HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220819 Ver 2_2023.03.09 Joshua Creek BPDP Response to 1st Submittal Comments_20230309Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20220819 Version* 2 Select Reviewer: * Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 03/15/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 3/9/2023 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * Type of Mitigation Project: * Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name: * Michael Beinenson Project Information ID#:* 20220819 Existing ID# Project Type: DMS Mitigation Bank Yes No Email Address: * mitigation@ecoterra.com Version:* 2 Project Name: Joshua Creek Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site County: Lenoir Document Information Mitigation Document Type: * Mitigation Information File Upload: Signature Print Name:* Signature: * Existing Version 2023.03.09 Joshua Creek BPDP Response to lst 512.95KB Submittal Comments.pdf Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Cameron Jernigan 6 `�llor t iv C et4* '?Q4r �� MCADAMS March 9, 2023 Katie Merritt NCDEQ, DWR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22002.00 RE: Joshua Creek BPDP Joshua Creek Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site NCDWR Project #2022-0819v2 Response to Review Comments The following are the response comments for the above -mentioned project. Our response comments are in bold. NCDWR Reviewer: Katie Merritt Comment Page # Label Review Comments and Response 1 2 this is more than a "Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site", it is also a Nutrient Offset site. rename title accordingly. Title and other references have been updated to "Joshua Creek Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site" throughout the BPDP. 2 2 this should be called "Bank parcel development Package" Text has been revised to say Bank Parcel Development Package here and throughout. 3 2 use project ID# 2022-0819v2 Project ID has been revised. 4 4 these photos are not timestamped to show this date. edit accordingly. The date the photos were collected have been added to Appendix A. 5 5 rename project title as previously commented. Completed. 6 5 this document is a "Bank Parcel Development Package" as referenced in the MBI. Change mitigation plan to BPDP here and throughout the Plan. Mitigation Plan has been changed to BPDP here and throughout. 7 5 Bank Sponsor name needs to include the company name as seen on the Secretary of State Website, which includes the "LLC". Edit accordingly. Text has been revised to include LLC. 8 5 change Mitigation Plan to BPDP Completed. 9 5 add "proposed" MBI since it hasn't been approved yet creating experiences through experience 621 Hillsborough Street, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27603 / 919. 361. 5000 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 Completed. Since you are citing the credit potential in Section 1, you need to add the following language: "The final project area will be delineated and depicted in the As -Built Survey and submitted 10 5 with the As -Built Survey. Therefore, credit totals may change slightly depending on the As - Built survey." The sentence has been included along with the proposed credit potential in the project introduction. 11 5 Parcel "Joshua Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site" has been replaced with "Parcel". when describing nutrient offset, we do not (and are not allowed) to use "mitigation". The term "mitigation" for this Parcel can only be used when describing the buffer mitigation 12 5 credit areas/credits. Check through the plan and make sure this is edited accordingly. I recommend switching the phrase to say "riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset" or "nutrient offset and riparian buffer mitigation Noted. Wording has been revised throughout. 13 5 mitigation Text has been added to "riparian buffer" as well as removed from "nutrient offset". when describing the site, make sure to include all the project features (streams, ephemeral 14 5 channels and ditches) as applicable. just saying "streams" is inaccurate. Text has been added and revised within the introduction and throughout the BPDP to clarify the project features. Joshua Creek and F3 are referred to as stream features. F1 is now referred to as an unmapped feature acting as an intermittent stream not subject to buffer regulations (as described in the determination letter). Also non -jurisdictional is used to describe F1. F2 is described as an ephemeral channel that is unmapped, non - jurisdictional, or not subject. The ditches are described similarly, with additional clarification that they are not viable for credit or used in credit calculations. 15 5 a minimum width of 50' from tops of banks and extend out Text was added. it is important to introduce the applicable rules for which this BPDP is being submitted. Need to reference 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (for buffer mitigation) and 15A NCAC 02B .0703 (for 16 5 nutrient offset). It is also necessary to state somewhere in this section that riparian restoration for generating nutrient offsets will be done in accordance with the MBI since Rule 0703 doesn't specifically speak to riparian restoration for generating nutrient offsets. Reference to the rules has been added. it says that bank erosion will be stabilized as part of the "buffer restoration". Change "buffer" to "riparian" to be all inclusive of buffer and nutrient offset areas. Details regarding 17 5 what kind of "bank stabilization" will be performed needs to be added in detail to section 4.1. Therefore, add a reference to 4.1 here knowing that those details need to be added to the final draft. Stabilization will include minor grading, erosion control matting, seeding and/or live stakes planted as necessary. Description added to section 4.1. General Note: When describing the restoration areas, make sure to include "and adjacent 18 5 riparian areas" . In some sections, it only says the riparian restoration of "riparian buffers". However, "Riparian Buffer" is defined in rules as having a "Zone 1" and a "Zone 2" and only creating experiences through experience 2 of 8 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 being the area adjacent to streams depicted on certain maps. Not all of your streams on this Parcel were deemed "Subject to the Buffer rules", therefore using the term "Riparian Buffer" is not accurate for describing those areas. Errors can simply be avoided by just saying "riparian buffers and adjacent riparian areas". I have corrected this in the Plan in some areas, but i did not correct it in all sections. Noted. Text has been revised throughout. photo dates were quite a while ago. indicate any changes, if any, that have occurred on the 19 6 Parcel since the photos were taken. this includes any landuses or conditions that were not seen on the date the viability assessment was conducted by DWR. Clarification has been added. No change in land use nor conditions have been observed. 20 6 there is only 1 stream feature, the rest are ditches and 1 is an ephemeral. edit accordingly. Descriptions of the project features have been revised. 21 7 update name Completed. 22 7 make sure "RBC" and "NOC" are defined below the table or somewhere in the Document if using this acronym. RBC and NOC have been defined below the table. 23 7 March 2023 may not be feasible. i recommend changing to "late March or early April" Planting date has been changed to April 2023. 24 8 DWR did not assess D1 or D3, only D2 and D4. clarify this in this section. This has been revised in the table and paragraph above. 25 12 areas "riparian buffer" has been replaced with "riparian areas" 26 13 what is the plan if soil tests show deficiencies? The reference to soil testing has been removed. There is no plan to conduct soil fertility testing. However, any soil deficiencies made apparent after the first growing period and consequent monitoring periods may be addressed using appropriate soil amendments. See section 5.3 for this updated language. Non -diffused flow is an issue on this Parcel with Ditch 2 and Ditch 4. But restoring diffused flow in not addressed in this Plan, which is required in rule. How is EcoTerra addressing non - 27 13 diffused flow through the newly restored riparian areas with Ditch 2 and Ditch 4 bisecting the area? Non -diffused flow cannot be attained. Text has been revised throughout (included section 7.1 Credit Potential, and 4.0 mitigation work plan) to include this assertion and credits have been reduced per the Buffer Interpretation/Clarification Memo. Figures 7, 8, and 9 have been revised to show the deducted areas. please explain what is meant by "mechanically controlled" and what is meant by "chemically 28 13 controlled". Make sure to indicate that you will be using aquatic safe herbicides by a licensed applicator This sentence has been revised to include examples of mechanical and chemical means. "Aquatic -safe" has been added to the first sentence of the paragraph. 29 13 change buffer to riparian Completed creating experiences through experience 3 of 8 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 need to add language to this section commiting to transferring the easement to a long term 30 13 steward before year 4 (see MBI language). I forgot to add this comment on the Britt and hales BPDP, please address on that plan as well. Completed. Also completed for Britt & Hales. explain the minimum and maximum widths for the riparian restoration. i need to know that 31 14 Ecoterra is meeting the minimum widths for buffer mitigation at 1:1 (which is 30') and for nutrient offset at 1:1. (which is 50') Text has been included in section 4.0. 32 14 details of "minor bank stabilization" needed. I need to make sure there are no unauthorized activities in the buffer or stream from what you are planning to do to accomplish this Details have been provided in section 4.1. on many as -built site walks in the past, ive witnessed where the tops of ditch/stream banks are void of planted stems (anywhere from 5-25' landward void of stems). Please make sure 33 14 this plan addresses this to make sure Ecoterra oversees the planting efforts of planting crews and commits to adequate stem placement to include tops of banks. otherwise, if at the Asbuilt walk this area is void of stems, there will be a required supplemental plant before credit releases. Text was added to address this comment the expectation, is that EcoTerra will make sure the stems are well mixed in the bags BEFORE they are planted by the crews. The way this is worded doesn't meet that expectation. 34 14 reword the sentence to acknowledge this expectation Commit to ensuring that stem species will be well mixed before planting to ensure diversity of bare roots across the planted area. Text was added to address this comment 35 14 and the MBI Text has been added 36 14 Cross -out: "trees" Text was deleted 37 14 stems Text has been added If 19 species of trees are shown in the table, DWR expects 19 species to be planted (or you can show "suitable substitutions"). If anticipating to plant less than 16 species, you need to at least indicate the minimum # of species Ecoterra will plant. Ecoterra indicated only a minimum of 4 species... if that is true, DWR cannot confirm the "approximate percentage" column would comply with the performance standard of "no one tree species will be greater than 50%" as noted on Rule 0295 (n)(2). Additionally, with the minimum proposal of 4, 38 14 Ecoterra is at risk for not meeting the performance standard for stem diversity if less than 4 species end up in plots or fail to thrive/survive. The standard in rule is 4, but hopefully EcoTerra is intending to plant more based on the comment above. However, at this time, the column on '% of total planted trees", which is required to include in this plan, is not accurate unless EcoTerra truly plants 19 species (all adding up to be 100%). Adjust the table accordingly I understand that changes to planting plans can happen. If any changes are needed to the planting list before planting, EcoTerra will need to submit a request to DWR for approval of that modified planting list if not listed as an approved tree/shrub in table 8. creating experiences through experience 4 of 8 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 DWR will accept a FEW substitutions if EcoTerra wants to include those few potential substitutions in a Table 8b... but you must include the %those subs are intended to be utilized in the case you need those substitutions. Table 8 has been updated. Text has been revised to delete the statement regarding the minimum of 4 species. Eco Terra intends to plant the 10 species provided in Table 8. The species percentages have been updated and ensure that no one tree species will be greater than 50%. a general note: EcoTerra should take measures to ensure that plots are diverse (have 4 species represented as much as possible) and where a species does not represent more than 50% of the plot. All plots need to be representative of the planted diversity and density 39 15 surrounding the plot and will be evaluated by DWR during the onsite AsBuilt Walkthru to ensure these criteria are met. All DWR comments provided on planting plan & monitoring are being provided under the following Rule reference 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n)(2-4). Text has been added to section 5.2 to reiterate general note provided. 40 15 update this section accordingly to allow the performance standard to include trees and shrubs. similar comments were made on the Britt and Hales BPDP. Preference is to use the performance standard applicable to trees only. No update needed. 41 16 the MBI Replaced text with "the MBI" 42 16 riparian changed "buffer" to "riparian" we reference the MBi because it's the only place we identify performance standards 43 16 acceptable for nutrient offset credit generation areas. if this was just a buffer mitigation credit site, it would be completely okay to just reference rule 0295. Noted. the 2% is taken from the Total Planted Area, the total planted area is represented in Table 44 16 10 as the "Total Area" and shown to be 1,343,942 square feet, which is approximately 30 acres. How did 26 plots get calculated? A description of the calculation has been added to the text 45 16 and the corresponding MBI Text has been added 46 16 buffer mitigation "Consolidated Buffer Rule" replaced with "buffer mitigation Rule" it is expected that in order to meet the performance standards, and to be able to determine if the Health of stems is sufficient (0295)(2)(E), the data that needs to be committed to being 47 16 collected are: species, height, planting date (or volunteer) and Vigor. add clarity to this paragraph on what data, both qualitative and quantitative" will be collected for the vegetation. Text has been added to address this comment add language to this section committing to marking these boundaries prior to the Task 2 48 17 milestone and DWR site walk. the credit release schedule for task 2 requires a site visit, so in order to make sure task 2 is fully completed, the boundaries need to be marked. Text has been added to address this comment creating experiences through experience 5 of 8 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 to comply with the MBI, the monitoring bond must be 100% of the estimated cost, but no 49 17 less than $100,000. Edit the text accordingly. Does EcoTerra anticipate more than $100,000? Text has been updated. Eco Terra does no anticipate more than $100,000. 50 18 reiterate that the total credit generation for RBC and NOC will depend on the final survey.... Text has been added to the end of the 2nd paragraph to address this comment there is only 1 stream feature. make sure to use correct terms for features as identified in 51 18 the site viability letter. These descriptions have been revised 52 18 Cross -out: within 200 linear feet landward of the completed 53 18 Insert: "from" Completed 54 18 landward out to 200' Text has been revised 55 18 Cross -out: "buffer" Completed 56 18 Cross -out: "buffer" Completed add any non -diffused flow deductions required for two ditches, unless able to diffuse flows. 57 18 if diffusing flows, make sure to describe your methods in section 4.0 Descriptions of the credit deductions have been added to section 7.1 but also included in 4.0 need to explain how the ephemeral channel has a cap of 25% and describe if you are within 58 18 that 25% or not. need to explain how the preservation credits have a 25% cap and explain how are you wihtin that cap or not. I forgot to mention this Preservation cap requirement in the Britt & Hales, so please do that in section 7 as well. Text has been revised to address this comment 59 18 refer to table 10 as the "Project Credit Table". text has been revised 60 19 consolidate Joshua Creek and F3 for 0-100' and 101-200'; Table has been revised need to show any deductions associated with non -diffused flows. see memo referenced in 61 19 MBI if you need to. table has been revised to show deducted area "Approximate" plot locations are approved by DWR via this Plan approval. while the figure labels them "approximate", please know, that Plot placement, while random, still has to be 62 29 approved by DWR. Where ever the plots are shown to be placed in this Plan, they are required to be placed on the ground and will be confirmed during the AsBuilt site walk for Task 2 at the best of DWR staff ability. Noted. "Approximate" has been removed from the legend label. Eco Terra is proposing the plot locations as shown in the map for DWR review. 63 30 show non -diffused flow and any deductions necessary or other method for approval. creating experiences through experience 6 of 8 �� MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 Figures have been revised to show deducted areas 64 30 show non -diffused flow and any deductions necessary or other method for approval. Figures have been revised to show deducted areas i know a lot of hard work went into generating this figure, but it needs to be modified to 65 30 show less. It doesn't mean the figure is wrong necessarily, but when the survey is prepared, i want to make sure EcoTerra has a good figure that the surveyor can use in knowing what they need to prepare measurements for and where. Figure has been modified per the comment Edit the figure based on the following comments: 1) change Riparian Buffer Credits to "Riparian Restoration for RBC" or "Riparian Preservation for RBC", whichever is applicable 2) Change Nutrient Offset Credits to "Riparian Restoration for NOC" 3) Show all Subject Streams 66 30 in one color to represent RBC and a different color to represent NOC. All subject streams should be color coded the same two colors. (includes F3 and Joshua) 4) Show the Ephemeral Channel separately than the streams 5)Show the Non -Subject Stream (F1) in one color to represent RBC and a different color to represent NOC. Figure has been modified per the comment this corner needs to be catagorized as Ephemeral for RBC. it is currently shown as buffer credit off Joshua. While i don't disagree that this can and has been argued in the past, measuring in this way is not consistent with the way we require the banks and dms to 67 30 measure their credit generating areas. we have consistently measured it this way since before i can even remember reviewing the plans. edit the figure accordingly and update the Project Credit Table to reflect the change of RBC on Joshua to RBC off F2. It is only necessary within the first 50', beyond that width, you can measure however you want to as long as project credit table and AsBuilt survey reflect the correct widths. F2 riparian buffer area has been revised to show 50' riparian buffers in the corner section down to the Joshua Creek top of bank. 68 30 this needs to be catagorized as Ephemeral for RBC F2 riparian buffer area has been revised to show 50' buffers in the corner section down to the Joshua Creek top of bank. 69 30 remove the ratios, RBC amounts, and SF . Table 10 accounts for all that, the figure does not this extra information. These items have been removed 70 30 this is fine as proposed The Parcel's southern boundary has changed so this area is not included any longer. 71 30 corner needs to be RBC off Feature 1 instead of Joshua. F1 riparian buffer area has been revised to show 50' buffers in the corner section down to the Joshua Creek top of bank. 72 30 Feature 3 and Joshua Creek do not need to be differentiated. The figure has been revised 73 31 add "Planted Area" to the Legend and depict the planted area. planting area has been added 74 31 show non -diffused flow and any deductions necessary or other method for approval. The figure has been updated to reflect the deducted areas creating experiences through experience 7 of 8 MCADAMS RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > ECT22001.00 75 31 show non -diffused flow and any deductions necessary or other method for approval. The figure has been updated to reflect the deducted areas 76 33 Document the dates these photos were taken on the pictures The date the photos were collected have been added to the appendix item Consideration of this response is greatly appreciated. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919. 287. 0812. Sincerely, MCADAMS Rebecca Stubbs, PE Practice Lead, Stream Restoration creating experiences through experience 8 of 8