HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050785 All Versions_Application_20080201 (2)y dK ? M1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 2008 Sj '"4 /JY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDo TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY January 25, 2008 <Y N. ept of Env. and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management { o D* 9 n of Water Quality 400 Commerce Avenue = iington District Office Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 9 Fashington Square Q a ington, North Carolina 27889 LWl O ?0? UJ o q Mr. Garcy Ward, DWQ NCDOT Coordinator - °? - Mr. Steven Lane, DCM NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sirs: Subject: Request for Modification 401 Water Quality Certification Permit, Tar-Pamlico Buffer Authorization, and Letter of Refinement for CAMA Major Development Permit for the proposed Washington Bypass. US 17 from South of SR 1149 (Price Road.) to US 17 North of SR 1509 (Springs Road.). TIP Number: R-251013, Federal Aid Project MAF- 75-3(26). Debit $475 for WQC Modification and $100 for CAMA Modification from WBS Element No. 34440. 1.1 Reference: USACE Action ID 199301143 DWQ Project No. 050785, WQC No. 3527 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is requesting a modification to Permit No. 199301143 to establish a temporary facility at Park Boat to load out equipment and supplies in support of bridge construction within the Tar River that will temporarily impact Tar-Pamlico buffers. Included in this package are the following: drawings showing the proposed Park Boat temporary load out operation, Lease Agreement with Park Boats, Riparian Rights Landowner Agreement with Phyllis Hendrickson, and property owner certified mail delivery receipts. The revised design does not compromise NCDOT's compliance with the existing permit conditions. The revision has been evaluated for compliance with the avoidance/minimization criteria and is in compliance with all previous issues, including the following: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 • Protected Species • Aquatic Life passage • FEMA compliance • Cultural Resources Summary of Changes The following permit modification addresses temporary impacts to Tar-Pamlico buffers associated with establishing a temporary load out facility at Park Boat on US Highway 17. Temporary impacts to Tar-Pamlico buffers will consist of 1,275 square feet in Zone 1 and 975 square feet in Zone 2. General Proiect Description The NCDOT proposes to improve existing US 17 to a high speed, multi-lane highway that bypasses the City of Washington. R-251 0B will include the relocation or widening of approximately 6.8 miles of US 17, starting within Beaufort County, from south of Price Road (SR 1149) south of Chocowinity, and ending north of Springs Road (SR 1509) north of Washington. The proposed roadway will be a four-lane, divided highway, with grass shoulders and ditches, and a 46-foot wide grassed median. The median will be reduced to a 10-foot median divided by a barrier on the 2.89 mile four-lane freeway bridge that will span the Tar River and the frequently inundated forested wetlands adjacent to the Tar River. The project is located in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin with a Hydrologic Unit Code of 03020104. Summary of Impacts to Waters of the U.S. Proposed impacts to jurisdictional areas of R-2510B consist of 7.92 acres of wetlands, 0.39 acre of surface waters, and 2,426 linear feet of stream channels. Wetland impacts consist of 6.04 acres of riverine wetlands and 1.88 acres of non-riverine wetlands. PERMITTING ACTIVITY TO DATE Clean Water Act Section 404 Individual Permit The project received a Clean Water Act Section 404 Individual Permit (USACE Action ID # 199301143) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wilmington District on November 28, 2005. The original Individual Permit application was dated May 3, 2005 and a Revised Individual Section 404 Permit Application was submitted on August 5, 2005. This permit authorized construction for Section R-2510A, and stipulated that construction on R-2510B should not begin until final design had been completed and plans had been approved by the District Engineer. A permit modification for revised impacts based on detailed design for R-251013 was submitted on November 13, 2006. On January 17, 2007 the USACE issued a permit modification. A second permit modification was submitted on June 4, 2007, to cover minor changes observed during final design. A third permit modification was submitted on July 2, 2007 for additional wetland clearing at Site 6 associated with the temporary use of Shugart Swamp Mats and slightly wider clearance limits for the southern portion of the main bridge. On August 7, 2007, the USACE issued a permit modification for both the June 4 and July 2, 2007 requests. 2 Section 401 Water Ouality Certification The project received a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (DWQ Project No. 050785, WQC No. 3527) from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) on September 6, 2005. The original application for an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification is dated May 3, 2005 and an Application Re-submittal is dated August 5, 2005. A permit modification for revised impacts based on detailed design for R-2510B was submitted on November 13, 2006. On February 13, 2007 the NCDWQ issued a modification of Certification 3527. A second permit modification was submitted on June 4, 2007, to cover minor changes observed during final design. A third permit modification was submitted on July 2, 2007 for additional wetland clearing at Site 6 associated with the temporary use of Shugart Swamp Mats and slightly wider clearance limits for the southern portion of the main bridge. A modification of Certification No. 3527 with additional permit conditions was issued by DWQ on August 2, 2007. Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Development Permit A Consistency Certification was issued by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management (DCM) on October 31, 2005. The proposed R-2510B section impacts the Public Trust Area and Public Trust Shoreline CAMA AECs where it crosses the Tar River. A CAMA Major Development Permit Application was submitted to DCM on November 13, 2006. A permit was issued by DCM on March 6, 2007. The DCM issued a Letter of Refinement on August 6, 2007 for requested modifications associated with Permit Modification 2 and 3 described above. JURISDICTIONAL IMPACTS The attached permit modification package includes drawings depicting jurisdictional impacts for R-25IOB at the Park Boat load out facility. The NCDOT is proposing establishing a temporary load out facility at the existing Park Boat property on the south side of the Tar River at US 17. The facility will be used to load out personnel, equipment and supplies to support the Tar River Bridge marine construction operation. This operation is required to maintain the construction schedule of the bridge. Initially, 25 barges will be deployed and connected together to form a platform/raft to support two cranes. Each barge is nominally l Oft x 40ft by 7ft deep, barges are connected with pins to form different configurations. With the crane(s) the barges will displace a maximum of 3.0 feet of water. The initial configuration will support two cranes. Each crane will float on a 60' x 80' barge. The outermost crane barge will be transported up river to the site of the bridge construction for use in placing piles. This barge will be located at the Park Boat facility during mobilization and demobilization. Each of these activities will be three weeks in duration. After the initial three week period this barge will not be present at the Park Boat location. The second set of 13 barges will remain at the Park Boat facility to serve as load out platform for materials, as well as a docking facility for construction crew boats. 3 In addition to these facilities six Shugart barges will be placed across the Riparian Buffer to act as a access ramp from the upland area to the load out platform. These barges will minimize impacts to the buffers and will be removed at the conclusion of construction. As required by construction, material barges will return to the temporary launch facility. It is anticipated that these barges will remain at the launch facility for a day or less and this activity will occur three to four days a week. These barges will be approximately 100' in length and 40' wide. They will be configured so that they do not block the existing channel of Paradise Creek. It is anticipated that the facility will be constructed upon receiving permits - Spring 2008 - and will remain in place until the summer of 2009 (approximately 18 months). Once bridge construction over the Tar River is complete the facility will be removed. Wetlands There are no impacts to wetlands associated with the load out facility. Streams There are no impacts to stream associated with the load out facility. Riparian Buffers There will be temporary impacts to Tar-Pamlico riparian buffer associated with the Park Boat facility from the placement of Shugart barges that will form an access ramp. Temporary impacts at the Park Boat facility will consist of 1,275 square feet in Zone 1 and 975 square feet in Zone 2. AVOIDANCE, MINIMIZATION, AND MITIGATION Temporary impacts to the Tar-Pamlico buffer at the temporary load out facility have been minimized by restricting improvements to the width necessary to access the barge platform. Upon completion of the load out operation, any improvements (i.e. gravel, ABS stone, wood mats) will be removed from the buffer and the area revegetated. REGULATORY APPROVALS The NCDOT respectfully requests that the referenced Section 404 Permit be modified to reflect the changes in jurisdictional impacts as outlined in this letter and presented in the attached drawings. The NCDOT is also requesting a modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification and Tar-Pamlico Buffer Authorization from the NCDWQ. Finally, NCDOT is requesting a letter of revision from the Division of Coastal Management to the CAMA Major Development Permit. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) of the NCAC, we have provided a method of debiting $475 and $100, as noted in the subject line of this application, as payment for processing the Section 401 permit modification application and the CAMA letter of revision respectively. We are providing seven copies of this modification application to the NCDWQ for their review. 4 A If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Mr. Jay Johnson at (252) 695-2044. Sincerely, Jay so , Division Environmental Officer Cc: W/attachment Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ (5 Copies) Mr. Travis Wilson, NCWRC Ms. Kathy Matthews, USEPA Mr. Ronald Mikulak, USEPA - Atlanta, GA Mr. Clarence W. Coleman, P.E., FHWA Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Mr. Ron Sechler, NMFS Mr. Michael Street, NCDMF Mr. Steve Sollod, NCDCM Dr. David Chang, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Greg Perfetti, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. C. E. Lassiter, P.E. Mr. Chris Underwood, PDEA Mr. William Wescott, USACE, Washington W/o attachment Mr. Scott McLendon, USACE, Wilmington (Cover Letter Only) Mr. Jay Bennett, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Majed Alghandour, P. E., Programming and TIP Mr. Art McMillan, P.E., Highway Design Ms. Beth Harmon, EEP Mr. Todd Jones, NCDOT External Audit Branch Ms. Stacy Baldwin, P.E., PDEA Mr. Carl Goode, PE, Human Environment Unit Head 5 NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT COUNTY THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of ?yt u , 2008, by and between the SNIITHWICK ENTERPRISES, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "SMITHWICK", and the FLATIRON/UNITED, a Joint Venture, hereinafter referred to as "FLATIRON". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, SMITHWICK is the owner of all that certain real property described in the attached Exhibit "A", hereinafter referred to as "the property", which is located in Chocowinity Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, SMITHWICK desires to lease to FLATIRON, and FLATIRON desires to accept as tenant, that certain property described in the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to set forth their Agreement in writing, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to them moving, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, SMITHWICK does hereby let and lease unto FLATIRON, and FLATIRON does hereby accept as tenant, the property described in the attached Exhibit "A", on the following terms and conditions: 1. PURPOSE: Both parties hereby acknowledge that the purpose of the Lease is to provide FLATIRON with access from US Highway 17 to the waters of Paradise Creek and the Tar River, for the purpose of loading and off-loading supplies, materials, and personnel in connection with FLATIRON'S construction of a bridge spanning the Tar River as part of the US Highway 17 Washington Bypass Department of Transportation project. 2. TERM: The term of this lease shall be for Fourteen (14) months, 1/' beginning on the 1St day of February, 2008, and ending March 28, 2009. FLATIRON shall have the right to hold over for an additional three (3) months, until ?ur?C May 3 D, 2009, upon payment of the monthly installment in paragraph 3 below. FLATIRON shall notify SMITHWICK of its intention to hold over on or before January 1, 2009. 3. CONSIDERATION: FLATIRON shall pay unto SMITHWICK the sum of Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars ($66,000.00), together with the other considerations contained in paragraph 4 below. Said Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars ($66,000.00) shall be payable in monthly installments of Four Thousand, Seven Hundred Fourteen Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ($4,714.28) each, beginning on Feb+Ma?y &=u&y 1, 2008, and continuing on the 1St day of each month until this Lease is terminated. In the event FLATIRON fails to make such monthly payments on or before the 100' day of each month, there shall automatically be assessed a four percent (4%) late fee in the amount of One Hundred Eighty-Eight Dollars and Fifty-Six Cents 1($188.56). 4. OTHER CONSIDERATION. FLATIRON shall, prior to any land disturbing activities being conducted upon the Lease premises, acquire all necessary permits for all local, state, and federal agencies to construct its proposed improvements to accomplish its purposes listed in paragraph 1 above. FLATIRON shall install such silt fences, swales, berms, or other improvements as are necessary for its proposed use and in order to fully comply with all environmental regulations for the property. a. Prior to the submission of plans for such permits, FLATIRON shall provide SMITHWICK with complete plans and specifications for any improvements it intends to make upon the premises, and SMITHWICK shall.approve said plans in writing prior to any construction being commenced. b. FLATIRON shall design and construct an entrance road upon the property, at a place to be designated by SNUTHWICK. Said road shall be approximately twenty-five (25) feet wide and Two Hundred (200) feet long, at a grade of one and one-half (1 1/2) feet above the existing grade of the property. All fill, construction material, and labor is to be provided by FLATIRON, and construction of the road must be adequate to handle all types of vehicular traffic necessary to accomplish the purposes listed in paragraph 1 above. Upon the conclusion of the Lease, and the removal of all vehicles and other equipment from the property, FLATIRON shall cause said roadway to be re-graded as necessary to leave it in the condition necessary to be fine graded and paved. c. FLATIRON agrees to provide approximately three thousand (3,000) cubic yards of select file to cover an area approximately One Hundred (100) feet by Two Hundred (200) feet, at a height of four (4) feet. The area shall be designated on the map attached hereto and approved by SMITHWICK prior to commencement of installing said fill. d. In the event that FLATIRON fails to provide any or all of the items provided in numbers a, b, and c above, as specified, then FLATIRON agrees to compensate SNIITHWICK in the amount of Thirty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($39,500.00), which shall consist of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) as the value of paragraph a, Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) as the value of paragraph b, and Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) as the value of paragraph c. In order to secure the well and true performance of items a, b and c above, or the alternative payment of Thirty-nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($39,500.00), FLATIRON agrees to procure and provide a performance bond, a letter of credit, or other security approved by the Attorney for SNIITHWICK in the amount of Thirty- nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($39,500.00), prior to commencement to any construction upon the property. 5. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT: The terms and obligations of this Lease shall not arise until a valid CAMA permit is issued for all activities contemplated herein. The issuance of the CAMA permit must be completed on or before March 31, 2008, otherwise SMITHWICK or FLATIRON have the option to terminate this lease agreement. 6. INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR SMHHWICK: FLATIRON recognizes the need for SMITHWICK to have continued access in and out of Paradise Creek, on property located immediately west of the Leased property, and in and out of Paradise Creek to the Tar River. FLATIRON agrees to not unreasonably block access to boat traffic in Paradise Creek, and to notify SN ITHWICK of anticipated blockage. FLATIRON shall, at the request of SMITHWICK, remove any and all equipment it has placed in the entrance to or along the shoreline of Paradise Creek, for a period of time not to exceed two weeks, in order that maintenance dredging may be performed in and to the length of Paradise Creek, and into the Tar River as required. SMITHWICK agrees to notify FLATIRON in advance and have such maintenance dredging performed as quickly and expeditiously as possible in order to limit any intrusion upon FLATIRON'S ability to access its project area in the Tar River. 7. INSURANCE: FLATIRON agrees to carry general liability insurance coverage in an amount not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), insuring FLATIRON from any and all perils of general liability for its activities upon subject property. SMITHWICK shall be added as an additional insured upon such general liability insurance policy, and a certificate of insurance coverage reflecting the same shall be provided to SMITHWICK prior to the commencement of any activities upon subject property. Further, FLATIRON agrees to carry such property, workman's compensation, and extended coverage insurance upon its property and personnel as FLATIRON deems necessary in the normal course of its business, and to hold SMITHWICK harmless from any claims or demands from any person or entity from any damage to persons or property located upon the leased premises. 8. MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES: FLATIRON shall maintain the premises in as orderly and neat appearance as is possible for an industrial water access site as contemplated by the purposes contained in paragraph i above. 9. UTILITIES: FLATIRON shall be responsible for the installation and of any and all utilities required to accomplish the purposes contained in 1 above. 10. TAXES: SMITHWICK shall be responsible for and shall pay all Beaufort County ad valorem property taxes. 11. DEFAULT. FLATIRON shall be deemed to be in default hereunder I upon the happening of any of the following events: a. The dissolution of or filing of a Petition in Bankruptcy by FLATIRON, whether voluntary or involuntary. b. The giving of an Assignment for the Benefit of creditors by FLATIRON. C. Failure to pay any monthly lease payment within thirty (30) days of its due date. If FLATIRON shall be more than thirty (30) days overdue with any lease payment, SMITHWICK shall notify FLATIRON of their default by registered mail. FLATIRON shall have ten (10) days from receipt of said registered mail to cure said default, and if not paid within ten (10) days, FLATIRON shall be in default hereunder. d. The failure to well and truly perform any and all terms contained herein. Upon the occurrence of event of default as defined above, this lease shall terminate and FLATIRON'S occupancy of said premises shall be voided, and SMITHWICK shall be allowed to immediately re-enter and re-take occupancy of said premises. From and thereafter FLATIRON shall have no further right to occupancy or any rights contained in this Lease Agreement, and shall have no further 1:61 ghts in any improvements, fixtures or other herediments located thereon. Default by FLATIRON will not relieve FLATIRON from the responsibility to pay any I remaining monthly installments due to SMITHWICK for work not completed and secured by paragraph 4 (d) above. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, SMITHWICK has caused this instrument to be executed by its operating manager, all by proper authority duly given, and FLATIRON/UNITED has caused this instrument to be executed by its project manager, who appears before the undersigned Notary and swears under oath that this Lease shall be a binding and enforceable obligation of Flatlron/United, a Joint Venture, and that he possess and has been granted by said Joint Venture proper authority to enter into and bind said Joint Venture to the terms of this Lease. SMITHWICK ENTERPRISES, LLC, a North Carolina limited liaTR- TERRYL BY. 4?j ?.1 D. SMITHWICK, Operating Manager FLATIRON/UNITED, a Joint Venture BY: / MAP* MALLE T, Project Manager NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT COUNTY I, L eSlIN 3.1D C 6\P-' , a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that TERRYL D. SMITHWICK, who is personally known by me or has produced satisfactory evidence of their identity, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Operating Manager of SMITHWICK ENTERPRISES, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, and that by authority duly given acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. _ Witness my hand and official seal, this the &Ltf'&y of J , 2008. +o ?' ?`?9?eerrrrrr,® NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: I (-t 'ol-0I ) NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT COUNTY ?c: ar :o•®• s?I ? s••• ` ••° Qtl ss 0G ' ••......• Aly, I, 4'%tf-v Z • L abi a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that MARK MALLETT, who is personally known by me or has produced satisfactory evidence of their identity, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Project Manager for FLATIRONIUNITED, a Joint Venture, and that by authority duly given acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the aft'lay of J tat 2008. LY? 8 . L JCL J NOTARY P LIC My Commission Expires:. / I - ( c? t R`%%%$I1Irlrrrr* o° LE,St ° a M sar`?/(/?r Nni EXIIIBIT A BEING all of Lot No. A, containing 1.52 acres, more or less, as shown on a recorded plat entitled "Survey for Smithwick Enterprises", said plat being prepared by Waters Surveying, Inc., and said plat being recorded in Plat Cabinet H, Slide 3-9 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort County, North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for amore complete description. 04/ FLATIRON/UNITED A JOINT VENTURE RECEIVED January 15, 2008 JAN 17 2008 ._A rIRON UNITED Phyllis R. Hendrickson 108 Fairway Drive Washington, NC 27889 252-946-1139 FLATIRON/UNITED a joint venture 100901-25 frontage road, Longmont, Colorado 80504 PO Box 2239, Longmont, Colorado 0115112-2239 Telephone 303-485-4050 / Fax 303-776.0072 Knightdale Office Telephone 919-217-%70 RO 03103 Subject: Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Acknowledgement for Temporary Dock at Park Boat Re: Washington Bypass - US 17, Beaufort County, R-251 0B NCDOT Contract No. C201560 Dear Ms. Hendrickson, I want to thank you for meeting with me at the Park Boat property today allowing me to describe our plan. As you know Flatiron/United is presently constructing the Washington Bypass-US 17 project. As part of the project we must use available riverfront properties as access points to move workers, equipment, and materials to the portion of the bridge that is to be constructed over the Tar River. One of the properties that we have chosen for this use is the Park Boat Company property owned by Smithwick Enterprises on US 17 adjacent to a parcel of property that you own. We are presently applying for a permit to place a temporary dock at this property formally described as : Smithwick Enterprise Property (Park Boat Company) 980 US Highway 17 Washington, NC Beaufort County The floating dock will be made up of sectional barges and would be in place for approximately 12-14 months. The dock encroaches on the riparian area that affronts your property to the north described in Deed Book 942 Page 0385. The plan and aerial photo showing the dock is attached for your use. We are seeking a permit modification and as part of the permit requirements nearby and adjacent property owners are to be notified of any proposed change in the use of waterfront property. The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management requires that we obtain a certification via your signature that you are the adjacent property owner and have been made aware of our plans for the Park Boat property. Your signature also confirms that you have no objection to the proposed use of the riparian property as shown on the drawings attached. You also acknowledge that you are waiving your rights to this riparian area including a 15' setback for the duration of its use. To address your concerns about our operation and its possible impact to your property we are bound by the NCDOT and all State, Federal and in particular environmental agencies to protect the wetland areas and as such Flatiron/United will be liable for any potential damage or impact to your property as a result of our AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / FLATIRON /UNITED FLATIRON/[JNITED ajoint venture _ 100901.25 frontage road, Longmont, Colorado 011504 I N^ 34th ,^ PO Box 2239, Longmont, Colorado 011502.2239 Telephone 303.405-4050 / Fax 303.776.0072 Knightdale Office Telephone 919-217.9670 operations during the use of the Park Boat Property. To mitigate the potential for storm damage and its impact to your property we will have a tug and crew to maintain and monitor the floating equipment during its use. I hope that I have sufficiently addressed your concerns and ask that you signify that you do not object to our plan to use the riparian area adjacent to the Park Boat property so that we can move forward in our effort to complete this important project. Again thank you for your cooperation. Flatiron/Unite Representa 've AZ nnRipp?a// rian Property Owner Ted Kirk Phyllis R. Hendrickson Regional Manager Date: Date: FLATIRON / UNITED A JV DISTRIBUTION BN RaB BM RiB CS SE CB a DM EL GC F7 JB R JH ic F7 JS JM KO'N a KS MaG a a MiG MM. PN PL a DC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER •:'. •.• • • • SITE r 32 IIUT a ? 1 ? ! . °° , BEAIFMT CIMMY r , -; i PARK AT + o PROJ T ?= -= VICLNITY MAP Nn Nmow.OR TRAI?fORTATION pVISt10N Or NKMA" BUFFER m"u"w courm IMPACTS '?'' a „* us n mm sou" WRKM W AM US 0 TO NORTH USER, kw.N Vhw DATE, 111512008 TIME, 9,05,42 AM CGN, R,WarkBWf\wlk_b"a dye. gn C 1 rl a? REVISIONS O / O p /I I I I I ? 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I n o m I FTI 1 rn I n \ : I 1 1 ?rn I rn ? I a Z ? rn I I pg? \ 1 \ C N. . k i' ?/ FLATIRON/UNI,TED A JOINT VENTURE January 14, 2008 City of Washington 2nd Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 Subject: Notification to Landowners under DCM jurisdiction Re: Washington Bypass - US 17, Beaufort County, R-251 0B NCDOT Contract No. C201560 To Whom It May Concern, Flatiron United is currently constructing the US17 Washington Bypass Highway & Bridge Project, (NCDOT project No. 2510-13). Construction of this project requires some in water work to construct the Tar River Bridge. We intend to loadout equipment and supplies to support this operation from the loadout facility shown on the attached drawing. In order to acquire the applicable permit for this facility, it is necessary to notify landowners upstream of the proposed loadout area. Please review the attached drawing and if you have any permit related objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC, 28557 or call Stephen Lane at (252)-808-2808 -within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection. If you have any questions with respect to the work we are planning please feel free to contact myself at 252- 946-9112 x-228. Very Truly Yours, A z i7 O z? Mark Mallett H ° Project Manager w 0000000000000000000 a in J A '0000000,N00000M0 rza m U U g W 0U = ti O L z i a as Cc Chad Kimes, PE - NCDOT Resident Engineer Stephen Lane - Field Representative Division of Coastal Management FLATIRON/UNITED a joint venture 2895 US17 South Chocowinity, NC 27817 Phone: 252-946-9112 Fax: 252-946-9522 S001990 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNm EMPLOYER ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the cans to you. ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: C ITy OF WtvSH IN LThO 2!Np MULT V061AIN(,TO0 1 NCB A. ature O Agent ? dresses ived by (Printed Name) C. Dat of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item, I NYes o if YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type "Certified Mail ? Express Mail Registered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? insured Mail ? C.O.D. Rests a rvct D led ery? (Extra Fee) [3 Yes 4. 2. Article Number Mfinsfer from service PS Form 3811, February 2004 7007 2560 0000 0323 0018 1o2595-o2-M-1546 Domestic Return Receipt CO - Ir r - C3 C3 For delivery information visit our website ' m Y ru - M 0 Postage $ s r_ , . }: ; ? (,1 I O Certified Fee fr/ r 3 C-3 Return Receipt Fee E d ??lt 1a 7? 0 ( n orsement Required) t C3 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) l ..Gl Ln ru Total Postage & Fees - - r`- Sent To o C aF s}jINTO?J N Street, Apt No.; -? 04 D - G $-? or PO Box No. 2 T F F?C..T 1 ---------------------------------------------------- C ty State, ZIP+4 w sHo4((Tbt l NC 2-7669 PS Form 380G. August 2006 ---------------- See Reverse for Instructions t Revisions: REVISIONS USER, key/,MbVt, OAiE, 111512" FIME, W5,07 AV CUN, R,Wark&vr,k A_W_j,,Wr Q, N a O / ZI ?I ?I I I ?I ?I ?I I I I I I I I ..............II1 i i I o a I I a `O I I I ? a / / ?? L F A r u n - I Z I / I mgr ti? ? I ? W x I y e Z rn . a i g r ? a .s O OI O 0 O 0 o 2 8' n 2 I m y --I r 1? ? I 1 I I I ?R' I n I I /? r I n 1 0 I 7z I I J m 2 rri 0 T I m I N ? o o Z ? ? I ?o 7Li-w V 0 y 12? rn?? goo o? -< SI O? pI N O O Lri C) I W? Z 0 L" 0 I ? I O ? i b 'Ell \ m m 0 0 J D 3> Q .;u \ ? 3 n D = rn cn ? k zoO N im2 m I N I .-. 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