HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuilford_Well Abandonment_20230127 wFj.1, AB&NONlliM RECORD F 1; mdUmONLY: This fbm►an be wed for single or met%to wdld 1.Wei Cynlraaelr wwwwom C�Ulf JS► M .7- Fbr '� or a�s+aadrr a Welk a1Bx wo Aw Moo Won arrivaetarlVeee(�v+eU owner pewdty eb�Oming well on hisRRr property) whMMKyea GUMIe r anopm Alb.Apprnztmate volmot of 60a rtnrdMsS 1¢wdks): «) NC Well Comer CedI&AtIon Number q L S-I M AU•to�j LX1 T (�1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WEUA ONLIA /� tis�e 7e.Type of dtdnfectant used: f.1R'i t�slruM PreNit k Lit t#op"k wep"M IM CM*Raet l9dhoam.veftA OM4 VAWM 7d.Amount of dlddutent tired: _,1 /L 3.Wel ma(etkleltwdl use): ader 7e.$aaft nanterials used(eheett till tin t ap*)' OAgriaultutal 0 ta�UPubiie o Neat Can"ant a BentorSte Chips or Peltats DGw&wmaal(HaetinWCoolin6 Supply) lAAidw i Wa*Supp(y(singte) 13,*d Cement Grout ❑Dry Clay 13bhMVW#CMMCMW OReaideuuW water Supply(shorted) m Cottcretc Grout Cl Dn71 Cuttings Obrhution Q Specialty Grout ❑Gra►d Nee-wader Sappfy wdl: o Dentonice Shm E3 Odter(explain under 7a) amonitaft,- - 7E For each material alsatsd IkM provide aadaut Of Mftrkh met e :� ❑Ae Whr 00rouidweter Remediation L( -- �� i L.iZ.-- ClAgtdfbr Strorttge and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier OAgtefarr Ted 13ft mw=Drainage - O gwkumW Technology OSubsidenee Control 7g.Provide a brid d ref the t1madwaiNOPSNia OCnnathenad(Ckwd troop) Cfftac r DQwftM ► Rerun OOdner lain under 7 � � 0�W� 1.Dare waU(a)abtts*md: 2- sa,WtB lecutlon., x V rJ1^`CG2rrJv —�--'i 8.CerifHcatlon: Fedliblowner Name FaeUity IIR(If ) t t Ct.eau zrp s w.n our By a(gnhrg&a fo n 1 hertrby cw*That the weld we►halt)obwedlomd in cam PwW We aiRcsHon Na(PIN) aceordow with 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C-OM XW QtwtOwc OR Symdatda and data cqV if th►a record hoe bean lvavlded to 19r teed!OSM Sb.Lati mk Red bmgkv&in dogrevelab rtWwonds or dalmal degrees; (ifwLq ikid,om b sufeim) 10 9.Site diagram or aaw"al well detldw Q z�r y�� �a ���� You may use the back of this page t o lrrovide addidwal Ieell sits dei;ila or well �']!�� N �(�D r W aan bdonment datnita You taay also athicb edditioe} agesm p if nxmsary. 77 gont►at�r.�r� un�+rmnts .l"vd aaak wow or►owav eefk onrva to axe M I yes M afte one jinn. Igo. For All WrJld: Submit this flum within 30 days of compMon of well 6d WO IDS' abandonment to the Mowing: Division of-Water Resources,labranelen Precudeg Uult, 6b.Total wtt6 depth: fL) 1617 A4a118e*vke Csabx,ikalelg6,WC 27659-1617 10b.Irhrr tatecdmn Wells: In addition to sending the fbrm to the ttddM in 10a abm"submit one copy of 6c.DardM*dkmeter: (L) abandonment to the following•. dtis ilxna within 30 days of compittdeo of wall 6d.Wale kvd hdew paNd ow bra: f SC Divides of Water Re sea ee,Usrlergreatd Weed u Cnetlyd Prglram, �L ---.(�) 1636 Mail9ervlce(aWw,,,RakW NC 3709-16M 10e.For Water Sandie!inlecdon W in smon,to Md"ft tblm to 6e.ORtcr aslag k%*(Ubwwy: (D•) the alibi (es) above, also subn'td cme copy of ttds term whhm 30 days of �! n completion of w it ahaandunment to t 1w Qaunty health department of the MOW ie i;imown): `� I OL) wises a abandoned. 6t thtver casigibdblydg �( tt RP Pe lope(if kaGWO 016) >titree t7W 30 North Cantles Department of Enviro and Natural Reaowas-Division of Water Reso new Reused Aage17013 WELL ABAMQNMM RECORD frorlat rt ivast]t!U.Y: Mlis foms can be usad i+'or sin*arm**yells 1.wen Cselraaear hlYnm~ 10 YY1 1 CM � r 7a.Number of weds bft uMudmill._ won coy eiww"a ee for well oww Porsomm obeadimm{well on hzftr property) For n or nMwserr anppy w k OWL T wo Ik ass MUt rxwordabMMbeeeat)vu can armmatr mu jibnn. NC Well COMMO r CKU&Agw Nun q / 'L 7L Approximate volume of water remaining h W110): SI M weer"or Lit. I T Euen!12 FOR WATERKPP'LY WELL$ONL!A II tlrsslse I NM 7e.Type of dislalketant used: 1��feMN Pmeitttle Lmr4P+lt 6v$FPV*A*CM*3ft WMI ��1Ad1�" 7d.Atttount of d dktant need: _l�� .� 3.Wd M(e6sek wall aitta): W 74,Scalene snaterlals used(cheek all the*app�p p ppml ❑7�`,`('tatpaUPubiic ❑Nat Comont araut 0 Baaoai%Chips or Pellets OOsoAterm.1(HonglCoolin6xupply) Q tasideptial Water SUP* 0 Canent Grout p Dry CbY al DRenidential Wata;Supply(shared) Rf`oncmie Grout 0 Dull Cuttings p 0 specialty Grout 0 Grad g Web 17 Bentonite slurry o Odw(explain radar 7g) 7f.For oath emt*Ul selaeted above.provide sumWeFsesta t sraed: 1❑AquWM achoundwaterRemedfedon -� l CAW&SWOOn and Recovery Osetiniity Barrier ❑A*dhrTed OStamwamt Dminev . 13bTerimatal Tethttoiogy 03ub"nce Contml 7g,Provide a brief description of albandcnsaW proeedVM oGeodomal(Closed Loop) 0ltacm )) p Ream OOdrar lain under 7 rV/i ✓UYtt r Ytl -- 4.Dak wells)abandoned: 5&Wildlaa&A.. JAN 2 7 2023 A ) - JC ��i'r Ur i g� FacOhy IDC(if ) S.Certification- Infict a s Dv.Qi3. h` t 1 Yr LLlrirJ( f.,� r ✓� CO.end zip wen comma W- i Owner 61 BY 84pn6t&h Am 11rmo cv*rhat the uolIN was i mv)aba dwd in 0-0 Parcel ldet0loodon No.(PiN) asoa►dm w wtth 15A NCAC 02C.0100 a,2C.OM Wo11 Cmgn l m bmdardt and that a cape of tole record hunt been 1 nnvOodd to Nk vaU mwrer. Sk Ldlteda 04 is ftmakdoutesfsetond4 or deelmal degrees; (iftwg bid,ens 8 SUM0010 9.SW diagram or additioeal woo detift.. .r �y���� You may use tht beck of tbis page to provide additional well site details or well N i(,�D �, �( W abandonmeru detaita You may Ww amwbr edditioaai petpes if necftmy. Att &wd al hieft tuOMW r Wry Naft W Ma am trenrQ11L1'trMllMataar 7s� oaJ 109. For All wells: submit ihiv form within 30 dtrys of completion of well 6a Wal ram / abandonmott to the bUo%v4 Dlvhion of Water Bmoote eo„lahcmda Processing Unk 6k Told well dopy: W 1617 Man gwvke Center,Rald&WC 27SWIG17 lob.Ant Irtettlan Webs: In addition b)sending the brm to the adtimn in l0a 6F bwvb t e dY�er:���) abadsubmit fb� thin f xra within 30 d4ys of caapletim of well 6eL VHaterMwl bebw graced aaslka: /� p,) Dividen of Water Resources,Under LdecNm Con"Prag:am, 1636 Matt Service Cavd mr,RdeW,NC 27619-1636 10e.Far water Supply A idedlon IM In WOOD,b KMW8 rho Am to 6t.Oder wit;hvO(if Imewo): (A.} the address(a) nbova, also attbtnit tint oopy of this form within 30 dgys of completion of will abandonment to the county ba t department of the county K leer cadq/tabbtg ks�(ef��)� (ff,) where abandoned. ft nitse+e bob Of kaowe}: N Form 0W-30 NL camtina Department olEwArotma of and NatuW Rcso=cs-Division of Water Rese"wo levied Angsst 2013 WELL A QNM RECORD F�Ins:satUdaox1,Y: no fam wa be well fa stiegio or muitlple wells 1,we CwMw Mr ttdf>snmmm well Clan I Ulf a(orvies owner pwaWtY abandaift well on hsltrr property) Fbr 600wn or AMV4r rr sq* Vdk al1Lr rrfa At aseee qaosuar+cdar✓a6atabtrten�You cmt aa6rtt aas�6rst 7b.Approaltnate volume of Watertrsasaidttg In WGIOP fad) NC wan Castdder Qettincation Number 1 Itb[ 1rryZ Or `T EotJ2FORVATER SUPPLY WMAONLIA Cbspat> Nssis 7e.Type oidla(ttit etant aaed:��� -�°� /L 3.titri CsaslnetflsaPftsseltle aw d4vadsl lepl OA CM*&ar.►lktraoti 4MAR IN 1rhm 7d.Amount of dhdnRctant wed: 3.Weil Ilse(91111Awdl M): SW 7e.Sealing materials used(check A that apply)s oAvwdww ❑Nast Cam►oat Grout a BwAonite Chips of Paints 00wil atmel(Haatirts Cool ft Sal►) l%"char Water Supply(single) 0�Iw Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay Ob&MVwADMMcrcw OR eidentiial Water Supply(shared) lyconante Grout 0 Dn71 CuttiM ❑IF 0 Specialty Grout 0(wel Neesawaw s•:pply Wen: 0 BentoniDe Slurry o Other(mgdain under 7a) MAGInhaft Clitecovery 7E For eoeb ttabefal taltedsd above prov[O sssaassast of a>uswfab Iesdl: oA4uUbr Redwp ❑vroundwaw Remeediation -- / — 3 2 p*&$tome and Recovery Osatinily Barrier DAWAr Test Oftimwater Dunnage . Mawwi w1w Teduukv OSubsidenee Control 7W Provide a brief deserlptleu of alwadslsam t F Geedtuer 0Caud roai(Closed Loop) a twer p(WOtbppW OOdw In under 7 y �,, 1•i... , 4.Dsa WaWs)abandoned: 2- J A KII 9 sa.we8 : 7� a c�ertmaltfaa: DY:aBOG p� 4iame FaeO[ty IDtl(lf �) 2' tM,gaiod l City.and Ztpq*M&@,,rCgMw wen coatasoeor o'NM By s*ft dtrls/am 1 hereby cagy that d w nalfN ws fbarrf abmdsrd ttr cam Pw:d IdermBcation No,(PIN) accotdwwer with 13A NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.tIM Nab CanmSIMOete SraaIIIII>de aW dw a copy of fhta record hmt bm pt vWdsd##Ik VW otwsa Sb.I. *mk sad lsailitnde is dtRreeafmfnutesdseeonds or decimal dt greear (ifvadl field,era tW b�cioal) 9.Stu diagram ur addidonal mH detsih: �y/! ,r I iy 1��� You may use the basic oftlna pop to I�rovide additional won site details or welt Q t i N b7. ) M (! W abandaament&taita You may alw edtsah additional pages if nstsary. Aaseb vide aaa.al- Heard__ it Now wo t w M~Arw near ANL1'MA Of araar Yw trtt adaaAr tna�rM 10a. Blur All wells: Submit fhb fonts within 30 days of completion of well 6a Walt MR /� abandoruaft to the following Division ofWaterResources,Ishw sdesPrwudag VIA Sk Told Valli dollik. 1617 Mall Service Clad r,Raiailik NC 2709-1617 10b.Far Irtaetlsn Walla: in additioe to sanding the form to the address in 10a abOM also submit one copy of this form widdrt 30 drys of canpledon of well 6t.Dtetersie eWtaeetsr: _,j..� (�) abMdaMM to the fbltowiag: 6L W&W tsvd below g need ss 1111"! g,1 Divisors 1636 Mail Service Grist, 1NC 7ttMI96 �� des Orur taetrg kagM(if lmowr): (R.) 10e.For wa eft IRWIN� In sddition to eel rho team to the ati b"3(a) above, ahao submit tine copy of this ibrm within 30 dgys of completion of w it abandonnam to the county health depanmcut of tt cotraty where abandoned. 6t leer e�hq/tsbiag lsr�lif haown)n (ft.) 6g.S hab Of l (fe) Foes(iW 30 North Cardisa Department of EuvLnumcat and Nstaai Reaomm-D"im of Wotan Resolaa s Rev mil Atpal 2013