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SW3230301_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20230309
REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION BRINGLE FERRY ROAD Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina January 17, 2022 Prepared For: MCKIM & CREED 8020 Tower Point Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28146 Prepared By: GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Charlotte, N.C. 28273 (704) 553-2300 — Office (704) 553-2400 - Facsimile GTA Job No: 35220053 GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS A Practicing GBA Member Firm January 17, 2022 McKim and Creed 8020 Tower Point Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28146 Attn: Mr. Kyle Crowe Re: Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Bringle Ferry Road PID 057-174 ±130 Acres Bringle Ferry Road Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Crowe: In accordance with our agreement executed on December 8, 2021, GTA Associates, Inc. (GTA) has performed a geotechnical subsurface exploration for the proposed residential development on Bringle Ferry Road in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. The results of the field and laboratory testing as well as our conclusions and recommendations regarding design and construction of the proposed residential development project are included in this report. Unless other arrangements are made by Ryan Homes, GTA will discard the soil samples within sixty days from the date of this report. GTA appreciates the opportunity to assist you with this project. Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact at our office at (704) 553-2300. Sincerely, GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. Andrew Beaty Project Professional 500W /, VA John P. Wille, P.E. Vice President ZAProject\2022\McKim & Creed\Bringle Ferry RoadGeotechnicalReport.doc Job No. 35220053 cif c�iRo•.,,� Digitally FEss,�!`ti.,s signed by �`� J o h n iohn Wille SEAL / � 024901 J Date: /��r W I I 2022.02.15 +P�N`'� I e 15:49:35 05'00' TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... I SITECONDITIONS....................................................................................................................... I PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION.................................................................................................... 2 SITEGEOLOGY............................................................................................................................ 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION.................................................................................................. 3 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS..................................................................................................... 4 LABORATORYTESTING............................................................................................................ 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................... 6 FoundationSupport ..................................................................................................................... 7 FloorDesign................................................................................................................................ 7 SiesmicConsiderations............................................................................................................... 8 SiteGrading................................................................................................................................ 8 DifficultExcavation.................................................................................................................. 10 SubsurfaceUtilities................................................................................................................... 11 RoadwayAreas......................................................................................................................... 12 Surface and Subsurface Drainage............................................................................................. 13 ADDITIONAL SERVICES.......................................................................................................... 13 LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................................. 14 ASFEImportant Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report Appendix A — Figures Figure No. 1 — Site Location Plan Figure No. 2 — Exploration Location Plan Figure No. 3 — Aerial Exploration Location Plan Figure No. 4 — Site Topography Plan Appendix B — Soil Boring Logs Notes for Exploration Logs (1 Sheet) Summary of Subsurface Exploration (1 Sheet) Soil Boring Logs (20 Sheets) Appendix C — Laboratory Results (7 Sheets) Appendix D — Photographs (10 Sheets) REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION BRINGLE FERRY ROAD SALISBURY, ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION McKim & Creed (Client) is planning to construct a residential development with townhomes and single-family lots north and south of Bringle Ferry Road just south of Interstate 85 in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. Please refer the Site Location Plan included as Figure 1 in Appendix A for the approximate location of the site. GTA Associates, Inc. (GTA) was retained to perform a geotechnical subsurface exploration of the project site to characterize the general subsurface conditions in the proposed new development areas. The scope of this study included a field exploration as well as engineering and laboratory analysis. Included in our field exploration were twenty (20) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings in the proposed development, roadway, sewer main, and detention basin areas to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface. Conclusions and recommendations regarding general site development were derived from the engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data. SITE CONDITIONS The site is located north and south of Bringle Ferry Road just south of Interstate 85 in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. The proposed development encompasses approximately 130 acres of land and is identified as Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 057-174. At the time of our investigation, the subject site was heavily wooded with mature trees and some vehicle trails. There is also an existing house and barn located near Bringle Ferry Road on the north side of the site. Please refer to the attached Site Photographs included in Appendix D for pictures of the existing site conditions. 1 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 Based on the topographic information provided by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) Topo-View, the ground surface elevations across the site range from a high of approximate Elevation 754 above mean sea level (AMSL), near Bringle Ferry Road, to a low of approximate Elevation 670 feet AMSL, near the southern portion of the property near Crane Creek. Please refer to the attached Topographic Map presented as Figure 3 in Appendix A for more detailed information. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION GTA was provided with a copy of the "Bubble Plan " prepared by McKim and Creed dated November 2021. Based on this information, plans consist of constructing 29 four -unit buildings with 116 townhome units, six BMP ponds, and roadway areas. Plans are to connect the new residential subdivision with two entrances/exits off Bringle Ferry Road. Detailed information regarding the site grading as well as the depth and location of the utilities has not been provided to us at this time. SITE GEOLOGY The site is located in the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Plateau Geologic Province. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the site is underlain by metavolcanic tuffs and flowrock (CZv) and granite of Salisbury plutonic suite (Dsg). Ground surface elevations within the Piedmont Plateau vary from approximately 400 feet above sea level (AMSL) in the east to 2,000 feet (AMSL) in the west. The typical residual soil profile associated with the Charlotte Belt consists of fine-grained soils (clays/silts) near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by more coarse -grained soils (sandy silts/silty sands) with depth. The boundary between the soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone, termed partially weathered rock (PWR), is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. The degree of weathering is influenced by fractures, joints, and by the presence of less resistant rock types. Therefore, the profile of the weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Lenses, boulders, N Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 hard rock, and zones of weathered rock are often encountered within the soil mantle, well above the general unweathered bedrock level. The topography of the Charlotte Belt province consists of well-rounded hills and long rolling ridges with a northeast -southwest trend. This rolling topography is the result of streams flowing across and acting on rocks of unequal hardness. The Carolina Slate Belt is underlain by intrusive and sedimentary volcanic rock formations, typically with slaty cleavage resulting from low-grade metamorphism, that trend northeast -southwest and vary greatly in their resistance to weathering and erosion. The major streams generally flow across the rock structures that are more highly fractured and more prone to weathering. Please refer to the publications for a more detailed description of the geologic units. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The field exploration consisted of drilling Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings at twenty (20) locations, designated as B-1 through B-20, across the property. The soil test borings were selected and field located by GTA using the existing topography and aerial photographs by visual estimation. The approximate location of the soil test borings is shown on the attached Exploration Location Plan presented as Figure 2 in Appendix A. Elevations provided on the boring logs were interpolated from site topography provided by the Rowan County GIS. Please note that the boring locations have not been instrument surveyed, and thus, all locations and elevations should be considered approximate. The borings were drilled on December 28 and 29, 2021 to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface using an ATV -mounted CME-550 drill rig provided by HPC Land Services. A skid steer equipped with a mulcher was required to clear a path to gain access to some of the boring locations. Therefore, some topsoil was partially removed in the vicinity of the borings during the clearing process. 3 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 Standard Penetration Testing was performed in the boreholes, with soil samples obtained at approximately 21/z-foot intervals in the upper 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals thereafter. Standard Penetration Testing involves driving a 2-inch O.D., 1 % -inch I.D. split -spoon sampler with a 140- pound hammer free -falling 30 inches. The SPT N-value, given as blows per foot (bpf), is defined as the total number of blows required to drive the sampler from 6 to 18 inches. Samples retrieved from the borings were returned to GTA's laboratory for visual classification by laboratory personnel. Descriptions as provided on the logs are visual. Boring logs were prepared using the observations made in the field during drilling, as well as our visual — manual classification in the laboratory. A geotechnical staff professional classified each soil sample on the basis of color, texture, and plasticity characteristics in general accordance with the USCS classification system. The geotechnical staff professional grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interface between each material on the boring logs is approximate; the transition between the strata may be gradual in both the vertical and horizontal directions. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The borings confirm the underlying geologic formation as the Charlotte Belt. The test borings typically encountered topsoil underlain by native residual soils. A layer of topsoil, approximately 3 to 8 inches thick, was encountered at the surface of the borings. Underlying the topsoil layer, native residual soils were encountered. The residual soils generally consist of sandy lean clay, elastic silt, sandy silt, and silty sand. SPT N-values in the residual soils ranged from 6 to 86 blows per foot (bpf), averaging 18 bpf, indicating these soils are generally medium stiff to hard in consistency. Boring B- I through B-13 and B-15 through B-18 were terminated in the residual soils at depths ranging from approximately 10 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface. Below the residual soils at Borings B-14, B-19 and B-20, partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 6 to 13.5 feet below the existing ground surface. In addition, a lens of PWR was encountered at Boring B-17 at depths ranging from approximately 8.5 to 13.5 feet. Partially weathered rock is defined as "residual material with 0 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 Standard Penetration Test resistances exceeding 100 blows/foot." PWR is a decomposed rock that serves as the transitional zone between soil and rock. While PWR is a rock -like material, it is often visually classified as a silty sand as the SPT sampler pulverizes the material as it is driven. Borings B-19 and B-20 were terminated in the PWR at a depth of approximately 13.8 feet below the existing ground surface elevation. A lens of PWR was encountered in B-17 at a depth of approximately 8.5 to 13.5 feet. LABORATORY TESTING Recovered soil samples were transported to our laboratory where they were subjected to visual - manual classification by a geotechnical staff professional. Boring Logs were prepared using the observations made in the field during drilling, as well as the visual — manual classification in the laboratory, supplemented by laboratory testing. Three samples obtained from Borings B-2, B-10, and B-18 at depths ranging from approximately 3.5 to 7.5 feet were tested in our laboratory for Grain -Size Analysis and Atterberg Limits testing. The laboratory testing was performed to determine the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) designation as well as the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the selected samples. The USCS classifications provide information regarding soil engineering behavior. The results are provided in Tables 2 and 3 as well as in Appendix C: TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTING Boring No. Depth (ft) USCS Classification LL pI Moisture Content (%) B-2 3.5 — 7.5 ELASTIC SILT (MH) 56 13 28.8 B-10 3.5-7.5 ELASTIC SILT (MH) with Sand 56 16 28.0 B-18 3.5-7.5 ELASTIC SILT (MH) with Sand 54 14 24.7 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF MOISTURE -DENSITY DATA Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) Boring No. Depth (ft) Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (%) Natural Moisture (%) B-2 3.5 to 7.5 95.5 22.1 28.8 B-10 3.5 to 7.5 90.5 29.5 28.0 B-18 3.5 to 7.5 L__24.9 22.5 224.7 Twelve samples were selected for Natural Moisture Content testing at depths ranging from 1 to 7.5 feet below the existing surface. The moisture contents ranged from 8.7 to 38.5 percent, averaging 24.7 percent. The moisture contents are included on the boring logs in Appendix B as well as in Appendix C. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the results of this study, it is our opinion that the proposed construction is feasible, given that the geotechnical recommendations are followed, and that the standard level of care is maintained during construction. Please note that the presence of weathered and/or unweathered rock as well as moisture -sensitive soils wet of optimum for compaction will impact the design and construction of the proposed development and associated costs. A discussion of GTA's preliminary assessment and recommendations with respect to the proposed construction is presented in the following paragraphs. As discussed, only conceptual plans have been provided at this time. This report is intended to assist the client with preliminary feasibility and planning. When final grading/development plans as well as locations and depths of utilities become available, it is recommended that additional explorations be performed to further identify the limits and characteristics of the near -surface weathered rock and rock. Depending on final design grades and building layouts, geotechnical recommendations may need to be revised be developed for the design and construction of foundations and roadway areas. 11 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 1. Foundation Support In general, the proposed lightly loaded, one- to two-story wood framed structures can be supported on shallow spread footings. The medium stiff to very hard native non -plastic soils and controlled compacted fills are generally considered suitable for support of foundations using an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Exterior footings should be founded a minimum of 12 inches below final exterior grades to provide protection from frost action. Minimum widths of twenty-four inches for wall footings and thirty inches for column footings are also recommended. Footings should be supported on stable, medium stiff non -plastic natural soils, or properly compacted structural fill as outlined in this report. New fill for support of foundations should be placed in accordance with GTA's site grading recommendations. Any soft, disturbed, or unstable soil present at the footing subgrade elevation should be excavated to a stable stratum and replaced with open -graded stone or concrete. Over -excavation and replacement, if required, should be performed under the observation of the project geotechnical engineer or their qualified representative based on actual conditions encountered in the field at the time of construction. Bearing capacity evaluations should be performed using a combination of visual observation, hand -auger probing, and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing. Concrete placement should be performed the same day the footings are excavated to prevent exposure and potential weakening of the foundation subgrade. 2. Floor Design The ground level slabs can be designed as a concrete slab -on -grade. The typical residential slab construction consists of a minimum 4-inch-thick reinforced concrete. The thickness of the concrete slab will depend upon the type and intensity of the loading and subgrade support. GTA recommends that the floor slabs be underlain by a minimum of 4-inches of open -graded 957 washed stone or Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) stone layer covered with a polyethylene vapor retarder to interrupt the rise of moisture through the slab. 7 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 For compacted native soils, GTA recommends a design soil support Ks Value (Modulus of Subgrade Reaction) of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci). Natural and compacted fill subgrades for support of the floor slab should be checked to verify stability prior to placement of concrete. Floor slabs should not be rigidly connected to foundation walls so that slight movement of the walls will not affect the slab. Control j oints should be provided to control shrinkage cracks of the concrete floor system. Regardless of the slab type, prior to construction, the subgrade should be proof -rolled with a loaded dump truck under the observation of a geotechnical engineer or their qualified representative to evaluate stability. Alternatively, the subgrade can be evaluated by hand auger probing and DCP testing. Unsuitable soil should be over -excavated to a stable bearing layer. Should undercutting be required, grades may be reestablished with approved, controlled, compacted granular fill or 957 washed stone. 3. Seismic Considerations In accordance with the requirements of the 2018 IBC with South Carolina Amendments, GTA has evaluated the site subsurface profile to assign a "Site Class". We have evaluated the Site Seismic Classification for this site according to Section 1613, Earthquake Loads. Based on the results of the soil test borings performed, we recommend that this project be designed using a Site Seismic Classification "D" 4. Site Grading Prior to the placement of rill, where required, the existing subgrade surface should be stripped and grubbed to remove all existing trees, old foundations, surface vegetation, topsoil, rootmat, and other deleterious matter. The stripping thickness will be dependent on a variety of factors, including the soil moisture, construction traffic disturbance, weather during construction, and contractor care. E3 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 As previously indicated, the optimum moisture content of the Standard Proctor samples obtained at Borings B-2, B-10, and B-18 ranged from 22.1 to 29.5 percent. Therefore, moisture conditioning of the soils will likely be required, especially for moisture contents greater than 25 percent. To minimize the economic impact associated with poor workability and/or trafficability of wet subgrade soils due to moisture sensitive soils, GTA recommends construction during the dry season (summer/fall) to reduce the effort and cost required for drying of the wet soils. GTA recommends that a contingency be established for drying and/or over - excavating, chemical treatment, and replacing unsuitable soils. After stripping, the fill subgrade should be proof -rolled with a loaded, 10-wheel tandem - axle dump truck. The proof -rolling should be observed by a geotechnical engineer or their qualified representative. Any soft or otherwise unsuitable soils should be dried and re - compacted or removed prior to placement of fill. No fill should be placed until the subgrade is approved by the geotechnical engineer. Off -site borrow, if required, should meet Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) designation SM, SP, SW, GP, GM, or GW and be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. All fills should be constructed in maximum 8-inch-thick loose lifts and be compacted to the following specifications: COMPACTION SPECIFICATIONS Structure / Fill Location Compaction / Moisture Specification Below foundations, retaining walls, 95% of ASTM D-698 floor slabs, and within wall backfill or slopes steeper than 51-1:1V Moisture: ± 3% of optimum 98% of ASTM D-698 Top 1 foot of pavement subgrade Moisture: ± 2% of optimum Fills below 1 foot of pavement 95% of ASTM D-698 subgrade Moisture: ± 3% of optimum 9 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17. 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 All compactive efforts should be verified by in -place density testing. New fills constructed on slopes steeper than 5H:1V (horizontal to vertical) should be keyed into existing slopes for stability considerations. All fill slopes steeper than 5H:1V should generally be placed as structural fill and be controlled and compacted to minimum densities as specified above. Fill for slopes in non-structural areas, such as landscape berms, can be constructed as steep as 3H:1V up to a height of ten feet. Slope's steeper than 3H:1V should be evaluated with a slope stability analysis. 5. Difficult Excavation As previously indicated, final site grading and invert elevations of the utility lines have not been provided to us at this time. It is GTA's opinion that the majority of the excavations less than 15 feet below the existing grades can be made by conventional means, i.e. scraping, across the entire site. However, based on the results of the field exploration, Borings B-14, B-17, B-19, and B-20 encountered PWR at depths of approximately 6 to 13.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Borings 13-14, 13-19 and B-20 were terminated in the PWR at depths ranging from approximately 13.8 to 15 feet below the existing ground surface elevation. In addition, a lens of PWR was encountered in B-17 at depths ranging from approximately 8.5 to 13.5 feet. The depth to, and thickness of the partially/hard weathered rock, rock lenses, seams, or bedrock, can vary dramatically in short distances, especially between the boring locations. Therefore, soft/hard weathered rock and/or bedrock should be anticipated during excavation below a depth of approximately 6 to 13.5 feet in the vicinity of Borings 13-14, 13-17, 13-19 and B-20. It has been our experience in this geologic area, that materials having SPT `N' values of less than 50 blows per 3 inches can generally be excavated using pans and scrapers by first loosening with a single tooth ripper attached to a suitable size dozer, such as a Caterpillar D- 8 or D-9. It should be noted that ripping is dependent on the equipment and techniques used as well as the operator's skill and experience. The success of the ripping operation is 10 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 dependent on finding the proper combination for the conditions encountered. Excavation of the weathered rock is typically much more difficult in confined excavations, such as utility excavations. Jack hammering or blasting should be anticipated for materials having SPT `N' values in excess of 50 blows per 2 inches, or at or near the level that auger refusal is encountered. Test pits should be performed prior to construction to determine whether these materials can be excavated by conventional means. On projects requiring ripping or jack hammering, a controversy sometimes develops as to whether the material can be removed by ripping or whether blasting is required. The project specifications and contract should be carefully prepared to reduce the potential for disputes and claims relating to excavation of very dense weathered or unweathered rock. 6. Subsurface Utilities The natural soils are considered suitable for support of below grade utilities; however, GTA recommends a minimum 6-inch-thick granular bedding to provide uniform support as dictated by site conditions or as required by local code. Based upon the results of the borings, GTA anticipates that the excavations may be accomplished using standard utility construction equipment to a depth of up to approximately 5 to 10 feet below existing grades in the majority of the site. However, based on the results of the field exploration, Borings B-14, B-17, 13-19, and B-20 encountered PWR at depths of approximately 6 to 13.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Borings B-14, B-19, and B-20 were terminated in the PWR at depths ranging from approximately 13.8 to 15 feet below the existing ground surface elevation. In addition, a lens of PWR was encountered in B-17 at depths ranging from approximately 8.5 to 13.5 feet. Therefore, difficult excavation should be anticipated in utility trench excavations in these areas below the PWR depths encountered. After the utility alignments and elevations are designed and prior to construction, test pits should be performed to determine if invert elevations can be achieved with conventional excavation techniques. Due to the potential for collapse of unsupported excavations, the 11 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 utility contractor should be prepared to provide adequate earth support systems during utility construction. Compaction of the soils to the degree specified in the Site Grading section of this report will likely require that the soils be moisture conditioned prior to placement and compaction within the trench. If the excavated materials are wet of the optimum moisture content, they should be spread in thin layers and aerated by discing to within ±3 percentage points of the optimum moisture. If soils are not dried, suitable borrow material will need to be imported from other areas of the site for utility trench backfill. 7. Roadway Areas New roadway areas are proposed as part of this project. GTA anticipates that the soil conditions in the proposed roadway areas will consist of sandy lean clay, elastic silt, sandy silt and silty sand. It is recommended that the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade be constructed with soils meeting the following characteristics: Liquid Limit (AASHTO T-89) 40 or less Plastic Index (AASHTO T-89, T-90) 12 or less CBR 5 minimum Based on GTA's test borings across the site, the granular/non-plastic residual soils (USCS ML and SM) are likely to meet these criteria, and are considered suitable for pavement support. However, if more fine-grained, elastic silts/clayey soils (USCS MH and CL) are encountered at the subgrade elevation, some over -excavation and replacement or in -place stabilization may be required where these materials are present at subgrade. Over - excavations should be backfilled with suitable granular fill material. 12 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 Another alternative to over -excavation may consist of chemical stabilization or utilizing a stabilization fabric, such as Mirafi 500x or an approved equivalent, near the proposed subgrade elevation. This should be further evaluated in the field during site grading. A contingency for subgrade preparation should be considered. GTA should make observations of trafficability during mass grading and recommends that a testing program, including moisture -density relationship (proctor), plasticity, and CBR testing be performed after mass grading. In addition, the pavement subgrade should be proof -rolled with a loaded tandem -axle dump truck under the direct supervision of the geotechnical engineer to verify stability. Unstable soil should be over -excavated to a stable bearing layer. Grades may be reestablished with approved, controlled, compacted granular fill. 8. Surface and Subsurface Drainage As previously indicated, preliminary site grading with cut and fill depths has been provided to us at this time. Final grades should be carefully established to provide adequate surface drainage away from the foundations. A minimum grade of 3 percent in lawn and landscape areas is recommended to direct surface water away from the proposed structures. Groundwater was not encountered in the borings during drilling operations. However, please note that groundwater levels are likely to fluctuate due to variation in rainfall and other factors. It is GTA's opinion that excavations to depths of up to 15 to 20 feet will likely not be impacted by groundwater. Groundwater may be encountered in excavations at shallower depths, especially along any low-lying portions of the site or at or near the level of the soft/hard weathered rock. There is also a potential for perched or trapped groundwater to be encountered at shallow depths in localized portions of the site, particularly within granular soil seams underlain by less permeable material or at fill/natural ground interfaces. In the event that localized perched water is encountered, the contractor should be prepared to dewater the excavations. 13 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommended that during final design and construction of the subject project, a geotechnical engineer be retained to provide observation and testing services for the following items. • Review final site and structural plans to evaluate if they conform with the intent of this report. • Perform a test pit exploration along the deeper utilities and significant cut areas where the soft/hard weathered rock was encountered. • Observe and test the preparation of the building pads and roadway areas. • Provide observation and testing during fill placement to evaluate if the work is being performed in accordance with the project specifications and intent of this report. • Observe the proof -rolling of fill subgrade in the building and roadway areas prior to placing fill or base course to evaluate stability. • Review footing subgrade/foundation construction for compliance with the building code and the intent of this geotechnical report. LINHTATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of McKim & Creed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. No warranty, express or implied, is made. The analysis and recommendations contained in this report are based on the data obtained from limited observation and testing of the surface materials. The borings indicate soil conditions only at specific locations and times, and only to the depths penetrated. They do not necessarily reflect strata variations that may exist between boring locations. Consequently, the analysis and recommendations must be considered preliminary until the subsurface conditions can be verified by direct observation at the time of construction. If variations in subsurface conditions from those described are noted during construction, recommendations in this report may need to be re- evaluated. 14 Report of Geotechnical Exploration — Bringle Ferry Road McKim & Creed January 17, 2022 GTA Proiect No. 35220053 In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the facilities are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are verified in writing. GTA Associates, Inc. is not responsible for any claims, damages, or liability associated with interpretation of subsurface data or reuse of the subsurface data or engineering analysis without the express written authorization of GTA Associates, Inc. In accordance with the guidelines of Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA), it is recommended that GTA Associates, Inc. be retained to provide continuous soils engineering services for this project. Participation of GTA will facilitate compliance with GTA's recommendations, and allow changes to be made in these recommendations, in the event that subsurface conditions are found to vary from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. This report and the attached logs are instruments of service. If certain conditions or items are noted during our investigation, GTA Associates, Inc. may be required by prevailing statutes to notify and provide information to regulatory or enforcement agencies. GTA Associates, Inc. will notify our client should a required disclosure condition exist. This report was prepared by GTA Associates, Inc. (GTA) for the sole and exclusive use of GTA Associates, Inc. and McKim & Creed. Use and reproduction of this report by any other person without the expressed written permission of GTA or McKim & Creed is unauthorized and such use is at the sole risk of the user. 35220053 15 GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. — Geotechnical-Engineering Report —� Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons. and Projects Geotechn1cal engineers structure their services to meet the spec it1c needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a civil engi- neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical-engineering study is unique, each geatechnical-engineering report is unique, prepared solely far the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared It. And no one — not even you —should apply the report far any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Based on a Unique Set of Project -Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider many unique, project -specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk -management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the struc- ture on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities, Unless the geotech- nicaI engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, ■ not prepared for your project, ■ not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before Important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical- engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light -industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechn1cal engineer of project changes --even minor ones —and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept respons i b ilily or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineer- ing report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwa- ter fluctuations. Always contact the geatechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engi- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ —sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engi- neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical-engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geo- technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical-engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing lags based upon their interpretation of field lags and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or eIectran ic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly be]leve they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical-engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contrac- tors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disci- plines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers comman Iy include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations," many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsi- bilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical-engineering report does not usually relate any geaenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have nat yet obtained your awn g eo e nv i- ro n me ntal information, ask your geotechnical consultant far risk manage- ment gu idance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for some- one else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a com- prehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional maid -prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, many mold -prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical-engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is nat a mold -prevention consultant; none of the services per- formed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold preven- tion. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself he sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your GBA-Member Geotechncial Engineer for hdditional Assistance Membership in the GEOPROFESSIDNAL BuSINEss Associwim exposes geotech- nical engineers to a wide array of risk confrontaton techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with your GBA-member geotechnical engineer for more information. GEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SABA ASSOCIATION 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, M❑ 20910 Telephone:3011565-2733 Fa[simile:301/589-2017 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org copyright 2014 by Geoprofessional Business Association, Inc. (GBA}. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GSA's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GSA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report. Any other Iran, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could he commiting negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGER 0914/5.0MRP APPENDIX A FIGURES Catawba 1 College J °Ma G (Bill) Heiner© Aical.Center... i J 41t� 1� Salisbury �s'p w'�F«ryR7 Hendrix :Barbecue'/spencer Ateansaortation a� East Spencer s ® 6Aroj� Chick-51-A The Smoke Pn ® / T N Base map obtained from Google Maps Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina 2021 Chewy Fullfillmei 11 ■1 - o I GTA ASSOCIATES, INC. BRINGLE FERRY ROAD GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B SITE LOCATION PLAN Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Ph. (704) 553-2300 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA Fax (704) 553-2400 JOB NO: DATE: SCALE: DRAWN BY: REVIEWED BY: FIGURE NO: 35220053 January 13, 2022 NTS GTA JPW 1 r Ll. F FA -` t IZ 1 r J � r LEGEND: SOIL TEST BORING LOCATIONS ri 'IN GTA ASSOCIATES 710 PENINSULA LANE, SUITE B CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 (704) 553-2300 O (704) 553-2400 F EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN BRINGLE FERRY ROAD - BRINGLE FERRY RD, SALISBURY, N.C. DATE: December 9, 2021 FIGURE NO. 061 IL dr IL 'v pm ob 04 2101 LEGEND: (31 SOIL TEST BORING LOCATIONS GTA ASSOCIATES 710 PENINSULA LANE, SUITE B CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 (704) 553-2300 0 (704) 553-2400 F SITE TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN BRINGLE FERRY ROAD - BRINGLE FERRY it RD, SALISBURY, N.C. DATE: December 9, 2021 FIGURE NO. 4 I_1»4LlIQPAV -.3 BORING LOGS NOTES FOR EXPLORATION LOGS KEY TO USCS TERMINOLOGY AND GRAPHIC SYMBOLS SYMBOLS MAJOR DIVISIONS (BASED UPON ASTM D 2488) GRAPHIC LETTER GRAVEL CLEAN ° C5°O° GW AND GRAVELS o o • GRAVELLY SOILS (LESS THAN 15% PASSING THE NO.200 SIEVE) • W GP MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE GRAVELS WITH GM COARSE- FRACTION FINES GRAINED RETAINED ON NO. SOILS 4 SIEVE (MORE THAN 15% PASSING THE NO.200 SIEVE) GC MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SAND CLEAN SANDS SW LARGER THAN AND NO.200 SIEVE SANDY SIZE SOILS (LESS THAN 15% PASSING THE NO. SIEVE) :'`':":" :'':. SP SANDS WITH SM MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FINES FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE MORE THAN 15% PASSING THE NO.200 SIEVE ( ) `�� M L SILTS AND LEAN CLAYS CL FINE- SILT OR CLAY — — GRAINED (<15% RETAINED ON THE NO.200 SIEVE) LIQUID LIMIT SOILS LESS THAN 50 — — OL SILT OR CLAY WITH SAND OR GRAVEL = _ MORE THAN 50% (15% TO 30% RETAINED ON THE NO.200 SIEVE) OF MATERIAL IS M H SMALLER THAN SANDY OR GRAVELLY SILT OR CLAY ELASTIC SILTS NO.200 SIEVE SIZE (>30% RETAINED ON THE NO. SIEVE) AND FAT CLAYS CH LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE COARSE -GRAINED SOILS WHICH CONTAIN AN ESTIMATED 5 TO 15% FINES BASED ON VISUAL CLASSIFICATION OR BETWEEN 5 AND 12 % FINES BASED ON LABORATORY TESTING; AND FINE-GRAINED SOILS WHEN THE PLOT OF LIQUID LIMIT & PLASTICITY INDEX VALUES FALLS IN THE PLASTICITY CHART'S CROSS -HATCHED AREA. FINE-GRAINED SOILS ARE CLASSIFIED AS ORGANIC (OL OR OH) WHEN ENOUGH ORGANIC PARTICLES ARE PRESENT TO INFLUENCE ITS PROPERTIES. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ARE USED TO SUPPLEMENT SOIL CLASSIFICATION BY THE VISUAL -MANUAL PROCEDURES OF ASTM D 2488. ADDITIONAL TERMINOLOGY AND GRAPHIC SYMBOLS GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION SYMBOLS TOPSOIL' ADDITIONAL DESIGNATIONS MAN MADE FILL GLACIAL TILL COBBLES AND BOULDERS 0 0 0 0 o < o < o < o oQoQoQo DESCRIPTION "N" VALUE RESIDUAL SOIL HIGHLY WEATHERED ROCK 50 TO 50/1 DESIGNATIONS MORE THAN 50 BLOWS FOR 1" JA 0 0 0 0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK OF PENETRATION OR LESS, I 0 0 0 0 AUGER PENETRABLE COARSE -GRAINED SOILS (GRAVEL AND SAND) DESIGNATION BLOWS PER FOOT (BPF) "N" VERYLOOSE 0-4 LOOSE 5-10 MEDIUM DENSE 11 - 30 DENSE 31 - 50 VERY DENSE j >50 NOTE: "N" VALUE DETERMINED AS PER ASTM D 1586 FINE-GRAINED SOILS (SILT AND CLAY) CONSISTENCY BPF „N„ VERY SOFT <2 SOFT 2-4 MEDIUM STIFF 5-8 STIFF 9 - 15 VERY STIFF 16 - 30 HARD >30 NOTE: ADDITIONAL DESIGNATIONS TO ADVANCE SAMPLER INDICATED IN BLOW COUNT COLUMN: WOH = WEIGHT OF HAMMER WOR = WEIGHT OF ROD(S) SAMPLE TYPE DESIGNATION SYMBOL SOIL SAMPLE S- SHELBY TUBE U- ROCK CORE R- WATER DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SYMBOL ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING SZ UPON COMPLETION OF DRILLING 24 HOURS AFTER COMPLETION 1 NOTE: WATER OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE AT THE TIME INDICATED. POROSITY OF SOIL STRATA, WEATHER CONDITIONS, SITE TOPOGRAPHY, ETC. MAY CAUSE WATER LEVEL CHANGES. REVISED JUNE 2009 TABLE 1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION SUMMARY BRINGLE FERRY ROAD GTA JOB NO. 35220053 Boring No. Depth of Boring (ft.) Approximate Depth of Soft / Hard Weathered Rock ft. Approximate Level of Groundwater Depth (ft.) Boring Cave-in Depths (ft.) B-1 15 N. E. DRY 10 B-2 30 N. E. DRY 22.5 B-3 15 N. E. DRY 11.2 B-4 10 N. E. DRY 6 B-5 15 N. E. DRY 10.4 B-6 15 N. E. DRY 9.5 B-7 15 N. E. DRY 10.5 B-8 15 N. E. DRY 9.5 B-9 15 N. E. DRY 10 B-10 30 N. E. DRY 21.8 B-11 15 N. E. DRY 10.4 B-12 10 N. E. DRY 5 B-13 15 N. E. DRY 11.2 B-14 15 8.5 DRY 10.6 B-15 10 N. E. DRY 6.2 B-16 15 N. E. DRY 10.5 B-17 15 8.5 DRY 10.7 B-18 30 N. E. DRY 22.9 B-19 13.8 E 13.5 DRY 7_11.2 B-20 13.8 1 6 IL —DRY 1 10.5 NOTES: N.E. = Not Encountered Page 1 of 1 LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 10.5 10.0 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 692 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 691.0 Topsoil, 5 in MH Red, moist, very stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 6 6-8-8 16 688.5 ML Tan, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 16 8-10-5 15 5 same, very stiff S-3 6.0 18 6-9-12 21 S-4 8.5 18 9-10-17 27 10 same, hard S-5 13.5 18 17-23-24 47 677.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12-28-21 12-29-21 CAVED (ft): 22.7 22.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 708 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 55OX LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z 0 U U� am ax H a g� a(o g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 707.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 12 3-4-8 12 LL=56 S-2 3.5 6 5-5-8 13 PI=13 5 NM%=28.8 702.0 ML Brown, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-3 6.0 10 2-4-5 9 S-4 8.5 16 3-4-6 10 10 S-5 13.5 16 3-4-6 10 15 S-6 18.5 16 7-7-8 15 20 same, very stiff S-7 23.5 16 4-6-10 16 25 S-8 28.5 14 6-11-17 28 678.0 30 BORING TERMINATED AT 30.0 FEET NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY � GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 ^ ASSOCIATES, INC. T z 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 10.2 11.2 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 688 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 687.0 Topsoil, 3 in ML Red, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 6 4-9-11 20 684.5 MH Red, moist, very stiff, Elastic SILT S-2 3.5 9 10-13-5 18 5 S-3 6.0 14 5-11-15 26 S-4 8.5 16 9-10-14 24 10 674.5 ML Brown, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-5 13.5 6 2-3-3 6 673.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 6.5 6.0 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 712 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 711.0 Topsoil, 3 in ML Tan, moist, medium stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 6 4-5-9 14 same, very stiff NM%=20.1 S-2 3.5 16 11-15-5 20 5 S-3 6.0 14 5-12-17 29 S-4 8.5 16 6-10-14 24 702.0 10 BORING TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET 15 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 10.5 10.4 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 727 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am U)i z v¢i w U)i U)i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 726.0 Topsoil, 6 in ML Dark brown, moist, medium stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 12 2-3-4 7 same, red, stiff NM%=31.3 S-2 3.5 12 3-6-8 14 5 S-3 6.0 16 2-4-8 12 S-4 8.5 16 3-4-5 9 10 same, medium stiff S-5 13.5 16 2-3-5 8 712.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 9.0 9.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 725 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 724.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 8 4-5-7 12 721.5 ML Tan and white, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 8 5-7-9 16 5 same, brown S-3 6.0 12 5-6-10 16 S-4 8.5 14 5-10-12 22 10 S-5 13.5 16 7-10-14 24 710.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 11.0 10.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 745 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 744.0 Topsoil, 2 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 6 3-5-7 12 same, very stiff S-2 3.5 16 4-7-10 17 5 739.0 ML Red, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-3 6.0 8 3-6-8 14 same, medium stiff S-4 8.5 12 3-3-5 8 10 same, tan, stiff S-5 13.5 14 2-4-6 10 730.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 10.0 9.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 748 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 747.0 Topsoil, 5 in MH Red, moist, very stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 6 6-7-10 17 NM%=30.9 S-2 3.5 8 6-8-11 19 5 742.0 ML Red, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-3 6.0 12 5-7-10 17 S-4 8.5 16 4-5-7 12 10 same, medium stiff S-5 13.5 14 3-3-4 7 733.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12 -2 8 -21 12 -2 9 -21 CAVED (ft): 10.0 10.0 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 748 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 550X LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z O U U� am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am U)i z v¢i w U)i U)i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 747.0 Topsoil, 5 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 6 3-4-8 12 744.5 ML Red, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 8 3-4-7 11 5 same, medium stiff S-3 6.0 10 3-4-6 10 S-4 8.5 10 2-3-4 7 10 S-5 13.5 10 2-3-4 7 733.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-28-21 12-28-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft): '— DRY '— DRY DATE: 12-28-21 12-29-21 CAVED (ft): 21.9 21.8 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) DRY GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 755 DATUM: TOPO EQUIPMENT: CME 55OX LOGGED BY: A. Beaty CHECKED BY: J.P. Wille N wW J W w -i �'' w>- J w -i z 0 U U� am ax H a g� a(o g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J W o 754.0 Topsoil, 4 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 6 6-7-8 15 same, very stiff NM%=27.6 LL=56 S-2 3.5 10 4-8-10 18 PI=16 5 NM%=28.0 749.0 ML Light brown, moist, medium stiff, Sandy SILT S-3 6.0 16 4-6-7 13 S- 8.5 16 4-4-6 10 10 S-5 13.5 18 2-3-4 7 15 S-6 18.5 16 3-3-5 8 20 S-7 23.5 18 2-3-5 8 25 same, stiff S-8 28.5 18 4-6-8 14 725.0 30 BORING TERMINATED AT 30.0 FEET NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY � GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 ^ ASSOCIATES, INC. T z 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-11 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 10.4 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 749 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am U) z v¢i w U)i U)i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 748.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 10 3-4-5 9 745.5 ML Brown, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 12 5-7-7 14 5 same, medium stiff S-3 6.0 14 5-4-5 9 S-4 8.5 16 2-3-4 7 10 S-5 13.5 16 2-3-5 8 734.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-11 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-12 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 5.0 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 751 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 750.0 Topsoil, 5 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 10 3 4-6 10 747.5 NM%=31.5 ML Red, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 14 3-7-9 16 5 same, stiff S-3 6.0 16 3-5-5 10 same, medium stiff S-4 8.5 16 3-4-4 8 741.0 10 BORING TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET 15 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-12 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 11.2 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 745 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 744.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 8 4-5-7 12 741.5 NM%=20.9 ML Red, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 14 7-11-14 25 5 same, medium stiff NM%=34.1 S-3 6.0 16 5-4-4 8 same, stiff S-4 8.5 16 3-4-6 10 10 S-5 13.5 18 2-4-5 9 730.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 10.6 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 719 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 718.0 Topsoil, 5 in ML Tan, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 8 4-7-10 17 same, greenish brown, hard S-2 3.5 16 20-29-46 75 710.5 5 S-3 6.0 18 23-37-49 86 �' SOFT WEATHERED as ROCK, Sampled greenish p S-4 8.5 16 19-28-50/6 78/12" 10 Q a brown, moist, hard, Sandy SILT o.. 0 4 :t� o S-5 13.5 16 14-27-50/6 77/12" o a.. o' 704.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-15 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 6.2 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 724 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 723.0 Topsoil, 6 in ML Tan, moist, very stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 12 7-9-10 19 same, hard NM%=8.7 S-2 3.5 10 20-26-35 61 5 718.0 SM Light tan, moist, very dense, Silty SAND, with trace S-3 6.0 14 24-29-37 66 rock fragments same, dense S-4 8.5 16 13-19-22 41 714.0 10 BORING TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET 15 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-15 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-16 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 10.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 751 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am U) z v¢i w U)i U)i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 750.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 12 6-7-8 15 747.5 ML Red, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-2 3.5 12 6-6-7 13 5 same, light orange, medium stiff S-3 6.0 16 3-3-3 6 S-4 8.5 14 2-3-5 8 10 same, stiff S-5 13.5 18 3-4-5 9 736.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-16 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-17 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 10.7 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 729 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 728.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 8 3-5-7 12 same, hard S-2 3.5 12 8-15-24 39 5 723.0 CL Greenish brown, moist, very stiff, Lean CLAY S-3 6.0 10 5-12-18 30 720.5 0 o SOFT WEATHERED ROCK, Sampled as greenish S-4 8.5 16 23-50/6 73/12" 10 a; brown, moist, hard, Sandy SILT © .o 715.5 ML Greenish brown, moist, hard, Sandy SILT S-5 13.5 16 15-36-38 74 714.0 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-17 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-18 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 22.9 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 740 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w u}i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 739.0 Topsoil, 8 in MH Red, moist, very stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 10 3 4-6 10 same, medium stiff NM%=23.6 LL=54 S-2 3.5 14 5-10-12 22 PI=14 5 N M %=24.7 734.0 ML Orange and brown, moist, medium stiff, Sandy S-3 6.0 12 4 4-4 8 SILT S-4 8.5 10 3-2-4 6 10 S-5 13.5 16 2-3-5 8 15 same, tan, stiff S-6 18.5 14 4-4-5 9 20 S-7 23.5 18 4-4-7 11 25 same, very stiff S-8 28.5 16 5-7-10 17 710.0 30 BORING TERMINATED AT 30.0 FEET NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-18 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-19 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 11.2 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 714 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 713.0 Topsoil, 6 in MH Red, moist, stiff, Elastic SILT S-1 1.0 8 3 4-7 11 same, very stiff NM%=13.4 S-2 3.5 12 10-11-14 25 5 708.0 ML Brown, moist, hard, Sandy SILT S-3 6.0 10 11-17-24 41 705.5 SM Tan, moist, very dense, Silty SAND S-4 8.5 18 17-22-31 53 10 700.5 700.2 S-5 13.5 3 50/3 50/3" SOFT WEATHERED ROCK, Sampled as tan, moist, very dense, Silty SAND 15 BORING TERMINATED AT 13.8 FEET 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-19 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 LOG OF BORING NO. B-20 Sheet 1 of 1 PROJECT: PROJECT NO. PROJECT LOCATION DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: Bringle Ferry Road 35220053 Salisbury, N.C. 12-29-21 12-29-21 HPC ZK 2.25 in Hollow Stem Augers Standard Penetration Testinq WATER LEVEL (ft) DATE CAVED (ft) D RY i 12-29-21 _ 10.5 WATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRILLING (ft) GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: DATUM: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: CHECKED BY: DRY 710 TOPO CME 550X A. Beaty J.P. Wille N J W J �'' J J .- z O U UJ am ax H a g� a� g o H x H = am v¢i z v¢i w v¢i v¢i S s > w U)i DESCRIPTION REMARKS 0 w O m z J w o 709.0 Topsoil, 7 in ML Brown, moist, stiff, Sandy SILT S-1 1.0 10 3-4-5 9 same, very stiff NM%=15.3 S-2 3.5 10 6-9-10 19 5 704.0 S-3 6.0 10 31-50/4 81/10" o; o: SOFT WEATHERED ROCK, Sampled as brown, moist, hard, Sandy SILT, with trace rock fragments 'n a: S-4 8.5 3 50/3 50/3" 10- .. -:4 -.: o'4 0'. 696.2 same wet S-5 13.5 3 50/3 50/3" BORING TERMINATED AT 13.8 FEET 15 20 25 30 NOTES: GROUNDSURFACE ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE BASED ON SURVEY GEO-TECHNOLOGY LOG OF BORING NO. B-20 ASSOCIATES, INC. 710 Peninsula Lane, Suite B Sheet 1 of 1 Charlotte, NC 28273 APPENDIX C LABORATORY RESULTS LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT - ASTM D4318 60 50 40 20 10 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils O� G� ■ CL-ML ML or OL MH or OH 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS (MH) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT. 56 43 13 97.2 87.7 MH (MH) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. 56 40 16 90.8 78.4 MH (MH) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. 54 40 14 94.5 72.4 MH Project No. 35220053 Client: McKim & Creed Remarks: oProject: Bringle Ferry Road t a� *Location: B-2 Depth: 3.5-7.5' Sample Number: S-2 o ■Location: B-10 Depth: 3.5-7.5' Sample Number: S-2 ALocation: B-18 Depth: 3.5-7.5' Sample Number: S-2 ASSOCIATES, INC. 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laure1,10D 20707 Figure Tested By: SC Checked By: MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST REPORT 105 100 c 2.1 % 95.5 95 U Q T :N C N T 0 90 85 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 80 2.55 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-91 Procedure A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 3.5-7.5' MH A-7-5(17) 28.8 2.55 56 13 0.0 87.7 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 95.5 pcf Optimum moisture = 22.1 % (MH) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT. Project No. 35220053 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Date: 1/12/22 Location: B-2 Sample Number: S-2 Remarks: Figure GEO-TECHNOLOGY ' v ASSOCIATES, INC. 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Tested By: SC Checked By: 100 90 80 70 Of W 60 Z LL Z 50 W U W 40 0_ 30 20 10 b h n Particle Size Distribution Report [T [71 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.6 9.5 87.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.8 #20 99.2 #40 97.2 #80 93.5 #100 92.4 #200 87.7 (no speccation provided) Location: B-2 Sample Number: S-2 Depth: 3.5-7.5' GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. ..--. WOW 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Soil Description (MIT) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT. Atterberg Limits PL= 43 LL= 56 PI= 13 NM= 28.8 Coefficients D90= 0.1043 D85= D60= D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= MH AASHTO= A-7-5(17) Remarks Date: 1 / 10/21 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Project No: 35220053 Figure Tested By: SC Checked By: MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST REPORT 102 97 92 CL T :N 9.5% 90.5 pc C N T 0 87 82 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 77F-1 Ll 2.65 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-91 Procedure A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 3.5-7.5' MH A-7-5(16) 28.0 2.65 56 16 0.9 78.4 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 90.5 pcf Optimum moisture = 29.5 % H) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. Project No. 35220053 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Date: 1/11/21 Location: 13-10 Sample Number: S-2 Remarks: Figure GEO-TECHNOLOGY ' v ASSOCIATES, INC. 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Tested By: SC Checked By: 100 90 80 70 Of W 60 Z LL Z 50 W U W 40 0_ 30 20 10 b h n Particle Size Distribution Report o N0M00 (0p 0�N0N IL -L- L 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.9 2.4 5.9 12.4 78.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 3/8 100.0 #4 99.1 #10 96.7 #20 94.9 #40 90.8 #80 84.1 #100 82.6 #200 78.4 (no speccation provided) Location: B-10 Sample Number: S-2 Depth: 3.5-7.5' GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. ..--. WOW 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Soil Description (MIT) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. Atterberg Limits PL= 40 LL= 56 PI= 16 NM= 28.0 Coefficients D90= 0.3790 D85= 0.1988 D60= D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= MH AASHTO= A-7-5(16) Remarks Date: 1 / 10/22 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Project No: 35220053 Figure Tested By: SC Checked By: MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST REPORT 105 100 2.5% 94.9 c pf 95 U Q T :N C N T 0 90 85 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 80 2.65 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-91 Procedure A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 3.5-7.5' MH A-7-5(12) 24.7 2.65 54 14 0.0 72.4 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 94.9 pcf Optimum moisture = 22.5 % H) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. Project No. 35220053 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Date: 1/12/22 Location: B-18 Sample Number: S-2 Remarks: Figure GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Tested By: SC Checked By: 100 90 80 70 Of W 60 Z LL Z 50 W U W 40 0_ 30 20 10 b h n Particle Size Distribution Report [TT7 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 5.2 22.1 72.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #10 99.7 #20 98.8 #40 94.5 #80 85.5 #100 82.4 #200 72.4 (no speccation provided) Location: B-18 Sample Number: S-2 Depth: 3.5-7.5' GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. ..--. WOW 14280 Park Center Drive, Suite A Laurel, MD 20707 Soil Description (MIT) Reddish Orange ELASTIC SILT with Sand. Atterberg Limits PL= 40 LL= 54 PI= 14 NM= 24.7 Coefficients D90= 0.2534 D85= 0.1751 D60= D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= MH AASHTO= A-7-5(12) Remarks Date: 1 / 11 /22 Client: McKim & Creed Project: Bringle Ferry Road Project No: 35220053 Figure Tested By: SC Checked By: F".3 :J U 4 Ll I Q PAV C PHOTOGRAPHS McKim & Creed Re: Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, N.C. Date of Photographs: December 27, 2021 Paue 1 VA - -Op '� ."�' •.�� '#J� �'s, ..� _ .i,... _ -} �� Imo. Photograph ll: McKim & Creed Re: Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, N.C. Date of Photographs: December 27, 2021 Paue 2 Photo�ra�h 22: f, McKim & Creed Re: Bringle Ferry Road, Salisbury, N.C. Date of Photographs: December 27, 2021 Paize 4 6,C III • � 'f.. _ t eT hr V. Fr yr. { �:-� _�. r4�.. r4v � { '�__. .{�ti� y' •�-, x w'•x�i'r," n _, ..n r •}r`r k'7. •' .: may. 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