HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140591 Ver 1_B-4565 precon minutes_20150327�,�Si� a� � �� � .�,.� � ,���. ,',,, . ,� . � . � Y �, � . ',,, ♦ .� ..., � � �., � . . ., � , � � . ,,,.� � � . ... � ,,., � . ��.M. A'Yll��F\VY\.I. �`i4VERiv()R l�,!IarCh 19, 2� 1 S C�a��traot N�.: C2t?3533 Vv'F3S. 33 7"i�.3.FP.2 I�ed �id �: B�tSTP-7��(S) T.I.�'. #: i�-45�5 Cc�unty: L�enaiz- Descriptio�: Bi°idg�s #42 arad �43 �aver I�Ieuse River a�� L�S-i�l/LTS-258B Mr. ]�.alph Carsc�n T�alle Consti°uciion Carnpany 900 �1� Hi�;hway �611�T�rt� Hillsborau�h,1'�C 27278 �LJ�JECT': 1're-��ns�ruetio� Conference i1v[inutes Al*l'�"�.IC7NY .T. �I'A°P"A S�cr�r:l'.��� A pre-c�anstrucficrn conference was held �T'uesday, iviarch 17, �(115 �"or ihe above refe�rcnced project. 'l��te foll�wiru� p�rso�s �rer� iz� at���danc�. I'�Iame: Ed �atn�on Aar4n B�u�lard Ck�ras I�antt�s Stai�ley H�rrell J�ae W�lda"n �adnn:�rs �;�peha�t Steve Ham:iltan Jahnny Metcalfe Andy Blankenship J�y ;lohnsaz� Mi�toYi Rudd Maria lia�ersa:� .�c�}�n Mera�itt Chris Cou�[�lim Daug Askew �i11 Harre�l Eddie Bunn �Catherine Ha�-ris �77ave Har�ey �ialph Car�on ,Tak� VVhzte 11�[ichae� ��c��a�s �teve Mille;r MAILIIVG !\T�llRC�S: NC [��Pna�rr�t�NT c�� "1'�ntvsaqttrn7'[tat� C7CVIS14t*( OP � 1T�EiWftYS QPVISIC7N 2, D15'I'AICT 3 1529 H wY, 258 SouT[� KGrasTa�, IV� 285i14 CcsmpanvlA �� I�1CT�(7T — I�iu C;anst �tl�;r 1'�]CDaT �- Liis� C7f�c� T�T�D(7T' — Di�t (�ffrice ]�TCLi�T — D�sf t`��ice NCT�OT � C)ist Cif�c� i�(CLIOT — li�w,ryy �c�ns� Engr I'�C�C)"Y' � �iv T�af1"ic �ngr �fCI�C�T — B�id�;e G�nst �n�r �+TCI�OT —1�ELT �1CDOT — D�v E�v O�°�cer I'�ICUC�7" — M&T Specialist I'wiCI:�C}T — I�iv Bridge prog Mgr N�CDOT — �'�7�AJN�S NCI�C)T — I3iv 2 R1W NCDOT — I�iv 2 Rr'VJ C'rann,et� �I�min� (CET} �anr�ett �°l�min� {CEI} '�Y�a11e �1�a11e Thalle Tlxalle Tl�alle �ity c�F Kinst�an T�z,ret�c)N�: (z,52) s27-OaS3 �'.�; (2S�} 527-792f! WE�SITE: WWW.u�CL7p%.CsOV I�nCATI�N: 162R I IwY. 2S8 ;SOU�rH 1:IN5"3'C1N, NC' �Vlr. Carar�n �'re-Construetiozt I�imutes Pviarch i 7, 2(� 15 Page 2 af A Jef�`rey Williamsal� Ashl�y Little Tratn Steffens Gaz°cy W ar�6 General I��r� s: Pro�ress Schedule: �.,etter Authc�rizi��g SA's. Subccantract Requ�sts: Materaal S�ppliez•s; Manthly Es�iznat� Encl �ate: Cen�ury1�nk Larni�eYt's L1���C� N�D''�R. �Iarra�ive axld �rogress schedule need �a b� submitted. f�as beel� subimifCec� a�td reccived. �Ieed tc� be submiited far all subaontractc�rs. Per cQntract, alI req�aests shall be sul�mitted priar �a expira.�ic�c, af 24% af cant�act tii'ne. fl�Teed ta be sub�ni�fed. End o� the N,[ocith �"he R.esident En�ineer fcar tFre project wi11 be i3ill Kinca��non, A,:ll correspondence sll�uld �a� directed ta ihe of�ce as f�ilawsd 1�Ir. i��11 ��ncannon, P'E N� �re�sa��la�ent af'Transporta�icrn PC:1 ��x 1587 C�eeraville, �dC 27$35 Prc�j�c� �,ngi�teer will �� Aar�n Bul�ard. Tlae Project Ins�aec�c�rs will be �tanley Harreli and Jae �Veldin, In additian, Bi11 �Iarrell ofC�aa�nelt Fieming wibl be a�dec� as a CEI ��sp�clor. T'ar the C�ant�actor, the I'�caject �anager will be Rallpl� C�.rson. 1`he �rojeet Sr��aerintendent wrll b� Nlicha�l Brac�k,s. Catl�erin� Har-�•is wi➢1 overs�c the contr�cfi surveyiis�; t�per�ti.o�s. PrU"ect Scl��du�e/C��tr�ck+�r Scl�+edule C?v�rall �Cfln�raci: Time L1a�e of AvaAlabi]ity: 1'+�arch 2, 2C?l S Conzp�letion �7�te: 184 carasecutive calenda� days after Con�ractor coznplstes Int�rmed�a�e C�ntract Tirne T�um�er 1 I+GT # 1 A11 w�rk except F�ermanent Ve�e�tati�n �.sfi�blis�rn�nt� T�ate of �.v�ulability: �arc�a 2, 2ti 1 S �o�npieiuor� Uate: 3?5 days a�t�r raad clnsed or Aug�st 1(1, 2016, whiche�er is earli�r IG'T' #2 Road clas�re Date c�f r�va�lability: �7ate be�in wo�k, no �arlie�r i:k�a�a July i, Z(i 1 S oz° later tlaan Ae�gust 1, 2f� 15. Cantractar indicated will �i�e1y clas� c�n July l. �amp��tian Dat�: �SS day� �fter rc�aci cl�sed. N1r. Cas'son Pge-�onstructi€�n 1Vdinutes I'�I�rch ] 7, 2015 Page 3 0�'4 Canirac�or's 1'1�n of �fJnerationl��art �at�. Cc�m�ractc�r stall finaliaing �'r�o�ress �ck�ed�➢e as wel� as start da�e. �Can�racf/P"�an Review:. �'Ir. �atrn�n revievv�d co���ract ti�nes, a�ucl�udin� IC'I''s. Mr. Steffei�s� r�view�d app�ic�ble pc��'t�c�zzs afthe 4(}4 pe�rnits. �cath �i�'1' 23 and I'�V'v"P 1� appl�. A rriontl��� cc�nnpliance rneetin�; w'ril be held c�n the �rsx Tuesciay of�aG�a mar�l.h ai 2:UQ, b�gi��ning :fu:�e 2. It u�as strra�gly r�coin��nde�3 t��at na�rigatic�u� 1i,�his s�c�uld be installed �c� sl�ca�,v capen channel araur�c� �rork brid�;es/barg�s. It was �lar�f�ed t�at 1:�e �nadr�nc��zs �sh moratori�um shc,uld run throug�� Jun� 3�i, not Jun� � 5. S�laaqueaus crassing n�tificatian asbuilts fram the b�re uncCer the Neuse Riv�r ta� be subr�itted ta ti7e C�r�as and the Nat�Qnal Ocean Seruice w ithin 3(� d�ys of cca�pletio:n. Mr. Me�-rit� stated he wauld ta�� the lead on �oard�n�.�ist�lsulbmititin� this in��nnation. N�r.'Ward r�view�d ap�licable p�rtaons c�ft�e 4t11 permi� ancl �pplicable �u�fer ce�ii�catians. Mr. Eatm4n st�ted that a1i safety �`ence shald be installed pric�r t�s �e�i1�n��� clearin� op�ratians. Ut�lities by C?thers provisa�n was revi�wed. �Cent�urylxnk wark �s still reinaining. Ant�cipate st�rting l�ore wark be�intiing of Ap�i�. There is ��enturyl%�tk aei•ial line and ��le in co�f�ic� wi�l1 acccssin� the iPUE fQ� the elec�rica� transmissr�� ➢i�e. A tt��eti:ng vvill be k��eld between Cer►turylink and tlze Cit}+ af Kinst�n Electric pers�n�ae1 tc� re��lve thas canfli�ct. Test pil� �r�,wisibn was revie�wed. Cc�nt�ac�or sia:ted they wiil prc�vide date oftest pil� within 5Q days, probably s�rnetiine in M�y. M�. �atrnon ac�vised to allc�w �'or �z�c�t�gh ti�ne fc�r �arraductia� �ai1e fabricatic��a and E'�rA analys�s i� or�ie�° �.o ncrt im�act bricige c���structiai3 �im�Fr�m�, fi� pr�-instailation �neetin� will be scheduled priar ta be�iizr�ing w�rk. DBE Goa� af 4.�}°f� was �et. Cc�r�iraetor fio pravide Iist of Le�el 2!�rosian Co�tr+�I Per�annel. EC installation to be datze by Sea1 Brc�thers. Per Sublettir►g prawasi��, Cc��.tractor tiQ sub�nit �,11 su�co�ltract reqa:�ests within 3(� days c��" �wailabilaty or p��icar tca �xpbration of 2�}°r`c, of cc�ntract time, w�►ich�ver �s 1�te�-. Clear�n� �nd Gru�bi�g is �y ��cthcad IZT. Project is Lump S��n Gr�din;� excepi fo�• Barraw will be �aid by CY. Co:�atn�:rcial pit wil! be uased. Goi�tractca� tc� pr�vid� pi� in:fcarn�atic�n flnce lde�ti��d, �avin�; �e►b��ntractor sfild ta be �de�tified. Highly visible �'�nce required �o be �ut placed arour�ci d�signat�d histc��°ic pilings, Wiil conduct pr�-znstall�tra�� mee#il��; prinr t� insiallling si�nal po��s. Shoulder and �Iape Barrow provi�io� �v�s reviewed. Mr. B�r�lard re�►�ndeci cc�r�tr�ctor that p�rbj�et dr�es l�ave �ec�eral rcc�uirernen�s, �ncludin�; eerti��d payrolls. Mr. �arsar� Pre-Cons�ruction �,!iinutes i"�+larcf� 1'i, 20 � S Page 4 af 4 Mr. �31an4�ensk�ap reviewed a�p�i�cak�le Erosion Cc�ntral provisions. Stabil�zatia�l req�rirenler�t is 14 days for z�r�s� a�°ea� in proj��t lir�a��s. Cc�xo�rac� cic�es c�at�taii� 1'�ative �C'rrass speci�ca��on. Fennit cirawin�;s, nQ� �C plans, sha�ald be u�ed ta deliz�eate �nvirornrnentally Sensitive Areas. 11r��r. �31ank�nship �s avai�ablc tc� m�et �rvith cordt�°actor prior ir� install�tic,n c��" devices. fivlr, M�tc�ife st�•essed amportanc� a�'tinnely sub��ttals due to cQmpressed ti�rte�ine, 1'�-oj�ect is nat c�vez'ly technical, there is j�sti a sizeable amounti caf �rark tc� c�a vvithin � s1►ort timeframe. Co�liract�r izac�icat�d t&rey are �z�westi�;atin�; t1�e f��sibi�i�ty oi pr�casti��g tk�e Ci�ssi�c Barrier �ail. C>nce war�C c�mine�tic;es, a reg�lar sch�dule�i rra��a�ih�y coristru��ican ineet�zl,� will b� h�:�d. �en�a•a! +C+��mments. i"v'�r. Askew advised il��t the remainin� right �f w�y p�rcels arc i�a the fi�al sta�;es ofa�quasition. Should Iaa.ve a11 aeq�tir�d by MaroE� 3(�. `fl4her� is a mamop�sle bill�oard ��at has b�en alaandonec� off th� sc�ut}�east ccarner c�f th� N�use Ri�er krrid�e. This will li@cely be �ernav�d uz�der separate cot�l;ract. �io �anflict is �nticipated. NIr. Rudd addresser� Ma�eria�s and "�'est �tems of �nterest. Concrete wil� likely be tione �y S&i1J �noi finalized y�t}. I-�e c�iscussed t�e ��ed far concrete plar�t Quali�y Contrc�I pe�•s�nnel to be presen�t fc�r ccancr��� po�rs in arcler tp ensure a srr�aot��r c�p�ratiQn, especiall�° crn I!�rge pours. Test k��rs need tcr be s:ubr�itted, as w-c1� as c��nfica�i�z�s, or� all st�el �sed for t�ze proje�t. �nsure �uar�rail anc.hor units an•ive c�n site wit� al� a�pxflcable papeY-�,�rc�rk, ancludira� ins�alla�irsn ia�structi�o�7s. Ther� �vill bc tni�l/�Al ress�rfac�n,g c:antract for t'�ue�� St r►t�rt� of tk�e brid�e, frorrr t�e project ]��niis ta Cr���inghar� �1vd. The divisir��n's �aal is tl�at �o�-k wu11 t�� dc�r�e concurr�ntly �uch �h�t cance the br•id�e is back �,��ned to tra��c �11 warflc c�n Qu��n St wi1� b� ccarr�pll�ted. City c��Y�insto� has a sewer re�ab �aroject ta ca�nple#e pu�ic�r 9:� this �vork. Mr, Ba.�llard vvall con�aCt Steve MiIl�r w�t� the ct'ty t� verifiy tl�e schet6ule of ogcratic�ns �'crr th�s wc�rlc. Tl�ere }a�iiig no $'urther business, tl�e meei��g vvas a.cijaurned. The�� z�inutes are pre�ace� as th�y �re do�utnet�ted. Any discrep�nci€;s with the cc�ntent of these mgnuies sflauld be subn�it�ed ia� �ratin� to this �ffice. �a�lure ta dc� sa v,�ill be an indica�G�on of agreer�errt. Sincerely, ��� � Aar�an �ullard, P�. Senior Assista��t Distr•ict Engiraeer JAZ�I�;'CB cc: Mr.:�ohn �o�as�, �'� N�e�tiix,g Atter�dees. �'i1e