HomeMy WebLinkAboutDurham_Well Abandonment_20230127 Iltie fonrrcen be used for eingle or•mnttJpl•e wells 1II8I Use ONLY, uatrxetor Into resell nt . Well COntnetor Na K (or we I ow pner enoa 7L Number o[irelb being Abandonedi alt}abmdonlnQitiUbnhle/hetpr°Prrty) for muiflplr Irllrcflon or Harr-rroler rLwply trrllr aonrnvenon/aborulonmrn{yov can rubmfl one form, ONLY ufth dre mme P!C 14e11 Cobuxclor Cerrll>caUon Number N•W. Poole Well & Pump 7b.ApproilmatevolameorwAterremelninglanell(s): mp Co. Cmupany Na_, FOR WATER SUPPLY WE 2.1YeU Covetrnction Perini(N. 7e Type of dbinfertant nred:�/ / /l 1 4r all applfcoblr e�ell prrrnfle(7•r,[ Srare, D 1 crlarrer,lryecrlon,ereJ(/,tn�o>m "-- 3."'Ell use(check n•ell trae); 7d.Amoonf of dleln[eeiant need: /I. Water Supply}Yell: ----_ ClAgrlculturnl 7L C1Munlolpel/p ubllo Seal >rrl�at gtro^ed`a�check_all that ieaUng/Cooitng Supply) VesldenUalWatrSuPPIY pOOeoUrennal( ❑ludustrial/Comec >ey ct ttonite Chips or 1clicsd ❑Sed CmenOrout ply).' 01tri allon ❑R sIdenUal Wafer Supply(ahtuod) ❑Con"e�NtQtl 2 7 d Dry Clay Non-Water Su I• 2023 0 Drill CWUngs pp} Well: Spevlalty Orout IJMction ing 0 13m, ,� 38��Una �Oravel Injection 1Yeli: �Recov O Other(efrpldn undcr7g) ❑Aqufrcr Recharge 7r.For each maieriai eeiecled abov ❑OroundwalerRemedldlolt 4 provide amount brmalcrlals used: dAqu er Stalage artd Recovery ❑Sai(nll Berrie V, IJAquifcr Test y oCxperinlcnlnl Tec)mulogy 11Storrr1MterDminag0 OCeolhcrtnal(Cfoscd Loop) OSubsidenco Control ff ❑Tracer 7g.Provide a❑Othe brief des ❑C3coU eriplfoo of the abandonmeni procednre: tcrrnal Fiititln Coolln Return , r lain under:? ',11n1c»ell(s)AbAndoned: 3n.Well laeAtlUtl: !3 I'ecthly/pones Name FacNtyIDd(If Ucsblr 8.CeM111caUont tom• rtty I,iaale,,,City,an zip p�— (E✓� 8 ettat vCC �edWeUCajltnelar or WeU owner � bete C uty Uy rigrdn rho Pateel Idetdlneadvn No. 8r I hen ctr[(fy!Isar the )vrll(sf tear(weref aGarrdaned In :Ib.LaUfudf andaonQlluUd In de�reeti/mlootedtaeconds or dedmal degn�; dndth to i}6ffli ell, XCUC 02C'0100 vr1C.0200 P 111 CWUlnfdiof!Standards (Irnell tleld,ono 606ng Ir iuF9cleot} o1u1 rhaia COP3'Oflh4 Mord has been �, /j��y, prmided to tl!e well owner, y2 7�• �1 ,Site dlagntm or Additional treU detalfa: N 1 Al�J You may utd(ee 18.' of lWa peg°to provide addi(iond Well site deaib or well ebandonmwt drlalla; You m f HY also eltach addilional pages If necessary. AdticM7li [ ir1' cff)Hl `Crltht)abalidOhhrilr/,�tiir ;,rubrMit Die -tralrr ripply Mwa&zM=Qa6 3r,1YeI1 II)H: 10a, °band°°mto Illi rvUoubmit Lids form Within 30 days of complcliolt of tyell rb 'I vial tr•ell depth: UlvUlon of Wafer1lejource.,Informai(un 1617 Precaring[loll, (fi.) Mdl 6ervlce Center,Raleigh,NC27699.1617 9 130r•ohole diameters lob,Fvt nl ellnn N.u. (In•) ebovq dlso dpe' t o" 'ho p ol°�s�J�o�°t Bending U30t Jays l t We addrr of ttv II ".Water level below gratifia ttlriacer. . abandonment ltl Ute!allowing: (fi.) Dlr(alba Outer cating length(If knUfrn); ol�lYtlErKesdnrcca,Underground InJecflon Cnnlrnl Frogrnm, 1�Slift dervlce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 (R) 10r. Inner easing/fdbing length(li•lmdwn)t (f �0 ed ; In addition to sending Utr Conn to '.ibttvti,"alev aubmlt one copy of oil,t forth �v w lac abandoned.11 ebeitdottrnrnl to the county health de Winiln 31 days of ( ) department of Usc county _ 5ereett It!n�lF;,(II)Inntvti)I' """ (It) ,nrr OW30 NostlrCtrolln�beputravatb[Isrlr ..r _ ���L1�r:�,��.UU!`�YIEIY�'RECORD �p(p•� f f r 711ie fonrren"be used for aIngle urmnlUplte"Us W t"�I V�ONUY. ].11'el ontractor In rorwellunt �Vt ontraclor N e(or well owner en iUbn 7L Namber of Wtjls being abendonedt p oaal{yebendn*1* hle/berpropeny) For multiple tn/eentan or non-xaler etapply trrtlr ONL1 urtJt die Jame cenrrrvener✓obondonmrnr, 11C Will Canuxclor CertlpcAUoo Number Yet'ran Jubrnll one jots,, Tb.Approilmile volume of meter remalning In nell(s): al N•W. Poole Wefl 8� Pump Co. (got.) Conrpnny Nautc �3� FOR WATER t9U1'YLX WELLS q pM,yt 'I 2.1yeU ConatrutUnn Vermlt ll:1-22 7r-Typo of dblareetan(need: Xf LfJr all npn/nroblr N•rinrermul(1.r.Cc"q arerr,ierlerc rleJ lfb,oxn 3.}yell use(check well use): 7d•Amornl ordLlnfeefAn(used; � _� 1VnRrSupply lYell: DAgriculhunl 7e.Selling malerj d$rued(check tall that a oacculcnnal(1-feating/Coolln s� 1 oMunlolpabllo 0 Nest Cement(3rout. pp1 y)• 8 PP Y) l/Pu Xesidentlal Waier supply efo e ❑Sand Cement "�� '•� �• o Bcnlonfle Chips or Pelict3 olnduslrlal/Comntcrclnl PP Y( g1 ) Clay ❑Uri atlol, oRwldMI111 WtIerSupply filtered) o Concrete C3rvut� .�e--r �� E E Y Non-lYaler Supply'}Yell: O brill CulOngs 0 ullilurills ldtyt3rovt JAN 2 ? 2O23o Oravd ❑Recov f3entordto slurry �pp 1n)ecllon well: InfocsQ'ra�+?n Pr;3C.loiex &tr(cxplydn under 7g) ❑AqufferRecharge 71'.For eachmaleNalleft r� ❑l7roundwelerRemod(allort 4pmvfdearrouu(ofm Ierielsuaed; ❑Aquifer Stol>agr and Recovery oSal�l 13attia /�i� 13Aquifer Tell ------- ❑Cxperitncnlal Tccltnology, �SlorrnwaterDralrtago ❑Geotlacnnal(Closed Loop) o5uba(dcnco Control oTracer 71.Provide a brief deavipllon of the abandonment procedure: I.00coUlcnnal Jcalln Coulln Return 170lhcr IeUt under.•? /f� �a�7� l E/a ?.1)n(c nvell(s)abandoned: J" dw �_ f�� ✓ r 3n.Wed locallull: `1 1 ecil3lyJproner Name r A . `/ i-� FeolUtyII)d(Ifapplleable) 1. 8• er11(Ic>tUon: '6yrlcel / eta,Cily;and zip �'� gidneluri of Cyr d WeU Conbaolm or Well Owner Da(e �ounly Parcel lder(lde,dod N n 111rdnglf o. IN y rn� try Out//it )vell(ij teat(were)abandoned in ab.LRU(udb ardJonQllude In degreedriilnntes/secondl or detlmal degree; °ccortlmtca ukli lJd NCfC'O1C,010O or1C,02001Ye11 Colutnrdiorl SJandarda (irn ell:laid,one lat/Ibng Ii iuFAcleiJr} and that a"W elldr record h=beers prot•tded to the tt'e11 onvner, N 9-.Slle dlagrym or addiUonal Well detABI: You m¢y wd'tho bade of lWa peao to pruvido additional well site details or well l abandonment d'W" 'tuu may also attach addlifunal pages llnccessany. Ar1ceMY4➢ • ' re11 i t7)V i 1h'fh}'.. , ebn! 'l ttltit[)a'bei►dd ' ! 1' i c'n 6r lron•irolir nyrply MMIAL� G hhtihl,)r3k etrrt eub�t3(thejolm• Well IMI! Jul, abandon(nenr o�g�g t gas fear: wil)ln 3U days or completion of wcll b,')Dial well lep(h: {ft) DJvlJfori oflYaterRerourcer,lnrurma((on Procenl 1617 hlall Servfcc Center,Raleigh,NC 276 ctillu7g Un((, Borehole diameter: lob, (In•) .above, (dao'-1t bmll blip cop of'additionin is fomr wiU�iGnig30a days of complC funn to Ole etion oIlli log v II ti.Wll(er level Wow groulA iilrracer abandonment ld die following: ((l) Dlvf[Ion of:lYrlirResourcca,Underground In)ecdon Control l'rograul, Outer ca�ing lehglh(If iJnuir•h): 16U ka 6err(ce Center,Relelgb,NC 27699-1G3G � "�� (il.) 10r. tbo ad Ul addition to sending Uro Corttl to Inner casing/tublog length(Ir•kaown)( !i� 'fie° �bQilt one co comple l6n,or W61�abendontnent to the cow health,d rm walldn 30 days of �iure abandoned, t partment of Ole coul,ly •5crceu Idri�tH;,(Ir k4oivp)1; VQ ,�Yn 41Y•30 North Cauullnit bcliiutrnaut bf P„rlrn��,..,._,.,_. ._ �r U1a1�:�AIyD QhMNT IUD �pIp� l7ds Conn cnn be used for tingle or•mnluple wellyI Uu ONLY. 1.Well Co ctor lnrunnntlon: }fell Contncfor Ntrne(or we owner personxl(y tbtndonlnQ itiL on hJ�ber 7a.Nainber o[irelbs being abandonedl property) For multiple tn/te eo utn a,' non•xafrr rrgrply IWO, ONL1 uhh (he come v mrrveaor✓obandonmrnt,you can evbmn!our form. PIC well Can cloy Certlntauon Number 7b.Approximate volume of crater Rmalning In nt(1(t): aI N.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. Conlpnny Ntwo FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 2.}Yell Conttmctlon Penult H: 7t.Type of dlslnfeeiant used: Lin oil applicable u•r1l ern,rj, •� p R•e•Cmmq•,Ste r, or{aner.lrt/tcrlort ere) broxn 3,}Yell use(check wcll list): 711.Amoont of dlsinfectani used: We(cr 5upply 1YtIL CAgrleulhrrnl 7e &alin,materials used(check all Thal apply): ❑MunlalpsUPlrblio ❑Neal Cement CWV1 „ ,OOeaUlcimal(lleaUng/Coolhlg 5upply) gldaltia!WalrrSu I (single) O 3enJ Cement CJroul �DClrionilt Chips or Pellets ❑IudwUtal/Contntercllll ❑RalJartlel Wdrr Supply ahrrtul C Conaste Orout n �]'Clay ohri nllon pP y(shared) JA N 2 7 2Q23 0 Drill Cuttings Nan-}Pater Supply Nell: 0-9peclalty Orout a Oravcl oNtoniloring Cl BerrtaridleSNU+p fwa4o—n Prwcz&zir, �111ter(ezplaln wider Tg) In)ectton\Yell: DRtcov ,MaZ ❑Aquifer Recharge 71.For each maferial seleeled abayq Proyide amount of malerlals used: OAquircrStoragellndRecovery allni(dwater Barriertmallalhxf ❑AquifcfTest y �� �'Y—•� "`y 11slorm terDra►ringe I❑I?xperinlcnW Tcclulology 05ubaldcucc Control ❑0re0OIennal(Closed Loup) o7ractx 7L•Prerlde a brief deecr{Pi o/ntof the abandonment procedure; ❑Oeothcnnel 111kOn Coolln Rt ltitn 001her lain under.? 4.Unit il'cll(s)abandoned: l. r :in.}}'ell localiurr; a R , � ri........Owner Pbyelc ddreee,City,end Zip © IDQ rJ lfonr too— �alpituni ofCefabd W onhsolor or Well brner CCU Dy Idcatl0tadodNo.(pW) fi 110ng lJdt form,I h!rr y CW(fy ts(1118 lvell(s)Ivor(rptre)abandoned lit Patccl accordralcs>611h f S NC O 01C,0100 or2C,0100 Il't11 Colulnrctionf Standnrrl3 :gib.Letlludt and;louQllutie In'degrcei/riilcnteslsecbnrts or deelmai degree,: and that a myaf fUrrtconihcu been prorlded to the n•ell owner. (Ifn•cll Deld,one It bug fi 1iiFKelebt) 9,Slit dlagrXm,er add itibnal,tell details: N You tniiy lied;t6"'a of Uds page to prorido addilitmrd well site dctnils or well — ----- — abanderunent d'Wla; j+ou may also attach addlllonal pages irnecessaly. W. it VIM rttli(j)V jt ljl'th}' ;n' cf1/iF (' iE oe 6r rtorr-tray,,nopfy trltliFlcbadN'rriiFrt,jvir cetir rub M1l cue/otm. 'n'}Ye4 Wit: 10a,For: ►i:.W tier Submit this form within 30 Jays of.ompldlon of licit abandoeinent to Illo fc&wwing: b 'fnlnlnellJep(lr; �11 DlvDtoft011Yater1luourcu,InforwallonPruceulu9Uafl, 1617'Midl Service Center,Reltlgb,NC 17699-1617 • 1Db, :r Dur•ehole dlamelcri. LleC- 0e— - In addition to aardulg Ilrc form fo the adJrrss hl IOa (In.) eboyc, tdso'',UUMIt biio d abandonnieni ib opy of Ofls form }yitiltll 30 days of completion of,veil die following: ri•Walerlevel beloiygrounilJutfacer.. (fL) Dlvldbn uf}Yttbritesliercts,Underground infection Conlrol Progrnm, n•Outer eating 1D ku Mill✓gervlce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 leilgttri(l[�ufrd)l (R) _ r. the ad bi addition to sending file Conn to (( ".ibdi'$, also submit one copy of lids form wiuJn 30 days of Inner easing/lublug length(It•knuwn)l eorupletlon of wolf'abandoninent to the cowfty health department of Ole cow,ly wilcro abandoned. .,5crcetCldn�ld;,(I[kquivii))� ^�� ,,,�,I t7W•30 North GCtJllnt bepillmeci of P�,.lm��..