO None None Saint Ambrose Churcl Gone before 1999 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 505 S Wilmington St, [Sanborn] 35.77386-78.6382 -8753963 4269550 190523 8107 WA2771 SO None None House (Gone) Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 409 W. Edenton Stree [Sanborn] 35.78125-78.6454 -8754767 4270564 190524 8044 WA3198 SO None None House (Gone) Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 10 S. West Street [Sanborn] 35.78025-78.6462 -8754850 4270427 190525 8043 WA3197 SO None None The Roast Grill Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 7S. West Street [GSV] 35.78028-78.6458 -8754810 4270432 190526 8018 WA2881 IF None None Buildings Listed in Survey DB as "House" Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 401-415 W. Hillsboroi [Addr] 35.78041-78.6455 -8754778 4270449 190527 8019 WA2882 IF None None Commercial Block Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 501-517 W. Hillsboroi [Addr] 35.7804-78.6468 -8754921 4270447 190528 8017 WA2880 SO None None Henry T. Hicks House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 327 W. Hillsborough `. [Sanborn] 35.78033-78.6447 -8754691 4270438 190529 9578 WA3843 SO None None Woman's Club (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 314 Hillsborough Stre [Sanborn] 35.78084-78.644 -8754612 4270508 190530 9415 WA3771 SO None None Hoke House (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 15 N. Dawson Street [Sanborn] 35.78119-78.6436 -8754564 4270556 190531 9572 WA3838 SO None None (Forst Christian) Unite Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Hillsborough& Dawsr[Sanborn] 35.78082-78.6431 -8754513 4270505 190532 8032 WA3007 SO None None William H. Gibson Bui Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 327 W. Morgan Stree' [GSV] 35.77966-78.6449 -8754705 4270346 190533 12167 WA4250 SO None None James C. Green Realt\ Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 323 W. Morgan Stree' [GSV] 35.77957-78.6446 -8754672 4270334 190534 9375 WA3900 SO None None Raleigh Bus Station (0 Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 217 W. Morgan Stree' [Sanborn] 35.77942-78.6428 -8754473 4270313 190535 117136 WA4561 SO None None Municipal Building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 110 McDowell Street [GSV] 35.77872-78.6424 -8754429 4270217 190536 9334 WA3874 SO None None McPheeters House (Gone) Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H W side of McDowell S [Addr] 35.77895-78.6421 -8754393 4270249 190537 8045 WA3199 SO None None Boylan's Inc. Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 200 S. West Street [PIN] 35.77837-78.6464 -8754873 4270170 190538 8046 WA3200 SO None NRHD Johnson &Johnson C, See also blockfacefile WA3201 Warehouses Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 306 S. West Street [Addr] 35.77683-78.6464 -8754875 4269958 111111 1111 WA3904 SD None None Carolina H 1927 9-stc Demolished in 1980 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Nash Square [Sanborn] 35.7787-78.6432 -8754519 4270214 190540 117131 WA4554 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300-500 S. Dawson St [Addr] 35.77508-78.6437 -8754572 4269718 190541 9336 WA3876 SO None None Park Hotel (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Corner Martin & McD [SAnborn] 35.77725-78.6416 -8754348 4270015 190542 9719 WA3951 SO None None Dunn's Oak City Lau Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 436 S Salisbury St, Ral [Sanborn] 35.77451-78.6409 -8754263 4269639 190543 138165 WA4558 BF None None Office Buildings Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 00 block W. Hargett S [Addr] 35.77831-78.6397 -8754136 4270161 190544 8012 WA2588 SO None NRHD Edwards& Broughton Printers Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 107 W. Hargett Street [PIN] 35.77809-78.6407 -8754240 4270130 190545 8023 WA2977 SO None None Gus Russos Cleaners (Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 122 W. Martin Street [Sanborn] 35.77725-78.6414 -8754320 4270016 190546 138164 WA4400 SO None NRHD Commercial and Office Buildings Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 00 Block W. Martin St [Addr] 35.77712-78.6398 -8754141 4269998 190547 138166 WA4653 SO None NRHD Martin Building Listed incorrectly in Survey DB as 111 W Martin St Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 111 W Hargett St, Ral, [NRinv] 35.77809-78.6409 -8754263 4270131 190548 8038 WA3105 SO None NRHD First Feder 1960, 199: Gone between 2005-2010 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300 S Salisbury St, Ral [NRinv] 35.77679-78.6406 -8754229 4269953 190549 8039 WA3106 SO None NRHD Lawyers Bi c. 1925 8-s See also WA3952 (former) State Theatre Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 320 S. Salisbury Stree[NRinv] 35.77636-78.6406 -8754236 4269893 190550 9807 WA3984 SO None NRHD The Globe Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 220 S. Wilmington Str [Addr] 35.77763-78.6385 -8753993 4270067 190551 8515 WA3475 BF None NRHD Houses & Church Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 100 blk E Martin Stre, [Addr] 35.77705-78.6375 -8753885 4269988 190552 9339 WA3879 SO None NRHD Baker's Shoes Buildini Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 110 E. Martin Street [Sanborn] 35.77672-78.6377 -8753912 4269942 190553 9341 WA3864 SO None NRHD Kimbrell's Exchange (1 Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 132 E. Martin Street [Sanborn] 35.77669-78.6368 -8753814 4269938 190554 9340 WA3880 SO None NRHD Case Blue Print Buildii Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 126 E. Martin Street [Sanborn] 35.77671-78.6372 -8753848 4269941 190555 25722 WA4230 SO None NRHD (former) Job P. Wyatt Gone between 2005-2010 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 323-331 S. Wilmingto [Sanborn] 35.77611-78.6381 -8753954 4269859 190556 9472 WA3763 SO None None Allen Building(Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 428 S. Fayetteville Str [Sanborn] 35.7749-78.6398 -8754140 4269692 190557 11876 WA3799 SO None None Ron's Fast Food Building (Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300 blk Fayetteville St [Sanborn] 35.77642-78.639 -8754059 4269901 190558 9467 WA3800 SO None None Johnson's Jewelers Building(Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 311 S. Fayetteville Str [Sanborn] 35.77657-78.639 -8754058 4269922 190559 12152 WA4225 SO None None (former) Hudson -Belk Dept Store Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 319 Fayetteville Stree [Sanborn] 35.77614-78.6389 -8754039 4269864 190560 8008 WA2582 SO None NRHD Haywood Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 205 Fayetteville Stree [PIN] 35.77807-78.6389 -8754046 4270128 190561 117135 WA4560 SO None NRHD Kimbrell's Furniture Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 210 Fayetteville Stree [PIN] 35.77787-78.6397 -8754135 4270101 190562 9462 WA3797 SO None NRHD (former) Hudson Belk Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 206 Fayetteville Stree [Sanborn] 35.77799-78.6397 -8754134 4270117 190563 12116 WA4238 SO None NRHD Boylan Pearce Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 216 Fayetteville Stree [Sanborn] 35.77775-78.6397 -8754135 4270084 190564 9464 WA3798 SO None NRHD Lewis -Woodard Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 224 Fayetteville Stree [PIN] 35.77751-78.6398 -8754138 4270051 190565 8007 WA2581 BF None None Buildings Listed in Survey DB as "Houses" Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 112-114 S. Fayettevill, [PIN] 35.77915-78.6397 -8754127 4270276 190566 9461 WA3796 SO None None Thom Mc4n Shoe Store (Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 117 Fayetteville Stree [Sanborn] 35.77895-78.6389 -8754040 4270249 190567 9459 WA3794 SO None None Fayetteville Street Mall Buildings (Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 109-117 Fayetteville E [Sanborn] 35.77912-78.6389 -8754039 4270272 190568 9460 WA3793 SO None None The Law Building Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 107 Fayetteville Stree [PIN] 35.77929-78.6388 -8754033 4270295 190569 138163 WA4537 BF None NRHD Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 200 blk Fayetteville St [Addr] 35.77753-78.6392 -8754080 4270054 190570 9456 WA3788 SO None NRHD (old) Wake 19154-stc Demolished in 1967 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Fayetteville St, Raleigl [Sanborn] 35.7763-78.6399 -8754150 4269885 190571 9455 WA3789 SO None NRHD Wake Cou 1970 Moderne courthouse Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 316 Fayetteville St, Re [PIN] 35.77635-78.6399 -8754156 4269892 190572 9457 WA3790 SO None None yarboroug 1850 3-stc Destroyed byfire in 1928 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Fayetteville Street [Web] 35.77622-78.639 -8754058 4269874 190573 7996 WA2568 SO None None House (Gone) Gone before 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 125-127 E. Cabarrus E [SAnborn] 35.77436-78.6374 -8753877 4269618 190574 8781 WA3286 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone by 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 100 blk E. Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77438-78.6376 -8753900 4269621 190575 8782 WA3287 SO None None Houses (Gone) Gone by 1993 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 100 blk E. Cabarrus St [Addr] 35.77401-78.6376 -8753898 4269572 190576 7995 WA2567 SO None None Lincoln Theatre Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 126-128 E. Cabarrus E [GSV] 35.7739-78.6374 -8753879 4269556 190577 105333 WA7140 BF None None Commercial Buildings Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 600 blk S. Wilmington [Addr] 35.7725-78.6383 -8753974 4269364 190578 8022 WA2974 SO None None Joyner's Texaco Filling Station Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 431 S. McDowell Stre, [Sanborn] 35.77464-78.6417 -8754354 4269658 190579 8021 WA2973 BF None None Buildings Listed in Survey DB as "Houses" Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 418, 426-430 S McDo [Sanborn] 35.77469-78.6423 -8754422 4269664 190580 8041 WA3108 SO None None Clement's Service Stall Gone before 1998 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 530 S Salisbury St [Sanborn] 35.77316-78.6407 -8754245 4269455 190581 12085 WA4213 SO None None Sir Walter Chevrolet ( Gone between 1999-2005 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 530 South McDowell'. [Sanborn] 35.77325-78.6425 -8754449 4269467 190582 9752 WA3959dt SO None None Raleigh's First Post Of Gone befir Not clear if 208 W South St was an earlier location for same post office, or different res Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 208 W.South St, Ralei [Sanborn] 35.77245-78.6425 -8754445 4269357 190583 9365 WA3895 SO None NRHD House Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 715 Montford Ave— [PIN] 35.77695-78.6513 -8755423 4269974 190584 9733 WA2402 SO None NRHD Proctor -Love House Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 222 Smithfield St [NRinv] 35.7692-78.636 -8753720 4268911 190585 9732 WA2401 BF None NRHD Houses &Store Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 200 blk Smithfield St[Addr] 35.76919-78.6363 -8753749 4268909 190586 9734 WA2403 SO None NRHD William Sanders House Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 236 Smithfield St [NRinv] 35.76912-78.6356 -8753681 4268901 190587 9735 WA2404 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300 blk Smithfield Sty [Addr] 35.76953-78.635 -8753605 4268956 190588 9736 WA2405 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300 blk Smithfield Sty [Addr] 35.76946-78.6342 -8753519 4268946 190589 9737 WA2406 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 300 blk Smithfield Sty [Addr] 35.76912-78.6346 -8753565 4268900 190590 9738 WA2407 SO None NRHD Capehart-Lightner House Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 312 Smithfield St [NRinv] 35.7691-78.6348 -8753586 4268897 190591 9739 WA2408 SO None NRHD Houses (Gone) Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 500 blk Smithfield St[NRinv] 35.76815-78.6323 -8753311 4268766 190592 9661 WA2379 BF None NRHD Houses Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 500 Blk Patterson Lan [NRmap] 35.77336-78.6317 -8753244 4269481 190594 8920 WA3658 SO None None Governer: 1816 Demolished by 1930s for Raleigh Auditorium; still extant on 1914 Sanborn Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H S side South St at jct,[Sanborn] 35.77178-78.6395 -8754111 4269265 190595 9454 WA3787 SO None NRHD LightnerA c. 1921 3-s Destroyed by fire in 1968 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 122 E Hargett St, Rale [Sanborn] 35.77802-78.6374 -8753874 4270121 190602 9240 WA3645 SO None None Boylan To, 2-story front gable interlocking signal house https://wv Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Boylan Wye, Raleigh [Sanborn] 35.77759-78.6499 -8755265 4270063 194087 11878 WA4020 SO None None House (Gone) Gone between 1993-1998 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 909 S. West Street [Sanborn] 35.76914-78.6463 -8754868 4268903 194344 14318 WA3878 SLID None NRHD Commerci; c. 1914 12 Gone before 1993 1977 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 14-20 E. Martin Streel [Sanborn] 35.77668-78.6385 -8753996 4269938 194405 9747 WA2398 SO None NRHD Roberts Science Hall: Shaw University Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 118 E South St [Web] 35.77115-78.6383 -8753976 4269178 198992 3872 WA2448 NR LL None Leonidas A 18812-stc Moved hei See also N 1990 1991 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 107 S Bloodworth St, [File] 35.77889-78.6331 -8753393 4270240 200093 0 WA4968 NR None None Carolina C, 1926 step) Damaged by April 16, 2009 https://files.nc.gov/n, Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 510 East Davie Street [NRnom] 35.77502-78.6321 -8753285 4269709 221120 153666 WA7775 SO None NRHD Swift and Company N See also bl ER project; Mattson, Alexander& Assoc. 12-13-2016 cf1 2016 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 3021 West St, Ra leig[[PI N/Add r]35.77704-78.6465 -8754883 4269987 221121 153667 WA7776 SO None NRHD Swift and Company N See also bl ER project; Mattson, Alexander& Assoc. 12-13-2016 cf1 2016 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 3041 West St, Ra leig[[PI N/Add r]35.77693-78.6464 -8754879 4269972 221122 153668 WA7777 SO None NRHD Caveness Produce Coi See also bl ER project; Mattson, Alexander& Assoc. 12-13-2016 cf1 2016 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 3101 West St, Raleig[ [PIN/Addr] 35.77672-78.6464 -8754876 4269942 221955 9631 WA2364 SO None NRHD Houses (Original site) 112 & 114 E Lenoir St houses moved to 420 &422 S Bloodworth St on 2/25/2017 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 100 blk E Lenoir St IS [Addr] 35.77269-78.6378 -8753920 4269390 222860 154030 WA6506 SA None None Fuller Heights 2017 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Bordered by Lake Wh [Addr] 35.76519-78.6529 -8755599 4268360 222862 9631 WA2364 BF None NRHD Houses (Current site) Moved here from 112 and 114 E Lenoir St on 2/25/2017 http://bd.1 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 420 &422 1 Bloodwo[PIN/Own, 35.77452-78.6337 -8753468 4269641 223380 153665 WA7774 NRHD None None Depot Historic Districl Eligibility r See also bl 2017 2017 2016 https://file https://file Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 302-310 S West St, Re [Addr] 35.77688-78.6463 -8754865 4269964 225006 153663 WA6515 SA None None Old Fourth Ward Historic District Boundary? Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H Not specified, Raleigh 35.77238-78.6479 -8755044 4269347 228995 155034 WA6511 SO None None House 19001-story front gal Cheri S. 8/18/17 cfb 2017 Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 1220 Daladams St, Ra [PIN/Addr] 35.76377 -78.6552 -8755859 4268167 229743 138167 WA4655 SO LL NRHD H. J. Brown Funeral D <Nulb 2017 Wake Raleigh Raleigh H 200 S. Salisbury Stree' [Report] 35.77818-78.6404 -8754210 4270143 230246 0 WA3937 SL LL None (former) T; c. 1874 Gothic Revival/stucco/ 1977 1979 http://ww Wake Raleigh W, Raleigh H 118 S. Person St. Rale [Addr] 35.7784-78.6352 -8753628 4270173 230247 8011 WA2586 SO None None House Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 306 E. Hargett Street [PIN] 35.77794-78.6346 -8753563 4270110 230248 156419 WA7497 SO None None (former) Hellenic Orthodox Church of Holy Trinity 2017 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 211 S Person St, Ralei [Addr] 35.77765-78.6347 -8753573 4270070 230652 156919 WA7521 SO None None Newsand 19642-story flat roof Modernist concrete building 2017 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 215 S McDowell St, R�[PIN/Addr] 35.77754-78.6407 -8754246 4270056 232606 0 WA0045 NR LL NRHD Sir Walter 192410-story brick building 1978 1980 https://file http://ww Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400-412 Fayetteville E [NRnom] 35.77539-78.6399 -8754153 4269761 232607 0 WA2585 SL None NRHD Durham In 1942 15-st See also WA3759 Insurance Builc 1991 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 334-336 South Fayett [PIN/Addr] 35.77586-78.6399 -8754159 4269825 232892 0 WA2590 SLDOE None None Raleigh He 1900 3-stc Crit A; ER 12-0560; WA Cc Rpt#_' 1991 2005, 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 801 W. Hargett Street 35.77883-78.6525 -8755560 4270232 232893 0 WA2860 DOE None None North Carc c. 1940 11 Crit A; ER 12-0560; WA Cc Rpt#563 (reconfi 2005, 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H S side of W. Hargett S 35.77913-78.653 -8755613 4270273 233003 0 WA7417 SO None None George W. 1957 Dept Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560; WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 831 W. Morgan Stree[Report] 35.7796-78.6541 -8755739 4270338 233005 0 WA7384 SO None None Bridge No. 910528 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H Hillsborough Street. [Report] 35.78072-78.647 -8754946 4270492 233006 0 WA7385 SO None None Commerci; 1948 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 527 Hillsborough Stre [Report] 35.78055-78.6474 -8754987 4270469 233007 0 WA7386 SO None None Commerci; 1941 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 513 Hillsborough Stre [Report] 35.78049-78.6465 -8754892 4270460 233008 0 WA7387 SO None None Commerci; 1935 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 509 Hillsborough Stre [Report] 35.78048-78.6463 -8754872 4270458 233009 0 WA7388 SO None None Commerci; 1954 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 503 Hillsborough Stre [Report] 35.78047-78.6462 -8754850 4270457 233010 0 WA7389 SO None None Commerci; 1950 Auto Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 503 Hillsborough Stre [Report] 35.78007-78.6463 -8754866 4270403 233011 0 WA3008 SO None None Service Station (Gone Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Demolished in 201' 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 501 W. Morgan Stree' [Report] 35.77963-78.6463 -8754867 4270341 233012 0 WA7400 SO None None Warehous c. 1957 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 301 W. Cabarrus Stre, [Report] 35.77423-78.6444 -8754654 4269601 233013 0 WA7401 SO None None Warehous c. 1960 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 401 W. Cabarrus Stre, [Report] 35.77431-78.6456 -8754791 4269611 233014 0 WA7402 SO None None Warehous 1956 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 400 S. West Street Ra [Report] 35.775-78.6464 -8754880 4269706 233015 0 WA7405 SO None None W.J. Hines c. 1945 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Ineligible 2020; ER: 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 324 Dupont Circle Ral [Report] 35.77623-78.6483 -8755087 4269876 233016 0 WA7406 SO None None W.J. Hines c. 1950 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Ineligible 2020; ER: 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 328 Dupont Circle Ral [Report] 35.77638-78.6485 -8755109 4269896 233017 0 WA7407 SO None None Warren Br c. 1950 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Ineligible 2020; ER: 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 330 Dupont Circle Ral [Report] 35.77647-78.6486 -8755127 4269909 233018 0 WA7410 SO None None Garage 1932 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 234 S. Boylan Avenue [Report] 35.77719-78.6501 -8755291 4270008 233019 0 WA7411 SO None None EDS Equips c. 1950 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Ineligible 2020; ER: 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 629 W. Hargett Street [Report] 35.77843-78.649 -8755166 4270177 233020 0 WA7412 SO None None U.S. Natioi c. 1940 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 / Ineligible 2020; ER: 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 615 W. Hargett Street [Report] 35.77841-78.6487 -8755128 4270175 233021 0 WA7413 SO None None Commerci; c. 1937 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 607 W. Morgan Stree' [Report] 35.77971-78.6483 -8755091 4270353 233022 0 WA7414 SO None None Commerci; 1962 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 731 W. Hargett Street [Report] 35.77856-78.6514 -8755432 4270195 233023 0 WA2859 SO None None Carolina N c. 1925 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 733-737 W. Hargett S' [Report] 35.77858-78.6516 -8755454 4270197 233024 0 WA7416 SO None None Warehous c. 1950 Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 819 W. Hargett Street [Report] 35.77919-78.6535 -8755665 4270282 233025 0 WA3016 BF None None Houses c. 1905 am Ineligible 2013; ER 12-0560, WA Cc Rpt#563 2013 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 843-853 W Morgan SI [Report] 35.77978-78.6552 -8755853 4270362 233158 15900 WA2883 SO None None Commerci; c. 1915 2-e Ineligible i Previously determined eligible in 1994 https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 526-530 Hillsborough [Report] 35.7809-78.6473 2013-8754983 4270516 233477 159344 WA8099 SO None None Webster 1-story side gable commercial/industrial steel frame building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1310 S Person St, Rale[PIN/Addr] 35.76387-78.636 -8753719 4268180 233478 159316 WA8071 SO None None Speech & I c. 1969 1-story side gable commercial/industrial steel frame building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.76974-78.6373 -8753861 4268985 233479 159319 WA8074 SO None None Memorial 19682-story flat roof Minimalist steel frame building w/brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.77116-78.6377 -8753911 4269179 233498 159353 WA8108 SO None NRHD White Coa 1918, 1940s, 1960s 1-storyflatroof Modernistframe building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1115 W Lenoir St, Ral, [PIN/Addr] 35.77517-78.6535 -8755663 4269730 233499 159364 WA8121 SO None None L.B. Merca c. 1958 1-storyflat roof commercial/industrial frame building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1110 S Saunders St, R [Addr] 35.76605-78.6497 -8755243 4268479 233518 159325 WA8080 SO None None Irving-Swa 19481-storyflat roof Modernist concrete block building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 303 S East St, Raleigh [PIN/Addr] 35.77644-78.6323 -8753307 4269904 233519 159294 WA8049 SO None NRHD Wachovia 1965 International marble &steel frame building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 227 Fayetteville St, Re [PIN/Addr] 35.77739-78.6387 -8754023 4270035 233522 159370 WA8127 SO None None Bass GMC 1950,1960, 19751-story flat roof Miscellaneous Modernist steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1036 S Saunders St, R[PIN/Addr] 35.76713-78.6492 -8755184 4268627 233535 159320 WA8075 SO None None University 19672-story flat roof Minimalist steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.77151-78.6364 -8753764 4269227 233536 159318 WA8073 SO None None Administr 1966 2-stc See also WA8076 Debnam Hall, Shaw University Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 720 S Blount St, Raleil [File] 35.77091-78.6373 -8753860 4269146 233539 159367 WA8124 SO None None Kenneth N 19531-story front gable commercial/industrial steel frame building w/brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1120 S Saunders St, R[Addr] 35.76572-78.6497 -8755244 4268433 233540 159379 WA8138 SO None None McCrackei 19561-story front gable Miscellaneous Modernist steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1500 Garner Rd, Ralei[PIN/Addr] 35.76087-78.6323 -8753313 4267767 233553 159296 WA8051 SO None None N.C. Moto 19551-story flat roof International steel frame building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 219 W Martin St, Rale[PIN/Addr]35.77689-78.6429 -8754489 4269966 233554 159275 WA8030 SO None None State Capil 196920-story Miscellaneous Modernist concrete hotel Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 320 Hillsborough St, F [PIN/Addr] 35.78098-78.6441 -8754620 4270527 233557 159292 WA8047 SO None None Dr. Annie 119502-story flat roof Modernist steel frame building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 S Boylan Ave, Ral,[PIN/Addr] 35.77976-78.6495 -8755224 4270360 233558 159295 WA8050 SO None NRHD North Carc 1965, 19894-to 6-story parapet roof Brutalist granite building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 233 Fayetteville St, Re [PIN/Addr] 35.7771-78.6389 -8754041 4269995 233571 159354 WA8109 SO None None Dob's Mot 19551-2 flat roof Moderne concrete block motel w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1403 S Wilmington St [PIN/Addr] 35.76276-78.6389 -8754046 4268027 233572 159349 WA8104 SO None NRHD Macedonu 19561-stc See also blockfacefile WA2297 Houses & Church Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1111 S Blount St, Rale[PIN/Addr]35.76641-78.6368 -8753814 4268529 233575 159368 WA8125 SO None None Williams A 19521-story front gable commercial/industrial steel frame building w/brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1015 S Saunders St, R [PIN/Addr] 35.76798 -78.6485 -8755114 4268744 233577 159380 WA8140 SO None None North Carc 19601-story flat roof Modernist steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1950 Garner Rd, Ralei[PIN/Addr] 35.75441-78.6322 -8753301 4266882 233578 159350 WA8105 SO None None Carnage N 1965,1993, 19992-story flat roof Modernist steel frame school w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1425 Carnage Dr, Ralc[PIN/Addr] 35.7621-78.6279 -8752815 4267937 233580 159373 WA8132 SO None None Rockwell h 19691-story flat roof Miesian glass& steel frame building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1900 S Saunders St, R [PIN/Addr] 35.75546 -78.6501 -8755294 4267026 233583 159324 WA8079 SO None None John Wint, 19672-story Mansard roof Modernist frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 231 S East St, Raleigh [PIN/Addr] 35.77683-78.6322 -8753299 4269958 233584 159313 WA8068 SO None None General Be 19531-story flat roof Moderne frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 603 S Wilmington St, [PIN/Addr] 35.77263-78.6383 -8753976 4269381 233585 159314 WA8069 SO None None Thomas J. 1948, 19931-story front gable Colonial Revival frame church w/ weatherboard siding Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.77056-78.6378 -8753915 4269097 233586 159323 WA8078 SO None None Nash Squa 1952 2-stc See ER 20- Not individually eligible but considered contributingto the WA0724 Depot NF https://file Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 220 S Dawson St, Rale [PIN/Addr] 35.77763-78.6439 -8754597 4270068 233593 159352 WA8107 SO None None A.E. Boykii c. 19501-storyparapet roof 19th-20th c.traditional/vernacularframe building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 601 E Lenoir St, Raleif[PIN/Addr] 35.77281-78.6281 -8752841 4269406 233596 159366 WA8123 SO None None Windmill C c. 19521-story front gable commercial/ind ustria l bu iIding Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1118 S Saunders St, R[Addr] 35.76583-78.6497 -8755240 4268448 233597 159365 WA8122 SO None None Bridgers St 19551-story flat roof commercial/industrial steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1114 S Saunders St, R[Addr] 35.7659-78.6496 -8755233 4268459 233598 159371 WA8128 SO None None Tunstall-Nv1956, 19581-story front gable commercial/industrial frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1044 S Saunders St, R [PIN/Addr] 35.76676 -78.6494 -8755212 4268577 233599 159372 WA8129 SO None None B.H. Ingle i c. 19451-story flat roof commercial/industrial steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1048 S Saunders St, R [PIN/Addr] 35.76661 -78.6493 -8755204 4268556 233600 159376 WA8135 SO None None Froehlingi 19711-story flat roof Modernist brick building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 310 Hubert St, Raleigl[PIN/Addr] 35.7581-78.6504 -8755320 4267388 233601 159378 WA8137 SO None None Twin Inn F 1949 2-story parapet roof Moderne concrete block building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1130 Garner Rd, Ralei [PIN/Addr] 35.76582-78.6318 -8753250 4268447 233603 159384 WA8146 SO None None Butler Rad 19651-storyflat roof Modernist concrete block building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1455 Garner Rd, Ra lei [PIN/Addr] 35.76063 -78.6311 -8753176 4267735 233610 160273 WA8131 SO None None Men's Res 1970 9-storyflatroof Minimalist building 2018 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.77068-78.6363 -8753753 4269114 233611 160274 WA8130 SO None None Women's 11968 9-storyflatroof Minimalist building 2018 Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [Web] 35.77109-78.6359 -8753705 4269170 233613 159132 WA4563 SO None None (former)O 1953,1962, 19863-story flat roof Miscellaneous Modernist brick building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 104 Fayetteville St, Re[PIN/Addr] 35.77928-78.6397 -8754127 4270294 233614 0 WA3598 BF None None School Buildings Some buildings in/not in NRHD: consultfile map and photos Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 100 blk Smithfield St, [Sanborn] 35.77078-78.638 -8753948 4269128 233628 159315 WA8070 SO None None Departmei c. 1948 1-storyflat roof Moderneframe building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [File] 35.76998-78.638 -8753938 4269018 233629 159317 WA8072 SO None None Campus In 19531-story flat roof Miscellaneous Modernistframe building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [File] 35.77051-78.6375 -8753890 4269091 233630 159363 WA8120 SO None None C.J. Mallar 19451-story front gable commercial/industrial frame building w/ brickveneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1018 S Saunders St, R[File] 35.76817-78.649 -8755167 4268770 233631 159369 WA8126 SO None None Capital We 19521-story front gable commercial/industrial steel frame building w/ brick veneer Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 1018 S Saunders St, R[File] 35.76801-78.6491 -8755182 4268747 234084 160275 WA8139 SO None None Education c. 19691-story side gable institutional metal building Wake Raleigh Wi Raleigh H 118 E South St, Raleig [File] 35.76971-78.6375 -8753892 4268981 234120 159311 WA8066 SLHD None None Shaw University Histc See also N Approved for SL by NI 2018 2018 Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H S Wilmington & S Blot [NRAC] 35.77071-78.637 -8753828 4269117 241909 18190 WA3785 SO None NRHD Raleigh Wt 1887 1 1/2-story cros. Not included in the local landmark ofthe WA2795 E.B. Bain Water Treatment Plant Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 1810 Fayetteville St, F [File] 35.75713-78.6415 -8754334 4267255 247381 173624 WA8316 SO None None Noland Company Buil See ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 206 S West St, Raleigh [Consult] 35.77819-78.6463 -8754871 4270145 247388 173623 WA8315 SO None None Royal Typwriter Comr Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 313 W Hareett St, Ral, [Consult] 35.77824-78.6442 -8754637 4270152 247389 173621 WA8313 SO None None Service Station Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 119 S Harrington St, A [Consult] 35.77891-78.6447 -8754692 4270243 247393 173625 WA8317 SO None None Dillon Supply Compar See ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 210 S West St, Raleigh [Consult] 35.77765-78.6463 -8754871 4270070 247394 173622 WA8314 SO None None Commercial Building Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 330 W Hargett St, Ral, [Consult] 35.77865-78.6449 -8754705 4270208 247412 173620 WA8312 SO None None Cityof Raleigh Offices Ineligible 2020; ER 20-0299; WA Cc Rpt#1123; TD-5269 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 310 W Martin St, Rale [Consult] 35.77731-78.6443 -8754644 4270023 249348 WA---- DOEHD None None Depot Historic Districl See ER 20- Only includes Nash Square Fire S 2020 2020 https://file Wake Raleigh Wt Raleigh H 220 S Dawson St, Rale [Report] 35.77765-78.6441 -8754626 4270070 Appendix F / / i \ \ 4e / Tq s / 7 % r vu D / 1 / Illlllyd m❑ 1 \ I -- i II IIII� I1 I `rt \ I 1 11 IIIIIII �I' Is 1 I EMA CR SS SECTION if DROSS It a 4l \ mD ti vy \ z I T1 x o \ \ 2 \ imo D N m r I/{{/' y/t✓ I '/' / '/''''i NONao a// o F p nrllllnn -- : a A g i d i� g I ,rh(y�` <z /�lhgll 8S vim 8j�$ S m o p x T T x p n N= O o 0 0 D O Z O -n D rD Z TIMMONS GROUP ••• ••• THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. RALEIGH OFFICE -10 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, INC 11111 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 ww\v.timmons.com North Carolina License No. C-1652 DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION _ m ROCKY BRANCH CREEK (BASIN 30, STREAM 5) Pnn n p N H z o SCHOOL IMPROVMENT -RALEIGH NC n o T n a NO RISE FLOODSTUDY WORK MAP m m these plans acid associated documents are tM1n exdusive propnM1y of TIMMONS GROUP and n,ay r,ol be reproducntl in vihole orir, part ar,d sM1all not bn used forany pumose viM1alsonver, inclusive, but r,ol