HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8910806_Historical File_20160920t " Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 5:34 PM To: 'David Criser'; Weaver, Cameron Cc: 'Steve'; 'Sandy Slocum' Subject: RE: Landfall Sports Center Hey David. I was going through the 910806 file to see if I could understand what was originally permitted to make sure we get this application right. Here's what I find: The 910806 project was proposed to have 3 ponds interconnected. Pond #1 was "existing", and would discharge into a new Pond #2, which would discharge into a new Pond #3, which would discharge into the existing "cypress pond" off Pembroke Jones Drive. . The calculations provided in 1991 for Pond #1 indicate that the total drainage area to that pond is 6.53 acres, of which 2.1 acres is "offsite." The calculations further indicate that the total BUA for Pond #1 is 2.81 acres, of which 0.75 acres is attributed to the offsite drainage area. Unfortunately, the drainage area map for 910806 does NOT show that 2.1 acres of offsite drainage, but the calculations describe the offsite drainage area as including a demolished existing maintenance building that became a grassed croquet court; clay courts 7, 8, 9 and 10 with walkways; and clay courts 11, 12 and 13. This should provide you with a starting point. In 1998, Phase tll of the 910806 Pembroke project was replatted as single family homes and called The Mews at Pembroke which received a separate permit SW8 980311. The original Pond #3 under 910806 was enlarged to treat runoff just from The Mews, so the Pond #2 discharge under 910806 was rerouted to bypass Pond #3. The 910806 permit now only covers 2 ponds, still interconnected, but the permit was never modified to reflect that change. As part of this project, the 910806 permit will be corrected to reflect the 2 permitted ponds and to stipulate the amount of offsite DA and BUA covered by that permit. If you provide plans which demonstrate that, after your proposed development, the offsite DA is still less than or equal to 2.1 acres, and that the offsite BUA is still less than or equal to 0.75 acres, then you will only need to apply for a new offsite permit. If, after your proposed development, the offsite DA or offsite BUA will exceed either of these limits, then you would first need to modify the 910806 permit appropriately to cover the increased DA and/or BUA amounts needed for the new project and then you could apply for a new offsite permit. The 910806 permit is currently issued to Blair Properties, Inc., but I believe the HOA is interested in taking it over. If you should need to modify 910806 to increase the offsite DA and/or BUA, the following order should be observed: 1. Transfer the 910806 permit to the Landfall HOA; 2. Accept a modification from the HOA to increase the offsite DA and/or offsite BUA for 910806; 3. Accept the new offsite application for the additions to the Drysdale Tennis Center. R Linda From:.David Criser [mailto:dcriser@cttengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 3:56 PM To: Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Lewis,Linda <Iinda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Landfall Sports Center I will check and see if the owner is available that day and advise. Thanks, David E. Criser, PE, LEED AP BD+C CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS �;,�,.;n<,t.-•, Fa -sir,, f "10.307.12i37 i un email: dcriser@cttenaineering.com w=b: www.cttengineerinn.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information transmitted and any i • s ith this mai' is intcuded sciely for the ust o'the p •rs_ri ar entity to r:iiicY it is &!;Jr•E-s-e;i urd may contain confidential anc!or p­ivifted ma*.e, lal. If you _ire nct th.-, int.r. 1e a re:. pirmt •�f this mesa,-rFe or the individual re-..) nsibi _ for deaiv -rin.' the .,.-Mail to the it rerdec: rceirient, you are hereby notified that any use, rtii ;;, retransmission, disseir.n ;lion, distribution, reproduction, copying or arty action taken on this email or any cf its ettachments in relian•::a upon this mesaage is strivtly prohibited. Ifyeu receive,;: tits mail in error, plc.: irT;m.. d atcl}'cc•nt_ , ZV-.'send=_=r or ctetity b; :•grail and p�_- rm.annn:i dei;a the originsl a mAl and .,il attrchiner:._ front y our cowi?::t�­ rr ccmpub:+s s;siern. Any views exp.,:rs:> d i;i tWs m:-:7 sad- -,n_ those of the indvidual se+ d_•r anti ma; nai n•_cessarily retlectthe views or`tt-, company. From: Weaver, Cameron [mailto:cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 3:52 PM To: David Criser <dcrise r@cttengineering.com> Cc: Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Landfall Sports Center Hi David. Thanks for the phone call. That is going to push you out a couple of weeks on our schedule, but Linda thinks that maybe necessary for you anyway to make potential changes to the design. She will be sending you an explanatory email shortly. Your new date is October 13 at 10 AM here at the DEQ Wilmington offices. Let me know of any issues. Cameron Cameron Weaver Environmental Assistance Coordinator -Wilmington Regional Office NCDEQ-Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7303 NCDEQ NEW WEBSITE: http://deg.nc.gov/ DEACS NEW WEBSITE: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/environmental-assistance-customer-service E-rnail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. t 1 For DEQ Use ,1F ONLY 0.1 North Carolina Department Reviewer. ' V l/ �1 tE t) p of Environmental Quality LA �: VT (^ Request for Express Permit Review subm Time: A O Confirm: FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. Call and Email the completed form to the Permit Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, site plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the application packagq of the project location. Please include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;atison.davidson®ncdenraov • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791-4203; david.leeftncdenr.aov • Mooresville or Winston Salem -Marcia Allocco 704-235-2107; marcia.allocco(a)ncdenrgov • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842 or lyn.hardisondricdenroov • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-796-7303 or cameron.weave►6ncdenr aov (VOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: LANDFALL SPORTS CENTER County: NEW HANOVER Applicant: JESSI REUTTER Company: COUNTRY CLUB OF LANDFALL Address: 800 SUN RUNNER PLACE City: WILMINGTON. State: NC Zip: 28405-_ Phone: 910-256-8411, Fax: 910-256-7644, Email: iessi.nutter@countrvcluboflandfall.com Physical Location:1750 DRYSDALE DRIVE related to this Proiect SW 8080135 SW 8910806 SW NPDES _ NPDES _ WQ WQ E&S E&S Other Project Drains into WRIGHTSVILLE RECREATIONA AREAL waters — Water classification SB (DWR Surface Water Classifications Mao) Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin. Is project draining to class ORW waters? N, within Y2 mile and draining to class SA waters N or within 1 mile and draining to class HQW waters? N Engineer/Consultant: DAVID E. CRISER Company: CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS Address: 3809 PEACHTREE AVENUE, SUITE 102 City: WILMINGTON. State: NC Zip:28403-_ RbB�� Phone: 910-397-2929, Fax: 910-397-2971, Email: dcdser@cttengineerinQ.com PLEASE PROVIDE ESTIMATED INVESTMENT AND EXPECTED EMPLOYMENT, IF AVAILABLE p�� $ # JOBS E Y AUG 2 6 'In SECTION ONE: REQUESTING A SCOPING MEETING ONLY ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWR, ❑ DCM, ❑ DEMLR, ❑ OTHER: SECTION TWO: CHECK ONLY THE PROGRAM (S) YOU ARE REQUESTING FOR EXPRESS PERMITTING ❑ 401 Unit ❑ Stream Origin Determination: _ # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ Intermittent/Perennial Determination: _ # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification ❑ Isolated Wetland (_linear it or _acres) ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization ❑ Minor Variance ❑ Major General Variance ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑ SFR < 1 ac. ❑ Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Other ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ❑ High Density -Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration _ #Treatment Systems ElHigh Density -Bio-Retention _ # Treatment Systems El High Density —SW Wetlands _ # Treatment Systems El High Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems / ® MOD:❑ Major El Minor ❑ Plan Revision ❑ Redev. Exclusion SW 8080135 (Provide permit #) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. (CK # & Amt. (for DEQ use)) SECTION THREE — PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT (for both scopina and express CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT (for both and express meeting request) Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ® No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No Fee Split for multiple permits: (Check# 1 For neQ use Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: _acre(s) Isolated wetiand on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application � in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Tnrna' Fee Amn f t SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES TFee CAMA $ . var�nce (❑ Mak ❑ Min) I $ S1.11.1 r-1 HD ^' ^ ^ Gen LQS $ Stream Deter,_ $ NCDEQ EXPRESS March 2016 Stormwater Narrative Country Club of Landfall — Landfall Sports Center Wilmington, North Carolina New Hanover County August 26, 2016 1. General Information a. Name of Project Country Club of Landfall — Landfall Sports Center b. StreetAddress, City, County 1750 Drysdale Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 New Hanover County c. Acres in tract There are 12.24 acres. d. Acres Being Disturbed There are approximately 0.69 acres being disturbed for this project. e. Acres in Wetlands There are no wetlands on the site. 1. Wetlands Must Be Delineated & Sign -Off Obtained From The Corps N/A 2. Proposed Wetland Impacts Require Permits From Corps & DWQ N/A f. Ownership Information From NC Secretary of State Web Site As of August 25, 2016, the owner is Country Club of Landfall according to the Articles of Organization filed with the Department of the Secretary of the State. g. Description of Development Proposal This project consists of the construction of several small additions to the existing fitness center, the renovation of the existing pool facilities building into a kid's camp, the addition to the existing maintenance building and a new pool facilities building that will house restrooms and showers. 1. Previous or Existing Permits. The existing drainage within this project area is currently permitted under State permit number SW8910806 as off -site water. There is a current State permit (No. SW8080135) for the site also. 2. Tax parcel ID Number The New Hanover County Tax Parcel Number is PARID R05705-005- 012-000. h. Pre-1988 Built Upon Area, If Applicable Not applicable. i. Discuss Phasing of the Project & Stormwater Facilities When Applicable Not applicable. j. Discuss Proposed Waste Water Treatment & Water Supply Not applicable. k. Identify Historic Sites & Projects Being Funded With Public Monies Not Applicable 1. Disclose Any/All Non -Compliance Issues with DENR Agencies Not Applicable 2. Stormwater Information a. Provide River Basin, Stream Classification & Index Number for All water Bodies On or Adjacent To The Project or Closest to The Project Area The receiving stream from this site an unnamed stream that discharges into Wrightsville Recreational Area in the White Oak River Basin. The stream index is 18-87-24. The water is classified as SB. b. Identify Whether the Stormwater Design is High Density or Low Density, Commercial or Residential, State Stormwater or NPDES Phase II, Address Vested Rights When Applicable; Identify Pockets of High Density This site is considered high density development. Proposed Total % Impervious Surface The existing site is approximately 42.20 percent impervious. The new work will increase the impervious are by 1.13 percent for a total of 43.33 percent impervious. c. Number of Proposed Treatment Measures, Type(s) of Collection System The stormwater will be collected in a roof collection system and routed to the existing inlets and routed to the off -site pond for treatment. d. Will All Built Upon Area Be Collected All built upon area will be collected and routed to the off -site pond. e. Identify Whether or Not the Project Has Buffer Requirements & Whether or Not Development Is Proposed Within A Buffer This property does not have a buffer requirement. f. Discuss Coastal Management Areas of Environmental Concern When Applicable Not Applicable. g. Disclose Whether or Not Off -Site Runoff Is Coming Onto The Site or Into The Proposed BMP There is no offsite water that comes onto the property. h. Discuss Whether Road Construction Across Other property Is Necessary To Access This Project Not Applicable. i. If An On -Site Evaluation Of The Soils Has Been Done, Discuss Infiltration Rates, Seasonal High Water Table, etc., and Include Date Of Site Evaluation (This Is Required For Infiltration Projects). Not Applicable. U.S.ELM DEPARTMENT U.SS GEOLOGIML SURVEY ERIOR r f sk 41 j -82 ' a WILMING76N� :� - .. •e�,icy. `, ? � i� .h.. '. e� �` de•eq " e ql ra �• y � .; SN,Y, % f ' R i aNl XX '1 f S I .'r °BS .:arw ve`;r w a� mm arvWxa�1k�MNba ReW 6eolopiul3urrq lwwyeti•s.lae��vw„y 1 r�ldw �rtiiMrbP wMeA i•� er4PW ra .mb r.r r...,...._:_ ............NP.�s amn _... u.i. Gsn wsu - y+vapa �er.m Iwrl Mnwfr[�W rm�i M.amu M—b— WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CKIADRANGEE NORTH CAROLNhNEW HAMOW R CO. T.S-MINUTE SERIES TPva N•,r SCALE 1:24000 eno •• •• m s gym_ �YwY4Y C}uYn•�pWW :ei,.sa•i[ss.-• �m NNNN�sraspl [�IX�sm _ • wqa a w er'nIX [ �,wpW NBBGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC VIC:'tiTY MAPS ? R01E LANJFAL SPORTS CENT c 0 m U U) UN( m U ALA W ca : A W U L.L r:3 V ) E E N az c Y = 10 EZ m a� mn m `w U f F N m �iwm O U�w eD . r E rc `o Z O p � O w Lo w_LL T T N O O WfU/1 N� J c E O o N O O 6 w Z w kf3NNVI MING 031V(EkM A 101 COM VNMUVO HIN N'R()LLSNOnVA NVIRIrIUMI 09LL UNCIO 133-LNaO S-LUOdS -1-lV=1(3 - �4 Ni 3WV3 r'mml?j d ..j 12 157 14, so loll 0cm 613 Ld IL if Zr 00 Ld D m 13 z amp r 9 W9912 V4, 0 13 Ir Ir 0 Z Ll r", Hai IL La 'v g�,Wlj 19 ... ahn w 0 j al i 3 if w li'l OR h 1111§11 Weaver, Cameron From: David Criser <dcriser@cttengineering.com> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 2:15 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Jessi Reutter; John Muter; Marshall Gurley Subject: Express Review Request - Landfall Sports Center Attachments: NCDEQ Express Permit Request 08.26.16.pdf Cameron, Please find attached the express review request for the project at the Landfall Sports Center. We are still trying to get a determination of which agency is to review what portion (or all) of it. We have decided to submit to the City of Wilmington also in an effort to get some decision on the permitting route. Thanks for all your help hope you have a good weekend! David E. Criser, PE, LEED AP BD+C CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS p dcriser0cttenaineering.com www�.cftennaineering.com CGVi-IC"r=i••.TI.-.LITY NOTE: 'i i". ; and am; f:1. - x-1h the e-m�A is. int: Hued r : '.ay fCr L• UF-e c` tl:- rjerr.:_ i cr entity to which it is Addrscsed and ma., ce:;�..in cc;ificiant;al ar:d/or prie':c ec me= .r"..1. ;i _ "; e e not th=• ir.te,:ded rc�: ;f->. cf this mess.:_,�e cr the in:D.'idual r::sp nsible for dal"erir.M, tNr, a-rnall to the irvwnded i ipi�•nt. %ou aro h by nc:.;`..i th 1; c ; uit: r, ;: 'ransmiss n, rii nir.a;on. dig. r `)r ;:on, r n c gyp} 'ig or : e action ta!;c:� oa th;s Em: it or any a its a,r .c me ats in reliance r_r;on ti::s Sage !s str;ctly Frrelibited. ii y re ;:i% ad this c-n-i-il in error, pl, imn: vimey conta t the ser.:i o! entity by a-n :'1- nd permanently d 2h,.:e Gila original c-rr:-il and 0 atts1,ier..+::1 'iiJal yJUr C(.!ni;Ut i Or G:'it.7l ".: 'r:•; ___m. A;:y :, v,_ •. z:prr,= .:I is tt:i ; r,7 =s_= ge arc t:,.:ae of tt:. ;:ui . "'ual sender _s,d me-.y not m ::ess<-irily r,-flect the views of tit_ corn,rsny. T O O m (D N N ccm G cT C CT G CT G to 0) O O O O -D O O f7 eN-F l< O I I I I I T (ANciu O (A Drh (DO O O O N o N C a n n � v M tOii = < < < CD (A N CL_ Z 0 r fD (D o N X 00 '+ CL Cr Q 7 H O 0! "I N :3 CAO (D '+ of of N O 3 y (D N m (D '+ N O 3 LA O n (D M (D rh Ol rh m :3 CL N F+ .A W I -A 0) Ln i-a F+ W 00 -0 A Cn O r--h Ul V V N N W 00 T Ln� N 00 00 W O V 'w I-� O V N Ln LD W W O 00 oe I� N W t0 I�� 00 Fi I� O N N N O F-+ Pn O O l n N D w to I -A to I� Ln t0 N N W O A W Fl 00 01 N W I -A 00 Vmph W I + 00 0) 00 N t0 V W t0 tO 00 W O V 00 N 00 V I -A Oh N W C1 (P N •A 01 A V N W N Ch Lrl C t0 FA F (n N W N V O N e-h (D O O O O 0 0 0 0 O 3 'r N 0) O ? In O O 4N. Ln 0 to O N 00 C11 V A M W tJ7 A A lJ7 00 rP N N t0 N O iv io 00 00 to W A i� N D O 00 N O O w 01 CA W Ob V t0 Un N 01 tO FA V V W V T d W 00 O O W 00 O O N O 0) V N O 00 N V V N 00 cn 00 w (D Q O N N N O I 911 O O (n N D fD O (n In m I -A to O N N 0. O fl N O I -A O W N 00 V w 00 tO t0 00 00 W 0) Uq O Oh O 01 O N 00 0 N V A Ln W V 00 00 N Casmer, Jo From, Casmer, Jo Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 8:59 AM To: 'Smith, Richard' Subject: RE: SSWP for landfall Attachments: Landfall Permits.docx; image001.jpg I have the file you asked for so give me a call and we can schedule a file review. Here are screen shots (two pages) of Landfall permits —you can ignore the ones that show Cape Fear Public Utility Authority as their owner as those will all be sewer permits. Good luck! Jo Casmer Administrative Assistant IV NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Please note email address has than ed Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third pan'ie%� From: Smith, Richard [mailto:rsmith@urban-Itd.com] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 11:39 AM To: Casmer, Jo Subject: SSWP for landfall Jo, I hope this email finds you well. I spoke with you last week about pulling the stormwater permit for the 'Pembroke Jones Park at Landfall Phase I' stormwater permit. After further investigation, I'm not sure that is the correct stormwater permit. Once this permit is pulled I will come by and review it to see, however from the records that I have I don't believe lot 28 will be included in that permit. Is there a way that I can take a look at a list of all of the stormwater permits that you have for landfall so I can make a more educated guess as to which permit might include my parcel? Richard P. Smith, PE Proiect Enaineer I -= _ }� NO �11 L- 108 N. Kerr Ave., Suite K-1 Wilmington, NC, 28405 Tel: 910.395.1655 A 223 Toll Free: 866.642.8040 Fax: 910.395.1451 Email: nimithAurban-tAcom Web: www.urban-ltd.com tSU7C s� State of North Carolina Department of Environment; Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary February 22, 1993 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. James F. Smith, Agent Blair Properties, Incorporated 2010 Pembroke Jones Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: Request for Professional Engineers Certification Stormwater Project No. 910806 Pembroke at Landfall New Hanover County Dear Mr. Smith: Bob Jamieson Regional Manager On November 19, 1991, the Division of Environmental Management issued a Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations for Pembroke at Landfall. Stormwater Regulation 15A NCAC 2H.1003(k)(3) stipulates the following: Upon completion of construction, a registered professional appropriate for the type of Stormwater system designed must certify that the. system was inspected during construction and was constructed in substantial conformity with plans and specifications reviewed by the Division and complies with the requirements of this rule. As of this date, our records indicate the required engineer's certification has not been received. Operation of the stormwater system prior. to submission of the required certification is in violation of NCAC 2H.1003(1) in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. If construction of the subject project has not been completed, please 'provide written notification to this Office prior to March 22, 1.993 which includes the present phase of construction and the expected date of construction completion. If the facility has been constructed and placed in operation, please submit the required certification (attached) immediately. Construction is considered complete at the time the project is occupied by an owner or tenant for its intended use. -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919-395-3900 • Fax gig-35o,2ow An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Smith 'February 22, 1993 Stormwater Project No. 910806 An inspection of the pond performed by Regional Office Staff on February 22, 1993 indicated that the pond is in place and functioning. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at (919) 395-3900. Sincerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: 910806.FEB cc: Mr. Sky Conklin, New Hanover County Inspections (2) Linda Lewis Central Files State of North Carolina Department or Environment, rlealth, and iNiatural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 31, 1992 Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONNIEMAL MANAGEMENT Mr. James F. Smith, Agent Blair Properties, Incorporated 1322 Airlie Road Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina 28480 �- 05� &b5 Subject: Dear Mr. Smith: Request for Professional Engineers Certification of Stormwater Compliance Stormwater Project No. 910806 Pembroke at Landfall New Hanover County On November 19, 1991, the Division of Environmental Management issued a Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations for Pembroke at Landfall. Stormwater Regulation 15A NCAC 2H.1003(k)(3) stipulates the following: Upon completion of construction, a registered professional appropriate for the type of Stormwater system designed must certify that the system was inspected during construction and was constructed in substantial conformity with plans and specifications reviewed by the Division and complies with the requirements of this rule. As of this date, our records indicate the required engineer's certification has not been received. Operation of the stormwater system prior to submission of the required certification is in violation of NCAC 2H.1003(1) in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. If construction of the subject project has not been completed, please provide written notification to this Office prior to January 21, 1993 which includes the present phase of construction and the expected date of construction completion. If the facility has been constructed and placed in operation, please submit the required certification (attached) immediately. Construction is considered complete at the time the project is occupied by an owner or tenant for its intended use. -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC. 28405-3845 G Telephone 919.395-3900 i Fax 919-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Smith December 31, 1992 Stormwater Project No. 910806 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at (919) 395-3900. Sincerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: 910806.DEC cc: Mr. Sky Conklin, New Hanover County Inspections (2) Linda Lewis Central Files IC ekC G er, � 2 ,,4s'56G('Q--eS